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Bitcoin => Mining software (miners) => Topic started by: Lanaa on August 06, 2022, 02:49:10 PM

Title: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Lanaa on August 06, 2022, 02:49:10 PM
Hi everyone,

This post is regarding the dev fee in Braiins and my concerns with their Stratum V2 protocol.

Here’s what their FAQ says about the “dev fee”:

When you use Braiins OS+, we collect a 2-2.5% dev fee (depending on hardware model) by directing that percentage of your hashing power to our pool. It’s up to you which pool you mine with for the remaining 97.5-98%. Note that the dev fee is never exactly the specified percentage of your total hashing power, as this number is always changing in real-time whenever you are mining. However, it will always remain within a fixed tolerance as described in the License.

When you click on the License hyperlink it takes you to the License for their other product, Farm Proxy. ( That license makes no mention of a dev fee.

Here is the interesting part.

I changed the URL to go to braiins(.)com/os/plus/license and there was a 404 error.
I proceeded to save this page on the Waybackmachine on (on July 26th) - you can check it out here: (

(I will explain later in this post why I saved it on

I contacted their team about this last month and told them to fix this. Here is what they had to say:
I'll follow up on it from our team and will let you know ASAP.


Support Team I

They did not correct the link. As of today, they still haven’t.
I contacted them again early this month, and they gave me the exact same response.

I contacted them again, and asked if they could simply send a link to the real license, as they must’ve made one. I got a reply 3 or 4 days later on 2022-08-04, and it was exactly what I assumed they would do.

You can read Braiins OS+ license here:


Support Team I

So theres that. They changed the link that I saved earlier that goes to a 404 page to show the real license, only a few days ago. I have emails with them to support this. Here is what their license says:
You acknowledge that due to the nature of computing power and computing power routing it is not technically possible to always assign the exact percentage of computing power. Therefore, You acknowledge that the amount of computing power actually assigned by the Software at the start of each session is random and it takes few seconds before a correct percentage of computing power is assigned. For the same reasons the amount of computing power assigned at any given time to perform processing operations for Braiins may be as much as 10 % higher or lower than the amount agreed above according to the section 5 hereof.

What do we see from all this?

  • Braiins only added the license for their site after I asked them for it
  • The original link to the license on every page of their site still goes to as of today despite my numerous attempts to point it out to them.  As of September 2nd, it now redirects to the real license. However, they were aware of this error for months and simply refused to fix it.
  • The license says the computing power at the "start of every session" is random and takes few seconds before a "correct percentage ... is assigned". Yet in the next sentence, it then says "the amount of computing power assigned at any given time to perform processing operations for Braiins may be as much as 10 % higher or lower". So, which one is it? These statements are contradictory, or at the very least designed to be misleading.
  • Braiins OS+ is closed source, and theres no way in the software to show how much is going to this "dev fee". It simply shows the total hash rate, always.
  • A bit unrelated but: the Stratum V2 protocol they've been spearheading ( would allow them to do whatever they want and take whatever hash power, as it is encrypted and no one would be able to tell

My advice for everyone is to use the stock Bitmain firmware (the company Artemis3 here seems to hate with a passion) because it gives the exact same hash rate as Braiins OS+. Yes, it really does. For example, on an Antminer S9 their new firmware gives several options, and one of them is to increase the hash rate by 2TH. I tried this myself, and my hash rate is 16.5th/s - the exact same I got with Braiins.

I wish people here would stop blindly trusting shady firmwares without reading into things and start asking questions.
What is a dev fee? Where can we see it? Why is the link for their license going to a different product? Why would Bitmain prevent you, the customer, from making it difficult to install a custom firmware? Miners are not game consoles. Bitmain is not Nintendo or Sony. Bitmain calls custom firmwares viruses on their official website - is that not what this is? Braiins OS+ does not show you how much of your hash rate is going towards this dev fee. There's no doubt that this is by design.

In my opinion, these are huge issues and a stain on Braiins. I can no longer trust them, nor can I support the Stratum V2 protocol that they are spearheading since it seems like an obvious way to encrypt data from their dev fee to their server (as much as up to 10%) without anyone noticing.

Edit: as of September 2nd, the links to their website now redirect to their actual license - I have updated the post to reflect that. My other concerns still remain.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: DaveF on August 06, 2022, 04:06:35 PM
Looking at the license page was there as of 7 Feb 2022 so between then and when you forced an archive back in July it changed. Could have been 2 minutes before you clicked on it or it could have been 2 minutes after the last archiving. Unless someone else archived it someplace else we can't know.

As for the percentages / hash rate some people feel the power savings and speed improvements that *they* see is worth it. As always YMMV. Some people have discussed good speed improvements and much lower power use. Others, like you have seen very little or none. If you have hardware that can be pushed harder at a lower voltage you will probably benefit more then someone putting it on an old & abused miner that can't do much more.


Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: philipma1957 on August 06, 2022, 04:12:06 PM
To all braiins + charges a fee.

and braiins + allows superior underclocking for many

models of bitmain gear.

So if you have gear that runs hot and needs to be downclocked braiins + and regular braiins are likely a better choice then stock bitmain gear.

If you are running any type of  s9 at 16 th you are not underclocking that s9

you are better off with bitmain firmware.

 since you are pushing the gear hard and it works with high power use.

so op has some accuracy in the case of pushed s9 gear of any type.

but the s9 gear has passed its life for many miners.

i use some braiins and some braiins plus with s17 and t17 gear and it keeps my gear cool for the summer.

so the op is completely missing that point.

also the op is obviously not new and is hiding behind a newbie account.

so to talk about a lack of transparency is sad why not just post who you are instead of hiding behind your keyboard.

this is phil from howell,nj 07731 signing out.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: Lanaa on August 06, 2022, 04:40:35 PM
Looking at the license page was there as of 7 Feb 2022 so between then and when you forced an archive back in July it changed. Could have been 2 minutes before you clicked on it or it could have been 2 minutes after the last archiving. Unless someone else archived it someplace else we can't know.

As for the percentages / hash rate some people feel the power savings and speed improvements that *they* see is worth it. As always YMMV. Some people have discussed good speed improvements and much lower power use. Others, like you have seen very little or none. If you have hardware that can be pushed harder at a lower voltage you will probably benefit more then someone putting it on an old & abused miner that can't do much more.


Hi Dave, thanks for pointing that out. Regardless, it was gone since then, for an entire 6 months, and I made numerous attempts to tell them to correct it, they haven't. I have emails from their support (and they can confirm this) that they updated that page only a few days ago.

I feel like the bigger issue here is a 10% dev fee and their obvious attempts to make people unaware of it. And again, as of today, their website still links to a different license.

I disagree with your second point because a) I've seen a improvement in hash rate and power use with stock firmware and b) the aforementioned 10% dev fee.

also the op is obviously not new and is hiding behind a newbie account.

so to talk about a lack of transparency is sad why not just post who you are instead of hiding behind your keyboard.

this is phil from howell,nj 07731 signing out.

Hi Phil, I have no clue why you would assume that or what I would gain from that. Is Bitmain paying me to tell people to use stock firmware? I wish. If I had another account, why wouldn't I say this there?

Also, this is the internet and no matter what account I use, you and I are both behind a keyboard.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: DaveF on August 06, 2022, 05:23:16 PM
... the aforementioned 10% dev fee.....

From what I am reading, it's not saying 10% it's saying 2% to 2.5% +/- 10% so it can be as low as 1.8% or as high as 2.75% and although I don't think many people would care about it being 10% less there are a lot of people who would complain about 10% more.

And with a tiny bit of network knowledge and equipment it's easy to see where where data is flowing to and from for your miner. And see where and what is being done. MANY people dislike aftermarket mining software and would love to stand up and scream and show proof of what it's doing. A bit of wireshark and you can see every packet coming in and out of your miner. Now that's not to say they could not be doing other things in the background. i.e. underclock and undervolt when mining for you and overclock and overvolt when mining for them, but in reality that much extra programing and work for what would in the end be not that much more hash is probably not worth it.


Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: Lanaa on August 06, 2022, 07:04:17 PM
... the aforementioned 10% dev fee.....

From what I am reading, it's not saying 10% it's saying 2% to 2.5% +/- 10% so it can be as low as 1.8% or as high as 2.75% and although I don't think many people would care about it being 10% less there are a lot of people who would complain about 10% more.

And with a tiny bit of network knowledge and equipment it's easy to see where where data is flowing to and from for your miner. And see where and what is being done. MANY people dislike aftermarket mining software and would love to stand up and scream and show proof of what it's doing. A bit of wireshark and you can see every packet coming in and out of your miner. Now that's not to say they could not be doing other things in the background. i.e. underclock and undervolt when mining for you and overclock and overvolt when mining for them, but in reality that much extra programing and work for what would in the end be not that much more hash is probably not worth it.


I believe a lot of people would care if its 10%.

Your second point brings me to my concern with Stratum V2 that I mentioned - the protocol Braiins is aggressively spearheading. ( This would not allow you to see any packets with Wireshark nor what they contain.

Not going to comment on what you believe is worth it or not, I believe it is and we can disagree on that.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: kano on August 08, 2022, 09:50:43 AM
And with a tiny bit of network knowledge and equipment it's easy to see where where data is flowing to and from for your miner. And see where and what is being done.
Alas you cannot, it encrypts the 'extra' data inside the miner, so you can only see 'where' it is going.
You cannot see how much the fee is nor what other data is sent.
Also it's close source so you can't even check any of that.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: DaveF on August 09, 2022, 01:44:06 PM
And with a tiny bit of network knowledge and equipment it's easy to see where where data is flowing to and from for your miner. And see where and what is being done.
Alas you cannot, it encrypts the 'extra' data inside the miner, so you can only see 'where' it is going.
You cannot see how much the fee is nor what other data is sent.
Also it's close source so you can't even check any of that.

In theory you can get close if you are not mining at the same pool they are. IF you just follow the where you can see how many stratum requests do to dave pool and how many go to slushpool.
Some basic math will get you in the ballpark. You would probably not be able to see 2.5% vs 3.25% but could figure out 2.5% vs 7%

As for the firmware itself, there are plenty of users who have reported lower energy use along with the same or better poolside hashrate. So from anecdotal evidence there are many people who use it and are satisfied.
Some people have seen no benefit or even worse results, even in the same farm. So at a guess if the equipment is already at it's limit there is very little else that can be done.

Would I use it? No, but that's me and my choice, I would not stop anyone from using it if they felt it worked for them.


Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: Lanaa on August 09, 2022, 11:16:21 PM
As for the firmware itself, there are plenty of users who have reported lower energy use along with the same or better poolside hashrate. So from anecdotal evidence there are many people who use it and are satisfied.
Some people have seen no benefit or even worse results, even in the same farm. So at a guess if the equipment is already at it's limit there is very little else that can be done.

Would I use it? No, but that's me and my choice, I would not stop anyone from using it if they felt it worked for them.


My point of making this post was not to bash on Braiins OS as a firmware or it’s efficiency. It was to raise awareness about about Braiins’ misleading claims and deceptive practices. These are some pretty big issues ignored by the mining community as we tend to have a “every man for themselves” attitude - which is normal but personally I would try to stop people from using it, or at the very least, hope to get an answer from Braiins.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on August 09, 2022, 11:27:53 PM
I don't even want to discuss the efficiency difference between the stock firmware and the custom firmware, I have tested them on hundreds of miners, and the auto-tuning on custom firmware makes my gears more effienct and run a lot cooler, while I don't use BO+ (I use a different famous custom firmware) I would like to point out something regarding the fees.

At least for the ones I tried, the perctange is time based, the software assumes your miner will run for 24 hours straight, so that's 1,440 mins, so it needs to mine to the devfee pool for 28.8 mins to get a 2%, but they won't let you mine to your own pool for 1,411.2 mins and then take their 28.8 mins, they will split the 28.8 mins into short intervals, which usually starts in the first a few minutes after the miner get's to it's peak/stable hashrate, so let's assume they wait for 2 mins to get their first 28.8/24 mins, so you get 2 mins on your pool and then they get 1.2 on theirs, at this point the fee is 26.66%, it only becomes 2% if the miner runs for a whole hour and they get only 1.2 mins, but if your miner is tuning or restarting for whatever reason, the fees will be a lot higher.

the above was just an example, I don't recall the exact figures of how the brain or even the firmware I use goes about collecting fees, but I have carefully inspected the fee collecting process and you can only come to a conclusion after letting your miner mine for long enough, I am not saying your concern is wrong, but I saw someone claim that some custom firmware fees were like 30% simply by counting the accepted shares, but then he ignored the fact that the devfee pool had a very low difficulty and thus had a dozen more accepted shares than the main pool.

I would suggest a somehow accurate way to confirm the fees, use the stock firmware at default settings, mine to a pool for 1 week and then get your week average hashrate, use BO+ for another week and see your new average hashrate, I am positive it won't be anywhere near 10%, not even 1% higher than the claimed fee.

Now regarding their shady way of dealing with the license I have nothing to say about that, you presented your case nice and clean.

Why would Bitmain prevent you, the customer, from making it difficult to install a custom firmware?

That doesn't mean bitmain is a guardian angel, they lock their firmware in a very disgusting way, you can't even change the fan speed, the only firmware that had a few options was the multi-option firmware for the S9 and after that you could hardly do anything with your miner, besides, bitmain don't want to deal with support/warranty tickets, overclocking your miner makes it more likely to break.

Bitmain calls custom firmwares viruses on their official website - is that not what this all is?

Just another false claim by the devil Bitmain, in fact, most viruses I heard of or dealt with personally like Nightswitcher, Antbuild were in the stock firmware, of course, that doesn't mean custom firmware are not subject to the same viruses, but after all, most of these viruses are the result of reckless actions take by the miner's owner.

In the end, as I said, I don't use BO+, I wouldn't advise anyone to not/use it, but I think it's somehow unfair to read out of context and claim the fees are 10% without having had a proper test.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Lanaa on August 10, 2022, 01:34:26 AM

Why would Bitmain prevent you, the customer, from making it difficult to install a custom firmware?

That doesn't mean bitmain is a guardian angel, they lock their firmware in a very disgusting way, you can't even change the fan speed, the only firmware that had a few options was the multi-option firmware for the S9 and after that you could hardly do anything with your miner, besides, bitmain don't want to deal with support/warranty tickets, overclocking your miner makes it more likely to break.

Bitmain calls custom firmwares viruses on their official website - is that not what this all is?

Just another false claim by the devil Bitmain, in fact, most viruses I heard of or dealt with personally like Nightswitcher, Antbuild were in the stock firmware, of course, that doesn't mean custom firmware are not subject to the same viruses, but after all, most of these viruses are the result of reckless actions take by the miner's owner.

In the end, as I said, I don't use BO+, I wouldn't advise anyone to not/use it, but I think it's somehow unfair to read out of context and claim the fees are 10% without having had a proper test.

Thanks for the info, I understand that Braiins has benefits over stock and we are agreeing on the same things. I don’t believe Bitmain is a guardian angel but my purpose of the post is to hold Braiins to account as well. I have no doubt your claims are true, but it doesn’t exempt them from criticism. Braiins is a for-profit company, just like Bitmain is - we should see no difference between them.

I want to make a comparison here: Antbleed for example was a theoretical exploit by Bitmain that caused a huge commotion and yet has never been spotted in the wild. Bitmain offered a explanation for it (which made sense but I take with a grain of salt) and removed it from their code. Now compare it to the fact that there’s 1000s of devices sending hash rate to slushpool at a much higher rate than users know. I believe that is a much bigger issue and is more of a “virus”. Aside from that, I believe Bitmain locks SSH due to the fact you stated yourself - that users would install viruses.

The license is not taken out of context, I provided the link and posted a specific part that doesn’t seem to make sense. I’d love if Braiins would clarify any of this. I totally agree that we need to have a proper test; we need more transparency about this altogether.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee (w/ proof)
Post by: kano on August 10, 2022, 08:15:03 AM
And with a tiny bit of network knowledge and equipment it's easy to see where where data is flowing to and from for your miner. And see where and what is being done.
Alas you cannot, it encrypts the 'extra' data inside the miner, so you can only see 'where' it is going.
You cannot see how much the fee is nor what other data is sent.
Also it's close source so you can't even check any of that.

In theory you can get close if you are not mining at the same pool they are. IF you just follow the where you can see how many stratum requests do to dave pool and how many go to slushpool.
Some basic math will get you in the ballpark. You would probably not be able to see 2.5% vs 3.25% but could figure out 2.5% vs 7%
Alas that theory is based on nothing.
Current stratum has 2 things that come and go except during connections. Work from the pool and shares to the pool.
Though due to slush not wanting to fix his pool code and fix stratum, when I argued it with him at the start, stratum has two items related to work.

Their pool already claims to allow other information to be passed, but since it's encrypted, you cannot tell when or how often other information is passed to slush and what it is.

Assuming it will only be shares and work is already obviously incorrect.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on August 10, 2022, 11:00:32 AM
but it doesn’t exempt them from criticism. Braiins is a for-profit company, just like Bitmain is - we should see no difference between them.

Indeed, nobody should be exempted from criticism, I was not implying that you should not point fingers to Braiins, I was merely trying to say that just because Bitmain claims other firmware are viruses it does not mean we should believe them, in the same way I would not trust Braiins with fees stated on thier website without examining that myself.

The license is not taken out of context, I provided the link and posted a specific part that doesn’t seem to make sense.

My English is far from perfect, but the way I understand the link you posted is 10% of the fees stated, so fees*1.1 or fees*0.9 not 100%*0.1, but your title states 10% of 100% which is why I think it was taken out of context, but I don't disagree with the fact that the statement could be interpreted in a different way and that they have to be more detailed.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Artemis3 on August 21, 2022, 07:44:24 PM
Well, if you want to find out, mine against your own pool. Its not like there is not a pool operator posting here for some reason...

The fee is 2.5%, this is immutable and hard coded. For S9, it is 2%, also hard coded and immutable. There are no choices of changing this. Unlike other firmware, you cannot add hidden groups on top of the existing one by request, whitelabel, or whatever.

Point it to your own pool locally and measure, you will get either 97.5% or 98% of the hashrate. The miner dashboard reports 100% (Real) hashrate, the pool will only get 97.5% or 98% from that.

If you add groups and assign a fixed ratio, you will notice there is a hidden group always taking 2.5%, so you only have 97.5% available to split. Its not 90%, 95%, or whatever random fake account of the month decides to invent because they don't like when i point the fact that all other firmware infringes cgminer license while Braiins doesn't. Too bad that pool operator doesn't care and prefers to join the badmouthing crowd without proof, as usual.

Farm proxy is another project, and has a different license. It has no fees, can be used without Braiins OS.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on August 22, 2022, 05:31:27 AM
You are quoting a bunch of numbers there and claims that cannot be proven.

It's closed source, and the output data to slush is encrypted, no matter what pool you mine on.

Not sure why you keep making the same statements without anyone being able to prove them.

Though it is quite clear that some of what you have stated is marketing, not fact.
The 2% and 2.5% cannot be guaranteed, they are an estimate based on random data.
Saying they are 'immutable' and 'hard coded' means nothing more than make people feel warm and fuzzy but not a guarantee of an actual number.

As already explained, they can be way off and restarting the miner wont make up for the losses.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Artemis3 on August 22, 2022, 03:32:50 PM
Why don't you test it yourself then? You have a pool don't you? Didn't you say others don't test and yet you are doing precisely that, not testing but seeding FUD, like all the time you claimed it didn't find blocks, and yet, it always did.

You are doubting the hashrate split, and you can easily test that yourself. You can for sure determine you get 97.5% (or 98%) and not 90% like OP is claiming without any evidence.

You are free to speculate what the 2% or 2.5% of the hashrate is used for since its encrypted, believe it or not, it goes to the pool operated by Braiins which was formerly called Slush Pool. But what you cannot say is that this is suddenly "10%", that is a blatant lie.

Speaking of closed source, i have still not seen you demanding Bitmain, MicroBT, Canaan and others publish their modifications to cgminer. Its funny you say "Braiins just read the code of others" while you yourself seem to have only reached (somehow, not disclosed how) the BM1397 but not the BM1398. Oh and how long has bosminer+ supported BM1397 before you added it to cgminer? So no.

Braiins did the work to figure those chips out, did you? Those who just mod cgminer with the implementation already done by the manufacturer are oblivious about this work. It is not the same thing at all, its like "pirating" existing software vs making an alternative to replace it from scratch.

Ah yes, there is also the BM1396, BM1362, BMi1366...

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: hZti on August 23, 2022, 08:33:16 PM
If some of the hashrate is sent to slush pool, wouldn't it be at least be possible to block the connection to the pool? You would not get the 2% of hashrate back, but maybe this would lower the power consumption if the miner will not be able to connect to the pool that usually takes the 2%

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on August 23, 2022, 09:38:25 PM
If some of the hashrate is sent to slush pool, wouldn't it be at least be possible to block the connection to the pool? You would not get the 2% of hashrate back, but maybe this would lower the power consumption if the miner will not be able to connect to the pool that usually takes the 2%
Nope - can't do that. It's a type of software license key. ANY firmware that uses the DEVfee model requires that it can periodically  'phone home', in this case to get the DEVfee work and send back the results. If the connection is blocked the miner stops working until the connection is reestablished.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: hZti on August 23, 2022, 09:58:02 PM
Nope - can't do that. It's a type of software license key. ANY firmware that uses the DEVFee model requires that it can periodically  'phone home', in this case to get the DEVFee work and send back the results. If the connection is blocked the miner stops working until the connection is reestablished.

Makes sense to do that. It is kind of a shame that bitmain as the manufacturer of the ASIC can't do an equal mining program that they give to their paying customers. However it is great that it is possible that the developers of Braiins can earn money, since otherwise they wouldn't share the awesome software.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Artemis3 on August 24, 2022, 02:12:32 AM
Well the manufacturer has been making plenty of money selling the machines, so they could easily afford to develop their own mining program and yet...

On the other hand, the only group doing actual r+d of things not documented anywhere gets false accusations from jealous people who can't produce their own mining program either.

Braiins OS is the only solution that does not pirate cgminer (, at least in its limited selection of supported ASIC miners that were painstakingly figured out without anyone's help.

Every time the manufacturer introduces a new model or does some change, this work needs to be done again to be able to support the new variant. Precisely because they did not release the changes they made to cgminer to support those changes, which is a clear violation of the license.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on August 24, 2022, 05:57:14 AM
Precisely because they did not release the changes they made to cgminer to support those changes, which is a clear violation of the license.

Yet "some mining pool's owner" has no issue allowing all the new miners to mine to his pool as long as they use stock firmware, not only do they violate the Cgmier license, but they also have no proof of actually finding blocks just like most other custom firmware, cherry-picking the people you want to lecture is fine I suppose, as long as you don't mess with the big boys like Bitmain, Whatsminer, and Canaan your pool is relatively safe, meanwhile, practice all of your morals and on the little guys.  ::)

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: hZti on August 24, 2022, 06:45:43 AM
This is absolutely true, it is the mistake of the manufacturer to not step in and create a good software for their own product. With that in mind it is totally reasonable that Braiins want to keep a share for their effort, even if I would appreciate it more if they would simply do a crowdfunding or something.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on August 24, 2022, 04:56:27 PM
even if I would appreciate it more if they would simply do a crowdfunding or something.

They are making profit off of it, most custom firmware with added features like auto tune charge fees and make some good money, crowdfunding would make sense if someone was working on the original cgminer or coding something new while adding all these features and not taking firmware fees.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: hZti on August 26, 2022, 11:59:14 AM
even if I would appreciate it more if they would simply do a crowdfunding or something.

They are making profit off of it, most custom firmware with added features like auto tune charge fees and make some good money, crowdfunding would make sense if someone was working on the original cgminer or coding something new while adding all these features and not taking firmware fees.

Would be very interesting to know on how much hashrate they actually accumulate with all that miners running Braiins OS+, must be quite a lot. But I guess it is not that easy to code a Programm like that since nobody so far has done something similar for free.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on August 27, 2022, 10:32:26 PM
Would be very interesting to know on how much hashrate they actually accumulate with all that miners running Braiins OS+, must be quite a lot.

Only they know, or maybe if some large pools leak such data then you can get a good estimate of how much hashrate they have, the pool should know which "firmware" is responsible for every x amount of hashrate, but anyway, I personally couldn't care less, I just hope they are making  enough profit to keep their operations on going, competition in this market is very good for us as miners.

But I guess it is not that easy to code a Programm like that

Sure thing, I'd imagine writing the first CPUminer was a lot harder than anything else that came after it, but still, it's very costly and time-consuming to do it even now.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on September 01, 2022, 08:55:13 AM
Why don't you test it yourself then? You have a pool don't you? Didn't you say others don't test and yet you are doing precisely that, not testing but seeding FUD
No one can do this as I've said how many times so far?

There is no proof that all the data you display is correct.
It's closed source software - it can display whatever the hell it likes on the web page.

You know my statement is correct, and yet you keep pretending it's not true.

Sigh ...

Funny how all this high merit starts appearing on posts that are ignorant or bullshit. lol

like all the time you claimed it didn't find blocks, and yet, it always did.
Stop rattling off lies for your hidden agenda.

My request was very simple.
Prove it finds blocks.

Show me anywhere on the forum you have done this. Anywhere.

Aside: no bos firmware has ever found a block on my pool.
I only allow them now due to someone finding a >32bit share - which is still not a full block test.
Alas you guys are too fucking lazy to even test your own software correctly, before giving it to others, and forcing them to test it for you.


But I guess it is not that easy to code a Programm like that since nobody so far has done something similar for free.

cgminer is free under the GPL license.

I even coded in the S17 chips for the gekko ferrari.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: taserz on September 01, 2022, 11:24:39 PM
Well the manufacturer has been making plenty of money selling the machines, so they could easily afford to develop their own mining program and yet...

On the other hand, the only group doing actual r+d of things not documented anywhere gets false accusations from jealous people who can't produce their own mining program either.

Braiins OS is the only solution that does not pirate cgminer (, at least in its limited selection of supported ASIC miners that were painstakingly figured out without anyone's help.

Every time the manufacturer introduces a new model or does some change, this work needs to be done again to be able to support the new variant. Precisely because they did not release the changes they made to cgminer to support those changes, which is a clear violation of the license.

Excuse me your note the only group doing r+d. All your features are a clone of features we invented. Regardless this thread is fun to watch. You do realize Kano win's this argument right?

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Lanaa on September 02, 2022, 08:49:07 AM
Well, if you want to find out, mine against your own pool. Its not like there is not a pool operator posting here for some reason...

The fee is 2.5%, this is immutable and hard coded. For S9, it is 2%, also hard coded and immutable. There are no choices of changing this. Unlike other firmware, you cannot add hidden groups on top of the existing one by request, whitelabel, or whatever.

Point it to your own pool locally and measure, you will get either 97.5% or 98% of the hashrate. The miner dashboard reports 100% (Real) hashrate, the pool will only get 97.5% or 98% from that.

If you add groups and assign a fixed ratio, you will notice there is a hidden group always taking 2.5%, so you only have 97.5% available to split. Its not 90%, 95%, or whatever random fake account of the month decides to invent because they don't like when i point the fact that all other firmware infringes cgminer license while Braiins doesn't. Too bad that pool operator doesn't care and prefers to join the badmouthing crowd without proof, as usual.

Farm proxy is another project, and has a different license. It has no fees, can be used without Braiins OS.

None of what you said answers any of the questions I posed in the original post. My post covers communications with your team and your very own license that disputes everything you just said. I can only assume you 1) didn't read my post, or 2) know exactly what you're doing and giving a politician-type answer - not answering the question and just repeating numbers, as Kano said.

Again, why not simply make a feature in Braiins OS+ that SHOWS where your "dev fee" is going and how much? Wouldn't that make everything a lot simpler? Why do you refuse to do this?

You are free to speculate what the 2% or 2.5% of the hashrate is used for since its encrypted, believe it or not, it goes to the pool operated by Braiins which was formerly called Slush Pool. But what you cannot say is that this is suddenly "10%", that is a blatant lie.

This is hilarious. Again, your own license ( claims that it does go up to 10%.

Braiins OS is the only solution that does not pirate cgminer (, at least in its limited selection of supported ASIC miners that were painstakingly figured out without anyone's help.

Every time the manufacturer introduces a new model or does some change, this work needs to be done again to be able to support the new variant. Precisely because they did not release the changes they made to cgminer to support those changes, which is a clear violation of the license.

This thread was made in regards to Braiins OS+'s license (or lack thereof, until I had to get it out of the support team) and not cgminer. This is not a cgminer vs bosminer war, I made this thread because of the numerous misleading statements your team has made, and continues to make. Please stay on topic.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Artemis3 on September 03, 2022, 05:45:02 PM
Ah yes, the vnish crowd and their fake users, as if you needed to know how to program an asic to make it work, all you do is leech off existing software modded illegally. Who pirates the pirates? You do, merry singing along the way.

I laugh at your stupid claims from that silly stunt you tried in 2019, as if anything from that time was kept, keep dreaming. All your "work" was useless. And yet, you charge a premium. Stop talking and replace cgminer already like you have been promising for months, but i know you will not do it, you don't have what it takes, pirating is easier.

Of course we all know Kano is your biggest fan, when will you hire him? He worked for Bitmain you know?

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on September 06, 2022, 10:51:11 AM
... Kano ... He worked for Bitmain you know?

The bitmain driver I did for the S1, I paid full price for the S1 (they never paid me anything)
The S2 for the driver, was provided to me by someone unrelated to bitmain in any way.
The S3's I got were from the people who I initially wrote the pool database for - again nothing to do with bitmain.

Saying I worked for bitmain is a rather major stretch of the reality of it all.
The biggest issue being that they never paid me.

The bitmain service place in the usa, that wasn't really part of bitmain, did send me some tiny U1 and U2 miners though.
That was when I got the S2 someone else paid them to send me.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on September 06, 2022, 10:14:24 PM
Aside: no bos firmware has ever found a block on my pool.

With all due respect, the size of your pool makes it incredibly inaccurate for such things.

I even coded in the S17 chips for the gekko ferrari.

That means exactly nothing to the majority of miners, end users want a ready-to-go file that they can just drag and drop into the miner web page. So until you or someone from the Cgminer "crew" or anyone else for that matter makes something like that -- nobody would give a shit and people will continue using modded/custom firmware like BO and Vnish.

Funny how all this high merit starts appearing on posts that are ignorant or bullshit. lol

Every post that has any good discussion points deserves merit, it doesn't mean I agree with it or I support it, in fact, I would probably give you more merit than anyone else on this board if you were participating in the merit system, but alas, you don't like anything that is community driven. :D

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on September 08, 2022, 11:08:59 PM
... but alas, you don't like anything that is community driven. :D
Clearly your English skills are showing as lacking in this false statement.
Please get someone to translate, whatever you were trying to say, correctly.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on September 09, 2022, 01:09:31 AM
Clearly your English skills are showing as lacking in this false statement.

These two statements contradict each other, which one is true? did you really not understand my statement? or do you think it's false? you can't say it's false without understanding the meaning of it, on the other hand, if you did actually understand what I was trying to imply -- it means my English is not bad 'contrary to your first statement.

Anyway, the button line of my statement which you seem to have perfectly understood is that you can't really blend in well with others, you parted ways with CK, things didn't end up great with Bitmain, and you have issues with every mining firmware developer/representative in this forum, heck, you even have issues with most folks in the mining community, which is why I am not surprised by the fact that you don't participate in the merit system, because you do NOT have the final word in how the system should operate, you probably also think that only your posts are worthy of merit.

That's probably the main reason why you hardly receive any merit, not just because you are a rude person who doesn't respect others.

Now if for whatever reason, you still don't get it, sorry I can't translate any better.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on September 13, 2022, 12:17:07 PM
Clearly your English skills are showing as lacking in this false statement.

These two statements contradict each other, which one is true? did you really not understand my statement? or do you think it's false? you can't say it's false without understanding the meaning of it, on the other hand, if you did actually understand what I was trying to imply -- it means my English is not bad 'contrary to your first statement.

Anyway, the button line of my statement which you seem to have perfectly understood is that you can't really blend in well with others, you parted ways with CK, things didn't end up great with Bitmain, and you have issues with every mining firmware developer/representative in this forum, heck, you even have issues with most folks in the mining community, which is why I am not surprised by the fact that you don't participate in the merit system, because you do NOT have the final word in how the system should operate, you probably also think that only your posts are worthy of merit.

That's probably the main reason why you hardly receive any merit, not just because you are a rude person who doesn't respect others.

Now if for whatever reason, you still don't get it, sorry I can't translate any better.

I have never said I wanted merit on my posts and have actually clearly stated that I don't want it.
I've no idea how anyone giving me merit would in any way help the community.
I only give out merit on rare occasions since there are those who are supposed to already do this properly ... ... ...

You've thrown in a number of lies in your post to be annoying, and yes indeed you are annoying.
(However I will admit I have no idea what a "button line" is)

I have no idea why you think that you posting crap on occasion, and meriting posts to annoy people on occasion, is being part of the bitcoin community.

Meanwhile I have been part of the community for the past 11 years and provided free software and support for most of that time.
Just because you are ignorant of this fact, does not mean your should make up shit to further whatever agenda it is you have.
To be blunt, it just makes you look stupid.

and ... while you may think it's ok to violate licenses, that only require people to provide source code changes they make, on top of the free source code they have received, I don't think it is ok to violate my license.
There is almost no effort or cost involved to provide the source code.
That's the basic premise of the GPL license - to keep opensource software opensource.
Which is indeed the license on my cgminer software that people use.
Pity you don't seem to like the idea of opensource community software.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on September 13, 2022, 02:07:08 PM
I only give out merit on rare occasions since there are those who are supposed to already do this properly ... ... ...

 See that is the issue, nobody gets paid for giving merit, not sure why do you wait for others to do it, it is a community thing, which you chose not to participate in.

Besides, there is no proper way of spending merit, everyone has their own thoughts on what posts deserve merit, just because you do not like those posts it does not mean they should not be merited.

Pity you don't seem to like the idea of opensource community software.

Keep making your own assumption, you are good at this, i never said it is okay to violate any license, in fact, you should actually go after them and take legal actions instead of nagging about it here all the time.

As for opensource or not, when it comes to mining, i want the best firmware to be on my gears, i could not care less who wrote the firmware, you say you have been in this game for 11 years and yet you do not have any firmware that I can run on my gears, a few guys that joined the game years after you have already made some sick firmware, be it written from scratch like BO or modified like Vnish.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: taserz on September 13, 2022, 03:01:14 PM
Ah yes, the vnish crowd and their fake users, as if you needed to know how to program an asic to make it work, all you do is leech off existing software modded illegally. Who pirates the pirates? You do, merry singing along the way.

I laugh at your stupid claims from that silly stunt you tried in 2019, as if anything from that time was kept, keep dreaming. All your "work" was useless. And yet, you charge a premium. Stop talking and replace cgminer already like you have been promising for months, but i know you will not do it, you don't have what it takes, pirating is easier.

Of course we all know Kano is your biggest fan, when will you hire him? He worked for Bitmain you know?

Are you retarded or just dumb. I reply to a post months later... half the time it's because mikey pings me on telegram so I come and look.

All you do is leech off from us and pretty much the whole industry knows this at this point which imho doesn't look good for you guys. Why not share the real reason for the pool change. Good to at least separate slush's work that built the early days of the network. Your s9, s17, and now s19 exploit is our exploit we discovered and released to the public to install our firmware. Let me know a feature you made. What your doing kills innovation as it makes no reason to invent. Hell why do you think we aren't releasing the AMlogic stuff it's getting really annoying a big ass company as braiins has to steal from the little guy.. It's getting really old really fast. What stunt in 2019? What are you talking about lol? We had autotune in 2018 and then a fully developed autotune by end of 2018. What I was trying to do getting voltage to go below 8v is irrelevant lol.

lmfao kano worked for bitmain now hahahahahaha okay now I know your just a troll and a racist piece of shit.

Also why do you flex it's made in rust? That is weird should I be advertising made in: Assembly, Rust, and C??? Weird flex bro

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on September 14, 2022, 01:36:29 AM
I only give out merit on rare occasions since there are those who are supposed to already do this properly ... ... ...

 See that is the issue, nobody gets paid for giving merit, not sure why do you wait for others to do it, it is a community thing, which you chose not to participate in.

Besides, there is no proper way of spending merit, everyone has their own thoughts on what posts deserve merit, just because you do not like those posts it does not mean they should not be merited.
Like a sizeable number of people on the forum, I have merit coz theymos gave it to all the highly active and highly ranked people on the forum.
My pool thread is one of the highest post counts and post views on the forum back then (and still now)

Merit is a new thing added not long ago in terms of how long I've been on the forum.
Heck my online time, which is no longer displayed, showed over a year, not long before he removed that information from everyone's account.

How you think merit should work, is your problem, not mine.
It has nothing to do with your bullshit about saying I'm not part of the bitcoin community.

Heck you even posted something so ridiculous about that, that I may as well follow up on it also:
you parted ways with CK
Correct, and what happened, and what happened after that?

CK locked me out of the cgminer git, which I've been working on since 2011, and locked me out of the ckpool git, which I am the majority developer of.

Since then, CK went to shut down both his pools, but only kept his solo going coz the 'community' paid him to do that, after he said he was going to shut it down.
He also closed off both the cgminer thread and the ckpool software thread here on the forum.

Meanwhile, I've been running my pool non-stop with updates and improvement since 2014, and I'm now also the only original developer active on cgminer with my git that I created in 2011, that I moved the other inactive content into it also.

Even more fun to know, I provided the free gekko driver to the community, for the amazing high cost of ... 1 gekko miner ... that was necessary to write the driver, you can't write a driver without having the miner.

Pity you don't seem to like the idea of opensource community software.

Keep making your own assumption, you are good at this, i never said it is okay to violate any license, in fact, you should actually go after them and take legal actions instead of nagging about it here all the time.

As for opensource or not, when it comes to mining, i want the best firmware to be on my gears, i could not care less who wrote the firmware, you say you have been in this game for 11 years and yet you do not have any firmware that I can run on my gears, a few guys that joined the game years after you have already made some sick firmware, be it written from scratch like BO or modified like Vnish.
Right so what you are quite clearly saying is, you don't care that they are violating the opensource cgminer license, you will use them anyway.

Sigh - which is what you quoted me, and claim is wrong - lol

... and why are you telling me I should I spend large amounts of money going after them?

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on September 14, 2022, 01:13:45 PM
Like a sizeable number of people on the forum, I have merit coz theymos gave it to all the highly active and highly ranked people on the forum.
My pool thread is one of the highest post counts and post views on the forum back then (and still now)

Sorry to tell you that everyone that was barely active before the merit airdrop which took a place a few years back got the same amount of 'airdropped' merit as you, which includes all the scammers and spammers.

CK locked me out of the cgminer git, which I've been working on since 2011, and locked me out of the ckpool git, which I am the majority developer of.

Ya, maybe because you can't really blend in well with others? did he just decide to lock you for no reason? unless he is mentally unstable I don't think he would do so, but either way regardless of that, you could still continue on on your own and provide new firmware that matches the current custom firmware, getting lockout of ck's owned git is not an excuse of why you let a few newcomers beat you at your own game.

You brag about being in this field long before most of us, but what is the outcome? Vnish who probably didn't hear of crypto until it was talked about on TV now has firmware running on hundreds of thousands if not millions of gears, the same goes for Slush folks, how many gears run your own complete ready-to-flash firmware? ZERO.

Even more fun to know, I provided the free gekko driver to the community, for the amazing high cost of ... 1 gekko miner ... that was necessary to write the driver, you can't write a driver without having the miner.

That's so nice of you, but come on, who uses those USB sticks? just a couple of hobbyists who barely make any profit, why not compete against custom firmware on actual ASICs like S 9/17/19 if you actually want to be paid for your efforts? we pay 2-3% on firmware fees for BO+ and Vnish, i am sure most people will be happy paying you the same fee or if it was a fee-less firmware you would still get large donations, I will be the first one to do so.

Have you ever thought that nagging about the closed-source firmware which some of them violate your license actually gets you nowhere and that the best thing to do would be to actually compete against them?

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on September 15, 2022, 12:33:31 AM
Like a sizeable number of people on the forum, I have merit coz theymos gave it to all the highly active and highly ranked people on the forum.
My pool thread is one of the highest post counts and post views on the forum back then (and still now)

Sorry to tell you that everyone that was barely active before the merit airdrop which took a place a few years back got the same amount of 'airdropped' merit as you, which includes all the scammers and spammers.

How is that in any way relevant. So what. Nothing new there.
You're the idiot telling me how I must be using this merit that you just pointed out was given to spammers, scammers and just about anyone, trying to make it sound next to worthless - lol

CK locked me out of the cgminer git, which I've been working on since 2011, and locked me out of the ckpool git, which I am the majority developer of.

Ya, maybe because you can't really blend in well with others? did he just decide to lock you for no reason? unless he is mentally unstable I don't think he would do so, but either way regardless of that, you could still continue on on your own and provide new firmware that matches the current custom firmware, getting lockout of ck's owned git is not an excuse of why you let a few newcomers beat you at your own game.

You say "maybe" "I don't think" ... well good on you - but you are wrong.

No where did I say it was an excuse, yet again you're rambling bullshit, or don't you even understand English?

His community involvement has been to disassociate himself from it as I clearly explained.

Mine has been to continue my involvement.
If for some reason you decide that the "game" you want me to play is not what I am doing, well that's your problem.

You brag about being in this field long before most of us, but what is the outcome? Vnish who probably didn't hear of crypto until it was talked about on TV now has firmware running on hundreds of thousands if not millions of gears, the same goes for Slush folks, how many gears run your own complete ready-to-flash firmware? ZERO.
It's not a brag, it's a fact.
Right, and yet they all include software I wrote - and software MANY other people wrote.
Oh well, damn shame about that hey.

Even more fun to know, I provided the free gekko driver to the community, for the amazing high cost of ... 1 gekko miner ... that was necessary to write the driver, you can't write a driver without having the miner.

That's so nice of you, but come on, who uses those USB sticks? just a couple of hobbyists who barely make any profit
Wow - you are so full of shit, it's so funny.
You don't even know the reality.

You go on about community, but then directly imply these USB miners are a waste of time.
You are implying people should only be dealing with the big companies, not the community - lol

, why not compete against custom firmware on actual ASICs like S 9/17/19 if you actually want to be paid for your efforts? we pay 2-3% on firmware fees for BO+ and Vnish, i am sure most people will be happy paying you the same fee or if it was a fee-less firmware you would still get large donations, I will be the first one to do so.
When did I say I wanted to be paid?
AND Why do I have to do what you keep saying I must do?
I'm replying here coz I'm sick of the bullshit based on ignorance you keep posting and the shit you keep posting about what you say I should be doing.

Have you ever thought that nagging about the closed-source firmware which some of them violate your license actually gets you nowhere and that the best thing to do would be to actually compete against them?
Have you ever thought that what you want me to do is irrelevant?
I post about the violation of the license when new threads come up about it and sometimes when new discussion comes up about it.
Oh well, you don't like that, damn shame.

Your the one who brought up the bullshit claims about 'community' and even again in this last post it is full of crap.
If it wasn't for the fact that you are given so much merit to hand out on the forum, I'd just ignore all this rubbish you post.
The problem is people see your name all over the place giving out merit, so some probably read this bullshit you post, so I've followed up pointing out it is bullshit.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: mikeywith on September 16, 2022, 01:30:57 AM
How is that in any way relevant.

That was in response to your false claim

I have merit coz theymos gave it to all the highly active and highly ranked people on the forum.

You think you got the airdropped merit because you are "highly active and highly ranked", so I had correct you on this (like how I often do), there was nothing special about you, you got merit just like anyone else, sorry to ruin it for you.

You say "maybe" "I don't think" ... well good on you

To be honest, I am certain you can't blend in well with others, I was just trying to be nice by saying "maybe".

Right, and yet they all include software I wrote

Slush folks wrote their first firmware from scratch, furthermore, you also used the code of other people, it's not like you invented computers and binary and wrote everything from scratch, but those folks now dominate the mining firmware space alongside with Bitmain and the others, of course, thanks to you and to the everyone else.

You go on about community, but then directly imply these USB miners are a waste of time.
You are implying people should only be dealing with the big companies, not the community - lol

When did I say I wanted to be paid?

I provided the free gekko driver to the community, for the amazing high cost of ... 1 gekko miner .

Well, you were the one to talk about getting paid, not me.

It is pretty clear that you were hopping for a better price, I do not think USB miners are a waste of time, I simply explained that those folks make little to no profit, so it would be foolish to think that the small USB sticks community can pay you anything larger and that if you are not happy with the little "cost" you got, then go ahead and make something for the ASIC community because that's where the money is made.

AND Why do I have to do what you keep saying I must do?
I post about the violation of the license when new threads come up about it and sometimes when new discussion comes up about it.
Oh well, you don't like that, damn shame.

I did not say I don't like it, your posts aren't being stored on my drive, and I don't sell custom firmware,  despite the fact that I don't like your attitude I do think you deserve more which is why I just feel bad for you, I really do, and to see you sitting here in a few topics that only a couple people read -- nagging about how that firmware is closed source or and the other one violate your license without actually doing something effective about it like "Making your own firmware" is just sad.

So no, I am not trying to tell you what to do, it's not like my miners are sitting there waiting for your firmware, it was just free advice from a random person on the internet, you don't have to be triggered by it, if you don't like me suggesting that you should compete by making your own firmware, just ignore it and stick to the nagging.

Anyway, you have taken this matter too personally, maybe I did too, and this is going off-topic, so I will stop here. I will also refrain from replying to your posts to the best of my abilities, even those that sound to me like complete B.S.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: kano on September 16, 2022, 04:31:48 AM
How is that in any way relevant.

That was in response to your false claim

I have merit coz theymos gave it to all the highly active and highly ranked people on the forum.

You think you got the airdropped merit because you are "highly active and highly ranked", so I had correct you on this (like how I often do), there was nothing special about you, you got merit just like anyone else, sorry to ruin it for you.

Are you just an idiot or are you a troll?
Which is it?

I'm telling you how theymos setup merit.
If you don't believe me, then go and read it for yourself:

In addition to activity, everyone now has a merit score, and you need both a certain activity level and a certain merit score in order to reach higher member ranks.
For current members, your initial merit score is equal to the minimum required to your rank ...
i.e. the higher rank you were the more merit you got (for free at the start).
He also comments about getting less for low activity.

Wow - high rank and high activity gave me a high amount of merit.
Hang on, didn't I just say that and you just said that's wrong?

You say "maybe" "I don't think" ... well good on you

To be honest, I am certain you can't blend in well with others, I was just trying to be nice by saying "maybe".

Well I will say without a doubt, I can't blend in with you, who acts like a troll posting bullshit about me.

Right, and yet they all include software I wrote

Slush folks wrote their first firmware from scratch, furthermore, you also used the code of other people, it's not like you invented computers and binary and wrote everything from scratch, but those folks now dominate the mining firmware space alongside with Bitmain and the others, of course, thanks to you and to the everyone else.

No, actually slush didn't.
They read the cgminer source code to do it.
They even hint quite clearly about this on their own web page.

I never said I invented computers and I never said I wrote all of cgminer.
In fact I also made that clear in the previous post - but I guess you ignored that.
You are again posting bullshit to cover up the previous bullshit you posted.
The more bullshit you pile on top of the bullshit you post just adds to it, there's no subtraction involved.

You go on about community, but then directly imply these USB miners are a waste of time.
You are implying people should only be dealing with the big companies, not the community - lol

When did I say I wanted to be paid?

I provided the free gekko driver to the community, for the amazing high cost of ... 1 gekko miner .

Well, you were the one to talk about getting paid, not me.

lol - sidehack sent me one miner so I could write the driver.
You can't write a driver for a miner that you don't have.

It is pretty clear that you were hopping for a better price, I do not think USB miners are a waste of time, I simply explained that those folks make little to no profit, so it would be foolish to think that the small USB sticks community can pay you anything larger and that if you are not happy with the little "cost" you got, then go ahead and make something for the ASIC community because that's where the money is made.

Why are you so deluded about this subject?
What is your problem?

I actually sent him some BTC before that for free also.
I want the community to be more involved and I helped him for that reason.

He has also done very well out of his miners and usb hubs for a number of years.

Just coz you appear to be obsessed with money, doesn't mean that I am.

Anyway, you have taken this matter too personally, maybe I did too, ...

How is a personal attack on me not personal?
Seriously - you're being a troll.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: minerman420 on November 16, 2022, 04:12:25 AM
so what is answer it take 10% or 10% extra?

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Artemis3 on November 20, 2022, 01:38:26 PM
The answer is stop making fake users to spread the same old lies, you were banned because of your own attitude (threats) so its your fault.
Stop infringing cgminer and code your own mining software with that mountain of money you have collected in "dev" fees. Or release code.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Lanaa on April 18, 2023, 04:16:42 AM
The answer is stop making fake users to spread the same old lies, you were banned because of your own attitude (threats) so its your fault.
Stop infringing cgminer and code your own mining software with that mountain of money you have collected in "dev" fees. Or release code.

Lol, making fake users… you need help
Kano is not making fake users, I’m not a fake user, in fact Kano kicked me out of his pool over some silly argument so no, and I noticed you accuse everyone that disagrees with you to be a fake user. In every topic. Including stratum v2 ones.

This topic literally turned into a Kano vs Artemis fight from the beginning (again… you guys need help)
Was expecting it to be something more productive, but looking back now I see that personal feuds are more important here than anything.

Title: Re: Do NOT trust Braiins OS+ - shady company, takes up to 10% dev fee and more
Post by: Artemis3 on April 18, 2023, 02:27:58 PM
Nope, its not Kano, i know you are just desperate but its pointless. Get back to your "new" twitter image. Don't think faking users like you always do lets you keep having "fun" trolling/insulting here or elsewhere. In fact your trolling days are over, in to the ignore list with the rest of your fake users.