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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Peter Faith on October 23, 2023, 08:56:43 AM

Title: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Peter Faith on October 23, 2023, 08:56:43 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: mu_enrico on October 23, 2023, 10:28:17 AM
The problem is you don't have a clear and full view of the data. Based on this post ( the global average divorce rate is actually in decline, from 1.8 to 1.6 (even though it's 1-year-old data). So it varies between countries, ethnicities, etc., therefore what you see is only what's available around you and you shouldn't extrapolate it to the bigger population.

Yeah, the reason may be as stupid as the makeup thing, but in the US, the main reasons are lack of commitment and affairs (

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Gozie51 on October 23, 2023, 06:03:38 PM
I think I can attribute it to so many factors and it depends on different causes for different continent. In Africa, we can say the falling or disintegration of family system is one of the reasons, hardship and unemployment as another factor, the drive for greener pastures and brain drain where one party consent to contract marriage and afterwards it goes into divorce.

Modernity has dealt a great blow on the marriage institution where sex is most dignified and sacred but now, you can get sex just anywhere. Women now see themselves as object of beauty and are easily triggered to anger and hungry for divorce and nothing holds her back unlike in the past where the family is an integral part of marriage. In fact, some women prefer to stay as single mother than living with a man as husband and once they have had a baby, they are good for divorce.

The reasons for divorce is enormous and with difference based on jurisdiction.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Miles2006 on October 23, 2023, 07:15:13 PM
I think what most people fail to understand about marriage is marriage is a Union and not a contract. Most people fail to understand themselves individually before getting married, I think the fall of marriages is people fail to know themselves first like the example you made a man divorce his wife after seeing her without makeup that shows that there is no love for each other, all what the man wants is a beautiful face and not a wife. People now rush into marriage forgetting that marriage is forever and needs time first.
For example in my country women rush into marriage because they are not financially stable so they need someone to take care of them and that's a wrong impression, before getting married both parties need to be independent financially. Secondly most people lack the process to take before getting married. Let me talk about one, courtship; this is the dating period where two individuals get to know about themselves better. Thirdly most marriages lack a healthy communication, I feel communication in every marriage is important and any marriage that lacks communication will not last

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: DeathAngel on October 24, 2023, 04:37:54 PM
Societal norms & values have evolved leading to a greater acceptance & recognition of individual happiness & personal fulfillment as essential in a marriage. Economic independence has grown allowing individuals to support themselves outside of marriage. The stigma around divorce has decreased making it a more accessible option for unhappy couples. Changing gender roles & expectations have also impacted relationships. These factors among others have contributed to higher divorce rates compared to the past.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Die_empty on October 25, 2023, 08:01:27 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Infidelity is the major cause of divorce in my location. Couples are no longer faithful to their marital vows and this has led to so much problems. Another reason is social media influence. Many people are now been influenced by the lives or marriages of celebrities. People tend to copy the lifestyle of these celebrities which has given rise to intolerance and lack of respect. Most women want to handle their homes like these superstars without considering their cultural background.

You shouldn't also compare this generation with your forefathers. Before now, women were treated like second-class citizens so they were forced to endure oppression and molestation in marriage. Currently, women have started getting the right attention due to various awareness campaign and favorable legislation. So a woman will no longer be forced to remain in an abusive marriage due to cultural and religious beliefs. It is now easier for them to report domestic violence to relevant authorities and even to get a divorce.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: OgNasty on October 25, 2023, 12:48:25 PM
I think a lot of reasons are contributing to this. Sure, people are getting married much faster these days and sometimes for reasons like insurance that aren’t exactly love. Then there’s also the establishment that’s pushing a population control narrative trying to convince everyone they’re gay or trans. It’s an uphill battle for regular people these days.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Hispo on October 25, 2023, 09:43:56 PM
Perhaps it was because in previous decades marriage was more appreciated and was considered to be a union which was supposed to last for life. It was not the legal system which changed as much as society and the minds of the people did.

In school I was taught that being someone's boy/girl friend was supposed to be a long relationship stage, so the couple could know each other as much as possible, before taking the big step of marriage. It would seem that today there is no so much difference between marriage and being someone's boy/girl friend, beyond the legal aspects of it and the paperwork involved in the process.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Strongkored on October 26, 2023, 05:59:07 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Both parties are at fault when they divorce because they cannot maintain their commitment. In my opinion, divorce is acceptable when one party is physically or mentally violent, but if you divorce only for the reasons you mentioned, it is stupid, and maybe when examined by a psychiatrist there is already a mental disorder. because before marriage there is of course an introduction and courtship phase, so how can he realize that his wife is not beautiful after marriage?
What happens in your environment may be different from other environments so it cannot be concluded that divorce is increasing. In my country, divorce cases are indeed increasing and the percentage increase is quite high, which is quite sad, but the number of divorces in each province is different, but overall it is increasing, so if there are a lot of divorces in a region A, it doesn't necessarily mean that region B will suffer the same fate. Source (,terjadi%20dalam%20enam%20tahun%20terakhir.)

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Die_empty on October 26, 2023, 12:16:42 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

In my country's law deception is a justifiable ground to seek divorce. But if you marry because of physical beauty you will be disappointed because it can be faked. Get married to somebody you are comfortable with or without makeup. I am not comfortable with girls who wear markups because they don't look real to me. A good character is far better than physical beauty, We all know people can change later in life but as much as the relationship is not abusive, criminal, or violent, it is better to endure. You will not have a perfect spouse if you know he/she is not indulging in any criminal activity and doesn't molest, disrespect, or act violently, such a spouse can be managed

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Frankolala on October 26, 2023, 04:49:49 PM
People think that marriage is something that they can use to raise their shoulders and be proud of without knowing what is involved in marriage. They fail to understand the challenges and obstacle in marriage that one must be ready to sacrifice for his/her marriage to make sure it works out.

This is why they jump into marrying someone that they don't know too well or someone that is not their match, but because they think marriage is a competition, they involved themselves with someone that they don't love and after the marriage, when they realized that what they were expecting is not so,  they go for divorce. I call it blind marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on October 26, 2023, 05:27:29 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

What have we considered about the foundation of every relationship, what are the individuals help and support we give towards having our marriage work out as expected, what are the abnormalities we do and we think are right or normal things in our own sight, how considerable are we when it comes to ourself  and the partner we have, how selfish are we and how arrogant do we appear in our marriage, when we look into all these, we can see that two cannot work or live together unless they agree with each other, are we bed mate or soul mate, divorce is not the problem, what we did that lead to divorce are the problems.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: coolcoinz on October 26, 2023, 06:22:11 PM
I'd attribute this to the degradation of morality. 50 years ago you did not have social media that screamed "be a strong independent woman and show that you can have a lot of men" at girls and "all women are whores and gold diggers" at men. So, many young people look for open relationships and assume the partner is going to cheat, so they don't even try to be faithful, which leads to them cheating...

I know some people that stay together for many years, me included, but me and my wife came from broken families, so we were really afraid of ending up like our parents and proceeded very slow in our own relationship. We respect each other and this is very important.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: uchegod-21 on October 26, 2023, 08:16:36 PM
The stigma around divorce has decreased making it a more accessible option for unhappy couples. Changing gender roles & expectations have also impacted relationships.
I totally agree with you here. The stigma around divorce has decreased greatly. This is the reason couples are no longer committed because they can always exit if need be. Growing up we were told marriage is "for better and for worst". The current generation do not believe in that phrase.  Once marriage becomes a burden,  divorce becomes the next option and it is being celebrated.

In Africa (especially my country), marriage used to be held at high esteem. Divorce was something to be ashamed of. In Africa, the man is the head of the family and his decisions stands, but today civilization has made everyone wise. Both partners share equal rights and responsibilities.  Where one partner faults,threats of divorce spring up. We have lost our values.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Stepstowealth on October 26, 2023, 09:45:21 PM
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?
The society that has made it seem normal is the problem in this case because if Divorce has heavily been criticized each time, the rate of divorce would have reduced. Now it is normal to young people that they can decide to divorce whenever they feel comfortable with it. Marriage is no longer for better for worse, no longer forever and a day more, it is now a temporary thing in most cases and the value for the institution dropped. To avoid divorce, try not rush and hurry into marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Natsuu on October 27, 2023, 12:13:55 PM
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?
The society that has made it seem normal is the problem in this case because if Divorce has heavily been criticized each time, the rate of divorce would have reduced. Now it is normal to young people that they can decide to divorce whenever they feel comfortable with it. Marriage is no longer for better for worse, no longer forever and a day more, it is now a temporary thing in most cases and the value for the institution dropped. To avoid divorce, try not rush and hurry into marriage.

Right. Marriage should be for mature people. It needs people who are emotionally ready, patient, and understanding. It's not just a piece of paper, it's a whole journey that requires maturity to handle the ups and downs together.

But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?
That’s because reasons for divorce has always been there like abusive partners.
Blaming just men or women isn't fair. Maybe the did love each other but it is  more about adapting to new challenges and finding deeper connections. Real, open communication and understanding each other’s flaws can make a huge difference. It's about evolving together but not to the extent that marriage becomes inhumane.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: AYOBA on October 31, 2023, 12:34:55 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?
Some guys are still willing to propose to women with out full understand them, which is why the amount of devoiced stuff is growing daily. Husband and wife relationships are not like those with typical girlfriends, where you can break up at any time. A complete understanding between you and your proposal is worthy of marriage. Prior to accepting each other, one must be aware of the other's habits and character. You can just approach a female you see today, ask her to marry you and even say that, "Let's get married next month." What are our predictions for the conclusion? Therefore, it is not necessary for us men to rush into finding marriages.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: btc78 on October 31, 2023, 04:28:25 PM
you cannot pinpoint a single reason for divorce there are various factors that affects couples such as culture, for example a lot of asian countries still have the old way of thinking and values that divorce are often frowned upon in society even if its legal in their country as opposed to america where divorce has been almost normalized now in the situation you gave the man seems to be too superficial but i would say theyre both wrong for not spending enough time in getting to know each other before committing to a marriage

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Marykeller on October 31, 2023, 05:46:17 PM
It's unfortunate enough that the modern civilization we in Africa embraced has now made divorce be normal thing in the society we live in, which our forefathers won't agree to.

Some decades ago, what people divorced in today's society, can't be attributed to what got our parents divorced years back. Marriage has changed and people are no longer marrying for love but instead for fame, physical attributes and appearance, and unplanned circumstances(pregnancy).

It is now in a marriage that you will find not enough reason for a lady to decide to divorce his husband based on the reason of not satisfying her sexually, and not providing and paying her bills as she wants to, etc.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Mate2237 on October 31, 2023, 07:15:01 PM
The problem is you don't have a clear and full view of the data. Based on this post ( the global average divorce rate is actually in decline, from 1.8 to 1.6 (even though it's 1-year-old data). So it varies between countries, ethnicities, etc., therefore what you see is only what's available around you and you shouldn't extrapolate it to the bigger population.

Yeah, the reason may be as stupid as the makeup thing, but in the US, the main reasons are lack of commitment and affairs (
I like your presentation of data. In divorce cases there are different factors that constitute divorce in the whole world. Some couples divorce because of financial, some cheating, some unsatisfied sex habit, some commitment as you said which can also lead to poor communication and unfertilized marital status etc. And because of all those factors, African men decided to marry more than one wives in those days but when the civilization came to the African countries, monogamous relationship and family was introduced and when a man and a woman married and above mentioned are found then marriage is dismissed. Op yours example is even better. I have seen 3hours marriage. The marriage ended at the alter of the wedding. It was genotype that end the marriage.

And that is when you are about to marry follow all the due process and make sure you marry someone you like and love. Marry someone that can give you sex the way you want. And before you marry prescribe all your likes and dislikes so that when you people are coming together, there will be no argument.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Ndabagi01 on October 31, 2023, 11:24:20 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

What more can you expect from a world that has embraced everything new while forgetting the positive aspects of marriage? When modern social events are intertwined with marital problems, it complicates the situation, and the worst case scenario is that it will undoubtedly lead to a lack of understanding and the separation of the couples. Our forefathers are not comparable to us. When it comes to patience and endurance, they are the true definitions.

For the other point you raised, I will blame the man who divorced his wife the next morning after seeing her true face for the first time. The reason for this is that in today's world, everyone is aware of make-up and how it has tricked many men into failing to recognise the genuine face appearance of the one they love. Before bringing them in, he should have seen the actual face of the woman he wants to marry. Perhaps it was an arranged marriage and he never saw his lover's true face before marriage. Such occurrences are very rare to happen.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Idiedugha on November 01, 2023, 05:57:56 AM
Many things could be the reasons, but in this case be fake and deceitful could be reason as stated by the said husband. Probably that was his first time seeing the woman without makeup, who knows? It could also be that he wasn't satisfied with the outcome of after wedding night. Lol..... But many things can cause divorce ranging from cheating, abusive partner, selfishness, and many more.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: kotajikikox on November 01, 2023, 07:15:48 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

this only shows that marriage nowadays is not composed of LOVE instead either Lust or desire , look at that story  of yours just because of a woman without make up being divorced already> how cheap that reason is?
Marriage supposed to be a matter of Love and Promises to be together for the rest of life , but in our time now as this was getting to be forgotten the true essence of married life , this made me have asking "Why need to get married when there are no one forcing them to get in"? why not stay in relationship and just give time to each other to learn our feelings and otrue plans towards each of one , even if this took us many years before finally deciding to get married.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: electronicash on November 01, 2023, 07:36:00 AM

this is because men have options and the government gave that options to all of us and we liked it also in the name of democracy. and why not. its the best the best we could get for having these laws.

its not about whos wrong either men or women, women are also fighting for their rights especially if they hate the man theyve married.

if women can get the share of wealth from the man after divorse, its good for them. its freedom.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Jegileman on November 01, 2023, 05:46:39 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Both are the problems of it, I won’t want to chose one over the other because when you look into it very deep, you’ll see that they are one way both at fault. Marriage is all about understanding, sharing feelings, pains and what have you. For a marriage to work out, both sides have to make up their mind to make it work, they should have a believe that no matter what happens, they will strive to resolve it together without allowing others to interfere into their marriage.

Most of the marriage divorce are caused by outside influences but in some cases it is caused by societal factors (modern world) when the two sides haven’t been able to agree to a consensus of what their partner should do or how they react to instances like that when they arise.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: passwordnow on November 01, 2023, 11:07:00 PM
The problem is the influence of the society today. The masculinity and feminine content that we see on social media make it look like finding another partner while being in a relationship becomes a norm. It's because of their shitty content and getting some confirmation and affirmation with those nonsense ideas and validities they're asking from the people. The approval that they get is also from those people who just want to plainly cheat. They think that they deserve better, they need that they need to be loved where in fact they're loved. They say that they're not getting time because their partners are busy. Like what the heck, if they're working their ass hard off for a week with just a few hours to take a rest, understand that they're working for your comfortability. It is not about the gender but the influence we see from other people looking for validation that their cheating is a normal thing to do and asks sentiments from the other people.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: yazher on November 02, 2023, 11:31:57 AM
There are lots of reasons why divorce is happening and it depends on what country you are living in because, in some places, facial beauty is not really important rather the capability of building a family is what they are looking for. But in our society especially those who are exposed to social media, their role models are Hollywood artists and other popular celebrities, whenever they do something, others quickly mimic their actions no matter what it is even in their marriage life, they are just like a person that even when their role model enter a hole of a lizard, they will not hesitate to follow them.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on November 02, 2023, 01:11:55 PM
Divorce is now something found so easy to do in the society today just because you think you can't continue to live or manage along with your partner due to some reasons you can just overlooked and continue with life, most people in marriage or relationship don't have the mind of being tolerant at all, everyone thinks that what they do is the best and cannot be corrected, if we keep encouraging for divorce then almost everyone will be a divorcee in life, we had better learn to adapt and live peaceful with others and stop the issue of getting divorce, nothing is perfect in life, including we humanbeings.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Publictalk792 on November 02, 2023, 02:37:27 PM
It is true that divorce rates have increased in recent times. it is important to remember that every situation is unique and cannot be generalized. While some divorces may occur due to trivial reasons like the one you mentioned.
In the past divorce rates was less than today and people stayed in unhappy marriages for the sake of societal expectations.
Both men and women play essential roles in maintaining a successful marriage and we can't blame only one gender.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Hewlet on November 02, 2023, 04:30:16 PM
Divorce has become too rampant recently and I think it course is obviously visible to all.
You have so many cases of a couple that had a child while dating and because of the child, they become married without knowing if they are even compatible at all. And it doesn't take time before they discover the flaws in there partners life that they can't bear with and the marriage just comes to an end because of this.

There are others that got married because of the wealth of there spouse or what they feel they can achieve as a result of the marriage and when reality dawn on them and they finally discover that there expectation can't be met, problem breaks out in the home and the only solution they think of his to get divorced.

I feel that most of the course of divorce comes from lack of understanding from the partners and the inability of them to compromise for each other just for the relationship to work.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Richbased on November 03, 2023, 02:26:46 PM
Many things could be the reasons, but in this case be fake and deceitful could be reason as stated by the said husband. Probably that was his first time seeing the woman without makeup, who knows? It could also be that he wasn't satisfied with the outcome of after wedding night. Lol..... But many things can cause divorce ranging from cheating, abusive partner, selfishness, and many more.

Yes fake and deceitful life while in courtship is one of the major reasons why divorce in on the high rate. Many people date (courtship) before they get married so in the cause of this courtship a lot of people hide their real identity maybe it could be their character, their facial beauty or the morals, for instance you see a situation where a lady that is incusitive to get married maybe because she's running out of age and she has a bad character, will pretend as if she's a saint, she will hide her characters just to win the heart of the man till they are married, and after marriage they now show their true colors. So in this situation the man will begin to imagine the reasons why she never showed all the bad characters during courtship and before you know it the man will seek for divorce because she no longer shows those attributes that made him marry her.

Again most people marry because of what they see in their partner, maybe because they have money of they are good looking, or they're hardworking so as soon as they don't see those attributes that made them get married, the love begins to fade and definitely leads to divorce.

Inasmuch as marriage is concerned, it is an agreement between two couples who choose to live and share things together as husband and wife irrespective of their various flaws so by this definition, it is important for us to know that we ought not to get married because of the physical things we see in our partners as those things will diminish as time goes on rather we should marry because of love and passion for one another not withstanding our differences.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: uchegod-21 on November 06, 2023, 06:53:36 PM
In the past divorce rates was less than today and people stayed in unhappy marriages for the sake of societal expectations.

Societal expectations played a major role in marriages in the past. Everyone believed in "for better,  for worse". Many people in the past endured their marriages instead of enjoying it. Even when it was killing the couples slowly.  But now, the people are wiser and more civilised. If its not working,  it's not working and their is little or no stigma attached to being divorced now. While this modern trend in marriages might be a blessing to some people,  it might also be a curse to many others.

Intending couples should do their findings well before walking down the aisle because when marriages hit the rock,  the children suffer the consequences. Both parents are adults and can take care of themselves.what happens to that innocent child who was born into a once lovely family?

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Suzume on November 18, 2023, 04:09:39 PM
I think the trust issue is the main reason to giving divorce. Now day this is a common problem in our society no one trust on his partner in  this generation. Because of trust issue after sometime the decide day will leave his partner because trust is more important in a relationship then love. We can see our previous generation like our mother and father they do fight on a reason after sometime they stay together. That's type of trust and believe not available in this generation that's why the rate of divorce is increasing in our society.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Frankolala on November 18, 2023, 08:07:44 PM
I think the trust issue is the main reason to giving divorce. Now day this is a common problem in our society no one trust on his partner in  this generation. Because of trust issue after sometime the decide day will leave his partner because trust is more important in a relationship then love. We can see our previous generation like our mother and father they do fight on a reason after sometime they stay together. That's type of trust and believe not available in this generation that's why the rate of divorce is increasing in our society.
You think that trust is above love in marriages, I will disagree with you on this. Love conquer everything because it is love that brings tolerance and trust. Any marriage without love will never work, because when two partners are in love with themselves, they will build trust.

There are some problems like rushing into marriage when you didn't take time to know the person and after rushing into it, you will rush out because your expectations were not what you saw. Another thing is that people marry the wrong partner and it is compulsory that when you marry the wrong person, there will be a divorce, because you guys were never made for each other. Not being open minded and iron out issues that you don't like that your partner is doing by telling him you don't like it and not also giving attention to your partner can break your marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on November 18, 2023, 11:52:56 PM
Many things could be the reasons, but in this case be fake and deceitful could be reason as stated by the said husband. Probably that was his first time seeing the woman without makeup, who knows? It could also be that he wasn't satisfied with the outcome of after wedding night. Lol..... But many things can cause divorce ranging from cheating, abusive partner, selfishness, and many more.

One thing about divorce is that the two of them couldn't bear it to the minimal level again than to cut it off and put an end for each to part, another thing is mostly that divorce is mostly being followed by the absence of a pleasure, tolerance and endurance for hardship in challenging times, there are many reasons that could have lead to filing for divorce in the society today because everyone will think he's always been right and therefore cannot bend down to rules.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 20, 2023, 04:16:05 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Its pretty evident that your source is a Twitter post or shared WhatsApp message. :D

In most countries the couple can get divorced only after 6 months or 1 year after they get married. And there is no proof that in the previous generation, the divorce rate was low because as per the records its almost similar but due to the increase in population the numbers got higher and due to the social media influence and fake news we get to see them more often that how it used to be.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Victorik on November 22, 2023, 04:37:35 PM
There are so many reasons why people get married and when they feel they have achieved their aims, they can opt to go their way.
But, I think peer pressure some times can affect some persons and the responsibilities that comes with been married can be very pressing sometimes.
If both couple can have an understanding and know that there are different phases in a marital relationship, maybe they can work hard enough to keep their commitments.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Gozie51 on November 22, 2023, 04:55:49 PM
There are so many reasons why people get married and when they feel they have achieved their aims, they can opt to go their way.
But, I think peer pressure some times can affect some persons and the responsibilities that comes with been married can be very pressing sometimes.
If both couple can have an understanding and know that there are different phases in a marital relationship, maybe they can work hard enough to keep their commitments.

Like what op said about a man asking for divorce after two months as he saw the face of the wife without makeup, this may be one of the many reasons people go for divorce. But to look deeply, some marriages were never contracted in the beginning because they were under falsehood from either of the spouse unknowingly to the other spouse. I have heard of such an unimaginable thing as sex as a reason that a man spent his time and money to deceive a lady he has been having crush on just to sleep with her. He got that and no natter her good the lady was to the "marriage ", it was never good for the man until he left the fake "marriage ".

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Victorik on November 23, 2023, 04:07:05 PM
There are so many reasons why people get married and when they feel they have achieved their aims, they can opt to go their way.
But, I think peer pressure some times can affect some persons and the responsibilities that comes with been married can be very pressing sometimes.
If both couple can have an understanding and know that there are different phases in a marital relationship, maybe they can work hard enough to keep their commitments.

Like what op said about a man asking for divorce after two months as he saw the face of the wife without makeup, this may be one of the many reasons people go for divorce. But to look deeply, some marriages were never contracted in the beginning because they were under falsehood from either of the spouse unknowingly to the other spouse. I have heard of such an unimaginable thing as sex as a reason that a man spent his time and money to deceive a lady he has been having crush on just to sleep with her. He got that and no natter her good the lady was to the "marriage ", it was never good for the man until he left the fake "marriage ".

I do not want to believe that someone ended a marriage because he saw his wife face without make-up.
The question is, was there no courtship before the marriage? I mean didn't they dated for a while before getting married?
If they did, does it mean the man never saw the woman's face without make-up before they got married?.

I know people get divorce for the weirdest reasons, but this one is strange, don't you think?

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on November 23, 2023, 08:21:21 PM
I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
This is fiction and not a factual story. I mean its a childish play. The man in question can never convince me that he's not been in the same house with the wife until dawn, not can he tell me he hang seen the wife immediately after taking her bath. Nobody can be on makeup every time , and no matter how much she covers up with her makeups. One day she'll lose guard and expose her natural face mistakenly.
This is just a cock and bull story, I put it to you that the man used this as an excuse to go his  separate  way.

But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Our fathers were with different women as wives, so they choose to be with anyone of their choice at any time, depending of their plans. Information available now is much and our ladies mostly pick the wrong ones and build their lives from it

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: boyptc on November 24, 2023, 10:58:20 PM
But, I think peer pressure some times can affect some persons and the responsibilities that comes with been married can be very pressing sometimes.
You nailed it.

If someone who's too reliant to the society, peers, parents and whoever influences his/her decisions might get into forced relationship and then marriage.

Because they like to compare themselves from the other people and that's a wrong thing if you're too relying with the impression of people and what they think of what you should have at your age and one of it is about being with someone or getting married already.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Victorik on November 25, 2023, 05:16:49 AM
But, I think peer pressure some times can affect some persons and the responsibilities that comes with been married can be very pressing sometimes.
You nailed it.

If someone who's too reliant to the society, peers, parents and whoever influences his/her decisions might get into forced relationship and then marriage.

Because they like to compare themselves from the other people and that's a wrong thing if you're too relying with the impression of people and what they think of what you should have at your age and one of it is about being with someone or getting married already.

Yeah. There are. So many married couples taking marriage lessons from unmarried people forgetting that when it comes to marriage experience plays a very important part.
Moreso, you don't need to compare your marriage with others, no two marriages are the same. Just identity what works for you and stick to it, instead of copying different people.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on November 25, 2023, 09:13:50 AM
The rate of divorce is fast increasing because people are finding it difficult to cope with each other because the economic depreciation is also causing many marital challenges, though this shouldn't be a reason for any but we can also consider how things have been going wrong through family economic and financial challenges, also we can consider our personal behaviours and attitudes, some people cannot just learn to live with others in peace without causing trouble before they leave, divorce occurs through anger and series of disappointment with loss of trust in your partner, we must know ourselves well and get acquainted with each other before marriage, then be able to be tolerant, self-control and hard-working, then ultimately we must love each other genuinely, divorce will be far from you.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: boyptc on November 25, 2023, 09:58:34 AM
But, I think peer pressure some times can affect some persons and the responsibilities that comes with been married can be very pressing sometimes.
You nailed it.

If someone who's too reliant to the society, peers, parents and whoever influences his/her decisions might get into forced relationship and then marriage.

Because they like to compare themselves from the other people and that's a wrong thing if you're too relying with the impression of people and what they think of what you should have at your age and one of it is about being with someone or getting married already.

Yeah. There are. So many married couples taking marriage lessons from unmarried people forgetting that when it comes to marriage experience plays a very important part.
Moreso, you don't need to compare your marriage with others, no two marriages are the same.

Not every marriage is the same. Yours can be perfect in the eyes of others but your point of view seems that you're at a worse marriage. That's why we can't judge the marriage of others because we don't know what they're dealing with and how they're getting together.

Just identity what works for you and stick to it, instead of copying different people.

Whatever works for the couple, whether it's with your desires, material things or anything that both of you like doing. That's all you need to stick on it and enjoy things together to avoid divorce.

Time will come that you'll feel that you don't have appetite anymore to your partner but even so, choose to stay and don't fall out of love.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Baki202 on November 25, 2023, 11:15:01 AM
The rate of divorce is fast increasing because people are finding it difficult to cope with each other because the economic depreciation is also causing many marital challenges, though this shouldn't be a reason for any but we can also consider how things have been going wrong through family economic and financial challenges, also we can consider our personal behaviours and attitudes, some people cannot just learn to live with others in peace without causing trouble before they leave, divorce occurs through anger and series of disappointment with loss of trust in your partner, we must know ourselves well and get acquainted with each other before marriage, then be able to be tolerant, self-control and hard-working, then ultimately we must love each other genuinely, divorce will be far from you.
People fail to understand that when you are in a relationship it is totally different from when you guys have married the level of tolerance must increase between you two and you must always learn to forgive each other frequently but when they are married everybody wants to be the boss and we must know our boundaries but a lot fails to understand each other and that is what marriage is all about, and to me, divorce is not even the best option to settle issues, they seriously need to start doing serious counseling before people start getting married if not we our generation have a problem.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Rockstarguy on November 25, 2023, 01:25:25 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

I think one of the reasons why the rate of divorce is at the high side is because couples don't even each other, people don't really know what they want this days. Some of our ladies they fall in love without knowing much about the character of the man, they are just interested of the relationship because of the money and later on they see that they are not compatible,  same thing with men they are carried away by the physical looks of the ladies.  I think people needs more time to check themselves to be sure if what they are going into  is something they can endure till the end of life.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bushdark on November 26, 2023, 11:59:15 AM
The rate of divorce is fast increasing because people are finding it difficult to cope with each other because the economic depreciation is also causing many marital challenges, though this shouldn't be a reason for any but we can also consider how things have been going wrong through family economic and financial challenges, also we can consider our personal behaviours and attitudes, some people cannot just learn to live with others in peace without causing trouble before they leave, divorce occurs through anger and series of disappointment with loss of trust in your partner, we must know ourselves well and get acquainted with each other before marriage, then be able to be tolerant, self-control and hard-working, then ultimately we must love each other genuinely, divorce will be far from you.
People fail to understand that when you are in a relationship it is totally different from when you guys have married the level of tolerance must increase between you two and you must always learn to forgive each other frequently but when they are married everybody wants to be the boss and we must know our boundaries but a lot fails to understand each other and that is what marriage is all about, and to me, divorce is not even the best option to settle issues, they seriously need to start doing serious counseling before people start getting married if not we our generation have a problem.
Marriage is not compulsory for everyone so we shouldn't see marriage as a must. We can as well get a baby mama that will have children for us and live without doing things that will cause more problems for us. Majority makes mistakes by going into marriage when they can't endure a woman or man as there partner. If we know we don't have the strength to accommodate people, it is good for us to stay away from relationship instead of complaining everytime of what people are doing for us.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Miles2006 on November 26, 2023, 12:25:43 PM
The rate of divorce is fast increasing because people are finding it difficult to cope with each other because the economic depreciation is also causing many marital challenges, though this shouldn't be a reason for any but we can also consider how things have been going wrong through family economic and financial challenges, also we can consider our personal behaviours and attitudes, some people cannot just learn to live with others in peace without causing trouble before they leave, divorce occurs through anger and series of disappointment with loss of trust in your partner, we must know ourselves well and get acquainted with each other before marriage, then be able to be tolerant, self-control and hard-working, then ultimately we must love each other genuinely, divorce will be far from you.
The problem is most people don't tolerate they can't just live  in peace with someone that's why most of these couples after divorce they remain single throughout their life, hardworking can also limit the rate of divorce, since everyone is talking about the economy and money issue causing divorce now, I think if both parties are working there will be no issue. Sometimes I don't know who put this law saying men will work and the women should sit at home, that's very wrong in this modern world now women also work hard some are business managers etc. So if both parties are working money should not be a problem.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Y3shot on November 28, 2023, 03:13:23 AM
Societal norms & values have evolved leading to a greater acceptance & recognition of individual happiness & personal fulfillment as essential in a marriage. Economic independence has grown allowing individuals to support themselves outside of marriage. The stigma around divorce has decreased making it a more accessible option for unhappy couples. Changing gender roles & expectations have also impacted relationships. These factors among others have contributed to higher divorce rates compared to the past.
The problem we are having this is that people don't even rate marriage be something very valuable. Civilisation had really made marriage to be something people don't even care to make it work. Women are not ready to summit themselves totally to their husband , and husband to are not ready to love and respect their wife. People think they can walk of marriage when they are not comfortable with their partner, marriage needs to adjust people tolerate one another.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: JMBitcointernational on December 01, 2023, 06:53:46 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?
The idea of divorce is global , most people go into marriage without knowing each other and they marry under recommendation  , without marriage courses, without dating each other , without formal relationship and at the end there will be no mutual agreement between both of them before marriage . Some people Marry because their parents want them to marry the girl and not because of love ,some others marry because their parents have business relationships with the proposed Inlaw’s ,and these are some factors that can lead to the end of marriage .

Divorce occurs as a result of so many things in marriage like :
1. Infidelity ( having extra marital affairs.)
3.infertility And many others . These factors can cause chaos in marriage and can result to divorce.

Talking about our forefathers as you mentioned in your passage , there has already been ancestral fear , women don’t talk back to their husbands , they respect their husbands, they don’t expose their nudity just like modern women now and most of our forefathers if not all of them married their wives as virgins .so the idea of olden days marriage is unique and more respected more than the current day marriage .

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on December 01, 2023, 01:38:41 PM
The rate of divorce is fast increasing because people are finding it difficult to cope with each other because the economic depreciation is also causing many marital challenges, though this shouldn't be a reason for any but we can also consider how things have been going wrong through family economic and financial challenges, also we can consider our personal behaviours and attitudes, some people cannot just learn to live with others in peace without causing trouble before they leave, divorce occurs through anger and series of disappointment with loss of trust in your partner, we must know ourselves well and get acquainted with each other before marriage, then be able to be tolerant, self-control and hard-working, then ultimately we must love each other genuinely, divorce will be far from you.
The problem is most people don't tolerate they can't just live  in peace with someone that's why most of these couples after divorce they remain single throughout their life, hardworking can also limit the rate of divorce, since everyone is talking about the economy and money issue causing divorce now, I think if both parties are working there will be no issue. Sometimes I don't know who put this law saying men will work and the women should sit at home, that's very wrong in this modern world now women also work hard some are business managers etc. So if both parties are working money should not be a problem.

It's alarming that people are getting divorced without having a control measure to bring this down, once a partner feels uncomfortable any longer with his spouse, they get rid of themselves through divorce and one person will be definitely hurt so badly while the other not, or the two of them being affected at the cause, there's nothing to gain for filing a divorce letter against one's partner, we only tends to show how rigid we are to comply with living peacefully with others.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Y3shot on December 01, 2023, 09:16:18 PM
The rate of divorce is fast increasing because people are finding it difficult to cope with each other because the economic depreciation is also causing many marital challenges, though this shouldn't be a reason for any but we can also consider how things have been going wrong through family economic and financial challenges, also we can consider our personal behaviours and attitudes, some people cannot just learn to live with others in peace without causing trouble before they leave, divorce occurs through anger and series of disappointment with loss of trust in your partner, we must know ourselves well and get acquainted with each other before marriage, then be able to be tolerant, self-control and hard-working, then ultimately we must love each other genuinely, divorce will be far from you.
I don't think the economy is what is causing most divorce,  the main reason for divorce is that no good understanding between the two persons.  I think people are just too fast in relationships without knowing each other. People don't go fall real love this days, what they care about is what they can benefit from each other. If people get married when they have genuine love it will difficult for split in marriage.  This days people pretend a lot and it is one of the problems people normally have in marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: ItsCrafty on December 03, 2023, 09:37:57 AM
In fact, today the reason for divorce is increasing, the main reason for this is that the husband and wife didn't not understand each other and cannot tolerate each other's words, so the whole problem arises from here. He says that I am captive, then the other says that I am full of freedom, so in this case, one should bear with the other, then this rate may be reduced, but to understand this, a person should study a book etc. Apart from that, whoever lives his life in a good way, then he will have peace at home and peace and security outside, but both should understand, not from one side, if in any place, what is If the husband is wrong, then the wife should explain it to him and where the wife is wrong, then the husband should understand it with gentleness, but if these two cannot understand each other, then what is the real rate of divorce? The big one and the harm in it is to the whole community.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Jenwi on December 14, 2023, 05:47:22 AM
Incompatibly is the cause. The husband and wife are supposed to be compatible before agreeing on marriage, don't allow love to control them. For instance, you can date a girl love her very well and know fully well that she doesn't meet the marriage standard since marriage is for life but out of pity and love, you go ahead to marry her. The marriage will eventually crash.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Kelward on December 19, 2023, 09:23:28 AM
I can attribute the high rate of divorce to modernization and trend, couples no longer tolerate the shortcomings of their partners, because they can easily get a divorce just like other couples. I believe that the high divorce rate is more common with influencial people and celebrities, so the larger societies looks up to these people to think that divorce is the option to settle troubled marriages.

Before this age of modernization, the divorce rate was very minimal, couples stayed together despite the marital challenges that they may face, there was genuine love tolerance. Divorce was hardly an option because other couples remains together despite the challenges that they might have.

Lastly I think that the main cause of divorce is because the traditional roles of the man and woman in the family have changed. Normally the husband is the breadwinner and provides for his family and the wife manages the home, but that system has changed now that women also works and makes money too. Therefore the modern woman now demands for equal rights in the family as a co breadwinner and refuses to be subjected to the authority of the husband. I believe that this could be the core of modern divorce, because two captains cannot be in one ship.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Zoomic on December 21, 2023, 06:34:06 PM
The reason is simple. There are nolonger shame and stigma attached to being divorced. Before now, a divorced person can barely raise up his face in public , but now, people even applaud you for leaving the marriage even when the bone of contention is a minor issue that can be fixed. This is quite pathetic and civilization should be thanked for this.

Our individual rich cultures that frown at certain societal norms have been so diluted that people look at you as being old fashioned if you choose to do the right thing. Civilization and modernisation has made everyone believe that no one is above the other and this has made the issue of 'submissiveness ' a problem to especially the women. Many others leave their marriages because they feel caged and want to explore the world.  This they do happily because the society no longer frowns at divorce. Sometimes I wonder if civilization is really a blessing to us.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: AirtelBuzz on December 23, 2023, 02:18:20 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Dowry is the most common reason for divorce in our country.It can be seen that many girls are asked by their parents to give dowry during marriage, but if they cannot pay it completely, then after marriage, the girl's in-laws start torturing her in various ways.
What happened in my neighborhood where her husband divorced her for non-payment of dowry.
However, in our society, the practice of dowry is decreasing and even the number of divorces is decreasing.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Gozie51 on December 23, 2023, 04:31:00 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

This is the reason that people that are dating should be open to each other because when you keep certain things away , by the time it is discovered it will become a problem. The time of dating is the time of discovery and learning to adjust to certain things you have not found in the person or their excesses. If this is not done then there is the chance that problem might arise in the future.

Divorce is because people fall out of love and are no longer compactible with each other and if it happens like that I think it will not be a good idea that death will occur because of forcing what is not working out. To be alive to say your story is better than someone saying it for you when you are dead from an abusive marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: OgNasty on December 23, 2023, 04:59:41 PM
I think people just introduce more problems into their lives as modern society takes care of a lot of the issues people once had to face together.  The divorce rate has been climbing as long as I've been alive and a majority of divorces are initiated by women.  Maybe this is the result of the modern woman not needing a man and so not being willing to put up with as much as earlier generations?  In any event, you are seeing a lot of regret in today's society from both women that thought they didn't want children in their 20s and 30s and from women who disfigured themselves struggling with their gender association.  Meanwhile men who dress up as women and try to take their roles are celebrated...

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on December 23, 2023, 06:48:18 PM
Let's start to begin to take up the challenge in making relationship and marriage work out for those in it, we can do all out best in creating an atmosphere for learning on how to live together as partners forgetting about our individual difference and embrace tolerance, this can be organized through seminars, the aim is to help married people enjoy their marriages despite the challenges involved.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bushdark on December 23, 2023, 09:22:16 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Dowry is the most common reason for divorce in our country.It can be seen that many girls are asked by their parents to give dowry during marriage, but if they cannot pay it completely, then after marriage, the girl's in-laws start torturing her in various ways.
What happened in my neighborhood where her husband divorced her for non-payment of dowry.
However, in our society, the practice of dowry is decreasing and even the number of divorces is decreasing.
Maybe you can kindly explain more on what you mean by dowry. If dowry is one of the problems that is leading to divorce in your countryside then things have to be done about it.
That should not be a problem that would lead to divorce. When tow people comes together, they do agree for better for worse but now the opposite is what we are seeing. The rate of divorce in the world is becoming very consistent and I don't think this would change. Many people marry because of the beautiful and endowment they see in women. This should not be the reason when we get married.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Ravichnadra on December 28, 2023, 04:29:27 AM
Nothing works as planned in this life. People nowadays tend to get bored easily and they just don't try to fix things rather ending up divorced. It's almost like there's a Divorce Olympics going on, with events like the "Argument Gymnastics," "Emotional Relay Races," and let's not forget the "Marathon of Misunderstandings." And the trophy? Well, it's a piece of paper that says, "Congratulations, you've successfully uncoupled!"

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Essential10 on December 29, 2023, 04:16:44 PM
A woman and a man move from the marriage stage to the divorce stage due to various reasons. I have noticed that divorce has become a common occurrence, especially in less developed countries today. Changes in traditional family structures and values, as well as an increased focus on personal happiness and self-fulfillment, are driving divorce rates in less developed countries. In the past, divorce was often stigmatized and culturally unacceptable.But With increased access to education and information, individuals are becoming more aware of their rights and options within marriage, leading to an increased willingness to seek divorce to achieve personal happiness and well-being.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 29, 2023, 06:14:02 PM
A woman and a man move from the marriage stage to the divorce stage due to various reasons. I have noticed that divorce has become a common occurrence, especially in less developed countries today. Changes in traditional family structures and values, as well as an increased focus on personal happiness and self-fulfillment, are driving divorce rates in less developed countries. In the past, divorce was often stigmatized and culturally unacceptable.But With increased access to education and information, individuals are becoming more aware of their rights and options within marriage, leading to an increased willingness to seek divorce to achieve personal happiness and well-being.

Do you mean people seek divorce due to domestic violence? Probably yes, but divorces are always higher in the well-developed nations and you can point to someone who lived with their partners forever in your neighborhood in developed nations but those things are still taboo in some developing nations and for the financial challenges people started to be less commitment than before.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bushdark on December 29, 2023, 07:31:29 PM
Nothing works as planned in this life. People nowadays tend to get bored easily and they just don't try to fix things rather ending up divorced. It's almost like there's a Divorce Olympics going on, with events like the "Argument Gymnastics," "Emotional Relay Races," and let's not forget the "Marathon of Misunderstandings." And the trophy? Well, it's a piece of paper that says, "Congratulations, you've successfully uncoupled!"
There are too many divorces in this recent time and the problem lies in fake love. Now many people fell in love not because they love you but because they really cares about money. People care about money than love and after they get married, either the male or female might determine that they are not interested in the relationship and ready to break up. Some women are always ready to break up with there husband just to cliam propertiee belonging to the man.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Fiasem20 on January 12, 2024, 09:33:24 PM
In most advanced countries divorce is very common.But  the Christianity religion is against divorce.Some of the reasons why marriages are broken are:
1.Lack of communication: Couples are meant to communicate with each other to spice up the relationship.And in the communication couples should be open to each other.Lack of communication can lead to divorce.
2.Financial Challenge: Inability to provide the basic needs in a relationship due to insufficient fund can also lead to divorce.
3.Denial of sex:This is one major reason like many marriages are broken in the society.Couples who deny their partner sex makes the partner to cheat in a relationship.And when a partner is caught cheating we all know the end result (divorce).

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: God bless u on January 16, 2024, 08:28:44 AM
Nothing works as planned in this life. People nowadays tend to get bored easily and they just don't try to fix things rather ending up divorced. It's almost like there's a Divorce Olympics going on, with events like the "Argument Gymnastics," "Emotional Relay Races," and let's not forget the "Marathon of Misunderstandings." And the trophy? Well, it's a piece of paper that says, "Congratulations, you've successfully uncoupled!"

In reality, people who are they do not try to understand each other they will live together in the same house in the same environment but they do not try to tolerate each othe It means that they are angry that they don't have the time to tolerate each other's words, that is,

If you take an example, if the husband says something to his wife, then the wife should be a little more courageous if the wife says something wrong or bad If it is done, the husband should neglect what is in it and show patience, then  there will be less of a divorce and they will be able to live happily together and those who are other people who  are happy that the relationship between them has broken then the turn will not reach here

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: kaka_Shipai on January 16, 2024, 10:10:43 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Its the society. Now in this world, we have social media and in the first glance it seems as if we can get a life partner very easily and that allows us to move away from our old relation. Tiktok, insta, social media, shows us so much glamour that we don't get much interest in our partner as they can't be perfect, no one can. They don't have 6 pack, or jawline, ferrari and other stuff and that makes us loose the interest in them, believing that we can find someone better easily but there we are so wrong.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bushdark on January 20, 2024, 08:05:30 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Its the society. Now in this world, we have social media and in the first glance it seems as if we can get a life partner very easily and that allows us to move away from our old relation. Tiktok, insta, social media, shows us so much glamour that we don't get much interest in our partner as they can't be perfect, no one can. They don't have 6 pack, or jawline, ferrari and other stuff and that makes us loose the interest in them, believing that we can find someone better easily but there we are so wrong.
People should understand why they are getting into marriage because if this is not defined, it usually lead to confusiona that do make marriages to break due to so many reasons. The love for fashion and exploration had made men and women to think that if they are stressed in there marriages, they have the option to lead and go and find a better home somewhere.
Most celebrities we are seeing divorcing thinks there partners are not good enough and they can get someone better which is very wrong.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Brainiac01 on January 23, 2024, 09:45:16 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Both are at fault. In this our generation of people with erratic character, People marry one another for the wrong reasons:
#1. They marry out of pity. After months or years of marriage, they find themselves fed up and find it hard to give their partners the love they deserve.
#2.  Some women these days marry men because of money, men they do not love, sometimes men old enough to be their fathers. And in the course of marriage these women indulge in infidelity, and when they are fed up pretending, they go for their pay day. They file for a divorce and acquire 50% of the man's property.
#3. People marry without knowing the true meaning of love and sacrifice.
#4. People marry without getting to know their partners really well.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: SATWAT on January 23, 2024, 10:01:26 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Its the society. Now in this world, we have social media and in the first glance it seems as if we can get a life partner very easily and that allows us to move away from our old relation. Tiktok, insta, social media, shows us so much glamour that we don't get much interest in our partner as they can't be perfect, no one can. They don't have 6 pack, or jawline, ferrari and other stuff and that makes us loose the interest in them, believing that we can find someone better easily but there we are so wrong.
People should understand why they are getting into marriage because if this is not defined, it usually lead to confusiona that do make marriages to break due to so many reasons. The love for fashion and exploration had made men and women to think that if they are stressed in there marriages, they have the option to lead and go and find a better home somewhere.
Most celebrities we are seeing divorcing thinks there partners are not good enough and they can get someone better which is very wrong.
As mentioned many things with mostly this happening due to lack of communications which is most important for the marriage and in case we lost this no one can stop with I check few things around us this generation is having problem with doing decisions very quickly and not thinking about the consequences as well which are going to ruin their life after doing wrong decision as many cases around me already but now no way of going back to normal which is also killing.
We can avoid this all, but we need to be had some patience and better understanding which need some time so just keep cool and try to give time every thing with all can be sorted out without any tragic decision even now divorce ratio is coming down but still need some good work to do about this all.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on January 24, 2024, 03:37:29 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Point of correction, divorce isn't a normal thing as couples now a days doesn't actually understands what marriage is all about before they enter into marriage and what's causing this high rate of divorce cases is 1: entering into marriage with little or no knowledge of the commitment that's involved in marriage, 2: marrying because of physical qualities, 3: seeing marriage as one sided that is as a man's duty to make the marriage work, and lastly not being resourceful and productive.

Many a people, enter into marriage this days simply because their mates are getting married (peer pressure) or because they think they are of age to get married without thinking about the fundamentals of marriage, like those things that actually matters as marriage ought to be a lifetime commitment between the man and the woman to live together as husband and wife regardless of challenges and obstacles they may encounter.

The high rate of divorce this days is really a thing of concern and I think there should be a sensitization programs for couples in other to emphasize the needs why divorce shouldn't be an option to resolve marital issues as there are ways to resolve matters among husbands and wives without necessarily seeking for divorce because if this divorce cases continue to increase them am afraid people will begin to show little or no interest towards marriage because they will be afraid of the aftermath of their marriage therefore in other to prevent a divorce from happening after marriage, it had better be no marriage in the first place

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: |MINER| on January 27, 2024, 04:15:32 PM
The problem here is both.  Today's women hide their real existence.  They are not satisfied with their appearance.  To hide one's real beauty and show another form is a kind of deception. And men are becoming worshipers of forms.  It is a disease.  No one here is happy with their real life.  Everyone is busy with their fantasy world.  So many other downfalls in the relationship for this

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: God bless u on January 27, 2024, 05:10:26 PM
Nothing works as planned in this life. People nowadays tend to get bored easily and they just don't try to fix things rather ending up divorced. It's almost like there's a Divorce Olympics going on, with events like the "Argument Gymnastics," "Emotional Relay Races," and let's not forget the "Marathon of Misunderstandings." And the trophy? Well, it's a piece of paper that says, "Congratulations, you've successfully uncoupled!"
There are too many divorces in this recent time and the problem lies in fake love. Now many people fell in love not because they love you but because they really cares about money. People care about money than love and after they get married, either the male or female might determine that they are not interested in the relationship and ready to break up. Some women are always ready to break up with there husband just to cliam propertiee belonging to the man.

The main problem is that from here, the problem is created that there is no peace in the house, people are running after money nowadays so much that all the relationships are broken, the importance of money are more and relationships are going to end now, no one has any interest in them anymore, all the relationships are breaking, the main reason is money.  If you put aside what you have and take care of your relationships first, then all the relationships that you have will be established in their place and the system of divorce that exists in the society will also be reduced and you can live a normal life.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bushdark on January 27, 2024, 08:35:55 PM
Let's start to begin to take up the challenge in making relationship and marriage work out for those in it, we can do all out best in creating an atmosphere for learning on how to live together as partners forgetting about our individual difference and embrace tolerance, this can be organized through seminars, the aim is to help married people enjoy their marriages despite the challenges involved.
You can only take up the challenge to make your own relationship successful without problem of ever divorcing. Many relationships are facing problem if cheating that's why we are seeing frequent divorcee because of problem of compatibility. Before we get into marriage, it is good we first study our partner and see if we can endure the differences and that would never make us complain in the future when marriage is involved. Misunderstanding is keep set mist marriage on fire.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: oktana on January 27, 2024, 11:43:15 PM
I think the man is insane. Sorry if that’s extreme but how is it possible that you courted someone for at least months and you never got to see their supposed real face? No video calls? No visitations? For this to happen, it means that he didn’t court her long enough to know even basic things about her(her face), and now the next day, he wants to run away from it. I hope he tells his next wife that he got married for a night only and failed to hold his end of the bargain. 

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: MegameSama on January 28, 2024, 06:11:50 PM
Our ancestors didn't have many choices, before there was no internet, pornography, TV and other access that made them have varying standards of beauty. So the standard of beauty according to our ancestors was based on the area they lived in. compare it to today, with access at your fingertips. We have very broad fantasies and beauty standards, so nowadays it is very difficult to commit to marriage and respect the partner we choose in marriage, only strong people can. but yes, it depends on the person too. in my country the divorce rate is very low.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: uneng on January 28, 2024, 06:33:12 PM
Our ancestors didn't have many choices, before there was no internet, pornography, TV and other access that made them have varying standards of beauty. So the standard of beauty according to our ancestors was based on the area they lived in. compare it to today, with access at your fingertips. We have very broad fantasies and beauty standards, so nowadays it is very difficult to commit to marriage and respect the partner we choose in marriage, only strong people can. but yes, it depends on the person too. in my country the divorce rate is very low.
Also, our ancestors didn't have the alternative to divorce, with rare exceptions, because it was against the morals and laws during the ancient times. To be a divorced individual in past times was a curse, especially for women, who totally lost their values inside the society, so they prefered to remain married, even if unhappy, as after measuring the pros and cons, they reached to the conclusion it was more benefical to them to stay together, at least formally, in front of the society.

Nowadays the society doesn't see divorced individuals in a negative way anymore, so people don't feel socially prejudiced when deciding to abandon their partners. There isn't a punishment by doing so anymore. It's quite the opposite, they see this as a new opportunity to find someone new and better than the previous one. That is what we call "liquid love". They don't last for long, they aren't solid, they are volatile and in other cases highly artificial.

People just use each other and once they get bored, they go to the next one. It's the individuality trait of the "self" exercising full control over the individual, and demanding to be served by the world outside incessantly, without giving anything back in counterpart.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: cryptoWODL on January 29, 2024, 07:23:14 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?
The trend of divorce is increasing day by day in our society and many families are getting wounded due to this divorce. Most of the reasons for divorce in our society are created by husband and wife without their own knowledge. One of the reasons for divorce in our society today is the lack of mutual respect and values of both the husband and wife for each other due to which divorces are constantly happening in our society. In the country where I live, divorce rates are higher in urban areas than in rural areas

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: encryptogon on January 29, 2024, 06:00:04 PM
The rate of divorce in my society is increasing with every passing day. The plausible reason for this spike in divorce is higher expectations in marriage. In my country girls are mostly looking for a settled boy and for them age does not matter. No one is willing to struggle. Hence, if you go for a well-settled person, there might be no bonding between the individuals because the person she is marrying is already busy and might not give her the time she needs. Also, money is not everything in marriage. Once the money charm is over and people face the reality they divorce because of their different nature.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Essential10 on January 30, 2024, 04:40:48 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?
The trend of divorce is increasing day by day in our society and many families are getting wounded due to this divorce. Most of the reasons for divorce in our society are created by husband and wife without their own knowledge. One of the reasons for divorce in our society today is the lack of mutual respect and values of both the husband and wife for each other due to which divorces are constantly happening in our society. In the country where I live, divorce rates are higher in urban areas than in rural areas
Yes, the incidence of divorce in society has increased over the past few years. I am a citizen of Bangladesh, divorce is increasing in our country too. I was in charge of a region in the census survey activity conducted by the government in 2022, which provided information about every person in the country. Divorce rates have doubled over the past year in that survey. I have been able to observe many changes in the society by participating in the survey work. I have noticed that not only the urban areas, but also rural women are becoming part of a major economic role in the country. Female education rate is increasing a lot. Women are not hiding their faces as before, they are protesting a lot now, women have highlighted their position. Differences in mutual understanding are creating, resulting in increasing divorce rates. Whereas women send divorce letters more than men.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: cryptoWODL on January 30, 2024, 07:04:37 AM
In my country girls are mostly looking for a settled boy and for them age does not matter. No one is willing to struggle. Hence, if you go for a well-settled person, there might be no bonding between the individuals because the person she is marrying is already busy and might not give her the time she needs. Also, money is not everything in marriage. Once the money charm is over and people face the reality they divorce because of their different nature.
Similar problems exist in our country. Girls in our country also find settled boys for marriage, but if the boy is too old, they have no problem.The first goal of girls is whether the boy is established. But another attraction of our country is to find government job boys for girls. It is seen that girls are married at a very young age to older government employees. As a result it is seen that the man cannot give proper time to his wife due to busy work and as a result misunderstanding starts between them which leads to divorce of many families.

Due to another problem in our country or our society, the amount of divorce is increasing day by day and that is the dowry system. In many families, girls agree to pay dowry for marriage, but if they are unable to pay the dowry arrears properly after marriage, divorce ensues.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 01, 2024, 10:01:17 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

I will blame this man because before you marry there should all round scrutinization, you don't just marry like that, more especially for him that wants to marry because of beauty, he didn't act as a wise man earlier, he should have check his parcel when she was not wearing any makeup to know what she was made off.

The problem we have this day is individual wants, people desire for different things, they only care about themselves, sometimes I tag it immaturity because before you say that you are ready for marriage, you should no that it is a school that you can never graduate from, and you have to be ready for anything that may come, you prepare yourself yourself for means to solve those issues because if decide to quit you may meet the worst and regret your actions later.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bravut on February 14, 2024, 09:03:54 AM
Both are the problem to themselves,I don't see the need whereby you divorce after years of marriage.
What was the need of getting married at the first instance,I have seen a case where the woman just married the Man because of his money,later the Man goods was seized by Custom Service leading to the fall in the Man business then,the wife filed for Divorce you can imagine that.....that means some persons today get into marriage for material gains in order for them to escape poverty.
You even see celebrities divorcing,I think gone are the days marriage was sacred and fuel with love from both partners.
God should help our generation..
Love and trust should be built,and good marriage system preached in our society,not making divorce as the only remedy for marriage settlement.
And family avoid pressuring or forcing one to get married to someone they don't love either because of social status,power or some selfish Gain.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Linggajanitra on February 14, 2024, 09:35:39 AM
In social media recently there is being horrified by various cases of divorce from artists and others. Judging from the culprit, divorce itself is divided into two types. First, divorce divorce which means a husband's request to divorce his wife to the court to carry out the hearing as a witness to divorce. Second, is a divorce. Conditions where the divorce submitted by his wife or legitimate power at the court table. Pledge can be submitted to court by one perpetrator (wife or husband) by giving several reasons.
In divorce quarrels are the main causes. And the highest cause of divorce is then motivated by economic reasons. We don't know if in divorce who should be blamed. Maybe they also actually do not want if the household must be destroyed and ended in divorce. We cannot see from the next side and we have to see what causes those who have to be separated by the end. Those who are separated because divorce are also entitled to be happy for the sustainability of their lives.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Gormicsta on March 07, 2024, 03:07:42 PM
People in civilizations where trust is low and love is bought with money and material possessions are less likely to cooperate and more likely to engage in conflict. This may reduce the amount of love and trust in marriage and lead to divorce, especially if the couples are always busy and do not have time for each other. In today's society, men are more likely to look after beauty than character, and when they marry, they may regret and be unhappy, which will lead to divorce.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on March 07, 2024, 03:39:00 PM
When we follow up in building a relationship in the right and appropriate manner, then things are more possible in working out for us in marriage and we would have both been so used to each other right before the marriage, this is why it is also an important thing to go into courtship before marriage in a relation, this allows the two parties to get used to each other and have an interpersonal relationship in with each other in which they can both cope with after they got married

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: yazher on March 07, 2024, 07:25:10 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

At this point, the husband has all the necessary choices to divorce his wife if he wants to because he was clearly deceived and that is not a complicated reason to get a divorce. Unlike others who just divorce their wives out of boredom because they don't find any sweetness in them anymore they just simply divorce them which is somewhat find compared to the wives who are still sufferings and are chained to their irresponsible husbands. Sometimes divorce is not all bad because it can free the woman from the shackles of unwanted marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: pinggoki on March 08, 2024, 07:29:36 AM
That just means that people are now aware that you can leave the marriage if it's toxic and you don't have any love for your husband or wife anymore, divorce is a beautiful thing to be there because it gives the option that someone can get out of a marriage that would destroy you inside out and even though I have some reservations about divorce being used by gold diggers to scam rich men or women into getting half of what they've worked hard for, I still think that this kind of thing is necessary because it helps protect the women and men that are victims of emotional and physical abuse in the household, with divorce, they've got a bullet against these people that are doing them harm. It should also be a good thing for everyone also that with the advent of more people getting divorce, you also should be considering to get your prenuptial going, that way you're not going to be a victim of gold diggers that wouldn't show their true intentions early on in the marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Y3shot on March 08, 2024, 09:52:29 AM
The rate of divorce in my society is increasing with every passing day. The plausible reason for this spike in divorce is higher expectations in marriage. In my country girls are mostly looking for a settled boy and for them age does not matter. No one is willing to struggle. Hence, if you go for a well-settled person, there might be no bonding between the individuals because the person she is marrying is already busy and might not give her the time she needs. Also, money is not everything in marriage. Once the money charm is over and people face the reality they divorce because of their different nature.
You are right, people don't want to be real that is why marriage don't last this days. People tend to hide who they really are and coming together to stay in marriage it feels so difficult for them to cope with the marriage because they find out that they are not even compatible and this leads to the end of the marriage.  If people can open up and be original I think their won't be much divorce like we are having this days.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: xandriel on March 08, 2024, 02:47:07 PM
Agree with your view on the increasing rate of divorce in our society. It seems like higher expectations are the main reason for divorce.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Zanab247 on March 08, 2024, 03:40:38 PM
Both man and woman are the cause of all those things that is happening to people marriages these days because, our forefathers use to make friends with their women or men they are going to marry before bring the women or men to their parents to also study them very well to know if he or she can be a wife  or husband material in the future and, you will never hear anything like divorce in our forefathers marriage.

But these new generation, no longer take their time to study the woman or man they are going to end up forever before bring such woman or man to their parents to confirm which are some of the things that is increasing the rate of divorce in the world today and, many people has viewed it as a normal thing in the society.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Y3shot on March 10, 2024, 11:07:31 AM
Nothing works as planned in this life. People nowadays tend to get bored easily and they just don't try to fix things rather ending up divorced. It's almost like there's a Divorce Olympics going on, with events like the "Argument Gymnastics," "Emotional Relay Races," and let's not forget the "Marathon of Misunderstandings." And the trophy? Well, it's a piece of paper that says, "Congratulations, you've successfully uncoupled!"
I think the reason why it is like this is because at the beginning of every relationship people never focus on the main thing,  things that determines if the relationship will work or not. Most people just only concentrate what they can benefit,  like money and some people focus on the physical looks . And if this is the main thing why people go into marriage their is high tendency that the marriage won't last , because people don't understand what marriage is all about.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: SATWAT on March 10, 2024, 11:14:31 AM
Nothing works as planned in this life. People nowadays tend to get bored easily and they just don't try to fix things rather ending up divorced. It's almost like there's a Divorce Olympics going on, with events like the "Argument Gymnastics," "Emotional Relay Races," and let's not forget the "Marathon of Misunderstandings." And the trophy? Well, it's a piece of paper that says, "Congratulations, you've successfully uncoupled!"
I think the reason why it is like this is because at the beginning of every relationship people never focus on the main thing,  things that determines if the relationship will work or not. Most people just only concentrate what they can benefit,  like money and some people focus on the physical looks . And if this is the main thing why people go into marriage their is high tendency that the marriage won't last , because people don't understand what marriage is all about.
Even I have to be agreed with you about this all but still I want to talk about something with it's not applicable in all countries currently we are having too many issues in different countries with everyone is going to settle things by his own and society is suffering with this badly even still in few countries this ratio is not high because their elders are doing good job and fixing issues with cooperation which is helpful for the all.
But in few countries we are having completely different situation because they are having things which are not under central control and as they lost expectations they do this all quickly which are creating serious mess up which needs to be fixed but now due to social media and too much awareness things are going out of the control.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 22, 2024, 08:36:02 AM
Divorce is a common thing in the society because of individual differences, that's why understanding should always come in play in marriage, marriage is a union of understanding and tolerance, for two people to agree to stay together as one their must be understanding.
Though how you start your relationship before marriage matters, both parties should make sure that they are compatible before agreeing to marry because we shouldn't expect change when we finally marry, individual character differs and such character should not be sleeping to change, though if two can not agree, divorce should be the next option but this would have been corrected if they workout the modalities earlier.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bushdark on March 23, 2024, 10:58:39 PM
Both man and woman are the cause of all those things that is happening to people marriages these days because, our forefathers use to make friends with their women or men they are going to marry before bring the women or men to their parents to also study them very well to know if he or she can be a wife  or husband material in the future and, you will never hear anything like divorce in our forefathers marriage.

But these new generation, no longer take their time to study the woman or man they are going to end up forever before bring such woman or man to their parents to confirm which are some of the things that is increasing the rate of divorce in the world today and, many people has viewed it as a normal thing in the society.
The rate of divorce might keep increasing if we don't try and look for the solution byjiur individual self.
The government does not have a say herr and sometimes divorce is important to avoid some unnecessary problems.
We do cause many of these problems and that should make us to know where we are doing whatever relationship that we are.
There are so many marriages that are ending these days and all we have to do is to tighten our corners to avoid problems.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Oiravon96 on March 24, 2024, 06:15:10 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

the new marriage lasts forever. I've only been divorced for a few months. of course this is a problem. The problem is that many young couples are not old enough to be married. Young couples who still act like children or are unstable are allowed to marry. Of course this should be a concern for the environment and parents. Basically, marriage should not be used as a place to play games or just give vent to lust. Of course there must be a role and education from parents for young couples who want to get married. What is happening now is that young couples who want to get married are only judged by their readiness without looking at environmental factors and mature attitudes towards the couple. Many divorce cases are economic issues. How could it not be, young married couples sometimes don't have a definite job or a clear job. Of course this will be a time bomb in the future when the man doesn't have a job. Of course this problem can be overcome. can be overcome with education from parents and relatives and also awareness of couples who want to get married...

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Mystic75 on March 25, 2024, 09:27:23 AM
Divorce rates vary widely across different societies and regions. In many Western countries, divorce rates have been relatively high, with estimates ranging from around 40% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce. However, divorce rates can be influenced by cultural, economic, and social factors, and they may fluctuate over time. It's essential to consider the context of a specific society or region when discussing divorce rates.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 04, 2024, 11:46:46 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

Truly the rate of divorce is increasing in today's world but I doubt that divorce is due to makeup. I am surprised to think that in today's age marriages are happening without seeing. One of the main causes of divorce is a lack of mutual understanding conflict of interest and a tendency to blame each other. Through all the rules of marriage in the Western world, the dependent partner gets half of the partner's property effortlessly. In such cases many self-interested people often resort to divorce.
Above all, it is the duty of both to sustain this sacred and beautiful relationship of marriage through a full reflection of mutual respect and responsibility.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: FinePoine0 on May 04, 2024, 11:58:45 AM
Divorce rates vary widely across different societies and regions. In many Western countries, divorce rates have been relatively high, with estimates ranging from around 40% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce. However, divorce rates can be influenced by cultural, economic, and social factors, and they may fluctuate over time. It's essential to consider the context of a specific society or region when discussing divorce rates.

Divorce is the biggest problem in the world today, because most women and men have high levels of pride. So there is a high chance of breaking up before each other's relationship is solidified, especially in the case of women.  A man never wants to destroy his family, but when a girl is touched by a man, she starts committing adultery. And nowadays divorce is more than 10% to 20% due to this extramarital affair.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 04, 2024, 04:39:29 PM
Divorce rates vary widely across different societies and regions. In many Western countries, divorce rates have been relatively high, with estimates ranging from around 40% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce. However, divorce rates can be influenced by cultural, economic, and social factors, and they may fluctuate over time. It's essential to consider the context of a specific society or region when discussing divorce rates.

Divorce is the biggest problem in the world today, because most women and men have high levels of pride. So there is a high chance of breaking up before each other's relationship is solidified, especially in the case of women.  A man never wants to destroy his family, but when a girl is touched by a man, she starts committing adultery. And nowadays divorce is more than 10% to 20% due to this extramarital affair.

Society has three main keys to strengthen their marital relationship after marriage or to prevent divorce which can be followed to make married life happy and beautiful. Number one is mutual respect in the relationship number two is sacrifice and number three is compromise. There will definitely be differences in thoughts in family life because two people have grown up in two different environments. That's why sometimes some interests have to be sacrificed for the happiness of the family and sometimes both have to compromise based on the mutual relationship. Then the divorce rate in society will decrease significantly.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Essential10 on May 04, 2024, 05:04:21 PM
Divorce rates vary widely across different societies and regions. In many Western countries, divorce rates have been relatively high, with estimates ranging from around 40% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce. However, divorce rates can be influenced by cultural, economic, and social factors, and they may fluctuate over time. It's essential to consider the context of a specific society or region when discussing divorce rates.

Divorce is the biggest problem in the world today, because most women and men have high levels of pride. So there is a high chance of breaking up before each other's relationship is solidified, especially in the case of women.  A man never wants to destroy his family, but when a girl is touched by a man, she starts committing adultery. And nowadays divorce is more than 10% to 20% due to this extramarital affair.

Yes this problem is increasing. Yesterday too, a couple in the house next to me got divorced after three years of marriage. The main reason for their divorce is that both of them are highly educated and both of them are in government jobs. I was present when the divorce was finalised, although the boy wanted together stay but the girl did not. Basically both of them are established and they don't really want to be dependent on anyone, maybe there may be some internal reasons, I am blaming both of them here because neither of them could adapt to the complex situation, that's why they decided to divorce. However, these issues are increasing day by day in the society and are going to increase in the future.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 07, 2024, 05:59:09 PM
Divorce rates vary widely across different societies and regions. In many Western countries, divorce rates have been relatively high, with estimates ranging from around 40% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce. However, divorce rates can be influenced by cultural, economic, and social factors, and they may fluctuate over time. It's essential to consider the context of a specific society or region when discussing divorce rates.

Divorce is the biggest problem in the world today, because most women and men have high levels of pride. So there is a high chance of breaking up before each other's relationship is solidified, especially in the case of women.  A man never wants to destroy his family, but when a girl is touched by a man, she starts committing adultery. And nowadays divorce is more than 10% to 20% due to this extramarital affair.

Yes this problem is increasing. Yesterday too, a couple in the house next to me got divorced after three years of marriage. The main reason for their divorce is that both of them are highly educated and both of them are in government jobs. I was present when the divorce was finalised, although the boy wanted together stay but the girl did not. Basically both of them are established and they don't really want to be dependent on anyone, maybe there may be some internal reasons, I am blaming both of them here because neither of them could adapt to the complex situation, that's why they decided to divorce. However, these issues are increasing day by day in the society and are going to increase in the future.
I have recently seen the divorce of four families I know. Out of which, one marriage was divorced due to the pride and arrogance of the parents of two families and three couples were divorced only because of alienation. Notable among these is a girl (government employee) who was married in a love relationship 20 years ago and their family also had 3 children. But it is very sad to say that the girl divorced her husband 4 months ago and got married with another man. The third child is 2 years old and his father is the girl's current second husband. It is amazing to think where social values ​​have gone today.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on May 07, 2024, 06:18:19 PM
People are into making divorce because they lack tolerance in the society today and this has rendered many homes and families to torn apart, this is not something that we expect the government to take care of because it deals with our individual abilities for our fellow human beings in tolerating them, and these same people in question are those that we have already accepted to the fact of knowing each other and being in a relationship together before other things emancipates and we couldn't hold it anymore than to let go of each other.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Hallroom on May 08, 2024, 07:09:31 AM
Divorce rates vary widely across different societies and regions. In many Western countries, divorce rates have been relatively high, with estimates ranging from around 40% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce. However, divorce rates can be influenced by cultural, economic, and social factors, and they may fluctuate over time. It's essential to consider the context of a specific society or region when discussing divorce rates.

Divorce is the biggest problem in the world today, because most women and men have high levels of pride. So there is a high chance of breaking up before each other's relationship is solidified, especially in the case of women.  A man never wants to destroy his family, but when a girl is touched by a man, she starts committing adultery. And nowadays divorce is more than 10% to 20% due to this extramarital affair.

Divorce is currently the most common problem caused by women. Because of the high ego of normal beautiful women, this problem is at the highest level all over the world. This problem is especially faced by most men, and women are not guilty in the eyes of the society even though they are abused. Often 25% to 30% people are facing this problem, but the problem is increasing as women have more freedom.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: teamsherry on May 08, 2024, 07:24:12 PM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

People have become more attached to their flesh and still seek so much pleasure in marriage, what does he think he is doing breaking someones heart with such lousy excuse about her make up and never haven't seen her real face, that is such a trash excuse, and i dont believe it is possible to get married to a woman within seeing her face unless he is a fool and its so easy to decive him.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 12, 2024, 06:01:45 AM
I noticed that divorce is now a normal thing , people will get married today and in less than two months they are divorced already..I heard a story of how a man after seeing the wife's face without  make-up the following morning divorced his wife saying he was deceived that she is not as beautiful as he sees her before.
But our forefathers has been with same women for decades, is it exposure ? Who is really the problem ? The man or the woman?

People have become more attached to their flesh and still seek so much pleasure in marriage, what does he think he is doing breaking someones heart with such lousy excuse about her make up and never haven't seen her real face, that is such a trash excuse, and i dont believe it is possible to get married to a woman within seeing her face unless he is a fool and its so easy to decive him.

I concur to this it speak volume in my heart, purpose of marriage is overwhelming by pleasure that is why many problem in marriage two things can't work together except they agree and the saying that when a purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable happened in most marriage's. There must be a balance following the original purpose for which marriage is design which is love as many are after money puting love outside the system they pursue financial gain living the core emotional feeling, such situations can't last ni matter the force behind it it will collapsed.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Bushdark on May 12, 2024, 08:58:28 AM
Since we are in the last days, the level divorce marriages have just started. This would continue over a longer period of time and we need to expect seeing some unusual divorce that would sparkle the Internet. I have been seeing new marriages collapsing after the couple have dated themselves for years and find out that the other partner was never the right person for her.
Things are going to look like misery and we should be prepared for the worse and the end of the world as soon as possible.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Sunt tech on May 13, 2024, 05:55:44 AM
Many failed to understand that marriage itself is a union and not a contract that after a while it duration will elapsed then you signed another one. Many in our today society rush into marriage and that is why the issue of divorce has become norms in the society today.

One of the causes of divorce is when you don't get what you want from opposite that marriage is doomed to divorce or in other way round when there's no trust, attention and genuine love then the marriage is likely to collapse because those things mention are the foundation for every marriage.

One common factor again that do made marriage to lead to divorce is bad influence from the friends or some members of the family also.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Hallroom on May 13, 2024, 12:32:02 PM
A divorced woman is the most stigmatized in the society, and faces various abuses even from her own family. So a divorced woman is victimized for two years only when she disobeys her husband. So a woman should never be disobedient to her husband, if she has to commit adultery, then a man is forced to give the maximum penalty of divorce based on various misdeeds. Only because women's egos are the most inflated in this world and in today's age of social media, women are more visible. They are polluted in the eyes of the society, so if women refrain from social media and various vices, the number of divorces will decrease.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: Zanab247 on May 13, 2024, 01:58:25 PM
Quote from: Bushdark
Since we are in the last days, the level divorce marriages have just started. This would continue over a longer period of time and we need to expect seeing some unusual divorce that would sparkle the Internet. I have been seeing new marriages collapsing after the couple have dated themselves for years and find out that the other partner was never the right person for her.
Things are going to look like misery and we should be prepared for the worse and the end of the world as soon as possible.
There is no fear of God in the mind of people these days, to for give their wife or husband for the marriage to continue than to use little mistakes to end the marriage that produced children.

I guess the divorce use to come from men based some cases I have whiteness in some court because some of the divorce cases I have heard or seen in my society are from men who use beauty to fall in love and marriage the woman.

People no  longer use long periods of months or years to study their partner before going into marriage, which are some of the things that is causing divorce in many people marriage these days because they prefer short term relationships before going into marriage.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: tomos81 on May 14, 2024, 02:00:59 AM
Divorce is usually between two parties, when the man is attracted to an outside woman, the family quarrels. This happened near my house. Men are addicted to different women. This man's wife can't stand it. When the wife protested, the man escalated and hit her, and later, when the court settled, the man did not agree to have a family. Later the marriage led to divorce and finally after a long time it led to separation. Men marry women and start a new family, but usually divorce occurs when the man is attracted to another woman. Especially in the case of women, such incidents can happen if the woman is attracted to another man, so both men and women should be blamed.

Title: Re: The rate of divorce in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 14, 2024, 09:57:00 AM
Divorce is usually between two parties, when the man is attracted to an outside woman, the family quarrels. This happened near my house. Men are addicted to different women. This man's wife can't stand it. When the wife protested, the man escalated and hit her, and later, when the court settled, the man did not agree to have a family. Later the marriage led to divorce and finally after a long time it led to separation. Men marry women and start a new family, but usually divorce occurs when the man is attracted to another woman. Especially in the case of women, such incidents can happen if the woman is attracted to another man, so both men and women should be blamed.
When a man is attracted to another woman, it is not useful to blame only the man because the woman to whom the man is attracted is surely someone's daughter or someone's wife. In some places, men abuse their wives, women blame men, and women are more likely to be attracted to men because women are attracted to love. And in some places, women do not pay attention to their husbands and violent incidents also happen to their husbands. There men or husbands are attracted to women and blame the wives. Eventually, the marriage broke up. So if everyone is focused on the family and binds the family with the bond of love, then no family will have a divorce.