Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Z390 on November 18, 2023, 08:22:21 AM

Title: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Z390 on November 18, 2023, 08:22:21 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Findingnemo on November 18, 2023, 08:29:47 AM
Personally, I don't have any connections with guys who are addicted to gambling but I have people come over from other addictions for example alcoholic for rehab centres are the most effective compared to any other methods.

Before everything voicing out is the first thing they should do because we only know what we are going through and in this busy world everyone is focusing on their own life and definitely they will try to help when you seek them.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Oshosondy on November 18, 2023, 08:39:06 AM
Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?
Using the real life events in news about bad things that happened to gambling addicts as real examples for him would help a lot. Relating it to how gambling addiction got them depressed, make them later commit suicide. Gambling addiction also make them always lack money because they are always using all their money to gamble and sometimes they borrow money to gamble and lose. If he does not want his life to be like that, that thinking of gambling to earn that make him addicted and he should change. This may likely begin to convince him to stop addiction.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: un_rank on November 18, 2023, 08:42:15 AM
All the talk about gambling and addiction takes the situation out of proportion. I know a lot of gamblers, all of which gamble very responsibly, staking only what they can afford to lose.

Anyone who has gotten addicted to a point they cannot control their gambling urges should certainly seek help from those around them.

- Jay -

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Mauser on November 18, 2023, 09:20:46 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

There seems to be a rise of gambling addiction related topics again here on the forum. I am wondering if really more people are struggling with an addiction now or if the older topics are just not so present anymore. You can find a lot of material here that will help against your struggles. Personally, I don't have any real experience with gambling addictions, but we had other cases of addictions in my family. I know a few people who gamble a lot and even I gamble regularly since i turned 18, but it's not really an addiction. I can take breaks from gambling without having the urge to gamble. From what I learned from other addictions is that you need a clean break at least for a few years. It's hard to get back to a normal routine without the addiction and the risk of falling back is quite high.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: blckhawk on November 18, 2023, 09:34:23 AM
If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.
This is going to be weird to you OP but this solution of opening up to them is the most out of touch advice that I've heard before, addicts hide their addictions or habit from people that they love for a reason that only those addicts know, what you're saying in all of this stuff is pretty easy for you to type because you're not an addict yourself although I could be wrong about it because there are some reformed addicts out there that will do the same advice but I got to say, you are leaning too much on being an out of touch with your advice. Of course they want to do that, but they can never do that unless they do it themselves, remember that if someone wants to get some help that they need to help themselves first because outside help be useless when the person is not willing or wants the help.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Yaunfitda on November 18, 2023, 09:35:33 AM

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

But the thing is that gamblers are not going to admit to themselves that they addicted, hence it's going to be very hard for them to open up to someone unless it's too late or a family member notice it and then have to give him or her the advise to quit gambling as it is not doing any good for him and the consequences are worst that the gambler can imagine.

So it's really a dilemma for someone who wanted to help a gambler. And it takes a lot of guts for the gambler to admit and to reach out to someone before it's too late. Hopefully this will be the case, someone out there, that is really losing big sum of money and reaching out before they hit rock bottom and waste everything because of gambling.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: mindrust on November 18, 2023, 09:42:38 AM
I can’t really change people who have an addiction of any kind. They should accept the fact that they have a problem first and it is almost impossible to make them admit that they have a problem. If they realize their situation, then the rest of the solution will follow quickly. The biggest challenge here is, they will never accept that they are sick. To them, gambling is the way of life just like drinking water. If I tell somebody to stop drinking water, he will call me crazy. That is exactly how an addict sees gambling.

These people have serious mental problems which should be treated by serious professionals. Common people like us can’t do anything about it sadly.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: btc_angela on November 18, 2023, 09:47:32 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

That is true, I guess everyone is right when saying that addicted gambler keep everything inside, because maybe they know that people around them will not understand why they become addicted in the first place or maybe they know the person but they are all surprised that he is turning to be an addict.

I haven't help anyone though, but in my case, I will say that I have been addicted like 7 years ago. Only thing that change and made a U-turn is suddenly I lost the means to make money as I lost my job and with no money coming in, then I have to stop it until I get a job again. But this time I learned my lessons already and so I minimized by gambling activities or even quit for a year or so.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Hirose UK on November 18, 2023, 09:48:07 AM
Personally, I don't have any connections with guys who are addicted to gambling but I have people come over from other addictions for example alcoholic for rehab centres are the most effective compared to any other methods.
Here, where I live is country that prohibits gambling, but there are lots of gamblers from all walks of life and at any age, they actually gamble anywhere they feel can provide security and comfort, even alcohol and drugs are serious problem that always happens in every city.

Before everything voicing out is the first thing they should do because we only know what we are going through and in this busy world everyone is focusing on their own life and definitely they will try to help when you seek them.
Well, this is what usually happens in society especially in urban areas, they tend not to care about each other, whether someone is addicted to gambling or any other addiction is never problem because they are busy with their own personal interests.
But things like this are really sad because our fellow humans should be able to help and benefit each other, this is social life where not everyone will care about us.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: danherbias07 on November 18, 2023, 09:51:20 AM
I've never had a chance to help anybody yet but I have seen a close friend who I think is on the brink of gambling addiction. There's a problem though, we see each other so occasionally like once a year only and this year I never got to see him.
I knew that he was near that kind of problem when he kept on asking for digital cash from me although he was paying it with cash, he just didn't have the means to put it in digital cash so he had to buy some from me. Twice I deposited money in his account $10 each in our currency which is a lot of money for an average family.
First, I didn't know what he was up to but when I saw him not talking to anybody and his eyes were attached to his phone the whole day, that was when I tried to talk to him. But he just said he and his wife were both doing it and sometimes they win. It's sad to see a friend go that way but it's also difficult to say anything that would not hurt his feelings.
I think that's the hard part of being a good friend, there's a chance you will be misunderstood and they will cut your friendship just because of it.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: piebeyb on November 18, 2023, 10:07:30 AM
If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

It is important to be open and honest with the people closest to us, especially family, because only they can help us get out of gambling addiction, at least their presence by our side will certainly give us the enthusiasm to get rid of the bad habit of gambling or reduce gambling activities. , I know that it is not easy to recover from gambling addiction because many out there always end tragically in the end.

But I think we should never try to be alone and feel lonely because that will increase the severity of gambling addiction and become more difficult, therefore always listen to anyone's advice from family or friends, whatever it is that makes us feel uncomfortable, believe that it is their step. to make us not too deep into gambling addicts and they try to help us to recover.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: passwordnow on November 18, 2023, 10:22:29 AM
Luckily, I have never been in that situation of being extremely addicted because I know my moves and despite that I was an active gambler before, I know my limitations. And I think having enough budget to gamble also helped me to control myself because I don't have that much before and even until now, I always get to limit myself and only gamble with few.

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.
Many of them are not willing to talk about it because they are scared of being talked about as a gambler. That's one taboo that's still in our society and that's why instead of getting some help, they don't want to because of that reaction that they'll get from the people that they'll talk about their gambling addiction. The good part today is that we've got helplines globally and they can be anonymous asking for some help and find someone to talk with on how they're going to overcome with that problem.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Kemarit on November 18, 2023, 10:23:16 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

I don't know, even though I know a lot of gamblers that become addicted, I haven't had the chance to change their ways.

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

Yeah, with the proliferation of online gambling, maybe there are persons that you really don't expect to be gambling addict because they are all playing at the comfort of their home or in their bedroom for privacy. Specially during the pandemic years, 2020-2021, there could be a lot that turn into gambling and become addicted.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

It's good that you help someone, and for sure if feels good. Hopefully there could be other that will reach out, not necessarily from this community or what. But someone who realized what is going on, called a help line and talk to someone before it's too late.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: coin-investor on November 18, 2023, 11:50:09 AM

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

It's easier said than done, based on my own experience I prefer to keep it to myself because I don't want to be judged by people around me they have respected me, and by letting them know about my addiction they might look down on me, I cured my addiction without people around me that I become addicted to gambling, if you're going to tell about your addiction it necessary to people who are close to you, you should tell this to people who can understand you and who can lead you to the right path to recovery it's better to people who deal with addiction, preferably to professional because they understand your feeling and will not easily judge you.
It's ok to ask for help but help that will not betray your trust and knows how to help you get cured from your addiction.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: ethereumhunter on November 18, 2023, 11:57:15 AM
Hopefully, gambling addicts can find suitable people to discuss their problems with so that they can immediately cure their gambling addiction. But so far, perhaps only a few gambling addicts are willing to be open with other people, especially people who are close to them, and talk about their gambling addiction. Moreover, they keep their gambling addiction to themselves without wanting to tell people about it and that makes them deeper into gambling and it becomes difficult to cure their gambling addiction. I don't think I have found anyone who is truly addicted to gambling and then comes to me and tells me about his situation. But maybe, if I remember correctly, some complain about their gambling problems, especially when they experience a lot of losses. But they don't seem to have a serious gambling addiction. Maybe it's just the beginning of a gambling addiction and fortunately, they are aware of their situation and are willing to change their gambling habits. Hence, they really reduce their gambling activities. Some of them can completely give up gambling and even if he is invited to gamble again, he just smiles and says I don't gamble anymore.

This problem of gambling addiction can spread if it is not treated seriously. Those who initially just gambled for fun but in the end, they couldn't control themselves and got deeper into gambling until they finally experienced a gambling addiction and many ended up with a serious gambling addiction. This really requires serious attention from gamblers to really be able to reduce their gambling activities so that they don't become excessive.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: angrybirdy on November 18, 2023, 12:13:33 PM
Personally, I don't have any connections with guys who are addicted to gambling but I have people come over from other addictions for example alcoholic for rehab centres are the most effective compared to any other methods.

Before everything voicing out is the first thing they should do because we only know what we are going through and in this busy world everyone is focusing on their own life and definitely they will try to help when you seek them.
I have opposite experience of what you've said, I grew up having a family members being addicted in any type of gambling, Being in a lower class family, it's difficult to give an advice to seek professional help due to shortage of money and that's the main reason why their gambling addiction developed, in the hope that they will win and get money. Knowing them, it's hard to speak and give an advice because in the end they will take what I have to say badly.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: iv4n on November 18, 2023, 12:48:16 PM
When we really enjoy doing something, whatever that may be (good or bad), and our brain feels good about that and that makes us feel happy we will keep doing that activity, and we will want to do it more and more, it's addiction in some way.

And I guess it's all good as long as we can control it, as long as that activity doesn't hurt us and the people around us. Too much of anything is not good, and people who take it too far will feel the consequences. So before that happens, try to enjoy whatever you are doing and always try to have some control, and if you feel that control is sleeping take a break and chill... because if you don't control your addiction it will control you and you will be eaten by it eventually.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Gozie51 on November 18, 2023, 01:21:11 PM

I have opposite experience of what you've said, I grew up having a family members being addicted in any type of gambling, Being in a lower class family, it's difficult to give an advice to seek professional help due to shortage of money and that's the main reason why their gambling addiction developed, in the hope that they will win and get money. Knowing them, it's hard to speak and give an advice because in the end they will take what I have to say badly.

It is another case and very difficult to go out of addiction when all those that will help you out are also addicts. You will keep going deeper in addition because everyone is still expecting that they will win and get bigger. Getting bigger is always the aspiration of addicts and that is why they find it difficult to get out by themselves. An addict need someone that is outside gambling to be rescued , in such case where you don't need have an insider to know what is happening to you, then it is destiny that can bring someone to help.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Solosanz on November 18, 2023, 01:26:26 PM
If I have a friend who a gambling addict, I will stay away against them and might cut off our relationship. Why? no one can change except themselves, if they're a good people they wouldn't become a gambling addict, as simple as that. So having a relationship with them might drag myself to become them or they will keep asking money because they already lose it for gambling.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Findingnemo on November 18, 2023, 01:29:45 PM
Personally, I don't have any connections with guys who are addicted to gambling but I have people come over from other addictions for example alcoholic for rehab centres are the most effective compared to any other methods.

Before everything voicing out is the first thing they should do because we only know what we are going through and in this busy world everyone is focusing on their own life and definitely they will try to help when you seek them.
I have opposite experience of what you've said, I grew up having a family members being addicted in any type of gambling, Being in a lower class family, it's difficult to give an advice to seek professional help due to shortage of money and that's the main reason why their gambling addiction developed, in the hope that they will win and get money. Knowing them, it's hard to speak and give an advice because in the end they will take what I have to say badly.

But how a person can afford to gamble when they are financially weak?

If they are taking debt to satisfy their gambling urge then the situation will become trichy and the situation will turn based on who is addicted and who has the authority to the assets. But if there is the possibility to lend money for gambling then in my opinion it is possible to get financial help to help the addicted person medically.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Docnaster on November 18, 2023, 01:33:28 PM
I've never helped anyone who was addicted in gambling to stop his addiction and I don't think I can even help anyone do it because as far as I'm concerned, the only person who can stop a gambling addict from his addiction is the affected person. I've been a victim of gambling addiction before and no one was able to help me out of it until when I decided to help myself.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Viscore on November 18, 2023, 01:35:19 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

Honestly, I'm not great at giving advice on gambling problems because I've personally struggled with addiction. From my experience, I realized that I was the only one who could solve my problem. I don't actively approach people even if I sense they might be addicted to gambling. Out of respect, I let them come to me if they want to share their problems, and I'm always willing to listen. I prefer not to intrude into their personal lives; I value privacy, and emotionally, I can be a bit fragile. If they're hurting, it affects me too.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Eternad on November 18, 2023, 01:47:57 PM
the only person who can stop a gambling addict from his addiction is the affected person. I've been a victim of gambling addiction before and no one was able to help me out of it until when I decided to help myself.

This is not true. They are addicted because they can’t control their gambling activities by themselves or else they will not suffer addiction. Addiction is not simple to cure since you will never notice it by yourself alone that’s why therapy is needed for those who badly addicted because they can’t stop their mind on thinking about it.

But I will do the same to yours on not interfering since it’s very to deal with this kind of person because there sense of reasoning is not normal.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: virasog on November 18, 2023, 01:49:37 PM
If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

This opening up about gambling addiction from the gamblers is not an easy a task to do as it may seem. Most gamblers won't tell anyone (including their near and dear ones) that they are involved in gambling as they won't get a positive reaction from the other side. Most of the time, their family members will start questioning them about how much money he has wasted in order to fulfil their gambling desire.
There may be some serious reaction from the family and the person who was already gambling addicted may find himself in another problem, making his life even more miserable.

This is the bad & sad aspect of our society that instead of helping and solving the problems, we get furious about our money loss. Maybe in such cases, the family may not care much about the person who is addicted but care more about the money that he had lost.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: redsun114 on November 18, 2023, 02:06:24 PM
I don't remember talking sense into any addicted gambler. After all, I've never had anyone confess their gambling addiction in front of me and express concern about their life and everything because I believe most gamblers don't do that and they barely accept the fact that they are addicted and need assistance, only a few realize that they are addicted and the addiction is ruining their lives and they need to find a way to control that before it's too late.

So, the count is zero for me, and I know that I won't be able to talk someone out of their addiction and make them ready to stop gambling just to get out of the addiction because it's not that easy for them to accept this since the urge to gamble gets very strong when a person has reached a high level in their addiction.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: alani123 on November 18, 2023, 02:13:54 PM
I wouldn't consider myself an addict or a problem gambler. I've gone years without gambling and don't mind going off the thing for as long as needed. Frankly, I don't have gambling in my mind all that much. But it does take some philosophy to come to this mindset. I'll admit that once I did lose an amount that at the time was substantial to me. After this I really had to prep myself to understand that working and learning is more important from the momentary pleasure of winning n gambling.

Once you have good end enjoyable things for you to focus your life on, gambling would be nothing more on a hobby. Your bets should always be amounts that you wouldn't mind losing. Just as you throw some cash away at buying drinks every weekend for instance, going gambling should be limited to amounts you're comfortable never seeing again. But if you see yourself getting carried away easily and having thoughts that you must win back what you lost, just stop and think, are bigger losses worth it? Maybe it's time to just stop. So for anyone, a bad moment can be a big lesson. Don't let bad thoughts make you a problem gambler.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: arimamib on November 18, 2023, 02:15:08 PM
I've never helped anyone who was addicted in gambling to stop his addiction and I don't think I can even help anyone do it because as far as I'm concerned, the only person who can stop a gambling addict from his addiction is the affected person. I've been a victim of gambling addiction before and no one was able to help me out of it until when I decided to help myself.

So True.. Addiction is not a joke, whatever addiction it is. No one can help the addicted people, untill the addicted people decides to help himself.
But while self-determination plays a crucial role in the recovery process, external support and intervention can make a significant difference in encouraging and guiding individuals towards seeking help and navigating the path to recovery. This needs expert, of course.

Social environment has big affection towards addicted people, if he want to recover from the addiction, he need to walk away form the place he live in, and find a better social environment. This is why play pivotal role in the recovery. Their love, understanding, and consistent encouragement can be a powerful force in helping individuals embark on the path to recovery.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Marvelman on November 18, 2023, 02:24:20 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

I get that people look at gambling addiction in various ways.  My friends who like to gamble may seem like addicts to some, but I don't really think they are.  You can't just make blanket statements and say that anyone who gambles is an addict automatically.  Most folks I know actually have a decent grip on their gambling.  For them it's more like a hobby than an addiction and  addictions definitely a big issue, but at the same time, some people can enjoy gambling sensibly without it taking over their lives.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Saisher on November 18, 2023, 02:34:37 PM

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

That someone should be the right person to talk to about gambling addiction, not just an acquaintance, not just your relative it should be someone who understands addiction and depression, who can lead you to the right agency or professional that can treat your addiction.
Admitting addiction to gambling is one of the dilemmas of gamblers, they are lost on who to turn to if they want to get help that is why there are groups that specialize in this, these groups of former gambling addiction are the right group to talk, they know how to treat you and they know what you really want so reach to these groups and you are in the right path.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Sanugarid on November 18, 2023, 02:39:02 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

I have a friend who is addicted to gambling. It's a good thing about my friend that he tells me about the gambling he does, how much money he loses and what else. At first it was just small bets until it grew little by little and he stopped going to school because of his gambling, it reached the point where he was borrowing money from me and I found out that he had already bet his school tuition fee too , I told him that what he is doing is wrong, what he is doing now is not worth it. He changed his future just for gambling. So what I do is I always invite him, I always talk to him, I'm always there for him so that he can avoid gambling. I made him realize that there are many better things to do than gambling, after a few months he became okay. They really just need someone to talk to and guide them when they lose their way while their addiction to gambling is not too deep.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Accardo on November 18, 2023, 03:02:39 PM
I've never helped anyone who was addicted in gambling to stop his addiction and I don't think I can even help anyone do it because as far as I'm concerned, the only person who can stop a gambling addict from his addiction is the affected person. I've been a victim of gambling addiction before and no one was able to help me out of it until when I decided to help myself.

So True.. Addiction is not a joke, whatever addiction it is. No one can help the addicted people, untill the addicted people decides to help himself.
But while self-determination plays a crucial role in the recovery process, external support and intervention can make a significant difference in encouraging and guiding individuals towards seeking help and navigating the path to recovery. This needs expert, of course.

Social environment has big affection towards addicted people, if he want to recover from the addiction, he need to walk away form the place he live in, and find a better social environment. This is why play pivotal role in the recovery. Their love, understanding, and consistent encouragement can be a powerful force in helping individuals embark on the path to recovery.

Our environment is what keeps us in addiction, changing to a different zone can only be effective in some kinds of addiction. If a person is already in severe gambling addiction he may not be cured by traveling out of his environment. He needs a medical practitioner to help change his life through emotional techniques. Which helps the gambler to understand, he's truly in pain. And that the doctor can help him out of such pain. Whenever the addicted person decides to meet an expert, his problems becomes half solved. Where the problem sleeps is when the addicted person, doesn't have in mind what's actually their problem. They still enjoy the habit of gambling addiction. Such that, their mental health, despite being hurt, still claim to derive joy in gambling. It's like enjoying something that hurts at same time. The process will be difficult to quit. But, once the person is getting back to their senses and creating a routine that can work for them, in limiting their bad habit. The journey to change starts coming to light. The problem never gets solved, when kept secret. Saying it out, is also a good remedy in sunning the problem in the light, for others to see and contribute ways of solving them. Nobody would care if people doesn't know what's actually happening in the life of a gambling addict. Those who tend to stop and control themselves to become free from addiction are really strong people. I must commend you, Docnaster, for breaking free all by yourself. It is never easy to change people. The techniques required is not simple. Most times in trying to change them, the whole problem would worsen as the addicted person would begin to think we are the cause of their problems.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: letteredhub on November 18, 2023, 04:06:24 PM
Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?
Using the real life events in news about bad things that happened to gambling addicts as real examples for him would help a lot. Relating it to how gambling addiction got them depressed, make them later commit suicide. Gambling addiction also make them always lack money because they are always using all their money to gamble and sometimes they borrow money to gamble and lose. If he does not want his life to be like that, that thinking of gambling to earn that make him addicted and he should change. This may likely begin to convince him to stop addiction.
This won't help, it just won't help for sure am telling you. Take addicted smokers for example, irrespective of the diagram of a damaged lungs caused by smoking that's been labeled on the cigarettes packs as a warning to scare and discourage addicted smokers from continuing smoking and reduce or stop smoking they are not moved by it, neither does it make them worry about their health what the smoking can also cause to them. It is the same scenario with gambling addicts what can save them from the addiction is thorough rehabilitation from specialist in the field.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Mate2237 on November 18, 2023, 04:24:07 PM
Remember a secret shared is no more a secret but it is now a public information. Even though the person has not broadcast it in the public but for the fact that the information is not with you again it is a public information. And this not the first time this has been discussed that it is not easy to convince an addicted gamblers to leave gambling. And that should be a rigorous process to go about it because if you used force then you could spoiled everything for the process.

If the person goes out to casino centers to gamble then you can invite the person to your house and prepare a delicious meal for him and discuss with him to stop gambling and after the discussion, you gave the him small cash to buy things he likes because most of those addicted gamblers are doing it because of hunger and unemployment. Though you can't help him like that forever so if possible look for job for him to do to earn money monthly.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: cabron on November 18, 2023, 04:26:02 PM
If its your mission to help those gambling addicts, youre gonna have to go understand what motivates them to gamble because its mostly for profit. They wanna make money, they'd not come back for more if they don't need money.

To certain friends they can share their addiction but to fellow family members, its going to complicate things for him. They hid it for reasons and sometimes it already was an issue before.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: rachael9385 on November 18, 2023, 04:39:54 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

I have to believe you on this because those who do things secretly have no knowledge about what they are doing, secret things are so hard to stop as no one will tell the person or advice the gambler to quit or just take a break.
Those that don't gamble for fun can not make there gambling life be a secret to others mostly their fellow gambler, but only their family members.
However, it is only the new gamblers that can do such things,whereby hiding their gamble life very far from their love ones to know, secret things are very hard to stop but if they can still make it open to others, then they can also get help from others.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on November 18, 2023, 04:40:06 PM
Maybe we should really slow down in all this discussions patterning to gambling addiction, I personally think we have so much discussed about this that it looks like we have no other thing related to gambling to discuss aside from addiction in or to gambling.

Anyways, I only have had one friend who was really addicted to gambling, and this was a very long time ago, at this time, I myself wasn't a gambler, so I didnt know what gambling addiction was, all I knew was that he was gambling way too much than normal, and I did advice him from time to time to slow down with gambling because he was wasting too much money.

It was much later when I too started gambling, that I realized that my this friend of mine was dealing with gambling addiction, unfortunately, there was not enough time to help him since I relocated to another state the next year and soon we lost communication with each other, I hope he's doing well wherever he is now though.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Accardo on November 18, 2023, 04:45:25 PM
Remember a secret shared is no more a secret but it is now a public information. Even though the person has not broadcast it in the public but for the fact that the information is not with you again it is a public information. And this not the first time this has been discussed that it is not easy to convince an addicted gamblers to leave gambling. And that should be a rigorous process to go about it because if you used force then you could spoiled everything for the process.

If the person goes out to casino centers to gamble then you can invite the person to your house and prepare a delicious meal for him and discuss with him to stop gambling and after the discussion, you gave the him small cash to buy things he likes because most of those addicted gamblers are doing it because of hunger and unemployment. Though you can't help him like that forever so if possible look for job for him to do to earn money monthly.

The idea of being kind to the gamblers is also a great one, as they lack the love from society and family. Everyone wants to stay clear from them and wouldn't want to associate with an addict. But that's really wrong. Most of them for into deeper trouble in life, due to the ill treatment they get from loved ones. With your idea of inviting them to our homes and offering them good relationship can alter their compulsive gambling thoughts to a better reason in life. They could begin visiting the house once a while. But, what could be the fate of the player or you when he goes back to gamble with the funds you've offered them. Trying to fix them into a business or job when they're not yet free from addiction is very risky. Because when they make things difficult for the company, messing with their funds, it can derail your reputation for referring such a nuisance into their business. The goal remains trying to change them first, by providing any possible alternative, that can keep them away from gambling. Or visiting gambling shops. It could be channeled to video games or its type. Although, it's quite expensive to do that for somebody, but the whole process worth it, and he'll always be grateful to have known a person like you. Who volunteered to make out the best in them.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Yatsan on November 18, 2023, 05:40:57 PM
Good to know that these people are getting and being helped by their mutuals. It is indeed amazing especially those who managed to escape addiction not only in gambling but also with other related conditions. Truly a display of courage ‘coz no matter how we would want to help people get out of addiction, if they are neglecting and being avoidant of the solution we tend to offer, then nothing would happen. They also play a key-role in those instances not only people who offered the help.
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

I have to believe you on this because those who do things secretly have no knowledge about what they are doing, secret things are so hard to stop as no one will tell the person or advice the gambler to quit or just take a break.
Those that don't gamble for fun can not make there gambling life be a secret to others mostly their fellow gambler, but only their family members.
However, it is only the new gamblers that can do such things,whereby hiding their gamble life very far from their love ones to know, secret things are very hard to stop but if they can still make it open to others, then they can also get help from others.
This is really a problem. But with addiction it is a case wherein the individual is only aware of what addiction is but not aware of how symptoms are being displayed through behavior and drive. The initiative will always come from the helper but the one being helped should also exert effort to create the changes.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: wheelz1200 on November 18, 2023, 05:47:38 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

Have never dealt with a rock bottom gambler in my life.  A lot of my friends like me are casual betters and just lay bets on sports to make them more entertaining, fantasy football leagues etc.  Same thing with brick and mortar casinos, go there to have fun.  No one has had life issues like losing a family, house, missing bills etc.  But I'd have to say it's difficult to alter anyone addicted to anything.  Most of the time they need professional help for permanent results.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Davidvictorson on November 18, 2023, 07:54:56 PM
From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.
I may be wrong and stand to be correct but those who are addicted to gambling are those who live a secluded lifestyle. They have no friends, social life, hobbies, relationships. They are introverts. These are the folks who are at higher risk of getting addicted to gambling. They find comfort in it.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.
Cool beans. The OP can proudly beat his or her chest and reply when ask what is their contribution to making the society a better place. They'll reply and say that they have been able to help some gamblers recover from their addictions which they have struggled with for so long.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: DaNNy001 on November 18, 2023, 08:09:08 PM
I've never helped anyone who was addicted in gambling to stop his addiction and I don't think I can even help anyone do it because as far as I'm concerned, the only person who can stop a gambling addict from his addiction is the affected person. I've been a victim of gambling addiction before and no one was able to help me out of it until when I decided to help myself.
Gambling addiction normally is something of self discipline and determination so I believe that what you said that it's actually the affected person that can help himself stop this act. Most addicted person that I know are very hard to give advice to and even if you give them advice they usually tend to do what's in their mind and that's why only the person that is affected can help himself. But most cases I have seen too, the affected person usually get some help from family and friends, especially people that have gone to the extreme with their hobby.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Fiatless on November 18, 2023, 08:41:30 PM
If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

We should know that gambling is not for the underaged so we have to identify that we are dealing with adults. Every adult knows what is good or bad for him or her and we should always respect people's privacy. You don't have the right to intrude in someone's personal life until you are invited or you have clear evidence that such a person needs help. 

Most gambling addicts don't always accept or believe that they are addicted or need help. And even they know about their problem they tend to keep it to themselves because of societal stigma. People always see gambling addicts as untrustworthy even when they are free from addiction. This is why some of them prefer to die in silence. Some of them might also keep it secret because they don't trust anyone and there is no counselor or addiction therapist in their location.

But I will always tell people suffering from gambling disorders to seek help from reliable friends, family, or trained personnel. They shouldn't be ashamed of stigma or discrimination because their health is more important than the shame they are avoiding. They can also seek help online if they want to protect their privacy. We should also help these challenged people anytime they come to us for any form of assistance that will make them break free from addiction.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: stomachgrowls on November 18, 2023, 08:49:37 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

Actually when gambling addiction hits you or really have that kind of situation then it wont really be that becomes severe if you are really just that having that control of your senses or awareness on what things happening around. People who dont really share up their condition specially into their family doesnt mean that they cant really be able to do so, it is really just that we are really that afraid that things becomes even more messier
or simply we dont really like to see on whats happening to us even if we do speak about family. We dont like on getting teased or being that scolded or being that discriminate basing up on what we have become.
Somewhat it would really be that giving that kind of shameful feeling whenever you do see that you are really that down. When gets addicted then expect that you are really that on a tough situation
in speaking about finances.

Actually we could really be able to save up ourselves in our own if we are really just that having that will and control on quitting on everything that you are currently experiencing now.
Nothing beats out on human brain if you do really just persevere on quitting because you would really be that normally be finding ways and methods for you to be able
to resolved out on whatever problems that you are facing right now.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: topbitcoin on November 18, 2023, 09:04:44 PM
If we are able to have the courage to dive into gambling and start betting, then we must also be brave and ready for all the risks we will face, including the problem of gambling addiction. And we ourselves have decided to gamble, so we ourselves should be able to get out of the gambling activities that we do. However, it seems that the problem of gambling addiction is not as easy as we think, so we need help and the role of other people so that we can be truly aware and get rid of this gambling activity.

And when someone has entered the gloomy valley of gambling (addiction), then that person is actually in the most difficult time of his life. And when you enter that gloomy valley, only a few people will try to help you get out of that situation and for the most part, they will just laugh and wait for your destruction. so it is very difficult to find people who really care about the conditions we are experiencing.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: macson on November 18, 2023, 09:11:21 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

The title of your topic really caught my attention lol, when you have an addiction problem, it's good if you tell it to people you trust, surely the people closest to you will help you with all the experience they have.  Don't keep any problems that you can't handle, you're just hurting yourself slowly. There are many methods that can cure someone from addiction, and one of them is by consulting a party you trust or a gambling addiction healing counseling agency. Don't let your gambling addiction drag on too long, be careful with that.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: 348Judah on November 18, 2023, 09:19:46 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

That is if someone can even have any around that is a gambling addict, then talking about change, it is that an easy task to just say it by mouth on changing others, maybe we should first start talking about changing our own self first before thinking of changing others, gambling addiction is not easy to deal with, it's a big task to help in seing tht we change thise addicted to being a regular gambler, but how many people are willing and ready to give the demands needed on seing this change come to happen.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Westinhome on November 18, 2023, 09:23:54 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

The possibility of the getting away from the gambling addiction was possibly 50-50 percentage,but the gambler should need of self acceptence of gambling addiction to the gambling.So the gambler will set their mind to get away from the gambling addiction,this was the reason for the mentor of the gambling addicted person will ask their gambler to accept their addiction to the game.The gambling addicted person will do some crime to generate the money for the time when they don't have money to gamble.The experienced gambler will do the game more then the gambler,but they do the game in the planned way and play the next game with the profit from the previous game.So they mostly withdrew the funds of the deposit after they made many win in the gambling sites.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Fatunad on November 18, 2023, 09:28:48 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

The title of your topic really caught my attention lol, when you have an addiction problem, it's good if you tell it to people you trust, surely the people closest to you will help you with all the experience they have.  Don't keep any problems that you can't handle, you're just hurting yourself slowly. There are many methods that can cure someone from addiction, and one of them is by consulting a party you trust or a gambling addiction healing counseling agency. Don't let your gambling addiction drag on too long, be careful with that.
There are only 3 things which i do see that you would really be needing for you to quit up addiction
and it would really be in order basing up on how you would really be doing accordingly.

1. Control to your self/Self will/Discipline
2. Help from loved ones
3. Professional help when it comes to gambling problems

You wouldn't really be putting up yourself on such condition if you are really just that responsible towards your gambling. People do usually make some learnings on the time that they do experience
unfortunate conditions or situations on which it would really be just that a normal reaction. Dont let yourself do experience unfortunate conditions first before you would be tending to avoid things.
As much as possible you should really be needing to have that control over things so that you wont really be coming into this point.

People do really make out learnings on the time that its already too late, dont come into a point that you would really be giving out that huge impact or effect into your
finances before you would really be considering on stopping or having that good control towards your gambling activity.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: uneng on November 18, 2023, 09:36:19 PM
I only know addicted gamblers virtually. People close to me have never been on this situation before, so all the experience I have about this is regards people I have met on the internet. We always try giving good advices to these people, but since we aren't close to them in a daily basis, it's hard to know if they take every advices seriously and adopt the hints received for their lives. I would to believe so, because sometimes the only thing people need is some legit attention, to have the assurance there is someone listening to them and interested on their problems for real. If they feel cared, they will tend to change their habits for the better.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Johnyz on November 18, 2023, 09:40:05 PM
I only know addicted gamblers virtually. People close to me have never been on this situation before, so all the experience I have about this is regards people I have met on the internet. We always try giving good advices to these people, but since we aren't close to them in a daily basis, it's hard to know if they take every advices seriously and adopt the hints received for their lives. I would to believe so, because sometimes the only thing people need is some legit attention, to have the assurance there is someone listening to them and interested on their problems for real. If they feel cared, they will tend to change their habits for the better.
Recovering from addiction is not easy, but with a help of the system and someone close to you it is still possible to go back to your normal life. I personally know someone who are addicted in gambling before and now living a better and a happy life. I’m not an addict but there are times that I gamble beyond my budget, well I do recover from this by punishing myself not to gamble got a month depends on the money that I’ve loss. I believe this is all about being responsible and stay within your budget, gambling addiction can be cure so don’t lose your hope.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Jemzx00 on November 18, 2023, 09:41:10 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?
Throughout my gambling endeavors, I've encountered a lot of gambling addicts not only on physical casino but also on online gambling platforms. Out of all the people I've encountered and befriended, I can only confirm I was successfully able to help only 2 of them on their gambling addiction. One of them is my friend way back on college and he got addicted with online gambling, whereas, I was the one who introduced it to him, fortunately I was able to get it out of his system by getting him addicted with something else which is collecting sneakers. Another person was one of my previous gambling friends on my local casino, he financial fit but has trouble managing his gambling activities and I was able to convince him on doing something else and, right now he has a business where he met his girlfriend.

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.
It's really hard to predict how gambling addiction can affect oneself and it can be a good idea to reach out to someone for help and it's never easy to try ask for help for something you're suffering on. As for me, luckily even without someone else help I was able to stop myself with my gambling addiction however it was because I felt lost and down during those times and the only option is to stop my gambling activities.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: TimeTeller on November 18, 2023, 09:43:01 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

That is if someone can even have any around that is a gambling addict, then talking about change, it is that an easy task to just say it by mouth on changing others, maybe we should first start talking about changing our own self first before thinking of changing others, gambling addiction is not easy to deal with, it's a big task to help in seing tht we change thise addicted to being a regular gambler, but how many people are willing and ready to give the demands needed on seing this change come to happen.

Luckily, I don't know anyone who is addicted to gambling on a personal basis.
I have seen online gamblers who are addicted but hard to change their stance if you don't know them personally.
It is better to influence somebody if you know them personally as you can truly give a sincere advise to them.
However, one should not be aggressive in giving their advice as they need to evaluate the situation first of that addicted gambler.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Casdinyard on November 18, 2023, 09:43:32 PM
Fortunately enough, the only person I was able to save out of gambling addiction (from those that I know are already gambling and are on the verge of gambling addiction) is myself. I've been with friends and people that have been very disciplined when it comes to dealing with vices and the only one that needed help thus far is myself. This is even during our heightened gambling sprees way back in 2020-2021 which went on for hours and hours by the by.

Hopefully however, the advices we put out in this forum goes to those who desperately needs it, words aren't that much impactful compared to hands-on assistance but at the very least letting them know that someone from the other side of the planet cares about them should make them feel less lonely, and less reliant upon gambling.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: uneng on November 18, 2023, 10:13:12 PM
I’m not an addict but there are times that I gamble beyond my budget, well I do recover from this by punishing myself not to gamble got a month depends on the money that I’ve loss. I believe this is all about being responsible and stay within your budget, gambling addiction can be cure so don’t lose your hope.
I do the same. I have a personal rule that I'm only able to gamble again once I recover the budget I lost gambling through another sources of income. If I don't recover that lost amount through investments or by working, I can't gamble anymore. I'm doing this since always, and it has been working nicely in order to avoid accumulating deep losses and compromising my finances. If you have a solid and prepared mindset to deal with the potential losses you may face, I think you are safe from addiction. You just have to be very responsible and committed with your plannings.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Wiwo on November 18, 2023, 10:29:46 PM
Sincerely speaking,  I haven't really taken the time to study how gambling addiction react and how those who are addicted carry themselves,  this is because most times I only gamble in online casino,  and since I don't visit the physical casinos,  so it may not be easy for me to spot any addicts,  but then I believe that when you can call a person an addicts is when their fails to control they gambling excesses and also being ably to limit the urge and time of gambling.

These are both very important aspects that point to a person who is addicted because having those prior watch-out characters will help you to easily spot them and at the same time try to help to clean up.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Juse14 on November 18, 2023, 10:38:58 PM
When you are addicted to gambling, believe me, no one will care and try to help you from this situation. Because other people will only help us when it is truly beneficial for us personally. If not, then don't ever hope that you will get help from others. Because gambling addiction is a loss.

So if you like and often play gambling, so that you can avoid feeling addicted to gambling, then you should be able to take all forms of anticipation to prevent this by continuing to play within reasonable limits and playing with good self-control.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: robelneo on November 18, 2023, 10:50:14 PM

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relief and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

It cannot be on just anybody, because gambling addiction is a sensitive issue if you're going to tell someone it should be someone who knows how to get you out of gambling addiction, not just your close drinking buddies, not your family members who have a high morale, it should be someone who knows what addiction is who have experienced helping others.
When a gambling addict asks for someone to talk that means he is ready to open up and he needs help to get out of his present situation if someone fails to do it, there will be no second chance that the gambler will ask for help again because he thinks he was betrayed, and he'll be keeping it all to himself.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: o48o on November 18, 2023, 10:57:12 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

I haven't helped anyone but myself managing their addiction (i don't think you ever really get rid of it, but you can manage it). But lying about it is definitely huge sign. It's a sign that gambler knows that their habits are not going to be approven, or that they are downplaying the truth for themselves so that they can.

Lying to your friends and to yourself isn't going to just make your addiction worse, but it can destroy relationships. And it's definitely not a healthy foundation to build anything on.

What helped me was being honest to myself. Writing out things like what i want and what i need to do to get it. And by being honest, i won't be just writing what i want to happen, but what i need to happen. And that can include wanting to gamble while wanting to quit. That's how addiction works, you need to want the other thing more in order to that happen.

Or you can set up rules for budget, so you can keep on gambling but to keep it check, but if someone is already lying to themselves, those rules most likely don't work. You need to be 100% honest to yourself to be able to obey your own rules.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: klidex on November 19, 2023, 03:49:48 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

So far, it just so happens that my siblings and friends do their gambling responsibly, so I don't lecture them too much in making the decision to gamble because they can limits themselves to the abilities they have.
Gambling addiction does have a very bad impact, especially if our friends or relatives have a gambling addiction, we will definitely do something to help them cure their addiction.
Honestly, I don't know what it will be like if one day I am face with a friends of mine who is addicted because I don't have the right to forbid them if they don't have the desire to stoped, but if they ask me for help to cure their addiction I will help a little with the knowledge that I have, maybe with a method of reducing expenses gradually and we always accompany him through this process.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: klidex on November 19, 2023, 03:51:24 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?
So far, it just so happens that my siblings and friends do their gambling responsibly, so I don't lecture them too much in making the decision to gamble because they can limits themselves to the abilities they have.
Gambling addiction does have a very bad impact, especially if our friends or relatives have a gambling addiction, we will definitely do something to help them cure their addiction.
Honestly, I don't know what it will be like if one day I am face with a friends of mine who is addicted because I don't have the right to forbid them if they don't have the desire to stoped, but if they ask me for help to cure their addiction I will help a little with the knowledge that I have, maybe with a method of reducing expenses gradually and I always accompany him through this process.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: gabbie2010 on November 19, 2023, 04:11:07 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

The few gamblers I recently met are not too addicted to gambling though they had been incurring streaks of losses which had prompted some of them to start chasing their losses which could lead them to becoming addicted fortunately my prompt response save  them, firstly I advised them against placing bet on too many games in their bid to win big with regards to soccer betting, secondly I told them to accumulate their bets with a small  odds of 2.0 to 3.0 sure bet and lastly should divert to other form of soccer bettings instead of the popular win or lose betting example btts, both team to score, over/under etc and to bet with the amount of money they can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: alastantiger on November 19, 2023, 06:47:12 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?
It is not not my duty to change anyone. In fact trying to change a person that doesn't see the need of it will be met with stiff resistance. Anyone that needs change should go see a therapist. What I tend to do occasionally is that if I am at a physical bookie and I perceive that the next person is about to make a "dangerous" stake(you always know this from having a brief convo with them), I chip in one or two words that could help them snap of out it. Maybe it saves them that they a few bucks  but whatever they decided to keep doing is solely up to them.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: mirakal on November 19, 2023, 06:54:42 AM
That's a noble job if you were able to help an addicted gambler to fix himself, not everyone has the will to do that since it's a personal problem and we don't want to intrude on their lives. But personally, I haven't tried that yet, hopefully in the future if i meet some addicted gambler I will be able to help as I have experience it and fix myself, so I know what to do and I feel what addicted gambler are feeling now.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: lienfaye on November 19, 2023, 07:06:43 AM
If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.
It is not only about gambling addiction but in general. If you have a problem that kept solely to yourself, it is depressing. Because you have no one to talk to that will give you advice. So it's a must to open up to someone that you can trust and can share your problem with. This is to ease the burden and to get a positive response on how you can overcome what you have been going through.

There are gamblers who wants to keep their gambling activity a secret because they don't want to be judged. Not knowing that this decision has a negative effect. One of it is the possibility to become addicted since no one is reminding the gambler to only play in moderation. If I know someone who is addicted in gambling, I will not meddle on his business but will try what I can to help the person be out of being an addicted gambler.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Crypt0Gore on November 19, 2023, 07:25:41 AM
The day a gambler admitted that he is addicted to gambling the problem is already solved, most gambling addicts don't open up easily because they don't think or see themselves as the problem, they believe that they are not just trying enough, if you can think that you are addicted to gambling then you found the problem already and you will or should be able to get yourself fixed, you don't even have to involve someone else but telling your close friends or family could speed up the recovery too.

There are other things that's not gambling or drugs that I became addicted to, but I always know what enough is enough, I believe I am always in control of myself, when I was new to crypto I spend some money on crypto HYIP projects, some gave me a lot of money in just days and weeks and some turned into scam and I lost money, but it get to a point where I consider myself to be addicted to HYIP and I need to stop, mind you I needed a lot of money at the time which was why I started the HYIP thing but it doesn't took me a second thought to put an end to everything myself.

Some people have weak mind and some have strong mind control, if you can't see problems as problem it will be difficult for such person to even know that they are doing something wrong, it's not bad to question yourself, it will increase your state of awareness,  ask yourself if you are doing something wrong, it has been always helpful.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: oktana on November 19, 2023, 07:52:27 AM
It’s actually possible to be addicted in a good way. You want to play more but when you play you do not overstep. If you’re addicted in a bad way and it’s tearing you down, you should talk to your closest friend or neighbor, but you have to tell someone. Try to also use the self-exclusion feature on some gambling platforms to ban yourself for a while. Immediately afterwards, you can find a new distraction; what are the things you like doing? Do then more often. Also, there must be support groups where people can anonymously join and discuss with others / share their experiences (with this you won’t feel like you’re alone). Most importantly, It requires intentionality.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Negotiation on November 19, 2023, 07:53:13 AM
In fact to overcome these problems one's own mindset is the most important even if an addict shows his problems he does not want to accept them. Gambling addiction is very bad so it is better to stay away from gambling addicts and keep yourself under control even if you come in contact with the addicted person. If you are human if you have a little goodness humanity in you don't gamble anymore don't associate with bad people don't go to gambling dens. You have to look at your own problems addicts often don't want to think about it or don't remember it instead of this habit you have to prepare yourself by analyzing the harmful effects-symptoms or the reasons behind it. Make your life beautiful. Those who know that life is one live life not only looking back but also looking forward look forward don't look back.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: adultcrypto on November 19, 2023, 07:58:36 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?
I have only been able to assist one person deal with the issue of addiction and that's my younger brother. He was heavily addicted to gambling without anyone knowing. Most of his money for important things goes into gambling and every now and then he will come up with excuses. I decided to put my eyes on him and I was shocked to see the extent to which he has gone with gambling. He target was to win amount that will change the lives of everyone around him forever.  He doesn't target small wins but the maximum payout. This was draining him physically and psychologically.

I had to sit him down and talk some sense into him. I made him realise that his approach may not be the best as gambling might frustrate him if he thinks he can destroy the bookies easily. I'm glad he took my advice and gradually was able to come out of that situation.

Many people are entangled in that situation. Gambling should be done with money that one can afford to lose and not the money for important things like education.  

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: |MINER| on November 19, 2023, 08:02:39 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?
To be honest, I can't say how many people I have actually changed from gambling addiction, because I think addiction is a very personal thing.  If the person is not interested on his own to get out of the addiction then there is no way to bring him back. But what I have been able to do is to point out the downsides of gambling addiction to my friends who are a bit addicted and leave the decision in their hands. This is because when a friend of mine gets into gambling through me and later he becomes addicted to gambling, I have no hand in it because of his fault. In that case, I tell them about the risks here, if they take the risk knowingly, I have nothing to say.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Promocodeudo on November 19, 2023, 10:34:34 AM
I know someone who is a chronic and addicted gambler but he is not related to me, but he has tried personally to control this habit of his but to an extent it proved abortive, but something happened with the help of his elder brother he got a job in an offshore, so the brother explained the situation to the company because of his position, the company accepted, the decided to give him an ordinary phone that can not browse only make call, so this made him not to have access to the company site and warned their crew members not to give him phone for any reason and anyone found wanting will face query accordingly, his first outside job lasted for 3months, when he come back, his people noticed a drastic change, as am talking to you I heard that he no longer gamble, but to me I see this as a miracle because gambling is not something people quit like that, but it happened in the case if this young man.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: aioc on November 19, 2023, 12:04:34 PM

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

That is true gambling addicts are elusive when it comes to what they feel and what's going on in their minds, if a gambler suddenly opens up he then needs help to get out of his addiction, and it can only be possible if the right people are approached, the right people who can recommend the right method to get him out of addiction, and the right method is always to consult on professional who can lay out a plan of action to recovery.
Advice alone cannot help a gambler, there should be a course of action that will lead to recovery and regain the confidence to deny the attraction of indulging to much in gambling.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Z390 on November 19, 2023, 12:44:38 PM
If I have a friend who a gambling addict, I will stay away against them and might cut off our relationship. Why? no one can change except themselves, if they're a good people they wouldn't become a gambling addict, as simple as that. So having a relationship with them might drag myself to become them or they will keep asking money because they already lose it for gambling.
I told someone about the tricks behind gambling and they stop gambling, it's like opening up their eye to what they don't know, but it's just hard fact that I know about gambling, you shouldn't stay away from them at first, not until you sit them down and reveal what gambling truly is all about, it's either they fail to believe your theory or they become a responsible gambler after or they quit, one of these three will happen and if they continue then you can leave them be, such people are ignorant and they like learning by true life events in their own lives.

It's true that no one can change except themselves but some are weak at making decisions even when they knew that they are doing something wrong, they just some know if they should stop or continue, that's why we have people who are good only at leading people, and some people are created to be followers it could sound somehow to you but that's how this world was created, some people will follow you just to avoid doing the wrong things, they find you to be smarter than them.

Good people also become an addict to anything, not just gambling, and because someone is an addict to something doesn't mean that person is a bad person, not all criminals are addicted to something, a serial killer who killed a lot of people use no drugs and he is the most gentle looking person that anyone can fall for, change the way you think in this area mate, when bad people comes they appear as the form of angel, gambling addicts are not bad people.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Bananington on November 19, 2023, 01:24:30 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?
You can only change someone who wants to be changed. Trying to help someone who does not want to be changed is a waste of time. I can help someone who is almost getting addicted as an unprofessional, than someone who has become addicted. Most addicted gamblers require more professional help that what I can offer. The best I can do is to recommend them for help by telling them the need help, or I can offer to pay for the help fee for these people required by the professionals. 

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Coin_trader on November 19, 2023, 01:31:40 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?
You can only change someone who wants to be changed. Trying to help someone who does not want to be changed is a waste of time. I can help someone who is almost getting addicted as an unprofessional, than someone who has become addicted. Most addicted gamblers require more professional help that what I can offer. The best I can do is to recommend them for help by telling them the need help, or I can offer to pay for the help fee for these people required by the professionals. 

Correct base on my experience. I have an uncle that is addicted in gambling despite they are poor since he is jobless and only relying to my grandparents sustain. His family including his parents always telling him to stop gambling yet he keeps doing that even though he always losing money that he can use to sustain his family properly.

Until he died, he never stop gambling even though he always create trouble to people around him. People that didn’t want to change is really a waste of time. They should be the one who realize that they are garbage because they will keep doing what they are doing when someone showing care to stop them.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: slapper on November 19, 2023, 01:39:51 PM
No, I haven't been addicted myself. Maybe my family's approach to making our home a safe and open place to explore kept me from going down that road. In answer to your question, the difficulty of gambling addiction lies in the fact that it happens in secret. A lot of the time, addicts et alone and in secret. This behavior comes from a deep-seated fear of being judged and shamed by society. They hide more, and the more they use, the worse their problem gets

The key to prevention is talking to someone early on and with compassion. Your method of talking to them directly and involving your family is admirable. It fits with psychology research that stresses how important it is to have a strong support system. They are more likely to talk when they feel understood and not judged. This first step of recognizing is very important for healing. Even though I haven't helped addicts personally, research shows that the best chance of recovery is when family support is combined with professional counseling and, in some cases, medication.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: maydna on November 19, 2023, 04:46:07 PM
If a gambling addict can tell the truth about his gambling addiction, maybe it can make it easier for the people around him to start helping him. I don't really know anyone who has become a gambling addict, but I heard stories from my neighbours that there is someone in our neighbourhood who has started to become addicted to gambling. My other neighbours often see him gambling using his phone when he is not doing anything. So far, we have known him as someone who is good and never does anything out of the ordinary for the people around us. But I don't know the truth and don't want to find out at this time because there have been no complaints from his family saying that he was addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: BitcoinPanther on November 19, 2023, 05:10:42 PM

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

I think this is the hardest part for a gambling addict to do.  This is also the reason why many are having the difficulty or hard time in treating themselves.  Addicted gambler tends to keep their predicament secret because they are either afraid to be judged or ashamed to admit that they have fallen to gambling addiction.

If it happen that we somehow fallen into gambling addiction, we should eat all our pride and have courage to admit that we are addicted to gambling.  Admitting that we are addicted to gambling is one of the very first step of recovering our sanity.  People who really love us will understand what we are going through and they will surely offer a helping hand in order to treat our gambling addiction.  I agree with @OP that finding someone reliable and will not laugh on our troubles will greatly help us in recovering our control over ourselves.  And don't just look for someone, make sure that the person we confide with our problems are people who are responsible in keeping secrets and is knowledgeable enough to know what to do in order to help us in our situation.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: summonerrk on November 19, 2023, 07:44:08 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

One of my hobbies is psychology, and after I became part of the DuelBits signature campaign, I happily began to study the phenomenon of addiction to bets and casinos. The Internet is full of videos with stories of gamblers and psychologists, based on them I realized that the number one rule for healing a person from addiction is that he himself must want to get rid of addiction. At the same time, do it sincerely, and not at all “put on a temporary” mask who wants to quit gambling. Only truth and repentance.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: stomachgrowls on November 19, 2023, 07:52:01 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

One of my hobbies is psychology, and after I became part of the DuelBits signature campaign, I happily began to study the phenomenon of addiction to bets and casinos. The Internet is full of videos with stories of gamblers and psychologists, based on them I realized that the number one rule for healing a person from addiction is that he himself must want to get rid of addiction. At the same time, do it sincerely, and not at all “put on a temporary” mask who wants to quit gambling. Only truth and repentance.
You are indeed the one who would really be needing to be that having that will on quitting gambling and you should really mean it and not really just that temporal same as you said. There are people who are really that just good when it comes to words and saying but on the time that they are on the actual situation or condition then they would really be already that forgetting on the things that they are dealing with
or simply then had already rejected or neglect out on quitting because of that change of minds on the time that they do gamble and this is one of the most common problem that we do have
on which you would really be finding yourself get stuck with addiction.

You wont really be able to quit if you wont really be meaning it, you wont really be needing some external help if you are really that serious on quitting on the first place.
You wont really be that get stucked if you do really get serious on quitting or getting rid of it. It all matters on someones control and dedication on quitting
gambling for good but if you do still have those thinking about getting rich then you would definitely fail.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: rahmad2nd on November 19, 2023, 08:15:24 PM

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

In fact we often discuss it and repeat it many times. but that's okay, there's no harm in it and it's also useful to remind us all. what you say, I completely agree. If someone experiences a disorder such as addiction, whatever the type, opening up and seeking help is the main and most important part, especially for the family. thus, we will try to find a solution to overcome it and even cure it. although some of our families do not hesitate to ostracize the addict. It's natural, because everyone has different thoughts and ways of responding.

However, the points you make are absolutely correct. especially, for addicted people who do not have limits and understanding regarding the level of gambling. although in reality, the healing process will be different for the sufferer and even then it must be accompanied by strong intention and determination. otherwise it will be useless, even though we have told our family about it. In fact, there are many cases related to addiction of any type. but instead of giving help and taking him to a rehabilitation place, even to an expert, the main key lies with us as sufferers. if the intention is not firm, let alone not having determination. then the healing process can take a long time until a person reaches the peak of his consciousness. Well, just make gambling part of your entertainment. It doesn't have to be all the time, we can play it according to the conditions and situations plus sufficient understanding.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: swogerino on November 19, 2023, 08:54:55 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

I think the addiction cannot be overcome directly except the cases where people ask for help and go to rehab centers.The most of addicted people including me who was once addicted overcome it by slowing down their dose of gambling sessions during the day,week,month and years,the more we stay without gambling in time span the more prone to not be heavily addicted we are.

I have found that the best to overcome such problem is like I did in 2019-2020 and once I lost big I settle down and started to think cold headed that I need to be playing less and less,the first step is acknowledging it and start developing a strategy to play less and less in a long time frame.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: goaldigger on November 19, 2023, 09:09:16 PM
If a gambling addict can tell the truth about his gambling addiction, maybe it can make it easier for the people around him to start helping him. I don't really know anyone who has become a gambling addict, but I heard stories from my neighbours that there is someone in our neighbourhood who has started to become addicted to gambling. My other neighbours often see him gambling using his phone when he is not doing anything. So far, we have known him as someone who is good and never does anything out of the ordinary for the people around us. But I don't know the truth and don't want to find out at this time because there have been no complaints from his family saying that he was addicted to gambling.
Being open is not that easy but I agree that if they will tell the truth and ask for a help, I’m sure your family can help you and even the community might find a way to help you recover. Let’s also avoid to criticized those gamblers who become addict, we should help them instead because their life is at risk and we might lose them without even trying to help them. Being addict is not easy, and if you are already in this situation better to start seeking help and start your recovery.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: darkangel11 on November 19, 2023, 09:16:20 PM
Another topic from the "golden advice series." If you feel addicted, talk to someone.
It's pretty much like telling someone, if you're getting abused by your husband, leave the house and get help.
If you feel sad, go meet some friends and you're going to feel better.
If you get addicted to drugs or alcohol, go to a rehab and they'll help you.

Thanks for saying the obvious, OP. I'm sure this saved some addicted gamblers from falling deeper into the bottomless pit of addiction.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: yahoo62278 on November 19, 2023, 09:18:16 PM
Why is it my job to change anyone? In a perfect world everything would be free, people would help each other, noone would kill anyone, no adultry, no famine, no bad shit period. We obviously do not live in a perfect world and most only care about themselves no matter who it hurts.

I haven't seen anyone in such bad shape from gambling that I should intervene. People I know gamble what they can afford and go on with life.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: maydna on November 19, 2023, 10:55:45 PM
Being open is not that easy but I agree that if they will tell the truth and ask for a help, I’m sure your family can help you and even the community might find a way to help you recover. Let’s also avoid to criticized those gamblers who become addict, we should help them instead because their life is at risk and we might lose them without even trying to help them. Being addict is not easy, and if you are already in this situation better to start seeking help and start your recovery.
At least, being open to a few people about his gambling addiction can give him hope that he can find the solution he should use. He can ask for help from other people to help him find the right solution so that he can reduce his gambling activities first or immediately cure his gambling addiction if he already has a gambling addiction. Some suggested and took him to a community that had successfully cured him of gambling addiction so that he could learn from them and get his motivation from the experiences they shared. By paying attention to the progress of those who are trying to cure themselves of gambling addiction, enthusiasm will begin to grow within them so that they will not experience difficulty in undergoing any therapy process.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: goinmerry on November 19, 2023, 11:59:14 PM
If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

If the level of gambling addiction is already at its peak and now in the stage where it's uncontrollable, how can these people be able to help their own?

These people with that high level of addiction will really keep that problem to themselves and won't talk about it to anyone, even with their family and close friends. It's hard and tough. In that particular situation, someone has to step up to help that gambler even by force if necessary.

On the other hand, if the level of addiction is still tolerable, there's always a chance for these people to help themselves on their own without the help of others. It now depends on how strong they are to battle their temptation to do gambling. It's tough work too but if successfully done, what a relief.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: alegotardo on November 20, 2023, 12:46:37 AM
I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

This is exactly why they say that the first thing an addicted person needs to do is: seek help from a professional or a family member or close friend.
If a person who really cares about the player finds out about his addiction, they will certainly "torment" him and monitor him often enough to make him stop playing or to reduce the risk and have more control over his bets. .

Often the addicted player knows he is in trouble and ends up withdrawing more and more, which clearly makes his problem more difficult.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Assface16678 on November 20, 2023, 05:57:35 AM
Why is it my job to change anyone? In a perfect world everything would be free, people would help each other, noone would kill anyone, no adultry, no famine, no bad shit period. We obviously do not live in a perfect world and most only care about themselves no matter who it hurts.

I haven't seen anyone in such bad shape from gambling that I should intervene. People I know gamble what they can afford and go on with life.
Well, yes, maybe you don't have a care or concern for other people, but what the OP is talking about is that if you have someone who has the case of being addicted, maybe if they reach out to you as a friend, will you not help him? Or, let's say, you don't have the ability to help your friend, but can your conscience take it? That's what the OP is referring to: that maybe a gambling addict could wake up from their addiction if someone would reach out for them and help them get back on their feet. But you are also right that in this world there's no perfect, so maybe there are addicts to gambling who also don't have a concern for the people around them who could be affected by their gambling habit. But the thing is, the person itself should help himself; without the dedication to change, there will be no change, and we can't do anything from that.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Docnaster on November 20, 2023, 06:09:30 AM
Another topic from the "golden advice series." If you feel addicted, talk to someone.
It's pretty much like telling someone, if you're getting abused by your husband, leave the house and get help.
If you feel sad, go meet some friends and you're going to feel better.
If you get addicted to drugs or alcohol, go to a rehab and they'll help you.

Thanks for saying the obvious, OP. I'm sure this saved some addicted gamblers from falling deeper into the bottomless pit of addiction.
What you just said about addicted gamblers getting help by talking to people around them is absolutely true but one big challenge that makes most of the the addicted gamblers not disclose their gambling habits to anyone is because of the fear for being harshly judged. The world of today are filled with people who would rather judge someone for his shortcomings instead of helping the person to overcome his predicaments. It's the stigmatization that comes with opening their addiction in gambling that stops a lot of addicts from telling anyone.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: piebeyb on November 20, 2023, 07:25:28 AM
On the other hand, if the level of addiction is still tolerable, there's always a chance for these people to help themselves on their own without the help of others. It now depends on how strong they are to battle their temptation to do gambling. It's tough work too but if successfully done, what a relief.
Because what we know is that bad habits that are already attached will be difficult to cure, especially if it is not with one's own intentions, no matter how strong the family and people around them try to cure an addict, it will certainly be difficult too, that's why self-awareness is needed to be able to emphasize intentions so that We can stop or at least slowly reduce our gambling activities so we don't gamble too actively.

Most people never want to realize that they are addicted and don't even care about themselves, so it's difficult to detect it if it's not too serious, but if it's still at a tolerable stage, it's possible to recover quickly, namely reducing gambling habits and activities. can help by switching to other hobbies or other activities. my friend once tried that and it worked, nothing can help us except starting from ourselves.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Weawant on November 20, 2023, 09:33:21 AM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

Personally I have not changed any gambling addict probably because bi have had little to almost no contact with most of them and aswell I don't try to change anyone because most times you trying to change may not turn out well as they may not change completely, but may temporarily stop.

I do advice they get professional help because I think that way they get to completely heal and get to recover faster and better than when been advised by a random individual, and the chances they go back are usually very small because these professional help take it upon their self since they have been paid to ensure these person don't go back to their forma habits and become better person, so personal I always refer to professional help as I see it to be the best and what will most likely work for them them.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Slow death on November 20, 2023, 12:56:20 PM
There are families in which the members of the same family treat each other badly, leading to the isolation of other members who are much more fragile in psychological and financial terms and the part of the relatives who have good financial conditions continue to humiliate and criticize the poorer relatives. , reaching the level where poorer relatives are afraid of richer relatives and as poorer relatives know that if they get into trouble they will not be able to ask rich relatives for help, so what poor relatives do is hide everything they do in their lives. Even when poorer relatives know they are addicted to gambling, they are unlikely to ask other people for help because they are afraid of suffering reprisals.

In other cases, people suffer bullying at work, at school and in the neighborhood, so when they isolate themselves and start gambling a lot to the point of becoming addicted to gambling, they prefer to hide that they are addicted because people will criticize and laugh at them. her. That's why when everyone discovers that someone is addicted, the addiction is already at a very advanced stage and the damage done by the addict is also very great, because he goes into debt to continue gambling, he also sells other people's goods and sometimes he gets trapped. is bankrupt and that's all the relatives who pay all the bills including hospital bills to cure the addict

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: AicecreaME on November 20, 2023, 03:57:31 PM
If I have a friend who a gambling addict, I will stay away against them and might cut off our relationship. Why? no one can change except themselves, if they're a good people they wouldn't become a gambling addict, as simple as that. So having a relationship with them might drag myself to become them or they will keep asking money because they already lose it for gambling.

It's a bit harsh to outright do this, but if this is what will work for you, then do it. Your mental health matters more than what other people will say.

But if I were in the situation, I will reach out and do my best to encourage my friend to get away from gambling and seek rehabilitation to completely disassociate himself in gambling. This way, I can show my concern as a true friend. I won't easily distance myself and rather try my best to let them be enlightened. For me, it's important that I at least got to try before completely giving up. That way, I can say I did what I can and will have no regrets such as having what if's and what could have been's.

It's true that they are the only one who can truly help themselves. But they also need guidance and support from those people that surround them. It's much motivating to recover if there are people cheering from you after all. Just learn to set boundaries of course. If you can't provide financial provision, then just give them moral support instead. Never ever lend them money because that's like tolerating their behavior.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: jaberwock on November 21, 2023, 06:56:53 PM
I've never helped anyone who was addicted in gambling to stop his addiction and I don't think I can even help anyone do it because as far as I'm concerned, the only person who can stop a gambling addict from his addiction is the affected person. I've been a victim of gambling addiction before and no one was able to help me out of it until when I decided to help myself.
Hmm are you sure? You are here in the forum and you are also wearing a signature from a gambling company, which means you can mostly post on the gambling and gambling discussion boards.

And we all know that most of the topics here are about gambling addictions. So for sure, you have thrown a couple of suggestions on how can one overcome it or possibly avoid it, if they aren't an addict yet. If it's true, that we or other people (either addict or not) can't help the addicted gambler, then we shouldn't be seeing those gambling addiction threads here. We can help them actually but most of the help can only come from their selves.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: dothebeats on November 21, 2023, 07:11:18 PM
Communication with addicts and telling them that it's okay to share their thoughts is probably one of the best ways to start relieving them off of their pain when it comes to gambling. There simply is a lot of stigma around gambling addiction that people who are affected don't go out asking for help to other people, leaving them in the dark and more likely to continue their activities.

If you have the opportunity to make the change or help the person take the first step away from gambling addiction then do it. You'll never know how much that means to the person you're helping.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: goldkingcoiner on November 21, 2023, 07:26:21 PM
How many people have you been able to change after they get addicted to gambling? And what is there level of addiction?

From my own experience, I get to know that those gamblers who are secretly gambling in their rooms and develop the addiction habit have the biggest problem, gambling addiction is like 'wanting more' and never getting enough, you will have all day thinking about gambling, maybe if you do this or you do that, maybe the result will be different.

I was able to talk sense into two different addicted gamblers and they also get help from family members, but the major reason why they too so long in their addiction is because they don't open up to anybody, they kept it all inside of them and it's killing them.

Things get better after they voiced out about their addiction and they are able to get help, any gambling addicts you know of? what method works for you when helping them?

If you are facing gambling addictions and you are keeping it all to yourself, you are worsening your problem, find someone who is close to you and open up to them, letting it all out will bring you some relieve and hopefully you will get better, don't wait till you hit the rock bottom before you say it all out.

I think that addictions are different for everyone. Some people have it worse than others.  As far as I understand the medical explanation, it is because of genetics.

For me personally, I have never become addicted to the point of losing more than 10% of my money in gambling. So I would call my own addiction, if it even exists, controllable. To prevent yourself from feeding your addiction, I recommend setting firm rules in place before you go into the casino. Set limits for funds, loss and wins. No more than 10% of your disposable income/month.

The thing is, the way we think about addiction might be wrong. One person might be extremely addicted to gambling, while other people barely become addicted at all and can claim that they feel their addiction is not anything serious. Of course, some people could say the same thing but lie, out of shame.

So there really is no realistic way to prevent people from becoming addicts. Unless the casino does genetic screening to filter out the people who have higher probability of becoming extremely addicted. But what kind of a casino would do that?

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Josefjix on November 21, 2023, 09:09:17 PM
Communication with addicts and telling them that it's okay to share their thoughts is probably one of the best ways to start relieving them off of their pain when it comes to gambling. There simply is a lot of stigma around gambling addiction that people who are affected don't go out asking for help to other people, leaving them in the dark and more likely to continue their activities.

If you have the opportunity to make the change or help the person take the first step away from gambling addiction then do it. You'll never know how much that means to the person you're helping.
If I have an opportunity to help someone, ofcourse I will with all my heart, it doesn't matter the condition but what matters is if the victim is open to accept new changes. Addiction does exists but it's probability of hitting desperate gamblers is 90%. Besides, everyone have one or two problems he or she facing and adding another', doesn't suit the levels. Giving listening ears to addicts, who knows? You can provide solid information and alternatives of helping them. Serving aides to addicts can really improves their chances of eliminating addiction once and for all.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Oilacris on November 21, 2023, 09:19:14 PM
Communication with addicts and telling them that it's okay to share their thoughts is probably one of the best ways to start relieving them off of their pain when it comes to gambling. There simply is a lot of stigma around gambling addiction that people who are affected don't go out asking for help to other people, leaving them in the dark and more likely to continue their activities.

If you have the opportunity to make the change or help the person take the first step away from gambling addiction then do it. You'll never know how much that means to the person you're helping.
If I have an opportunity to help someone, ofcourse I will with all my heart, it doesn't matter the condition but what matters is if the victim is open to accept new changes. Addiction does exists but it's probability of hitting desperate gamblers is 90%. Besides, everyone have one or two problems he or she facing and adding another', doesn't suit the levels. Giving listening ears to addicts, who knows? You can provide solid information and alternatives of helping them. Serving aides to addicts can really improves their chances of eliminating addiction once and for all.
Only a few people out of this world would really be showing up something about caring someone in regarding into those unfortunate conditions or situations because most people wont really
be that mindful nor caring about others situation and would really be just minding about themselves rather than on minding others which it is really just that normal.
Its true that people would really be turning out to be secretive just because they dont really like on getting discriminated or really that frowned upon on what they have done.

This is why they would really be ending up on being quiet and would really be tending to share up on the problems that they do currently have but somewhat there are
people who doesnt really like to share up problems personally which its true that if you dont tend to voice out on your current issues or problems
then it would really be just become worst overtime.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Wakate on November 22, 2023, 09:27:25 PM
Communication with addicts and telling them that it's okay to share their thoughts is probably one of the best ways to start relieving them off of their pain when it comes to gambling. There simply is a lot of stigma around gambling addiction that people who are affected don't go out asking for help to other people, leaving them in the dark and more likely to continue their activities.

If you have the opportunity to make the change or help the person take the first step away from gambling addiction then do it. You'll never know how much that means to the person you're helping.
If I have an opportunity to help someone, ofcourse I will with all my heart, it doesn't matter the condition but what matters is if the victim is open to accept new changes. Addiction does exists but it's probability of hitting desperate gamblers is 90%. Besides, everyone have one or two problems he or she facing and adding another', doesn't suit the levels. Giving listening ears to addicts, who knows? You can provide solid information and alternatives of helping them. Serving aides to addicts can really improves their chances of eliminating addiction once and for all.
Addiction is something a gambler need to fight or else things might become worsen for them and which can how ever become life threatening. Gambling and winning can be two different things and it is good for us to try to keep winning so that we can earn from what we are doing and not getting disappointed when we bet. There are people that had been gambling for long without results so it is very important for us to do things that would attract winning for us not doing something illegal or something that would affect our personality as a gambler.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Quidat on November 22, 2023, 09:34:39 PM
I've never helped anyone who was addicted in gambling to stop his addiction and I don't think I can even help anyone do it because as far as I'm concerned, the only person who can stop a gambling addict from his addiction is the affected person. I've been a victim of gambling addiction before and no one was able to help me out of it until when I decided to help myself.
Hmm are you sure? You are here in the forum and you are also wearing a signature from a gambling company, which means you can mostly post on the gambling and gambling discussion boards.

And we all know that most of the topics here are about gambling addictions. So for sure, you have thrown a couple of suggestions on how can one overcome it or possibly avoid it, if they aren't an addict yet. If it's true, that we or other people (either addict or not) can't help the addicted gambler, then we shouldn't be seeing those gambling addiction threads here. We can help them actually but most of the help can only come from their selves.
Quitting gambling would really be starting from ourselves on which we could quit and involved as we do like. Addiction is something that would really be disrupting you on the time that
you are already spending up tons or on the time that you had made your finances that affected then it would really be just that right that you should really be that
mindful on quitting because if not then you would really be making yourself experience the worst things that you could really be having on your life.
You should really be that sensible on the things that you are doing or else it would really be making out such huge disaster or damage or devastation
which it would really make us regret.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Kasabus on November 22, 2023, 09:41:32 PM
 Honestly, I have never met or being close with someone who is highly addicted in gambling. Or if ever they are, maybe they are keeping it to theirselves because they always think that no one will be able to understand them or help them in any way. But if ever I have a close friend who falls deeply on gambling addiction, I will not force him to open up but give him the time to think it to himself until he's ready to share his burden. And when that time comes, the best way is just to listen to him and give him advices to control his gambling urge if he still want to get relieved from that worst situation.

Family and friends are also very important factors since they will serve as a strong back ups for the addicted gambler. Otherwise, if he has no one to share, he might get into suicidal which is very common to those addicted gamblers who have never felt support and care from their loved ones.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: wiss19 on November 23, 2023, 07:06:10 AM
You can only change someone who wants to be changed. Trying to help someone who does not want to be changed is a waste of time. I can help someone who is almost getting addicted as an unprofessional, than someone who has become addicted. Most addicted gamblers require more professional help that what I can offer. The best I can do is to recommend them for help by telling them the need help, or I can offer to pay for the help fee for these people required by the professionals. 
Correct base on my experience. I have an uncle that is addicted in gambling despite they are poor since he is jobless and only relying to my grandparents sustain. His family including his parents always telling him to stop gambling yet he keeps doing that even though he always losing money that he can use to sustain his family properly.

Until he died, he never stop gambling even though he always create trouble to people around him. People that didn’t want to change is really a waste of time. They should be the one who realize that they are garbage because they will keep doing what they are doing when someone showing care to stop them.
That's the point, most gambling addicts won't admit that they are addicted to it and they don't want to change or leave it, which is why you can't talk them out of it or convince them that they are in a state that is bad for them and the people around them and if they don't get out of that state now, it will keep getting worse. You can only talk sense into a person who, deep inside, understands that they are in trouble and their life is going downhill and they need to find a solution to that, and they were just not being able to communicate it properly or were afraid to do it thinking that people might shame them for that.

So, in all this, the biggest challenge is to first find out if a person who you know gambles is addicted to it or not, and if they are addicted, do they realize or admit it or they think they are doing okay and don't want to stop gambling or get away from it, and it's not easy to do all that at all, believe me.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Jawhead999 on November 23, 2023, 10:12:44 AM
So, in all this, the biggest challenge is to first find out if a person who you know gambles is addicted to it or not, and if they are addicted, do they realize or admit it or they think they are doing okay and don't want to stop gambling or get away from it, and it's not easy to do all that at all, believe me.
It's a job for mental health counselor or doctor to find out such kind people, because there's no obligation for us to recover people from addiction, we have our own problem too. So if there's a people become a gambling addict even it's in my family, as long as he not cause any harm to me, I wouldn't care.

It's his choice to become a gambling addict.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on November 25, 2023, 08:13:32 PM
If I have a friend who a gambling addict, I will stay away against them and might cut off our relationship. Why? no one can change except themselves, if they're a good people they wouldn't become a gambling addict, as simple as that. So having a relationship with them might drag myself to become them or they will keep asking money because they already lose it for gambling.

It's a bit harsh to outright do this, but if this is what will work for you, then do it. Your mental health matters more than what other people will say.

But if I were in the situation, I will reach out and do my best to encourage my friend to get away from gambling and seek rehabilitation to completely disassociate himself in gambling. This way, I can show my concern as a true friend. I won't easily distance myself and rather try my best to let them be enlightened. For me, it's important that I at least got to try before completely giving up. That way, I can say I did what I can and will have no regrets such as having what if's and what could have been's.

It's true that they are the only one who can truly help themselves. But they also need guidance and support from those people that surround them. It's much motivating to recover if there are people cheering from you after all. Just learn to set boundaries of course. If you can't provide financial provision, then just give them moral support instead. Never ever lend them money because that's like tolerating their behavior.
Sometimes we are people who by taking care of ourselves in a moment can not distance ourselves from our true friends, I am one of those people who if someone needs me and I can help them, well I just do it, especially when it is in such a difficult situation difficult of an addiction, he needs support, he needs to be talked to, his mind to clear, to put things in his head where he does not allow him to think about gambling or doing similar things in a casino or making Sports bets , because he already has a developed mind, Maybe it's good to help a friend like that with something, maybe telling him that you're going to play soccer or something like that, maybe doing something that makes them happy, that's at least closer than that to helping a person who has an addiction. , then the things that can be done for these people are beautiful and to help I think that in the future will be given back but in other ways, let's remember that we are in a world where many times we do not understand things, but I know that things are beautiful , they bring good things.

In any of the cases, people are very constant with their actions, I have seen that some members of my own family are selfish with me, when in the end I have never been, and when they needed me, I gave them the help they needed. It was within my reach, even with money and everything, but when a person like them is cool, and they see that I teach something and that they have it or are doing something that can help me, they became silent, and that is interpreted by me as playing dirty, it's like seeing them climb to the highest point stepping on me when they could also help me climb, but like everything good is good, and brings good things, bad climbs bring bad things, they were able to climb but they came down in an impressive way, They are no longer at the top, the good thing about doing things well, especially with helping people, is that you Climb without trampling on Andie, and when you climb you don't slip, on the contrary you are still higher up.

Title: Re: Letting the cat out of the bag
Post by: Accardo on November 25, 2023, 09:25:43 PM
Honestly, I have never met or being close with someone who is highly addicted in gambling. Or if ever they are, maybe they are keeping it to theirselves because they always think that no one will be able to understand them or help them in any way. But if ever I have a close friend who falls deeply on gambling addiction, I will not force him to open up but give him the time to think it to himself until he's ready to share his burden. And when that time comes, the best way is just to listen to him and give him advices to control his gambling urge if he still want to get relieved from that worst situation.

Family and friends are also very important factors since they will serve as a strong back ups for the addicted gambler. Otherwise, if he has no one to share, he might get into suicidal which is very common to those addicted gamblers who have never felt support and care from their loved ones.

The journey of curing addiction doesn't begin with the addicted person alone. You can begin by engaging the player with few questions, regarding his strange behavior. Because most gambling addicts, don't feel comfortable opening up to friends who don't show concern. It's important to observe the attitude of your friends. The process doesn't require force, they need help, so forcing them will only give reasons to avoid you. Keeping in touch with gambling friends can be done socially, inviting them to fun activities, as a way of distracting the addicted person from gambling. At some point he'll confide in you and decide to share his story. Waiting for him to make the first move, without your effort, isn't effective. You can wait forever, and when it gets delayed, your friend's addiction can worsen. If you notice, everyone wants to live a promising life, that's why when addicts associate with friends, or family, they still claim to be fine. While alone the depression eats them up and cause more havoc to their brain. Its heartbreaking for parents to discover such problem from their ward. Especially, when they don't understand how their wealth has been misused by their wards.