Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Queentoshi on January 26, 2024, 10:34:30 PM

Title: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Queentoshi on January 26, 2024, 10:34:30 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Oshosondy on January 26, 2024, 10:39:37 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
If you are gambling and it is not affecting you, that means you are not addicted to gambling at all. Gambling addiction is when it is taking your time or money. If gambling is not taking your time or money, that means you are not addicted but having fun.

Gambling addiction can be referred to as problem gambling. If you do not have problem in gambling, that means you are not addicted to it. If gambling is not affecting you financially and not taking your time that you want to use for other important things, no matter the time you spend gambling, that is not addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Wiwo on January 26, 2024, 10:45:32 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

For anyone who gamble and can manage his gambling activities relating back to reality and family, that person can't be referred to as an addicts this is because, when someone is addicted to gambling, it can control all the person general well being and also at the same time his relationship with family.

The first sign of gambling addiction is irresponsibility, because that is the high spot in every addicted person, so if you see someone that gamble responsibly, that means such a person is not an addict but just a normal gambler.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: MainIbem on January 26, 2024, 10:45:55 PM
Addiction is like a sickness in man's life and have been battling with it, whom have you seen that is sick and remain happy or doing things that he is meant to do? They are existing then you should know that is not severe to them so such is gambling. Oshosondy already explained it all, that person isn't addicted wait and watch their lives when they finally sinked into the gambling phase then watch out to see what their lives could turned out to be in the next few months or in a year interval.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Taskford on January 26, 2024, 10:46:07 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

If we talk about addiction it means the person is already so obsess towards their gambling habits and they can't function very well especially on other things that needed to do since they always think about gambling. Having that for sure it can destroy something important part on your life especially on your family so there's nothing good with it even think you are fine since still the nearest people near you will get affected on everything what you do on a casino.

Addiction is a problem by most of gamblers that's why they must be aware of certain traits exist and they should avoid this then make sure that they have proper control also good discipline for their selves to avoid any worst scenario to come on their side.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Orpichukwu on January 26, 2024, 10:49:33 PM
Gambling addiction is when you, as the gambler, no longer have control over your gambling habits; you can't stay a day without gambling; you use up money; you plan for other things to gamble; and when such an event occurs, how can you say it's not affecting you?
If you are still at some point in control of your gambling habit and still know when you will stop and you don't chase lose, then you are not a gambling addict, but you are just finding it difficult to keep to your limit, which will only require you to work a bit on yourself, and you can't see such as gambling addiction because all forms of addiction are bad, be it gambling or anything else that one does in excess.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Fortify on January 26, 2024, 10:50:43 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

The word addiction does definitely denote something extreme going on and may imply an inability to moderate your behavior. If you have an addiction, it can often lead to the detriment of other things that you are doing in life and maybe doing something too much. You can have an addiction to body building, but even then some people get a distorted view of themselves and set objectives that most other people would see as crazy. Some people have an addiction to keeping a tan, but when you start walking around like an orange mess, there's a chance you have taken it too far - especially as you might encounter other risks, like higher risk of skin cancer in this example. Then again, many people have heard the phrase "functioning alcoholic" which would fit into this category, but even they will often break at some point in time and it all blows up.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Dailyscript on January 26, 2024, 10:57:43 PM
Only when an addiction is considered bad is when it has a negative influence on the hambler. And there is no way addiction can have positive influence. All the addicted gamblers i know are either shabby fellows, loan defaulters and a nuisance to their family. This is why people generally tag gambling addiction as a thing that should be avoided. Its always advised to gamble responsibly.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: danherbias07 on January 26, 2024, 11:00:31 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Yes. If you are affecting even a single one of what you stated then it becomes a problem. Either from work, family, financial issues, and more. Just one of those, if it becomes an issue then it will be pointed out to your gambling addiction.
That's how society looks at it. A person won't become a liability if he is still doing what an average person does. If this person you are talking about is still having a good relationship with his family and friends then he will mirror himself and that's how he will be looked at by others too.
There's nothing wrong yet with someone gambling and he can afford it, but he must also look to the future. Those wasted money could go somewhere else and if he fails to save something for his own as he grows older then his kids might throw him to a facility where old people are kept.
That's the only thing I am scared about when I get old, which is why even if I gamble, I try my best to save money for myself so that in the future I can live on my own without relying on my kids or the government funds for seniors. IMO, it feels better if I am not troubling anyone. We are mostly gamblers here, but that's not the end of the line, even if we can afford it now, it's still better to save some money. We could start with our winnings.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Moreno233 on January 26, 2024, 11:01:54 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
Maybe you need to define gambling addiction and what it means to say that someone is addicted to gambling. If he still do things normally, do not play with money meant for other things and take care of his responsibilities, then you cannot call such a person addict. Gambling addiction generate negative characters that affect the gambler in such a way that those around will feel the negative dispositions.

You may be mistaken gambling addiction for consistent or committed gambler. They are never the same because addiction produces negative characters, the reason people make effort to avoid being addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Makus on January 26, 2024, 11:07:52 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
If you are gambling and it is not affecting you, that means you are not addicted to gambling at all. Gambling addiction is when it is taking your time or money. If gambling is not taking your time or money, that means you are not addicted but having fun.

Gambling addiction can be referred to as problem gambling. If you do not have problem in gambling, that means you are not addicted to it. If gambling is not affecting you financially and not taking your time that you want to use for other important things, no matter the time you spend gambling, that is not addiction.

I don't agree with you. One can become and addicted gambler and still makes good, addiction has to do with time mostly while money comes after. So irresponsible is the second term used in describing someone who is addicted and make loses while it become very obvious that he is a gambler. There are some addicted gambler that you'll always find them in the casino hall gambling but, outside the casino, they live a good life, drive good cars. And dress as though life has offered them a jackpot.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Assface16678 on January 26, 2024, 11:08:08 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

The word addiction, from its meaning,  is something that people do execcably, and anything excessive and too much is bad. Maybe you are in the shoes of someone who has wealth and is also a gambling addict, but are you sure it doesn't affect anything? Maybe not in the field of money, but how about how that gambling addict treats other people? or his well-being, are you sure that he doesn't develop anything bad because of his addiction? addicition, meaning he will spend a lot of his time doing gambling that doesn't treat him as bad or a problem? I think not. Even rich people who have money and abuse that money through excessive gambling can have an effect on their financial state. Money is not infinite for them, and they are also people, so what makes you think that gambling addiction will not be a problem for those wealthy people?

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Ultegra134 on January 26, 2024, 11:10:26 PM
How about we address the possibility that those who are addicted don't actually admit or recognize who they are? I believe that you're not seeing the bigger picture, but only the surface that they show to the outside world. It all depends on how you define addiction and how it's affecting you in your daily life. What you described doesn't resemble someone who's addicted, unless they're hiding it, like I mentioned earlier. Just because someone is wearing nice clothes or appears to have money doesn't have to be the truth.

If you're able to control it and have balance in your daily life, and it isn't getting in the way of other important things, such as your loved ones or responsibilities, then it shouldn't be an issue.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: ScamViruS on January 26, 2024, 11:11:11 PM
When someone is addicted to gambling, the gambler never leads a prosperous life, he cannot stay away from gambling even if he wants to. Gamblers who are addicted to gambling lose control over themselves, they cannot get out of this addiction and thus they are always busy gambling until they lose everything. The gamblers you are talking about are not actually addicted to gambling. They are fine with gambling, also they are enjoying their life.

I know some gamblers who have become so addicted to gambling that they forget about regular life, even ruining their health. So the lives of gambling addicts become so messed up that they don't even give time to their family and friends.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Casdinyard on January 26, 2024, 11:17:47 PM
Addiction is the problem, it’s not the cause of problems. You only think so cause you see the domino effect it makes when someone who’s already off the deep end decides to do stuff that is just flat-out stupid and dangerous.

Gambling addiction doesn’t have to affect a person’s family members to start being considered as a problem. Soon as someone is already burning money for their vices without care on the world and regard for the people around them or their future at the very least, that’s when action should be taken. Often people will consider helping an addict when he’s already far gone that attempts to help him are rendered futile, and that’s just stupid in my opinion.

You don’t have to be kidnapping people or robbing gas stations for cash to gamble and burn for people to start considering you as a problem. As soon as you’re starting to show signs of being addicted you actually should be given the help that you need. And this is also why I always advocate to letting your loved ones and close reatives know that you’re gambling, so they could act as s viable support system for you when stuff gets rough and you find yourself becoming addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Oshosondy on January 26, 2024, 11:18:25 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
If you are gambling and it is not affecting you, that means you are not addicted to gambling at all. Gambling addiction is when it is taking your time or money. If gambling is not taking your time or money, that means you are not addicted but having fun.

Gambling addiction can be referred to as problem gambling. If you do not have problem in gambling, that means you are not addicted to it. If gambling is not affecting you financially and not taking your time that you want to use for other important things, no matter the time you spend gambling, that is not addiction.

I don't agree with you. One can become and addicted gambler and still makes good, addiction has to do with time mostly while money comes after. So irresponsible is the second term used in describing someone who is addicted and make loses while it become very obvious that he is a gambler. There are some addicted gambler that you'll always find them in the casino hall gambling but, outside the casino, they live a good life, drive good cars. And dress as though life has offered them a jackpot.
I do not understand you at all. After posting that gambling addiction is when gambling is talking someone's time and or money. So what did you disagree at that I posted?

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: wheelz1200 on January 26, 2024, 11:20:05 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I mean depending on the addiction right.  If you are addicted to reading books and you enjoy it and can live without doing other things to read than all good.  But in terms of gambling yeah addiction is bad even though it's not a problem.  Because it's not a problem doesn't mean it won't lead to problems in the future.  Best to enjoy gambling as a past time whenever it fits into your budget and schedule.  

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: iBaba on January 26, 2024, 11:24:38 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I am sure OP is referring to gamblers who enjoys the gambling games for fun and as a pastime not someone who is an addict in the gambling industry. The world gamble or gambling is not usually the problem from the initial but when you now go ahead to add Addiction to the world gambling, it has now changed from what used to be a fun to addiction  which also means that; the gambler have now become physically and mentally attached to the gambling, meaning the gambler will begin to deal with his mental health in the will always look for gambling games before he can get to his peace of mind.

Whether rich or not, gambling addiction is not something anyone else will be advised to go into because of the disappointments and risks of loosing his savings regardless of how extremely rich the gambler is, if he mistskes and becomes addicted to the gambling, he will be able to spend all he has to start a new life

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on January 26, 2024, 11:25:49 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

If a gambler still lives his normal life and does everything perfectly, it then means he's not addicted, addiction comes with chronic attachment to something you're doing without giving attention to other things around you.
Hence anything that is associated with addiction, automatically that thing brings a negative connotation to itself.
So if the person gambles and that Same person does every other thing around him in accordance with the way it's supposed to be done and his not affected psychologically, mentally and emotionally, it then means that person is of sound mind and is not being addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Weawant on January 26, 2024, 11:26:31 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
I think there's a misconception with your definition because I don't think addiction has got anything outside negativity, the resultant effect of addiction has mostly been disastrous and so I wouldn't want to see such person which you have described as addicted rather I will say such person is obsessed with gambling a d can't just get enough of gambling.

With addiction the case is totally different as it's usually prioritized above every other of the person's activities, they addicted literally sacrifice almost everything at the alter of their addiction. Addicts are never seen in a positive light generally because at the point of addiction you have literally lost control over your self when it has to do with such habit and the best you can do at that point is to bow to satisfying such needs and until you have done so you don't seem to gain back control over yourself.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: borovichok on January 26, 2024, 11:28:14 PM
Gambling addiction has no good sides. In my thinking, gambling addiction is the height of gambling where a gambler knows that gambling is a problem in his life but cannot stop it. An addictive gambler can gamble all his finances and even run into debt just to gamble. When one is a gambling addict, he places gambling above everything including job and family.

Sadly, he can call in sick at his job just to have the time to gamble. He appears so irresponsible, most times thinks of committing suicide, easily gets mood swings, occupies his mind with the hopes of winning all he has lost in gambling and so continues to borrow just to gamble whenever he blows up his finances. Show me an addictive gambler and I will show you an irresponsible debtor with a shortened lifespan.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Smartvirus on January 26, 2024, 11:43:14 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I don’t think we could call it addiction when it doesn’t constitute a problem. It doesn’t only end with you having to visiting the gambling house or site more often but, it’s got to reflect in how you manage your finances and life in general.

Having to gamble often and have no problems in my finance and life simply means, I’ve been able to master the act of gambling to a point where, it has no effect on me and that’s okay. That’s the point where most gamblers want to be. Even though you aren’t winning more often, the fact that you aren’t running into problems, taking loans, not having to take good care of yourself and the rest of issues that could be associated with bad financial management means, you’ve got a good orientation to gambling and that doesn’t constitute addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Cantsay on January 26, 2024, 11:43:51 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I don’t think you’ve seen someone that’s a chronic gambler ie someone that’s extremely addicted to gambling – you might just sit down and be conversing but what’s actually going through their mind is how to gamble, what trick have I not tried yet?, if I put x amount and predict sure x odds I’ll win Y amount, what if I use from this money and increase it times three I’ll be able to return it and have double for myself.

You will never come across an addicted person that will just be idle without having the urge to gamble – most times if they are wealthy they tend to spend foolishly on their account – some might even resort to selling their properties just to find their account. It’s always difficult to find one that’s decent.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: alani123 on January 26, 2024, 11:57:14 PM
Addiction is something well defined. "a chronic, relapsing disorder"... And if you are after doing something compulsively, then it's very likely that you're addicted.
There are several behaviors related to gambling that are considered to be related to addiction.
For example, ignoring the odds, over attachment to supposed luck and superstitions.

But one of the worst are chasing profits or losses. Meaning that if you lose any amount in a casino, you're thinking of betting more just to recoup the loses and even win more. Which eventually will only lead to more losses.

All these can lead to spending more money than one can afford. But really money is not the only important aspect here.
Gambling can also be a time sink, and problem gamblers can also overlook important aspects of their life just to spend more time gambling for whatever reason.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: arjunmujay on January 27, 2024, 12:12:32 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
I think there's a misconception with your definition because I don't think addiction has got anything outside negativity, the resultant effect of addiction has mostly been disastrous and so I wouldn't want to see such person which you have described as addicted rather I will say such person is obsessed with gambling a d can't just get enough of gambling.

With addiction the case is totally different as it's usually prioritized above every other of the person's activities, they addicted literally sacrifice almost everything at the alter of their addiction. Addicts are never seen in a positive light generally because at the point of addiction you have literally lost control over your self when it has to do with such habit and the best you can do at that point is to bow to satisfying such needs and until you have done so you don't seem to gain back control over yourself.
I think what the OP explained is an addiction that is still within normal limits. maybe you just want to gamble and you haven't yet entered the real addiction phase. As far as I know, gambling addicts are those who spend their time, energy and money just to gamble. So you no longer think about what happens to your family, relatives, friends and so on. In fact, they feel that they only live alone and with their gambling activities, it is almost impossible to obtain wealth from gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: bittraffic on January 27, 2024, 03:42:15 AM

It probably is rare. But I think you will consider gambling addiction not a problem when you are winning all the time. I wouldn't mind my addiction to if I'm just winning and making huge money out of it.

But when money started drying up because of addiction, that when it becomes a problem. Especially when the addict begins to steal someone else money just so he can gamble.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: CryptSafe on January 27, 2024, 04:14:20 AM
I do not really conform to your ideology and this I think is out of the context of a supposed addicted gamblers characteristics. I have never encountered am addicted gambler that behaves just normal in the sense of having these features you have said. From experience, all the addicted gamblers I have known in the past do not exhibit the kind of character you have portrayed here to be but rather the opposite which I think this is likely to be an early addiction stage where the gambler feels he or she can control their excessive gambling lifestyle but when it becomes obvious, one can not control themselves, they begin to exhibit the character of an addict .

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Hirose UK on January 27, 2024, 04:33:38 AM
These are gambling addicts who are indeed successful and they can still make more money than what they spend gambling, it just that there are not many gamblers like this and the majority of addicted gamblers will definitely experience series of problems, whether financial or psychological.
Equating one gambler with another gambler but not looking at differences in background can produce very striking differences, even in behavior in everyday life, quite significant differences can also be clearly seen.
Gambling addicts in general who experience financial problems will feel anxious, restless and also they will do several things to make money with the aim of continuing gambling sessions and those gambling addicts who have success will not be so visible in their efforts to make money for gambling.
From this it can be concluded that the difference in attitude between two gamblers is quite different, and if look at the calculation of the percentage of gambling addicts, majority of addicted gamblers will experience problems that affect their lives.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: retreat on January 27, 2024, 05:01:35 AM
Addiction to gambling, drugs, or whatever is a problem, and it has an effect on his life. You can't say that for some people addiction doesn't have an effect on their lives, it still has an effect, it's just that for some people the intensity of the addiction can vary. But whatever it is, addiction is a problem which, if not treated, can get worse and affect the person even more. And because of that, it would be best for someone who is already showing signs of addiction, such as having difficulty controlling themselves, making irrational decisions, and starting to ignore relationships with their family, to be treated immediately by a professional so that it doesn't get worse.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Renampun on January 27, 2024, 05:06:48 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

More or less like that, addiction is a bad thing if your life is damaged, but if the addiction doesn't disrupt your life then it's not a bad thing because you can manage it so it's not something that has a bad impact on your life.
For this reason, it is very important for every active gambling player to continue to evaluate the gambling activities they carry out, because there are many rich people whose lives have been ruined due to their gambling addiction, which is quite worrying.
set your gambling budget - set your gambling time - use money you can afford to lose, this is good advice that every active gambling player must follow.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: yahoo62278 on January 27, 2024, 05:13:04 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

If they are doing well, paying their bills, providing for their families, then what's the problem. Some people enjoy gambling. Is this a hypothetical question or do you have an issue with someone? Could be considered jealousy if this behavior is bothering you.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: irhact on January 27, 2024, 05:55:34 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

No addiction isn't only bad when it's a problem, both winners and losers can be addicted. Addiction doesn't just start from nowhere, it's a gradually process that makes you to start losing control of yourself. You might be successful and then you feel addiction isn't a problem but when you keep losing money and over gambling, at a time you'll begin the lose more money  than you're making and before you can realise it, you're in debts and can't stop as you're already addicted.

Addiction comes with bad habits, you'll begin to waste money, bet more, get depressed and other feelings that come with addiction. When you're addicted you'll also be losing more bets as you're not in your right mindset due to losing money so it affects your mind. Don't get addicted to gambling as it doesn't end well for those individuals that have being addicted in the past. You'll think you can manage your addiction until it takes over you.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Litzki1990 on January 27, 2024, 06:00:43 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

When a person becomes addicted to something, it does not mean that he will not eat or drink dirty clothes or behave normally with people. Addiction is definitely a bad thing, the explanation you give is not always seen in real life. You are addicted to gambling but you dress well and eat and drink regularly but you behave abnormally to manage your gambling money or you borrow money for gambling or manage money in some other way, is it not having a bad effect on your life? It is definitely affecting your life badly, maybe you don't realize it now but you will realize it once the addiction is temporarily out of your head. An addict's brain and a normal person's brain work in two different ways and make different decisions.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Pandu Geddon on January 27, 2024, 06:04:14 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I guess that doesn't sound like an addiction. he enjoyed his gambling games. because he is happy and can earn money from gambling games.
Even though he can't get away from gambling, as you said, it seems like the gambler is already in a good control stage. so he knows the limits of the money he can spend on his gambling and of course, it doesn't affect his life. maybe he has gone through a difficult time with a gambling addiction. and he realized his mistake. despite not being able to give up gambling, he can now control it better.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Baki202 on January 27, 2024, 06:08:02 AM

It probably is rare. But I think you will consider gambling addiction not a problem when you are winning all the time. I wouldn't mind my addiction to if I'm just winning and making huge money out of it.

But when money started drying up because of addiction, that when it becomes a problem. Especially when the addict begins to steal someone else money just so he can gamble.
People we only call it addiction when they are not winning but by the time they start winning they won't see anything wrong with. And as for me either losing or winning gambling is sweet. Because when ever  am making predictions am always excited if I should check my winning history i have made quite some amount of money so that is why when I see people say things about  gambling I just feel that maybe because it does not favour them and at the same time they are over doing it. The only issue I will have is to sell my things to gamble nah I don't think I will do that.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: len01 on January 27, 2024, 06:40:13 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

If you say it's related to addiction but say about the word I marked, I'm sure it's not an addiction.
addicted are those who cannot bear the losses they experience so their thinking drives them to continue gambling to try to beat the casino and recover their losses until they lose control ignoring everything they see and all they have in mind is gambling.
addiction is also not about whether he wears neat clothes or uses perfume but this addiction is about someone who loses control to continue gambling and spending money.

I admit that there may be a gambling addict who gambles every day but financially he is fine, doesn't damage his family's economy and can always be like an ordinary person, but believe me, he is definitely a big businessman who has a very large income every month.
so there is no problem if he is addicted to continuing gambling because he has a large income and is not afraid of running out of money, whereas with a bad gambling addiction they think about wanting to make more money.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on January 27, 2024, 07:22:00 AM
When addiction changes people's lives and the lives of those close to them, it's usually seen as a problem. Most of the time, someone doesn't think their video game addiction is a problem as long as it doesn't get in the way of their job, relationships, or enjoying life normally. When you're addicted for a long time, the effects can end and get worse over time. To decide if they think addiction is "bad" or not, different people approach it in different ways. While the bad effects may not be obvious at first, getting professional help and support is often the best way to deal with addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Rockstarguy on January 27, 2024, 07:31:14 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
Do you know some people are addicted with gambling which they spend money excessively but still they are not aware that they are addicted. Some people are addicted but they haven't noticed the damage and how gambling eating them up. You don't feel  the problem of addiction immediately,  you begin to feel it when it has done lot of damages. I don't think one can be addicted with gamble and their won't be any problem.  

One who is addicted will find every means to play gambling all the time, being addicted will always put you in pressure because of too much expectation of winning.  Gambling without any problem and things ate done in the right ways,  even if the person is consistent with gambling I don't think it can be defined as Addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: traderethereum on January 27, 2024, 07:35:12 AM
If a gambler ends up experiencing a gambling addiction but can still control himself from gambling too often, it is not a problem because he can still prevent himself from gambling excessively. He doesn't lose his mind because he can still do things like caring for his family or other things.
But it is very rare for someone to be like that because when they are addicted to gambling, they can lose control of themselves and not see other things as a priority in their life.
They will get involved in gambling more and more often and find it difficult to do other things because they just want to gamble and that's what's on their mind.
Gambling addiction will only get worse when it creates problems for the gambler and his family because they have completely lost control of themselves in gambling. He won't take care of his family anymore because he's gotten too deep into gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Davidvictorson on January 27, 2024, 07:38:00 AM
What you have narrated in the OP is not addiction. It is just an individual who gambles responsibly. Anyone who is addicted to gambling or any other thing knows that it cripples their lives, their functioning in the community and society. They become utter useless.

Do you know some people are addicted with gambling which they spend money excessively but still they are not aware that they are addicted.

I do not agree in any way with the point above. If you work in the mental health field or have had a conversation with mental health workers about addiction, you will know that a person who is an addict know that they are addicted already. They can tell by the change in their physiology, they can tell through the change in their emotions and thinking. They will no longer be "thinking straight". They can't go a minute without checking the game, thinking about gambling, looking for how to get more money to make higher stakes. An addicts know they are addicted.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: moneystery on January 27, 2024, 07:42:20 AM

For anyone who gamble and can manage his gambling activities relating back to reality and family, that person can't be referred to as an addicts this is because, when someone is addicted to gambling, it can control all the person general well being and also at the same time his relationship with family.

it is true that addiction can only be called an addiction when a person cannot control themselves to be able to gamble and it interferes with their time and emotions. if a gambler can still control their gambling and their time with their family and finances, it cannot be said to be an addiction, because usually addiction makes it difficult for gamblers to control their emotions and it will interfere with their relationships with those closest to them.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 27, 2024, 07:48:43 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Nope, even if you do the right thing, if you're really addicted to gambling, it's not good for someone. Even if you show all the good things you've done in life and you know how to take care of things, you can't still say that gambling isn't bad for someone. Maybe one day all the Bad characteristics of a gambling addict will appear, so it's better to play moderately and know how to control yourself.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: borovichok on January 27, 2024, 07:51:47 AM
I don’t think you’ve seen someone that’s a chronic gambler ie someone that’s extremely addicted to gambling – you might just sit down and be conversing but what’s actually going through their mind is how to gamble, what trick have I not tried yet?, if I put x amount and predict sure x odds I’ll win Y amount, what if I use from this money and increase it times three I’ll be able to return it and have double for myself.

You will never come across an addicted person that will just be idle without having the urge to gamble – most times if they are wealthy they tend to spend foolishly on their account – some might even resort to selling their properties just to find their account. It’s always difficult to find one that’s decent.

Well said. But then, in my opinion, an addicted gambler is an addicted gambler. There is nothing like being extremely addicted. The moment you are addicted you are already showing extremity in your behavior. In my understanding, what differentiates a gambler from an addicted gambler is that a gambler still has self-control whereas an addicted gambler doesn't have self-control and so he is vulnerable to the instinct to gamble at all times even when it is so obvious that he has lost everything to gambling.

Such a person can even steal or lie to get money to gamble. He can borrow money from loan sharks to gamble. The only thing that preoccupies his mind is "Go and gamble you will win now". An addicted gambler can be likened to be person whose immune system is damaged, such a person is susceptible to attacks and so it is with an addicted gambler, you can easily run into problems since that power of rationality is lost. To me, an addicted gambler is an insane person.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: avp2306 on January 27, 2024, 08:21:41 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Nope, even if you do the right thing, if you're really addicted to gambling, it's not good for someone. Even if you show all the good things you've done in life and you know how to take care of things, you can't still say that gambling isn't bad for someone. Maybe one day all the Bad characteristics of a gambling addict will appear, so it's better to play moderately and know how to control yourself.

Bad characteristics of addicted gambler will surely flow up once they are affected on this and they can't say they are fine for having that situation that's why its never good to be addicted since we are one step to do unwanted things that we can't imagine to happen that's the reason while its early we need to cut something important while early so we cannot feel the worse scenario that we can possibly get in.

I know some is denial regarding on their status but if they are committing negative action that harms people already I think its better if they seek help so that they can get aid and getaways for any negative implication brought up by urge to game. We should really play moderately which has been always advice by authorities since it can help us perform more better and we can get the real fun compare if we come on situation that we can't control/

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: rahmad2nd on January 27, 2024, 08:52:43 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

In fact, addiction has become something bad.  It's just that each problem depends on each individual. there is nothing better or worse than any addiction, addiction is still addiction. moreover, if addiction has become a problem that has a negative impact on both the addict's life and the environment around him. in the story you tell in this post, the impact of addiction on the person you describe is not a problem or a bad thing. or, something that is a big problem for their personal or family life, it is normal because they have the privilege of a decent life, perhaps healthy finances, smooth and consistent work and business. and fortunately, it didn't disrupt his family's economy. however, we can also see from all aspects what type of addiction the person is suffering from, because the types of gambling problems are divided into several groups.

I have the same story, and this is a true story. One of my close friends, you could say my senior, is very fond of gambling called slot games. that said, I detected that he was in an addiction phase. but he has his own measurements and bankroll in each of his bets. in fact, he has a growing business and he can even earn a lot of income per day. the great thing is, my friend only gambles by budgeting 1% or 0.1% of the profits from the business he runs. in other words, the bankroll he sets is in accordance with his abilities. the point is, he did everything as you said in this thread. but still, that he has been a very active gambler. which means, he is classified as an addict. returning to your question, addiction is still addiction regardless of the scenarios that occur in life, such as in the story of this thread. especially, if the addiction has become a disorder. which means, it is a problem that must be corrected by someone who experiences it.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: AbuBhakar on January 27, 2024, 08:59:40 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

There’s no way an addicted person can still do what you are describing. Addiction is different to hobby because some people can play gambling regularly because it’s their hobby while addiction is something which they can’t control. No control means you will surely affect everybody on your life regardless if you are financial successful because your losses will always be in proportion to your financial status if you are already addicted.

I think you mistakenly assume a gambling hobby to addiction because addiction is intense which you can’t control it even the losses. You are still not addicted if you can still control your losses and just play what you can afford to lose despite you are doing it regularly.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: coin-investor on January 27, 2024, 09:09:02 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Gambling addiction will always lead to problems, maybe not now but there will be a point in time when it will interfere in your life, when you say addiction, it is a strong urge to do things at any cost, one of the symptoms is chasing losses that lead to losing money and spending more time that leads to neglecting the obligation to work and family.
You cannot say you are good if you're addicted to gambling, and it is better to cure it when it's still not interfering with your family affairs and your work, because gambling addiction is a problem that's waiting to happen it can happen anytime, and when it happens every good thing in your life will crumble, so if you think that you can control your addiction it's better to hire an appointment to a professional and rehabilitate yourself for your family and work sake.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: CODE200 on January 27, 2024, 09:19:34 AM
I don't think that it's ever been good to have an addiction, sure if you're a politician that's trying to dehumanize then you can use addicts to be a monster for your agenda that doesn't really resolve anything but other than that, I don't think that addiction has ever been good and when you've got an addiction, that's already a bad thing and a problem. I just find this kind of like you're trying to justify that you're addicted to something or that you're already aware but you want to create an imaginary silver lining to that addiction so if you're really looking for one, I don't think you're going to ever find one.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 27, 2024, 09:20:53 AM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
From the word addiction itself is obviously bad for everyone.
What is addiction?
Addiction is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something or use something. It is a dependence on a substance or activity even if you know that it causes you harm. It can impact your daily life.

As long as it causes harm personally and other people it is considered bad and of course can cause wide range of problems like money, bonding and relationship with your love ones as you have no quality time with them.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Mauser on January 27, 2024, 09:21:18 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think that any more of gambling addiction is bad, it doesn't matter if it only affects one part of the life of the gambler or many other parts. The issue is that life is never constant, there will always be changes and when you are already addicted to gambling that you won't be able to adapt those changes. Being addicted to gambling means that the gambler is not in control anymore and only follow his urges. Even if he is still in full control of the rest of his life it's only a matter of time for things to get worth. Also, I think that people with addiction problems are more likely to struggle with other addictions too. I saw this with my cousin, who was first addicted to drugs and now is addicted to cigarettes and gaming on his mobile phone. It's something about the brain that falls for certain pattern and once you are addicted, the brain will find subsitutes for it. So, better to treat any form of gambling addiction as soon as possible and not to wait for things to get really bad.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Barikui1 on January 27, 2024, 09:37:12 AM
I dont think that is possible, if someone is truly addicted their is no way it will have positive effects on someone, because addiction is like a disease that distabilize everything about a man's life, from his way of reasoning, to his family and his financial state.

So to me gambling addict can make you do some despicable things, just as a thread I read how a man kidnap his grandchild and demand for ransom just to keep up to his gambling addiction, since he has no money to fund his addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Queentoshi on January 27, 2024, 09:49:26 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

If they are doing well, paying their bills, providing for their families, then what's the problem. Some people enjoy gambling. Is this a hypothetical question or do you have an issue with someone? Could be considered jealousy if this behavior is bothering you.
Just a hypothetical question from my interest. I know there are rich people who gamble a lot, and because it is having no effect in the way they live their life because they make a lot of money too, their addiction is excused as not addiction. I think many people have some misunderstanding of what addiction is because whenever people mention the word addiction, it is usually associated with a bad thing whereas addiction does not only mean something negative, but somebody can also be addicted to something good too, or addicted to something that does not affect them. This is where some rich people are to me. They are still addicts to gambling, but it is not a problem. I asked the question to know if there is anyone who is thinking this way too, or if someone's opinion will be strong enough to correct mine.

From the word addiction itself is obviously bad for everyone.
What is addiction?
Addiction is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something or use something. It is a dependence on a substance or activity even if you know that it causes you harm. It can impact your daily life.
Your source is from a health organization, maybe addiction was only defined in their perspective. All addictions can impact one's life, but I do not agree that it is always negative.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: adultcrypto on January 27, 2024, 12:11:16 PM
I think it is the problem associated with a gambler as a result of his gambling habit that is called addiction. Like many people already suggested which I agree with, if everything is going normally with the behavior of the gambler as regards his obligations, it will not be fair to call that addiction. If you have seen a gambling addict before, you will know why people say that addiction is bad. You will see how urgent they need help becuase they are not in control of their character, decision and even their finances. Every other thing about them will suffer apart from their deposit into gambling platforms or shops. These are the people bringing bad name to gambling and making it look like a business of irresponsible people. Indeed, when problem exist in the life of a gambler as a result of his gambling, then we can say addiction is involved.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: piebeyb on January 27, 2024, 12:24:33 PM
I dont think that is possible, if someone is truly addicted their is no way it will have positive effects on someone, because addiction is like a disease that distabilize everything about a man's life, from his way of reasoning, to his family and his financial state.

So to me gambling addict can make you do some despicable things, just as a thread I read how a man kidnap his grandchild and demand for ransom just to keep up to his gambling addiction, since he has no money to fund his addiction.
Yes, it is true that gambling addiction always has a negative or bad impact so there is nothing positive there, why is it important to avoid gambling addiction because it is difficult to cure gambling addiction, many cases of criminal acts are committed just because people are addicted to gambling like what you read in this forum thread some cases may look bad and even cause someone's death just because of gambling addiction.

Always remember and realize before it's too late, if you feel like you've crossed your limits, you should never ignore that gambling addiction can affect anyone, so always limit gambling appropriately, don't overdo it too much, make sure you gamble responsibly because that can help us avoid gambling addiction, that's enough. cases that occur due to gambling addiction so it is better to help reduce it by self-awareness that gambling always has its limits and not be reckless as many gambling addicts do, play irresponsibly and spend money quickly just because they want to recover their losses and also win big.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: _act_ on January 27, 2024, 12:30:58 PM
I mean depending on the addiction right.  If you are addicted to reading books and you enjoy it and can live without doing other things to read than all good.  But in terms of gambling yeah addiction is bad even though it's not a problem.  Because it's not a problem doesn't mean it won't lead to problems in the future.  Best to enjoy gambling as a past time whenever it fits into your budget and schedule. 
Have you seen anyone that is addicted before? Immediately someone is addicted to gambling, the person will start noticing he is giving his time and money on gambling and that he is earning nothing than losses. Time is very important to people, the person will give it to gambling and he started and continue to lose money. That is just what gambling addiction is. OP do not know what he is defining, probably because he does not know who to be called an addicted gambler.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Promocodeudo on January 27, 2024, 12:42:25 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I don't think that is addiction, when one is addicted in something not even only gambling, such will focus more on that stuff and make sure that he or she satisfy the urge as soon as it arises, addiction in real sense can ruin people, so there no way one will be addicted in gambling and do his business normal, such person must miss appointment or even work as a result of looking for means to gamble if the chances isn't available earlier, addiction is not an easy thing, it discipline and the grace of God for one to really be free from it, so if we must gamble, let's pray that addiction shouldn't come our way because it could make someone to misbehave.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Yatsan on January 27, 2024, 12:44:00 PM
Anything that is too much is bad; no addiction is a good thing  This discussion boils down to the definition of addiction. When someone is addicted to something he or she does it with obsession that it satisfies one's urge and sometimes not being conscious that it is too much already. In this instance, we are talking about gambling afdiction. Gambling itself is being questioned due to its legal issues and cases that it drags people to worse situtations. And unlike with addiction with vices, this activity involves money and that means two aspects would be problematic; financial and overall being of a gambler.

Gambling is not a bad activity as long as the gambler manages the activity well. Once it reached the extent of addiction, that is the moment it would be a bad thing. Ever heard of gambling addicts who sold their properties out of desperation and debt? Ever heard of gamblers who killed themself because of frustration? These are only a few and the worst possible ending. However, addiction does not revolve only in these scenarios and that only means many people could be in danger of gambling without their awareness.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: passwordnow on January 27, 2024, 12:52:06 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem.
It's because that's their entire life and they don't have any other things to do. If they're addicted and they don't disturb with their lives, it only means that it is their livelihood or they're already rich and that doesn't bother them that they gamble any time they wish to. And another thing is that they're responsible gamblers but I think that it's contradicting to say that someone is a responsible gambler and at the same time is an addicted gambler.

They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
It's probably just because they don't cause any other problem to their loved ones but only to themselves. And that's why I agree to the title that addicted becomes bad when it's causing a problem. But when it seems like a casual thing being done by a gambler, there's not that much discussions on it as to why it's going to make someone's life miserable. If we'll talk about it in general, that only means that someone who's addicted to gambling is perceived with negativities and impressions by the public.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: demonica on January 27, 2024, 12:55:15 PM
Addiction is something that you can't stop doing. So if you're a gambling addict, it means you've been gambling too much. And too much is never a good one. It's not addiction if you're still in your normal state, being able to handle your priorities even if you gamble a lot. You're just a gambler with a lot of money too spend in gambling, but it doesn't mean you're addicted. It's not an addiction if you can manage and handle your desire in gambling. How you can you be diagnosed with addiction if something you're doing doesn't cause you any problem?
Maybe for others, it doesn't show instantly that their lives are already affected with their gambling addiction because they have too much money, and they're still at an early phase. But after a long run, you will see the result of it since they've been spending a lot and their money starts running out.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Hispo on January 27, 2024, 12:55:19 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think that by definition addition is something which interferes with the rest of daily activies which are supposed to be performed by a regular person. So there could some some contradiction in this idea about addiction which is not harmful let us talk for example about someone who is addicted to other things like videogames or sex. A person who is addicted to either of them will continuously think about having sex or playing videogames and not to be satisfied until he does it, those sorts of intrusive thoughts can collide with activities like working, interacting with family and even to take care of one's personal higiene.
If someone likes to play videogames or have sex with their partner and still manages to keep their life together that means such person is not addicted at all, becuase does not have intrusive thoughts and cravings for them, it only means they enjoy videogames and sex.

So my personal inclinstion is to see this concept as a contradiction.
There is not such thing as a harmless addiction.
And I believe we are not supposed to try to normalize addiction, it is okey is one decides to gamble, smoke, play videogames, have sex or whatever, while one is not directly attempting against the rights or others, but we need to have a clear distinction between that and someone who cannot regularly function in society or s family setting because they have lose control over what used to be a hobby or an activity to partake in their spare time.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Mr.suevie on January 27, 2024, 01:06:52 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Funny enough I have never come to access this we you have stated it and am suprised to how this sound really well and it's quite understandable when you put it that way. Before now whenever I hear the word addiction I tend to think that it's only related to the gambler being destructively affected by his addiction urge but like you said there are some big time gamblers who have made that their addiction isn't really seen as a problem at all.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: rozak on January 27, 2024, 01:12:50 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Funny enough I have never come to access this we you have stated it and am suprised to how this sound really well and it's quite understandable when you put it that way. Before now whenever I hear the word addiction I tend to think that it's only related to the gambler being destructively affected by his addiction urge but like you said there are some big time gamblers who have made that their addiction isn't really seen as a problem at all.

Yes, addiction is more about the negative impact of gambling. Meanwhile, those who have good finances may also be gamblers who are not aware of their addiction. Maybe it can't be said to be an addiction when the case is that the gambler doesn't get any negative impacts from the gambling activities they do. If there is no impact, isn't that the same as us playing games every day? So we know when to stop playing games and go eat or go to sleep. So there is no time to be sacrificed for gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: AicecreaME on January 27, 2024, 01:31:58 PM
Based on the circumstance that you've mentioned, it doesn't appear to me that a person is addicted if he behaves well enough. Addiction can disrupt the good flow and balance on one's life. If you can handle gambling good and still able to do other tasks, routines, and keeps a healthy dynamics, you are not addicted, rather you are a responsible gambler. Because it takes a lot of discipline and sense of responsibility to perfectly allot time and money on things that you need to do and want to do.

An addict has a problem in balancing his life. If someone becomes too dependent on something, the chances of him doing it more and more and disregarding his other duties is high. Gambling addiction is a serious issue that many faces during this modern times where everything is accessible. And it has so many consequences. Addiction affects your life in a negative way. Perhaps it can elevate some aspects of your life, but there sure are bad effects, and mostly, it outweighs the good ones.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Vaculin on January 27, 2024, 01:32:09 PM
I guess what you are pointing is not an addicted gambler but a responsible gambler. If he can manage his losses and still go on with his life’s activities like nothing happened, that’s being smart and responsible. But on the other hand, if you say addicted gambler, that’s someone who’s emotion rules over mind. Since he can’t control his gambling urge and keep his spirit gambling, then expect that he’s not living a balanced life but more on gambling activities and losses.

When addiction hits its peak, that will lead to a miserable life. You could end up being homeless or end up with a broken marriage, either of the two, addiction is always a big problem, physically, mentally and emotionally and of course financially.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: robelneo on January 27, 2024, 01:41:14 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

It's not addiction at all, everything that is over and within the limit can be considered a problem, if you're playing within your limit, allocate your bankroll, and only play within your means then you are not addicted to gambling and can be considered a responsible gambler not falling into the category of addicted gambler.
When you encounter or have issues with your finances and your family relationships then it is a problem and you are considered addicted to gambling you cannot go over the limit and not encounter problems to avoid this moderation is the key.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: abel1337 on January 27, 2024, 01:46:24 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Addiction will certainly result into a problem sooner or later. Addiction itself is a mental health problem, knowing that an gambling addict is seeks gambling despite of having a potential consequence if they continued. Addiction will result to a problem even if the addiction you have currently doesn't exhibit other problems to you. Even if you are a rich guy with a gambling addiction with a good financial status, other problem might occur like on relationship, trust, personal connections etc.

Having an addiction is bad in my opinion.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on January 27, 2024, 01:52:39 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think the thing is that, most dont actually know they are addicted to gambling until it becomes a problem, like this scenario you gave that, someone might find it hard to stay away from gambling, so, he or she is spending alot on gambling, but is still very comfortably managing his finances, as well as also taking care of his or her family the very way he or she should, so, to him or her, or for such a person, he or she may not even know that he or she is addicted to gambling, the family as well may not know that their benefactor is addicted to gambling, and this is because, the income of such family is way way above the amount of money that person is spending on gambling.

So, for most, they usually will not know that they are addicted to gambling, for they may see their urge to gamble as something natural and based on their love for gambling.

But such persons can only indeed confirm their true addiction to gambling when things become hard, when he or she is required to cut out all unnecessary expenses, which includes that he or she stop gambling for that main time, this is when he or she will know that.he or she is addicted to gambling, because by now, he or she will discover that he or she is unable to stop, even when he himself really wants to, he sees himself going back to gambling over and over again..

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: blockman on January 27, 2024, 02:09:23 PM
Addiction is addiction and it is bad in all of its aspects in my opinion. If it's not making someone have a problem then that it means that it's not addiction. The gambler can control himself and he's not yet on that part of being addicted. One may say that he's an addicted gambler but you can't see forms of it on him because he can control his urge to gamble and he's aware of how he gambles and able to manage his finances very well. So, with the example, I don't think the guy is addicted. Don't take it as an excuse that guy is taking care of his family because at some point, he could miss that part when he's fully converged into gambling just as the other addicts.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Judith87403 on January 27, 2024, 02:30:35 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

It's not addiction at all, everything that is over and within the limit can be considered a problem, if you're playing within your limit, allocate your bankroll, and only play within your means then you are not addicted to gambling and can be considered a responsible gambler not falling into the category of addicted gambler.
When you encounter or have issues with your finances and your family relationships then it is a problem and you are considered addicted to gambling you cannot go over the limit and not encounter problems to avoid this moderation is the key.

Well said,in my own opinion I think when someone is addicted to gambling it totally becomes a problem,reason is because he's going to find it difficult to withdraw from gambling either,probably if such person
doesn't have money to gamble,it looks asive they are incomplete as a result of being addicted and it becomes a problem.
They can even decide to sell any of there property so as to get money to gamble, some might even end up stealing,you will see most of them moving about,like a dog whose tail is been cut off, just in search of  someone who can give them money to gamble.
Moreover,this set of people also look  for a place where they can get loan all in the name of gamble,and it becomes a very big problem to them.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: the rise on January 27, 2024, 02:40:39 PM
It seems like it doesn't matter if you gamble, it's just gambling, meaning even if you gamble because of an addiction or whatever, if it doesn't affect your life, especially your personal finances, in my opinion it's not bad and I'm proud to see you, because I personally can't do it like that. you say, but remember to control yourself when it comes to gambling

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: slapper on January 27, 2024, 02:52:01 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think the thing is that, most dont actually know they are addicted to gambling until it becomes a problem, like this scenario you gave that, someone might find it hard to stay away from gambling, so, he or she is spending alot on gambling, but is still very comfortably managing his finances, as well as also taking care of his or her family the very way he or she should, so, to him or her, or for such a person, he or she may not even know that he or she is addicted to gambling, the family as well may not know that their benefactor is addicted to gambling, and this is because, the income of such family is way way above the amount of money that person is spending on gambling.

So, for most, they usually will not know that they are addicted to gambling, for they may see their urge to gamble as something natural and based on their love for gambling.

But such persons can only indeed confirm their true addiction to gambling when things become hard, when he or she is required to cut out all unnecessary expenses, which includes that he or she stop gambling for that main time, this is when he or she will know that.he or she is addicted to gambling, because by now, he or she will discover that he or she is unable to stop, even when he himself really wants to, he sees himself going back to gambling over and over again..
The key is understanding the narrow line between enthusiasm and addiction, not whether one can afford to gamble. Yes, managing finances and family while gambling shows control. Control (or lack thereof) is the true test of addiction
Understand gambling addiction by looking at behavioral patterns, not only financial strain. In any form, addiction sneaks into one's lifestyle as a "hobby" or "entertainment". Alarm bells should sound when abstaining is difficult despite a rational desire to do so
A culture of healthy gambling that respects limitations is essential. Setting a budget, sticking to time limitations, and gambling for fun rather than profit might help preserve balance. Gambling should enhance, not restrict, your life

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 27, 2024, 03:51:46 PM
Very few people who are addicted to gambling can still be aware of taking care of their family and buying their daily needs because most gambling addicts will lose their awareness of carrying out their responsibilities because they will only think about their gambling games. They will not remember their family, let alone fulfil their family's daily needs. They only think about gambling games and it has become a bad habit that they continue to do. But some people gamble and do not become addicted to gambling because they are still aware that gambling is not to be abused and can only be used as entertainment. These are the people who can still meet their families' daily needs and carry out their responsibilities.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: killerfrost on January 27, 2024, 04:06:50 PM
Gambling addiction isn't just about losing money, it's about losing control, and the consequences ripple far beyond the casino floor. It's a monster that devours time, relationships, and even self-worth.

Think of it like a dark tunnel. You stumble in, lured by the flickering promise of excitement, only to find yourself lost in a maze of obsession. The thrill becomes a trap, the bets a desperate scramble to chase a ghost of victory. Everything else fades – work, family, self-care – all sacrificed at the altar of chance.

And the worst part? It's not just the gambler who suffers. The shrapnel of addiction wounds everyone around them. Family ties fray under the strain of broken promises and empty pockets. Trust evaporates like smoke in a casino lounge. The once-vibrant life becomes a hollow shell, haunted by the echo of lost potential.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: decodx on January 27, 2024, 04:32:09 PM
Addiction's a tricky thing with no simple fixes.  But I'd say there ain't a healthy addiction out there - it always causes issues.  Even if someones got money to blow gambling and keeps their losses in check, that don't mean their habit isn't messing them up.  An addiction can still screw with your head and emotions, even if you can afford it and it don't interfere with your daily life.   

Sure, some folk can throw cash away no problem and it dont affect their ability to function.  but feeding an addiction still takes a toll on your mental wellbeing whether you see it or not. and  There might not be obvious consequences but subtly it eats away at you.  So I'd say any addiction is bad news, regardless if you got the means to support it.  It'll always find ways to negatively impact your life.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Quidat on January 27, 2024, 04:49:10 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

When you are in a situation on which  you are able to make yourself that be able to handle such gambling activity without compromising your priorities in life then i dont see
for you to be an addicted person or who do have that kind of actions on which you are really that still wary and responsible on whatever the things that you are dealing with.
Somewhat it is really that partly true or realistic that if you do able to make yourself that be able to handle out such situation with gambling without any problems
then it isnt really that a problem at all. It would really be just that right that you would really be needing to do those things which you arent that making yourself
that getting lost of track on the things you've been dealing with.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Saisher on January 27, 2024, 04:50:31 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

It's hard not to encounter problems if you are addicted to gambling, you'll always need money, you neglect your job and your family suffers from lack of time, the gambler may not see these problems but all of these are evident in gamblers they just choose to ignore this.
The only way to go is to moderate your addiction if you want to continue betting because sooner or later you will encounter problems that are hard to check for a solution, It is never ok to be addicted sooner or later you will be broke.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: mindrust on January 27, 2024, 04:59:48 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Don't kid yourself, an addiction will always affect you in a bad way. There is no such thing as "good addiction". I used to think being addicted to reading books is a good habit for example but then I realized if I get addicted to reading books, it will be my excuse to skip my other responsibilities...

Addiction means you are overdoing it. If you are overdoing something very often, it is bad for you.

I drink water every day but I don't call myself a water addict. I drink as much as my body needs.

If I drink 5 liters of water every day, which is way more than my body needs, it will hurt my body and now I am a water addict.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Blitzboy on January 27, 2024, 05:12:55 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Gambling addiction will always lead to problems, maybe not now but there will be a point in time when it will interfere in your life, when you say addiction, it is a strong urge to do things at any cost, one of the symptoms is chasing losses that lead to losing money and spending more time that leads to neglecting the obligation to work and family.
You cannot say you are good if you're addicted to gambling, and it is better to cure it when it's still not interfering with your family affairs and your work, because gambling addiction is a problem that's waiting to happen it can happen anytime, and when it happens every good thing in your life will crumble, so if you think that you can control your addiction it's better to hire an appointment to a professional and rehabilitate yourself for your family and work sake.

I prioritize early intervention. It takes guts and strength to seek professional care, not only to heal. Take back control of your life and priorities. Rehabilitation has restored balance and improved work-family ties in my experience. Its a difficult but rewarding trip.

Lets remember gambling's enjoyment value. Game excitement and unknown intrigue bring people in. Moderation and self-awareness are crucial. We all must promote responsible gambling and help addicts break free. Its never too late to seek help, and doing so is a brave step toward a better future.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Juse14 on January 27, 2024, 05:18:30 PM
I don't really understand what the OP is saying. Likewise with the question asked by the OP. Although there is no such thing as a wrong question, there are also wrong answers.

OP asked “is addiction only bad when it becomes a problem?” even though the problem is addiction itself. And someone can be called a gambling addict when they cannot control these activities well, where they experience losses beyond their means, where they prioritize gambling over other needs and activities that are more important than just gambling, where they gamble using money. whose needs are clear and when they don't have any money, they are willing to take out loans or schedule their personal belongings in order to be able to gamble, where they are willing to give up their work and responsibilities in order to be able to gamble. And if someone experiences these things, then it can be said that he is experiencing an addiction to gambling. And it is certain that this person is in a bad situation, a situation that is quite difficult and complicated.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: qwertyup23 on January 27, 2024, 06:20:33 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

This may be a controversial opinion but I firmly believe that addiction is a problem when it harms your daily activities.

Addiction, in general, is something that everyone should avoid especially if it interferes with your day-to-day operations. While there may be some people who are addicted to something, it is not automatic that it interferes or becomes a problem with their standard operation of living.

Just to give you a personal example, I am addicted to playing online and computer games. While this addiction of mine can be problematic, I still have the responsibility in which I should balance my academics + recreational activities.

This is the reason on why I do believe that addiction becomes a problem when IT IS a problem in the first place. If you think that you can handle and control your desires, then I see no problem with its overall impact.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: acroman08 on January 27, 2024, 06:26:56 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
no offence but what you wrote sounds like it was just made up(especially the highlighted part). do you have any source/article for this? if so, would you mind sharing it, I'd like to read it.

addiction is an obsessive/compulsive behaviour, meaning if someone is addicted whatever they are addicted to will take priority. no matter how successful they are, their addiction will always negatively affect their life in some way.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: uneng on January 27, 2024, 06:34:17 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
If it doesn't affect their routine at all, they aren't gambling addicted, then. One of the main characteristics of addiction is the disfunctionality it provokes on the life of the individual. It's the social, financial, moral and emotional prejudices caused to his life which characterizes an addiction. Since you hypothetically mentioned they are still able to care their families, fulfill their compromises and responsabilities and keep a healthy life, gambling is just a minor part of their day. Therefore, I don't think they would feel any urges to gamble, because if they were, how could they do all the good things you mentioned?

It would be impossible, because let's say they felt an urge to gamble right before the work time. It would prejudice their professional careers. Or let's say the urge to gamble came when they had to take kids to school. Then, it would forbid them from caring their families. So 'urge to gamble' is incompatible with the scenario you described in your post. Urge to gamble will always affect their lives negatively and won't allow them to have a functional routine.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on January 27, 2024, 06:52:00 PM
Addiction to something means that you can leave everything but you cannot leave that thing for which you are addicted therefore if someone continues his gambling and still his life is happy then it means that he is not addicted but he is gambling just for fun. I think addiction is bad whether its a good or bad because for what you have addicted if you cannot find access towards it then it will become hard for you to bear its unavailability.

Gambling is a bad addiction which surely will have some bad effects on your life as well as on your family's life because the happiness of your family is linked with your happiness so if you are aggressively asking about money for gambling to your family then there is a problem of bad addiction of gambling which should be avoided and gambling should be stopped if it effect you and your family badly.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: |MINER| on January 27, 2024, 06:56:07 PM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: topbitcoin on January 27, 2024, 06:56:21 PM
Gambling addiction is a very complex problem. And when someone experiences a gambling addiction, they can be sure that their condition is very bad. Individuals who are addicted to gambling cannot realize that the behavior they carry out in gambling is very detrimental to them, and they often justify their bad behavior when someone tries to advise and make them aware. And that is what causes the problem of gambling addiction to become so complex.

And an individual can be said to experience a feeling of addiction to gambling, where they are no longer able to control their gambling activities properly, which ultimately causes loss and regret. And the loss I mean is not only in financial terms, but also in terms of time. Someone who is addicted to gambling tends to prioritize their gambling activities over other activities, where they often miss very important moments for the sake of gambling. A gambling addict will only realize it when he has lost everything and no one else cares enough about him.

Before that happens in our lives, if you like gambling, then control this activity as best as possible, and try to continue to minimize losses and negative impacts from gambling. because prevention is better than cure.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Oilacris on January 27, 2024, 07:00:15 PM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford
If you could afford then there's no problem at all.  :D

The only problem on here is that on the time that you are already compromising important funds then you are already doing the wrong thing .
Addiction does pertain about doing things excessively specially that you are already playing that much towards it and spending it more and spending more time.
As long you are that in track with your finances and having no excessive spending then you are just fine.

On the time that you are spending way above those limits and budget then this is something that you would really be needing to adjust
because if you wont then this is where disaster do starts.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: bitvalak on January 27, 2024, 07:11:34 PM
If it doesn't affect his life I don't think it's an addiction. Addiction is a condition that makes a person lose control over something.
Usually this refers to excessive liking and is driven by a strong desire or passion for one thing. A person who is addicted will usually have no control over what he does, consumes, or uses.
If he can still control his life over gambling, it means it is just a hobby or just fun. Because he understands when it's time to gamble, when it's time for him to stop playing and do activities outside of gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Wiwo on January 27, 2024, 09:43:09 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think the thing is that, most dont actually know they are addicted to gambling until it becomes a problem, like this scenario you gave that, someone might find it hard to stay away from gambling, so, he or she is spending alot on gambling, but is still very comfortably managing his finances, as well as also taking care of his or her family the very way he or she should, so, to him or her, or for such a person, he or she may not even know that he or she is addicted to gambling, the family as well may not know that their benefactor is addicted to gambling, and this is because, the income of such family is way way above the amount of money that person is spending on gambling.

So, for most, they usually will not know that they are addicted to gambling, for they may see their urge to gamble as something natural and based on their love for gambling.

But such persons can only indeed confirm their true addiction to gambling when things become hard, when he or she is required to cut out all unnecessary expenses, which includes that he or she stop gambling for that main time, this is when he or she will know that.he or she is addicted to gambling, because by now, he or she will discover that he or she is unable to stop, even when he himself really wants to, he sees himself going back to gambling over and over again..
Fact also is that, problems can come regardless if you are an addicts or not, as far as you engage in risky ventures like gambling, it becomes easy to to encounter problem's along the line, this is because many times it will always happen when you are at your lowest level, and that is when it becomes clear that actually regardless of wether or not you are an addicts, it can still rob up on you to the point that you face alot of reap life problem's.

But then also, addictions could also be controlled and estimated to be, worst if only it becomes problematic, and it can only become problematic when you take the mistakes to a repeated level that os repeating same mistakes all the time.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on January 27, 2024, 10:06:04 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
Well, I've said it many times in my replies on the forum, there are both positive and negative addictions, and if the one you are facing is positive, you are good to go. Positive addictions is harmless to the person as it doesn't have issues with their living, they make money from it if it is what involves money like gambling, only that they are engrossed with it and can't leave it. Even the money-making involvement is enough reason for such to be addicted to it, after all, we all need money and financial freedom, so if someone is now making money consistently in gambling, do you expect the person to leave it? I guess not. This is even as the money can be used to fix a lot and even invest it better elsewhere as an additional advantage.

This, of course, can't cause the person to err in his responsibility among others, so he has nothing to lose or be afraid of and such will even live his life as if the gambling addiction is not there but just doing what he likes or/and that fetches him money. But for the negative addiction, that is where the issue lies, this will, of course, be problematic for the person and will force such to be irresponsible with all sorts of bad deeds, which is why people often call it out and make gambling looks like total evil, but are often silent about the positive addiction since it doesn't subtract from the person's life.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: AmoreJaz on January 27, 2024, 10:18:05 PM
Gambling addiction is a very complex problem. And when someone experiences a gambling addiction, they can be sure that their condition is very bad. Individuals who are addicted to gambling cannot realize that the behavior they carry out in gambling is very detrimental to them, and they often justify their bad behavior when someone tries to advise and make them aware. And that is what causes the problem of gambling addiction to become so complex.

And an individual can be said to experience a feeling of addiction to gambling, where they are no longer able to control their gambling activities properly, which ultimately causes loss and regret. And the loss I mean is not only in financial terms, but also in terms of time. Someone who is addicted to gambling tends to prioritize their gambling activities over other activities, where they often miss very important moments for the sake of gambling. A gambling addict will only realize it when he has lost everything and no one else cares enough about him.

Before that happens in our lives, if you like gambling, then control this activity as best as possible, and try to continue to minimize losses and negative impacts from gambling. because prevention is better than cure.

just like any other vices, a person who is addicted to gambling most of the time won't listen to what you have to say. but if you encounter a gambling addict who still knows the reality of things, then i would say, he can still contain his gambling impulses and you can still reason out with him. but unluckily, most addicts have destructive behaviour, not only for themselves but to his immediately family as well.

What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford

based from this definition   Gambling addiction - healthdirect  (,reward%20will%20be%20more%20valuable.)

"People with a gambling addiction can't control their urge to gamble, even if they are losing a lot of money. They are willing to risk something of value in the hope that the reward will be more valuable."

so it means, even if you can afford to gamble and lose a lot, you can still be tagged as addict if you can't contain yourself when it comes to gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Gozie51 on January 27, 2024, 10:25:30 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Addiction is always frown at when it is affecting other aspects of your life and so with that people will always ring the bell that you are addicted to that thing and that is why other things in the person's life is suffering. For example if you are a contractor and you need to make a quotation for a job but instead of doing that you are busy gambling and at the end of the day you lose the contract either because you submitted it late or you didn't at all and someone's quotation was considered .

Yes generally success has plenty followership than failure, so those people who are addicted but always win huge will be considered as a gambler who knows what they are doing and balance themselves against the gamblers who are losers . If you are losing, then you can be regarded as addict since you can't cover other activities.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 27, 2024, 10:57:02 PM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford
If things are still tolerable then that won't count to addiction. As others have said, addiction will be always a negative thing to suffer from. Addiction especially with gambling will never be an easy experience and it will always be a problem. I have a friend who was clinically diagnosed with addiction. He came to a point that he sold his car to pay his debt and the next day he went again to the casino to play with the excess money he had over his car. Fortunately his sister knew what happened and she's the one to have him checked. It took him more than  year fully recover and be away of gambling. This right here, is just a single instance which displays addiction. No gambler can afford losing any amount 'cos it is reasonable for us to hope for a big time win.

Again, no form of addiction will not be a problem to anyone. The bigger its consequence wherein in this topic, the larger the problem is. As we all know many people died from their own hands simply 'cos they cannot control the drive and how things are falling in their surroundings just because of their obsession. If you are concerned then have it checked already as early as possible to avoid worse things to take place before you notice.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Weawant on January 27, 2024, 11:15:25 PM
If it doesn't affect his life I don't think it's an addiction. Addiction is a condition that makes a person lose control over something.
Usually this refers to excessive liking and is driven by a strong desire or passion for one thing. A person who is addicted will usually have no control over what he does, consumes, or uses.
If he can still control his life over gambling, it means it is just a hobby or just fun. Because he understands when it's time to gamble, when it's time for him to stop playing and do activities outside of gambling.
Until it becomes uncontrollable and what such person is yet to be classified as addicted because such person on their own can still control the events of such habits around them, addiction is worse more that as it was described by OP in some cases such person results to seeking professional help

Revisiting what is fun to you and you find as  your hobby is it addiction yet but one should be mindful of such hobby that have such a strong urge on you because it can gradually turn in to addiction at the point when you no longer have control over it and find yourself trying so hard by all means to satisfying such urge for a particular hobby especially one which involves money like gambling dose , then it's important to become mindful of it and not letting it getting a better part of you before you make moves to fixing it.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: panganib999 on January 27, 2024, 11:19:53 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Addiction is a problem through and through, it's not something that you experience for it to be a problem eventually. You don't render diseases as something you can just disregard until it actually kills you, so why do you think of addiction as something that's not gonna do any effect upon the afflicted until they have ruined their lives irreparably?

If you're talking about those who are able to lead lives while still getting the impulse to gamble and are actively acting upon it with no hesitation, then I got news for you, they are already digging their own graves and if no action was taken to prevent them from going off deeper into the abyss that is gambling addiction, then the problems you're talking about is going to manifest and become more apparent. Which is why people should always stop gambling immediately soon as they feel like they are doing something they shouldn't do. Cause once you lose yourself in the game it's going to be even harder to come back.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: STT on January 27, 2024, 11:24:20 PM
If you could afford to gamble but spend too much time that could be considered a problem.  I'd only rate big problem when its somebody who is ignoring the reality of their game somehow, if you can still handle each loss and accept a win may not repeat with every the possibility then you are on the level.  I've spent all day gambling in the past and its not been a massive problem because I didnt go past my budget, it was some winnings some loss with no idea that somehow I had to stack them all together or bet bigger each time just took some interest in each bet placed and it was fine

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: temple on January 27, 2024, 11:30:50 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Without looking into any Wiki or definition or dictionary book, I would say that the term addiction implies that an activity is conducted in such a way that it must be described as pathological. An addiction, as per definition, does affect other activities of life or how else would you define an addiction if not by the impact it has on other areas of life?

This impact might vary for different people in terms of magnitude and while for some an activity is an addiction under certain circumstances, it might not yet be an addiction for someone else. But I am pretty sure that your question is packed with issues and should be rephrased. An addiction is something someone should get treatment for. How can it not be a problem if there is something inside you that needs treatment?

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: borovichok on January 27, 2024, 11:47:25 PM
so those people who are addicted but always win huge will be considered as a gambler who knows what they are doing

Personal observation revealed that addiction takes different forms. You can still be winning yet don`t know what you are doing which is contrary to the opinion above. Emphasis shouldn`t be about money all the time. Good times with friends and family shouldn`t be traded for anything except working time. So, when a gambler is always gambling and neglecting family and friends, he is still acting wrongly even if he is winning. It is worth mentioning that one of the elements of gambling addiction is neglect for family. You can even be surprised to find out that the money he is making from gambling is not channelled to his family but still to gambling and experience will tell us that you cannot win all the time. So, gambling addiction is not a good thing.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: arimamib on January 27, 2024, 11:56:31 PM
Until it becomes uncontrollable and what such person is yet to be classified as addicted because such person on their own can still control the events of such habits around them, addiction is worse more that as it was described by OP in some cases such person results to seeking professional help

Revisiting what is fun to you and you find as  your hobby is it addiction yet but one should be mindful of such hobby that have such a strong urge on you because it can gradually turn in to addiction at the point when you no longer have control over it and find yourself trying so hard by all means to satisfying such urge for a particular hobby especially one which involves money like gambling dose , then it's important to become mindful of it and not letting it getting a better part of you before you make moves to fixing it.
Addiction is characterized by a lack of control which leads to causing problems and they need to seek professional help. Revisiting what brings joy and serves as a hobby is engaging in activities for pleasure or recreation which is a normal part of life. The shift from a hobby to a potential addiction is often gradual, and People neeed to be vigilant when starting lose control and find themselves consistently trying to satisfy the urge.

Recognizing these signs early on is essential in preventing the hobby from turning into a problematic behavior. Seeking help and intervention when needed is a sign of strength and self-awareness. It's a broader understanding of responsible behavior, and they serve as a reminder to prioritize mental well-being when engaging in activities that have the potential for addictive patterns.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Chikito on January 28, 2024, 12:00:44 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
Sure, addiction went a problem if the person concerned loses control to endanger the lives around his family. so if he lives in addiction without burden, I think we can understand that person has good management for his life, and his addition not endanger his life. So the problem now is addiction is not easy to control, in theory, we can easy to manage it for how much money to play and what time you can sit on play, but in reality, it's hard, if you go too far and get carried away by emotions you will come in negative addiction like them.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Ever-young on January 28, 2024, 12:35:32 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

If someone still have time for their family, do the things which they are still suppose to do in life, go to work and come back home, and other house activities and finance is not affected such person is not to be consider to be addicted to gambling yet, maybe he is just gambling too much which he thinks he is addicted but he is not the only time I can say one is addicted is if the person is not controlling how much he gamble with and how his activities goes but all they care about is gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Wexnident on January 28, 2024, 02:07:43 AM
Then that's not what I'd call an addiction. I'd say it's just an intense urge to gamble. The difference is they can manage their life properly mostly in terms of their financial situation. If you were to look up what addiction first result states that
Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences.

Keyword in this case is "despite adverse consequences". The only thing really affected here is his personal time since he gambles a lot, but could you say the same for anyone else who pursues a passion or something similar? You'd probably just let them be really. Same instance here imo.

Src: (

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: klidex on January 28, 2024, 04:33:58 AM
This is if the addict is a rich person and has a business that makes big profits every day so that their addiction is not too big a problem and they consider their addiction as fun and they don't think too much about the losses they experience so they can still carry out their activities as usual and don't have any problem, whether economic problems or family problems, because the economy is sometimes the number 1 problem among the many problems that occur.

However, if someone who is addicted is an ordinary person and has a mediocre income then this could be a big problem because his addiction will disrupt his economic stability and he must immediately get help to stop his addiction before the problem gets worse. Someone who is addicted to gambling is very bad for middle class people down so never assume that gambling addiction is not dangerous because gambling addiction is very dangerous for a person's life.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: len01 on January 28, 2024, 04:35:50 AM
If you're talking about those who are able to lead lives while still getting the impulse to gamble and are actively acting upon it with no hesitation, then I got news for you, they are already digging their own graves and if no action was taken to prevent them from going off deeper into the abyss that is gambling addiction, then the problems you're talking about is going to manifest and become more apparent. Which is why people should always stop gambling immediately soon as they feel like they are doing something they shouldn't do. Cause once you lose yourself in the game it's going to be even harder to come back.
It is true that what you say is very reasonable when a gambler has desire to continue to gamble even though real life has no problem I think they have to stop gambling and leaving gambling for a while.
the encouragement to continue gambling is one of the initial signs of addiction even though it does not look serious, but believe it is the beginning of the destruction of his life in the future because I say like this has experienced very bad gambler in the past and for those who have an early sign of addiction as if you want to continue gambling it would be better to immediately force yourself to leave gambling.
sometimes gambler experiences an early sign of addiction that will never adhere to him because it almost unreasonable but certainly as you say here that always be careful of controlling himself and always knows the initial sign of addiction and when it has a strong push when tempted by something like a big victory It would be better to immediately avoid gambling as far as possible to avoid from dark future.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Hirose UK on January 28, 2024, 04:59:03 AM
Then that's not what I'd call an addiction. I'd say it's just an intense urge to gamble. The difference is they can manage their life properly mostly in terms of their financial situation. If you were to look up what addiction first result states that
Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences.

Keyword in this case is "despite adverse consequences". The only thing really affected here is his personal time since he gambles a lot, but could you say the same for anyone else who pursues a passion or something similar? You'd probably just let them be really. Same instance here imo.

Src: (

Time? Yes, of course a gambler will have an influence on time, but in context like this there are still gambling addicts who can divide their time for work or business and time for gambling, even though they will spend more time gambling.
Most important thing is that there is good management of time which can be used for other more useful things, as I said before, it all depends on the background of the gambling addicts.
There are rich gamblers who are business people and they are addicted but they can manage their time professionally and not interfere with their work hours, this is one example of how gambling addict who actually still has good mindset.
They can gamble all night long but the next day they can run their business well, isn't this quite impressive?
The background of gamblers from low economy can be worse in terms of addiction because they will only prioritize ambition and forget something that is mandatory in maintaining financial stability.
I know several entrepreneurs and they are addicted to gambling almost every night and spend lot of money but there is in their finances because they are still able to run their business in condition that is addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: pinggoki on January 28, 2024, 05:38:48 AM
If you could afford to gamble but spend too much time that could be considered a problem.  I'd only rate big problem when its somebody who is ignoring the reality of their game somehow, if you can still handle each loss and accept a win may not repeat with every the possibility then you are on the level.  I've spent all day gambling in the past and its not been a massive problem because I didnt go past my budget, it was some winnings some loss with no idea that somehow I had to stack them all together or bet bigger each time just took some interest in each bet placed and it was fine
Anything that's in excess is almost always a bad thing in my opinion so if there's a moderation in what you do and you get out of it at a reasonable duration, I think that you're fine and the gambling that you're doing is going to be just fine. For though, there's no white or black when it comes to addiction, that something good can come out of addiction is probably not something I often think about, I think that addiction is almost always a bad thing to happen. To me, addiction is just like poverty, it's only romantic when it's on book or movie, in a grounded realism, it's gross and you don't want to put yourself in that position deliberately because once your in, it's not going to be like the one in the books.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Publictalk792 on January 28, 2024, 06:04:54 AM
Some people who gamble can still do their daily tasks and look successful but we need to understand that addiction is a big problem. Addiction means anyone can't control his/her behavior and it can cause bad things to happen in their lives. Addiction can make money unstable and make  feel bad. If we ignore or excuse addiction just because someone looks successful it keeps causing harm and doesn't solve the real problem. It's really important to help people with addiction no matter how successful they seem on the outside.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Judith87403 on January 28, 2024, 06:47:45 AM
This is if the addict is a rich person and has a business that makes big profits every day so that their addiction is not too big a problem and they consider their addiction as fun and they don't think too much about the losses they experience so they can still carry out their activities as usual and don't have any problem, whether economic problems or family problems, because the economy is sometimes the number 1 problem among the many problems that occur.

However, if someone who is addicted is an ordinary person and has a mediocre income then this could be a big problem because his addiction will disrupt his economic stability and he must immediately get help to stop his addiction before the problem gets worse. Someone who is addicted to gambling is very bad for middle class people down so never assume that gambling addiction is not dangerous because gambling addiction is very dangerous for a person's life.

Well, in my own opinion I think when someone play gamble more often as a result of being Addicted to gambling it becomes a problem,more especially those that preferred virtual sports instead of normal bet,I think those set of people get addicted to gambling so easily,some can even decide to spend the whole of the day in a gambling shop,there are most of them who happens to be a working class gambler, probably on there way going to work they can decide to stop in the nearest betting shop without realizing that they are up to work, maybe they can decide to try just one hand before going to work.without knowing that gambling itself has a bad spirit,on the contrary they might even end up going to work late and in this case they can have him sacked as a result of not being punctual and it becomes a problem.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: pawanjain on January 28, 2024, 07:43:48 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I guess so. I mean as long as you are fulfilling your responsibilities correctly, gambling addiction won't be a problem.
I wonder if it is even an addiction because if it is an addiction then you won't be able to focus on other things correctly at all.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on January 28, 2024, 09:00:36 AM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
If you are gambling and it is not affecting you, that means you are not addicted to gambling at all. Gambling addiction is when it is taking your time or money. If gambling is not taking your time or money, that means you are not addicted but having fun.

Gambling addiction can be referred to as problem gambling. If you do not have problem in gambling, that means you are not addicted to it. If gambling is not affecting you financially and not taking your time that you want to use for other important things, no matter the time you spend gambling, that is not addiction.
I think you can have an addiction and not have significant problems. That is, in fact there are problems, but they are not significant enough to interfere with your life. For example, I don't like that I play games too often. It takes up a lot of my time. Although I don't lose a lot thanks to risk management and good money management. And often I even win. And my capital grows on the long term. But capital cannot grow in the long term if you do not concentrate your attention on the subject of games. And this is possible only with some degree of dependence.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: KiaKia on January 28, 2024, 09:07:15 AM
I believe that gambling addiction is already bad before it becomes a problem, because whatever you are addicted to becomes a part of yourself, even when you realize that it's a problem, to beat the addiction will be a bigger problem, precaution is always better than cure.

I don't encourage getting addicted to gambling, it's not a good thing, addiction is taking things to far, and too much of everything is bad generally, there is no such thing as good addiction, it will cause you big problem.

Even if you are responsible and taking care of your family, addiction is a big problem and it will affect you sooner, it's better not to get addicted at all.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Natsuu on January 28, 2024, 10:25:07 AM
Even if some gamblers seem to handle their addiction while keeping things together, it can still become a problem over time. Even successful gamblers may face issues like money troubles or strained relationships eventually. So, addiction is seen as a problem because it can lead to negative consequences, even if they're not obvious right away. too much of anything is addiction and any kind of addiction is a problem

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Kliss on January 28, 2024, 10:34:19 AM
Gambling addiction has no good sides. In my thinking, gambling addiction is the height of gambling where a gambler knows that gambling is a problem in his life but cannot stop it. An addictive gambler can gamble all his finances and even run into debt just to gamble. When one is a gambling addict, he places gambling above everything including job and family.

Sadly, he can call in sick at his job just to have the time to gamble. He appears so irresponsible, most times thinks of committing suicide, easily gets mood swings, occupies his mind with the hopes of winning all he has lost in gambling and so continues to borrow just to gamble whenever he blows up his finances. Show me an addictive gambler and I will show you an irresponsible debtor with a shortened lifespan.

Addiction is a physical, uncontrollable and persistent urge over something that can impact negatively in any ones daily life. Anything addition in gambling has generally become a problem, once you are an addict you lose focus on other important stuff, financial distress and difficulties and so many others. The impacts of gambling addiction can vary from person to person, addiction in gambling is generally regarded as a problem.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: boty on January 28, 2024, 10:35:58 AM
Some people who gamble can still do their daily tasks and look successful but we need to understand that addiction is a big problem. Addiction means anyone can't control his/her behavior and it can cause bad things to happen in their lives. Addiction can make money unstable and make  feel bad. If we ignore or excuse addiction just because someone looks successful it keeps causing harm and doesn't solve the real problem. It's really important to help people with addiction no matter how successful they seem on the outside.
It's true, those who have experienced gambling addiction will find it very difficult to control themselves not to gamble within a few days. They always want to gamble every day and they make money only for their gambling needs and will not think about other people and when they lose again. of the bets they play, of course they will get emotional quickly and many other bad things will happen to those who are addicted to gambling.

Only they themselves can get rid of their gambling habits but it will be very difficult not to gamble anymore and they can only reduce their gambling activities slowly, if they themselves don't want to stop then other people will not be able to teach them to stop gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: odunybiz on January 28, 2024, 11:20:51 AM
Even if some gamblers seem to handle their addiction while keeping things together, it can still become a problem over time. Even successful gamblers may face issues like money troubles or strained relationships eventually. So, addiction is seen as a problem because it can lead to negative consequences, even if they're not obvious right away. too much of anything is addiction and any kind of addiction is a problem

Successful gamblers like you said may face some challenges if he/she is an addict and doesn't take measure when betting. One thing I see to be more important in gambling whether you are an addict or not is money management. If you can control this together with your greediness, I don't think you will have problem as a gambler.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: junder on January 28, 2024, 11:40:08 AM
If you could afford to gamble but spend too much time that could be considered a problem.  I'd only rate big problem when its somebody who is ignoring the reality of their game somehow, if you can still handle each loss and accept a win may not repeat with every the possibility then you are on the level.  I've spent all day gambling in the past and its not been a massive problem because I didnt go past my budget, it was some winnings some loss with no idea that somehow I had to stack them all together or bet bigger each time just took some interest in each bet placed and it was fine
Anything that's in excess is almost always a bad thing in my opinion so if there's a moderation in what you do and you get out of it at a reasonable duration, I think that you're fine and the gambling that you're doing is going to be just fine. For though, there's no white or black when it comes to addiction, that something good can come out of addiction is probably not something I often think about, I think that addiction is almost always a bad thing to happen. To me, addiction is just like poverty, it's only romantic when it's on book or movie, in a grounded realism, it's gross and you don't want to put yourself in that position deliberately because once your in, it's not going to be like the one in the books.

That's true, not only with gambling, in my opinion everything that is done excessively will only bring problems Also with other things gambling that is done excessively is certainly not a good thing because in gambling there is a big possibility of losing and if it is done excessively it means that we are spending a lot of money on gambling, which is not what we should do.  Unless gambling is very likely to always get profitable wins, it's no problem if you do it excessively.

I agree with you, the fact is that addiction only leads to bad things. Becoming addicted to gambling is not a good thing, because that means we will only think about the losses that occur when gambling, because the difficulty of winning in gambling is a fact and in my opinion this has become a problem that is discussed a lot in every thread. which exists. because gambling addiction is not good, the many bad effects that can occur due to gambling addiction cannot be hidden.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Blitzboy on January 28, 2024, 12:44:21 PM
This is if the addict is a rich person and has a business that makes big profits every day so that their addiction is not too big a problem and they consider their addiction as fun and they don't think too much about the losses they experience so they can still carry out their activities as usual and don't have any problem, whether economic problems or family problems, because the economy is sometimes the number 1 problem among the many problems that occur.

However, if someone who is addicted is an ordinary person and has a mediocre income then this could be a big problem because his addiction will disrupt his economic stability and he must immediately get help to stop his addiction before the problem gets worse. Someone who is addicted to gambling is very bad for middle class people down so never assume that gambling addiction is not dangerous because gambling addiction is very dangerous for a person's life.

Well, in my own opinion I think when someone play gamble more often as a result of being Addicted to gambling it becomes a problem,more especially those that preferred virtual sports instead of normal bet,I think those set of people get addicted to gambling so easily,some can even decide to spend the whole of the day in a gambling shop,there are most of them who happens to be a working class gambler, probably on there way going to work they can decide to stop in the nearest betting shop without realizing that they are up to work, maybe they can decide to try just one hand before going to work.without knowing that gambling itself has a bad spirit,on the contrary they might even end up going to work late and in this case they can have him sacked as a result of not being punctual and it becomes a problem.
I agree that gambling, especially addiction, can ruin lives. Gambling itself isnt the culprit; its our relationship with it.

Gambling is a method for many to relax and spice up their daily lives. The unknown and what could be intrigues individuals. However, I believe that when fun turns into dependency, the repercussions can be terrible for the individual and their family. Mindfulness and moderation are needed to maintain this delicate equilibrium.

Given this, I endorse a storyline that promotes enjoyable gambling and awareness and help for people in need. Its about developing healthy, controlled environments for this activity online and offline. Gambling may be fun and exciting while encouraging ethical gambling and helping those in need.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: dothebeats on January 28, 2024, 12:57:53 PM
Anything that's too much is bad, whether it causes a problem or not. That is why moderation is the key to anything, and just because one isn't losing money to anything doesn't mean they aren't causing problems. Their time is probably something that is the most affected of these all because it takes a lot of it to gamble that religiously.

Addicts not losing money are losing something in the process that they are completely oblivious about, and that's something worth pondering IMO.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: piebeyb on January 28, 2024, 01:27:02 PM
Even if some gamblers seem to handle their addiction while keeping things together, it can still become a problem over time. Even successful gamblers may face issues like money troubles or strained relationships eventually. So, addiction is seen as a problem because it can lead to negative consequences, even if they're not obvious right away. too much of anything is addiction and any kind of addiction is a problem
Yes, gambling addiction is a bad habit that must be eliminated because anything that is excessive will certainly be a problem in our lives, that's why it is important to understand good control when gambling because when you are addicted to gambling it will be difficult to control yourself, there are many things that we don't want and hope for. happens to ourselves when we start to be addicted to gambling, always be aware of anything at the beginning when you start to gamble excessively then stop it.

In fact, I consciously believe that everyone has awareness when they start to become addicted to gambling, it's just that they ignore whatever happens to them, which is something that won't be a problem in the future, which is why the average person who is addicted to gambling doesn't feel the initial symptoms that are in their mind. They are that they carry out gambling properly but in other people's opinion it is quite outrageous and is called a gambling addiction. The point is to always listen to whatever people closest to us give advice, never ignore any advice because whatever it is, everyone will want us to be better people. Gambling addiction is a source of problems for gamblers.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 28, 2024, 02:37:18 PM
Anything that's too much is bad, whether it causes a problem or not. That is why moderation is the key to anything, and just because one isn't losing money to anything doesn't mean they aren't causing problems. Their time is probably something that is the most affected of these all because it takes a lot of it to gamble that religiously.

Addicts not losing money are losing something in the process that they are completely oblivious about, and that's something worth pondering IMO.
I agree with you because when we gamble excessively, it can impact us, which is likely to be bad. And yes, moderation is a way not to overdo it, especially in gambling, so we must always remember to limit the gambling activities we do. Playing gambling can cause us to lose a lot of money, especially when we lose self-control, so that's what we have to take care of while gambling.

The addict will not realize how much money he has lost because he only thinks about gambling. But for those of us who have not or are not addicted to gambling, we must always be able to moderate our gambling activities so that we do not experience problems after playing gambling or experiencing gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Slow death on January 28, 2024, 03:30:34 PM
As far as I know, addiction is a serious illness that must be treated very urgently. There is no such thing as someone being addicted to something and yet that person declaring themselves to be well, that kind of thing is a lie, and an illusion. the person can argue that he is managing to live well even with addiction because he can buy clothes, he hasn't sold anything to anyone and he hasn't committed any crime, but this is only temporary, and when I talk about temporary I mean a short time, after the short Over time, the person addicted to gambling will start to get worse, the tendency of an addicted person who refuses to indulge has always been to continue getting worse and will start to reach the point of committing crimes.

If addiction is not treated, it leads people into the world of crime. Unfortunately, many people ignore this and don't take this point seriously. They think that addiction is a light thing, that they can cure themselves whenever they want, but that's not true. Addiction is a disease that must be treated very urgently. I hope that all people who cannot stay without playing seek help from a doctor and undergo treatment urgently, because the sooner they undergo treatment then the sooner they will be cured and that is very good for them and for all the people who are close to them. from them. I've seen some people who fell into addiction and refused to accept that they were addicted and died as a result.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: famososMuertos on January 28, 2024, 03:38:24 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

But of course it is bad, the result does not matter if you are sick, it applies to any illness.  That's what's relevant, I think you make an approach from your perspective and you believe that the situation as you raised it is "positive" if you are a winner, but it is a mistake on your part.

At the end of life's path it will take its toll in some way, there is a well-known case that is even discussed on this same board, Michael Jordan, successful, money, but he is an addict, and when he separated from his wife the scandal was his divorce, but his wife declares that infidelity was her limit, but her gambling addiction several times led her to think about divorce.

Sometimes these cases that you mention are like people who suffer from depression, nothing, but absolutely nothing, makes you predict that the end of your days (dying) is near, and it happens when you least expect it.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: topbitcoin on January 28, 2024, 04:56:44 PM
Gambling addiction is a very complex problem. And when someone experiences a gambling addiction, they can be sure that their condition is very bad. Individuals who are addicted to gambling cannot realize that the behavior they carry out in gambling is very detrimental to them, and they often justify their bad behavior when someone tries to advise and make them aware. And that is what causes the problem of gambling addiction to become so complex.

And an individual can be said to experience a feeling of addiction to gambling, where they are no longer able to control their gambling activities properly, which ultimately causes loss and regret. And the loss I mean is not only in financial terms, but also in terms of time. Someone who is addicted to gambling tends to prioritize their gambling activities over other activities, where they often miss very important moments for the sake of gambling. A gambling addict will only realize it when he has lost everything and no one else cares enough about him.

Before that happens in our lives, if you like gambling, then control this activity as best as possible, and try to continue to minimize losses and negative impacts from gambling. because prevention is better than cure.

just like any other vices, a person who is addicted to gambling most of the time won't listen to what you have to say. but if you encounter a gambling addict who still knows the reality of things, then i would say, he can still contain his gambling impulses and you can still reason out with him. but unluckily, most addicts have destructive behaviour, not only for themselves but to his immediately family as well.

The problem is that when we have entered and fallen into something then we will not easily accept any input that is said because in the end we also know that situations like this are a form of pure rejection from ourselves as a form of denial that what we are doing is the truth even though it is the wrong thing but we must insist on justifying it just to cover up that we are wrong in it.

This kind of situation always happens for gamblers regardless of whether brainstorming or just sharing experiences can heal in the end something like this can only happen if there is a true intention for them to stop their addiction.
Everything depends on yourself because everything will only be able to change if our intentions are really good to stop everything in the hope that life can be better.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on January 28, 2024, 05:08:27 PM
Addiction is always frown at when it is affecting other aspects of your life and so with that people will always ring the bell that you are addicted to that thing and that is why other things in the person's life is suffering. For example if you are a contractor and you need to make a quotation for a job but instead of doing that you are busy gambling and at the end of the day you lose the contract either because you submitted it late or you didn't at all and someone's quotation was considered .

Yes generally success has plenty followership than failure, so those people who are addicted but always win huge will be considered as a gambler who knows what they are doing and balance themselves against the gamblers who are losers . If you are losing, then you can be regarded as addict since you can't cover other activities.
This will be so bad if someone who was supposed to be somewhere else is gambling or gambling taking one's time unnecessarily, or the person uses the money meant for other things for gambling. All these are to be frowned at as they will never lead any gambler anywhere good. The gambling addiction that is negative are so many, we can start calling them out from now till tomorrow with thousands already called out, and you will never see anyone wanting to associate themselves with any even though a lot do them, which is why people call gambling some sort of names. But in reality, gambling might be good in some aspects too if the gambler is responsible.

But when someone is winning all the time, or perhaps gambling is able to substitute very well for their boredom to kill it even as it is not done excessively, then they get to like it and people may not even know they gamble at times. While those who know might even encourage them to continue because it never affects their lives negatively. This is why people will not often talk about gambling or anything that is addictive so far they are not affecting people negatively. And to some, it even adds to them which makes some to be well appreciated despite it being addictive. Some addicted people are even worth emulating, this is because you can't see them going to the extreme or having irresponsible behaviour whatsoever with it. However, anything opposite this is always problematic.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: electronicash on January 28, 2024, 05:24:28 PM
Anything that's too much is bad, whether it causes a problem or not. That is why moderation is the key to anything, and just because one isn't losing money to anything doesn't mean they aren't causing problems. Their time is probably something that is the most affected of these all because it takes a lot of it to gamble that religiously.

Addicts not losing money are losing something in the process that they are completely oblivious about, and that's something worth pondering IMO.

too much money is even bad right? it's also the reason why i don't wanna be rich anymore. i hate money. lol

so let's say this gambler wins a lot and he got a lot of money. he may not consider the addiction as bad yet but after some time he will find out. it could be that he already doesn't give attention to his kids or wife which could lead to a bigger problem.

some problems don't disappear from people with money. for example too addicted may forget his health condition after sleepless nights gambling. this applies to workaholic men too.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: kojektea on January 28, 2024, 05:24:35 PM
Gambling addiction will be bad when it becomes a problem. It's not easy to say that it will be fine. In my opinion, gambling addiction is still bad even if it doesn't interfere with other activities. Don't ever feel comfortable with gambling addiction because there are times when we can't resist the temptation. That's why I say Gambling addiction is bad even for positive reasons

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: iv4n on January 28, 2024, 05:30:53 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Any addiction is bad and will cause you problems when you don't have money to finance it... Gambling addiction (or any other addiction) will not cause you any problems if you can control yourself and your actions. Simply said, if you know your limits and if you know how much you can spend you will never have any problems, it will be all fun & games! But when you start spending more than you can afford to lose problems will start to pile up. That's the moment you start digging your own hole. So if you don't stop on time and get yourself together you will find yourself in a deep hole, and that hole can be so deep that it can be hard/impossible to get out!

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Accardo on January 28, 2024, 05:36:56 PM
Gambling addiction will be bad when it becomes a problem. It's not easy to say that it will be fine. In my opinion, gambling addiction is still bad even if it doesn't interfere with other activities. Don't ever feel comfortable with gambling addiction because there are times when we can't resist the temptation. That's why I say Gambling addiction is bad even for positive reasons

Gambling addiction has no positivity, gamblers need to remove such thoughts, in the first place. Considering gambling addiction having a positive aspect could lead some people to gamble recklessly. Once a person is addicted, it only gets worse, not better. Regardless of his ability of controlling himself wouldn't be able to make it out of addiction. Instead, he'd see himself struggle over why he can't stop gambling, unless his money exhausts. Such occurrences are not conducive for a gambler since, his motives won't corelate with his actions. One minute he wants to quit the next minute he's glued to gambling. So, it's fine to say that all form of addiction is bad or wrong. Hence, people should avoid it at all costs. At least staying in control of our emotions is an important attribute of a good gambler.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Docnaster on January 28, 2024, 05:44:22 PM
Gambling addiction will be bad when it becomes a problem. It's not easy to say that it will be fine. In my opinion, gambling addiction is still bad even if it doesn't interfere with other activities. Don't ever feel comfortable with gambling addiction because there are times when we can't resist the temptation. That's why I say Gambling addiction is bad even for positive reasons

Gambling addiction has no positivity, gamblers need to remove such thoughts, in the first place. Considering gambling addiction having a positive aspect could lead some people to gamble recklessly. Once a person is addicted, it only gets worse, not better. Regardless of his ability of controlling himself wouldn't be able to make it out of addiction. Instead, he'd see himself struggle over why he can't stop gambling, unless his money exhausts. Such occurrences are not conducive for a gambler since, his motives won't corelate with his actions. One minute he wants to quit the next minute he's glued to gambling. So, it's fine to say that all form of addiction is bad or wrong. Hence, people should avoid it at all costs. At least staying in control of our emotions is an important attribute of a good gambler.
Like you rightly said, there's no positivity in gambling addiction and that's we can't just justify it and advice people to allow themselves get addicted to gambling for any reason of whatsoever. In my years as a gambler, getting addicted to gambling have easily been the worst thing that can happen to any gambler and trying to point out any positivity in it is simply a way of telling gamblers to get addicted in gambling. It doesn't make sense and can never make sense. I will always say that if a gambler can't control his gambling activities, such person should have no business with gambling because he's very likely to ruin this life through gambling

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: topbitcoin on January 28, 2024, 10:01:24 PM
Like you rightly said, there's no positivity in gambling addiction and that's we can't just justify it and advice people to allow themselves get addicted to gambling for any reason of whatsoever. In my years as a gambler, getting addicted to gambling have easily been the worst thing that can happen to any gambler and trying to point out any positivity in it is simply a way of telling gamblers to get addicted in gambling. It doesn't make sense and can never make sense. I will always say that if a gambler can't control his gambling activities, such person should have no business with gambling because he's very likely to ruin this life through gambling

Sometimes I feel quite confused about individuals who experience gambling addiction. They were advised that they didn't want to, but didn't want to realize this bad behavior. Who knows what they want, maybe they only realized it when they had lost everything and no one else cared enough about them. And indeed, being able to discuss and chat casually with very, very serious gambling addicts is quite a difficult thing for us to do. And when you can discuss it with those who are addicted to gambling, it is likely that the response they will give will be quite varied, depending on several influencing factors, including the level of addiction, readiness to receive help and the addict's personal situation. and here are the tendencies of a gambling addict when invited to discuss and given advice; The first possibility is that they will deny the statements we make or underestimate the problem they are experiencing (gambling addiction) and think everything is fine. secondly, feelings of embarrassment or shame over the bad behavior they have carried out so far, making it difficult for them to receive advice and help. Third and finally, at a certain level a gambling addict may be aware of the bad actions he has committed and the problems he is experiencing, so he is willing to accept advice and help to change for the better. And usually this can be influenced by internal encouragement and external pressure that comes to him.

And if someone cannot be talked to well at all and is unable to take advice, and displays an addiction serious enough to affect their daily life, then it would be better to be taken to rehab to get help from a gambling specialist. or mental health.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: erep on January 28, 2024, 10:21:30 PM
Like you rightly said, there's no positivity in gambling addiction and that's we can't just justify it and advice people to allow themselves get addicted to gambling for any reason of whatsoever. In my years as a gambler, getting addicted to gambling have easily been the worst thing that can happen to any gambler and trying to point out any positivity in it is simply a way of telling gamblers to get addicted in gambling. It doesn't make sense and can never make sense. I will always say that if a gambler can't control his gambling activities, such person should have no business with gambling because he's very likely to ruin this life through gambling
You are right, there are no positive things from gambling addiction even though the OP tries to hide the many negative things from gambling addiction but unfortunately the facts of the causes of loss due to gambling addiction have been experienced by many people and other people try to explain effective experiences to avoid the addictive effects of gambling.

After I read the main thread, I assume that the explanation above does not lead to an addiction factor because he still has control within the limits of using money for betting, managing time for family and other things, so as long as you can control your emotions in gambling you can If you follow the rules for allocating time to your family, then you haven't actually reached the gambling addiction stage.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 28, 2024, 10:37:15 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
If you are gambling and it is not affecting you, that means you are not addicted to gambling at all. Gambling addiction is when it is taking your time or money. If gambling is not taking your time or money, that means you are not addicted but having fun.

Gambling addiction can be referred to as problem gambling. If you do not have problem in gambling, that means you are not addicted to it. If gambling is not affecting you financially and not taking your time that you want to use for other important things, no matter the time you spend gambling, that is not addiction.

Haha yes it seems that he doesn't really know what gambling addiction means especially what impacts will befall someone if they experience addiction, but it doesn't matter because our goal here is to share discussions and share experiences to add insight. On the other hand as you said that we can conclude that someone is addicted to gambling if they really experience the bad effects and the most common is in terms of losing balance in terms of finances and other things may be in terms of loss of time, but if gamblers do not experience or feel anything like this of course that makes them feel bad then obviously they are not addicts but they are quite active gamblers who can control their gambling activities well so that it does not have a bad impact on them.

Of course, gambling addiction is a problem that really has a bad impact on people's lives whether in terms of finances along with mental and psychological disorders, this is the furthest point a person is involved in gambling that is wrong or means not recommended which has many bad effects, not everyone can pass this phase and we can see that there is enough evidence of addicted gamblers ending up experiencing many problems such as falling poor or even going crazy. The point is that addiction is something that is synonymous with excessive actions that make gamblers experience a lot of problems, and if you don't feel or experience at least financial problems then obviously you are not addicted.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Baki202 on January 28, 2024, 10:47:00 PM
Gambling addiction will be bad when it becomes a problem. It's not easy to say that it will be fine. In my opinion, gambling addiction is still bad even if it doesn't interfere with other activities. Don't ever feel comfortable with gambling addiction because there are times when we can't resist the temptation. That's why I say Gambling addiction is bad even for positive reasons
If someone is succeeding, they won't call it an addiction, but if someone is failing, then everyone sees a problem. Furthermore, each person interprets whether or not they benefit from gaming differently. Furthermore, if the odds are not in their favor, gambling is OK. But when they start losing, they call it an addiction. And there's a rationale for everything somebody does. Therefore, something must have motivated someone to develop a gambling addiction when you witness it in others. If i need more since i can not have assess to a loan when I need money so I will not have a choice than. To see gambling as a side hustle. And my strategies works for me so anyone that is not not comfortable with gambling should leave it a lone. Me will keep up my gambling game.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: klidex on January 29, 2024, 02:59:08 AM

Well, in my own opinion I think when someone play gamble more often as a result of being Addicted to gambling it becomes a problem,more especially those that preferred virtual sports instead of normal bet,I think those set of people get addicted to gambling so easily,some can even decide to spend the whole of the day in a gambling shop,there are most of them who happens to be a working class gambler, probably on there way going to work they can decide to stop in the nearest betting shop without realizing that they are up to work, maybe they can decide to try just one hand before going to work.without knowing that gambling itself has a bad spirit,on the contrary they might even end up going to work late and in this case they can have him sacked as a result of not being punctual and it becomes a problem.
Someone who gambles continuously will definitely one day cause problems whether it's work problems or financial problems, for sports lovers they can gamble easily in sports betting without having to worry about being addicted to gambling but if they do it continuously without stopping it can cause them experienced significant losses, even for ordinary bets, I think this is not about gambling on sports or gambling on ordinary bets, it is about addiction which has a negative impact on their lives.

There are also people who are addicted to gambling and continue to gamble at work, they do it carefully so that their superiors don't find out, even though gambling at work can definitely cause serious problems for the gambler himself, whether he will be suspension or fired and this is of course It will be a complicated problem if they are fired, where will the money come from? In my opinion, gambling addiction is very bad for the lives of people who don't have more income.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Oasisman on January 29, 2024, 04:13:33 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

There is a saying that everything in excess is not good. This is like saying that a drug addict, an alcoholic person, or someone who's addicted with cigarettes is not bad as long as they don't harm others.
Well, I don't really believe that someone addicted in gambling doesn't have any significant negative effects in his life. There is always a bad effect to that compulsive behaviour, regardless if he has enough money to burn and even if he has a sustainable source of income. How about time for his family? How about his mental health? Or his health in general.
When someone is addicted to something, that person tends to spend more time than anything else and also think about that thing most of the time. So, that means there will always be another thing that needs to be sacrificed because he don't have enough time to attend to. Business, work, or anything where we get our income, as we all know are very time consuming.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: summonerrk on January 29, 2024, 04:32:27 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Even those players who have a lot of money will eventually suffer from gambling addiction too. The thing is that everyone is gambling not because of money, but because of feelings. The brain loves to feel the thrill and anticipation, but over time these sensations become dulled. Therefore, in order to return the same feelings, you need bigger wins, which means you need to play for larger amounts. Therefore, the casino is a dangerous institution - it will be ready to take any amount from you.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: iBaba on January 29, 2024, 04:34:55 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

You see, I think this is where the misunderstanding lies when we talk about gambling addiction. Not all gamblers or successful gamblers are gambling addicts.

Whenever you hear about gambling addiction It means those that are not positively impacted by gambling and because they could not control their habits in gambling, they cannot put a boundary to themselves in the way that they gamble.

When someone is referred to as a gambling addict, it means that person does not have the capacity any longer to be able to control the way he or she gambles even when he is losing in gambling, he cannot stop it. An addiction in gambling is oftentimes associated with psychological issues not to be able to stop gambling. And even when a gambler is losing all his assets, he still wants to gamble.

It is generally a problem in gambling to be addicted to gambling, but that does not mean that you cannot be a successful person until you become an addict. No! Anybody that is able to control the way he/she gambles and time at which he/she engages in gambling, that person will no longer be referred to as a gambling addict. I hope you understand this. Thank you.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: slapper on January 29, 2024, 09:17:00 AM
As far as I know, addiction is a serious illness that must be treated very urgently. There is no such thing as someone being addicted to something and yet that person declaring themselves to be well, that kind of thing is a lie, and an illusion. the person can argue that he is managing to live well even with addiction because he can buy clothes, he hasn't sold anything to anyone and he hasn't committed any crime, but this is only temporary, and when I talk about temporary I mean a short time, after the short Over time, the person addicted to gambling will start to get worse, the tendency of an addicted person who refuses to indulge has always been to continue getting worse and will start to reach the point of committing crimes.

If addiction is not treated, it leads people into the world of crime. Unfortunately, many people ignore this and don't take this point seriously. They think that addiction is a light thing, that they can cure themselves whenever they want, but that's not true. Addiction is a disease that must be treated very urgently. I hope that all people who cannot stay without playing seek help from a doctor and undergo treatment urgently, because the sooner they undergo treatment then the sooner they will be cured and that is very good for them and for all the people who are close to them. from them. I've seen some people who fell into addiction and refused to accept that they were addicted and died as a result.
Addiction is terrible, but labelling all addicts the same? You're wrong there. Addiction does not always lead to criminality. This stereotype is counterproductive. And healthy gambling exists. Control, temperance, and self-awareness. Some recreational gamblers are disciplined. Setting restrictions, they follow them. They gamble, delight, and retreat. Nothing wrong

You're right: addiction needs immediate attention. It's complicated by psychological, social, and biological aspects. You can't just turn it off. It demands empathy, support, and often professional help. Before jumping to conclusions, remember that humans are complicated, diverse beings. Addiction is complicated, therefore one size doesn't fit everyone. Please give individuals the benefit of the doubt

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Blitzboy on January 29, 2024, 09:19:58 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

You see, I think this is where the misunderstanding lies when we talk about gambling addiction. Not all gamblers or successful gamblers are gambling addicts.

Whenever you hear about gambling addiction It means those that are not positively impacted by gambling and because they could not control their habits in gambling, they cannot put a boundary to themselves in the way that they gamble.

When someone is referred to as a gambling addict, it means that person does not have the capacity any longer to be able to control the way he or she gambles even when he is losing in gambling, he cannot stop it. An addiction in gambling is oftentimes associated with psychological issues not to be able to stop gambling. And even when a gambler is losing all his assets, he still wants to gamble.

It is generally a problem in gambling to be addicted to gambling, but that does not mean that you cannot be a successful person until you become an addict. No! Anybody that is able to control the way he/she gambles and time at which he/she engages in gambling, that person will no longer be referred to as a gambling addict. I hope you understand this. Thank you.
Losing control is the culprit, not gambling. Your claim that not all gamblers become addicts is correct. Dont ignore the harsh fact. Every gambler dances on the precipice. The key? Knowing when to retreat. Setting boundaries and understanding when gambling becomes a necessity are both important.

Promoting healthy gambling requires awareness, education, and resources. It requires understanding addiction psychology, recognizing early indications, and intervening before the fall. Gambling success is assessed by exit, not wins or losses. Lets promote a culture where gaming is a choice, not a requirement.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: borovichok on January 29, 2024, 09:41:18 AM
Like you rightly said, there's no positivity in gambling addiction and that's we can't just justify it and advice people to allow themselves get addicted to gambling for any reason of whatsoever.

There is an exception to this. Getting addicted has helped in a way. I know of a man who lost his family in a ghastly motor accident, he became frustrated by the loss and before this time he was a gambler but not addicted. This tragedy made him gamble a lot to cope with this loss and he became addicted since he gambled frequently than usual. He is always gambling and he is beginning to cope. Maybe there are similar cases too which have made gambling a coping mechanism. If gambling serves as a coping mechanism can we still say there is no positivity in gambling? in my thinking, no.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on January 29, 2024, 09:49:39 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

           -   What is your definition of a gambling addict? When you say gambling addiction, that means it is no longer a good habit for a gambler, and it also means that it has affected his personality.

Because most of those who are addicted to gambling have already affected their behavior, their family relationships, and so on. Now if you say you're an addict and you don't neglect your family, in my assessment, I can't say you're an addict. Maybe you just think you're an addict and you don't neglect your responsibility to yourself, your family, and others. I think you're just delusional that you're an addict, but you're not. Because gambling addicts are not like that, according to my knowledge.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: swogerino on January 29, 2024, 10:11:13 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

That depends on what level of addiction these people have.If they go to work,take care for their families by fulfilling all their needs and only playing every day with their remaining amount of money then their addiction is not that much of a problematic one.If they at some point start surpassing these limits and start changing things by leaving something missing from their family needs it is here where gambling addiction becomes a really problematic one which can lead to extreme bad consequences so it must be addressed as soon as possible by asking for professional help.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Rufsilf on January 29, 2024, 10:35:32 AM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
In my opinion, the key factor in determining whether or not gambling addiction is "bad" for a person is the effects it has on their lives. For many people, gambling serves as a recreational activity that offers them both entertainment and the potential for financial benefit. However, I believe that compulsive gambling is hard to manage and can have serious negative consequences when it becomes a habit.
Some people have a tendency to gamble away large sums of money, which puts them in debt, makes them bankrupt, and makes their finances unstable. I believe that this can therefore affect their capacity to take care of their most basic needs and obligations. I believe that gambling addiction frequently has a negative impact on a person's emotional health. When faced with monetary losses in particular, they may feel hopeless, guilty, depressed, and anxious. That is to say, the pattern of winning, losing, and chasing losses might send others through an emotional roller coaster and worsen their mental health issues.
To be sure, not everyone who gambles will become addicted, and some people can gamble occasionally without suffering consequences, but when your gambling habit gets out of control and starts to negatively impact other aspects of your life, that's usually when I consider it to be a problem.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Quidat on January 29, 2024, 11:12:23 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

That depends on what level of addiction these people have.If they go to work,take care for their families by fulfilling all their needs and only playing every day with their remaining amount of money then their addiction is not that much of a problematic one.If they at some point start surpassing these limits and start changing things by leaving something missing from their family needs it is here where gambling addiction becomes a really problematic one which can lead to extreme bad consequences so it must be addressed as soon as possible by asking for professional help.
As long it doesnt compromise those important stuffs in life then you should really be just fine but on the time that you are already affecting those things then this is where it would be considered to be bad and something that should really be stopped. Addiction will really be always that negative even if we do just say that you are winning but you are already putting up too much time to gambling then
it does really impose a problem but somewhat its been patched up considering that you are winning but we do know on how reality works that its never been that simple on winning constantly
and there's no such thing about winning on long term. There would really be those loses and there would really be those situations on which you would really be needing to stop
if its needed.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Outhue on January 29, 2024, 12:05:46 PM
It's already a problem to be addicted to anything, that's your massive weak point which can hurt you in any way, even people can take advantage of you knowing that this is what you are addicted to, someone who is addicted to alcohol can be easily poisoned by a bottle of beer, I can't even count how many friends of friends have been eliminated by poisoned beer.

Not all addiction involved crime, but they are all bad, just because it is not involving any crime doesn't mean it's safe to continue, you as a human must not be too addicted to anything, even if its food you will hurt yourself, you can't be addicted to water either, too much water can affect you too, because too much water can cause fluid toxicity.

What addiction is considered safe? I don't see any, that's why I always consider everything as not free in this world, you can't sit at one place all day without backfiring, you can't stare at the screen all day and weeks without damaging your eye, they will get weaker faster, what is actually free in this world? Nothing.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on January 29, 2024, 12:19:16 PM
Better you start seeing addiction as a problem unless you won't even know that you are in deep shit already, and it might be too late before someone close to you tell you about it, thinking that all addiction is not bad makes you vulnerable.

Some addictions affect people around you, including your loved ones and some kills you from the inside, no one will that you are going through a lot, I don't think that there is any addiction that we can generally call a good thing, whatever you are doing always make sure you are right between, not too much and not too slack, this is best than picking a side.

I am a gambler and I boldly say that I am not addicted, I don't want to because it's not even making any sense to me, it's like saying I am not working and I am making money, as if it's this easy to make money, even if you can make money this way you should be aware that something is wrong.

striving is adventure like that must happen in someone's life, this is who this world is created, we humans have to strive and if you are brave enough you will turn your challenges to adventure, like something that's expected to happen, when something is too easy its unclean, and might be full of deceit, you need to be careful of the easy ways.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on January 29, 2024, 12:52:16 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Your question seems to be contradictory. If a person is addicted to gambling, it means that they are in a state where they are unable to control their gambling activities, including their losses, actions, emotions, and other negative consequences. On the other hand, if a person is able to manage their gambling activities responsibly while continuing to fulfill their other obligations, such as work and family responsibilities, then they are not addicted to gambling. In such a case, the person is a responsible gambler who knows how to handle their gambling activities.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: rachael9385 on January 29, 2024, 01:01:21 PM
The actual answer to this question is "YES", I can boldly say that if addictions is not affecting you then there is nothing called an addict in you because you can manage your loses, addict gamblers can not manage there loses and they also find if very difficult to feed their family and financial needs.
One who is affording for he's needs and take care of his family can not be called addicted because he just love to gamble, that's all. moreover that's how real addictions starts, they start gradually and if you know how to control it from this stage it will gradually affect the gambler and there id nothing the person can do because he's now addict
 Addicted gamers are not hard to know, when you see them you will know that they are addicted and with their ways of betting you will also know that they are addicted.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Stable090 on January 29, 2024, 01:07:18 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life.
Most people complain about addicted gamblers just because of the negative impact it’s always having on their family and society. That's why most people do complain about addicted gambling. But if you are addicted to gambling and it doesn’t have any negative impact on your family members or your neighbourhood, then everything is fine, but we all know it’s just a few addicted gamblers that don’t have any impact on family members or society. Most of them always have ways in which the people around them are going to be affected because of their addiction.

If you are able to take care of yourself and get yourself things that you need, then nobody will even know you are addicted to gambling, but when you start doing things that will affect people or yourself, that’s when people end up complaining about addiction, so if your addiction is not having an effect, then it’s normal.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on January 29, 2024, 01:13:45 PM
Gambling regularly doesn't mean that a person is addicted to gambling and if gambling doesn't negatively affect a person's life, it wouldn't be correct to say that that person is addicted to gambling. Gambling addiction is diagnosed by a person's inability to control his or her emotions, loss of control of capital and habits such as consuming the entire money flow in gambling.

For example, let's compare people A and B. Let person A be someone who gambles regularly every week and person B be someone who gambles with all the money he/she earns or can find. In this case, person B can be described as a gambling addict because he/she spends all his/her money gambling with the ambition of winning more but it wouldn't be correct to say that person A is a gambling addict because he/she doesn't gamble at every opportunity and will not have financial or social problems because he/she doesn't constantly lose all his/her money in gambling.

In summary, if a person chooses to spend all his/her money on gambling and pursues dreams of big profits it wouldn't be wrong to say that this person is addicted to gambling but for someone who doesn't spend all his/her money on gambling and therefore isn't exposed to any economic or social difficulties he/she is addicted to gambling, it wouldn't be correct to say that it is.

The main point I want to explain here is that the poor people are addicted to gambling and the rich aren't addicted to gambling. If someone who has 100 units of money spends all his/her money on gambling, he/she is addicted to gambling but if he/she spends a certain amount of this money, he/she isn't addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Oilacris on January 29, 2024, 01:25:54 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life.
Most people complain about addicted gamblers just because of the negative impact it’s always having on their family and society. That's why most people do complain about addicted gambling. But if you are addicted to gambling and it doesn’t have any negative impact on your family members or your neighbourhood, then everything is fine, but we all know it’s just a few addicted gamblers that don’t have any impact on family members or society. Most of them always have ways in which the people around them are going to be affected because of their addiction.

If you are able to take care of yourself and get yourself things that you need, then nobody will even know you are addicted to gambling, but when you start doing things that will affect people or yourself, that’s when people end up complaining about addiction, so if your addiction is not having an effect, then it’s normal.
Any addiction could really result into those negative stuffs on which we do know that it is really something in default. This is why its really that hard to believe that you wont really be able to make yourself
that making bad decisions or negative things on the time that you do consider yourself that addicted but since we are talking  about having no effects in regarding into their lives then it is really just that fine. You are really that making yourself having that balance in between your priorities and leisure times. Yes, you could play all you do like since its your money that you've been using.
It is really just that there are people who cant really just able to control themselves and this is why they do really end up on such bad decisions and this is why they do end up
into those impulsive actions been made out.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 29, 2024, 01:50:05 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

That depends on what level of addiction these people have.If they go to work,take care for their families by fulfilling all their needs and only playing every day with their remaining amount of money then their addiction is not that much of a problematic one.If they at some point start surpassing these limits and start changing things by leaving something missing from their family needs it is here where gambling addiction becomes a really problematic one which can lead to extreme bad consequences so it must be addressed as soon as possible by asking for professional help.

Exactly, gambling addiction does have its own level, there are those who are still in the low stage where they are still not too excessive whether in terms of allocating time or money, and there are also those who are already at the chronic stage where all they have in mind is gambling, they can't miss a moment not to gamble and also if they have money then usually they will focus the money only to fund their gambling by hoping for a win. But on the other hand if they do not feel any impact at all from being involved in gambling such as not experiencing any problems with their finances then maybe I would say that they are not addicted.

We must understand that the name of addiction always has a bad impact even with low levels, and whoever it is cannot say that addiction is not a problem, clearly this is a problem and a disease that exists in the mind of a gambler. One of the questions is, if addiction is not a problem in gambling then why would anyone even stress about running out of all their money? Either way addiction is a problem and it can continue to escalate if there is no improvement made by the gambler themselves, as you said that if one day they start to go over the limit then it is an opening door for worse repercussions.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Weawant on January 29, 2024, 01:59:04 PM

Your question seems to be contradictory. If a person is addicted to gambling, it means that they are in a state where they are unable to control their gambling activities, including their losses, actions, emotions, and other negative consequences. On the other hand, if a person is able to manage their gambling activities responsibly while continuing to fulfill their other obligations, such as work and family responsibilities, then they are not addicted to gambling. In such a case, the person is a responsible gambler who knows how to handle their gambling activities.
This is exactly how best to describe all that which OP was saying because it was almost contradictory especially how someone could be addicted yet sticking to been responsible, that's clearly not addiction because these persons are not controlled by the emotional need to satisfy their urge or gambling habit.

Having self control well enough to this levels as described by OP can only speak of discipline a d sense of responsibility with so much volume but then OP was still thinking and seeing sense of addiction to it meanwhile such person is just a lover of gambling who has chosen to have their fun that way and not to allow their entertainment take a toll on them because they are losing to and and for such person, it will be obvious that they have got a job doing and sometimes they do win some good cash gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Orpichukwu on January 29, 2024, 02:22:32 PM
too much money is even bad right? it's also the reason why i don't wanna be rich anymore. i hate money. lol

so let's say this gambler wins a lot and he got a lot of money. he may not consider the addiction as bad yet but after some time he will find out. it could be that he already doesn't give attention to his kids or wife which could lead to a bigger problem.

some problems don't disappear from people with money. for example too addicted may forget his health condition after sleepless nights gambling. this applies to workaholic men too.

I guess this too much of everything is bad does not necessarily reflect on every area of life, as we can't say that having much money is a bad thing too, but to start with, how much is even too much to have in the first place (a question for another day)? I don't see having money or making money as a form of addiction, though the process of getting it can be.
When it comes to everything one is addicted to, I think this statement merely refers to all the forms of addiction that take total control of the person's thinking and what they do, as they don't have joy or time for anything else aside from that particular thing to which they are addicted.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Gheka on January 29, 2024, 03:17:36 PM
It's already a problem to be addicted to anything, that's your massive weak point which can hurt you in any way, even people can take advantage of you knowing that this is what you are addicted to, someone who is addicted to alcohol can be easily poisoned by a bottle of beer, I can't even count how many friends of friends have been eliminated by poisoned beer.

Not all addiction involved crime, but they are all bad, just because it is not involving any crime doesn't mean it's safe to continue, you as a human must not be too addicted to anything, even if its food you will hurt yourself, you can't be addicted to water either, too much water can affect you too, because too much water can cause fluid toxicity.

What addiction is considered safe? I don't see any, that's why I always consider everything as not free in this world, you can't sit at one place all day without backfiring, you can't stare at the screen all day and weeks without damaging your eye, they will get weaker faster, what is actually free in this world? Nothing.
Agree, basically when we spend all our time on something, it has lost the balance of our lifestyle as well as the body's natural metabolism, taking a specific example from gambling addiction, instead of us having time every night to improve ourselves as well as think about daily work, our brain cannot keep it simple when the pressure from gambling remains. In addition, absorption and metabolism really slow down, eating is almost a temporary activity, we do not allow ourselves to become healthy, addicted gamblers are very sick after a long period of forgetting about everyday life

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on January 29, 2024, 03:37:42 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Addiction is always bad. Addiction means that you have done something too many times and it has completely scrambled your brains neurochemical reward system. And unless that person abstains from gambling, they will only get worse and the reward will get less. Just like with drug addiction.

The secret to keeping your sanity is to take very long breaks from gambling every now and then.

But then again there is a difference between a hobby and an addiction. Not every gambler gets addicted. Somebodies gambling behaivor should only be considered an addiction if it becomes problematic to himself and/or other people. 

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: aioc on January 29, 2024, 04:45:29 PM

So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

If you're addicted to gambling things will turn bad and it will soon become a problem, everything that is in excess is dangerous, especially in gambling where there is a risk of losing money and your relationship with your family by prioritizing, I just commented on a thread about a father leaving his 2 two years old twins to gamble
so you may not be facing an issue with your addiction but you will soon be when you start to prioritize your gambling more than anything else.
You will lose your job and your family will abandon you this is the worst thing that can happen to you when you're addicted, addiction is not safe it will always be a problem when not cured.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: rojan on January 31, 2024, 09:26:06 AM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford
If a person becomes addicted to gambling, it will gradually affect his family. If someone becomes completely addicted to gambling, he will gradually distance himself from his family and relatives. Those who become addicted to gambling  There is never peace in the family, it is always spent in turmoil. Because the gambler will always get involved in various crimes to collect money for gambling, which can lead to many problems in the family.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 31, 2024, 09:51:39 AM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford
If a person becomes addicted to gambling, it will gradually affect his family. If someone becomes completely addicted to gambling, he will gradually distance himself from his family and relatives. Those who become addicted to gambling  There is never peace in the family, it is always spent in turmoil. Because the gambler will always get involved in various crimes to collect money for gambling, which can lead to many problems in the family.
Someone who is addicted to gambling will have an impact on their family, whether they realize it or not. He also will not want to pay attention to his family because he is more concerned with gambling than his family. This will make it difficult for his family because they have to survive when they don't have money. After all, the money has been used for gambling. People who are addicted to gambling will only cause problems for their families, so their families should take them to professionals to get the right treatment immediately. Otherwise, his family would only get into even more trouble and end up in chaos. Meanwhile, gambling addicts will not be cured easily because there will be resistance from those who do not want to see professionals undergo the process of healing their gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: len01 on January 31, 2024, 12:52:42 PM
Someone who is addicted to gambling will have an impact on their family, whether they realize it or not. He also will not want to pay attention to his family because he is more concerned with gambling than his family. This will make it difficult for his family because they have to survive when they don't have money. After all, the money has been used for gambling. People who are addicted to gambling will only cause problems for their families, so their families should take them to professionals to get the right treatment immediately. Otherwise, his family would only get into even more trouble and end up in chaos. Meanwhile, gambling addicts will not be cured easily because there will be resistance from those who do not want to see professionals undergo the process of healing their gambling addiction.
this is why I said at that time that all forms of addiction will definitely end badly because addiction starts with something that is excessive and ultimately becomes addiction.
all forms of addiction definitely always have a negative view, especially if it happens to gambling because gambling addiction always only thinks about continuing to gamble for various reasons such as wanting to get a big win, frustration, chasing losses, etc. but still it is a big problem for a gambler.
so there is no reason for anyone to say that addiction depends on whether he has problems with his family or not, but in the long term it will definitely affect family harmony because a gambling addict will not think about the future of his family and will only think about how he can gamble again.

most of the gambling addicts I met always had problems in their families, either separating from their wives or having abused their families.
maybe there is a gambling addict who has no problems with his family, but these are just the first signs of addiction and if he has exhausted all his savings and valuables, things will definitely get worse.
In this case, it would be better for anyone who feels they have an early sign of addiction, it would be better to immediately go to a specialist to cure their addiction as you said.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: stomachgrowls on January 31, 2024, 01:21:22 PM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford
If a person becomes addicted to gambling, it will gradually affect his family. If someone becomes completely addicted to gambling, he will gradually distance himself from his family and relatives. Those who become addicted to gambling  There is never peace in the family, it is always spent in turmoil. Because the gambler will always get involved in various crimes to collect money for gambling, which can lead to many problems in the family.
Someone who is addicted to gambling will have an impact on their family, whether they realize it or not. He also will not want to pay attention to his family because he is more concerned with gambling than his family. This will make it difficult for his family because they have to survive when they don't have money. After all, the money has been used for gambling. People who are addicted to gambling will only cause problems for their families, so their families should take them to professionals to get the right treatment immediately. Otherwise, his family would only get into even more trouble and end up in chaos. Meanwhile, gambling addicts will not be cured easily because there will be resistance from those who do not want to see professionals undergo the process of healing their gambling addiction.
If you are winning and you arent that compromising something then it should really be just fine. Whenever you arent that financially devastated then it would really be just that fine but we know that gambling
luckiness doesnt really last long or would really be having that kind of effect that would really be sustainable. If there would be times that you would be lucky then there are those times that you would really be that
having the opposite on which this is why it would really be that best that you should really be wary about those probabilities. If you are really that making money with gambling then good for you but you should
really be that careful on which there would really be those times or moments on which you would really be needing to adjust accordingly.

Having that realistic approach on things specially with gambling on which we know that the longer you do engage the more chances or odds that you would be losing in the end of the line.
This is why it would really be that best that you should really be just that playing for fun and minimize loses as much as possible.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: klidex on February 01, 2024, 03:47:40 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Addiction is always bad. Addiction means that you have done something too many times and it has completely scrambled your brains neurochemical reward system. And unless that person abstains from gambling, they will only get worse and the reward will get less. Just like with drug addiction.

The secret to keeping your sanity is to take very long breaks from gambling every now and then.

But then again there is a difference between a hobby and an addiction. Not every gambler gets addicted. Somebodies gambling behaivor should only be considered an addiction if it becomes problematic to himself and/or other people. 
Someone who has experienced an addiction will definitely have a bad impact on their life and this will of course cause their financial problems to decline further. Even if there is someone who is addicted to gambling and has no problems then he is a rich person because only rich people don't have too many problems if they are addicted and gambling is like a hobby that he considers fun.
You needs to know that excessive gambling can cause a person to lose controls, causing addiction and if you experience something like that, it can cause problem for yourself.

It's true that when we start to get out of control, it's a good idea to take a break from the world of gambling for a long time, this will stop addictive activities for a while. And we also don't have to assume that people who gamble are addicted because some gamblers are responsible be responsible in carrying out his activities so that he does not worry that there will be problems for him due to his gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Strongkored on February 01, 2024, 06:48:29 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Maybe he can't be categorized as addicted yet or his addiction isn't serious, although I don't know for sure whether there are levels of addiction, so he can still control his gambling, he just can't resist his gambling desires.
However, if there is a level of addiction and he is still categorized as low, it does not mean he will remain at that level, because everything about addiction will ultimately be destructive because it will control his emotions. If currently he can still play normally then in the future he can ignore other things just to be able to keep gambling, including ignoring the limit of money that can be spent gambling, so that in the end he will still need professional help to recover from his addiction.
And in my opinion, addiction is still an addiction that may not seem destructive today, but slowly it will damage the person who experiences it later.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: justdimin on February 01, 2024, 09:52:53 AM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford
If a person becomes addicted to gambling, it will gradually affect his family. If someone becomes completely addicted to gambling, he will gradually distance himself from his family and relatives. Those who become addicted to gambling  There is never peace in the family, it is always spent in turmoil. Because the gambler will always get involved in various crimes to collect money for gambling, which can lead to many problems in the family.
That part is the worst part, if it is impacting their family then I would say that it would not be all that smart. The best way to do would be just making sure that we are not hurting the ones we love. If your gambling is hurting the ones you love, your addiction starts to become their problems as well, then I would say it is not really something that would benefit everyone. This is why I think we should not really be considering it as an important thing.

We should consider it as something that will benefit them one way or another, and if it is not benefiting them then don't do it. You may think "well in gambling people usually lose, how could it benefit all around us?" well simply, you, not spending a lot, but still being in good mood is what they would want.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Sakanwa on February 01, 2024, 10:11:59 AM
Addiction becomes a problem from the day you failed in being able to control yourself when it comes to gambling. It is as worst as anything one can ever think of, because it is the tap root of frustration.Those who are addicted to gambling,and no longer have a dime to gamble suffer depression,which laters turns them into something they never dreamt of.Depression is the brother of madness,and once you are depressed,it takes the grace of God to be a sound person again in life.We all have to be careful about anything that one can be addicted to,either gambling or any other form of addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: nimethasa on February 01, 2024, 10:48:33 AM
addiction is very bad even though there is no problem yet, especially if the person is not able to control financial spending. then his money will only be spent to fulfill his addiction. and everyone does not realize that he is addicted before bad things happen, for example, his property runs out or becomes sick because of the addiction or goes to prison, then people realize and want to introspect.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: yazher on February 01, 2024, 11:27:04 AM

It's true that when we start to get out of control, it's a good idea to take a break from the world of gambling for a long time, this will stop addictive activities for a while. And we also don't have to assume that people who gamble are addicted because some gamblers are responsible be responsible in carrying out his activities so that he does not worry that there will be problems for him due to his gambling.

If it goes wrong like you cannot distinguish right from wrong after getting addicted to gambling or drugs and others, this is when the problem starts because this will be hard to cure and the healing process is completed because there are lots of procedures to get back to your old self. you need to have lots of adjustments and one of them is to migrate to other places that don't have any of these problems and no people out there can influence you back to your old habits. that's why if you don't have such capability, just stick to the rules of prevention is better than cure.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Blitzboy on February 01, 2024, 12:10:19 PM
What you are saying I don't think that's call addicted they are affording the amount may by that they can gambling daily I mean regular. So I don't think there is any crime or bad think if he can afford the money and the gambling can't effect his family or life. If the gambling effect on his family or in his life then I will say he is a addicted gambler. Rather than I won't gonna say anyone addicted gambler for gambling regularly beyond with his afford
If a person becomes addicted to gambling, it will gradually affect his family. If someone becomes completely addicted to gambling, he will gradually distance himself from his family and relatives. Those who become addicted to gambling  There is never peace in the family, it is always spent in turmoil. Because the gambler will always get involved in various crimes to collect money for gambling, which can lead to many problems in the family.
That part is the worst part, if it is impacting their family then I would say that it would not be all that smart. The best way to do would be just making sure that we are not hurting the ones we love. If your gambling is hurting the ones you love, your addiction starts to become their problems as well, then I would say it is not really something that would benefit everyone. This is why I think we should not really be considering it as an important thing.

We should consider it as something that will benefit them one way or another, and if it is not benefiting them then don't do it. You may think "well in gambling people usually lose, how could it benefit all around us?" well simply, you, not spending a lot, but still being in good mood is what they would want.
I believe our hobbies shouldn't be nightmares for our families. If my love of chocolate gave my family cavities, I'd have to change my snack choices, right? Moderation is crucial, as you said.

I'm no expert, but in my extensive experience of winning the occasional wager against my own overconfidence, the actual jackpot is joy, not money. A precise balance is needed to avoid wagering the family farm on "Sure Thing." Because "Sure Thing" probably grazes more than races.

I suggest keeping it fun, light, and most importantly, as another way to spice up life. A bet on who washes the dishes? Harmless. Transforming the living room become Vegas? Possible overkill. The greatest win is a happy household.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: harapan on February 01, 2024, 12:33:13 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Yes, addiction can't be a problem to those that are well to do, because they have made allocation and savings for all their Gambling activities so there won't be any interruptions of sort.
It may seem bad and a problem to those people that can't meet up their targets,like their personal needs,family and all of that,so it's best preferably to gamble when you have all areas of your life at a balance or equilibrium so it won't alter your state be of position.

And both parties are addicted here but how you lay your bed,is how you will lie on it, Nevertheless before you venture into such gambling,you plan first,your life,savings ad everything so you will have good dealings and outcome

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 01, 2024, 01:43:37 PM
this is why I said at that time that all forms of addiction will definitely end badly because addiction starts with something that is excessive and ultimately becomes addiction.
all forms of addiction definitely always have a negative view, especially if it happens to gambling because gambling addiction always only thinks about continuing to gamble for various reasons such as wanting to get a big win, frustration, chasing losses, etc. but still it is a big problem for a gambler.
so there is no reason for anyone to say that addiction depends on whether he has problems with his family or not, but in the long term it will definitely affect family harmony because a gambling addict will not think about the future of his family and will only think about how he can gamble again.

most of the gambling addicts I met always had problems in their families, either separating from their wives or having abused their families.
maybe there is a gambling addict who has no problems with his family, but these are just the first signs of addiction and if he has exhausted all his savings and valuables, things will definitely get worse.
In this case, it would be better for anyone who feels they have an early sign of addiction, it would be better to immediately go to a specialist to cure their addiction as you said.
When someone has become addicted to gambling, he will not see other things except just wanting to continue gambling, even until he finally becomes frustrated because he cannot win the gambling game. That won't stop him from gambling because his goals have now changed and he only wants to gamble. He will no longer pay attention to what is happening around him because his focus has changed, and it is difficult to realize that he has become addicted to gambling, which has become even worse than before. He also won't think about his family or how he can meet his family's daily needs of his family so this will have an even bigger impact on his family. Somehow, he got deeper and deeper into gambling until he finally forgot what he was supposed to do, and he even stopped trying for his family and only cared about himself in gambling.

A gambling addict who is married can have an impact on his family because he may no longer provide money for his family and is only busy with himself in gambling. If his family also starts to forget about his presence, he will become increasingly immersed in gambling without anyone being able to help him. Even his own family will not want to help him. This will make him even more devastated because of gambling and that is because of his own fault. But if a gambler wants to understand that he doesn't need to gamble too often and that there is a family he should care about rather than just gambling, he will try to reduce his gambling activities and pay more attention to his family.

If you are winning and you arent that compromising something then it should really be just fine. Whenever you arent that financially devastated then it would really be just that fine but we know that gambling
luckiness doesnt really last long or would really be having that kind of effect that would really be sustainable. If there would be times that you would be lucky then there are those times that you would really be that
having the opposite on which this is why it would really be that best that you should really be wary about those probabilities. If you are really that making money with gambling then good for you but you should
really be that careful on which there would really be those times or moments on which you would really be needing to adjust accordingly.

Having that realistic approach on things specially with gambling on which we know that the longer you do engage the more chances or odds that you would be losing in the end of the line.
This is why it would really be that best that you should really be just that playing for fun and minimize loses as much as possible.
If we win and are still aware that the win is a bonus for us, we will probably stop our gambling activities. But most gamblers will forget that the win they get is actually a sign that they should immediately end their gambling game but will instead continue gambling because they want an even bigger win. This is why more and more people are down because they are trying to get even bigger wins. They don't know when to stop gambling but instead keep gambling so this will only cause bigger problems for them where they can experience a gambling addiction that they won't even realize. So we must always be careful when gambling and don't forget the limits when gambling so that we don't experience serious problems.

Playing gambling in moderation is okay and we can do it so that we don't forget the limits we have set. This is very important to understand because, in gambling, a person can forget to control himself until, in the end, he will only experience a gambling addiction. And that's what we have to avoid from gambling because when we experience gambling addiction, it will become a serious problem for us.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Heartilly on February 01, 2024, 01:49:03 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

You should already know the answer just by analyzing the situation you have shared. Let's think about this, a gambler is truly addicted to gambling but in real life, still a person on their self and responsible. We can say that the gambling addiction of that person is not that bad but there's always a possibility that it might turn into bad if unable to keep it that way for long.

But looking at the real situation in gambling, those who are addicted are mostly ended up as irresponsible people.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: FanEagle on February 02, 2024, 02:34:33 PM
It is important to remember that addiction could have no bad results as well, doesn't mean that it is not addiction. Just like the OP is asking, you are seeing having an addiction that has an impending doom if you are not really careful, and that means just because you haven't had a terrible result so far, doesn't mean you will not have it later on neither, you should be careful about it one way or another.

There are too many people who are not careful about it, and they end up losing in the end. Imagine a person who gambles for a year or two and he wins a lot from sports betting, he has an addiction but he made money so he thinks all is well, then for a year he keeps losing and eventually has nothing left, as you can see that person never saw it as addiction ended up losing it all.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: danherbias07 on February 02, 2024, 02:50:01 PM
Addiction becomes a problem from the day you failed in being able to control yourself when it comes to gambling. It is as worst as anything one can ever think of, because it is the tap root of frustration.Those who are addicted to gambling,and no longer have a dime to gamble suffer depression,which laters turns them into something they never dreamt of.Depression is the brother of madness,and once you are depressed,it takes the grace of God to be a sound person again in life.We all have to be careful about anything that one can be addicted to,either gambling or any other form of addiction.
Half correct. A gambler can lose control in one day but recover the next day.
I still believe there's always a chance for anyone to go back to their normal days. Once upon a time, I gambled 2 days with less sleep and I thought to myself that I was a gambling addict. I got stressed at those times too but when I decided to stop for a day, I returned to being an occasional gambler only.
It's all just mental. We can actually control it but we are denying the chance. We want to change our daily routine but because we still have the money, we don't stop.
What happened to me was that I lacked the money but I never tried to find a way to get more just to gamble it again. Never even tried a loan or borrowed money from a friend.
It's all about discipline after a loss and gambling ain't a problem yet if are in that state, if we can still somehow make a choice to stop and just prefer not playing for the day because we lack the funds.
The gambling addicts though are way different, they are the vice versa of all that I have said. They cannot keep control anymore and they are in a bad state financially and yet they will do anything to gamble again.
Once we were not able to sleep thinking about gambling, that's a sign that we might be defeated by addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Jawhead999 on February 02, 2024, 02:55:55 PM
There are too many people who are not careful about it, and they end up losing in the end. Imagine a person who gambles for a year or two and he wins a lot from sports betting, he has an addiction but he made money so he thinks all is well, then for a year he keeps losing and eventually has nothing left, as you can see that person never saw it as addiction ended up losing it all.
You're correct, there's no way an addict can protect their wealth when they're the one who waste their money. Even they're born from rich parents or they have a big and autopilot business, sooner or later they will broke since there's no guarantee the business always make money and their parents can't escape from death.

The phrase about this conditions  "the wheel still turning".

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Zoomic on February 02, 2024, 04:22:10 PM
There are too many people who are not careful about it, and they end up losing in the end. Imagine a person who gambles for a year or two and he wins a lot from sports betting, he has an addiction but he made money so he thinks all is well, then for a year he keeps losing and eventually has nothing left, as you can see that person never saw it as addiction ended up losing it all.
You're correct, there's no way an addict can protect their wealth when they're the one who waste their money. Even they're born from rich parents or they have a big and autopilot business, sooner or later they will broke since there's no guarantee the business always make money and their parents can't escape from death.

The phrase about this conditions  "the wheel still turning".

It would be quite difficult for an addicted gambler to have full control over himself whether he is winning or not. Addiction means total lack of control over your urge for something,, what happens when the gambler begins to make persistent losses? He will find it difficult to quit. Addiction is not a healthy practice, its impact might not be felt immediately but in the longrun, the negative impact will begin to surface.

Many people who got addicted because of the huge wins they had in the past are regretting why they attached so much efforts to the extent of becoming addicted. They thought the winnings will last for ever but now they are making more losses than they win.

Gambling is one activity we cannot predict its future accurately. If you win today, tomorrow might not be for you. We have to be careful not to invest so much time in gambling that we begin to look for means to run out of it.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Quidat on February 02, 2024, 04:59:06 PM
addiction is very bad even though there is no problem yet, especially if the person is not able to control financial spending. then his money will only be spent to fulfill his addiction. and everyone does not realize that he is addicted before bad things happen, for example, his property runs out or becomes sick because of the addiction or goes to prison, then people realize and want to introspect.

We should put up into our minds that when it comes to gambling on which there's no way that we could really be able to assure that we would be able to win up on everyday.
This is why it is safe to say that winning moments doesnt really last long. You cant say that you would really be that successful on gambling is something that cant be possible on long term.
This is why it would be always important that you should really be wary about reality check about gambling. Addiction is never been that good specially on dealing with gambling.
Sooner or later, you would really be able to find out yourself experiencing the totally opposite situation that you have been experiencing earlier.  :)

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: dezoel on February 03, 2024, 08:16:03 PM
Maybe he can't be categorized as addicted yet or his addiction isn't serious, although I don't know for sure whether there are levels of addiction, so he can still control his gambling, he just can't resist his gambling desires.
However, if there is a level of addiction and he is still categorized as low, it does not mean he will remain at that level, because everything about addiction will ultimately be destructive because it will control his emotions. If currently he can still play normally then in the future he can ignore other things just to be able to keep gambling, including ignoring the limit of money that can be spent gambling, so that in the end he will still need professional help to recover from his addiction.
And in my opinion, addiction is still an addiction that may not seem destructive today, but slowly it will damage the person who experiences it later.
It's true, the best way to handle an addiction is to try and control it when it's not that severe because once it reaches a deeper level, it becomes difficult to control it and the person addicted will barely be able to get out of the addiction even if they want to.
So one needs to take an addiction seriously right from the beginning instead of thinking that it's not yet that serious and they aren't completely addicted so they have a lot of time because time flies and you will not even realize it and you will become heavily addicted.

I've seen a lot of people who used to be in denial when they were told that they would be in trouble if they didn't stop doing a certain thing instead of accepting it and controlling themselves.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: shasan on February 10, 2024, 02:20:54 AM
Addiction is always bad whether it is gambling or any other thing. But gambling for refreshment is not a problem. Unless for mental refreshment it is obviously bad for long-lasting and for these, the person must have to suffer in the long run.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: maydna on February 10, 2024, 04:37:23 PM
the best way to handle an addiction is to try and control it when it's not that severe because once it reaches a deeper level, it becomes difficult to control it and the person addicted will barely be able to get out of the addiction even if they want to.
So one needs to take an addiction seriously right from the beginning instead of thinking that it's not yet that serious and they aren't completely addicted so they have a lot of time because time flies and you will not even realize it and you will become heavily addicted.

I've seen a lot of people who used to be in denial when they were told that they would be in trouble if they didn't stop doing a certain thing instead of accepting it and controlling themselves.
Treating gambling addiction requires hard work to cure it and often also requires support from other people so that the addict can survive all the healing sessions. Those who are addicted to gambling will not feel that they are addicted to gambling, so they need other people to make them aware that they are addicted to gambling so that they can start following a program to cure their gambling addiction. People who are addicted to gambling need to be aware of their addiction first before they are willing to undergo treatment.

People who are addicted to gambling deny that they are addicted to gambling, so they will not want to admit that they are addicted to gambling. That's why many gambling addicts end up unable to cure themselves and instead get deeper into gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: kojektea on February 10, 2024, 05:12:35 PM
of course if your addiction makes bad things happen in your life, but if you are an addict who doesn't involve or disturb your finances and daily activities that's not bad, that's a responsible gambler, it's bad when you gamble beyond your means which causes a lot of problems in your life, especially your finances

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Asuspawer09 on February 10, 2024, 06:24:29 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

For sure addiction is a bad thing, I dont really get it since you said that he is addicted, and then you said that he manages the losses, if you are addicted you want to gamble and dont really manage anything, it is for sure going to be a problem, in the long run, they might not feel it at the moment but it is for sure going to affect his life, everything that is excessive is bad for sure. I kinda not get it, I mean if he can afford to gamble that just means that he is managing his finances I guess, and not actually an addict to gambling, I mean you dont really know right maybe you could see him gamble a lot but only gamble a controlled amount. Or probably his just one of the small percentage that is just lucky on gamble, I mean there are for sure people who is addicted to gambling but very lucky to keep on winning and able to make it to a success

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Gormicsta on February 10, 2024, 06:45:12 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Addiction is addiction and addiction is very bad because the result isn't always good, the fact that a gambler always have the urge to gamble doesn't make him an addict, neither does giving in to urges make you an addict. One sign of addiction is when your gambling life affects other areas of your life. For example, your gambling budget is 20% of your income and instead of just sticking to 20%, your gambling starts consuming and cutting into other expenses and sometimes you even end up using all your income just to satisfy your gambling urges and you only feel better when you're left with nothing. Sometimes it makes you even go as far as going to borrow from others just to continue gambling.

And just because a person smells nice, dresses nice or appears to meet up with appointments doesn't really mean he's all good, you might never know just how much damage his addiction might be causing him, not until he opens up and spills it all out to you.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: electronicash on February 10, 2024, 06:45:31 PM
of course if your addiction makes bad things happen in your life, but if you are an addict who doesn't involve or disturb your finances and daily activities that's not bad, that's a responsible gambler, it's bad when you gamble beyond your means which causes a lot of problems in your life, especially your finances

it's bad when a gambler loses that's just it. the addiction problem is nothing if the gambler keeps winning. after all, he won't be scratching his head to find some money to pay his bills since he is winning all the time.

if you are in such a position, you wouldn't really mind whether you're an addicted gambler who would spend more of your time in the casino or infront of your computer betting most of the time as long as you are winning. but this is just getting extremely lucky. there is no way someone will keep winning.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Doan9269 on February 10, 2024, 06:50:22 PM
There have never been a time once where addiction in gambling has never been a problem, the word itself is a problem and talked a lot about the meaning, so tell me, how can addicted gambler do without having a problem, this may really affect his career, family, relationship or even his way of life in general, having addiction is not is good and its never an easy task to also finds a means of dealing with it appropriately without the gambler being affected in any way, so its more better and honorably not to start it ever than when having it as a gambler.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: SeriouslyGiveaway on February 15, 2024, 02:21:03 AM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
Regardless of whether you are addicted or not, causing bad results is already a problem. And usually when people use the word addiction for any problem, it usually leads to bad outcomes or affects others. The aspect you mentioned about an addict can manage their money, I think that is not addiction, because when addicted, it is very difficult to use reason to control everything, especially with money.
Playing in control is not an addiction, but simply liking it and spending a lot of time on it, in my opinion. It is very easy to distinguish between addiction and non-addiction. When you risk everything to gamble even though you have no more money, or even do illegal things to get money to gamble, that is addiction. On the contrary, if you run out of money, you quit and don't continue playing, it's not an addiction.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 15, 2024, 07:54:43 AM
There have never been a time once where addiction in gambling has never been a problem, the word itself is a problem and talked a lot about the meaning, so tell me, how can addicted gambler do without having a problem, this may really affect his career, family, relationship or even his way of life in general, having addiction is not is good and its never an easy task to also finds a means of dealing with it appropriately without the gambler being affected in any way, so its more better and honorably not to start it ever than when having it as a gambler.
Gambling addiction itself is a serious problem for them, and they will not be able to think clearly about what they are facing. Gamblers who gamble excessively will become addicted to gambling sooner or later. If they still cannot realize it, they will simply become addicted to gambling and that will be difficult to cure. And when they are addicted to gambling, they will no longer act like before because all they think about is how to gamble and they don't want to do other things. If anyone sees that they are addicted to gambling and they are family members or friends, it is best to immediately help those who are addicted to gambling before that person falls deeper into their gambling addiction, which is increasingly difficult to cure.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: carlfebz2 on February 16, 2024, 07:35:23 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
Regardless of whether you are addicted or not, causing bad results is already a problem. And usually when people use the word addiction for any problem, it usually leads to bad outcomes or affects others. The aspect you mentioned about an addict can manage their money, I think that is not addiction, because when addicted, it is very difficult to use reason to control everything, especially with money.
Playing in control is not an addiction, but simply liking it and spending a lot of time on it, in my opinion. It is very easy to distinguish between addiction and non-addiction. When you risk everything to gamble even though you have no more money, or even do illegal things to get money to gamble, that is addiction. On the contrary, if you run out of money, you quit and don't continue playing, it's not an addiction.
Yes, we do see that there are those people who arent that addicted but still ending up on having those problems like losing up a huge amount of money because they have made some all-in bets on the time that they do gamble and this is something like suicide thing to be done on which there's no way that you could really be able to make yourself that be able to avoid if you have done it just earlier.
Addiction does basically means that you are already involving yourself into such activity on excessive manner on which it would be common sense that you wont really be caring about on how much you have
lost already on doing such activity specially in gambling. Any forms of addiction is always been that bad because you would really be doing things on excessive manner.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on June 22, 2024, 10:12:19 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I don't think an addicted gambler can meet all these levels of sanity, unless he is not really addicted. I honestly think you have neither been an addict before nor stayed close to an addict, lest you know addicts are out of control. let's review the meaning of addiction first.

Addiction is physical or psychological need for a substance or behaviour that is physically, psychologically, or socially harmful. Addiction is accompanied by extreme difficulty in ceasing to use the substance or in ceasing to repeat the behaviour, despite detrimental consequences

you see from the above definition that addiction comes with lack of control, detrimental consequences physically, socially and psychologically.
Now, lets reconcile this to gambling gambling addiction is when someone cannot control his gambling urge, leading to irrational gambling involvements that leads to a lot of detriments in which most times his other priorities are affected which may include his family, Worklife and even dressing as most addicts are literally mad since all they have enough time for is gambling.

so, in the end you would agree with me that your description above is a responsible gambler and not a gambling addict.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on June 22, 2024, 11:25:33 AM

So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I don't know about others but to me addiction no matter how you want to twist it is very bad because even if you are an addicted gambler that takes care of your other obligations like you give attention to other life activities but yet addiction is bad and you can agree that an addict will always spend most of their time in gambling and may not pay much attention to other jobs that fetch them money and if someone can take good care of their other responsibilities without the proceeds coming from gambling then why do they choose to become addicted except maybe they find gambling profitable most of the time yet it's still not advisable to get addicted because a day can come where all the money you won will be lost again so on a more serious note gambling addiction is very bad.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: shivansps on June 22, 2024, 11:38:23 AM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think that any kind of addiction is a problem. If a person is dependent and has no problems today, this does not mean that he will not have them in the future. Also, any kind of addiction is not good for the soul. An addicted person begins to think more about it, spend more time on it, and devote less time to loved ones and their own development. Any addiction has negative sides, but gambling should remain entertainment; addiction can cause problems over the long term.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Rockstarguy on June 22, 2024, 12:26:21 PM
There have never been a time once where addiction in gambling has never been a problem, the word itself is a problem and talked a lot about the meaning, so tell me, how can addicted gambler do without having a problem, this may really affect his career, family, relationship or even his way of life in general, having addiction is not is good and its never an easy task to also finds a means of dealing with it appropriately without the gambler being affected in any way, so its more better and honorably not to start it ever than when having it as a gambler.
An addiction that is not yet a problem is not an addiction.  When is addicted to gambling the person will be affected in one way or the other. Addiction is always known for running people's life , addiction is always bad and their is no how it is not going to affect a gambler when addicted.  If someone plays gambles and it is not affected either financially or emotionally,  and the person is still doing well as a gambler, it means the person is playing with the money that he can afford to lose or even playing responsible.

The signs of addiction is taking high risk, playing uncontrollably,  constant emotional pain, for one that is addicted must have a sign of addiction which will be a problem.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Frankolala on June 22, 2024, 02:14:00 PM
of course if your addiction makes bad things happen in your life, but if you are an addict who doesn't involve or disturb your finances and daily activities that's not bad, that's a responsible gambler, it's bad when you gamble beyond your means which causes a lot of problems in your life, especially your finances

it's bad when a gambler loses that's just it. the addiction problem is nothing if the gambler keeps winning. after all, he won't be scratching his head to find some money to pay his bills since he is winning all the time.

if you are in such a position, you wouldn't really mind whether you're an addicted gambler who would spend more of your time in the casino or infront of your computer betting most of the time as long as you are winning. but this is just getting extremely lucky. there is no way someone will keep winning.
It is impossible for any gambler to keep on winning when gambling is more of losses than win. The house hedge will always win that this were being an addicted gambler is a problem to the gambler, his family and the society.

Addiction has consequences and that is why it is bad, because it takes control over you to the point of doing things that you do things that you will never do with your normal senses, like borrowing money to gamble and selling of properties to gamble. Addiction ruins and frustrates the addict.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Gaza13 on June 22, 2024, 02:24:54 PM
addiction is very bad even though there is no problem yet, especially if the person is not able to control financial spending. then his money will only be spent to fulfill his addiction. and everyone does not realize that he is addicted before bad things happen, for example, his property runs out or becomes sick because of the addiction or goes to prison, then people realize and want to introspect.
Usually that's what happens when everything is lost, and they just realize or regret their actions. How can someone who is addicted not have a problem or have no issues? I think you are wrong on this. In my opinion, his gambling addiction actually brought disaster to him, making him keep playing to find a way to get money to play again. It is best to arrange your budget in such a way that your daily needs are not disturbed due to gambling and your money that you bet is ready to be lost in this case and you will play freely without any burden.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Accardo on June 22, 2024, 02:29:26 PM
There have never been a time once where addiction in gambling has never been a problem, the word itself is a problem and talked a lot about the meaning, so tell me, how can addicted gambler do without having a problem, this may really affect his career, family, relationship or even his way of life in general, having addiction is not is good and its never an easy task to also finds a means of dealing with it appropriately without the gambler being affected in any way, so its more better and honorably not to start it ever than when having it as a gambler.
An addiction that is not yet a problem is not an addiction.  When is addicted to gambling the person will be affected in one way or the other. Addiction is always known for running people's life , addiction is always bad and their is no how it is not going to affect a gambler when addicted.  If someone plays gambles and it is not affected either financially or emotionally,  and the person is still doing well as a gambler, it means the person is playing with the money that he can afford to lose or even playing responsible.

The signs of addiction is taking high risk, playing uncontrollably,  constant emotional pain, for one that is addicted must have a sign of addiction which will be a problem.

Don't actually know how to accept such statement on an addiction not being a problem. Whenever someone is addicted he's already in trouble of losing out lots of his funds and mind control. If it's not a problem then no need adding addiction in the sentence. Players are vulnerable to addiction and can't be capable of subduing it not to be a problem to them. I don't see or reckon any need to open up a reasoning around a problemless addiction. New players could harness this and think of being addicted and still under control. The thread topic should be “Is it bad when a gambling habit is not a problem"

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 22, 2024, 04:18:47 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Addiction is addiction and addiction is very bad because the result isn't always good, the fact that a gambler always have the urge to gamble doesn't make him an addict, neither does giving in to urges make you an addict. One sign of addiction is when your gambling life affects other areas of your life.
You are just saying heresies bro, your points are very far from the truth. First, "addiction is not addiction" is wrong as used in the context because it is not all addictions that are bad. I had an argument with someone a while ago about this and I realised that many of you guys are just saying what comes to your head without making some extra searches to verify. Regardless, addiction is bad when it pushes you to some irresponsible acts, especially if it is affecting your life and that of your loved ones negatively. This is what I also realise you believe is the addiction, but there is more as addiction can also happen in a positive way.

If you ever love doing something to the point that you are obsessed with it, you are actually addicted to it and it doesn't matter if the thing is positive or negative to you. For this, people do have to paint you badly by doing it before it is an addiction. So some addictions could be good, it is all about what you are doing and finding it difficult to let go when you try to. This could be those things that include your hobbies that have nothing to do with money. It often starts by having the urge to do it most/all which you find difficult to control.

Summarily, addiction doesn't necessarily have to affect any area of your life negatively, it is the "controlling/obsessive power" that is the "addiction."

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: slapper on June 22, 2024, 04:30:37 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?
Regardless of whether you are addicted or not, causing bad results is already a problem. And usually when people use the word addiction for any problem, it usually leads to bad outcomes or affects others. The aspect you mentioned about an addict can manage their money, I think that is not addiction, because when addicted, it is very difficult to use reason to control everything, especially with money.
Playing in control is not an addiction, but simply liking it and spending a lot of time on it, in my opinion. It is very easy to distinguish between addiction and non-addiction. When you risk everything to gamble even though you have no more money, or even do illegal things to get money to gamble, that is addiction. On the contrary, if you run out of money, you quit and don't continue playing, it's not an addiction.
While losing control is a significant red flag, gambling is designed to appeal to primordial instincts, the excitement of the chase, and dopamine. Even with good intentions, the vortex can trap you. Don't assume all gamblers are addicts. I've played poker. The line between prudent risk and chasing the next high is thin. For some, that line is very blurred

The brain can't distinguish "good" from "bad" addictions. The rewards are the same for stocks, art, and slots. Everything's about dopamine. Setting limits and budgets can help, but addiction is still a risk. Why are you gambling? Is it fun? Challenge? Are you trying to dull pain or fill a void? Since gambling is a quick fix, it might be a momentary escape. But it's unsustainable

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: knowngunman on June 22, 2024, 04:49:45 PM
There have never been a time once where addiction in gambling has never been a problem, the word itself is a problem and talked a lot about the meaning, so tell me, how can addicted gambler do without having a problem, this may really affect his career, family, relationship or even his way of life in general, having addiction is not is good and its never an easy task to also finds a means of dealing with it appropriately without the gambler being affected in any way, so its more better and honorably not to start it ever than when having it as a gambler.

I just assumed that Op was referring to regular gambler and not addiction. Most at times, people mistaken regular gamblers as an addicted gamblers while these category of gamblers are obviously different. As far as I know, it's not possible to be addicted to gambling and you will not have problem with some of your activities or even relationship with your loved ones. Just like the first reply on this thread by Oshosody stated, it's not addiction if it's not causing you problems.

It's not just gambling often that is addiction, it becomes addiction the moment it starts interfering with your activities while you can still not let go of it. In most cases, addiction makes one to forfeit their important times to gambling instead of using such time to do meaningful things. If it's addiction, it will either consume your money or your time. I think there is need for us to distinguish between addicted gamblers and ordinary/regular gamblers. If we are to go by Op explanation, almost everyone of us here will be refer to as an addict.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: ginsan on June 22, 2024, 05:05:49 PM
addiction is very bad even though there is no problem yet, especially if the person is not able to control financial spending. then his money will only be spent to fulfill his addiction. and everyone does not realize that he is addicted before bad things happen, for example, his property runs out or becomes sick because of the addiction or goes to prison, then people realize and want to introspect.
Usually that's what happens when everything is lost, and they just realize or regret their actions. How can someone who is addicted not have a problem or have no issues? I think you are wrong on this. In my opinion, his gambling addiction actually brought disaster to him, making him keep playing to find a way to get money to play again. It is best to arrange your budget in such a way that your daily needs are not disturbed due to gambling and your money that you bet is ready to be lost in this case and you will play freely without any burden.
It cannot be justified in any problem if it is addicted to gambling, there is nothing positive that can be taken from there because it damages finances, damages mentally and damages one's own condition, because it is true as you say it will come disaster into our hydpu, his ambition soul wants to continue gambling to sell whatever he has to be able to gamble again and again even with a losing and frustrated situation can make him have a bad temper and can hurt others, even atida care for the needs of himself and his family.

If a person can control his gambling budget, I don't think he is addicted, because he can control himself very well.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: hyudien on June 22, 2024, 06:13:33 PM
It cannot be justified in any problem if it is addicted to gambling, there is nothing positive that can be taken from there because it damages finances, damages mentally and damages one's own condition, because it is true as you say it will come disaster into our hydpu, his ambition soul wants to continue gambling to sell whatever he has to be able to gamble again and again even with a losing and frustrated situation can make him have a bad temper and can hurt others, even atida care for the needs of himself and his family.

If a person can control his gambling budget, I don't think he is addicted, because he can control himself very well.
This affects almost all aspects of our lives if we have an addiction to gambling. So we really have to be able to control ourselves as best as possible so that we don't become addicted to gambling in the end. For me, no one can control us apart from ourselves, so that's why it's important that we can control ourselves as best as possible. Other people can help, but they only help from the outside, in other words, we are the ones who decide.
Because if we are already in that addiction, then it will make it difficult for us to get rid of it. We have to be careful about things like this, don't let us fall into that hole. Someone who is initially very good at their economy can change everything in an instant.
I think everyone has thoughts like that in their subconscious, but for people who are addicted, those thoughts will be outweighed by the ambition they have.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: nara1892 on June 22, 2024, 06:33:00 PM
If, for example, you don't feel like you are experiencing any problems in your life after you are involved in gambling then that means you are not addicted but rather you are gambling just to fill your free time, but if you feel that it is always difficult for you to get through your daily life without being involved in gambling then it is clear that means you are addicted, and if you say that you are not addicted even though you are in that situation then maybe I will say one of the reasons why gambling addiction can occur without the person realizing it.

I think we can't lie to ourselves, even if, for example, we don't feel like we are experiencing a significant impact as we often hear from other people's ideas discussing the bad phase of addiction, but still, at least you will definitely lose money and time over time, even if for example the amount of loss is not too big, and please evaluate yourself, because I am sure that there will definitely be a certain amount of money lost in gambling if you always find it difficult to pass your daily time without being involved in gambling and clearly that is a problem where you should not lose money in any amount if you do not gamble.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: serjent05 on June 22, 2024, 06:51:50 PM
Addiction in its entirety is bad one major reason is that it disrupts balance.  This means a person with an addiction tends to have an uncontrolled urge on whatever is addiction is.  Just for example a gambling addiction.  The bad effects of gambling addiction won't be instantly noticed but the negative effect of gambling addiction or uncontrollable urge to gamble will slowly noticed.  

First gambling addicts tend to put more hours into their gambling activities.  This will affect their daily activities and may result in job termination since he prioritized gambling over his work and will result in poor job performance.

The addicted gambler also disregards their health.  So in the long run, an addicted person who lacks sleep, proper nutrients, and exercise will eventually be susceptible to diseases and ailments let alone being an addicted gambler is already a mental problem.

And the obvious effect of addicted gamblers is their financial status.  Once their gambling activity is not controlled, there is a huge possibility that the gambler may lose a huge amount of money which can lead to financial ruin.

It's not a question of whether addiction is bad only when it is a problem because addiction itself is a problem so it is technically bad and should be treated right away.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Adbitco on June 22, 2024, 07:06:43 PM

So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I don't know about others but to me addiction no matter how you want to twist it is very bad because even if you are an addicted gambler that takes care of your other obligations like you give attention to other life activities but yet addiction is bad and you can agree that an addict will always spend most of their time in gambling and may not pay much attention to other jobs that fetch them money and if someone can take good care of their other responsibilities without the proceeds coming from gambling then why do they choose to become addicted except maybe they find gambling profitable most of the time yet it's still not advisable to get addicted because a day can come where all the money you won will be lost again so on a more serious note gambling addiction is very bad.
Gambling addiction turns to bad when someone do not longer control themselves over gambling activities when they so much makes it their priority over any other aspects of life. As gambling addicts it should only take control of you when you had already settled any other thing surrounding you like; having completed your task at work place or attended to your family after closing from work, and or maybe when you receive salary must make sure to give and settle your family financially before using the rest money to gamble, in a case were man skip all these and goes straight into gambling then we can say that his addiction is a problems and should be handled immediately to avoid further damages from them.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: fullhdpixel on June 22, 2024, 07:41:51 PM
If, for example, you don't feel like you are experiencing any problems in your life after you are involved in gambling then that means you are not addicted but rather you are gambling just to fill your free time, but if you feel that it is always difficult for you to get through your daily life without being involved in gambling then it is clear that means you are addicted, and if you say that you are not addicted even though you are in that situation then maybe I will say one of the reasons why gambling addiction can occur without the person realizing it.

I think we can't lie to ourselves, even if, for example, we don't feel like we are experiencing a significant impact as we often hear from other people's ideas discussing the bad phase of addiction, but still, at least you will definitely lose money and time over time, even if for example the amount of loss is not too big, and please evaluate yourself, because I am sure that there will definitely be a certain amount of money lost in gambling if you always find it difficult to pass your daily time without being involved in gambling and clearly that is a problem where you should not lose money in any amount if you do not gamble.
Ever since online gambling and money gaming have come, it would not be wrong to say that every other person is addicted to it and online gambling is also the place where you lose thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. At first, you play for fun and enjoyment but when you lose a good amount of money, you play to recover your money and you have to play with the hope that you might win and you wish you could get your money back but unfortunately it doesn't happen.

Millions of people have lost their money in gambling, earlier it used to be that people used to go anywhere to play gambling, but now gambling is at home, everyone has a mobile phone and online gambling is available on their mobile or other electronic devices. That is how they lose every day and when they realize that they have gambled badly, then they regret it.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Oilacris on June 22, 2024, 08:35:40 PM

So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I don't know about others but to me addiction no matter how you want to twist it is very bad because even if you are an addicted gambler that takes care of your other obligations like you give attention to other life activities but yet addiction is bad and you can agree that an addict will always spend most of their time in gambling and may not pay much attention to other jobs that fetch them money and if someone can take good care of their other responsibilities without the proceeds coming from gambling then why do they choose to become addicted except maybe they find gambling profitable most of the time yet it's still not advisable to get addicted because a day can come where all the money you won will be lost again so on a more serious note gambling addiction is very bad.
Gambling addiction turns to bad when someone do not longer control themselves over gambling activities when they so much makes it their priority over any other aspects of life. As gambling addicts it should only take control of you when you had already settled any other thing surrounding you like; having completed your task at work place or attended to your family after closing from work, and or maybe when you receive salary must make sure to give and settle your family financially before using the rest money to gamble, in a case were man skip all these and goes straight into gambling then we can say that his addiction is a problems and should be handled immediately to avoid further damages from them.
It is really just that hard to believe that you would really be able to make yourself having that good control in your gambling on the moment that you would really be making yourself having that addicted
condition on which we know that this is the moment that you would really that addicted with gambling then its something which is really that out of your initial engagement with gambling.
On the moment that you would really be that playing gambling and getting addicted then that spending will really be that different that way more or earlier.
Addiction would be always that getting in line with problem. This is why as much as possible you should be avoiding that you should really be that avoiding on getting addicted
so that you wont really be ending up on disaster because this is where people do mess up their lives.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 22, 2024, 08:50:46 PM

Gambling addiction turns to bad when someone do not longer control themselves over gambling activities when they so much makes it their priority over any other aspects of life. As gambling addicts it should only take control of you when you had already settled any other thing surrounding you like; having completed your task at work place or attended to your family after closing from work, and or maybe when you receive salary must make sure to give and settle your family financially before using the rest money to gamble, in a case were man skip all these and goes straight into gambling then we can say that his addiction is a problems and should be handled immediately to avoid further damages from them.
It is really just that hard to believe that you would really be able to make yourself having that good control in your gambling on the moment that you would really be making yourself having that addicted
condition on which we know that this is the moment that you would really that addicted with gambling then its something which is really that out of your initial engagement with gambling.
On the moment that you would really be that playing gambling and getting addicted then that spending will really be that different that way more or earlier.
Addiction would be always that getting in line with problem. This is why as much as possible you should be avoiding that you should really be that avoiding on getting addicted
so that you wont really be ending up on disaster because this is where people do mess up their lives.

Of course, it makes no sense and cannot be believed if someone will be able to control themselves when they have entered the addiction phase, because clearly addiction is a situation where someone already has high trust and confidence in winning. This means that it is very likely that all the actions and ideas that will come out of their minds will be ideas that tend to be aggressive or excessive which in the end will only lead them to a much worse situation.

Gambling will always go hand in hand with problems? of course, because addiction is a situation that can trigger many problems, which can make someone experience problems or decline, especially in their financial stability along with several other problems such as the destruction of family relationships or the destruction of relationships with other people closest to us such as friends, which in addition is usually when the people closest to you already know that you are involved in gambling and are addicted then there is a possibility for them to keep their distance from you, so it is best that you be able to control your gambling activities and not gambling that control you.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: nimogsm on June 22, 2024, 09:20:01 PM
addiction is very bad even though there is no problem yet, especially if the person is not able to control financial spending. then his money will only be spent to fulfill his addiction. and everyone does not realize that he is addicted before bad things happen, for example, his property runs out or becomes sick because of the addiction or goes to prison, then people realize and want to introspect.
Usually that's what happens when everything is lost, and they just realize or regret their actions. How can someone who is addicted not have a problem or have no issues? I think you are wrong on this. In my opinion, his gambling addiction actually brought disaster to him, making him keep playing to find a way to get money to play again. It is best to arrange your budget in such a way that your daily needs are not disturbed due to gambling and your money that you bet is ready to be lost in this case and you will play freely without any burden.
greed is the best friend of addiction. The desire to win back your lost funds is what leads to addiction and this circle closes. You are right when you mentioned the budget and its control, so the chances of uncontrolled games are significantly reduced.If you properly monitor the budget and have other concerns about games, then the addiction will definitely bypass the player.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Zigabel on June 22, 2024, 09:36:36 PM
greed is the best friend of addiction. The desire to win back your lost funds is what leads to addiction and this circle closes. You are right when you mentioned the budget and its control, so the chances of uncontrolled games are significantly reduced.If you properly monitor the budget and have other concerns about games, then the addiction will definitely bypass the player.
Greed actually breeds addiction and not necessarily the best friend of addiction, a greedy man usually gets addicted because he always wants more and that will lead to him getting addicted to the game and may eventually end up not been able to manage his cravings for such because he's to greedy to let go or even see the dangers in that which he has wanted to do at that time. Most greedy gamblers do not have budget as they see that to be a limitation to their gambling and Chances of been lucky enough so they just gamble randomly until they are able to win then they will hope to recover all that they have lost already gambling.its in the long run a regrettable one for them as they will usually regret wishing if they had known, they would have done better.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on June 22, 2024, 09:48:11 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

There is no such thing as an unproblematic addiction. Addiction is the name for a problem. And it needs to be taken seriously, because people really downplay addiction by saying things like "it does not affect them as much as others" or "they can deal with it". We are all only human, and we should take the plight of other humans seriously, who had to battle with addiction, instead of thinking we are somehow superior by having a stronger will or something.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: HONDACD125 on June 22, 2024, 09:59:33 PM
There is no such thing as an unproblematic addiction. Addiction is the name for a problem. And it needs to be taken seriously, because people really downplay addiction by saying things like "it does not affect them as much as others" or "they can deal with it". We are all only human, and we should take the plight of other humans seriously, who had to battle with addiction, instead of thinking we are somehow superior by having a stronger will or something.

Exactly, addiction is a problem even if it's not problematic for other people, and it's not possible for an addiction to not be problematic for the person who is addicted. How can you have a positive addiction? That isn't possible because addiction means tending to do something excessively, and you can't get positive results by doing something to an excessive level, that is not possible at all.

Whether it's about gambling addiction or something else, an addiction will always be problematic for at least one person, it can either be the addicted person or someone else who stays around them and bear the consequences of the addiction maybe like paying the money or anything else in general.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: DaNNy001 on June 22, 2024, 10:13:37 PM
For me I feel the moment you are addicted to something it's definitely going to be bad Because it makes you crave to do or satisfy those urges and there is absolutely no bound to you when you are on the quest to satisfy this particular urge. You can even sell off your property and even take crazy loans just for the fact that you are addicted to that habit.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: alegotardo on June 22, 2024, 10:20:34 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I would say no!
Because anything that is done in excess is not good for our health. Did you know that even drinking too much water can be bad for you!?

Anyway, getting back to your question, you need to carefully analyze what "a problem" is. Problems with gambling are not limited to financial loss or family problems, but also to your mental health.
If a person is so addicted to gambling that they stop doing other things, then they have a problem.
If a person is working or having a leisure time, but can only think about getting home so they can play, then they have a problem.
If they have trouble sleeping or spend several hours awake at night playing, then they have a problem.

The thing is, we often don't see these problems; people who have money and a seemingly happy family are very good at hiding their bad things. Don't be fooled... gambling addiction is a problem for anyone who cannot play responsibly.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Docnaster on June 22, 2024, 10:41:07 PM
For me I feel the moment you are addicted to something it's definitely going to be bad Because it makes you crave to do or satisfy those urges and there is absolutely no bound to you when you are on the quest to satisfy this particular urge. You can even sell off your property and even take crazy loans just for the fact that you are addicted to that habit.
The question of the OP is confusing and complicating at the same time because you can't say that "Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?". Immediately a gambler gets addicted to gambling, his addiction automatically have become a major problem for him and anyone around him. Gambling addiction is one of the worst things that can happen to any individual because is an addicted gambler goes broke and can't be able to satisfy his gambling addiction with his own money, he'll do anything possible to raise money to continue his gambling irrespective of how the money is gotten that's why we see some persons who weren't initially involved in any form of criminality become a criminal when he becomes an addict. Gambling addiction leads to depression and so many other unhealthy issues that's why every gambler is advised to resist anything that'll make him or her become addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: nelson4lov on June 22, 2024, 10:47:49 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Generally, too much of anything is bad. It doesn't need to be gambling but too much of anything is bad. In terms of gambling, the damage is cumulative and may not be noticed immediately until it gets too bad that stopping it becomes a problem. For gambling, it becomes a problem when you enter a losing streak but need to continue wagering even when your current bankroll has been exhausted. You look for more funding elsewhere just to satisfy gambling addiction needs. In the long run, gambling additions has a net negative effect.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Russlenat on June 22, 2024, 11:01:57 PM
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

Generally, too much of anything is bad. It doesn't need to be gambling but too much of anything is bad. In terms of gambling, the damage is cumulative and may not be noticed immediately until it gets too bad that stopping it becomes a problem. For gambling, it becomes a problem when you enter a losing streak but need to continue wagering even when your current bankroll has been exhausted. You look for more funding elsewhere just to satisfy gambling addiction needs. In the long run, gambling additions has a net negative effect.

There's a valid point here. Even if you're currently winning money and don't feel like gambling is a problem, addiction can still have negative consequences in the long run. Gambling addiction can lead to greed and an imbalance in your life, consuming too much of your time and energy. Life is about balance, and when you're addicted to something, you lose that balance because you focus too much on your addiction.

Spending all day gambling, even if you're making money, can mean neglecting important relationships, like with your family. Not spending quality time with loved ones is a significant loss, possibly worse than losing a bet. We live to build memories and meaningful connections, not just to make money. Since we can't take money with us when we pass away so it's more important to prioritize experiences and relationships over financial gain.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Rabata on June 22, 2024, 11:11:37 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think addiction is not a problem for all gamblers who have an addiction but do not face any problems in managing their daily life. Normally we fear addictions because these addictions can seriously disrupt a gambler's ability to function in his daily life. For those who are addicted and can manage to gamble without any repercussions, I think that is part of responsible gambling management. If such an addiction exists in every gambler, no gambler will be harmed by the addiction. I can totally agree with you that gambling addiction is only bad when it creates a problem.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: Akbarkoe on June 22, 2024, 11:27:55 PM
Addiction to gambling is not a problem for some gamblers because there are some gamblers who are addicted to gambling, but it doesn't affect the other activities of their life. They take care of their families, wear good clothes, smell nice, meet up with appointments but still cannot control the urge to gamble. It doesn't affect their life because they can afford to gamble and manage the loses they make. So, to these people addiction is not a problem. They are addicts, but because they are successful, their addiction is ignored or excused as it is not a problem.
So I am need to know, is addiction only bad when it is a problem?

I think addiction is not a problem for all gamblers who have an addiction but do not face any problems in managing their daily life. Normally we fear addictions because these addictions can seriously disrupt a gambler's ability to function in his daily life. For those who are addicted and can manage to gamble without any repercussions, I think that is part of responsible gambling management. If such an addiction exists in every gambler, no gambler will be harmed by the addiction. I can totally agree with you that gambling addiction is only bad when it creates a problem.

Some individuals can control their gambling habits and separate them from their day-to-day living. They can responsibly gamble without letting it affect their work, relationships or financial situation.

Yet addiction is complex and grows over time: a person who could control his gambling at first could find himself caught up in it. Many more negative and destructive behavior patterns are developed also important to appreciate that the ripple effect of addiction is felt not only by the individual but also those around him.

Responsible gambling promotion, generally speaking, along with the provision of help resources to those who need them are paramount. This way we can see that people who gamble do so in a healthy and balanced way, while those showing signs of addiction can get the necessary support.

Title: Re: Is addiction bad only when it is a problem?
Post by: nara1892 on June 23, 2024, 03:43:39 PM
If, for example, you don't feel like you are experiencing any problems in your life after you are involved in gambling then that means you are not addicted but rather you are gambling just to fill your free time, but if you feel that it is always difficult for you to get through your daily life without being involved in gambling then it is clear that means you are addicted, and if you say that you are not addicted even though you are in that situation then maybe I will say one of the reasons why gambling addiction can occur without the person realizing it.

I think we can't lie to ourselves, even if, for example, we don't feel like we are experiencing a significant impact as we often hear from other people's ideas discussing the bad phase of addiction, but still, at least you will definitely lose money and time over time, even if for example the amount of loss is not too big, and please evaluate yourself, because I am sure that there will definitely be a certain amount of money lost in gambling if you always find it difficult to pass your daily time without being involved in gambling and clearly that is a problem where you should not lose money in any amount if you do not gamble.
Ever since online gambling and money gaming have come, it would not be wrong to say that every other person is addicted to it and online gambling is also the place where you lose thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. At first, you play for fun and enjoyment but when you lose a good amount of money, you play to recover your money and you have to play with the hope that you might win and you wish you could get your money back but unfortunately it doesn't happen.

Millions of people have lost their money in gambling, earlier it used to be that people used to go anywhere to play gambling, but now gambling is at home, everyone has a mobile phone and online gambling is available on their mobile or other electronic devices. That is how they lose every day and when they realize that they have gambled badly, then they regret it.

I will say something that is easier to understand which is that the prize in gambling or the form of victory in gambling is money which we all need money to continue living and that means it is quite reasonable to say something like you said that it is not wrong to say that any form of game that involves money must have an element of addiction in it that can make a gambler feel more interested in doing it. Having intentions and goals for entertainment is good, but sometimes subconsciously one can experience a change over time where they experience situations like those experienced by addicts but they still maintain the idea that they gamble for fun, but the fact remains that they will never be able to lie with the situation that they lose more money than they make which in turn is trapped in various actions like those often done by gambling addicts such as chasing losses.

That's right, since the advent of online casinos the rate of addicted gamblers has increased, not least because gambling is now more accessible, simply put as long as you have a digital device such as a mobile phone or PC connected to the internet along with having money to gamble with then you can gamble whenever you want, and obviously because of this more gamblers are now losing control.