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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: paxmao on May 01, 2024, 10:43:47 PM

Title: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on May 01, 2024, 10:43:47 PM (

Donald Trump may say that he does not plan to push for a national abortion ban, but Kamala Harris told voters in Florida that they should not believe him.

This is a warning of what is to come for all women in the US. Your body will no longer be yours, Trump and the Christian radicals will own it and force you to have children whether you want it or not. Even if someone rapes you, you will not be able to take a bus north to a democrat state to avoid having that children.

Think carefully about what you want for you and your daughters - this ends up with them finding an illegal abortion clinic trying to scratch their uterus and probably leaving them without any possibility of having children in the future. You are in time to stop the madness.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Hispo on May 02, 2024, 12:17:41 AM
It is fair for anyone to suggest Donald Trump is not to be trusted in this matter and in other matters which are supposed to concern only the the people and their body, this is obviously an issue will overwhelmingly affect women and not much men in the USA.
I believe with the almost complete ban on abortion in Arizona, it has become very clear for the Republican party that most women (regardless of their political party) want to have reasonable laws on their reproductive rights and what they are able to do with their own bodies. Even some commentators who are conservative can see the disaster ahead for the political trajectory of Republican politicians if they continue to push for the strictest laws to past in the states of the Union.
If Trump ends up losing the election, then it may be the last wake up call in the middle of night for Republicans to get back to being a normal political party or continue to lose support from reasonable people.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on May 02, 2024, 11:55:12 AM
It is fair for anyone to suggest Donald Trump is not to be trusted in this matter and in other matters which are supposed to concern only the the people and their body, this is obviously an issue will overwhelmingly affect women and not much men in the USA.
I believe with the almost complete ban on abortion in Arizona, it has become very clear for the Republican party that most women (regardless of their political party) want to have reasonable laws on their reproductive rights and what they are able to do with their own bodies. Even some commentators who are conservative can see the disaster ahead for the political trajectory of Republican politicians if they continue to push for the strictest laws to past in the states of the Union.
If Trump ends up losing the election, then it may be the last wake up call in the middle of night for Republicans to get back to being a normal political party or continue to lose support from reasonable people.

That is my guess too, if Trump looses even his biggest and most adept donors will understand that this is not the way to get a "return on their investment" and hopefully choose a proper candidate. But for now, we have to deal with this Playboy magazine fan.

I rekon the quality of candidates that Republicans source is appalling. Bush Junior, Trump... even the alternatives like deSantis are terrible. Kamala is hated widely, Biden may not reach the end of another mandate... I wonder where are the statesmen hiding.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on May 03, 2024, 03:25:59 AM
I would urge everybody to read Trump's blueprint for his administration, which is called, "Project 2025":

In that document they are crystal-clear that they consider abortion to be cold-blooded murder, and that Trump should try to stop it nationwide using every tool available to the presidency--whose powers this document says should be greatly expanded.

This could include:

* Banning the abortion pill using the FDA (Congress not necessary)

* Allowing the states to prevent interstate travel for those seeking abortions in other states (Congress not necessary)

* Making abortion effectively illegal in all 50 states by using the power of the Administrative State (which, let's be serious here, Trump absolutely would increase the reach of if he's elected) to crack down on doctors, hospitals, and medicine providers.  (Congress not necessary)

If you want abortion to be illegal in all 50 states, then by all means vote for Trump. If you don't want that, vote for Biden. It's as simple as that.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: OgNasty on May 03, 2024, 09:12:26 PM
Why spread misinformation and lies? Is it because you’re ignorant and have no idea what you’re talking about? Did you just make this up and decide to post it thinking it was smart? Are you laughably misinformed by some liberal propaganda machine posing as a news outlet?

Trump is about state rights and has said time and again that the Federal government should stay out of the abortion issue. Pretending he wants to rule one way or another federally about abortion is idiotic.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on May 03, 2024, 09:19:58 PM
Why spread misinformation and lies? Is it because you’re ignorant and have no idea what you’re talking about? Did you just make this up and decide to post it thinking it was smart? Are you laughably misinformed by some liberal propaganda machine posing as a news outlet?

Trump is about state rights and has said time and again that the Federal government should stay out of the abortion issue. Pretending he wants to rule one way or another federally about abortion is idiotic.

The problem is that Trump can say what is convenient during the campaign and do what is convenient during the presidency. It would not be the first time that he changes the discourse. That is one of the problems of being so unstable.

But in the end what matters is the electoral support. He will chose whatever delivers his goals and if a sufficient number of Republicans are in favour of a national ban he will have no issue exchanging that for some other crazy legislation of his choice.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on May 03, 2024, 10:25:54 PM

Trump is about state rights and has said time and again that the Federal government should stay out of the abortion issue. Pretending he wants to rule one way or another federally about abortion is idiotic.

I didn't write that document I linked, no. But it is touted by all of Trump's advisors as their blueprint for his administration should he win. That document outlines, very specifically, the steps Trump will take if he's elected vis a vie abortion. And Trump has never answered questions about the FDA, free travel between states, and all of the other tactics the document outlines.

I certainly get having a different view on abortion--it's a divisive topic. What I don't get is... lying about it. I'm pro-choice. I'm willing to admit that. Why are Republicans not willing to admit their view on this? Their view on this is very clear: it's murder. Fine, believe its murder. But don't say it's murder and then say, "well maybe we'll let it slide" right before the election. You aren't fooling anybody.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: OgNasty on May 03, 2024, 10:35:52 PM
Why spread misinformation and lies? Is it because you’re ignorant and have no idea what you’re talking about? Did you just make this up and decide to post it thinking it was smart? Are you laughably misinformed by some liberal propaganda machine posing as a news outlet?

Trump is about state rights and has said time and again that the Federal government should stay out of the abortion issue. Pretending he wants to rule one way or another federally about abortion is idiotic.

The problem is that Trump can say what is convenient during the campaign and do what is convenient during the presidency. It would not be the first time that he changes the discourse. That is one of the problems of being so unstable.

But in the end what matters is the electoral support. He will chose whatever delivers his goals and if a sufficient number of Republicans are in favour of a national ban he will have no issue exchanging that for some other crazy legislation of his choice.

I literally just told you that Trump has stated many times that this is a state issue and not a federal issue and then you come out and say the same lies… Let me say it again because it clearly isn’t sinking in. Donald Trump has 0 intention of banning abortion nationwide and has repeatedly said it will be left up to the states.

You know who is interested in a nationwide abortion ruling? Joe Biden. Why do Democrats always accuse others of doing what they’re trying to do?

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on May 03, 2024, 10:45:09 PM

I literally just told you that Trump has stated many times that this is a state issue and not a federal issue and then you come out and say the same lies… Let me say it again because it clearly isn’t sinking in. Donald Trump has 0 intention of banning abortion nationwide and has repeatedly said it will be left up to the states.

You know who is interested in a nationwide abortion ruling? Joe Biden. Why do Democrats always accuse others of doing what they’re trying to do?

I literally just pointed you to a comprehensive policy document that aligns with the stated premises of the Republican party for the last 50 years. A document that all of Trump's people continue to reference when it comes to their intentions for Trump's administration. A document that outlines actionable, practical means that Trump can/will take to criminalize abortion in the USA.

Against that, we have... your feelings. Okay.

And yes, I make no bones about it: Biden wants a nationwide law passed in Congress that will codify Roe and make abortion legal again in all 50 states, overriding state prohibitions. He wants to keep the abortion pill legal, and will fight off Republican-led lawsuits trying to ban it nationwide (something that Trump would absolutely never do). He wants to maintain the right of Americans to freely move between states, and to freely transact commerce between states, and he will use the federal government to intervene if/when states try to imprison their own residents to prevent them from having abortions.

That's what he says he wants. He doesn't lie about his intentions around abortion. Neither do his supporters.

Most Americans didn't want Roe overturned, and yet Republicans did it anyhow. What you are supposed to get when this happens is... political fallout. Do something unpopular, and pay at the polls. That's democracy.

Maybe that's why Republicans are against democracy now too, come to think of it :).

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Vod on May 04, 2024, 01:56:12 AM
Why do Democrats always accuse others of doing what they’re trying to do?

There is no way you have the morals to be a Democrat.   :-\

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on May 06, 2024, 10:45:04 PM
Why spread misinformation and lies? Is it because you’re ignorant and have no idea what you’re talking about? Did you just make this up and decide to post it thinking it was smart? Are you laughably misinformed by some liberal propaganda machine posing as a news outlet?

Trump is about state rights and has said time and again that the Federal government should stay out of the abortion issue. Pretending he wants to rule one way or another federally about abortion is idiotic.

The problem is that Trump can say what is convenient during the campaign and do what is convenient during the presidency. It would not be the first time that he changes the discourse. That is one of the problems of being so unstable.

But in the end what matters is the electoral support. He will chose whatever delivers his goals and if a sufficient number of Republicans are in favour of a national ban he will have no issue exchanging that for some other crazy legislation of his choice.

I literally just told you that Trump has stated many times that this is a state issue and not a federal issue and then you come out and say the same lies… Let me say it again because it clearly isn’t sinking in. Donald Trump has 0 intention of banning abortion nationwide and has repeatedly said it will be left up to the states.

You know who is interested in a nationwide abortion ruling? Joe Biden. Why do Democrats always accuse others of doing what they’re trying to do?

It is fine to have a nationwide abortion ruling. It will prevent poor women in ban-states to have to die in illegal abortionists clinics or having to go on a cheap bus hundreds of miles after suffering an operation and getting in debt just because they do not feel they can have a child at that moment.

You accuse of lying, but that is just words with no backup so I am sensing some desperation here. You know that Trump has been instating in every occasion judges that would perfectly accept a nationwide ban, you know that evangelists and Methodists are a significant part of his supporters and they are religious extremists willing to impose their ideas on women´s uterus.

Women in the US may want to risk it, who knows... or maybe they will decide to put priest´s and extremists in the trollcage they belong, ranting in TwitterX about how they lost unfairly.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: uneng on May 07, 2024, 12:25:26 AM
Pregnancy shouldn't be considered an extension of the woman's body, but a living being inside their bodies until developing all the necessary biological conditions to live outside the mother's belly. Therefore, it's not about 'your body not being yours anymore', but about having the responsability that due to an act of sex without protection, it has brought consequences which have to be embraced and taken until the end.

If the mother doesn't care or have love for the baby, completely rejecting it, then another measures could be discussed by a conscious and fair society (which isn't the case of the modern relativist world nowadays), like for an example, forwarding this baby for adoption, while at same time making sure that woman does all the necessary medical procedures to not get pregnant anymore in the future, since it's not something she wants for her life.

This way, babies don't have to be sacrificed, neither women who don't want to be mothers have to be.

And for those who really care and are concerned about their daughters, instead of teaching them the path of abortion, teach them the path of sex with meaning, the path of love, and if it's too hard to see through this point of view, try to teach at least the path of safe sex, otherwise, there will be unavoidable consequences which even abortion can't erase from their lives...

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Hispo on May 07, 2024, 12:36:55 AM
Why do Democrats always accuse others of doing what they’re trying to do?

There is no way you have the morals to be a Democrat.   :-\

Curious, because while I was reading news the other night it came to my attention who one of the people being indicted in Arizona for trying to defranchise the people of the state through the scheme of the fake electors was actually a lawyer for Donald Trump who was (ironically) in charge of election integrity, which sounds to me she was the kind of person Trump hired to try to find evidence of widespread fraud and accuse the democrat party of being behind some master plan to steal the election.
In the end, the person screaming fraud and pointing out others, is the one who will have to face justice in Arizona and tried for trying to steal the will of the people in such state.
Considering there is already people who have declared themselves to be guilty in the state of Georgia for trying to do something similar, I would not be surprised those indicted in Arizona started to sing like bird as soon as they feel a minimum of pressure.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Kelward on May 07, 2024, 08:07:01 AM
Why spread misinformation and lies? Is it because you’re ignorant and have no idea what you’re talking about? Did you just make this up and decide to post it thinking it was smart? Are you laughably misinformed by some liberal propaganda machine posing as a news outlet?

Trump is about state rights and has said time and again that the Federal government should stay out of the abortion issue. Pretending he wants to rule one way or another federally about abortion is idiotic.
Thanks for correcting this misinformation, the US is a top democratic government, and the definition of democracy is about the voice and wish of the people, therefore insinuating that a president will impose his personal will or religious beliefs in a country like the USA is not possible. I think that the OP is a supporter of Joe Biden, and is campaigning for him, but let's not forget that Donald Trump, was once a US president, so the American people in this forum will answer better if he had tried to push for a notional ban on abortion. I think that Americans are in a better position to choose their next president, one is the current president and the other is the former president, so let them vote who they think will serve them better as the next president.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: DeathAngel on May 07, 2024, 08:49:35 AM
I really don’t understand the obsession with abortion ban in the US. There are many situations where abortion could be beneficial for the Mother carrying the child. It’s such a sensitive subject but what about if the child is conceived via a sexual assault or if the Mother is mentally unstable or to poor to bring up a child. I certainly think there should be a limit on age of gestation permitted to be aborted. You can’t allow near full term abortions but before the unborn child really resembles a human being I think, only if it’s beneficial to the Mother, then she should be able to make her own decision.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: AVE5 on May 07, 2024, 09:44:48 AM
Isn't it necessary to also consider the risks involved on the course of evacuating childs from their mothers womb? I don't know about others opinion but I think if anyone doesn't want to have a child either unwanted or wedlock, then you should be prepared and Concious on at your sexual intercourse.
The intentions of Trump could be to safe and existing life of a mother considering the risks and the other way round, I think there's no different in murderer cases and abortion a baby alive form the mothers womb.
This might literally not be about religious beliefs and sentiments are we could think.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on May 07, 2024, 09:51:42 AM
Pregnancy shouldn't be considered an extension of the woman's body, but a living being inside their bodies until developing all the necessary biological conditions to live outside the mother's belly. Therefore, it's not about 'your body not being yours anymore', but about having the responsability that due to an act of sex without protection, it has brought consequences which have to be embraced and taken until the end.

If the mother doesn't care or have love for the baby, completely rejecting it, then another measures could be discussed by a conscious and fair society (which isn't the case of the modern relativist world nowadays), like for an example, forwarding this baby for adoption, while at same time making sure that woman does all the necessary medical procedures to not get pregnant anymore in the future, since it's not something she wants for her life.

This way, babies don't have to be sacrificed, neither women who don't want to be mothers have to be.

And for those who really care and are concerned about their daughters, instead of teaching them the path of abortion, teach them the path of sex with meaning, the path of love, and if it's too hard to see through this point of view, try to teach at least the path of safe sex, otherwise, there will be unavoidable consequences which even abortion can't erase from their lives...

That´s your view and you are free to live with it, you are not free to impose it on others. You are not anyone to basically say it is their own fault if they have a pregnancy - you did not even consider it could be rape uh??

See, this is what several generation of women have fought against and here we are, at risk of being told like little children what it moral by a bunch of people like this poster here. This is Trump in action - do not lie to women.

This is what has brought million of women in history to illegal clinics to die or have irreversible damages because, in the end, you cannot force them to have children if they do not want to. My guess... lots of abortion clinics will open in Mexico. Good to Make Mexico Great Again I guess.

Isn't it necessary to also consider the risks involved on the course of evacuating childs from their mothers womb? I don't know about others opinion but I think if anyone doesn't want to have a child either unwanted or wedlock, then you should be prepared and Concious on at your sexual intercourse.
The intentions of Trump could be to safe and existing life of a mother considering the risks and the other way round, I think there's no different in murderer cases and abortion a baby alive form the mothers womb.
This might literally not be about religious beliefs and sentiments are we could think.

Tell that to the women. If they are convinced by your points they have the choice. It is not pro-abortion, it is pro-CHOICE.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on May 07, 2024, 03:28:21 PM

Thanks for correcting this misinformation, the US is a top democratic government, and the definition of democracy is about the voice and wish of the people, therefore insinuating that a president will impose his personal will or religious beliefs in a country like the USA is not possible. I think that the OP is a supporter of Joe Biden, and is campaigning for him, but let's not forget that Donald Trump, was once a US president, so the American people in this forum will answer better if he had tried to push for a notional ban on abortion. I think that Americans are in a better position to choose their next president, one is the current president and the other is the former president, so let them vote who they think will serve them better as the next president.

So repeating the candidates written statement of intentions is "misinformation"?

Pointing out what steps Republicans have already done to try to ban abortion in all 50 states is "misinformation"?

You obviously don't understand how things work in the United States. Republicans have already made abortion illegal in many US states, and stopped all doctors nationwide from using the abortion pill for several weeks while they fought in court.

A majority of Republican voters these days want a 50 state ban on abortion. That's what the polling says. If they win, they will impose their will on the rest of the country through Trump as their agent. That's how democracy works.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Kelward on May 07, 2024, 03:59:53 PM

Thanks for correcting this misinformation, the US is a top democratic government, and the definition of democracy is about the voice and wish of the people, therefore insinuating that a president will impose his personal will or religious beliefs in a country like the USA is not possible. I think that the OP is a supporter of Joe Biden, and is campaigning for him, but let's not forget that Donald Trump, was once a US president, so the American people in this forum will answer better if he had tried to push for a notional ban on abortion. I think that Americans are in a better position to choose their next president, one is the current president and the other is the former president, so let them vote who they think will serve them better as the next president.

You obviously don't understand how things work in the United States. Republicans have already made abortion illegal in many US states, and stopped all doctors nationwide from using the abortion pill for several weeks while they fought in court.

I clearly don't understand how things work in united states, and as it regards abortion laws, if Donald trump's, administration was anti abortion, the present Joe Biden, administration is pro abortion, then I think it's a good thing that we're in an election year, so let the American people vote for what they want.

I based what I said about misinformation on the report that Donald Trump, said that it's states that'll determine whether they'll allow abortions in their states or not, if he actually said that, then if any states outlaws abortion, it has nothing to do with the federal government. I think that even if abortion is banned in any states, there should be clause that'll covers rape cases.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on May 07, 2024, 04:47:32 PM

I clearly don't understand how things work in united states, and as it regards abortion laws, if Donald trump's, administration was anti abortion, the present Joe Biden, administration is pro abortion, then I think it's a good thing that we're in an election year, so let the American people vote for what they want.

I based what I said about misinformation on the report that Donald Trump, said that it's states that'll determine whether they'll allow abortions in their states or not, if he actually said that, then if any states outlaws abortion, it has nothing to do with the federal government. I think that even if abortion is banned in any states, there should be clause that'll covers rape cases.

Biden is not "pro-abortion", he's pro-choice, meaning he wishes for Americans to make up their own minds about whether they want to have an abortion or not. Biden is proposing that laws banning abortion in various states and nationwide be repealed. If a government repeals a law banning cryptocurrency trading, that doesn't make them "pro-crypto", it just means they think people should be allowed to decide for themselves.

Donald Trump lied. We know that because he is also endorsing the 2025 Project, which calls for abortion prohibition in all 50 states, and equates abortion to cold-blooded murder. We know that because his previous administration did everything they could to restrict abortion under the laws at that time, and then Trump appointed three Republican justices to the Supreme Court in order to allow complete abortion bans nationwide.

People who say abortion is "murder" do not want exceptions for rape because that is just mitigating a crime with another crime. That is why there are already many US states with absolute bans, and Trump has endorsed those bans by dropping his opposition to them (he originally called the Florida law "horrible" and now fully supports it).

If you want abortion to be illegal in all 50 US states, then vote Republican. If you don't want that, then vote Democrat.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on May 07, 2024, 09:50:01 PM

Thanks for correcting this misinformation, the US is a top democratic government, and the definition of democracy is about the voice and wish of the people, therefore insinuating that a president will impose his personal will or religious beliefs in a country like the USA is not possible. I think that the OP is a supporter of Joe Biden, and is campaigning for him, but let's not forget that Donald Trump, was once a US president, so the American people in this forum will answer better if he had tried to push for a notional ban on abortion. I think that Americans are in a better position to choose their next president, one is the current president and the other is the former president, so let them vote who they think will serve them better as the next president.

You obviously don't understand how things work in the United States. Republicans have already made abortion illegal in many US states, and stopped all doctors nationwide from using the abortion pill for several weeks while they fought in court.

I clearly don't understand how things work in united states, and as it regards abortion laws, if Donald trump's, administration was anti abortion, the present Joe Biden, administration is pro abortion, then I think it's a good thing that we're in an election year, so let the American people vote for what they want.

I based what I said about misinformation on the report that Donald Trump, said that it's states that'll determine whether they'll allow abortions in their states or not, if he actually said that, then if any states outlaws abortion, it has nothing to do with the federal government. I think that even if abortion is banned in any states, there should be clause that'll covers rape cases.

Pro-choice. Nobody is forcing anybody to interrupt pregnancy, however some people are trying to get women to remain pregnant wheter they want it or not. Trump is not defending freedom of choice, it is exactly the opposite.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: moneystery on May 08, 2024, 06:30:17 AM
i don't know why this is such a big problem in america, because in my country the issue of abortion has been discussed for a long time and it is clearly said that it is prohibited, both religiously and by state. but does that seem unfair to women who don't want the pregnancy? not really, because even so, they can abort the pregnancy with over-the-counter medicine or at a gynecologist, even though this is illegal, the government does not really emphasize this as a regulation that must be obeyed.

because from what i understand, these rules must exist as proof that the government is in line with the majority religion, but when there are citizens who violate them, then they don't need to be treated as criminals because it's up to each individual whether they want to obey the rules or not.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: BADecker on May 08, 2024, 10:07:38 AM
i don't know why this is such a big problem in america, because in my country the issue of abortion has been discussed for a long time and it is clearly said that it is prohibited, both religiously and by state. but does that seem unfair to women who don't want the pregnancy? not really, because even so, they can abort the pregnancy with over-the-counter medicine or at a gynecologist, even though this is illegal, the government does not really emphasize this as a regulation that must be obeyed.

because from what i understand, these rules must exist as proof that the government is in line with the majority religion, but when there are citizens who violate them, then they don't need to be treated as criminals because it's up to each individual whether they want to obey the rules or not.

If a woman doesn't want a pregnancy, why did she get pregnant in the first place? When a woman gets pregnant, she and the man have volunteered themselves into making a family for themselves. So, is it right for a woman to kill a life because she changed her mind after the fact?

Since many men and women aren't trained by their families regarding how serious this is, the government should advertise it in a GREAT BIG WAY. Then, if the woman wants to abort, and if her man feels the same way, they should get rid of all three of them, so that they don't do it again.

Obviously, there are extenuating circumstances at times.


Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Volimack on May 08, 2024, 12:32:09 PM
Abortion is prohibited in many countries of the world. But these are usually depending on the will of the citizens they don't want to obey any law. Existing Arizona state law also prohibits abortion in the event of rape or involuntary manslaughter. Abortion will be permitted only if the mother's life is in danger. The law provides for two to five years in prison for assisting in an abortion.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on May 08, 2024, 08:45:09 PM
i don't know why this is such a big problem in america, because in my country the issue of abortion has been discussed for a long time and it is clearly said that it is prohibited, both religiously and by state. but does that seem unfair to women who don't want the pregnancy? not really, because even so, they can abort the pregnancy with over-the-counter medicine or at a gynecologist, even though this is illegal, the government does not really emphasize this as a regulation that must be obeyed.

because from what i understand, these rules must exist as proof that the government is in line with the majority religion, but when there are citizens who violate them, then they don't need to be treated as criminals because it's up to each individual whether they want to obey the rules or not.

If a woman doesn't want a pregnancy, why did she get pregnant in the first place? [...]
Obviously, there are extenuating circumstances at times.


Seriously  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D??   I am going to keep this one for a future thread on "the best of BA".

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: BADecker on June 09, 2024, 03:19:01 PM
i don't know why this is such a big problem in america, because in my country the issue of abortion has been discussed for a long time and it is clearly said that it is prohibited, both religiously and by state. but does that seem unfair to women who don't want the pregnancy? not really, because even so, they can abort the pregnancy with over-the-counter medicine or at a gynecologist, even though this is illegal, the government does not really emphasize this as a regulation that must be obeyed.

because from what i understand, these rules must exist as proof that the government is in line with the majority religion, but when there are citizens who violate them, then they don't need to be treated as criminals because it's up to each individual whether they want to obey the rules or not.

If a woman doesn't want a pregnancy, why did she get pregnant in the first place? [...]
Obviously, there are extenuating circumstances at times.


Seriously  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D??   I am going to keep this one for a future thread on "the best of BA".

How many blades of grass are there? How many trees? How many animals? God made all of these things to abound in numbers, quantities.

But the biggest thing God did regarding this is to make more and more people. Even with all the wars and disease and disasters, the numbers of people keep on growing.

When people wantonly kill off their children with abortion, God doesn't need them. He would rather have them change their ways, but if they won't, He will get rid of them to open up space for those who want more children.

All Trump is trying to do is protect US people from God. Trump is too late, of course. We stand at the mercy of God. Utter destruction is on the way for us because of the masses of abortions.


Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on June 09, 2024, 04:09:28 PM

All Trump is trying to do is protect US people from God. Trump is too late, of course. We stand at the mercy of God. Utter destruction is on the way for us because of the masses of abortions.

If that's what you think, then why especially do you care if Trump wins in November?

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: darkangel11 on June 09, 2024, 07:54:26 PM
This is a warning of what is to come for all women in the US. Your body will no longer be yours, Trump and the Christian radicals will own it and force you to have children whether you want it or not. Even if someone rapes you, you will not be able to take a bus north to a democrat state to avoid having that children.

Guess it's back to the good old herbs that Native Americans used.

Think carefully about what you want for you and your daughters - this ends up with them finding an illegal abortion clinic trying to scratch their uterus and probably leaving them without any possibility of having children in the future. You are in time to stop the madness.

In the EU we have pills that you take a day or two after the "accident" and that's legal, but in many member states aborting a pregnancy is illegal, which in a way is smart because they're preventing women from having second thoughts while they're 6 months in. There's a difference between removing an egg, or stopping it from becoming a zygote and killing a fully developed baby. I'd allow abortion up to a time, for instance 3 months, and then ban it, unless the mother's life is in danger.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2024, 12:04:53 AM

All Trump is trying to do is protect US people from God. Trump is too late, of course. We stand at the mercy of God. Utter destruction is on the way for us because of the masses of abortions.

If that's what you think, then why especially do you care if Trump wins in November?

When bad people who are destined for destruction by God, turn from their evil ways for a while, God often relents regarding the destruction He is bringing on them. At least, He waits with it for a time when they turn bad again.

Since you know that you will die in a few years - or do you think you are different - why not suicide your life now, so you don't have to go through all the trouble you will be getting along the way?


Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on June 10, 2024, 03:06:12 AM

All Trump is trying to do is protect US people from God. Trump is too late, of course. We stand at the mercy of God. Utter destruction is on the way for us because of the masses of abortions.

If that's what you think, then why especially do you care if Trump wins in November?

When bad people who are destined for destruction by God, turn from their evil ways for a while, God often relents regarding the destruction He is bringing on them. At least, He waits with it for a time when they turn bad again.

Since you know that you will die in a few years - or do you think you are different - why not suicide your life now, so you don't have to go through all the trouble you will be getting along the way?

I'm not planning on dying in a few years, thank you very much :).

So you are saying God will spare the human race if we elected Donald Trump, the guy who had relations with two different porn stars shortly before his first election.

Definitely not the God I was brought up with, that's for sure...

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2024, 02:26:12 PM

All Trump is trying to do is protect US people from God. Trump is too late, of course. We stand at the mercy of God. Utter destruction is on the way for us because of the masses of abortions.

If that's what you think, then why especially do you care if Trump wins in November?

When bad people who are destined for destruction by God, turn from their evil ways for a while, God often relents regarding the destruction He is bringing on them. At least, He waits with it for a time when they turn bad again.

Since you know that you will die in a few years - or do you think you are different - why not suicide your life now, so you don't have to go through all the trouble you will be getting along the way?

I'm not planning on dying in a few years, thank you very much :).

So you are saying God will spare the human race if we elected Donald Trump, the guy who had relations with two different porn stars shortly before his first election.

Definitely not the God I was brought up with, that's for sure...

Lol. Do you think that people who die plan to do it this way? While a few of them might, mostly they don't.

Do you have proof that Trump had illegitimate sexual relations with anybody? Were you in the bedroom viewing it all? Did Trump ever admit to it?

God might spare the US for a while, if they stop their abortions. Trump might be the guy to get the abortions stopped or at least slowed down.


Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on June 10, 2024, 02:51:17 PM

Do you have proof that Trump had illegitimate sexual relations with anybody? Were you in the bedroom viewing it all? Did Trump ever admit to it?

God might spare the US for a while, if they stop their abortions. Trump might be the guy to get the abortions stopped or at least slowed down.

Even you don't believe Trump is "innocent" in that regard. He actively admitted his debauchery for years, and he's proud of it.

So stopping all of the abortions in the USA--and, presumably, making sure no woman can escape the USA to have one elsewhere--will hold off God's destruction of the US for... how long exactly? Can you give a ballpark timeframe for this?

I'm a business person, so I like to look at the the ROI on stuff. The police force you are talking about creating here will be vast, and will necessarily need to crack down on every aspect of American life (including, for instance, making Bitcoin illegal). Besides the lost revenues caused by the economic disruption Trump is calling for here, this police force, and the border controls, and all of that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

So if you are saying, for instance, that we will only garner perhaps a few more years of existence in exchange for this much money and disruption, I don't think it's really worth it, do you?

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2024, 03:18:37 PM

Do you have proof that Trump had illegitimate sexual relations with anybody? Were you in the bedroom viewing it all? Did Trump ever admit to it?

God might spare the US for a while, if they stop their abortions. Trump might be the guy to get the abortions stopped or at least slowed down.

Even you don't believe Trump is "innocent" in that regard. He actively admitted his debauchery for years, and he's proud of it.

So stopping all of the abortions in the USA--and, presumably, making sure no woman can escape the USA to have one elsewhere--will hold off God's destruction of the US for... how long exactly? Can you give a ballpark timeframe for this?

I'm a business person, so I like to look at the the ROI on stuff. The police force you are talking about creating here will be vast, and will necessarily need to crack down on every aspect of American life (including, for instance, making Bitcoin illegal). Besides the lost revenues caused by the economic disruption Trump is calling for here, this police force, and the border controls, and all of that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

So if you are saying, for instance, that we will only garner perhaps a few more years of existence in exchange for this much money and disruption, I don't think it's really worth it, do you?

Abortion is a major reason why the US will fall. The time frame is that it has started already.

No proof for Trump sex scandals, right?

All right. You are a business person. What police force are you talking about? The one that will offer the US a chance to continue without being destroyed? You don't really want that. The destruction of the US is something that will be good for the States. In other words...

We don't need the Federal US government any longer. With communication and transportation being what it is, the States can do a better job of ruling the nation than the US government can. And with a big money savings at that. So, you really want Trump in office to hold it together for you, right?


Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on June 10, 2024, 04:09:32 PM

All right. You are a business person. What police force are you talking about? The one that will offer the US a chance to continue without being destroyed?

Yep, that's the one. I don't want to debate your ideas about abortion or religion, I only like to point out that Trump's core voting base wants what you want and are prepared to eliminate not only Bitcoin, but the whole of the United States in order to get it.

In other words, if you want the USA to be run by people convinced the USA is going to be destroyed by God soon since we are so evil, and that absolutely any measure imaginable including making Bitcoin illegal may necessary to stop all of those abortions, then by golly you should vote for Trump.

If you like the country we are today, generally speaking, and would like international commerce and trading to continue as they have been (e.g. Bitcoin going up 500% under Biden), then... vote for Biden.

That is the choice everybody needs to make.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2024, 05:02:25 PM

All right. You are a business person. What police force are you talking about? The one that will offer the US a chance to continue without being destroyed?

Yep, that's the one. I don't want to debate your ideas about abortion or religion, I only like to point out that Trump's core voting base wants what you want and are prepared to eliminate not only Bitcoin, but the whole of the United States in order to get it.

In other words, if you want the USA to be run by people convinced the USA is going to be destroyed by God soon since we are so evil, and that absolutely any measure imaginable including making Bitcoin illegal may necessary to stop all of those abortions, then by golly you should vote for Trump.

If you like the country we are today, generally speaking, and would like international commerce and trading to continue as they have been (e.g. Bitcoin going up 500% under Biden), then... vote for Biden.

That is the choice everybody needs to make.

Bitcoin going up under Biden doesn't have much of anything, if anything at all, to do with Biden. The major thing it might have to do with Biden would be as a safety for the way Bidenomics has ruined the finances of the country for the average person.

Remember that Bitcoin has gone to $65,000 (or so) twice in the past, and dumped back down to under $20,000. It isn't Biden.

Trump would smooth fiat off so that the financial plague from Bidenomics would disappear. Bitcoin could easily go down from this. It wouldn't be that people wanted to destroy Bitcoin. It would be that nobody would need BTC.

As far as voting for Biden (the Biden Team), They are the ones who through Bidenomics killed millions around the world - Ukraine/Russia, Middle East, Iran, probably many more places - just to boost their own finances. Trump-onomics made success for America without killing anyone, and even with destroying some of the killing by keeping the world out of wars.

Since your point seems to be something like... "Kill off the world to keep me rich, if necessary," you are showing that you are a warmonger. So, it is understandable why you would vote for Biden.


Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on June 10, 2024, 05:55:45 PM

Trump would smooth fiat off so that the financial plague from Bidenomics would disappear.

What would that have to do with ending abortion in the United States? That's clearly your priority. And you've made it clear it requires Bitcoin to be banned in order to accomplish that, then you and most of Trump's core voters are absolutely fine with that.

And banning Bitcoin will be very much what it takes since millions of women have abortions every year in the USA, and stopping all of those women--and the people who help them--from getting abortions will take a HUGE law enforcement effort, the likes of which we've never seen in our country.

I'm not saying it's 100% assured that Trump will ban Bitcoin if he's elected in order to stop abortions, but there's certainly a risk of that.

And meanwhile, Bitcoin went up 500% under President Biden. The market is stable and fine. A few new regulations actually help the market because it makes it safer for average investors.

The safe bet for your Bitcoin is to avoid the fanatics and go with the proven winner, which is Biden.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2024, 10:36:56 PM

Trump would smooth fiat off so that the financial plague from Bidenomics would disappear.

What would that have to do with ending abortion in the United States? That's clearly your priority. And you've made it clear it requires Bitcoin to be banned in order to accomplish that, then you and most of Trump's core voters are absolutely fine with that.

And banning Bitcoin will be very much what it takes since millions of women have abortions every year in the USA, and stopping all of those women--and the people who help them--from getting abortions will take a HUGE law enforcement effort, the likes of which we've never seen in our country.

I'm not saying it's 100% assured that Trump will ban Bitcoin if he's elected in order to stop abortions, but there's certainly a risk of that.

And meanwhile, Bitcoin went up 500% under President Biden. The market is stable and fine. A few new regulations actually help the market because it makes it safer for average investors.

The safe bet for your Bitcoin is to avoid the fanatics and go with the proven winner, which is Biden.

Bidenomics approves of abortion. It's an approval of death for the whole country if they follow it. Abortion is murder, and God is against murder.

Banning Bitcoin is an individual choice. If you don't need it, why have it around? Ban yourself out of it if it isn't doing you any good.

Stopping abortion is what God will do if the people won't do it. Trump might slow down God's method by slowing abortions down... so that we all live a little longer.

The only way Trump will ban Bitcoin is by offering people a better choice in fiat. Bidenomics is destroying the better fiat way. Look at the inflation.

The Biden way is only offering destruction. How? By promoting abortions so that the country is destroyed sooner by God rather than later. If you are dead, all the Bitcoin in the world won't mean anything to you. Keep the destruction from happening. Go the Trump way... better fiat for a while, so that people survive longer. This doesn't stop or ban BTC. It leaves it up to the people.


Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on June 15, 2024, 11:50:29 PM

Trump would smooth fiat off so that the financial plague from Bidenomics would disappear.

What would that have to do with ending abortion in the United States? That's clearly your priority. And you've made it clear it requires Bitcoin to be banned in order to accomplish that, then you and most of Trump's core voters are absolutely fine with that.

And banning Bitcoin will be very much what it takes since millions of women have abortions every year in the USA, and stopping all of those women--and the people who help them--from getting abortions will take a HUGE law enforcement effort, the likes of which we've never seen in our country.

I'm not saying it's 100% assured that Trump will ban Bitcoin if he's elected in order to stop abortions, but there's certainly a risk of that.

And meanwhile, Bitcoin went up 500% under President Biden. The market is stable and fine. A few new regulations actually help the market because it makes it safer for average investors.

The safe bet for your Bitcoin is to avoid the fanatics and go with the proven winner, which is Biden.

Bidenomics approves of abortion. It's an approval of death for the whole country if they follow it. Abortion is murder, and God is against murder.

Banning Bitcoin is an individual choice. If you don't need it, why have it around? Ban yourself out of it if it isn't doing you any good.

Stopping abortion is what God will do if the people won't do it. Trump might slow down God's method by slowing abortions down... so that we all live a little longer.

The only way Trump will ban Bitcoin is by offering people a better choice in fiat. Bidenomics is destroying the better fiat way. Look at the inflation.

The Biden way is only offering destruction. How? By promoting abortions so that the country is destroyed sooner by God rather than later. If you are dead, all the Bitcoin in the world won't mean anything to you. Keep the destruction from happening. Go the Trump way... better fiat for a while, so that people survive longer. This doesn't stop or ban BTC. It leaves it up to the people.


You do not get to speak in the name of God, she is far to busy to kick your but, but do not abuse it.

It has never been "pro-abortion" it is pro-choice. You can follow your beliefs, but you keep them out of other's peoples uterus and genitals.

There are a number of studies that link ban on abortion and crime. Basically you are creating inmates.

Biden economy has created work and salary increases all over the US.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Hispo on June 16, 2024, 01:24:17 AM


There are a number of studies that link ban on abortion and crime. Basically you are creating inmates.

Biden economy has created work and salary increases all over the US.

It would seem to me it is mainly because of the endless story of couples and marriages which have children who they are incapable of raising properly and economically sustain in the long term. in those conditions, it is easy to see how a children slowly losses his innocence and turn into a criminal as soon as reaches the age of adulthood.
To me, the issue goes beyond the topic of abortion, the government and the schools should make sexual education more widespread and break the taboo associated to it, uneducated teen and young adults in their fertile age are easier to take choices which would lead towards unwanted pregnancies and change the course of their life, perhaps permanently...
Here in my country there used to be a program to subsidize condoms and even affordable vasectomies, it was usual to receive sexual education in highschool, though, to be fair I went to a private highschool so I don't know the whole situation in the country...

I have even seen articles and political commentators from the United States discussion the possibility of banning contraception method altogether, though, the supreme court does not seem willing to go that extreme path for now...

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on June 16, 2024, 02:03:02 AM

I have even seen articles and political commentators from the United States discussion the possibility of banning contraception method altogether, though, the supreme court does not seem willing to go that extreme path for now...

The Supreme Court has done its job by clearing the path for Congress to make abortion, contraception, IVF, and even inter-racial marriage (seriously, read the Dobbs decision) a crime punishable as murder.

All that is required is a Republican majority in House, the Senate and Trump to be president, and it's the law--and there is nothing the current Supreme Court would do about it since they already made it known that all of this is perfectly in line with the US Constitution.

Or maybe it won't even require Congress?

Understand that right now, the only reason the abortion pill isn't banned in all 50 states is because the Biden administration fought against the ridiculous lawsuit to stop it (the one that lost in the Supreme Court last week in a 7-0 unanimous decision).

All Trump's administration will have to do to ban most abortions in all 50 states is allow one of these ridiculous lawsuits to prevail by failing to defend against them.

And can you imagine a future Trump administration actively defending a woman's right to choose? I sure can't.

Trump's supporters have, for decades now, made their position perfectly clear: they believe abortion is murder. They therefore believe that doctors who perform abortions are murderers. And women who have abortions are murderers. And people who help women travel to another State or another country in order to safely have an abortion are murderers.

And perhaps people, like say the handful of mining companies who control over 51% of the Bitcoin hashrate, who enable illegal abortions using government-resistant payment methods like Bitcoin, are... murderers. And perhaps Bitcoin brokers who don't report transfers going to abortion clinics are murderers.

In short, to stop the millions of abortions currently transpiring every year in the USA, Trump is going to have to construct a gigantic police state and it's very likely things like Bitcoin and other cryptos can be caught up in that.

If you value your Bitcoin, stay with the leadership that has seen Bitcoin increase in price by 500%, which is President Biden.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on June 16, 2024, 05:07:05 AM
Isn't it necessary to also consider the risks involved on the course of evacuating childs from their mothers womb? I don't know about others opinion but I think if anyone doesn't want to have a child either unwanted or wedlock, then you should be prepared and Concious on at your sexual intercourse.
The intentions of Trump could be to safe and existing life of a mother considering the risks and the other way round, I think there's no different in murderer cases and abortion a baby alive form the mothers womb.
This might literally not be about religious beliefs and sentiments are we could think.

Yes all what your saying is right, going into sexual intercourse party involved since the thought is generated from the heart before manifestation even the abortion such people who have at first conclude to take a preventive measure with the aid of contraceptive, as prevent, temporary tablet that won't allow it to take place before or after the sex , or could even make use if the so called condom, the abort a full grown fetus in not just ideal but murderer.

Just that in the period where politics and campaign is thrown over board to the public many rumors and fake news to run down opponents is always their by people who are not supportive to ones agenda but if truly trump said it I don't see anything wrong but seeking means if avoiding much loss if women during the process of abortions.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: AVE5 on June 16, 2024, 06:00:46 AM
Abortion is prohibited in many countries of the world. But these are usually depending on the will of the citizens they don't want to obey any law. Existing Arizona state law also prohibits abortion in the event of rape or involuntary manslaughter. Abortion will be permitted only if the mother's life is in danger. The law provides for two to five years in prison for assisting in an abortion.

I think justifying this abortion issues as an event of breaking the laws would make the law more effective and Influential if the government focuses more on the executor. I mean the individuals who're engaged on the abortion exercises as professions of carrying on the operation of aborting the child in the mothers womb. Then before the law also holds the pregnancy bearer.
Definitely if there's no professionals who carries on the events, individuals would have no choice than keeping the baby or rather men and women will be more careful to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on June 16, 2024, 09:58:19 AM
Abortion is prohibited in many countries of the world. But these are usually depending on the will of the citizens they don't want to obey any law. Existing Arizona state law also prohibits abortion in the event of rape or involuntary manslaughter. Abortion will be permitted only if the mother's life is in danger. The law provides for two to five years in prison for assisting in an abortion.

I think justifying this abortion issues as an event of breaking the laws would make the law more effective and Influential if the government focuses more on the executor. I mean the individuals who're engaged on the abortion exercises as professions of carrying on the operation of aborting the child in the mothers womb. Then before the law also holds the pregnancy bearer.
Definitely if there's no professionals who carries on the events, individuals would have no choice than keeping the baby or rather men and women will be more careful to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

The only thing you have to consider is the mother's decision. It is her risk, her choice and you do not have a say on her life. Get that into your head or go live in Saudi Arabia. Women have their right to decide on their bodies not you, not your "consideration", not your "god" nor whatever wrong stuff got into your head. Women choose, you have nothing to say.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: Zoomic on June 16, 2024, 02:49:09 PM (

Donald Trump may say that he does not plan to push for a national abortion ban, but Kamala Harris told voters in Florida that they should not believe him.
Who should we believe, Donald Trump or kamala Harris? This is politics and every other presidential aspirant has made promises too. Why should we not believe him and believe others? No one should have 100% confidence in any politician because they are all thesame. Its high time we the voters become wise and not allow anyone tell us who to vote for or not. The past records of these aspirants are there, going through it we would know who has kept to his past promises and who deviated from the original plan. Choose the one who has tried in the past and drum your support for them. Kamala Harris is not a Saint either, she is a politician and would do anything to ensure her favorite candidate wins.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: paxmao on June 17, 2024, 05:04:11 PM (

Donald Trump may say that he does not plan to push for a national abortion ban, but Kamala Harris told voters in Florida that they should not believe him.
Who should we believe, Donald Trump or kamala Harris? This is politics and every other presidential aspirant has made promises too. Why should we not believe him and believe others? No one should have 100% confidence in any politician because they are all thesame. Its high time we the voters become wise and not allow anyone tell us who to vote for or not. The past records of these aspirants are there, going through it we would know who has kept to his past promises and who deviated from the original plan. Choose the one who has tried in the past and drum your support for them. Kamala Harris is not a Saint either, she is a politician and would do anything to ensure her favorite candidate wins.

Neither of them. You should believe in facts: Republican states have moved into effectively abortion bans. Trump has a record of breaking his promises, so the fact that he says something means little in terms of guarantees, but the fact that the Supreme Court has repelled a decades long ruling and many Evangelists and Methodist support Trump should give you a hint.

Title: Re: Arizona moves to repel abortion ban but Trump could make it US wide
Post by: legiteum on June 17, 2024, 05:41:13 PM

Neither of them. You should believe in facts: Republican states have moved into effectively abortion bans. Trump has a record of breaking his promises, so the fact that he says something means little in terms of guarantees, but the fact that the Supreme Court has repelled a decades long ruling and many Evangelists and Methodist support Trump should give you a hint.

That, and their written platform which declares that:

1. Abortion is, unequivocally, murder.

2. Therefore the president should do everything in his power to stop this "murder".

3. The next US president should have powers far exceeding that of any US president before him.

4. The next US president can and should use the power of the Federal government to criminalize abortions in all 50 states.

It's very simple:

* If you want abortion to be illegal across the US, and illegal to leave the US in order to get an abortion, then vote for Trump.

* If you want the laws to stay the same as they are and have been for the last 50 years, vote for Biden.