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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Julien_Olynpic on June 09, 2024, 10:25:46 AM

Title: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on June 09, 2024, 10:25:46 AM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Oshosondy on June 09, 2024, 10:32:03 AM
Outsiders can win experienced team because experienced team can perform below expectation and later perform good. No matter how some teams are good, they can be won at their home at anytime, even by an underdog. We have seen many of these matches and which let us know that no matter how sure we know a team can win, out prediction can still be wrong.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Odohu on June 09, 2024, 10:45:37 AM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
Just like you rightly stated, many factors are used in rating the strength of a team or player. Those you mentioned are correct and are part of what I look at in making my selection. I will only add few others for the sake of this discussion.

  • For a football team, you have to add the home and away factor, match schedules(if they have external competition such as UCL), the weather condition(teams going away to where the weather is different from theirs will be affected by the change of environment), their recent form which comprise of their winning or losing mentality and ease of scoring or conceding. There are some teams that will be in their top scoring form, just like Arsenal was towards the end of last season.
  • For individual events such as tennis,  weather condition can also play a part as well as recent form. If the player have been playing in high spirit, that will definitely show in the results. Also if they have busy schedule without enough rest, it will show in their performance
So weather condition, match schedule and recent form are part of the things I need to add to the list you already gave.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Frankolala on June 09, 2024, 10:51:40 AM
The strength of a team varies in different matches and that is sometimes based on the club that they are playing and their motivation in that particular match. Nobody is perfect and so are the clubs, sometimes these strong clubs underestimate the underdogs that want to play with them, and when they get to the field unprepared, the opposite will be the case.

A team with good strength needs to take every match more serious than the previous match even if their opponent is an undergo for them to be able to maintain their strength, otherwise, the undergo might win them. We have seen it playing out in football matches this season.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Apocollapse on June 09, 2024, 10:54:39 AM
I don't include coach as one of the factor.

For judges and referees, it's really important especially in unpopular leagues. Many judges and referees in unpopular leagues mostly give advantage to the home court.

Team is consist of many players, so if there's at least one player injured, it will affect the whole team.

Season of the year or weather can be a factor too, but honestly I don't really think it will affect a lot.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Wexnident on June 09, 2024, 11:11:20 AM

It's the main factor. But it doesn't mean that it equates to 100% of the factors involved, nor does it mean that it's a 100% guarantee that the stronger team would win. There's always going to be that humane factor where the players themselves just become gods for some specific instances, which is incalculable in terms of statistics, compared to players, coaches and the like which are. Even referees! The term Black Horses came about for a reason after all. Not to mention that it's only public data. Maybe a new player comes in, meshes well with the team and becomes the glue that lets them perform 150% more than they usually would.

I don't consider surface stuff like the venue though, that's just stretching it imo.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Text on June 09, 2024, 11:53:45 AM
I also do prioritize the strength of teams or individual players, as it often plays a decisive role in determining the result of a match.

Rankings are a useful way to gauge the strength of teams or players, but they aren't the sole indicator. Team form, head-to-head records, and even psychological factors can provide additional insights into potential outcomes. For instance, a team on a winning streak might perform better than its ranking suggests, while a team in a slump might underperform despite a high ranking.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: robelneo on June 09, 2024, 12:13:24 PM

 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

Yes it is an indication but there are other small factors that bettors should consider that will sometimes play out and sometimes many bettors are missing, one of these is the home court advantage there is such a thing as an upset because the stronger team has overlooked the other team's motivation.

So when betting inside story within a team is something to consider so always keep an ear on an inside story that could have a factor of a weak player beating a strong team.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Upgrade00 on June 09, 2024, 12:23:00 PM
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams?
The strength of a team is determined by the strength of the individuals who make up the team. When you compare how good it bad a football team is in defense, midfield and attack you get an aggregate of how good the entire team is. You also can't directly compare strength of individual players in team sports. If team A has great attackers, same as Team B, when comparing them you'll need to also factor in the defense of both teams to know which attack has the most chance to be effective.

This makes the strength of the team the main factor in team sports.

And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
It depends on every other factor involved, especially the form of both teams. If the better overall team are in terrible form and the underdogs are in great form, the underdogs have a good chance to win.
Remember you cannot predict 100% the outcome in advance, not even for the favourite team to win.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: coin-investor on June 09, 2024, 12:39:34 PM
The rankings are the total grade or score on the superiority of one's team and players in the league or organization the factors that you listed are considered but sometimes upsets do happen, and these factors are not evident you must have an insight and an inside knowledge about the competing team to weigh in the probability of a strong team or player getting beaten by a weak team or player.

Some experts in the game can see this upset factor coming from a third party, and of course, there's always a possibility of game fixing because upset is not a common occurrence.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Die_empty on June 09, 2024, 12:49:22 PM
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
The strength of a team or players is the main criterion for gamblers when betting. Nobody will want to bet on a weak team regardless of the love or respect you have for the club. Even fans of a team might even bet against them if they are not doing well. I know many Chelsea fans who don't care about the love they have for the Blues but bet against them because of their poor performance.

Some bettors also rely on the history or head-to-head of both teams. We will have to determine how many times both teams have met and the outcomes. In most cases, clubs that have the highest win are favorites to bet on.

Apart from off-the-pitch performance, the coach/player and player/relationship is also important. If the coach is having problems with some key players of the club, such a team will be unpredictable this is because the players might not give their best. If there are also conflicts between major players like we had in PSG when Neymar, Messi, and Mbappe were there, betting on them might be risky. We have had occasions where players intentionally underperform because they don't like the coach and want him to be sacked.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Eternad on June 09, 2024, 01:11:08 PM
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

I believe rankings already cover all the factors that you mention since you will not be ranked at top if you don’t possess such as strength to dominate other teams. Rankings is the summary of the team strength comparison which is why it’s the most common factor that being use by odds provider for the bets they offered.

I believe those specific factor only matters if the team/player rank inconsistently depending on the season.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Gozie51 on June 09, 2024, 01:26:49 PM

 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not?

I think everything still rounds up to the player because we are talking about the performance of an individual player before they are put together as team performance. So if a player is not performing well, it will definitely affect the team.

Have we also considered the rancour that goes on in the team? Some players are envious or in enmity with another player and so may not be easily be distributing passes to the other player. Also, some times some group of players have some challenges with the coach or coaching crew and so they won't give their best because they feel if they do then they won't be giving out the right message to the coach, fans and the world that they don't like the coach. So all of these affect the team ranking.

Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

Ranking itself those not stand on it own because it is made up of so many factors including those which you have listed. Before a team is ranked, it must have been scrutinized against different factors before such ranking will be arrived at. Therefore, a gambler won't just look at the ranking of the team as it is or as it is published rather he will also consider the current factors that sum up the ranking against other teams.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: EluguHcman on June 09, 2024, 01:33:24 PM
Every sport bettors do have their factors of considering a prediction but it is agreed that most of these factors is based on the team as a whole and not players because an expected player to deliver the team might not be possibly active on every of the games. It could be as a curse of the player (s) sustaining injuries or needed a rest or other reasons.

So considering an individual player to be a strong hold on your prediction could give you a disappointment because you are not the coach to decide who plays or not.
This is not really that considering players individually does not proffer advantage to the better because also, per individual is still the one to bring victory to the team.

It all just goes vice versa because football and the sport games are unpredictable not until a popular and more strengthened team comes and opposition to a lower team before you could possibly assume that a particular team is potential to loose while the other is potential to win

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: pakhitheboss on June 09, 2024, 01:34:24 PM

Sports betting is not about a particular team it is all about multiple teams. While betting you will need to analyze the performance of multiple teams, multiple players, and their forms. Betting on sports was never a particular team in perspective, it is all about betting on every team after due analysis and understanding of their performance through data of their past performance. That does include the performance of players and how an individual of any team led to their win. Do your due diligence research and then come up with a good topic.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Lida93 on June 09, 2024, 02:06:42 PM
There are different factors to compare among teams to know or feel convince of which team is with a better chance of winning a match. Just as previous comments above have explained many of them which are very true in considering on getting a bet win especially in football, but I just want to add that the fan base too really support in boasting the moral of a team to spur on in winning a match. Although this factor is one spontaneous factor that just suddenly happens while the game is going on. The high spirit of chants from the fans does also have a positive impact in how the players moral and mentality about the game gets on.


Sports betting is not about a particular team it is all about multiple teams. While betting you will need to analyze the performance of multiple teams, multiple players, and their forms. Betting on sports was never a particular team in perspective, it is all about betting on every team after due analysis and understanding of their performance through data of their past performance. That does include the performance of players and how an individual of any team led to their win. Do your due diligence research and then come up with a good topic.
In sports betting you it's not compulsory you bet on multiple teams you can chose to bet on a single team, it's only when you want to make a parlay bet that you have to choose to do analysis on multiple teams. Furthermore, Op is asking about the factors to check out for as a heads-up in determining which team will win a particular match before the match kicks off and not when the game is already ended and results gotten.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Rabata on June 09, 2024, 02:59:52 PM
Before betting on any particular match we all give importance to the prediction. When it comes to sports betting, we usually give the highest importance to rankings in predicting team strength. A bettor is not only betting on a particular game. There are many games where he wants to bet and at that time he focuses on ranking first to make quick predictions. I give most importance to ranking and player performance. Because in some matches those teams do not get the expected victory despite being ahead in ranking. The performance of the team considering the home ground advantage and various reasons.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Yatsan on June 09, 2024, 03:01:10 PM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
You may as well consider using statistics because numbers won't lie. In some sports team wherein veterans are in one team, they don't guarantee championship still. Downside on this is the ego of these so called veterans that they are fighting for the spotlight. A team playing as one would still be a better pick in my opinion because logically, their outputs are more efficient like not putting that much of an individual effort to score which makes them last more minutes since efforts are distributed to the whole team. And overall team chemistry is basically represented by their team statistics within the league or let's say during a tournament. Although it won't still guarantee for a winning bet but at least it would be giving us a better chance to avoid losing.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: _act_ on June 09, 2024, 03:20:20 PM

Sports betting is not about a particular team it is all about multiple teams. While betting you will need to analyze the performance of multiple teams, multiple players, and their forms. Betting on sports was never a particular team in perspective, it is all about betting on every team after due analysis and understanding of their performance through data of their past performance. That does include the performance of players and how an individual of any team led to their win. Do your due diligence research and then come up with a good topic.
In sports betting you it's not compulsory you bet on multiple teams you can chose to bet on a single team, it's only when you want to make a parlay bet that you have to choose to do analysis on multiple teams. Furthermore, Op is asking about the factors to check out for as a heads-up in determining which team will win a particular match before the match kicks off and not when the game is already ended and results gotten.
You did not understand what pakhitheboss is talking about at all. He is not talking about betting on multiple teams and he is not talking about parley. He is talking about doing analysis on many teams before selecting. If you like you can select just one match or go for parley or any bet of your choice. But I agree with you that what OP asked is kind of different from what he posted but he did not post about parley betting.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: YOSHIE on June 09, 2024, 03:22:52 PM
In fact, if someone wants to gamble, especially in sports betting, in general, of course people will judge and consider what you said.

Team strength as the main predictor.
This is the most important factor before carrying out activities, the key team is to determine games that can produce good points or scores during the match, especially betting on soccer, basketball, etc.

In contrast to boxing or tennis, these two sports, they tend to assess before placing a bet their assessment of the opponent and their career while they are in the match and the assessment of opponents who have competed.

then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
As far as I know, this rarely happens, even though it happens 1/10, it is difficult for an experienced team to be beaten by a new/mediocre team in predictions during a match.

Facts in the field are often found, whereas experience often calls the winner.
Bottom line: capital The strength of the team is the best key assessment for you to consider before gambling.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: FatFork on June 09, 2024, 05:27:57 PM
Of course, the strength of the players is not the only factor to consider when predicting game outcomes.  Upsets do occur.  You can't rely solely upon rankings or statistics from previous seasons.  Momentum swings, injuries, even lucky bounces of the ball impact results and  there's an unpredictable element underlying it all - which is precisely why it falls under the category of gambling rather than pure analytics.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Marvelockg on June 09, 2024, 05:53:00 PM
only add few others for the sake of this discussion.

  • For a football team, you have to add the home and away factor, match schedules(if they have external competition such as UCL), the weather condition(teams going away to where the weather is different from theirs will be affected by the change of environment), their recent form which comprise of their winning or losing mentality and ease of scoring or conceding. There are some teams that will be in their top scoring form, just like Arsenal was towards the end of last season.
  • For individual events such as tennis,  weather condition can also play a part as well as recent form. If the player have been playing in high spirit, that will definitely show in the results. Also if they have busy schedule without enough rest, it will show in their performance
So weather condition, match schedule and recent form are part of the things I need to add to the list you already gave.
so true. Some teams when they have a bigger game to play after the current game would want to relax some of thier key players and wouldn't go into the game with a very high intensity but would prefer to try some of there squared that they haven't used for a long time and that have been on the bench and this can potentially lead to them loosing against a team they would normally win without stress.

For me, what's most important to consider is what the team stands to gain or loose should the match go either ways and then I consider the strength of the team and maybe the players that are on injury. The coach is part of the factor you use in accessing the strength of a team and so there is no point over considering that.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Woodie on June 09, 2024, 05:53:12 PM
Looking at what's written in the OP, this suggests that punters will always go for favourites after factoring in all their strengths and what not to get a mathematical advantage...but with experience and a few wins & loses here and there I have developed a dislike for markets such match winner after seeing the smallest of odds fail to go through... And after so many failed attempts over the years, I would prefer to take my chances in other markets such as the corner market, cards, free kick's, number of ace's , 3pts etcetera and my winning chances have gone up which saves me from unnecessary headaches with straight winners :P.

But it's not a bad strategy to use if using team strengths in predicting winners works for you then don't change the winning formula!

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: topbitcoin on June 09, 2024, 06:06:36 PM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

That's right basically when the whistle blows we won't know how it will turn out until it's over and the ball is round so anyone can get a win in a match.

Analysis is just analysis that results in speculation, we see many factors and elements that can be used as data to see that a team can win a match well, and that is just a prediction and in the meaning of prediction is just an expectation with the style of calculation that we have to judge.
Not a few weak teams can beat strong teams and others in the big leagues and minor leagues and in any sports match, something can happen on the field and something can be an advantage for one of the parties, so the conclusion is that even though we can calculate or analyze the possibility is not necessarily one hundred percent accurately correct and must be emphasized that it is a prediction not a reality.

Is analysis a mistake? Is prediction a mistake? Of course not, it's just an attempt by someone to convince themselves before the game is over.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Rruchi man on June 09, 2024, 06:27:05 PM
Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams?
Team ranking is based on their previous performance in a just-concluded season or competition; it does not give an accurate prediction of future performance, and sometimes if you judge based on just ranking, you could make a mistake because teams have the potential to drop out of form.

What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not?
For football games, I consider the squad depth and then the technicality of the coach. A team with very good squad depth and player options will be a very good weapon for any good coach who is technically sound.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: bitzizzix on June 09, 2024, 06:49:59 PM
And what we have to realize is that to predict the final result of a football match, all prediction and analysis methods cannot guarantee to provide 100% accurate results even for an expert, and it is very unlikely because of the many variables involved in sports.
And even though we have done the best analysis and statistics using our own methods and habits, sometimes it ends up disappointing because something unexpected happens.
And everything can only create opportunities to win and cannot guarantee victory every time, but what we do can increase our knowledge in the field of football or other sports which can help determine the final result when betting. And the involvement of intuition or gut feeling can also help in predicting outcomes that are sometimes correct.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: rahmad2nd on June 09, 2024, 07:29:13 PM
The strength of a team will always be an indicator in researching a match that will be held, as will its opponents. But in reality, it's not just team strength that's most important. in football, a little complicated in my opinion. For example, when a team is strong in the sense of having a competitive depth of players and is up against a medium team or one level below, we will not necessarily predict that the stronger team will win the battle. There are other variables that we consider in researching and analyzing. Another example, for example based on the H2H meeting of these two teams. which team tends to dominate, or the match always ends in a draw, meaning the final result is mostly a draw.

We can refer to all aspects, especially related to the team's condition, performance and everything related to the match. that's why, for me football is a little complicated. Another example, if you always refer to the strength of the team. Moreover, if you bet with the 1×2 option, it means you are betting with low odds. for me it's not worth it, that's why I always try to look for other options. The point is, I'm a gambler and it's not just his choice to bet on a team. It all depends on what is being presented, as well as which betting option we will choose. After all, we bet expecting the reward of winning regardless of enjoying watching a football match or other type of sport.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: darkangel11 on June 09, 2024, 07:38:08 PM
This is very hard because injuries are one of the most telling factors, but if you look at some FIFA World Cup matches, countries that did very good in previous season sometimes fail in the next one, despite having almost the same roster. Also, I've seen very good teams lose matches in which they were favoured. Often times teams from the top 20 lose against opponents from places above 100.
When it comes to injuries or last performance, you can be sure that other bettors and bookies will know about that and lower the payout based on that. Making scoreboards and keeping tabs on team's performance will not make you win more.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: swogerino on June 09, 2024, 07:56:45 PM
Most seasoned gamblers of course take into consideration all of that yet in some games we can see the surprise elements happening,for example no matter how hard these guys try or the teams being in a super hot form and much more better than the underdog they play against they sometimes lose this game,everyday we see surprise results in tennis,we also see many times surprise results in basketball and I intentionally took as example these two sports because the odd difference is a huge one and we have seen teams with odds of 1.04-1.10 losing their game,the same in tennis,how many times we have seen favorites losing against super underdogs.

This is what makes the bookies money in the end,when I used to work in a lotto club many years before,in 2005 if I remember well,the Champions League games came one day as predicted and people told to the lotto club owners you lost money,the answer of the owners was epic,we just lost a morning coffee they said.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: alani123 on June 09, 2024, 09:03:48 PM
It's quite often to see great upsets in sports. Olympiakos winning the conference league was also something that upset many teams that were generally considered a serious contender and grater performing teams just overall.

Just like when Greece won the 2004 euro when nobody was even expecting it. Probably grest cosching along with good counter strategies can win a lot in football.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Assface16678 on June 09, 2024, 09:37:04 PM
Well, I guess you are talking about sports betting, for me when I predict which team or player is going to win then I always look for the statistics of the team or player, so usually I based on the statistics and also in their previous games, and I am more familiar with basketball sports because I also play basketball and always watch basketball league, NBA for example, I am too familiar with NBA teams and players so most likely if theres a match I know where to bet, but of course its not always a win because there are unpredictable factor that could happen inside the game and we cannot predict or control it as it is a live game, but I often win in betting as I do my own analysis and for me the main factor for me is the statistics and history game of a team. Also, I think sports betting is more efficient than other gambling games as it is more practical and more enjoyable to play.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: yahoo62278 on June 09, 2024, 09:45:44 PM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
You kind of grouped it all together as to what to consider when picking your bet. You cannot just rely on 1 thing and have to consider all the facts. The ranking can only be considered when considering the teams they have played to this point. If a team jas only played the bad teams, they will shoot up the rankings fast.

Just look at what you wrote and put it all into your thought process and you'll give yourself the best shot at picking a winner.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: KTChampions on June 09, 2024, 09:46:37 PM
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

Easy! If the advantage of the favorite over the outsider is small, then I can easily predict that, conditionally, in three games the outsider will win one. If the advantage is very large, then the ratio will be 1 to 10 or higher. Any forecast is probabilistic. Even if you reliably know the probability of heads and tails for a coin, you cannot say for sure what will come up next.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on June 09, 2024, 09:57:53 PM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams.
The team's strength is dependent on their ability to understand the opposition and stay still in the game, without wavering.. The players may be fit and sound. The coach might have a very strategic performance plan to overtake the opponents, but if the players are not coordinated, none of that is possible.
I sometimes try to ignore the coache's formation. What looks more important is their head to head.
If a team jas only played the bad teams, they will shoot up the rankings fast.
Oh, that's not true... A team in the relegation zone has played and won against a bigger team several times. Assuming it was a champion league match; wolves against Chelsea, I'd wager against Chelsea to lose.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Peanutswar on June 09, 2024, 10:47:00 PM
I do mostly check with the coach and the players because teams are just already built and they are not changing but the players and coach most of the time makes changes due to performance of the team in a particular game. If the coach does not have a good calls to it's player and does not have a strategy seems the problem are with them because players only a follower and executioners of the calls but if the coach is good and the players does not perform well they can now switch so the team will give a gold feedback on the game and also in the tournament if there's any. I do checking the players every new tournament because there's a possible shuffle so I can know if the team will have a good outcome and good to wage or not.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: adultcrypto on June 09, 2024, 10:48:53 PM
I have actually been wondering what the bookies use in fixing the odds. I guess this topic have explained some better. Sometimes I will see a big team getting big odds only to check their fixtures to see that they have more important match they are reserving players for. This will make them no play their best so the bookies understand this and gave them proportional odds. I have taken time to read through the suggestions given and I think it will help a lot in forecast going forward.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: danherbias07 on June 09, 2024, 10:58:23 PM
First, I do like your questions here in the gambling discussions. It's somehow helpful for others to think about this type of analysis in the game or a fight.

Boxing. Human strength is important there. But let's say Manny Pacquiao had a different coach, not Coach Freddie Roach. Will he ever achieve those 8 division world champions? It's hard to say.

MMA. Strength, skill, talent, and floor control. There are a lot of factors when it comes to MMA and to make a fighter become more skillful with different ranges in MMA skills like striking and submissions he will need different coaches in different areas.

Basketball. Team strength, chemistry, and talented players. Combine this and they can be successful just like how Golden State Warriors did.

So yes, the strength of a team or a fighter/player should be a factor in choosing who you will bet for plus history if they are effectively doing it before they reach heights that other humans could not.
When it comes to analyzing if a player can beat an experienced player, it's more of a risk than analysis. I think that is why mostly they are given higher odds so that many gamblers would try to take the risk for higher profit.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: _act_ on June 09, 2024, 11:00:16 PM
I have actually been wondering what the bookies use in fixing the odds. I guess this topic have explained some better. Sometimes I will see a big team getting big odds only to check their fixtures to see that they have more important match they are reserving players for. This will make them no play their best so the bookies understand this and gave them proportional odds. I have taken time to read through the suggestions given and I think it will help a lot in forecast going forward.
This is one of the reasons it is good to wait until some hours or minutes before a match will start. I have taken a match before that the odd of the good team which was Juventus at the time was very small, but a day to when the match would be played, I noticed Juventus odd was increased. I browsed about it and I noticed Juventus wanted to rest many of his good players and they lost the match that day to a small club that supposed not to win the match. That taught me a lesson not to bet some days or a week before a match would be played.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Zigabel on June 09, 2024, 11:07:00 PM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
All these are  factors to really consider talking about team strength and their ability to get to win any game because a team can actually be strong and still turn out to loose a game because of certain circumstances that resulted in that game, it could be before, during or even after the game but all of which are still reasons the team may either win or get to loose the game in the end and most gamblers do use that as their measure for the strength of the team and not the odds placed on them by the casino because the casino can be wrong by virtue of their odd as the team may turn out stronger the odd the casino has placed on them. sometimes beyond all of these that have been mentioned is the fact that there could be uncertainties amongst players which are considered unforeseen and are not under the players or even the coaches control. football can be filled with surprises and circumstances that weren't expected, it may be different with other games but then all of these especially the players injury is very key and important.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: AmoreJaz on June 09, 2024, 11:09:40 PM
All these are  factors to really consider talking about team strength and their ability to get to win any game because a team can actually be strong and still turn out to loose a game because of certain circumstances that resulted in that game, it could be before, during or even after the game but all of which are still reasons the team may either win or get to loose the game in the end and most gamblers do use that as their measure for the strength of the team and not the odds placed on them by the casino because the casino can be wrong by virtue of their odd as the team may turn out stronger the odd the casino has placed on them. sometimes beyond all of these that have been mentioned is the fact that there could be uncertainties amongst players which are considered unforeseen and are not under the players or even the coaches control. football can be filled with surprises and circumstances that weren't expected, it may be different with other games but then all of these especially the players injury is very key and important.

The mentioned factors by the OP are indeed important in considering the potential winner of every match. However, there are some factors that you can't control at the match itself.  These factors may somehow influence the performance of the players and so the results may vary from your expectations.
The other factors you may consider are -
> condition of the environment (i,e. humidity - some players can't concentrate if the surrounding environment has high humidity, beyond normal to what he is used to)
> his current health conditions (he may be suffering simple cold and that can also hamper on his performance)
> family problems (sometimes it affects player's emotions inside the field)
> mental preparedness - you can only see this in their actual game 

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 09, 2024, 11:16:03 PM
All things play a role. The city the match is being played, the fans, the stadium, the team strength, the coach and most importantly the current form of the team. Most time people ignore that. Team A may be a bigger team than team B, but if team B is in a very good form currently they stand a chance to win.
Take the mat h between Bayer Leverkusen and Bayern Munich for example. In all ramifications, Munich is a bigger, better as more successful team than Leverkusen, but Leverkusen were in better form.

One reason why I believe statistics alone and why I believe AI can't successfully predict games is because even with all things considered and everything points that A would be the winner, in sports like football especially, B might still win.
They can walk into the pitch and everything goes well for one team or everything goes wrong for the other team.
A weak shot can be deflected in for a goal. A wrong call by the referee may even decide the game.
So I believe everything should be taken into consideration, but of course the most likely to determine an outcome would be the current form of the team and their strength.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Agbamoni on June 09, 2024, 11:29:24 PM
Team strength should be the main factor before any other thing. Which involves the availability of all the players that would make up the team to be strong. If one player whose presence  is not availlable it kay make the team weak. That is why most sports gambler do wait for line ups or to see the players who are availlable before betting.

However sometimes it doesnt have to be the team strength since there are so many things to bet on that does not require the team strength to win. Things like number of yellow cards, red card and foul or corners. It depends on the sport although.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: ralle14 on June 10, 2024, 01:54:50 AM
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams?
I'd always have the team strength up there because it's like the baseline for measuring their level, and when it comes to certain sports like tennis, i'd include the playstyle of players you regularly bet on because they could struggle against opponents who specialize in other parts (serving, counter, etc.).

And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
Aside from the other examples already mentioned, i'd include the importance of the match, and check the standings if they're in a must-win situation to secure their promotion or avoid relegation. Sometimes this factor alone can motivate most teams regardless of the big disadvantage on the road.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: OcTradism on June 10, 2024, 02:12:04 AM
Aside from the other examples already mentioned, i'd include the importance of the match, and check the standings if they're in a must-win situation to secure their promotion or avoid relegation. Sometimes this factor alone can motivate most teams regardless of the big disadvantage on the road.
In different matches with different importance for the club at that time, they will have different approaches like go serious to win it, to avoid loss or play it without clear result target for the match.

If they don't need to get points from the match, they will more possibly use young and alternative players and the B squad will not help them to perform as good as usually. With alternative and young players, I more expect bad results than good ones.

Moreover, checking information on player suspension or injuries will be important too because the information is helpful for us to guess possible eleven chosen players for the coming match.

Injured and suspended players. Sites to check (

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: michellee on June 10, 2024, 02:19:35 AM
That could be a factor in the forecast, but we must realize that there are other things that we should analyze besides that. We can check each team's history to see how good they are when they play. We can analyze what happens with each team from the beginning, which can give us additional information.

We must use more than just the strength of teams or players as the main factor in our analysis. We must have more information to determine which teams or players have a better chance of winning. But if some people use the strength of teams or players as the main factor, that will be up to them.

Those who often place a bet in sports betting know what they should analyze. But they do not just tell you what the point is because that is their secret. You can still use that method if you like, but other people will not use it the same way as you do.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: fullhdpixel on June 10, 2024, 04:01:55 AM
I also do prioritize the strength of teams or individual players, as it often plays a decisive role in determining the result of a match.

Rankings are a useful way to gauge the strength of teams or players, but they aren't the sole indicator. Team form, head-to-head records, and even psychological factors can provide additional insights into potential outcomes. For instance, a team on a winning streak might perform better than its ranking suggests, while a team in a slump might underperform despite a high ranking.
I think this is only normal and everyone who are involved in betting are doing it already. If not the strongest team, they can also go for the weakest team or do an analysis for the both of them. Ranks don't lie and what you see is what you get. We can even speed things up if we will rely on it immediately.

We must only know that in gambling, the possibility of losing is still there because there are also other great players. Mostly they are close to the rank of our chosen teams. Seeing a team that got a winning streak is like seeing a crypto that pumps really huge and it may be risky to get involved with them. The more valid reason that I can think of, is maybe the team is now tired.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: wxa7115 on June 10, 2024, 04:11:36 AM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
Without a doubt the strength of a team is the most important factor, and this is because if you concentrate strictly on the results obtained, then by evaluating their strength you are indirectly evaluating the rest of the factors, so trying to consider them as independent variables can instead make whatever strategy that you are using less accurate than expected.

Besides even if you could somehow evaluate them in isolation, what kind of weight to give to each one of those factors becomes its own problem.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: aioc on June 10, 2024, 10:39:02 AM

 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

When looking for the probability of one team or a player, the best indicator or predictor is always the ranking and the record. People will be at a loss for who they are going into if they do not have a ranking to look up to.
Every bettor looks up so many factors when betting, and apart from the ranking and the team's past records, they also look for inside stories and expert analysis.

Inside stories and experts are two sources worth relying on to gain more insight into the team you want to bet on. Rankings and records are open to the public, but inside stories are relayed to you so you can analyze whether the team is worth following or not.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: davis196 on June 10, 2024, 11:39:21 AM
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.

What do you mean by "judging"? Are you talking about the referee and the decisions he makes during the game? How can this be predicted?
The "coach" cannot be one of the main factors, when predicting a single game. For example, Manchester City has a great coach, but they've lost several games across the Premier League season against theoretically weaker opponents. Can you blame Pep Guardiola for those losses?
The lack of important players, that are missing because of injuries and red cards is the most important factor, when we are trying to evaluate the strength of a team in a particular match.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on June 10, 2024, 11:44:48 AM
Of course, one close-knit team that has played several successful games will be a good indicator for determining the outcome of the game. But also a significant role is played by such factors as injuries to players in football, receiving red or yellow cards, which accordingly will not allow good players to play, and the coaching staff, who carried out training correctly or not. Sometimes the heavy workload of players, instead of light training, will play a role in the outcome of the match since it is not always possible to recover successfully after several games and busy training.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 10, 2024, 12:17:21 PM
Well, like some people will always say, most times all of those factors doesn't also work all the time but it is indeed a very necessary factors that must be considered by a gambler while placing their bets. For me, I usually consider all the necessary factors before placing bet. Factors such as home and away match, the strength of the team and also the  ability of the individual players, I also consider their performance in their previous matchmatch but I don't usually consider the coach as a major factor before placing my bet.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on June 10, 2024, 01:03:34 PM
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.

What do you mean by "judging"? Are you talking about the referee and the decisions he makes during the game? How can this be predicted?
The "coach" cannot be one of the main factors, when predicting a single game. For example, Manchester City has a great coach, but they've lost several games across the Premier League season against theoretically weaker opponents. Can you blame Pep Guardiola for those losses?
The lack of important players, that are missing because of injuries and red cards is the most important factor, when we are trying to evaluate the strength of a team in a particular match.
Thank you for your opinion. I wonder if anyone could come up with a complete list of factors that could influence the outcome of a match, for example in football? As for referees and coaches, I think that one could try to collect statistics on how one or the presence of a particular referee or coach affects the outcome of the match. Of course, a team can lose with a good coach, and win with a bad one. But, on the other hand, if we abstract from just a few matches, then surely the presence of a good coach should statistically lead the team to win more often. Otherwise, on what basis can we assume that he is a good coach?
 There is something similar in relation to judges. It can almost certainly be assumed that there are biased judges. Surely the judges may have favorite and least favorite teams. But this can only be determined using a large statistical sample.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Bravut on June 10, 2024, 01:24:54 PM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

I believe the strength of the team and individual players in sport betting places a crucial role for any win or loss, and not necessarily the ranking of the Team, we have seen were smaller clubs win bigger clubs which is normal because at times sport betting begets more surprises.
When am placing a bet, I consider the performance of both teams so far, Team Strength and the Players in each team because solely for any win it must align with this.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Distinctin on June 10, 2024, 03:24:09 PM
It's easy to predict the winner based on the strength comparison of the teams. However, profitability is challenging because the good teams are usually heavy favorites, and it's been proven that betting on low odds alone is not profitable. Most real bettors tend to bet on the handicap, and honestly, even if you bet on the best team in the league, there's no assurance that they'll cover the handicap.

The key point to remember is, yes, the better team will win, but by how many points.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on June 18, 2024, 08:25:57 PM
Just like you rightly stated, many factors are used in rating the strength of a team or player. Those you mentioned are correct and are part of what I look at in making my selection. I will only add few others for the sake of this discussion.

  • For a football team, you have to add the home and away factor, match schedules(if they have external competition such as UCL), the weather condition(teams going away to where the weather is different from theirs will be affected by the change of environment), their recent form which comprise of their winning or losing mentality and ease of scoring or conceding. There are some teams that will be in their top scoring form, just like Arsenal was towards the end of last season.
  • For individual events such as tennis,  weather condition can also play a part as well as recent form. If the player have been playing in high spirit, that will definitely show in the results. Also if they have busy schedule without enough rest, it will show in their performance
So weather condition, match schedule and recent form are part of the things I need to add to the list you already gave.

This factor that affects the outcome of a match that you have stated above is something that most gamblers doesn't put into consideration because weather changes is a very big barrier in a match in the sense that you can't compare the ability and performance of players on a fair weather to a snow field or when it is raining. There was a match I watched some time ago in the EPL, it was Tottenham against a mediocre team so the match started in a fair weather and Tottenham happens to be winning and playing very well but immediately the snow begins to fall their performance declined and the mediocre team took advantage of the snow and equalized and won Tottenham so had it been the match was played in a fair weather all through they might not have lost the match.

So when making predictions about the outcome of a match, the weather conditions should be put into consideration and again taking note of the performance of a team when they are playing in a fair weather and a snowy or rainy weather should be observed incase of subsequent reoccurrence.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Sakanwa on June 18, 2024, 09:04:19 PM
It's easy to predict the winner based on the strength comparison of the teams. However, profitability is challenging because the good teams are usually heavy favorites, and it's been proven that betting on low odds alone is not profitable. Most real bettors tend to bet on the handicap, and honestly, even if you bet on the best team in the league, there's no assurance that they'll cover the handicap.

The key point to remember is, yes, the better team will win, but by how many points.
It is always very true that the better teams will win,but another area will need to look at is the history of the two Teams,there are some teams that despite being good at the moment,there are teams they don't beat,and even if that team is in a worst form,they will still be unable to defeat them,simply because a record as been set against that team,and whether the team is good or bad, anything can happen
The most important thing I used to look at most is their head to head and how good they are at the moment,the moment I can get this information,then I can predict my game.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Odohu on June 18, 2024, 10:50:40 PM
It's easy to predict the winner based on the strength comparison of the teams. However, profitability is challenging because the good teams are usually heavy favorites, and it's been proven that betting on low odds alone is not profitable. Most real bettors tend to bet on the handicap, and honestly, even if you bet on the best team in the league, there's no assurance that they'll cover the handicap.

The key point to remember is, yes, the better team will win, but by how many points.
I agree with you that is why I don't believe that there is anything called sure bet. I have lost many bets playing favourite teams with small odds yet the smaller team beat them mercilessly. What I do is that if the odd is too low, I consider playing on goals, this way, even if the big team lose or draw, I will win if they score the number of goals I expected. I have tested this system for a long time before I began to implement it. Gambling is all about looking for a pattern that gives one the expected results or a promise of it.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: HelliumZ on June 18, 2024, 11:16:50 PM
Team strength acts as a very important predictor in football or cricket especially if considered in cricket then team strength or balancing must act as an important predictor in betting.
ICC World Cup Men T20 World Cup 2024 today match if two teams are imagined in terms of strength then South Africa is much better and balancing team than USA. So team strength must act as a predictor in today's match. And South Africa will definitely be selected as the winner in today's match and most of the bets in the predictors will go in favor of South Africa.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: serjent05 on June 18, 2024, 11:24:15 PM
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

Your stated factors is really important, I agree that it is not the strength of the team alone that determines the result of the game.  It also includes the

- conditions of players during the match,
- the harmony of the actions of players during the match
- the adjustment of the strategy implemented by the coach during the match
- and the in-game decisions of players especially during the crucial moment.

these are the factors that are the important variables that affect the result of the match.  Relying on the strength of the team alone does not secure a winning result especially when the team faced an opponent with a strategy counter to their normal plays.

Team strength acts as a very important predictor in football or cricket especially if considered in cricket then team strength or balancing must act as an important predictor in betting.
ICC World Cup Men T20 World Cup 2024 today match if two teams are imagined in terms of strength then South Africa is much better and balancing team than USA. So team strength must act as a predictor in today's match. And South Africa will definitely be selected as the winner in today's match and most of the bets in the predictors will go in favor of South Africa.

Not entirely true, a strong opponent can be beaten by a weaker opponent if they implement a counter strategy.  After all team sports is a game of strategy, being strong alone won't get the team that far if they get too cocky and without a proper strategic plan from the coach.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: taufik123 on June 19, 2024, 01:46:06 PM
Not entirely true, a strong opponent can be beaten by a weaker opponent if they implement a counter strategy.  After all team sports is a game of strategy, being strong alone won't get the team that far if they get too cocky and without a proper strategic plan from the coach.
Being too arrogant may be the real cause because some sports clubs with big names sometimes underestimate the strength of clubs that are below their average.
Then feel strong and careless in attacking and strategizing, it will be the cause of a strong club's defeat.

And also it depends on luck and making the best use of opportunities at the club that is underestimated.
Team strength and cohesiveness in setting strategies and counter-attacking will be a deadly secret weapon.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Natalim on June 19, 2024, 02:06:21 PM
Not entirely true, a strong opponent can be beaten by a weaker opponent if they implement a counter strategy.  After all team sports is a game of strategy, being strong alone won't get the team that far if they get too cocky and without a proper strategic plan from the coach.
Being too arrogant may be the real cause because some sports clubs with big names sometimes underestimate the strength of clubs that are below their average.
Then feel strong and careless in attacking and strategizing, it will be the cause of a strong club's defeat.

And also it depends on luck and making the best use of opportunities at the club that is underestimated.
Team strength and cohesiveness in setting strategies and counter-attacking will be a deadly secret weapon.

Not only that, while a team keeps winning, they become so popular that bettors believe they can't lose. That's where the bookmakers come into play by creating overvalued lines on the favorites. Because the public bets on the favorite, they are likely to lose due to the overvalued line. There's a point spread in the game, and more than 50% of bettors focus on this. Even if the favorites win, if they fail to cover the spread, the bettors will lose their bets. That's how it works.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: wxa7115 on June 21, 2024, 05:35:32 AM
Not only that, while a team keeps winning, they become so popular that bettors believe they can't lose. That's where the bookmakers come into play by creating overvalued lines on the favorites. Because the public bets on the favorite, they are likely to lose due to the overvalued line. There's a point spread in the game, and more than 50% of bettors focus on this. Even if the favorites win, if they fail to cover the spread, the bettors will lose their bets. That's how it works.
This can be a great opportunity for the gamblers that actually know what they are doing, as they can notice those kind of lines, avoid taking them and instead take a bet against those teams.

This can be a great move, because as casinos take so many bets for those powerful teams, they may try to encourage other gamblers to take the other side by offering slightly better odds in order to balance their books, and that is when a smart gambler can get odds so favorable that it may have been impossible to get otherwise.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: crwth on June 21, 2024, 05:44:57 AM
I think it's always going to be the case because you can really see how it will dominate the opponent if you are going to see the match. It's like playing games and you have those statistics that you can see, then you will know who has the advantage.

If you are really looking for great wins, I think you can win by betting on the underdogs that you know could probably turn around the game. This kind of bet is really risky but it happens sometimes.

Imagine the recent Euro 2024, where Germany lost on the stage games. It's just really surprising you know? Human reactions are not always predictable.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Kelward on June 21, 2024, 08:26:52 AM
Sports bet is not like most casino games that depends totally on luck, it requires some levels of analysis because it's fellow human beings with strengths and weaknesses that are involved. Team strength is a major factor that I consider before a bet, a strong team with lots of world class experienced players has a better chance of winning a match than an average team. If some of the experienced players will not feature in a match, then you can start to restrategize their chances of winning in the match. As the OP pointed out, if it's two teams that you think that they have equal ratings, then you can consider home advantage, but that doesn't guarantee that the home team will win.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on June 23, 2024, 07:32:22 AM
Not entirely true, a strong opponent can be beaten by a weaker opponent if they implement a counter strategy.  After all team sports is a game of strategy, being strong alone won't get the team that far if they get too cocky and without a proper strategic plan from the coach.
Being too arrogant may be the real cause because some sports clubs with big names sometimes underestimate the strength of clubs that are below their average.
Then feel strong and careless in attacking and strategizing, it will be the cause of a strong club's defeat.

And also it depends on luck and making the best use of opportunities at the club that is underestimated.
Team strength and cohesiveness in setting strategies and counter-attacking will be a deadly secret weapon.

Not only that, while a team keeps winning, they become so popular that bettors believe they can't lose. That's where the bookmakers come into play by creating overvalued lines on the favorites. Because the public bets on the favorite, they are likely to lose due to the overvalued line. There's a point spread in the game, and more than 50% of bettors focus on this. Even if the favorites win, if they fail to cover the spread, the bettors will lose their bets. That's how it works.
This is a very important note. Indeed, sports betting is structured in such a way that it is not enough for us to correctly predict the outcome of the match. It is important for us to be more right than the bookmaker. And to do this, we need to understand where the bookmaker can make mistakes. The bookmaker may incorrectly set the odds for the game. You can argue otherwise, but since sometimes players win big bets, it is obvious that the bookmaker was wrong.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Adbitco on June 23, 2024, 07:45:06 AM
Most times change of players like buying and signing new players to the team could be a criteria to determine how the small team could beat the bigger team. For instance let say if two teams meet for this season and it happens that the bigger team beat the small team, maybe their meeting is another 2 years or 3 years time at this point the smaller team may reformed and get newer player signed in to their clubs and if it happens they are good then there's every possibilities for the small team to beat the bigger team in their next return meeting.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Strongkored on June 23, 2024, 09:28:53 AM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
I don't think the coach will be one of the things to consider when making predictions, the role of the coach is important because he is the strategist, but that is included in the team's strengths, so if the coach is bad it is very clear that the team will not be a strong team and vice versa.

3. Player injuries.
This can be a consideration because it will clearly affect the performance for group and also individual sports, but I mostly just look at Head To Head, but this is not always a consideration that will make our betting predictions correct, this is just an option.

Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
In tennis, it is true that the surface is very influential because you can see that there are players who can win on certain surfaces many times, it is even like a certainty that they will win, but they will be just average players on different surfaces, but there are also players who are very good on all surfaces, but that's not much.

The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?
The strength of the team can be a consideration, but sometimes bettors can choose different things when they see a decreasing factor in the strong team, ranking is not the only thing that determines a strong team, there are definitely other factors such as host factors and even tournament factors. You can see which teams looks bad in the league as Sevilla will be very strong in the European League final and have not even been beaten in the finals.

Title: Re: Team strength as the main predictor.
Post by: Promocodeudo on June 23, 2024, 10:36:42 AM
I know that many experienced sports bettors place the greatest importance on the strength of teams (in team sports) or the strength of individual players (in individual sports). They believe that this is what plays a decisive role, and not other factors. For example, the advantage of home games only appears in competition between approximately equal teams. And when teams or players are not equal in strength, then comparing the strength of the teams becomes of primary importance. You may also cite other factors, such as:
1. Coach.
2. Judging.
3. Player injuries.
4. Season of the year.
Some other sport-specific factors. For example, for tennis, the surface on which the game is played matters - artificial or natural.
 The strength of teams or players is usually expressed in rankings.
What do you think: is the strength of teams or players the main factor in the forecast or not? Is ranking the only way to determine the strength of teams? And if these are the main factors, then how can you predict in advance the outcome of a game in which outsiders beat experienced teams?

Although fixture matters but another thing is that we don't expect a team in good form to constantly win because things changes and the day this change will come know one knows, some factors to consider when an underated team beat an overrated team is the occurrence that took place in the match, sometimes an overated team with good players may have 2 man down because of red card, this may cause difficulty for the team to able to efficiently hold their defense in other not to allow their opponent to get a good, lets not forget that in the absence of 2 players in a team, if such team excapes wining then we can attribute it to luck because it is not easy for incomplete team to withstand a complete team with their players intact.

When predicting the possible future of a match in which outsider beats an experienced team as you said, we should check the visiting team performance in their away matches irrespective of whom they are meeting with and the current form of the visiting team with the aforementioned we can take our stands but sincerely I must say that this kind of prediction is very difficult.