Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Squaremile777 on August 29, 2024, 11:08:18 AM

Title: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Squaremile777 on August 29, 2024, 11:08:18 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

The fear that money is finish all the time could be the reason why we live in very stressful and depresive world.
We can say that that's way how it is but we haven't tried different ways.

Even tho you working at the Job the goverment should always guarantee for you no matter what you have food and housing what ever you work yourself that's for extra.
I belive it's all possible with AI and with more automated world when robots can produce a lot things cheaper and way faster then human workers.

Right now the person value in society is based on how wealthy they are and what they own and how much that costs what they own.

Instead of that the fair system will be judging person value by the merits of the person doing in society not just how wealthy they are or how good they are to take from others with super greed but instead of this how much they give to others in terms of their skills talents and knowledge.

So If robots and ai machines coming then it could be possible that goverments can support us fully no matter what right now there is too much money chasing by everybody and person don't put his energy nowhere else then just chasing the money it's like the shadow you never catch that If goverment become on full aid for people then many people can live without that fear that they not getting enough money and people can focus on their talents skills energy and time to be more creative and useful for society instead of just chasing the money.
Maybe it's even ban money for indviduals and instead of money you get "tokens for food travel and clothing "
Im sure If we eliminate use of money people will be less evil and more happy also the fact that you own something and i don't own it's unfair and If your life is better by luck that you had maybe some wealthy parents so you live better life that's unfair and it's not based on person own merits in society....maybe it's better If nobody owns nothing or If they own that would very very exdronary case

Im not sure but it seems that Kamala Harris moving on that direction slowly.
Also the state of California in USA.

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: davis196 on August 29, 2024, 11:16:37 AM
The government has to spend money in order to provide us food and housing. There are two ways for the government to get money.
1.Money printing by the central bank. This leads to hyperinflation.
2.Taxes and government debt. The government needs to gather taxes from the people and businesses. If you want the government to give you something, you will have to be willing to pay higher taxes. Nothing comes for free in this reality.
Money is a necessary evil because the economy needs a medium of exchange and a store of value. Going back to barter deals is not an option.
Life has always been stressful for the majority of the people. The economic system doesn't matter. Do you think that people, who were living in a feudal or a slave-owning system were less stressed out?

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: DeathAngel on August 29, 2024, 11:27:19 AM
The saying "money is the root of all evil" suggests that the pursuit of wealth can lead to unethical behavior & moral corruption. Money itself is a neutral tool but its misuse can generate greed, fear & conflict. Fear often arises from scarcity as people worry about losing their financial stability or compare themselves to others. Money can actually facilitate good, enabling positive change & support for communities. At the end of the day it's the values & choices of individuals that determine whether money leads to negative or positive outcomes.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Hewlet on August 29, 2024, 12:16:26 PM
The fear that money is finish all the time could be the reason why we live in very stressful and depresive world.
We can say that that's way how it is but we haven't tried different ways.
it requires money to live comfortably in today's world. If the government had assisted in setting up the right system in place so that you don't need to think too much about what will happen if you cease to work in your current job worry too much when things become a bit deficult for you, it would have been much better.

Money is not the root of all evil but rather, the love for too much money is the root of evil. When you make it look like you must acquire wealth by all means, it's at that point that evil thought starts springing in your mind and you can then go on to execute all the unthinkable tendencies that's in your mind just to make money. The government has a role to play in making life more easy and comfortable so you don't leave your life as though it's all about making money but if you build the right foundation and get the necessary skills, you will make easy money and wouldn't have to rely on the amenities the government can give you as an aid that will lessen the load of making money by all means.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: bitLeap on August 29, 2024, 12:33:38 PM
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

This situation occurs everywhere and I admit that the sense of sociality in society is fading day by day. Even hospital services that are required to provide services regardless of rich or poor status are no longer valid because the government itself implements a service system of stages 1, 2, and 3 which ultimately results in differentiated views and actions.

Is the point that we or society in general have been enslaved by money and money has now become their god because they are pursuing social status in order to be considered to have honor and special treatment? The root of the problem is not money but where we place money as its status in life. I don't want to be hypocritical about money but at least until now I realize that money is not the only thing that determines the status of people, especially those around us, but this is about our social soul which must continue to be maintained.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: NotATether on August 29, 2024, 12:42:19 PM
You are not an alt account of Fullbear777 are you?

This post looks a lot like it was written by him.

But anyway, well wars are not fought over money, they are fought over natural resources. The money itself is controlled by a clique of people who run the banks and they lend it to countries who want money to finance their wars. The people at the bottom of the pyramid get scraps, and most of the times have a hard time getting up on their feet.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Porfirii on August 29, 2024, 12:51:12 PM
When you make it look like you must acquire wealth by all means, it's at that point that evil thought starts springing in your mind and you can then go on to execute all the unthinkable tendencies that's in your mind just to make money.

I'm not sure about this. Chances are that evil was already there, and acquiring wealth by all means is simply one of the multiple expressions of it. And what would be the germ of that behaviour? Biology? Culture? perhaps a mix of both, but I think that it is clear that if you live in a place where you receive constant impacts showing you that success comes from having more wealth than others, no matter how you made it, you may not even consider that different alternatives are possible.

About sharing everything and not owning a thing, that's one of communism's pillars and it didn't work, but it was even worse in terms of freedom and violation of other rights.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 29, 2024, 02:12:51 PM
I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

What you are requesting could be very hard to implement or do per say, because the government can't take care of the masses although they can create employment opportunities where people go work and received their minimum and maximum wages. Talking of AI, yes they help to do some work but I don't they can be so perfect where they can do everything humans is needed in life although they can only reduce human work. You know if government keeps providing everything you would see that the poor rate would increase the more because they are solely relying on government to fixed up every little thing. Like you know already even from the creator you will see that not everyone got Rich or become successful wealthy, and then government weren't also taking care of everyone instead they could build hospital for free medical center where they would provide every necessary things needed to run human life.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Su-asa on August 29, 2024, 02:16:58 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

The fear that money is finish all the time could be the reason why we live in very stressful and depresive world.
We can say that that's way how it is but we haven't tried different ways.

Even tho you working at the Job the goverment should always guarantee for you no matter what you have food and housing what ever you work yourself that's for extra.
I belive it's all possible with AI and with more automated world when robots can produce a lot things cheaper and way faster then human workers.

Right now the person value in society is based on how wealthy they are and what they own and how much that costs what they own.

Instead of that the fair system will be judging person value by the merits of the person doing in society not just how wealthy they are or how good they are to take from others with super greed but instead of this how much they give to others in terms of their skills talents and knowledge.

So If robots and ai machines coming then it could be possible that goverments can support us fully no matter what right now there is too much money chasing by everybody and person don't put his energy nowhere else then just chasing the money it's like the shadow you never catch that If goverment become on full aid for people then many people can live without that fear that they not getting enough money and people can focus on their talents skills energy and time to be more creative and useful for society instead of just chasing the money.
Maybe it's even ban money for indviduals and instead of money you get "tokens for food travel and clothing "
Im sure If we eliminate use of money people will be less evil and more happy also the fact that you own something and i don't own it's unfair and If your life is better by luck that you had maybe some wealthy parents so you live better life that's unfair and it's not based on person own merits in society....maybe it's better If nobody owns nothing or If they own that would very very exdronary case

Im not sure but it seems that Kamala Harris moving on that direction slowly.
Also the state of California in USA.

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

The reason why a lot of people say that money is the root of all evil is because of what is going on in our society today, people are getting involved in so much atrocities just to get wealth. In my country we see how politicians get corrupt because they just want to keep those money for themselves. The phrase"money is the root of all evil" isn't entirely correct because money can do a lot of good. Trying to get it the wrong way out of desperation is what makes it evil. Don't stain your hands just because you want to make quick money, focus on whatever it is you are doing and be patient

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: DrBeer on August 29, 2024, 03:18:20 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.

In order for money not to be “the evil and the crown of all evil,” one must learn how to use it.
Money is just a tool, an essence.
Once people were afraid of fire. Then they realized how to get it and how to control it. Some began to use it to cook food, to heat their homes. Others to burn forests and other people's homes.... And so it is with money - for some it's a master, for some it's the purpose of life, for some it's an asset for which they would do anything... And there are those who use it for development, for investment, for increasing their capital.

Evil is the people themselves who use some solutions for evil, although they can use them for good.

PS And the task to dreamers about moneyless system of building society: model how the world and your life will look like if you remove the measure of value in the form of money ? :)

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Mame89 on August 29, 2024, 05:28:00 PM
The saying "money is the root of all evil" suggests that the pursuit of wealth can lead to unethical behavior & moral corruption. Money itself is a neutral tool but its misuse can generate greed, fear & conflict. Fear often arises from scarcity as people worry about losing their financial stability or compare themselves to others. Money can actually facilitate good, enabling positive change & support for communities. At the end of the day it's the values & choices of individuals that determine whether money leads to negative or positive outcomes.
More precisely, the love of money is the root of all evil. Money is just a physical form of value, the value that humans give to money gives it the value they think it has, money is just a piece of paper or metal. Having it is fun, it helps us to get the things we need in life, but to be honest we will also suffer if we live without it. So, look for money to meet all needs, do not consider money as everything, let alone greed and love with money because it will lead us to evil because the root of all evil is love for Money.

Hopefully we all do not love money more than anything, including God. Because it will have a bad impact on ourselves. We all need money, but the definition of love for money is justifying all means to get money.
If money did not exist, money would not be a problem. We would all be equal. But in today's era that is impossible, because we all need money to live.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: adaseb on August 29, 2024, 05:32:18 PM
Yes we have all know this for most of our lives.

Look at all the wars and everything happening out there, what is the main root cause? Money obviously.

Many people get addicted to gambling because they want more money but instead of gaining money they usually end up losing their money and it makes their lives worse. People become jealous of others who have more money and they become depressed. They are jealous of people with bigger homes and luxury cars but many of those people are in debt for life. Money basically controls peoples lives. And that is why its the root of all evil pretty much.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Mr.sprin on August 29, 2024, 05:42:59 PM
Yes we have all know this for most of our lives.

Look at all the wars and everything happening out there, what is the main root cause? Money obviously.

Many people get addicted to gambling because they want more money but instead of gaining money they usually end up losing their money and it makes their lives worse. People become jealous of others who have more money and they become depressed. They are jealous of people with bigger homes and luxury cars but many of those people are in debt for life. Money basically controls peoples lives. And that is why its the root of all evil pretty much.

It's true, as you said, money is everything to us, when we don't have money it will also have a big impact on our minds, where our minds are confused due to not having money, what we do but don't make money for us, while our daily needs are days are not fulfilled, at times like that don't ever think about bad things, don't think you're reckless in doing a despicable job.

When we have a lot of money, we should never feel arrogant and arrogant, we see a lot of things when someone has a lot of money, they feel like they are the greatest, that's why money is the source of all problems, it depends on us how to manage it well so that we don't become arrogant and haughty person.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Stepstowealth on August 29, 2024, 09:41:31 PM
More precisely, the love of money is the root of all evil.
Yes and according to the scriptures where this quote has come from it is the love of money and not money itself because the same Bible also says that money answers all things. Money is good, but the danger is in loving it too much and being so obsessed with it that you do not care the means you take to get it. When you love money too much, it will not be difficult for you to be involved with crime or illegal activities just to make sure you make money not minding the consequences on yourself or others.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Smartvirus on August 29, 2024, 10:40:11 PM
More precisely, the love of money is the root of all evil.
Yes and according to the scriptures where this quote has come from it is the love of money and not money itself because the same Bible also says that money answers all things. Money is good, but the danger is in loving it too much and being so obsessed with it that you do not care the means you take to get it. When you love money too much, it will not be difficult for you to be involved with crime or illegal activities just to make sure you make money not minding the consequences on yourself or others.

How do you define love of money?
Sometimes we just use these words and not really place a concrete definition to it which would in some way, help people know when they are loving it in a way that could apply to this context.

Love of money simply puts for me; those things that you would do, which are not justifiable by nature, conscience and can put the life’s of other persons at risk. Once your about that with money, you really could be living it in a way that leads to evil.

Otherwise, you just need to live it to have it I would say but that has to be in a way that, is contrary to my definition.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: passwordnow on August 29, 2024, 11:24:29 PM
Money is not the root of all evil but rather, the love for too much money is the root of evil.
This is always the argument that I see at most times, they're telling that it is money that's the root of evil. But the bible says that it is the love for it that makes it evil.

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Because if someone says that it is money alone that's the root of evil, then no one does need money. But the greed that someone possesses because of the love for it can make that person do such things that we cannot imagine.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: reagansimms on August 30, 2024, 02:57:21 AM
Isn't money an inanimate object, how can it do wrong, but why is it considered the root of evil. Money was created to facilitate transactions of goods or services, it was not created as a cause of crime, here it is very clear that money is neutral as a tool that makes things easier for humans. As a result of people's views on money starting to change, they believe that money can solve all problems in life, so people love money more and more and try to collect as much of it as they can. In my opinion, money is not the root of all evil, but the main cause of crime is excessive love of money.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Marvell1 on August 30, 2024, 04:20:02 AM
Isn't money an inanimate object, how can it do wrong, but why is it considered the root of evil. Money was created to facilitate transactions of goods or services, it was not created as a cause of crime, here it is very clear that money is neutral as a tool that makes things easier for humans. As a result of people's views on money starting to change, they believe that money can solve all problems in life, so people love money more and more and try to collect as much of it as they can. In my opinion, money is not the root of all evil, but the main cause of crime is excessive love of money.

Do people create money or does money create people? You are right, money or bitcoin...any asset is inanimate, they are just tools created and used by humans, and using them for good or bad is up to each person. Therefore they are not the root of evil.
To put it bluntly, human thinking and behavior are the root of everything. Human is the root of all evil in this world but they dare not admit it and always find ways to blame whatever they see.

I dare say that if everyone could control their greed, not be jealous or envious of each other, there would be no more evil in this world. But that is just a hypothesis that never happens because human nature is greedy, jealous...they are part of us and only disappear when we die.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Wexnident on August 30, 2024, 04:27:28 AM
Isn't it greed instead? I mean if money disappeared, it would simply be replaced by something else that resembles it or just go back to the past of bartering or something similar. At the end of the day money is simply a medium used by most people to achieve their goals and anything past that (which is what most people consider as bad) is just a product of greed.

Also, idk about the government giving out free stuff like that. They pretty much ask us to spend money to make the economy more alive, so if they start giving out vital necessities for free all the time, they are slowly bringing themselves to ruin.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: rhodelmabanal on August 30, 2024, 07:39:03 AM
This saying has a point but don't generalized not all people is evil when they have money and not all people will do bad doings because of money, fear is always there we can fell it when we don't have money we cannot buy things we wanted and we loss respect from the judgement society, but it always depend on us and not on sayings, there's a lot of ways and jobs to have money just don't dream too much to avoid disappointment.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: franky1 on August 30, 2024, 01:14:01 PM
money itself is not the root.. its the fruit
but if the root is not fed the fruit wont grow

the root of the problem is human emotion, things like aspiration and strive(growth and progress) or envy, greed(usually desire of shiny products and property)
for instance someone can have alot of money, and yet still an evil person, as can someone with no money at all be just as evil and vice versa

money however can by being the fruit, it can seed future events of roots of evil. but it can also fill someones cravings to prevent problems

people are not aggressive to others due to someones bank balance so its not the root of evil. its the greed and envy of aesthetics of someone showing off a rich lifestyle of goods, and property, so not so much about the money

someone can have a massive mansion and lambo's but be money poor, where by their aesthetics of their life are presented, but the owner is in debt with no money.. yet making others envy them or want to steal from them.. so its not about the money exactly.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: STT on August 30, 2024, 01:16:52 PM
Most people dont have money spare, they get paid and have nothing within days because their bills are equal or more then the  money they receive.   The theoretical threat of this evil is kept far away and greed is a joke when you are close to not having anything.  The few who profit to any excess make all the noise on this situation but the majority in the millions have little left.

Governments are not productive, they cost trillions to support and use up the resources of almost anything they touch.  The only advantage to a government is to reduce infighting over those resources which can be the best for all on especially large scales.

Money by itself is a concept of wealth which we currently describe with bits of paper containing debt.  Its quite ironic but money has the purpose of liquidity and as a language to enable transactions as easily as possible.
  The big point always missed on these discussions is that if you inhibit business then the whole country becomes poorer, at worst you make the 'enemies' of the nation stronger by allowing them to compete with ease vs your own companies tied up in red tape and the concept of 'fairness'.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: ndutndut on August 30, 2024, 07:54:36 PM
Isn't money an inanimate object, how can it do wrong, but why is it considered the root of evil. Money was created to facilitate transactions of goods or services, it was not created as a cause of crime, here it is very clear that money is neutral as a tool that makes things easier for humans. As a result of people's views on money starting to change, they believe that money can solve all problems in life, so people love money more and more and try to collect as much of it as they can. In my opinion, money is not the root of all evil, but the main cause of crime is excessive love of money.
Money can make us happy, and miserable, depending on our own way of thinking. If we love money too much or even worship money, it will be a crime. because we will do anything to get money, the most extreme may be killing.

In essence, money is not the source of evil, and money does not cause evil. What causes evil is our way of thinking and our own hearts. If previously to get money we did anything, there are also those who already have a lot of money can also become evil because we will order money to do the right thing and can be ordered to do the wrong thing, which is our own command.
So what is wrong is not money, or money is not the source of evil, but our way of thinking and our hearts are wrong in using and interpreting money.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Antotena on August 30, 2024, 08:50:30 PM
I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

Humanity is an individual thing and not everyone possess this gift of man mind and as for rich profiling, that's has been happening for many years. It didn't start from us and I'm not sure if that is going to end either especially now that there is peer pressure on social media and everywhere. Everyone you see now value money more than anything in this life because that's what everyone is struggling to get, nobody is out of this war for wealth including the poor people.

It's quite sad that people now want to associate with you because they see that your financial status is way above their own, that's when they respect you and they want to have anything to do with you. Some people are ready to worship another person because of money and this things has been in existence for long but the way it's reshaping is really amusing and not nice because humanity is going to extinction. However, we still have people who don't care about money.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: robelneo on August 30, 2024, 11:42:13 PM

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

That's because we become too materialistic, we prioritize material things over our humanity, and because of this, we place those rich people or those with abundance in materials above, even if they have dubious characters.
This is the reason why we elect corrupt officials because they shower us with money, which they will get back by stealing from the coffers of the government.

The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer because the rich do not want to share their wealth or help their poor brothers, this has been the cycle ever since.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: eb66 on August 31, 2024, 03:01:01 AM
The saying "money is the root of all evil" suggests that the pursuit of wealth can lead to unethical behavior & moral corruption. Money itself is a neutral tool but its misuse can generate greed, fear & conflict. Fear often arises from scarcity as people worry about losing their financial stability or compare themselves to others. Money can actually facilitate good, enabling positive change & support for communities. At the end of the day it's the values & choices of individuals that determine whether money leads to negative or positive outcomes.

To clarify: the original saying is "the love of money" is the root of all evil.

Money itself is, as you point out, simply a tool.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. - Timothy 6:10

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Yatsan on August 31, 2024, 05:00:02 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

The fear that money is finish all the time could be the reason why we live in very stressful and depresive world.
We can say that that's way how it is but we haven't tried different ways.

Even tho you working at the Job the goverment should always guarantee for you no matter what you have food and housing what ever you work yourself that's for extra.
I belive it's all possible with AI and with more automated world when robots can produce a lot things cheaper and way faster then human workers.

Right now the person value in society is based on how wealthy they are and what they own and how much that costs what they own.

Instead of that the fair system will be judging person value by the merits of the person doing in society not just how wealthy they are or how good they are to take from others with super greed but instead of this how much they give to others in terms of their skills talents and knowledge.

So If robots and ai machines coming then it could be possible that goverments can support us fully no matter what right now there is too much money chasing by everybody and person don't put his energy nowhere else then just chasing the money it's like the shadow you never catch that If goverment become on full aid for people then many people can live without that fear that they not getting enough money and people can focus on their talents skills energy and time to be more creative and useful for society instead of just chasing the money.
Maybe it's even ban money for indviduals and instead of money you get "tokens for food travel and clothing "
Im sure If we eliminate use of money people will be less evil and more happy also the fact that you own something and i don't own it's unfair and If your life is better by luck that you had maybe some wealthy parents so you live better life that's unfair and it's not based on person own merits in society....maybe it's better If nobody owns nothing or If they own that would very very exdronary case

Im not sure but it seems that Kamala Harris moving on that direction slowly.
Also the state of California in USA.

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

So for me the concept of money in our lives and livelihoods raises serious questions about its consequences for human well-being and justice. Indeed, a strong argument can be made that money itself is a tool of oppression and exacerbates social injustice. As you yourself have said, incessant demand leads to global stress and depression, and you’ve pointed out how the government promises basic needs like food and housing. That alone can ease some of that pressure.

This can allow people to start focusing on their own growth, creativity, and positive contributions to society without fear of economic growth. This was an idea to replace traditional currency with a "token" system for basic needs, where the emphasis would be on the additional value that individuals bring to their communities with their skills and abilities, rather than investing in their wealth in. It just reflects the country’s interest-that it’s just kind of weird. Thanks to AI and increased automation, such systems can be envisioned one day where robots and machines can move large amounts of resources quickly and reduce the need for individuals to chase money to survive under the table. People who think that their wealth is valuable and not their abilities are among the most critical of financial systems.

It is also argued that it extends to substantive contemporary values ​​that it is the economic representation of society and should determine its value, rather than individual contributions. Moreover, it means taking a more humane approach to caring for and raising each other’s children and showing compassion to one another.

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

That's because we become too materialistic, we prioritize material things over our humanity, and because of this, we place those rich people or those with abundance in materials above, even if they have dubious characters.
This is the reason why we elect corrupt officials because they shower us with money, which they will get back by stealing from the coffers of the government.

The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer because the rich do not want to share their wealth or help their poor brothers, this has been the cycle ever since.

I believe that, too often our pleasures of the material world overwhelm our sense of humanness, making us value possessions and wealth over privilege and integrity. This misplaced focus on our physical accomplishment sometimes can raise individuals of questionable character, merely because they possess wealth or have it. Such interests may also dictate policy decisions where the choice of corrupt rulers is favored with respect to their economic power and ability to distribute income, despite taking public wealth for personal benefit. It is a vicious circle of materialistic and greedy self-interests which makes the reconsideration of priorities necessary, shifting more focus on ethics and genuine contribution to society.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: icalical on August 31, 2024, 05:22:52 AM

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

I got what you are talking about at the last paragraph here, but your title is quite missleading, I wouldn't blame it on the money itself. Money is just a tool, just like a knife it can be used to cook a good meal, or to kill people, its we can't blame it on the knife, the blame is to the one holding it  what they use it for. And I do agree that on todays society people were valued by the wealth that their own, but again it's not the wealth fault, even if there is no money people will still valued others by some other thing, their status, their ancestry etc.

Even tho the number is small but there is still good people that has a lot of money, and the mentality to blame money is the one that discourage people from gaining it. The people who blame money for problem, unconsciously wouldn't want to make an effort to get money, those kind of people wouldn't gain wealth, and whether we accept it or not, the best way to contribute to humanity and to be useful for other needs money.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Lida93 on August 31, 2024, 07:50:36 AM
The right statement as I know it is that it's is the love of money that is the root of all evil. Which underlying that when humans live with less love for money it's going to result to lesser tendencies of evil and strives in our world.

On one hand, if we are left with the government making provisions for food and housing accomodations for all without we having to work for money, can the government be capable of making these provisions available for everyone? Because come to think of it, the government are having it to the neck in their bid to provide these aids for the % population of people in the society that can't majorly afford it. How do you imagination the situation when those that are working to make a living to be able to provide these necessities for them and their family without waiting for government should they now stop working and adding to that population of dependants?

In every epoch in human society there has always been inequality and strives among the different class within the mode of production that existed, it didn't all started with the introduction of money to the system. Even with the idea proffered in the Op there will still exist a clash of interest between those who will want to be the people to live in the best accomodations and having the better portions of food as provided by the government.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 31, 2024, 08:08:35 AM
Money is a tool that you can use for a bad or good things and money is neutral depends on how we use that money. Money is like a knife which have two side that you can use. You can use money to buy anything you want but money can also buy someone if they can not think clear of what they will do. But not all things can be buy with money. We see many people in the government becomes corrupt when they see a large sum of money and they want to have more and more money from the illegal things. While in out side, people struggle to make money to fills their daily life.

We need to responsible on how we will use the money. If government just provide food and housing to their people, their people will becomes lazy because they don't have to do anything except waiting for the government gives them. Their life will not have a challenge and they will not change better and they just feels their life will not be colorful. Money can make people change and that is right because when people want to have more money, they will search from many ways including doing illegal things. If they can be wise to use money, they will see that money is the root of evil but money will just a tool that can help them to survive.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: ovcijisir on August 31, 2024, 09:47:09 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society..

As someone pointed it out, the love for money is root of all evil, not the money itself.

Money is just useful tool to exchange goods and services , and one of foundations of healthy economy.

OP I see that you are supporter of UBI - universal basic income, but remember that it comes with a price. We will pay with our freedoms if we accept it. Think about forced vaccination,forced isolation, ban of transportation, confiscation etc. Any you will be forced not to criticize it.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Fortify on August 31, 2024, 10:09:30 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

The fear that money is finish all the time could be the reason why we live in very stressful and depresive world.
We can say that that's way how it is but we haven't tried different ways.

Even tho you working at the Job the goverment should always guarantee for you no matter what you have food and housing what ever you work yourself that's for extra.
I belive it's all possible with AI and with more automated world when robots can produce a lot things cheaper and way faster then human workers.

Right now the person value in society is based on how wealthy they are and what they own and how much that costs what they own.

Instead of that the fair system will be judging person value by the merits of the person doing in society not just how wealthy they are or how good they are to take from others with super greed but instead of this how much they give to others in terms of their skills talents and knowledge.

So If robots and ai machines coming then it could be possible that goverments can support us fully no matter what right now there is too much money chasing by everybody and person don't put his energy nowhere else then just chasing the money it's like the shadow you never catch that If goverment become on full aid for people then many people can live without that fear that they not getting enough money and people can focus on their talents skills energy and time to be more creative and useful for society instead of just chasing the money.
Maybe it's even ban money for indviduals and instead of money you get "tokens for food travel and clothing "
Im sure If we eliminate use of money people will be less evil and more happy also the fact that you own something and i don't own it's unfair and If your life is better by luck that you had maybe some wealthy parents so you live better life that's unfair and it's not based on person own merits in society....maybe it's better If nobody owns nothing or If they own that would very very exdronary case

Im not sure but it seems that Kamala Harris moving on that direction slowly.
Also the state of California in USA.

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.

Why do you have so many accounts on this forum? Your writing style and similar usernames are such a give away. Are you reselling them or something? Anyway, money is not the root of all evil, that is just something poor people lean on because they are often in a bad place mentally and want something to blame it on. The fact is that there is a massive spectrum of wealth out there, with many different economic systems and inevitably different qualities of government. The culture of a country that has evolved over centuries or generations of people also has an impact on your lifestyle. Some people might get access to a lot of money, but due to waste and/or ignorance, find ways to burn through it very quickly. Others might have little money but manage to use it very resourcefully and even propel themselves up a social tier.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Mahanton on August 31, 2024, 10:13:15 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society..

As someone pointed it out, the love for money is root of all evil, not the money itself.

Money is just useful tool to exchange goods and services , and one of foundations of healthy economy.

OP I see that you are supporter of UBI - universal basic income, but remember that it comes with a price. We will pay with our freedoms if we accept it. Think about forced vaccination,forced isolation, ban of transportation, confiscation etc. Any you will be forced not to criticize it.
On the time or moment that you do become that having that kind of mindset or same as you said that love for money then this is where evil would really be that coming from. Although not all people who do loves
money would really be going into this path but most likely you would really be doing so, just because you've been aiming to accumulate as much as you could. We cant really be able to deny that we would really be doing our very best for us to have a better life in terms of financial aspect. We are really that aiming on having a life on which there's no problem when it comes to money and since we know that having money could buy everything.Of course there would really be that limitations on everything yet too much greed would really be leading up into those actions which arent that good anymore because of that desperation.

There's no wrong on trying out to achieve something specially on financial advancement or progress. Just make it sure that you wont really be that going through excessive approach because when things turns out to be like this then it would really be not ideal on having this approach. Money would really be that becomes evil on the moment that a certain person would really be making use of it on other means or simply into the time or moment that you wont really be doing those ethical decisions just because of being that too greedy.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: lizarder on August 31, 2024, 10:29:12 AM
I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
At this level most humans lose morals, lose compassion and lose the meaning of a life that needs to take care of each other as a sense of humanity and when you or anyone has a lot of money we will be considered as quite influential people.

It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.
In terms of help we often see neglect towards the poor and on the contrary people compete to help the rich. For example if a rich person experiences a house fire then people will flock to help. But if the poor are hit by a disaster, only a few people are willing to help and that is a phenomenon that often happens and we often witness now. The sense of humanity is lost and instead they talk about whose interests and what their position is in every assistance.

Look at the big cases that happen widely and how children become victims of war crimes and innocent people become experimental materials for those who are immoral. The challenges of life become a joke and we can only watch without being able to provide any help and how the morals of individuals and groups begin to lose their direction in terms of social, cultural and religious relations.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: TheUltraElite on August 31, 2024, 10:33:14 AM
The human nature is to blame, what is money but a piece of paper with some pictures and numbers?

If humans want to do something bad, they will do it, it is not that they will try to find other methods to earn money that dont need bloodshed. That is why wars have waged and greedy people tried to fool others.

I dont agree with your AI argument, similar statements were made when computers first came in.

How a person is doing is not visible from their money, it also takes into account their health, mental state and so on. We should be careful not to judge people like that.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: ovcijisir on August 31, 2024, 11:41:29 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society..

As someone pointed it out, the love for money is root of all evil, not the money itself.

Money is just useful tool to exchange goods and services , and one of foundations of healthy economy.

OP I see that you are supporter of UBI - universal basic income, but remember that it comes with a price. We will pay with our freedoms if we accept it. Think about forced vaccination,forced isolation, ban of transportation, confiscation etc. Any you will be forced not to criticize it.
On the time or moment that you do become that having that kind of mindset or same as you said that love for money then this is where evil would really be that coming from. Although not all people who do loves
money would really be going into this path but most likely you would really be doing so, just because you've been aiming to accumulate as much as you could. We cant really be able to deny that we would really be doing our very best for us to have a better life in terms of financial aspect. We are really that aiming on having a life on which there's no problem when it comes to money and since we know that having money could buy everything.Of course there would really be that limitations on everything yet too much greed would really be leading up into those actions which arent that good anymore because of that desperation.

There's no wrong on trying out to achieve something specially on financial advancement or progress. Just make it sure that you wont really be that going through excessive approach because when things turns out to be like this then it would really be not ideal on having this approach. Money would really be that becomes evil on the moment that a certain person would really be making use of it on other means or simply into the time or moment that you wont really be doing those ethical decisions just because of being that too greedy.

I really try to understand what are you saying but it is very hard to decipher it. It would be better if you would rephrase your reply in more simple and more understandable manner.

Try writing simpler, shorter sentences instead one long and complex one.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: CageMabok on August 31, 2024, 12:35:02 PM
In terms of help we often see neglect towards the poor and on the contrary people compete to help the rich. For example if a rich person experiences a house fire then people will flock to help. But if the poor are hit by a disaster, only a few people are willing to help and that is a phenomenon that often happens and we often witness now. The sense of humanity is lost and instead they talk about whose interests and what their position is in every assistance.
Maybe that only happens where you live and I don't think that something like that also happens in other people's places, because in my place in terms of helping each other in disasters, it still looks the same between the rich and the poor. Although some people may still think that helping the rich will definitely get a very satisfying reward than helping the poor who can't give anything after that and if there are people who think like that at this time, it means that the person is not sincere in helping others who are being struck by disaster.

Look at the big cases that happen widely and how children become victims of war crimes and innocent people become experimental materials for those who are immoral. The challenges of life become a joke and we can only watch without being able to provide any help and how the morals of individuals and groups begin to lose their direction in terms of social, cultural and religious relations.
This cannot be denied by anyone because it is also related to authority and power that should not be owned by others so that people who are able to do such things will continue to do so indiscriminately to anyone. However, I do not see such things in all countries except for a few countries where perhaps the leaders are still very cruel to their people and also to many people so that they do not have a sense of compassion for fellow human beings in this world.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Farma on August 31, 2024, 02:59:04 PM
Isn't money an inanimate object, how can it do wrong, but why is it considered the root of evil. Money was created to facilitate transactions of goods or services, it was not created as a cause of crime, here it is very clear that money is neutral as a tool that makes things easier for humans. As a result of people's views on money starting to change, they believe that money can solve all problems in life, so people love money more and more and try to collect as much of it as they can. In my opinion, money is not the root of all evil, but the main cause of crime is excessive love of money.
Money can make us happy, and miserable, depending on our own way of thinking. If we love money too much or even worship money, it will be a crime. because we will do anything to get money, the most extreme may be killing.

In essence, money is not the source of evil, and money does not cause evil. What causes evil is our way of thinking and our own hearts. If previously to get money we did anything, there are also those who already have a lot of money can also become evil because we will order money to do the right thing and can be ordered to do the wrong thing, which is our own command.
So what is wrong is not money, or money is not the source of evil, but our way of thinking and our hearts are wrong in using and interpreting money.
It is true that everything that happens of course depends on each individual and the greed that will make someone legalize all means to get money so that the person never thinks about whether it harms others or not and all that happens is not because of money but the mistakes of those who want money in the wrong way.
We have also seen those who have a lot of money using the right way and also like to share with people in need and there are also some people who do not have money who commit crimes and we cannot blame money as the root of all evil but it really depends on a person's personality in using the money.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: glendall on August 31, 2024, 04:32:33 PM

But anyway, well wars are not fought over money, they are fought over natural resources. The money itself is controlled by a clique of people who run the banks and they lend it to countries who want money to finance their wars. The people at the bottom of the pyramid get scraps, and most of the times have a hard time getting up on their feet.

true, war is not because of money but natural resources, but what is related to money is the social life of individuals against other individuals, where humans will compete with each other to look rich and powerful because they have a lot of money,

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Oluwa-btc on September 01, 2024, 06:03:42 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.

The fear that money is finish all the time could be the reason why we live in very stressful and depresive world.
We can say that that's way how it is but we haven't tried different ways.

Money they said is the root of all evil but what made people describe it in this manner is the quest of owning that money and fear of loosing it that makes it to be the root of evil,and the love of money is the root of all evil, because in a clear sense people find their selves doing alot of negative things just for the fact that they want to own this money notwithstanding anything they can take up any action to get it.

Just look at the fact that you love something and when you do you tend not to loose it it foe anything and that's the root of dear but I don't see why money should be the root of evil because if you love something you treasure it but not to an extent to take up any ruthless actions to make sure that thing you love is secured because it's a normal entity, so it should be understood that money solves alot of issues in life so it's advisable to keep it a t balance to avoid creating negativity from it that makes it becomes evil.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: dezoel on September 01, 2024, 05:18:53 PM
war is not because of money but natural resources, but what is related to money is the social life of individuals against other individuals, where humans will compete with each other to look rich and powerful because they have a lot of money,
It's all about change of words at the end of day we are having all things for the money because mostly peoples love to stay rich and having control of other things which have not belonged to them as well even we have wars for natural resources but still it's all about money because natural resources are sources of money as well.

This cannot be denied by anyone because it is also related to authority and power that should not be owned by others so that people who are able to do such things will continue to do so indiscriminately to anyone. However, I do not see such things in all countries except for a few countries where perhaps the leaders are still very cruel to their people and also to many people so that they do not have a sense of compassion for fellow human beings in this world.
No doubt we are having things which are just creating challenges and also having no good things for the common peoples lives even now we are having changes but still we are having too many countries which are facing challenges like these as they are ruled by peoples those are having no humanity and soft policies for all because they want to do things as they want, and they are also successful in this because no organizations and authorities are able to stop them from doing this.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: N.O on September 01, 2024, 06:31:54 PM
Isn't money an inanimate object, how can it do wrong, but why is it considered the root of evil. Money was created to facilitate transactions of goods or services, it was not created as a cause of crime, here it is very clear that money is neutral as a tool that makes things easier for humans. As a result of people's views on money starting to change, they believe that money can solve all problems in life, so people love money more and more and try to collect as much of it as they can. In my opinion, money is not the root of all evil, but the main cause of crime is excessive love of money.
Money can make us happy, and miserable, depending on our own way of thinking. If we love money too much or even worship money, it will be a crime. because we will do anything to get money, the most extreme may be killing.

In essence, money is not the source of evil, and money does not cause evil. What causes evil is our way of thinking and our own hearts. If previously to get money we did anything, there are also those who already have a lot of money can also become evil because we will order money to do the right thing and can be ordered to do the wrong thing, which is our own command.
So what is wrong is not money, or money is not the source of evil, but our way of thinking and our hearts are wrong in using and interpreting money.
It is true that everything that happens of course depends on each individual and the greed that will make someone legalize all means to get money so that the person never thinks about whether it harms others or not and all that happens is not because of money but the mistakes of those who want money in the wrong way.
We have also seen those who have a lot of money using the right way and also like to share with people in need and there are also some people who do not have money who commit crimes and we cannot blame money as the root of all evil but it really depends on a person's personality in using the money.
I think, person to person concept of money and evil is different. Because everyone is different from another person and everyone faced different challenges in life and someone did hard work in life and achieved success in life and someone did hard work in study and did not get anything and that why they did Robery and today most of the robers are educated person who did not get job after doing hard work. But nurchuring also matters a lot in life and if someone has nice father and mom and he made his friends who are goal oriented,he will be positive in life and he will  cooperate in life with other people.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: lizarder on September 02, 2024, 10:38:40 AM
Maybe that only happens where you live and I don't think that something like that also happens in other people's places, because in my place in terms of helping each other in disasters, it still looks the same between the rich and the poor. Although some people may still think that helping the rich will definitely get a very satisfying reward than helping the poor who can't give anything after that and if there are people who think like that at this time, it means that the person is not sincere in helping others who are being struck by disaster.
Losing empathy because helping someone expects a reward so that what happens is often ignoring the poor who really need help. Just look at how social values occur and how people behave who have only thought about their fate. Rich people no longer think about how they can employ poor people but oppress them as they please even though in reality not all rich people behave like that. Social life and the gap in life seem to mean nothing anymore where each individual will be responsible for themselves.

The condition is getting worse where the poor lose their jobs and they are increasingly enslaved by the immoral rich. Social inequality is indeed the basis for why we are currently losing empathy, caring and helping each other. Urban life is almost entirely done with money and nothing is free anymore.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: stomachgrowls on September 02, 2024, 12:25:14 PM
Isn't money an inanimate object, how can it do wrong, but why is it considered the root of evil. Money was created to facilitate transactions of goods or services, it was not created as a cause of crime, here it is very clear that money is neutral as a tool that makes things easier for humans. As a result of people's views on money starting to change, they believe that money can solve all problems in life, so people love money more and more and try to collect as much of it as they can. In my opinion, money is not the root of all evil, but the main cause of crime is excessive love of money.
Money can make us happy, and miserable, depending on our own way of thinking. If we love money too much or even worship money, it will be a crime. because we will do anything to get money, the most extreme may be killing.

In essence, money is not the source of evil, and money does not cause evil. What causes evil is our way of thinking and our own hearts. If previously to get money we did anything, there are also those who already have a lot of money can also become evil because we will order money to do the right thing and can be ordered to do the wrong thing, which is our own command.
So what is wrong is not money, or money is not the source of evil, but our way of thinking and our hearts are wrong in using and interpreting money.
It is true that everything that happens of course depends on each individual and the greed that will make someone legalize all means to get money so that the person never thinks about whether it harms others or not and all that happens is not because of money but the mistakes of those who want money in the wrong way.
We have also seen those who have a lot of money using the right way and also like to share with people in need and there are also some people who do not have money who commit crimes and we cannot blame money as the root of all evil but it really depends on a person's personality in using the money.
I think, person to person concept of money and evil is different. Because everyone is different from another person and everyone faced different challenges in life and someone did hard work in life and achieved success in life and someone did hard work in study and did not get anything and that why they did Robery and today most of the robers are educated person who did not get job after doing hard work. But nurchuring also matters a lot in life and if someone has nice father and mom and he made his friends who are goal oriented,he will be positive in life and he will  cooperate in life with other people.
If you are someone who do came from hardship or non easy life in terms of financial status or aspect then you would really be able to make yourself be mindful when it comes to the actions that you are taking.
You wont really be that making yourself be that too impulsive when it comes on spending money just because you are already that wary on how hard to earn money. So you would really be  that skeptical
on the time that you would really be making some spending. Money isnt the root of evil, it would really be all starting into someones mind and decision to be made. Money is really just that a tool on which you would really be that using it up. It would really be that understandable that there might be some lapses on which a certain person would do but we should really be mindful carefully on how to deal with it.

You wont really be putting up yourself on such trouble if you are really just that mindful into the actions that you are making and wont really be having those second thoughts specially if it do involves
about being greedy. You cant really just that make yourself having that kind of potential issues in the future. Root of fear would really be only just that possible on the time
that you would really be able to experience such problems.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: slapper on September 02, 2024, 12:42:42 PM
If you are someone who do came from hardship or non easy life in terms of financial status or aspect then you would really be able to make yourself be mindful when it comes to the actions that you are taking.
You wont really be that making yourself be that too impulsive when it comes on spending money just because you are already that wary on how hard to earn money. So you would really be  that skeptical
on the time that you would really be making some spending. Money isnt the root of evil, it would really be all starting into someones mind and decision to be made. Money is really just that a tool on which you would really be that using it up. It would really be that understandable that there might be some lapses on which a certain person would do but we should really be mindful carefully on how to deal with it.

You wont really be putting up yourself on such trouble if you are really just that mindful into the actions that you are making and wont really be having those second thoughts specially if it do involves
about being greedy. You cant really just that make yourself having that kind of potential issues in the future. Root of fear would really be only just that possible on the time
that you would really be able to experience such problems.
Hardship ain't just tough times, it's a damn crucible. You emerge out the other side, value every dollar as though it were blood, sweat, and tears. That's being clever; that's not cheap. Money's tool; it is not the devil. You develop your life with it, not hide under debt. Balance, man, that's the key

Money is not only about savings. It's a minefield; it's power, freedom. It can open doors or slam them squarely in your face. It can strengthen bonds or sour them. Think ahead. Every financial choice affects something else. Your decisions now will determine your tomorrow as well as perhaps the people around you. Though learn from the past, avoid allowing it to paralyze you. You negotiate this chaotic planet with wide open eyes

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Accardo on September 02, 2024, 01:36:44 PM
Hardship ain't just tough times, it's a damn crucible. You emerge out the other side, value every dollar as though it were blood, sweat, and tears. That's being clever; that's not cheap. Money's tool; it is not the devil. You develop your life with it, not hide under debt. Balance, man, that's the key

I hear this in biblical preaching, and most interpretations of what is written in the holy book is not always gotten right. The writer may have a different perspective to it, but money is not by any means evil. Just that money could make people do things they never wanted to do in their entire life.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: iv4n on September 02, 2024, 01:46:56 PM
Im not sure but it seems that Kamala Harris moving on that direction slowly.
Also the state of California in USA.

Politicians are just puppets, they can't change anything. And I am not sure they wish to change anything, why would they? They are getting richer and enjoying all the benefits. Their kids will have the same treatment... all they need to do is talk about one thing to attract ordinary people to trust them and to do whatever is needed for banks & corporations to earn even more money and gain even more power. As long as they play that game they will stay where they are, when they start doing the right things they will be removed, just like that.

So maybe you have a good idea, but if you think that some politician will trade their wealth for a fair world you are living in some illusion. There are good people in politics, don't get me wrong, but they are not in high places... to be in the high league in politics you need to sell your soul first.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: philipma1957 on September 02, 2024, 01:51:52 PM
The saying "money is the root of all evil" suggests that the pursuit of wealth can lead to unethical behavior & moral corruption. Money itself is a neutral tool but its misuse can generate greed, fear & conflict. Fear often arises from scarcity as people worry about losing their financial stability or compare themselves to others. Money can actually facilitate good, enabling positive change & support for communities. At the end of the day it's the values & choices of individuals that determine whether money leads to negative or positive outcomes.

To clarify: the original saying is "the love of money" is the root of all evil.

Money itself is, as you point out, simply a tool.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. - Timothy 6:10

takes a newbie to set the record straight thank you for the quote.

I am 67 years old. My granddad died of prostate cancer his bother my great uncle  John died of prostate cancer his other brother my great uncle Archie died of prostate cancer.

I have a very high chance of getting the disease. What does "love of money do for me" nothing it just causes problems and hurts my mental state.

I also know health and good companionship with some money is far far far far far better than a pile of cash.

So do I have some money?  yes I do.
do I love money? nope.

a lot of money won't save me from death.
a lot of money won't let me live for 200 or 300 years.

some money will let me be in an okay place to live.
some money will let me have an okay car.
some money will let me eat well.
some money will let me spend time having fun with my wife and my friends.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Akbarkoe on September 02, 2024, 02:29:23 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.
Money does not change a person and money does not make a person afraid, depending on how the person himself treats money in life, basically not a few people with their money become still good and I also do not deny that there are people who with their money become evil and scare others, but all of this depends on the person's personality, money only clarifies a person's character.

I like to test this idea i myself not poor Im quite well financially but i hate that our society have lost sense of humanity and only will considering you as human how rich you are or how much money you have.
It's even in the real life people see that If something happens with someone .....before they go to help or something they first run "the quick check in their mind "how wealthy this person are what's the status of person or other stats and then they make decisions...If it's worth to help by them.
We do lose sense of humanity more and more.
It has a lot to do with the person's morals, education, humanity, and environment, because there are many people who behave in this way before they help, but yes you can't claim that all people are the same, there is always the opposite of such people.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on September 02, 2024, 02:58:13 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

It’s funny though. But you know this is impossible; we cannot stay without looking for money, and never furthermore, millions of people in a country. How do you think the government of such a country will be able to meet up with everybody's needs and won’t leave other parts of the country in starvation? If the government should be the one to provide, there will be restrictions on many things,

and many people will be more depressed, as you think we are depressed right now. However, humans always want to get something that belongs to them individually and not until they wait for another person to provide for them. If you want to wait till another person provides your need, then definitely you will not be out of financial trouble. You may always be in debt.

Remember that the government has family members, and they will definitely give their own people everything they need before remembering another person outside there. The best thing is everybody should look for ways to earn and do what they want with their money.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: GigaBit on September 02, 2024, 04:06:23 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.
In today's world, people are so greedy for money that they are ruining their humanity. Being the richest person in the society, he is ahead of everyone in terms of income. We know that money is the source of happiness and money is the source of unhappiness. I will not deny that there should be a limitation on the need for money to survive. Extra money can never make a person happy but it is the root of his problems. There are many who resort to corruption for money. One is facing various violent situations with one another for money. This money is responsible for everything. But thinking about anything without money is not possible. Money has played a key role in all the discoveries and developments today. If people were not interested in money then people would not go for new inventions. No new initiatives were to be taken. Service organizations were not created. Considering various aspects everyone needs money.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: AYOBA on September 02, 2024, 04:12:11 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

Remember that the government has family members, and they will definitely give their own people everything they need before remembering another person outside there. The best thing is everybody should look for ways to earn and do what they want with their money.
Although that the government has a family, but that doesn’t mean that they should be maltreat those people’s that make build them to reach the position they are claiming today, they said that charity begins at home but at least the government have to consider those people that are outside also not only his family’s members he can always put in front to achieve everything. Is good ideas for everybody to look for a way to earn, but not mean we can stop from seek for government help to make everything become much better and also enjoy life.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: peter0425 on September 02, 2024, 04:18:07 PM
Remember that the government has family members, and they will definitely give their own people everything they need before remembering another person outside there. The best thing is everybody should look for ways to earn and do what they want with their money.
Lol then they should not have run for the government then. If they are so selfish, they could have just gone and found a different career path. This kind of mindset only justifies and perpetuates corruption in the government.

The government provides and serves first and foremost the people of the country. Among those are their families. They need to consider the greater good and not just their families. Citizens of a country also have family members, why shouldn’t we look out for them as much as these government officials do with theirs?

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Qiubell5 on September 02, 2024, 10:20:25 PM

Hardship ain't just tough times, it's a damn crucible. You emerge out the other side, value every dollar as though it were blood, sweat, and tears. That's being clever; that's not cheap. Money's tool; it is not the devil. You develop your life with it, not hide under debt. Balance, man, that's the key

Money is not only about savings. It's a minefield; it's power, freedom. It can open doors or slam them squarely in your face. It can strengthen bonds or sour them. Think ahead. Every financial choice affects something else. Your decisions now will determine your tomorrow as well as perhaps the people around you. Though learn from the past, avoid allowing it to paralyze you. You negotiate this chaotic planet with wide open eyes

the need to look at the past, it is a lesson that can be applied that only the positive that we take, by appreciating an effort that we get, money gives you a broader thought to use it for more useful things, but depending on your hand using it is a choice.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Webetcoins on September 03, 2024, 07:41:24 AM
Money can be the reason behind a lot of evils, that's true, however, the solution you are proposing isn't logical and that wouldn't work but it will only make things worse in the long run. Imagine every single person in a country will be getting food and housing without doing anything at all. And the very first and the most important question is, where would the government get the money from to do all that? Do you think this only should happen to one or a few countries or the whole world? If it's for the whole world, where would the resources come from? We all know countries aren't going to distribute their resources for free.

Also, removing the monetary system from an economy wouldn't make evil go away completely. There will still be reasons for people to fight and do things that they shouldn't do, there will be robberies for resources when there is no money, there will be murders, kidnapping, everything you can think of.

the fair system will be judging person value by the merits of the person doing in society not just how wealthy they are or how good they are to take from others with super greed
But, people do judge others by face reading and overall dressing appearance. No one is ready to look for the content of a book but makes a judgement by its cover itself. You may show off your wealth by your car or mobile phone or by dressing but through your noble thoughts, it will definitely take time. It all means people do grab the quicker one.

how much they give to others in terms of their skills talents and knowledge.
Why not we take this in this way, like people use their skills and knowledge to earn or multiply their money and then showing off. From that show off, you again judge them. Even a corrupted politician can show off their big wealth still we rate them high until they are not yet punished by law. That high rating is for their skill and knowledge to convince us for better rating and for delaying the punishments of law.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Yaunfitda on September 03, 2024, 07:45:55 AM
Hardship ain't just tough times, it's a damn crucible. You emerge out the other side, value every dollar as though it were blood, sweat, and tears. That's being clever; that's not cheap. Money's tool; it is not the devil. You develop your life with it, not hide under debt. Balance, man, that's the key

I hear this in biblical preaching, and most interpretations of what is written in the holy book is not always gotten right. The writer may have a different perspective to it, but money is not by any means evil. Just that money could make people do things they never wanted to do in their entire life.

Removed the biblical passage and all of that, we should understand by now that money is not the root of all evil. Everyone wanted to get rich so that we can live comfortably with our kids and grand kids, in short build a generational wealth. But the thing is that no one can be that small percentage to build that wealth overtime. But we can still live a good life if we can earn and attract money that way we should be. So there is nothing wrong with money or it is being labeled as root of evil, it is not. And I have this belief that money is for everyone, and if we look at it, God gave it to us, we just need to know how to earn and used it wisely.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: BALIK on September 03, 2024, 08:15:59 AM
Remember that the government has family members, and they will definitely give their own people everything they need before remembering another person outside there. The best thing is everybody should look for ways to earn and do what they want with their money.
Lol then they should not have run for the government then. If they are so selfish, they could have just gone and found a different career path. This kind of mindset only justifies and perpetuates corruption in the government.

The government provides and serves first and foremost the people of the country. Among those are their families. They need to consider the greater good and not just their families. Citizens of a country also have family members, why shouldn’t we look out for them as much as these government officials do with theirs?

In theory, what you say is true, the government or any politician must put the interests of the country and the people first, not personal interests. But in reality, things will never work out that way. I don't agree when politicians think and do so, but one thing is for sure, if we were in their position, we would do the same. We will also be corrupt, we will also find ways to put relatives in government positions or help them make money first. This is how politics works in third world countries, they always try to put their own and their relatives' interests above the country's profits.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: FanEagle on September 03, 2024, 11:23:55 AM
Losing empathy because helping someone expects a reward so that what happens is often ignoring the poor who really need help. Just look at how social values occur and how people behave who have only thought about their fate. Rich people no longer think about how they can employ poor people but oppress them as they please even though in reality not all rich people behave like that. Social life and the gap in life seem to mean nothing anymore where each individual will be responsible for themselves.

The condition is getting worse where the poor lose their jobs and they are increasingly enslaved by the immoral rich. Social inequality is indeed the basis for why we are currently losing empathy, caring and helping each other. Urban life is almost entirely done with money and nothing is free anymore.
The reason why rich people try to oppress the poor (and usually divide them so they would fight each other) is the fact that they do not want the poor to pick up on what the rich are doing to get rich, and they want to make sure that the poor are not looking their way.

There has been a lot of times in history where poor got together and killed the rich and took over the wealth and tried to distribute fairly, the killing part usually was easy, fairly distributing part never really happened, even if they did alright for a bit, they didn't do alright for too long.

In the end, media is the way to control, they keep pumping news that are not huge, small very unimportant stuff, talked about for hours everyday for months, becoming big in peoples minds, so they do not focus on the big bad wolf.

If they let everyone be free, then the talks will all be about how the wealthy people are stealing from everyone and getting rich that way, every single company that is big, is doing one thing or another that is unethical to get there, something that makes us poorer, it doesn't matter which company, you name it and I will tell you what they are doing wrong to get rich, it's very clear, we just don't talk about it.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: bubilas on September 04, 2024, 06:30:34 AM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

I can't agree with you. It is in our nature to spoil each other. And money is the tool that gives some people success, because they tried for it, and others failure. I mean that all this is part of natural selection. And if we all become equal, and our skills and struggle among ourselves will not be counted in any way, then it will be very unnatural. Therefore, money is an absolutely natural tool that shows our success, and we cannot refuse it. And agree that it is better to get rich and live well than to work all your life and know that you will never get anything more than your allotted portion of food.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: HajiBagi on September 04, 2024, 03:07:22 PM
The saying "money is the root of all evil" suggests that the pursuit of wealth can lead to unethical behavior & moral corruption. Money itself is a neutral tool but its misuse can generate greed, fear & conflict. Fear often arises from scarcity as people worry about losing their financial stability or compare themselves to others. Money can actually facilitate good, enabling positive change & support for communities. At the end of the day it's the values & choices of individuals that determine whether money leads to negative or positive outcomes.

Money is the root of evil but we can't stop looking for it because we can't survive without having it, money has been a root of evil since the beginning of the world when our grant parents were still alive, so even by this time it should not be a surprise to us, money in other hand is also the life of the people because with the way we are living now if you don't have money you are not part of human being, money can never be satisfied to any human being because if it is something that can if someone have he or she will say they don't want more, if you look at our leaders today they have millions of money before coming to Politics and the reason why they are in Politics is to make more money, no any politician will open his mouth and said that he is not in Politics for money, so even in the next life money will still be a problem to the world.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: wiss19 on September 04, 2024, 04:08:17 PM
It is in our nature to spoil each other. And money is the tool that gives some people success, because they tried for it, and others failure. I mean that all this is part of natural selection. And if we all become equal, and our skills and struggle among ourselves will not be counted in any way, then it will be very unnatural. Therefore, money is an absolutely natural tool that shows our success, and we cannot refuse it. And agree that it is better to get rich and live well than to work all your life and know that you will never get anything more than your allotted portion of food.
When you say spoil, it is like you are rewarding yourself. It is not wrong but as long as it is about good things only and then we must still do it in moderation. I won't say that it is in our nature because there are still people who are only humble and doesn't spoil their selves.

Success must be measured in different things and one of it is having money (lots of it) like you said. I feel bad or sorry about the people who are like that. That is because I also agree about what the OP is saying that money is the root of all evil.

You know, there are some who are able to do anything (including committing crimes) only to have money. If there are successful people, unfortunately there are also those who fail but it is fine because at least they have tried. They should move on and try their luck on other fields again. Indeed that god created each other to be unique and if let say not, then there will be no more challenges or thrill on living this planet. I'm sure that we will still complain 'more' and say that it was boring.

Nothing is permanent in this world and so as on working on a job but if we are still young, we only need to choose a job that really fit for us, so that we won't feel like we are working. Lastly, we can't have it all in life. We need to accept this sad reality.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: ndutndut on September 04, 2024, 05:33:10 PM
I hear this in biblical preaching, and most interpretations of what is written in the holy book is not always gotten right. The writer may have a different perspective to it, but money is not by any means evil. Just that money could make people do things they never wanted to do in their entire life.

Removed the biblical passage and all of that, we should understand by now that money is not the root of all evil. Everyone wanted to get rich so that we can live comfortably with our kids and grand kids, in short build a generational wealth. But the thing is that no one can be that small percentage to build that wealth overtime. But we can still live a good life if we can earn and attract money that way we should be. So there is nothing wrong with money or it is being labeled as root of evil, it is not. And I have this belief that money is for everyone, and if we look at it, God gave it to us, we just need to know how to earn and used it wisely.
Money is just an object and paper that still has an exchange value and has a circulation time, what actually makes money evil is when we are enslaved by money where income is less than expenses, which in the end we will do anything to get money and greed will make money potentially evil. Because in essence money will always be lacking as long as we are not grateful where happiness is not always commensurate with money.

Try how many possessions our bodies have, would we exchange one of our eyes for one billion, try to count. So basically money is not a measure of happiness even though in the material world we always need money but if we can use common sense then money will come in a good way. Money is not always evil, if we are smart to be grateful at least having money can provide a sense of security to survive.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Roseline492 on September 04, 2024, 05:34:40 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

Talking about evil do you think that there will not be any evil in the world if there was no money?, actually I don't even believe on such because even if life was very easy evil would have still existed because human being are hardly contempted with what they have so they will always project for more things, one thing you should also no is that if there was no money and we only depends on the government to give us houses and food the high rate of suffering would have even be more severe than how it is in most of the places because the government would have been treating people however they like because our chances of survival rest on there shoulder, so actually reasoning on my point of view money is never the roots of any problem or evil because it helps to reduce it a bit.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: lizarder on September 05, 2024, 07:07:48 AM
In the end, media is the way to control, they keep pumping news that are not huge, small very unimportant stuff, talked about for hours everyday for months, becoming big in peoples minds, so they do not focus on the big bad wolf.

If they let everyone be free, then the talks will all be about how the wealthy people are stealing from everyone and getting rich that way, every single company that is big, is doing one thing or another that is unethical to get there, something that makes us poorer, it doesn't matter which company, you name it and I will tell you what they are doing wrong to get rich, it's very clear, we just don't talk about it.
Just look at how football is made and the media tries to influence the public to be the center of attention and even the expectations of players who are bought are not in accordance with the high prices and all of that is influenced by the media in creating public opinion about a player. The media has a role to make something more known, that's why the journey process now cannot be separated from the media's game in creating opinions.

I want to listen to some media so that I have references and maybe you can explain how the Google company makes people dependent on the products they create. They set something up for a good purpose but there are still negative things that may arise for people who misuse it.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Argoo on September 05, 2024, 04:28:05 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society...

Instead of that the fair system will be judging person value by the merits of the person doing in society not just how wealthy they are or how good they are to take from others with super greed but instead of this how much they give to others in terms of their skills talents and knowledge.

What you propose, some countries have already tried to do, intending to build socialism, and then communism as the most just system of social organization. What this inevitably led to, we have recently witnessed: the stronghold of socialism - the USSR collapsed, burying this grandiose plan of human stupidity. At the same time, almost all socialist states slid down the path of authoritarianism, where justice remained only on paper.

 Perhaps humanity will return to something similar. But for this there must be a completely different level of consciousness and self-awareness, as well as the highest level of development of science and technology, which can lead to an abundance of material goods. But it is also possible that this will forever remain in the dreams of individual romantics.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: bubilas on September 06, 2024, 11:56:44 AM
It is in our nature to spoil each other. And money is the tool that gives some people success, because they tried for it, and others failure. I mean that all this is part of natural selection. And if we all become equal, and our skills and struggle among ourselves will not be counted in any way, then it will be very unnatural. Therefore, money is an absolutely natural tool that shows our success, and we cannot refuse it. And agree that it is better to get rich and live well than to work all your life and know that you will never get anything more than your allotted portion of food.
When you say spoil, it is like you are rewarding yourself. It is not wrong but as long as it is about good things only and then we must still do it in moderation. I won't say that it is in our nature because there are still people who are only humble and doesn't spoil their selves.

Success must be measured in different things and one of it is having money (lots of it) like you said. I feel bad or sorry about the people who are like that. That is because I also agree about what the OP is saying that money is the root of all evil.

You know, there are some who are able to do anything (including committing crimes) only to have money. If there are successful people, unfortunately there are also those who fail but it is fine because at least they have tried. They should move on and try their luck on other fields again. Indeed that god created each other to be unique and if let say not, then there will be no more challenges or thrill on living this planet. I'm sure that we will still complain 'more' and say that it was boring.

Nothing is permanent in this world and so as on working on a job but if we are still young, we only need to choose a job that really fit for us, so that we won't feel like we are working. Lastly, we can't have it all in life. We need to accept this sad reality.

You wrote correctly that success is measured by money. And unfortunately, this is true. And it means that of course the job we work at is very important. After all, at work (for those who work full-time) we spend a third of our lives. Therefore, if someone does not like his job, then half of his conscious state is simply wasted. But I have a questions: And if someone likes his job, but it is poorly paid?
Should such a job be changed to one where the earnings are high, but the work itself is unpleasant?

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: mirakal on September 06, 2024, 01:49:36 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.

Because that is what we already put in our minds. But if we make our lives too simple and humble despite the great achievements we have, I'm certain this will never happen to us. We witness several changes happening around where we could really say that those who have money or rich people have too much power as well. They can make use of their wealth to control someone and follow what they have said.

Whether we agree or not, it is too difficult for now to live and survive without money, which is why people are working hard. Well, we could say that they have reasons, but I don't think it is enough for them to do foolish and stupid things. It was our greediness that drove us desperately.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Yukyzu on September 06, 2024, 02:54:02 PM
Money as root of evil and root of fear.
Maybe it's better If our goverments will just provide us food and housing and we rather own nothing at least we don't need to worry about getting more money more more more ....i think even those wealthy people are tired of chasing money together with other people in society.

Talking about evil do you think that there will not be any evil in the world if there was no money?, actually I don't even believe on such because even if life was very easy evil would have still existed because human being are hardly contempted with what they have so they will always project for more things, one thing you should also no is that if there was no money and we only depends on the government to give us houses and food the high rate of suffering would have even be more severe than how it is in most of the places because the government would have been treating people however they like because our chances of survival rest on there shoulder, so actually reasoning on my point of view money is never the roots of any problem or evil because it helps to reduce it a bit.

Wanting something beyond one's ability of course they have to cheat to get it because they will never be able to get it reasonably so they commit crimes to achieve what they want and hope that the government will be able to fulfill all the needs that we need of course this is very impossible because there are many things that must be regulated by the government in order to run their government system properly and as you said there is truth they can make policies as they please because they have fulfilled all the needs that we need.

With money, it will indeed be able to fulfill every need that we need and it is also very impossible for money to be the source of various crimes that occur but everyone is fully responsible for the money they get and also how they get it.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Davidvictorson on September 06, 2024, 11:58:23 PM
Money is not the root of evil. There is so much greed in the hearts of humans and that is where evil emanates from not money. Money is only a medium of exchange. Money doesn't cause stress, inequality and loss of humanity rather it is people who cause stressful situations for other humans to have to deal with because of greed, they want to accumulate more than the others and so it leads to inequality because in doing so they oppress and suppress the weak in the society. Even if the government provides these basic amenities, social media and the world we live in would try to convince others that they are not living well enough because they don't have a car, or the latest of whatever is trending. I don't think AI can change the situation either. Humans created this mess and only humans can fix it.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: TastyChillySauce00 on September 07, 2024, 02:30:58 AM
Money is not the root of evil. There is so much greed in the hearts of humans and that is where evil emanates from not money.
definitely, it's the greed not the money, people want to hoard whatever precious thing that could guarantee their safety and apparently in this age this thing is money, since we can pretty much good anything from money.

but back then, kingdoms also hoarding foods, golds, and so on at the expense of other at some point, it's the same thing but with different tool.

the root of evil and the root of fear is always greed from the start, money as I already stated just a tool which can be abused or can be used for the benefit of other people.

so the statement is invalid.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: dansus021 on September 07, 2024, 01:12:29 PM
Money root of evil and root of fear the short answer is yes I mean money itself is two sides of a blade, Ever know about this "Money doesn't change people, it reveals them" with big money it reveal the true human is there is people who see money as a tool to help the other but there are many people using money as tool to do a bad things.

This is no secret but the truth is, the world we living in right now is not as beautiful as we imagined  :-X. Tho about tax if government can self sustain without printing money they can help their own people

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Qiubell5 on September 07, 2024, 01:44:51 PM

Money is not the root of evil. There is so much greed in the hearts of humans and that is where evil emanates from not money.

Yes, in the explanation it is very understood, money is just an object whose use depends on us to spend it, or use it for good things or vice versa depending on the person who owns it, and that is a choice that we must understand with broader thinking.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Lanatsa on September 07, 2024, 01:58:26 PM
It is in our nature to spoil each other. And money is the tool that gives some people success, because they tried for it, and others failure. I mean that all this is part of natural selection. And if we all become equal, and our skills and struggle among ourselves will not be counted in any way, then it will be very unnatural. Therefore, money is an absolutely natural tool that shows our success, and we cannot refuse it. And agree that it is better to get rich and live well than to work all your life and know that you will never get anything more than your allotted portion of food.
When you say spoil, it is like you are rewarding yourself. It is not wrong but as long as it is about good things only and then we must still do it in moderation. I won't say that it is in our nature because there are still people who are only humble and doesn't spoil their selves.

Success must be measured in different things and one of it is having money (lots of it) like you said. I feel bad or sorry about the people who are like that. That is because I also agree about what the OP is saying that money is the root of all evil.

You know, there are some who are able to do anything (including committing crimes) only to have money. If there are successful people, unfortunately there are also those who fail but it is fine because at least they have tried. They should move on and try their luck on other fields again. Indeed that god created each other to be unique and if let say not, then there will be no more challenges or thrill on living this planet. I'm sure that we will still complain 'more' and say that it was boring.

Nothing is permanent in this world and so as on working on a job but if we are still young, we only need to choose a job that really fit for us, so that we won't feel like we are working. Lastly, we can't have it all in life. We need to accept this sad reality.

You wrote correctly that success is measured by money. And unfortunately, this is true. And it means that of course the job we work at is very important. After all, at work (for those who work full-time) we spend a third of our lives. Therefore, if someone does not like his job, then half of his conscious state is simply wasted. But I have a questions: And if someone likes his job, but it is poorly paid?
Should such a job be changed to one where the earnings are high, but the work itself is unpleasant?
And thats the danger if you would really be that making yourself that being too desperate on trying out to acquire things on which you are really that trying out to go into those non ethical or simply
committing crimes or non right doings just to get on what you do want. You will really that putting up yourself on such trouble and on the moment that you will be on such condition then this is where you would really be doing those realizations on which you should have done this earlier. Be contented on what you do have and never ever make yourself that too desperate on something that it is really that beyond your capacity.
The only main reason on why people do really commit out such step because they arent contented or simply having that kind of jealousy on what they could see from others. Money is really just that a tool and
regarding about being evil then the ones who do make use of it would be the ones would be considered whether they are using this tool on doing something evil. This is why on the time that something been busted out
when it comes to evil doing or criminality then it would be always tagged up with money involved on which this is really that very usual thing.

Yes, in the explanation it is very understood, money is just an object whose use depends on us to spend it, or use it for good things or vice versa depending on the person who owns it, and that is a choice that we must understand with broader thinking.

The only issue on here is on someones greediness on which people wont really be contented on what they do have. On the time or moment that they will really be on such situation on where
they wanted more then they would really be doing into those extreme heights and even if it means that doing something which is really not legal. They will really be just that trying out
to make those kind of realizations on the time that they will experiencing some issues or problems. Its really that important that you should really be sensible
on how to make use of money on the right and ethical way.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: bestcoins1 on September 07, 2024, 01:58:49 PM
Yes, in the explanation it is very understood, money is just an object whose use depends on us to spend it, or use it for good things or vice versa depending on the person who owns it, and that is a choice that we must understand with broader thinking.
In addition to depending on the person who holds it and the person who will spend it where, money is also a means of exchange for everyone in this world where everyone can still use it to buy and also to make other great things in this world. However, we all must also understand that there is nothing more in money than just as a means of exchange when we want to buy something or when everyone wants to build something more useful. So besides depending on its use, money can also lose its value if the price of goods can continue to be expensive due to inflation or due to the purchasing power that continues to decline in the living environment.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: legendbtc on September 07, 2024, 03:19:52 PM
Money root of evil and root of fear the short answer is yes I mean money itself is two sides of a blade, Ever know about this "Money doesn't change people, it reveals them" with big money it reveal the true human is there is people who see money as a tool to help the other but there are many people using money as tool to do a bad things.

This is no secret but the truth is, the world we living in right now is not as beautiful as we imagined  :-X. Tho about tax if government can self sustain without printing money they can help their own people

It can be said that money is the cause, the catalyst that causes evil, that causes fear, but I do not think that it is the root of all those problems. If you are not greedy, selfish and jealous, you earn money with your own ability, you use money to help can you say money is the root of evil? But if you are greedy, selfish, make money by harming others and use money for evil deeds...In this case, money only serves as a tool for you to carry out your evil deeds. The root of evil is you, it is your actions and thoughts that motivate you to use money to commit crimes.

Money is just a tool of exchange, an inanimate object created by humans to serve humans, how can it be the root of evil?

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: dunfida on September 08, 2024, 08:44:22 AM
Money root of evil and root of fear the short answer is yes I mean money itself is two sides of a blade, Ever know about this "Money doesn't change people, it reveals them" with big money it reveal the true human is there is people who see money as a tool to help the other but there are many people using money as tool to do a bad things.

This is no secret but the truth is, the world we living in right now is not as beautiful as we imagined  :-X. Tho about tax if government can self sustain without printing money they can help their own people

It can be said that money is the cause, the catalyst that causes evil, that causes fear, but I do not think that it is the root of all those problems. If you are not greedy, selfish and jealous, you earn money with your own ability, you use money to help can you say money is the root of evil? But if you are greedy, selfish, make money by harming others and use money for evil deeds...In this case, money only serves as a tool for you to carry out your evil deeds. The root of evil is you, it is your actions and thoughts that motivate you to use money to commit crimes.

Money is just a tool of exchange, an inanimate object created by humans to serve humans, how can it be the root of evil?

Money is really just that indeed a tool on which a human being do make use and the main purpose of it is to make use when it cones spending. Things do becomes that turns out to be bad on the time or moment
that you will really be making use of money in the wrong way or method or something which is really that non ethical. It will really be that become the root of evil on the time or moment that you would really be doing yourself having such kind of act on which you are making use of money in the other way around. Fear? It would really be just that become evident on the  time that you will really be doing such act.
Human beings are the ones who would really be having that kind of behavior when it comes to deal up on things on which arent that ethical and since they are financially capable then they could really do
on the things that they do want. It will really be just that basing up into someones intent on how they would gonna lead up their lives basing up into the ideas that comes up into their minds.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: mich on September 10, 2024, 04:52:49 AM
Yes I do think it is. The reason I consider money to be the root of all evil is because people will sell themselves for money. You can compare someone’s loyalty by offering money. It will truly question the persons integrity and also see how much a person is willing to sell themselves for money.

That is why money is evill because people will quickly sell you out for their financial gain. Another great example is someone who has escaped from prison and has a bounty on their head.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: mamesso on September 10, 2024, 06:35:06 AM
As long as humans still have lust, they will do anything to get money. This proverb implies how important money is and that as a normal human being we must always try to get money to fulfill all our life needs. Money is just an inanimate object, its function depends on the person who uses it. If money is in the hands of good people, then the money will be used for positive things, and vice versa.

Human greed has changed everything, they never care about the norms of goodness in life, as long as their desires have not been achieved, they will do anything to get money. Money never sides with anyone, but due to misuse, the term "Money is the root of evil and the root of fear" arose.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Minor Miner on September 10, 2024, 07:31:53 AM
Yes I do think it is. The reason I consider money to be the root of all evil is because people will sell themselves for money. You can compare someone’s loyalty by offering money. It will truly question the persons integrity and also see how much a person is willing to sell themselves for money.

That is why money is evill because people will quickly sell you out for their financial gain. Another great example is someone who has escaped from prison and has a bounty on their head.

What about people who use money to help others? There are many people who are donating money or even spending their own money to help people in need, the is money the root of good things in this case? And is there anything evil in this case?

Money is just a tool, a measure of value that we use, and whether it is used for good or bad purposes depends entirely on each person, it is not the root of anything. When you do evil, it is because you cannot control your desires, or when you do good, it is because your goodness is awakened. So it can be said that the root of evil is our own desires.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: Moreno233 on September 10, 2024, 08:07:27 AM
Money is not the root of evil. There is so much greed in the hearts of humans and that is where evil emanates from not money. Money is only a medium of exchange. Money doesn't cause stress, inequality and loss of humanity rather it is people who cause stressful situations for other humans to have to deal with because of greed, they want to accumulate more than the others and so it leads to inequality because in doing so they oppress and suppress the weak in the society. Even if the government provides these basic amenities, social media and the world we live in would try to convince others that they are not living well enough because they don't have a car, or the latest of whatever is trending. I don't think AI can change the situation either. Humans created this mess and only humans can fix it.
The OP got the quote very wrong because the right statement is that "the love of money is the root of all evil". It is when people love money more than anything they will be willing to do the impossible to get it. If you love humanity more than money, you will not kill to make money neither will you harm others because of money. Money is good and necessary to make life worthwhile but we must gauge our desire for it so that it does not overtake our sense of justice, becloud our heart and replace our value system. As long as these limits are kept intact, money will always be used for what it is meant for.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: bubilas on September 10, 2024, 11:13:28 AM
It is in our nature to spoil each other. And money is the tool that gives some people success, because they tried for it, and others failure. I mean that all this is part of natural selection. And if we all become equal, and our skills and struggle among ourselves will not be counted in any way, then it will be very unnatural. Therefore, money is an absolutely natural tool that shows our success, and we cannot refuse it. And agree that it is better to get rich and live well than to work all your life and know that you will never get anything more than your allotted portion of food.
When you say spoil, it is like you are rewarding yourself. It is not wrong but as long as it is about good things only and then we must still do it in moderation. I won't say that it is in our nature because there are still people who are only humble and doesn't spoil their selves.

Success must be measured in different things and one of it is having money (lots of it) like you said. I feel bad or sorry about the people who are like that. That is because I also agree about what the OP is saying that money is the root of all evil.

You know, there are some who are able to do anything (including committing crimes) only to have money. If there are successful people, unfortunately there are also those who fail but it is fine because at least they have tried. They should move on and try their luck on other fields again. Indeed that god created each other to be unique and if let say not, then there will be no more challenges or thrill on living this planet. I'm sure that we will still complain 'more' and say that it was boring.

Nothing is permanent in this world and so as on working on a job but if we are still young, we only need to choose a job that really fit for us, so that we won't feel like we are working. Lastly, we can't have it all in life. We need to accept this sad reality.

You wrote correctly that success is measured by money. And unfortunately, this is true. And it means that of course the job we work at is very important. After all, at work (for those who work full-time) we spend a third of our lives. Therefore, if someone does not like his job, then half of his conscious state is simply wasted. But I have a questions: And if someone likes his job, but it is poorly paid?
Should such a job be changed to one where the earnings are high, but the work itself is unpleasant?
And thats the danger if you would really be that making yourself that being too desperate on trying out to acquire things on which you are really that trying out to go into those non ethical or simply
committing crimes or non right doings just to get on what you do want. You will really that putting up yourself on such trouble and on the moment that you will be on such condition then this is where you would really be doing those realizations on which you should have done this earlier. Be contented on what you do have and never ever make yourself that too desperate on something that it is really that beyond your capacity.
The only main reason on why people do really commit out such step because they arent contented or simply having that kind of jealousy on what they could see from others. Money is really just that a tool and
regarding about being evil then the ones who do make use of it would be the ones would be considered whether they are using this tool on doing something evil. This is why on the time that something been busted out
when it comes to evil doing or criminality then it would be always tagged up with money involved on which this is really that very usual thing.

However, money is money, and we live in a world where a person is nothing without money. Try to explain to women that a man means something without a good income. You will never succeed. And that is right!
After all, women look at those who can support a family. They do not need a slacker who does not set goals for himself. A man whose only skill is to say beautiful words is a useless member of society, and you need to be able to see opportunities and develop your skills.
Money really does make you happy. It speeds up reality. It is not evil, but a tool that makes you truly free.

Title: Re: Money root of evil and root of fear
Post by: mich on September 11, 2024, 05:33:44 AM
Yes I do think it is. The reason I consider money to be the root of all evil is because people will sell themselves for money. You can compare someone’s loyalty by offering money. It will truly question the persons integrity and also see how much a person is willing to sell themselves for money.

That is why money is evill because people will quickly sell you out for their financial gain. Another great example is someone who has escaped from prison and has a bounty on their head.

What about people who use money to help others? There are many people who are donating money or even spending their own money to help people in need, the is money the root of good things in this case? And is there anything evil in this case?

Money is just a tool, a measure of value that we use, and whether it is used for good or bad purposes depends entirely on each person, it is not the root of anything. When you do evil, it is because you cannot control your desires, or when you do good, it is because your goodness is awakened. So it can be said that the root of evil is our own desires.

Well, yes there is rich people that does help others. They can do work for a charity and give it for a donation. But I do not think all of the rich people do this. If all the rich people in the world did give some of away there would not be such poverty and poor people everywhere.