Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: LibraryAnn on September 20, 2024, 11:33:39 PM

Title: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LibraryAnn on September 20, 2024, 11:33:39 PM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 20, 2024, 11:49:10 PM
To ask questions about bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies? Yes. Because this forum could be very helpful.

To earn money through signature campaign? It is not easy for some people to join a signature campaign. Such people will see it not friendly. This would be my advice.

But if you are here for knowledge because you want to learn and contribute, signature campaign would be a bonus. Such people will see this forum to be friendly because they are important part of the community and not spammers and low quality posters.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Churchillvv on September 20, 2024, 11:52:47 PM
Have you faced any form of shadow ban in this forum since you signed up? have you faced any form or ban since you signed up? of course NO! then why would one not say it's a friendly forum.

Theirs absolutely no better community than AFAIK. it's most convenient and reliable forum.

Until you go against the rules before you will face any kind of restriction which will even be judged before actions will be taken while other platforms don't even give you the benefit of doubt for a second.

It's absolutely the most friendly community ever as long as it's bitcoin or crypto related conversations.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: mirakal on September 20, 2024, 11:59:19 PM
I have no doubt saying this forum creates a very friendly community for all of its members. Why? Because we won’t be sticking to this forum until at the present when we all know that there are still other forums out there that would offer free knowledge and learning acquisition. But having bitcointalk that brings more transparency and values the different concepts and perspectives that each member will bring inside the forum, this is quite exceptional. It’s like you come here from a total scratch and ends up acquiring various knowledge and even skills and strategies even in just a year or two of being active in the forum.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Japinat on September 21, 2024, 02:22:34 AM
For a forum to last this long, I’d say it’s more like a friendly community.

The forum rules have been implemented well, and we’ve all benefited from them. But let’s not forget that we didn’t come here just to make friends, we’re here to learn and share knowledge about crypto, making this place a strong and supportive community.

With the high rate of scams nowadays, we need forums like Bitcointalk to keep us educated on the latest scam trends and how to protect ourselves. Plus, when it comes to investing, this forum helps us ensure we only consider legit investments. There are many smart members here who provide feedback or recommend good investments. While profitability isn’t guaranteed, at least we can avoid getting scammed.

Welcome to the forum, bring your friends here. We’re friendly to the good ones, but definitely not to the scammers.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: BlackBoss_ on September 21, 2024, 02:48:23 AM
Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place
This forum is a smaller proportional community of the actual world, that means it has many types of people here: good and bad, friendly and unfriendly, knowledgeable and unknowledgeable, many opposites in the forum at the same time.

You can not find a perfect friendly space anywhere in real life or in online environment as the forum or other forums.

and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
Reasons of participating in the forum must be more reasonable like gaining knowledge, getting help from Bitcoin community as the forum is a Bitcoin forum, and helping other people who need help.

Friendly or not, you don't have to care about that and you can not make any impact to change it.

Welcome message for newbies ( Why you start, how you contribute and grow up in the forum, and more.

The purpose of the forum

This forum exists to provide a platform for the free (but ordered) exchange of ideas. If you have an idea to express, then it is probably possible to do it here as long as you follow the rules.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Plaguedeath on September 21, 2024, 02:50:43 AM
No, I will never introduce Bitcoin or this forum to my close friends because it will ruin my privacy and it just make me not safe anymore since most people think owning Bitcoin = rich. Instead of risking my life and make me not comfortable, I'd choose to keep it secret and only share the information using alternative/dummy accounts which doesn't link with my identity.

Friendly to make friends, nope. Friendly to speak whatever you want, yes.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: BlackBoss_ on September 21, 2024, 03:13:34 AM
No, I will never introduce Bitcoin or this forum to my close friends because it will ruin my privacy and it just make me not safe anymore since most people think owning Bitcoin = rich.
If you don't use your real name for your forum account, it's safe. It's also safe if you don't let your friends knowing about your forum account username.

Anyway, I agree with you that letting them know about what you're doing is risky. There are many reported physical attacks on Bitcoin investors, owners when they want to be influencers and self-break their privacy.

Known physical Bitcoin attacks. (
All known physical attacks on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from 2014 to 2022 (

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: PX-Z on September 21, 2024, 03:32:09 AM
Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
Depends on your definition of the word "friendly". There are lots of friendly people here, so in general this is a friendly place for any one as long as you follow forum rules and not a butthurt in any discussions, debates threads etc. ;)

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Mia Chloe on September 21, 2024, 04:20:27 AM
Fuck off!
It seems like op just got some one pissed too .  8)
Well there are a lot of nice and honest person's to deal with on this forum and you can tell from the positive trust feedbacks most of them have. However Op it's important to understand the reason for this forum and community. Bitcoin talk is not a social media platform where you come around to make calls and just chill. It's an ecosystem intended for Bitcoin enthusiast most especially. The fact is I wouldn't describe bitcointalk as a friendly community, rather I will describe it as an informative one.

Some members here may seem harsh to some newbies however the more contributive and important you become on forum the more respect you gain. This is a place to learn and also share meaningful discussions. It's not a place to chat with nice people.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: nutildah on September 21, 2024, 05:15:08 AM
Fuck off!
It seems like op just got some one pissed too .

Some members here may seem harsh to some newbies however the more contributive and important you become on forum the more respect you gain.

I'm pretty sure most "newbies" aren't newbies. Its gross how many accounts people create to participate in sig & bounty campaigns. For every account someone has in a campaign, the quality of their output drops by 50%. So if you have 2 accounts, you are only giving 50% to each account. If you have 4 accounts, you are only giving 25%, and most posts (nowadays) seem to be written by people using about 25% of their brain.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on September 21, 2024, 06:33:59 AM
Any community will mirror your behavior within it. If you want to see rudeness and expect it from every corner, you will see it, exactly the same amount, and vice versa. Asking such a question to such a large community, what do you think, OP, will be the answer here? Why do people communicate here? But you have already been sent somewhere, so that next time you understand that where you cannot find yourself, the problem is not in society, the problem is in you.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Zlantann on September 21, 2024, 07:00:58 AM
Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

You would find different people in this forum, so you will have to expect to reflect their personality. You wouldn't expect everybody to behave the same way because we are not programmed. Generally, the forum is not just friendly but helpful. You can find people who are willing to help you in any way they can. I will introduce people to the forum who are interested in learning about Bitcoin. And if they are willing to learn they will have to cope with any situation they find. If you are in school, you wouldn't emphasize how friendly the students or teachers are but the quality of the information you receive.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: SatoPrincess on September 21, 2024, 07:17:26 AM
It depends on what you want and how you look at it. Bitcointalk is the most friendly place on the internet because there is very little censorship on the forum. Unlike social media platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram e.t.c you have the freedom to say what you want here.

If you mean friendly in terms of users interaction with each other, I would say we get along pretty well. We are all from different backgrounds and cultures, Bitcoin is the common ground we all share and that’s what bonds the community. I would 100% be comfortable telling friends to join the forum if they are interested in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Findingnemo on September 21, 2024, 07:49:04 AM
It's act like a mirror, if you do good and post good you will feel friendly but if you are being troll or pissing someone off then you would get back the same. I don't mind sharing the platform for others because it's a great place to gain knowledge and definitely worth it than wasting your time by scrolling videos on tiktok and Instagram which does not good other than being manipulated.

This is not a place to search for friends either and I'm sure most of them won't comfortable sharing their identity too and that's the beauty of internet...

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on September 21, 2024, 07:49:36 AM
Cant see that it should be a friendly hub but a professional one would do. Many users here often considered and respected others but technically their arent friends. Could say forum mate  :D But Ive been acquitances on some of the local users that I know off. I could say Id make friends with some but this forum isnt friendly at all especially for scammers and spammers.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: ABCbits on September 21, 2024, 08:13:43 AM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

In context of newcomer, IMO it's not as friendly as some member claim. Some member being very cautious/skeptical to new account, which could be mistaken as hostility by newcomer. It's also worth to mention scam isn't moderated and troll is rarely punished, although many member is quick to point out any scam/troll attempt.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LoyceV on September 21, 2024, 08:35:52 AM
Bitcointalk can be harsh on Newbies, but it's less harsh now than Lauda was. Skilled contributing users are welcomed, people who "come here to earn money" are a different category. People who come for a solution to a technical problem are treated very well.

I don't do IRL recommendations, that's bad for privacy.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Synchronice on September 21, 2024, 09:45:36 AM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
Well, I can't say that Bitcointalk is friendly and I don't expect it to be but I like this community and especially how they help people to solve the problems that arise with particular companies and shared on scam accusation & reputation board.
I think that this community is helpful. Whenever you have a question, they are here to answer, even if it's a difficult, technical question. This community is also full of knowledgeable members who are regularly visiting the forum, which makes this place even more amazing.

No, I will never introduce Bitcoin or this forum to my close friends because it will ruin my privacy and it just make me not safe anymore since most people think owning Bitcoin = rich.
If you own a Bitcoin, you are rich but if you own a 0.001 Bitcoin, then you are not rich.
By the way, what's wrong with introducing your friends to Bitcointalk? It's not that big of a deal, you can't be that private in life. Some people here talk about privacy in a way that I sometimes think that they are at home all the time, order food online via Uber Eats but on a different name, ask drivers to put it in front of their entrance, then they take it in the shadows and disappear at home.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: 1Dq on September 21, 2024, 11:01:52 AM
I'd say yes.

As an artist I feel very welcome here, a lot of people have supported me and were generally always nice to me.

I hear talks that some parts/members of the forum might not be so friendly, but my experience so far was very positive.


Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Shishir99 on September 21, 2024, 11:41:17 AM
I guess it depends on who you are. If you are genuine forum members who genuinely ask questions to know about anything, this is a good community that can help you learn many things. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who create threads on every board and leave them because they are not interested in genuine discussion. Most of these members want to get some merits.

This is a friendly community to learn about Bitcoin. But not anymore once you get caught lying or trying to cheat or scam someone. The community could be harsh sometimes. There was a Legendary member with a high reputation who got busted because of his misbehavior.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: NotATether on September 21, 2024, 01:49:36 PM
Fuck off!

hahaha I see what you did there  ;D

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Ultegra134 on September 21, 2024, 02:10:06 PM
It's a great community and the one and only forum I've remained in. I signed up in 2014; some of my questions were completely dumb back then, while I've also requested assistance a few times. Everyone was pleasant and willing to help me, and that's what I've also noticed myself. Anyone who's asking for assistance is receiving it without taking their rank into account. From scam accusations to the technical department, there's always someone willing to help.

I'm not claiming that everyone is great; there are always a few bad apples, and during my time I've encountered a few. However, most people I've interacted with are pleasant folks, and I've even kept in touch with some via messages.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Easteregg69 on September 21, 2024, 02:47:51 PM

 I have to stay friends with everyone as soon as I step out the door. No bodyguards.

Rubber band by the meter. I see if I can get a smile.

I would trust it with my life. Brain thrust.

It's a great community and the one and only forum I've remained in. I signed up in 2014; some of my questions were completely dumb back then, while I've also requested assistance a few times. Everyone was pleasant and willing to help me, and that's what I've also noticed myself. Anyone who's asking for assistance is receiving it without taking their rank into account. From scam accusations to the technical department, there's always someone willing to help.

I'm not claiming that everyone is great; there are always a few bad apples, and during my time I've encountered a few. However, most people I've interacted with are pleasant folks, and I've even kept in touch with some via messages.

Scam accusations is beginners pensum. Class.

What if they find their bike in your garage? 8 grams.

Not gonna hang around to listen to it. Back on topic. You know the day I was scared.

PS. I found a smile in Babylon. (Fireman rip. Fireman tip).

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Peanutswar on September 21, 2024, 03:19:10 PM
In terms of knowledge forums tons of different people share their experiences, and of course, the concerns of others, some of them answered. Its just people are tired already to the repetitive question of the newbies who lazy to use the search function, but in terms of learning we have different boards where you can get in on what you would like to focus on in your crypto journey. I learn a lot from other members here even now because not all of us have a time to study and learn those new things in the crypto space and some of them willingly share those. It seems OP just came to visit only. The account came from the old era.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on September 21, 2024, 03:47:36 PM
Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
You are too early to ask for it, in fact you don't need to ask. Spend a few months you will discover yourself.

Fuck off!
Come on, you are too friendly 😂

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LogitechMouse on September 21, 2024, 05:45:47 PM
Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
This is subjective, and there's a diferent answer to that one.

The forum is friendly to those users who're willing to learn with the help of this forum, and with the help of experts here. There's some criticisms along te way, but over all, it's for your own good. The forum isn't friendly to those who're here only for the sake of money through bounty campaigns, signature campaigns, and whatever it is. I don't know, but most of the high ranked members despise those newbie ranked accounts that are only posting "Proof of Authentication" on differnet bounty threads in the Bounties section. The forum doesn't need people who are prioritizing money than learning. Like what other are saying, spend a few months here, learn more from the experts, and from YouTube and try to share it here. Be confident with sharing and don't focus on the money when you're here.

Would I tell to my friends to come here and register? I don't think so immediately because they will just get overwhelmed at first. I would suggest them to watch some documentaries on YouTube first about Bitcoin and the basics of it then from there, I will guide them here and will try to register, and I'll say immediately that you will not make any money here in order for their mindset to change from a place where they can money to a place where they can earn more information.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 21, 2024, 07:26:14 PM
I can not tell friends out there to come to the forum without a purpose. If any fellow have interest in learning about anything that the forum teach such as Bitcoin, altcoin, economics, mining, tech and development, etc, then I can easily tell the person about the forum but apart that, I can not telling anyone about the forum if their interest is just to make money.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: SamReomo on September 21, 2024, 07:53:50 PM
Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
Yes, I think is a friendly place and it won't be any issue for me to tell my friends and family members about it. But, I would share about this place with those people who consider Bitcoin seriously without doubting about it.

I often avoid suggesting anyone in offline world about my online activities, but I always recommended to all those members of my family and some close friends.

But, to be honest, none of them joined this forum because I told them about the forum not about the signature campaigns and earnings from those campaigns.

I guess the ones who consider Bitcoin seriously would join the forum without any questions but those who are just curious may not give it proper attention. I must say that I haven't told any of my friends about my Username, but told them about the forum in general.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Stalker22 on September 21, 2024, 08:16:41 PM
Well, it truly does depend on what someones looking for on Bitcointalk.  As one of the first and busiest crypto forums out there, you can find tons of info on everything from the techie stuff to talks about different projects.  But I gotta say, as useful as it is it can totally overwhelm new folks with all the complex lingo and chats.  And yeah, some of the users can be real jerks, making it a rude place for beginners at times. Though thats usually only when you are asking for advice without doing your own research first. The community can be quite helpful if you show that you have put in the effort to understand the topic.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: vapourminer on September 21, 2024, 09:13:05 PM
basically it reflects back what you put into it.. be polite, we are polite. be a jerk and rest assured our top quality jerks will swing by.

exceptions exist of course

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Alone055 on September 21, 2024, 09:50:54 PM
Fuck off!

That answers the question, I guess.  ;D

Anyway, jokes apart, @OP, it basically depends on what you are here for and what your intentions are, and your intentions can't be hidden for long because your posting behavior and the efforts you put in will give it away. So if your primary purpose behind joining this forum is to learn, share knowledge, and participate in constructive discussions, you will never see the unfriendly side of the forum. However, if you are here with a different purpose, such as earning money, spamming, running scam services, selling unauthorized and illegal stuff, and whatnot, then you are surely going to see how unfriendly the friendly people can get in here. :)

Every single person in this world will have both a friendly and an unfriendly nature. It depends on your behavior whether they choose the friendly or unfriendly way to deal with you.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: nakamura12 on September 21, 2024, 11:45:53 PM
It depends to every person if they consider this forum to be a friendly community. For me, this is both friendly and not because there are some forum members who are a scammer or similar to a scammer. For discussions then I can say that this forum is friendly and you'll see that many newbies and those who are no longer newbie got help from everyone who wants to help like answering questions like what you did. As I explained, it depends on how a person see they think about this forum.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on September 22, 2024, 03:57:46 AM
Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
These questions are two, for the first part of friendliness, No, I don't consider Bitcointalk a friendly community, but it's still not a cruel place either. On a scale of 10, I can still hand it a 3 for clarity's sake.

And for recommending the forum to friends, well, it's a choice and the purpose of signing up on the forum matters. Above all, the forum is engaging and educating, this alone is enough for anyone to sign up on it without regrets.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 22, 2024, 04:07:56 AM
I am not comfortable telling my close friends about this forum because I know how my friends are. Once they know something, they don't want to learn by themselves but keep asking me about they want to know. That will not good for them especially if they want to learn about many things including crypto. I will prefer telling them to just Google about their question related to crypto so they can find by themselves without depending on me. At least, they need to know the basic things about crypto so I will not feel difficult to teach them for more. We give them the hook and let them dig it themselves so they can know and learn and if they have a difficulty, they can ask to me or other friends that have more knowledge.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LoyceV on September 22, 2024, 07:57:31 AM
Fuck off!
I'm surprised this post was deleted by a Mod (! It received 4 Merits from 3 users, and I considered Meriting it myself (but didn't). To me, this summed up a lot of things Bitcointalk stands for: freedom of expression, some sarcasm directed at OP, and a very unsubtle way of saying not everyone is friendly all the time. Nor do we need to be friendly all the time.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on September 22, 2024, 08:12:15 AM
Fuck off!
I'm surprised this post was deleted by a Mod (! It received 4 Merits from 3 users, and I considered Meriting it myself (but didn't). To me, this summed up a lot of things Bitcointalk stands for: freedom of expression, some sarcasm directed at OP, and a very unsubtle way of saying not everyone is friendly all the time. Nor do we need to be friendly all the time.

For me it falls under a general rule: that moderators tend to give little thought to deleting a short post if it is reported. Einstein's e=mc2 would be in danger of being deleted here.

The main thing about this deleted post is the sarcasm, I think the moderator didn't realise this when he deleted it.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Cricktor on September 22, 2024, 08:29:52 AM
Fuck off!
I'm surprised this post was deleted by a Mod (!
I'm surprised too and very disappointed, to say the least. Why did a Mod abuse his moderation ability to effectively show his middle finger to, well, free speech and a spiky post with traces of elements of S, Ar, Ca, Sm. Clearly, more than one user got the joke. (If you need to explain a joke, certainly too few brain cells are in action, or what.)

Gosh, how norrow minded. This is where we are now with some moderators? Great job, indeed!

I'm quite certain the mod will excuse his deletion by refering to another forum rule which frowns posts with little to no content. Anyway...

This forum isn't a pony or unicorn garden. If you ask questions for which you could've found the usually numerous already posted answers yourself, someone might call you out. Lazy questioners sometimes get harsh feedback. Well, I'd say, they deserved it then.

Show some respect, try to do some decent searching yourself and show that and if you still can't get your answers, there will be helpful souls here. Just don't be a lazy jerk.

And it helps if you're not a thin-skinned cry-baby, too.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LoyceV on September 22, 2024, 08:36:16 AM
For me it falls under a general rule: that moderators tend to give little thought to deleting a short post if it is reported.
Meta used to be the one board that's least likely to have any post deleted.

This forum isn't a pony or unicorn garden. If you ask questions for which you could've found the usually numerous already posted answers yourself, someone might call you out.
Actually, that should happen more often, but signature campaigns make people too eager to respond anyway.

And it helps if you're not a thin-skinned cry-baby, too.
I'm teaching my kids not to give anyone power over them with words. Too many adults still don't understand that it's a choice.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: fillippone on September 22, 2024, 09:34:21 AM
I think that is one of the friendliest communities on the internet.
This is quite surprising given the topic and the peculiar mechanics of the forums (signature campaigns).
On different media, there is far more "toxicity" than here.
Of course, there is
still some friction, brawls and wars, but they are somewhat limited compared to the full potential.
It is not an unplanned choice to send newbies to this forum.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: AVE5 on September 22, 2024, 10:34:47 AM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

The bitcointalk platform is a friendly forum that's why you as a rare user are still being responded to when you make posts requiring other users compliances without undermining your unstable to the forum.
It's also a friendly community at the course that newbies are opportuned to say their minds, and remarkably a great opportunity by which everyone in concerned here are obtaining free learning about bitcoin and dynamics of lives without a charge fee.
It's a friendly community in which the platform doesn't restrict any geographical jurisdiction from signing in and become a member. So, it's Worth introducing anyone in as much the platform isn't running any related illegal activities as much as conversations are being made transparent an unrestricted views amongst all members.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: DireWolfM14 on September 22, 2024, 12:23:01 PM
I'm surprised this post was deleted by a Mod (! It received 4 Merits from 3 users, and I considered Meriting it myself (but didn't). To me, this summed up a lot of things Bitcointalk stands for: freedom of expression, some sarcasm directed at OP, and a very unsubtle way of saying not everyone is friendly all the time. Nor do we need to be friendly all the time.

I love it that you understand my sense of humor.  I'm well aware that it gets lost on many.  The post getting deleted surprised me too, but I wasn't going to bring it up.  That would seem like complaining and being petty. 

The fact that it got reported to the mods in the first place demonstrates that one of two things happened:

  • Someone knew it was a joke but can't take a joke, which is, in itself unfriendly behavior.
  • Someone took it seriously?

Either way, my post also subtly demonstrated to the OP that this forum isn't "family friendly."  My kids are grown, but if I caught them hanging around this forum when they were young I'd be livid.  What, with all the gambling, degeneracy, scam attempts, language, and butt pics in the WO...

Fuck that shit!

Anyway, it also made me realize it's been a while since I was very active in the Meta board and perhaps the mods have forgotten about my sarcastic sense of humor.  It's about time I retrain them, I guess.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LoyceV on September 22, 2024, 01:09:09 PM
Either way, my post also subtly demonstrated to the OP that this forum isn't "family friendly."  My kids are grown, but if I caught them hanging around this forum when they were young I'd be livid.  What, with all the gambling, degeneracy, scam attempts, language, and butt pics in the WO...
You just described the entire internet :P That's not what's stopping me from letting my kids discover Bitcointalk. I'd love to have them enjoy this, and just recently told my (young) son there's a quarter million euro ( to be earned on the internet if he's good at programming. I can't wait for the day my kids discover they can earn money online (and they're far too young now for a paper route). I'd love to see them become creators instead of only (game) consumers.
But, the reason I don't mix IRL and Bitcointalk is privacy. I don't want my kids to accidentally share things they shouldn't share.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: philipma1957 on September 22, 2024, 02:16:40 PM
I'm surprised this post was deleted by a Mod (! It received 4 Merits from 3 users, and I considered Meriting it myself (but didn't). To me, this summed up a lot of things Bitcointalk stands for: freedom of expression, some sarcasm directed at OP, and a very unsubtle way of saying not everyone is friendly all the time. Nor do we need to be friendly all the time.

I love it that you understand my sense of humor.  I'm well aware that it gets lost on many.  The post getting deleted surprised me too, but I wasn't going to bring it up.  That would seem like complaining and being petty.  

The fact that it got reported to the mods in the first place demonstrates that one of two things happened:

  • Someone knew it was a joke but can't take a joke, which is, in itself unfriendly behavior.
  • Someone took it seriously?

Either way, my post also subtly demonstrated to the OP that this forum isn't "family friendly."  My kids are grown, but if I caught them hanging around this forum when they were young I'd be livid.  What, with all the gambling, degeneracy, scam attempts, language, and butt pics in the WO...

Fuck that shit!

Anyway, it also made me realize it's been a while since I was very active in the Meta board and perhaps the mods have forgotten about my sarcastic sense of humor.  It's about time I retrain them, I guess.

I thought that simple 2 word post was the best one on the thread. OTHER than the op's post which inspired your post.

I have a signature deal that does not count posts. So if I do short simple, but very clever posts I am not spamming.  Your 2 words were truly good.

Too bad some one failed to see that.

Must be nice to be 6 and posting as well as you do.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: The Cryptovator on September 22, 2024, 07:11:06 PM
To be honest, very rarely I share about this forum with my friends. Sadly, everyone just looks to earn money, most of them aren't able to struggle to learn. Sometimes I share who has good English skills, but they ask, Can we earn from here? So I said no, you can't. Because if I say you can earn and encourage them to join, then they will blame me later and would ask, Why can't we earn? The community is friendly enough for learning purposes but not for earning. This has to understand who wants to join. 

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LTU_btc on September 22, 2024, 07:16:33 PM
In general I would say yes. Our community is friendly and helpful. Offcourse, if you will come with wrong attitude, don't expect warm welcome.
And no, I wouldn't advertise Bitcointalk to my friends. First of all because they're not interested in crypto. And friends from real life isn't something what I need here, reasons like privacy is already mentioned.

Bitcointalk can be harsh on Newbies, but it's less harsh now than Lauda was.
Oh, that was quite different times. I remember that in my early days I was a bit afraid to post in main boards because that if I will say something wqrong, old members may mock me. Lauda and some other members were a bit harsh on Newbies, sometimes a bit too much.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: JollyGood on September 22, 2024, 09:34:33 PM
It is difficult to define the word friendly within the context of the forum because there is no single interpretation of that word. The forum itself is an ever evolving ecosystem that contains almost something for everyone. For those seeking advice on mining and technical issues to earning incomes via signature campaigns and everything else in between, there is always going to be something to keep members interested.

There is no reason not to spread the word about the community (and forum in general) with comfort.

Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on September 22, 2024, 10:54:39 PM
Here's another thread started by a low-ranked member in which a very simple question is posed, one which any shitposter could answer easily in one or two lines--and that makes me suspicious, not to mention the level of English for a newcomer sets off alarms in my head of AI being used.

If people are being genuine in asking questions, giving input, or whatever then bitcointalk is at best a neutral place in terms of friendliness, and that's if those posts are being read at all.  But as soon as a person shows themselves to be a sig spammer or someone out to use this forum as a place of employment, forget about it.  You'll see the daggers come out faster than you can blink.  Personally I have no problem with that, because there are so many idiots here that they need a firm hand applied to keep them in check.

As long as I've been a member here, the vibe has been prickly at best, i.e., there have been a lot of members at each others' throats.  That's quieted down to a large extent since some of the prickliest members have left (Lauda, TMAN, Vod, and numerous others), but overall the vibe still lingers.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: BossJumong on September 23, 2024, 05:14:21 AM
Here's another thread started by a low-ranked member in which a very simple question is posed, one which any shitposter could answer easily in one or two lines--and that makes me suspicious, not to mention the level of English for a newcomer sets off alarms in my head of AI being used.

If people are being genuine in asking questions, giving input, or whatever then bitcointalk is at best a neutral place in terms of friendliness, and that's if those posts are being read at all.  But as soon as a person shows themselves to be a sig spammer or someone out to use this forum as a place of employment, forget about it.  You'll see the daggers come out faster than you can blink.  Personally I have no problem with that, because there are so many idiots here that they need a firm hand applied to keep them in check.

Sometimes new members honestly want to join in or learn. It’s good to be careful, but we should also give others a chance. For some reason, you're still here because I think you're one of them. The forum works better when we don’t always assume the worst right away. If we’re too quick to judge, it might push away good new members. Take it easy everyone has to start somewhere!

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: nutildah on September 23, 2024, 05:26:49 AM
If people are being genuine in asking questions, giving input, or whatever then bitcointalk is at best a neutral place in terms of friendliness, and that's if those posts are being read at all.  But as soon as a person shows themselves to be a sig spammer or someone out to use this forum as a place of employment, forget about it.  You'll see the daggers come out faster than you can blink.  Personally I have no problem with that, because there are so many idiots here that they need a firm hand applied to keep them in check.

As long as I've been a member here, the vibe has been prickly at best, i.e., there have been a lot of members at each others' throats.  That's quieted down to a large extent since some of the prickliest members have left (Lauda, TMAN, Vod, and numerous others), but overall the vibe still lingers.

I think sig campaigns also kind of keep people in line, for the most part. Those who don't have a real feel for the lay of the land here either

a. walk on eggshells out of fear of losing their campaign spot, or
b. dive head-first into sections and topics that they have no business in,

with the majority of posters falling in camp a.

Its always funny to me to see a newly-purchased account taking part in Reputation topics, as if they can kind of slip in and nobody will notice its a bought account. Doesn't happen so much anymore as they tend to get slapped down pretty fast these days.

If we’re too quick to judge, it might push away good new members. Take it easy everyone has to start somewhere!

Everyone has to start somewhere, true. But the 1st account for a lot of people is either banned or red tagged, and they come back with a new account while pretending to be newbies.

Perhaps I'm too jaded, but whenever somebody's 1st post is something along the lines of "I am new here," I have to automatically assume they're not new, lol. Its like no shit you're new you only have 1 post, why announce it to everybody?

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Majestic-milf on September 23, 2024, 06:30:40 AM
Here's another thread started by a low-ranked member in which a very simple question is posed, one which any shitposter could answer easily in one or two lines--and that makes me suspicious, not to mention the level of English for a newcomer sets off alarms in my head of AI being used.
Which means, newbies aren't supposed to communicate in perfect English? In the beginning of the Op, it was stated, and I quote "I'm an occasional user of your forum"... Which means the user is aware that in  the short time they've been frequenting the place that there are people here which they deem more intelligent enough to rule here, sort of, and as such won't want a situation where they'd come off as a doofus so they try to arrange their words to sound legible enough.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: tread93 on September 23, 2024, 01:44:43 PM
If what you say adds value and you're generally recognized as a person who contributes new thoughts and ideas or even a sound judgement than you are welcomed gleefully but if you're neglectful and don't read up on your "stuff" and you are ignorant or playing dumb on things you will be met with criticism just like anywhere else you are on the internet. Overall I would say for the most part this is a very friendly community though. 

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Accardo on September 23, 2024, 01:55:15 PM
Bitcoin talk ends with a ".org" extension, an insignia for any visitor to know that the site is an organization where people share ideas on bitcoin.  For that reason, every section of the forum has its rules, and a general rule that guides members, and once you abide and obey them, it'll be a friendly place, but whenever a user tries to play smart the fun dies off, because they'll be caught and sanctioned. Aside from dramas like users being ridiculed for saying what's unnecessary, and cautions for creating a thread that has been discussed, then the rules, everything else in the forum is fun.

Moreover, the learning opportunity here simply exhibit friendliness, because only a real friend would teach, caution, and discipline you to learn. I doubt that any responsible member of this forum, lives life like the rest of the world, due to the daily knowledge they gain from the forum. For instance, there were times some forum members go to remote areas to offer the less privileged food items, and gifts... Those kindness were really fun, but later was abused by people who needed merits, and ever since such kind gestures wasn't getting numerous merits as it used to, I stopped coming across thread like that. In all, it shows that the forum members are friendly to some extent.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Stablexcoin on September 23, 2024, 02:56:29 PM
To be honest, for the forum to be friendly to you or not it all depends on the activities you engage yourself in the forum. I can't promise you that if you go about cheating, spamming, and going against the forum rules moderators and sovereign members will take it seriously. You will be given the same penalty given to others who have done such here in the forum. On the other hand, if you adhere to all and make positive, engaging dialogues in the community then the forum will be more friendly than you have ever expected it to be.

Questions: and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

No, my identity is very important to me. I don't think I share my identity in the forum with anyone around me not even my siblings. I can introduce the forum to them but they won't know how I exist in the forum. The reason is to avoid complications and informal behaviors that may affect your account here. If you don't complicate yourself in something, someone who knows you here can implicate you. With time you will understand.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: coin-investor on September 23, 2024, 05:10:29 PM

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

I really enjoyed my stay here. I came here as a stranger, and this forum ended up as an extension of my personality, I learned a lot here, and I can say that I learned about cryptocurrency here than elsewhere, This is the place to be if you're an investor, a gambler, or a miner, or just about anything.

I can say that this is an all-in-one crypto community, and I always make it a point to invite people I just met who are into crypto to visit Bitcointalk to learn more about crypto and everything associated with it.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on September 23, 2024, 05:15:04 PM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

People do say that the same teeth that a dog use in playing with it puppy will be the same teeth it will use in tearing it's path if needs be, this implies that you will be treated the same way you have presented yourself, here on the forum, the atmosphere is adaptive and everyone can make a stay here because the community is very friendly not only that, there are other benefits in which you can get from being active and being a quality poster, but if reverse is still your own case, there are members ready to handle you as according to how you're, because the community is large enough to accommodate all manners of people.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: dkbit98 on September 23, 2024, 06:15:59 PM
Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
I know several people who tried to registered account in bitcointalk forum but they got evil fee warning and they never completed it, probably they though this is some kind of scam.
I am not sure how often this happens, but for some newbies this is not always nice and friendly place, maybe because they are mixed with an army of spammers.
For everyone else that passes initial fire I would say that community is mostly friendly and willing to help members asking genuine questions

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Perfectbaby on September 24, 2024, 09:35:51 AM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

If you talked about friendly then there are things to be considered as friendly; like you already see here you have access to post comment and contribute to anything you have the knowledge then we can say is friendly but when you aren't able to have a communication skills then you would find it not friendly as it would bug you to have smooth free communication.

Of course I can direct any of my friends to come here to gain knowledge since here is that large enough for people to share common thought and ideas, they read across the forum to gain the knowledge and guidelines they need to be successful in their bitcoin or cryptocurrency investment if actually they would implement the knowledge to be gotten from here.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Cricktor on September 24, 2024, 12:11:11 PM
It's almost at full three pages of replies now and there's something that sets me off a little bit. Again as quite common with newbies or infrequently low-volume posting users, besides opening the thread, no engagement, no further reply of OP in own thread.  ::)

Is this a lame attempt to hope for some merits (well, didn't work for obvious reasons)? It's probably fine to ask questions and only read posted replies, but completely without further participation of an OP? Not really my cup of tea...

While I consider it a bad attitude of OPs to abandon own threads and neglect to engage with ongoing added replies, I enjoyed some of the posts here, so not completely pointless.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Questat on September 24, 2024, 02:17:19 PM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?

Honestly, I wouldn't be here for almost a decade if this is not a friendly community. Friendly in terms that, if you are still a newbie and clueless about what the community is all about, those early members will help you learn the easier and effective way through their personal experiences in the forum. And if ever there are criticisms, it's always those constructive ones that will mold you to be the best version of yourself.

I'm just grateful and felt lucky that I have known this forum earlier, otherwise I would never experience learning and at the same time making a significant amount of income.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: JollyGood on September 24, 2024, 06:36:34 PM
If you advise others they can earn from signature campaigns and they try to enrol but are overlooked (or not successful) then maybe it would cause issues between you and the other party. Partly for that reason, I cannot recall the last time I mentioned the forum to anybody in real life but the way you described it seems to sound like a case of "damned if you do, damned if you do not"

To be honest, very rarely I share about this forum with my friends. Sadly, everyone just looks to earn money, most of them aren't able to struggle to learn. Sometimes I share who has good English skills, but they ask, Can we earn from here? So I said no, you can't. Because if I say you can earn and encourage them to join, then they will blame me later and would ask, Why can't we earn? The community is friendly enough for learning purposes but not for earning. This has to understand who wants to join. 

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: aioc on September 26, 2024, 10:57:51 AM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Yes, definitely the community will reciprocate what you're given to them. If you are harsh to the community, they too will be harsh to you, and if you are using Bitcointalk the way it is intended to be and you follow the forum's guidelines you will have a pleasant experience.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
I referred some people here and if there are topics about Cryptocurrency that I need to discuss from friends and people I make discussions on this forum as my reference, I don't think my weekdays will be complete without me interacting to the community.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: Zigabel on September 26, 2024, 07:07:09 PM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Questions: In general, do you think is a friendly place, and/or would you be really comfortable telling close friends (offline, in the real world) that they should come here and sign up?
Ro answer your question, I would need to draw your attention to your intentions, if your intentions align to the values of the forum, then definitely you shouldn't find this forum not to be a friendly enough environment but otherwise, it's definitely not going to be, have you read the rules and guidelines of the forum on the "Beginners and help" board, if you have and are sure you can abide under these rules, then I don't think you should fi d issue having a friendly environment in the forum.

Like someone sis mentioned on this thread, for knowledge sake, I think you a re in one of the best environments to get Bitcoin knowledge at almost all levels then if for frivolities and nonchalancy, you may not find here really friendly as there are rules just like every working system would have, so get your intentions right and have you a very perfect and awesome environment for the best experience.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: LoyceV on September 28, 2024, 05:56:29 AM
A Newbie posted a question ( (to which he could easily have found the answer himself) on the tech board. He got the answer he wanted on Bitcointalk, then posted this:
I am glad to find this forum. I asked this on reddit/bitcoin and apparently said something wrong and was immediately banned from the group.  I find it hard to believe that they are so churlish.
It reminded me of this topic.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: fillippone on September 28, 2024, 11:08:24 AM
A Newbie posted a question ( (to which he could easily have found the answer himself) on the tech board. He got the answer he wanted on Bitcointalk, then posted this:
I am glad to find this forum. I asked this on reddit/bitcoin and apparently said something wrong and was immediately banned from the group.  I find it hard to believe that they are so churlish.
It reminded me of this topic.

I think this is a distinctive characteristic of this community.
We are very much welcoming toward good, willing newbies, even when they ask the usual questions that have been answered many times.
Also, we are pretty much respectful of the diversity of ideas which might arise on a such diverse community, without imposing a "cult" of the right answers (very much common in TG channels)
What we are not forgiving is the reiteration of the same error.
But I guess this is another plan of discussion.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on September 28, 2024, 04:35:13 PM
Hi, I am an occasional user of your forum, and am curious how people will react to the question: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community? It wouldn't take long to find examples of both the good and bad, so let's keep it simple.

Yes, definitely the community will reciprocate what you're given to them. If you are harsh to the community, they too will be harsh to you, and if you are using Bitcointalk the way it is intended to be and you follow the forum's guidelines you will have a pleasant experience.
Hehehe...first, the community here means the entire members who form the forum and not the forum's rules or admin, so I see less of the practicality of what you wrote as far as this community is concerned.

You don't have to be harsh for some people to be harsh to you and you do not have to be nice for some people to be harsh to you. What matters is to do your thing, obey the forum rules and not care about what anybody says, ugly behaviour is everywhere, it's merely a noise, otherwise, you might hurt yourself. There are enough of them who would make sure of that.

Title: Re: Do You Consider This To Be A Friendly Community?
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on September 29, 2024, 01:17:27 AM
Some people can be condescending when you get a fact wrong or when you support an idea that they do not agree with but this is a rare exception. The vast majority of your interactions will be positive or neutral. You may get into arguments occasionally but there is so many other topics being discussed that you will get over it quickly. Because Bitcoin is a niche interest, you will find that you have a lot in common with most members. In general, it is easy to get along with everybody else.