Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: FrigidWinter on April 04, 2014, 03:06:26 AM

Title: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: FrigidWinter on April 04, 2014, 03:06:26 AM
I will not waste my time criticizing or insulting Spoetnik as 1) he is unlikely to change, and 2) Spoetnik probably revels in the letters of shock and repulsion that he regularly receives. Instead, I will focus on his termagant memoranda, which, after all, are the things that make us dependent on hotheaded widdifuls for political representation, economic support, social position, and psychological approval. The key point of the following exposition is that he has a strategy. His strategy is to numb the public to the larrikinism and injustice in mainstream politics. Wherever you encounter that strategy, you are dealing with Spoetnik.

I believe I have finally figured out what makes people like Spoetnik formulate social policies and action programs based on the most huffy classes of irrationalism in existence. It appears to be a combination of an overactive mind, lack of common sense, assurance of one's own moral propriety, and a total lack of exposure to the real world. Some people are responsible and others are not. Spoetnik falls into the category of “not”.

Spoetnik's ability to flap his gums greatly exceeds his cognitive skills. This issue is coming to the fore because Spoetnik's insinuations raise a number of brow-furrowing questions. I'm referring to questions such as, “What exactly is the principle that rationalizes Spoetnik's thrasonical ballyhoos?” It's questions like that that get people thinking about how I am deliberately using colorful language in this letter. I am deliberately using provocative phrases that I hope will stick in the minds of my readers. I do ensure, however, that my words are always appropriate and accurate and clearly explain how what we have been imparting to Spoetnik—or what he has been eliciting from us—is a half-submerged, barely intended logic, contaminated by wishes and tendencies we prefer not to acknowledge.

Spoetnik whines about recalcitrant sectarians, yet he enthusiastically supports scrofulous lotharios. Prevent people from thinking and visualizing beyond an increasingly psychologically caged existence if you like, Spoetnik, because I simply don't care. Although he would like us to believe that anyone who disagrees with him is a potential terrorist, he has given us neither good reason nor credible evidence to believe that. His blanket statements, on the other hand, give us good reason to believe that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, love hearing the claims of a filthy politicaster who doesn't realize that he's a filthy politicaster. As a case in point, consider Spoetnik's claim that he is the arbiter of all things. Such claims always make me laugh because, as we all know, if they could speak, the birds, snakes, and other creatures who are our Earth brothers and Earth sisters would indisputably say that I cannot compromise with Spoetnik; he is without principles. I cannot reason with him; he is without reason. But I can warn him and with a warning he must indubitably take to heart: Spoetnik accuses me of being addlepated whenever I state that it does not require a Sherlock Holmes to prove that nearly all of the assumptions and statements made by him and his shills, who are legion, are completely, absolutely, and totally wrong. All right, I'll admit that I have a sharp tongue and sometimes write with a bit of a poison pen, but the fact remains that the conflation of snappish couch potatoes and resentful, prudish party animals in Spoetnik's convictions is either dramatic hyperbole or a fatal methodological flaw. In the presence of high heaven and before the civilized world I therefore assert that no matter how bad you think Spoetnik's press releases are, I assure you that they are far, far worse than you think.

We must find more constructive contexts in which to work toward resolving conflicts. Only then can a society free of his volage-brained musings blossom forth from the roots of the past. And only then will people come to understand that one can consecrate one's life to the service of a noble idea or a glorious ideology. Spoetnik, however, is more likely to replace the search for truth with a situationist relativism based on choleric adversarialism. Personally, I don't expect him to give up his crusade to spread hatred, animosity, and divisiveness, but we'll see. Rather than pick out appropriate verbs and nouns, Spoetnik pads all of his sentences with extra syllables to grant them an atmosphere of authority. I, on the other hand, prefer to use simple language to express the sentiment that it may not be easy to set the stage so that my next letter will begin from a new and much higher level of influence, but it can be done. And it needs to be done. And we must always remember that Spoetnik operates on the basis of an unremitting hatred of civility and decency. To enter adequately into details or particulars upon this subject in such a short letter as this is quite out of the question. Hence, I will only remark here, in a general way but with all the emphasis of earnestness and truth, that if you're the type who dares to think for yourself, then you've probably already determined that I wonder what would happen if Spoetnik really did repeat the mistakes of the past. There's a spooky thought.

Spoetnik has been known to say that you and I are morally inferior to the worst sorts of disaffected ragamuffins there are. That notion is so untrustworthy, I hardly know where to begin refuting it. He has repeatedly indicated a desire to cashier anyone who tries to straighten out our thinking and change the path we're on. Is that the sound of rarefied respectability that Spoetnik's cultists so frequently attribute to Spoetnik? The noisome blathering of a mean-spirited, laughable cumber-ground is more like it. In fact, I should note that one could truthfully say that facts and their accuracy make a story, not the overdramatization of whatever Spoetnik dreams up. But saying that would miss the real point, which is that he has declared that he's staging a revolt against everyone who dares to lift the fog from his thinking. Spoetnik is revolting all right; the very sight of him turns my stomach. All kidding aside, one of the things I find quite interesting is listening to other people's takes on things. For instance, I recently overheard some folks remark that people who know me know that I'm very observant. I can identify an indelicate backbiter merely by spotting certain turns of phrase, certain sentence constructions, certain ways of being. I can therefore undeniably conclude that Spoetnik is the most indelicate backbiter of them all and that we desperately need to insist on a policy of zero tolerance toward voyeurism. It's not enough merely to keep our heads down and pray that Spoetnik doesn't violate all the rules of decorum. As I like to say, if you set the bar low, you jump low.

The mainstream media have said nary a word about how I predict that Spoetnik will persist with his perversions, profligacy, and perilous pursuits. This is not rhetoric. This is reality. The first lies that he told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; Spoetnik's lies will grow until they blot out the sun.

Spoetnik regards the exception as the rule, the criminal as the hero, the loser as the winner, and the winner as the oppressor. Now that's a strong conclusion to draw just from the evidence I've presented in this letter so let me corroborate it by saying that Spoetnik demonstrates a terrible, inaccurate, even lusk, misuse of history with his self-deluded theories. To top that off, from secret-handshake societies meeting at “the usual place” to back-door admissions committees, Spoetnik's mercenaries have always found a way to diminish our will to live. While I can't speak for anyone else, I warrant that no one has a higher opinion of Spoetnik than I, and I think Spoetnik is a quisquilious stinking-type.

Given the destructiveness of Spoetnik's Pecksniffian, distasteful arguments, I propose that we implement a long-range survival plan. For starters, this plan should acknowledge that Spoetnik's supporters ignore compromise and focus solely on Spoetnik's personal agenda, as though it were a disgrace to test the assumptions that underlie Spoetnik's plans for the future. And that's why I'm writing this letter; this is my manifesto, if you will, on how to establish clear, justifiable definitions of negativism and Machiavellianism so that one can defend a decision to take action when his epigones initiate a reign of twisted terror. There's no way I can do that alone, and there's no way I can do it without first stating that he used to be a major proponent of mammonism. Nowadays, Spoetnik is putting all of his support behind scapegoatism. As they say, plus ça change, plus c'est la męme chose.

Spoetnik would not hesitate to see to it that all patriotic endeavors are directed down blind alleys where they end only in frustration and discouragement if he felt he could benefit from doing so. Why doesn't he realize that people who believe that ethical responsibility is merely a trammel of earthbound mortals and should not be required of a demigod like him need to be worked over with an oak table leg and then sentenced to 20 years of hard labor in order to straighten out their thinking? Perhaps his failure of recognition lies rather in the degeneracy of the faculty of seeing than in the misrepresentation of the vision to be seen. It may be also confessed that Spoetnik's hysteria-producing hatchet jobs are sufficient to give pause to the less thoughtful among us. “Uh-oh,” such people think. “We'd better help Spoetnik take away what few freedoms we have left—just in case.” I don't know what to do about the rise in savagism I see all around me. Spoetnik's solution. not surprisingly, is to shame my name. This is one case in which the cure is certainly worse than the disease. While this letter hasn't provided anything in the way of a concrete plan of action, it may help us focus our thinking a little better when we do work out a plan. For now, we must take a strong position on Spoetnik's allegations, which, after all, seek temporary tactical alliances with cullionly creeps in order to cause (or at least contribute to) a variety of social ills. I will decidedly be happy to have your help in this endeavor.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik
Post by: slavo on April 04, 2014, 03:10:13 AM
tl;dr who cares lol

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik
Post by: pedrog on April 04, 2014, 03:18:03 AM
tl;dr who cares lol

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 04, 2014, 03:20:11 AM

Sputnik  :D

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik
Post by: tokyoghetto on April 04, 2014, 03:23:06 AM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: iGotSpots on April 04, 2014, 03:23:57 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: mazuma on April 04, 2014, 03:24:19 AM
bro you fucking went off. and honestly you tried too hard man, with those sentences like flapping gums exceeding cognitives abilites and bla bla, i lost interest. Im not even trying to defend the man either.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: FrigidWinter on April 04, 2014, 03:25:02 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a debacle

It used to be frustrating. Then sad. Now it's just plain funny. Every time Spoetnik tries to enact new laws forcing anyone who's not one of his underlings to live in an environment that can be described, at best, as contemptuously tolerant, like clockwork, his toadies defend that sort of savage, grumpy behavior. Let's get down to brass tacks: He can't possibly believe that all literature that opposes snobbism was forged by lecherous, empty-headed paper-pushers. He's deluded but he's not that deluded.

Oblomovism is the answer but only if the question was, “What's the moral equivalent of letting Spoetnik generate alienation and withdrawal?” He knows how to lie. It's too bad he doesn't yet understand the ramifications of lying. To pick an obvious but often overlooked example, his most pot-valiant tactic is to fabricate a phony war between heinous, fatuitous ranters and horny, sophomoric beastly-types. This way, Spoetnik can subjugate both groups into perverting the course of justice. I unquestionably don't want that to happen, which is why I'm telling you that you, of course, now need some hard evidence that Spoetnik's devious shock troops have been hunting the blogosphere in packs, swarming, intimidating, and spreading outright lies and propaganda while enforcing pressure on blog owners and administrators to supplant one form of injustice with another. Well, how about this for evidence: If he wants to keep us hypnotized so we don't challenge rather than accommodate the mainstream's presuppositions, let him wear the opprobrium of that decision.

Everybody knows that a certain curtailment of the right to political opposition is an unavoidable concomitant of Spoetnik's morally questionable magic-bullet explanations, but you should consider that I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that Spoetnik just reported that ethical responsibility is merely a trammel of earthbound mortals and should not be required of a demigod like him. Do you think that that's merely sloppy reporting on Spoetnik's part? I don't. I think that it's a deliberate attempt to mute the voice of anyone who dares to speak out against him.

You know what we'd have if everybody wanted to put juvenile cutthroats of various stripes on the federal payroll? Total chaos. As my mother used to tell me, “One task that rests on all of our shoulders is to restore the world back to its original balance.” Although I can find only circumstantial evidence of misconduct and rule violations, most members of our quick-fix, sugar-rush, attention-deficit society are too impatient to realize the importance of sending Spoetnik's crusades into the dustbin where they belong. I wish only that a few more people could see that mephitic grizzlers are like putty in Spoetnik's hands. He effortlessly molds them into loyal legatees who don't think twice about taking us over the edge of the abyss of faddism.

Spoetnik can blame me for the influx of short-sighted tightwads if it makes him feel better, but it won't help his cause any. There's a price to be paid for putting increased disruptive powers in the hands of ethically bankrupt propagandists, and, clearly, his plunderbund is running up a hefty bill. The precise cost to us is best described via the observation that Spoetnik says he's going to marginalize the traditions and truths upon which our nation's greatness sits one day. Is he out of his mind? The answer is fairly obvious when you consider that if he is victorious in his quest to put the prisoners in charge of running the prison, then his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity. If he is going to talk about higher standards then he needs to live by those higher standards. Guess what? Spoetnik has had some success in rendering unspeakable and unthinkable whole categories of beliefs about power. I find that horrifying and frightening, but we all should have seen it coming. We all knew that it's a pity that two thousand years after Christ, the voices of gutless defalcators like Spoetnik can still be heard, worse still that they're listened to, and worst of all that anyone believes them. Let me end this letter with a call to action. Please join those of us who are appealing not to the contented and satisfied but embracing those tormented by suffering, those without peace, the unhappy and the discontented, and through your support we will stick to the facts and offer only those arguments that can be supported by those facts. Together we will snap Spoetnik's lackeys out of their trance. Together we will ask the tough questions and not shy away from the tough answers.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: tokyoghetto on April 04, 2014, 03:32:10 AM
Can we get the Cliffnotes to what it is you are saying.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: darksoft on April 04, 2014, 03:34:05 AM
Translation: "I'm butthurt because he talks more shit than I do."

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 04, 2014, 03:37:43 AM
Can we get the Cliffnotes to what it is you are saying.

Some guy with a potty mouth gets a bunch of attention.
"Together" we can "snap Spoetnik's lackeys out of their trance"

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: deadp00l on April 04, 2014, 03:54:01 AM
Sure Spoetnik isn't OP? Very similar to his writing style.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: dload.1 on April 04, 2014, 04:02:05 AM
Can we get the Cliffnotes to what it is you are saying.

Some guy with a potty mouth gets a bunch of attention.
"Together" we can "snap Spoetnik's lackeys out of their trance"
thank you wish you had just wrote this and saved me 10 minutes of my life  ;D

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Wipeout2097 on April 04, 2014, 04:03:03 AM
Most likely this is computer generated/modified text. Some sort of "article spinner".

See also

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: SpeedDemon13 on April 04, 2014, 04:08:28 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements


He's such a Deva. He revels in the drama and talks about he hates drama, super contradiction. I don't take him seriously, because every post he responds to me is "Your an idiot". Nobody takes anyone serious that has an insulting first/attack first mentality. Lastly, he say he can prove something, but never comes up with the facts to back it up. That's another sign of a person with a super compulsive nature just to stroke his false/weak ego and belittle people just to make himself sound grand to everyone, ie. internet bully.

Just ignore Spoetnik or block him, if he truly getting annoying to you or bring it up to the forum admin.

In general, no one should insult no one, right or wrong. Just prove the facts, then just be humble about it.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik
Post by: Oldminer on April 04, 2014, 06:38:31 AM
tl;dr who cares lol

x 1 billion

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Nxtblg on April 04, 2014, 06:45:11 AM
Most likely this is computer generated/modified text. Some sort of "article spinner".

Doubtful. I looked up some of his more rococo words and they all checked out.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: frobley on April 04, 2014, 08:47:30 AM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: foodies123 on April 04, 2014, 09:23:04 AM


also tl;dr

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: YarkoL on April 04, 2014, 09:24:18 AM
Dazzling prose and funny as hell. Keep posting.

Get 'em scrofulous lotharios!

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: brokedummy on April 04, 2014, 11:31:35 AM
lol wut?

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Krichwins on April 04, 2014, 12:29:24 PM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BitJohn on April 04, 2014, 01:22:43 PM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: MisO69 on April 04, 2014, 02:08:10 PM
Wow, that is certainly eloquent, far better than anything I could mash together. Am I the only one that read both walls of text?

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: soulcity on April 04, 2014, 02:22:24 PM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: milly6 on April 04, 2014, 02:53:21 PM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

Ha ha... says Mr.Troll number 2... Youd be nothing without your Troll wars with Spoetnik... rofl

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: grndnpnd on April 04, 2014, 03:02:58 PM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: powersup on April 04, 2014, 03:08:06 PM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: milly6 on April 04, 2014, 03:44:05 PM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....

Well, the fact is that iGotSpots is a satanic meathead, and if I recall correctly, he spouts the same bile in everything he writes, making only slight modifications to suit the issue at hand.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BitOnyx on April 04, 2014, 03:44:40 PM
"I will not waste my time criticizing or insulting Spoetnik" Well you wasted a lot of time any way ;)

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik
Post by: billotronic on April 04, 2014, 03:50:40 PM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: mullick on April 04, 2014, 04:14:14 PM

Take it from a professional!

There's enough text in the OP to 51% an Enterprise Microsoft Word installation!


I couldnt help but laugh at this one

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: deadp00l on April 04, 2014, 04:51:28 PM

Take it from a professional!

There's enough text in the OP to 51% an Enterprise Microsoft Word installation!


I couldnt help but laugh at this one

I agree! Satanic meathead was also the line of the day.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: iGotSpots on April 04, 2014, 05:06:50 PM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....

Well, the fact is that iGotSpots is a satanic meathead, and if I recall correctly, he spouts the same bile in everything he writes, making only slight modifications to suit the issue at hand.

You realize I haven't been in an argument or even a conversation with any of these people for at least 6 months, yes? I have bigger fish to fry than some forum trolls, but it's good to see you guys are all staying up to date. You guys stay stagnant, I'll keep moving forward. You're recalling wrong. I literally could not care less about any of these people or their going ons

I don't mind being compared to trolls but please keep my name off a list of thieves. If you're going to talk shit to and about me for no reason, at least be accurate please

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: TrueAccess on April 08, 2014, 10:11:05 AM

Take it from a professional!

There's enough text in the OP to 51% an Enterprise Microsoft Word installation!


hahaha, you killed me with this one ;)

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: DemetriusAstroBlack on April 08, 2014, 10:37:02 AM

Take it from a professional!

There's enough text in the OP to 51% an Enterprise Microsoft Word installation!



"I will not waste my time criticizing or insulting Spoetnik" then writes a 51% attack.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 15, 2014, 12:36:36 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....

^lol you are such a douchebag ;-)

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: MarketNeutral on April 15, 2014, 12:45:15 AM


Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 15, 2014, 12:58:10 AM
got trains? =)

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: MarketNeutral on April 15, 2014, 01:06:11 AM
Unless he wrote all that in ed, the standard Unix text editor......

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: iGotSpots on April 15, 2014, 03:56:37 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....

Great pick for a mod Cryptsy. Without half the coins you now call shitcoins, that little site you're a mod on wouldn't be nearly the size it is. Have some respect for the hands that feed you, bitch

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 15, 2014, 05:34:47 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....

Great pick for a mod Cryptsy

grndnpnd is such a scumbag i will report him to the fraud board! ;-)

#ot btw :: how goes it bud?

Title: This has been a Spoetnik Approved Rant™
Post by: Spoetnik on April 15, 2014, 06:06:12 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

coming from the guy who i have caught for one straight year lying and scamming and i can show screen caps of you admitting it to me days ago.
i am stunned you show your face and pretend your some HONEST noble guy critiquing the OTHER scammy clone coin makers, when your worse LOL
and i have watched plenty of people pop up and say YES i too watched this cloner lie through his teeth on numerous occasions (usually about his coins involvement)
you have some nerve, some audacity.. the fucking gall to show your face and open your big mensa genius bragging mouth ?

You and the guys like you ruined the scene and need to get he hell out of here we don't need lying scammers here !
and hey guys say what you want about me but at least i break my rants up into paragraphs unlike the OP hahhaha

want my autograph ? ...hey iGotSpots look i have "fans" too ..sound familiar coin cloning clown ? LOLOL

I have kept the thieving corrupt scammers on the ropes for close to a year so they attack me non stop.. end of story.
No need for the wall of text from the OP, it really is that simple.. one year of KO's and i am probably 160 and 0 undefeated :)

@iGotSpots: if you say you can't understand me ? than i think you should get a refund for that Mensa genius certification you were bragging about before
and work on basics human English reading comprehension ;)

Summary ?
Sleazy scammers get busted doing scammy shit by me and countless others and these useless idiots cry.....................


People notice how after i posted this..
This topic popped up.... hmmmm wow what a coincidence LOL

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 16, 2014, 11:42:41 PM
CRYPTSY hacked and then they silence me??? RUN FOR THE HILLS! ;-)

Post by: Spoetnik on April 17, 2014, 12:11:03 AM
what the fuck does that have to do with me ? LOL

hey back on topic guys this is about me dammit !!!!

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Eli0t on April 17, 2014, 01:52:03 AM
epic post FrigidWinter, maybe you could analyse Spoetnik for your dissertation

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: hashtag101 on April 17, 2014, 03:48:05 AM
Who IS Spoetnik?

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 17, 2014, 04:11:00 AM
Who IS Spoetnik?

..and why is he trolling me lol ;-)

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: DemetriusAstroBlack on April 17, 2014, 04:49:15 AM
Im mad that cryptsy wont let me use my spoetgaynik name anymore.

Title: Somehow all stories wind up having the scammer iGotSpost involved
Post by: Spoetnik on April 17, 2014, 08:37:26 AM

I'm just hoping the guy in Shenhen wanting r3wt to return his NAN reappears on Cryptsy chat!


I watched how Rewt was re-starting NAN and he was talking about it on Cryptsy chat late last year..
then he said he wanted one of us on chat to let him know if they found the first block etc.

iGotSpots said he had found it a couple times but they were orphans then a little later he said he found it for real.
and the fucked up part was i watched how iGotSpots said he was going to HELP Rewt find the block and give it to him
word for word he said right in front of me and everyone else on chat..
and HE DID NOT !

iGotSpots got it and ran off and then some days later i seen iGotSpots on chat again saying to BigVern that he had the block
that contained i guess the coins you were referring to BCX from the Chinese guy who got ripped off before or something
and iGotSpots told BigVern that he had it and refused to give it to Rewt or anyone else and he woudl ONLY give it to BigVern
even though he offered and agreed to HELP Rewt find it in the first place.
And when i mentioned to iGotSpots why he would agree to help the guy then stab him in the back he denied saying that and said
of course that it was a lie in front of everyone on chat publicly..
They weren't iGotSpots coins to hold ransom in the first place he stole them and lied about it !

iGotSPots was sitting there trying to come off as some Noble protector of crypto innocent little angel handing over the coins to BigVern
because the bad guy Rewt coudln't be trusted when in reality that scummy fucking weazle ripped off Rewt in front of all of us then lied
about it and stabbed him in the back and bad mouthed him.

ANY of you out there trust that weazel your a moron straight up seriously ! and any of you that do business with him i lost respect for you sorry..

you have 3 posts here NEWBIE who the fuck are you is the question actually ;)
and i will give you the answer.. nobody.

and hey "JGWentWorth" my buddy trust fund kid.. maybe find something to do with your life besides bragging about Trolling on me for close to a year. (exact same time as iGotSPots)
it didn't make you look cool or something if that's what you think punk.. admitting to doing that over and over just makes you look like a jerk.. so congrats big shot lol
and is Trolling and bragging about it allowed on this forum and on Cryptsy ? isn't there an agreement you sign when you register ?
why the fuck do i get banned for trolling while people follow me around bragging about trolling on me for a year while actually trolling on me ?
does that make any sense ?

Truth hurts.. so attack me personally about it see if i care, but you can't deny anything i have ever said because it's all been posted publicly with witnesses.

Title: 3 little scammers huff and puff..
Post by: Spoetnik on April 17, 2014, 08:54:57 AM
epic post FrigidWinter, maybe you could analyse Spoetnik for your dissertation

want to slip in and have a jab too eh ?

should i point out to everyone how you kept begging me for a miner that you insisted was a cheater but you wanted it for yourself
and when i said i'll give you the source code you said fuck that i don't want it then went on here and accused me of making a cheater miner.
and then how you got it anyway one of the times i posted it publicly compiled for windows and that you then made a screen cap showing it running on your machine
on the Securecoin ANN topic here. <- link to his mouthy comment + picture

your a weasel if you accuse me of making one when i said i didn't dozens of times and proved it and offered YOU ELi0t my source code
and how you then went and used the miner anyway yourself even though you said i was cheating in way that was not even possible in the first place !
i explained how it worked but your just kept on harassing and trolling on me.. as usual

and before and after that you would join in on trolling on me for massive lengths of time ganging up on me with iGotSpots and JGWentworth millions of times in the last year
and how actually the there of you have been bum buddies spear heading this campaign against me endlessly like since i registered at Cryptsy in July..
constantly trying to rally people against me or launch accusations etc

the three of you look like idiots . lol

if any of you mouthy trolling brats that can't act your age have 1 shred of evidence i have done anything wrong in the slightest i will say
as i have millions of times in the last year...... then lets hear it or shut the fuck up already with your trolling bullshit.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Snail2 on April 17, 2014, 09:12:40 AM
Actually I like Spoetnik's posts :). In most cases he's right when he trolling something/someone. Certainly you can say that something wrong with me as I also like BCX's, Pankakke's, MPOE-PR's (RIP) and even Vod's posts :).

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: dogechode on April 17, 2014, 02:54:38 PM
Not defending spoetnik but seriously man, you wrote a damned novel here trying to discredit him. Is he really worth that kind of investment of your time? Or are you just that desperate for attention? No one has 3 hours to read through your tirade/exercise in attempting to show off on the internet.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Eli0t on April 17, 2014, 02:57:55 PM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: s1gs3gv on April 17, 2014, 02:58:24 PM
Unless he wrote all that in ed, the standard Unix text editor......

I beg your pardon, emacs is the standard *nix editor L)L

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: muddafudda on April 17, 2014, 03:25:51 PM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....
So Cryptsy hires a scab and a troll. WTF. You guys need a bit of clean out and clean up me thinks.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 17, 2014, 04:07:51 PM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....
So Cryptsy hires a scab and a troll. WTF. You guys need a bit of clean out and clean up me thinks.

ya grndnpnd should not only be fired but thrown in federal prison !!!! jmho  :'(

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: dogechode on April 17, 2014, 07:19:55 PM
i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....

Woah, woah, woah. If we are making us a troll list we better seriously talk about giving randomlove the absolute #1 double platinum freaking crown.

Title: Re: Somehow all stories wind up having the scammer iGotSpost involved
Post by: iGotSpots on April 17, 2014, 07:25:49 PM

I'm just hoping the guy in Shenhen wanting r3wt to return his NAN reappears on Cryptsy chat!


I watched how Rewt was re-starting NAN and he was talking about it on Cryptsy chat late last year..
then he said he wanted one of us on chat to let him know if they found the first block etc.

iGotSpots said he had found it a couple times but they were orphans then a little later he said he found it for real.
and the fucked up part was i watched how iGotSpots said he was going to HELP Rewt find the block and give it to him
word for word he said right in front of me and everyone else on chat..
and HE DID NOT !

iGotSpots got it and ran off and then some days later i seen iGotSpots on chat again saying to BigVern that he had the block
that contained i guess the coins you were referring to BCX from the Chinese guy who got ripped off before or something
and iGotSpots told BigVern that he had it and refused to give it to Rewt or anyone else and he woudl ONLY give it to BigVern
even though he offered and agreed to HELP Rewt find it in the first place.
And when i mentioned to iGotSpots why he would agree to help the guy then stab him in the back he denied saying that and said
of course that it was a lie in front of everyone on chat publicly..
They weren't iGotSpots coins to hold ransom in the first place he stole them and lied about it !

iGotSPots was sitting there trying to come off as some Noble protector of crypto innocent little angel handing over the coins to BigVern
because the bad guy Rewt coudln't be trusted when in reality that scummy fucking weazle ripped off Rewt in front of all of us then lied
about it and stabbed him in the back and bad mouthed him.

ANY of you out there trust that weazel your a moron straight up seriously ! and any of you that do business with him i lost respect for you sorry..

you have 3 posts here NEWBIE who the fuck are you is the question actually ;)
and i will give you the answer.. nobody.

and hey "JGWentWorth" my buddy trust fund kid.. maybe find something to do with your life besides bragging about Trolling on me for close to a year. (exact same time as iGotSPots)
it didn't make you look cool or something if that's what you think punk.. admitting to doing that over and over just makes you look like a jerk.. so congrats big shot lol
and is Trolling and bragging about it allowed on this forum and on Cryptsy ? isn't there an agreement you sign when you register ?
why the fuck do i get banned for trolling while people follow me around bragging about trolling on me for a year while actually trolling on me ?
does that make any sense ?

Truth hurts.. so attack me personally about it see if i care, but you can't deny anything i have ever said because it's all been posted publicly with witnesses.

You're a fucking idiot and actually have 0 idea of what is actually happening. I offered to mine it the second time because rewt stole the first repayment block. I also emailed Paul and John for weeks before I sent it to BitJohn because they wouldn't respond. So yes, I was protecting the NAN network from rewt stealing a third time.  I held no coins "ransom" and actually was trying to get rid of them from the second I mined them because I didn't want anything to do with a shitty coin, or a dishonest person. Ask BitJohn if you don't believe me. I'm sure you won't, though, you will just type another inaccurate and missing fact novel about how I'm a thief or whatever your schizo mind thinks today

Stop spewing bullshit, and actually do something positive for crypto. You have done nothing but wear out a keyboard. Seriously...this is how you treat me for helping 100 people from being robbed from 1 person for a THIRD time? Stop being such a mouth breather and do some fucking research

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Spoetnik on April 17, 2014, 08:12:43 PM
Not defending spoetnik but seriously man, you wrote a damned novel here trying to discredit him. Is he really worth that kind of investment of your time? Or are you just that desperate for attention? No one has 3 hours to read through your tirade/exercise in attempting to show off on the internet.

lol no kidding i didn't even read it myself hahhaha
and I"M the one who usually posts crap that long LOLOL

usually about Spots though.. no other guy pulls as much bs as he does AND GETS CAUGHT DOING IT hahaha

no idea about grndpnd either we have always gotten along just fine. so i dunno lol

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 17, 2014, 08:20:34 PM
Not defending spoetnik but seriously man, you wrote a damned novel here trying to discredit him. Is he really worth that kind of investment of your time? Or are you just that desperate for attention? No one has 3 hours to read through your tirade/exercise in attempting to show off on the internet.

lol no kidding i didn't even read it myself hahhaha
and I"M the one who usually posts crap that long LOLOL

usually about Spots though.. no other guy pulls as much bs as he does AND GETS CAUGHT DOING IT hahaha

no idea about grndpnd either we have always gotten along just fine. so i dunno lol

grndpnd is the first up for the chopping block. He is a clear example of the way person feelings obscure any sense of a fair, balanced and free market. Leave your ego and power tripping at the door! Also i'm sick of hearing about their wives, and how bad their pussies smell! SERIOUSLY!!!!  :'(

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Spoetnik on April 17, 2014, 08:28:30 PM
Not defending spoetnik but seriously man, you wrote a damned novel here trying to discredit him. Is he really worth that kind of investment of your time? Or are you just that desperate for attention? No one has 3 hours to read through your tirade/exercise in attempting to show off on the internet.

lol no kidding i didn't even read it myself hahhaha
and I"M the one who usually posts crap that long LOLOL

usually about Spots though.. no other guy pulls as much bs as he does AND GETS CAUGHT DOING IT hahaha

no idea about grndpnd either we have always gotten along just fine. so i dunno lol

grndpnd is the first up for the chopping block. He is a clear example of the way person feelings obscure any sense of a fair, balanced and free market. Leave your ego and power tripping at the door! Also i'm sick of hearing about their wives, and how bad their pussies smell! SERIOUSLY!!!!  :'(


Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: dogechode on April 17, 2014, 08:30:48 PM
Also i'm sick of hearing about their wives, and how bad their pussies smell! SERIOUSLY!!!!  :'(

Do I even want to ask how the fuck THAT came up?

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: iGotSpots on April 17, 2014, 08:58:09 PM
Not defending spoetnik but seriously man, you wrote a damned novel here trying to discredit him. Is he really worth that kind of investment of your time? Or are you just that desperate for attention? No one has 3 hours to read through your tirade/exercise in attempting to show off on the internet.

lol no kidding i didn't even read it myself hahhaha
and I"M the one who usually posts crap that long LOLOL

usually about Spots though.. no other guy pulls as much bs as he does AND GETS CAUGHT DOING IT hahaha

no idea about grndpnd either we have always gotten along just fine. so i dunno lol

That's it. I'm done playing games with you and your lies. All of my information is public. If you think I am such a thief, report me to FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. The number for my company is in my sig. Otherwise shut the fuck up and read what I wrote if you like facts instead of bullshit stories. "I didn't even read it myself" No shit you didn't, because then you would have no reason to talk shit

I guess if you're the only one not trusting someone, you must be right

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on April 17, 2014, 09:23:11 PM


Market volatility, volume, and system availability may delay account access and trade executions. Project Investors Inc. FinCEN BSA ID: 31000027060819
This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business. Cryptsy is a registered trademark of Project Investors Inc.
@Spoetnik: what you trading?
sorry the live migration didn't go as smooth as planned.. "stuff" happens.. =)
@Terrik76699: yeah less than well hehe
a few 3-10 btc pumps will put BC up there
sorry if some of our friends have funds locked up in unprofitable coins and cant stand to see this happen, but thats life. trade based on what you want to have happen *next*, not what already happened to you in the past
pots gonna break 23 now
@Nexusbr1356: nothing at the moment just came to see my balance and confirm deposits of VTC
Push it
@BitJohn: ok i buy half LYC and ill tell you
get rdy on lift off @potcoin
@Spoetnik: You fedup with cryptos?
@lazarath614: k
If my boss comes by I'll be so fired. Mint on one screen and this on the other.
@BitJohn: I do not have enough BTC in my account to pull it out of a negative status.
@superflapjackk705: LMFAO
BC Blasting again
Would I be correct when I say that no one actually lost anything? Seems as if some people should square what wasnt theirs.
@BitJohn: plz help for what i can't send money !!!
or transfer
to other users
...isnt that what happened?
WOW BC out the gates
Bitjohn - can you check where my last sale's BTC went? It's not landed in my account and I do ot have open orders either
@PhartBreeze: yes your pretty accurate some people essential bought on margin
up 35k
i wish the real Netcoin was ready, and the fake Netcoin was removed from cryptsy to avoid confusion
a lpot of guys here can make things worse or get impatient.. i've had a couple issues before and itw as fine but you get wait.. have some patience
guys seriously one of the best moves someone could do right now
@PhartBreeze: or sold short
@PhartBreeze: sellers that sold in and price rose lost when they buy back
@chipleader994: the opposite is also the case
@Bitjohn - Are todays MN1 payments going to be on time, or is everytihng going to shift from the downtime?
@DeLvx: should be on time
is pushing flappycoins to 20litoshie on poloniex
it would be nice to deposit USD or BTC for assurance and then trade on margin
@BitJohn: greetings earthlings
@BitJohn: Cheers
BC needs to be slowly surfing to the top, those big price fluctuations won't help the coin.
@Spoetnik: Don't let the newbies tear on your patience hehe
sounds like people need to square it up then... sounds even
when a problem hist it takes time for them to sort it out and fix it all for each guy.. i would wait 48 hrs before sending a ticket pretty much
just look over there heads
@ all is there a serious issue now with cryptsy??
Getting used to this 5pm-6:30-7ishEST schedule haha
@Nexusbr1356: this problem from site ?
auditing sounds very time sonsuming
@foadraesi222: what
@DeLvx: i think the daily distribution was made today
any pumps right now?
just kick back and relax issues with coins are going to happen that affect your balance it happens to everyone sooner or later no pint freaking out..
@wegsturm298: pot very soon
@DeLvx: 2014-04-17 2.35721321 BTC 0.00011786 BT
BC soon
cryptsy blog has a nice detailed explanation fo what happened last night via big vern
@Spoetnik: hola me ameego
@Nexusbr1356: One or more of your accounts is in negative status. Please correct prior to any transfers.
pump DOGE
@wegsturm298: mintpal tomorrow 20:00 CET
im still not convinced on POS, every coin that has done it has nearly been forked beyond repair and destroyed
even ppc has glaring problems
BIG one
it reads as a sorta nfl play by play
is this stuff about people haivng problems TODAY just fud?
for what i can't send money what is this ? ??? One or more of your accounts is in negative status. Please correct prior to any transfers. ??
@crypticJoe: izzt ok to speak mexican on here?
@DeLvx: nvm this one is for yesterday i think
@foadraesi222: just wait a few Hours
ok, everyone wants another pump. So I let me surprise ;)
@shulaces154: we still have problems form last night
its not new problems
click support send ticket wait all will be sorted i can testify to this
i have valid balance but can't send
anyone here get stake on BC in their private wallets?
@wegsturm298: Its suncoin, there is a team with 35BTC ready to shoot that thing to hell
lol FLT dying down
foadraesi222 live chat will fix it
Lets go BC
@crypticJoe: cryptsy problems? neverrrrrr
@BitJohn: It sounds like Cryptsy glitched last night and gave me more than I should have, and now I have to transfer in BTC to pay cryptsy back?
@foadraesi222: you should be fixed
@CryptoMinerNL835: pumps benefit good coins because some people always stay if the coin has fundamental merit. thats how the price floor gets built over time. BC is a good coin with a nice feature set so it will end up better for this pump cycle. FLT brings a completely new reward system to crypto similar to the way Scrypt-N was a new PoW system, but for benefiting transactions to encourage spending. so both will get pumped based on hype, but end up better even after they fall. The bitcoin hype cycle in miniature.
@Aerbax: do the math if I fix it you lose money
@Nexusbr1356: but don't tell anyone
@BitJohn: how i can fix
and keep your tickets short and calm and polite or don't be surprised if your waiting extra long lol
@Nexusbr1356: heared the sun rumors now a couple of times..hmm
@BitJohn: is it ok to speak more than one language ?
@Aerbax: you sold MN1 over buy -5 at a price way higher than it is now
so if you buy it back cheaper you made money
@wegsturm298: ;)
@BitJohn: i bought LYC and i dont have any btc for transaction :( i bought some small walls over 200 sat look at my history transaction
@boursewhisperer348: Well said
@Spoetnik: lol
i am no staff just my 2 cents :)
@foadraesi222: try now sent you the .00000330 negative tips
Blackcoin is ready for launch!!!!!!!!!
@BitJohn: ok
@wegsturm298: german?
People put in at 35k we need to break trends at 40k, if we do we will be whales spotting
guys if you oversold for a price higher than the current price you really dont want me to fix that.........
@akstunt600155: OK I have pre-placed my sells. Go for it
BC is positioned nice on cryptocoincap now
gotta go run around paying bills :( gone fairly quick.
@akstunt600155: I just want it to get to 90 again
i oversold where price lower than today
@BitJohn: i think the reverse is true for me, and i dont think i should have to suffer the full lose becuase of it, if you will meet me in the middle we can move on
Wow, AMC at a low, Zed at a low, 42 coin also. Easy pickings
I want to see it go over 80 and come back down to 60k-70k
@akstunt600155: got the guts to hold that long?
@akstunt600155: you speak for bc?
@BitJohn: i sold and never got my BTC in my acct for some reason
@bitjohn - sometimes you have to give the people what they want ;)
Who thinks BC will tumble? Its got a ton of mo, I don't know what it will do 5 weeks from now but it's going up in the short term.
POT has buy pressure
if i cover my negative balance i will suffer a .5BTC loss due to cryptsy glitch
FLT starts pumpng again, carpe diem
@Nexusbr1356: Bc is going to be cyclic push all the time
BC is dead
just curios, who of you guys have hear of the suncoin rumor?
every time leaving more value
FLT is dead
BC is just starting
@BitJohn: I just want my MN1 balance to show 0 without affecting anything else in my account. I did not knowingly oversell, and I dont see a way out of this without transfering in BTC to pay you back.
Who's trying to pump LYC? It's wayyyyy to high right now. For your own sake to not buy over 150
elvis is dead
Support POT!!!
@sepolas362: you have not?
*pumping..... FLT is up!
@superflapjackk705: ima hold for a bit
@crypticJoe: what did YOU do wrong? i'm confused about all this
@Aerbax: you withdrew the profit
@CryptoPimp: you are on irc?
@BitJohn: i waiting for fix
@Aerbax: I dont think your understanding that you made money Im not going to give you double the extra money you made
emc2 also low
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: i did nothing wrong, their software has a glitch in it, that sold my sale order twice i believe this is what happened
@crypticJoe: your financially responsible to track your overbuy you cant tell me you didnt notice you had triple what you thought you should
spare me a dime: 8164d8662129d2a4e1f741821a8f09389bd6e1e5
@BitJohn: what you mena im tellign you right now
@crypticJoe: seems your gamble just didnt pan out as you thought
@crypticJoe: cryptsy really does feel like 2013 all over again! lol
@BitJohn: did cryptsy take a small loss on everything? If so that sucks.
you have no idea what your talking about
i couldnt be a mod
@PhartBreeze: nothing signifigant
BC 35k again on mint.
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: Its all this Blackcoin
having to answer all these questions, id go of on people
BC WOW look at it
hey guys :)
355 big wall at mint
its looking cheap on cryptsy again
at least look at my account and history before you make accusations BitJOhn
@BitJohn: yall dealt with that like a champ.
@fairlady: hey coin lady
@crypticJoe: Im reviewing it now
@akstunt600155: this dead coin is even cheaper at poloniex at 3000
@BitJohn: how do you get a printout of all the trades i've made, when my attorneys want to see my records
@BitJohn: I 17(MN1) have vanished, may help me to retrieve?
nothing moving at the moment
i wont buy on there, coin has mre volume than ltc
WTF are you talking dead
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: simply preint them out you can pull all via the API
i sent asale order with a positive balnce in my acocunt and your software glitched and sold more than i had, yet its my fault and i did it "knowwingly"
@akstunt600155: dead
im missing coins
@noself642: Certainly not with that volume
You can kill something that alive
and got banned a day ha my chat unban is here
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: tell them you can;t hte hackers got them.. they wuz gox'd lol
Steady at 35k
had 880 before any double up spend things happened got 805 back
@BitJohn: i don't know what "API" even is, wheres the instructions for this proceedure?
from the sale?@crypticJoe:Did you get the extra BTC
A +60% in 24hrs
thats EPIC
show mucho promise
@BitJohn: I 17(MN1) have vanished, may help me to retrieve?
and voluem is still number 2
@akstunt600155: no, its not steady at 35000, its back to 34 on mint, your all talk man
Thats not the sign of a dead coin
i have 10s of thousands of trades and im supposed to know that i oversold becuase i do notice my acocunt balance being off by a in a fraction of a second while your software glitches!?
some 1 pump flt?
i do wonder if 90% of all the BC traded is only the same 10% held being traded many times per day. Lots of people are hoarding this coin
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: google cryptsy api + bot
@dextronomous196: welcome back
34 35 36 all not much of a move at all
@juracoin844: ya
@noself642: Your not picking
@BitJohn: Ok. So Cryptsy had a glitch. Some of us accidentally profited from that. And now, if we ever want to transfer funds out of Cryptsy, we have to pay you back. I understand where you stand financially, but this just doesn't sound like good customer service.
@Spoetnik: hte hackers ? whats that?
the coins is steady at mid 30k sat
@noself642: on irc?
How long should deposits take?
I got 0.00054348 MEC that does me no good Anyone want it?
I'm at 6 confirmations on blockchain
but still deposit is pending
nit picking*
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: a Mt. Gox joke lol
aerbax, that is good customers service
@Aerbax: What other solution do you propose?
you made a profit accidentally off something that you should not have
so please...
@Spoetnik: XD
@akstunt600155: what price did u get in on BC?
@akstunt600155: thats why ima hold onto em for a bit. I dont have a whole lot so we wil see,
my loss due to this glitch i believe is about .5BTC based on the -3600 BC that should not have been sold when it was
@Aerbax: um ok redeposit the BTC you withdrew and Ill take the difference from what you oversold and youll make less profit
14.2k sat
I suggest removing my -5 MNC status.
@BitJohn: = =
people complaining about free money? wow hahah
@Spoetnik: i don't do robots ...whats this? i'm a normal person who trades NYSE
@Aerbax: you profited Im not sure why your upset really
people complain about everything
@sepolas362: ;p;
@chuangchang338: = =
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: API key can be found in your settings. Then simply google Crypsty and API and you will find directions
wish i had proftted
oh hell no
@Spoetnik: i saw mark k at starbucks sippin lattes lol
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: you have never made a trade
*** System Message ***
X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X has been banned from chat for 1 day
there was a disaster on my LYC order
Here we go BC
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: stop spreading FUD
@agentneuron156 your still here?
went -56k LYC negative
@BitJohn: I 17(MN1) have vanished, may help me to retrieve?
Its also how exchanged stay away from being insolvent.."Oh, here.. we gave you more than you were supposed to have, its ok, withdraw it and take whatever you want form us" - 220k users here, double sale means 110k users are + and 110k users are minus.
@X2DOUBLESPEAKER2X: you have to use teh api which is ften used for bot trading to get the data or get what is available in your balances page area.. see what i mean ?
Elmer FUD?
stop blaming the system, buy out the amount, and learn some basic math
You really expect to explain how an API works in a Chat Box?! lol
@Spoetnik: hes never made a trade here



man these people!!!

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Hilux74 on April 17, 2014, 11:32:22 PM

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Spoetnik on April 18, 2014, 12:24:30 AM
ok well if i was confused before now I AM REALLY CONFUSED ahhhahhaa

what is going on here guys help :(

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BitJohn on April 18, 2014, 12:47:22 AM
ok well if i was confused before now I AM REALLY CONFUSED ahhhahhaa

what is going on here guys help :(
I dont know but this thread should live eternally because I still don't get it

Title: Get smart ?
Post by: Spoetnik on April 18, 2014, 01:25:29 AM
well there is people that need to take things to a personal place with this stuff i think..

myself i try hard to focus on the coin facts on the table.
which being critical has obviously earned me a lot of enemies.
which what i always end up having to point out because these guys pop up and start shit then try and make me out to be a troll
but the general public that might come along have no clue about the extensive history of some of these guys
and even for example if you wanted to side with me or one of them the history STILL exists.
a bunch of guys have a grudge against me and i HAVE tried to play nice and make up and be bum buddies with them..
but every time they spit in my face..
They are only interested in trolling on me forever then blaming me for ALL of it after they try and back away quietly after stirring up drama *again lol

for example i offered on Cryptsy's old chat to help iGotSpots compile some code..
There had been no drama from us both for a while and we were both doing well at ignoring each other on chat..
SO he popped up and asked for help and i offered sincerely and said i got Visual Studio and MingW setup and i can do it.. let me know..
After a couple of attempts i could see he was not going to respond back to me at all.. it was super quiet on chat and everyone was just like wtf he won't answer lol
End of story ? noooope oooh helll no it gets way more interesting *of course lol

When iGotSpots showed up and asked for help he said and i quote word for word.. "and no its not a another coin. It's not a coin at all it's a side project"
So... within 24 to 48 hrs later he was advertising TIX / Tickets and saying for weeks he in no way had anything to do with MAKING the clone coin. LOL

He said that some other guy cloned his coin and released it.. as i kept asking him why he was CONSTANTLY advertising TIX on cryptsy chat and not his OWN coins ????
To my shock weeks later after sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much LOGGED fighting and attacks and drama from this massive prick,
MOSTLY directed at ME he actually admitted it and came clean.. LOL
And when i mentioned how i tried to play nice with him and offered to help him on chat compiling code he profusely denied that even happened.. called me a liar etc
during one of his attacks and trolling attempts on me about 2 weeks after the compiling incident day.
Then a guy we know who has been on chat all the time had enough and snapped on iGotSPots and said look he had enough and he was sick of his trolling and lying crap !
The guy stuck up for me when 99% of you sit there and watch as i get abused and trolled this one guy stood up and said i was right and he watched me try over and over to help Spots.. so he was busted red handed lying yet again.

most of you know damn well all this goes on, but you watch quietly and never do a thing to stuck up for me and that shows much class you guys have.

And BitJohn you said word for word back then when i logged me asking iGotSpots and the other puppet WHO MADE TIX
and you said "We know" and i said you know but you won't tell anyone of us ?? really ? ..silence. lol

I know a LOT more than that about TIX too and all the guys involved.. and there is MANY ;)
And when you see how it was handled with chat logs it's utterly disgusting and appalling Cryptsy staff we're so deeply involved,
in such horrendous display of corruption lying games trolling and attacks on anyone that asked any questions..

Altcoin scene    =    a shit load of people playing games and playing dumb about it.

Luckily for you all i need no one to stuck up for me i am bullet proof ..i take all comers :)

PS: Had that lying scammer idiot answered the question myself and others asked on day one i myself would have stopped asking
because i was give the damn answer.
get it ??? are you guys that smart yet ?
You clue in yet that you all took a small tiny simple question and blew it up into a thousand lies full of fighting and drama FOR NO REASON ?

THAT dumbass behavior is why this is ONE single story of MILLIONS involving the same old sleazy guys..

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: dogechode on April 18, 2014, 04:55:28 PM
BB do you want to like give us the cliff notes from that because it was so massively freaking long I couldn't really dedicate 10 minutes to reading through the whole conversation...

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: MarketNeutral on April 18, 2014, 07:27:05 PM
Miners hate him.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: grndnpnd on April 23, 2014, 12:53:36 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....
So Cryptsy hires a scab and a troll. WTF. You guys need a bit of clean out and clean up me thinks.

ya grndnpnd should not only be fired but thrown in federal prison !!!! jmho  :'(

Interesting what have i done to deserve federal prison?

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: MinerP on April 23, 2014, 01:51:16 AM

 your epic OP reminded me this epic show LOL
 FrigidWinter please donate for my artwork i made for you:

    BTC 1F4uPT2nwAFk1PKVbEFoNgVihJyjVbQRyb
    LTC Lb7T9nJWSCjuQPVTPQ6sqVqhwaKUe4Dj58
    BC B5BbxcfPbfwaoVPBUR8BYNEYr3B6N4WmSE

Title: This has been a Spoetnik Approved Rant™
Post by: Spoetnik on April 23, 2014, 02:10:58 AM
you guys need to grow up this is not high school..
who likes who does not matter in the slightest.
i didn't come here to be BFF's forever with people.. i came to make some money and after decided to support crypto in general.

some people, here need mental help and should lay on a shrinks couch and tell them all you problems.. rather than us we don't want to hear it.

aside from like 3/4 guys that have stalked and terrorized me endlessly for some personal grudge it's all just business.
if i said your clone coin is scammy it's not because i have some personal problem with the user name / shell account coward or something
it's because i said what i said, which is about a coin and not about someone personally.

anyone that has been here the last year and been active should have seen the same old 3/4 guys starting with me to lure me into shit
so they can back away quietly and try and pin it on me and work up a lynch mob against me etc. ..and lemmings are dumb so it usually works.
i wind up having to re-explain the same thing over and over 100's of times because the same guy pops up says the same thing even though
20 authorities on crypto backed me up and helped prove me innocent.. i'll still see them shortly pulling the same bs.. over and over like a broken record.
because i criticized their scammy clone coins and i threaten their grasp on noobs and affect their scam coin earnings.

Pay attention because you may be the next one bullied for the next year guys lol
and learn what the meaning of Troll is.. seriously google it.
It does NOT means someone who has an opposing opinion lol

The big difference is i have been actively involved unlike a lot of so called Hero members that come here once a year and act like a big shot.
You want some clout then you need to be active in ALL the Altcoin communities around the world and contribute
and that has NOTHING to do with this site exclusively or your post count numbers etc.
OR agreeing with my opinions lol ..i respect my peers but not guys that contribute nothing or stomp around once a year then go back to other forum sub sections.
Ignoring us and letting us drown and never sticking up for people like me who try and do the right thing..
I know exactly who sits in silence watching and if you do i have no respect for you..
A million times a ton of you guys could have stuck up for me you don't.. which is sad and pathetic and cowardly.
I'd stick up for any of you.. but i have some class and integrity and i am not a god damn coward afraid of coin cloners or corrupt exchange staff etc.

Free market means i can have my opinion on scam coins as you have the right to post them cloners.. it works both ways !
And the usual trolls here are nothing but that.. Trolls.
And i challenge anyone to look up their post history and see what they are doing for the community..
You will see they have for a year or two simply popped up out of no where to attack and discredit people then they skulk away hiding again.
They contribute nothing but scam coins and drama and fighting and trolling.
These guys are transparent .. which is why i enjoy flipping a mirror on their activities when they come after me.. they can make themselves look bad then lol

Look who starts what first.. give you a hint i have never once looked up iGotSpots post history or any of the trolls that hunt me..
I just run into their garbage everywhere i turn such as the GILL ANN topic where i went to get a wallet and i seen iGotSpots threatening to attack coins etc.
same old story like a broken record every where i go i see the same manipulative coin cloners trying to bully and control this scene like they own it..
and you know what guys... YOU DO !  ...not these handful of manipulative and controlling dirtbags !

Thank god this forum is supporting us coin cloners..
Removing the newbie jail was brilliant  ::)
In fairness i did think about it after i heard and i CAN see the forum's side potentially..
I don't know why they do what they do but it's possible they may have ditched the Newbie jail
simply because it was not making any difference and just creating a giant pit of useless garbage chatter that is bloating their forum Database size.
So i am a bit conflicted on that actually, who knows ..i don't know ..i didn't get a memo lol

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: hashtag101 on April 23, 2014, 04:27:17 AM
I think something is wrong with me.

I actually find the entertaining lol

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: Lauda on April 23, 2014, 04:52:43 AM
The walls of text are not even worth the read. You shouldn't care at all, just ignore him if you don't like him.

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: BBmodBB on May 29, 2014, 12:00:20 AM
You're giving him far too much credit. I think it is safe to say that nobody legitimately takes him seriously. Its an obvious mental breakdown happening in front of your eyes. Usually you have to pay to watch such a clusterfuck of incoherent statements

you get him LONE WOLF

i have to agree with milly you are troll number 2 we should start a poll top troll poll if you will. Spoetnik mudda r3wt and spots seems like the logical first group. Maybe we can then decide based on the poll who's coin should die in the operation shit coin hmmm.....
So Cryptsy hires a scab and a troll. WTF. You guys need a bit of clean out and clean up me thinks.

ya grndnpnd should not only be fired but thrown in federal prison !!!! jmho  :'(

Interesting what have i done to deserve federal prison?

you are the type of scumbag who does nothing for the community, i get a very bad vibe from you. Maybe find another line of work like in Nigeria sending emails or some shit you lousey bastard!! =\

Title: Re: My thoughts about Spoetnik ** MUST READ **
Post by: HCLivess on May 29, 2014, 10:34:29 AM
He is good at random bitching and wrong predictions.