Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: coinweaver on May 19, 2014, 05:57:44 PM

Title: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 19, 2014, 05:57:44 PM
What is Dirac?

A Revolution In Cryptocurrency and Finance
"As Dirac was to Einstein, so now Dirac is to Bitcoin."

Dirac is intented not simply as a currency, but as a stable financial instrument capable of carrying vast amounts of wealth in a safe, secure, and in a manner more economically efficient than Bitcoin.  Free-market managed economic stability is a concept introduced by NautilusCoin( and then enhanced by Dirac.  Dirac will be traded in an exclusive currency pairing against NautilusCoin (NAUT market) on AllCrypt( Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and establishing a minimum price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

  • ISO 4217 Trading Symbol : XDQ
  • Monetary Symbol : А
  • Target block time : 180 seconds
  • Difficulty retarget : 20 blocks (every hour)
  • Maximum Coins: А2,272,800
  • Starting block reward : А8
  • First reward reduction @ 43201 : А1.25
  • Second reward reduction @ 744001 : А0.75
  • Third reward reduction @ 1448001) : 0.5
  • Fourth reward reduction @ 2145601 : А0.25
  • Fifth reward reduction (inflation mode) @ 2846401 : А0.01

Useful Information
* [GitHub](
* [Windows Wallet](
* [Linux Wallet](
* [MacOS Wallet](


Block Explorer

Official Forum

Official Blake Ecosystem Mining Information and Discussion Thread
* [](

Official Blake Ecosystem Website
* [](

Official Blake Ecosystem Merged Mining Pool
* US East: [](
* US West: [](
* Europe: [](
 * GPU Mining: Yes.
 * FPGA Mining: Yes.
 * ASIC Mining : __*NO*__

Blake-256 optimization thread on CUDAMiners
* [](
started by @cuttlefish_btc

Real world example of 280X Settings at 2.4Gh/s

Official Dirac Exchange (Blake Ecosystem Present)

What Is Merged Mining?

The Science of the Blake Advantage Over Bitcoin

The Blake Ecosystem

What is Blakecoin?

Blakecoin is an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to
anyone, anywhere in the world. Blakecoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate
with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing of coins are carried
out collectively by the network.

What is Photon?

A clone of Blakecoin with a few changes.

* The standard block award of Photon is 32,768 BUT as the block chain grows the award will increase. The amount it increases is directly related to the current difficulty and height of the blockchain.  Miners will get 32,768 coins plus the square root of blockchain height multiplied by the current difficulty.

* Still as Photon's are plentiful in the universe the max money is set to 90,000,000,000. That is 90 Billion Photons.

* Difficulty retargets every 20 blocks with a target of a new block to be produced every 3 minutes.

* Up to block 3500 the max adjustment is 15% up each retarget.
 * After block 3500 the max adjustment is 3% up each retarget.

What is BlakeBitcoin?
A Clone of Bitcoin same reward structure Starting with 50 coins per block and a total of 21 million coins
The Block target time is 1/4 of Bitcoin's to account for extra hashing speed of Blake-256
The difficulty retarget at 8064 blocks and the reward halving every 210,000 blocks
The difficulty adjustment is also same as per Bitcoin


Dirac is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see

BlakeBitcoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see

Photon is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see

Blakecoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see


Forked from Bitcoin reference wallet 0.8.6 and BlakeBitcoin

BlakeBitcoin is a cryptocurrency designed to use the Blake 256 algorithm cloned from BlakeBitcoin.

Blake-256(optimized) faster than scrypt and faster than sha256 in C (asm is still faster for sha256d)

The algorithm was written as a candidate for sha3, Based on round one candidate code from the sphlib 2.1 and reduced the compression function to 8.

Ubuntu 12.04 dependancies that are used on the Linux build machine:

git-core build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev libgtk2.0-dev libminiupnpc-dev qt4-qmake mingw32 synaptic qt-sdk qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui libdb++-dev


Removed some of the double hashing from the wallet as it is wasteful on compute, No changes to the ecdsa public/private function as that has proven to be secure so far on bitcoin.

Paper Wallet

David Seaman interview discussing Dirac and NAUT.

A short video recorded by Mr. Seaman of myself describing Dirac.

Proof of existence of 25k NAUT for Dirac Buyback
NAUT Wallet for Dirac Buyback

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CrowdWhale on May 19, 2014, 05:59:58 PM
Help me fund these projects with Dirac!


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: mpalenciac on May 19, 2014, 06:00:04 PM
Awesome! This will be big

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jebus911 on May 19, 2014, 06:05:43 PM
Isn't this guy wolong?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AtlasONo on May 19, 2014, 06:07:08 PM

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: maartentjewut on May 19, 2014, 06:09:43 PM
When will this coin be launched and can I only buy it with NAUT? Please get it on Bittrex asap. I have 8 BTC ready  ;)!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Conqueror on May 19, 2014, 06:11:26 PM
WOW, mining at BlakeMerged pools waiting for it!
This coin will be a success!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: DubFX on May 19, 2014, 06:14:16 PM
Let's now talk a bit about premine that was mentioned nowhere?

"blocks" : 1355,
"currentblocksize" : 1000,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 39.98093531,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : true,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 909224,
"networkhashps" : 56404793082,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on May 19, 2014, 06:15:20 PM
Isn't this guy wolong?
no, absolutely not. You're mixing him up with someone else, this guy is Fontas.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Shadow_Runner on May 19, 2014, 06:17:46 PM
Let's now talk a bit about premine that was mentioned nowhere?

"blocks" : 1355,
"currentblocksize" : 1000,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 39.98093531,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : true,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 909224,
"networkhashps" : 56404793082,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false

When I started wallet

"blocks" : 890,
"currentblocksize" : 0,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 1.60107007,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"networkhashps" : 3094618604,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: DubFX on May 19, 2014, 06:24:01 PM
Hmm maybe there was no premine diff is rising really fast and blocks are processed really fast too!
"difficulty" : 122.44168734, and 1.5k blocks...
also hashing 900khash with intel i3  :o

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on May 19, 2014, 06:26:08 PM
Lovely. I'm in.


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Shadow_Runner on May 19, 2014, 06:27:43 PM
Hmm maybe there was no premine diff is rising really fast and blocks are processed really fast too!
"difficulty" : 122.44168734, and 1.5k blocks...
also hashing 900khash with intel i3  :o

R9 270

I think blocks mined very fast who has multigpu and fpga.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Coin_Viking on May 19, 2014, 06:39:53 PM
Does the cgwatcher/cgminer combo absolutely require the use of a conf file? cgminer fails to start, I prefer not using the conf file and put the command lines in the arguments section. Anybody care to give me some advice?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LeSmoke on May 19, 2014, 06:46:12 PM
Omg, +100 :D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ajeto on May 19, 2014, 06:47:13 PM
Also in.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 19, 2014, 06:53:12 PM
Is this coin being merge-mined already on blakemerged? i saw they're having backend issues and would like to know if my hash is being used for this nice coin too...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Kreativekrypto on May 19, 2014, 07:03:07 PM
Where can we download all the wallets for all the coins on this pool? Minus the Dirac wallet of course.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Shadow_Runner on May 19, 2014, 07:11:05 PM
"blocks" : 1816,
"currentblocksize" : 0,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 998.48950539,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"networkhashps" : 241658725102,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: on May 19, 2014, 07:11:36 PM
so,where ?i can buy the dirac?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LeSmoke on May 19, 2014, 07:14:48 PM
Be patient. AllCrypt will add him soon.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ignatius on May 19, 2014, 07:16:34 PM
Where can we download all the wallets for all the coins on this pool? Minus the Dirac wallet of course.


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: SharpNieSharp on May 19, 2014, 07:17:48 PM
If u want some dirac pm me with offers ammount-price. i will reply if it will be interesing

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: david1365 on May 19, 2014, 07:28:35 PM
How much initial price ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: PilotofBTC on May 19, 2014, 07:35:31 PM
>Dirac is intented not simply as a currency, but as a stable financial instrument capable of carrying vast amounts of wealth in a safe, secure, and in a manner more economically efficient than Bitcoin.

Can someone explain this? (putting aside the awkward phrasing and spelling error). Is this due to BLAKE-256 vs SHA-256?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on May 19, 2014, 07:37:11 PM
Hashing at 2.75 G/HS on a 290. What is everyone else pulling?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 19, 2014, 07:47:55 PM
Mac wallet added.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: buckminer on May 19, 2014, 07:57:53 PM
I am getting all rejected when I run my miner...I must be missing something as the other dozens of coins I have mined have worked fine. Anyone have a link to Dirac for dummies for me? Maybe there is some setting I need to change?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: ocminer on May 19, 2014, 08:00:21 PM
Source ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: UdjinM6 on May 19, 2014, 08:01:08 PM
Mac wallet added.

os x 10.9.3

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ignatius on May 19, 2014, 08:06:26 PM
I am getting all rejected when I run my miner...I must be missing something as the other dozens of coins I have mined have worked fine. Anyone have a link to Dirac for dummies for me? Maybe there is some setting I need to change?

What miner are you using? One for Blake not one for SHA, right?

Source ?

coinweaver please add a github link to the first post ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: buckminer on May 19, 2014, 08:19:07 PM
Source ?

Ok, so I realized that I needed a new cgminer, downloaded the one posted on the pool's page and fired that one up with the provided .conf and I am hashing at > 2 g/h per gpu on my humble 2 gpu rig.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: ocminer on May 19, 2014, 08:27:19 PM
Hmm.. does it make sense starting a (solo-) pool for it ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 19, 2014, 08:37:00 PM
The first Dirac commercial transaction has taken place.

40 = .25BTC for Mac Wallet

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Kreativekrypto on May 19, 2014, 08:44:10 PM
Where can we download all the wallets for all the coins on this pool? Minus the Dirac wallet of course.


Tyvm for putting these links all in one spot, very appreciated! +1

To coinweaver: I just need to clarify, are all these merged coins part of a single project, or are they ran by different dev teams? I just saw all these coins because of this thread today so you'll have to excuse my noob questions as I'm interested in learning more.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CrypJ on May 19, 2014, 08:44:50 PM
What is Dirac?

Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and fixing the price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

Does that mean if the rate is under .07 DIRAC/NAUT you will buy it up to that level and if it is over .07 you will sell it down to that level trying to stabilize it at that price? And how long will you continue to try and fix it at this price?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Sylon on May 19, 2014, 08:52:41 PM
Sorry but there is something that I don't understand.

Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and fixing the price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

If the price will be fixed at 0.07, why buy now ?


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: poochpocket on May 19, 2014, 09:22:43 PM
Hashing at 2.75 G/HS on a 290. What is everyone else pulling?

2.45 G/HS on a 280x

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: TenaciousC on May 19, 2014, 09:24:28 PM
Hashing at 2.75 G/HS on a 290. What is everyone else pulling?

2.45 G/HS on a 280x

2.1 on 280x and 3.1 on 290x, no tuning, standard settings

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 19, 2014, 09:29:03 PM
Sorry but there is something that I don't understand.

Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and fixing the price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

If the price will be fixed at 0.07, why buy now ?


It is *not* a fixed price.  That is a buy-in at fair market value.  That is the guarantee of a *minimum* price at that time, not a fixed price.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: One Six on May 19, 2014, 09:53:43 PM
The logo is just average looking. Sorry ;/

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: PilotofBTC on May 19, 2014, 09:54:52 PM
The logo is just average looking. Sorry ;/

yep, it needs a cute furry animal or no one will buy this coin. ;)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Shadow_Runner on May 19, 2014, 10:07:49 PM
"blocks" : 2154,
"currentblocksize" : 0,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 10770.50834451,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"networkhashps" : 760105034774,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: allcrypt on May 19, 2014, 10:25:48 PM
Dirac is up with a NAUT pairing on!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: TenaciousC on May 19, 2014, 10:26:07 PM
Sgminer reports many messages dating:
Pool 1 JSON stratum authentication failed.

Same message for pool 2 and 3... But I also see shares being accepted.
Any idea what this is about? In mining on

Site reports nothing special, but I wanna be sure I'm not just mining Blake and not dirac

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: iamreddy44 on May 19, 2014, 10:29:49 PM
Can you solo mine dirac? If yes , do you set up solo mining like all the other coins?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: DLow on May 19, 2014, 10:53:00 PM
Are those super long several thousand percent blocks common for this coin?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: TenaciousC on May 19, 2014, 10:56:13 PM
Json errors, dirac payments stopped... And all if that just before i have to go and will not be able to monitor, damn :(

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: L3pje on May 19, 2014, 11:03:12 PM
Been mining for an hour but:

How does this work? :P

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: DLow on May 19, 2014, 11:13:00 PM
Been mining for an hour but:

How does this work? :P

I'm asking myself the same question. Are all those coins forked or what?

If this is what merged mining looks like..?

Edit: Merged mining - the future of cryptocurrency. Where every block is like super long, like, really really super long.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: asboxi on May 19, 2014, 11:16:38 PM

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: worth on May 19, 2014, 11:23:01 PM
Crossposting this here and in the Blakecoin thread since it's relevant to both...

I've been trying to mine on the merged pools since this weekend and cannot get it to work.  I'm using the recommended version of cgminer on a Xubuntu PC that has never had problems mining anything else. 

I get no errors, and the machine is reporting ~2200 Mh/s average and the GPUs sound like they're working, but I get 0 accepts, 0 rejects, 0 WU etc.  I've tried all three pools and it just connects and runs but never actually seems to do anything. My worker also doesn't show up when viewing the pool's dashboard.
Any ideas?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BlueDragon747 on May 19, 2014, 11:23:44 PM
pools are under heavy DDoS

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: DLow on May 19, 2014, 11:42:06 PM
And here are our nominations for "Worst mining experience ever": Blake, Photon, that other coin and Dirac.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Sylon on May 19, 2014, 11:42:32 PM
Sorry but there is something that I don't understand.

Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and fixing the price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

If the price will be fixed at 0.07, why buy now ?


It is *not* a fixed price.  That is a buy-in at fair market value.  That is the guarantee of a *minimum* price at that time, not a fixed price.

Ok, thank you ! :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: DLow on May 19, 2014, 11:48:18 PM
For a moment I was happy, because I f5-ed the page and something looked different.

It wasn't a change in balance though, just the dashboard interface malfunctioning.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BlueDragon747 on May 19, 2014, 11:50:45 PM
For a moment I was happy, because I f5-ed the page and something looked different.

It wasn't a change in balance though, just the dashboard interface malfunctioning.

host your own private pool then code is on my github  :-\

not my fault someone is DDoS pools and it was working fine with BLC+PHO+B

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: DLow on May 19, 2014, 11:58:11 PM
Nah, I'm just bored. Actually, after 13000% done I just participated in my first B+ block.

I hope someday those coins show up somewhere.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 20, 2014, 12:13:47 AM
Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

This sounds interesting.  Is there any more information available regarding the cloning process you mention?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on May 20, 2014, 01:08:34 AM
anybody doing solo ?
whats RPC port?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jjj0923 on May 20, 2014, 01:18:03 AM
what a bunch of crap this coin - linking itself to Naut trying to get a pump from Naut's success - pathetic...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 20, 2014, 01:24:29 AM
Dirac is released , congratulations  Mr. BW on being the 3rd (or is it 4th??) developer to have a coin in the fastest growing blockchain in the world in terms of speed , miner participation and unity as the merged mining pools of the three child coins to the parent Blake Coin have Blake Coin network over 1.2 terahash/sec now and growing every day.


I am in the west coast pool for now with the limited hash power I have available borrowed for a short time.


Happy to be mining Blake Coin , Photon (my own) , Blake Bitcoin aka B+ and now Dirac !!


Things can only keep going up from here !!


The Dirac Wallet built perfect on first try and here is my compile without upnp support if anyone wants it


Since I missed this launch also (same as B+) and if you like this build or feel generous feel free to toss me a few shillings....




Difficulty is building nice but way out of my reach for solo mining now...


The more you consider alternatives, the more you have to admit mining 4 coins at the same time with the same hash power is really cool.


And other coins are in development by others to join the family.  This is a long term project to really change the world of cryptocurrency.

Thank you!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Djinou94 on May 20, 2014, 01:37:40 AM
It's sucks to make a pair Naut/Dirac

I want to buy Dirac with BTC  :-\

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on May 20, 2014, 02:29:37 AM
Stay away from exchanges currently operating a BTC/XDQ pair. According to Twitter the dev has seen something foul with their numbers, just a heads up.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ignatius on May 20, 2014, 03:52:30 AM
Stay away from exchanges currently operating a BTC/XDQ pair. According to Twitter the dev has seen something foul with their numbers, just a heads up.

I thought that tweet was referring to the XDQ/nautilus pair at allcrypt?

When I saw that mentioned I looked at the volume at atomic-trade and it was less than 1 whole XDQ.
Now it is: Day Volume: 0.00019900

Do we have any actual proof of wrong doing or just a tweet from a guy to the dev, not from the dev. Do we have a more coherent argument made anywhere about this?

@BryceWeiner @altcoin_invest I have 7 screenshots showing the volume go up and down. There aren't enough mined XDQ to make that volume.

Volume and total coins available are two very different things. 2 people can trade 1 coin back and fourth and create the appearance of volume, even if only 1 coin exists.

Unrelated question: Does the dev ever read this thread or respond to questions asked here, or in private messages?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: worth on May 20, 2014, 04:24:36 AM
Crossposting this here and in the Blakecoin thread since it's relevant to both...

I've been trying to mine on the merged pools since this weekend and cannot get it to work.  I'm using the recommended version of cgminer on a Xubuntu PC that has never had problems mining anything else. 

I get no errors, and the machine is reporting ~2200 Mh/s average and the GPUs sound like they're working, but I get 0 accepts, 0 rejects, 0 WU etc.  I've tried all three pools and it just connects and runs but never actually seems to do anything. My worker also doesn't show up when viewing the pool's dashboard.
Any ideas?
What does your .conf file / command line look like?

Seems I was missing some dependencies. After getting them installed I built cgminer from source and it seems to be working for me. Thanks for the offer of help.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: photon_coin on May 20, 2014, 04:50:34 AM
The Blake Coin Family is growing and picking up speed,  anyone seen the network hash rate ........   wow !!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 20, 2014, 04:56:22 AM
I'll be appearing on the David Seaman Hour ( podcast tomorrow talking Dirac, NautilusCoin and the Blake Ecosystem.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: superfluouso on May 20, 2014, 05:06:48 AM
I'll be appearing on the David Seaman Hour ( podcast tomorrow talking Dirac, NautilusCoin and the Blake Ecosystem.

Really digging merge mining these blake-256 coins - in tomorrow's interview, I'd love to hear about other coins in the pipeline.  Somewhere I saw BlueDragon mention a couple more are coming and that there are more dev's onboarding.

Thanks for the cool coin!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BitFund on May 20, 2014, 05:21:06 AM
Does the cgwatcher/cgminer combo absolutely require the use of a conf file? cgminer fails to start, I prefer not using the conf file and put the command lines in the arguments section. Anybody care to give me some advice?
you can talk with dev.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: techflag on May 20, 2014, 05:27:03 AM
 XDC so expensive,nearly 0.08BTC for one XDC

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 20, 2014, 05:45:10 AM
I think you may be computing that wrong.  Even at 28NAUT the price translates to around 0.013BTC.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 20, 2014, 06:15:01 AM
Paper Wallet added to OP.  Thanks to ‏@cryptoflood  for the design.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: neuroMode on May 20, 2014, 06:32:03 AM
Paper Wallet added to OP.

I think Dirac should have a fork of an Electrum wallet called Antimattum.

I think Dirac PoW blocks should be called monopoles.

I think Blake Ecosystem should be nicknamed the Dirac Sea.

I think you should make a tweak to Dirac's Digishield and dub it Dirac's Hamiltonian.

I think any future Dirac hardfork should be referred to as a symmetry breaking event.

Your pal,


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: SwedishGirl on May 20, 2014, 10:17:44 AM
Can somebody please explain in a few sentences what's all the hype about? Bryce Weiner, although quite the crypto-expert has proven so far only capable of creating bottom-of-the-food-chain coins like Amcoin and Petrodollar. What makes you think that this is any different? Oh, yes he is now also the developer for OpenSourceCoin, another 8k marketcap "wonder".

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BitcoinBaBa on May 20, 2014, 10:53:48 AM
Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

Very interesting . Can you please explain it a bit further.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: platorin on May 20, 2014, 11:25:46 AM
If this was premined and not mentioned before, then everyone should stay away!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Shadow_Runner on May 20, 2014, 12:09:56 PM
"blocks" : 2577,
"currentblocksize" : 0,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 77665.49294756,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"networkhashps" : 1914197226367,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jjj0923 on May 20, 2014, 01:06:06 PM
where can you sell XDQ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: bamsterdam on May 20, 2014, 02:20:35 PM
Can somebody please explain in a few sentences what's all the hype about? Bryce Weiner, although quite the crypto-expert has proven so far only capable of creating bottom-of-the-food-chain coins like Amcoin and Petrodollar. What makes you think that this is any different? Oh, yes he is now also the developer for OpenSourceCoin, another 8k marketcap "wonder".

Im wondering myself also, I see nothing innovative. Dont see how this will change the word like as he says on twitter. Only thing where its "different" is where its linked to naut via trading and not sure if thats a good thing for naut. Also there was no countdown for the launch just soon every time I checked your twitter and then suddenly it was launched. Assuming bryce instamined this coin since we all know he has a large mining operation. Seems to my the only one that is truly benefiting is you instead of the whole community. Just my opinion, if this is not the case than tell me otherwise. 

Also you say in that youtube movie : I keep trying untill it got it, so its falling, get up and try again with a different approach, so how to interpreted that? Maybe thats not untill coin number 20 you have made that will be a success but in the meantime everyone is in the sinking ship with your many altcoins productions.

Also the btc tread was created very late so less people knew about it, should not be only twitter.

Like to know what you think bryce

don't mean to disrespect just my opinion   

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jjj0923 on May 20, 2014, 03:20:21 PM
Can somebody please explain in a few sentences what's all the hype about? Bryce Weiner, although quite the crypto-expert has proven so far only capable of creating bottom-of-the-food-chain coins like Amcoin and Petrodollar. What makes you think that this is any different? Oh, yes he is now also the developer for OpenSourceCoin, another 8k marketcap "wonder".

Im wondering myself also, I see nothing innovative. Dont see how this will change the word like as he says on twitter. Only thing where its "different" is where its linked to naut via trading and not sure if thats a good thing for naut. Also there was no countdown for the launch just soon every time I checked your twitter and then suddenly it was launched. Assuming bryce instamined this coin since we all know he has a large mining operation. Seems to my the only one that is truly benefiting is you instead of the whole community. Just my opinion, if this is not the case than tell me otherwise. 

Also you say in that youtube movie : I keep trying untill it got it, so its falling, get up and try again with a different approach, so how to interpreted that? Maybe thats not untill coin number 20 you have made that will be a success but in the meantime everyone is in the sinking ship with your many altcoins productions.

Also the btc tread was created very late so less people knew about it, should not be only twitter.

Like to know what you think bryce

don't mean to disrespect just my opinion   

Is this some kind of unwritten law? Why do people insist on stating as fact that something is shit or invalid if it isn't posted here first immediately on release with a password protected wallet that must go to the pools first but must go to the solo miners first but must allow self designated forum members to grab the first blocks in the inevitable clusterfuck scenario all of the above creates.

This was an exceptionally smooth launch by recent standards.  The first block was was mined 5 minutes AFTER the twitter announcement.  When I started the wallet, approximately 10 minutes after the Twitter announcement and 10 minutes before this thread) it was on block 67.  In what way does that represent a pre-mine or an insta-mine?  the insta-mine came from people jumping on as soon as they'd got the wallet running, including myself.  If anything I'd say the dev waited quite deliberately before mining himself.  We all know how this works, somebody always ends up pissed off and thinking the whole world wants to know about it.

I have no affiliation to Bryce, I am a Twitter follower and I've been stung at least once buying in to something he championed on Twitter (CTM).  Sometimes he speaks wisdom, sometimes he's an arsehole but always with deeply held conviction and one thing I'm pretty sure he isn't is a deliberate scammer / preminer / instaminer.

Like it or not, and a lot don't, but Blake-256 coins are going to give Scrypt coins a run for their money.

and keep the electric companies in business - I think they're all funded by the electric companies : LOL

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 20, 2014, 05:50:07 PM
I need to correct something I stated incorrectly in the ANN thread.

The price will not be "fixed"... a minimum price will be established.  You cannot fix the max price of anything.  That's economically impossible.  You can, however, provided a minimum backing so even in a down market the coin has a value.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 20, 2014, 05:52:52 PM
Block explorer added to OP.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 20, 2014, 07:19:26 PM
Trying again as I didn't get a response last time  ;)

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

This sounds interesting.  Is there any more information available regarding the cloning process you mention?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ignatius on May 20, 2014, 07:41:06 PM
Trying again as I didn't get a response last time  ;)

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

This sounds interesting.  Is there any more information available regarding the cloning process you mention?

Obviously the dev doesn't read this thread. If you are interested in the cloning process contact BlueDragon747, since he is the one who actually wrote the code.

Lot's of red flags here, good luck all.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 20, 2014, 07:57:05 PM
Trying again as I didn't get a response last time  ;)

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

This sounds interesting.  Is there any more information available regarding the cloning process you mention?

Obviously the dev doesn't read this thread. If you are interested in the cloning process contact BlueDragon747, since he is the one who actually wrote the code.

Lot's of red flags here, good luck all.

You know coinweaver (one of the users you're quoting) is the dev, don't you?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Edser on May 20, 2014, 08:18:16 PM
Trying again as I didn't get a response last time  ;)

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

This sounds interesting.  Is there any more information available regarding the cloning process you mention?

Obviously the dev doesn't read this thread. If you are interested in the cloning process contact BlueDragon747, since he is the one who actually wrote the code.

Lot's of red flags here, good luck all.

You know coinweaver (one of the users you're quoting) is the dev, don't you?

How do I shot OP

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ignatius on May 20, 2014, 08:32:49 PM
You know coinweaver (one of the users you're quoting) is the dev, don't you?

Yes, I am aware. I have yet to see him answer questions posed in this thread or get a response to private messages.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Djinou94 on May 20, 2014, 11:41:18 PM
My antivirus block the wallet is it normal?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Shadow_Runner on May 20, 2014, 11:44:45 PM
My antivirus block the wallet is it normal?

AV name?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: richiela on May 20, 2014, 11:56:35 PM
For those that wanted an BTC-XQD market....

There ya go!


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Shadow_Runner on May 21, 2014, 12:28:46 AM
For those that wanted an BTC-XQD market....

There ya go!



Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: D05GTO on May 21, 2014, 12:50:17 AM

DIRAC (XDQ) is now traded @ (
There are 2 trade pairs.. first is XDQ/BEL. Make sure you realize that is BEL and not a BTC pairing..  Then there is the regular XDQ/BTC Pairing.

Atomic-Trade, LLC is FINCEN Compliant and offers USD/BTC/Altcoin markets (Fast ID verification).

With the ATOMIC TRADING ENGINE, a fast unique trading algorithm that processes trades instantly and can pair any currency to any other.  1.2 GB of code running in a secure private network keeps everything running even under heavy stress and secure against attacks.

Article explaining Atomic-Trade/Atomic trading engine:  Pitch-Engine (

The site is fast, secure, and only requires 3 confirms for btc deposits.

In fact, Atomic-Trade has the ability to instantly scale to handle nearly limitless volumes! (trades are always instant and downtime is minimal)

We have a fully operational, constantly moderated trollbox.

As you can see, your coins are safe with Atomic-Trade.

Tired of sites that lose your money?  Tired of your orders losing priority? Tired of trade delays? Tired of poor customer support?

Make the switch today.  Don't just trade. Get paid to ATOMIC-TRADE! (

Come check us out!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 01:52:03 AM
Bittrex and AllCrypt are recommended exchanges.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Djinou94 on May 21, 2014, 01:55:18 AM
My antivirus block the wallet is it normal?

AV name?


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: ehugh66 on May 21, 2014, 02:32:27 AM
 how to mine it  ?
    do  anyone  know ? help

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 02:45:07 AM
Updated Mac wallet with crash fixes added to OP.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 02:45:44 AM
You know coinweaver (one of the users you're quoting) is the dev, don't you?

Yes, I am aware. I have yet to see him answer questions posed in this thread or get a response to private messages.
I don't respond to PMs or all I would do all day is respond to PMs.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 02:51:26 AM
I have answered every single question asked in this thread on Twitter, in interviews and on IRC.

I have zero urge to repeat myself here.  I don't like BitcoinTalk.  I don't like the attitudes or the over-hyped crap that goes on here.

I make coins for use by people who know what cryptocurrencies are really about.  Those people are already mining and trading my coins.

I have plans for this coin.  I am not pushing it because I already know what is going to happen.

I do not dumb down my explanations.  I will answer questions but not those I have already answered 100 times.  If people ask the same question 100 times it means there's something missing in the general understanding of how crypto works.  I'm an engineer, not a tutor.

Most, if not all, of my coins are designed for a specific economic purpose.  I've added information to the OP which would help explain that: one is a radio interview on the David Seaman show and another is a short video clip.

All of it is in my own words and address every issue brought up in this thread.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 03:18:39 AM
I have answered every single question asked in this thread on Twitter, in interviews and on IRC.

I have zero urge to repeat myself here.  I don't like BitcoinTalk.  

And the award for the biggest asshole goes to Coinweaver.

Man, I asked a simple question.  Asked twice.  And you can't be bothered to answer because you once answered the same question on IRC?!?  

You said that, "Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before."

My lack of understanding of your "specifically modified codebase" is not due to a general lack of knowledge in how crypto works.  It's due to the fact that you haven't -- you know -- published any information about it, except perhaps mentioning it on IRC once.

Well you know what?  I think your full of shit.  I think you are just making this up.

Your original post talked about a "fixed price" for your coin.  I see you've modified that now, but this reeks of the worst kind of scam.  Fools who don't even understand how markets work thinking that they can fix the price of a coin just by their say so.  There's another thread with a similar scam coin where the dev says it is worth .1 BTC and he's premined something like 1 billion coins.  Genius, right?  Wait, is that you who made that coin, too?

If you don't like Bitcointalk then why don't you just delete your fucking thread.  No one asked you to post here.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 03:40:12 AM
For those that wanted an BTC-XQD market....

There ya go!


Looks like a lot of excitement over this one!  A total volume of ... zero.  Not a single trade.  Ouch.

At least you don't have to worry about the fact that Coinweaver's such an ass decreasing the demand for the coin.  Hard to get lower than zero.

Though maybe people will start paying to have someone take their Dirac.  Kinda like how you have to pay for garbage removal.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 05:02:57 AM
I have answered every single question asked in this thread on Twitter, in interviews and on IRC.

I have zero urge to repeat myself here.  I don't like BitcoinTalk.  

And the award for the biggest asshole goes to Coinweaver.

Man, I asked a simple question.  Asked twice.  And you can't be bothered to answer because you once answered the same question on IRC?!?  

You said that, "Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before."

My lack of understanding of your "specifically modified codebase" is not due to a general lack of knowledge in how crypto works.  It's due to the fact that you haven't -- you know -- published any information about it, except perhaps mentioning it on IRC once.

Well you know what?  I think your full of shit.  I think you are just making this up.

Your original post talked about a "fixed price" for your coin.  I see you've modified that now, but this reeks of the worst kind of scam.  Fools who don't even understand how markets work thinking that they can fix the price of a coin just by their say so.  There's another thread with a similar scam coin where the dev says it is worth .1 BTC and he's premined something like 1 billion coins.  Genius, right?  Wait, is that you who made that coin, too?

If you don't like Bitcointalk then why don't you just delete your fucking thread.  No one asked you to post here.

I edited my post to fix the error in my OP and then posted here that I made the correction.

The codebase is in Github and publically readable.  If you can't figure out what to do from there you shouldn't be making coins.

Thanks for being the example of everything I was talking about that's wrong with BitcoinTalk.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: richiela on May 21, 2014, 05:22:17 AM
For those that wanted an BTC-XQD market....

There ya go!



Had the symbol wrong and renamed the market... how embarrassing....


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: UdjinM6 on May 21, 2014, 05:31:47 AM
Updated Mac wallet with crash fixes added to OP.
I can confirm - this one works for me!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:15:05 AM

I edited my post to fix the error in my OP and then posted here that I made the correction.

Yes, you edited your post.  But the fact is that someone had to point out to you that it is impossible to fix the price of the coin.  

You don't even comprehend the most basic economic principles.  You are about as much of an economic expert as my dog. 

Why don't you disclose some of the other scams.. uh coins... that you have been involved in?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:18:49 AM
The codebase is in Github and publically readable.  If you can't figure out what to do from there you shouldn't be making coins.

Oh, the github that you didn't even bother to post.

Man, you aren't exactly good with people, are you?  I bet you don't get out of your parents' basement much.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on May 21, 2014, 01:12:08 PM
Dear Bryce,

               I feel that I speak for many members in writing this to you regarding Dirac. We are here because we believe in the idea you have proposed, which is why we've been vocal about our concerns. However, I also feel that the majority of them have went unaddressed and you haven't exactly been providing the community with compelling reasons to continue backing your cause.

The pairing of Dirac with NAUT is interesting in many different ways. From a technical standpoint I don't think anyone will question that you are the better developer, with NAUT, BK understood this and reached out for help when he needed it. Dirac (if I understand correctly) is based off of Blake Bitcoin and one of the features that has been touted is...

a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before.

With that being said, what real innovation does Dirac technically have, and what exactly classifies it as a "Financial Instrument"? I took the time to listen to your podcast (video too) and these questions still largely remained unanswered. I understand that the Blake256 algorithm has benefits in power efficiency, I understand that the Blake ecosystem allows for large scale merge mineable coins, but what else? Personally im not a programmer and I think you'll find that 99% of miners / investors aren't either, so being told to check out a Github repo does little in the way of boasting confidence to potential backers. We're not asking you to blueprint an ark here, we would just like some solid answers.

When it came to marketing, NAUT had it in the bag with media coverage, and a very active community here which BK was a very constructive part of. With Dirac you've made little to no effort to help and encourage users here (or elsewhere) to support your cause and furthermore you've belittled a majority of users here for asking basic questions about the project. BK manages a successful capital firm, he's a contributor to a major television network and yet he still finds the time to be helpful and answer questions from the community, why not you?

Being the crypto aficionado that you are; I think that you would have learned by now that a solid community can make or break a coin, you're currently dissolving yours.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: benson dubois on May 21, 2014, 01:35:30 PM
the project is very interesting .But I need  time to understand more

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 01:42:12 PM
OK, I did a little digging to see what other coins the BIG EXPERT Coinweaver has been involved in.

Let's see, there's

PetroDollar - total market cap $8,814

OpenSourceCoin - total market cap $10,058

AmKoin - Not publicly traded, as far as I can tell.  Not surprising since it seems that the "economic purpose" of this coin was to honor a Conspiracy Theory website.  (No, I am not kidding.)

Yeah, you're a high roller, man.

If someone owned every single coin you've ever produced, they might be able to buy a used Hyundai.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jjj0923 on May 21, 2014, 01:47:11 PM
OK, I did a little digging to see what other coins the BIG EXPERT Coinweaver has been involved in.

Let's see, there's

PetroDollar - total market cap $8,814

OpenSourceCoin - total market cap $10,058

AmKoin - Not publicly traded, as far as I can tell.  Not surprising since it seems that the "economic purpose" of this coin was to honor a Conspiracy Theory website.  (No, I am not kidding.)

Yeah, you're a high roller, man.

If someone owned every single coin you've ever produced, they might be able to buy a used Hyundai.

that's pretty cruel - though Hyandai's make some pretty nice cars nowadays but you can;t touch anything decent for under $23k


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jjj0923 on May 21, 2014, 01:48:41 PM
by the way - how are the early miners doing trading their coins for Naut and selling Naut - has it been fairly profitable?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 01:49:09 PM
Oh, wait.  He didn't just create AmKoin, he also RUNS the conspiracy theory website that it "honors".

Oh this is making so much more sense now.

What's next, ChemtrailCoin?  BlackHelicopterCoin?  ObamasBirthCertificateCoin?


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jjj0923 on May 21, 2014, 01:49:56 PM
For those that wanted an BTC-XQD market....

There ya go!


link does not work

cannot even find XQD listed there!


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: popolite11 on May 21, 2014, 01:58:48 PM
For those that wanted an BTC-XQD market....

There ya go!


link does not work

cannot even find XQD listed there!


The page you are looking for could not be found.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jjj0923 on May 21, 2014, 02:01:53 PM
For those that wanted an BTC-XQD market....

There ya go!


link does not work

cannot even find XQD listed there!


The page you are looking for could not be found.

why not? - are they afraid the exposure of the real value of the coin compared to btc would cause it to crash?

at least Naut has shown a proven value and rise

inquiring minds want to know....

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 02:11:00 PM
OMG this just gets better.

Watched a video from this guy and his ultimate "big plan" is to put ASIC chips in TOASTERS!

I am not making this up.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: apurvslam on May 21, 2014, 02:21:19 PM

This is the link

and for xdq/naut pair trading

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 02:27:36 PM

why not? - are they afraid the exposure of the real value of the coin compared to btc would cause it to crash?

Exactly.  On Twitter, he's claiming that Dirac's market cap is $10 million!

LOL.  What a scam!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 02:36:32 PM
I'm picturing Bryce's mining farms of the future...

Warehouses filled with millions of toasters with hundreds of guys running around pressing the levers down to keep them mining...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: superfluouso on May 21, 2014, 04:58:42 PM

why not? - are they afraid the exposure of the real value of the coin compared to btc would cause it to crash?

Exactly.  On Twitter, he's claiming that Dirac's market cap is $10 million!

LOL.  What a scam!

The market cap was much higher that 10M earlier, but like all crypto, it goes up and down.  Basically, to calculate:

Dirac market Cap = 2,272,080 total Dirac * market price for Dirac (currently 16.6 Naut) * BTC price per Naut (Currently 0.00033) * BTC price (currently 496) = ~6M USD

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 05:04:38 PM

I edited my post to fix the error in my OP and then posted here that I made the correction.

Yes, you edited your post.  But the fact is that someone had to point out to you that it is impossible to fix the price of the coin.  

You don't even comprehend the most basic economic principles.  You are about as much of an economic expert as my dog.  

Why don't you disclose some of the other scams.. uh coins... that you have been involved in?

You're right. I'm wolong.  You got me.

Troll fail.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 05:12:50 PM
Dear Bryce,

               I feel that I speak for many members in writing this to you regarding Dirac. We are here because we believe in the idea you have proposed, which is why we've been vocal about our concerns. However, I also feel that the majority of them have went unaddressed and you haven't exactly been providing the community with compelling reasons to continue backing your cause.

The pairing of Dirac with NAUT is interesting in many different ways. From a technical standpoint I don't think anyone will question that you are the better developer, with NAUT, BK understood this and reached out for help when he needed it. Dirac (if I understand correctly) is based off of Blake Bitcoin and one of the features that has been touted is...

a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before.

With that being said, what real innovation does Dirac technically have, and what exactly classifies it as a "Financial Instrument"? I took the time to listen to your podcast (video too) and these questions still largely remained unanswered. I understand that the Blake256 algorithm has benefits in power efficiency, I understand that the Blake ecosystem allows for large scale merge mineable coins, but what else? Personally im not a programmer and I think you'll find that 99% of miners / investors aren't either, so being told to check out a Github repo does little in the way of boasting confidence to potential backers. We're not asking you to blueprint an ark here, we would just like some solid answers.

When it came to marketing, NAUT had it in the bag with media coverage, and a very active community here which BK was a very constructive part of. With Dirac you've made little to no effort to help and encourage users here (or elsewhere) to support your cause and furthermore you've belittled a majority of users here for asking basic questions about the project. BK manages a successful capital firm, he's a contributor to a major television network and yet he still finds the time to be helpful and answer questions from the community, why not you?

Being the crypto aficionado that you are; I think that you would have learned by now that a solid community can make or break a coin, you're currently dissolving yours.

I don't have a "cause".  This is not dogecoin.  This is not a pump and dump toy.  Community is important, but BitcoinTalk is not.  Dirac has a community... they just don't post here.  There's no social media plan.  There's just people who get it or people who don't.

I really don't care what most people here think because most people here invest in coins like WhiteCoin or AsiaCoin.

I'm sure there will be another shitcoin coming along soon enough.

Never premined a coin. Never did an IPO.  No POS/Multipool scams.

I am, however, building a financial infrastructure.  Dirac is a part of that.  If you don't want to trade it or mine it or take the time to actually learn how it works, that's fine.

Not my problem.  I have more stuff to do.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: somogyipeti on May 21, 2014, 05:13:05 PM
When will work manual payments on

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 05:14:03 PM
When will work manual payments on
I'm not running the pools so I have no idea, sorry.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 05:19:57 PM
The GitHub link wasn't in the OP because the OP is just a copy of the from GitHub.

I've added the link to feed the trolls.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Pyramusx on May 21, 2014, 05:22:29 PM
I am, however, building a financial infrastructure.  Dirac is a part of that.  If you don't want to trade it or mine it or take the time to actually learn how it works, that's fine.

Not my problem.  I have more stuff to do.

You're not going to do that without a social media plan.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 05:25:09 PM
I am, however, building a financial infrastructure.  Dirac is a part of that.  If you don't want to trade it or mine it or take the time to actually learn how it works, that's fine.

Not my problem.  I have more stuff to do.

You're not going to do that without a social media plan.
You don't do that *with* a social media plan.

You do that with money.

Lemme 'splain.

Dirac isn't for "the community". It's for investors from *outside* the community.  The altmarket doesn't have enough liquidity to be financially viable.  Dirac is one step in a larger idea to change that.

All we do is push the same funds around between coins.  That needs to change.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 05:35:05 PM

I've added the official forum on CryptoCoinTalk to the OP.

If anyone has any questions I'll be happy to answer them there.

Posting here makes me feel like I should take a shower.  No wonder people think every coin here is a scam... this forum is where all coin scams come from.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Conqueror on May 21, 2014, 05:35:43 PM
OK, I did a little digging to see what other coins the BIG EXPERT Coinweaver has been involved in.

Let's see, there's

PetroDollar - total market cap $8,814

OpenSourceCoin - total market cap $10,058

AmKoin - Not publicly traded, as far as I can tell.  Not surprising since it seems that the "economic purpose" of this coin was to honor a Conspiracy Theory website.  (No, I am not kidding.)

Yeah, you're a high roller, man.

If someone owned every single coin you've ever produced, they might be able to buy a used Hyundai.

LOL, Who cares about Coblees fucked-uped coins? Fairbrix, Tenebrix? Nobody, that's who.
Who care about Litecoin today? Well also nobody, but that is not exactly my point.
The lesson is> Even if your previous coins was disaster, if you learn from it and continue in the right direction your next coin can be a huge success (as Dirac will be).

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 05:40:54 PM
Dirac market Cap = 2,272,080 total Dirac * market price for Dirac (currently 16.6 Naut) * BTC price per Naut (Currently 0.00033) * BTC price (currently 496) = ~6M USD

Market cap is based on the total number of coins in existence, not the total number that may someday be produced.

Unless you're telling me that this joker has already mined all 2.2 million coins!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: goalcoin on May 21, 2014, 05:54:45 PM

Dirac is intented not simply as a currency, but as a stable financial instrument capable of carrying vast amounts of wealth in a safe, secure, and in a manner more economically efficient than Bitcoin.  Free-market managed economic stability is a concept introduced by NautilusCoin( and then enhanced by Dirac.  Dirac will be traded in an exclusive currency pairing against NautilusCoin (NAUT market) on AllCrypt( Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and establishing a minimum price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

Sounds really interesting and innovative. Where can I find out more about the cloning pre-built with merged mining?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 06:03:56 PM
Proof of existence of 25k NAUT for Dirac Buyback
NAUT Wallet for Dirac Buyback

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 06:05:12 PM
Dirac market Cap = 2,272,080 total Dirac * market price for Dirac (currently 16.6 Naut) * BTC price per Naut (Currently 0.00033) * BTC price (currently 496) = ~6M USD

Market cap is based on the total number of coins in existence, not the total number that may someday be produced.

Unless you're telling me that this joker has already mined all 2.2 million coins!

Yes. 100% premine. You got me.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 06:08:40 PM

Dirac is intented not simply as a currency, but as a stable financial instrument capable of carrying vast amounts of wealth in a safe, secure, and in a manner more economically efficient than Bitcoin.  Free-market managed economic stability is a concept introduced by NautilusCoin( and then enhanced by Dirac.  Dirac will be traded in an exclusive currency pairing against NautilusCoin (NAUT market) on AllCrypt( Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and establishing a minimum price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

Sounds really interesting and innovative. Where can I find out more about the cloning pre-built with merged mining?
AuxPOW has been added to the codebase and all of the parameters required to make a coin "unique" have been moved to clone.h and genesis.h.  Blockhalvings and difficulty calculations are still in main.cpp.  It takes some of the laborious hide-and-seek of making new coins out of the process.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 06:29:55 PM
AuxPOW has been added to the codebase and all of the parameters required to make a coin "unique" have been moved to clone.h and genesis.h.  Blockhalvings and difficulty calculations are still in main.cpp.  It takes some of the laborious hide-and-seek of making new coins out of the process.

Wow, a straight answer.  Now was that so hard?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 06:33:05 PM
So... looks like there's a HUGE crowd of people over on the Nautilus thread who are super pissed that you've destroyed the value of their coin by hitching this piece of junk to it.

Nearly 50% decline in the price of Nautilus in the past 24 hours, thanks to good ole Dirac.

Can't even stick to making your own shit coins.  Gotta shittify someone else's, too.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: stompix on May 21, 2014, 06:35:29 PM

I've added the official forum on CryptoCoinTalk to the OP.

If anyone has any questions I'll be happy to answer them there.

Posting here makes me feel like I should take a shower.  No wonder people think every coin here is a scam... this forum is where all coin scams come from.

With this way of talking I'm pretty sure you're doing this coin a great "favor" :).

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 07:10:18 PM

"Sidechains are a mistake. No altcoin should ever want to tie its fate to Bitcoin. " - Bryce Weiner

Yet you have tied the fate of your coin to a start-up alt that's less than a month old.

And unfortunately, you've tied their fate to yours as well.

Dirac is a sinking ship sucking everything near it down its whirlpool.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 07:15:18 PM
Posting here makes me feel like I should take a shower. 

From the man who runs a website that claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on May 21, 2014, 07:35:43 PM

"Sidechains are a mistake. No altcoin should ever want to tie its fate to Bitcoin. " - Bryce Weiner

Yet you have tied the fate of your coin to a start-up alt that's less than a month old.

And unfortunately, you've tied their fate to yours as well.

Dirac is a sinking ship sucking everything near it down its whirlpool.

You know... You've been a real bastard in this thread. The reason being, because you've been 100% spot on the entire time. Normally I wouldn't pay much attention to comments like these, but ive checked your sources and you are indeed correct and honest in your statements, not just this one, but all of them. The quote above is from Twitter, and it appears the comment has been deleted. However you can still find a copy of it in google's cache, check it for yourself.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 07:45:14 PM
Sidechains are the stupidest idea to come out of the Bitcoin cult in ages.

This forum is a wasteland.  Done here.

PS: AmKon is a free speech website.  People can say any crazy shit they want.  Like "sidechains" or "ASIC resistance".

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: stompix on May 21, 2014, 07:47:30 PM
OK, I did a little digging to see what other coins the BIG EXPERT Coinweaver has been involved in.

Let's see, there's

PetroDollar - total market cap $8,814

OpenSourceCoin - total market cap $10,058

AmKoin - Not publicly traded, as far as I can tell.  Not surprising since it seems that the "economic purpose" of this coin was to honor a Conspiracy Theory website.  (No, I am not kidding.)

Yeah, you're a high roller, man.

If someone owned every single coin you've ever produced, they might be able to buy a used Hyundai.

LOL, Who cares about Coblees fucked-uped coins? Fairbrix, Tenebrix? Nobody, that's who.
Who care about Litecoin today? Well also nobody, but that is not exactly my point.
The lesson is> Even if your previous coins was disaster, if you learn from it and continue in the right direction your next coin can be a huge success (as Dirac will be).

I'm pretty sue you're either trolling or joking with this one.
I'm pretty sure there are x100 times more people interested in litecoin than this one.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 21, 2014, 07:57:35 PM
AuxPOW has been added to the codebase and all of the parameters required to make a coin "unique" have been moved to clone.h and genesis.h.  Blockhalvings and difficulty calculations are still in main.cpp.  It takes some of the laborious hide-and-seek of making new coins out of the process.

Nice... Will cloned coins be automatically merge-mineable basing it on this code?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 07:59:14 PM
AuxPOW has been added to the codebase and all of the parameters required to make a coin "unique" have been moved to clone.h and genesis.h.  Blockhalvings and difficulty calculations are still in main.cpp.  It takes some of the laborious hide-and-seek of making new coins out of the process.

Nice... Will cloned coins be automatically merge-mineable basing it on this code?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: superfluouso on May 21, 2014, 08:08:33 PM
Dirac market Cap = 2,272,080 total Dirac * market price for Dirac (currently 16.6 Naut) * BTC price per Naut (Currently 0.00033) * BTC price (currently 496) = ~6M USD

Market cap is based on the total number of coins in existence, not the total number that may someday be produced.

Unless you're telling me that this joker has already mined all 2.2 million coins!

Sorry - yes you are correct.  I forgot to qualify that as *potential* market cap as I believe I've seen Bryece do in his comments.  Not the way you would normally calculate though keep in mind, the time for all coins to be mined is significantly shorter than most other coins.  Around august 17 we can expect the block reward to drop from 8 to 1.25.

Regardless of your thoughts about the dev, if you have spare GPUs laying around, I'd love to hear thoughts from the community on why it makes sense to use them on anything else other than merge mining Blake-256 coins.  BlueDragon is the real deal and has great pools.  For those willing to look, all the info you need is available.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Zebedee23 on May 21, 2014, 08:32:15 PM
is this another SCAM by the creator of the COINGEN scam coin Nautilus???
In Brian Kellys own words...

"I went back to Coigen and created another coin called Nautiluscoin (, so named because a nautilus grows at a steady, stable rate. The next step was listing on an exchange where I could sell my newly-minted coins and place my buy orders. I contacted Austin Global Exchange ( and within days, Nautiluscoin was ready to begin trading. "

Wake up people

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: superfluouso on May 21, 2014, 08:41:32 PM
Nautilus was relaunched.  Now with NSF.  I agree - wake up!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sussex on May 21, 2014, 09:38:18 PM
Sidechains are the stupidest idea to come out of the Bitcoin cult in ages.

This forum is a wasteland.  Done here.

PS: AmKon is a free speech website.  People can say any crazy shit they want.  Like "sidechains" or "ASIC resistance".

Are you related to Payu Harris? There are some striking similarities........

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 09:42:13 PM
Sidechains are the stupidest idea to come out of the Bitcoin cult in ages.

This forum is a wasteland.  Done here.

PS: AmKon is a free speech website.  People can say any crazy shit they want.  Like "sidechains" or "ASIC resistance".

Are you related to Payu Harris? There are some striking similarities........
People like to cry all the time about how cryptos don't gain acceptance until someone from outside the crypto community tries to invest in it and gets trolled.

The cryptocommunity is its own worst enemy.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ignatius on May 21, 2014, 09:42:34 PM
I have answered every single question asked in this thread on Twitter, in interviews and on IRC.

I have zero urge to repeat myself here.  I don't like BitcoinTalk.  I don't like the attitudes or the over-hyped crap that goes on here.

I make coins for use by people who know what cryptocurrencies are really about.  Those people are already mining and trading my coins.

I have plans for this coin.  I am not pushing it because I already know what is going to happen.

I do not dumb down my explanations.  I will answer questions but not those I have already answered 100 times.  If people ask the same question 100 times it means there's something missing in the general understanding of how crypto works.  I'm an engineer, not a tutor.

Most, if not all, of my coins are designed for a specific economic purpose.  I've added information to the OP which would help explain that: one is a radio interview on the David Seaman show and another is a short video clip.

All of it is in my own words and address every issue brought up in this thread.

I just wanted to see a post by you here unrelated to your efforts to pump the coin via various means. Thank you.

You are an engineer? I thought you were an out of work analyst? Where is your degree in engineering from, and what is it focused on? I assume now you will claim the title of software engineer.

I can certainly understand not being a fan of one forum or another. I can also understand being too busy to respond to every private message received. That said, it might benefit you to at least read the messages you receive since some of them, like the one I sent, merely tried to help you by correcting some of your errors.

For example in your cryptocointalk thread you specify rpcport=74532 in multiple places. Pro tip for all "engineers": there are only a total of 65,535 ports. This resulted in many users having an issue initially with the client and posting to your thread about it. You never commented on the issue, and still haven't corrected the errors. Don't get me wrong, I'm not after a written and notarized apology. Perhaps just try doing the coin dev thing and fix your errors.

The blake chain has promise, I sincerely worry what people like you will end up doing to it. Maybe blindly adding any blake based coin to the merge is not the best practice.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 09:57:24 PM
Are you related to Payu Harris? There are some striking similarities........

Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing.  At least Payu is cordial.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 10:05:44 PM
PS: AmKon is a free speech website.  People can say any crazy shit they want.  

You run a site designed to give a platform for people who say things like "the parents of the children massacred in Sandy Hook are 'faking it."'  That they were actually the ones who killed their children.  

Call it free speech, but that is exactly the kind of discussion that your site is designed to encourage.  It's not a coincidence that this kind of hate-filled moronic drivel appears on your site.  It is, in fact, the very point of the site.

And then you have the gall to badmouth Bitcointalk?

Show me one thing that has ever happened here that can compare to the compounding of grief that your site has caused the parents of murdered children.

Even Mt. Gox is nothing compared to the grief that you and your fellow conspiracy wackos have brought to these mourning parents.

You must be so proud.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sussex on May 21, 2014, 10:15:04 PM
Are you related to Payu Harris? There are some striking similarities........

Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing.  At least Payu is cordial.

I suppose you've seen how everyone has fallen in love with him on the MYR thread?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: cinnamon_carter on May 21, 2014, 10:17:37 PM
Ignatius is correct on the port issue,

TCP and UDP port numbers

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sussex on May 21, 2014, 10:19:24 PM
PS: AmKon is a free speech website.  People can say any crazy shit they want.  

You run a site designed to give a platform for people who say things like "the parents of the children massacred in Sandy Hook are 'faking it."'  That they were actually the ones who killed their children.  

Call it free speech, but that is exactly the kind of discussion that your site is designed to encourage.  It's not a coincidence that this kind of hate-filled moronic drivel appears on your site.  It is, in fact, the very point of the site.

And then you have the gall to badmouth Bitcointalk?

Show me one thing that has ever happened here that can compare to the compounding of grief that your site has caused the parents of murdered children.

Even Mt. Gox is nothing compared to the grief that you and your fellow conspiracy wackos have brought to these mourning parents.

You must be so proud.

I fully agree with free speech, but I wouldn't feel obliged to give every racist, homophobe and nasty moron a platform to spew their bile from - why would Bryce think it's a good idea?

The Sandy Hook conspiracy whackjobs are some of the sickest zombies I've ever come across - I wouldn't dream of giving them the slightest bit of legitimacy.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 10:36:13 PM
PS: AmKon is a free speech website.  People can say any crazy shit they want.  

You run a site designed to give a platform for people who say things like "the parents of the children massacred in Sandy Hook are 'faking it."'  That they were actually the ones who killed their children.  

Call it free speech, but that is exactly the kind of discussion that your site is designed to encourage.  It's not a coincidence that this kind of hate-filled moronic drivel appears on your site.  It is, in fact, the very point of the site.

And then you have the gall to badmouth Bitcointalk?

Show me one thing that has ever happened here that can compare to the compounding of grief that your site has caused the parents of murdered children.

Even Mt. Gox is nothing compared to the grief that you and your fellow conspiracy wackos have brought to these mourning parents.

You must be so proud.

Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors and there were 2 gunmen this is WELL DOCUMENTED, you really believe an autistic person could plan and do that? You are posting with the name kim jong un and crying about being offended by an article, go starve your own people this isnt the forum to diverge off topic. If you have any positive input about DIRAC please put it here otherwise you can move along mr gook.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 10:37:49 PM
Sorry - yes you are correct.  I forgot to qualify that as *potential* market cap as I believe I've seen Bryece do in his comments. 

Bryce doesn't "qualify" shit.  He just flat out lies:

"Bryce Weiner ‏@BryceWeiner  May 19
The calculated fiat market cap of #Dirac at last trade is $11,733,675.46... placing it at a solid #10 just behind MasterCoin."

Complete B.S.  Either 1) he has no clue what market cap even means 2) he can't differentiate fantasy from reality (common among conspiracy wackos like Bryce) or 3) He's a lying scammer.

Oh, it's so hard to pick just one...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 10:38:38 PM
PS: AmKon is a free speech website.  People can say any crazy shit they want.  

You run a site designed to give a platform for people who say things like "the parents of the children massacred in Sandy Hook are 'faking it."'  That they were actually the ones who killed their children.  

Call it free speech, but that is exactly the kind of discussion that your site is designed to encourage.  It's not a coincidence that this kind of hate-filled moronic drivel appears on your site.  It is, in fact, the very point of the site.

And then you have the gall to badmouth Bitcointalk?

Show me one thing that has ever happened here that can compare to the compounding of grief that your site has caused the parents of murdered children.

Even Mt. Gox is nothing compared to the grief that you and your fellow conspiracy wackos have brought to these mourning parents.

You must be so proud.

I fully agree with free speech, but I wouldn't feel obliged to give every racist, homophobe and nasty moron a platform to spew their bile from - why would Bryce think it's a good idea?

The Sandy Hook conspiracy whackjobs are some of the sickest zombies I've ever come across - I wouldn't dream of giving them the slightest bit of legitimacy.
I honestly believe not a single child died at Sandy Hook and every single "family" on TV are actors. You really think they give a fuck about you? If you have a problem I'll give you my address, I am sitting here with 2 AKs

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 10:41:23 PM
Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors

You are insane.  I know people whose daughter was murdered at Sandy Hook.  And then they had to hear from wack jobs like you accusing them of being actors, killing their daughter, never having a daughter, etc.

Bryce is trying to make himself out as an economic genius/engineering savant when in reality he is a twisted bully who leads a site attacking the parents of murdered children.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 10:43:12 PM
I honestly believe not a single child died at Sandy Hook and every single "family" on TV are actors.

It's nice to see Bryce's supporters showing their true colors....

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 10:47:14 PM
The one thing that Dirac has really been missing is a good slogan.  Fortunately, one of Bryce's lackeys has helped us out:

DIRAC:  For people who believe that not a single child died at Sandy Hook and every single "family" on TV are actors.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sussex on May 21, 2014, 10:51:59 PM

I honestly believe not a single child died at Sandy Hook and every single "family" on TV are actors. You really think they give a fuck about you? If you have a problem I'll give you my address, I am sitting here with 2 AKs

Hahaha, you just killed this coin - all credibility gone.

You're sick and your presence here just seals Diracs fate - bravo!!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 10:53:34 PM
I fully agree with free speech, but I wouldn't feel obliged to give every racist, homophobe and nasty moron a platform to spew their bile from - why would Bryce think it's a good idea?

Simple.  Because he agrees with them.  He's the one who started the site, after all.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 10:56:32 PM

I honestly believe not a single child died at Sandy Hook and every single "family" on TV are actors. You really think they give a fuck about you? If you have a problem I'll give you my address, I am sitting here with 2 AKs

Hahaha, you just killed this coin - all credibility gone.

You're sick and your presence here just seals Diracs fate - bravo!!
What are youtalking about? Its a free country? I didnt say anything horrible like I am glad someone died I simply said everything youve EVER been told by the government is a lie and you refuse to believe it and get mad, No one cares what you think about the coin, no single person can kill the coin and no one really cares about me thinking the "families" on TV are actors. NONE of it has anything to do with the coin. Can you stay on topic, go get your adderalll man. Now please fuck off and go back to YC and AC thanks.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 10:57:31 PM
I have answered every single question asked in this thread on Twitter, in interviews and on IRC.

I have zero urge to repeat myself here.  I don't like BitcoinTalk.  I don't like the attitudes or the over-hyped crap that goes on here.

I make coins for use by people who know what cryptocurrencies are really about.  Those people are already mining and trading my coins.

I have plans for this coin.  I am not pushing it because I already know what is going to happen.

I do not dumb down my explanations.  I will answer questions but not those I have already answered 100 times.  If people ask the same question 100 times it means there's something missing in the general understanding of how crypto works.  I'm an engineer, not a tutor.

Most, if not all, of my coins are designed for a specific economic purpose.  I've added information to the OP which would help explain that: one is a radio interview on the David Seaman show and another is a short video clip.

All of it is in my own words and address every issue brought up in this thread.

I just wanted to see a post by you here unrelated to your efforts to pump the coin via various means. Thank you.

You are an engineer? I thought you were an out of work analyst? Where is your degree in engineering from, and what is it focused on? I assume now you will claim the title of software engineer.

I can certainly understand not being a fan of one forum or another. I can also understand being too busy to respond to every private message received. That said, it might benefit you to at least read the messages you receive since some of them, like the one I sent, merely tried to help you by correcting some of your errors.

For example in your cryptocointalk thread you specify rpcport=74532 in multiple places. Pro tip for all "engineers": there are only a total of 65,535 ports. This resulted in many users having an issue initially with the client and posting to your thread about it. You never commented on the issue, and still haven't corrected the errors. Don't get me wrong, I'm not after a written and notarized apology. Perhaps just try doing the coin dev thing and fix your errors.

The blake chain has promise, I sincerely worry what people like you will end up doing to it. Maybe blindly adding any blake based coin to the merge is not the best practice.


I've never been out of work.

I didn't add the ports to the CCT ANN thread.  Jimmy did that. Thanks for letting me know there's an error in the post so I can fix it.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 10:58:21 PM
Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors

You are insane.  I know people whose daughter was murdered at Sandy Hook.  And then they had to hear from wack jobs like you accusing them of being actors, killing their daughter, never having a daughter, etc.

Bryce is trying to make himself out as an economic genius/engineering savant when in reality he is a twisted bully who leads a site attacking the parents of murdered children.
Sorry an autistic guy with a gun didnt kill those children and if some died it was the second shooter who got away unfortunatly youre a liberal I am just a guy randomly seeing communist control freak bullshit and calling it out people have to right to think what they want stop trying to control people.. PS XDQ value is rising

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 10:59:22 PM
Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors

You are insane.  I know people whose daughter was murdered at Sandy Hook.  And then they had to hear from wack jobs like you accusing them of being actors, killing their daughter, never having a daughter, etc.

Bryce is trying to make himself out as an economic genius/engineering savant when in reality he is a twisted bully who leads a site attacking the parents of murdered children.

This is the best post yet!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:00:38 PM
Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors

You are insane.  I know people whose daughter was murdered at Sandy Hook.  And then they had to hear from wack jobs like you accusing them of being actors, killing their daughter, never having a daughter, etc.

Bryce is trying to make himself out as an economic genius/engineering savant when in reality he is a twisted bully who leads a site attacking the parents of murdered children.

PS I 100% guarantee you didn't know any of those people you crybaby bitch I just saw you trying to control people by changing the subject. You are a moron who thrives on using fallacies you make any bullshit argument everything youve ever said here is invalid.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:00:52 PM
Sorry an autistic guy with a gun didnt kill those children and if some died it was the second shooter who got away unfortunatly youre a liberal I am just a guy randomly seeing communist control freak bullshit and calling it out people have to right to think what they want stop trying to control people.. PS XDQ value is rising

Are you from the United States?  You don't seem to be a native English speaker...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:02:17 PM
Sorry an autistic guy with a gun didnt kill those children and if some died it was the second shooter who got away unfortunatly youre a liberal I am just a guy randomly seeing communist control freak bullshit and calling it out people have to right to think what they want stop trying to control people.. PS XDQ value is rising

Are you from the United States?  You don't seem to be a native English speaker...
Oh shut the fuck up with your ad-hominem aren't gooks supposed to be fucking smart? LEARN TO ARGUE

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:03:19 PM
PS I 100% guarantee you didn't know any of those people you crybaby bitch I just saw you trying to control people by changing the subject. You are a moron who thrives on using fallacies you make any bullshit argument everything youve ever said here is invalid.


Wow man, you're right. I'm part of the giant conspiracy.  You caught me.

Once again, want to point out that if you believe that the parents of the kids murdered at Sandy Hook were actors who deserve to be attacked and exposed, then DIRAC is the coin for you!

The creator of Dirac runs a site devoted to wack job racist shit like this.  So if that's the kind of person you want to invest your money with, you came to the right place.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 11:04:18 PM
Hahahah this is hilarious.

You're not from that scamcoin HashDollar are you?

They were the ones that tried this last time.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:04:49 PM
aren't gooks supposed to be fucking smart?

Man, Bryce, your supporters are awesome!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:05:31 PM
PS I 100% guarantee you didn't know any of those people you crybaby bitch I just saw you trying to control people by changing the subject. You are a moron who thrives on using fallacies you make any bullshit argument everything youve ever said here is invalid.


Wow man, you're right. I'm part of the giant conspiracy.  You caught me.

Once again, want to point out that if you believe that the parents of the kids murdered at Sandy Hook were actors who deserve to be attacked and exposed, then DIRAC is the coin for you!
LOL what? Attacked? Never said that? They do what they are paid to do. I believe that we should all carry guns in school armed teachers would have stopped every incident like this in schools including columbine but this is the direct cause of gun control. Seriously go parade against peoples rights elsewhere this post is about economics not politics you crybaby.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:06:57 PM
aren't gooks supposed to be fucking smart?

Man, Bryce, your supporters are awesome!

No I am not even a supporter, I go to this forum to troll this was the first post I clicked, luckily I found a liberal moron gook posting about being a control freak, seriously go starve your own people bro no one cares what you have to say here.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 21, 2014, 11:07:05 PM
AmKon,net also discusses reptilians in congress, John Lear's alien bases on the moon, chemtrails and HAARP.

It's full of crazy people.  It's a fun site.  Thanks for the free plug.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:08:36 PM
Seriously go parade against peoples rights elsewhere this post is about economics not politics you crybaby.

Wow.  I haven't said anything about any rights.  But in your fucked up world, simply stating that the kids murdered at Sandy Hook were actually real people is "parading against peoples rights."

What, your right to murder children?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sussex on May 21, 2014, 11:11:25 PM
Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors

You are insane.  I know people whose daughter was murdered at Sandy Hook.  And then they had to hear from wack jobs like you accusing them of being actors, killing their daughter, never having a daughter, etc.

Bryce is trying to make himself out as an economic genius/engineering savant when in reality he is a twisted bully who leads a site attacking the parents of murdered children.

This is the best post yet!

Ok Bryce, what are your thoughts? Was Sandy Hook a conspiracy of some sort or a "straightforward" crime by a fucked up kid?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:11:56 PM
Seriously go parade against peoples rights elsewhere this post is about economics not politics you crybaby.

Wow.  I haven't said anything about any rights.  But in your fucked up world, simply stating that the kids murdered at Sandy Hook were actually real people is "parading against peoples rights."

What, your right to murder children?
What are you talking about ? You are really 2 steps behind bro. The whole point of sandy hook was to take away EVERYONES RIGHTS, including YOU. There were TWO people there and no autistic person whos seriously scared to touch another human being would fucking shoot up a school are you literally THAT dump?  Seriously you dont even understand big boy politics or economics youre probably a 15 year old with a savings account just go outside man you dont belong on the internet.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:13:28 PM
Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors

You are insane.  I know people whose daughter was murdered at Sandy Hook.  And then they had to hear from wack jobs like you accusing them of being actors, killing their daughter, never having a daughter, etc.

Bryce is trying to make himself out as an economic genius/engineering savant when in reality he is a twisted bully who leads a site attacking the parents of murdered children.

This is the best post yet!

Ok Bryce, what are your thoughts? Was Sandy Hook a conspiracy of some sort or a "straightforward" crime by a fucked up kid?
He was autistic and was a ponzi Bryce obviously doesnt fucking care because the point of this article was about a fucking COIN not sandy hook you imbecile holy shit go back to your hole...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:15:27 PM
He was autistic and was a ponzi

So now Sandy Hook was a ponzi scheme!  LOL.  Wow!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:16:25 PM
He was autistic and was a ponzi

So now Sandy Hook was a ponzi scheme!  LOL.  Wow!
Wow learn your English definitions a ponzi is a tool...dont you have a family to starve?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:17:51 PM
Wow learn your English definitions a ponzi is a tool...dont you have a family to starve?

A ponzi is "a tool?"

OK, now you're just fucking with me.  No one could be this stupid.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:19:17 PM
Wow learn your English definitions a ponzi is a tool...dont you have a family to starve?

Just in case you were serious: (

Let me guess:  there's a conspiracy to dumb down Americans by putting fake definitions in the dictionary. 

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:23:23 PM
Wow learn your English definitions a ponzi is a tool...dont you have a family to starve?

Just in case you were serious: (

Let me guess:  there's a conspiracy to dumb down Americans by putting fake definitions in the dictionary. 
Ponzi aka Patsy aka Fugazi aka youre a fucking moron and still cant formulate an argument to save your life..

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sussex on May 21, 2014, 11:24:26 PM
Yo quit bitching bro! Sandy Hook was mostly actors

You are insane.  I know people whose daughter was murdered at Sandy Hook.  And then they had to hear from wack jobs like you accusing them of being actors, killing their daughter, never having a daughter, etc.

Bryce is trying to make himself out as an economic genius/engineering savant when in reality he is a twisted bully who leads a site attacking the parents of murdered children.

This is the best post yet!

Ok Bryce, what are your thoughts? Was Sandy Hook a conspiracy of some sort or a "straightforward" crime by a fucked up kid?
He was autistic and was a ponzi Bryce obviously doesnt fucking care because the point of this article was about a fucking COIN not sandy hook you imbecile holy shit go back to your hole...

Did jerking off over your (fictitious) AKs not do the trick today, so you came here to vent your anger?

Well, at least you aren't on the street with your (fictitious) AKs..... phew!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 21, 2014, 11:26:19 PM
Ponzi aka Patsy aka Fugazi aka youre a fucking moron and still cant formulate an argument to save your life..

Show me 1 example of Ponzi being used as a synonym for patsy and I'll send you 1 BTC.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 21, 2014, 11:37:32 PM
Ponzi aka Patsy aka Fugazi aka youre a fucking moron and still cant formulate an argument to save your life..

Show me 1 example of Ponzi being used as a synonym for patsy and I'll send you 1 BTC.
Show me 1 example of you not using a red herring to formulate an argument

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sussex on May 21, 2014, 11:47:11 PM
Ponzi aka Patsy aka Fugazi aka youre a fucking moron and still cant formulate an argument to save your life..

Show me 1 example of Ponzi being used as a synonym for patsy and I'll send you 1 BTC.
Show me 1 example of you not using a red herring to formulate an argument

Looks like your BTC is safe......    ;)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 12:04:45 AM
Ponzi aka Patsy aka Fugazi aka youre a fucking moron and still cant formulate an argument to save your life..

Show me 1 example of Ponzi being used as a synonym for patsy and I'll send you 1 BTC.
Show me 1 example of you not using a red herring to formulate an argument

Looks like your BTC is safe......    ;)
doesnt make it any less the same shit

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 12:16:19 AM
Show me 1 example of you not using a red herring to formulate an argument

And by red herring, I assume you mean patsy.  Or is it ponzi?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 12:37:51 AM
Show me 1 example of you not using a red herring to formulate an argument

And by red herring, I assume you mean patsy.  Or is it ponzi?
Thats a fallacy someones never graduated high school  ::)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: stormia on May 22, 2014, 12:44:05 AM
This is where all the crazy people on this forum go?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 12:52:46 AM
This is where all the crazy people on this forum go?
Nah just people who wanna cry about who owns free speech message boards on a coin forum inevitably to get trolled by anyone willing to say the exact opposite of what they are bitching about  ;) ;D :D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: stormia on May 22, 2014, 12:57:05 AM
I sense a lot of anti-leftism and racism here.

Guess what guys, Dirac and Einstein were both "liberal" thinkers :D As are most scientists...

Einstein might even be considered a socialist  :D
Dirac sympathized with the soviet union  :D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 22, 2014, 01:06:56 AM
Dear Dirac users,

Please, stop feeding the troll. Excercise your right to ignore people and click over "Ignore" on the aforementioned troll.

Thank you in advance,

A fellow BlakeMerged miner.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 22, 2014, 01:20:12 AM
Nice feature.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 01:20:34 AM
Dear Dirac users,

By "Dirac users" you mean people who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax and that ponzi is another word for patsy, right?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 01:23:41 AM
Nice feature.

I thought you were "done here" about 5 pages ago.

For someone who hates Bitcointalk so much, you sure spend a lot of time here.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 02:10:38 AM
Nice feature.

I thought you were "done here" about 5 pages ago.

For someone who hates Bitcointalk so much, you sure spend a lot of time here.
Two words and a period sure takes alot of time...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 02:18:11 AM
I sense a lot of anti-leftism and racism here.

Guess what guys, Dirac and Einstein were both "liberal" thinkers :D As are most scientists...

Einstein might even be considered a socialist  :D
Dirac sympathized with the soviet union  :D
LOL Einstein was NOT a leftists just GOOGLE it he was more of a republican than anything and he knew we needed to get rid of the tyranny of both partys and modern day liberals aren't even the same thing as they used to be he most definitely wasn't  that garbage, liberals are truly racist believe it or not starting with Linden B Johnson thats well documented as well!!!
Not all centrists and right wing people are racists and to let you know leftists are now oligarchical right wingers are the exact same now days  its just a trick if you believe that mumbo jumbo I feel bad for you, Now back to DECENTRALIZED CURRENCY because the whole point of this is to get away from the banks monopoly and evil control and if you think people who dont want to be enslaved by the banks are wackos maybe BITCOIN AND CRYPTO is the wrong place for you ALTOGETHER!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: trolltamer9000 on May 22, 2014, 02:39:03 AM
Well oh my. It's been a while since I've been on bitcointalk, and this thread confirms I don't need to be back any time soon (posting under a fresh account so that retarded troll KimJongUn doesn't waste his time on me next).

The coin dev only posted here because several people asked him to on Twitter, where he has been making most of the announcements. The self importance and trollsy trolololing here shows Bitcointalk is about as relevant today as an episode of Bay Watch.

And really, anyone who uses DIRAC is a Sandy Hook denier? That is the most tenuous claim, ever. Next up: DIRAC caused the Holocaust. There you go KimJongUn, just beat you in the outrage game. Now go splash around in your own filth. Preferably in another thread. The adults are trying to work.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 03:11:16 AM
The adults are trying to work.

First of all, we know that's you, Bryce.

Second, yeah you are trying to work.  Working on scamming people. 

I know it's hard work trying to convince everyone that your shit coin is actually worth $10 million dollars, rather than $10 thousand, exactly like all the other shit coins you have created.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 03:19:30 AM
LOL Einstein was NOT a leftists just GOOGLE it he was more of a republican than anything

I know there are some big words here, but try to follow along:

"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate (the) grave evils (of capitalism), namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society."   -- Albert Einstein, Why Socialism?, 1949

BTW, Einstein was also a pacifist.  That's about as far from Republican as you can possibly get.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 03:22:21 AM
How is it already at block 3300?

Yes, gee, how did that happen.  I can't imagine...   ::)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 03:52:32 AM
LOL Einstein was NOT a leftists just GOOGLE it he was more of a republican than anything

I know there are some big words here, but try to follow along:

"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate (the) grave evils (of capitalism), namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society."   -- Albert Einstein, Why Socialism?, 1949

BTW, Einstein was also a pacifist.  That's about as far from Republican as you can possibly get.
Sure, thats why Obama wants us in more wars than Bush ever did!! lmao they are the same thing no one cares what you have to say buddy Einstein may have had socialist writings when he lived in a socialism in Germany but what do you think theyd do to him if he didnt write in support of socialism are you that numb? I dont even how you could attribute him to disgusting neo liberal ideas its really twisted... Einstein was neither a Democrat or Republican, he was a realist, he was free.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: worth on May 22, 2014, 06:13:08 AM

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: eLBee on May 22, 2014, 07:17:02 AM

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 08:06:48 AM
This is how I feel about most of the threads here but the coin itself I feel is going very far believe it or not ;)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: kenboy on May 22, 2014, 09:38:57 AM
I think the pic is good,but i dont see any specially function

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: stompix on May 22, 2014, 11:02:04 AM
I think the pic is good,but i dont see any specially function

You don't see the function of the pics? Just how bad is this google translate?
It's a damn pic , used by somebody to express how this thread looks , and let me tell you , it's damned mess already with just 10 pages.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 12:19:34 PM
I think the pic is good,but i dont see any specially function

It's got a good beat and you can dance to it.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 22, 2014, 12:24:14 PM
Einstein may have had socialist writings when he lived in a socialism in Germany but what do you think theyd do to him if he didnt write in support of socialism are you that numb?

When Einstein wrote "Why Socialism?" he had been living in the United States for 16 years and had been a U.S. citizen for 9 years.

I dont even how you could attribute him to disgusting neo liberal ideas its really twisted... Einstein was neither a Democrat or Republican, he was a realist, he was free.

LOL.  Now that is beautiful.  You don't know how I could attribute it to him?  He fucking wrote it.  It's mentioned in every single biography of Einstein written since 1950.  He talked about this stuff often.

You seriously have no grasp on reality.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: exoton on May 22, 2014, 02:28:10 PM
i cant mine , im using cgminer 3.7.2. on for merged mining , however my miner always tells me rejected ... h-not-zero , what am i doing wrong ? :P

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: L3pje on May 22, 2014, 05:46:25 PM
Use this one:

Shitty the coin is connected to NAUT ... which is lowering 50% each day.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: AFaQ on May 22, 2014, 06:18:55 PM
Einstein may have had socialist writings when he lived in a socialism in Germany but what do you think theyd do to him if he didnt write in support of socialism are you that numb?

When Einstein wrote "Why Socialism?" he had been living in the United States for 16 years and had been a U.S. citizen for 9 years.

I dont even how you could attribute him to disgusting neo liberal ideas its really twisted... Einstein was neither a Democrat or Republican, he was a realist, he was free.

LOL.  Now that is beautiful.  You don't know how I could attribute it to him?  He fucking wrote it.  It's mentioned in every single biography of Einstein written since 1950.  He talked about this stuff often.

You seriously have no grasp on reality.
I said neo liberal learn to read holy shit get a life this is a coin thread and every post you make makes you look more foolish  Einstein didn't support any type of government  so quit bitching about politics no one here cares dude you are just annoying liberals now days are different than anything there ever was some of the most delusional idiots to walk the earth

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: blinky101 on May 22, 2014, 06:44:58 PM
A true business genius: (

Enjoy getting scammed............

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 22, 2014, 06:52:23 PM
A true business genius: (

Enjoy getting scammed............

Lol... you didn't even bother to remove the gramatical spelling indicator under "to-wit".... trolololol

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: blinky101 on May 22, 2014, 07:10:23 PM

I did not type this dumbass. It is put out by wherever this county is. (

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on May 23, 2014, 12:11:43 AM
this coin has crappy price now ;(

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: on May 23, 2014, 03:09:08 AM

█ ★Dirac (XQD) █→ Now Live on: (

Hope you and the community like it. For a brief description about ( see: (

Enjoy  :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: vested on May 23, 2014, 04:42:49 AM
Why is XDQ trading in BTC?

I thought it was only supposed to be in NAUT?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 23, 2014, 04:53:37 AM
Walking away from a property that's underwater and falling apart is good business.

Check out that ever diminishing property value.  Good thing coins don't work that way when you publish your investment in the OP.


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 23, 2014, 04:58:02 AM
I've been arrested a few times, too.

That's in the PetroDollar thread.

My fans are very, very loyal.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Surfactant on May 23, 2014, 05:50:12 AM
I've been arrested a few times, too.

That's in the PetroDollar thread.

My fans are very, very loyal.

Most in the alt theater don't have their asses hanging out as much as you do, Bryce.  You have a bunch of respect from me, just for that simple fact.

Fuck them, and keep on creating.  Your ideas are always intriguing, if not great.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: SimkoMiner on May 23, 2014, 09:36:49 AM
I wonder why all the BLAKE coins difficulty is over the roof while the price keeps going down. Something doesn't work here. Bryce, your fans must be real fanatics who have crystal ball and can see in very far future where Dirac will be in Top10 altcoin list. I keep mining too for the moment but I'm not sure how long I will keep patient wasting electricity. I have been mining so many coins which lost on their value that now I believe picking the right coin for mining is just lottery. Even with merged mining the total mined value of all 4 coins together is like shit. But I hope you have some real plans to bring value into those coins so I'm still patient.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BitcoinBaBa on May 23, 2014, 12:47:08 PM
Please don't let the trolls get in to your head. Instead tell us about your future plans for this coin and what makes it special.
Many ppl still follow the thread instead of twitter to get meaningful info and updates but all we see is the op feeding the trolls himself.Bryce we expect much better from you .Many of us have learned to filter the trolls here so please for our sake take this thread seriously and show us some love. ;D

I am quite excited for this coin and for the whole blake ecosystem in general.The current prices are ridiculously low mainly because of all the FUD and people not understanding its value and future potential.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 23, 2014, 12:47:28 PM

█ ★Dirac (XQD) █→ Now Live on: (

Hope you and the community like it. For a brief description about ( see: (

Enjoy  :)

Nice.  Shows the REAL Dirac market cap:  $18,734 at the moment.

Wow, from $10 million down to $18 thousand in 1 day.  A drop of -99.998% in 1 freakin' day!  That's gotta be some kind of shitbomb record

As I predicted, it'll be down in the the sub-$10K garbage bin with Bryce's other coins within days.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 23, 2014, 12:55:09 PM
Why is XDQ trading in BTC?

I thought it was only supposed to be in NAUT?

Turns out Bryce actually can't control the markets.  Nor can he "fix" the price of his coin.  Who would have guessed?

This "free market" stuff is very hard to understand, apparently.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 23, 2014, 01:05:10 PM
My fans are very, very loyal.

Yeah, then why aren't they buying your coin?

Sure, they are happy to come rant about Sandy Hook being a hoax.  But it seems that even those nuts aren't stupid enough to put real money into Dirac.  Or perhaps your entire fan base only has a couple of thousand dollars among them.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: vested on May 23, 2014, 02:22:29 PM

Can you answer my question?

Why is XDQ trading in BTC?

I thought it was only supposed to be in NAUT?

Also, KimJongUn is obsessed with you for some reason. I think its actually yourself bumping your own thread.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 23, 2014, 03:14:54 PM

Can you answer my question?

Just think about it for a second.  What is he going to do about it?

Don't worry, though.  I'm sure the BTC/XDQ markets will be delisted soon due to lack of volume.  There are barely any trades now and it's only been listed for 2 days.  Total bid volume for ALL BTC bids for Dirac is about .004 or around $2.  High rollers, man.  "Advanced Finance" indeed.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 23, 2014, 04:06:59 PM
Also, KimJongUn is obsessed with you for some reason.

I came to this thread because I thought the coin was interesting.

I politely posted a simple question.  Bryce ignored it.  Posted it politely again.  Bryce comes back with an incredibly rude response, implying that everyone in the crypto world hangs on his every word, and if  you are not up to date on his latest pontifications, it's your fault.

Well, OK, maybe I'm missing something.

Maybe this guy is some crypto guru that I should know about.

So I started researching.  Turns out he is just a wacko scammer who knows next to nothing about crypto.  He claims to be an engineer.  Total lie. In fact, pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.  For example, Dirac has a market cap of $10 million.  LOL.  Much closer to $10 thousand.

Now the funny thing is that if Bryce had just answered my question instead of being a self-important pompous ass, I would have moved along and he would have had a nice thread filled with his wack job followers kissing his ass.  Instead, his thread and his coin have turned into a total joke.

Don't poke a hornet's nest if you don't want to get stung.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on May 23, 2014, 04:35:28 PM
Also, KimJongUn is obsessed with you for some reason.

I came to this thread because I thought the coin was interesting.

I politely posted a simple question.  Bryce ignored it.  Posted it politely again.  Bryce comes back with an incredibly rude response, implying that everyone in the crypto world hangs on his every word, and if  you are not up to date on his latest pontifications, it's your fault.

Well, OK, maybe I'm missing something.

Maybe this guy is some crypto guru that I should know about.

So I started researching.  Turns out he is just a wacko scammer who knows next to nothing about crypto.  He claims to be an engineer.  Total lie. In fact, pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.  For example, Dirac has a market cap of $10 million.  LOL.  Much closer to $10 thousand.

Now the funny thing is that if Bryce had just answered my question instead of being a self-important pompous ass, I would have moved along and he would have had a nice thread filled with his wack job followers kissing his ass.  Instead, his thread and his coin have turned into a total joke.

Don't poke a hornet's nest if you don't want to get stung.

Some of your points are agreeable, which ive stated before in this thread, but you're really overdoing it now. This thread is now continuously being bumped by you and its just the same old posts over and over again. You've made your point, now give it a rest.

This coin will live or die by its merits and dev involvement from here on out. Let's agree to let nature run its course.  

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on May 23, 2014, 04:42:31 PM
Let's agree to let nature run its course.  

Fair enough.  I'm out.  Though if Bryce comes back with more lies (like $10 million market cap) I may have to call him out.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BTCarchitect on May 23, 2014, 05:08:26 PM
"This user is currently ignored." Amazing feature!  8)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: neuroMode on May 23, 2014, 05:10:44 PM
Let's agree to let nature run its course.  

Fair enough.  I'm out.  Though if Bryce comes back with more lies (like $10 million market cap) I may have to call him out.

Did you pick your nickname because you enjoy getting everything handed to you on a silver platter? Or do you just like drawing different mall routes with crayons for your citizens to act out when tourists visit?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 24, 2014, 02:17:03 AM
"This user is currently ignored." Amazing feature!  8)

Indeed my friend

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on May 25, 2014, 03:26:40 AM

Can you answer my question?

Why is XDQ trading in BTC?

I thought it was only supposed to be in NAUT?

Also, KimJongUn is obsessed with you for some reason. I think its actually yourself bumping your own thread.

My fans are hella loyal. :)

XDQ is trading in BTC because I cannot control what exchanges do.  It is for that very reason that I plan to buy out the XDQ market with NAUT after ~90 days.  Doing so will peg the price of XDQ to NAUT regardless of how many BTC trading pairs might pop up.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: feilongzaitian on May 25, 2014, 05:00:17 AM
how is the coin?i will wait for you develop.Mr DIRAC is a great man. but what your coin will do ?
What is Dirac?

A Revolution In Cryptocurrency and Finance
"As Dirac was to Einstein, so now Dirac is to Bitcoin."

Dirac is intented not simply as a currency, but as a stable financial instrument capable of carrying vast amounts of wealth in a safe, secure, and in a manner more economically efficient than Bitcoin.  Free-market managed economic stability is a concept introduced by NautilusCoin( and then enhanced by Dirac.  Dirac will be traded in an exclusive currency pairing against NautilusCoin (NAUT market) on AllCrypt( Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and establishing a minimum price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

Dirac has a specially modified codebase which allows for a process of currency cloning that is simpler than ever before. Thousands of clones can now be created and each blockchain comes pre-built with merged mining.

  • ISO 4217 Trading Symbol : XDQ
  • Monetary Symbol : А
  • Target block time : 180 seconds
  • Difficulty retarget : 20 blocks (every hour)
  • Maximum Coins: А2,272,800
  • Starting block reward : А8
  • First reward reduction @ 43201 : А1.25
  • Second reward reduction @ 744001 : А0.75
  • Third reward reduction @ 1448001) : 0.5
  • Fourth reward reduction @ 2145601 : А0.25
  • Fifth reward reduction (inflation mode) @ 2846401 : А0.01

Useful Information
* [GitHub](
* [Windows Wallet](
* [Linux Wallet](
* [MacOS Wallet](


Block Explorer

Official Forum

Official Blake Ecosystem Mining Information and Discussion Thread
* [](

Official Blake Ecosystem Website
* [](

Official Blake Ecosystem Merged Mining Pool
* US East: [](
* US West: [](
* Europe: [](
 * GPU Mining: Yes.
 * FPGA Mining: Yes.
 * ASIC Mining : __*NO*__

Blake-256 optimization thread on CUDAMiners
* [](
started by @cuttlefish_btc

Real world example of 280X Settings at 2.4Gh/s

Official Dirac Exchange (Blake Ecosystem Present)

What Is Merged Mining?

The Science of the Blake Advantage Over Bitcoin

The Blake Ecosystem

What is Blakecoin?

Blakecoin is an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to
anyone, anywhere in the world. Blakecoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate
with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing of coins are carried
out collectively by the network.

What is Photon?

A clone of Blakecoin with a few changes.

* The standard block award of Photon is 32,768 BUT as the block chain grows the award will increase. The amount it increases is directly related to the current difficulty and height of the blockchain.  Miners will get 32,768 coins plus the square root of blockchain height multiplied by the current difficulty.

* Still as Photon's are plentiful in the universe the max money is set to 90,000,000,000. That is 90 Billion Photons.

* Difficulty retargets every 20 blocks with a target of a new block to be produced every 3 minutes.

* Up to block 3500 the max adjustment is 15% up each retarget.
 * After block 3500 the max adjustment is 3% up each retarget.

What is BlakeBitcoin?
A Clone of Bitcoin same reward structure Starting with 50 coins per block and a total of 21 million coins
The Block target time is 1/4 of Bitcoin's to account for extra hashing speed of Blake-256
The difficulty retarget at 8064 blocks and the reward halving every 210,000 blocks
The difficulty adjustment is also same as per Bitcoin


Dirac is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see

BlakeBitcoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see

Photon is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see

Blakecoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING` for more
information or see


Forked from Bitcoin reference wallet 0.8.6 and BlakeBitcoin

BlakeBitcoin is a cryptocurrency designed to use the Blake 256 algorithm cloned from BlakeBitcoin.

Blake-256(optimized) faster than scrypt and faster than sha256 in C (asm is still faster for sha256d)

The algorithm was written as a candidate for sha3, Based on round one candidate code from the sphlib 2.1 and reduced the compression function to 8.

Ubuntu 12.04 dependancies that are used on the Linux build machine:

git-core build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev libgtk2.0-dev libminiupnpc-dev qt4-qmake mingw32 synaptic qt-sdk qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui libdb++-dev


Removed some of the double hashing from the wallet as it is wasteful on compute, No changes to the ecdsa public/private function as that has proven to be secure so far on bitcoin.

Paper Wallet

David Seaman interview discussing Dirac and NAUT.

A short video recorded by Mr. Seaman of myself describing Dirac.

Proof of existence of 25k NAUT for Dirac Buyback
NAUT Wallet for Dirac Buyback

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BitcoinBaBa on May 25, 2014, 10:49:22 AM

Can you answer my question?

Why is XDQ trading in BTC?

I thought it was only supposed to be in NAUT?

Also, KimJongUn is obsessed with you for some reason. I think its actually yourself bumping your own thread.

My fans are hella loyal. :)

XDQ is trading in BTC because I cannot control what exchanges do.  It is for that very reason that I plan to buy out the XDQ market with NAUT after ~90 days.  Doing so will peg the price of XDQ to NAUT regardless of how many BTC trading pairs might pop up.

Ok.Good to know but 3 months is a LONG time here. What are your plans for now. I was excited to listen to seaman's podcast where you said a lot of things are in store. Can you please elaborate it here. Thanks.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: WCIR on May 26, 2014, 07:00:47 PM

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: QuadraQ on May 27, 2014, 11:32:56 PM
Mining Rig Rentals is the first (to my knowledge) rig rental site to support Blake-256!


  • Make rental choices based on "actual" hash rate. Their system tracks the past 24 hour hash rate with a moving average.
  • Backup pools! Have you ever found yourself trying to be ready for a coin launch only to find out your first pool choice isn't up and running? Their system takes care of that, by letting you set up 5 pools in a fail over.
  • Backup pools! Have you ever found yourself trying to be ready for a coin launch only to find out your first pool choice isn't up and running? Their system takes care of that, by letting you set up 5 pools in a fail over.

Rig owners:

  • Website pool manager. Their system allows you to change what pool your miner is connected to right from the website. Allows 5 pools to be configured with fail over.
  • Hash rate graphs!
  • Algorithm choices include: Scrypt, Scrypt-N, x11, SHA-256, SHA3, and now Blake-256!
  • There is no fee to use the site/service for the miner controls or hash rate graphs. You never have to list your rig for rent if you don't want to.

Not sure about the whole "renting thing?" No problem, it's 100% free to list your rig with their service and the backup pools/hashrate graphs are completely on the house. If you decide to try leasing your rig in the future, you will already be setup.

They have lots of website/interface improvements in the pipeline, with a very active development team.

Still have questions? Drop by and join #miningrigrentals All suggestions are welcome.

If you found this information useful, please sign up using my referral page: (

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: moko666 on May 29, 2014, 10:23:10 PM
I withdraw my false accusation. 

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: killsig on May 29, 2014, 11:19:46 PM
Warning Dirac is Inflationary and created infinitely. Bryce is a noob developer:

He says he is against inflation:

But Dirac is inflationary:

Here is Dirac's reward:

And a topic on MAX_MONEY where explains the mistake many noob developers make:


Compare USD inflation to dirac.   The inflation of dirac goes down over time.   That won't be the case with something like USD.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: moko666 on May 29, 2014, 11:23:25 PM
I withdraw my false accusation.  

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: rbauer85 on May 29, 2014, 11:27:08 PM
Warning Dirac is Inflationary and created infinitely. Bryce is a noob developer:

He says he is against inflation:

But Dirac is inflationary:

Here is Dirac's reward:

And a topic on MAX_MONEY where explains the mistake many noob developers make:


Compare USD inflation to dirac.   The inflation of dirac goes down over time.   That won't be the case with something like USD.

He claims that there will only be  А2,272,800 coins but the creation is infinite. Is he planning a hard fork to fix it or he will continue spreading false information.

Who cares? Diraq won't be relevant in as little as 6 months, but nither will Libertycoin. :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: killsig on May 29, 2014, 11:28:14 PM
Warning Dirac is Inflationary and created infinitely. Bryce is a noob developer:

He says he is against inflation:

But Dirac is inflationary:

Here is Dirac's reward:

And a topic on MAX_MONEY where explains the mistake many noob developers make:


Compare USD inflation to dirac.   The inflation of dirac goes down over time.   That won't be the case with something like USD.

He claims that there will only be  А2,272,800 coins but the creation is infinite. Is he planning a hard fork to fix it or he will continue spreading false information.

As I've learned....  MAX_COINS  doesn't mean max coins ever in existence. :)  How do you have a coin with absolutely 0 reward?  Who's gonna process transactions for free?  Legit question for ya.. not trolling. Maybe I'll learn something new. :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CrowdWhale on May 29, 2014, 11:29:00 PM
It says "inflation mode", which implies to me there is a non-inflation mode. I'm guessing that means rewards can be turned off and the coin will still be mined due to merged mining. Is that correct?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: killsig on May 29, 2014, 11:30:58 PM
Warning Dirac is Inflationary and created infinitely. Bryce is a noob developer:

He says he is against inflation:

But Dirac is inflationary:

Here is Dirac's reward:

And a topic on MAX_MONEY where explains the mistake many noob developers make:


Compare USD inflation to dirac.   The inflation of dirac goes down over time.   That won't be the case with something like USD.

He claims that there will only be  А2,272,800 coins but the creation is infinite. Is he planning a hard fork to fix it or he will continue spreading false information.

As I've learned....  MAX_COINS  doesn't mean max coins ever in existence. :)  How do you have a coin with absolutely 0 reward?  Who's gonna process transactions for free?  Legit question for ya.. not trolling. Maybe I'll learn something new. :)

I'm pretty sure every coin needs to have a reward of some sort..  or miners will say "uh.. no payment, no mine" no miners = no coin

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: moko666 on May 29, 2014, 11:32:21 PM
I withdraw my false accusation.  

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: killsig on May 29, 2014, 11:33:53 PM
Warning Dirac is Inflationary and created infinitely. Bryce is a noob developer:

He says he is against inflation:

But Dirac is inflationary:

Here is Dirac's reward:

And a topic on MAX_MONEY where explains the mistake many noob developers make:


Compare USD inflation to dirac.   The inflation of dirac goes down over time.   That won't be the case with something like USD.

He claims that there will only be  А2,272,800 coins but the creation is infinite. Is he planning a hard fork to fix it or he will continue spreading false information.

As I've learned....  MAX_COINS  doesn't mean max coins ever in existence. :)  How do you have a coin with absolutely 0 reward?  Who's gonna process transactions for free?  Legit question for ya.. not trolling. Maybe I'll learn something new. :)

I'm pretty sure every coin needs to have a reward of some sort..  or miners will say "uh.. no payment, no mine" no miners = no coin

Bryce needs to update the main post in that case, because I almost invested in Dirac, but now I know it's infinite like Fiat I won't do it.

lol.. like bitcoin and every other coin?   you expect miners will stick around for tx fee's alone?   last block on bitcoin was a $24 tx fee.. 

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: killsig on May 29, 2014, 11:39:04 PM
It says "inflation mode", which implies to me there is a non-inflation mode. I'm guessing that means rewards can be turned off and the coin will still be mined due to merged mining. Is that correct?

That's how my gf would think about it...  in her wacky girl way of thinking.   but just because he says inflationary mode doesn't mean there is a non-inflationary mode.. can't put words in the devs mouth then call him a scammer.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CrowdWhale on May 30, 2014, 01:24:04 AM
I wasn't putting words in his mouth. I was asking a question. Bryce is a stand-up guy and these goons are just a coordinated pack of FUDers.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: moko666 on May 30, 2014, 05:56:12 AM
I withdraw my false accusation.  Dirac is perfectly fine  :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LionOfNarnia on May 30, 2014, 02:56:10 PM
.. and mining gets even more profitable, now that BTC has passed $600 ;D

With Dirac currently trading @ .0032 BTC & my 2 GPUs mining me 10+/day that's damn close to a hundred quid a week, from just one of my five 'Blake Ecosystem' coins.

Happy Lion!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jandco on May 30, 2014, 04:11:36 PM
how you can solo mine it? Offer 10Diracs to a person who can guide me

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 30, 2014, 04:20:32 PM
how you can solo mine it? Offer 10Diracs to a person who can guide me

I could help you, but WHY? mining in the pool yields you Dirac, Electron, Photon, BlakeBitcoin and Blakecoin in one single swoop.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: jandco on May 30, 2014, 04:21:25 PM
how you can solo mine it? Offer 10Diracs to a person who can guide me

I could help you, but WHY? mining in the pool yields you Dirac, Electron, Photon, BlakeBitcoin and Blakecoin in one single swoop.
i need to know how. thats the thing

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on May 30, 2014, 04:24:29 PM
how you can solo mine it? Offer 10Diracs to a person who can guide me

I could help you, but WHY? mining in the pool yields you Dirac, Electron, Photon, BlakeBitcoin and Blakecoin in one single swoop.
i need to know how. thats the thing

Configure rpcuser and rpcpassword on dirac.conf in %appdata%/dirac (windows) or ~/.dirac (linux) to secure username and password, set rpcport=X where X is a value between 1024 and 65535. Point cgminer like:

cgminer -a blake -o -u rpcuser_value -p rpcpassword_value

I could be missing something, but that's the general idea

EDIT: You must be running the daemon or wallet for this to work.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CryptoLTD on May 31, 2014, 09:27:57 AM
how you can solo mine it? Offer 10Diracs to a person who can guide me

I could help you, but WHY? mining in the pool yields you Dirac, Electron, Photon, BlakeBitcoin and Blakecoin in one single swoop.
i need to know how. thats the thing

XDQ Difficulty is    72,679.15118286 Good luck finding a block.

Edit: When solomining

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: pryzh on May 31, 2014, 09:32:38 AM
.. and mining gets even more profitable, now that BTC has passed $600 ;D

With Dirac currently trading @ .0032 BTC & my 2 GPUs mining me 10+/day that's damn close to a hundred quid a week, from just one of my five 'Blake Ecosystem' coins.

Happy Lion!

Where have you seen the price 0.0032? Are you sure you are not missing a zero there?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LionOfNarnia on May 31, 2014, 10:38:37 AM
.. and mining gets even more profitable, now that BTC has passed $600 ;D

With Dirac currently trading @ .0032 BTC & my 2 GPUs mining me 10+/day that's damn close to a hundred quid a week, from just one of my five 'Blake Ecosystem' coins.

Happy Lion!

Where have you seen the price 0.0032? Are you sure you are not missing a zero there?

Yesterday lunchtime on Bittrex, Dude - even earlier today it was still being bought at 0.0015

Didn't manage to sell before the dumpers undercut me anyway, so I'm waiting until recovery -  0.00095 now, my lowest offer is  0.00205990

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LionOfNarnia on May 31, 2014, 10:56:15 AM (

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Conqueror on June 03, 2014, 08:10:45 AM
25.000 NAUT, do you realize it is like 3BTC?
Quite tiny stabilization fund :(
I appretiate this is not-premined, but still 3BTC can not be enough!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: griffitsj on June 03, 2014, 01:40:38 PM
I think the expectation is that in 3 months time when the fund is used, that NAUT will be worth a whole lot more.  It could be 10x - 100x that value and then it can make a substantial difference.  Of course it may be worth nothing then but that is the risk we are taking here.  I'll be mining XDQ for about 1 month as there is not a whole lot other decent coins around to mine at the moment.

25.000 NAUT, do you realize it is like 3BTC?
Quite tiny stabilization fund :(
I appretiate this is not-premined, but still 3BTC can not be enough!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: feilongzaitian on June 08, 2014, 11:01:30 AM
the coin has be dead?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on June 09, 2014, 12:41:17 AM
the coin has be dead?

From the moment it launched...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nicred on June 10, 2014, 12:05:21 PM
Maybe dev's dont want to hype it to early on. Im backng dirac and blake-256 - I mean I can game and mine! win win for me 

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LionOfNarnia on June 11, 2014, 01:48:09 PM
"Just because..."

.. I'm going to 'fess up to my current 'Blake-256 strategy' for comment. Dangerous I know, but I hope we're all grown-ups here ;)

I'm using the LTC from Photons to set buy-walls for Zeit on Atomic. The BTC from BBTC are just collecting there for now, not enough to do anything useful with yet.

The BTC from Blake & Electron on BittrexI've used to make a couple of canny buys of Dirac - grabbed 166 @ 27k yesterday - because I think/hope/pray that Dirac is worth accumulating right now, that it will see a return to the 0.00x range before the winter sets in.

I like the fact that Blake-miners mostly just get on with it, unworried by the FUD & white noise so prevalent 'elsewhere'. Organic growth because intelligent people start seeing the advantages of Blake, not pump-and-dump sensationalism based on flim-flam features worthy of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.

- The SENTIENT path to success ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: rossr1 on June 11, 2014, 05:09:24 PM
"Just because..."

.. I'm going to 'fess up to my current 'Blake-256 strategy' for comment. Dangerous I know, but I hope we're all grown-ups here ;)

I'm using the LTC from Photons to set buy-walls for Zeit on Atomic. The BTC from BBTC are just collecting there for now, not enough to do anything useful with yet.

The BTC from Blake & Electron on BittrexI've used to make a couple of canny buys of Dirac - grabbed 166 @ 27k yesterday - because I think/hope/pray that Dirac is worth accumulating right now, that it will see a return to the 0.00x range before the winter sets in.

I like the fact that Blake-miners mostly just get on with it, unworried by the FUD & white noise so prevalent 'elsewhere'. Organic growth because intelligent people start seeing the advantages of Blake, not pump-and-dump sensationalism based on flim-flam features worthy of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.

- The SENTIENT path to success ;D

similar here, although keeping elt as think that will do ok, prob before dirac

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nicred on June 12, 2014, 06:21:58 AM
Great strategy, very similar to what Im doing...... Im convinced Blake-256 will become a huge player. ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LionOfNarnia on June 12, 2014, 08:27:30 PM
"Just because..."

.. I'm going to 'fess up to my current 'Blake-256 strategy' for comment. Dangerous I know, but I hope we're all grown-ups here ;)

I'm using the LTC from Photons to set buy-walls for Zeit on Atomic. The BTC from BBTC are just collecting there for now, not enough to do anything useful with yet.

The BTC from Blake & Electron on BittrexI've used to make a couple of canny buys of Dirac - grabbed 166 @ 27k yesterday - because I think/hope/pray that Dirac is worth accumulating right now, that it will see a return to the 0.00x range before the winter sets in.

I like the fact that Blake-miners mostly just get on with it, unworried by the FUD & white noise so prevalent 'elsewhere'. Organic growth because intelligent people start seeing the advantages of Blake, not pump-and-dump sensationalism based on flim-flam features worthy of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.

- The SENTIENT path to success ;D

similar here, although keeping elt as think that will do ok, prob before dirac
Good call on ELT, my friend - I made 13ks each on mine ;D
(But I'm still buying Dirac ;) )

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on June 18, 2014, 03:56:38 AM
heavy time for a coin. the price fell. reason?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LionOfNarnia on June 18, 2014, 08:39:51 PM
Redacted, I was asked to post the Q elsewhere, soz  :o

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: mrcashking on June 18, 2014, 11:53:26 PM
Great Coin, I Bought a few.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Geenstijl on June 20, 2014, 09:11:52 AM
I got a feeling that this coin can go up.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on June 23, 2014, 05:09:10 PM
Dirac market cap currently $16,126.

Fast approaching $10K, just as I predicted at the time when Bryce was claiming a market cap of $10 million!

For those who threw your money away "invested" in this coin, don't you just love how active Bryce has been?  Really stood behind this one, didn't he?  Yeah, he pretty much completely abandoned this coin the very first week.

Hilarious!  Good one, Bryce!  You really roped in some suckers this time!  Here's hoping your next scam is even bigger and stupider!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: griffitsj on June 24, 2014, 08:29:17 PM
Dirac market cap currently $16,126.

Fast approaching $10K, just as I predicted at the time when Bryce was claiming a market cap of $10 million!

For those who threw your money away "invested" in this coin, don't you just love how active Bryce has been?  Really stood behind this one, didn't he?  Yeah, he pretty much completely abandoned this coin the very first week.

Hilarious!  Good one, Bryce!  You really roped in some suckers this time!  Here's hoping your next scam is even bigger and stupider!

Completely disagree with you.  This coin has a plan for the first 100 days of its life, has a strong network and has no issues.  Why does the developer need to do anything until then.  This is the distribution phase don't you get that.  Once the reward reduces I would expect to hear something.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on June 25, 2014, 09:32:48 AM
What a panic? what reasons?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: opt-out on June 26, 2014, 03:45:53 PM
Am I looking at the right Nautilus Buyback Wallet Address? I thought it was to have a balance of 25,000? (I only see 2,022)

Am I missing something?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on June 26, 2014, 07:08:14 PM
Proof of existence of 25k NAUT for Dirac Buyback
NAUT Wallet for Dirac Buyback

Am I looking at the right Nautilus Buyback Wallet Address? I thought it was to have a balance of 25,000? (I only see 2,022)

Am I missing something?

As of the date and time of this post, this information is correct. NOTE - The main block explorer from is not operational at the moment, but according to my wallet the page referenced matches the current block. A clear explanation from the dev would be welcome at this point.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on June 26, 2014, 11:26:59 PM
Am I looking at the right Nautilus Buyback Wallet Address? I thought it was to have a balance of 25,000? (I only see 2,022)

Am I missing something?

Missing something?  I don't know.  Did you catch the fact that Bryce is a brazen scammer.  He is constantly spewing lies.  He claims to be an engineer.  He's not.  He claimed Dirac had a market cap of $10 million.  Much closer to $10 thousand.

And now he's been caught yet again in yet another lie.  Shocking.  Just shocking.

I do have to hand it to Bryce on one count, though.  He's got some balls.  People run scams like this every day, but they all do it anonymously.  Bryce is the only one bold (stupid) enough to publicly attach his name to his lies and scams.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on June 27, 2014, 03:20:14 AM
BluDragon like continues to support the coin. Spoke yesterday at the Atomic

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BlueDragon747 on June 27, 2014, 09:28:39 PM
BluDragon like continues to support the coin. Spoke yesterday at the Atomic

I will continue to keep Dirac on the merged Pools but I dont support Bryce or his actions and I can no longer work with him on any projects

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on June 27, 2014, 09:34:00 PM
BLAKE is dying it seems. only bad coins without good exchanges or people interested

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BlueDragon747 on June 27, 2014, 09:54:09 PM
BLAKE is dying it seems. only bad coins without good exchanges or people interested

nope its barely even started the MMO games are due and that was the main reason for creating Blakecoin in the first place unlike most other coins it has a purpose beyond Crypto world and BS market cap values!

Also more coins due to be added to the merged pools soon just been busy with work and not had time to finish the testing of front end extension

Long term support is key to good coins imho there is no rush in creating something better it takes time and Blake is going to be about for years this is a fact!

a coin that is all hype/spin/market manipulation in first few months then dead is a bad coin  ::)

Exchanges and Market cap value as the sole focus of development is just a bad idea imho, solid network hashrate and good pools are the key foundation to longevity as it is what keeps the network and transactions working and safe

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Farndogg on June 28, 2014, 04:53:44 AM
What actions are you talking about?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on June 28, 2014, 03:25:55 PM
BLAKE is dying it seems. only bad coins without good exchanges or people interested

nope its barely even started the MMO games are due and that was the main reason for creating Blakecoin in the first place unlike most other coins it has a purpose beyond Crypto world and BS market cap values!

Also more coins due to be added to the merged pools soon just been busy with work and not had time to finish the testing of front end extension

Long term support is key to good coins imho there is no rush in creating something better it takes time and Blake is going to be about for years this is a fact!

a coin that is all hype/spin/market manipulation in first few months then dead is a bad coin  ::)

Exchanges and Market cap value as the sole focus of development is just a bad idea imho, solid network hashrate and good pools are the key foundation to longevity as it is what keeps the network and transactions working and safe

BLC is a great coin, period. I'm not quite sold on the rest of the coins in the current Blake ecosystem, but for what they lack in mass appeal, they make up for it in network stability and community. I've seen your posts in the majority of new Blake coin threads and you're always helpful to the community, no matter how trivial the question, thats huge.

Sorry things haven't worked out for Dirac, but im pretty certain that this coin would be dead / dying if it weren't for the help of the Blake256 merge network keeping it alive. I've asked too many questions with this coin, and I never got any real answers from Bryce here in this thread or on twitter. This thread has been a disaster from early on, ive been patient with his other coins but there are too many red flags to continue my support here or elsewhere for his projects.

BlueDragon747, I have a lot of faith in the Blake ecosystem, and I hope that ill be mining another Blake coin sooner rather than later. Thanks for being a tremendous asset to the community. For everyone else, good luck with Dirac!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ratanol on June 29, 2014, 01:38:59 PM
Look, if you don't like it, don't mine it, or if you are mining it because it's merged then think of it as a bonus. Anyone who is selling dirac now is insane.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: opt-out on July 01, 2014, 09:26:51 PM
Proof of existence of 25k NAUT for Dirac Buyback
NAUT Wallet for Dirac Buyback

Am I looking at the right Nautilus Buyback Wallet Address? I thought it was to have a balance of 25,000? (I only see 2,022)

Am I missing something?

As of the date and time of this post, this information is correct. NOTE - The main block explorer from is not operational at the moment, but according to my wallet the page referenced matches the current block. A clear explanation from the dev would be welcome at this point.

Where is the 25,000 NAUTs for the buy back? Address only shows 2,022. 

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: tiodave on July 10, 2014, 06:43:25 AM

Can't seem to retrieve my password.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on July 10, 2014, 09:19:44 AM
write to;sa=send;u=140920 "BlueDragon747"

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Jiggy0001 on July 11, 2014, 11:25:06 PM
so what is going with Dirac?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Jiggy0001 on July 12, 2014, 08:46:38 AM
thats great... seriously, i mean where is weiner?  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on July 12, 2014, 06:49:28 PM
thats great... seriously, i mean where is weiner?  ;D

He's been busy working with D. Seaman.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on July 13, 2014, 08:15:57 PM
Wait for the buyback for some news/action. Around the end of August I believe.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nicred on July 15, 2014, 06:45:25 PM
You guys been mining dirac?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Jiggy0001 on July 19, 2014, 06:29:24 PM
strange that there has been nothing going on here for weeks... is this another weiner orphan coin?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nicred on July 21, 2014, 07:28:45 AM
I think once the blockhalving happens we might see some activity.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MinermanNC on July 21, 2014, 09:17:37 PM
Hey gang, new to thread and I just started mining Dirac. ( Seems to be a cool concept and the hashing is smooth, which its all new here to me. Any opinions on mining this way VS. standard 1 coin like x11 or x13 etc. ok, Ill let ya know after 24 hours what I think,,  ;)  lol


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: PhilipMorris on July 21, 2014, 11:45:06 PM
Why the sudden quick rise? Still time to invest in this coin ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: teamcryptonator on July 22, 2014, 10:59:46 AM
Dirac (XDQ   055667 BTC      +310.12% today (

to the moon!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sdersdf2 on July 22, 2014, 01:29:14 PM
question from a noob on this coin to others who've been more closely following it.

Would appreciate it if someone could summarise what's special about it?

were basic aspects ready at launch - wallet, blockexplorer, website, whitepaper and/or features, etc. - or is the [ANN] promise-heavy?
have the devs lived up to their promises?
Any hidden problems -
well distributed? is there a rich list?
buggy code?
are these are hard core programmers, not "copy-paste" devs or middlemen? When bugs/fork challenge pop up, are they fixed quickly?
dev squabbles?
dev complacency?
missed deadlines?
Is the entirte dev team anonymous -- and even if so, does it at least have a solid reputation here on bitcointalk?
Anything to worry about?

When is the next significant development update (code, screenshots and/or whitepaper/proof-of-concept or something else) expected to come out?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: coinweaver on July 22, 2014, 02:44:00 PM
question from a noob on this coin to others who've been more closely following it.

Would appreciate it if someone could summarise what's special about it?
XDQ is not designed so much as a currency but as an arbitrage tool and financial buffer.

were basic aspects ready at launch - wallet, blockexplorer, website, whitepaper and/or features, etc. - or is the [ANN] promise-heavy?
I don't launch coins will full services to allow the community to participate.  Much of what exists beyond the wallets are community contributions.
have the devs lived up to their promises?
The timeline has specific promises built in.  There's some FUD regarding the buy back amount, but I didn't put it in cold storage and the addresses rotated.  It's still all there.

Any hidden problems -
Never. None of my coins ever contain any such code.
well distributed? is there a rich list?
I don't think anyone has made a rich list yet.
buggy code?
I forgot to update the tray icon at release.
are these are hard core programmers, not "copy-paste" devs or middlemen? When bugs/fork challenge pop up, are they fixed quickly?
dev squabbles?
dev complacency?
missed deadlines?
Is the entirte dev team anonymous -- and even if so, does it at least have a solid reputation here on bitcointalk?
Anything to worry about?

No, we are not anonymous and we don't have those problems. :)

When is the next significant development update (code, screenshots and/or whitepaper/proof-of-concept or something else) expected to come out?
At least a month.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: zhonghao110 on July 22, 2014, 04:58:13 PM
Official website are not :( :( :(

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sdersdf2 on July 22, 2014, 07:01:03 PM
question from a noob on this coin to others who've been more closely following it.

Would appreciate it if someone could summarise what's special about it?
XDQ is not designed so much as a currency but as an arbitrage tool and financial buffer.

were basic aspects ready at launch - wallet, blockexplorer, website, whitepaper and/or features, etc. - or is the [ANN] promise-heavy?
I don't launch coins will full services to allow the community to participate.  Much of what exists beyond the wallets are community contributions.
have the devs lived up to their promises?
The timeline has specific promises built in.  There's some FUD regarding the buy back amount, but I didn't put it in cold storage and the addresses rotated.  It's still all there.

Any hidden problems -
Never. None of my coins ever contain any such code.
well distributed? is there a rich list?
I don't think anyone has made a rich list yet.
buggy code?
I forgot to update the tray icon at release.
are these are hard core programmers, not "copy-paste" devs or middlemen? When bugs/fork challenge pop up, are they fixed quickly?
dev squabbles?
dev complacency?
missed deadlines?
Is the entirte dev team anonymous -- and even if so, does it at least have a solid reputation here on bitcointalk?
Anything to worry about?

No, we are not anonymous and we don't have those problems. :)

When is the next significant development update (code, screenshots and/or whitepaper/proof-of-concept or something else) expected to come out?
At least a month.

Really appreciate the responses - very helpful. Thank you,

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Troublesome96 on July 22, 2014, 07:23:00 PM
The block reward reduction is pretty significant:

Current block 30083

Current reward : А8
First reward reduction @ 43201 : А1.25

This should occur in 3-4 weeks.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on July 23, 2014, 03:34:38 AM
XDQ got sick prices last 3 days. whats up?!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: zhonghao110 on July 23, 2014, 10:25:45 AM
next   uro,new   uro

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 on July 23, 2014, 09:27:23 PM
XDQ got sick prices last 3 days. whats up?!

Pump from Bryce.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on July 26, 2014, 07:22:29 PM
By the way, I mentioned to Bryce that the 25,000 NAUT was probably split into multiple addresses and not in the one address.

So here he sent the 25k NAUT to Bittrex.  You can see from the multiple inputs that it was in multiple addresses.

Funds can split like that if you transact from a wallet.

So you're telling me, the funds set aside for this coins future, are better suited in an exchange wallet then a standard / offline / cold storage wallet? There are a number of coins out there with public addresses of funds that are verifiable at a moments notice, why do we have to search for that information here? It's great the NAUT is accounted for 'somewhere', but lets not be so naive to think that exchanges are the safest place to hold a large quantity of coins. In this day and age exchanges have all seen their fair share of security breaches and coins stolen. It would be a shame if the same happened here...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: opt-out on July 27, 2014, 02:22:07 AM
By the way, I mentioned to Bryce that the 25,000 NAUT was probably split into multiple addresses and not in the one address.

So here he sent the 25k NAUT to Bittrex.  You can see from the multiple inputs that it was in multiple addresses.

Funds can split like that if you transact from a wallet.

So you're telling me, the funds set aside for this coins future, are better suited in an exchange wallet then a standard / offline / cold storage wallet? There are a number of coins out there with public addresses of funds that are verifiable at a moments notice, why do we have to search for that information here? It's great the NAUT is accounted for 'somewhere', but lets not be so naive to think that exchanges are the safest place to hold a large quantity of coins. In this day and age exchanges have all seen their fair share of security breaches and coins stolen. It would be a shame if the same happened here...

XDQ is used for arbitrage between XDQ/NAUT (AllCrypt), and BTC/XDQ (Bittrex and others). To take advantage of those disparities funds must sit on those exchanges - pulling out of cold storage and transferring to each exchange takes too long and the opportunity is lost. I can't say if those funds are in active trading now or not - but, since the fund set a minimum price of XDQ - some NAUTS would have to sit on an exchange to offer that. At today's volume, 25,000 NAUTS alone could move the market substantially - smart arbitrage between XDQ/NAUT/BTC (especially with 25,000 NAUTS) could raise and stabilize the price of XDQ.

My post history will show that I've changed my mind about proof of existence of the funds-> Dev's industry reputation is worth a lot more than 25,000 NAUTs. XDQ's industry potential is worth a lot more than 25,000 NAUTS. Regardless of where the funds are they would have to be moved - ANY movement out of a public address would cause some sort of market response - best to let them do what they were designed to do...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CryptoLTD on July 27, 2014, 01:56:09 PM
LMAO @ Industry reputation.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on July 27, 2014, 11:44:52 PM
By the way, I mentioned to Bryce that the 25,000 NAUT was probably split into multiple addresses and not in the one address.

So here he sent the 25k NAUT to Bittrex.  You can see from the multiple inputs that it was in multiple addresses.

Funds can split like that if you transact from a wallet.

So you're telling me, the funds set aside for this coins future, are better suited in an exchange wallet then a standard / offline / cold storage wallet? There are a number of coins out there with public addresses of funds that are verifiable at a moments notice, why do we have to search for that information here? It's great the NAUT is accounted for 'somewhere', but lets not be so naive to think that exchanges are the safest place to hold a large quantity of coins. In this day and age exchanges have all seen their fair share of security breaches and coins stolen. It would be a shame if the same happened here...

XDQ is used for arbitrage between XDQ/NAUT (AllCrypt), and BTC/XDQ (Bittrex and others). To take advantage of those disparities funds must sit on those exchanges - pulling out of cold storage and transferring to each exchange takes too long and the opportunity is lost. I can't say if those funds are in active trading now or not - but, since the fund set a minimum price of XDQ - some NAUTS would have to sit on an exchange to offer that. At today's volume, 25,000 NAUTS alone could move the market substantially - smart arbitrage between XDQ/NAUT/BTC (especially with 25,000 NAUTS) could raise and stabilize the price of XDQ.

My post history will show that I've changed my mind about proof of existence of the funds-> Dev's industry reputation is worth a lot more than 25,000 NAUTs. XDQ's industry potential is worth a lot more than 25,000 NAUTS. Regardless of where the funds are they would have to be moved - ANY movement out of a public address would cause some sort of market response - best to let them do what they were designed to do...

Please pardon me if im being brash...

Your arguments of arbitrage are noble, but bullshit. This was never stated in the OP (I checked to see if it was updated). I understand the technique of using arbitrage, but this strategy was never documented in the blueprint of the coin; its a (somewhat) sound idea, but it's also a gamble no matter which way you try to spin it.

Cliche = Your post history of 4 is all but worthless when you're trying to defend the integrity of this coin. The dev is responsible for updates and PR within the community, not you. New accounts bringing biased opinions about a coin always throw red flags for senior members and investors alike.

One more thing... The NAUT buyback address for XDQ is fully funded again... Good on Bryce, taking care of that for the second time. Lets see what happens next month.

By the way, I mentioned to Bryce that the 25,000 NAUT was probably split into multiple addresses and not in the one address.

So here he sent the 25k NAUT to Bittrex.  You can see from the multiple inputs that it was in multiple addresses.

Funds can split like that if you transact from a wallet.

I'm glad you're the new face of PR for Bryce, he doesn't update this thread very often. Dirac is advertised as a "Revolution in crytocurrency and finance". For anyone proficient in bitcoin, I think I speak for everyone in saying that we understand how a wallet / public address works. Don't try and trivialize the situation for people who don't know any better. The funds were gone for a while and now they're back. Everybody can feel free to take that as you will.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on July 28, 2014, 02:06:59 AM

What he said about arbitrage is accurate, you just haven't been doing your homework. It's been said many times. This forum is hardly the only source of info.

"Dirac has become the economic anchor for the Blake ecosystem and a coin built specifically for a long term trading use case. The design capitalizes on the lessons learned with Unobtanium. The economics are quite similar to UNO, but a partnership with the exchange AllCrypt enabled for a special pairing against Brian Kellys NautiliusCoin, a coin designed for financial stability. Dirac is also traded on Bittrex Exchange against Bitcoin, which provides for the most profitable, consistent arbitrage dynamics of any coin on the market."

I'm not posting the source. If you can't find it I don't really care.

If you would like to bring up quotes regarding the Blake ecosystem, let me provide you with one from one of the most prominent members in the Blake community which was taken from this very thread...

BluDragon like continues to support the coin. Spoke yesterday at the Atomic

I will continue to keep Dirac on the merged Pools but I dont support Bryce or his actions and I can no longer work with him on any projects

The community shouldn't have to do their homework,the key dynamics of the coin should be transparent; period. Ive said it before, and ill say it again; if it wasn't for the current Blake merged mining infrastructure keeping Dirac alive this coin would be dead in the water.Ill let the community make their own decisions with the facts given.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on July 28, 2014, 01:45:35 PM

What he said about arbitrage is accurate, you just haven't been doing your homework. It's been said many times. This forum is hardly the only source of info.

"Dirac has become the economic anchor for the Blake ecosystem and a coin built specifically for a long term trading use case. The design capitalizes on the lessons learned with Unobtanium. The economics are quite similar to UNO, but a partnership with the exchange AllCrypt enabled for a special pairing against Brian Kellys NautiliusCoin, a coin designed for financial stability. Dirac is also traded on Bittrex Exchange against Bitcoin, which provides for the most profitable, consistent arbitrage dynamics of any coin on the market."

I'm not posting the source for you sgi02. If you can't find it sgi02 I don't really care.

For those interested in the source of this statement you can find it on However, besides the quoted paragraph above there is no other information there whatsoever. It's far from a compelling source to such bold claims.

But if you're looking for more information regarding XDQ you could always go to the Dirac forum on Cryptocoin talk (The devs preferred forum), but unfortunately there is even less activity there, and all the information is just copied and pasted from the thread here on Bitcointalk.

You could also check out the github repo for Dirac to find more information, but there's simply nothing there that hasn't been posted elsewhere. The last commit for Dirac was 2 months ago as of today's date.

I guess if you really want to get answers about Dirac you have to go straight to the source... Twitter! Myself and others have asked Bryce numerous questions in regards to Dirac, but he never responds... I know, I know.. He's busy, maybe he's already answered these questions multiple times and just cant be bothered. You can perform a search for #Dirac or #XDQ, but it will only take you full circle, you'll be right where you started without finding anything useful.

There are little tidbits about Dirac mentioned in the David Seaman programs, but nothing noteworthy. Perhaps there is a highly organized collection of Dirac information hidden in IRC somewhere, but I haven't found it. So I guess you could say that I have done my homework in regards to Dirac. I encourage everyone else here to do the same.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on July 28, 2014, 02:04:34 PM
What exact questions do you want answered regarding Dirac? I ask so we can lay this to rest because i've seen you take issue with particulars Bryce has already addressed on twitter, which i think you may have missed.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on July 29, 2014, 12:22:27 AM
What exact questions do you want answered regarding Dirac? I ask so we can lay this to rest because i've seen you take issue with particulars Bryce has already addressed on twitter, which i think you may have missed.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I've listed my concerns here and I feel thats more than enough. Dirac has been a questionable coin from its onset which is evident throughout the pages of this thread. I appreciate your willingness to help, but frankly, thats not your responsibility. I've come to my own conclusions regarding Dirac, I hope that anyone else interested will perform their due diligence, read this thread, and do the same. Take care, and good luck!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on July 30, 2014, 08:30:40 PM
Nailed him down, his only choice was to bounce.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on July 30, 2014, 10:30:06 PM
Nailed him down, his only choice was to bounce.

Why do people get so passionate about tearing down a coin or a coin's dev? Bryce is not a know-all guru and he is sometimes even an asshole, but as far as I can tell he's never been dishonest and he's about as transparent as it gets in the crypto world; likewise, XDQ appears to be honest and transparent.
I like what it says on his profile, "I am free because I am always myself"... it's a good M.O. if you want to gain people's trust/respect.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on July 31, 2014, 01:30:24 AM
obvious agenda.

My agenda has always been about helping others, and asking questions that I see fit for the benefit of the community. Dirac has raised a considerable amount of questions and concerns for me, and I have been very vocal about this. The catalyst of these posts was the missing 25000 NAUT buyback fund that went missing. New users came out of nowhere to justify this and once things got sour the funds magically reappeared (24999.998 NAUT, but who's counting?) The dev's response to the community after numerous queries were made to David Seaman can be seen here...

edit - comment was deleted, but can still be seen in google cache -

Dirac according to all information publicly available is...

not simply as a currency, but a a stable financial instrument capable of carrying vast amounts of wealth in a safe, secure, and in a manner more economically efficient than Bitcoin.

On top of being "A revolution in cryptocurrency and finance" these are all some some very serious claims! With such statements, one has to ask themselves; how?. Carrying large amounts of wealth is a very serious matter, so wanting to know the game plan shouldn't be too much to ask from a investors standpoint. I have asked the developer these questions without answer. However, if you do your homework you will find the developer does have a strategy; well, I will let him explain.

Source - -  Dirac Commentary starts @ 48:50

"Dirac is set for its proof of work reduction in August, and then comes the humongous buyback, thats going to be an event! I'm just going to call it what it is, im pre announcing a pump on Dirac. I'm taking 25000 Nautilus (edit - Currently 3.04325000 BTC) and im going to pump the hell out of Dirac for as long as I possibly can' and we're going to have a little fun with it!"

The developer continues to state...

"Everything is going to be publicly available, we're going to publish all the trade records so everyone can see what we did, and know we didn't cheat or anything like that. But im also going to do this like a sporting event and im calling it the worlds largest poker game and anybody in the crypto market can play. It's going to be me versus another trader most people are familiar with. Whoever gets the most Dirac at the end (edit - wins?). I'm going to give him half the pile of Nautilus coin and say "here are your chips to play with" and "here are my chips to play with" and may the best man win. In the end, im going to give him 20% of what he can buy as a reward."  

If this doesn't strike you as questionable in the slightest, then perhaps we just have marginally different values. Regardless, you stated I had an "obvious agenda" which in turn questions my integrity, and that's something I don't take lightly. With that being said, I would like to take some of your previous statements into question...

Bet against BW (edit - Bryce Weiner) at your own peril, imo. Play his long game and win.

This statement alone shows bias, but let's not ignore the fact your entire post history shows activity only in threads of coins which Bryce has had a vested interest in...

You also made the statement...

Quote from: E88
Dirac has become the economic anchor for the Blake ecosystem and a coin built specifically for a long term trading use case. The design capitalizes on the lessons learned with Unobtanium. The economics are quite similar to UNO, but a partnership with the exchange AllCrypt enabled for a special pairing against Brian Kellys NautiliusCoin, a coin designed for financial stability. Dirac is also traded on Bittrex Exchange against Bitcoin, which provides for the most profitable, consistent arbitrage dynamics of any coin on the market."

I'm not posting the source for you sgi02. If you can't find it sgi02 I don't really care.

When I quoted the source of your statement, and made light of the fact that there is only a single paragraph of information on, you responded with...

Quote from: E88
Plenty of info there + blocktech is a business built around crypto. If that doesn't click for you then find another coin that fits what you are looking for and make it yours.

I'm not walking away from my statements, and should I be proven wrong then I will be the first one to admit it. I've spoken my piece and I would like to leave it at that. If you could contribute anything to help alleviate my concerns I would welcome your opinion, however from here on out, ill be watching from the sidelines and rationing my free thread bumps. Good luck and take care

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 01, 2014, 07:41:15 PM

"Everything is going to be publicly available, we're going to publish all the trade records so everyone can see what we did, and know we didn't cheat or anything like that. But im also going to do this like a sporting event and im calling it the worlds largest poker game and anybody in the crypto market can play. It's going to be me versus another trader most people are familiar with. Whoever gets the most Dirac at the end (edit - wins?). I'm going to give him half the pile of Nautilus coin and say "here are your chips to play with" and "here are my chips to play with" and may the best man win. In the end, im going to give him 20% of what he can buy as a reward."  

This is something I wasn't aware of. I plan to continue holding Dirac, but it seems to me that you don't have an ulterior "agenda" as accused, so thank you for your contribution.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 06, 2014, 05:03:28 AM
Yep! Obviously Bryce has no incentive to promote Dirac until he's finished with the buyback, but I'm curious to see what he has planned for it after that's complete.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on August 06, 2014, 01:59:15 PM
loving price of Dirac.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CryptoLTD on August 06, 2014, 06:49:19 PM
Their busy coding Naut coins new PoS code.. lol..yea.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Vlizzjeffrey on August 06, 2014, 06:51:15 PM
this guy framed everybody once again, people are like donkey's

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on August 06, 2014, 09:45:22 PM
this guy framed everybody once again, people are like donkey's
Quickly scanned your post history: You nuthug X coins and randomly pop into other threads putting down other coins. You cannot write in coherent sentences. I estimate your age to be about 17.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: teamlottowin on August 07, 2014, 02:56:19 AM
this guy framed everybody once again, people are like donkey's

which guy, which guy ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: CryptoBomg on August 07, 2014, 08:12:05 PM
// unused1 | unused2 | Duplicate entry '' for key 'coin_address_mm4'

coder drink ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Jiggy0001 on August 08, 2014, 08:22:32 PM
so Bryce announced an open "poker" game.... but it seems he became quiet about Dirac... 100days will be over in almost 16 days...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on August 08, 2014, 09:09:54 PM
so Bryce announced an open "poker" game.... but it seems he became quiet about Dirac... 100days will be over in almost 16 days...

You do know that he announced that the "game" starts at the 90th day after launch, don't you?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Jiggy0001 on August 09, 2014, 11:00:29 AM
so Bryce announced an open "poker" game.... but it seems he became quiet about Dirac... 100days will be over in almost 16 days...

You do know that he announced that the "game" starts at the 90th day after launch, don't you?

ehm.... why did i mention 100days?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on August 09, 2014, 11:22:41 AM
can somwebodfy explain.
they are pumping privce now to hardcore level.

what then? :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Jiggy0001 on August 10, 2014, 01:50:39 PM
can somwebodfy explain.
they are pumping privce now to hardcore level.

what then? :)

you won't see those hardcore levels again...

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 10, 2014, 11:21:52 PM
can somwebodfy explain.
they are pumping privce now to hardcore level.

what then? :)

you won't see those hardcore levels again...

As far as I can tell, the price is currently tied to:
how many people want to "play" in this "poker game" (and how recent they are to learning about XDQ)
how long the short-term bagholders will hold out (btw, we're all bagholders at this point, there has been no purchasing of goods/services using Dirac to speak of)
how much career altcoin miners want to unload onto the open market
"whales" (in quotation marks because even $1000+ worth of expendable funds for manipulating altcoin prices seems like a lot to us poor folk ^_^)
arbitrage traders (this mostly keeps the pricing efficient across markets, not necessarily creating buy or sell support)

Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about? Because I doubt that I do, but those are the conclusions I've drawn.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on August 11, 2014, 11:41:06 AM
I'm going to post this only once on this thread, if this could be added to OP, that would be great.

The pool is cracking blocks steadily and it supports anonymous merged mining of all the 6 coins in the blake eco.

Official pool thread is in

Not going to post anything else as not to create spam.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: kiwisheep on August 15, 2014, 04:38:27 AM
waiting some  big  plan!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 15, 2014, 05:41:58 PM
I was tempted to create a poll, but... how high do you guys think XDQ will go in August?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on August 15, 2014, 09:35:16 PM
I was tempted to create a poll, but... how high do you guys think XDQ will go in August?

can u tell me a bit about the poker game as i dont quite understand it

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 15, 2014, 09:50:08 PM
I was tempted to create a poll, but... how high do you guys think XDQ will go in August?

can u tell me a bit about the poker game as i dont quite understand it

Maybe someone can help me out, but I think this is how it works:

Bryce (the dev) and another crypto trader are buying up as much of the XDQ available as they see fit so as to establish a stabilization fund (ala NAUT), and everyone else is tasked with figuring out what is the highest either of those two are willing to pay for XDQ during the buyback period. The only way to lose would be (for example) if you bought some at 0.003 BTC but it turned out the most they were willing to pay for your XDQ was 0.0025 BTC each; but even then, it wouldn't be a loss if you think XDQ has a future and that demand for it will increase.

Again, I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about, so others are welcome to correct me.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Tecem on August 15, 2014, 10:00:43 PM
I'm not sure if I'm gonna sell.. on the poker game. What will happan after the poker game? I'm sure Bryce got something comming up he isnt just gonna throw 5 grant in a coin and buy the coins for a price if he knows something bigger will come or the price will increase. Not sure what he will do after though. Maybe XDQ will be the key coin for all Blocktech coins as stabilization fund or something. He said Dirac is a coin you "store" wealth in.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on August 19, 2014, 08:11:34 PM

Bryce (the dev) and another crypto trader are buying up as much of the XDQ available as they see fit so as to establish a stabilization fund (ala NAUT),

Why would a dev buy up his own coin? You don't think he has most of it still?

I really don't think the Weinermaster is going to do anything that potentially costs him money.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 20, 2014, 08:17:58 AM

Bryce (the dev) and another crypto trader are buying up as much of the XDQ available as they see fit so as to establish a stabilization fund (ala NAUT),

Why would a dev buy up his own coin? You don't think he has most of it still?

I really don't think the Weinermaster is going to do anything that potentially costs him money.

I believe the point was to buy up his own coin *instead of* doing a huge premine. NAUT was able to get away with a 1% premine for its stabilization fund because 1% is relatively small amount. Bryce wanted a bigger stab. fund but knew that a huge premine would be considered unacceptable. Again, others are welcome to elaborate or correct me if I'm missing something.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on August 20, 2014, 09:54:59 AM
I believe the point was to buy up his own coin *instead of* doing a huge premine. NAUT was able to get away with a 1% premine for its stabilization fund because 1% is relatively small amount.

Hmm.. It just doesn't make sense to me that a dev would spend money on his coin in such a fashion unless there was some sort of guaranteed reward involved.

I did read this part, from GitHub:

Dirac will be traded in an exclusive currency pairing against NautilusCoin (NAUT market) on AllCrypt. Between 90 and 100 days after launch, the market will be gradually purchased at fair market value for 25,000NAUT over a period of 30 days, backing the currency network and fixing the price at that moment at roughly 0.07NAUT.

So... He's buying up 25,000 NAUT worth of dirac (on allcrypt I take it). That's only 4.2 BTC.. There's currently 9.1 BTC worth XDQ for sale on Bittrex. How can he fix the price at roughly 0.07 NAUT? Its 3.8 XDQ to 1 NAUT right now.

Free-market managed economic stability is a concept introduced by NautilusCoin and then enhanced by Dirac.

I find this to be a little bit confusing. There's no such thing as "free-market managed economic stability"; its a contradiction of terms. The two contradictory words are right next to each other: "free-market" and "managed." If he (or Brian Kelly) is inferring that the free market manages stability on its own, well I'd refer him to the Great Depression and every other market collapse that has ever occurred.

If he is inferring that the free market manages the stability of dirac, well, I'd say that's obviously not true if he is going to be directly guiding the price.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 20, 2014, 05:43:08 PM
For a better understanding, I would strongly recommend listening to the David Seaman Hour episode where he interviews Bryce about Dirac.

Basically, yes, the price is determined by the free market; increased demand will raise the relative value of XDQ. However, by actively buying/selling via stab funds he can keep the price from fluctuating too much on a given day or week.

Also (and I'm not sure why github hasn't been updated yet) but Bryce later went on to revise that info by saying that *pegging* the price wouldn't be possible as such, but he can establish a *minimum* value based on number of coins that have been created; you'll notice the price hasn't (and likely won't) drop below 0.07 Naut.

The plan is sound, the only thing one need worry about is: will Bryce deliver? Obviously Bryce Weiner and Brian Kelly wouldn't risk their reputations and money on economic strategies that were fundamentally flawed. These are not dumb individuals.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on August 20, 2014, 07:01:05 PM
For a better understanding, I would strongly recommend listening to the David Seaman Hour episode where he interviews Bryce about Dirac.

Basically, yes, the price is determined by the free market; increased demand will raise the relative value of XDQ. However, by actively buying/selling via stab funds he can keep the price from fluctuating too much on a given day or week.

OK, so the price is determined by Bryce and not the free market.

Obviously Bryce Weiner and Brian Kelly wouldn't risk their reputations and money on economic strategies that were fundamentally flawed.

What reputations? Their reputations are both bad amongst the majority of the forum and the community.

These are not dumb individuals.

That's your opinion.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Farndogg on August 20, 2014, 08:01:04 PM
I see we are traded against BC on Bittrex now.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on August 20, 2014, 11:56:07 PM
Quote from: nutildah
What reputations? Their reputations are both bad amongst the majority of the forum and the community.
Simply not true. Please don't try and project your own emotionally compromised opinions on the wider community.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on August 21, 2014, 12:50:24 AM
Quote from: nutildah
What reputations? Their reputations are both bad amongst the majority of the forum and the community.
Simply not true. Please don't try and project your own emotionally compromised opinions on the wider community.

Bryce is an even bigger crook because he is a professional pump & dumper posing as a crypto guru.

Well I have an axe to grind with Bryce Weiner but i'm not posting on his twitter wall 24/7 or invading his coin threads 24/7 either, that is just mental.

From the bitcointalk ANN:

Max Coins: 2,000,000 (2 Million) Block reward: 100 Halving: every 10,000 blocks
In the code it has 2bn coins and the block halving resets every once back the beginning.
PROOF (if they take it down, look at one of the forks)


static const int64 MAX_MONEY = 2000000000 * COIN;


    int64 static GetBlockValue(int nHeight, int64 nFees) { int64 nSubsidy = 100 * COIN; 
    int64 nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 10000;
    int halvings = nHeight / nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
    nSubsidy >>= halvings;

    return nSubsidy + nFees;

Explanation: reward starts at 100 coins per block. after 10000 blocks, cut the current reward in half using bitshifting. Bit bit shifts wrap around so when it run out of bits resets to the beginning and so rewards go back to 100 coins per block. And because MAX_MONEY is set to 2bn and not 2m razorcoin will continue to mine more coins over and over again.

This is not a mistake because if you look at the source history, the coin is a fork from neutrinocoin and you can specifically see the code changes made here (again look at a fork if they take this down).
Bryce Weiner is behind the con if he changes it you can see from the (whois history) and appears in the list of "achievements" at which seems to be a front.

STAY AWAY, this is a deliberate scam claiming scarcity and yet clever hiding a scam in the code.

And Brian Kelly made his living being a hedge fund manager on Wall Street.

What more do you need to know?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 21, 2014, 07:58:53 AM
I know this isn't rzr thread, but... has Bryce and/or Blocktech responded to that claim about rzr's code?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: defcoin on August 21, 2014, 09:11:24 PM
XDQ Profits ~~~~~~~~~~> $naut :D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Farndogg on August 22, 2014, 04:06:36 AM
Less than 100 blocks left. Approx 5 hours

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on August 22, 2014, 04:25:18 AM
Less than 100 blocks left. Approx 5 hours

to what?!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: kiwisheep on August 22, 2014, 07:51:17 AM
Block rewards going from 8 to 1.25   for the next few hours

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nicred on August 22, 2014, 09:27:04 AM
its official, XDQ halved.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 22, 2014, 10:26:49 PM
I know this isn't rzr thread, but... has Bryce and/or Blocktech responded to that claim about rzr's code?

MaxMoney is not the maximum coin total. This has been repeatedly explained regarding other coins and is just FUD.

Thanks. I suspected as much. I'm really digging everything Blocktech is up to. They might end up with their own chapter in future economics textbooks.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Farndogg on August 23, 2014, 03:54:03 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing what altmarket and blocktechfin is all about.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: kingscrown on August 23, 2014, 03:55:15 AM
its official, XDQ halved.

yet price dropped

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nicred on August 23, 2014, 08:49:50 AM
was hoping for a spike.... :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Tecem on August 23, 2014, 12:11:17 PM
Think about what Bryce said about XDQ. And think on what Blocktech said yesterday about their new exchange. Hold XDQ is a win I guess.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: thinkpad99 on August 23, 2014, 02:55:55 PM
hi help
hash 80gh/s = ? XDG/day

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on August 23, 2014, 06:35:21 PM
Think about what Bryce said about XDQ. And think on what Blocktech said yesterday about their new exchange. Hold XDQ is a win I guess.

Bryce is just a new, more sophisticated version of Iconic Expert. If you don't know what this means, I suggest you type "Iconic Expert" into google and see what comes up.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on August 23, 2014, 09:44:19 PM
Think about what Bryce said about XDQ. And think on what Blocktech said yesterday about their new exchange. Hold XDQ is a win I guess.

Bryce is just a new, more sophisticated version of Iconic Expert. If you don't know what this means, I suggest you type "Iconic Expert" into google and see what comes up.
Again you have this malformed opinion which only exists in your brain to suit whatever agenda you have, or whatever vindictiveness you have due to past events. Bryce from day one has not been scared to show his face because he knows he is acting in a way that doesn't warrant anonymity. IE knows his life wouldn't be worth living if he showed himself and continues to run his classic style pumps hidden like a coward.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 23, 2014, 10:21:46 PM
Any hue... so does anyone have something worthwhile to contribute to Dirac? Like paper wallet designs? Or a crowdfunding use-case like startJOIN or Potfunder?

If you don't like Dirac or have some sort of beef with Bryce, please form a new thread elsewhere.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 29, 2014, 03:16:05 AM
Anyone know how to make or tried making a merge-mineable Dirac clone yet?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Farndogg on August 29, 2014, 03:39:32 AM
I'm thinking of launching some coins on the merge pools but they wont be exact copies of dirac.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 29, 2014, 03:55:45 AM
I'm thinking of launching some coins on the merge pools but they wont be exact copies of dirac.

Cool cool. I was just curious about that "easily cloneable" part. Maybe like if we end up forming our own sovereign-but-loosely-affiliated ocean colonies ala Water World, that feature will come in handy.  Nation-States of Blake. :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on August 29, 2014, 11:14:12 AM
I'm thinking of launching some coins on the merge pools but they wont be exact copies of dirac.

Cool cool. I was just curious about that "easily cloneable" part. Maybe like if we end up forming our own sovereign-but-loosely-affiliated ocean colonies ala Water World, that feature will come in handy.  Nation-States of Blake. :)

Cloning a Blake-based coin is easier than cloning Dirac. For example, to create UMO i did download the ELT and PHO code, compared both and changed the differencies. Then i added my custom code. Dirac code has this clone.h file, but it doesn't have everything that is needed to clone a coin (there are lots of things Bryce missed to include on clone.h).

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on August 29, 2014, 05:37:57 PM
I'm thinking of launching some coins on the merge pools but they wont be exact copies of dirac.

Cool cool. I was just curious about that "easily cloneable" part. Maybe like if we end up forming our own sovereign-but-loosely-affiliated ocean colonies ala Water World, that feature will come in handy.  Nation-States of Blake. :)

Cloning a Blake-based coin is easier than cloning Dirac. For example, to create UMO i did download the ELT and PHO code, compared both and changed the differencies. Then i added my custom code. Dirac code has this clone.h file, but it doesn't have everything that is needed to clone a coin (there are lots of things Bryce missed to include on clone.h).

Well then hopefully Bryce reads this & gets on top of it. I'm just a nubile noob when it comes to code, but I'll take your word for it. Good luck with UMO!

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on September 17, 2014, 01:24:55 AM
It appears that Dirac may be removed from the Blake merged pools. Currently there is mud slinging between Bryce and BlueDragon747, but some serious details were revealed that were rather telling about XDQ and its dev.

Also... Whatever happened to that poker game?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on September 17, 2014, 01:46:21 AM
seems poker game was never to happen

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on September 18, 2014, 08:08:03 AM
Think about what Bryce said about XDQ. And think on what Blocktech said yesterday about their new exchange. Hold XDQ is a win I guess.

Bryce is just a new, more sophisticated version of Iconic Expert. If you don't know what this means, I suggest you type "Iconic Expert" into google and see what comes up.

Do you do anything other than FUD?

Holding devs hostage, threatening to use social media to ruin coins? Remind you of anyone else?

No FUD here. Just the facts, ma'am.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: beitris.dwlul on September 18, 2014, 01:01:54 PM
Bittrex and AllCrypt are recommended exchanges.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Ten60King on September 20, 2014, 04:13:29 PM
Hey guys. I downloaded the Dirac wallet for windows and it got quarantined as malware. I did a google search and it looks like this is a non-issue but thought I'd post it here to see if there is a way to make this wallet updated so it doesn't get flagged as malware. I have other wallets that don't get flagged.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on September 23, 2014, 03:07:46 AM
Yeah, same thing happened to me. I contacted Bryce about it a month or two ago, he said he would work on it.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: brianbbad on September 23, 2014, 03:23:10 AM
Holding devs hostage, threatening to use social media to ruin coins?

Are you talking about Bryce's emails back & forth with Blakecoin dev BlueDragon747?

...I was gonna say "if so, people are welcome to look at the pastebin and judge for themselves," but apparently the pastebin has expired or it was deleted.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Jiggy0001 on October 01, 2014, 07:01:40 PM
is Dirac finally in "game over" state?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: kingscrown on October 01, 2014, 08:46:45 PM
hmm i think ive missed the drama. whats goin on here? i see XDQ price dropped alot ;x

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on October 03, 2014, 07:56:08 PM
Holding devs hostage, threatening to use social media to ruin coins?

Are you talking about Bryce's emails back & forth with Blakecoin dev BlueDragon747?

...I was gonna say "if so, people are welcome to look at the pastebin and judge for themselves," but apparently the pastebin has expired or it was deleted.

Actually I'm comparing Bryce Weiner to Iconic Expert, since both engage in these tactics.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: smiley35 on October 04, 2014, 05:26:01 AM
Is there a working mac wallet? The one listed is a bad link.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: fudge on October 04, 2014, 05:30:40 AM
What is Dirac?
A Revolution In Cryptocurrency and Finance
yea lol

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: smiley35 on October 07, 2014, 01:56:56 AM
Hello..... anyone?...... Bryce?.......

Can a brotha get a wallet.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on November 04, 2014, 04:51:50 PM
No blocksource available?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on November 04, 2014, 07:17:34 PM
another game on depreciation. Look how much it would cost a week) Thanks already bought 1000 coins.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: nutildah on November 04, 2014, 07:50:19 PM
Your dev admitting he is an untrustworthy hack. This coin is done. Kiss it goodbye.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: sgi02 on November 06, 2014, 02:59:43 AM
Your dev admitting he is an untrustworthy hack. This coin is done. Kiss it goodbye.


I called it from the onset. If BlueDragon747 dropped Dirac from the merged pools it would cease to exist at this very second, I cant find any reason to see why he wouldn't. This coin, amongst many others of Bryce's are basically DOA at this point...

* Petrodollar
* Gamerholic Coin
* Razor

NAUT was also left out in the cold because of broken promises. Some of the following coins are still listed at Blocktech, but I cant see any meaningful reason to support them further, or keep them alive at this point. I will say that Blocktech has many unique, ambitious projects in their pipeline, but it has yet to be seen if any of them will ever reach fruition. The ride was fun while it lasted, but it's time to move on.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: demoniality on November 09, 2014, 05:49:17 PM
The two posts above are lies and they both know it. Bryce plainly stated he was apologising for the way in which he would address people when communicating with them. He affirmed his ethics were not in question and that he would still invite an audit from the SEC.

You both worded your replies in an attempt to hide this and deceive the uninformed readers.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on November 10, 2014, 12:59:15 PM
Is there any way to send XDQ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BlueDragon747 on November 13, 2014, 03:31:19 AM
I am still not happy with the xdq code its got bugs and issues and Bryce cant be bothered to updated the code with even the simplest update *checkpoints

I will never work with Bryce again after the way he treated me he can apologize all he likes it does not change that he is a bully to work with and for an open source project there is nothing that will entice me to work with people like that including fake apologies, BTC or Fiat currency its not going to happen ever he burned his bridges with me and the other blake eco devs!

Bryce Weiner
26 May

to me
You're creating a de facto closed source ecosystem.

Nice job.  You're everything crypto was created to fight against.

Bryce Weiner
26 May

to me
I'll go and do it myself.  If I can't do it I'll pay someone to do it.

If I sound disappointed it is because I am.

26 May

to Bryce
I am not doing it for you

Bryce Weiner
26 May

to me
You're not doing it for anyone but yourself.

I'll take all the attention away from your ecosystem.  

It's that simple.

26 May

to Bryce
you are welcome to do as you wish

Bryce Weiner
26 May

to me
As are we all.

Good luck.

Bryce Weiner
26 May

to me
I've never allowed anyone to hold my coins hostage.

I'll be hard forking off of BLC as soon as possible.

You can remove Dirac if you wish, but then I'll tell the world it's because you want total control over a closed source system and refuse to allow coin devs to setup their own pools.

I wanted you to know what's coming because I felt I owed you at least that much.

I am sorry we could not work together, but I will not work with wannabe tyrants.


all my code is on Github as it always was and others have setup pools both public and private and I have helped them but thats not same as doing it for them  ::)

Bryce Weiner
26 May

to me
Sorry if I made a mistake about the code not being open source.


Bryce Weiner
26 May

to me
I'm trying to make money so we can all profit

I am simply disappointed and quite frankly if you don't wish to work with us anymore that's just fine.

I have a reputation to uphold for ethical behavior.

"us" is that meaning Blocktech because this at the time was from his Blocktech email Oops guess there is no "us" now  :P

Bryce Weiner
12 Jun

to me
Hahahaha... Get the fuck over yourself.  

I did you a courtesy.  If you want me to just say your networks are fucked up on Twitter I can do that.

THEN I'll setup my pools.  Tee hee hee.

I don't need to spend money wasting resources when I can waste yours... that is... until your network fucks up like it has.

Bryce Weiner
12 Jun

to me
See how that works?

getting me to do all the work on xdq and trying to force me to setup a merge pool for Bryce because he can't and won't do it himself is certainly not a courtesy imho

Bryce has a screwed up way of thinking about ethics go work with him yourself and dont take my word on it!

atm I am stuck with running the nodes for xdq and maintaining it on the merged pools and it sucks  :'(

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: cinnamon_carter on November 13, 2014, 11:17:23 AM
Exactly , we will never work with Bryce again, not for all the tea in china or all the btc in satoshi's hoarde.

ive seen those e mails with full headers and more detail.

i don't care how many fake forum accounts or fake twitter accounts come out to be his friend or pretend to be his enemy, Bryce is a waste of time , I will never ever acknowledge him or anything he is involved with again.

And no matter how many of you people running multiple accounts come out of the woodwork is no difference to me (or to Bluedragon obviously)

There is no apology that will make up for what went on. 
When I blacklist someone , I blacklist them for life.
In fact if I was in charge of this project I would have pulled the plug on xdq a long time ago
leaving it out of the protection of the merge pools so consider that.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BlueDragon747 on November 13, 2014, 12:05:26 PM
From the 30/11/2014 Dirac XDQ will no longer be mined on the merged pools

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Equalizer1970 on November 14, 2014, 05:20:47 AM
Wow. Bryce needs to read, how to win friends and influence people. Alienating people when you're trying to build a network around your coin is not a good thing.

Enjoy listening to him on David Seaman podcast but that convo does not paint a nice picture; although I know there's always two sides to a story.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Equalizer1970 on November 14, 2014, 05:22:42 AM
Wow. Bryce needs to read, how to win friends and influence people. Alienating people when you're trying to build a network around your coin is not a good thing.

Enjoy listening to him on David Seaman podcast but that convo does not paint a nice picture; although I know there's always two sides to a story.

Especially alienating a big wig like Brian Kelly. That epic fail won't be soon forgotten.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: kingscrown on November 16, 2014, 04:54:12 AM
From the 30/11/2014 Dirac XDQ will no longer be mined on the merged pools

that may mean death of XDQ

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: LionOfNarnia on December 01, 2014, 08:22:59 PM
R.I.P. Dirac :(

... just a shame it isn't r.i.p. Bryce.

Mining has now stopped on blakemergepools, get yer coins out by 7th or they'll be lost

- not that it'll make much difference as they're worth SFA now anyway.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on December 01, 2014, 10:04:16 PM
Are there any working nodes?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Farndogg on December 02, 2014, 05:30:09 AM
There is a merge pool running with XDQ. Details will be released soon.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BitcoinNational on December 02, 2014, 04:21:06 PM
Especially being a fed/scamming cunt!

Lest we forget...

yes when you check the resume some past 'spooky' employers standout ... couple that with lack of POW ... plenty PO Talk ... patience is stretched very thin at this juncture.

Cinnimon & 747 have had a beef for sometime with the B ... (May-ish?) ... it had not been aired out but I think the jest of it was just made public.    

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on December 02, 2014, 07:18:48 PM
How does one get the wallet to connect to block source?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on December 03, 2014, 02:11:29 PM
How does one get the wallet to connect to block source?

Please make sure you have the following added to your dirac.conf file in the blockchain directory (usually C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Dirac - AppData is hidden so you may need to enter that directory manually)


These were pulled from actively synced wallets. Majority of these seed nodes are run by Blakecoin servers and will be taken offline at 12/8. Bryce and myself are preparing new seed nodes and encourage others to do the same.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on December 03, 2014, 02:19:47 PM
A Blake256 merge mining pool has been on my list of things to get going for some time now. Ive been quite busy with Multipool projects (NAUT, ARCH, JBS/PINK/+++) and hadnt gotten around to working on a merge pool. Bryce approached me a couple weeks ago to speed up/prioritize my work as XDQ was being removed from the ecosystem's pools and it needed a new home.

The blakeShares pool will be online soon. I realize I have been saying that for a few days now, but my time to work on it is limited. I have an operational back-end pool adapted from BlueDragons eloipool and the UMO NOMP pool, and it took alot of digging around to get things configured right and working. I spend the majority of last week attempting to get a superior pool infrastructure running the merged mining (Simple's PowerPool - still working with the developer on it) but the time crunch forced me to use the already existing pools.

At this time I am coding up a custom front end interface for account management with workers and payout addresses using the Meteor framework. Please let me know any and all questions you might have.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on December 03, 2014, 05:59:43 PM
Where can one mine XDQ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Phantas on December 04, 2014, 09:41:19 AM
A Blake256 merge mining pool has been on my list of things to get going for some time now. Ive been quite busy with Multipool projects (NAUT, ARCH, JBS/PINK/+++) and hadnt gotten around to working on a merge pool. Bryce approached me a couple weeks ago to speed up/prioritize my work as XDQ was being removed from the ecosystem's pools and it needed a new home.

The blakeShares pool will be online soon. I realize I have been saying that for a few days now, but my time to work on it is limited. I have an operational back-end pool adapted from BlueDragons eloipool and the UMO NOMP pool, and it took alot of digging around to get things configured right and working. I spend the majority of last week attempting to get a superior pool infrastructure running the merged mining (Simple's PowerPool - still working with the developer on it) but the time crunch forced me to use the already existing pools.

At this time I am coding up a custom front end interface for account management with workers and payout addresses using the Meteor framework. Please let me know any and all questions you might have.

Thank you for the hard work Icarus. I can point some hash that way if you need any testing.

You can mine dirac here: (

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on December 04, 2014, 12:16:22 PM
price really tanked here sadly

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on December 04, 2014, 12:59:39 PM
You can mine dirac here: (
That is excellent to see, glad it was kept on that pool.
Dirac network hashrate is holding steady around 125GH.

Expecting to have blakeShares online later today, if not this morning. (fingers crossed)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on December 04, 2014, 01:28:57 PM
So if I am not mistaken only 6 GHs ( out of 125 come from a public pool?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on December 04, 2014, 01:37:50 PM
So if I am not mistaken only 6 GHs ( out of 125 come from a public pool?
'I may be mistaken, but I believe the reporting on that site is incorrect. The entire pool hashrate (40+GH) is effectively applied to the network, on each chain, when work is submitted under merge mining. Therefore 40GH is actually present on Dirac from that pool.

On my pool in testing, with two users, we are seeing an average of 25GH. Thus, in 'public' (known) pools there is 65GH. Solo mining the network is possible at this point even with one GPU/FPGA.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on December 04, 2014, 05:49:36 PM
So it is really really vulnerable to anyone with not the best intentions?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on December 04, 2014, 06:16:42 PM
So it is really really vulnerable to anyone with not the best intentions?

Doubtful. Most of the blake ecosystem networks run at 300-400GH/s, so Dirac is still more than a quarter of those networks. No more vulnerable than them.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Phantas on December 05, 2014, 11:37:09 AM
So if I am not mistaken only 6 GHs ( out of 125 come from a public pool?
'I may be mistaken, but I believe the reporting on that site is incorrect. The entire pool hashrate (40+GH) is effectively applied to the network, on each chain, when work is submitted under merge mining. Therefore 40GH is actually present on Dirac from that pool.

On my pool in testing, with two users, we are seeing an average of 25GH. Thus, in 'public' (known) pools there is 65GH. Solo mining the network is possible at this point even with one GPU/FPGA.

Are you think this pool?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on December 05, 2014, 02:43:16 PM
Are you think this pool?

Yes, it is. The site is still under development, but for now you can create an account and mine. Payout code will be complete this afternoon, and ill be exposing the payout address fields at that time. Till then all shares are being tracked and miners will be paid accordingly.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: chiguireitor on December 05, 2014, 02:50:26 PM
Hi peeps,

Regarding the pool: Dirac is slated to be removed soon, i just haven't had time to do it (i'm supporting Blue's resolve for several reasons, please don't discuss that here). The hashrate is 6GH at most, there is only 1 miner besides my measly rigs and my hashrate is about 4GH, so not much there for XDQ.

Please, if you're mining on and want to mine XDQ, point your miners elsewhere because it is inminent that it will be removed (will remove it from the merged proxy first, and when all the shares have been paid i will shut down the XDQ node).

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on December 08, 2014, 05:53:11 AM
blakeShares is fully online and processing payments to miners:
Merge-mining XDQ, BLC, B+, UMO, PHO, ELT, LIT - 1% fee, hourly payments

XDQ node is online at, be sure to add to your dirac.conf file:

other nodes online (excepting Society nodes that will be shutting down 12/8):

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: BlueDragon747 on December 08, 2014, 05:07:20 PM


this is cg1 pool and this node will be shut down later today for XDQ

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on December 12, 2014, 01:34:10 PM
Coin control on the horizon?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Farndogg on December 20, 2014, 12:46:03 AM

It's worth the read.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: mycoinsstore on December 20, 2014, 09:56:51 AM
It's good or bad news?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: mycoinsstore on December 20, 2014, 12:25:18 PM
jyap, you don't understand.
Moreover, there is illiteracy? I asked about how your "worth the read" will affect DIRAC price.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: kilo17 on December 29, 2014, 07:34:38 AM
How do I add a node to a Mac Wallet, I tried doing it from the debug console but couldn't get it to work and not sure where to look for a config file on a mac....thanks

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: mycoinsstore on December 29, 2014, 11:18:15 PM
kilo17, i think it is similar to windows, so just type in the debug console command: addnode (address:port of node) and hit enter.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on January 02, 2015, 02:04:22 PM
looking for wallet for Dirac -

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: worth on January 09, 2015, 02:43:51 AM
How do I add a node to a Mac Wallet, I tried doing it from the debug console but couldn't get it to work and not sure where to look for a config file on a mac....thanks

Here's how you get to the config file for any (most QT based anyway) cryptocurrencies on a Mac:

1) in the Finder, open the Go menu and hold down the Option key.  This will reveal the hidden Library folder located in your user folder. Click Library about half-way down the menu to go to that folder.

2) in ~/Library/ look for Application Support and open that folder. Inside you will find Dirac (or whichever currency)

3) if you don't already have a dirac.conf (bitcoin.conf, etc.) in the folder, create one in Textedit, making sure it is plain text in the Format menu so no special characters are added.  If the conf file exists, double-clicking it should open it in Textedit. 

4) paste in your addnodes and save

Hope that helps - you may have already figured it out by this point, but I thought I'd post the instructions in case others needed them.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: rudn on January 18, 2015, 08:43:08 AM

Is down?

I get only rejects (Error 111 connecting....)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on January 19, 2015, 07:55:44 AM
yes they are. probably disabled or any problems.

edit: everything works)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: J.E.S.U.S!!! on February 18, 2015, 10:38:50 AM
Hi, where can i download from a win wallet without trojans?


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: dedmaroz on March 05, 2015, 02:25:21 PM
vote for Dirac at C-CEX exchange

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on March 08, 2015, 01:39:21 PM;topicseen  - what do you say?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: IcarusGlider on March 17, 2015, 03:50:18 AM
To any who encounter errors connecting:

It will be back. Sometimes I dont catch it quickly, but this is due to my servers being "embargoed". My IPs are blocked from the main seed nodes and I have to rely on proxies and network peers to maintain a connection. You can thank Blakecoin's dev for that. Anyways, I'm doing all I can to keep nodes connected, since whenever one coin loses network all coins except blakecoin stop mining. So if you have resources, feel free to host seeds nodes (especially for BlakeBitcoin) and encourage others to do so.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: worth on March 17, 2015, 05:33:49 AM
To any who encounter errors connecting:

It will be back. Sometimes I dont catch it quickly, but this is due to my servers being "embargoed". My IPs are blocked from the main seed nodes and I have to rely on proxies and network peers to maintain a connection. You can thank Blakecoin's dev for that. Anyways, I'm doing all I can to keep nodes connected, since whenever one coin loses network all coins except blakecoin stop mining. So if you have resources, feel free to host seeds nodes (especially for BlakeBitcoin) and encourage others to do so.

Always works just fine for me.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on March 23, 2015, 09:00:18 AM
on a pool gives information:
JSON key `data` not found
JSON inval data

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: electricretard on March 31, 2015, 08:47:35 PM
Wallet won't sync. No block source available. Worked fine until now. Any clue which nodes are actually alive?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: gaalx on April 01, 2015, 06:01:46 AM
Yesterday synchronized.



Dirac where you are mining?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Vandalay23 on April 09, 2015, 05:08:36 PM
Hey Guys,

Can anyone create a provable unspendable burn address?

it should contain as many X's possible and a valid checksum.

it can also contain the word "burn"

Will appreciate your kind help.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: SquidsIn on May 03, 2015, 01:45:48 PM
Hey Guys,

Can anyone create a provable unspendable burn address?

it should contain as many X's possible and a valid checksum.

it can also contain the word "burn"

Will appreciate your kind help.

I could do it but why do you want it?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: SquidsIn on May 03, 2015, 05:55:15 PM
here's a Dirac block explorer ( for anyone who's interested

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: photon_coin on May 09, 2015, 01:36:18 AM
on burning , just do an OP_RETURN tx, here is proof from Jeff G that it works, if you don't believe me (

ohhhhh one thing, i guess if you had to ask this question in the first place you might not know how to actually do it ,

here are some directions here for bitcoin..... blake256 is a little different than sha2 in some aspects however...

regardless.... BURN (

If anyone needs advice on how to burn or destroy these coins let me know I might lend a hand.

Some coins were made to be 'burned' or destroyed.   I think this an excellent example.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: rudn on June 08, 2015, 11:02:17 AM

It seem's that "" is down?

I get only rejects (Error 111 connecting....)

Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on June 14, 2015, 02:09:37 AM
Bittrex is backkkk  :P :P

This market is in danger of de-listing due to low trade volume and lack of user interest. It may be removed on June 19th unless the average daily trade volume for the last 7 days exceeds 0.2 BTC.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: rahmad2nd on June 27, 2015, 11:01:45 PM
market danger delisting again...
where dev... ???

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on June 28, 2015, 03:37:27 AM
market danger delisting again...
where dev... ???

community job

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: TeslaFreeEnergy on June 30, 2015, 10:46:54 PM
market danger delisting again...
where dev... ???

community job

Seems Diraq needs it's communiity again

Till Wednesday to make 1.4 btc volume!!!

#BullyBittrex  :P

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on July 02, 2015, 11:45:32 PM
just a question, is someone doing something usefull for the coin??

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: worth on July 03, 2015, 04:27:22 AM
just a question, is someone doing something usefull for the coin??

That's a good question...  I'm not sure Altmarket is going to happen at this point.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on July 15, 2015, 04:05:10 AM
The same shit
some volume someone?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on July 15, 2015, 04:06:13 AM
just a question, is someone doing something usefull for the coin??

That's a good question...  I'm not sure Altmarket is going to happen at this point.

Ok, come back when btc is over 1.000$

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: rudn on July 18, 2015, 07:02:30 PM

It seems that payout for some coins at are not working since 17.07.2015

Could you please check

Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: TeslaFreeEnergy on July 21, 2015, 06:05:41 PM
July 17: 11 btc volume
July 19: 8,67 btc volume


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on August 14, 2015, 03:20:02 AM
I suggest to change the OP title from:

[ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance


[ANN][XDQ] DIRAC | Blake - 256 | Bittrex -

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on August 17, 2015, 09:40:28 PM
Are Bittrex and affiliated with Dirac?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: irwanjabryg on August 24, 2015, 10:35:32 AM
Only Waiting Time of impending doom in bittrex   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on August 26, 2015, 12:17:32 PM
I suggest to change the OP title from:

[ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance


[ANN][XDQ] DIRAC | Blake - 256 | Bittrex -

you idiots know that coinweaver AKA bryce has left crypto?

Sorry I dont get what you expect from your comment. What is your motivation?
1) Help us bringing some news to the table?
2) Stop people working on a posible takeover?
3) Feel better insulting us?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: ktfutura on October 02, 2015, 01:08:06 AM
this coin is dead as dev and biggest holder left
better get into MAPC, last 30 mins of ICO and good ol dev -

fuck ico

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on October 02, 2015, 02:40:47 AM
this coin is dead as dev and biggest holder left
better get into MAPC, last 30 mins of ICO and good ol dev -

sell me your XDQ and shut tha fuck up

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on October 20, 2015, 06:20:51 AM
this coin is dead as dev and biggest holder left
better get into MAPC, last 30 mins of ICO and good ol dev -

sell me your XDQ and shut tha fuck up

shit, are you bryce?

lol XD XD  no fcking way!!!

But i dont like trolls!!

check what happended with MAPC

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: upsidedown75 on October 25, 2015, 12:52:13 PM
I am having problem to synchronized my wallet.
Could somebody provide a good list of working nodes please? I do not know why it has stopped working suddenly. I believe I have not changed anything with out any intention.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: ktfutura on October 27, 2015, 05:37:09 AM
I am having problem to synchronized my wallet. Could somebody provide a good list of working nodes please? Thanks!

ask bryce

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on November 06, 2015, 08:20:35 PM
Is he still around? :)

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: photon_coin on November 06, 2015, 08:28:40 PM
i believe it was listed for exchange there at one time, (not sure if the coin is still active/ alive)

i dont consider that if an exchange lists any alt coin for trading they are "affiliated" in any way

i was under the impression this dev. vanished and just abandoned this project and the other 100 coins or so that he /whoever was the lead dev. of..................

i could be wrong

it's just that when some people vanish, you don't want anything bad to happen to them but you don't miss them being around at all.......................

Are Bittrex and affiliated with Dirac?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: ktfutura on December 13, 2015, 09:30:37 AM
Is he still around? :)

bryce hasn't cared about XDQ since he dumped the instamine in 2014.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on December 17, 2015, 10:47:48 PM
How did XDQ get relisted at Bittrex?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: dedmaroz on January 07, 2016, 11:53:41 PM
i cant sync, is dirac still alive?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: crackfoo on January 19, 2016, 03:49:11 PM

Does anyone have some current nodes?


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on January 22, 2016, 12:59:00 PM




"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1453467341,
"lastrecv" : 1453467422,
"bytessent" : 19059,
"bytesrecv" : 349829,
"conntime" : 1453467339,
"version" : 70001,
"subver" : "/Dirac:",
"inbound" : false,
"startingheight" : 275992,
"banscore" : 0,
"syncnode" : true
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1453467421,
"lastrecv" : 1453467431,
"bytessent" : 29572,
"bytesrecv" : 112679,
"conntime" : 1453467340,
"version" : 70001,
"subver" : "/Dirac:",
"inbound" : false,
"startingheight" : 275992,
"banscore" : 0

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: crackfoo on January 22, 2016, 01:02:33 PM

We've added XDQ to the miners multipool:

You'll find it merge mined in the blakecoin algo.


Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: crackfoo on January 22, 2016, 01:03:18 PM




"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1453467341,
"lastrecv" : 1453467422,
"bytessent" : 19059,
"bytesrecv" : 349829,
"conntime" : 1453467339,
"version" : 70001,
"subver" : "/Dirac:",
"inbound" : false,
"startingheight" : 275992,
"banscore" : 0,
"syncnode" : true
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1453467421,
"lastrecv" : 1453467431,
"bytessent" : 29572,
"bytesrecv" : 112679,
"conntime" : 1453467340,
"version" : 70001,
"subver" : "/Dirac:",
"inbound" : false,
"startingheight" : 275992,
"banscore" : 0

Thanks, I've also found this peer:

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: romiferns on January 30, 2016, 04:13:26 PM
the wallet link for windows is not working

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on January 31, 2016, 07:56:32 PM
the wallet link for windows is not working

could anyone provide the link?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: MarSas on February 03, 2016, 05:14:54 PM
I am surprised this coin is still alive.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on March 05, 2016, 06:46:39 PM
anyone has any useful ideas for XDQ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on April 22, 2016, 02:00:36 AM
Told ya so.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on April 22, 2016, 02:13:04 AM
this coin is dead as dev and biggest holder left
better get into MAPC, last 30 mins of ICO and good ol dev -

sell me your XDQ and shut tha fuck up

i have sold all - luckily ^^

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on May 02, 2016, 11:30:27 AM
anyone has any useful ideas for XDQ?

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: Rw13enlib88 on June 22, 2016, 11:00:43 AM

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: forzendiablo on June 23, 2016, 03:41:19 AM
bittrex delisted - coin is dead

just like whole BLC network

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: delong on June 23, 2016, 02:25:25 PM
Another Brycecoin dead, another bag from 2014 worthless, another valuable lesson for the cryptovaults.  I lost some BTC on this one back when I actually believed the delusional carnival barker that is Bryce.  Thankfully, I learned to not believe anyone's words in the cryptosphere shortly after the big XDQ pump/dump.  Fare thee well, sweet shitcoin...

The positive out of this is that the memory of Bryce will fade with each of his shitcoins getting flushed by the exchanges - hopefully soon, he will only be a hazy memory.

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: dbt1033 on June 23, 2016, 03:00:22 PM
Dirac:  Advanced Shitpants

Title: Re: [ANN][BLAKE-256] DIRAC (XDQ) - Advanced Finance
Post by: KimJongUn on December 09, 2016, 10:28:07 PM
Told ya so.  You fucking morons.