Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: btc-mike on May 21, 2014, 01:17:36 AM

Title: [CLOSED] Boolberry Rename Contest - Boolberry Is the Name!!
Post by: btc-mike on May 21, 2014, 01:17:36 AM
It was decided that we will keep the name Boolberry.

We are going to split the bounty among all that entered. If you posted a name in this thread, please PM your address to me.

Boolberry (HoneyPenny) Name Contest

Winning Name gets 125 150 BBR

surfer43 has added 25BBR to the bounty!!

I am assisting crypto_zoidberg (;u=170073) with finding the final name for Boolberry ( crypto_zoidberg picked Honeypenny before testing because the coin needed a name. Many people thought Honeypenney was a bad name so a rename contest ( was started. crypto_zoidberg was so busy working on the code, the renaming contest died off. He then picked a name he thought was OK, so we have Boolberry.

Boolberry was disliked by most (myself included). Crypto_zoidberg wants a name that works for all and I am helping by organizing the process. I will present a few of the earlier names I like, some phrasing etc, but the final decision is crypto_zoidberg's.

Most people dislike the new name so we are doing this before we get on an exchange.

1. Unique - No businesses use this name.
2. Domain name is available (at least .org)
3. Does not end with coin
4. crypto_zoidberg makes final decision

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 21, 2014, 01:17:48 AM
Here are a few of the submissions from the first contest that are good:


from digicoin

This coin is all about liberty: freedom from control/surveillance



from GWCalvert

Pecuniam - Latin for wealth, money, property, fund, etc...


Mellarius - Latin adjective for honey or honeyed


Mella Nummus - Latin for Honey Currency (also coin, money, etc.)


from BitRock



from atleticofa



from emontmon

ZeroByte or ZeroBit NetBit


from locogee

You asked names with "coin" to be excluded but you yourself proposed 2 names with "pennies". Other people proposed names with "note". Are you trying to make a new standart for this cryptonote technology? If so, shouldn't we first choose the standart before the name? Like coins/pennies/cents/$/bits/bytes ?

If not, keeping the coin thing looks nice to me. That's why I proposed Shadowcoin or Nightcoin in the first place. You can also choose a name without any suffix, but that's gonna be more personal and complicated. Then I think you'd be the only one able to do it. Btw, maybe Shadowcoin already exists, but there are also 2 Bytecoins or 2 Pandas right?

You also must be more clear if you want to promote this as a coin or as a project? the name should depend on it. Your site, which looks very pro, seems to promote your technology rather than your coin.

Despite beeing the first to use cryptonote, bytecoin chose the parallel with bitcoin. Maybe you could choose a parallel with another popular coin : dogecoin !
Like DarkShibes ? Doge has tons of coins, only POW and the community is very generous (crowdfunding?). Turn it dark and what do you have? Maybe your coin, but you will definitly have to promote it more like a real one! That's what all these donations are all about, right?


from emontmon



from blofoma

finafe = Financial Freedom


from digicoin

I think that we need a big name for such an innovative cryptocurrency.

+ No *Coin because it reminds me of Bitcoin clones
+ Bit* because of the same reason
+ No Byte* because it reminds people of 2 ByteCoin which is not a good idea
+ No *Penny because it implies something small
+ No Night or Dark or Shadow because this currency can be used in daily lives, not just in shady transactions
+ No Net* because we already have 2 NetCoin

The beauty of the underlying technology is

+ privacy (better than Bitcoin). It brings people more freedom
+ fair launch is about liberty too. No one is forced to do bad things. That's why every people in the world is seeking for freedom. Freedom means better life
+ long term development? I think this coin is built to last. It is a visionary cryptocurrency. Should we take a look at Statue of Liberty in the US. It was designed a French. France is a kingdom of liberty. Vladimir Nabokov published his masterpiece Lolita there. Without France, our people will never ever have a chance to read this masterpiece. People who believes in liberty in France also brings us an extremely controversial masterpiece at that time. I believe freedom will bring us a better life, better world which Statue of Liberty conveys in the physical world. Should this coin convey the same message in this cyberworld?

I suggest that this coin should imply the beauty of liberty and freedom. I like something with "Note" because it reminds people of bank note or cash. That's why I suggest


from Jookly

my suggestion is


invokes security trust and long term effort.

Thanks for your consideration.


from BitRock



from GWCalvert

Pecuniam - Latin for wealth, money, property, fund, etc...


Mellarius - Latin adjective for honey or honeyed


Mella Nummus - Latin for Honey Currency (also coin, money, etc.)


from emontmon

How about




AuroBit   (goldbit)

AuRa   Golden Ra


from Anotheranonlol


d as in digital, decentralised, decouple etc, and evolution from cliche egold, icoin 

or lucrum/lucra

From Proto-Indo-European *lau (“profit, gain”).  (lotra, “booty”), German Lohn (“reward, wages”), Gothic [script?] (launs) [script?], Greek απoλαύσετε (apoláfsete, “to enjoy”).


from dbt1033


Tritium (/ˈtrɪtiəm/ or /ˈtrɪʃiəm/; symbol T or 3H, also known as hydrogen-3) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. The nucleus of tritium (sometimes called a triton) contains one proton and two neutrons, whereas the nucleus of protium (by far the most abundant hydrogen isotope) contains one proton and no neutrons. Naturally occurring tritium is extremely rare on Earth, where trace amounts are formed by the interaction of the atmosphere with cosmic rays. The name of this isotope is formed from the Greek word "tritos" meaning "third".

Tri represents the main three goals of the project:  Privacy, Anonymity and Unlinkability

And it just sounds damn cool


from superresistant







I think
1. pretiavo = i am making this up. But prefix of Latin word for value. Suffix latin word for portion.

2. Pretium= of value

Nameless is good as a description but not for name of co8n. Worse than honeypenny.  A lot worse. I actually don't mind honeypenny but it would not be a good name for a coin either


from karkkis

I think it should be something simple and business like...credible for the masses

1. cryptoseal : CS

2. securenote : SEN

3. cryptogiro : GIRO

4. Unit : UNIT

5. cryptoberry : CBY

6. diginote :DNT

7. Transfer Note : TNT

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: CoolForCoins on May 21, 2014, 10:16:17 AM
Wynx (pronounced winks). And the .org is free.


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: locogee on May 21, 2014, 10:22:16 AM
Nightcoin it should be. And I read all the propositions : all names without coin suck!

Unless you have a better idea (and it seems nobody has), you should definitely keep it.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: locogee on May 21, 2014, 10:29:57 AM
HP/BBR is nothing but a coin (and it's more than enough). Don't get people confused

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 21, 2014, 02:59:59 PM
HP/BBR is nothing but a coin (and it's more than enough). Don't get people confused

There are several other words to use instead of coin:

shares, notes, bits,

Here are some ideas in other languages

poco - little, bit
pedacito - bit, tiny bit, chip

teil - part, portion, section, proportion, deal, bit
münze - coin, coinage, mint

peu - bit

sarafu - coin

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: locogee on May 21, 2014, 03:36:09 PM
Didn't I say a "better" idea ? :)

After a few days, I got used to HP and now I'm used to BBR. I don't know if we should change again. It seems we can't find 2 persons or more to agree on a same name....

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Cornett on May 21, 2014, 04:48:18 PM
This names will be successful:

1) NIGHTLOCK NTL ( Anonymity and security feature )

2) BITONE B1 (First security bit)


4) GUIDO GF (Guido Fawkes 13 April 1570 – 31 January 1606)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: ifightformerkel on May 21, 2014, 05:03:42 PM
i would choose

AnonimoNote [ANN]

or only

Anonimo (but a lot of domains are not free with only Anonimo)

anonimo means anonymous in the language of portugese, spain and italia also english people knew what its mean.
and note, its sound better than bit and stand for privacy and freedom

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: CoolForCoins on May 21, 2014, 05:25:15 PM
QiNote [QNT]

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Cornett on May 21, 2014, 05:57:31 PM
<<< SECLORUM (Latin for "AGE") [SECC] >>>

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 21, 2014, 07:12:30 PM
Lot's of good ones. Keep them coming!!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: foxy on May 21, 2014, 10:44:47 PM
My suggestions are:

DarkNote or GrayNote to suggest anonymity.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 22, 2014, 04:51:45 AM
Throwing around a couple ideas...


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: WayToGo on May 22, 2014, 06:20:52 AM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: future0ne on May 22, 2014, 09:10:17 AM
May be just Crypto? Like euro, amero etc.
Digi, digito, digimoney

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 22, 2014, 01:58:46 PM
My suggestions are:

DarkNote or GrayNote to suggest anonymity.

Common English words are not good because we cannot get the domain name.

The suffix -ring is a good idea.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: surfer43 on May 22, 2014, 06:59:01 PM
I'm adding 25 BBR to the bounty. Hopefully we find a great name.  :)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Zackgeno96 on May 22, 2014, 07:00:24 PM
esafe,or gouttes

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: 22naru on May 22, 2014, 07:04:31 PM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: tiger5056 on May 22, 2014, 07:29:46 PM
honeybytes HBC

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 22, 2014, 07:46:20 PM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 22, 2014, 07:49:16 PM
Donacoin (means donation in esperanto)
RingoCoin (means ring in esperanto)
blokoĉeno (blockchain in esperanto)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: MisO69 on May 22, 2014, 07:54:34 PM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 22, 2014, 07:56:30 PM





Cache - a bit of a play on words.  Cache is a synonym of the word conceal.


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: atleticofa on May 22, 2014, 09:32:33 PM
I will just make three beautiful proposals:

Aura [AURA]

Nube [NUBE]

Bruma [BRU]

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: nakaone on May 22, 2014, 10:14:08 PM

i think something like that is helpful - I would not recommend calling it notes/bytes etc. - give it a unique name, I think moneros success is also given to its wonderful name

Title: Nycto
Post by: xux99 on May 22, 2014, 10:44:38 PM
I propose the name Nycto (NCT). The domain is available. Visit

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 23, 2014, 12:27:53 AM

I like DarkNote

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 23, 2014, 12:30:57 AM
Honestly I didn't really see what was wrong with honeypenny or boolberry.  Sounds like an Android OS or something.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 23, 2014, 12:59:05 AM
Honestly I didn't really see what was wrong with honeypenny or boolberry.  Sounds like an Android OS or something.

The first time I saw "boolberry" I thought "wow, that name sounds pretty amateur."  One reason I bought so much is because I think it's likely undervalued because people hear the name and are turned off. I was turned on by the tech and when I saw the name was changing, I felt a lot more confident about the coin.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 23, 2014, 01:19:42 AM
Honestly I didn't really see what was wrong with honeypenny or boolberry.  Sounds like an Android OS or something.

The first time I saw "boolberry" I thought "wow, that name sounds pretty amateur."  One reason I bought so much is because I think it's likely undervalued because people hear the name and are turned off. I was turned on by the tech and when I saw the name was changing, I felt a lot more confident about the coin.

I hear you, but actually I found it refreshing to not have the standard "nouncoin" being used.  Sounds like it wasn't named by some edgy teenager for a change.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: foxy on May 23, 2014, 01:51:41 AM

I like DarkNote


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: surfer43 on May 23, 2014, 01:53:00 AM
LibreNote ?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 23, 2014, 01:54:02 AM
I'm adding 25 BBR to the bounty. Hopefully we find a great name.  :)
Thank you!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 23, 2014, 02:13:30 AM
Friends, thank you for trying to help us!

I read this thread every day, and hope we will find good name.

I just want to remind you that name have to be unique, this means that when you google it you will not get a lot of results, just as example:
Aura [AURA]
Nube [NUBE]
Bruma [BRU]

Aura -    81 000000 results
Nube -   21 000000 results
Bruma - 28 000000 results

Please, keep it in the mind.

May be we can move focus from anonymity and from coins to something neutral, something pretty far from currency. Uncommon flower may be (isn't it nice to send each other flowers instead of coins ? :) )

As for me - the best currency name after bitcoin is ripple. I think it well done.


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: digicoin on May 23, 2014, 03:48:11 AM

DarkNote is a very bad name actually. DarkCoin is already a bad name. 2 reasons:

+ Confused with DarkCoin. Make no distinction between 2 brands
+ Dark- makes a bad impression about the nature of the coin, making it bad in the eye of regulators and people in the clearnet.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 23, 2014, 04:50:59 AM
Keep all the entries coming!!

I wish I could enter. 150 BBR is a lot!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: kindofasaint on May 23, 2014, 05:50:11 AM

as in carat :)

KARAT accepted here!
-lambo boutique.

how much for that Huracan? 125 Karats, fine choice Sir!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: eddywise on May 23, 2014, 05:50:31 AM
PrivateNote Coin -PNC
The CryptoNote algo is based ring signature to protect privacy of people
I think the PrivateNote Coin is prefect for the preject

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: foxy on May 23, 2014, 06:41:01 AM
SigLock (signature privacy)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sorryforthat on May 23, 2014, 09:56:31 AM
Im not going of the Name/coin combo as I think it represents a different avene and this is Cryptonote not Bitcoin

Legacy [LGCY]

Animus [AMS]

Voculus [VLS]

Evaxa [EVXA]

Tocora [TCA]

Sudious [SDS]

Noculous [NCS]

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: giveBTCpls on May 23, 2014, 12:38:51 PM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Cornett on May 23, 2014, 02:43:52 PM
There is another name version for this coin:

Peerrain, Peerrains

Biterain, Biterains

(38 results in Google)

Vyaletum (0 results in Google ;D)

Baxenctone (0 results in Google ;D)

Pennystealth ( (.com)) - i like this  8)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: ifightformerkel on May 23, 2014, 03:50:13 PM

AnonRings [ANR]

Anon for Anonymity, Liberty, Freedom and Rings for Ring Signaturs

on google are only 10.800 hits
also is free

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Coindgr on May 23, 2014, 05:51:27 PM
In Latin:

1 - Stipendio

means salary

2 - Pecunia

means payment

3 - Aurum

means gold

4 - Aurum Meum

means gold mine

In Esperanto:

1 - Oro

means gold

2 - Orminejo

means goldmine

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: emontmon on May 23, 2014, 08:12:52 PM
I got some more


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: maya on May 23, 2014, 08:38:38 PM
My suggestions (playing with "note"):
- Notta
- Notino -  inspired by Monero, is not taken

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: nutildah on May 23, 2014, 08:50:07 PM
Has somebody mentioned Dingleberry yet?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 23, 2014, 08:51:44 PM
Has somebody mentioned Dingleberry yet?

Could always mention BoolPenny and HoneyBerry too :D

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: darlidada on May 23, 2014, 09:27:24 PM
Liberico (liberty in esperanto)

I like Libero quite a lot actually but it seems the websites are taken.

Otherwise, what are the dev countries from ? you could try to use the root of the name of liberty for the coin.

for instance, the liber latin comes from the root "lifer"

so we could think something like:


I'm sure you could come up with nice name using the root of the name liberty from your own country.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 23, 2014, 10:58:01 PM
DarkNote is a very bad name actually. DarkCoin is already a bad name. 2 reasons:

+ Confused with DarkCoin. Make no distinction between 2 brands
+ Dark- makes a bad impression about the nature of the coin, making it bad in the eye of regulators and people in the clearnet.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 23, 2014, 11:06:34 PM
Zeronote ZEN

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: surfer43 on May 23, 2014, 11:07:00 PM

DarkNote is a very bad name actually. DarkCoin is already a bad name. 2 reasons:

+ Confused with DarkCoin. Make no distinction between 2 brands
+ Dark- makes a bad impression about the nature of the coin, making it bad in the eye of regulators and people in the clearnet.
LibertyNote is too confusable with LibertyCoin in my opinion.. :/

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 23, 2014, 11:49:54 PM
DarkNote is a very bad name actually. DarkCoin is already a bad name. 2 reasons:

+ Confused with DarkCoin. Make no distinction between 2 brands
+ Dark- makes a bad impression about the nature of the coin, making it bad in the eye of regulators and people in the clearnet.

Zoidberg, I submit that you make the executive decision to stick with BoolBerry, it sounds just fine as it is IMHO.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 24, 2014, 12:25:30 AM
Zoidberg, I submit that you make the executive decision to stick with BoolBerry, it sounds just fine as it is IMHO.

Yeah this too. Although I made another suggestion here, I'm actually one of the people that likes the name as it is too.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 24, 2014, 01:21:40 AM

AnonRings [ANR]

Anon for Anonymity, Liberty, Freedom and Rings for Ring Signaturs

on google are only 10.800 hits
also is free

call it Anusring [ANUS]

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 24, 2014, 01:54:03 AM
call it Anusring [ANUS]


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 24, 2014, 03:29:49 AM


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: darlidada on May 24, 2014, 06:00:46 AM

This is a beautiful name!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 24, 2014, 12:55:44 PM
How about Bumbleberry [BBR]

1 Bumbleberry, 9 Bumbleberries
0.01 BBR = Bumble
0.0000000..2 BBR = Berries
and so forth is still available.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 24, 2014, 02:40:29 PM
How about Bumbleberry [BBR]

1 Bumbleberry, 9 Bumbleberries
0.01 BBR = Bumble
0.0000000..2 BBR = Berries
and so forth is still available.

bumble = bad...

Definition of BUMBLE

intransitive verb
:  blunder; specifically :  to speak ineptly in a stuttering and faltering manner

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Anotheranonlol on May 24, 2014, 05:05:02 PM
Friends, thank you for trying to help us!

I read this thread every day, and hope we will find good name.

I just want to remind you that name have to be unique, this means that when you google it you will not get a lot of results, just as example:
Aura [AURA]
Nube [NUBE]
Bruma [BRU]

Aura -    81 000000 results
Nube -   21 000000 results
Bruma - 28 000000 results

Please, keep it in the mind.

May be we can move focus from anonymity and from coins to something neutral.

As for me - the best currency name after bitcoin is ripple. I think it well done.


Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 24, 2014, 05:10:43 PM

Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

This one is interesting. It includes Keccak which is in the algorithm.

People will probably say it incorrectly, but either pronunciation works.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 24, 2014, 05:28:34 PM
How about Bumbleberry [BBR]

1 Bumbleberry, 9 Bumbleberries
0.01 BBR = Bumble
0.0000000..2 BBR = Berries
and so forth is still available.

bumble = bad...

Definition of BUMBLE

intransitive verb
:  blunder; specifically :  to speak ineptly in a stuttering and faltering manner

Oh yeah? How about you tell that Smileena from the Bumbleberry Bakery in Springdale, Utah!?? (

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Anotheranonlol on May 24, 2014, 05:41:55 PM

Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

This one is interesting. It includes Keccak which is in the algorithm.

People will probably say it incorrectly, but either pronunciation works.

Thanks, I pre-registered following domains to prevent squatting, can transfer to developer in case it is considered.


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 24, 2014, 06:13:04 PM
How about Bumbleberry [BBR]

1 Bumbleberry, 9 Bumbleberries
0.01 BBR = Bumble
0.0000000..2 BBR = Berries
and so forth is still available.

bumble = bad...

Definition of BUMBLE

intransitive verb
:  blunder; specifically :  to speak ineptly in a stuttering and faltering manner

Oh yeah? How about you tell that Smileena from the Bumbleberry Bakery in Springdale, Utah!??

LOL. I'm very sorry Smileena, your pies look just wonderful. But Bumbleberry....that's a thing? I mean, I've heard of Raspberry Pi, but Bumbleberry pie?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 24, 2014, 06:14:03 PM

Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

This one is interesting. It includes Keccak which is in the algorithm.

People will probably say it incorrectly, but either pronunciation works.

This seems like a pretty good name, I like that it uses the algorithm. It's also unique, and we've already got the domains.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 24, 2014, 06:17:28 PM
How about Bumbleberry [BBR]

1 Bumbleberry, 9 Bumbleberries
0.01 BBR = Bumble
0.0000000..2 BBR = Berries
and so forth is still available.

bumble = bad...

Definition of BUMBLE

intransitive verb
:  blunder; specifically :  to speak ineptly in a stuttering and faltering manner

Oh yeah? How about you tell that Smileena from the Bumbleberry Bakery in Springdale, Utah!??

LOL. I'm very sorry Smileena, your pies look just wonderful. But Bumbleberry....that's a thing? I mean, I've heard of Raspberry Pi, but Bumbleberry pie?

Lol, yeahhh... Bumbleberry pie ::) Id like to try one. You could flush it down with a Bumbleberry Honey Beer:

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 24, 2014, 06:20:16 PM
Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

It's a good idea, but Keccak isn't pronounced that way. This would be pretty embarrassing.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: DLow on May 24, 2014, 06:45:09 PM
Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

It's a good idea, but Keccak isn't pronounced that way. This would be pretty embarrassing.

It sounds arabic or slavic.. Like Goulascz or an iranian dish.. No offense :/

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Anotheranonlol on May 24, 2014, 06:46:28 PM
Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

It's a good idea, but Keccak isn't pronounced that way. This would be pretty embarrassing.

I think not so embarrassing, some say gif, some say jif. Imagine majority of people would say as written, but you can say ketchash or take the first part 'ke' then 'cash' by removing c.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: emontmon on May 24, 2014, 06:51:58 PM
Ripple is great, so is splash. but these terms are very broad. ripple had deep pockets already to buy-out domain and handle marketing.

here is my idea

Neutral, short (2 syllables) unique- reflects cash properties as well reference to underlying algo.

Google: About 20 results

It's a good idea, but Keccak isn't pronounced that way. This would be pretty embarrassing.

I think not so embarrassing, some say gif, some say jif. Imagine majority of people would say as written, but you can say ketchash or take the first part 'ke' then 'cash' by removing c.

how about kash or qash

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Anotheranonlol on May 24, 2014, 06:56:18 PM

how about kash or qash

Good i think, just that the domains are already in use, so you will have to make bid to current owner.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: emontmon on May 24, 2014, 07:41:45 PM

how about kash or qash

Good i think, just that the domains are already in use, so you will have to make bid to current owner.

i dont understand that part.
for example, could the domain not be
or .org for that matter.


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: DLow on May 24, 2014, 08:17:01 PM

and seems to be available.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: surfer43 on May 24, 2014, 08:27:06 PM

and seems to be available.
Nice name but..
Quote from: Google
About 56,600,000 results

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: emontmon on May 24, 2014, 08:30:15 PM

and seems to be available.
Nice name but..
Quote from: Google
About 56,600,000 results

why do you not want it indexed. by you i mean zoid and everyone else. or better put, why does one not want it indexed.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: emontmon on May 24, 2014, 08:32:24 PM
how about
qkash. q's for short

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: DLow on May 24, 2014, 08:41:57 PM

and seems to be available.
Nice name but..
Quote from: Google
About 56,600,000 results

well, i mean if you really want a name that suits an innovative cryptocurrency and gives only a handful results on google.. what options do you have?


Has an edge, turns up about 9.6k results and even is still available.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: DLow on May 25, 2014, 01:56:28 AM
Some more to bounce ideas off:




BERRYLL <- My favorite.


KEYSEED <- Maybe too close to Gridseed?


I'm approaching this phonetically rather than what any of those names could mean.

If we find a name with a ring to it then we can find what makes it so appealing.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 25, 2014, 02:32:49 AM
Has somebody mentioned Dingleberry yet?

Could always mention BoolPenny and HoneyBerry too :D

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: molecularfir on May 25, 2014, 04:26:41 AM

Can I suggest that we quickly resolve this name issue. Without a concrete name the exchanges won't touch this coin. In my opinion, Boolberry is a cool name and we should keep it. A better focus for this competition would be developing a logo etc.


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: surfer43 on May 25, 2014, 04:33:08 AM

Can I suggest that we quickly resolve this name issue. Without a concrete name the exchanges won't touch this coin. In my opinion, Boolberry is a cool name and we should keep it. A better focus for this competition would be developing a logo etc.

Unless we find a name that really fits the bill, I agree we should keep "Boolberry" and symbol "BBR" and move on.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 25, 2014, 05:11:19 AM
Crypto-Zoidberg will make a decision this weekend.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 25, 2014, 05:56:42 AM

Can I suggest that we quickly resolve this name issue. Without a concrete name the exchanges won't touch this coin. In my opinion, Boolberry is a cool name and we should keep it. A better focus for this competition would be developing a logo etc.

Unless we find a name that really fits the bill, I agree we should keep "Boolberry" and symbol "BBR" and move on.

Ok, but before we decide pls everybody, sing the BumBlebeRry National Anthem with me! (click the pic)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: digicoin on May 25, 2014, 04:12:33 PM
Crypto-Zoidberg will make a decision this weekend.

If I am lucky, my chosen name: LibertyNote will win  ;D

I hate technical-oriented names although I am a hard-core developer   >:( BoolBerry has a lot of rooms to evolve. Its name should not limit its potential. Dark- or SuperDark- are all super stupid names

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: DLow on May 25, 2014, 04:24:55 PM
Crypto-Zoidberg will make a decision this weekend.

If I am lucky, my chosen name: LibertyNote will win  ;D

I hate technical-oriented names although I am a hard-core developer   >:( BoolBerry has a lot of rooms to evolve. Its name should not limit its potential. Dark- or SuperDark- are all super stupid names

I like the Berry element a lot. It's easy to remember, forms a nice picture in your head and is quite unique.

Not so sure about the Bool though.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: trankil on May 25, 2014, 04:54:41 PM





Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: ifightformerkel on May 25, 2014, 05:12:22 PM




Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 25, 2014, 06:06:57 PM
Lets call it Amplified Boolbolic Extreme 60

You know, for extreme gainz

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 25, 2014, 06:23:06 PM
Ok, a couple of more suggestions:

Pekunio [PEK] - Ido (http://) for "money"

Like Esperanto, Ido is a deviced language for world communication and derives many words from French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, and Russian. Its main objective is to be easy to learn and use. and are still availble.

Valoro [VAL] - Ido for "value" is still available.

Unajo [UNA] - Ido for "unit", .com, .org and, .com, .org are still available.

Monetala [MON]
- Ido for "currency", .com, .org and, .com, .org are still available

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 25, 2014, 06:48:07 PM
I can't be the only one who gets the feeling the name will make or break this coin, even with the improvements.
Boolberry obviously leaves a bad first impression on people. We shouldn't rip off Monero's idea of using Esperanto or whatever. But success is obviously in names that are unique like Monero, or Ripple. Simple names.

No compound words. No homages. Think simple and catchy; something people have not heard before. Hurry.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 25, 2014, 06:55:39 PM
Call it Firecoin

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 25, 2014, 07:08:18 PM

Orbis - ring in latin

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 25, 2014, 08:05:52 PM
I can't be the only one who gets the feeling the name will make or break this coin, even with the improvements.


Your not.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 25, 2014, 08:42:55 PM
I can't be the only one who gets the feeling the name will make or break this coin, even with the improvements.
Boolberry obviously leaves a bad first impression on people. We shouldn't rip off Monero's idea of using Esperanto or whatever. But success is obviously in names that are unique like Monero, or Ripple. Simple names.

No compound words. No homages. Think simple and catchy; something people have not heard before. Hurry.

Boolberry left a bad taste in my mouth the first time I heard it. I thought to myself, "seriously?"

i think of the captain crunchberry guy every time i read this name

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 25, 2014, 09:35:03 PM
Has somebody mentioned Dingleberry yet?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 25, 2014, 10:23:28 PM

Orbis - ring in latin


We definitely need more names that play on the ring signatures thing. It's all we're going to be hearing about pretty soon.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 25, 2014, 10:31:19 PM

Orbis - ring in latin


We definitely need more names that play on the ring signatures thing. It's all we're going to be hearing about pretty soon.

Dingle Ringles [DING]

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: darlidada on May 26, 2014, 01:28:56 AM
My 3 favorite so far :

Rings (RNG)
Orbs (ORB)
Orbis (ORB)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 26, 2014, 01:51:16 AM
My 3 favorite so far :

Rings (RNG)
Orbs (ORB)
Orbis (ORB)

I like Rings, that seems like a good name. Makes me think of Sonic the Hedgehog. It also has a lot of graphic design ideas already built into the name.  Here are the available domain names

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 26, 2014, 02:29:33 AM
My 3 favorite so far :

Rings (RNG)
Orbs (ORB)
Orbis (ORB)

Lets make it Orbits then, for our cultural heritage ;)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 26, 2014, 02:31:43 AM
How about the good old German Elektrozaster [EZR] ?

Or just short: Zazta

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Djinou94 on May 26, 2014, 10:46:17 AM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: danonthehill on May 26, 2014, 11:35:01 AM
Boolberry is the best name I have heard so far, including existing altcoins.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: trankil on May 26, 2014, 12:55:34 PM

Lol Djinou94 excellent!:

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 26, 2014, 03:23:07 PM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: DLow on May 26, 2014, 05:42:47 PM


Or BerryWhite.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 26, 2014, 05:47:12 PM
How about the good old German Elektrozaster [EZR] ?

Or just short: Zazta

What does Elektrozaster mean?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 26, 2014, 05:50:47 PM




Where does factum come from?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 26, 2014, 05:52:03 PM
Im not going of the Name/coin combo as I think it represents a different avene and this is Cryptonote not Bitcoin

Legacy [LGCY]

Animus [AMS]

Voculus [VLS]

Evaxa [EVXA]

Tocora [TCA]

Sudious [SDS]

Noculous [NCS]

word origins?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 26, 2014, 05:55:58 PM
No coin or note or ring endings

Original name.

No look alike names.

This project is strong enough to be independent and name should be with the same style.

No bumbles, dingles, boobs, boobls, etc.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: molecularfir on May 26, 2014, 07:17:38 PM
No coin or note or ring endings

Original name.

No look alike names.

This project is strong enough to be independent and name should be with the same style.

No bumbles, dingles, boobs, boobls, etc.

So when is crypto-zoidberg going to choose a winner?


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 26, 2014, 08:27:30 PM
Crypto-Zoidberg will make a decision this weekend.

As above, please can we get a decision on the name - is it remaining Boolberry, or does Zoidberg prefer one of the other suggestions?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 26, 2014, 09:31:17 PM
Crypto-Zoidberg will make a decision this weekend.

As above, please can we get a decision on the name - is it remaining Boolberry, or does Zoidberg prefer one of the other suggestions?

Give it time! When the one cometh, you shall know him by his name.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 26, 2014, 09:33:24 PM
How about the good old German Elektrozaster [EZR] ?

Or just short: Zazta

What does Elektrozaster mean?

"Zaster" is coloquial for money, like "Electro dough" or "E-loot".

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 27, 2014, 01:40:19 PM
Crypto-Zoidberg will make a decision this weekend.

As above, please can we get a decision on the name - is it remaining Boolberry, or does Zoidberg prefer one of the other suggestions?

Give it time! When the one cometh, you shall know him by his name.

Hi btc-mike and Zoidberg.

You said a decision would happen over the weekend. I don't want to be pushy but am keen to know if a decision has been made yet, and if not, when will it happen?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: nakaone on May 27, 2014, 03:42:00 PM
How about the good old German Elektrozaster [EZR] ?

Or just short: Zazta

What does Elektrozaster mean?

"Zaster" is coloquial for money, like "Electro dough" or "E-loot".

it's quite funny if you are a native german speaker - not often used word but kind of fresh

my favourites are zazta (even though it is close to monero) and rings

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: emontmon on May 27, 2014, 04:11:27 PM
How about the good old German Elektrozaster [EZR] ?

Or just short: Zazta

What does Elektrozaster mean?

"Zaster" is coloquial for money, like "Electro dough" or "E-loot".

it's quite funny if you are a native german speaker - not often used word but kind of fresh

my favourites are zazta (even though it is close to monero) and rings

zasta sound like a type of pasta that is low in carb. can cure cancer and gives you wings.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: emontmon on May 27, 2014, 04:12:41 PM
we need to make the name palatable to the largest economies of the world. this will facilitate acceptence. however if this is simply an experiement then frankly go back to honeypenny.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 27, 2014, 04:44:51 PM
we need to make the name palatable to the largest economies of the world. this will facilitate acceptence. however if this is simply an experiement then frankly go back to honeypenny.

This better not just be an experiment; I've put real money into this.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 27, 2014, 05:12:49 PM
How about the good old German Elektrozaster [EZR] ?

Or just short: Zazta

What does Elektrozaster mean?

"Zaster" is coloquial for money, like "Electro dough" or "E-loot".

it's quite funny if you are a native german speaker - not often used word but kind of fresh

my favourites are zazta (even though it is close to monero) and rings

zasta sound like a type of pasta that is low in carb. can cure cancer and gives you wings.

Maybe I'm wrong but I think he's just making the joke that this is turning out to be a "dizaster"

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 27, 2014, 06:36:00 PM
How about the good old German Elektrozaster [EZR] ?

Or just short: Zazta

What does Elektrozaster mean?

"Zaster" is coloquial for money, like "Electro dough" or "E-loot".

it's quite funny if you are a native german speaker - not often used word but kind of fresh

my favourites are zazta (even though it is close to monero) and rings

zasta sound like a type of pasta that is low in carb. can cure cancer and gives you wings.

Maybe I'm wrong but I think he's just making the joke that this is turning out to be a "dizaster"

They call me Master of Di Zazta!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 27, 2014, 09:18:26 PM
I said during the weekend because that is what crypto-zoidberg told me. I have been pushing him, giving him my favorites and trying to get this settled.

He doesn't feel any of the names are perfect and really wants to get it right.

Zastar is good but I only know English.

I meant Zasta

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sorryforthat on May 27, 2014, 10:18:34 PM
I said during the weekend because that is what crypto-zoidberg told me. I have been pushing him, giving him my favorites and trying to get this settled.

He doesn't feel any of the names are perfect and really wants to get it right.

Zastar is good but I only know English.

I meant Zasta

Sounds like a brand of soda.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: CoolForCoins on May 27, 2014, 10:26:09 PM

WebNotes [WN]

That's my last shot as it's simple, it's memorable, and it actually sounds like a currency (as opposed to boolberry, which sounds like a flavour of pie or a clothing brand).

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: aleks648 on May 28, 2014, 02:38:22 AM
When will this contest be concluded?  I'd like to see this on exchange!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: molecularfir on May 28, 2014, 05:28:25 AM
How about one of the following:

moneta latin for currency, coin, coinage, mint, cly, cole
numisma latin for medal, coin, piece of money
nummus latin for cash, coin, money, piece, penny, piece of money

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: loremipsum on May 28, 2014, 08:16:37 AM
Numisma comes from the greek νόμισμα, but is not that easy to pronounce.

I have one suggestion:


which means coin in Greek (κέρμα) and also means "a small piece" in ancient Greek

There's also oβoλός, which translates to Obol (coin), which was an ancient silver coin:

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Djinou94 on May 28, 2014, 11:32:39 AM

Lol Djinou94 excellent!:


It's a good name if you want to attract children believing in a candy brand

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 28, 2014, 03:19:52 PM

I want to add the weight of my opinion in favour of the name Boolberry - the more I hear it, the more I like it!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 28, 2014, 03:52:28 PM
Numisma comes from the greek νόμισμα, but is not that easy to pronounce.

I have one suggestion:


which means coin in Greek (κέρμα) and also means "a small piece" in ancient Greek

There's also oβoλός, which translates to Obol (coin), which was an ancient silver coin:

May Orbol? Orb+Orbol

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 28, 2014, 06:47:09 PM
Orbex. I can't get it off my mind, it just sounds too right. Boristhespider deserves credit, I think know this can work.

edit: Shame it feels so right I keep forgetting about needing the .org free. Oh well.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on May 28, 2014, 06:52:16 PM
Obol - A coin form ancient Greece

moneta latin for currency, coin, coinage, mint, cly, cole

Combined, create Monobol

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: loremipsum on May 28, 2014, 08:30:07 PM
There's also Obolus or Obolos (same thing as Obol) and Obelisk (a small obol) if you're interested :)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: aleks648 on May 28, 2014, 08:52:53 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I like the name Boolberry.  Also people know about Boolberry now and we will have to start afresh getting the info out.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: escalicha on May 28, 2014, 08:55:01 PM
Egina Aureus

Egina: It was a grecee coin in the greece antique. Egina means turtle
Aureus: It was a unit mesurable of aureus in Rome antique.

Futhermore Aureus is the perfect number And for that unique and valuable coin the people will look future.
TO FINALLY, As a turtle this currency grows slowly and steadily to becoming a live hundreds of years

Another name maybe can be "AureusNote"
No explanation need

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 28, 2014, 09:47:34 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I like the name Boolberry.  Also people know about Boolberry now and we will have to start afresh getting the info out.

Berry for short is awesome, I don't understand why we needed to change it.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Djinou94 on May 28, 2014, 10:19:46 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I like the name Boolberry.  Also people know about Boolberry now and we will have to start afresh getting the info out.

Berry for short is awesome, I don't understand why we needed to change it.

There is already a Berry coin
But yes Berry sounds good

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 29, 2014, 12:44:31 AM


I dont know what it's called but we should make this our official symbol.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 29, 2014, 12:52:19 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I like the name Boolberry.  Also people know about Boolberry now and we will have to start afresh getting the info out.

Berry for short is awesome, I don't understand why we needed to change it.

There is already a Berry coin
But yes Berry sounds good

HoneyBerry  ;D

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: CoolForCoins on May 29, 2014, 01:31:18 AM
Boolberry? Boolberry?!?! "That'll be 14 boolberries please." 

Come on! The whole reason this thread was started was due to the backlash to that name, and there's good reason for it because it's a truly terrible name. 

Someone made the point earlier that the name is not so important because even if it starts off as an empty set of syllables it acquires meaning. 

But Boolberry is beyond redemption. Bin it. I don't care about winning BBRs, just don't stick with this mumbledump of a name.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Djinou94 on May 29, 2014, 01:50:10 AM
Dark coin = Drugs 
Boolberry = Pedophile

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 29, 2014, 02:36:46 AM
Boolberry? Boolberry?!?! "That'll be 14 boolberries please."  

Come on! The whole reason this thread was started was due to the backlash to that name, and there's good reason for it because it's a truly terrible name.  

Someone made the point earlier that the name is not so important because even if it starts off as an empty set of syllables it acquires meaning.  

But Boolberry is beyond redemption. Bin it. I don't care about winning BBRs, just don't stick with this mumbledump of a name.

What's more awkward, keeping the name Boolberry or continuing this contest without having promoted it enough? Obviously the dev wants more names.

edit: Berry is still a bit awkward, I was overzealous calling it "awesome", don't get me wrong. Pretend that was actually sarcasm for all I care. I just want this over with.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: mellae on May 29, 2014, 04:41:45 AM
See my username.

I think we should keep with the Honeypenny idea. Honey is a "sweet substance produced by bees", and the latin word for honey is indeed mella.

From : "There is a somewhat rare Latin word, mella,-ae, which appears in Plautus' play the Pseudolus, and at least one other author, meaning a mixture of water and honey, sometimes referred to as 'hydromel.'"

With regard to how sweet CryptoNote is, miners are worker bees!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: loremipsum on May 29, 2014, 07:54:28 AM
Moneta (a Goddess of wealth)

Moneta sounds good but its too much about money. Same thing as Plutus (the greek god of wealth); perhaps the name should be something more

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: blaaaaacksuit on May 29, 2014, 03:52:50 PM
Moneta (a Goddess of wealth)

Moneta sounds good but its too much about money. Same thing as Plutus (the greek god of wealth); perhaps the name should be something more

Plus it sounds a lot like Monero.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 29, 2014, 04:18:16 PM

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Anotheranonlol on May 29, 2014, 09:27:53 PM
Moneta (a Goddess of wealth)

Moneta sounds good but its too much about money. Same thing as Plutus (the greek god of wealth); perhaps the name should be something more

Plus it sounds a lot like Monero.

it doesn't matter, Monero as word already existed before too

Let's not forget Monetas ( is an already existing product in the crypto-currency realm. It's essentially a commercial implementation of the long established Open-Transactions ( project. Having Moneta the CryptoNote based coin side to side with Monetas the Open-transactions 'coin' will create a fair bit of confusion.

Please developer, choose a name or make it clear you wish to keep the honeypenny or bulberry pimpernackel etc which everyone will just have to accept (I think most have just gotten used to it by now anyway) so the project can advance towards exchange listing.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 29, 2014, 09:40:31 PM
Moneta (a Goddess of wealth)

Moneta sounds good but its too much about money. Same thing as Plutus (the greek god of wealth); perhaps the name should be something more

Plus it sounds a lot like Monero.

it doesn't matter, Monero as word already existed before too

Let's not forget Monetas ( is an already existing product in the crypto-currency realm. It's essentially a commercial implementation of the long established Open-Transactions ( project. Having Moneta the CryptoNote based coin side to side with Monetas the Open-transactions 'coin' will create a fair bit of confusion.

Please developer, choose a name or make it clear you wish to keep the honeypenny or bulberry pimpernackel etc which everyone will just have to accept (I think most have just gotten used to it by now anyway) so the project can advance towards exchange listing.

hmm you are right, also I think the dev has a good bunch of new names to choose already.

I'm not sure how after all this time they haven't just come up with their own...

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 29, 2014, 10:29:43 PM
Red Ring [R E D]

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: human on May 30, 2014, 12:46:31 AM
simple and easy.


aNotes (anonymous notes) - A-Notes - AAA

add something to the domain if not free like or or

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 30, 2014, 01:11:38 AM
Boolberry? Boolberry?!?! "That'll be 14 boolberries please."  

Come on! The whole reason this thread was started was due to the backlash to that name, and there's good reason for it because it's a truly terrible name.  

Someone made the point earlier that the name is not so important because even if it starts off as an empty set of syllables it acquires meaning.  

But Boolberry is beyond redemption. Bin it. I don't care about winning BBRs, just don't stick with this mumbledump of a name.

I expect Google went through similar discussions- It didn't hurt them.

Boolberry is fine, it's friendly, memorable and the arrangement of the letters would be a logo creators delight - it doesn't need to mean anything. It's also an obvious spelling and has no search engine competition. Some companies have paid millions to come up with something like this.

Some of the suggestions here have been truly terrible, it makes me wonder if Will Self is posting? It just seems to be an opportunity for amateur  linguists to show off a little with the resulting names being patronising, unpronounceable or just arrogant - sometimes all three! We want people to like the coin, don't we?

Boolberry is cool(berry), just leave it alone.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 30, 2014, 01:13:09 AM
Red Ring [R E D]

As in....... sphincter?  ???

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 30, 2014, 01:15:13 AM
Egina Aureus

Egina: It was a grecee coin in the greece antique. Egina means turtle
Aureus: It was a unit mesurable of aureus in Rome antique.

Futhermore Aureus is the perfect number And for that unique and valuable coin the people will look future.
TO FINALLY, As a turtle this currency grows slowly and steadily to becoming a live hundreds of years

Another name maybe can be "AureusNote"
No explanation need(ed)

You reckon?

This is appalling, three professors in Oxford are going to understand it, no one else.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 30, 2014, 01:26:13 AM
Red Ring [R E D]

As in....... sphincter?  ???

Thank you for teaching me a new word, you goddamn****** made me look at undescribable pictures on google saftey search off!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 30, 2014, 01:28:22 AM
Red Ring [R E D]

As in....... sphincter?  ???

Thank you for teaching me a new word, you goddamn****** made me look at undescribable pictures on google saftey search off!

Lol, sorry......  ;D

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: darlidada on May 30, 2014, 02:53:13 AM
Just decide for christ stake. Keep it or change it. But decide !

And hire someone to market your coin, you are doing a horrible job.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 30, 2014, 02:56:55 AM
Just decide for christ stake. Keep it or change it. But decide !

And hire someone to market your coin, you are doing a horrible job.

This. Can we just put it to a vote?

Or at least use a vote to help make the final decision?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: zeetak on May 30, 2014, 03:42:08 AM
Yah, we're going to lose the support we have if we aren't on an exchange soon, this is getting ridiculous. 

crypto_zoidberg, we NEED to get a name figured out. If you aren't able to choose one, you should ask for help from the community--get someone who is interested in marketing involved.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: loremipsum on May 30, 2014, 05:29:50 AM
What about Vortex?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: DLow on May 30, 2014, 09:23:15 AM
Boolberry? Boolberry?!?! "That'll be 14 boolberries please."  

Come on! The whole reason this thread was started was due to the backlash to that name, and there's good reason for it because it's a truly terrible name.  

Someone made the point earlier that the name is not so important because even if it starts off as an empty set of syllables it acquires meaning.  

But Boolberry is beyond redemption. Bin it. I don't care about winning BBRs, just don't stick with this mumbledump of a name.

I expect Google went through similar discussions- It didn't hurt them.

Boolberry is fine, it's friendly, memorable and the arrangement of the letters would be a logo creators delight - it doesn't need to mean anything. It's also an obvious spelling and has no search engine competition. Some companies have paid millions to come up with something like this.

Some of the suggestions here have been truly terrible, it makes me wonder if Will Self is posting? It just seems to be an opportunity for amateur  linguists to show off a little with the resulting names being patronising, unpronounceable or just arrogant - sometimes all three! We want people to like the coin, don't we?

Boolberry is cool(berry), just leave it alone.

Except Boo sounds a lot like Poo and nobody in the world knows what a Bool operation is.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 30, 2014, 10:30:28 AM
Cyberium [CYBR]

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Geenstijl on May 30, 2014, 10:54:37 AM
Dunno if its already taken...




Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: enerbyte on May 30, 2014, 12:28:12 PM
Kecktes [KCT] .com .org  :)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 30, 2014, 12:41:19 PM
Boolberry? Boolberry?!?! "That'll be 14 boolberries please."  

Come on! The whole reason this thread was started was due to the backlash to that name, and there's good reason for it because it's a truly terrible name.  

Someone made the point earlier that the name is not so important because even if it starts off as an empty set of syllables it acquires meaning.  

But Boolberry is beyond redemption. Bin it. I don't care about winning BBRs, just don't stick with this mumbledump of a name.

I expect Google went through similar discussions- It didn't hurt them.

Boolberry is fine, it's friendly, memorable and the arrangement of the letters would be a logo creators delight - it doesn't need to mean anything. It's also an obvious spelling and has no search engine competition. Some companies have paid millions to come up with something like this.

Some of the suggestions here have been truly terrible, it makes me wonder if Will Self is posting? It just seems to be an opportunity for amateur  linguists to show off a little with the resulting names being patronising, unpronounceable or just arrogant - sometimes all three! We want people to like the coin, don't we?

Boolberry is cool(berry), just leave it alone.

Except Boo sounds a lot like Poo and nobody in the world knows what a Bool operation is.

Bit sounds like shit and barely anybody in the world knows what a bitcoin is.

This could go on forever........ ::)


Has an actual poll been taken to show that "Most people dislike the new name....."?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 31, 2014, 12:45:27 AM

Intengo - price in Swahili

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: circulo on May 31, 2014, 02:10:16 AM
Do we just assume that this project is dead now?

Seriously. Get a name, get on an exchange, or just stop wasting peoples time.

It would be terrible to think this whole thing is just a massive time sink hole. But I'm getting the feeling it's time to cut and run.

CZ. You've only got me for 24 more hours.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sorryforthat on May 31, 2014, 02:11:45 AM
Do we just assume that this project is dead now?

Seriously. Get a name, get on an exchange, or just stop wasting peoples time.

It would be terrible to think this whole thing is just a massive time sink hole. But I'm getting the feeling it's time to cut and run.

CZ. You've only got me for 24 more hours.

At this point we should just call this coin Animosity. It is getting very crazy.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Mrrr on May 31, 2014, 02:17:57 AM
I'd call this coin Zoidberg (or ZOID to prevent copyright issues). In honour of the man that means well but isn't an ace at marketing.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 31, 2014, 02:38:59 AM
How about we call it "van Saberhagens" [SAB], in honor of our own "Satoshi": Nicolas van Saberhagen, the anonymous author of the CryptoNote whitepaper (,d.ZWU&cad=rja)(s).

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: BorisTheSpider on May 31, 2014, 08:46:51 AM

Just to let you guys know, a few of us at VTC are into BBR too, and have been helping Zoidberg choose a new name, including our professional branding guy who has decades of experience in naming and promoting brands. Zoidberg feels bad that he's agonised over the name for so long, but he wanted to get something that he felt was appropriate. He's conscious of the time dragging on, and is definitely going to announce a new name today.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: circulo on May 31, 2014, 12:07:01 PM
At this point we should just call this coin Animosity. It is getting very crazy.

Yes. And I apologize for that. Crazy day for me. But no excuse.

Very happy with this news. Excellent name. Great work.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: aikklond on May 31, 2014, 12:11:22 PM
Well, i'm very surprised that the project name is more important that technology thats stands behind it.
But in reality it is so, and maybe it's reasonable.

Now, with help of my friends, i've decided to take final name for project:


I like this name, and i'll make value for it with my work.
You can like it or you can not like - naming issue is closed.

I am very grateful to everyone who helped with the suggestions for the name in the contest thread! I'm sorry that i can't chose name from suggestions, but, to be fair, the prise that had been offered will be devided between all who had suggested variants.


Ok i dont know which pro suggested Arplex, but clearly I dont approve.

I think that boolberry may be better that Arplex.

I had proposed you from the start to offer a significant bounty so that a pro would invest some time and come up with a strong Brand name.

Anyway I wish that everything goes well and I will continue to support.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 31, 2014, 12:21:51 PM
Well, i'm very surprised that the project name is more important that technology thats stands behind it.
But in reality it is so, and maybe it's reasonable.

Now, with help of my friends, i've decided to take final name for project:


I like this name, and i'll make value for it with my work.
You can like it or you can not like - naming issue is closed.

I am very grateful to everyone who helped with the suggestions for the name in the contest thread! I'm sorry that i can't chose name from suggestions, but, to be fair, the prise that had been offered will be devided between all who had suggested variants.


Ok i dont know which pro suggested Arplex, but clearly I dont approve.

I think that boolberry may be better that Arplex.

I had proposed you from the start to offer a significant bounty so that a pro would invest some time and come up with a strong Brand name.

Anyway I wish that everything goes well and I will continue to support.

"Arplex" sucks, not friendly at all. It sounds like a type of plastic.

What is the plural? Arpli? Arplexes? Now it's getting cumbersome.

You should have known this because Vertcoin is also a crap name - the "pro" naming guy is just a guy - I hope you didn't pay him.

Oh well, that was a long wait for a step backwards.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 31, 2014, 12:39:04 PM
I think that Vert "pro" tricked him.

Pls, lets at least have a public vote with all the suggestions including Arplex and Boolberry and we will find out what the best name is!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 31, 2014, 12:41:24 PM
I think that Vert "pro" tricked him.

Pls, lets at least have a public vote with all the suggestions including Arplex and Boolberry and we will find out what the best name is!


Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 31, 2014, 12:56:05 PM
Renaming is canceled due to copyright issue.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: graphfox on May 31, 2014, 01:03:28 PM
Renaming is canceled due to copyright issue.

No harm done. More chance to consider some monosyllabic names. Believe it or not I was gonna suggest "Splex" last night which is freakishly close to what you decided. The domain was taken though.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 31, 2014, 01:06:51 PM
Renaming is canceled due to copyright issue.

I thought your guy was a "pro"? Didn't he check this?  ::)

Please, please, please just leave it as Boolberry - people are starting to laugh.......

Quite a lot of "moderation" happening on the other thread too.......  ???

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 31, 2014, 01:10:39 PM
Renaming is canceled due to copyright issue.

I thought your guy was a "pro"? Didn't he check this?  ::)

Please, please, please just leave it as Boolberry - people are starting to laugh.......
It was my fault. They wasn't behind this name.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: sussex on May 31, 2014, 01:15:24 PM
Renaming is canceled due to copyright issue.

I thought your guy was a "pro"? Didn't he check this?  ::)

Please, please, please just leave it as Boolberry - people are starting to laugh.......
It was my fault.

"Even the best name may not seem terrific the first time you hear it. As your name evolves into a brand, it will acquire more and richer associations. Give the names you’re considering a chance to grow on you--and try to imagine what they might stand for five or 10 years down the road.

Example: Google

Originally a variant of googol, the numeral one followed by 100 zeros, Google has come to represent a playful and innovative culture that delivers everything from email to operating systems. "

"Great names grab your attention by breaking the rules--but a name that defies your expectations may also appear scary. Look past the fear and you’ll find  energy and possibility. That buzz of surprise could be telling you that you’ve found a name that stands out.

Example: BlackBerry

ProMail, an early name candidate for what we know today as the BlackBerry, probably would have been an easier sell in RIM’s executive suite. But once users got their hands on the perfectly sized device, it became obvious which name was the perfect fit."

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 31, 2014, 01:55:19 PM
Renaming is canceled due to copyright issue.

No harm done. More chance to consider some monosyllabic names. Believe it or not I was gonna suggest "Splex" last night which is freakishly close to what you decided. The domain was taken though.
Splex is in use.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 31, 2014, 02:01:44 PM
Ok i dont know which pro suggested Arplex, but clearly I dont approve.

I think that boolberry may be better that Arplex.

I had proposed you from the start to offer a significant bounty so that a pro would invest some time and come up with a strong Brand name.

Anyway I wish that everything goes well and I will continue to support.
Thanks you!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Spekulatius on May 31, 2014, 02:47:20 PM
Ok, I have a marketing background, so in practice a marketing team tasked with finding a name for a new product follows these steps more or less in this order:

- Getting to know all about the product (physical properties, purpose, use cases, vision, corporate environment (in our case concerning the dev(s) and others working on the code as well as how management decisions are proposed and made))
- Researching the competition (what competitors are on the market, what do they propose, how are they positioned?)
- Researching and determining the target group of customers (what sub-segment of the total audience shall this product appeal to? What do they want from a product like ours?)
- Developing a "unique selling proposition" (what can this product do that others cant and customers want?)
- Brainstorming (without the boss present the team pours all the good ideas out that have emerged during the research phase, regardless how rediculous they sound)
- SWOT analysis (product inherent Strength and Weaknesses and xternal Opportunities and Threats displayed on a 4 fielded matrix)
- Sifting through the results from brainstorming and SWOT and narrowing things down to 2 or 3 candidates based on feasibility and vision for them.
- Preliminary testing on test subjects randomly selected from the designated target group (by standardized questionaire or individual interview or even in experimental set ups)
- Refining of results with 2 or 3 propositions for client or starting process all over if it turns out test subjects dont respond well to the candidates.
- Pitch to client

I think we can do some of these steps in order to find the right name, at least we should determine what the vision for this "product" is, what its unique selling proposition proposes, who our target audience is and what they want (may sound silly but after you have put it down in consensus things are much clearer). A little competition research cant hurt either, maybe summarized in a neat chart. Then we can do the fun brainstorming part and refine results to settle on some candidates for polling to determin the best possible name!

Any questions?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on May 31, 2014, 03:17:00 PM
Boolberry is not the best name, i see.

But i've decided to stay with that.
i'm so sick of this naming talks - it's not possible to please everybody.
I like this name and i'll make a value for this name with my work and my ideas.

Thanks to all people who suggested names, i'm very sorry that i didn't like it, please try to understand me.
The prize will be devided between all who suggested in this thread, with thanks and respect. Sorry again that i didn't take name here.

Now naming issue is closed.

I'm gladly go back to work, hope we will appear on exchanges soon.

PS: those who was complained that solo mining is impossible - you can try your luck now since hashrate is pretty low now. this is your second chance.
PPS: those who don't like the name - that's ok, i can understand you and respect your choice if you go to Monero(or whatever). Mine in peace!

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: Warl0ck on May 31, 2014, 05:20:11 PM
Renaming is canceled due to copyright issue.

No harm done. More chance to consider some monosyllabic names. Believe it or not I was gonna suggest "Splex" last night which is freakishly close to what you decided. The domain was taken though.

yea I like this... maybe that can be a new coin that we merge mine with Boolberry :)

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: trankil on May 31, 2014, 05:29:20 PM
Boolberry is not the best name, i see.

But i've decided to stay with that.
i'm so sick of this naming talks - it's not possible to please everybody.
I like this name and i'll make a value for this name with my work and my ideas.

Thanks to all people who suggested names, i'm very sorry that i didn't like it, please try to understand me.
The prize will be devided between all who suggested in this thread, with thanks and respect. Sorry again that i didn't take name here.

Now naming issue is closed.

I'm gladly go back to work, hope we will apeare on exchanges soon.

PS: those who was complained that solo mining is impossible - you can try your luck now since hashrate is pretty low now. this is your second chance.
PPS: those who don't like the name - that's ok, i can understand you and respect your choice if you go to Monero(or whatever). Mine in peace!

i understand your decision  i'm happy to have propose a name

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: TotalPanda on May 31, 2014, 09:09:15 PM
I know it's too late but :



Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: surfer43 on May 31, 2014, 09:28:18 PM
On the bright side, we just made hundreds of future clonecoins' jobs easier.  ;D

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: crypto_zoidberg on June 01, 2014, 12:14:47 AM
On the bright side, we just made hundreds of future clonecoins' jobs easier.  ;D

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: circulo on June 01, 2014, 01:44:30 AM

We have a name. I can see that CZ has been working on the code to allow exchanges to pick up the coin. What's the ETA on BBR trading on an exchange? Which exchange will be first?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: trankil on June 01, 2014, 06:13:04 PM
how can we have the bountie tou participate to this contest? we pm you our adress?

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: surfer43 on June 01, 2014, 06:23:54 PM
how can we have the bountie tou participate to this contest? we pm you our adress?
The bounty is closed. The name "Boolberry" was kept.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on June 02, 2014, 02:54:07 AM
The bounty is going to be split equally among all participants.

If you made a real entry, please send me a PM with your address.

Title: Re: [BBR][HP] Boolberry (formerly HoneyPenny) Rename Contest - 125 BBR Prize
Post by: btc-mike on June 03, 2014, 02:48:09 PM
The bounty is going to be split equally among all participants.

If you made a real entry, please send me a PM with your address.

Don't forget to send me your address. All prizes will be distributed tomorrow.

Title: Re: [CLOSED] Boolberry Rename Contest - Boolberry Is the Name!!
Post by: btc-mike on June 04, 2014, 01:49:48 AM
I will be sending tomorrow morning. So far I have heard from:


Title: Re: [CLOSED] Boolberry Rename Contest - Boolberry Is the Name!!
Post by: sorryforthat on June 04, 2014, 04:39:33 AM
1D5rirUUVyWDMxpEWG8WsVGZ1KUS1X5WgH4x4hEqwiD2f6FX1naWhQUGzfXHWyXDfNHjLFrFBAimv6U VNfg6ZDbU8LN1jkx

I posted for the names in this thread, can I be added to the list? Thank you

Title: Re: [CLOSED] Boolberry Rename Contest - Boolberry Is the Name!!
Post by: btc-mike on June 05, 2014, 03:51:52 PM
I started sending yesterday and was able to finish today.

poornamelessme - send me a pm. i sent without transaction id.

I sent 10 BBR to following people:

Title: Re: [CLOSED] Boolberry Rename Contest - Boolberry Is the Name!!
Post by: emontmon on June 05, 2014, 11:03:17 PM
Have been on road. Haven't check but thank you. Very considerate.

Title: Re: [CLOSED] Boolberry Rename Contest - Boolberry Is the Name!!
Post by: loremipsum on June 06, 2014, 04:44:14 AM
Received! Thank you too!