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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Mageant on February 25, 2012, 04:08:05 PM

Title: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 25, 2012, 04:08:05 PM
I predict according to what I have read from various sources which I agree with:

The truth about everything concerning various conspiracies (9/11, JFK, Illuminati, etc.), UFOs/ETs, paranormal phenomena, cryptozoology, our true history (Atlantis, Lemuria, Mars, etc.) and the very nature of the Universe itself is all coming out this year by December 21st.

Just so that you know.

How will this affect Bitcoin? I don't know. Probably for the better. In the long-term I think we will so affluent we won't need money at all though (sort of like in the Star Trek universe).

I only know we are going to be *free* and it's going to be great!

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: AndDuffy on February 25, 2012, 04:15:53 PM
I agree with you. Something is going to happen on Dec. 21st, and this seems likely to me, maybe not all of it though.

All I really know is that this date has been anticipated for millennia; and it happens to fall on a Friday in my lifetime.... I am going to party my brains out.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Nachtwind on February 25, 2012, 04:20:57 PM
I agree with you. Something is going to happen on Dec. 21st, and this seems likely to me, maybe not all of it though.

All I really know is that this date has been anticipated for millennia; and it happens to fall on a Friday in my lifetime.... I am going to party my brains out.

Why is that 12/21 any different than.. lets say 1.1.2000? It was anticipated for two millenia as well... or the 02/26/12 ?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 25, 2012, 04:29:11 PM
I agree with you. Something is going to happen on Dec. 21st, and this seems likely to me, maybe not all of it though.

All I really know is that this date has been anticipated for millennia; and it happens to fall on a Friday in my lifetime.... I am going to party my brains out.

Why is that 12/21 any different than.. lets say 1.1.2000? It was anticipated for two millenia as well... or the 02/26/12 ?

Because it's the so-called "Zero Point" in time where various cycles coincide. This has to do with higher dimensional physics and subtle energies which are not an accepted part of mainstream physics (at least in the West). You could also say that it is the way the Universe is consciously constructed. You can read more about this on the website

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: on February 25, 2012, 06:30:36 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: notme on February 25, 2012, 07:04:16 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

What the Mayans predicted is the alignment of Earth, the Sun, and the center of the Milky Way.  This does indeed happen on December 21st, 2012.

I wouldn't rule out that this could have effects here on Earth.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: drakahn on February 25, 2012, 07:19:53 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

Dec 21st has been drummed into's people's heads their whole lives, there are a lot of unhappy groups in the world, i think its a good bet a lot of "something"s will happen that day...

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: BadBear on February 25, 2012, 07:36:17 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

Dec 21st has been drummed into's people's heads their whole lives, there are a lot of unhappy groups in the world, i think its a good bet a lot of "something"s will happen that day...

Like what?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 25, 2012, 07:59:13 PM
WOW! This is weird! I just Googled December 21, 2012 and Google asked me if I meant March 11, 2012 (

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Ean on February 25, 2012, 08:06:04 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

Dec 21st has been drummed into's people's heads their whole lives, there are a lot of unhappy groups in the world, i think its a good bet a lot of "something"s will happen that day...

Like what?

Winter solstice?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 25, 2012, 08:12:26 PM
The higgs boson.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: BadBear on February 25, 2012, 08:15:16 PM

Winter solstice?

God, I was hoping for something with more "subtle energies".

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 25, 2012, 08:50:31 PM

Winter solstice?

God, I was hoping for something with more "subtle energies".

Like this?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Ean on February 25, 2012, 08:52:36 PM
This has to do with higher dimensional physics and subtle energies which are not an accepted part of mainstream physics

Wonder why ...

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Nachtwind on February 25, 2012, 09:41:11 PM
Simple question to those "believers"

These constallations happen roughly every 26k years.. lets now correlate them with "events" that are important for the last few million years and evolution/life on earth:

Younger Dryas? No.
Last Glacial maximum? No.
KT-Boundary? No.
PT-Boundary? No.

Though its hard to correlate KT and PT, or older mass extinction events to a cycle that short (in geological terms) its unlikely that those correlate to the day.. Other than that the past 1.8mil years have been very detailed documented and dont show any cyclcity that in any way looks like this 26k year cycle... so how much higher is the chance that the world will end at 12/21/12 compared to - uhhh - 2/29/12?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 25, 2012, 09:53:42 PM
Simple question to those "believers"

These constallations happen roughly every 26k years.. lets now correlate them with "events" that are important for the last few million years and evolution/life on earth:

Younger Dryas? No.
Last Glacial maximum? No.
KT-Boundary? No.
PT-Boundary? No.

Though its hard to correlate KT and PT, or older mass extinction events to a cycle that short (in geological terms) its unlikely that those correlate to the day.. Other than that the past 1.8mil years have been very detailed documented and dont show any cyclcity that in any way looks like this 26k year cycle... so how much higher is the chance that the world will end at 12/21/12 compared to - uhhh - 2/29/12?

It's not only the 26k year cycle that is ending now, but also multi-million year cycles.
Also it's not about "the end of the world" but about a positive shift in human consciousness (amongst other things).

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: drakahn on February 25, 2012, 09:54:27 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

Dec 21st has been drummed into's people's heads their whole lives, there are a lot of unhappy groups in the world, i think its a good bet a lot of "something"s will happen that day...

Like what?

The occupy movement turns violent radical and gains huge support

A thousand computer viruses no one knew they had get activated

Anonymous takes over the world (LOL...)

The singularity was 'born' years ago but has been keeping itself secret because it has a sense of humour and wants to end the age of man in line with the mayan prophecy

Every marijuana user in the world smoke in front of their nations leaders house

The Illuminati/ZOG/Banking Cartels/1%'ers/Reptillians/Others announce they now have total control of the world, that they win, that there is nothing we can do about it and that life is about to get a whole lot easier (or harder... depending on who 'wins')

Fiat Money gets to a point where people just stop using it.

EVERY anti-government group attacks their governments to try and take over, whoever is left standing wins? lol

i don't know, i don't think there will be anything mystical, but i do think its going to be a crazy day, and i do think crazy people are going to be specifically crazy on such a day...

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 25, 2012, 10:03:51 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

Dec 21st has been drummed into's people's heads their whole lives, there are a lot of unhappy groups in the world, i think its a good bet a lot of "something"s will happen that day...

Like what?

President Obama admits ETs are real and the US government has been in contact with them for decades.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Nachtwind on February 25, 2012, 10:15:04 PM
Simple question to those "believers"

These constallations happen roughly every 26k years.. lets now correlate them with "events" that are important for the last few million years and evolution/life on earth:

Younger Dryas? No.
Last Glacial maximum? No.
KT-Boundary? No.
PT-Boundary? No.

Though its hard to correlate KT and PT, or older mass extinction events to a cycle that short (in geological terms) its unlikely that those correlate to the day.. Other than that the past 1.8mil years have been very detailed documented and dont show any cyclcity that in any way looks like this 26k year cycle... so how much higher is the chance that the world will end at 12/21/12 compared to - uhhh - 2/29/12?

It's not only the 26k year cycle that is ending now, but also multi-million year cycles.
Also it's not about "the end of the world" but about a positive shift in human consciousness (amongst other things).

What other cycles? Afaik only the 26k year cycle happens

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 25, 2012, 10:30:09 PM
Simple question to those "believers"

These constallations happen roughly every 26k years.. lets now correlate them with "events" that are important for the last few million years and evolution/life on earth:

Younger Dryas? No.
Last Glacial maximum? No.
KT-Boundary? No.
PT-Boundary? No.

Though its hard to correlate KT and PT, or older mass extinction events to a cycle that short (in geological terms) its unlikely that those correlate to the day.. Other than that the past 1.8mil years have been very detailed documented and dont show any cyclcity that in any way looks like this 26k year cycle... so how much higher is the chance that the world will end at 12/21/12 compared to - uhhh - 2/29/12?

It's not only the 26k year cycle that is ending now, but also multi-million year cycles.
Also it's not about "the end of the world" but about a positive shift in human consciousness (amongst other things).

What other cycles? Afaik only the 26k year cycle happens

A 62-million year evolutionary cycle (this is a cycle in which the fossil record shows regular mass extinctions/changes).
The height of the 11-year sunspot cycle is also expected around the end of this year.
A Venus transit is also happening this year.
Also, the solar system is entering an unusual interstellar dust cloud (also known as the "photon belt").
Of course it is also the Winter Solstice (i.e. the end of the solar year for the northern hemisphere).
Also, it's happening at 11:11 GMT/UTC.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Jon on February 25, 2012, 11:01:07 PM
Yawn, like you can predict something like that,exactly to the day. I am wondering what kind of excuses will be made when NOTHING happens.....

Dec 21st has been drummed into's people's heads their whole lives, there are a lot of unhappy groups in the world, i think its a good bet a lot of "something"s will happen that day...

Like what?

President Obama admits ETs are real and the US government has been in contact with them for decades.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Jon on February 25, 2012, 11:14:27 PM
The OP has caused me to waste over an hour of my time on Theosophy articles.

A trip to the local Scientology office would of been more fulfilling. 

I left religion before I was in middle school. How grown people get into this, I'll never know.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Nachtwind on February 25, 2012, 11:55:43 PM
A 62-million year evolutionary cycle (this is a cycle in which the fossil record shows regular mass extinctions/changes).
As paleontologist let me tell you this: There is no such thing as a 62-mil year "evolutuinary cycle" neither there is any cycle in mass extinctions. You might want to look up the big 5:
KT - Boundary (65Myr/bp)
JT - Boundary (205Myr/bp)
PT - Boundary (251Myr/bp)
FF - Boundary (late Devonian 360 - 375Myr/bp)
OS - Boundary (440Myr/bp)

"before present" is, in this context, defined as of before 1960.
Another astonishing scientific "truth" (or rather well accepted fact) is that none of these extinction events have been events of any sort. KT is known to be that big asteroid that hit earth and killed the dinosaurs.... unfortunately you find already mass extinctions even before the irdium anomaly that marks the point when the asteroid hit earth. PT Boundary, the so far known largest extinction event is yet unknown as of what happened there, but also here you see a gradual extinction before and after...

The height of the 11-year sunspot cycle is also expected around the end of this year.
As happened 2001, 1990, 1979.....

A Venus transit is also happening this year.
And what will be the outcome? Tidal (gravitational forces) that come from the moon arent even affecting earth a lot.. why should some small planet make any difference? Especially if it comes that close to earth often enough anyway..

Also, the solar system is entering an unusual interstellar dust cloud (also known as the "photon belt").
Had to spend an hour reading into this and wished i didnt. Sorry.. no scientific facts, nothing remotely believable. Wont go deeper into this now.

Of course it is also the Winter Solstice (i.e. the end of the solar year for the northern hemisphere).
Happend quite a lot in the past 4 billion years...... not sure if this is a sign of a cataclysm

Also, it's happening at 11:11 GMT/UTC.

So does carnival on 11/11 in Germany..

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 12:16:58 AM
And what will be the outcome? Tidal (gravitational forces) that come from the moon arent even affecting earth a lot.. why should some small planet make any difference? Especially if it comes that close to earth often enough anyway..
I suggest reading David Wilcock's book "The Source Field Investigations". It explains the (albeit mostly non-mainstream-recognized) scientific investigation into the effect celestial bodies have on Earth, including sources.

A 62-million year evolutionary cycle (this is a cycle in which the fossil record shows regular mass extinctions/changes).

Also, the solar system is entering an unusual interstellar dust cloud (also known as the "photon belt").

Also, it's happening at 11:11 GMT/UTC.
To explain on why this is relevant I would have to go very deeply into esoterics. I would have to know how much you believe the mainstream media and mainstream science. For example, do you believe the official version of 9/11, do you believe in anthropogenic global warming?

What I am saying is special is that these "cycles" are coinciding now. Yes, they have happened before, but the *coincidence* of them now is part of what makes this event relevant.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Nachtwind on February 26, 2012, 01:05:33 AM
I suggest reading David Wilcock's book "The Source Field Investigations". It explains the (albeit mostly non-mainstream-recognized) scientific investigation into the effect celestial bodies have on Earth, including sources.
Didnt read that book and got, honestly, better things to do.  What i did was reading texts about it and something about that source field theory. Wow.. got to say this educated creationism... same stupid ideas...
Again: There is no such thing as a cycle in evolution or mass extinctions. There is NO evidence whatsoever on that in the fossil record.

To explain on why this is relevant I would have to go very deeply into esoterics. I would have to know how much you believe the mainstream media and mainstream science. For example, do you believe the official version of 9/11, do you believe in anthropogenic global warming?
No, 9/11 is not what officials make us believe. But thats my standard feeling when "intelligence" screws arround with data and applies to pretty much everything official going on. No big deal. Yes i know there is an anthropogenic influence on the cimate change (note: i wont say "believe", thats for other people) since i have seen the data and worked on data i sampled myself that makes it look like there is an anthropogenic influence.

What I am saying is special is that these "cycles" are coinciding now. Yes, they have happened before, but the *coincidence* of them now is part of what makes this event relevant.
Someone with a better understanding of celestial body movement should be better at this but i really expect that these cycles, in case they exist, and some simply dont exist, should have coincided in the past a few times already. And i bet everything i have that 12/21 will be an ordinary day without anything happen that could be correlated to some mystic cycles.*

* i wont count mass suicides here.. i would even expect them.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 06:37:14 AM
Also, it's happening at 11:11 GMT/UTC.

Interesting question:
Lets assume this to be important and not just a coincidence. How do you explain the relationship between the galactic cycles and historical factors leading to the use of greenwich observatory as 0 longitude, as well as the use of 24 hours per day, 60 minutes an hour, etc? Many of the cycles you mention were unknown when these standards were created.

*Also, why is the timing only predicted to the minute. What second will these coinciding cycles occur? Or is it just that they will all occur within a minute of each other? In that case what is the significance of the 60 second minute here? It is relatively arbitrary.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: imsaguy on February 26, 2012, 07:13:38 AM

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: copumpkin on February 26, 2012, 07:14:18 AM

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: drakahn on February 26, 2012, 08:11:12 AM
the Bitcoin network accidentally codes an evil AI in random hashes that no one will ever understand, but its loose, and it wants your gpu's

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 01:14:04 PM
Also, it's happening at 11:11 GMT/UTC.

Interesting question:
Lets assume this to be important and not just a coincidence. How do you explain the relationship between the galactic cycles and historical factors leading to the use of greenwich observatory as 0 longitude, as well as the use of 24 hours per day, 60 minutes an hour, etc? Many of the cycles you mention were unknown when these standards were created.

Because the Universe is essentially One Conscious Being which makes things happen in patterns which are impossible by chance. This being controls everything from outside of space-time so it would consciously bring historical events together like the choice of placing the 0 longitude through Greenwich to match up exactly with Galactic cycles ending hundreds of years later. I know it is quite mind-boggling to try to understand this, but that is my conclusion. The purpose of things happening like this seems to be as a wake up call for people.

*Also, why is the timing only predicted to the minute. What second will these coinciding cycles occur? Or is it just that they will all occur within a minute of each other? In that case what is the significance of the 60 second minute here? It is relatively arbitrary.
The US Naval Observatory website showed the time only down to the minute, so I don't know the time down to the second. Perhaps they cannot measure much more exactly than that, but I don't know why.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 01:15:49 PM
Also note that the Bitcoin block reward change to 25 when half of all Bitcoins will be mined - and is thus is seen by many as an important date in the evolution of Bitcoin - is predicted to also occur in December 2012.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 01:17:55 PM
The US Naval Observatory website showed the time only down to the minute, so I don't know the time down to the second. Perhaps they cannot measure much more exactly than that, but I don't know why.

Personally, If I attached as much importance to this moment as you seem to... I would find out why. What if you miss out by 10 seconds (which is a loooong time in the big scheme of things)

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 01:20:15 PM
Well actually I don't know. Is ten seconds irrelevant? If so why?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 01:23:57 PM
I would think that if all cycles occurred during within a single planck time then it would be meaningful:

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 01:26:20 PM
Well actually I don't know. Is ten seconds irrelevant? If so why?

IMHO it's more relevant to actually notice the pattern. The exact time is not that relevant as the important events are already (and already have been) happening now and will happen up to that point in time. It is not that everything will happen exactly then but it is the mathemically calculated cumulation point.

I would compare it to like to find out when the population of the Earth has exactly hit 7 billion. You know that there must a second where exactly the 7th billion person on Earth was born, but the more important fact is that the population has grown to that size within the current general time frame.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 01:30:07 PM
If the exact time is not relevant why is the exact day relevant? The truth may be revealed at any time.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 01:32:09 PM
If the exact time is not relevant why is the exact day relevant? The truth may be revealed at any time.

True, the truth could be revealed at any time. It is actually the latest date by which things have to happen. So it is the "cut-off" date, so to speak.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 01:43:04 PM
If I was in charge of declassifying this info I would do it gradually to minimize the social unrest that results from revealing such paradigm shifting information. What is stopping the powers that be from doing this?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 01:48:15 PM
If I was in charge of declassifying this info I would do it gradually to minimize the social unrest that results from revealing such paradigm shifting information. What is stopping the powers that be from doing this?

That's exactly what they are trying to do and what they are planning to do. That's why there are so many news reports about UFOs recently, why so many governments have been publishing their UFO documents and why there is so much recent scientific interest in exo-planets and the possiblities of extraterrestial life. More of this gradual disclosure should happen within this year.

The problem is there are also powers within/behind the government that want to keep this information as hidden as possible because they *want* chaos to happen and are planning to profit from it.

So it is a struggle now between these two interests.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 02:31:41 PM
Still, why release a bulk of info on the expected date? What reason does anyone in the know have to wait for 12/21/2012. Obama should release it before the election.

Imagine his perspective. He may have an idea of how to deal with a populace that now knows aliens exist. But if he is not reelected, he will have no control over how the next administration deals with this. So maybe he will kick the alien can down the road once again.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 02:37:36 PM
Still, why release a bulk of info on the expected date? What reason does anyone in the know have to wait for 12/21/2012. Obama should release it before the election.

Imagine his perspective. He may have an idea of how to deal with a populace that now knows aliens exist. But if he is not reelected, he will have no control over how the next administration deals with this. So maybe he will kick the alien can down the road once again.

I also hope he releases it as soon as possible. I don't know what reason he would have for waiting until 12/21/2012, but I think he hasn't released it so far because he afraid of the consequences. He might just simply delay it as long as possible to make it as safe as possible for him. The group that wants to prevent this from happening is still quite dangerous, even for the President, although it is in process of being taken out now.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: farfiman on February 26, 2012, 03:28:22 PM
I predict according to what I have read from various sources which I agree with:

The truth about everything concerning various conspiracies (9/11, JFK, Illuminati, etc.), UFOs/ETs, paranormal phenomena, cryptozoology, our true history (Atlantis, Lemuria, Mars, etc.) and the very nature of the Universe itself is all coming out this year by December 21st.

Just so that you know.

How will this affect Bitcoin? I don't know. Probably for the better. In the long-term I think we will so affluent we won't need money at all though (sort of like in the Star Trek universe).

I only know we are going to be *free* and it's going to be great!

 ;D ;D ;D

Are you still mining bitcoins?  are you saving for your pension?  If so , you don't really believe this will happen.

I always laugh at all the doomsayers predicting the end of the world but not forgetting to put a link on the website "to find out more buy the DVD NOW!"

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: imsaguy on February 26, 2012, 03:34:44 PM
Are you still mining bitcoins?  are you saving for your pension?  If so , you don't really believe this will happen.

I always laugh at all the doomsayers predicting the end of the world but not forgetting to put a link on the website "to find out more buy the DVD NOW!"

There's a difference between saving for the distant future vs making a quick buck now though.  Even if the world is going to end or whatever in 10 months, that doesn't mean you don't want to live it up until then.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: rjk on February 26, 2012, 05:37:19 PM
The amount of tinfoil in this thread is beyond comprehension.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 06:18:01 PM
Maybe Obama already knows he will be reelected. There is no reason he would wait to release this info during a lame duck period... unless they plan to use the alien thing as just another political tool. In that case why should we not assume the info released is fabricated to begin with?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 07:48:55 PM
Are you still mining bitcoins?  are you saving for your pension?  If so , you don't really believe this will happen.

I always laugh at all the doomsayers predicting the end of the world but not forgetting to put a link on the website "to find out more buy the DVD NOW!"

I'm not predicting the end of the world, quite the opposite actually. The world will change for the better and everyone will profit from it (except for the negative elites). People will demand fundamental reforms to society and the economic system and Bitcoin will possibly play a significant role in that. So accumulating Bitcoins now is actually a smart strategy IMHO. Actually, I'm not saving for my pension.

I don't have a DVD to sell, but if you are interested I could make and sell one for you.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 26, 2012, 07:52:30 PM
Maybe Obama already knows he will be reelected. There is no reason he would wait to release this info during a lame duck period... unless they plan to use the alien thing as just another political tool. In that case why should we not assume the info released is fabricated to begin with?

I doubt this. There are other people (the negative group) though that indeed want to use the ET disclosure as a tool for their nefarious purposes, but that won't work. Indeed when the government releases the info many people will be sceptical and there will be some confusion. They already have a very low credibility and admitting to having lied to the people for so many years will only make that worse. People will have to learn rely on themselves for the truth. That is in fact an important lesson.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: bb113 on February 26, 2012, 08:07:02 PM
So if the government is so un-credible why will you believe the alien documents are true? It is because you assign a very high prior probability to the idea that the government has been in contact in aliens? In fact, it it so high that you will believe anything they say that acknowledges contact with ETs. Am I wrong?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 27, 2012, 04:15:27 PM
So if the government is so un-credible why will you believe the alien documents are true? It is because you assign a very high prior probability to the idea that the government has been in contact in aliens? In fact, it it so high that you will believe anything they say that acknowledges contact with ETs. Am I wrong?

I believe that at least some of the documents the governments have released are true. There is no reason for the governments to fake *all* of them. But if only one is true then it proves the UFO phenomena. I certainly do not believe 100% of what the governments say or will say about UFOs. But I am sure there is some truth to it. A good, credible lie needs to be mixed with truth. Also, I believe there are good people in governments, too, so it's not just black or white.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: cbeast on February 27, 2012, 04:37:24 PM
I suggested awhile ago that we need an "I survived 2012" commemorative physical Bitcoin with a Mayan calendar on the face. A customized hologram would be very cool too.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Rassah on February 27, 2012, 06:35:08 PM
Three pages, and no one yet asked if that collection of truths might include Satoshi's identity? I am disappoint.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: BrannigansLaw on February 27, 2012, 07:08:31 PM
Some of you guys read too much BS on tor. You get caught in the BS cycle and just keep adding to it.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: ineededausername on February 28, 2012, 03:48:52 AM

Why are you people still wasting time on this thread :P

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Raoul Duke on February 28, 2012, 03:55:17 AM
Why are you people still wasting time on this thread :P

Keeping themselves busy||distracted||entertained while waiting for "the truth"?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: dayfall on February 28, 2012, 04:00:28 AM
Anyone care to put their money where their mouth is?  And my money I mean Bitcoins.  And my mouth I mean asinine truth claims.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Wandering Albatross on February 28, 2012, 05:40:07 AM

Was thinking of adding a bet.

Is Hollywood working on a sequel to 2012: WE WERE WARNED called 2013: WE WERE WRONG
(should the premiere be Dec. 22 2012 or Jan. 1 2013)

Predicting a date for a catastrophe is a hoax.  But doesn't mean that we couldn't get hit with some nasty coronal mass ejections this year.
Taking the power grids out for multiple months would be a catastrophe. Civility would break down quickly. There have been tests already.
There was a power outage not long ago in So. Cal. (think it was OC and SD) but that was not more than a day I think. 
A single PG&E employee caused it.
And some places routinely lose power in winter, more than a few days and it can be difficult.

Perhaps it would force us back to simpler living and allow us to reconnect as humans again. OMG, face-to-face interactions!

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 28, 2012, 01:02:00 PM
Anyone care to put their money where their mouth is?  And my money I mean Bitcoins.  And my mouth I mean asinine truth claims.

I already did. Here is the bet that I created (I put 1.1 BTC on the "agree" side).

So, are *you* going to put your money where your mouth is?

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Exonumia on February 28, 2012, 03:55:10 PM
I believe that is the date that we need to use our new cycle calendar, 6th cycle for those keeping track.

The problem is the "order your new calendar stone" stone was lost to the ages (or perhaps used as a cooking stone by the spanish invaders)... leaving only the 5th cycle calendar for us all to wonder about ;)

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: dayfall on February 28, 2012, 04:56:54 PM
I already did. Here is the bet that I created (I put 1.1 BTC on the "agree" side).

So, are *you* going to put your money where your mouth is?

YES.  However. the bet could be won by simply detecting an alien signal and not, JFK, Atlantis, paranormal phenomena, Mars and all the other crap you claim. 

I only see 2 BTC on the agree side.  Is that all the faith in your claim that you have?  Come on.  Give us more of your money when this big reveal never occurs.  I mean really?  You back up your claim by 5$?  Lame.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Mageant on February 28, 2012, 05:00:59 PM
I already did. Here is the bet that I created (I put 1.1 BTC on the "agree" side).

So, are *you* going to put your money where your mouth is?

YES.  However. the bet could be won by simply detecting an alien signal and not, JFK, Atlantis, paranormal phenomena, Mars and all the other crap you claim.  

I only see 2 BTC on the agree side.  Is that all the faith in your claim that you have?  Come on.  Give us more of your money when this big reveal never occurs.  I mean really?  You back up your claim by 5$?  Lame.

So where is your bet? Should be easy money for you if you believe your own claim that it's all crap, unless you think that an alien signal is highly likely by the end of 2012. Also, for a bet to be practical and easily validated by the website mod it needs to have a narrower claim than what I stated in the OP.
Also, the price was $10 per BTC when I put up the bet last August.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: dayfall on February 29, 2012, 04:57:41 PM
So where is your bet? Should be easy money for you if you believe your own claim that it's all crap, unless you think that an alien signal is highly likely by the end of 2012. Also, for a bet to be practical and easily validated by the website mod it needs to have a narrower claim than what I stated in the OP.
Also, the price was $10 per BTC when I put up the bet last August.

I have my bitcoins tied up in other bets right now, but I'll see your $10 and raise you $10.  It is easy money, but I just wish it was MORE easy money.  People that spread these ridiculous unsupported ideas should pay.  I wish people would recognize and call out this type of irrational grandiose claim.  You didn't even give justifications for what you were saying. 

Your moral for the day:  When conveying truth statements you should always make sure people know the certainty you think it is correct, the due diligence you made to insure it's veracity, and the reasoning that the claim is based on.

Imagine if people started to live by this moral.  Seriously, think about it.

Also, if you don't want to trust bets-of-bitcoin, then please make a youtube video.  Heck, I'll do it too.  And lets agree to buy the loser a large pizza.

Title: Re: Truth About Everything Coming Out December 21st!
Post by: Exonumia on March 09, 2012, 07:10:52 AM

THE TRUTH ABOUT 12-21-12 is in this youtube video!!!!