Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: dank on June 28, 2014, 07:24:23 PM

Title: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on June 28, 2014, 07:24:23 PM
I want to take on Randi's challenge.  I have defied the laws of physics before, multiple times, I believe I can do it again.

I have experienced conscious levitation on two instances, I have seen with my eyes closed on two instances.  I have remote viewed on one instance.  I have held back pieces of clouds from moving and got my friends to do the same.

I have seen a multidimensional (physical) shapeshifter.  My friend has levitated once.  And I have seen a lamp jump off a table with no one around it.

The $1000 will go towards spiritual tools to assist me during the preliminary run and the final test.  I will be fasting for 42 days so I'm sure my state of mind will be suitable.  I will either levitate or see with my eyes closed.

Powers truly should not be used to earn money.  But because of the potential it has to make a difference in other's lives, I feel the positives outweigh the negative aspects.  The money will not be used to appease personal egotistical and materialistic desires, but rather to help change lives of others.

In fact, I do not think I want $500,000 even, so I would say let me have the first $10,000 payment, then you can have the rest of the $990,000.

Anybody want to test their faith?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: CryptoKilla on June 28, 2014, 07:29:31 PM
It doesn't count if you are under the influence of LSD...

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Tomatocage on June 28, 2014, 07:50:52 PM
I want to take on Randi's challenge.  I have defied the laws of physics before, multiple times, I believe I can do it again.
If only you'd stop defying the laws of heterosexuality.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on June 28, 2014, 07:53:21 PM
It doesn't count if you are under the influence of LSD...

Why wouldn't it?  Unless.. there is something to psychedelics?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Vod on June 28, 2014, 07:58:35 PM
Excellent idea donkey!

Sell $1,000 of your $8,000 worth of property, and do it!

You don't need a loan.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: rulesyQ on June 28, 2014, 08:11:01 PM
Just a heads up dank, you probably shouldn't talk about being "able to do" whatever the fuck it is you that you "do", on acid.

The JREF has spent valuable time and resources investigating claims that were submitted by people who were obviously suffering from a mental ailment. These people need medical help, not encouragement. By requiring media presence, the JREF ensures that only those people who make an impact on society will be tested, and the individuals who are mentally ill receive no encouragement to continue their delusions.

What should I do before I apply?

See a physician for a physical and mental workup to ensure you are up to the task of taking the Challenge. Some of the people who apply for the Challenge are mentally ill, and this is a point that has the potential to be examined during the application process. Tell your physician about your paranormal ability and get their feedback as well.

Test your power at home, in a controlled setting like the one described in your protocol. Bring along skeptics, too. It is best to be able to demonstrate your ability reliably before you apply.

Keep in mind that if you cannot reliably perform your claim on command, it will be difficult to perform during the Challenge test.

Jot down lots of notes regarding “hits” and “misses” to make sure you aren’t retrospectively improving your results.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: haploid23 on June 28, 2014, 08:19:24 PM
Sigh... yet another thread asking for money. Dank is nothing but a beggar.

Dank, with all your divine powers, why don't you make money from thin air? Even us mortals can print money, why can't a god like you do that as well? You're more likely to get money when you admit it's to feed your drug habits than you would from these excuses.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Killerloop on June 28, 2014, 10:35:50 PM
Sigh... yet another thread asking for money. Dank is nothing but a beggar.

Please do not discriminate beggars comparing them to Donkey. They at least have dignity.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: cooldgamer on June 28, 2014, 11:16:29 PM
So what are the spiritual supplies? I'm guessing a vial of LSD, a pound of Cannabis, an entire Mescaline filled cactus, a buddha statue, incense sticks, and a few psychedelic CDs.
You're making me drool... but seriously, it doesn't count as flying if you're only flying in your trip Dank :D

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: cooldgamer on June 28, 2014, 11:37:39 PM
So what are the spiritual supplies? I'm guessing a vial of LSD, a pound of Cannabis, an entire Mescaline filled cactus, a buddha statue, incense sticks, and a few psychedelic CDs.
You're making me drool... but seriously, it doesn't count as flying if you're only flying in your trip Dank :D
Yeah he says "seeing with his eyes closed" counts as paranormal in the OP. Almost anyone gets hallucinations with their eyes closed even without drugs. With drugs you can believe you're in orbit around Saturn with your eyes open, or perhaps you'll have a conversation with the lizard king, but that doesn't count as paranormal.
Can verify, the lizard king says hi :)

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on June 28, 2014, 11:56:35 PM
Sigh... yet another thread asking for money. Dank is nothing but a beggar.

Dank, with all your divine powers, why don't you make money from thin air? Even us mortals can print money, why can't a god like you do that as well? You're more likely to get money when you admit it's to feed your drug habits than you would from these excuses.

It is completely disgraceful to associate any of my powers with money.

So what are the spiritual supplies? I'm guessing a vial of LSD, a pound of Cannabis, an entire Mescaline filled cactus, a buddha statue, incense sticks, a few psychedelic CDs, and a gallon of Ayahuasca.

Thank you for making me laugh friend.  :D

So what are the spiritual supplies? I'm guessing a vial of LSD, a pound of Cannabis, an entire Mescaline filled cactus, a buddha statue, incense sticks, and a few psychedelic CDs.
You're making me drool... but seriously, it doesn't count as flying if you're only flying in your trip Dank :D
Yeah he says "seeing with his eyes closed" counts as paranormal in the OP. Almost anyone gets hallucinations with their eyes closed even without drugs. With drugs you can believe you're in orbit around Saturn with your eyes open, or perhaps you'll have a conversation with the lizard king, but that doesn't count as paranormal.

I mean seeing physical objects around me, in this reality.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: haploid23 on June 28, 2014, 11:59:47 PM
Dank, with all your divine powers, why don't you make money from thin air? Even us mortals can print money, why can't a god like you do that as well? You're more likely to get money when you admit it's to feed your drug habits than you would from these excuses.

It is completely disgraceful to associate any of my powers with money.

But yet you continue begging for some. That's rather disgraceful, seeing how you're a divine being, no? How hypocritical is it to ask us to provide you with money, the money that we slave ourselves to earn, so that you can benefit.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on June 29, 2014, 12:06:50 AM
In regards to this, nevermind the application is completely ridiculous.  No drug use.  As if drugs somehow lower the validity of something happening.

This whole challenge is just a big screaming "I can't and don't want to accept anything than what I previously knew"

They require you to have been on TV or have some big article on you for it to actually count.

The real psychics don't stoop their selves to such a level.

Well, anyways, if anyone wants to give me $1000, I will levitate for you and teach you how to do anything with your mind.

Maybe you'l levitate too, dunno.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: haploid23 on June 29, 2014, 12:25:17 AM
Well before you offer service of teaching people to levitate, please do so yourself on video. Once you do this, I will give you (let you keep, not loan) 100 fold the amount you're asking. That will allow you to buy an unimaginable amount LSD, something your divine powers can't even do.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Krabby on June 29, 2014, 12:28:46 AM
In regards to this, nevermind the application is completely ridiculous.  No drug use.  As if drugs somehow lower the validity of something happening.

This whole challenge is just a big screaming "I can't and don't want to accept anything than what I previously knew"

They require you to have been on TV or have some big article on you for it to actually count.

The real psychics don't stoop their selves to such a level.

Well, anyways, if anyone wants to give me $1000, I will levitate for you and teach you how to do anything with your mind.

Maybe you'l levitate too, dunno.

If you can prove that you can levitate and teach me the ways I will give you my life's savings.
What do you say?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: cooldgamer on June 29, 2014, 12:32:29 AM
I mean seeing physical objects around me, in this reality.
Cool, if you can 100% pass Zener Card tests then you'll be a celebrity and never need money!

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on June 29, 2014, 12:46:24 AM
At this time, for me to fully levitate my body one of the two needs to happen: I take an extraordinary dose of psychedelics, or, someone will try to kill me which will propel me to levitate from the energy of their hate.

For anyone that tries to kill me is only proving my reality correct.  Neo is born.

The former will happen.  The prior, well that's up to you.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Krabby on June 29, 2014, 12:58:58 AM
So I can either send you 10kg of LSD or come knocking on your door* with a bloody axe?

*[citation needed]

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on June 29, 2014, 01:11:11 AM
I'm disappointed Dank.

Yesterday, I thought you were on the right track,
done with the begging and starting
to build real value by writing a book.

And here you are back to your old
ways already, soliciting loans again.

This pattern seems to serve a dual
purpose...there's the slight chance someone
actually gives you money that you just admitted
will be used to buy drugs ...but I think
you're smart enough to realize that probably
won't happen, so then the other reason is
that it's attention seeking behavior.

In this case you can also say "I didn't get
the $1000 otherwise I would haven proven
Blah bla" and have even more fuel for your
attention seeking.

Get back on track, stop looking for
attention and get productive.  

I know that's hard because everyone here
finds you very amusing and wants to troll
you, but I think you've wasted enough time
trolling on forums.

Stop TALKING about shit and start DOING it.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: smracer on June 29, 2014, 01:29:42 AM
I am still waiting for the Hookah lounge to take off.  Have you met with the real estate agent yet Dank?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Fuserleer on June 29, 2014, 01:36:12 AM
What happened to the book?? ??? ???

Dank reminds me of "that guy" which is in everyone's circle of friends at least 1 time and just hounds the same girl over and over like so.....

Guy:  "Hey wanna go out on a date?"
Girl:   " thanks"
Guy:  "Why?? Im awesome!!!"
Girl:   "Heh, you aren't doing yourself any favors!!"
Guy:  "YOU ARE A HOE!!!  F U SKANK!!!"

few days later same as above except....

Guy:  "Hey sorry about the other day"
Girl:   "Thats ok, we all have bad days"
Guy:  " go out on a date?"
Girl:   " thanks"
Guy:  "Why?? Im awesome!!!"
Girl:   "Heh, you aren't doing yourself any favors!!"
Guy:  "YOU ARE A HOE!!!  F U SKANK!!!"

*repeat until death*

Dank.....just write the book man, its a good idea!!

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Krabby on June 29, 2014, 01:42:32 AM
Dan promises to sell it on the eMu marketplace :D

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Fuserleer on June 29, 2014, 01:43:58 AM
LOL!  He can sell it on there himself!

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: LiKaCoin on June 29, 2014, 01:45:18 AM
Ok, just send me the address.

I'm sure you're good for it.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: rulesyQ on June 29, 2014, 08:11:47 AM
In regards to this, nevermind the application is completely ridiculous.  No drug use.  As if drugs somehow lower the validity of something happening.
Well they certainly don't raise your chances either, no matter what you say. Thanks for constantly making occasional users&all drugs look bad, though. Not cool man.

This whole challenge is just a big screaming "I can't and don't want to accept anything than what I previously knew"
Just like your threads. Wanna guess why the offer still stands?

They require you to have been on TV or have some big article on you for it to actually count.

The real psychics don't stoop their selves to such a level.
"Real psychics"=con artists who take advantage of people who are retarded enough to believe this kind of bullshit.
Besides you have an article of yourself. Your mugshot&arrest story.

Well, anyways, if anyone wants to give me $1000, I will levitate for you and teach you how to do anything with your mind.

Maybe you'l levitate too, dunno.
What's that Jimi quote again? Are you saying you, and/or him are full of shit? I know one of you is.

In other words, you can't do shit, you're afraid to apply and now you're just begging for more money.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: sonysasankan on June 29, 2014, 02:54:18 PM
Weren't you about to go homeless Dank?   :P

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: rulesyQ on June 29, 2014, 07:57:34 PM
Dank has to apply for the challenge, user Nitrous Monkey over@the shroomery was kind enough to make a couple of promo-pics for him:

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on June 29, 2014, 07:59:14 PM
I didn't realize Chris angel had such good abs. I'm jealous.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: bigasic on June 29, 2014, 08:38:29 PM
I want to take on Randi's challenge.  I have defied the laws of physics before, multiple times, I believe I can do it again.

I have experienced conscious levitation on two instances, I have seen with my eyes closed on two instances.  I have remote viewed on one instance.  I have held back pieces of clouds from moving and got my friends to do the same.

I have seen a multidimensional (physical) shapeshifter.  My friend has levitated once.  And I have seen a lamp jump off a table with no one around it.

The $1000 will go towards spiritual tools to assist me during the preliminary run and the final test.  I will be fasting for 42 days so I'm sure my state of mind will be suitable.  I will either levitate or see with my eyes closed.

Powers truly should not be used to earn money.  But because of the potential it has to make a difference in other's lives, I feel the positives outweigh the negative aspects.  The money will not be used to appease personal egotistical and materialistic desires, but rather to help change lives of others.

In fact, I do not think I want $500,000 even, so I would say let me have the first $10,000 payment, then you can have the rest of the $990,000.

Anybody want to test their faith?

Its called being under the influence of drugs. Many people that are on LSD and other similar drugs. The drugs told your brain that something moved.. In fact, I think you are on drugs right now... If you were to have these powers, you wouldnt be broke. If you indeed have these abilities, go to a night club, show them and in a few months youll have a lucrative vegas gig...


Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: bigasic on June 29, 2014, 08:49:12 PM
At this time, for me to fully levitate my body one of the two needs to happen: I take an extraordinary dose of psychedelics, or, someone will try to kill me which will propel me to levitate from the energy of their hate.

For anyone that tries to kill me is only proving my reality correct.  Neo is born.

The former will happen.  The prior, well that's up to you.

Are you saying that you are omnipotent? Hell, if I took enough acid I too would be able to levitate and I weigh 250 pounds. (well, I would think i was being levitated)

So, in your eye, if someone tries to kill you, you will be levitate above them? Ok, now this has gone from being funny to down right idiotic.. Also, why the 42 days? is it a 420 MJ reference? I think you should stop the drugs and come back to reality, maybe then someone will loan you the money..

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: rulesyQ on June 29, 2014, 08:53:38 PM

This(according to dank) is what happens when you try to kill dank.

Courtesy of Nitrous Monkey

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: lucullus on June 29, 2014, 09:46:05 PM
So what are the spiritual supplies? I'm guessing a vial of LSD, a pound of Cannabis, an entire Mescaline filled cactus, a buddha statue, incense sticks, and a few psychedelic CDs.
You're making me drool... but seriously, it doesn't count as flying if you're only flying in your trip Dank :D
Yeah he says "seeing with his eyes closed" counts as paranormal in the OP. Almost anyone gets hallucinations with their eyes closed even without drugs. With drugs you can believe you're in orbit around Saturn with your eyes open, or perhaps you'll have a conversation with the lizard king, but that doesn't count as paranormal.

you do mean imagination, as hallucinations are a medical disorder

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on June 30, 2014, 12:16:48 AM
In regards to this, nevermind the application is completely ridiculous.  No drug use.  As if drugs somehow lower the validity of something happening.
Well they certainly don't raise your chances either, no matter what you say. Thanks for constantly making occasional users&all drugs look bad, though. Not cool man.

This whole challenge is just a big screaming "I can't and don't want to accept anything than what I previously knew"
Just like your threads. Wanna guess why the offer still stands?

They require you to have been on TV or have some big article on you for it to actually count.

The real psychics don't stoop their selves to such a level.
"Real psychics"=con artists who take advantage of people who are retarded enough to believe this kind of bullshit.
Besides you have an article of yourself. Your mugshot&arrest story.

Well, anyways, if anyone wants to give me $1000, I will levitate for you and teach you how to do anything with your mind.

Maybe you'l levitate too, dunno.
What's that Jimi quote again? Are you saying you, and/or him are full of shit? I know one of you is.

In other words, you can't do shit, you're afraid to apply and now you're just begging for more money.

What article?

You talking about "With the power of soul, anything is possible" - Jimi Hendrix

Yeah, he was talking about anything, not some things.

I'm doing something for myself and I'm doing something for the world.

What are you all doing?  Besides making money?  Does you existence actually better this planet for those around you?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on June 30, 2014, 12:19:42 AM
I would imagine most of have a job or business that adds value to society.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on June 30, 2014, 12:22:30 AM
I would imagine most of have a job or business that adds value to society.

How?  And valuing society does not equate to valuing the world.  Society is completely destructive to our home.  We've consumed over half of earth's forests (our source of air, may I remind you) in the last 100 years.  How old is earth again?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on June 30, 2014, 12:27:54 AM
I would imagine most of have a job or business that adds value to society.

How?  And valuing society does not equate to valuing the world.  Society is completely destructive to our home.  We've consumed over half of earth's forests (our source of air, may I remind you) in the last 100 years.  How old is earth again?

how?  by producing a good or service that others would pay for...same thing you could be doing now by writing that book.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Krabby on June 30, 2014, 01:22:50 AM
I still want proof that you can do all these amazing things.
You would make us all eat our words if you could just get it on tape.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Relnarien on June 30, 2014, 01:56:03 AM
I'm doing something for myself and I'm doing something for the world.

What are you all doing?  Besides making money?  Does you existence actually better this planet for those around you?

I'm not sure how bumming money for drugs from complete strangers and doing nothing productive benefits the planet. Would you care to expand on that?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: bigasic on June 30, 2014, 02:44:20 AM
Honestly, It sounds like you should start a religion or a commune or something. I don't know if you are old enough to know about flower power but it sounds like its right up your alley.

This is what drugs do to you. It skews your thinking. Stop the drugs for 6 months, then come back.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Buffer Overflow on June 30, 2014, 06:51:18 AM
I would imagine most of have a job or business that adds value to society.

How?  And valuing society does not equate to valuing the world.  Society is completely destructive to our home.  We've consumed over half of earth's forests (our source of air, may I remind you) in the last 100 years.  How old is earth again?

Get a job planting trees then.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BadBear on June 30, 2014, 08:47:49 AM
I would imagine most of have a job or business that adds value to society.

How?  And valuing society does not equate to valuing the world.  Society is completely destructive to our home.  We've consumed over half of earth's forests (our source of air, may I remind you) in the last 100 years.  How old is earth again?

Get a job planting trees then.

He'said too important for that, he has a world to save. Starting out small and doable is for pussies.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: rulesyQ on June 30, 2014, 09:55:02 AM
You talking about "With the power of soul, anything is possible" - Jimi Hendrix

Yeah, he was talking about anything, not some things.
Anything includes levitating and whatnot, doesn't it? Contradicting yourself, again.

I'm doing something for myself and I'm doing something for the world.

What are you all doing?  Besides making money?  Does you existence actually better this planet for those around you?
Dank Bank failed. Dankcoin failed. What happened brah? Those charades were designed to make you money. They failed, so you have to keep coming up with more charades to try&scam more money.

I'm currently studying to become a productive member of the society. That's about 708346789234672479086x more than you've ever done&will ever do.

You aren't doing anything to make this world a better place. You can not do anything to make this world a better place. Your existence is about as significant as the shit that I took this morning.

You keep talking about this music festival, which will never happen, just like your hookah lounge.

This metaphysical mumbo jumbo means absolutely nothing to no one, but you. You alone. The only thing you're trying to do, is to scam people for more money. Anyone can see through your bullshit.

You are just a delusional kid, who can't take any responsibility of his actions. Truth hurts, that's why you keep playing these mind games. You can not admit to yourself that you've been failing with everything you've been doing for the past two years.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Justin00 on June 30, 2014, 11:50:32 AM
you homeless yet dank ? and if so.. when does your mobile phone get shut off ???
best of luck with life and umm everything :)

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: zimmah on June 30, 2014, 11:59:39 AM
I want to take on Randi's challenge.  I have defied the laws of physics before, multiple times, I believe I can do it again.

I have experienced conscious levitation on two instances, I have seen with my eyes closed on two instances.  I have remote viewed on one instance.  I have held back pieces of clouds from moving and got my friends to do the same.

I have seen a multidimensional (physical) shapeshifter.  My friend has levitated once.  And I have seen a lamp jump off a table with no one around it.

The $1000 will go towards spiritual tools to assist me during the preliminary run and the final test.  I will be fasting for 42 days so I'm sure my state of mind will be suitable.  I will either levitate or see with my eyes closed.

Powers truly should not be used to earn money.  But because of the potential it has to make a difference in other's lives, I feel the positives outweigh the negative aspects.  The money will not be used to appease personal egotistical and materialistic desires, but rather to help change lives of others.

In fact, I do not think I want $500,000 even, so I would say let me have the first $10,000 payment, then you can have the rest of the $990,000.

Anybody want to test their faith?

I don't doubt your words, but i still doubt you will win the $1 million and here's why.

Those unexplained events are, as far as i know, caused by malevolent spirits, the bible refers to them as demons.

They like to mess with humans and make some of them believe they have special powers, or have 'the gift' or something, and they will allow humans to appear to be doing things normal humans can't do, including 'talking with the dead' (you're not really talking with the dead, but since spirits have lived a lot longer and have better memories plus they can use the fact that we can't normally see them to access areas a human would not easily access, so they have much more information so they can make someone believe they are a dead relative), lifting objects with their minds (it's just the spirit lifting the object), seeing distant places (the spirit alters your senses in such a way that you can see a distant place, and since spirits apparently have the ability to travel faster than light, or shift dimensions, they can make it in such a way you can instantly see objects even outside out visible universe). Things like voodoo and magic will also work for the same reasons. (including but not limited to killing or causing pain over a large distance, creating illness, altering senses or appearances, such as eye-color and shape of face). They can and will also sometimes cure people of cancer and other diseases to make them belief they are healed by the true god, while in reality they are just worshiping demons. The same goes for granting the ability to speak a language you have never learned.

But, you might say, if this is all true, than how come i never heard of it, and why has no one claimed the $1 million yet?

The simple fact is the spirits do not want the whole world to know. So whenever someone tries to get too much attention by proving their powers, they refuse to co-operate. Leaving everyone to beleive there is no such thing as 'paranormal'.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: ShibaWow on June 30, 2014, 01:25:29 PM
I don't udnerstand why you people keep feeding him

Anyways, since we started already..

I would imagine most of have a job or business that adds value to society.

How?  And valuing society does not equate to valuing the world.  Society is completely destructive to our home.  We've consumed over half of earth's forests (our source of air, may I remind you) in the last 100 years.  How old is earth again?

Get a job planting trees then.

He'said too important for that, he has a world to save. Starting out small and doable is for pussies.

I think pornhub is going to take care of the trees :D

@dank I want to meet you in RL

can you send me enough bitcoins to buy a ticket? :D

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Kuttingcorners on July 01, 2014, 04:34:27 AM
you want some money ill give you .2 of a bitcoin if you send in a video of you burning all the hair off your hippie head with a lighter. if you don't trust me i will use escrow. I don't want no pussy flame i want a big ass fire and we will need some technical rules on flame size if we go through with this. You also must hold a sign that says dank loves dink while this flame burns.  now you can do a job for the first time ever! as your former employer i can even give you a good reference if you go through with it! after this sky is the limit dink!

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: IamCANADIAN013 on July 01, 2014, 07:58:22 AM

What are you all doing?  Besides making money?  Does you existence actually better this planet for those around you?

It sure does, at least for the neighbors dog, let me explain. They don't like to mow their lawn for some reason, probably too lazy, it gets very long after a while until the owners of the house give them shit and they mow.  He's just a hound type of dog.

Small dog, long lawn, you do the math. I don't think you'd like to lift your leg in that either. There is this tree right close to my property line that he eyeballed for the longest time. I now mow an extra path on their side so he can reach that tree.

What have you done exactly?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: leex1528 on July 01, 2014, 12:52:26 PM
Please don't feel the troll, just ignore his posts and him as a whole.  It will be better for the community if this happens.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: bigasic on July 01, 2014, 09:32:43 PM
I don't even know why I waste time viewing these type of threads. I guess its like a car wreck, you just gotta see it.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: on July 02, 2014, 07:42:04 PM
Sure. Here you go. Send me QPs in return. ;)

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 03, 2014, 12:50:32 AM
You talking about "With the power of soul, anything is possible" - Jimi Hendrix

Yeah, he was talking about anything, not some things.
Anything includes levitating and whatnot, doesn't it? Contradicting yourself, again.

I'm doing something for myself and I'm doing something for the world.

What are you all doing?  Besides making money?  Does you existence actually better this planet for those around you?
Dank Bank failed. Dankcoin failed. What happened brah? Those charades were designed to make you money. They failed, so you have to keep coming up with more charades to try&scam more money.

I'm currently studying to become a productive member of the society. That's about 708346789234672479086x more than you've ever done&will ever do.

You aren't doing anything to make this world a better place. You can not do anything to make this world a better place. Your existence is about as significant as the shit that I took this morning.

You keep talking about this music festival, which will never happen, just like your hookah lounge.

This metaphysical mumbo jumbo means absolutely nothing to no one, but you. You alone. The only thing you're trying to do, is to scam people for more money. Anyone can see through your bullshit.

You are just a delusional kid, who can't take any responsibility of his actions. Truth hurts, that's why you keep playing these mind games. You can not admit to yourself that you've been failing with everything you've been doing for the past two years.

I think you should read the first quote again..

Studying for what?  What kind of productively destructive member are you learning to become?  A banker?  Energy industry?  A doctor?  How are you leaving a positive footprint?

Just because you don't understand the ascension doesn't mean it's not happening, it just means you won't ascend.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 03, 2014, 01:26:20 AM
You talking about "With the power of soul, anything is possible" - Jimi Hendrix

Yeah, he was talking about anything, not some things.
Anything includes levitating and whatnot, doesn't it? Contradicting yourself, again.

I'm doing something for myself and I'm doing something for the world.

What are you all doing?  Besides making money?  Does you existence actually better this planet for those around you?
Dank Bank failed. Dankcoin failed. What happened brah? Those charades were designed to make you money. They failed, so you have to keep coming up with more charades to try&scam more money.

I'm currently studying to become a productive member of the society. That's about 708346789234672479086x more than you've ever done&will ever do.

You aren't doing anything to make this world a better place. You can not do anything to make this world a better place. Your existence is about as significant as the shit that I took this morning.

You keep talking about this music festival, which will never happen, just like your hookah lounge.

This metaphysical mumbo jumbo means absolutely nothing to no one, but you. You alone. The only thing you're trying to do, is to scam people for more money. Anyone can see through your bullshit.

You are just a delusional kid, who can't take any responsibility of his actions. Truth hurts, that's why you keep playing these mind games. You can not admit to yourself that you've been failing with everything you've been doing for the past two years.

I think you should read the first quote again..

Studying for what?  What kind of productively destructive member are you learning to become?  A banker?  Energy industry?  A doctor?  How are you leaving a positive footprint?

Just because you don't understand the ascension doesn't mean it's not happening, it just means you won't ascend.

Newsflash... the ascent has been happening for thousands of years.  
We are more spiritually evolved now than we were then.

You're not really speeding up the ascent by posting on Bitcointalk,
but your rantings do entertain many of us.  :)

And whats with this "productively destructive" bullcrap?
You sound like a damn moron when you say shit like that,
because the world isn't going to get better if we all just stop
participating in it.

Furthermore, you're quite the hypocrite to question rulesyQ's
plans when you're not contributing a single tradeable value
to society.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: sonysasankan on July 03, 2014, 02:28:10 AM
Hush now... while his guitar gently weeps  ;)

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 03, 2014, 07:06:38 AM
You talking about "With the power of soul, anything is possible" - Jimi Hendrix

Yeah, he was talking about anything, not some things.
Anything includes levitating and whatnot, doesn't it? Contradicting yourself, again.

I'm doing something for myself and I'm doing something for the world.

What are you all doing?  Besides making money?  Does you existence actually better this planet for those around you?
Dank Bank failed. Dankcoin failed. What happened brah? Those charades were designed to make you money. They failed, so you have to keep coming up with more charades to try&scam more money.

I'm currently studying to become a productive member of the society. That's about 708346789234672479086x more than you've ever done&will ever do.

You aren't doing anything to make this world a better place. You can not do anything to make this world a better place. Your existence is about as significant as the shit that I took this morning.

You keep talking about this music festival, which will never happen, just like your hookah lounge.

This metaphysical mumbo jumbo means absolutely nothing to no one, but you. You alone. The only thing you're trying to do, is to scam people for more money. Anyone can see through your bullshit.

You are just a delusional kid, who can't take any responsibility of his actions. Truth hurts, that's why you keep playing these mind games. You can not admit to yourself that you've been failing with everything you've been doing for the past two years.

I think you should read the first quote again..

Studying for what?  What kind of productively destructive member are you learning to become?  A banker?  Energy industry?  A doctor?  How are you leaving a positive footprint?

Just because you don't understand the ascension doesn't mean it's not happening, it just means you won't ascend.

Newsflash... the ascent has been happening for thousands of years.  
We are more spiritually evolved now than we were then.

You're not really speeding up the ascent by posting on Bitcointalk,
but your rantings do entertain many of us.  :)

The ascension is exponentially increasing and we will soon reach a point of singularity.  That is when the actual event of the ascension to the fifth dimension will occur.

I am informing you so your knowledge can one day be utilized and spread to those around you, when you're ready.

And whats with this "productively destructive" bullcrap?
You sound like a damn moron when you say shit like that,
because the world isn't going to get better if we all just stop
participating in it.

Furthermore, you're quite the hypocrite to question rulesyQ's
plans when you're not contributing a single tradeable value
to society.

Yes.  It would be multitudes better if we stopped participating in it.  Our society kills.  It's fuel is greed, hate and negativity.

We can create a better world.  One that is run by oneness, love and positivity.

Hate leads to cycles of life and death.  Love leads to eternity.

It starts with you.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Vod on July 03, 2014, 07:21:29 AM
The ascension is exponentially increasing and we will soon reach a point of singularity.  That is when the actual event of the ascension to the fifth dimension will occur.

Everything with donkey is soon, in the future.

The future never arrives - nothing ever happens...  :-\

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Buffer Overflow on July 03, 2014, 08:24:03 AM
Trouble with this fifth dimension thingy is they don't want any Tom, Dick or Harry entering willy-nilly. I mean I'll be okay at the door,  but then I'm not a scamming scumbag.

As for you Dank.... Well..... I guess the fifth dimension has an dedicated in-house jury to decided for the dodgy applicants.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Acidyo on July 03, 2014, 08:25:46 AM
It doesn't count if you are under the influence of LSD...

Haha, this is literally the best comment in this thread.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Killerloop on July 03, 2014, 08:29:29 AM
The ascension is exponentially increasing and we will soon reach a point of singularity.  That is when the actual event of the ascension to the fifth dimension will occur.

I am informing you so your knowledge can one day be utilized and spread to those around you, when you're ready.

Typical Donkey copied bullshit, words with a nice sound but empty of meaning. He doesn't even know what a singularity or a dimension is.
He is quite as bad at mathematics as he is at socializing.

Yes.  It would be multitudes better if we stopped participating in it.  Our society kills.  It's fuel is greed, hate and negativity.

We can create a better world.  One that is run by oneness, love and positivity.

Hate leads to cycles of life and death.  Love leads to eternity.

It starts with you.

Donkey I am still waiting for you to start your 42 days fasting without food. Please abstain from liquids for at least a week for further purification.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 03, 2014, 09:51:50 AM
Yes.  It would be multitudes better if we stopped participating in it.  Our society kills.  It's fuel is greed, hate and negativity.

The only alternative to society is everyone grows their own food
(by hand since there will be no one left to build tools ).  

Last time I checked, farming was hard work, and considering
you're too lazy to get a part time job at 7-11,
I don't think you'll have much fun.

But go ahead and please try it Dank.
Then you can report back to us and tell us how great it is.
You want to lead by example, nows your big chance!

Also, the world isn't just about greed, hate, and negativity. 
There are ALL KINDS of people in the world: good, bad,
and everywhere in between.  Some of them are greedy,
some of them are generous, and most are somewhere in the middle.

You might want to jot that one down if you're going to be a spiritual teacher.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Killerloop on July 03, 2014, 10:14:32 AM
But go ahead and please try it Dank.

He is called Donkey, not Dank.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 03, 2014, 03:43:31 PM
The ascension is exponentially increasing and we will soon reach a point of singularity.  That is when the actual event of the ascension to the fifth dimension will occur.

I am informing you so your knowledge can one day be utilized and spread to those around you, when you're ready.

Typical Donkey copied bullshit, words with a nice sound but empty of meaning. He doesn't even know what a singularity or a dimension is.
He is quite as bad at mathematics as he is at socializing.

Maybe you're the one who doesn't understand what singularity is.

Please, explain your understanding of singularity and infinity to me.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: RodeoX on July 03, 2014, 03:48:39 PM
If you have super-powers, I don't see why you need money.  ???
Couldn't you use your powers to get the money. Like hover over a fountain while collecting coins that have been thrown in? I mean your saying your fasting in preparation. That does not sound expensive.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Killerloop on July 03, 2014, 03:49:20 PM
Maybe you're the one who doesn't understand what singularity is.

Please, explain your understanding of singularity and infinity to me.

I'll have to charge for that.

Pay 1000$ to my cashier Squall1066 and I will enlist you for a lesson.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: ChiliPowder on July 03, 2014, 04:13:50 PM (

You better be carefull Dank, I dont fuck around with Dark Markets as something about being a Felon just doesnt seem cool.

People have been posting your shroomery links talking about you ordering drugs, you took a loan out here to order drugs that you got scammed on, your name is posted all over here and people have posted links from DNM forums incriminating you.

I know your gonna order a shit ton of psychedlics and walk on water but if you not carefull your gonna go to prison.

Just takes one person you scammed who decides your money isnt worth it anymore to call your local PD and your gonna be talking about your powers while getting rammed against your will.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jakedeez on July 03, 2014, 04:18:58 PM
I want to take on Randi's challenge.  I have defied the laws of physics before, multiple times, I believe I can do it again.
If only you'd stop defying the laws of heterosexuality.

Whats the point of this comment?  I mean, its a bit offensive.  I guess I can deal with it, but why?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 03, 2014, 04:50:07 PM (

You better be carefull Dank, I dont fuck around with Dark Markets as something about being a Felon just doesnt seem cool.

People have been posting your shroomery links talking about you ordering drugs, you took a loan out here to order drugs that you got scammed on, your name is posted all over here and people have posted links from DNM forums incriminating you.

I know your gonna order a shit ton of psychedlics and walk on water but if you not carefull your gonna go to prison.

Just takes one person you scammed who decides your money isnt worth it anymore to call your local PD and your gonna be talking about your powers while getting rammed against your will.

I worry not.  When I was young, I was taught honesty is the best way.  I realize honesty can fuck you over with dishonest people, but we must be honest with ourselves and each other.  I was taught in school to be the change you envision, so that is what I am doing.  What my teachers taught me.

The local PD is aware of my position.  When my parents called the police on me, I talked to an officer, shared my dream I had of the lake of fire and how I escaped being thrown in and taught the most basic principle of the universe, karma.  You get out what you put in.  Them trying to detain me is them trying to detain their self, all actions come back.

The officer was very adamant about remaining on my good side, he was a good guy.

Besides, I'm buying legal entheogens now.  I have high hopes for Amanitas, they are what made Jesus Jesus, after all.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BitBlitz on July 03, 2014, 04:51:05 PM
Dank, with all your divine powers, why don't you make money from thin air? Even us mortals can print money, why can't a god like you do that as well? You're more likely to get money when you admit it's to feed your drug habits than you would from these excuses.
It is completely disgraceful to associate any of my powers with money.
Heh.  OK.  So why would you keep half the prize??

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 03, 2014, 05:02:40 PM
Dank, with all your divine powers, why don't you make money from thin air? Even us mortals can print money, why can't a god like you do that as well? You're more likely to get money when you admit it's to feed your drug habits than you would from these excuses.
It is completely disgraceful to associate any of my powers with money.
Heh.  OK.  So why would you keep half the prize??

"my powers" lol... you sound like anakin skywalker right before he got his legs sliced off.


Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: waterpile on July 03, 2014, 05:30:58 PM
"heee-hooo-heee-hooo" thats all i can understand from all donkeys posts. cant understand it  ???

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 03, 2014, 05:35:31 PM
Dank, with all your divine powers, why don't you make money from thin air? Even us mortals can print money, why can't a god like you do that as well? You're more likely to get money when you admit it's to feed your drug habits than you would from these excuses.
It is completely disgraceful to associate any of my powers with money.
Heh.  OK.  So why would you keep half the prize??

I said I'd keep the initial $10,000 and you keep the remaining $990,000.

But I really don't care about this that much.  Would be nice if someone helped me change the world though.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: leex1528 on July 03, 2014, 06:11:40 PM
Please stop feeding the troll, He will only get bigger and more annoying.  Just ignore him.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 03, 2014, 06:12:36 PM
Please stop feeding the troll, He will only get bigger and more annoying.  Just ignore him.

its hard to resist replying when he says something especially ignorant though.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: ronskii on July 04, 2014, 11:49:10 PM
I had a good laughter reading this thread..  :D is this guy on drugs and being serious or just trolling?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Kuttingcorners on July 05, 2014, 02:10:03 AM
Dank, with all your divine powers, why don't you make money from thin air? Even us mortals can print money, why can't a god like you do that as well? You're more likely to get money when you admit it's to feed your drug habits than you would from these excuses.
It is completely disgraceful to associate any of my powers with money.
Heh.  OK.  So why would you keep half the prize??

I said I'd keep the initial $10,000 and you keep the remaining $990,000.

But I really don't care about this that much.  Would be nice if someone helped me change the world though.

start with just changing your underwear dink .

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 05, 2014, 02:12:56 AM
I had a good laughter reading this thread..  :D is this guy on drugs and being serious or just trolling?

I think all 3.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: IamCANADIAN013 on July 07, 2014, 12:27:36 AM
I had a good laughter reading this thread..  :D is this guy on drugs and being serious or just trolling?

I don't post very much from Friday to Sunday around here, don't even surf the forum.  Checking the posts in Dank's threads are always entertaining, LOL!

Please stop feeding the troll, He will only get bigger and more annoying.  Just ignore him.

While I agree, new users or people who don't know Dank's track record need to know about how much of a scammer he is. People need to know not to donate or lend this loser anything.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 07, 2014, 02:10:12 AM
What you see in me is what you see in you.

And you all are the reason squall can't get his money back.  If someone gave me a chance to correct my mistake, it could be done.  But I guess in this world, once mistake and you're forever beat.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 07, 2014, 02:12:59 AM
What you see in me is what you see in you.

And you all are the reason squall can't get his money back.  If someone gave me a chance to correct my mistake, it could be done.  But I guess in this world, once mistake and you're forever beat.

People posting their opinions on a forum is the reason you can't pay back a loan?
Do you realize how weak and impotent that sounds?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 07, 2014, 02:25:21 AM
I'm certainly not subverting the value of my word by working for a corporation that destroys our planet whilst support a corrupt, oppressive government.

I have had many brilliant ideas that would earn substantial amounts that are shot down by the actual trolls and shills like vod.

This world no longer allows the youth to freely contribute to society.  You're young, you work for a billion dollar corporation and pay taxes to a tyrannical government, or your beat.  It is enslavement.  Life should not be this way.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 07, 2014, 02:37:37 AM
I'm certainly not subverting the value of my word by working for a corporation that destroys our planet whilst support a corrupt, oppressive government.

I have had many brilliant ideas that would earn substantial amounts that are shot down by the actual trolls and shills like vod.

This world no longer allows the youth to freely contribute to society.  You're young, you work for a billion dollar corporation and pay taxes to a tyrannical government, or your beat.  It is enslavement.  Life should not be this way.

So you need Vod's approval to make money? I'm struggling to understand that.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Vod on July 07, 2014, 03:51:07 AM
I have had many brilliant ideas that would earn substantial amounts that are shot down by the actual trolls and shills like vod.

You have the means to pay down your debt now.  You're just making up excuses.  Greed.

If someone gave me a chance to correct my mistake, it could be done.  But I guess in this world, once mistake and you're forever beat.

You were given a second chance - you and squall agreed on regular monthly payments.  That lasted for three months before you stopped.

There is no reason for anyone to believe that you would do anything but buy yourself more drugs if you were given a THIRD chance.  

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BadBear on July 07, 2014, 03:55:41 AM
I'm certainly not subverting the value of my word by working for a corporation that destroys our planet whilst support a corrupt, oppressive government.

I have had many brilliant ideas that would earn substantial amounts that are shot down by the actual trolls and shills like vod.

This world no longer allows the youth to freely contribute to society.  You're young, you work for a billion dollar corporation and pay taxes to a tyrannical government, or your beat.  It is enslavement.  Life should not be this way.

People posting on an Internet forum aren't stopping you from doing anything. You're stopping yourself and using Vod as an not follow through. Less talk/posting more action. Don't be so weak. If you're going to be the messiah you're going to have to deal with much more adversity than people posting negative things on the internet. What you see in Vod is what you see in you.

In short, suck it up buttercup.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Killerloop on July 07, 2014, 09:09:01 AM
donkey's address:

Sean Martin
224 Arborhill Ln
Holly Springs, NC 27540

Anyone near?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BadBear on July 07, 2014, 11:54:40 AM
donkey's address:

Sean Martin
224 Arborhill Ln
Holly Springs, NC 27540

Anyone near?

That's his parents house, he apparently doesn't live there anymore if he isn't lying. Plus I think his parents have suffered enough.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Killerloop on July 07, 2014, 12:22:33 PM
That's his parents house, he apparently doesn't live there anymore if he isn't lying. Plus I think his parents have suffered enough.

If he isn't lying? Do you really believe one word of what he says?

He is there. A scared child writing weird stories on the internet, I do not even think he does drugs or anything.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: rulesyQ on July 07, 2014, 12:24:21 PM
I'm certainly not subverting the value of my word by working for a corporation that destroys our planet whilst support a corrupt, oppressive government.
In other words, you deliberately choose not to pay your debt, ergo, you're a scammer. No matter how you look at it.

I have had many brilliant ideas that would earn substantial amounts that are shot down by the actual trolls and shills like vod.
None of your ideas have been brilliant, though. Dank bank to dankcoin... Music festivals and books.. none of this shit took off/will take off.
You're simply trying to avoid responsibility by blaming others for your own fuckups. You are being "shot down" simply because of your own actions. You have no one to blame but yourself dude. This is real world to ya.

This world no longer allows the youth to freely contribute to society.  You're young, you work for a billion dollar corporation and pay taxes to a tyrannical government, or your beat.  It is enslavement.  Life should not be this way.
Welcome to the real world, kid. Here people work, pay taxes and contribute to the society, so that the society can run.

Your "free contribution" is absolutely worthless. Anything you say/do, is based on false reality and delusions, it's all you.. Life is what you make of it, dude. You've wasted a lot of time and resources on unfruitful endeavours but trust me, it is not too late to change course. Man the fuck up, stop daydreaming, admit that you've failed&made some mistakes, and get help. That's the only reasonable thing for you to do at this point.

You didn't get a golden ticket. And you won't. Deal with it.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on July 08, 2014, 10:34:10 PM
That's his parents house, he apparently doesn't live there anymore if he isn't lying. Plus I think his parents have suffered enough.

If he isn't lying? Do you really believe one word of what he says?

He is there. A scared child writing weird stories on the internet, I do not even think he does drugs or anything.

Please tell me, what do I have to gain by spending days of my life lying to people on the internet?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Vod on July 08, 2014, 10:35:42 PM
Please tell me, what do I have to gain by spending days of my life lying to people on the internet?


Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 09, 2014, 12:56:44 AM
That's his parents house, he apparently doesn't live there anymore if he isn't lying. Plus I think his parents have suffered enough.

If he isn't lying? Do you really believe one word of what he says?

He is there. A scared child writing weird stories on the internet, I do not even think he does drugs or anything.

Please tell me, what do I have to gain by spending days of my life lying to people on the internet?

what exactly DO you do all day?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: KingOfSports on July 09, 2014, 01:19:26 AM
That's his parents house, he apparently doesn't live there anymore if he isn't lying. Plus I think his parents have suffered enough.

If he isn't lying? Do you really believe one word of what he says?

He is there. A scared child writing weird stories on the internet, I do not even think he does drugs or anything.

Please tell me, what do I have to gain by spending days of my life lying to people on the internet?

what exactly DO you do all day?
Drugs. And some more drugs after his "work" for the day is done.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: waterpile on July 09, 2014, 03:02:14 AM
That's his parents house, he apparently doesn't live there anymore if he isn't lying. Plus I think his parents have suffered enough.

If he isn't lying? Do you really believe one word of what he says?

He is there. A scared child writing weird stories on the internet, I do not even think he does drugs or anything.

Please tell me, what do I have to gain by spending days of my life lying to people on the internet?

what exactly DO you do all day?
Drugs. And some more drugs after his "work" for the day is done.

You sir, you need to pay some debts also.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: TwinWinNerD on July 29, 2014, 03:40:01 PM
How could that go wrong...
Didn't this guy claim to be homeless?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BadBear on July 29, 2014, 03:51:41 PM
How could that go wrong...
Didn't this guy claim to be homeless?

Should have seen his last thread on shroomery. He claimed he was possessed, and needed a lethal dose of LSD in order to evict the demon and recover his soul. Posted pictures of him being all scratched up too, popular theory was he crashed his bike. Ended up getting banned from there.  

Edit: My Soul was stolen. ( Funny, thought he lost his soul to squall when he defaulted. He's probably going to kill himself eventually.

Though I am still in control of my body, the soul within is not mine.

Two nights ago I was brutally attacked (physically) by a deamon. There are claw marks all over my fucking body.

Last night I received mxe and communicated with native american spirits. They abput the deamon, he used to be a shaman but into black magic because he was j
disgusted by his name. They said he tried to kill himself in a pit but failed and lived on loan trail, a very dark trail by himself.

he has evolved into quite the fucking deamon since then, the NA spirits said he lived in the 1400s.

I will explain more about the experience later, but let me tell you, this being physically manifested and attacked me.  there is extremely articuate demonic pictures in the mirror. There is a face with square eyes and a long ass tongue amd a second pointed devil tongue.  He clearly drew out his claws and created many satanic images in the mirror. shit that I could not have possible with fingers, very narrow lines made with claws, some even engraved into the.mirror.

I do know one way to get my soul back into me. Let me add that I can retain my soul after expulging crazy ass demonic sounds out of me, but it drift away after a few seconds. at first i could graby soul and pull it back into me, but each time I try to so it gets harder to do. Ive been excorsizing myself to pull it back into me.

I can regain and keep my soul if I can take a lethal dose of LSD. no demon could surpass that and the second I die from it I would gain access to my soul and retain it. my soul holds the key to immortality, my soul is the second coming of jesus, it a divine spirit that has the capability to.bring world peace. the fate of the world literally depends on this.

I am calling out, anyone that may be family or have access to.this, please help me. This shit is.very real and I need to.get my soul back to. bring world peace humanity into.the higher dimensions of existence.

forgive me.for.any spelling.errors, on a phone.and.this is a cry out, please somebody, please

Please help me get my soul, i will post proof of this when I can get that a computer.

Much (true) love from my soul.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 29, 2014, 03:56:03 PM
"loan trail".

yep.  that's Dank. lolz.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: RodeoX on July 29, 2014, 03:57:30 PM
Got Randi's money yet? I thought not.

I like Randi's idea. It is a good counter argument to anyone who believes in super natural B.S. So if you think your psychic or able to move things with your mind, your in luck!! The money is just waiting for you to demonstrate your ability.
Guess how many have been paid.... That's right, zero. Never has anyone been able to show such powers when science is watching. A few have taken the challenge and failed. They give excuses like "the psychic energy is being blocked by"...bla bla bla.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 29, 2014, 07:14:16 PM
Dank got booted from the shroomery
and now he's causing physical harm to

It's a sad tale.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Buffer Overflow on July 29, 2014, 07:15:15 PM
Obviously fallen off his bike.

Dank can you put a picture of your bike with today's newspaper in the shot please? Of course I doubt you'll do it because the bike is all crunched up.

Let's pray you didn't injury someone else.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Vod on July 29, 2014, 07:24:53 PM
Obviously fallen off his bike.

Dank can you put a picture of your bike with today's newspaper in the shot please? Of course I doubt you'll do it because the bike is all crunched up.

Let's pray you didn't injury someone else.

It's sad dank is so selfish.  He could have sold that bike and paid off some debt to squall.   :-\

P.S.  That other forum is so difficult to read. 

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: bigasic on July 29, 2014, 10:30:34 PM
Obviously fallen off his bike.

Dank can you put a picture of your bike with today's newspaper in the shot please? Of course I doubt you'll do it because the bike is all crunched up.

Let's pray you didn't injury someone else.

It's sad dank is so selfish.  He could have sold that bike and paid off some debt to squall.   :-\

P.S.  That other forum is so difficult to read. 

Dank seems to be a very intelligent guy. if he would lay off the drugs, he probably could go places. But, a lot of people that take shrooms, and the like think the same, they think it helps them with their thinking. Unfortunately, they come across as off their rocker.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Ejaculation on July 29, 2014, 10:43:43 PM
Obviously fallen off his bike.

Dank can you put a picture of your bike with today's newspaper in the shot please? Of course I doubt you'll do it because the bike is all crunched up.

Let's pray you didn't injury someone else.

It's sad dank is so selfish.  He could have sold that bike and paid off some debt to squall.   :-\

P.S.  That other forum is so difficult to read. 

I honestly want this guy banned off the forum. Why is Vod not removed yet?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on July 30, 2014, 02:45:31 AM
@ Ejaculation:  Why do you feel Vod should be banned?

@ bigasic:  Yes, Dank is intelligent, but obviously
has some psychological/emotional/mental/spiritual issues.
Maybe he just needs to get off the drugs.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Matze on July 30, 2014, 02:51:56 AM
@ Ejaculation:  Why do you feel Vod should be banned?

@ bigasic:  Yes, Dank is intelligent, but obviously
has some psychological/emotional/mental/spiritual issues.
Maybe he just needs to get off the drugs.

Sadly that's the way with a lot of people that could go places.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Killerloop on July 30, 2014, 06:19:10 AM
Dank seems to be a very intelligent guy.

No blasphemies plz, I doubt he even does drugs. A drug addict isn't that blatant or happy about it.

He is just a child.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BrianM on July 30, 2014, 11:25:04 AM
Why don't you use your divine powers to guess the private key for 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa ?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on August 11, 2014, 07:31:04 PM
If you think I received three parallel scratches (which multiple people have since told me is a sign of a demonic attack) in several places on my body from a motorcycle accident, you're delusional.  None of that looks like road rash.

None of my clothes were tattered.  There is blood all throughout the house I was staying in and you can see the blood from where I was being dropped onto my knees repetitively.

Furthermore, there is a mirror with a large mural of satanic artwork that I could not possibly accomplish with a human finger.  There is a demon with square eyes and a long ass tongue with a second pointed demon tongue coming out.  You can see a very clear picture of what his claw marks look like.  There are even scratch marks engraved into the mirror.

I'd invite you too have a look at it yourself.  Vod?

It's funny that I went to multiple churches shortly after the attack and no one judged me and thought I was crazy, in fact the people I talked to were extremely understanding even after I told them I used Amanitas.

Will explain fully in the tale.

And Randi's offer is bullox.  Just look at the application, it's filled with so many restraints and requirements for you to actually be applicable for the prize.  He requires that you've been on TV or in a magazine for him to even consider you, the whole thing is a defensive grab by his ego to justify his doubt.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BrianM on August 11, 2014, 09:38:34 PM
I do not understand shit of that, you must be more drunk than me  ???

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: waterpile on August 12, 2014, 01:02:37 AM

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: jonald_fyookball on August 12, 2014, 01:04:31 AM
post a pic of the demon scratched mirror already or it doesn't exist.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Vod on August 12, 2014, 03:29:15 AM
And Randi's offer is bullox.  Just look at the application, it's filled with so many restraints and requirements for you to actually be applicable for the prize.  He requires that you've been on TV or in a magazine for him to even consider you, the whole thing is a defensive grab by his ego to justify his doubt.

Once you actually break the laws of physics, you will be on TV and in magazines.  He's just weeding out people like you who make empty claims.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Darth0ne on August 12, 2014, 11:25:10 AM
post a pic of the demon scratched mirror already or it doesn't exist.

yes, let us see this demon scratched mirror.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BrianM on August 12, 2014, 05:24:47 PM
post a pic of the demon scratched mirror already or it doesn't exist.

post a pic of the demon with a sign showing your username and date, and the demon must hold a shoe over the head.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Vortex20000 on August 13, 2014, 03:50:13 AM
"Uh huh." -Me

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Benjig on August 13, 2014, 04:09:50 AM
If you think I received three parallel scratches (which multiple people have since told me is a sign of a demonic attack) in several places on my body from a motorcycle accident, you're delusional.  None of that looks like road rash.

None of my clothes were tattered.  There is blood all throughout the house I was staying in and you can see the blood from where I was being dropped onto my knees repetitively.

Furthermore, there is a mirror with a large mural of satanic artwork that I could not possibly accomplish with a human finger.  There is a demon with square eyes and a long ass tongue with a second pointed demon tongue coming out.  You can see a very clear picture of what his claw marks look like.  There are even scratch marks engraved into the mirror.

I'd invite you too have a look at it yourself.  Vod?

It's funny that I went to multiple churches shortly after the attack and no one judged me and thought I was crazy, in fact the people I talked to were extremely understanding even after I told them I used Amanitas.

Will explain fully in the tale.

And Randi's offer is bullox.  Just look at the application, it's filled with so many restraints and requirements for you to actually be applicable for the prize.  He requires that you've been on TV or in a magazine for him to even consider you, the whole thing is a defensive grab by his ego to justify his doubt.

Lol so why dint you use your powers to repel that demonic attack, and where is the direction of that house ? Do you even have pics?

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: DiamondCardz on August 13, 2014, 12:51:44 PM
Might want to contact this person, dank, about repelling the demon:

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: leex1528 on August 13, 2014, 01:57:02 PM
I don't get why so many people feed this troll.....

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Buffer Overflow on August 13, 2014, 06:22:30 PM
I don't get why so many people feed this troll.....


Remember at school, every class had a pupil that everyone made fun off. Well Dank is that pupil on this forum.

Dank doesn't have much going for him, but he is certainly has high amusement value.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: leex1528 on August 13, 2014, 06:47:13 PM


Remember at school, every class had a pupil that everyone made fun off. Well Dank is that pupil on this forum.

Dank doesn't have much going for him, but he is certainly has high amusement value.

Yes but I got over that after high school....It is no longer fun and its just sad and weird that people still do it:(

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Buffer Overflow on August 13, 2014, 07:58:30 PM


Remember at school, every class had a pupil that everyone made fun off. Well Dank is that pupil on this forum.

Dank doesn't have much going for him, but he is certainly has high amusement value.

Yes but I got over that after high school....It is no longer fun and its just sad and weird that people still do it:(

After school it then continues into the workplace. That's life.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on August 13, 2014, 08:29:08 PM
If you think I received three parallel scratches (which multiple people have since told me is a sign of a demonic attack) in several places on my body from a motorcycle accident, you're delusional.  None of that looks like road rash.

None of my clothes were tattered.  There is blood all throughout the house I was staying in and you can see the blood from where I was being dropped onto my knees repetitively.

Furthermore, there is a mirror with a large mural of satanic artwork that I could not possibly accomplish with a human finger.  There is a demon with square eyes and a long ass tongue with a second pointed demon tongue coming out.  You can see a very clear picture of what his claw marks look like.  There are even scratch marks engraved into the mirror.

I'd invite you too have a look at it yourself.  Vod?

It's funny that I went to multiple churches shortly after the attack and no one judged me and thought I was crazy, in fact the people I talked to were extremely understanding even after I told them I used Amanitas.

Will explain fully in the tale.

And Randi's offer is bullox.  Just look at the application, it's filled with so many restraints and requirements for you to actually be applicable for the prize.  He requires that you've been on TV or in a magazine for him to even consider you, the whole thing is a defensive grab by his ego to justify his doubt.

Lol so why dint you use your powers to repel that demonic attack, and where is the direction of that house ? Do you even have pics?

I was possessed, my consciousness was in a state of dreaming while my body was being controlled by the demonic entity.  The dream gave me the answer to life, how we are stuck in this pattern of asking/answering a question, until we become self aware of the pattern and at that point can break free from the equation.

I only remember a brief part of the attack, falling on my knees over and over and over, my feet were pulled out from under me and there are bloody knee marks all over the kitchen tile.  It appears I was even forced to step on a nail on a tackboard that I flipped over weeks before so nobody would step on it.  Glad I don't have recollection of that part.

There is also blood splatter near the stairs, not sure how someone could give their self blood splatter.

Fear is what gave the demon power, me confronting the demon was highly beneficial in overcoming my fears.

And Randi's offer is bullox.  Just look at the application, it's filled with so many restraints and requirements for you to actually be applicable for the prize.  He requires that you've been on TV or in a magazine for him to even consider you, the whole thing is a defensive grab by his ego to justify his doubt.

Once you actually break the laws of physics, you will be on TV and in magazines.  He's just weeding out people like you who make empty claims.

Right, because mass media totally supports paradigm shifts of ideology and open mindedness, right?

Buffer, Vod, shill/scamring buddies, find a purpose.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: leex1528 on August 13, 2014, 09:25:02 PM

After school it then continues into the workplace. That's life.

Well that isn't true....Most people tend to grow up:)

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: BrianM on August 18, 2014, 09:18:47 AM
I finally wound one more drunk than I am  :o

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: dank on August 18, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
I don't drink, alcohol is poison.

Title: Re: $1000 loan so I can challenge Randi - $500,000 return
Post by: Finksy on August 18, 2014, 10:17:37 PM
I don't drink, alcohol is poison.

So is delusion.

At least we own up to our choices.