Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: CoinMan on April 30, 2011, 01:12:05 AM

Title: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: CoinMan on April 30, 2011, 01:12:05 AM
Anyone else having intermittent problems trading on Mt Gox this evening?  Two of us are for sure...keep seeing "too many connections".  :(

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: riX on April 30, 2011, 01:20:15 AM
Yes.. I notice it too.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: coined on April 30, 2011, 02:02:32 AM
has this happened before?

if not the rally may not be over, or even close to slowing down, maybe the market could outgrow what mt. gox can handle?  :o

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: riX on April 30, 2011, 02:31:03 AM
Or someone made a bad bot or greasemonkey script.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: MagicalTux on April 30, 2011, 04:13:50 AM
Nah, getting DDoS'd.

The attack is mostly blocked now, however I cannot tell for sure for how long it'll continue. Just hope whoever's doing this will get bored.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: CoinMan on April 30, 2011, 04:19:57 AM
Nah, getting DDoS'd.

The attack is mostly blocked now, however I cannot tell for sure for how long it'll continue. Just hope whoever's doing this will get bored.

Thanks it has seem to have cleared up for me.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Longmarch on April 30, 2011, 05:08:25 AM
05:04 UTC and still MtGox is still having problems. 

While I'm delurked... is there an intro thread somewhere?  I've really got nothing interesting to say right now, but I don't want to come out of left field if an when I do.

eta:  I guess I'm not sure what happened.  I had to clear the cookie... I don't know if it got garbled somehow or if I got locked out because I was loading pages too fast.  The chart is flatlined right about that time, though.  Who knows?  Great site though.  Slainte!

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: MagicalTux on April 30, 2011, 06:09:47 AM
05:04 UTC and still MtGox is still having problems. 

While I'm delurked... is there an intro thread somewhere?  I've really got nothing interesting to say right now, but I don't want to come out of left field if an when I do.

eta:  I guess I'm not sure what happened.  I had to clear the cookie... I don't know if it got garbled somehow or if I got locked out because I was loading pages too fast.  The chart is flatlined right about that time, though.  Who knows?  Great site though.  Slainte!

Nah, mtgox is not having problems. You may be unable to access mtgox however if you flooded a bit too much, if so, send your ip to so we can check if you were blocked.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Longmarch on April 30, 2011, 06:28:15 AM
Nah, mtgox is not having problems. You may be unable to access mtgox however if you flooded a bit too much, if so, send your ip to so we can check if you were blocked.

Oh, sorry don't mean to talk bad about your site.  I think I might be a little fried from work. 

My ip doesn't seem to be blocked though.  Cleared my cache and cookies and everything's fine. 

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: gigi on April 30, 2011, 06:39:48 PM
What's the allowed rate to poll MtGox API?

My software accesses it once a minute, to record the quotes and the book. Is that too frequent?

In the last week the API (and the site) was down for me for tens of hours at a time. Could it be that I was banned?

BTW, it would be nice if you would record and make historical prices and book info available.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SmokeTooMuch on April 30, 2011, 08:32:48 PM
A bit off topic, but I didn't want to create a new thread for this:

Has anybody recognized what kind of a money machine Mt Gox is ?

I mean, the current volume is ~75,000 BTC. Let's assume the average price was ~3.00 USD,
then the total transaction sum over the last 24 (48 ? not sure) hours was 225,000 USD.
As we know Mt Gox charges a small 0.65% fee.
Let's do the math:
225000 / 100 * 0,65 = 1,462.50 USD per 24 (or 48?) hours !

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on April 30, 2011, 08:46:47 PM
A bit off topic, but I didn't want to create a new thread for this:

Has anybody recognized what kind of a money machine Mt Gox is ?

I mean, the current volume is ~75,000 BTC. Let's assume the average price was ~3.00 USD,
then the total transaction sum over the last 24 (48 ? not sure) hours was 225,000 USD.
As we know Mt Gox charges a small 0.65% fee.

Small? Typical mature exchange charges 0.01%

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SmokeTooMuch on April 30, 2011, 09:03:12 PM
Small? Typical mature exchange charges 0.01% doesn't even have a fee.

My intention was to ask whether my calculations are correct and to start a discussion about lowering the fees at Mt Gox.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Mbtc on April 30, 2011, 10:11:31 PM
Small? Typical mature exchange charges 0.01% doesn't even have a fee.

My intention was to ask whether my calculations are correct and to start a discussion about lowering the fees at Mt Gox.

Looks right to me, except that you seem to have forgotten to multiply by 2 (both buyer and seller pay 0.65%).

Banks are only bad when you're not the banker.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Mbtc on April 30, 2011, 10:18:15 PM
Oh, and is there another attack going on right now? Both mtgox and #bitcoin-market seem to be having problems.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinBull on April 30, 2011, 10:38:02 PM
I'm having problems too.

Let's just say this break in trading could be beneficial.  Maybe MtGox should implement "circuit breakers" to help prevent extreme volatility, like the the NYSE did after the 2010 Flash crash. (

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on April 30, 2011, 10:44:56 PM
Small? Typical mature exchange charges 0.01% doesn't even have a fee. too

(although yesterday I was trying to introduce payments for the placing orders. But users revolt :) )

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SmokeTooMuch on April 30, 2011, 11:01:52 PM
Anyone else having intermittent problems trading on Mt Gox this evening?  Two of us are for sure...keep seeing "too many connections".  :(
down again ...

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: casascius on April 30, 2011, 11:11:37 PM
Please assure us that you have adequate controls against being hacked.

Can you tell what percentage of your total BTC funds held in escrow do you keep offline?

Also would be interested in knowing if withdrawal of funds can continue (e.g. via e-mail request) in the event of an extended outage.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: casascius on April 30, 2011, 11:51:21 PM
All the symptoms of a ddos ... this is quite worrysome: it affects both

Rather it be a DDOS than a compromise of all the bitcoins on the server, Playstation Network style.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: coined on April 30, 2011, 11:52:48 PM
did the market just outgrow our little community very very quickly?

a simple DDoS and 95% of bitcoin trades freeze, it is a good way to drive prices down, investors will see our amateur level operations and wait a while  ;D ;D ;D

maybe its the wake up call we need. were not ready for the world to join in yet.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on May 01, 2011, 12:06:39 AM
did the market just outgrow our little community very very quickly?

a simple DDoS and 95% of bitcoin trades freeze, it is a good way to drive prices down, investors will see our amateur level operations and wait a while  ;D ;D ;D

maybe its the wake up call we need. were not ready for the world to join in yet.

99.9% really :)

decentralized Bitcoin are highly centralized to mtgox!11 (

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Steve on May 01, 2011, 12:33:40 AM
MtGox' version of trading curbs  ;D

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: fbit on May 01, 2011, 12:36:03 AM
=( just took an evening off to play around with the API and get a trading bot started. Now I got some basic functionalty done and the page goes down.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: eleuthria on May 01, 2011, 12:42:09 AM
I was implementing a BitCoin currency on my store using the MtGox API as it went down as well.  Was getting nice results too, was about to work on the final checkout page :(.  Guess it'll have to wait for a May 1st update.  At least people can still use US$ :).

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Ulysses on May 01, 2011, 12:53:19 AM
Most likely it's not a dos, mtgox was featured on hacker news frontpage.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: The Script on May 01, 2011, 12:55:42 AM
I'm sure magical tux is working on it, so this is me subscribing to the thread so I get notified as things progress.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: qed on May 01, 2011, 01:12:42 AM
Most likely it's not a dos, mtgox was featured on hacker news frontpage.


Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinBull on May 01, 2011, 01:15:39 AM
MagicalTux is on #bitcoin-otc discussing the DDoS right now:

[21:08] <+MagicalTux> in 0.05 seconds, I'm getting 313 connection attempts
[21:09] <+MagicalTux> that's ~6200 connections/second
[21:10] <+MagicalTux> I'll be storing bits of flood from tcpdump, and blocking those

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: MagicalTux on May 01, 2011, 01:19:06 AM
Reporting here! What I got so far:

Getting ~6000 SYN/sec (standing at ~1.7MB/s) from various sources, mainly vietnam. Those are attempts to connect on port 443 to "poke" various urls, including / and /users/login.

There are different patterns, suggesting either there are various version of the "drones" out there trying to attack mtgox, or that different people are attacking.

The attacks seems specifically targetted at mtgox (use of the login url, for example), and contain a vast majority of russian bits (use of random russian referers, use of russian user agents, etc).

The strategy:

I'm trying to get some patterns out there I can block out from the server. Traffic load is still lower than server uplink, which should allow to block that without too much troubles. The first thing I'll be doing is to block the ips I've recorded so far, and write a little C program with libpcap to analyze the network traffic and block ips that seem obviously doing something bad. I'll also reduce the max open tcp connections per ip to limit the load caused by a single IP.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinBull on May 01, 2011, 01:22:40 AM
Most likely it's not a dos, mtgox was featured on hacker news frontpage.


Bitcoin hits US$ 4, after being mentioned on CNN yesterday (

Bitcoin exchange account of Coinpal shut down by Paypal (

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: qed on May 01, 2011, 01:33:24 AM
Most likely it's not a dos, mtgox was featured on hacker news frontpage.


Bitcoin hits US$ 4, after being mentioned on CNN yesterday (

Bitcoin exchange account of Coinpal shut down by Paypal (

I miss the connection, how is hacker news related with any hackers crew?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinBull on May 01, 2011, 01:35:31 AM
Most likely it's not a dos, mtgox was featured on hacker news frontpage.


Bitcoin hits US$ 4, after being mentioned on CNN yesterday (

Bitcoin exchange account of Coinpal shut down by Paypal (

I miss the connection, how is hacker news related with any hackers crew?

Its not.  But HN is a high-profile site which can drive large traffic.  However, the HN traffic still would not be enough to cause the MtGox outage.  As MagicalTux explained above, apart from legitimate traffic, they are under a DDoS attack.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: cypherdoc on May 01, 2011, 01:42:59 AM
for us non hackers, is it possible to sustain a DDoS attack indefinitely and if so can mtgox restore functionality?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: eof on May 01, 2011, 01:47:50 AM
for us non hackers, is it possible to sustain a DDoS attack indefinitely and if so can mtgox restore functionality?

in theory; but he will likely be able to find patterns in the traffic and/or block the right IPs to restore functionality.  depends on how smart a ddos and how much resources they have

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: cypherdoc on May 01, 2011, 01:50:27 AM
for us non hackers, is it possible to sustain a DDoS attack indefinitely and if so can mtgox restore functionality?

in theory; but he will likely be able to find patterns in the traffic and/or block the right IPs to restore functionality.  depends on how smart a ddos and how much resources they have

has a gov't ever launched a DDoS?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 01, 2011, 01:54:12 AM
MagicalTux, if we mirrored your site, maybe you could do some load balancing?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on May 01, 2011, 02:01:58 AM
The attacks seems specifically targetted at mtgox (use of the login url, for example), and contain a vast majority of russian bits (use of random russian referers, use of russian user agents, etc).

And now I understand you :)

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: qed on May 01, 2011, 02:04:41 AM
for us non hackers, is it possible to sustain a DDoS attack indefinitely and if so can mtgox restore functionality?


Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on May 01, 2011, 02:05:37 AM
for us non hackers, is it possible to sustain a DDoS attack indefinitely and if so can mtgox restore functionality?


An ddos could be a cover for a hack.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: cypherdoc on May 01, 2011, 02:08:49 AM
for us non hackers, is it possible to sustain a DDoS attack indefinitely and if so can mtgox restore functionality?


nope to which part of the question?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: qed on May 01, 2011, 02:19:47 AM
A DDoS can't last forever and performing it means giving away a large compromised network. This operation has an huge cost for the hacker and usually it's something desperate.

Yes, a DDoS can be used as an excuse for covering a succesfull attempt of violation, but usually the server will be immediatelly shut down and a backup placed insted of it.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: sammoocow on May 01, 2011, 02:21:29 AM
I just transferred 5 BTC over to MtGox earlier today, then less than an hour later it started becoming impossible to go on. And they never showed up in my balance.

Am I going to lose those bitcoins?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: MagicalTux on May 01, 2011, 02:44:04 AM
I just transferred 5 BTC over to MtGox earlier today, then less than an hour later it started becoming impossible to go on. And they never showed up in my balance.

Am I going to lose those bitcoins?

No, don't worry, this is fine. Your balance will show up correctly once things are back to normal.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: sammoocow on May 01, 2011, 02:48:23 AM
OK, thanks a lot for the reply.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Ian Maxwell on May 01, 2011, 02:49:35 AM
@Sammoocow: unlikely unless there's a tremendous data breach and wallets are stolen. Bitcoins aren't really sent "to" Mt Gox in the sense that their server has to remain up; it's more like a deed transfer, in that there is a public record that ownership of the coins has been transferred.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: cypherdoc on May 01, 2011, 03:01:48 AM
I just transferred 5 BTC over to MtGox earlier today, then less than an hour later it started becoming impossible to go on. And they never showed up in my balance.

Am I going to lose those bitcoins?

No, don't worry, this is fine. Your balance will show up correctly once things are back to normal.

MagTux, r u ever going to reply to my email requests?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: MagicalTux on May 01, 2011, 03:02:43 AM
I just transferred 5 BTC over to MtGox earlier today, then less than an hour later it started becoming impossible to go on. And they never showed up in my balance.

Am I going to lose those bitcoins?

No, don't worry, this is fine. Your balance will show up correctly once things are back to normal.

MagTux, r u ever going to reply to my email requests?

Email requests about?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcool on May 01, 2011, 03:28:43 AM
The empire strikes back, started with coinpal, mtgox, who's next?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Cusipzzz on May 01, 2011, 03:50:16 AM
the more they fight, the stronger we become.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 01, 2011, 03:58:59 AM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: MagicalTux on May 01, 2011, 04:03:29 AM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?

Liquidity in banks do not move on weekends anyway, and we'll be back by monday :)

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on May 01, 2011, 04:15:41 AM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?

All go to the just as planned

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 01, 2011, 04:23:03 AM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?

All go to the just as planned

 Bid            Ask
1.5111   3.6472
Does "liquid market" have a different meaning in Russian?  :P
I'm sure it won't always be that way, since you seem to have an aggressive strategy for growth.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: cypherdoc on May 01, 2011, 04:55:14 AM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?

Liquidity in banks do not move on weekends anyway, and we'll be back by monday :)

one of the great things about mtgox is the 24/7 trading

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: cypherdoc on May 01, 2011, 04:56:20 AM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?

All go to the just as planned

"as planned"?   

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Bruce Wagner on May 01, 2011, 05:14:54 AM
All go to the just as planned

@bitcoinex   What does this mean?  Are you behind the DDoS attack on MtGox?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: cypherdoc on May 01, 2011, 05:17:51 AM
why am i seeing mtgox recent trades on on its 1 min interval?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on May 01, 2011, 05:18:35 AM
All go to the just as planned

@bitcoinex   What does this mean?  Are you behind the DDoS attack on MtGox?

Of course, because I'm Hitler!


Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: TTBit on May 01, 2011, 05:20:13 AM
All go to the just as planned

@bitcoinex   What does this mean?  Are you behind the DDoS attack on MtGox?

I read it as a joke

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: NOTAL on May 01, 2011, 05:21:32 AM

@bitcoinex   What does this mean?  Are you behind the DDoS attack on MtGox?

That exactly what he means:

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Bruce Wagner on May 01, 2011, 06:08:11 AM


Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on May 01, 2011, 06:09:13 AM


I saved you! At a price of $9 you would start killings!

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: BCEmporium on May 01, 2011, 10:34:12 AM
I would say we've a "suspect", notice the two deals on BCM while MtGox was being DDoS'ed.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Mahkul on May 01, 2011, 11:21:57 AM
On I have 5-6 bot attempts daily from Russian IPs to register and post spam. I was forced to switch to manual registrations and I am seriously considering blocking all Russian IP ranges at this stage. Parhaps mtgox should do the same?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SmokeTooMuch on May 01, 2011, 01:18:13 PM
Somehow I really dislike seeing that whole russian-bashing.
We have an international market. We have an international currency. We have international people.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: LZ on May 01, 2011, 03:35:14 PM
Thank you, SmokeTooMuch. I hope that all will be OK soon. :)

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Mahkul on May 01, 2011, 05:10:57 PM
Somehow I really dislike seeing that whole russian-bashing.
We have an international market. We have an international currency. We have international people.

I have nothing against Russia. I have a lot of friends there and my wife used to live there for a few years. However, the fact is that vast majority of spam and scam comes from there. That is a fact - logs don't lie.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: stillfire on May 01, 2011, 05:45:54 PM
I have nothing against Russia. I have a lot of friends there and my wife used to live there for a few years. However, the fact is that vast majority of spam and scam comes from there. That is a fact - logs don't lie.

I am sure you actually believe this and that you aren't intentionally trying to mislead anyone. But more spam comes from the USA than Russia. Indeed, USA is the originator of the vast majority of the spam in the world according to some sources. ( ( (

Please be careful when generalising.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Mahkul on May 01, 2011, 06:02:09 PM
I have nothing against Russia. I have a lot of friends there and my wife used to live there for a few years. However, the fact is that vast majority of spam and scam comes from there. That is a fact - logs don't lie.

I am sure you actually believe this and that you aren't intentionally trying to mislead anyone. But more spam comes from the USA than Russia. Indeed, USA is the originator of the vast majority of the spam in the world according to some sources. ( ( (

Please be careful when generalising.

OKay Sir, I stand corrected.

Still, 9 of 10 spaming IPs invading my own servers come from Russia. They probably just love Ireland.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Herodes on May 02, 2011, 08:36:44 PM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?
All go to the just as planned

FYI: If you want to see your exchange succeed, you make a good exchange and focus on doing a good job. Anything else, and you WILL loose business.

What I mean by that is that you must conduct yourself in a professional manner to be trusted in the community.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: The Script on May 02, 2011, 10:46:06 PM
Whoever said that DoS attacks do not violate the non-aggression principle, I disagree.  Bitcoinex's attacks are preventing many people from accessing their property stored in Mt. Gox.  This could be seen as an act of coercion.  The fact that I still can't get on Mt. Gox to access my fucking account is really pissing me off.  He's not only hurting his competitor (which is wrong in itself), he's also hurting all the community members who are customers and cannot access their property that is being stored at Mt. Gox.  So FUCK YOU Bitcoinex, and I will do my part to ensure that you never get any business. 

As others have already stated, the key to making sure Bitcoin has multiple strong exchanges is to work at making yours better and more efficient, not attack competitors.  All you have done is drive more people to Mt. Gox and put yourself out of business.  Now we have less exchanges, and therefore, less stability in the Bitcoin economy.

Also, as a personal note to the Russians/Eastern European members of the community: I want to say that the nationality of Bitcoinex has no bearing on my thoughts towards any people group.  I judge individuals not races or ethnicities.  I know several Russians and Eastern Europeans and get along great with them and have a lot of respect for them and their culture.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 02, 2011, 10:57:10 PM
Bitcoinex's attacks are preventing many people from accessing their property stored in Mt. Gox.

May I ask how do you know it is him?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Garrett Burgwardt on May 02, 2011, 10:58:09 PM
Bitcoinex's attacks are preventing many people from accessing their property stored in Mt. Gox.

May I ask how do you know it is him?

He has admitted it many times.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 02, 2011, 10:59:46 PM
Bitcoinex's attacks are preventing many people from accessing their property stored in Mt. Gox.

May I ask how do you know it is him?

He has admitted it many times.

Well, I think I read through most of the posts on this forum, but never read one where he admitted doing it. Can you post a link?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bitcoinex on May 02, 2011, 11:01:28 PM
Is there another "liquid" exchange, or is the only one down?
All go to the just as planned

FYI: If you want to see your exchange succeed, you make a good exchange and focus on doing a good job. Anything else, and you WILL loose business.

What I mean by that is that you must conduct yourself in a professional manner to be trusted in the community.

Yes, I know that the on west a "professionals" hide the truth, lie at the same time smiling and looking straight into your eyes. Sorry, but I do not like this behaviour, I came to the community to participate in creating a better currency and not to deceive mistaken people.

Centralization of the exchange, the complexity of the withdrawal of money and accelerating inflation of the bubble - for understandable reasons what happens. I'm surprised that the attackers did not think to do it sooner. And I am glad that it did not happen the week after, when bitcoiny would cost $10 - I think that if I lived in the U.S. I am would have been killed in these circumstances. while the haters would give a damn about what I do not have relation with the attack.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: TheShoura on May 02, 2011, 11:02:03 PM
Bitcoinex's attacks are preventing many people from accessing their property stored in Mt. Gox.

May I ask how do you know it is him?

He has admitted it many times.

Well, I think I read through most of the posts on this forum, but never read one where he admitted doing it. Can you post a link?
Seconded, I can't find evidence proving who it is.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: CoinMan on May 02, 2011, 11:04:03 PM
Wow is it annoying to have Mt Gox going up and down.  Are we having the DDoS activity again?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SmokeTooMuch on May 02, 2011, 11:09:06 PM
Well, I think I read through most of the posts on this forum, but never read one where he admitted doing it. Can you post a link?

By the way, I am announcing collecting donations for the ddos of mtgox for decreasing exchange rates!


haxorz! please send letter to and give your money for that work!

By the way, I am announcing collecting donations for the ddos of mtgox for decreasing exchange rates!


haxorz! please send letter to and give your money for that work!

If this is a joke, it's a bad one. >:(

It sounds credible enough to be serious (with bitcoin address and email) for me to remove btcex from WeUseCoins until this is cleared up.

I'm sorry but I'm afraid so is serious. It would cost less than to be owed +$100 every day.

Maybe I even feel sorry about it. But we want anarchy and autoregulation? This is it is.

Just in case, say goodbye in advance. With you it was good, bitcoiners is a great community!

Oh, yes, exactly, well, then I turn off my ddos and start writing p2p exchange!

But then again, he stated a few times that he has nothing to do with these attacks. *confused*

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: tomcollins on May 02, 2011, 11:09:52 PM
Wow is it annoying to have Mt Gox going up and down.  Are we having the DDoS activity again?

I wonder if it's an intentional attack or just too many people linking in trying to get exchange prices with bots or something.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 02, 2011, 11:18:33 PM
SmokeTooMuch do you honestly believe that was written by someone who launched ddos? I admit it was not terribly wise to post such nonsense and he did not help his situation by doing so, but I don't believe it could have been him.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: edd on May 02, 2011, 11:21:07 PM
It is very hard to tell from his mangled English, but I get the impression he endorses and encourages the ddos-ing but isn't claiming responsibility.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SlaveInDebt on May 02, 2011, 11:24:18 PM
It is very hard to tell from his mangled English, but I get the impression he endorses and encourages the ddos-ing but isn't claiming responsibility.

Likely right and to be honest I was glad to see it yesterday during the rush, that and CoinPal going down I feel saved use from a collapse.
However this last few hours have been unnecessary.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SmokeTooMuch on May 02, 2011, 11:25:50 PM
SmokeTooMuch do you honestly believe that was written by someone who launched ddos? I admit it was not terribly wise to post such nonsense and he did not help his situation by doing so, but I don't believe it could have been him.
I was convinced he did it, but only because I was sure to read the facts out of his posts.
But to be honest his English is even worse than mine so it all could be just an attempt to make a joke or something.
Currently I do not claim to know that he is behind the DDoS attacks. Could all be just a big misunderstanding. Hard to tell.

Only thing I know is Mt. Gox is still under attack or atleast some heavy load and if the intention is to bring it to fall, I can understand that and it should get openly discussed because I see the progressing centralization of our little decentralized currency here will become a big problem sooner or later.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 02, 2011, 11:32:02 PM
SmokeTooMuch that is exactly what I am saying. There is no proof that he did it and if you put yourself in his shoes you can understand why these angry posts were made.
Our emotional nature is our worst enemy. People's reputations are at stake and this community might lose valuable members because of such stupid misunderstandings. So lets not jump to conclusions.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: BCEmporium on May 02, 2011, 11:38:04 PM
I was wondering if hanging the author of LOIC would count for aggression within the Anarchist handbook...  ::)

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: CoinMan on May 02, 2011, 11:51:40 PM
SmokeTooMuch that is exactly what I am saying. There is no proof that he did it and if you put yourself in his shoes you can understand why these angry posts were made.
Our emotional nature is our worst enemy. People's reputations are at stake and this community might lose valuable members because of such stupid misunderstandings. So lets not jump to conclusions.

I totally agree with this.  In my opinion btcex has had the misfortune of making a post when he was frustrated as a "joke" and it just so happened to coincide with a real attack.  I think many people are giving him too much credit to think that he could even mount such an attack in the first place.  Plus, if he's got any kind of entrepreneurial spirit he certainly knows what kind of backlash that would cause his business and I doubt he's here to cause his own biz to fail.  He should just tell everyone "in English" that he was mad, it was a joke, and that he does not really support this type of attack and everyone get over it.  This is all just an annoyance that needs to go away so I can get back to tradin' some coin.  Please.


Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: dacoinminster on May 02, 2011, 11:57:09 PM
Dang. Coinpal and Coincard are shut down, and now MtGox get's DDOS'd!

Because of uncertainties like this, I'm experimenting with selling bitcoins in a much more traditional way (on Ebay). See this thread for details:

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: The Script on May 03, 2011, 12:05:47 AM
SmokeTooMuch and Mewantbitcoins,

If this is a "joke" why did he say "this is not a joke".  And if he didn't do it, why doesn't he come out and say "I didn't do it, I was just mad"?  Did you read his posts?  He said "Let's attack Mt. Gox!  Here is a bitcoin address to donate to."  Someone replied "This is bad joke if it is one.  You are making me lose confidence in your business."  Bitcoinex then said:  "I'm sorry, but I am actually serious.  It's worth it because I'm/you/someone is losing money because of Mt. Gox.  I might even feel sorry, but this is what happens with autoregulation in anarchy.  Say goodbye (to Mt. Gox) in advance 'just in case'."  Then later he said something about quitting his DDoS attack which I seem to remember was about the time I was able to briefly access my Mt. Gox account again.  Perhaps he's just an angry person trying to capitalize on someone else's attack and these are just a string of coincidences.  But until there is proof otherwise, I'm going with the current facts and believing what he said.  Either way I don't want to associate with him, because either he's attacking Mt. Gox, or pretending to and lying about it.  Either way he's going to lose major respect.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 03, 2011, 12:09:16 AM
The Script,

Yes, I know that the on west a "professionals" hide the truth, lie at the same time smiling and looking straight into your eyes. Sorry, but I do not like this behaviour, I came to the community to participate in creating a better currency and not to deceive mistaken people.

Centralization of the exchange, the complexity of the withdrawal of money and accelerating inflation of the bubble - for understandable reasons what happens. I'm surprised that the attackers did not think to do it sooner. And I am glad that it did not happen the week after, when bitcoiny would cost $10 - I think that if I lived in the U.S. I am would have been killed in these circumstances. while the haters would give a damn about what I do not have relation with the attack.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: jaybny on May 03, 2011, 12:11:16 AM
can someone tell e what his grip is with mtgox? maybe the DOS is warranted?

whats the deal?

p.s. i just wired 2k to mtgox today, hope I can get it back.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: BitterTea on May 03, 2011, 12:16:29 AM
I was wondering if hanging the author of LOIC would count for aggression within the Anarchist handbook...  ::)

WTF. Yes, of course.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: BCEmporium on May 03, 2011, 12:21:34 AM
I was wondering if hanging the author of LOIC would count for aggression within the Anarchist handbook...  ::)

WTF. Yes, of course.

Ah, damn! Since that junk came out now you get DDoS all around for any reason and no reason, now every lame in the planet can be "a h4x0r", even if he doesn't even know what that thing does indeed... "DDoS for the masses"  :P

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: randomguy7 on May 03, 2011, 12:48:08 AM
Can someone explain me in one sentence how LOIC is different to other (d)dos tools existing in for decades? Why "ddos for the masses"? Is it using some ultra simple gui maybe to allow every lowbob to use it?

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 03, 2011, 12:50:02 AM
Can someone explain me in one sentence how LOIC is different to other (d)dos tools existing in decades? Why "ddos for the masses"? Is it using some ultra simple gui maybe to allow every lowbob to use it?


Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: niooron on May 03, 2011, 01:30:40 AM
Can someone explain me in one sentence how LOIC is different to other (d)dos tools existing in decades? Why "ddos for the masses"? Is it using some ultra simple gui maybe to allow every lowbob to use it?


You can also give control of your bandwidth to a remote operator. Hassle free voluntary botnet.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: The Script on May 03, 2011, 02:57:53 AM
The Script,

Yes, I know that the on west a "professionals" hide the truth, lie at the same time smiling and looking straight into your eyes. Sorry, but I do not like this behaviour, I came to the community to participate in creating a better currency and not to deceive mistaken people.

Centralization of the exchange, the complexity of the withdrawal of money and accelerating inflation of the bubble - for understandable reasons what happens. I'm surprised that the attackers did not think to do it sooner. And I am glad that it did not happen the week after, when bitcoiny would cost $10 - I think that if I lived in the U.S. I am would have been killed in these circumstances. while the haters would give a damn about what I do not have relation with the attack.

Ha ha, excellent.  Thanks for posting, I missed this one.  So in the west professionals lie and deceive but he is not like them.  He only lies about committing DDoS attacks on Mt. Gox and later retracts that statement when he feels too much pressure.  I suppose we'll never know now, whether he really is responsible, but either way he is a liar. 

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: SmokeTooMuch on May 03, 2011, 08:16:48 AM
Your interpretation:
"I'm sorry, but I am actually serious.  It's worth it because I'm/you/someone is losing money because of Mt. Gox.  I might even feel sorry, but this is what happens with autoregulation in anarchy.  Say goodbye (to Mt. Gox) in advance 'just in case'."

Original quote:
I'm sorry but I'm afraid so is serious. It would cost less than to be owed +$100 every day.
Maybe I even feel sorry about it. But we want anarchy and autoregulation? This is it is.
Just in case, say goodbye in advance. With you it was good, bitcoiners is a great community!

I guess he means that the focus on Mt Gox is serious problem. And he points out to the low costs of such an possible attack.

But I'm really tired of definding him -.-
He should make an own thread and clearly state the things as they are.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: The Script on May 03, 2011, 08:19:38 PM
Your interpretation:
"I'm sorry, but I am actually serious.  It's worth it because I'm/you/someone is losing money because of Mt. Gox.  I might even feel sorry, but this is what happens with autoregulation in anarchy.  Say goodbye (to Mt. Gox) in advance 'just in case'."

Original quote:
I'm sorry but I'm afraid so is serious. It would cost less than to be owed +$100 every day.
Maybe I even feel sorry about it. But we want anarchy and autoregulation? This is it is.
Just in case, say goodbye in advance. With you it was good, bitcoiners is a great community!

I guess he means that the focus on Mt Gox is serious problem. And he points out to the low costs of such an possible attack.

But I'm really tired of definding him -.-
He should make an own thread and clearly state the things as they are.

He should start his own thread in the Russian forum and have someone with a good command of English translate for him.  Because we can debate about his vague English posts as long as we want.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: CoinMan on May 03, 2011, 08:41:35 PM
Your interpretation:
"I'm sorry, but I am actually serious.  It's worth it because I'm/you/someone is losing money because of Mt. Gox.  I might even feel sorry, but this is what happens with autoregulation in anarchy.  Say goodbye (to Mt. Gox) in advance 'just in case'."

Original quote:
I'm sorry but I'm afraid so is serious. It would cost less than to be owed +$100 every day.
Maybe I even feel sorry about it. But we want anarchy and autoregulation? This is it is.
Just in case, say goodbye in advance. With you it was good, bitcoiners is a great community!

I guess he means that the focus on Mt Gox is serious problem. And he points out to the low costs of such an possible attack.

But I'm really tired of definding him -.-
He should make an own thread and clearly state the things as they are.

He should start his own thread in the Russian forum and have someone with a good command of English translate for him.  Because we can debate about his vague English posts as long as we want.

LOL, I can handle the translations.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: LZ on May 03, 2011, 09:44:36 PM
He should start his own thread in the Russian forum and have someone with a good command of English translate for him.  Because we can debate about his vague English posts as long as we want.
I hope that I have not lost the original meaning.

I added that link to the first message. It is clear that bitcoinex wanted greater decentralization.
However, he should not threaten the DDoS attack. It is at least unfair competition. :-\

I did not threaten. Enough interpret me wrong. It was just bad joke on support the DDoS attack because I liked that idea. There is nothing wrong here. Moreover, it would have happened in the future. It simply couldn't not happen as bitcoins couldn't not appear.

And I was attacked verbally by those who bought bitcoins and are now afraid not for the idea, but because of their money invested in currency, which is dependent on a single rickety site. And it just means that the exchange rate depends only on what was told by a few people on the forum and which buttons does few merchants click on Mt.Gox.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Bruce Wagner on May 11, 2011, 05:30:45 PM
Either way...   He is OBVIOUSLY a liar and cannot be trusted.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: klamathonsite on May 24, 2011, 12:02:29 AM
I sent BTC from my main wallet to my MT. GOX account does it normaly take up to 24hrs to see the btc in the account?
or they have issues? thanks

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: FreeMoney on May 24, 2011, 09:24:02 AM
I sent BTC from my main wallet to my MT. GOX account does it normaly take up to 24hrs to see the btc in the account?
or they have issues? thanks

Does the tx have confirmations? If it does then you should have your funds by now.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bytemaster on May 25, 2011, 03:39:15 AM
I have a transfer with 12 confirmations that has not yet posted to Mt.Gox account.  In the past it took less than 6 confirmations.   I really wish Mt. Gox would show all of the "pending" transactions so that you can feel good that you did not enter the wrong BTC amount for the address he gave. 

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: eof on May 25, 2011, 02:46:56 PM
I have a transfer with 12 confirmations that has not yet posted to Mt.Gox account.  In the past it took less than 6 confirmations.   I really wish Mt. Gox would show all of the "pending" transactions so that you can feel good that you did not enter the wrong BTC amount for the address he gave. 

you should certainly email them or get on #bitcoin-otc and ask MagicalTux what is going on with that transaction.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: bytemaster on May 25, 2011, 02:53:29 PM
Everything was resolved with Mt. Gox with very helpful support.

Title: Re: MtGox - too many connections
Post by: Daltonik on November 17, 2021, 01:42:10 PM
Just update the thread, I'll leave it here.

The Tokyo District Court approved a plan for the civil rehabilitation of the bankrupt bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox. This was announced by the trustee Nobuyaki Kobayashi.
The trustee submitted a proposal to reimburse users in December 2020. (