Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: hoo on May 12, 2012, 11:47:01 AM

Title: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 12, 2012, 11:47:01 AM
this piece of shit, stepped in and accepted code for a price, while being completely inept to do anything with it.
2 months later has still not paid it, then he went and posted usernames and transactions yesterday on pastebin.

This guy is also a staff member.

Numerous people were just scammed over the course of 3 months by a bitcointalk staff member.

MiningBuddy currently owes ~1000BTC

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag
Post by: organofcorti on May 12, 2012, 11:51:17 AM
No one was scammed by Mining Buddy. This poor guy has some sort of intellectual or emotional disability, poor fella. More details (real rather than delusional) here:

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: organofcorti on May 12, 2012, 12:02:15 PM
And that deserves your recent responses?

miningBuddy, You had better hope no one finds your real name,
sorry doesn't cut it you piece of shit.

miningBuddy, You had better hope no one finds your real name.
And why would that be? I am not anon so finding my details is quite trivial.

Reasoned debate elicits reasoned response. Insane raging just brings out the troll in me.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Ean on May 12, 2012, 12:40:19 PM
I'm not saying you  completely fail at reading comprehension, but did you see this?

Hello fellow bitcoiners, I have an announcement to make that will surely make at least some of you happy.

I have been in talks with the current bitscalper owner and we have came to an arrangement.
I will keep this brief and simple for the time being as things are moving very quickly and my attention is needed elsewhere.

I will be taking over hosting/domain/website/source code, I.E Everything!

I cannot be held responsible for bitscalper's original owners actions or descisions but after in depth talks with him it is quite clear to me that he never intended to scam anyone or mistreat anyone in the ways portrayed recently, the project is/was too big for him and things have really got him down to the point where there are no options left apart from run. I understand things could/should have been handled different but he has tried his best to my knowledge, given the circumstances. Things could have gone a lot worse but hopefully I can intervene now and get things back on track. Lay off the original owner and give him some credit for trying to make amends, he could have simple just ran away silent.

With this I am also taking on the responsibility of returning customers missing funds.
This will be done as soon as is practically possible, I cannot give an accurate time frame and frankly I don't want any broken promises but rest assured I will be doing a full audit of the databases/bitcoind transactions and announcing a more solid approach to returning your funds when possible.

Plans are to return the site to its former working state after a full security audit has been made and necessary changes made to make the site secure, again I don't have an exact date but this is second on the list after sorting out refunds.

Please direct any questions about bitscalper's future to me in this thread, please keep it civil and on topic.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: BadBear on May 12, 2012, 01:12:40 PM
Indeed, Bitscalper is the one who took your money. Miningbuddy was just trying to clean up his mess.

Looks more like Miningbuddy got suckered by bitscalper along with everybody else. Bitscalper himself said the funds were "stolen" a long time ago, after a month of inactivity.

I'm stuck now because all the funds left were stolen

Naive yes, scammer no.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: pazor on May 12, 2012, 02:35:47 PM
i vote too...

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: zerokwel on May 12, 2012, 05:25:37 PM
Hmm so lets get this right... Mining buddy agrees to take over bitscalpers operation and payoff the lost/stolen/scammed moneys subject to everyhing being ok with bitscalpers code logs etc under an agreement with bitscalper. Makes a hasty post telling everyone everything will be ok. Then after reviewing all the code/logs/etc decides to pullout because of misinformation from bitscalper.

Hmmm I just cannot see how Mining buddy owes anyone anything personally.

For me its him pulling out of a business deal and not taking on the debts..

Not a scammer in my eyes sorry..

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: rjk on May 12, 2012, 06:14:15 PM
this piece of shit, stepped in and accepted code for a price, while being completely inept to do anything with it.
2 months later has still not paid it, then he went and posted usernames and transactions yesterday on pastebin.

This guy is also a staff member.

Numerous people were just scammed over the course of 3 months by a bitcointalk staff member.

MiningBuddy currently owes ~1000BTC
hoo is nothing more than a scummy bastard, constantly spewing veiled death threats and promises of mutilation. Go fuck yourself, hoo.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: organofcorti on May 12, 2012, 11:35:28 PM
hoo is nothing more than a scummy bastard, constantly spewing veiled death threats and promises of mutilation. Go fuck yourself, hoo.
Here here! Well said, that man!

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: bitlane on May 14, 2012, 05:59:29 AM
Numerous people were just scammed......

For the record, how many Bitcoins are you owed after the Bitscalper debacle anyway ?
...I never noticed you ever posting an actual amount.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 08:50:25 AM
Numerous people were just scammed......

For the record, how many Bitcoins are you owed after the Bitscalper debacle anyway ?
...I never noticed you ever posting an actual amount.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: organofcorti on May 14, 2012, 09:05:15 AM
Numerous people were just scammed......

For the record, how many Bitcoins are you owed after the Bitscalper debacle anyway ?
...I never noticed you ever posting an actual amount.

Now, assuming you're the hookusmoi that's owed 11 btc, I found your name high-larious.

 From Urban (
2.    hookus   
A combination of hoopla and ruckus, a hookus is something that's a hassle or big deal.
Nah, I don't want to go over to her house today. It's gonna be a real hookus.

Such a fitting handle.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 14, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
"hookusmoi@REDACTED" : 11.32674799,

I find more hilarious all this crying over $50

WTF  ???

There, here's mine:
"psykick.ruhyn@REDACTED" : 30.08162842,

I took it all out, but if I hadn't take it out before it crashed and burned, I would write it off as the cost of being stupid and trusting a random stranger on the internet. Would be a cheap lesson, after all, one that I may haven't still learned yet ;)

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: drakahn on May 14, 2012, 09:25:44 AM
This will be done as soon as is practically possible

see that bit?

its not possible... or practical... so it won't be done

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 09:50:27 AM
"hookusmoi@REDACTED" : 11.32674799,

I find more hilarious all this crying over $50

WTF  ???

There, here's mine:
"psykick.ruhyn@REDACTED" : 30.08162842,

I took it all out, but if I hadn't take it out before it crashed and burned, I would write it off as the cost of being stupid and trusting a random stranger on the internet. Would be a cheap lesson, after all, one that I may haven't still learned yet ;)

do you find it hilarious ~1000BTC was stolen?
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?
do you also laugh at all the people died in London, New York, Iraq, Afghanistan?

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 14, 2012, 09:59:51 AM
"hookusmoi@REDACTED" : 11.32674799,

I find more hilarious all this crying over $50

WTF  ???

There, here's mine:
"psykick.ruhyn@REDACTED" : 30.08162842,

I took it all out, but if I hadn't take it out before it crashed and burned, I would write it off as the cost of being stupid and trusting a random stranger on the internet. Would be a cheap lesson, after all, one that I may haven't still learned yet ;)

you find it hilarious ~1000BTC was stolen?
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?
do you also laugh at all the people died in london, new york, iraq, afganistan?

my advice is that you commit suicide ASAP.

Terrorism? WTF you rambling about you moron?
You really don't want to know my opinion on those subjects you brough to the table... You might get (more)offended.
I usually only support the banning of spammers, scammers and malware spreaders, but right now I would fully support the admins banning you.

You are a clown, raging like a mad man over 50 bucks.
If you can't handle a $50 loss I would say that suicide is the right thing for you, not for me.
What did you expect? A free lunch? Didn't life taught you already that no such thing exists?

Oh wait... I see your line of thought... If MiningBuddy all of sudden decided to pay you your $50 you wouldn't care anymore about the money bitscalper stole to fund terrorism(sic). Remember that if your crusade against terrorism funding is real than you want to take that money from bitscalper, not from MiningBuddy.


Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 10:05:00 AM
"hookusmoi@REDACTED" : 11.32674799,

I find more hilarious all this crying over $50

WTF  ???

There, here's mine:
"psykick.ruhyn@REDACTED" : 30.08162842,

I took it all out, but if I hadn't take it out before it crashed and burned, I would write it off as the cost of being stupid and trusting a random stranger on the internet. Would be a cheap lesson, after all, one that I may haven't still learned yet ;)

you find it hilarious ~1000BTC was stolen?
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?
do you also laugh at all the people died in london, new york, iraq, afganistan?

my advice is that you commit suicide ASAP.

Terrorism? WTF you rambling about you moron?
You really don't want to know my opinion on those subjects you brough to the table... You might get (more)offended.
I usually only support the banning of spammers, scammers and malware spreaders, but right now I would fully support the admins banning you.

You are a clown, raging like a mad man over 50 bucks.
If you can't handle a $50 loss I would say that suicide is the right thing for you, not for me.
What did you expect? A free lunch? Didn't life taught you already that no such thing exists?

Calling me names on the internet.
Continuing to slander me over a username anyone can use, and being a complete piece of trash in general, you are ignored.
Find someone else to talk to, because I Do Not Speak With Worthless Pieces of Trash.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 10:08:46 AM
Once MiningBuddy has a scammer tag, I will lock the topic.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 14, 2012, 10:10:12 AM
Nobody will give you your $50 back.
Everybody knows that you only want your bitcoins back so you can hop on Tor and pay for child pornography with them.
Won't somebody think of the children?!?!?

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on May 14, 2012, 10:13:01 AM
do you find it hilarious ~1000BTC was stolen?
It wasn't just stolen, it was brazenly advertised and publicly defended by its creator as an anonymous service with no possibility of recovery in the event of any financial difficulties that may arise. It was also widely suspected of being a simple ponzi scheme (which was later proven privately) and that an arbitrage bot was only commissioned after the creator was found to have been operating a ponzi in a pathetic attempt to hold on to some dignity.

During this public display of arguments, calls for members of the community to boycott the service and to beware of potential fraud and inevitable demise, there were very few voices defending it-- hoo's being one of the loudest. Repeated attempts to reason with him were met with blind faith and ignorance. Sadly, hoo was warned by an entire community and still decided to risk his money (for which he lost to no one's surprise) and yet he now lashes out at that community for calling the kettle black.

do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?
Sometimes I wonder if you're just Bitscalper trying to get some more money out of people.

do you also laugh at all the people died in London, New York, Iraq, Afghanistan?
Why do you hate people of different sexual orientation than yours and publicly announce it? Why do you forget so easily that you are in fact in control of your money? Are you over the age of 50?

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Blazr on May 14, 2012, 10:13:16 AM
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?

If your going to make a fucking huge accusation like that then you're going to need to substantiate it.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 10:24:35 AM
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?

If your going to make a fucking huge accusation like that then you're going to need to substantiate it.


Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on May 14, 2012, 10:30:34 AM
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?

If your going to make a fucking huge accusation like that then you're going to need to substantiate it.


Let's see it. Can you do as well as I did with the infographic I made?

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: bitlane on May 14, 2012, 10:36:16 AM
Numerous people were just scammed......

For the record, how many Bitcoins are you owed after the Bitscalper debacle anyway ?
...I never noticed you ever posting an actual amount.

I noticed that list. Shitty luck for alot of people. Are you "hookusmoi" in that list (guessing by your username here being 'hoo') ?

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Blazr on May 14, 2012, 10:38:09 AM

Any evidence you have that the money that was stolen was given to terrorist organizations would be fine.

Surely you would have gathered plenty of undeniable proof before you were to say such a thing.

A photo of bitscalper handing a bag with a dollar sign on it to a known terrorist organization would be sufficient.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Kluge on May 14, 2012, 10:40:57 AM
I sent 5BTC to BitScalper near the end, withdrew 5.5BTC a couple days later, and I'm laughing all the way to the bank.  :D (they laugh at me, though, because I brag about profiting $2.50 off PonziBot :()

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 14, 2012, 10:45:22 AM
I sent 5BTC to BitScalper near the end, withdrew 5.5BTC a couple days later, and I'm laughing all the way to the bank.  :D (they laugh at me, though, because I brag about profiting $2.50 off PonziBot :()

Don't forget to stick the middle finger up while you laugh all the way to the bank (and they laugh at you) ;)

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: memvola on May 14, 2012, 10:55:39 AM
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?

No, you are funny.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Blaztoize on May 14, 2012, 11:27:38 AM
do you find it hilarious ~1000BTC was stolen?
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?
do you also laugh at all the people died in London, New York, Iraq, Afghanistan?

You lost ALL credibility you once had with this response, bud.  Fuck you for even attempting to chain-link this shit to this ordeal against MiningBuddy. True or false, it's of no real consequence to your ~10 BTC situation.

Ignored. Fuck you.

Oh and whenever you're having an extra good day, one where you only feel KINDA like an asshat, do yourself a favor and edit your ridiculous signature away.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: rjk on May 14, 2012, 01:22:10 PM
Sometimes I wonder if you're just Bitscalper trying to get some more money out of people.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 01:41:47 PM
Sometimes I wonder if you're just Bitscalper trying to get some more money out of people.


ignored, for lack of intelligence

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: rjk on May 14, 2012, 01:42:16 PM
Sometimes I wonder if you're just Bitscalper trying to get some more money out of people.


ignored, for lack of intelligence
Yay! That's got to be a first.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: bulanula on May 14, 2012, 01:45:06 PM
Sometimes I wonder if you're just Bitscalper trying to get some more money out of people.


ignored, for lack of intelligence

Just came here to say I love you signature. Sad but true ATM in BTC the 1% are thieves !

Who is the first currency then ? USD ?

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 01:48:03 PM
do you find it hilarious ~1000BTC was stolen?
do you also think it's funny that it's being used to fund terrorism?
do you also laugh at all the people died in London, New York, Iraq, Afghanistan?

You lost ALL credibility you once had with this response, bud.  Fuck you for even attempting to chain-link this shit to this ordeal against MiningBuddy. True or false, it's of no real consequence to your ~10 BTC situation.

Ignored. Fuck you.

Oh and whenever you're having an extra good day, one where you only feel KINDA like an asshat, do yourself a favor and edit your ridiculous signature away.

that was a comment to psyfag showing no remorse and stating it has hilarious bitscalper users had ~1000BTC stolen
next time you type anything, you should learn how to read first.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 01:52:33 PM
Numerous people were just scammed......

For the record, how many Bitcoins are you owed after the Bitscalper debacle anyway ?
...I never noticed you ever posting an actual amount.

I noticed that list. Shitty luck for alot of people. Are you "hookusmoi" in that list (guessing by your username here being 'hoo') ?

A common depiction of Fenghuang was of it attacking snakes with its talons and its wings spread.

Fenghuang otherwise known as Hoo, or Hōō which sometimes does not show up correctly, hence hoo

You will have a hard time figuring out which username is mine.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 01:54:27 PM

Any evidence you have that the money that was stolen was given to terrorist organizations would be fine.

Surely you would have gathered plenty of undeniable proof before you were to say such a thing.

A photo of bitscalper handing a bag with a dollar sign on it to a known terrorist organization would be sufficient.


Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Blazr on May 14, 2012, 02:02:21 PM

If you are going to accuse somebody of being involved in terrorist organizations then you better have proof as that is a very serious accusation.

Bitscalper could technically sue you for a whole bunch of stuff (deformation of character etc) and get much more than just 1000BTC if you made that statement without any proof.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on May 14, 2012, 02:22:25 PM
If you are going to accuse somebody of being involved in terrorist organizations then you better have proof as that is a very serious accusation.
Anonymous people barking at other anonymous people don't need anything other than time and dedication to remaining anonymous. Once you find out someone is trying to be anonymous, just stop communicating with them.

Bitscalper could technically sue you for a whole bunch of stuff (deformation of character etc) and get much more than just 1000BTC if you made that statement without any proof.
He could not actually. Even if he was dumb enough to out himself just to make a lawsuit (which would in turn incriminate himself for numerous reasons), BitScalper is not an identity, it's an anonymous site. It is not protected by any laws afaik.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: moocow1452 on May 14, 2012, 02:28:52 PM

Not quite what I wanted, but it gets the point across.

Mining Buddy never promised anyone jacksquat when he took Bitscalper off it's owner except that he would try to sort it out as best he could. I wasn't over his shoulder the entire time, but I'd take his word that he gave it his all over yours that, he... did something, and you lost $50.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: SaltySpitoon on May 14, 2012, 02:37:25 PM
I'm confused, 1,000 BTC = $5,000. What would that do for a terrorist organization? On the silk road/blackmarket or what have you, 1,000 BTC will get you one or two decent guns, Oh no, someone is going to use weapons that they could have bought at any pawnshop to become terrorists!

And by the way, if I recall correctly, there was nuclear weapons being sold, and a black hawk helicopter a few months back, but those were 3.6 Million BTC each or so. (Aprox $18,000,000 USD).

So yeah, just 3,600 more of these "Scams" and we might be in trouble!

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: John (John K.) on May 14, 2012, 03:37:19 PM
Oh well. I expected this post to come sooner or later for the paltry 11~btc.  It's the retard that fell for the bitscalper scam despite everyone warning again.
Did you notice that only bulanula, a convicted scammer and douchebag 'supports' you?

Poor kid.   

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: bulanula on May 14, 2012, 03:38:39 PM
Oh well. I expected this post to come sooner or later for the paltry 11~btc.  It's the retard that fell for the bitscalper scam despite everyone warning again.
Did you notice that only bulanula, a convicted scammer and douchebag 'supports' you?

Poor kid.   

How was I supporting him ???

Are you trying to say I am "hoo"

I don't comprendo ...

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: John (John K.) on May 14, 2012, 03:44:33 PM
Oh well. I expected this post to come sooner or later for the paltry 11~btc.  It's the retard that fell for the bitscalper scam despite everyone warning again.
Did you notice that only bulanula, a convicted scammer and douchebag 'supports' you?

Poor kid.   

How was I supporting him ???

Are you trying to say I am "hoo"

I don't comprendo ...

Sometimes I wonder if you're just Bitscalper trying to get some more money out of people.


ignored, for lack of intelligence

Just came here to say I love you signature. Sad but true ATM in BTC the 1% are thieves !

Who is the first currency then ? USD ?

Hence the apostrophe in my words.  No need for you to 'comprendo' if you don't.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 03:54:51 PM
Oh well. I expected this post to come sooner or later for the paltry 11~btc.  It's the retard that fell for the bitscalper scam despite everyone warning again.
Did you notice that only bulanula, a convicted scammer and douchebag 'supports' you?

Poor kid.   

1. it's not 11btc, and it shows how completely inept this forum's users including you for continuing to think this.

2. Mod told me I had to tone it down, if he didn't i would tell you something.

3. NEWS FLASH, bulanula is a piece of toilet paper, who is only here for attention whoring.

and 4. I'm sure bitcoinica users would love to know how you feel about them too.
Why don't you go into those threads and rub in their failing lives? I'm sure they would love to hear because with a username like yours, I can't be arsed to give a fuck about anything you have to say about anything ever again./

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 03:57:32 PM
I'm confused, 1,000 BTC = $5,000. What would that do for a terrorist organization? On the silk road/blackmarket or what have you, 1,000 BTC will get you one or two decent guns, Oh no, someone is going to use weapons that they could have bought at any pawnshop to become terrorists!

And by the way, if I recall correctly, there was nuclear weapons being sold, and a black hawk helicopter a few months back, but those were 3.6 Million BTC each or so. (Aprox $18,000,000 USD).

So yeah, just 3,600 more of these "Scams" and we might be in trouble!

just stay confused.  ::)

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: bulanula on May 14, 2012, 04:01:58 PM
Oh well. I expected this post to come sooner or later for the paltry 11~btc.  It's the retard that fell for the bitscalper scam despite everyone warning again.
Did you notice that only bulanula, a convicted scammer and douchebag 'supports' you?

Poor kid.   

1. it's not 11btc, and it shows how completely inept this forum's users including you for continuing to think this.

2. Mod told me I had to tone it down, if he didn't i would tell you something.

3. NEWS FLASH, bulanula is a piece of toilet paper, who is only here for attention whoring.

and 4. I'm sure bitcoinica users would love to know how you feel about them too.
Why don't you go into those threads and rub in their failing lives? I'm sure they would love to hear because with a username like yours, I can't be arsed to give a fuck about anything you have to say about anything ever again./

Not a very nice thing to say about someone, hoo :-\

You just need to accept one thing : you are not getting your BTC back because it was a big ponzi and you were too stupid to notice this.

People lost 1000s of BTC and you complain for 11 :D

It's how life works.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 04:04:15 PM

Not quite what I wanted, but it gets the point across.

Mining Buddy never promised anyone jacksquat when he took Bitscalper off it's owner except that he would try to sort it out as best he could. I wasn't over his shoulder the entire time, but I'd take his word that he gave it his all over yours that, he... did something, and you lost $50.

good intentions are worth "jacksquat"
not only did miningbuddy cockblock other offers,
and not accept any offered help from reliable and proven to be trusted individuals,

he then did absolutely nothing.

and then, made us all wait 2+ months.

can you really comprehend this is over 11btc?

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 04:05:46 PM
looks like bulanula wants ATTENTION, I figured as much.  ;D
stupid bulanula has been ignored since FOREVER!

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: John (John K.) on May 14, 2012, 04:07:31 PM
Oh well. I expected this post to come sooner or later for the paltry 11~btc.  It's the retard that fell for the bitscalper scam despite everyone warning again.
Did you notice that only bulanula, a convicted scammer and douchebag 'supports' you?

Poor kid.   

1. it's not 11btc, and it shows how completely inept this forum's users including you for continuing to think this.

2. Mod told me I had to tone it down, if he didn't i would tell you something.

3. NEWS FLASH, bulanula is a piece of toilet paper, who is only here for attention whoring.

and 4. I'm sure bitcoinica users would love to know how you feel about them too.
Why don't you go into those threads and rub in their failing lives? I'm sure they would love to hear because with a username like yours, I can't be arsed to give a fuck about anything you have to say about anything ever again./

1. I don't care for the 11btc or what; it's your loss and I don't want to waste the time poring over your previous rants to see how much you've lost.  The 11btc statistic is simply gleaned from the previous pages anyway.

2. No need to tell me what the mod told you to 'hide', I'm sure it'll be along the lines like 'fuck you shithead, go xxxx'.

3. That's the only thing I agree completely with you.

4. I've got losses on bitcoinica and gains too, and I never go sour on that.  It's a risk I've signed myself on anyway.  I don't give a fuck about what you say here, IMO you're just attention whoring anyway in a freak daydream that bitscalper would magically give your money back.

Title: Re: MiningBuddy needs a scammer tag, 1st scammer on bitcointalk staff
Post by: hoo on May 14, 2012, 04:30:20 PM
bad bear just told me miningbuddy wasn't getting a scammer tag.
and now I lock the thread.