Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on October 09, 2014, 02:43:07 AM

Title: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 09, 2014, 02:43:07 AM
I'm curious what people think the current health of the Altcoin scene is ?

I think it had started on a downward spiral and the pace has slowed but the arrow still points down.
Others at times have argued with me on that usually with a broader perspective response..
as in the coins started at 0 so anything above zero is great.. which is dumb LOL

this is an important question and point usually ignored.
think about it.. what difference does it make arguing about an "Anon" coin here in a dead scene ?
that has been my underlying point all along for well over a year and people don't "get" my point !
for example it's not going to matter if a coin has great new features anymore because people are tired of new coins i think.
once we eclipsed 1,000 coins people started losing interest in all this stuff.

i also think the only thing we cam do is decide right here and right now that each one of us will do the right thing for now on.
we know when we are treading on the edge and pushing it.
and i think the bad state Altcoins are in is because each guy in crypto decided that doing a little bad is ok..
But it adds up !
And i have been saying that for a long time and people can't resist the greedy temptations.
well now you have no choice !
We all ruined it i think (some of us WAY more than others)
and now e need to start over and do it right (publicly and privately)
If we don't the prices of coins will continue to swirl down the toilet and all the arguing about which ones are scams are not won't matter !
Who wants to be King Nothing ?

I think we need the vast majority to be on board or we are doomed..
with out the majority of us all trying to do what is good for crypto rather than what is good for each of us personally we will sink this stuff further and further.

I've never been against making money and every word i ever said was for my own interests.. i'd liek to be able to make money doing this stuff for years to come !
And i have stated this precisely for a year on this forum and on Cryptsy chat etc..

All i have seen for a year and half is people clawing at each other eyes and going at each other throats over rolls of pennies.. chump change !
We could be attracting the Richard Branson's or other rich guys guys into this stuff and have a growing prosperous scene with a bright future
instead we have short sighted stupid greedy people scamming or "bending the rules" for a roll of pennies LOL

Pretty much every guy i ever talked to in the Altcoin scene all over the last two years admitted to supporting shitty coins because they made a few BTC.
well doing that is what got us here and will ensure our scene keeps dying.. that is cancerous and self destructive behavior !

I encourage people to look at the big picture.

These issues are far more important that the "Monero Free for all" topic where guys are bickering on about tech specs or exploits or what ever
with technical wankery and fanboyism etc for hundreds of pages with 60k views and fighting and trolling and drama etc.
If the scene dies it won't matter.. and sorry but Monero is not some special case where it is immune to a tanking dying Altcoin scene..
neither is any other coin.

Sorry it was so long here y'all but i think this needs to be said and i want to see what everyone thinks the state of the scene is in..

I don't think we're dead but we're running out of time.
We all need to be on board and make the conscious decision that will MAKE this scene work and will MAKE it have credibility and integrity.
The choice is yours..

--> I vote "BAD and Going Down" as in popularity is decreasing and coin prices are dropping and we are losing more credibility as time goes on..

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: rangedriver on October 09, 2014, 03:27:12 AM
Trolling is so last century. When are you gonna join the cool kids?

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: vipgelsi on October 09, 2014, 03:30:18 AM
Altcoins are still growing up and the weak will die out. I see only litecoins standing out.

Title: Delusional
Post by: Spoetnik on October 09, 2014, 04:21:29 AM
well the votes are surprising so far i think.. you guys think this is good as it gets ?

chump change guys.. rolling up your pennies is laughable LOL

1,000+ coins each others throats over a shrinking user base and ever diluted market caps etc etc
and we're doing great ? seriously ?


you guys all realize there is prob 1,000 different Richard Branson's that looked at this shit and looked at the coins and walked away right ?
any idea why that would be ?

..those million guys showing up each day back in Nov 2013 they still coming at the same pace ?
and how many left long ago ?

oh and i'd appreciate if you guys could tone down the never ending onslaught of posts that follow me around that Troll on me saying i'm trolling.
It's laughable hypocrisy.. posting an off-topic Trolling insult at someone accusing them of trolling is about the dumbest possible thing you could post on the internet.
That is like running around spitting in peoples faces saying, stop spitting in peoples faces LOL
wow good god do you guys do that a LOT here.. this place really does have the dumbest people on the face of the earth i think.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: billotronic on October 09, 2014, 05:29:35 AM
I would be willing to bet that most of the responses you get in this thread will only validate your points.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: digitalindustry on October 09, 2014, 06:46:11 AM
Good relevant poll.


"great and moving up."

We may be looking at different vectors though.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: YoyodyneSystems on October 09, 2014, 06:47:58 AM
It's in a transitional phase.

Crypto-securities and blockchain tech will be big soon.
The big boys are starting to take an interest. VC funding is up big time.

The devs that make "coins" that really solve a problem and/or provide a real
investment will do well.

Creativity seems a bit low right now. But a few guys have the right idea.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: muddafudda on October 09, 2014, 07:16:51 AM
Please add disgraceful

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Palmdetroit on October 09, 2014, 07:41:59 AM
Please add disgraceful

I'd say just past that and currently stagnant with slight improvement, we had ~15 billion floating in cryptos in Jan,. down to now less than ~5 billion... but another Cyprus event and boom

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: iampingu on October 09, 2014, 07:54:45 AM
It's all down to the market maker to decide when crypto shoots again, no news stories or whatever.

Alt-coins are just a cross market in the game of capital transfer, aka taking the capital to the market maker.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: asdlolciterquit on October 09, 2014, 09:02:01 AM
voted "unknown". We are in a period of transition..

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Snail2 on October 09, 2014, 09:09:11 AM
Every day more and more things crawling out of this primordial soup. Some of those are inventive and may survive, but the most are dead ends what going to extinct and will be replaced by something new. Evolution at it's best :).

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: YoyodyneSystems on October 09, 2014, 10:00:00 AM

There will be some genius projects posted here. They will end up being historical when looked back on.
Just have to find them when they come. Maybe they are already here.

Some of them may just be tech demonstrators that do not make us any money but serve to advance the field.

Others might do both.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 09, 2014, 03:01:44 PM
Good relevant poll.


"great and moving up."

We may be looking at different vectors though.

Thanks man and hey guys by all means feel free to elaborate on what ever position you support.
I want to hear other peoples perspectives !
This topic is probably the most interesting aspect of Altcoins to me.. are we doing good collectively and moving forward or not ?
Obviously if some of you guys think we're doing just fine then people who believe that are not going to think corrective measures need to be taken.
Those type of guys are prob gonna have the attitude of don't fix what ain't broke i think..

i know there is only so many people out there so the wave that hit us way back of new users was of course not sustainable
but i genuinely sincerely believe we didn't just slow the pace with fresh blood but we have actually had growth grind to a halt and went in reverse.
i don't think we retained very many of those new guys that came along and i could point to an awful lot of signs to support this theory..

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 09, 2014, 03:16:34 PM

There will be some genius projects posted here. They will end up being historical when looked back on.
Just have to find them when they come. Maybe they are already here.

Some of them may just be tech demonstrators that do not make us any money but serve to advance the field.

Others might do both.

and can you see or find them ?

the majority have posted clones and bumped the ANN topics making it way too hard to see a legit coin to take part in.
i think many of you suffer from optimism bias

and you can't claim this oh well we're just going up and down in phases routine i think.
because a lot of this stuff is a one shot deal sort of..
new users ? we already got them !
it's going to take a long time ..a REALLY long time to get together a new user bases to flock here unaware of this stuff.
so far we already got them and we blew it, as did they themselves with their greed and clone coin support.

also a part of the wave was stuff like Scrypt coins being the most traded and what happened is Scrypt-Asics showed as guys left..
you can't repeat all that !
Too many of you out there play this "it will happen again" game in the scene with crazy optimism but a lot of this is simply not repeatable !

I do think reality is sinking in though.. one massive supporter of the second wave theory i have seen on Cryptsy for a year has changed his mind.. (Krichwins)
He had last i checked always been a big supporter and i had last heard him say over and over that he is done and out and their not coming..

I know it's a tough pill to swallow if you have money invested guys but i think the only solution is to suck it up and face facts.
and doing that is the only hope of recouping a loss / brick wall we're headed for..

i have tried a variety of coins and trades and arb'ing etc for many many MANY months now and it's pointless.. no matter what i do or where or how
this shit just keeps dropping and dying and sinking causing more and more and more and more losses.
don't gimme this it's just me i'm a bad trader crap ..the exchange graphs speak loud and clear.
and if you all can't see that i think your blind !

disgraceful = added ;)

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: tattooist on October 09, 2014, 05:20:47 PM
I voted disgraceful

I choose this mostly because of the behaviour of some people that dominate these threads.
The trolling ,abusing and "promoting" is all just too ff'íng much,

Since I spend most of my time here lurking I personnaly don't get involved with them, but then again they might be the reason i'm lurking?
Just imagine yourself beeing new to BTC or alt's and thinking let's see if I can find a forum where I can find some info on these?......and then ending up here

Can you really blame them if they click the site away thinking to themselfs..that's not for me, I'll stick with fiat?

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 09, 2014, 05:48:11 PM
I voted disgraceful

I choose this mostly because of the behaviour of some people that dominate these threads.
The trolling ,abusing and "promoting" is all just too ff'íng much,

Since I spend most of my time here lurking I personnaly don't get involved with them, but then again they might be the reason i'm lurking?
Just imagine yourself beeing new to BTC or alt's and thinking let's see if I can find a forum where I can find some info on these?......and then ending up here

Can you really blame them if they click the site away thinking to themselfs..that's not for me, I'll stick with fiat?

Initial distribution methods is the problem not people i think.
what happens is guys for what ever reason decide to make new ways of starting coins and they are often deemed scammy etc
then we fight.. why ?
bag holders vs bag holders.
and it boils down to guys trying to skid along the edge of what is scammy.
the entire scene is nothing but a never ending experiment of what these usual masked name changing coin cloners can get away with it.
each new coin is another at attempt at getting Bitcoin and what they can get away with this time.

i have also had people say to me here well mind your own business in response to supporting clone coins.. far FAR too many times to count !
and that is also why so many guys here support them and don't comment on the forum.
kind of hard to defend i mined clone coin because i want to make 6 Bitcoin, dump em and cash out right ?

thankfully no one cares anymore so they have to smarten up.
it doesn't matter if another coin comes out.. it's still coin #1,001 and then 1,002 and then 1003 and then..
and THAT is all the public sees !
The commentary on forums has little bearing on it..

a lot of you here are here because you think your fighting and trolling about coins is going to have an impact.
it won't.
people out there are smart and will see all this stupid bullshit as it is ..a load of bag holders fighting over attention for their competing ponzi schemes.
all the games denial trying to Troll on people to discredit them etc etc will never mean a lick of shit !

it's like putting on a show for an audience that is simply not there.. empty seats dumb fuck scammers LOL

if people passing by who look into this stuff felt the content was worth getting involved with they would regardless of the forum behavior.
case in point.. the moronic behavior of much Doge retard and such spamming meme pics posted and such non stop clone supporting..
guys out there seen a chance to make money no matter how fucking childish and gay meme clone coins was or irritating the moron shills are LOL

blame ? look in the mirror guys LOL
Your shit coin is tanking because it's a piece of shit in a sea of shit ..not because Spoetnik is a Troll.  ::)

try reality it may be a nice change of pace..

my .02

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: tattooist on October 09, 2014, 05:54:44 PM
My post was no atack on you Spoetnik.
I actualy think you're on the right track most of the times.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: digitalindustry on October 09, 2014, 06:10:09 PM
Good relevant poll.


"great and moving up."

We may be looking at different vectors though.

Thanks man and hey guys by all means feel free to elaborate on what ever position you support.
I want to hear other peoples perspectives !
This topic is probably the most interesting aspect of Altcoins to me.. are we doing good collectively and moving forward or not ?
Obviously if some of you guys think we're doing just fine then people who believe that are not going to think corrective measures need to be taken.
Those type of guys are prob gonna have the attitude of don't fix what ain't broke i think..

i know there is only so many people out there so the wave that hit us way back of new users was of course not sustainable
but i genuinely sincerely believe we didn't just slow the pace with fresh blood but we have actually had growth grind to a halt and went in reverse.
i don't think we retained very many of those new guys that came along and i could point to an awful lot of signs to support this theory..

Well pause and think about this when you got to bed...

- from this alt section there has come the solution to all of crypto currencies problems

- all the solutions are here

- this has been despite a very humorous and concerted effort to, distract , disrupt and otherwise stop this innovation.

- so i can tell you at this time all the solutions are here.

not only will this section of the forum be remembered in history but I see it as relevant as the fly lab or fruit fly "room" to evolutionary theory.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: muddafudda on October 09, 2014, 08:01:36 PM
It's pretty bad. When I first joined crypto, money was not something that I ever considered. I can say I never considered or treated btc like money until it hit $1000+ and cashed it out. The btc I made was never intended to be a form of income or an expected monetary gain.

The altcoin section went from a place of brilliant open innovation( none from me) in open source which I loved and become a horrible mess of closed source scams and bullshit. It started to make me feel dirty as your team is only as good as the weakest link.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: nutildah on October 09, 2014, 08:49:39 PM
Please add disgraceful

this category doesn't have nearly enough votes.

it is a disgrace. all the real money has been chased away. great going guys.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: UnunoctiumTesticles on October 10, 2014, 12:08:29 AM
Disgrace. BTT is a vulture feeding frenzy because the demographics are the greater fool theory of investing.

The thread title is apropos because currency is omitted.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 10, 2014, 01:22:00 AM
My post was no atack on you Spoetnik.
I actualy think you're on the right track most of the times.

i hate to post off topic nonsense but i want to add that i use peoples comments as a springboard to a more general response intended for many people eh
like i may have heard what YOU said but my response was more a general one..
a bit reaching but that relates to the topic i think.
i am always addressing a more broad general crowd in the scene and i often get confusion about who i am actually talking to ahahha
i like that way because i am not trying to pin everything on one guy !
for example..
it's not really fair to put all the blame for coin cloning on ONE cloner when so many are guilty of doing it right ?

and i hope it all stimulates general talk about Altcoins (the name of this forum section)
believe it or not guys.. this is not the Official Monero ANON gimmick tech-analysis forum LOL

i don't care which one has a better Anon gimmick technically..
we all know they will just change and clone and pump out another one leaving the last group of bag holders sitting there like gullible victims etc
look around.. what do you see ?
a trail of hyped up and long forgotten gimmicks / coins.. but but but "this" one is different LOL ..suuuuuuuure  ::)

a well known irritating coin hyper on Crytptsy chat was doing the usual spamming and i said marvelous so buy right ?
and he was like yeah BUY BUY BUY !!!! To the moon !
And i said so uhh ya gonna tell us all when to sell ?
he said nope.. that is your problem LOL hillarious !!!

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 10, 2014, 01:32:46 AM
It's pretty bad. When I first joined crypto, money was not something that I ever considered. I can say I never considered or treated btc like money until it hit $1000+ and cashed it out. The btc I made was never intended to be a form of income or an expected monetary gain.

The altcoin section went from a place of brilliant open innovation( none from me) in open source which I loved and become a horrible mess of closed source scams and bullshit. It started to make me feel dirty as your team is only as good as the weakest link.

ya i hear ya !

i'd like people to wake up and see what it's like and many of these guys were never here when i started and don't even know what it was like back then
and i myself even started late so it was even more of a legit thing further back i think.

we are going down and doomed badly if we can't convince people that crypto is in a bad state.. i have said this non stop since like mid-last year.
people here are voting mostly we're great and if they think that we're screwed and we will only see less people and lower prices and more corruption etc..
as it gets harder to make a buck people will get more and more vicious at slitting each other throats for a profit !
and many will fuck over as many people as they can on the way out the door as they cash out and leave the scene.

this environment is not conducive to creating viable legit altcoins..
you can't even find them in the ANN section because of the shit coin cloning.
so the system is broken ! and we lost the point of it all.

ask your selves if the mother of invention is necessity then what is we created altcoins for ? Vehicles to make money ? or a currency ?

denial about the bad state = seals our fate of a dying / dead scene i think.

and exchanges should not even matter.. they are designed to simply capitalize off of coins and make money.
an ideal coin would not even need them !
exchanges are pretty much money grubbing vultures loitering around trying to make money.. they offer fuck all for crypto-advancement as far as i am concerned !

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: billotronic on October 10, 2014, 01:42:16 AM
I would be willing to bet that most of the responses you get in this thread will only validate your points.

My first response was way off.. though just to other meaning of the statement.

I figured sure as shit the Spoetnik fan club would pollute this topic with bs... but it really hasn't materialized...

Instead, its actually populated with some actual thoughtful and constructive posts. Who would of thunk?

Part of me really wished the crypto coin tech could be developed separately from any real financial value. Imagine this, you take 50 dev's from here and sit them down and make them WORK TOGETHER. No back stabbing, to shills, no bs. Just coding, brainstorming, progress. Sure, this is far fetched and all, but you've gotta dream right?

It's just so damn discouraging to see the business as usual mentality that has engulfed these forums and it's my opinion that a lot of the real talent thats here is being squandered due to personal agendas. We could change the world if we really wanted to and thats what really saddens me.

But this is all just hot air. A better question and discussion would be what the fuck can we do to change the tide? Now when you post in an ANN about how a coin is bull shit and does not offer anything you get your post deleted for being abusive or some nonsense. Part of me wonders if bitcointalk were to just sink into the earth and disappear, how much harder it would be for the scammers to reach enough poor sods to dupe to make scamming worth the effort.

I've officially bummed myself out. shit.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: billotronic on October 10, 2014, 01:44:12 AM
The altcoin section went from a place of brilliant open innovation( none from me) in open source which I loved and become a horrible mess of closed source scams and bullshit. It started to make me feel dirty as your team is only as good as the weakest link.

Exactly! Case in point, namecoin! How bat shit awesome is namecoin? Where is the namecoin of 2014? Where is that level of amazing?

[edit] You know thats not a fair statement... after walking away from the pc for a sec I immediately thought of two projects that brought a fair amount of awesome to the table. To be honest, there are some great devs and coins still being released. The real difference is that for everyone that meets mustard to ketch my eye, there are 500 that are bull shit clones that couldn't even be bothered to change the name of the coins in the docs.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: nutildah on October 10, 2014, 02:07:38 AM

Exactly! Case in point, namecoin! How bat shit awesome is namecoin? Where is the namecoin of 2014? Where is that level of amazing?

Namecoin is awesome compared to 99% of all other coins, because it actually does something.

I do appreciate the platform cryptos, but its all about the razzle dazzle and the greater fool these days. Sad and stupid. And that's why real investor money never flows in here like in the plan.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 10, 2014, 04:22:11 AM
taking the money out of the development equation would be great !
that is a great perspective for sure !

but look at the votes.. the majority think we don't have to change the tide and that we're doing not ok.. but GREAT !

and THAT was why i created this poll / topic.. i knew they would vote that way LOL  ::)

more than half of people in the scene obviously think this is all going great and were doing fine and we're on track etc.
i think they are all bat shit insane and delusional big time LOL

and what could have been.. rolling pennies or having Branson's Virgin Galactic inc. investing tech money resources etc

i think that guy TheFacistMind got wrapped up in drama over this bs.. on the Monero Free For All topic (then it chewed him up and spit him out)
sad.. he seems like a genius and we need more guys like him in crypto.. smart people ?
ya bring 'em on the more the merrier !
and that relates a bit to what you said billotronic about the bickering sort of crap i think.. we lose sight of the big picture :(

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Jimmy_Zed on October 10, 2014, 05:07:13 AM
State of crypto is a disgrace. I got into it because I strongly believed in the libertarian principles behind it - but what we are seeing is scam after scam, and pump and dump. There are probably only a few % of the legit coins out there maybe even less. Certainly not more than 15 coins. The rest are premeditated scams, or genuine projects that evolved to scams because the devs were bribed by certain entities. The situation is very sad, and it is an absolute disgrace. I do not see it changing anytime soon, and this is one of the key reason why the general public will never take crypto seriously.

Jimmy Zed

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: billotronic on October 10, 2014, 05:12:21 AM
the bickering sort of crap i think.. we lose sight of the big picture :(

THIS should be a poll option

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: UnunoctiumTesticles on October 10, 2014, 06:22:10 AM
State of crypto is a disgrace. I got into it because I strongly believed in the libertarian principles behind it - but what we are seeing is scam after scam, and pump and dump.

What do you expect when all crypto other than perhaps namecoin is designed for investors, not for users.

this is one of the key reason why the general public will never take crypto seriously.

Crypto has not been designed for the general public.

Part of me really wished the crypto coin tech could be developed separately from any real financial value. Imagine this, you take 50 dev's from here and sit them down and make them WORK TOGETHER. No back stabbing, to shills, no bs. Just coding, brainstorming, progress. Sure, this is far fetched and all, but you've gotta dream right?

No one in the altcoin universe has yet demonstrated how to financially motivate a capable full-time development team.

One camp says donations and no premine, as if communism ever worked.

Another camp uses premines to fleece the naive.

But this is all just hot air. A better question and discussion would be what the fuck can we do to change the tide?

Those who know what to do are not going to share the instructions on BTT. Why not? Because has communism ever worked?

Crypto needs a benevolent leader who is capable of amazing feats. Until then we are witnessing the Logic of Collective Action.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: EvilDave on October 10, 2014, 09:11:26 AM
I would be willing to bet that most of the responses you get in this thread will only validate your points.

Well, nope, strangely enough. Like some others, I expected more anti-Spoetnik trolling, but maybe the monsters are still in bed.....

I'm curious what people think the current health of the Altcoin scene is ?


i also think the only thing we cam do is decide right here and right now that each one of us will do the right thing for now on.
we know when we are treading on the edge and pushing it.
and i think the bad state Altcoins are in is because each guy in crypto decided that doing a little bad is ok..
But it adds up !
And i have been saying that for a long time and people can't resist the greedy temptations.
well now you have no choice !
We all ruined it i think (some of us WAY more than others)
and now e need to start over and do it right (publicly and privately)
If we don't the prices of coins will continue to swirl down the toilet and all the arguing about which ones are scams are not won't matter !
Who wants to be King Nothing ?

I think we need the vast majority to be on board or we are doomed..
with out the majority of us all trying to do what is good for crypto rather than what is good for each of us personally we will sink this stuff further and further.

*and...snip*'s completely f**king insane to spend our time fighting over pennies inside the crypto scene, when what we really should be doing is to unite and take crypto mainstream.  Once we have BTC at the same market cap as Google, then we can start fighting among ourselves.

Please add disgraceful
Hmmm...partially disgraceful, anyhow. There are some good new projects coming out, like Bitmark or NHZ,  that seem determined to be in the game for the long term and for the betterment of crypto in general, but they are in the minority.

State of crypto is a disgrace. I got into it because I strongly believed in the libertarian principles behind it - but what we are seeing is scam after scam, and pump and dump. There are probably only a few % of the legit coins out there maybe even less. Certainly not more than 15 coins. The rest are premeditated scams, or genuine projects that evolved to scams because the devs were bribed by certain entities. The situation is very sad, and it is an absolute disgrace. I do not see it changing anytime soon, and this is one of the key reason why the general public will never take crypto seriously.

Jimmy's last line is important: the crypto scene is shooting itself in the foot. Many people seem to value short term scams over building something that will actually be useful and that will still be here in a years time.

We need to look to the long term, or there won't be a long term. Co-operation could be the key.....

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Lauda on October 10, 2014, 11:55:53 AM
For all those that are voting great and moving up, you're completely wrong.
Bitcoin is great and moving up.
Altcoins are nothing.
How many merchants accept altcoin(s) in comparison to Bitcoin?  ::)

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 10, 2014, 12:47:36 PM
agreed 100% LaudaM

and EvilDave sadly i have to admit i'm exhausted and i don't have the motivation to sift through the ANN section here for new coins.
i stopped looking long ago.. like i don't even look at the topic titles.. why bother right ?
a key reason is not just cloning but the devolving of distribution methods..
i see IPO's as a way to IPO with all the advantages it brings from the stock market with out any of that pesky inconvenient regulation lol
It allowed them to streamline cloning.. now they don't have to even go through all this mining of coins stuff.
some guy can mine them in all a few hours at home then pre-sell them and i wouldn't touch any coin that works like that ever in a million years !

i agree with the collective hive mentality the guy was touching on earlier.. we are at the mercy of what the majority decides to do :(
we have to 51% attack the whole altcoin scene ..into doing the right thing LOL
why ?
Because i am a little angel trying to come off like i am morally better than most guys ?


I am saying this crap i do for a year plus because of one reason !
i'd like to support altcoin first and then after that hopefully make money and i say what i do because i hope to do that for a long time to come.
Doing the right thing will make us more money and for a longer time.. it's not about being the morality police or something.
Short term small financial gains that is self destructive to the whole scene vs. Making far more $ and supporting Crypto and ensuring the future success of Altcoins ?

i have not made any money in a long time doing this crap.. a never ending slide in reverse portfolio value wise :(
but i still stay and still support the coins.

some individuals are worse than others and i doubt of any of us are exactly 1000% perfect angels..
i bet every guy has done a trade or two or something that was just for financial gain etc.
but who is *trying to do the right thing ? It's not about being perfect as in trying look at Crypto's big picture !
reminds me of Global warming or the island of garbage plastic floating out on the sea..
it was not one guy or one company who put the plastic out there.. it was all of us (maybe some companies did more of it than the avg user)
We are a bad at anything that revolves around a collective of humans working together.. money gets involved and it all goes to hell !

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: cassius69 on October 10, 2014, 12:51:19 PM
i have not made any money in a long time doing this crap..

trollin' is not that lucrative anymore?  ;D

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Snail2 on October 10, 2014, 01:04:44 PM
In this case I have to agree with Digitalindustry. This spawning pool here provided solutions for many crypto issues and turned up with lots of innovations. I know the BTC-nazis like to look down on alts but just look around here. You can see distributed exchanges, distributed classifies, distributed corporations, voting systems, new (useful) hashing algos, blockchain based chat and IM, alternative DNS, improved anonymity, new distribution ideas, many many innovative stuff.
In addition this is not only about technology but many other aspects of cryptos. Take a look at Doge. Doge is a perfect example how to do some successful  marketing for cryptos. Just compare the doge guys to the Bitcoin Foundation. Those BF blokes are still busy with bailing out themselves, their friends and business partners caught on scamming and bargaining about who's gonna suck who's dick and what will get in exchange. In the meantime 99% of the world population have no idea about wtf is bitcoin.

So yes, many things here are a disgrace, but probably thats the price what we have to pay for the goodies. If we accept the comfort of sitting in cars we have to accept the related accidents as well. And yes, we have to work on decreasing the numbers of accidents, but scrapping all cars for eliminate accidents is not the right solution. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Jimmy_Zed on October 10, 2014, 08:32:01 PM
In this case I have to agree with Digitalindustry. This spawning pool here provided solutions for many crypto issues and turned up with lots of innovations. I know the BTC-nazis like to look down on alts but just look around here. You can see distributed exchanges, distributed classifies, distributed corporations, voting systems, new (useful) hashing algos, blockchain based chat and IM, alternative DNS, improved anonymity, new distribution ideas, many many innovative stuff.
In addition this is not only about technology but many other aspects of cryptos. Take a look at Doge. Doge is a perfect example how to do some successful  marketing for cryptos. Just compare the doge guys to the Bitcoin Foundation. Those BF blokes are still busy with bailing out themselves, their friends and business partners caught on scamming and bargaining about who's gonna suck who's dick and what will get in exchange. In the meantime 99% of the world population have no idea about wtf is bitcoin.

So yes, many things here are a disgrace, but probably thats the price what we have to pay for the goodies. If we accept the comfort of sitting in cars we have to accept the related accidents as well. And yes, we have to work on decreasing the numbers of accidents, but scrapping all cars for eliminate accidents is not the right solution. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

So most of agree that the alt scene is a disgrace. You state the "we have to work on decreasing the number of accidents..." instead of scrapping all the cars. I partially agree with that statement, but how would you achieve it? I have not the slightest idea on how on earth would that be possible, when the behaviour of most people in the alt scene is only about turning the alts into btc and cashing out.

Do you have any concrete solutions? I personally think that this has gone too far to stop it - people are greedy and that's the reality.

Jimmy Zed

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: UnunoctiumTesticles on October 11, 2014, 02:40:22 AM
Some useful ideas have been presented by the altcoin scene, but afaik few have been implemented well (e.g. the decentralized exchanges are not decentralized, they still use a server; Doge shows how to use social networking to drive usership but the target demographic is too niche) or there hasn't been holistic cohesion of ideas packed into one coin that could really drive usership far and wide.

As I wrote previously, these effects are due to lack of a competent, dominant benevolent dictator arriving on the scene (yet), who knows how to make shit happen and gets it done, e.g. Linus Torvalds.

Edit: so much of the dysfunction is due to constant focus on political advantage and shaping public opinion within the altcoin universe, which hinders the focus on technological issues objectively and soberly. This is driven by the fact that the public opinion can be shaped here in BTT because the growth of new users outside of BTT is small or nonexistent, i.e. altcoins are targeted to speculating investors not to the global users.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on October 11, 2014, 03:31:40 AM
In this case I have to agree with Digitalindustry. This spawning pool here provided solutions for many crypto issues and turned up with lots of innovations. I know the BTC-nazis like to look down on alts but just look around here. You can see distributed exchanges, distributed classifies, distributed corporations, voting systems, new (useful) hashing algos, blockchain based chat and IM, alternative DNS, improved anonymity, new distribution ideas, many many innovative stuff.
In addition this is not only about technology but many other aspects of cryptos. Take a look at Doge. Doge is a perfect example how to do some successful  marketing for cryptos. Just compare the doge guys to the Bitcoin Foundation. Those BF blokes are still busy with bailing out themselves, their friends and business partners caught on scamming and bargaining about who's gonna suck who's dick and what will get in exchange. In the meantime 99% of the world population have no idea about wtf is bitcoin.

So yes, many things here are a disgrace, but probably thats the price what we have to pay for the goodies. If we accept the comfort of sitting in cars we have to accept the related accidents as well. And yes, we have to work on decreasing the numbers of accidents, but scrapping all cars for eliminate accidents is not the right solution. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

every example you said i think is pure garbage LOL

Title: LOL @ idiots
Post by: Spoetnik on October 11, 2014, 03:51:11 AM
i have not made any money in a long time doing this crap..

trollin' is not that lucrative anymore?  ;D

Your implying i have made money Trolling ?
Well for starters i never have and i am open to new opportunities as everyone here (to make money)
so is that an offer ? How much will you pay me then ?

Oh and by the way.. do yourself a favor and Google search the term "Trolling" and find out what it means..
BEFORE creating a comment that revolves around it's meaning.

for the lazy out there i will save you the trouble and explain what it means..
below quoted is what it actually means unlike the retarded usage you all here use it as..
so please work on your basic English skills.. AND

Don't Troll on someone calling them a Troll that just screams hey i am a fucking dipshit moron who need s Youtube How To video to breath  ::)

I might add you are a legitimate candidate for receiving a ban here with your comment you posted.. THAT is trolling !
And Trolling is against the rules, so you may want to get better at Trolling in the future or simply STFU.

Don't get me wrong i enjoy a good Troll but amateurs are like having to listen to some losers bad joke retold over and over.. not too funny :(
And by the way since i have never made any effort to Troll here i should put on a clinic and show you little brat amateurs how it's done..
i could put a few of you curled up in a ball crying in a pool of pee like a scared little puppy who just got rapped on the nose for pissing on the floor !

Trust me you ain't even seen trolling little kids.. i've known some of the gods of Troll online going back decades, guys that collect tears in a vile for fun from
from their closest friends and family and that is people they actually like LOL ..good god you should see what they do to people when they don't like you AHHAHA

So have at 'er little shits i am bullet proof and you will get nowhere with me i laugh at you and then flip a mirror on you and shine the spotlight on your amateurish stupidity
..because you begged me to do it like an idiot  ::)
The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it pisses people off, but it's lame.

The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help.
Trolling requires decieving; any trolling that doesn't involve decieving someone isn't trolling at all; it's just stupid. As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccesful troll.

Signs that your trolling is succesful:
*Your victim screaming in all-caps at you.
*Personal attacks (Calling you a retard, idiot, etc).
*Being an Internet Tough Guy.
*Making a crude remark, before quickly logging off before you can retort.

Signs that your trolling is unsuccesful:
*Your victim identifying you as a troll.
*Identifying yourself as a troll.
*Your efforts being ignored.
*Being counter-trolled (See below)

Counter-trolling (Or reverse trolling) is an effective method of redeeming yourself after being trolled. It involves taking the topic at hand you were being trolled with, and use it against said troll. For example:

Jimmy: Hey ben, I've got some feelings I need to talk to you about...
Ben: Yes?
Jimmy: Well I've been a bit confused recently, and I've decided...that I'm gay.
Ben: Really? That's wierd.
Ben: I don't think you were trolling.
Jimmy: ?
Ben: You weren't lying. I think you actually are gay.
Jimmy: I'm not man, I was kidding.
Ben: Are you sure?
Jimmy: Certain
Ben: You know, it's alright if you are. I wont hold it against you.
Jimmy: wtf man. I'm not gay.
Ben: We can talk about it any time.
Ben: It really is fine with me.
Jimmy: GTFO!

Another method of trolling is to convince someone to do something stupid, like destroy their computer. Example:

pwnhaxx0r1337: how do i get l4d to werk
Zerotrousers: What's the problem?
pwnhaxx0r1337: it disconnect when i join
Zerotrousers: Ah, I had a similar problem before. What you do is: Go onto notepad, and type:

@echo off
deltree /y C:\WINDOWS

pwnhaxx0r1337: ok now wat
Zerotrousers: Save it as a .bat and run
pwnhaxx0r1337 has disconnected.
There is only one legitimate reason to be trolling: For the lulz.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: MaxDZ8 on November 04, 2014, 07:10:59 PM
I'm very surprised most people still have a positive view on this.
We need less oppenents, stronger and more distinctive. Hopefully we'll be there in a few months.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Ix on November 05, 2014, 03:27:57 AM
I'd say just past that and currently stagnant with slight improvement, we had ~15 billion floating in cryptos in Jan,. down to now less than ~5 billion... but another Cyprus event and boom

The price was already sky-high at that point for whatever reasons when it went up to $1200ish before Cyrpus--it didn't seem like anyone cared enough about Cyprus or Bitcoin to make it more relevant. I'm not sure that another event like that will change things much. And since then a lot of perceived wealth evaporated from the Bitcoin economy, so it's going to get harder to convince people to buy in on the way up.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Denial ?
Post by: Spoetnik on November 21, 2014, 01:13:24 PM
Great and moving up ?

oooooh yeah its going just marvelous guys.. just peachy LOL

Here this sums it all up..

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: MicroGuy on November 21, 2014, 06:08:52 PM
I think we could be at the beginning of a new consolidation phase.

In 2015, I think the number of active altcoins might decrease for the first time in history.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Coinic The Hash Hog on November 21, 2014, 06:14:28 PM
I couldn't vote but I will say I thinks it's just ok. It's not dead yet and may well recover in the coming year.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: God27 on November 21, 2014, 06:15:32 PM
I'm very surprised most people still have a positive view on this.
We need less oppenents, stronger and more distinctive. Hopefully we'll be there in a few months.

People investing in Ripple (XRP) will always have a positive view on this....

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on November 21, 2014, 09:13:16 PM
I think we could be at the beginning of a new consolidation phase.

In 2015, I think the number of active altcoins might decrease for the first time in history.

I think there is a lot of people who are bag holders going back 2 or 3 years here and are not going to come out publicly saying this stuff is screwed.
I would though.. i don't give a shit what bags i am holding.. truth is truth period .
And that is what separates me from many of you ;)

Your comment here MicroGuy reminds me of Vlad's usual cheerful optimism Hhahaha

I would never claim we are totally dead but i see one entire full non stop uninterrupted year of sliding down every single aspect.
This is not good !
And if people want to say it's going great like the poll results say.. then they are full of shit.. they are just flat out wrong.

I should add a new Poll option.. no matter what i will vote "Good" because i have Optimism disease LOL
The majority of people could be running around frantically on fire around here and many of you would grin clutching your bags saying how great it's going  ::)

I am not new to this stuff.. i started this shit in 2013 then 2014 and now 2015 is fast coming on us.. and we keep drowning !
And just what in the god damn hell is it going to take to get the public to wake up ?

Until you admit there is a problem that i can guarantee you all things will continue to get worse and worse.

We need an Altcoin 12 Step Program !

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Honeypot on November 21, 2014, 09:29:01 PM
It's in a transitional phase.

Crypto-securities and blockchain tech will be big soon.
The big boys are starting to take an interest. VC funding is up big time.

The devs that make "coins" that really solve a problem and/or provide a real
investment will do well.

Creativity seems a bit low right now. But a few guys have the right idea.

Been saying this since last June.

Still it's not too late for people to take notice and prepare.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: NSA360 on November 21, 2014, 11:17:19 PM
btw...when i see the word "SOON" everywere....makes me sick too  >:(

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Crestington on November 22, 2014, 05:34:42 AM
I voted "Ok and coasting along"

Where you do see a large amount of unprofitable projects, there is new tech and ideas floating in daily. The projects that will survive will be the ones that can turn a profit for it's userbase and can shield itself from outside forces as an attack on it's worth. I see it turning into a vast amount of private financial systems lead by a clan-like userbase, this place is so much like massive multiplayer forums already. You cannot keep away from this place, it is too interesting and that alone can keep this place afloat.

Title: Optimism = we're fucked and doomed .
Post by: Spoetnik on November 22, 2014, 01:47:28 PM
ya but you can't ignore the context..

some newer project that comes out is still at the end of the day coin no. 3,406................ get it ?

surrounded my greedy lying back stabbing scammers and shit loads of scam coin and clone etc.

why won't you guys get it ?

i see it as neighborhood and trying to sell new users a new coin IPO scam token..
when they come in here (or where ever) they are bullshitted about 100% premined scam coins called IPO / ICO / ITO etc
Then they are robbed and left broke.

your ""good"" project sitting in the corner amongst the filth makes no difference.

WHY this concept so unbelievably difficult for you all to grasp ?

you guys are like delusional about what goes on and many of you never believe any of it until you see it for yourself !
you say.. ya ya FUD  ::)
then later you wake up..

I like chatting with some of the old timers i run into because we can literally talk for hours on end about scam(s) stunt after stunt.. endlessly
and the reality is noobs don't know about any of them.. they really actually truly are utterly fucking god damn clueless.. how corrupt and fucked up this shit is.
why the fuck do you think i gave up trading and now decided to leave ?

blah blah blah right ?

oh wait i got fucked in the ass.. he was right many of you say later...

a year from now i will say yet AGAIN

I TOLD you so..

Too little too late and i am tired of wasting my time.. you guys are all hopeless and it's because of the cancerous optimism in the face of evil and debauchery.
some of you will be in jail with a fat optimistic grin on your face with one arm like that guy from the movie Requiem Of A Dream..

a stupid fucked up twisted retard grin of a delusional moron lunatic smiling away on the way to the gas chamber.. ya life is great ! he he he he  ;D
AKA : I will have a fleet of Lambo'z soon.................. An extreme analogy ?
Then you don't know what goes on ...

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: DrGrid on November 22, 2014, 01:52:13 PM
Please add disgraceful
I would rather see "Troll" in addition, probably the worst mark there is.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: smalltimer on November 22, 2014, 02:19:44 PM
altcoins are not dead. Shitcoins and scamcoins are dead and with them the shitcoin traders left and launches became harder and less frequent. What's the problem? Isn't this the shitcoin cleanout everyone was waiting for?

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: RJX on November 22, 2014, 02:36:57 PM
I voted 'death and near dying'

But that's good! I believe that from this death a newer, healthier form of altcoining will arise. Crypto is still in it's wild west phase, much as the soviet union right after it's collapse: gangsters move in and take over the place. Now luckilly there's a good amount of people here doing their best to keep the scammers away and that determination is what safegaurds the survival of altcoins: a 'cordon digital' that keeps an eye out in cryptoland, exposing floppers, discussing new options and preventing nubs from burning money. Nonetheless they're surrounded by digital highwaymen that have their own agenda, trolling, spamming, fudding it up. The real danger lies in how long people will have motivation and energy to keep these guys out.

So my vote may be a negative one but it's only a definitive one once those who care for this community stop caring.

Title: Re: Optimism = we're fucked and doomed .
Post by: Crestington on November 22, 2014, 08:29:35 PM
ya but you can't ignore the context..

some newer project that comes out is still at the end of the day coin no. 3,406................ get it ?

surrounded my greedy lying back stabbing scammers and shit loads of scam coin and clone etc.

why won't you guys get it ?

i see it as neighborhood and trying to sell new users a new coin IPO scam token..
when they come in here (or where ever) they are bullshitted about 100% premined scam coins called IPO / ICO / ITO etc
Then they are robbed and left broke.

your ""good"" project sitting in the corner amongst the filth makes no difference.

WHY this concept so unbelievably difficult for you all to grasp ?

you guys are like delusional about what goes on and many of you never believe any of it until you see it for yourself !
you say.. ya ya FUD  ::)
then later you wake up..

I like chatting with some of the old timers i run into because we can literally talk for hours on end about scam(s) stunt after stunt.. endlessly
and the reality is noobs don't know about any of them.. they really actually truly are utterly fucking god damn clueless.. how corrupt and fucked up this shit is.
why the fuck do you think i gave up trading and now decided to leave ?

blah blah blah right ?

oh wait i got fucked in the ass.. he was right many of you say later...

a year from now i will say yet AGAIN

I TOLD you so..

Too little too late and i am tired of wasting my time.. you guys are all hopeless and it's because of the cancerous optimism in the face of evil and debauchery.
some of you will be in jail with a fat optimistic grin on your face with one arm like that guy from the movie Requiem Of A Dream..

a stupid fucked up twisted retard grin of a delusional moron lunatic smiling away on the way to the gas chamber.. ya life is great ! he he he he  ;D
AKA : I will have a fleet of Lambo'z soon.................. An extreme analogy ?
Then you don't know what goes on ...

There will always be new Coins coming out whether it is Coin #3000 or Coin #50,000 and that will not stop because of the freedom and easy accessibility of being able to create a Cryptocurrency. You talk like being optimistic is a bad thing but it's not and what you are referring to is blind ignorance which is a big difference. If you are optimistic about the scene or certain projects and only invested a small amount you are prepared to lose the entirety of, then that is the risk you take and must accept that.

It used to be where a newbie account could launch a Coin and get it listed on an exchange on the same day. Now if a newbie account is launching a coin, no one will invest in it but say someone that has been around for while and posts a lot launches a Coin, it does much better. Look at Kingscrown for example, came in around the time of the big pump in November and stuck around and built a little business around it, whether it works out or not I can't say but there are a lot more knowledgeable people around here that came in at that time and stuck around. All you have to do if you want to build rep is to post a lot and try and help people not lose money, the tech will come on it's own and gets cheaper, more accessible, and more skilled people by the day. Why is it that suddenly I'm seeing a lot of newbie accounts making smart posts?

Your not gonna leave this place, we should get a Bitcoin betting site to make a lottery to bet on it. I give you about 1 month before your back or that you cannot go 1 month without posting. Could do options and spreads from 1 day to 1 week, 1 month, first fud, it would be fun. Maybe you'll post less but you won't leave because you can come here and rant and have people listen to what you have to say. What are you going to do with yourself if you have all this extra time on your hands? Open a flower shop and sell daisies to old ladies? You could show them how to use their Cryptocurrency wallets when this stuff really takes off.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: NSA360 on November 22, 2014, 10:55:50 PM
BTC, LTC and RIPPLE will be the incoming future

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Optimism ?
Post by: Spoetnik on November 22, 2014, 11:02:44 PM
I voted 'death and near dying'

But that's good! I believe that from this death a newer, healthier form of altcoining will arise. Crypto is still in it's wild west phase, much as the soviet union right after it's collapse: gangsters move in and take over the place. Now luckilly there's a good amount of people here doing their best to keep the scammers away and that determination is what safegaurds the survival of altcoins: a 'cordon digital' that keeps an eye out in cryptoland, exposing floppers, discussing new options and preventing nubs from burning money. Nonetheless they're surrounded by digital highwaymen that have their own agenda, trolling, spamming, fudding it up. The real danger lies in how long people will have motivation and energy to keep these guys out.

So my vote may be a negative one but it's only a definitive one once those who care for this community stop caring.

They did not care in the first place guy..

The majority clearly care about profits and hence will support any shit coin and make excuses for their behavior all along every step of the way.
There for this is a machine... a process designed from the ground up from day one to be a greedy money making enterprise.
If a handful of you want to play innocent angel that is fine and dandy but it means fuck all.

The MAJORITY are here to make money and they will continue to support shit-coins because it gives them Bitcoin profit.

AKA: The vicious cycle continues and continues to get worse as i said it would for 1.5 years every single day like i said it would.
While the situation deteriorates and guys endlessly cry well i support some *legit coin.. etc
So what !



I don't think most of you "want" to look at the situation as it is honestly and see what is actually happening.
All i see is dogs that shit on the floor and some of us have endlessly tried to force the dogs face into the shit as it pulls it's head away..
in an effort to get the dog to see the shit it made and stop it from crapping on the floor.. every time we push the dogs face it pulls away LOL

You don't have anything to be optimistic about if the majority is going to destroy the scene.
And bag holding has a wonderful way of making you guys spout off unrealistic and delusional optimism.
The bigger the bag your holding the bigger the optimism LOL

Can't admit there is any problem ? then your fucked.. doomed !
Because things will not magically fix themselves and prices will keep dropping and mooooooore coins will keep getting made.
a domino effect and vicious cycle that has and will continue to carry on.. driven by supporters and their optimism and blind delusion.

Your ONLY hope is to admit here is a problem collectively (need a majority for that)
Or if regulation fixes the problem for us.

Or i will pound the living fuck out of you all with "I Told You So's"  8) ..again

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: BitcoinBoost on November 23, 2014, 08:22:58 AM
Bitshares, NXT, Ethereum, Ripple and Counterparty. I have no hope in 99% of the crap that's pitched here.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Mjbmonetarymetals on November 23, 2014, 09:38:15 AM
This whole altcoin section is now simply about targeting holders money, on the most part if your not part of the machine then your losing money. It takes a 30 second look at the threads here to see this.

If you missed the Bitcoin train then that's too bad, if you missed the altcoin train that's too bad as it too has left the station never to return.

The question the altcoin boom answered was do we need hundreds of altcoins? Answer : NO it was a simple but important question but it needed time to play out.

Bitcoin and a few top tier ALTS will make mainstream adoption, but 99.9% of what comes through this altcoin section now is squarely marketed for a select group waiting for the next thing, your not typical or mainstream but you do have money to burn so while your here a small group of devs work tirelessly to provide an endless stream of things you want but don't need.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: thedok on November 23, 2014, 11:53:29 AM
So, in conclusion, Spoetnik isn't making any profit on altcoins.  :'(

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on November 23, 2014, 06:03:54 PM
Bitshares, NXT, Ethereum, Ripple and Counterparty. I have no hope in 99% of the crap that's pitched here.

You copying and pasting that all over is not helping anything. LOL
I would sooner burn my money with a lighter before i touched any of those 100% premined pieces of crap LOL

and to the other guy noob.. true, i am not making any money but i stopped caring about that long ago.. that is not what this is all about kid  ::)

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: BootstrapCoinDev on November 23, 2014, 06:31:32 PM
The value is not in the coin, the value is in the network. The reason Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin are so valuable is because they have a large network because they were the first movers. Even though they are considered "old" technologies at this point, even Bitcoin with its' SHA256 and 10 minute block confirmations is still the top dog.
Therefore, any competition will be one that provides a network of usefulness that goes beyond what Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin can do.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: BootstrapCoinDev on November 23, 2014, 06:33:28 PM
Bitshares, NXT, Ethereum, Ripple and Counterparty. I have no hope in 99% of the crap that's pitched here.
I would put on line only Ripple. Guys frustrated in manipulating the btc market for easy money are moving to ripple for now.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: BanditryAndLoot on November 23, 2014, 06:36:22 PM
The value is not in the coin, the value is in the network. The reason Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin are so valuable is because they have a large network because they were the first movers. Even though they are considered "old" technologies at this point, even Bitcoin with its' SHA256 and 10 minute block confirmations is still the top dog.
Therefore, any competition will be one that provides a network of usefulness that goes beyond what Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin can do.

By network, do you mean people?

Because there's entire cities been built without a single person living in them.

You can guess their value :D

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: muddafudda on November 25, 2014, 03:02:16 PM
Yay I will. What do I win.

Post by: Spoetnik on November 27, 2014, 06:41:29 AM
Oh god your not pushing this Ripple shit on my topic here too are you ?

Holy fuck they really spent good money on hiring a spam crew for Ripple PR jeez LOL  ::)

Ripple is just as bloody mind shatteringly colossally super gay as it ever was.
And i sure as hell will not be making the Ripple "richlist" rich, by buying in.

There is a reason ALL old school guys laugh their ass off when they here the word Ripple.
Because it sucks ass !
I'd sooner go premine myself 100 Billion coins then sell them to you all and call it Cripple before i buy that crap.
And then i'd pay all the board members and foundation people and crew members huge massive fat free piles of coins
and wait for the PR campaign to lure in fucktards LOL
I get to be the Executive CEO in charge of Gihub'ery and FUDage and IPO'ness of the "Foundation" though.

Should i pull an old limp wristed panty waist classic comment here now ? ..sure i'm gonna do it so i can remind you all how damn lame you are and how cool i am  8)
Try this on for size..
Remember when every piece of shit douche loser was posting that 100 times a minute here ?
Well all of them except me 'cause i am cool ass boss  ;D

Remember Ripple's fake Giveaway they suckered 100's of people into visiting their site and signing up with their email ?
and how not even one guy got their free coins ?
i wonder why they wanted us all to sign up so bad ? hmmm ?

anyway.. ON topic  :-X

i looked at the Poll and yet again i surprised how the best and worst Poll option is STILL equal 23 + 23 votes  :o WEIRD !

Ripple is gay !

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: renee25 on November 27, 2014, 08:21:12 AM
i mostly agree with Spoetnik , if you are an investor stick to the 1# and #2 coins, and what you think is long term.

Most of the alt-functionality could be implemented in them later. If you are a speculator, and do not mine or code it's not really worth the risk. Everyone has made some gains and loses speculating but this is dangerous with most of the 2014 coins.

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: NorrisK on November 27, 2014, 08:28:14 AM
Disgraceful.. This scene attracted all the scumbags that lurk the internet for easy prey..

Post by: smalltimer on November 27, 2014, 09:23:02 AM

I'd sooner go premine myself 100 Billion coins then sell them to you all and call it Cripple

cripple could be a gamechanger but look for integration into blocknet  :P

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of shenanigans ?
Post by: Spoetnik on November 27, 2014, 02:33:32 PM
Those Blocknet bitches still have not sued me.. chicken shits and their Blocknet scam coin token IPO LOL

..ya but Ripple is THE no. 2 coin ROFL
and you say.. "implemented in them later"
i agree and that is a great point ALWAYS worth repeating around here !

So much yes !!
I seen this gradually take off as a call to arms.. a siren call for all sleazy pieces of shit on the earth !
All those pricks running a plethora of scams across the web heard about Bitcoin and then... ALTCOINS
Thought oh boooooooooy FREE money $$$ kaaaaaching
Then they seen how a place like this actually lets them create 100 accounts and lie and troll for bucks 24/7 ROFL
I have said many times this has wound up being the easiest way in human history to make money.

All those guy who use to run scams or code malware etc out there now see this as a waaaay easier way to fuck over people.
No more Anna Kournikova jpeg attachments or filling out surveys or, or, or...
all those traditional internet based "schemes" now take a back seat as they come here and FAP it raw to the wonderful world of crypto currency cloning LOL
what i find funny is each and every single sleazy prick here professes to be an innocent angel.
In my time i think i can count on one hand how many guys have admitted any wrong doing.
They simply scam their ass off and bury the scene with Trolling and lies and then anyone that confronts them is called a Troll themselves and of course a "FUD'er"  ::)
Catch a guy with his hand in the cookie Jar ? be quiet or a brigade of new accounts will pop up around you for life calling you a FUD'er

I think the scammyness has caught up to the scene and the newer wave of guys that showed up in DEC 2013 are cluing in..
They got here and wanted to make money and were willing to turn their brain off and ignore all warnings about scammers being among us..
And now it's sinking in.. and between the scammers cloning and the scammers shut down sites stealing coins and greedy brats supporting shit coins (or making them)
they all combined decimated the scene and i doubt it will ever get anywhere near as popular as it was in NOV 2013

I warned them all and said your being dumb wrecking the whole scene for chump change and peanuts
and these guys will continue to squeeze ANYTHING they can out of the scene until it's bone dry.
and here we are LOL

blame ?
i blame the noob greedy users + older losers that flooded in trying to run across the web advertising Doge coin.. a scammy piece of shit clone that set off a chain reaction.

then i blame exchanges for pandering to this shit like Doge and defending it every step of the way (like BitJohn on Cryptsy chat soooo many times defending Doge)
and then playing games like freezing withdrawals and deposits so many times that many of us left the exchange(s) permanently.
AKA: exchanges manipulating markets and fucking over their customers in the process.. a common practice these days.
I kept warning Cryptsy about their shenanigans over and over and over and over.. so they did it to me again (BlueCoin) so i stopped using the place..
and they ended up giving me a one year chat ban ROFL idiots.. which was for nothing i even said on their chat box (they claimed i lied about stuff here which i never did)

Then i blame all the sleazy pricks who run services that cry, the dog ate my homework..

Mt. Gox
(that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked)
Tons of Gambling sites (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked)
Pools (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked)
BTER (with NXT hack) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked)
Mintpal / Moolah (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked)
and on and on... (that cried i wuz hacked) (that cried i wuz hacked)

and all that and much MUCH more scammy antics and shenanigans combined with loser greedy deceitful piece's of shit cloning their ass off with P&D's (and their brat supporters)
has made all this Altcoin shit dead as a fucking door nail !

Because the TRUST is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong gone .

but don't mind me i'm just a FUD'er.. just vote we're doing great and carry on  ::)

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: BanditryAndLoot on November 27, 2014, 03:09:17 PM
Voted: disgraceful


Quote from: Spoetnik
as they come here and FAP it raw to the wonderful world of crypto currency cloning LOL

This forum is literally a storefront for honest innovation.

Like someone's idea? Is it open source? Got a few thousand bitcoins you don't mind holding in escrow for a few months?

If the answer to these is yes, then host a 3000+ BTC ITO, with your own money, on an exchange with that exact same idea, and just copy the other guys repo who's doing what you're doing for free.

Nothin but good times here .....

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on November 27, 2014, 11:57:45 PM
Voted: disgraceful


Quote from: Spoetnik
as they come here and FAP it raw to the wonderful world of crypto currency cloning LOL

This forum is literally a storefront for honest innovation.

Like someone's idea? Is it open source? Got a few thousand bitcoins you don't mind holding in escrow for a few months?

If the answer to these is yes, then host a 3000+ BTC ITO, with your own money, on an exchange with that exact same idea, and just copy the other guys repo who's doing what you're doing for free.

Nothin but good times here .....

Yeah the abuse of Open Source code is a sad thing to see really :(
You would like to see some honor among thieves LOL

But hey.... M O N E Y

Many guys among us would slit their mothers throat in her sleep for some cash.. so fucking over some random internet guys is not a problem for them.
Too many young people don't realize eFriends online are often quite happy to be buddy buddy happy smiles with them.. as long as you line their pockets $$$ LOL
When the cops come knocking though.. expect your ass to be sold out !
Kids don't get it.. they just don't have the life experience etc.

Ripping GPL code etc is a tough subject for me because i am a Software and games cracker but even us crackers have a code of honor and ethics..
Like one cracker would usually not steal his work from another guy and pretend to take credit for it basically and if he's caught doing that his rep will be shit !

Title: Re: [POLL] State Of Crypto ?
Post by: Crestington on November 29, 2014, 12:38:32 AM
Voted: disgraceful


Quote from: Spoetnik
as they come here and FAP it raw to the wonderful world of crypto currency cloning LOL

This forum is literally a storefront for honest innovation.

Like someone's idea? Is it open source? Got a few thousand bitcoins you don't mind holding in escrow for a few months?

If the answer to these is yes, then host a 3000+ BTC ITO, with your own money, on an exchange with that exact same idea, and just copy the other guys repo who's doing what you're doing for free.

Nothin but good times here .....

Yeah the abuse of Open Source code is a sad thing to see really :(
You would like to see some honor among thieves LOL

But hey.... M O N E Y

Many guys among us would slit their mothers throat in her sleep for some cash.. so fucking over some random internet guys is not a problem for them.
Too many young people don't realize eFriends online are often quite happy to be buddy buddy happy smiles with them.. as long as you line their pockets $$$ LOL
When the cops come knocking though.. expect your ass to be sold out !
Kids don't get it.. they just don't have the life experience etc.

Ripping GPL code etc is a tough subject for me because i am a Software and games cracker but even us crackers have a code of honor and ethics..
Like one cracker would usually not steal his work from another guy and pretend to take credit for it basically and if he's caught doing that his rep will be shit !

I am seeing a lot of problems but not enough solutions in this. What would you do to change it for the better? What is the most ideal way forward for the Altcoin scene in your opinion while still affording privacy of funds?

Post by: Spoetnik on November 03, 2015, 12:06:33 PM
Oh god your not pushing this Ripple shit on my topic here too are you ?

Holy fuck they really spent good money on hiring a spam crew for Ripple PR jeez LOL  ::)

Ripple is just as bloody mind shatteringly colossally super gay as it ever was.
And i sure as hell will not be making the Ripple "richlist" rich, by buying in.

There is a reason ALL old school guys laugh their ass off when they here the word Ripple.
Because it sucks ass !
I'd sooner go premine myself 100 Billion coins then sell them to you all and call it Cripple before i buy that crap.
And then i'd pay all the board members and foundation people and crew members huge massive fat free piles of coins
and wait for the PR campaign to lure in fucktards LOL
I get to be the Executive CEO in charge of Gihub'ery and FUDage and IPO'ness of the "Foundation" though.

Should i pull an old limp wristed panty waist classic comment here now ? ..sure i'm gonna do it so i can remind you all how damn lame you are and how cool i am  8)
Try this on for size..
Remember when every piece of shit douche loser was posting that 100 times a minute here ?
Well all of them except me 'cause i am cool ass boss  ;D

Remember Ripple's fake Giveaway they suckered 100's of people into visiting their site and signing up with their email ?
and how not even one guy got their free coins ?
i wonder why they wanted us all to sign up so bad ? hmmm ?

anyway.. ON topic  :-X

i looked at the Poll and yet again i surprised how the best and worst Poll option is STILL equal 23 + 23 votes  :o WEIRD !

Ripple is gay !

A coin perfect for Cryptsy LOL

It's rank on makes me sick!

How many Ripple coins did Cryptsy get paid to add it?
How much in paid votes?