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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on June 17, 2015, 05:55:35 PM

Title: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2015, 05:55:35 PM

Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.

The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment. They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.

SJW’s do not view all humans as equal

Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history. SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.”

For example, if a notable white American male makes a joke about a lesbian black woman who practices Islam, SJW’s will coordinate using a combination of blogs, Youtube, and social networking to dox him (publish his personal information, including where he works). They will then pressure the man’s company by flooding it with calls and messages with the goal to remove his source of income while engaging in a mass reporting campaign to get his online accounts suspended.

Their ultimate goal is to silence all speech that they don’t like and which they find offensive while also punishing the speech offender by removing his source of income. As they grow in power, the acceptable range of speech that would trigger an SJW witch hunt is becoming more narrow, and those who are high up on the privilege hierarchy (white men) have to speak through a careful filter if they don’t want to be subject to an SJW attack.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

- Sun Tzu

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: saddampbuh on June 17, 2015, 06:51:55 PM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 06:55:16 PM
I'm a social justice warrior. We are not a monolith, there are many who fight for social justice with different views. Many SJWs do not agree that capitalism is a shit system (they're wrong; it is), but all are more or less "progressive".

I strongly disagree with this:
SJW’s do not view all humans as equal

What is a libertarian?

Basically a (94%)white american (68%)male (76%)christian with (80%)republican voting tendencies.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 17, 2015, 07:25:41 PM
Ye olde race card, how original.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 07:28:39 PM
Ye olde race card, how original.
This is what not having any valid argument looks like. I didn't play any cards, I merely laid out some demographic facts you didn't like. Or rather, you were upset by the obvious implications of these demographics, such as the fact that libertarians are mostly a bunch of privileged conservative white 'murican dudes on the internet.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: countryfree on June 17, 2015, 07:35:13 PM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 07:42:54 PM
There's no such thing as social justice.
Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 07:43:20 PM
I'm a social justice warrior. We are not a monolith, there are many who fight for social justice with different views. Many SJWs do not agree that capitalism is a shit system (they're wrong; it is), but all are more or less "progressive".

I strongly disagree with this:
SJW’s do not view all humans as equal

What is a libertarian?

Basically a (94%)white american (68%)male (76%)christian with (80%)republican voting tendencies.
So what does this have to do with anything? Being white, american, male, christian, republican, what does that mean

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 07:46:00 PM
Being white, american, male, christian, republican, what does that mean
It means boatloads of cringe-inducing unchecked privilege.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 07:50:16 PM
Being white, american, male, christian, republican, what does that mean
It means boatloads of cringe-inducing unchecked privilege.
I don't even know if you are being satirical or not.
The "check your privileged thing" saying is only used by tumblrites and the FAR left liberals.
No one needs to "check their privilege", we are all humans

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 07:56:05 PM
I don't even know if you are being satirical or not.
Not at all.

The "check your privileged thing" saying is only used by tumblrites and the FAR left liberals.
I'm a social anarchist / anarcho-socialist and anti-capitalist, so basically as far left as the spectrum goes.

No one needs to "check their privilege", we are all humans
Wrong ( That argument didn't hold up when they tried to use it to defend slavery, it certainly doesn't hold up now.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 17, 2015, 07:57:06 PM
Being white, american, male, christian, republican, what does that mean
It means boatloads of cringe-inducing unchecked privilege.

Come on Beliathon, don't be like them, I thought you were better than that seriously :(

Please tell me you're not one of those self-righteous, self-contradictory, assholes that only speaks in stupid catch phrases designed for stupid people and deliberately go around looking to be offended by everything.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 08:00:01 PM
Come on Beliathon, don't be like them, I thought you were better than that seriously :(

Please tell me you're not a self-righteous, self-contradictory, asshole that only speaks in stupid catch phrases designed for stupid people.

On Privilege

Privilege is the “special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to one person or group of people”. Privilege is constructed and normalized by the established frameworks of society – narratives that have been developed based on the power struggles of history. This means that people are classified by those who encounter them, and since these viewers are so influenced by the constructed norm, the classification may be an unconscious act. In other words, even once you are aware of privilege, it is extremely difficult to eliminate it. Of course, many people are not aware of why they treat certain people certain ways, or may choose to ignore the realities of privilege.

Furthermore, for those receiving the privilege, it is difficult to be aware of this special treatment since in most cases they have been receiving privilege throughout their lives.  For those outside the privileged group(s), the distinction may be more obvious. Or, it may not be noticeable until the facts are presented, since many people don’t stop to analyze and question their treatment. Once you are aware of privilege, however, it is important to learn more, question, seek to erase it, and above all to not use privilege to your advantage. You might start doing this by asking, “are the ways in which I am being treated different from the ways other groups are treated”? Recognizing the ways in which one is privileged gives one the responsibility to lessen the effects of that privilege. You can find more information about ways to do this here. However, it is not enough for one individual to recognize this – systemic change is required in order to dismantle the established norms of oppression that define our lives from birth.

Some types of privilege include, but are not limited to, male privilege, white privilege, racial privilege in general, privilege based on attractiveness, privilege pertaining to physical abilities, privilege relating to mental health, privilege based on sexual orientation,  privilege based on gender, and privilege based on class and/or social status. Almost all people benefit from a privilege of some kind. Privilege is a crucial phenomenon in society, because privileged groups hold power and thus can create society’s framework of laws, values and institutions. These constructions will continue to benefit the group in power, with the needs of other, non-privileged (oppressed) groups seen as secondary. In order to gain rights, power and resources, those who do not identify with privileged groups must adhere to the framework created by the privileged. Some privileges, like knowing that your identity will not count against you in court, should extend to all people. However, some privileges, like the ability to ignore certain people based on their identity, “distort the humanity of the holders as well as the ignored groups” (Peggy McIntosh). Therefore we must differentiate between the privileges that we should work to universalize, and those which we must eliminate from the actions of all in order to dismantle privilege.

White Privilege

I am the bearer of white privilege. I know this, and I do my best to look out for, and avoid, the ways in which it helps me get ahead in life. It’s not easy, because education is what has helped me to come to recognize this privilege, and therefore my understanding hasn’t been with me for my whole life. But I do understand that in order to truly be an activist for equity, I have got to do my part in dismantling the systems that privilege certain people for no better reason than their membership in a social group. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, keep reading (especially the list below).

In her essay, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh gives some interesting examples of the treatment that people with white skin can expect and take for granted, due to the privilege that they are granted by those that identify them as white. She states, ‘As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something which puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage… After I realized the extent to which men work from a base of unacknowledged privilege, I understood that much of their oppressiveness was unconscious. Then I remembered the frequent charges from women of colour that white women whom they encounter are oppressive. I began to understand why we are justly seen as oppressive, even when we don’t see ourselves that way. I began to count the ways in which I enjoy unearned skin privilege and have been conditioned into oblivion about its existence… I was taught to see myself as an individual whose moral state depended on her individual moral will… whites are taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative and average, and also ideal, so that when we work to benefit others, this is seen as work which will allow “them” to be more like “us”.’

McIntosh goes on to compile the following list of some of the daily effects of white privilege in her life:

I can, if I wish, arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.
If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area that I can afford and in which I would want to live.
I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.
I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.
I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.
When I am told about our national heritage or about “civilization”, I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.
I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.
If I want to, I can be pretty sure of finding a publisher for this piece on white privilege.
I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and find the staple foods that fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can deal with my hair.
Whether I use checks, credit cards, or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of financial reliability.
I can arrange to protect my children most of the time from people who might not like them.
I can swear, or dress in second-hand clothes or not answer letters without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, the poverty, or the illiteracy of my race.
I can speak in public to a powerful male group without putting my race on trial.
I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.
I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.
I can remain oblivious of the language and customs of persons of color, who constitute the worlds’ majority, without feeling in my culture any penalty for such oblivion.
I can criticize our government and talk about how much I fear its policies and behavior without being seen as a cultural outsider.
I can be sure that if I ask to talk to “the person in charge” I will be facing a person of my race.
If a traffic cop pulls me over, or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven’t been singled out because of my race.
I can easily buy posters, postcards, picture books, greeting cards, dolls, toys, and children’s magazines featuring people of my race.
I can go home from most meetings or organizations I belong to feeling somewhat tied in rather than isolated, out of place, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance, or feared.
I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having coworkers on the job suspect that I got it because of race.
I can choose public accommodations without fearing that people of my race cannot get in or will be mistreated in the places I have chosen.
I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help my race will not work against me.
If my day, week, or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether it has racial overtones.
I can chose blemish cover or bandages in “flesh” color that more or less matches my skin.
The first time I read this list, I found myself saying, “Oh yeah! That does happen” to every point. These are things which I, as a white person, take for granted — and I am definitely not alone on that.
McIntosh remarks that, white privilege is “an elusive and fugitive subject… some of these [points] are only what one would want for everyone in a just society, and others give license to be ignorant, oblivious, arrogant and destructive… some of the conditions I have described here work to systematically over-empower certain groups. Such privilege simply confers dominance because of one’s race or sex”. She also points out that “being of the main culture, I [can] also criticize it fairly freely”. The Angry Black Woman gives an amazing summary of white privilege, and of some of the most spot-on blog posts about the subject here.

Male Privilege

One reason for male privilege is that the prevailing force in most, if not all societies, is patriarchy, which gives the male figure power over women and children and positions males as the centre of social organization. This is a highly established system that has manifested throughout history. It’s seen in everything from royal succession, to voting rights, to religious and political power, and the list goes on and on.  Due to this patriarchial force, non-male groups are subject to a different set of experiences, although they often may not realize this. Women throughout the world must fight for rights that males receive automatically. These rights vary, from the right to drive to the right to equal pay to the right to walk down the street without being catcalled. The automatic privilege received by males, many of whom are not aware of the treatment they receive, can be known as male privilege. Male privilege also means that males have most of the control over female reproductive rights, whether enforcing this through religion, government policies, or lack of funding.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 08:03:18 PM
One word, you are pathetic beliathon. I am white myself and have not received any "special privilege" just because of my race. Prove 1 way that oculd happen. In fact, its the opposite. Affirmative action allows the other races to get accepted into universities a lot easier.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 08:05:23 PM
One word, you are pathetic beliathon.

I am white myself and have not received any "special privilege" just because of my race.
Thank you for that kind demonstration. It's not about what you get, it's about what non-white people don't get.

(...) Of course, many people are not aware of why they treat certain people certain ways, or may choose to ignore the realities of privilege.

Furthermore, for those receiving the privilege, it is difficult to be aware of this special treatment since in most cases they have been receiving privilege throughout their lives.  For those outside the privileged group(s), the distinction may be more obvious. Or, it may not be noticeable until the facts are presented, since many people don’t stop to analyze and question their treatment.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 08:07:24 PM
I am white myself and have not received any "special privilege" just because of my race.
Thank you for that kind demonstration.

(...) Of course, many people are not aware of why they treat certain people certain ways, or may choose to ignore the realities of privilege.

Furthermore, for those receiving the privilege, it is difficult to be aware of this special treatment since in most cases they have been receiving privilege throughout their lives.  For those outside the privileged group(s), the distinction may be more obvious. Or, it may not be noticeable until the facts are presented, since many people don’t stop to analyze and question their treatment.
What will I achieve specifically because of my race? Please enlighten me.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 08:09:26 PM
What will I achieve specifically because of my race? Please enlighten me.
Wrong question. The right question is, "What wouldn't I have achieved if I hadn't been born white?"

>>Premise Four: Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims.

I too am a white american male, who only came to understand privilege (my own, and that which I lack) after a great deal of personal suffering.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 08:13:45 PM
What will I achieve specifically because of my race? Please enlighten me.
Wrong question. The right question is, "What wouldn't I have achieved if I hadn't been born white?"

>>Premise Four: Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims.

I too am a white american male, who only came to understand privilege through great personal suffering.
I have seen the same statement many times before, but have yet to actually see a specific, real world example.
Please provide me with an example.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 08:15:45 PM
I have seen the same statement many times before, but have yet to actually see a specific, real world example.
Please provide me with an example.
You have the internet available at your fingertips, the greatest compendium of knowledge ever assembled, accessible with convenience unimaginable to every generation that came before. Use it.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 17, 2015, 08:17:43 PM
It's unarticulated because it's not half as bad as you claim it to be, it appears as if feminists are going to end up even here in Bitcointalk soon, he'll be calling his allies when he realises he can't win through spam, threats and ridiculous accusations.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 08:20:37 PM
It's unarticulated because it's not half as bad as you claim it to be
It's far worse than I claim it be ( It's unarticulated because of generations of assholes humiliating, assaulting, or even murdering anyone who attempts to articulate it.

All that's left of that horrific legacy is the shaming and grandstanding on display in this thread by people with a dying worldview, people like you.

it appears as if feminists are going to end up even here in Bitcointalk soon
Wrong again. Feminists are already here (, you're conversing with one right now.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 08:27:04 PM
I have seen the same statement many times before, but have yet to actually see a specific, real world example.
Please provide me with an example.
You have the internet available at your fingertips, the greatest compendium of knowledge ever assembled, accessible with convenience unimaginable to every generation that came before. Use it.
Why don't you tell me? I dont need to look at a bunch of whiny liberals on the internet, you will tell me on here, or maybe you can't because there are no real examples

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2015, 08:47:48 PM

Who was the first social justice warrior?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 08:48:16 PM
Who was the first social justice warrior?

I have seen the same statement many times before, but have yet to actually see a specific, real world example.
Please provide me with an example.
You have the internet available at your fingertips, the greatest compendium of knowledge ever assembled, accessible with convenience unimaginable to every generation that came before. Use it.
Why don't you tell me? I dont need to look at a bunch of whiny liberals on the internet, you will tell me on here, or maybe you can't because there are no real examples
"Ssealioning" - the act of jumping into a discussion with demands for evidence and answers to questions.

But why is it an awful thing to do? Why do people react so negatively to a request for evidence? Surely a reasoned, rational person would acquiesce to such a statement!

Well, no. And here's why.

Sunk Time
The biggest reason why people hate sealioning is because responding to it is a complete waste of time.

It's an insidious trap. Responding to questions asked reasonably is, of course, a natural thing for people to do. I like to do it myself; educating others is generally pretty entertaining, especially if they are receptive to learning. Dismissing those questions can appear condescending or rude, especially if you actually are condescending or rude.

Of course, these questions are not asked because the person genuinely wants to know. If they did, they would do their own digging based on your statements, and only ask for obscure or difficult-to-discover information. This is the "debate principle"; when you go to a debate, you educate yourself on the topics at hand, and only request evidence when a claim is either quite outlandish or unflinchingly obscure.

No, these questions are asked to make you waste your time. It works, too; I've responded to sealions before, answering all their questions and claims for evidence, only to be greeted by even more willful ignorance. It's a way to force you into responding to questions phrased neutrally but asked in bad faith.

Asking in Bad Faith
So what does asking in bad faith mean?

When you ask a question in bad faith, you are essentially looking for a way to demean, degrade, or otherwise destroy your target. A good example of an obviously bad faith question is the perennial favorite "When did you stop beating your wife?" as it instantly casts doubt upon the person asked the question.

However, it's easy to ask a question in bad faith using reasoned, good faith practices. Neutral phrasing does not always guarantee a question is asked in good faith. This is extremely obvious in documented sealioning; the target responds, only for the questioner to immediately grill them for more information, misinterpret the answer, or dismiss it entirely.

The purpose of sealioning never to actually learn or become more informed. The purpose is to interrogate. Much like actual interrogators, sealioners bombard the target with question after question, digging and digging until the target either says something stupid or is so pissed off that they react in the extreme.

Load The Question Cannons
All of this, of course, relies on asking a lot of questions, often with little-to-no downtime between volleys.

When the target is continually asked questions - especially the same question under a different phrasing, which is very common when sealioning - it's rattling. They have to fight the natural instinct to respond in good faith to neutrally-phrased questions, as answering them will only bring more. It's a forced violation of the empathy that a compassionate person feels towards others, as it pushes them into noticing that their questioners are not particularly interested in the questions themselves.

Compound this with being sealioned but multiple people, as is common on Twitter, and you've got a recipe for a very frustrating and fruitless timeline. If you respond, you are bombarded with even more questions by people who aren't asking to actually be convinced. If you do not respond, you are insulted as somebody who doesn't wish to participate in reasoned discourse, despite the clear and simple fact that such a discourse is not reasonable; it merely has the appearance of rationality.

Being sealioned is a lose/lose situation, unfortunately. Much like Global Thermonuclear War, the only winning move is not to play. In this case, block or dismiss sealioners and go about your normal business, letting them vent their frustrations out where you can't see them. It's much healthier for your psyche.

It's unfortunate that we must be suspicious of purportedly honest and neutral questions. Asking questions and being open is key to establishing dialogue and understanding one another. When you are the target of a sealion brigade, though, the purpose is to get you to waste your time responding to every little complaint, and falsely-amiable questions are the easiest way to get you to waste it.

So don't. Spend it doing more constructive activities, like making a game, talking to others genuinely interested in dialogue, or any form of self-care. You owe nothing - especially not answers - to a mob whose intent is to harass you.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 17, 2015, 08:51:22 PM
Well if anyone here doubted the existence of SJW's then Beliathon basically helped prove the OP's point, the ironic thing is they're pretty sexist because they always paint women as helpless victims and opressed and also constantly attack men ( A lot of them are Misandrists pretending to care about equality ) and will often throw bullshit accusations at them.

I can understand where the term came from, but really these people are from an extremely ridiculous strand of feminism that basically treats all men, particularly white men as the enemy, they have no peaceful objective in mind and simply want to establish a matriarchy.

I still think regardless they should be called either Matriarchs or Misandrists, they're an aboslute insult to classical femnism and leftists everywhere.



Comparing the actions of your group and ideology to Socrates is more insulting to me than anything you've said so far you arrogant fuck.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 08:55:05 PM
Social justice warriors are like the hammers of socialism beating society into its warped worldview. This why socialism/marxism/communism/other social justice groups tend to practice similar tactics of obfuscation and conditioning. Dividing people by race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, class, etc is the favorite goal of the Marxist.

If you read Karl Marx's work, he very clearly describes a fracturing process that Marxism creates on society by creating infinite divisions and causing these groups to fight amongst themselves rather than go after their actual oppressors. This is the perfect environment for totalitarianism to thrive. History has shown socialism almost always ends in horrible failure as the targeted economy collapses, the fabric of society is systematically divided, and the people fight each other for the scraps that are left.
When it inevitably it doesn't work out, they just claim it wasn't "pure socialism" and dismiss all responsibility for the part socialism played in the failure.

Socialism is a little bit like santa clause. Everyone thinks it sounds great, but it is mostly believed by gullible children with very little knowledge of the world. Most adults realize santa clause can never be real, and adjust their behavior accordingly, while others scream about how racist/sexist/homophobic you are for not leaving out cookies and milk. You can stomp your feet and meddle with society all you want, it wont make santa real. If you think socialism is great, try talking to some one who lived in the USSR or the former Soviet blocks, see how utopian they think it really is.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 08:59:23 PM
Comparing the actions of your group
What group? What actions? That sounds like an unfair generalization if I ever heard one.

and ideology to Socrates is more insulting to me than anything you've said so far you arrogant fuck.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2015, 09:01:45 PM
Comparing the actions of your group and ideology to Socrates is more insulting to me than anything you've said so far you arrogant fuck.


What group? What actions?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 09:07:19 PM
Still no answer to my question from beliathon. I have asked many times, its a pretty clear question, and if you are so knowledgeable about this topic than it should not take more than a couple seconds to reply and think about.
If it is this hard, maybe you should rethink your "movement"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 17, 2015, 09:08:20 PM
Did I not use the right words? :P

Affiliation? Hyper-reactionary movement? Batshit crazy people?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 09:09:19 PM
Still no answer to my question from beliathon.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 09:11:55 PM
Still no answer to my question from beliathon.
I have replied to yours, why not reply to mine now? You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 09:12:25 PM
Here is a simple chart demonstrating the cycle of socialism, and why it always ends in bondage.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 17, 2015, 09:12:59 PM
Still no answer to my question from beliathon.
I have replied to yours, why not reply to mine now? You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.

I'll answer for him "I don't have to read it because I KNOW I'm right! You fucking misgonystic racist asshole!" :D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 09:13:42 PM
You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.
Either you didn't read it or you failed to comprehend it. In either case I must conclude that you are at best an idiot, at worst a liar.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 09:17:02 PM
You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.
Either you didn't read it or you failed to comprehend it. In either case I must conclude that you are at best an idiot, at worst a liar.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 09:21:01 PM
You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.
Either you didn't read it or you failed to comprehend it. In either case I must conclude that you are at best an idiot, at worst a liar.
It's only a logical fallacy if there is no observation involved, if said stupidity (or character flaw) is a baseless assumption rather than observed reality.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2015, 09:21:11 PM
Still no answer to my question from beliathon.
I have replied to yours, why not reply to mine now? You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.

I'll answer for him "I don't have to read it because I KNOW I'm right! You fucking misgonystic racist asshole!" :D

... Or...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 09:21:40 PM
You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.
Either you didn't read it or you failed to comprehend it. In either case I must conclude that you are at best an idiot, at worst a liar.
You are being stubborn by not answering my god damn question.
What "white privileged" is being experienced today? I certainty haven't been treated different than my minority friends by anyone!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 09:22:46 PM
What "white privileged" is being experienced today? I certainty haven't been treated different than my minority friends by anyone!
How would you know this? Were you there for every moment of their lives? This is an absurd claim.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 09:23:33 PM
You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.
Either you didn't read it or you failed to comprehend it. In either case I must conclude that you are at best an idiot, at worst a liar.
It's only a logical fallacy if there is no observation involved, if said stupidity (or character flaw) is a baseless assumption rather than observed reality.
A personal attack is still a personal attack no matter how you justify it. You aren't arguing a point you are arguing a person. Also there is this...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 09:27:57 PM
You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.
Either you didn't read it or you failed to comprehend it. In either case I must conclude that you are at best an idiot, at worst a liar.
It's only a logical fallacy if there is no observation involved, if said stupidity (or character flaw) is a baseless assumption rather than observed reality.
A personal attack is still a personal attack no matter how you justify it. You aren't arguing a point you are arguing a person. Also there is this...
Incorrect, I engaged the criticism by refuting it with evidence on display in this very thread. He claimed to have read the article about sealioning, while continuing to sealion in that same post. Ergo, stupidity or lying or both.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2015, 09:28:15 PM
You have pasted the same article 5 times and yes I have read it, but still do not have an answer.
Either you didn't read it or you failed to comprehend it. In either case I must conclude that you are at best an idiot, at worst a liar.

Finally, Pigeons Get a Little Respect

Pigeons have featured in numerous experiments in comparative psychology, including experiments concerned with animal cognition, and as a result there is considerable knowledge of pigeon intelligence.

Available data show, for example, that:

Pigeons have the capacity to share attention between different dimensions of a stimulus, but (like humans and other animals) their performance with multiple dimensions is worse than with a single stimulus dimension.
Pigeons can be taught relatively complex actions and response sequences, and can learn to make responses in different sequences.
Pigeons readily learn to respond in the presence of one simple stimulus and withhold responding in the presence of a different stimulus, or to make different responses in the presence of different stimuli.
Pigeons can discriminate between other individual pigeons, and can use the behaviour of another individual as a cue to tell them what response to make.
Pigeons readily learn to make discriminative responses to different categories of stimuli, defined either by arbitrary rules (e.g. green triangles) or by human concepts (e.g. pictures of human beings).
Pigeons do less well with categories defined by abstract logical relationships, e.g. "symmetrical" or "same", though some experimenters have successfully trained pigeons to discriminate such categories.
Pigeons seem to require more information than humans for constructing a three-dimensional image from a plane representation.
Pigeons seem to have difficulty in dealing with problems involving classes of classes. Thus they do not do very well with the isolation of a relationship among variables, as against a representation of a set of exemplars.
Pigeons can remember large numbers of individual images for a long time, e.g. hundreds of images for periods of several years.
All these are capacities that are likely to be found in most mammal and bird species. In addition pigeons have unusual, perhaps unique, abilities to learn routes back to their home from long distances. This homing behaviour is different from that of birds that learn migration routes, which usually occurs over a fixed route at fixed times of the year, whereas homing is more flexible; however similar mechanisms may be involved.

Additionally pigeons may be among the very few animals to pass the mirror test[1] — which tests whether an animal recognizes its reflection as an image of itself — along with common chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, dolphins, African grey parrots, crows, magpies, elephants, and humans.


17 Ways That Pigeons Are Cooler Than Humans

Pigeon Intelligence & Achievements

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 09:32:12 PM
Incorrect, I engaged the criticism by refuting it with evidence on display in this very thread. He claimed to have read the article about sealioning, while continuing to sealion in that same post. Ergo, stupidity or lying or both.
So in short, he is sealionining because, he is sealioning? Do you even realize you are making your argument based on a premise you are already assuming?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 09:40:10 PM
Incorrect, I engaged the criticism by refuting it with evidence on display in this very thread. He claimed to have read the article about sealioning, while continuing to sealion in that same post. Ergo, stupidity or lying or both.
So in short, he is sealionining because, he is sealioning? Do you even realize you are making your argument based on a premise you are already assuming?
It wasn't an assumption, his sealioning was both obvious and indisputable as the information he was requesting I provide is readily (and abundantly) available at his fingertips.

"The biggest reason why people hate sealioning is because responding to it is a complete waste of time.

It's an insidious trap. Responding to questions asked reasonably is, of course, a natural thing for people to do. I like to do it myself; educating others is generally pretty entertaining, especially if they are receptive to learning. Dismissing those questions can appear condescending or rude, especially if you actually are condescending or rude.

Of course, these questions are not asked because the person genuinely wants to know. If they did, they would do their own digging based on your statements, and only ask for obscure or difficult-to-discover information. This is the "debate principle"; when you go to a debate, you educate yourself on the topics at hand, and only request evidence when a claim is either quite outlandish or unflinchingly obscure.

No, these questions are asked to make you waste your time. It works, too; I've responded to sealions before, answering all their questions and claims for evidence, only to be greeted by even more willful ignorance. It's a way to force you into responding to questions phrased neutrally but asked in bad faith."

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 09:46:03 PM
So in short, he is sealionining because, he is sealioning? Do you even realize you are making your argument based on a premise you are already assuming?
It's not an assumption, his sealioning was both obvious and indisputable as the information he is requesting is readily available at his fingertips.

"The biggest reason why people hate sealioning is because responding to it is a complete waste of time.

It's an insidious trap. Responding to questions asked reasonably is, of course, a natural thing for people to do. I like to do it myself; educating others is generally pretty entertaining, especially if they are receptive to learning. Dismissing those questions can appear condescending or rude, especially if you actually are condescending or rude.

Of course, these questions are not asked because the person genuinely wants to know. If they did, they would do their own digging based on your statements, and only ask for obscure or difficult-to-discover information. This is the "debate principle"; when you go to a debate, you educate yourself on the topics at hand, and only request evidence when a claim is either quite outlandish or unflinchingly obscure.

No, these questions are asked to make you waste your time. It works, too; I've responded to sealions before, answering all their questions and claims for evidence, only to be greeted by even more willful ignorance. It's a way to force you into responding to questions phrased neutrally but asked in bad faith."

That was a nice copy and paste of some one elese's argument. Funny how you expect everyone else to make their own arguments but some how your viewpoints are just so righteous and universal you needn't waste your time with such petty things.

BTW, you do realize that even if he WAS "sealioning", that is not a logical fallacy, nor does it invalidate any of his questions/arguments just because you believe he intends to waste your time. Accusing people of "sealioning" is just a convenient excuse to not have to logically defend the world view you so willfully push upon others.

Here is another to add to your list:

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 09:49:28 PM
That was a nice copy and paste of some one elese's argument.
The truth cares nothing for the misguided notion that ideas can be owned, borrowed, or stolen. Your capitalist thought habits only hamper you in your search for truth. Information always seeks to be free, just as water seeks to reach sea level.

BTW, you do realize that even if he WAS "sealioning", that is not a logical fallacy
I never claimed sealioning was a logical fallacy, only linked a logical argument explaining clear why I wouldn't respond to sealioning (because doing so is fruitless).

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 09:52:41 PM
That was a nice copy and paste of some one elese's argument.
The truth cares nothing for the misguided notion that ideas can be owned, borrowed, or stolen. Your capitalist thought habits only hamper you in your search for truth. Information always seeks to be free, just as water seeks to reach sea level.

BTW, you do realize that even if he WAS "sealioning", that is not a logical fallacy
I never claimed sealioning was a logical fallacy, only linked a logical argument explaining clear why I wouldn't respond to sealioning (because doing so is fruitless).

And again:

This has nothing to do with ownership, and everything to do with your own inability to even regurgitate the ideas you support in your own words. You can make up any excuse you want to not reply to the arguments of others, unfortunately just because you believe things internally, doesn't mean it is a fact for anyone else. IMO you are simply creating an excuse to not to engage in debate and be required to defend your ideals because he does not agree with your position. That sounds familiar...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on June 17, 2015, 10:11:56 PM
One word, you are pathetic beliathon. I am white myself and have not received any "special privilege" just because of my race. Prove 1 way that oculd happen. In fact, its the opposite. Affirmative action allows the other races to get accepted into universities a lot easier.

I'm going to second this, this whole SJW thing is a bunch of crap. 3 pages in and still no answer to your question - why?  Because he has none.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: funtotry on June 17, 2015, 10:15:15 PM
One word, you are pathetic beliathon. I am white myself and have not received any "special privilege" just because of my race. Prove 1 way that oculd happen. In fact, its the opposite. Affirmative action allows the other races to get accepted into universities a lot easier.

I'm going to second this, this whole SJW thing is a bunch of crap. 3 pages in and still no answer to your question - why?  Because he has none.
He is just attacking me personally, because thats what liberals do. They call you racist, bigoted, homophobic, stupid, retarded, anything they want, but they dodge the question.
Beliathon, if you want to have reasonable and intelligent debates, NEVER attack people personally, attack their ideas and that way you can maybe win the debate.
Still waiting on an answer.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 10:34:26 PM
If bitcoin has taught you nothing else, it should be that it matters not who an idea comes from, only that the idea itself is true and worthy. Nothing is wrong with using other people's arguments, especially if they have said something more articulately and/or concisely than you would.

Only in factory schools is collaboration slandered as cheating. This isn't a school, and many people here clearly aren't learning much.

Regarding SJW: Capitalism is the defining issue of our generation, it is our slavery, it's only natural that it will provoke great controversy. Where you fall on this issue will largely define how you're remembered by the rest of humanity for eternity.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2015, 10:59:36 PM
If bitcoin has taught you nothing else, it should be that it matters not who an idea comes from, only that the idea itself is true and worthy. Nothing is wrong with using other people's arguments, especially if they have said something more articulately and/or concisely than you would.

Only in factory schools is collaboration slandered as cheating. This isn't a school, and many people here clearly aren't learning much.

Regarding SJW: Capitalism is the defining issue of our generation, it is our slavery, it's only natural that it will provoke great controversy. Where you fall on this issue will largely define how you're remembered by the rest of humanity for eternity.

Is Satoshi a social justice warrior?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 17, 2015, 11:11:05 PM
If bitcoin has taught you nothing else, it should be that it matters not who an idea comes from, only that the idea itself is true and worthy. Nothing is wrong with using other people's arguments, especially if they have said something more articulately and/or concisely than you would.

Only in factory schools is collaboration slandered as cheating. This isn't a school, and many people here clearly aren't learning much.

Regarding SJW: Capitalism is the defining issue of our generation, it is our slavery, it's only natural that it will provoke great controversy. Where you fall on this issue will largely define how you're remembered by the rest of humanity for eternity.

 No one accused you of cheating. I don't care where your ideas come from. I care that you do not personally understand them well enough to even have the ability to explain them using logic and facts (not just more of your own beliefs). This demonstrates to me your inability for critical independent thought.

Again, that is  a nice forced injection of your unrelated political ideals in a sad attempt to divert the topic of discussion. Love the grandiose self importance BTW. Socialists are all for equality, just as long as some one other than themselves are making the sacrifice for it.

more fallacies to add to your list:

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 17, 2015, 11:47:44 PM
If bitcoin has taught you nothing else, it should be that it matters not who an idea comes from, only that the idea itself is true and worthy. Nothing is wrong with using other people's arguments, especially if they have said something more articulately and/or concisely than you would.

Only in factory schools is collaboration slandered as cheating. This isn't a school, and many people here clearly aren't learning much.

Regarding SJW: Capitalism is the defining issue of our generation, it is our slavery, it's only natural that it will provoke great controversy. Where you fall on this issue will largely define how you're remembered by the rest of humanity for eternity.

Is Satoshi a social justice warrior?
I would say no except for the text he embedded in the genesis block about bank bailouts second round. Seems there may have been a political agenda from the beginning, given this technology is such a powerful tool for seizing power from government/banks/other tyrannical entities that enforce monopolies with threat of violence.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 18, 2015, 01:33:51 AM
If bitcoin has taught you nothing else, it should be that it matters not who an idea comes from, only that the idea itself is true and worthy. Nothing is wrong with using other people's arguments, especially if they have said something more articulately and/or concisely than you would.

Only in factory schools is collaboration slandered as cheating. This isn't a school, and many people here clearly aren't learning much.

Regarding SJW: Capitalism is the defining issue of our generation, it is our slavery, it's only natural that it will provoke great controversy. Where you fall on this issue will largely define how you're remembered by the rest of humanity for eternity.

Is Satoshi a social justice warrior?
I would say no except for the text he embedded in the genesis block about bank bailouts second round. Seems there may have been a political agenda from the beginning, given this technology is such a powerful tool for seizing power from government/banks/other tyrannical entities that enforce monopolies with threat of violence.

Do you think the concept of sjw was hijacked by reddit zombies and you represent the true nature of being a real sjw? Is doxxing someone or have him fired through a relentless attack campaign justified if that person does not share your viewpoint? I do not mean a murderer or a pedo. I mean a political or a philosophical position protected by what most consider free speech.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 18, 2015, 03:05:05 AM
 How Social Justice Warriors Are Creating An Entire Generation Of Fascists;all

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 18, 2015, 07:16:00 AM
Getting you fired from your job is just the beginning, putting a bullet in your head is the final solution.

Commie scum

Even the communists are getting sick of these arseholes, the reason I'm a bit angsty about this issue lately is I managed to get myself banned off /r/ Anarchism for daring to talk about feminism in the context of men and they claimed I was MRA, a fucking national communist said he was getting tired of the people on that subreddit attacking others so much over it.

You know you've fucking up when even hardcore communists are fed up of you, these people are so deluded though they think nothing one of them does is wrong even if it's murder, that's why I said awhile back I was actually ready for a fight with these scumbags, I've been studying them for some time now. I was just wondering when they would start trying to inflitrate Bitcointalk and believe me they really do try to take over communities and try to silence everybody.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: AJMax on June 18, 2015, 07:43:25 AM
I don't even know if you are being satirical or not.
Not at all.

The "check your privileged thing" saying is only used by tumblrites and the FAR left liberals.
I'm a social anarchist / anarcho-socialist and anti-capitalist, so basically as far left as the spectrum goes.

No one needs to "check their privilege", we are all humans
Wrong ( That argument didn't hold up when they tried to use it to defend slavery, it certainly doesn't hold up now.

The only difference is that rest of the world doesn't even acknowledge their privilege and discrimination, instead rationalizing and justifying them under various guises of ideologies, religions, etc. Any significant questioning of such status quo isn't rewarded with petty harassment and mean words. They are rewarded with gang rape, strict social ostacization, criminal prosecution in complete kangaroo courts, medieval tortures that exist not for the purpose of information extraction but maximum terrorization, pogroms, local exterminations and complete genocide that makes all the supposed 'sins' of the west a laughable joke in comparison.

In fact, racism and discrimination as well as those 'privileges' that you complain about so much exist in far greater quantities in places you know nothing about and certainly dare not question for the fear of retribution from those who can be much more violent and radical than your 1st world revolutionary wannabe kiddy play.

West tend to be much freer and tolerant of self-criticism - one reason why mouthy fool like you can even dare to spout this non sense and try to pass it off as some laughable pseudo-intellectual babble.Not that I expect a fcking spoiled 1st worlder like you to know anything about that.

You know nothing of slavery, discrimination, or any kind of fake righteous cause you think you can latch on to in order to buttress your own lack of confidence and purpose in your own identity. Do yourself a favor and keep that mouth shut before the whole world realizes you are a pliable and easily manipulated clown.

Too late probably.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 18, 2015, 01:01:56 PM
Getting you fired from your job is just the beginning, putting a bullet in your head is the final solution.

Commie scum

Even the communists are getting sick of these arseholes, the reason I'm a bit angsty about this issue lately is I managed to get myself banned off /r/ Anarchism for daring to talk about feminism in the context of men and they claimed I was MRA, a fucking national communist said he was getting tired of the people on that subreddit attacking others so much over it.

You know you've fucking up when even hardcore communists are fed up of you, these people are so deluded though they think nothing one of them does is wrong even if it's murder, that's why I said awhile back I was actually ready for a fight with these scumbags, I've been studying them for some time now. I was just wondering when they would start trying to inflitrate Bitcointalk and believe me they really do try to take over communities and try to silence everybody.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 18, 2015, 01:43:20 PM
Oh, Men's Rights Activists and yes, they exist precisely because of people like Beliathon going around and harassing others constantly, they're pretty much man's response to feminism.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 18, 2015, 03:35:20 PM
Oh, Men's Rights Activists and yes, they exist precisely because of people like Beliathon going around and harassing others constantly, they're pretty much man's response to feminism.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 18, 2015, 03:57:25 PM
Oh, Men's Rights Activists and yes, they exist precisely because of people like Beliathon going around and harassing others constantly, they're pretty much man's response to feminism.

So what are men's rights exactly? Is there a Bill of Men's Rights out there that lists them out? Just curious.

Just like the Global Women's Rights... But for men maybe?


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 18, 2015, 04:12:12 PM
Quote from: Lethn
You know you've fucking up when even hardcore communists are fed up of you...
Using the opinions of random internet strangers as a metric for truth ("am I fucking up?") - smells like quality science to me broheem.  ::)

If I didn't know better,  I'd say you're not actually interested in getting to the truth of this matter at all, because on some level you realize you are absolutely 100% full of shit. Just another ignorant privileged white man oblivious to the suffering of the rest of the world. And so you shall remain, until you find the intellectual courage to throw yourself at my feet and beg me to teach you the error of your privileged ways.

But of course,  that's all hypothetical,  I know better after all. You've come honestly to this joining of minds to seek truth and wisdom together,  have you not? Careful, the easiest person to fool is yourself (

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: saddampbuh on June 18, 2015, 04:45:26 PM
everyone fortunate enough to be born in a first world country can be said to be " privileged", even our welfare recipients are better off than 4/5 of the planet, and thank god for it, are we supposed to hate ourselves for being better and voluntarily go without to show solidarity with a bunch of niggers in the third world?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 18, 2015, 04:46:47 PM
Like I said, it's basically an opposite movement and merely a reaction to all the bullshit perpetrated by feminism, really these misandrists and racists only have themselves to blame for it, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 18, 2015, 04:48:03 PM
So men's rights are the same as women's rights? Word for word? If not how do they differ? Like what are some specific points?

Have fun! I'm sure you'll learn a lot today, unless you're an intellectual coward piece of shit who refuses to expose himself to any information that contradicts his pre-established biases.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 18, 2015, 08:20:43 PM
Quote from: Lethn
You know you've fucking up when even hardcore communists are fed up of you...
Using the opinions of random internet strangers as a metric for truth ("am I fucking up?") - smells like quality science to me broheem.  ::)

If I didn't know better,  I'd say you're not actually interested in getting to the truth of this matter at all, because on some level you realize you are absolutely 100% full of shit. Just another ignorant privileged white man oblivious to the suffering of the rest of the world. And so you shall remain, until you find the intellectual courage to throw yourself at my feet and beg me to teach you the error of your privileged ways.

But of course,  that's all hypothetical,  I know better after all. You've come honestly to this joining of minds to seek truth and wisdom together,  have you not? Careful, the easiest person to fool is yourself (

Have fun! I'm sure you'll learn a lot today, unless you're an intellectual coward piece of shit who refuses to expose himself to any information that contradicts his pre-established biases.

Have you noticed that you are the only one here:

1. Judging people based on their race
2. Judging people based on their gender
3. Consistently spewing personal attacks
4. Not understanding your own arguments enough to argue your points in
your own words while simultaneously crying about how easy it is for one to fool themselves, just not you though right?

(P.S., linking a bunch of videos on subjects you believe is not the same as having a premise and an argument. I know it is hard to differentiate debating from an opportunity to inject your favorite brand of politics into a discussion, but doing this is not the same as making an argument.)

You are so convinced of your righteousness that you need not even waste your time understanding your beliefs because they are so just, and anyone who disagrees is so unjust it matters not if you act in a racist, and sexist manner, because anyone who disagrees with you is over privileged anyway and needs to be taken down a notch for the sake of justice.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on June 18, 2015, 10:16:07 PM
So Bellathon, what are you doing to enact change for these causes you are so passionate for - other than berating people on this forum while you type on your keyboard obtained due to your "privilege" ? Hell, I want to see some video of you being flogged like the Pussy Riot video you posted!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 18, 2015, 11:26:12 PM
So men's rights are the same as women's rights? Word for word? If not how do they differ? Like what are some specific points?

Have fun! I'm sure you'll learn a lot today, unless you're an intellectual coward piece of shit who refuses to expose himself to any information that contradicts his pre-established biases.

I could be wrong but... I felt like that person was asking a (rhetorical?) question to me as if that person was already open to 3rd wave feminism, sjw, etc.

Really, insulting someone, pre-judging its intention, not knowing its true motivation behind a simple question will not bring more soldiers under your bivouac...


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 19, 2015, 02:17:20 AM
So Bellathon, what are you doing to enact change for these causes you are so passionate for
I'm afraid that's classified, citizen. Now return to your government assigned cube-housing immediately or pay the fine for violating curfew.

Big Gubermint is coming for you, conservatards.

Really, insulting someone, pre-judging its intention, not knowing its true motivation behind a simple question will not bring more soldiers under your bivouac...
I'm sure you'll learn a lot today, unless you're an intellectual coward piece of shit who refuses to expose himself to any information that contradicts his pre-established biases.
There was no insult, merely a potential insult conditional upon the Lethn's decisions about intellectual honesty and scientific integrity.

On this matter I hold him and everyone else to the same standard I hold myself (

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: AJMax on June 19, 2015, 02:24:14 AM
So Bellathon, what are you doing to enact change for these causes you are so passionate for
I'm afraid that's classified, citizen. Now return to your government assigned cube-housing immediately or pay the fine for violating curfew.

Big Gubermint is coming for you, conversatards.

Really, insulting someone, pre-judging its intention, not knowing its true motivation behind a simple question will not bring more soldiers under your bivouac...
I'm sure you'll learn a lot today, unless you're an intellectual coward piece of shit who refuses to expose himself to any information that contradicts his pre-established biases.
There was no insult, merely a potential insult conditional upon the reader's choices.

Prime example of wannabe smart/educated who hasn't got a fckin clue about what he's btching on -> 1st world problems.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2015, 02:24:21 AM
So Bellathon, what are you doing to enact change for these causes you are so passionate for
I'm afraid that's classified, citizen. Now return to your government assigned cube-housing immediately or pay the fine for violating curfew.

Big Gubermint is coming for you, conversatards.

Do you mean conservatards?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: AJMax on June 19, 2015, 02:28:52 AM
So Bellathon, what are you doing to enact change for these causes you are so passionate for
I'm afraid that's classified, citizen. Now return to your government assigned cube-housing immediately or pay the fine for violating curfew.

Big Gubermint is coming for you, conversatards.

Do you mean conservatards?

He quickly changed it lest the lack of spelling accuracy hurts his fragile sense of security :)

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 19, 2015, 02:32:10 AM
Do you mean conservatards?

He quickly changed it lest the lack of spelling accuracy hurts his fragile sense of security :)
Seriously though (

Real talk: only two traits are necessary to oppose capitalism.

First and foremost one must possess compassion (for all), the greatest and noblest of all the wisdoms.

Second, a certain level of acuity is required. That is to say, one must see the world clearly and accurately, with judgement unclouded by myth, superstition, pseudoscience (, or unchecked privilege (raw untempered ego). The most dangerous ignorance is the hubristic sort wherein one is certain one knows. Because they're admirable, it's easy to fool oneself into believing one possesses these two traits. Use this handy test to check yourself:
Any person with the aforementioned two qualities is compelled by their compassion to be oppose capitalism.

Furthermore, any articulate such person can muster a powerful and moving attack against capitalism simply by drawing our attention to everyday life, for the misery this system creates is all around us. In fact we are immersed in this misery like fish in water, such that it seems normal* and so becomes largely invisible to us. *it is the new normal that 60% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug.

The psycho/political situation is similar now to what it was generations ago when the abolitionists began the fight to end slavery. The main difference between then and now is that since then we've legitimized and industrialized the production, distribution, and consumption of mass quantities of drugs. Pharmaceuticals are naturally capitalism's favored misery-coping method because it's easy to make a fortune selling pills when you can leverage an entire field of science - psychology - to suit your business agenda. The insurance, pharma, and law industries have spent the past several decades perfecting the art of corrupting softer science*  into utterly profit-driven pseudoscience. *Several degrees of separation from pure mathematics; In any case much too weak to defend itself from an attack vector so potent as corporate greed.

Yours in compassion and solidarity,

World Citizen Beliathon, proud social justice warrior

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 19, 2015, 10:09:23 AM

What topic are we discussing again? Was it why we should be anticapitalist socialists? Oh wait, it is "What is A Social Justice Warrior", and none of your arrogant, self centered, political masturbation belongs here. I guess you are just so many light years evolved from us "conversatards" that you no longer have a need any longer to follow the same premise and should just completely dictate the conversation to us. After all you are the teacher, what could you possibly have to learn from any one else?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: bumm on June 19, 2015, 12:34:48 PM
Social Justice Warrior - quite a heavy label. Well according to me, anyone who is fighting against social injustices, and by not letting the good people or common people affected by it, is a Social Justice Warrior. That should also include the Social Workers.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 19, 2015, 01:29:36 PM
What topic are we discussing again?
Have you never participated in a debate before? They often meander. When they don't wander, arguments tend to quickly devolve into folks arguing the same points and counterpoints in circles with one another.

I guess you are just so many light years evolved from us "conversatards" that you no longer have a need any longer to follow the same premise
More fascistic ignorance, what a surprise. This is an internet forum, as such no one is required to accept anyone else's premises, we are each free to dispute or reject any premise of our choosing. Actually that's sort of the point. I note that you've failed to dispute a single one of my premises in your post, only attacked me personally. Weak.

I'm no more evolved than anyone else here, but at least I understand how argument works.

"If you lead, they will follow"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 19, 2015, 02:45:16 PM
Social Justice Warrior - quite a heavy label. Well according to me, anyone who is fighting against social injustices, and by not letting the good people or common people affected by it, is a Social Justice Warrior. That should also include the Social Workers.

It's more of an ironic label that's sprung up, basically, these people 'think' they're fighting for social justice, but in reality they're deliberately searching around for the most tiny insignificant things to complain about and want to micro-manage every aspect of our lives and what we say or do.

Putting these assholes in with social workers is an insult to social workers really because they do deal with some real nasty people whereas people like Beliathon are just irritating pests.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2015, 03:22:19 PM

What topic are we discussing again? Was it why we should be anticapitalist socialists? Oh wait, it is "What is A Social Justice Warrior", and none of your arrogant, self centered, political masturbation belongs here. I guess you are just so many light years evolved from us "conversatards" that you no longer have a need any longer to follow the same premise and should just completely dictate the conversation to us. After all you are the teacher, what could you possibly have to learn from any one else?

I believe this character is illustrating what a sjw is, way beyond anything I could have anticipated.  8)

My question to the sjw is still (as I already asked in post #55):

Do you think the concept of sjw was hijacked by reddit zombies and you represent the true nature of being a real sjw? Is doxxing someone or have him fired through a relentless attack campaign justified if that person does not share your viewpoint? I do not mean a murderer or a pedo. I mean a political or a philosophical position protected by what most consider free speech.

You are free (still addressing the sjw) to use links and images if you have difficulties structuring logical sentences yourself. Not judging. Memes are life savers. I use them all the time. So I understand your pain...


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 19, 2015, 03:30:25 PM
Do you think the concept of sjw was hijacked by reddit zombies and you represent the true nature of being a real sjw?
This question is moot, there is no such thing as a "real" SJW.

Neither SJWs nor Redditors are a monolith. Reddit is the fourth most popular site on the web for fuck's sake. By the way, *gasp* I also read and comment on Reddit. TEH HORRORZ!

Is doxxing someone or have him fired through a relentless attack campaign justified if that person does not share your viewpoint?
No, and I would never do that. Once again, redditors are not a monolith, there are millions of different users on Reddit with millions of different worldviews.

[SJW] is more of an ironic label that's sprung up, basically, these people 'think' they're fighting for social justice, but in reality they're deliberately searching around for the most tiny insignificant things to complain about and want to micro-manage every aspect of our lives and what we say or do.
Yeah, tiny insignificant things like human rights, pandemic rape, sex slavery, worker exploitation, child exploitation, privacy, consumer protection, government corruption and hypocrisy, and mass corporate deception.  ::)

The words you're looking for, my conservative white male american comrade, aren't

tiny insignificant things
they're, "if it doesn't affect me, it doesn't matter!" Only two types of entities have this logic. Infants and narcissists.

What you call "tiny insignificant things", I call suffering, compassion, and solidarity, the three pillars of all social progress. And all revolution.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2015, 05:36:28 PM
Do you think the concept of sjw was hijacked by reddit zombies and you represent the true nature of being a real sjw?
This question is moot, there is no such thing as a "real" SJW.

Neither SJWs nor Redditors are a monolith. Reddit is the fourth most popular site on the web for fuck's sake. By the way, *gasp* I also read and comment on Reddit. TEH HORRORZ!

Is doxxing someone or have him fired through a relentless attack campaign justified if that person does not share your viewpoint?
No, and I would never do that. Once again, redditors are not a monolith, there are millions of different users on Reddit with millions of different worldviews.

[SJW] is more of an ironic label that's sprung up, basically, these people 'think' they're fighting for social justice, but in reality they're deliberately searching around for the most tiny insignificant things to complain about and want to micro-manage every aspect of our lives and what we say or do.
Yeah, tiny insignificant things like human rights, pandemic rape, sex slavery, worker exploitation, child exploitation, privacy, consumer protection, government corruption and hypocrisy, and mass corporate deception.  ::)

The words you're looking for, my conservative white male american comrade, aren't

tiny insignificant things
they're "if it doesn't affect me, it doesn't matter!" Only two types of entities have this logic. Infants and narcissists.

What you call "tiny insignificant things", I call suffering, compassion, and solidarity, the three pillars of all social progress. And all revolution.

Everyone has an ego. Everyone. Everyone.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 19, 2015, 06:17:27 PM
Everyone has an ego. Everyone. Everyone.
Part of our responsibility as adult members of society is tempering our ego with consideration for others. This is how we mature, both as individuals and collectively as a civilization (

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2015, 07:40:34 PM
Everyone has an ego. Everyone. Everyone.
Part of our responsibility as adult members of society is tempering our ego with consideration for others. This is how we mature, both as individuals and collectively as a civilization (

 :D ;D :D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on June 19, 2015, 08:55:07 PM
How I wish communists and socialists were.

What communists and socialists are actually like in real life

:( where did all the real communists go?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 19, 2015, 09:17:48 PM
:( where did all the real communists go?
Murdered or sent to gulag/prisons/concentration camps by Germany, USSR, and USA in the 40s and 50s.

The angry ghosts of those countless millions murdered by fascists for thoughtcrime seen to have come back with a vengeance,  haven't they?

Soon it will be our turn to face the gulags, my fellow capitalist scums. Deep down you know this to be true. There is no escaping the coming economic retribution.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 20, 2015, 01:10:37 AM
What topic are we discussing again?
Have you never participated in a debate before? They often meander. When they don't wander, arguments tend to quickly devolve into folks arguing the same points and counterpoints in circles with one another.

I guess you are just so many light years evolved from us "conversatards" that you no longer have a need any longer to follow the same premise
More fascistic ignorance, what a surprise. This is an internet forum, as such no one is required to accept anyone else's premises, we are each free to dispute or reject any premise of our choosing. Actually that's sort of the point. I note that you've failed to dispute a single one of my premises in your post, only attacked me personally. Weak.

I'm no more evolved than anyone else here, but at least I understand how argument works.

"If you lead, they will follow"

Are you sure you are having a debate? Because to me it looks like you are simply using this discussion as a venue to push your own belief systems rather than discuss the actual topic everyone else is discussing. That's how debates work, there is a premise and the validity of it is debated. If you aren't following the premise, then you are simply just talking at everyone while completely ignoring what anyone else is talking about. Debates go both ways, you are just ignoring the topic of discussion and dictating to everyone else what you think is a better premise to discuss because it supports your own ideals. This isn't an exchange, this is you dictating the topic of discussion to everyone else while claiming I am doing the same by pointing out you aren't even following the topic of discussion.

:( where did all the real communists go?
Murdered or sent to gulag/prisons/concentration camps by Germany, USSR, and USA in the 40s and 50s.
 Yeah but mostly in communist Russia.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BLKBITZ on June 20, 2015, 01:22:42 AM
:( where did all the real communists go?
Murdered or sent to gulag/prisons/concentration camps by Germany, USSR, and USA in the 40s and 50s.

The angry ghosts of those countless millions murdered by fascists for thoughtcrime seen to have come back with a vengeance,  haven't they?

Soon it will be our turn to face the gulags, my fellow capitalist scums. Deep down you know this to be true. There is no escaping the coming economic retribution.

if you mean collapse of the economic system then I don't think we have to wait much longer.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BADecker on June 20, 2015, 01:36:52 AM

Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.
Anyone who takes away freedom from people in a wrong way is a danger to himself and all others. Anyone who does it by force is a criminal.

The only right way to take freedom from others is to convince them truthfully that giving up freedom in a certain instance will be beneficial for them. It takes a real statesman to know the truth and how to convince others of it properly.

The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment. They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.

SJW’s do not view all humans as equal
Human beings are not all equal. You can see it simply by looking at people. People may have been created equal, our souls may be equal from the standpoint that each of us is our own identity, but that is the only equality that there is among people.

Anyone who manipulates himself into power for the purpose of taking away freedom from others is a criminal.

Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history. SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.”

For example, if a notable white American male makes a joke about a lesbian black woman who practices Islam, SJW’s will coordinate using a combination of blogs, Youtube, and social networking to dox him (publish his personal information, including where he works). They will then pressure the man’s company by flooding it with calls and messages with the goal to remove his source of income while engaging in a mass reporting campaign to get his online accounts suspended.

Their ultimate goal is to silence all speech that they don’t like and which they find offensive while also punishing the speech offender by removing his source of income. As they grow in power, the acceptable range of speech that would trigger an SJW witch hunt is becoming more narrow, and those who are high up on the privilege hierarchy (white men) have to speak through a careful filter if they don’t want to be subject to an SJW attack.
Fortunately for all of us, anyone who criminally attempts to remove freedom from other people, is promoting similar destruction of freedom for himself from others like him. The criminal mind in power ultimately won't make friends. When he is opposed by others like himself, he ultimately will fall.


It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

- Sun Tzu

If you do not know your enemies, but do know yourself, you better hope that the the first battle is your winner. If it isn't, you may not survive to have a winner.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: stallion on June 20, 2015, 02:46:48 PM
Ye olde race card, how original.
This is what not having any valid argument looks like. I didn't play any cards, I merely laid out some demographic facts you didn't like. Or rather, you were upset by the obvious implications of these demographics, such as the fact that libertarians are mostly a bunch of privileged conservative white 'murican dudes on the internet.
i know it was not your intend but the whole argument did seem a little bit racially biased to me i mean can you even verify the credibility of all the demographics in the post.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 20, 2015, 02:51:04 PM
Ye olde race card, how original.
This is what not having any valid argument looks like. I didn't play any cards, I merely laid out some demographic facts you didn't like. Or rather, you were upset by the obvious implications of these demographics, such as the fact that libertarians are mostly a bunch of privileged conservative white 'murican dudes on the internet.
i know it was not your intend but the whole argument did seem a little bit racially biased to me i mean can you even verify the credibility of all the demographics in the post.
This is the source,, you are free to dispute their credibility if that's your prerogative.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 20, 2015, 02:55:42 PM
Ye olde race card, how original.
This is what not having any valid argument looks like. I didn't play any cards, I merely laid out some demographic facts you didn't like. Or rather, you were upset by the obvious implications of these demographics, such as the fact that libertarians are mostly a bunch of privileged conservative white 'murican dudes on the internet.
i know it was not your intend but the whole argument did seem a little bit racially biased to me i mean can you even verify the credibility of all the demographics in the post.
This is the source,, you are free to dispute their credibility if that's your prerogative.
"Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to research at the intersection of religion, values, and public life." I don't see anything about race there, nor do I see anything referencing any actual studies. Without a source to a study, in effect what you are saying is "This group said some thing, and I am repeating it as fact without actually even verifying the data, because I agree with the conclusions." If you don't even know how to source your ideas, or verify the validity of them, why exactly should we take anything you say seriously?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 20, 2015, 03:16:25 PM
Ye olde race card, how original.
This is what not having any valid argument looks like. I didn't play any cards, I merely laid out some demographic facts you didn't like. Or rather, you were upset by the obvious implications of these demographics, such as the fact that libertarians are mostly a bunch of privileged conservative white 'murican dudes on the internet.
i know it was not your intend but the whole argument did seem a little bit racially biased to me i mean can you even verify the credibility of all the demographics in the post.
This is the source,, you are free to dispute their credibility if that's your prerogative.
"Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to research at the intersection of religion, values, and public life." I don't see anything about race there, nor do I see anything referencing any actual studies. Without a source to a study, in effect what you are saying is "This group said some thing, and I am repeating it as fact without actually even verifying the data, because I agree with the conclusions." If you don't even know how to source your ideas, or verify the validity of them, why exactly should we take anything you say seriously?

Since our founding in 2009, PRRI research has become a standard source of trusted information among journalists, scholars, policy makers, clergy, and the general public. PRRI research has been cited in thousands of media stories and academic publications, and plays a leading role in deepening public understanding of the changing religious landscape and its role in shaping American politics. In addition to our monthly PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey conducted in partnership with Religion News Service and our annual flagship American Values Survey, PRRI conducts a number of major national surveys focused on a range of issues at the intersection of religion, values, and public life. Each year, the PRRI research team also publishes peer review articles based on our research in leading academic journals and books.

As I said, you are free to make a fool of yourself slandering this organization's legitimacy.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 20, 2015, 03:36:32 PM
Ye olde race card, how original.
This is what not having any valid argument looks like. I didn't play any cards, I merely laid out some demographic facts you didn't like. Or rather, you were upset by the obvious implications of these demographics, such as the fact that libertarians are mostly a bunch of privileged conservative white 'murican dudes on the internet.
i know it was not your intend but the whole argument did seem a little bit racially biased to me i mean can you even verify the credibility of all the demographics in the post.
This is the source,, you are free to dispute their credibility if that's your prerogative.
"Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to research at the intersection of religion, values, and public life." I don't see anything about race there, nor do I see anything referencing any actual studies. Without a source to a study, in effect what you are saying is "This group said some thing, and I am repeating it as fact without actually even verifying the data, because I agree with the conclusions." If you don't even know how to source your ideas, or verify the validity of them, why exactly should we take anything you say seriously?

Since our founding in 2009, PRRI research has become a standard source of trusted information among journalists, scholars, policy makers, clergy, and the general public. PRRI research has been cited in thousands of media stories and academic publications, and plays a leading role in deepening public understanding of the changing religious landscape and its role in shaping American politics. In addition to our monthly PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey conducted in partnership with Religion News Service and our annual flagship American Values Survey, PRRI conducts a number of major national surveys focused on a range of issues at the intersection of religion, values, and public life. Each year, the PRRI research team also publishes peer review articles based on our research in leading academic journals and books.

As I said, you are free to make a fool of yourself slandering this organization's legitimacy.

I didn't once claim the organization was illegitimate. I stated the fact that you are not sourcing your information with studies. Simply linking the publisher of the information tells us NOTHING.


Without a source to a study, in effect what you are saying is "This group said some thing, and I am repeating it as fact without actually even verifying the data, because I agree with the conclusions." If you don't even know how to source your ideas, or verify the validity of them, why exactly should we take anything you say seriously?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 20, 2015, 04:06:50 PM

Anita Sarkeesian Attacks Fallout 4 and DOOM 4

If you want an example of a type of disease sjw is check out that on the point viewpoint video. Sadly this metastatic cancer is not just spreading in the gaming industry... There is zero need to play or love games to get what they are after.

A couple of attack vectors are testing

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 20, 2015, 04:37:46 PM
If you want an example of a type of disease sjw is check out that on the point viewpoint video.
There's a difference between SJWs and stupid, brainwashed, misguided, puritanical religious SJWs! As an adult gamer I despise this type of shit.

"Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it."
-Robert Heinlein

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 20, 2015, 05:22:52 PM servers shut down by provider over 'political incorrectness'

Here is another example of a full frontal sjw attack and war.

Long story short: Some reddit subs got nuked. The people migrated out of reddit and recreated a reddit clone. They felt they were safe, away from the reddit sjw. Nope. Their whole server got nuked too.. From complaints.

The sjw is a very serious and dangerous bunch. Just like cancer.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 20, 2015, 08:57:33 PM servers shut down by provider over 'political incorrectness'
The sjw is a very serious and dangerous bunch. Just like cancer.

Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.

Political Correctness is the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

Notice how these are two different things?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 20, 2015, 09:31:27 PM servers shut down by provider over 'political incorrectness'
The sjw is a very serious and dangerous bunch. Just like cancer.

Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.

Political Correctness is the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

Notice how these are two different things?

You aren't convincing anyone cancer.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 21, 2015, 12:56:23 AM
You aren't convincing anyone cancer.
Of what, that words have meanings?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on June 21, 2015, 02:15:37 AM
I would tell you to duck but that one already went right over your head.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Rmcdermott927 on June 21, 2015, 02:57:15 AM
It's very annoying to me that it has become so trendy to be a SJW lately.   No one is allowed to have unpopular opinions anymore.     Everyone is more concerned about sexism, racism, and every other "ism" you can think of than they are with more pressing issues.   We have several REAL global crisis going on right now.   Somehow, being on the brink of cold war V2.0 seems a bit more important than someone hurting my feelings.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Beliathon on June 21, 2015, 04:26:53 AM
It's very annoying to me that it has become so trendy to be a SJW lately.
"Change makes me feel threatened."

Those being born right now are going to finish off your dying religion, seize and dismantle all your guns, and (transc)end your global economic system.

Suck it up Princess Peach, things change.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Bit-Gods on June 21, 2015, 07:49:11 AM

Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.

The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment. They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.

SJW’s do not view all humans as equal

Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history. SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.”

For example, if a notable white American male makes a joke about a lesbian black woman who practices Islam, SJW’s will coordinate using a combination of blogs, Youtube, and social networking to dox him (publish his personal information, including where he works). They will then pressure the man’s company by flooding it with calls and messages with the goal to remove his source of income while engaging in a mass reporting campaign to get his online accounts suspended.

Their ultimate goal is to silence all speech that they don’t like and which they find offensive while also punishing the speech offender by removing his source of income. As they grow in power, the acceptable range of speech that would trigger an SJW witch hunt is becoming more narrow, and those who are high up on the privilege hierarchy (white men) have to speak through a careful filter if they don’t want to be subject to an SJW attack.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

- Sun Tzu

Philosophically a pessimist is the best Social Justice Warrior or in packets a realist. A realists who sees things in the most obvious ways. Who realises when and how much to be self aware and when to walk hand in hand towards extinction.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 21, 2015, 08:33:54 PM

Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.

The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment. They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.

SJW’s do not view all humans as equal

Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history. SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.”

For example, if a notable white American male makes a joke about a lesbian black woman who practices Islam, SJW’s will coordinate using a combination of blogs, Youtube, and social networking to dox him (publish his personal information, including where he works). They will then pressure the man’s company by flooding it with calls and messages with the goal to remove his source of income while engaging in a mass reporting campaign to get his online accounts suspended.

Their ultimate goal is to silence all speech that they don’t like and which they find offensive while also punishing the speech offender by removing his source of income. As they grow in power, the acceptable range of speech that would trigger an SJW witch hunt is becoming more narrow, and those who are high up on the privilege hierarchy (white men) have to speak through a careful filter if they don’t want to be subject to an SJW attack.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

- Sun Tzu

Philosophically a pessimist is the best Social Justice Warrior or in packets a realist. A realists who sees things in the most obvious ways. Who realises when and how much to be self aware and when to walk hand in hand towards extinction.

A sjw is someone who would be in charge of jim jones camp, change its mind when AFTER everyone is gone, then complain about how bad kool-aid has 10 mg of sodium in it on social networks.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: runpaint on July 23, 2015, 08:56:10 PM
SJWcoin, now trading on Cryptopia:

Female Privilege:

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 23, 2015, 10:17:46 PM
SJWcoin, now trading on Cryptopia:

Female Privilege:

Crypotcoins hate people. Check your privilege...


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 24, 2015, 10:03:40 PM

Mostly White Social Justice Warriors Invade Museum Of Fine Arts In Boston To Tell Japanese People They Shouldn’t Wear Kimonos

The back story? The museum was holding an exhibit which involved Japanese culture and they invited people to wear kimonos as a way of getting into the exhibits more. A small group of social justice warriors have been showing up protesting the ‘cultural appropriation’ and calling for ‘decolonizing museums’.

Meanwhile people who think this is just stupid, including Japanese people who would like people to have a better understanding of their culture, have been showing up in kimonos to counter-protest.

Delicious irony: a non-Japanese person lecturing a Japanese person (in a kimono) about cultural appropriation of Japanese culture.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on July 24, 2015, 10:32:49 PM
Holy shit, that's insane even by their standards, by the way Japan, now you know what we in the west have been putting up with for so long.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 25, 2015, 08:54:55 PM

British Researcher Picks Exactly the Wrong Video Game to Push Her White Privilege Theories

Here is the background: National Review came across a Ms. Victoria Cooper, who wrote a paper called Playing Politics: Exploring Nationalism and Conservatism in Fantasy Video Games. It is… well, like many papers of this type, it reads like the conclusion (white people play games to reinforce their white privilege, when they’re not just outright racists) was decided upon first, and only then was the data supporting that conclusion assembled.  This is both expected, and not really relevant in the long term (the vast majority of scholarship these days typically ends up gasping out its life in a narrow, dusty room); what was unexpected was that apparently a large part of Ms. Cooper’s work revolves around her interpretation of Bethesda Softworks’ Elder Scrolls series. Specifically, Skyrim. The relevant bits:

Video Games and Medieval History: The Elder Scrolls – Skyrim

Skyrim is a massively popular medieval-themed video game. Part of the greater Elder Scrolls  video game series, Skyrim was released in 2011 by Bethesda Game Studios and was a critical success. Cooper’s thesis focused on this game and the way players transpose their heritage and national identity onto the fictitious races of its gaming world. Skyrim is home to the Nords (Stormcloaks), a pseudo-Viking race. Tall, fair-haired, and pale, they are a sea-faring warrior society that values honour, family and glory.

…Cooper suggests that, ‘medievally-themed video games are a space where whiteness can be anchored, in a “happy history” where a world is free of multiculturalism and white guilt’.

Full disclosure: I am not a PhD candidate. What I am, though, is somebody who has logged over 2,500 hours in Skyrim, so I think that I can safely make observations about the basic game. And it would be to my suggestion to Ms. Cooper that she find a different example for white people using a game for a safe space from ‘multiculturalism and white guilt’ than Skyrim. Anybody who plays the game past, say, the introduction knows that one major theme of the game is the Skyrim Civil War. In fact, the game cannot be finished without first resolving the Skyrim Civil War. And the Skyrim Civil War is explicitly couched as being the cosmopolitan, inclusive Empire of Tamriel against the racist, xenophobic Nordic Stormcloaks. Literally the first thing the player sees when he or she enters Windhelm (the Stormcloak’s capital city) for the first time is a mob harassing a Dark Elf over her skin color and refugee status. In short: if you’re looking for a game world ‘free of multiculturalism and white guilt,’ don’t play Skyrim.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: bill gator on July 25, 2015, 09:21:43 PM
In theory they present "equality" but in practice they hold some factions more equal then others. :P

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: misterycoins on July 25, 2015, 10:51:14 PM
SJW is usually used for people who have a very extreme view on ideology.Many of them are authoritarian in in their mindset. They believe that there is only one right way, and it's theirs

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 25, 2015, 11:31:29 PM
In theory they present "equality" but in practice they hold some factions more equal then others. :P

Sjw: Animal Farm, incarnated...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 27, 2015, 07:44:52 PM

Microaggression: A Beginner's #SJW Guide!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 29, 2015, 02:17:12 AM

Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word 'American' is 'problematic'

“American,” “illegal alien,” “foreigners,” “mothering,” and “fathering” are just a handful of words deemed “problematic” by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.

According to the university’s website, the guide “is meant to invite inclusive excellence in [the] campus community.”

Terms also considered problematic include: “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” and “chairman,” in addition to many others.

The guide defines words such as “homosexual” as “problematic,” offering “Same Gender Loving” as a more inclusive substitute. Similarly, a lack of gender-neutral bathrooms is, according to the university, “ciscentrism.”

The university defines “ciscentrism” as “[a] pervasive and institutionalized system that places transgender people in the ‘other’ category and treats their needs and identities as less important than those of cisgender people.”

“Ciscentrism,” according to the university, “includes the lack of gender-neutral restrooms, locker rooms, and residences.”

Saying “American” to reference Americans is also problematic. The guide encourages the use of the more inclusive substitutes “U.S. citizen” or “Resident of the U.S.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 29, 2015, 01:17:58 PM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on July 31, 2015, 11:37:48 PM

Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word 'American' is 'problematic'

“American,” “illegal alien,” “foreigners,” “mothering,” and “fathering” are just a handful of words deemed “problematic” by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.

According to the university’s website, the guide “is meant to invite inclusive excellence in [the] campus community.”

Terms also considered problematic include: “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” and “chairman,” in addition to many others.

The guide defines words such as “homosexual” as “problematic,” offering “Same Gender Loving” as a more inclusive substitute. Similarly, a lack of gender-neutral bathrooms is, according to the university, “ciscentrism.”

The university defines “ciscentrism” as “[a] pervasive and institutionalized system that places transgender people in the ‘other’ category and treats their needs and identities as less important than those of cisgender people.”

“Ciscentrism,” according to the university, “includes the lack of gender-neutral restrooms, locker rooms, and residences.”

Saying “American” to reference Americans is also problematic. The guide encourages the use of the more inclusive substitutes “U.S. citizen” or “Resident of the U.S.”

“While individuals on our campus have every right to express themselves, I want to make it absolutely clear that the views expressed in this guide are NOT the policy of the University of New Hampshire. I am troubled by many things in the language guide, especially the suggestion that the use of the term ‘American’ is misplaced or offensive. The only UNH policy on speech is that it is free and unfettered on our campuses. It is ironic that what was probably a well-meaning effort to be ‘sensitive’ proves offensive to many people, myself included.”

— UNH President Mark W. Huddleston

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on August 01, 2015, 01:01:09 PM

Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word 'American' is 'problematic'

 of words deemed “problematic” by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.

According to the university’s website, the guide “is meant to invite inclusive excellence in [the] campus community.”

Terms also considered problematic include: “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” and “chairman,” in addition to many others.

The guide defines words such as “homosexual” as “problematic,” offering “Same Gender Loving” as a more inclusive substitute. Similarly, a lack of gender-neutral bathrooms is, according to the university, “ciscentrism.”

The university defines “ciscentrism” as “[a] pervasive and institutionalized system that places transgender people in the ‘other’ category and treats their needs and identities as less important than those of cisgender people.”

“Ciscentrism,” according to the university, “includes the lack of gender-neutral restrooms, locker rooms, and residences.”

Saying “American” to reference Americans is also problematic. The guide encourages the use of the more inclusive substitutes “U.S. citizen” or “Resident of the U.S.”

“While individuals on our campus have every right to express themselves, I want to make it absolutely clear that the views expressed in this guide are NOT the policy of the University of New Hampshire. I am troubled by many things in the language guide, especially the suggestion that the use of the term ‘American’ is misplaced or offensive. The only UNH policy on speech is that it is free and unfettered on our campuses. It is ironic that what was probably a well-meaning effort to be ‘sensitive’ proves offensive to many people, myself included.”

— UNH President Mark W. Huddleston

What exactly are their problems with calling elderly overweight homosexual  illegal aliens with speech imediments and sexual preferences for mailmen out for what they are?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 01, 2015, 01:11:45 PM

Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word 'American' is 'problematic'

 of words deemed “problematic” by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.

According to the university’s website, the guide “is meant to invite inclusive excellence in [the] campus community.”

Terms also considered problematic include: “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” and “chairman,” in addition to many others.

The guide defines words such as “homosexual” as “problematic,” offering “Same Gender Loving” as a more inclusive substitute. Similarly, a lack of gender-neutral bathrooms is, according to the university, “ciscentrism.”

The university defines “ciscentrism” as “[a] pervasive and institutionalized system that places transgender people in the ‘other’ category and treats their needs and identities as less important than those of cisgender people.”

“Ciscentrism,” according to the university, “includes the lack of gender-neutral restrooms, locker rooms, and residences.”

Saying “American” to reference Americans is also problematic. The guide encourages the use of the more inclusive substitutes “U.S. citizen” or “Resident of the U.S.”

“While individuals on our campus have every right to express themselves, I want to make it absolutely clear that the views expressed in this guide are NOT the policy of the University of New Hampshire. I am troubled by many things in the language guide, especially the suggestion that the use of the term ‘American’ is misplaced or offensive. The only UNH policy on speech is that it is free and unfettered on our campuses. It is ironic that what was probably a well-meaning effort to be ‘sensitive’ proves offensive to many people, myself included.”

— UNH President Mark W. Huddleston

What exactly are their problems with calling elderly overweight homosexual  illegal aliens with speech imediments and sexual preferences for mailmen out for what they are?

Well... Postmen always ring twice. That was unfair to deaf elderly overweight homosexual  illegal aliens with speech impediments...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 16, 2015, 04:05:26 PM

University Teaches Students That White People Can’t Be Oppressed

An instructional guide apparently in use at Northeastern University in Boston is teaching the school’s residential assistants that it is impossible for white people or men to be oppressed.

“In order to have the experience of being oppressed one must belong to an oppressed category,” the guide, titled “The Umbrella of Oppression,” says. “Men cannot be oppressed as men, just as whites cannot be oppressed as whites.”

University Teaches Students That White People Can’t Be Oppressed

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 17, 2015, 11:11:50 PM

Alpha Phi Video Yanked Because It Is Too Feminine And Too White?

University of Alabama sorority Alpha Phi has yanked a recruitment video because it was slammed for being too feminine and too white. Vocal critics of the ‘Bama sorority video claim the now viral video is “racially homogeneous and lacks diversity,” and is “hyper-feminine.” The Alpha Phi YouTube video has now been completely erased from the internet.

The Alpha Phi sorority recruitment video was made by women, for women, yet critics feel that the content “damages” the view of women. Journalist A.L. Bailey claimed the sorority video is “doing more damage to women than presidential candidate Donald Trump.” The Alabama sorority is the fourth oldest sorority in the United States.

The Alpha Phi recruitment video features 72 members of the Greek organization attending campus events, dancing while at a party, wearing bikinis at a lake, and basically, doing traditional “girly” things.

“It’s all so racially and aesthetically homogeneous and forced, so hyper-feminine, so reductive and objectifying, so Stepford Wives: College Edition. It’s all so… unempowering,” Bailey wrote in a piece for “They’re selling themselves on looks alone, as a commodity. Sadly, commodities don’t tend to command much respect. It’s a parade of white girls and blonde hair dye, coordinated clothing.”

Bailey has been deemed a hypocrite by some because she runs a fashion and lifestyle blog.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 24, 2015, 01:17:26 PM


I come to you, gentle reader, cap in hand, head bowed with shame, riddled with regret, overcome with sorrow. Forgive me, Twitter, for I have sinned.

I never anticipated and certainly never intended for Shanley Kane, the most gloriously abusive feminist troll on the internet, to ever delete her social media accounts merely because she lost an argument with me.

Had I realised the terrible result — the horrible sense of longing, the aching void, the awful and unshakeable loss I feel — at not being able to enjoy Shanley’s astonishing, foul-mouthed daily outbursts, I would never have engaged her in a conversation that might have led to her ragequit this week.

Because Shanley was by a considerable margin the best thing about Twitter. No one else better demonstrated the nuttiness, the craziness, the sheer unadulterated lunacy of the social justice tendency on social media than Queen Shanley.

Where are we now, without her vile invective spewing forth on unsuspecting members of the public at all hours of the day?

What have I done, robbing the world of her grotesque band of obsequious beta male groupies who hung on her every word in the remote hope of a hand job?

How will I ever forgive myself for having prompted this dear sweet innocent paragon of social justice who, yes, sure, okay, just a few short years ago was a vile racist troll banging a notorious white supremacist hacker, but shush, shush, shush…

Truly, I did not mean for this to happen when I responded to her latest barrage of nonsensical abuse by calmly pointing out that we would continue to report on her terrorising of the tech community until she stopped doing it.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 27, 2015, 05:35:01 PM;_ylt=AwrC0CMk_t5VDzwA23LQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTBybGY3bmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 29, 2015, 02:38:50 PM

University of Tennessee to students: Diversity means using new made-up pronouns for trans students

Via the Examiner, I’d do what they say. In our alarming new culture of rage against microaggressions, doing otherwise might get you shot.

Rather than make brutish assumptions that someone who looks like a boy is a boy and someone who looks like a girl is a girl, the campus diversity office recommends starting the semester by asking everyone to provide their names “and pronouns.” Or better yet, why not just use new pronouns that are gender-neutral? It’ll spare you an ephemeral awkward moment when you happen to encounter someone from the tiny fraction of the tiny fraction of the population that not only identifies as trans but doesn’t want to be referred to by the pronoun of the gender they physically appear to be.

Not to play this stupid game, but I’m curious: Why does “they/them/their” turn into “xe/xem/xyr” instead of the more logical “zey/zem/zeir”? Also, why isn’t “they/them/their” proper usage for someone who’s trans, whether singular or plural? I mean, purely in terms of how it scans, “xyr” is an abomination.

Also, I’m not sure I grasp the difference between “hir/hirs” and “zir/zirs.” Which one should you use for Caitlyn Jenner? One, I think, is for a man who identifies as a woman and the other for a woman who identifies as a man, but I’ll be damned if I know which terms applies to which. The whole point of this exercise, I thought, was not to make any judgments about gender based on appearance. Doesn’t the need to choose between “hir” and “zir” force you to do that?

Either way, with respect to Caitlyn, looks increasingly like ze’s going to prison.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: andysbizz on August 29, 2015, 03:18:58 PM
SJW is usually used for people who have a very extreme view on ideology.Many of them are authoritarian in in their mindset. They believe that there is only one right way, and it's theirs

It's true and there is nothing to do

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 29, 2015, 03:24:22 PM
SJW is usually used for people who have a very extreme view on ideology.Many of them are authoritarian in in their mindset. They believe that there is only one right way, and it's theirs

It's true and there is nothing to do

You can stop being silent about them or it is the death of freedom of speech.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Bimmerhead on August 29, 2015, 03:33:58 PM
I would say no except for the text he embedded in the genesis block about bank bailouts second round. Seems there may have been a political agenda from the beginning, given this technology is such a powerful tool for seizing power from government/banks/other tyrannical entities that enforce monopolies with threat of violence.

Sorry if I missed it earlier. It was too painful to read the entire thread.

But how do you intend to impose your social "justice" (really social equality - there's nothing just about it) if you plan to taking power away from government?

As far as I can see, the weapons of social justice warriors are the court system, the education system, and an assortment of tribunals, commissions and agencies.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 29, 2015, 03:46:47 PM
I would say no except for the text he embedded in the genesis block about bank bailouts second round. Seems there may have been a political agenda from the beginning, given this technology is such a powerful tool for seizing power from government/banks/other tyrannical entities that enforce monopolies with threat of violence.

Sorry if I missed it earlier. It was too painful to read the entire thread.

But how do you intend to impose your social "justice" (really social equality - there's nothing just about it) if you plan to taking power away from government?

As far as I can see, the weapons of social justice warriors are the court system, the education system, and an assortment of tribunals, commissions and agencies.

... And self doxxing, and trying to send people to prison for exercising their freedom of speech, etc, etc...

Etc... Etc...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on August 30, 2015, 11:34:06 PM
I would apply it to what is an -ism.
Because all of them sum to the same;
Every single -ism claims to have the solution to all evil, preaches senseless hate towards what they think it's their enemy, use historical reviews, approaches or plain lies to get a point, the brain-dead who follows an -ism follows it as his football team...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 31, 2015, 12:54:10 AM
I would apply it to what is an -ism.
Because all of them sum to the same;
Every single -ism claims to have the solution to all evil, preaches senseless hate towards what they think it's their enemy, use historical reviews, approaches or plain lies to get a point, the brain-dead who follows an -ism follows it as his football team...

The SJW movemnt will be remembered for adding Moron -ism... to the list.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on August 31, 2015, 01:11:32 AM
Well, people in general just wants to be good. The issue is on how can you be good without being mean?
As pointed early, it's somewhat funny to listen to folks with an assassin printed in the shirt (Che Guevara) complaining about Nazis, ignoring they are way alike.
You also get it from those "I support Palestine due to Human Rights violations and yada yada" -> so the Jews must be killed without appeal? Aren't they human also? Or simply have no rights? Or is these people just a group of morons?

Maybe one day people will learn to simply analyze decisions and potential outcomes, other than take one side and being good for that side regardless how hazardous the outcome may be... and then aliens may finally make contact with us.  ;D

I agree with "moron-ism" for classify those fashion-followers "useful idiots".

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: roadbits on August 31, 2015, 08:24:48 AM
While the internet was supposed to be a tool to help expand our minds it has only helped closed minded people to live in worlds where they are right no matter how wrong.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on August 31, 2015, 12:39:08 PM
Well, people in general just wants to be good. The issue is on how can you be good without being mean?
As pointed early, it's somewhat funny to listen to folks with an assassin printed in the shirt (Che Guevara) complaining about Nazis, ignoring they are way alike.
You also get it from those "I support Palestine due to Human Rights violations and yada yada" -> so the Jews must be killed without appeal? Aren't they human also? Or simply have no rights? Or is these people just a group of morons?

Maybe one day people will learn to simply analyze decisions and potential outcomes, other than take one side and being good for that side regardless how hazardous the outcome may be... and then aliens may finally make contact with us.  ;D

I agree with "moron-ism" for classify those fashion-followers "useful idiots".


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 03, 2015, 02:37:30 PM


The online culture wars have moved out of comments sections and into Amazon’s Kindle Store.

Following the publication of a book by the controversial sci-fi author Theodore Beale aka Vox Day, two parody e-books surged to the top of the store’s top-100 rankings. The first book was a parody of Day’s work, while the other (which has now been removed from Amazon) mocked John Scalzi, one of Day’s critics.

Day’s book is entitled “SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police”, and is intended to be a serious polemic. The book’s summary describes SJWs (Social Justice Warriors — a term for authoritarian progressive activists) as having “plagued mankind for 150 years” and describes how they “invaded one institution of the cultural high ground after another.” It presents itself as a guide to “understanding, anticipating, and surviving SJW attacks.”

The book includes a foreword from Breitbart associate editor Milo Yiannopoulos and was reviewed positively in the conservative online magazine American Thinker.

Online progressives were not so supportive. Alexandra Erin, a sci-fi writer who described Day’s book as “rehashing old slights”, wrote a short parody of the book for Kindle. Entitled “John Scalzi Is Not A Very Popular Author And I Myself Am Quite Popular: How SJWs Always Lie About Our Comparative Popularity Levels,” the book makes fun of Day’s alleged fixation with the progressive sci-fi author John Scalzi.

Scalzi himself appeared to be delighted with the parody,  saying he “loved it already.” He used the book in a fundraising drive for a charity promoting diversity at sci-fi conventions, promising to release an audio recording of him reading the book if $2,500 was raised within three days. The target was successfully met, and Scalzi subsequently uploaded an audio recording.

Supporters of Vox Day responded by releasing their own parody book, entitled “John Scalzi Is A Rapist: Why SJWs Always Lie In Bed Waiting For His Gentle Touch; A Pretty, Pretty Girl Dreams of Her Beloved One While Pondering Gender Identity, Social Justice, and Body Dysmorphia.”

The counter-parody was removed by Amazon today following complaints from Scalzi. Prior to its removal, it was the top seller in the “parodies” section of the Kindle store, two places ahead of Erin’s book. Kindle top 100 rankings are calculated on an hourly basis, and surges in popularity for titles usually reflect a short, rapid increase in the number of purchases.

Scalzi also asked his followers on social media if “John Scalzi is a rapist” counts as libel. Legal commentator Ken White (also known as Popehat), responded on his blog, saying the book was “almost certainly protected parody.”

I will certainly support this author as I am tired of the sjw army. Only 5 bux? Sold.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: runpaint on September 03, 2015, 03:05:30 PM
Looks like a good book

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 03, 2015, 03:23:03 PM
Looks like a good book

I will know more about the sjw, even more than the sjw themselves. This book is a strategic weapon.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on September 03, 2015, 03:24:48 PM
Well, people in general just wants to be good. The issue is on how can you be good without being mean?
As pointed early, it's somewhat funny to listen to folks with an assassin printed in the shirt (Che Guevara) complaining about Nazis, ignoring they are way alike.
You also get it from those "I support Palestine due to Human Rights violations and yada yada" -> so the Jews must be killed without appeal? Aren't they human also? Or simply have no rights? Or is these people just a group of morons?

Maybe one day people will learn to simply analyze decisions and potential outcomes, other than take one side and being good for that side regardless how hazardous the outcome may be... and then aliens may finally make contact with us.  ;D

I agree with "moron-ism" for classify those fashion-followers "useful idiots".
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 03, 2015, 03:37:47 PM
Well, people in general just wants to be good. The issue is on how can you be good without being mean?
As pointed early, it's somewhat funny to listen to folks with an assassin printed in the shirt (Che Guevara) complaining about Nazis, ignoring they are way alike.
You also get it from those "I support Palestine due to Human Rights violations and yada yada" -> so the Jews must be killed without appeal? Aren't they human also? Or simply have no rights? Or is these people just a group of morons?

Maybe one day people will learn to simply analyze decisions and potential outcomes, other than take one side and being good for that side regardless how hazardous the outcome may be... and then aliens may finally make contact with us.  ;D

I agree with "moron-ism" for classify those fashion-followers "useful idiots".
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.

When I joined bitcointalk I remember a lot of threads on that subject: basically bitcoin is anti banks. Banks are controlled by jews, thus bitcoin should be anti jews...

I was like... "What the hell!?"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 03, 2015, 04:06:09 PM
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.

So, just asking what do with Jews then is "lowering the bar"?! This sounds a LOT like "either you're pro-Jew or pro-Palestinian". How about "what the heck do I care about that"?!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on September 03, 2015, 08:14:40 PM
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.

So, just asking what do with Jews then is "lowering the bar"?! This sounds a LOT like "either you're pro-Jew or pro-Palestinian". How about "what the heck do I care about that"?!
That's my attitude entirely.  I am only noting that of posters, a fair minority are highly "anti Jew."  We can presume their nationalities and religious beliefs pretty easily.  But you really don't run into a  lot of "Anti Jordanians" or "Anti-Egypt" or "Anti-Palestine" voices.

As just one example, Muslims would like to play the "Victim" card.  They are victims, they say - of Islamophobia.  They will say this with a straight face and in the next paragraph display JewPhobia.  Essentially the message is "I play victim," "you/they can't."

They will say "Respect (my) religion, don't insult Mohammed," then literally erupt with hatred and slander of Israel.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: runpaint on September 03, 2015, 08:40:06 PM
But why can't they just compromise with the Palestinians?  All the Israelis would have to do is just all die, what's so hard about that?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 03, 2015, 09:32:32 PM
But why can't they just compromise with the Palestinians?  All the Israelis would have to do is just all die, what's so hard about that?

I hope I got the ironic tone right...
 ;D :D ;D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 03, 2015, 09:42:17 PM

Vanderbilt Women's Center to Lecture Men on 'Healthy Masculinities'

Vanderbilt University’s Women’s Center will be hosting a week-long event dedicated to lecturing men about what it means to have “healthy masculinity.”

The “Healthy Masculinities Week” is sponsored by Vanderbilt’s Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, which claims to be devoted to “Celebrating Women” while “Empowering All.”

The mission of the Women’s Center is to affirm a “space for all members of the Vanderbilt community that acknowledges and actively resists sexism, racism, homophobia, and all forms of oppression while advocating for positive social change.”

The “core values” of the Women’s Center includes the idea that, “progress toward gender equality calls all of us to be champions for change” while simultaneously claiming to “celebrate the unique differences among all persons and work to build community in diversity.”

“Healthy Masculinities Week” hopes to encourage men to “[e]xplore healthy masculinity through various lenses,” such as “American society, the gay and bisexual community, fraternities, and more.”

The first event as part of the “Healthy Masculinities Week” is called, “The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt and how all men can help.” The title is a reference to a book by Jackson Katz, who is a self-proclaimed “anti-sexist activist” and the speaker for the event.

The full title for Katz’s book is, “The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help.” It is unclear why the word “Women” was removed from Vanderbilt’s event listing.

According to a review for Katz’s book, “Katz explores those aspects of American culture that promote violence against women, focusing separate chapters on pornography, prostitution, and other sex-related businesses as well as sexual violence in the military, the music industry, and athletics.” It also “offers advice on how men can ally with women to curb violence and change those aspects of the ‘boys will be boys’ attitude on male aggressiveness and masculinity that can lead to violence and abuse.”

In 2012, Katz gave a TED talk with the title, “Violence against women—it’s a men’s issue.” In his talk, Katz asserts we need to “change the socialization of boys and the definitions of manhood that lead to these current outcomes [violence against women].”

Other events as part of “Healthy Masculinities Week” include “Maintaining ‘Bro’ Status: Fraternity men discuss masculinity and mental health,” “Masc 4 Masc: Policing masculinity in the gay and bi communities,” “Masculinity XXL? The portrayal of manhood in Magic Mike,” and a screening and discussion of the film, “The Mask You Live In.”

The advertisement for “Healthy Masculinities Week,” which was emailed to members of the student body, includes a portrayal man with a thought bubble, thinking, “Don’t cry,” “Have sex,” “Major in business,” “Play sports,” and “Man up.” Allegedly, these are examples of unhealthy masculinity.

Vanderbilt’s “Healthy Masculinities Week” is scheduled to run from Sept. 10-17.

In addition to the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, “Healthy Masculinities Week” is also sponsored by a host of other departments at Vanderbilt, including Vanderbilt Athletics, Dean of Students Project Safe Center, Women’s and Gender Studies, Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, Office of Greek Life, Office of LGBTQI Life, Bishop Joseph Black Cultural Center, and the Interfaith Council.

The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center did not respond to a request for comment on the major topics covered during the event.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on September 03, 2015, 11:01:15 PM
But why can't they just compromise with the Palestinians?  All the Israelis would have to do is just all die, what's so hard about that?

I hope I got the ironic tone right...
 ;D :D ;D

Well, ya.  Actually I'd like to go visit the "Holy Lands" (Israel) sometime.  I'm sure I'd be welcome as a friendly Atheist.  Betcha lots of the people there would be right on the same wavelength.

Mecca now.....

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 04, 2015, 12:50:44 AM
Well, on that Israel issue, which we could well call the war of all lies, is to see how easy it can be to forge news these days!
This is basically because no journalist checks sources or do any field work, they just keep translating and passing on the primary source without any review at all.

The latest "Pallyhood" production is this video:

1. As we can see, and at the beginning we get a nearly 360º view, there's nobody around but the kid and the supposed IDF soldier.
2. For anyone, as me, who was a soldier wouldn't be hard to notice the soldier is neither on proper gear nor action, is just an actor with a poor IDF-like uniform.
3. Also supposedly the kid was throwing stones at IDF soldiers, but as we can see at #1: What soldiers?!
4. The Palestinians who were also throwing stones at the soldiers when given the chance of hit him with a rock and send him to meet the creator, just go on a soft struggle to take his mask (not even his weapon).
5. Last but not least, The Daily Mirror went as far as made up "declarations of an IDF spokesperson" about the situation... obviously such declarations or any reference to the incident are nowhere to be found at IDF's official blog.

BTW, don't miss the carnival bomb the other soldier throws.  ;D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on September 04, 2015, 01:08:41 AM
Well, on that Israel issue, which we could well call the war of all lies, is to see how easy it can be to forge news these days!
This is basically because no journalist checks sources or do any field work, they just keep translating and passing on the primary source without any review at all.

The latest "Pallyhood" production is this video:

1. As we can see, and at the beginning we get a nearly 360º view, there's nobody around but the kid and the supposed IDF soldier.
2. For anyone, as me, who was a soldier wouldn't be hard to notice the soldier is neither on proper gear nor action, is just an actor with a poor IDF-like uniform.
3. Also supposedly the kid was throwing stones at IDF soldiers, but as we can see at #1: What soldiers?!
4. The Palestinians who were also throwing stones at the soldiers when given the chance of hit him with a rock and send him to meet the creator, just go on a soft struggle to take his mask (not even his weapon).
5. Last but not least, The Daily Mirror went as far as made up "declarations of an IDF spokesperson" about the situation... obviously such declarations or any reference to the incident are nowhere to be found at IDF's official blog.

BTW, don't miss the carnival bomb the other soldier throws.  ;D
That's totally a stupid video.  

No, those are not soldiers.  Not only are they not IDF soldiers, they are not any kind of soldiers.

By the way, one reason I am not sympathetic to the Demands of Palestine is that, well Pakistan was formed about the same time with 10x the number of refugees.  So why no outrage there?

Then there's Arafat. 

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 04, 2015, 01:46:18 AM
I don't give a big F about that conflict because:

1. What you call "Palestinians" today are not from there, not any sort of "ancient inhabitants" of Israel as many may think, but an attempt to drop a "human bomb" against Zionism by the Ottoman Empire.
2. Well... today Palestinians aren't from there nor the most of Jews. The first Palestine was actually Jewish and the term comes from "pelesh" (invaders, occupants, dividers) to refer to those Jewish families that migrated there under the Zionist agenda.

So we've 2 invaders so to say. Who was there? And there we get to the root of lies; accordingly to the British consul at Jerusalem by 1860 there were about 15 thousand people in the town, of which about 8 thousand Jews, 4.5K Muslims and 2.5K Christians. Reports from other Western pilgrims follows this line; where is now Israel was a desert, almost nobody, just some Jews and nomad Arabs.
Oddly on 1890 the Ottoman census makes this figures about what's now Israel: 43K Jews, 57K Christians and 432K Muslims. But we have this entry from Mark Twain's travels:

"There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent (valley of Jezreel, Galilea); not for thirty miles in either direction... One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings. For the sort of solitude to make one dreary, come to Galilee... Nazareth is forlorn... Jericho lies a mouldering ruin... Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and humiliation... untenanted by any living creature... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent, mournful expanse... a desolation... We never saw a human being on the whole route... Hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil had almost deserted the country... Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes... desolate and unlovely...".

- Mark Twain, "The Innocents Abroad", 1867

So in 23 years they went from "nobody" to half million? Well... looks like the Ottomans counted nomads a couple of times to make them look more, because:

"There are many proofs, such as ancient ruins, broken aqueducts, and remains of old roads, which show that it has not always been so desolate as it seems now. In the portion of the plain between Mount Carmel and Jaffa one sees but rarely a village or other sights of human life. There are some rude mills here which are turned by the stream. A ride of half an hour more brought us to the ruins of the ancient city of Cæsarea, once a city of two hundred thousand inhabitants, and the Roman capital of Palestine, but now entirely deserted. As the sun was setting we gazed upon the desolate harbor, once filled with ships, and looked over the sea in vain for a single sail. In this once crowded mart, filled with the din of traffic, there was the silence of the desert. After our dinner we gathered in our tent as usual to talk over the incidents of the day, or the history of the locality. Yet it was sad, as I laid upon my couch at night, to listen to the moaning of the waves and to think of the desolation around us".

- B. W. Johnson, in "Young Folks in Bible Lands": Chapter IV, 1892 -

So to the end; BOTH Jews and Arabs are mostly immigrants there. The region is inhabitable, just the science of Israel allows mankind to live there on the current figures. So, they're facing a major challenge, the Nature, and wasting time fighting because some mfs wants "jizya"!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on September 04, 2015, 01:32:05 PM
I don't give a big F about that conflict because:

1. What you call "Palestinians" today are not from there, not any sort of "ancient inhabitants" of Israel as many may think, but an attempt to drop a "human bomb" against Zionism by the Ottoman Empire.
2. Well... today Palestinians aren't from there nor the most of Jews. The first Palestine was actually Jewish and the term comes from "pelesh" (invaders, occupants, dividers) to refer to those Jewish families that migrated there under the Zionist agenda.

So we've 2 invaders so to say. Who was there? And there we get to the root of lies; accordingly to the British consul at Jerusalem by 1860 there were about 15 thousand people in the town, of which about 8 thousand Jews, 4.5K Muslims and 2.5K Christians. Reports from other Western pilgrims follows this line; where is now Israel was a desert, almost nobody, just some Jews and nomad Arabs.
Oddly on 1890 the Ottoman census makes this figures about what's now Israel: 43K Jews, 57K Christians and 432K Muslims. But we have this entry from Mark Twain's travels:

"There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent (valley of Jezreel, Galilea); not for thirty miles in either direction... One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings. For the sort of solitude to make one dreary, come to Galilee... Nazareth is forlorn... Jericho lies a mouldering ruin... Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and humiliation... untenanted by any living creature... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent, mournful expanse... a desolation... We never saw a human being on the whole route... Hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil had almost deserted the country... Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes... desolate and unlovely...".

- Mark Twain, "The Innocents Abroad", 1867

So in 23 years they went from "nobody" to half million? Well... looks like the Ottomans counted nomads a couple of times to make them look more, because:

"There are many proofs, such as ancient ruins, broken aqueducts, and remains of old roads, which show that it has not always been so desolate as it seems now. In the portion of the plain between Mount Carmel and Jaffa one sees but rarely a village or other sights of human life. There are some rude mills here which are turned by the stream. A ride of half an hour more brought us to the ruins of the ancient city of Cæsarea, once a city of two hundred thousand inhabitants, and the Roman capital of Palestine, but now entirely deserted. As the sun was setting we gazed upon the desolate harbor, once filled with ships, and looked over the sea in vain for a single sail. In this once crowded mart, filled with the din of traffic, there was the silence of the desert. After our dinner we gathered in our tent as usual to talk over the incidents of the day, or the history of the locality. Yet it was sad, as I laid upon my couch at night, to listen to the moaning of the waves and to think of the desolation around us".

- B. W. Johnson, in "Young Folks in Bible Lands": Chapter IV, 1892 -

So to the end; BOTH Jews and Arabs are mostly immigrants there. The region is inhabitable, just the science of Israel allows mankind to live there on the current figures. So, they're facing a major challenge, the Nature, and wasting time fighting because some mfs wants "jizya"!


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: runpaint on September 04, 2015, 02:07:23 PM

1. What you call "Palestinians" today are not from there, not any sort of "ancient inhabitants" of Israel as many may think, but an attempt to drop a "human bomb" against Zionism by the Ottoman Empire.
2. Well... today Palestinians aren't from there nor the most of Jews. The first Palestine was actually Jewish and the term comes from "pelesh" (invaders, occupants, dividers) to refer to those Jewish families that migrated there under the Zionist agenda.

I'd like to correct you on one point only - the region was named Palestine by the Roman occupiers about 2000 years ago, and the name doesn't refer to Jewish settlers.

"Palestinian" does come from a word that can mean "migrant" or "invader", but it was the name given to the ancient enemies of Israel before the Roman occupation.  This word appears as "Philistine" in modern translations of the Bible and ancient Jewish scriptures.

When the Romans conquered and made it a province, they called the province Judea.  But later they changed it to Palestine as a punishment to the rebellious people there;  renaming their country after their own enemies was a demoralizing insult.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 04, 2015, 03:01:25 PM
I mean the late name, why was it renamed back as so after the Ottoman Empire - under the Ottoman it was Syrian districts. The returning Jews under Zionism were for all means "immigrants".
The 1939 flag of Palestine was this:

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 18, 2015, 01:10:51 AM


South Park, the grand old man of politically incorrect comedy, has taken on the social justice warriors in its biggest way yet.

In the season premiere, released yesterday, a new character was introduced: “PC Principal.” Introducing himself as someone who is “sick and tired of how minority groups are marginalised in today’s society,” the episode revolves around PC Principal’s sometimes violent quest to rid the school of problematic language. Like Dolores Umbridge with more testosterone, PC Principal spends his debut terrorising anyone who he suspects of misgendering trans peope or disrespecting women and minorities — occasionally beating up students in the process.

The show takes aim at the most absurdly PC story of recent months — the lionizing of Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner. The plot revolves around Kyle’s refusal to agree that Jenner is a hero. “I thought we were all on board that Caitlyn Jenner is an amazing beautiful woman who had the exquisite bravery of a butterfly flying against the wind,” screams PC Principal, “and then this sh*t comes out of peoples’ mouths!”

Amusingly, PC Principal and his gang of accomplices are portrayed as a hybrid of social justice warrior and college frat jock. At one point, the parents of South Park’s kids go to a college bar where they are accosted by “PC bros” who threaten to “throw down” at the slightest suggestion that Jenner isn’t a “stunning beautiful woman.”

Soon, the PC bros start talking amongst themselves (“Sweet, your PC bro?” “Yeah, Arizonia State.” Sweet bro, I’m PC U. Mass.” “Sweet dude.” “Sweet.”) and agree to set up a PC frat house under the leadership of PC Principal. (“No problematic language here bro!”) As a final test, pledges are told to “go outside and check someone’s privilege.”

Given that frat boys are the natural enemies of the social justice left on campus, it’s a creative bit of left-field humour. South Park cleverly questions whether the antics of frat boys (at one point, the PC bros draw penises on Kyle’s face while he’s asleep) would be deemed acceptable if they were done in the name of progressive values.

Like some of the social justice warriors we’ve covered in the past, the PC bros take a hostile, even violently belligerent attitude to anyone who offends them. At one point, PC Principal beats Eric Cartman to within an inch of his life for using the word “spokesman” instead of “spokesperson.”



Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on September 18, 2015, 09:01:46 AM
At one point, PC Principal beats Eric Cartman to within an inch of his life for using the word “spokesman” instead of “spokesperson.”

i watched this bit of the episode earlier today, still have to watch the whole thing though. however, i feel that this exaggerated reaction accurately represents the reactions "SJW's" display in response to microaggressions that arent even microaggressions at this point.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 19, 2015, 01:58:32 PM
At one point, PC Principal beats Eric Cartman to within an inch of his life for using the word “spokesman” instead of “spokesperson.”

i watched this bit of the episode earlier today, still have to watch the whole thing though. however, i feel that this exaggerated reaction accurately represents the reactions "SJW's" display in response to microaggressions that arent even microaggressions at this point.

Very accurate episode.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 24, 2015, 08:15:47 PM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BADecker on September 24, 2015, 08:39:26 PM
A Social Justice Warrior is one who
under the guise of helping the poor
steals the wealth of the rich
for his own benefit
leaving the poor with little or nothing of what was stolen.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 24, 2015, 08:50:27 PM
A Social Justice Warrior is one who
under the guise of helping the poor
steals the wealth of the rich
for his own benefit
leaving the poor with little or nothing of what was stolen.


A.K.A... A con artist.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 25, 2015, 02:48:14 PM
Looks like some just went a step further and start stealing directly from the poor:

[Warning: Stressful footage!]

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on September 25, 2015, 02:59:59 PM
Looks like some just went a step further and start stealing directly from the poor:

[Warning: Stressful footage!]

Insanity. Looked like he was feeding the dog well.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BADecker on October 05, 2015, 04:45:45 PM
A Social Justice Warrior is one who
under the guise of helping the poor
steals the wealth of the rich
for his own benefit
leaving the poor with little or nothing of what was stolen.


A.K.A... A con artist.

Yes, but a special kind of con artist, known as a Social Justice Warrior (SJW).   :)

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 05, 2015, 06:06:32 PM

Students warned: Bulging biceps, big guns advance unhealthy masculinity

‘Being emotional is manly in my opinion’

The size of G.I. Joe’s biceps and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s guns in the Terminator movies is proof that the dominant form of masculinity is out of control.

That message and similar ones were conveyed recently to students during Vanderbilt University’s “Healthy Masculinities Week,” organized by the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center. Attendance for students was optional.

The Vanderbilt week kicked off with a lecture by the first man to minor in women’s studies at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Jackson Katz. (His alma mater now offers a bachelor’s in women, gender and sexuality studies.)

The self-described “anti-sexist activist” and filmmaker said that sexual violence and domestic abuse are men’s issues and that men would “benefit tremendously from having this conversation.”

Katz founded a consulting firm that “provides gender violence prevention and leadership training to institutions in the public and private sectors” and has pioneered the use of bystander training in the U.S. military, according to his website.

At the event, Katz likened racism to sexism, and told students that “people interrupt other people when they make racist comments.” Therefore they should have the same mindset in response to sexist comments, Katz said.

But he backtracked during an audience question-and-answer session, admitting that sexist comments can be contextually appropriate in a humorous setting.

Hasta la vista, PC

Political correctness has value, Katz said. Supporters of presidential candidate Donald Trump say like they him for “not being politically correct,” but what they really mean is they like him “for saying racist and sexist comments,” Katz added.

Pop culture also has an insidious effect on masculinity, Katz continued, imploring the audience not to “check your brain and moral conscience when you go to the movies.”

He showed clips from his film Tough Guise, in which Katz claims “there has been a ratcheting up of what it takes to be considered menacing in the 1980s and 90s.”

As evidence, Katz noted that G.I. Joe’s biceps have gotten larger over the years and that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone use bigger guns for their iconic roles as the Terminator and Rambo than did Humphrey Bogart in his 1930s and 1940s film roles.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on October 05, 2015, 09:57:28 PM

Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men....

A social justice warrior is a wart on the footpad of a nerdly toad of a metrosexual degenerate, wearing narrow angle glasses that restrict incoming light from the world to one photon per year.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: vero on October 06, 2015, 02:46:37 AM
SJW is a term used to describe someone who is purposely looking to be offended by something, or who wants to make an issue where none exists

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: zenitzz on October 06, 2015, 05:12:38 AM
It's a derogatory term meant for douchebags who use their blogs as a platform to try to make themselves and their half-formed opinions look good while dissing the rest of the world. A good example would be Yemisi Ilesanmi. She wrote a book about how being LGBT isn't unAfrican, but in a chat with me told me it was important for me to know that she and other POC think the parents of mixed folks like me hate themselves.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: christycalhoun on October 06, 2015, 05:35:35 AM
I'm glad I am not the only one who dislikes these people. I don't understand how they can be so isolated from the world that they think racists are out to get them.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 06, 2015, 09:28:38 PM

London woman charged after alleged #killallwhitemen tweet
Bahar Mustafa, 28, a student diversity officer at Goldsmiths, University of London, charged with sending threatening communication

A student diversity officer who came to prominence in a race row after allegedly tweeting the hashtag #killallwhitemen has been charged by police with sending a threatening communication.

Bahar Mustafa, of Goldsmiths, University of London, is set to appear at Bromley magistrates court on 5 November.

The 28-year-old from Edmonton, north-east London, faces two charges. One is sending a communication conveying a threatening message between 10 November 2014 and 31 May 2015. The second is for sending a grossly offensive message via a public communication network between 10 November 2014 and 31 May 2015.

Mustafa was initially accused of racism for asking white men not to attend a students’ union meeting intended for ethnic minority and “non-binary” women.

She then became embroiled in a separate row, accused of using the hashtag #killallwhitemen on her Twitter account, which has since been deleted.

A student diversity officer, a donkey and a pony go to a bar...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Malooka on October 07, 2015, 04:15:20 AM
Being white, american, male, christian, republican, what does that mean
It means boatloads of cringe-inducing unchecked privilege.

I'm still waiting for the "privilege."

The main "privilege" Whites have these days is to slave away their lives to pay for homosexual propaganda and "oppressed minorities."

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on October 07, 2015, 06:14:07 AM
i really do hope this is satirical, but its sad to see that its gone this far.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 07, 2015, 11:18:34 PM

High School Student Says He Raped And Murdered His Math Teacher Because She Used A Trigger Word

Jury selection begins Wednesday in the murder trial of a teenager accused of raping and killing his Danvers High School teacher two years ago.

Philip Chism was 14 when he was arrested and charged with the killing of his math teacher, Colleen Ritzer.

Prosecutors say Chism, who is now 16, killed Ritzer on Oct. 22, 2013, after she asked him to stay after class. They allege Chism stabbed her 16 times in the neck, put her in a recycling bin and dragged it into the woods near the school.

Several hours later, Chism was seen walking along a road in Topsfield, carrying credit cards in Ritzer’s name, women’s underwear and a box cutter with what appeared to be blood on it.

Chism has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and rape.

He later allegedly told investigators he used a karate chop to subdue her, after Ritzer used a “trigger word” that angered him. He described how he cut her neck with the box cutter.

"She said Foxnews!!!!"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on October 07, 2015, 11:27:06 PM

High School Student Says He Raped And Murdered His Math Teacher Because She Used A Trigger Word

[im g][/img]

Jury selection begins Wednesday in the murder trial of a teenager accused of raping and killing his Danvers High School teacher two years ago.

Philip Chism was 14 when he was arrested and charged with the killing of his math teacher, Colleen Ritzer.

Prosecutors say Chism, who is now 16, killed Ritzer on Oct. 22, 2013, after she asked him to stay after class. They allege Chism stabbed her 16 times in the neck, put her in a recycling bin and dragged it into the woods near the school.

Several hours later, Chism was seen walking along a road in Topsfield, carrying credit cards in Ritzer’s name, women’s underwear and a box cutter with what appeared to be blood on it.

Chism has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and rape.

He later allegedly told investigators he used a karate chop to subdue her, after Ritzer used a “trigger word” that angered him. He described how he cut her neck with the box cutter.

"She said Foxnews!!!!"

i find it terrible that this can be related to the SJW keyboard warriors of today in the sense that these people overreact to everything: with these people, they will go complete scorched earth on anyone they disagree with, its not enough to disagree with someone and not talk to them anymore apparently. i think their mentality goes something along the lines of: "oh you said something that if blown up to gargantuan proportions, it might be perceived as misogynistic or slightly offensive to someone by some psychotic patient? well now you need to be wiped off the face of the fucking earth."

this video is a summary of one such case; this man didnt even harass the two feminists in question, but these radical feminists felt the need to send a man to jail for disagreeing with them.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 08, 2015, 01:09:39 AM

High School Student Says He Raped And Murdered His Math Teacher Because She Used A Trigger Word

[im g][/img]

Jury selection begins Wednesday in the murder trial of a teenager accused of raping and killing his Danvers High School teacher two years ago.

Philip Chism was 14 when he was arrested and charged with the killing of his math teacher, Colleen Ritzer.

Prosecutors say Chism, who is now 16, killed Ritzer on Oct. 22, 2013, after she asked him to stay after class. They allege Chism stabbed her 16 times in the neck, put her in a recycling bin and dragged it into the woods near the school.

Several hours later, Chism was seen walking along a road in Topsfield, carrying credit cards in Ritzer’s name, women’s underwear and a box cutter with what appeared to be blood on it.

Chism has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and rape.

He later allegedly told investigators he used a karate chop to subdue her, after Ritzer used a “trigger word” that angered him. He described how he cut her neck with the box cutter.

"She said Foxnews!!!!"

i find it terrible that this can be related to the SJW keyboard warriors of today in the sense that these people overreact to everything: with these people, they will go complete scorched earth on anyone they disagree with, its not enough to disagree with someone and not talk to them anymore apparently. i think their mentality goes something along the lines of: "oh you said something that if blown up to gargantuan proportions, it might be perceived as misogynistic or slightly offensive to someone by some psychotic patient? well now you need to be wiped off the face of the fucking earth."

this video is a summary of one such case; this man didnt even harass the two feminists in question, but these radical feminists felt the need to send a man to jail for disagreeing with them.

As I said many times: killing free speech is their ultimate goal.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: ThePrinceofTea on October 08, 2015, 01:13:46 AM

As I said many times: killing free speech is their ultimate goal.

who is "their", because killing the free speech God given rights (on unclassified) of the directorates of the cia, the jcs or the potus... good luck with that :D. (you will may/be live target practice).

you dare me not to say buy/sell? ain't even funny.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on October 08, 2015, 01:24:15 AM

High School Student Says He Raped And Murdered His Math Teacher Because She Used A Trigger Word

[im g][/img]

Jury selection begins Wednesday in the murder trial of a teenager accused of raping and killing his Danvers High School teacher two years ago.

Philip Chism was 14 when he was arrested and charged with the killing of his math teacher, Colleen Ritzer.

Prosecutors say Chism, who is now 16, killed Ritzer on Oct. 22, 2013, after she asked him to stay after class. They allege Chism stabbed her 16 times in the neck, put her in a recycling bin and dragged it into the woods near the school.

Several hours later, Chism was seen walking along a road in Topsfield, carrying credit cards in Ritzer’s name, women’s underwear and a box cutter with what appeared to be blood on it.

Chism has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and rape.

He later allegedly told investigators he used a karate chop to subdue her, after Ritzer used a “trigger word” that angered him. He described how he cut her neck with the box cutter.

"She said Foxnews!!!!"

i find it terrible that this can be related to the SJW keyboard warriors of today in the sense that these people overreact to everything: with these people, they will go complete scorched earth on anyone they disagree with, its not enough to disagree with someone and not talk to them anymore apparently. i think their mentality goes something along the lines of: "oh you said something that if blown up to gargantuan proportions, it might be perceived as misogynistic or slightly offensive to someone by some psychotic patient? well now you need to be wiped off the face of the fucking earth."

this video is a summary of one such case; this man didnt even harass the two feminists in question, but these radical feminists felt the need to send a man to jail for disagreeing with them.

As I said many times: killing free speech is their ultimate goal.

not only do they want to kill free speech (its clear that free speech is starting to only go 1 way), they want to lead the world into a crazy society where everybody has to have the same thoughts and all be on the same page on any and all social topics, and anyone that says or does anything against that will face drastic consequences (negative ones). its ludicrous that people with this kind of mindset were allowed to speak at the UN honestly.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: gogxmagog on October 08, 2015, 05:06:31 AM
A SJW is a new type of bully who uses bullying laws to bully people.
It's the white person in a room full of white people calling everyone racists
It's the kid in school who sits in the front and snitches to teacher on everything they see
They're assholes who have found a supposedly unimpeachable argument to hide behind

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 08, 2015, 02:54:22 PM
A SJW is a new type of bully who uses bullying laws to bully people.
It's the white person in a room full of white people calling everyone racists
It's the kid in school who sits in the front and snitches to teacher on everything they see
They're assholes who have found a supposedly unimpeachable argument to hide behind

Also known as 'cancer'

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 10, 2015, 02:56:33 PM

Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food

Clemson Dining issued an apology to 'offended' students after hosting a 'Maximum Mexican' food day.
Students took to Twitter to call the event culturally insensitive and to question the school's efforts to promote diversity.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on October 10, 2015, 06:15:33 PM

Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food

Clemson Dining issued an apology to 'offended' students after hosting a 'Maximum Mexican' food day.
Students took to Twitter to call the event culturally insensitive and to question the school's efforts to promote diversity.

I can't believe they apologized.

My favorite part of the article:

"While a few on Twitter were offended, the overwhelming preponderance of students registered absolutely no reaction at all. The one student who did respond to the Twitter complaints wrote, "I'm offended that you're offended. #CUfiestafiasco."

Clemson senior Austin Pendergist told Campus Reformhe felt the post-event uproar was “ridiculous.”

“This is something that Clemson Dining has done for years without any sort of backlash. People love the cultural nights in the dining halls,” Pendergist said. “What's next? Are they going to take away all potato based food as to not offend students from Irish decent? Remove the stir fry station so Asian-American students don't feel as if they are being misrepresented? When does it end?”"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 10, 2015, 06:18:16 PM

Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food

Clemson Dining issued an apology to 'offended' students after hosting a 'Maximum Mexican' food day.
Students took to Twitter to call the event culturally insensitive and to question the school's efforts to promote diversity.

I can't believe they apologized.

My favorite part of the article:

"While a few on Twitter were offended, the overwhelming preponderance of students registered absolutely no reaction at all. The one student who did respond to the Twitter complaints wrote, "I'm offended that you're offended. #CUfiestafiasco."

Clemson senior Austin Pendergist told Campus Reformhe felt the post-event uproar was “ridiculous.”

“This is something that Clemson Dining has done for years without any sort of backlash. People love the cultural nights in the dining halls,” Pendergist said. “What's next? Are they going to take away all potato based food as to not offend students from Irish decent? Remove the stir fry station so Asian-American students don't feel as if they are being misrepresented? When does it end?”"


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 23, 2015, 04:02:09 AM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 23, 2015, 04:02:56 AM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Salman Anjum on October 24, 2015, 09:49:50 AM
Social Justice Warrior is a pejorative label applied to bloggers, activists and commentators who are prone to engage in lengthy and hostile debates against others on a range of issues concerning social injustice, identity politics and political correctness. In contrast to the social justice blogosphere at large, the stereotype of a social justice warrior is distinguished by the use of overzealous and self-righteous rhetorics, as well as appealing to emotions over logic and reason.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on October 24, 2015, 10:40:13 AM
They don't even debate, they just make their talking points and when they're questioned they start making wild accusations and try to harass or stalk the people who criticise them, by the way, if you guys have heard of Thunderf00t this guy is a regular critic of the authoritarian feminists and they tried to stalk him and get him fired RL, however the plan backfired, rather hilariously.

I know some people questioned my involvement when talking about these issues before, normally I don't get involved, but these people are genuine lunatics and hypocrites, they are also trying to invade the games industry, which makes this personal for me in particular so I'm more than happy to take the fight to them if necessary. I think it's important we keep an eye on these people especially the stalkers because they're actively trying to censor and control the internet at large.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 24, 2015, 03:00:29 PM
They don't even debate, they just make their talking points and when they're questioned they start making wild accusations and try to harass or stalk the people who criticise them, by the way, if you guys have heard of Thunderf00t this guy is a regular critic of the authoritarian feminists and they tried to stalk him and get him fired RL, however the plan backfired, rather hilariously.

I know some people questioned my involvement when talking about these issues before, normally I don't get involved, but these people are genuine lunatics and hypocrites, they are also trying to invade the games industry, which makes this personal for me in particular so I'm more than happy to take the fight to them if necessary. I think it's important we keep an eye on these people especially the stalkers because they're actively trying to censor and control the internet at large.

Their ultimate goal: kill free speech. That is why they NEVER comment on the abuse on women in some countries, because they agree with those countries. You never hear of anonymous taking over those countries' servers, facebook page, doxxing abusers, etc.. Why is that?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on October 25, 2015, 03:17:56 AM
They don't even debate, they just make their talking points and when they're questioned they start making wild accusations and try to harass or stalk the people who criticise them, by the way, if you guys have heard of Thunderf00t this guy is a regular critic of the authoritarian feminists and they tried to stalk him and get him fired RL, however the plan backfired, rather hilariously.

I know some people questioned my involvement when talking about these issues before, normally I don't get involved, but these people are genuine lunatics and hypocrites, they are also trying to invade the games industry, which makes this personal for me in particular so I'm more than happy to take the fight to them if necessary. I think it's important we keep an eye on these people especially the stalkers because they're actively trying to censor and control the internet at large.
theyre trying to invade a lot more than just the games industry imo, these lunatics recently got to speak at a UN conference iirc. in addition, not only do these people go off on every seemingly innocuous statement, they push the issue as far as possible; they dont stop at disagreeing with you, they ensure your life is destroyed to its fullest extent if you so much as disagree with whatever ideology they try to shove down your throat at the time.

Their ultimate goal: kill free speech. That is why they NEVER comment on the abuse on women in some countries, because they agree with those countries. You never hear of anonymous taking over those countries' servers, facebook page, doxxing abusers, etc.. Why is that?
imo its worse, they want to ensure free speech goes one way, and ensure that drastic, negative consequences await anyone who opposes their arbitrary interpretation of free speech.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on October 26, 2015, 05:53:45 PM

The Term ‘Politically Correct’ Is Now ‘Politically Incorrect’ And A ‘Microaggression’

The phrase “politically correct” is now a microaggression according to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

The university’s “Just Words” campaign is the work of UWM’s “Inclusive Excellence Center” and aims to “raise awareness of microaggressions and their impact”—microaggressions like “politically correct” or “PC.”

Merriam-Webster defines “politically correct” as “conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.” The university, however, claims that calling something “politically correct” “has become a way to deflect, [and say] that people are being too ‘sensitive’ and police language.” “Politically correct,” moreover, is just one of a whole host of words and phrases the university has denounced as micro aggressions.

The university also claims the word “lame” is a microaggression that somehow both “ridicules and ignores the lives of amputees” and therefore shouldn’t be used.

UWM also claims that using the phrase “third world” to describe third world countries is a microaggression because it “reinforces heirarchical [sic] attitudes towards nations around the world, [and] establishes Westernized (industrialized) countries and cultures as the ‘standard’ upon which to measure national well-being or economic status.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: practicaldreamer on October 26, 2015, 09:15:20 PM
Its not the language thats the important factor - its the relations between people - the power relations.

You could surgically alter the larynx of certain people so that they were no longer physically able to articulate, for example, the word "bitch".
 But what would that really change ?

 They would just start saying "whore" instead.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Mike Christ on October 27, 2015, 05:08:38 AM
Here are some qualities I've noticed about SJWs:

1. They're heavily sheltered from reality, i.e. naive on their perceptions and judgements, leading to quixotic behaviours and overreaction to common and insignificant phenomena (e.g. "micro-aggressions")
2. They exclusively (AFAICT) identify with authoritarian leftism and typically have little tolerance for anything but authoritarian leftism; "if the highest authority isn't doing something about it, then nothing's being done about it"
3. They do not self-assess their own belief systems, they only become self-aware when they are exposed to ulterior thoughts and PoVs; this allows them to go for long periods holding self-destructive or hypocritical beliefs, e.g. anti-white whites who identify as anti-racists; oddly, they are acutely aware of what they are superficially, and will talk in great lengths about, for example, their unique sexual orientation; essentially narcissism, self-centred
4. They seek "safe spaces" where they become sheltered from those ulterior thoughts and PoVs which make them uncomfortable, amplifying the deterioration of the individual's connection with reality
5. They discriminate on everything they tell others not to discriminate on, which rings loud the bell named "psychological projection"; they are not trying to solve problems, they are trying to put off their problems onto others, the "equal sharing of misery" as Churchill said about something closely related; "He for She" comes to mind
6. Poor concept of, aversion to, and/or disrespect for property and the rules associated with it, allowing them to waive crime depending on circumstance (such as those circumstances which benefit them and their causes, which is actually a rampant issue with all authoritarian lefties)

I once shared a small group with a SJW, she was still in her teens, just about to graduate HS.  She had no sense of danger whatsoever.  She believed guns should be completely banned outright and ownership of weapons is futile, seeing them as unnecessary in the modern world, and all form of defence should be handled by the state.  When I asked her what she would do if a burglar broke into her home, she said she would call the cops, and when I asked her what she'd do while waiting for the cops, she said she'd feed the burglar, assuming hunger to be among the only reasons someone would break into her home.  She doesn't realize that burglars are actually out to steal from her, not looking for food as would be the case with a dog.  When I asked her what she would do if the state wound up turning on her after all the weapons were gone, she thought I was crazy, and felt such an outcome would never happen.  She believed capitalism is utterly evil, referring to the system we have now (which is actually interventionist, something her school failed to mention no doubt) as being proof of it.  She was also very uncritical towards written language, allowing her prose to be riddled with typos and misspellings, and encouraged others to be as lax.  She believed that people should be taken care of regardless of who they are and what they've done, and believed the taxpayer should foot the bill for it; when questioned about the practicality of this, she accused me of not caring about people's right to food and shelter, arguing that because these needs are present that they should be satisfied, "how can you let someone go hungry"; in other words nobody can ever have their livelihood threatened, according to her ideal.  The last quality I recall, she believed nationalism was a "disease"; I believe she was referring to the Nazi sort of nationalism, however, which is very actively taught in public schools (at least when I went roughly 7 years ago), so I can't completely blame her for being scared shitless of it.

Granted, when I first came to this forum a few years ago, I shared a lot of these qualities (well, I was never as bad as a SJW but I was around the area) and didn't understand why such qualities were negative, so total turn-around in political orientation is absolutely possible.  What worked for me is constant exposure with other viewpoints, which inevitably showed me how I was wrong in my thinking and forced me to change.  I remember when I hit the breaking point: TheButterZone had grilled me on gun bans and I had to concede that gun bans were ineffective in producing the desired goal of reducing criminal violence (since criminals subvert the law to get weapons in case of a ban); after that it was all downhill, as I also had to concede that law was an ineffective way of curbing criminal behaviour all together which caused my entire belief system to avalanche (i.e. the idea that the highest authority was fixing it, or even could, was destroyed.)  In other words, "attacking" SJWs (i.e. disagreeing with them) is what stops them from being SJWs, and to protect who they are (i.e. windmill tilters), they have to guard themselves from these "attackers" i.e. eliminate the chance of exposure to reality, namely by removing the offending individual from the community all together.  We've seen it on Reddit recently, where censorship is very high as well as corruption, and they ban anyone who contributes to the communal discomfort (or who gets in the way of corrupt schemes)--this caused people to leave in droves once the truth started getting around about how bad it was, and caused anyone still around to severely dislike the site and not want to go to it, which is going to kill it over time like a toxin.  We've also seen this in places like China, Cambodia, USSR, Nazi Germany, where they resorted to jailing, silencing, even killing any opposition to the leading party, in each case focused around community, culture, and anti-business, which inevitably ate those organizations from the inside out (why China's as far from their communist ideal as ever, but won't stop being socialist since all that power would be lost from the organizers the moment that goal dies and nothing replaces it.)

What contributes to the creation of a safe space?  Primarily, freedom of speech needs to be abolished; there can be no safe space if people are free to stray from the accepted list of that which can be talked about.  Individuals who violate another's right to be comfortable must be removed from the community and treated as any rule-breaker would, which also removes them from the conversation (no voice.)  In order to remove individuals from the community, you need ownership over the community, the power to decide who is welcome in the community and who is not; therefore, those who seek safe spaces must also be amongst company; to turn the given community into a safe space, you need a high level of safe spacers along with a high level of people who don't naturally recognize obstruction of information transfer, both of which make up some clear majority, particularly a majority which outspends the minority, thus giving greater incentive to community organizers to cater to the safe spacers; since the safe spacers are incompatible with non-safe spacers, one group has to go, and once one group is dominant, the other is naturally locked out--they aren't completely barred from using the site, but it becomes practically useless to their purposes, which pushes them away from it, again Reddit is a great example.  When it comes to communities which are greatly opposed to safe spacers (but which the safe spacer wants to be a part of), the only route for a safe spacer to take is "middle of the road", where the safe spacers encourage the existing community to compromise on their current situation by a small increment now and small increment later, to allow the safe spacers more and more control over how they can be interacted with; this encourages heavy moderation of how the community members can and cannot interact with one another, which inevitably increases that community's rule-breaking behaviour as more and more rules are piled on as to what is and is not acceptable (thus, one by one, kicking the previous community out.)  This goes on until the safe spacers can reach a communal majority, which pushes the now incompatible minority out almost entirely.  With that minority gone, there can be no more meaningful conversation, as the truth is real and reality is no bueno for the safe spacer.  Naturally, the community can simply reject the safe spacer rather than compromise, which forces the safe spacer to seek elsewhere for their desire; I've seen this happen many times in our Meta subforum, where users complain about there being a lack of control and other users yelling at them for being such wimps :P  Not seeing a whole lot of this on the national level, at least not in the west, in fact it's probably closer to the safe space tipping point than it ever has been (heck, it's tipping as we speak.)

When it comes to sites like this one, the dominant force is in transfer of information rather than sharing of community, and to properly transfer information dictates freedom of speech, so safe spacers will always be locked out (assuming the net remains free, of course; odds are, safe spacers would sooner shut this site down than try to be a part of it.)  I feel that it is normal to accept both community quality and freedom of action and thought as important to a thriving organization, and I believe that people naturally notice and favour one over the other at varying degrees of magnitude, which creates these imbalances in priorities and organizational make up; this necessitates some mix of the two types of people to maintain a healthy organization, so as not to dip too far into either realm.  A safe space is not a healthy organization, it is an organization comprised of dysfunction, which purposefully seeks to eliminate the transfer of information on any meaningful level so as to stop that which causes them discomfort, the discomfort they need to feel to make anything better (thus, instead of a cooperation between the two types, the elimination of one entirely, essentially any form of extremism or "far" ideologies on the left/right spectrum); this dictates total control over the community's behaviour, a situation which breeds corruption as the community organizers, such as the politicians, the website owners, and so forth, see a way to profit from this control: at this point, the community gets into a dangerous predicament where the organizers attempt to control the community for the organizer's gain, rather than the community's gain, and that profitability rises the more "safe" (i.e. sheltered) their safe space is, which worsens the conditions of those individuals participating in the corrupted community as it further separates them from what's real, preventing them from seeing the nature of their relationship with the organizer.  It is as true for any nation as it is for any social site as it is for any family home and should be treated for what it is: social cancer.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on October 27, 2015, 12:02:05 PM
Here are some qualities I've noticed about SJWs:

Great post. I could never understand why people would want to discuss ideas in a place where there is no one who has a conflicting opinion. Discussing ideas with people who won't disagree with you is like talking to a wall, arguing with your echo.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on October 27, 2015, 12:36:40 PM
Here are some qualities I've noticed about SJWs:

Great post. I could never understand why people would want to discuss ideas in a place where there is no one who has a conflicting opinion. Discussing ideas with people who won't disagree with you is like talking to a wall, arguing with your echo.

To be fair I think it does depend on the people, there are people I've seen on either side that are absolutely horrible at 'debating' not because of whether they agree or not, but because they either don't understand their own ideology or they simply resort to spamming when you try and point out what's wrong with their arguments.

I'm sure you lot will have seen this all over the internet, person A makes a point, person B refutes it and provide evidence, person A resorts to spamming the point, very very frustrating.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on October 30, 2015, 06:44:39 PM

tl;dr: the cancerous sjw's of tumblr push a fanartist to attempt suicide, refuse to claim responsibility or feel remorse for the fact that their actions pushed a person to this. even after a video was posted from a hospital, comments such as "i hope you die," "stop lying youre not in a hospital" continue to be thrown at the victim.

these people are a cancer to this world and need to be purged.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on October 30, 2015, 06:58:19 PM

tl;dr: the cancerous sjw's of tumblr push a fanartist to attempt suicide, refuse to claim responsibility or feel remorse for the fact that their actions pushed a person to this. even after a video was posted from a hospital, comments such as "i hope you die," "stop lying youre not in a hospital" continue to be thrown at the victim.

these people are a cancer to this world and need to be purged.

This page ( about what they posted to her over and over again is sick.

I don't even know what to say. They act like she's hurting people and it's the end of the world, when they're the ones hurting her.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on October 30, 2015, 08:51:22 PM

tl;dr: the cancerous sjw's of tumblr push a fanartist to attempt suicide, refuse to claim responsibility or feel remorse for the fact that their actions pushed a person to this. even after a video was posted from a hospital, comments such as "i hope you die," "stop lying youre not in a hospital" continue to be thrown at the victim.

these people are a cancer to this world and need to be purged.

This page ( about what they posted to her over and over again is sick.

I don't even know what to say. They act like she's hurting people and it's the end of the world, when they're the ones hurting her.
im going to sleep forever

thats just fucking depressing to hear from anyone.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: UliJonHoth on October 30, 2015, 09:32:24 PM
Reading through that account made me sick and enraged, these SJW's are warped beyond belief.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on November 11, 2015, 05:01:26 AM

Unsafe space: Fascist Missouri protesters physically remove reporter from public demonstrations

"I need some muscle over here..."

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on November 11, 2015, 05:03:45 AM

Modern Educayshun

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on November 11, 2015, 05:17:34 AM

Modern Educayshun

spot fucking on. kinda scary that, as exaggerated as that 10/10 skit was, universities are actually trending towards this "equality / safe space / sjw haven" ideology.

also, south park was pretty spot on as always, pretty much predicted the future with what went on over at mizzou:

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: UliJonHoth on November 12, 2015, 03:40:27 AM

Modern Educayshun

And sadly, this is not far from what we are actually witnessing. I'd like to see the reactions of some of the stars of the recent videos we've seen from Yale and Missouri as they watched this film.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on November 12, 2015, 10:18:07 PM

That. Was. Painful. To watch...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 13, 2015, 06:54:13 AM
Here are some qualities I've noticed about SJWs:

1. They're heavily sheltered from reality, i.e. naive on their perceptions and judgements, leading to quixotic behaviours and overreaction to common and insignificant phenomena (e.g. "micro-aggressions")
2. They exclusively (AFAICT) identify with authoritarian leftism and typically have little tolerance for anything but authoritarian leftism; "if the highest authority isn't doing something about it, then nothing's being done about it"
3. They do not self-assess their own belief systems, they only become self-aware when they are exposed to ulterior thoughts and PoVs; this allows them to go for long periods holding self-destructive or hypocritical beliefs, e.g. anti-white whites who identify as anti-racists; oddly, they are acutely aware of what they are superficially, and will talk in great lengths about, for example, their unique sexual orientation; essentially narcissism, self-centred
4. They seek "safe spaces" where they become sheltered from those ulterior thoughts and PoVs which make them uncomfortable, amplifying the deterioration of the individual's connection with reality
5. They discriminate on everything they tell others not to discriminate on, which rings loud the bell named "psychological projection"; they are not trying to solve problems, they are trying to put off their problems onto others, the "equal sharing of misery" as Churchill said about something closely related; "He for She" comes to mind
6. Poor concept of, aversion to, and/or disrespect for property and the rules associated with it, allowing them to waive crime depending on circumstance (such as those circumstances which benefit them and their causes, which is actually a rampant issue with all authoritarian lefties)

I once shared a small group with a SJW, she was still in her teens, just about to graduate HS.  She had no sense of danger whatsoever.  She believed guns should be completely banned outright and ownership of weapons is futile, seeing them as unnecessary in the modern world, and all form of defence should be handled by the state.  When I asked her what she would do if a burglar broke into her home, she said she would call the cops, and when I asked her what she'd do while waiting for the cops, she said she'd feed the burglar, assuming hunger to be among the only reasons someone would break into her home.  She doesn't realize that burglars are actually out to steal from her, not looking for food as would be the case with a dog.  When I asked her what she would do if the state wound up turning on her after all the weapons were gone, she thought I was crazy, and felt such an outcome would never happen.  She believed capitalism is utterly evil, referring to the system we have now (which is actually interventionist, something her school failed to mention no doubt) as being proof of it.  She was also very uncritical towards written language, allowing her prose to be riddled with typos and misspellings, and encouraged others to be as lax.  She believed that people should be taken care of regardless of who they are and what they've done, and believed the taxpayer should foot the bill for it; when questioned about the practicality of this, she accused me of not caring about people's right to food and shelter, arguing that because these needs are present that they should be satisfied, "how can you let someone go hungry"; in other words nobody can ever have their livelihood threatened, according to her ideal.  The last quality I recall, she believed nationalism was a "disease"; I believe she was referring to the Nazi sort of nationalism, however, which is very actively taught in public schools (at least when I went roughly 7 years ago), so I can't completely blame her for being scared shitless of it.

Granted, when I first came to this forum a few years ago, I shared a lot of these qualities (well, I was never as bad as a SJW but I was around the area) and didn't understand why such qualities were negative, so total turn-around in political orientation is absolutely possible.  What worked for me is constant exposure with other viewpoints, which inevitably showed me how I was wrong in my thinking and forced me to change.  I remember when I hit the breaking point: TheButterZone had grilled me on gun bans and I had to concede that gun bans were ineffective in producing the desired goal of reducing criminal violence (since criminals subvert the law to get weapons in case of a ban); after that it was all downhill, as I also had to concede that law was an ineffective way of curbing criminal behaviour all together which caused my entire belief system to avalanche (i.e. the idea that the highest authority was fixing it, or even could, was destroyed.)  In other words, "attacking" SJWs (i.e. disagreeing with them) is what stops them from being SJWs, and to protect who they are (i.e. windmill tilters), they have to guard themselves from these "attackers" i.e. eliminate the chance of exposure to reality, namely by removing the offending individual from the community all together.  We've seen it on Reddit recently, where censorship is very high as well as corruption, and they ban anyone who contributes to the communal discomfort (or who gets in the way of corrupt schemes)--this caused people to leave in droves once the truth started getting around about how bad it was, and caused anyone still around to severely dislike the site and not want to go to it, which is going to kill it over time like a toxin.  We've also seen this in places like China, Cambodia, USSR, Nazi Germany, where they resorted to jailing, silencing, even killing any opposition to the leading party, in each case focused around community, culture, and anti-business, which inevitably ate those organizations from the inside out (why China's as far from their communist ideal as ever, but won't stop being socialist since all that power would be lost from the organizers the moment that goal dies and nothing replaces it.)

What contributes to the creation of a safe space?  Primarily, freedom of speech needs to be abolished; there can be no safe space if people are free to stray from the accepted list of that which can be talked about.  Individuals who violate another's right to be comfortable must be removed from the community and treated as any rule-breaker would, which also removes them from the conversation (no voice.)  In order to remove individuals from the community, you need ownership over the community, the power to decide who is welcome in the community and who is not; therefore, those who seek safe spaces must also be amongst company; to turn the given community into a safe space, you need a high level of safe spacers along with a high level of people who don't naturally recognize obstruction of information transfer, both of which make up some clear majority, particularly a majority which outspends the minority, thus giving greater incentive to community organizers to cater to the safe spacers; since the safe spacers are incompatible with non-safe spacers, one group has to go, and once one group is dominant, the other is naturally locked out--they aren't completely barred from using the site, but it becomes practically useless to their purposes, which pushes them away from it, again Reddit is a great example.  When it comes to communities which are greatly opposed to safe spacers (but which the safe spacer wants to be a part of), the only route for a safe spacer to take is "middle of the road", where the safe spacers encourage the existing community to compromise on their current situation by a small increment now and small increment later, to allow the safe spacers more and more control over how they can be interacted with; this encourages heavy moderation of how the community members can and cannot interact with one another, which inevitably increases that community's rule-breaking behaviour as more and more rules are piled on as to what is and is not acceptable (thus, one by one, kicking the previous community out.)  This goes on until the safe spacers can reach a communal majority, which pushes the now incompatible minority out almost entirely.  With that minority gone, there can be no more meaningful conversation, as the truth is real and reality is no bueno for the safe spacer.  Naturally, the community can simply reject the safe spacer rather than compromise, which forces the safe spacer to seek elsewhere for their desire; I've seen this happen many times in our Meta subforum, where users complain about there being a lack of control and other users yelling at them for being such wimps :P  Not seeing a whole lot of this on the national level, at least not in the west, in fact it's probably closer to the safe space tipping point than it ever has been (heck, it's tipping as we speak.)

When it comes to sites like this one, the dominant force is in transfer of information rather than sharing of community, and to properly transfer information dictates freedom of speech, so safe spacers will always be locked out (assuming the net remains free, of course; odds are, safe spacers would sooner shut this site down than try to be a part of it.)  I feel that it is normal to accept both community quality and freedom of action and thought as important to a thriving organization, and I believe that people naturally notice and favour one over the other at varying degrees of magnitude, which creates these imbalances in priorities and organizational make up; this necessitates some mix of the two types of people to maintain a healthy organization, so as not to dip too far into either realm.  A safe space is not a healthy organization, it is an organization comprised of dysfunction, which purposefully seeks to eliminate the transfer of information on any meaningful level so as to stop that which causes them discomfort, the discomfort they need to feel to make anything better (thus, instead of a cooperation between the two types, the elimination of one entirely, essentially any form of extremism or "far" ideologies on the left/right spectrum); this dictates total control over the community's behaviour, a situation which breeds corruption as the community organizers, such as the politicians, the website owners, and so forth, see a way to profit from this control: at this point, the community gets into a dangerous predicament where the organizers attempt to control the community for the organizer's gain, rather than the community's gain, and that profitability rises the more "safe" (i.e. sheltered) their safe space is, which worsens the conditions of those individuals participating in the corrupted community as it further separates them from what's real, preventing them from seeing the nature of their relationship with the organizer.  It is as true for any nation as it is for any social site as it is for any family home and should be treated for what it is: social cancer.

The most accurate description of Bitcointalk yet. Good read.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on November 16, 2015, 04:18:10 AM

The most accurate description of Bitcointalk yet. Good read.
somehow missed reading that, glad i caught it now.

that aside, the same people are pulling shit like this, and its actually apalling to me that people around my age (give or take a few) are dumb enough to pull stunts like this, in a library, where people are trying to fucking study.

exactly what do these shits think they'll achieve with a stunt like this? get hated by every student in that library for ruining their study time?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on November 16, 2015, 02:28:52 PM

The most accurate description of Bitcointalk yet. Good read.
somehow missed reading that, glad i caught it now.

that aside, the same people are pulling shit like this, and its actually apalling to me that people around my age (give or take a few) are dumb enough to pull stunts like this, in a library, where people are trying to fucking study.

exactly what do these shits think they'll achieve with a stunt like this? get hated by every student in that library for ruining their study time?

What idiots. Someone actually thought it was a good idea to upload that video? I wonder how they feel when they look at all the thumbs down.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on November 16, 2015, 07:29:09 PM
Here are some qualities I've noticed about SJWs:

1. They're heavily sheltered from reality, i.e. naive on their perceptions and judgements, leading to quixotic behaviours and overreaction to common and insignificant phenomena (e.g. "micro-aggressions")
2. They exclusively (AFAICT) identify with authoritarian leftism and typically have little tolerance for anything but authoritarian leftism; "if the highest authority isn't doing something about it, then nothing's being done about it"
3. They do not self-assess their own belief systems, they only become self-aware when they are exposed to ulterior thoughts and PoVs; this allows them to go for long periods holding self-destructive or hypocritical beliefs, e.g. anti-white whites who identify as anti-racists; oddly, they are acutely aware of what they are superficially, and will talk in great lengths about, for example, their unique sexual orientation; essentially narcissism, self-centred
4. They seek "safe spaces" where they become sheltered from those ulterior thoughts and PoVs which make them uncomfortable, amplifying the deterioration of the individual's connection with reality
5. They discriminate on everything they tell others not to discriminate on, which rings loud the bell named "psychological projection"; they are not trying to solve problems, they are trying to put off their problems onto others, the "equal sharing of misery" as Churchill said about something closely related; "He for She" comes to mind
6. Poor concept of, aversion to, and/or disrespect for property and the rules associated with it, allowing them to waive crime depending on circumstance (such as those circumstances which benefit them and their causes, which is actually a rampant issue with all authoritarian lefties)

I once shared a small group with a SJW, she was still in her teens, just about to graduate HS.  She had no sense of danger whatsoever.  She believed guns should be completely banned outright and ownership of weapons is futile, seeing them as unnecessary in the modern world, and all form of defence should be handled by the state.  When I asked her what she would do if a burglar broke into her home, she said she would call the cops, and when I asked her what she'd do while waiting for the cops, she said she'd feed the burglar, assuming hunger to be among the only reasons someone would break into her home.  She doesn't realize that burglars are actually out to steal from her, not looking for food as would be the case with a dog.  When I asked her what she would do if the state wound up turning on her after all the weapons were gone, she thought I was crazy, and felt such an outcome would never happen.  She believed capitalism is utterly evil, referring to the system we have now (which is actually interventionist, something her school failed to mention no doubt) as being proof of it.  She was also very uncritical towards written language, allowing her prose to be riddled with typos and misspellings, and encouraged others to be as lax.  She believed that people should be taken care of regardless of who they are and what they've done, and believed the taxpayer should foot the bill for it; when questioned about the practicality of this, she accused me of not caring about people's right to food and shelter, arguing that because these needs are present that they should be satisfied, "how can you let someone go hungry"; in other words nobody can ever have their livelihood threatened, according to her ideal.  The last quality I recall, she believed nationalism was a "disease"; I believe she was referring to the Nazi sort of nationalism, however, which is very actively taught in public schools (at least when I went roughly 7 years ago), so I can't completely blame her for being scared shitless of it.

Granted, when I first came to this forum a few years ago, I shared a lot of these qualities (well, I was never as bad as a SJW but I was around the area) and didn't understand why such qualities were negative, so total turn-around in political orientation is absolutely possible.  What worked for me is constant exposure with other viewpoints, which inevitably showed me how I was wrong in my thinking and forced me to change.  I remember when I hit the breaking point: TheButterZone had grilled me on gun bans and I had to concede that gun bans were ineffective in producing the desired goal of reducing criminal violence (since criminals subvert the law to get weapons in case of a ban); after that it was all downhill, as I also had to concede that law was an ineffective way of curbing criminal behaviour all together which caused my entire belief system to avalanche (i.e. the idea that the highest authority was fixing it, or even could, was destroyed.)  In other words, "attacking" SJWs (i.e. disagreeing with them) is what stops them from being SJWs, and to protect who they are (i.e. windmill tilters), they have to guard themselves from these "attackers" i.e. eliminate the chance of exposure to reality, namely by removing the offending individual from the community all together.  We've seen it on Reddit recently, where censorship is very high as well as corruption, and they ban anyone who contributes to the communal discomfort (or who gets in the way of corrupt schemes)--this caused people to leave in droves once the truth started getting around about how bad it was, and caused anyone still around to severely dislike the site and not want to go to it, which is going to kill it over time like a toxin.  We've also seen this in places like China, Cambodia, USSR, Nazi Germany, where they resorted to jailing, silencing, even killing any opposition to the leading party, in each case focused around community, culture, and anti-business, which inevitably ate those organizations from the inside out (why China's as far from their communist ideal as ever, but won't stop being socialist since all that power would be lost from the organizers the moment that goal dies and nothing replaces it.)

What contributes to the creation of a safe space?  Primarily, freedom of speech needs to be abolished; there can be no safe space if people are free to stray from the accepted list of that which can be talked about.  Individuals who violate another's right to be comfortable must be removed from the community and treated as any rule-breaker would, which also removes them from the conversation (no voice.)  In order to remove individuals from the community, you need ownership over the community, the power to decide who is welcome in the community and who is not; therefore, those who seek safe spaces must also be amongst company; to turn the given community into a safe space, you need a high level of safe spacers along with a high level of people who don't naturally recognize obstruction of information transfer, both of which make up some clear majority, particularly a majority which outspends the minority, thus giving greater incentive to community organizers to cater to the safe spacers; since the safe spacers are incompatible with non-safe spacers, one group has to go, and once one group is dominant, the other is naturally locked out--they aren't completely barred from using the site, but it becomes practically useless to their purposes, which pushes them away from it, again Reddit is a great example.  When it comes to communities which are greatly opposed to safe spacers (but which the safe spacer wants to be a part of), the only route for a safe spacer to take is "middle of the road", where the safe spacers encourage the existing community to compromise on their current situation by a small increment now and small increment later, to allow the safe spacers more and more control over how they can be interacted with; this encourages heavy moderation of how the community members can and cannot interact with one another, which inevitably increases that community's rule-breaking behaviour as more and more rules are piled on as to what is and is not acceptable (thus, one by one, kicking the previous community out.)  This goes on until the safe spacers can reach a communal majority, which pushes the now incompatible minority out almost entirely.  With that minority gone, there can be no more meaningful conversation, as the truth is real and reality is no bueno for the safe spacer.  Naturally, the community can simply reject the safe spacer rather than compromise, which forces the safe spacer to seek elsewhere for their desire; I've seen this happen many times in our Meta subforum, where users complain about there being a lack of control and other users yelling at them for being such wimps :P  Not seeing a whole lot of this on the national level, at least not in the west, in fact it's probably closer to the safe space tipping point than it ever has been (heck, it's tipping as we speak.)

When it comes to sites like this one, the dominant force is in transfer of information rather than sharing of community, and to properly transfer information dictates freedom of speech, so safe spacers will always be locked out (assuming the net remains free, of course; odds are, safe spacers would sooner shut this site down than try to be a part of it.)  I feel that it is normal to accept both community quality and freedom of action and thought as important to a thriving organization, and I believe that people naturally notice and favour one over the other at varying degrees of magnitude, which creates these imbalances in priorities and organizational make up; this necessitates some mix of the two types of people to maintain a healthy organization, so as not to dip too far into either realm.  A safe space is not a healthy organization, it is an organization comprised of dysfunction, which purposefully seeks to eliminate the transfer of information on any meaningful level so as to stop that which causes them discomfort, the discomfort they need to feel to make anything better (thus, instead of a cooperation between the two types, the elimination of one entirely, essentially any form of extremism or "far" ideologies on the left/right spectrum); this dictates total control over the community's behaviour, a situation which breeds corruption as the community organizers, such as the politicians, the website owners, and so forth, see a way to profit from this control: at this point, the community gets into a dangerous predicament where the organizers attempt to control the community for the organizer's gain, rather than the community's gain, and that profitability rises the more "safe" (i.e. sheltered) their safe space is, which worsens the conditions of those individuals participating in the corrupted community as it further separates them from what's real, preventing them from seeing the nature of their relationship with the organizer.  It is as true for any nation as it is for any social site as it is for any family home and should be treated for what it is: social cancer.

This post reminds me why I love reading or sharing on bitcointalk. Thank you.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on November 17, 2015, 12:28:12 AM

The most accurate description of Bitcointalk yet. Good read.
somehow missed reading that, glad i caught it now.

that aside, the same people are pulling shit like this, and its actually apalling to me that people around my age (give or take a few) are dumb enough to pull stunts like this, in a library, where people are trying to fucking study.

exactly what do these shits think they'll achieve with a stunt like this? get hated by every student in that library for ruining their study time?

Well, so much for keeping my blood pressure in a healthy range today...

These kids are so deluded, I'm really curious to see how they function and integrate themselves into society once they're out of college and not receiving student loan money.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on November 22, 2015, 02:15:07 PM

After Seven Years, Free Yoga Classes At University Of Ottawa Cancelled For Being “Cultural Appropriation”…

Student leaders have pulled the mat out from 60 University of Ottawa students, ending a free on-campus yoga class over fears the teachings could be seen as a form of “cultural appropriation.”

Jennifer Scharf, who has been offering free weekly yoga instruction to students since 2008, says she was shocked when told in September the program would be suspended, and saddened when she learned of the reasoning.

Staff at the Centre for Students with Disabilities believe that “while yoga is a really great idea and accessible and great for students … there are cultural issues of implication involved in the practice,” according to an email from the centre.

The centre is operated by the university’s Student Federation, which first approached Scharf seven years ago about offering yoga instruction to students both with and without disabilities.

The centre goes on to say, “Yoga has been under a lot of controversy lately due to how it is being practiced,” and which cultures those practices “are being taken from.”

The centre official argues since many of those cultures “have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy … we need to be mindful of this and how we express ourselves while practising yoga.”

The concept of cultural appropriation is normally applied when a dominant culture borrows symbols of a marginalized culture for dubious reasons — such as the fad of hipsters donning indigenous headdresses as a fashion statement, without any regard to cultural significance or stereotype.

But Scharf, a yoga teacher with the downtown Rama Lotus Centre, said the concept does not apply in this case, arguing the complaint that killed the program came instead from a “social justice warrior” with “fainting heart ideologies” in search of a cause celebre.

“People are just looking for a reason to be offended by anything they can find,” said Scharf.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on November 23, 2015, 05:59:37 AM

After Seven Years, Free Yoga Classes At University Of Ottawa Cancelled For Being “Cultural Appropriation”…

Student leaders have pulled the mat out from 60 University of Ottawa students, ending a free on-campus yoga class over fears the teachings could be seen as a form of “cultural appropriation.”

Jennifer Scharf, who has been offering free weekly yoga instruction to students since 2008, says she was shocked when told in September the program would be suspended, and saddened when she learned of the reasoning.

Staff at the Centre for Students with Disabilities believe that “while yoga is a really great idea and accessible and great for students … there are cultural issues of implication involved in the practice,” according to an email from the centre.

The centre is operated by the university’s Student Federation, which first approached Scharf seven years ago about offering yoga instruction to students both with and without disabilities.

The centre goes on to say, “Yoga has been under a lot of controversy lately due to how it is being practiced,” and which cultures those practices “are being taken from.”

The centre official argues since many of those cultures “have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy … we need to be mindful of this and how we express ourselves while practising yoga.”

The concept of cultural appropriation is normally applied when a dominant culture borrows symbols of a marginalized culture for dubious reasons — such as the fad of hipsters donning indigenous headdresses as a fashion statement, without any regard to cultural significance or stereotype.

But Scharf, a yoga teacher with the downtown Rama Lotus Centre, said the concept does not apply in this case, arguing the complaint that killed the program came instead from a “social justice warrior” with “fainting heart ideologies” in search of a cause celebre.

“People are just looking for a reason to be offended by anything they can find,” said Scharf.

I was born in the early 70s and can remember our world before it crossed-over into this bizarro-reality we are in now - seriously, what the hell happened to this place? This line of thinking is beyond insane.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: RJX on November 23, 2015, 05:52:31 PM
hahah I always knew the evil is found in yoga.

But it is true that people just look for something to bitch about and before you know it a UN commission pops up to tell you stop selling certain pastries because they're racist somehow.

The problem lies in half the planet accepting these thinly veiled attempts to move towards a world where they are on top, because basically that's all it is.

I think it's just a trend because these people have nothing else to do, hipsters grrr! Give em war and they're the first to perish after they poop their panties.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on November 24, 2015, 09:57:31 AM
So when do we get to deny women the fruits of men's labors as unfair appropriation of masculine culture? Sorry honey, but that toilet was invented by a man, you will have to go outside... and leave the toilet paper too... you cultural thief!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on November 28, 2015, 01:23:28 AM
So when do we get to deny women the fruits of men's labors as unfair appropriation of masculine culture? Sorry honey, but that toilet was invented by a man, you will have to go outside... and leave the toilet paper too... you cultural thief!

You can't say that to her: women invented the Patriarchy. You should feel lucky you can still breathe Mother Nature's air...


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on December 15, 2015, 05:09:53 PM

ABC: US deliberately ignoring social-media posts in visa vetting

Want to guess why five government agencies missed Tashfeen Malik’s social-media postings that declared her intent to conduct violent jihad on behalf of radical Islam? It turns out that they didn’t miss it at all. The Department of Homeland Security has a deliberate policy of not checking social media when vetting visa applications, ABC News reported this morning.

Want to guess why that policy exists? Again, three guesses and the first two don’t count:

    Fearing a civil liberties backlash and “bad public relations” for the Obama administration, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson refused in early 2014 to end a secret U.S. policy that prohibited immigration officials from reviewing the social media messages of all foreign citizens applying for U.S. visas, a former senior department official said.

    “During that time period immigration officials were not allowed to use or review social media as part of the screening process,” John Cohen, a former acting under-secretary at DHS for intelligence and analysis. Cohen is now a national security consultant for ABC News.

    One current and one former senior counter-terrorism official confirmed Cohen’s account about the refusal of DHS to change its policy about the public social media posts of all foreign applicants.

While ABC names Johnson as the man who perpetuated this policy, it didn’t start with him, and Malik came in before this decision. The policy in place at that time would have been set by Janet Napolitano, who should not escape scrutiny for this nonsensical approach to national security. This failure might come as a big surprise to Congress, members of which have already begun to ask to expand vetting to social media after the terror attack in San Bernardino:

    Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., demanded Sunday that the U.S. immediately initiate a program that would check the social media sites of those admitted on visas.”

    “Had they checked out Tashfeen Malik,” the senator said, “maybe those people in San Bernardino would be alive.”

Maybe so, but then DHS might have experienced “bad public relations.” When people say that political correctness kills, this is exactly the kind of consequence they mean.

The notion that this would be a civil-liberties issue is equally absurd. The Constitution does not cover visa applications from foreigners; there is no right to a visa. Furthermore, social media statements are public in nature, not private, so reading them and considering them in terms of security concerns for entry into the US has no civil-liberties involvement either. Public declarations of support for jihad should be not just acceptable criteria for vetting, it should be a no-brainer as an automatic denial of the visa application in an age of global Islamist terrorism.

This demonstrates a shocking lack of seriousness about the war on terror by the Obama administration, albeit part of an overall pattern. They are literally more concerned about public relations than security in the visa application process, according to ABC’s report. It comes as Barack Obama and the Democrats have attempted to change the subject to gun control in the wake of the San Bernardino attack, and to climate change when it comes to the spread of ISIS. This administration clearly has its own priorities, and getting serious about national security ranks lower than their need to engage in political correctness.

Political correctness kills. 14 victims as proof.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on December 16, 2015, 02:00:01 AM
I saw a picture on facebook yesterday and damn if I can't find it now, but this large woman (probably just triggered someone to run to their safe-space) had scrawled words across her body to push this idea that if a woman is denied sex presumably due to her not being "attractive", this now should also be considered "rape". This thinking is beyond insane.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: subSTRATA on December 16, 2015, 02:41:30 AM
I saw a picture on facebook yesterday and damn if I can't find it now, but this large woman (probably just triggered someone to run to their safe-space) had scrawled words across her body to push this idea that if a woman is denied sex presumably due to her not being "attractive", this now should also be considered "rape". This thinking is beyond insane.
just my thoughts, but i think its a matter of insecurity, compensation for said insecurities, and a ridiculous sense of entitlement. there's a limit to how delusional the common person can be (excluding completely looney outliers), and there's no way all these people completely delude themselves into thinking jelly rolls, cellulite, and really bad body odor are attractive to a normal human being. instead they try to create some sort of widespread case of stockholm syndrome by aggressively forcing their thoughts on others, and sadly, this is working to some degree (nazi feminists being allowed to speak at the UN, really now...). combine that along with this delusional sense of entitlement that festers in the heads of these people and eventually these attention whores get around to actually thinking their delusional beliefs should be the norm for everything else around them.
if that wasnt enough, these people embody the very definition of the lack of self control and determination. lets take the obese feminist in your post as an example. lets take a quick look. said feminist is downright unattractive to say the least. how does said person of a more round shape begin to remedy this? go to the gym or something. but lets face it, going to the gym is some fucking hard work; your body is going to be sore in the morning, lifting is exhausting, fat people dont have stamina, eating right means you don get your 40 boxes of chocolate a day, not to mention the 2 cakes and 3 tubs of ice cream, and the list goes on. instead of taking it upon themselves to improve, they find it easier (necessary, even) to force everyone else to change their way of thinking over changing themselves. these people would rather spend a good portion of their life campaigning for something they know deep inside is complete bullshit rather than go through some physical work. imagine if they put the effort they put into spreading social cancer into actually improving themselves. same goes for the safe space keyboard warriors, they would rather put forth the effort into changing the way an entire society thinks over just dealing with things or ideas they might not like. theyre actively (either knowingly or unknowingly) attempting to remodel society into one where every person must agree with everything completely and at all times. it may be some sort of utopia in their sheltered heads, but any realist knows complete hivemind - level agreement is detrimental to the growth and survival of a society, nothing would ever get accomplished. this post was articulated rather poorly, my bad.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on December 27, 2015, 08:31:37 PM

Updated: Free speech lawsuit against UNM tossed

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A University of New Mexico student has lost her lawsuit against the school in which she claimed her professor violated her free speech rights by kicking her out of class for criticizing lesbianism in an essay.

Monica Pompeo and her attorney, Bob Gorence, have filed an appeal to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.

Her First Amendment violation lawsuit received national attention when she filed in it 2013.

Based on initial court documents filed in the case, civil rights and free speech advocates slammed UNM’s treatment of the student.

A federal judge initially refused UNM’s request to dismiss the case, further fueling criticism of the university’s free speech practices.

But that same judge, M. Christina Armijo, said in her dismissing order in September that at that time she had not seen Pompeo’s paper or the professors’ responses and that the court “erred” in denying the university’s first request to dismiss the case.

Armijo wrote that the further investigation into the case showed Pompeo’s professors offered her numerous opportunities to rewrite her essay to adhere to academic standards or to take alternative academic routes to achieve her class grade.

The dismissal also says that Pompeo’s professor, Caroline Hinkley, was “personally offended” by Pompeo’s views, but that the law was not clear enough to allow the court to decide if that “subjective hostility to a student’s viewpoint” was within the scope of teaching.

Pompeo originally claimed she had been ostracized, even kicked out of class, after she expressed anti-gay views in an essay about a lesbian film as part of an upper-level film critique class. She claimed the professor refused to grade her paper.

The dismissal order shows Pompeo, Hinkley, and her boss, Susan Dever, went through numerous rounds of emails, meetings and phone calls.

The professors attempted to explain to Pompeo that her assertions in her “critical and analytic paper” needed to be substantiated in accordance with academic standards. Otherwise, they remained opinions, and the assignment was not an opinion paper.

For example, the ruling shows that in Dever’s professional suggestions to Pompeo on rewriting her paper, Dever suggested Pompeo change the word “barren” in her paper to “childless” as Pompeo described the “wombs” of the lesbians in the film.

Dever said “childless” had a less derogatory tone, to which Pompeo replied, “And I will probably use the word ‘BARREN’ it is my choice; I don’t like to be told what words I may and may not use, ever.”

And Hinkley asked Pompeo to back up her statements about homosexuality, writing on the margin on Pompeo’s paper: “Why is attraction to the same sex perverse? This is a strong statement that needs critical backup. Otherwise it’s just inflammatory.”

At one point, Hinkley told Pompeo that some of her language in the paper could be considered hate speech, according to court documents. And Pompeo told Hinkley that some of the films in the class were “unendurable,” to which Hinkley replied there would likely be more such films. Pompeo reported this made her feel she was being pressured out of the class.

Armijo ultimately ruled that the professors’ conduct and attempts to change how Pompeo used her language was, to summarize the ruling, within the scope of teaching and was not a violation of her constitutionally protected right to free speech but noted the law was vague on the issue.

The federal appeal has been filed and is currently in the mediation stage, according to court records. The next hearing in the case is set for January.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on December 29, 2015, 04:02:09 PM

Harvard Law School Dean Compares “Microaggressions” To Rape…

In a move that should surprise no one who has been watching the utter meltdown of privileged college students this year, a Harvard Law School dean has compared "microaggressions" to sexual assault and violence.

Dean Martha L. Minow, during her winter commencement speech on injustice, asked her students to keep fighting even after they graduate. She made references to apartheid and segregated schools before making the bizarre analogy.

"Taking even seemingly small acts in one's own school can build the culture that prevents violence, bullying, sexual assault and racial microaggressions," she said.

Get that? Violence, bullying, sexual assault — they're all in the same category as microaggressions. Microaggressions, for those who have been lucky enough to miss the outcries of the past year, are words and phrases that offend someone with delicate sensitivities, even when the speaker meant no harm.

For example, several schools provided lists to students of phrases that are considered microaggressions. At the University of California, the list included such debilitating and hateful phrases as "everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough" and "America is the land of opportunity."

Scholars have for centuries tried to document the number of wars started due to the utterance of those very phrases, but lost count due to continued fainting.

The College Fix likened Minow's comparison to "telling students their 'seemingly small acts' can prevent a spouse's snoring."

"They don't know they snore until you tell them," wrote the Fix's Greg Piper. (Emphasis original)

And Dean Minow knows something about racism and oppression on college campuses. At Harvard this year (and every year), precious students were subjected to college leaders with the title of "master," and a seal dedicated to a family who owned slaves back when it was sort of culturally acceptable. The students were also forced to witness the photos of black Harvard professors with black tape over their faces. It's a wonder these students are still standing.

As for the black tape "incident," the school is investigating it as a hate crime, but at least one black professor isn't convinced. Professor Randall Kennedy isn't jumping on the racism bandwagon, believing there are any number of reasons for the tape — including a "hoax meant to look like a racial insult in order to provoke a crisis."

So while Harvard students try to erase the past because of current sentiments, they have at least one administrator willing to placate their desires (or at least go along with them to avoid a backlash for not being sufficiently supportive).

Does Dean Minow believe microaggressions — which are merely words that are often not intended to harm anyone — are the same as physical violence? Or, and this is my own theory, has violence and sexual assault become so meaningless on campus that they have been devalued?

Stay with me here. We've seen in recent years the devaluing of violence and sexual assault. When words can be "violence," even without any incitement or physical harm, physical violence loses meaning. And when schools adjudicate sexual assault as a disciplinary matter like cheating or plagiarism — and avoid involving trained law professionals at all costs — then sexual assault is no longer the heinous crime it once was.

Either way, Minow's words are troubling and do not bode well for the future of college students and those who will have to work with them.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 10, 2016, 01:04:51 AM

Announcing the Twitter Trust & Safety Council

On Twitter, every voice has the power to shape the world. We see this power every day, from activists who use Twitter to mobilize citizens to content creators who use Twitter to shape opinion.

To ensure people can continue to express themselves freely and safely on Twitter, we must provide more tools and policies. With hundreds of millions of Tweets sent per day, the volume of content on Twitter is massive, which makes it extraordinarily complex to strike the right balance between fighting abuse and speaking truth to power. It requires a multi-layered approach where each of our 320 million users has a part to play, as do the community of experts working for safety and free expression.

That’s why we are announcing the formation of the Twitter Trust & Safety Council, a new and foundational part of our strategy to ensure that people feel safe expressing themselves on Twitter


We have more than 40 organizations and experts from 13 regions joining as inaugural members of the Council. We are thrilled to work with these organizations to ensure that we are enabling everyone, everywhere to express themselves with confidence on Twitter.

Twitter Trust & Safety Council - Inaugural Members:

    Anti-Bullying Pro
    Anti-Defamation League
    Beyond Blue
    Center for Democracy and Technology
    Circle of 6
    Crisis Text Line
    Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
    Cybersmile Foundation
    Dacher Keltner, Professor of Psychology and Faculty Director of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center
    Dangerous Speech Project
    EU Kids Online
    European Schoolnet
    Family Online Safety Institute
    Feminist Frequency
    Fundacion para la Libertad de Prensa
    ICT Watch
    Internet Watch Foundation
    Love 146
    Marc Brackett, Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
    National Cyber Security Alliance
    National Domestic Violence Hotline
    National Network to End Domestic Violence
    Pantallas Amigas
    Project Rockit
    Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales
    Red Papaz
    Southwest Grid for Learning
    The Alannah and Madeline Foundation
    The Wahid Institute
    UK Safer Internet Centre
    Without My Consent

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on February 10, 2016, 08:48:07 AM
I think this council is direct appeasement to the Fascist Frequency crowd after they failed to imprison a Canadian man for daring to have opinions in public that they do not agree with. Hopefully he sues the fuck out of them. Then they can be "feminist" hobos, righting the injustices of the homeless from the streets. It is disgusting that he should have to be imprisoned for months and pay for all these legal costs because some fascist gash was upset with his words. This is moving directly into a female supremacist movement. They have no regards for the freedom of men of any kind, clearly, and have no problem destroying a man's life for daring to speak in opposition of them.

I don't think women understand the implications of starting a generalized war on all men. They will lose, then women will once again be treated like the children they are. Sucks for the actual mature adult women, but hey, you never raised your voices in support of men either, so you can join them just like all men have to join in being guilty for any act any man commits. That is your future ladies. Just like the German people's after the fall of the Nazi party, Nazi or not, you will be forced to bury the bodies your social justice fascist comrades left behind.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: adverbelly on February 10, 2016, 09:45:59 AM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.

i completely agree wit you.. i dont understand our modern justice systemm.. it is so ridiculous..

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 11, 2016, 01:45:57 AM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 13, 2016, 08:15:22 PM

At ‘students of color’-only Mizzou activism meeting, white journalists kicked out

A “Concerned Town Hall” meeting advertised to “black students and students of color” at the University of Missouri on Wednesday turned out to be less-than-inclusive to white reporters attempting to cover the event.

The gathering was organized by Concerned Student 1950, which led protests on campus last fall accusing the institution of racism; it describes itself as seeking the “liberation of all BLACK collegiate students” on Twitter.

As the meeting began Wednesday night inside the A. P. Green Chapel at the public university, a student organizer announced: “If there are any reporters in here, can you please exit? That was my nice warning.”

That according to a video of the event taken by Mark Schierbecker, a student at the school and freelance videographer who contributes to The College Fix.

His video shows a white male reporter from the mainstream city newspaper, The Columbia Tribune, introduced himself and say “we will definitely respect your privacy. Just curious, um – why are you guys afr — why are you guys asking us to leave? …”

“Um, just because I asked you to,” came the reply. “We just want to discuss some things.”

“Sure, OK, that’s totally fine,” the reporter replied, handing over his business card before he exited the chapel. Two white females also left the room.

Schierbecker, however, politely declined to leave, repeating “my personal preference is to stay.”

“This is considered a limited public forum,” Schierbecker told his peers. “It’s open to the public, and especially to students of the university. I am here on assignment for a story and it is my personal preference to stay.”

Concerned Student 1950 is a campus activism group that garnered national attention after its protests led to the resignation of top Mizzou leaders last fall. Schierbecker, a former contributor to The Maneater campus newspaper and one of two students who got into a confrontation with Professor Melissa Click during those protests arguing for the rights of student journalists to cover the protesters’ tent city on campus, once again prompted anger and frustration from the group when he would not leave the chapel Wednesday night.

“Cuz this is once again, like, white people being privileged,” one student said to him.

The back and forth between Schierbecker and the group continued, at times getting slightly heated. When one student explained her perspective, another interjected: “You don’t give him any explanation because, like, that’s not necessary.”

In the video, Schierbecker promises to stow his camera if he could be assured that campus police would not intervene, reportedly over talk that officers had been called over a “bias incident.”

“If MUPD [campus police] is not going to be a problem, I will put the camera away,” Schierbecker said.

The town hall ended promptly within minutes of starting when students decided to relocate the forum to a more private location.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 13, 2016, 09:22:59 PM

University of Tennessee to students: Diversity means using new made-up pronouns for trans students

Via the Examiner, I’d do what they say. In our alarming new culture of rage against microaggressions, doing otherwise might get you shot.

Rather than make brutish assumptions that someone who looks like a boy is a boy and someone who looks like a girl is a girl, the campus diversity office recommends starting the semester by asking everyone to provide their names “and pronouns.” Or better yet, why not just use new pronouns that are gender-neutral? It’ll spare you an ephemeral awkward moment when you happen to encounter someone from the tiny fraction of the tiny fraction of the population that not only identifies as trans but doesn’t want to be referred to by the pronoun of the gender they physically appear to be.

Not to play this stupid game, but I’m curious: Why does “they/them/their” turn into “xe/xem/xyr” instead of the more logical “zey/zem/zeir”? Also, why isn’t “they/them/their” proper usage for someone who’s trans, whether singular or plural? I mean, purely in terms of how it scans, “xyr” is an abomination.

Also, I’m not sure I grasp the difference between “hir/hirs” and “zir/zirs.” Which one should you use for Caitlyn Jenner? One, I think, is for a man who identifies as a woman and the other for a woman who identifies as a man, but I’ll be damned if I know which terms applies to which. The whole point of this exercise, I thought, was not to make any judgments about gender based on appearance. Doesn’t the need to choose between “hir” and “zir” force you to do that?

Either way, with respect to Caitlyn, looks increasingly like ze’s going to prison.

Do they really expect people to learn these stupid klingon pronouns? What's the world turning into?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 14, 2016, 07:18:45 PM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 15, 2016, 09:42:47 PM

MELISSA CLICK stand-off with officer: "Get your f**king hands off me!"

Published on Feb 13, 2016

Mizzou’s Melissa Click told police ‘get your f**king hand off me’ at previous racial protest

Newly obtained footage shows MU Communication professor Melissa Click, the professor who grabbed my camera at a Concerned Student protest in November, yelling at and berating police officers at a homecoming parade in October 2015. The narrative advanced by Melissa Click - that she had an otherwise unblemished academic record - is a false one.

Before the new video was released, Click told ABC-17:

“And it’s also a very small moment in my 12 years at the University of Missouri,” Click continued. “I’ve never been involved in anything like this before. And I made a mistake. It’s a mistake I apologized for and I’m happy to continue to apologize for it. I am sorry for how I spoke that day.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on February 15, 2016, 10:26:27 PM
It turns somewhat funny to see someone who still lives under the mother skirt way past 40 y.o. calling the others "privileged".
Yes, no doubt those good for nothing are privileged, but they aren't privileged for being white or straight or whatever non-sense reason they came up with; they're privileged for having parents that don't stand up and allow the brat to leech them and grow in to a little dictator.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 15, 2016, 10:43:38 PM
It turns somewhat funny to see someone who still lives under the mother skirt way past 40 y.o. calling the others "privileged".
Yes, no doubt those good for nothing are privileged, but they aren't privileged for being white or straight or whatever non-sense reason they came up with; they're privileged for having parents that don't stand up and allow the brat to leech them and grow in to a little dictator.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 18, 2016, 01:57:34 AM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: mainpmf on February 18, 2016, 02:47:30 PM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.

You know what's funny?
In the USA liberals are lefties. But here in France liberals are really the right wing of politics!
I always felt insulted when I was told I'm a liberal, because they're your left but they're my right! xD
We're such a socialist country and you're such a capitalist country that the same political party is considered left in one and right in the other ^^

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on February 18, 2016, 03:43:45 PM
Same here.  ;D

Liberals are right-wing, left-wing are Socialists.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 18, 2016, 04:07:34 PM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.

You know what's funny?
In the USA liberals are lefties. But here in France liberals are really the right wing of politics!
I always felt insulted when I was told I'm a liberal, because they're your left but they're my right! xD
We're such a socialist country and you're such a capitalist country that the same political party is considered left in one and right in the other ^^

On top of that the US has been perverted by the sjw cancer, like everywhere else.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: mainpmf on February 19, 2016, 12:20:50 PM
Same here.  ;D

Liberals are right-wing, left-wing are Socialists.

Ahahah xD

Well what's sure is that it gave me some trouble at a moment... Especially when some people started to insult me of "liberal prick" and I was here like "meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh??"
Socialism is the true way, liberals and conservative are just stupid or horrible persons.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: mainpmf on February 19, 2016, 12:21:08 PM

On top of that the US has been perverted by the sjw cancer, like everywhere else.

What's the "sjw"?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on February 19, 2016, 01:29:34 PM
Socialism is the way -> to bankruptcy...

SJW are those folks who made their "victims" and "criminals" on their own mind and work like senseless zombies. Taking someone as a good or bad fellow based on their own assumptions.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: youdamushi on February 19, 2016, 02:45:25 PM

On top of that the US has been perverted by the sjw cancer, like everywhere else.

What's the "sjw"?

Dude read the Thread title --'

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: youdamushi on February 19, 2016, 02:47:19 PM
Socialism is the way -> to bankruptcy...

Socialism is the way -> to equality and development of the society
Capitalism is the way -> To inequality, destruction of social progress and control of the society by the 0.01%

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 05:48:03 PM

On top of that the US has been perverted by the sjw cancer, like everywhere else.

What's the "sjw"?

Dude read the Thread title --'

 :D ;D :D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 06:36:00 PM

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on February 19, 2016, 10:43:55 PM
Socialism is the way -> to bankruptcy...

Socialism is the way -> to equality and development of the society

Where and when did that development happened?!  ::)

Capitalism is the way -> To inequality, destruction of social progress and control of the society by the 0.01%

Yada, yada, the 1%... comparing property and assets with wages... how easy to foul are you?!
Appeal to greed is an ancient technique for ruin, and this 1% bullshit is no more than that. They're trying to convince you that the fortune of Bill Gates, Zuckemberg and so on are pocket change...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: youdamushi on February 20, 2016, 01:32:01 PM
Socialism is the way -> to bankruptcy...

Socialism is the way -> to equality and development of the society

Where and when did that development happened?!  ::)

Don't know, maybe between WWII and late 80's the only times where socialism was used in France, also the only time where the Gini index was better every year...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Tyrantt on February 20, 2016, 02:20:40 PM
Socialism is the way -> to bankruptcy...

Socialism is the way -> to equality and development of the society
Capitalism is the way -> To inequality, destruction of social progress and control of the society by the 0.01%

No, Socialism and communism destroy societies and economy, you know the "joke" in the USSR? "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us!". Why would someone innovate and invest in something if there's no gain for them? That's just a bad concept. These sig campaigns are capitalism. You work and get paid for your work. How would you feel if you posted the maximum number of posts every day and someone who is with you in that campaign didn't post a few but he still gets the same amount of btc as you do...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on February 20, 2016, 04:54:00 PM
Socialism is the way -> to bankruptcy...

Socialism is the way -> to equality and development of the society

Where and when did that development happened?!  ::)

Don't know, maybe between WWII and late 80's the only times where socialism was used in France, also the only time where the Gini index was better every year...

Until the Marshall's money ran out. That how and when it appears to work: while you're expending someone else's money.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: youdamushi on February 21, 2016, 01:13:56 PM
Socialism is the way -> to bankruptcy...

Socialism is the way -> to equality and development of the society

Where and when did that development happened?!  ::)

Don't know, maybe between WWII and late 80's the only times where socialism was used in France, also the only time where the Gini index was better every year...

Until the Marshall's money ran out. That how and when it appears to work: while you're expending someone else's money.

Marshall's money ran out in a few years! What's the link?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on February 21, 2016, 01:44:47 PM
Link for what? You don't know what was the Marshall plan?
So that was it, caused some development, when went low borrow from the markets and keep borrowing, always in deficit...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: be48d782 on February 21, 2016, 02:24:38 PM
Social Justice Warriors Triggered by online clothing sizes.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: youdamushi on February 21, 2016, 02:41:17 PM
Link for what? You don't know what was the Marshall plan?
So that was it, caused some development, when went low borrow from the markets and keep borrowing, always in deficit...

No, there is no link because Marshall plan was used to rebuild Europe. It's not because of Marshall plan that socialism led to fewer inequalities...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on February 21, 2016, 02:57:27 PM
Link for what? You don't know what was the Marshall plan?
So that was it, caused some development, when went low borrow from the markets and keep borrowing, always in deficit...

No, there is no link because Marshall plan was used to rebuild Europe. It's not because of Marshall plan that socialism led to fewer inequalities...

So in effect your counterargument is "no". Very compelling. Socialism only works when you steal from some one else to give to another. Even if that doesn't bother you, it should, because one there is nothing left to steal it all collapses.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 26, 2016, 03:59:41 AM

University of Missouri Fires Professor Melissa Click….

    Assistant Professor Melissa Click, captured on video calling for “some muscle” to remove reporters from a campus protest site, was fired Wednesday by the University of Missouri Board of Curators, Chairwoman Pam Henrickson said in a prepared statement.

    The board voted 4-2 in favor of termination during a closed session in Kansas City, with Henrickson and curator John Phillips opposing the move, UM System spokesman John Fougere wrote in an email Thursday. Curators David Steelman, Donald Cupps, Maurice Graham and Phil Snowden voted in favor of firing Click.

    Click did not respond to a message seeking comment Thursday. The board earlier voted to suspend Click with pay on Jan. 27.

    “The board respects Dr. Click’s right to express her views and does not base this decision on her support for students engaged in protest or their views,” Henrickson said in the prepared statement. “However, Dr. Click was not entitled to interfere with the rights of others, to confront members of law enforcement or to encourage potential physical intimidation against a student.”

    The statement from Henrickson cited Click’s behavior at the Homecoming parade, when she cursed at a police officer who was moving protesters out of the street, and on Nov. 9 at Concerned Student 1950’s protest site on the Carnahan Quadrangle. Her actions at the protest site, Henrickson said, “when she interfered with members of the media and students who were exercising their rights in a public space and called for intimidation against one of our students, we believe demands serious action.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 26, 2016, 07:09:23 PM
University of Missouri Fires Professor Melissa Click…

Absolutely glorious. Love seeing these SJW's starting to face repercussions for their bad behavior.

The SJW needs to be annihilated. Like a cancer needs to be destroyed. They can feel it. They went too far. They will eat each other next, like the cancer they are.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on February 26, 2016, 08:29:28 PM
After countless incidents and exhibits by these SJW nutcases, I've come to the conclusion that they view things from a completely inverted image of what actually happened and are truly psychotic. Society is going to implode if things keep going as they are and sadly, I don't see it getting better any time soon.

Edit: And good to see Click fired. She needs to be 5150'd and placed in her own special "safe space" so as not to harm others.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 27, 2016, 12:27:28 AM
After countless incidents and exhibits by these SJW nutcases, I've come to the conclusion that they view things from a completely inverted image of what actually happened and are truly psychotic. Society is going to implode if things keep going as they are and sadly, I don't see it getting better any time soon.

Edit: And good to see Click fired. She needs to be 5150'd and placed in her own special "safe space" so as not to harm others.

... And padded walls as to not harm herself.. Hmm... Nah. A windowless concrete bunker will be fine.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Zeke2345 on February 27, 2016, 12:31:58 AM
Oh I thought Casslachat was going to preach here.
Paging Casslachat, need a SJW on isle five.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 27, 2016, 12:38:10 AM
Oh I thought Casslachat was going to preach here.
Paging Casslachat, need a SJW on isle five.

The whole bitcointalk crew is on her long ignore list. She is too good of a whore to discuss with little people like us.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 27, 2016, 12:59:19 AM

Black Student Union Members Assault Breitbart Journalist at Ben Shapiro Protest

The cancer is not totally eradicated yet.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on February 27, 2016, 04:14:28 PM

South Africa: Protesting Students Torch University Buildings…

Leaving behind charred, smoldering buildings, students were ordered on Thursday to abandon a South African university, where protests have turned violent.

North-West University said protesting students burned an administration building and science center at the North-West University’s campus in the city of Mahikeng (also called Mafikeng) on Wednesday night, forcing administrators to close the campus indefinitely and tell students to leave.

South African President Jacob Zuma said: “No amount of anger should drive students to burn their own university and deny themselves and others education.”

Student protests have erupted on college campuses across South Africa, often aimed at pressing for lower tuition, more student housing and at erasing remnants of South Africa’s racist past.

In recent days, black and white students have even come to blows over the use of Afrikaans as a teaching language, an echo of the 1976 student uprising in the Soweto township south of Johannesburg against apartheid. Those bloody protests, which were put down by security forces using live ammunition at times, erupted over a rule that classes be taught in Afrikaans, considered to be the language of the white oppressor.

Coming soon to an American campus near you...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2016, 02:57:47 PM

Crack Dealer Freed Early Under Obama Plan Murders Woman, 2 Kids

    A convicted crack dealer who left prison early as part of the Obama administration’s mass release of federal inmates has been indicted by a grand jury for fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend and her two kids in Columbus, Ohio. The gory crime drew national attention because the children, ages 7 and 10, were murdered to eliminate them as witnesses in the brutal massacre of their 32-year-old mother.

    This week a grand jury in Franklin County returned a 10-count, death-penalty indictment against the ex-con, 35-year-old Wendell Callahan, for the triple murders. Callahan broke into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment and stabbed the three victims, according to a statement issued by Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien announcing the indictment. The bloody crime scene was discovered by the woman’s current boyfriend, who subsequently engaged in a fight with Callahan before he fled. The indictment includes charges of aggravated murder with prior calculation and design and aggravated murder of victims under the age of 13. “There are multiple charges regarding the three victim deaths because there are different methods to commit the crime of murder and the Prosecutor’s Office typically charges all methods”, O’Brien stated. Callahan is in jail on $3 million bail and is scheduled to be arraigned later this week.

   Callahan should have been in jail when the crimes occurred, but he was released four years early because federal sentencing guidelines for crack dealers got reduced. The change is part of President Obama’s effort to reform the nation’s justice system as a way of ending racial discrimination. The initiative was technically launched back in 2010 when the president signed a measure that for the first time in decades relaxed drug-crime sentences he claimed discriminated against poor and minority offenders. This severely weakened a decades-old law enacted during the infamous crack cocaine epidemic that ravaged urban communities nationwide in the 1980s. As part of the movement the U.S. Sentencing Commission lowered maximum sentences for drug offenders and made it retroactive, leading to the early release of thousands of violent thugs like Callahan.

    In November the administration began releasing 6,000 drug convicts coined “non-violent” offenders whose sentences were too long under the old guidelines. News reports quickly surfaced contradicting the administration’s assessment that the newly released convicts were not violent. Among them was the leader of a multi-million dollar operation that smuggled drugs from Canada to Maine. Prosecutors refer to the 29-year-old con as a “drug kingpin” who was one of “America’s Most Wanted.” Shortly before the administration’s mass release of drug convicts, federal prosecutors warned that drug trafficking is inherently violent and therefore the phrase “non-violent drug offenders” is a misnomer. The nation’s prosecutors also cautioned that reducing prison sentences for drug offenders will weaken their ability to bring dangerous drug traffickers to justice.

I would not be surprised to learn she voted for the man responsible for the early release of her killer... How ironic.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2016, 03:08:37 PM

School Reportedly Creates ‘Safe Space’ for Students Hurt by ‘Tequila Party’

    Offended students also received counseling.

    Some students wore sombreros to a tequila-themed birthday party at Bowdoin College — and others were so offended that the school had to provide them with safe spaces and counseling to deal with it.

    According to the school’s newspaper, the Bowdoin Orient, the e-mail invitation to the event called it “a ‘tequila’ party” and then added, “we’re not saying it’s a fiesta, but we’re also not not saying that :) (we’re not saying that).”

    This phrasing was, presumably, aiming to poke fun at the way the PC police often lose their minds over pretty much any party where tequila is present — which wound up being exactly what happened with this one.

    Yep. According to the Orient, one student (1) reported that some of the attendees had been wearing sombreros at the same time as they were drinking tequila at the party, and all hell broke loose.

    In an e-mail to National Review Online, sophomore Richard Arms states that there have been “3 school-wide emails from deans and our president, and there have been several ‘safe-space’ opportunities on campus for students to discuss how they were hurt and offended” by the party.

    What’s more, the General Assembly of Bowdoin Student Government issued a “Statement of Solidarity to stand by all students who were affected by the ‘tequila’ party that occurred on 20 February 2016.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2016, 07:34:33 PM

Another High Profile Campus Hate Crime Turns Out To Be A Hoax…

Clinton was more than eager to believe lies, once more

The allegation set social media ablaze, sowing shock and outrage as it went: Three black students at the University at Albany had been attacked on a city bus by a group of white men who used racial slurs as other passengers and the driver sat silently by.

The Jan. 30 episode, reported to the police, would draw hundreds of people to a campus rally against racism; an emotional response from the university’s president; and even the attention of Hillary Clinton, who condemned the attack on Twitter.

“We are shocked, upset, but we will remain unbroken,” one of the young women who reported the assault, Asha Burwell, said at the rally, on Feb. 1. “We stand here with strength because we value our worth as black women and as human beings in general.”

But only a few weeks later, what seemed to be the latest iteration of a now-familiar debate about race on campus — the protests, the anguished soul-searching, the calls for greater faculty diversity and administrative changes — has metastasized into a controversy of an even more scorching kind: the allegation, the authorities said, was a lie.

Surveillance videos did not support the accounts of the young women, Ms. Burwell, Alexis Briggs and Ariel Agudio. Neither did the statements of multiple fellow passengers. Rather than being victims of a hate crime, the authorities said, the women had been “the aggressors,” hitting a 19-year-old white woman on the bus.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 09, 2016, 03:07:02 PM

Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal US Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of ‘White Privilege’

‘Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual.’

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained documents from the United States Department of the Army revealing that in April 2015, 400 soldiers in the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, Georgia, were subjected to a “white privilege” briefing, including a PowerPoint presentation instructing the attendees: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual …”

The slideshow also informed the soldiers: “Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans.” It alleged that there are unspecified “powerful forces everywhere” keeping different kinds of people from being valued, accepted, and appreciated, but “we act as if it doesn’t exist.” This alleged privilege creates a “yawning divide” in income, wealth, and dignity.  The material described a mythical African woman who isn’t aware that she’s black until she comes to America, encounters “white racism” and discovers the U.S. is “organized according to race.”

The Department of the Army documents were obtained in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking:

    Any and all materials used in an Equal Opportunity briefing provided on April 2, 2015, to the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, Georgia, which included a discussion of “white privilege,” including but not limited to, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, audio/video tapes, course syllabi, and any recordings of the presentation itself.

The response to the Judicial Watch FOIA request included the entire Equal Opportunity Training PowerPoint presentation entitled “Power and Privilege,” which states:

    Privilege exists when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they’ve done or failed to do.

    Privilege has become one of those loaded words we need to reclaim so that we can use it to name and illuminate the truth


    Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them. “To be white in American [sic] means not having to think about it” [Quotation not attributed]


    Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual regardless of your social class.


    Imagine a school or a workplace where all kinds of people feel comfortable showing up. [sic] valued, accepted, supported, appreciated, respected, belonging. [sic] Something very powerful keeps this from us.

    The truth of this powerful forces [sic] is everywhere, but we don’t know how to talk about it and so we act as though it doesn’t exist

    The trouble we’re in privileges [sic] some groups at the expense of others.

    It creates a yawning divide in levels of income, wealth, dignity, safety, health and quality of life.

    It promotes fear, suspicion, discrimination, harassment, and violence.


    Consider the “black woman” in Africa who has not experienced white racism and does not identify herself as a “black woman”.  African, a woman, but not black.

    She only became “black” when she came to the U.S. where privilege is organized according to race, where she is assigned to a social category that bears that name and she is treated differently as a result. [Emphasis added]


    The trouble we’re in can’t be solved unless the “privileged” make the problem of privilege their problem and do something about it.

    The fact that it’s so easy for me and other people in dominant groups not to do this is the single most powerful barrier to change.

Though news of the indoctrination incident was briefly reported in Stars and Stripes shortly after it occurred, only one of the above slides previously has been made public.  Confronted with the information at the time, an Army spokesperson claimed the presentation was not officially sanctioned.

Judicial Watch previously obtained Defense Department equal opportunity training materials that depict conservative organizations as “hate groups” and advise students to be aware that “many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.”  And last month, Judicial Watch uncovered Air Force Academy documents that show how the Academy used its “Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund” to pay for cadets to participate in worship services featuring witchcraft, “Faery Magick,” and voodoo.

“Outrageous – that is the only word to describe this type of raw racist indoctrination,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The Obama administration undermines the morale of our military with morally repugnant ‘equal opportunity’ that makes many soldiers feel unwelcome because they are the wrong sex, race, religion or aren’t part of a politically correct group.”

This weaponized cancer has to be stop. Now.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: UliJonHoth on March 09, 2016, 06:34:26 PM
"SJW's...UNITE!!!" When is this madness going to end? This fool should be stripped of all rank and dishonorably discharged for being such a fool and tool.

Air Force Thunderbirds Too Male, Too White, Top General "Warns"...what a crock:

The Air Force’s vaunted Thunderbirds jet fighter aerobatics team is not diverse enough inside the cockpit.

Brig. Gen. Christopher M. Short, commander of the 57th Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, said in an email last month that of 15 pilot applicants for three openings, 14 are white.

He asked fighter wing commanders to stir up more candidates who “don’t necessarily look like each of you.” He bemoaned the fact that, not only is there a lack of diversity, but the number of applicants to make the world-famous team has taken a puzzling drop in the past two years.

“I am asking for your help in finding the right pilots for next year’s Thunderbirds team,” is how Gen. Short begins his email.

“While we have several qualified candidates that many of you submitted, I am lacking the depth in talent we’ve seen in previous years and I am lacking in diversity of gender, ethnicity and [aircraft type] background,” Gen. Short wrote.

His wing commands more than 100 combat aircraft, as well as the Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, popularly known as the Thunderbirds.

“As you look out at your wings, I’d also ask you to look at those pilots that may have the ability to reach our audiences that don’t necessarily look like each of you,” he said.

All eight current Thunderbird pilots are white males. Of the eight, six fly the demonstrations, one flies as the lead and narrator, and one is the operations officer. They fly on the team for two years, and three of the six demonstration fliers are replaced annually.

Gen. Short told the story of former Thunderbird pilot Caroline “Blaze” Jensen, the team’s right wing and No. 3 (now one of the openings), who was not only a skilled performer but also a public relations asset. The longest lines of fans seeking autographs typically formed in front of her.

“Being a female pilot allowed her to make connections none of the other pilots were able to do,” Gen. Short said. “While she brought a different gender demographic — she was also a reservist — she earned her position on the team and, like each of the team members, did an amazing job representing our AF.”

The general, himself an F-15 pilot, acknowledged that there may not be a sufficient pool of black and female pilots in the Air Force.

“I don’t expect a huge push of diverse applicants, primarily because our pool isn’t very diverse,” he wrote. “But I need talent on the team as well, and some of the 15 applicants just don’t have the depth of record of our typical competitive applicant. I am hoping you have one or two you can engage and discuss the impact they could have on our Air Force by becoming a Thunderbird pilot.”

He said he does not know why the number of applicants is shrinking.

“If you have insights on why we are not getting the number of traditional applicants, I’d love to hear,” he said. “The challenge cuts across many [aircraft types] on the team, so I think it is a reflection of a slightly tired force — but there may be other factors I’m missing. I would really appreciate your help.”

He added: “With over 200 days a year of [duty away from base] and a focus on retaining, recruiting and representing our AF, this has to be a volunteer, but I have found, and learned from others, that the reluctant volunteer often makes the best Thunderbird officer. I’d offer that those chosen for the team do very well in school and promotion competition — often they come in with the record that supports that — but we have taken very good care of those with excellent records.”

The Washington Times asked the Air Force whether Gen. Short was able to attract more applicants.

“Unfortunately, it is too early to discuss applicants or the composition of next season’s team,” said Maj. Sheila Johnston, a Nellis spokeswoman.

In a speech one year ago, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James ordered her service to become more diverse, especially by bringing in more women and training more female pilots.

Women make up about 20 percent of officers and 6.7 percent of pilots. Women at the midlevel ranks are leaving at twice the rate of men.

“Diversity and inclusion will help us to become more strategically agile in our Air Force,” Ms. James said.

Gen. Short’s email was posted on the blog site John Q. Public. It is run by a retired Air Force officer who fights political correctness and welcomes commentary and tips from the active force.

The blogger, who asked not to be identified, commented on Gen. Short’s email: “If there’s a concern about getting enough nominees with the experience and flying ability to build a successful team, as Short attests, the message should arguably have been a much more straightforward push for the best candidates, regardless of sex or skin color. Seems like Short’s message here is ‘send me more diverse candidates’ and also they need to be superb pilots. Shouldn’t the message read more like ‘send me your best pilots, and do your best to incorporate visible diversity.’”

Lt. Col. Christopher Karns, an Air Force spokesman at the Pentagon, said, “Ensuring a diverse Air Force is critically important. The Thunderbirds are key to recruiting. Having a diverse team can only help the Air Force reflect the nation and the people it serves.

“The Air Force is actively working to ensure we attract, recruit, develop and retain top talent. A team such as the Thunderbirds serves as global ambassadors for the Air Force. Different types of people from different backgrounds offer different perspectives and vantage points. As a force, we need to not only be operationally relevant but culturally competent,” Col. Karns said.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 11, 2016, 02:19:39 PM
"SJW's...UNITE!!!" When is this madness going to end? This fool should be stripped of all rank and dishonorably discharged for being such a fool and tool.

Air Force Thunderbirds Too Male, Too White, Top General "Warns"...what a crock:

The Air Force’s vaunted Thunderbirds jet fighter aerobatics team is not diverse enough inside the cockpit.

Brig. Gen. Christopher M. Short, commander of the 57th Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, said in an email last month that of 15 pilot applicants for three openings, 14 are white.

He asked fighter wing commanders to stir up more candidates who “don’t necessarily look like each of you.” He bemoaned the fact that, not only is there a lack of diversity, but the number of applicants to make the world-famous team has taken a puzzling drop in the past two years.

“I am asking for your help in finding the right pilots for next year’s Thunderbirds team,” is how Gen. Short begins his email.

“While we have several qualified candidates that many of you submitted, I am lacking the depth in talent we’ve seen in previous years and I am lacking in diversity of gender, ethnicity and [aircraft type] background,” Gen. Short wrote.

His wing commands more than 100 combat aircraft, as well as the Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, popularly known as the Thunderbirds.

“As you look out at your wings, I’d also ask you to look at those pilots that may have the ability to reach our audiences that don’t necessarily look like each of you,” he said.

All eight current Thunderbird pilots are white males. Of the eight, six fly the demonstrations, one flies as the lead and narrator, and one is the operations officer. They fly on the team for two years, and three of the six demonstration fliers are replaced annually.

Gen. Short told the story of former Thunderbird pilot Caroline “Blaze” Jensen, the team’s right wing and No. 3 (now one of the openings), who was not only a skilled performer but also a public relations asset. The longest lines of fans seeking autographs typically formed in front of her.

“Being a female pilot allowed her to make connections none of the other pilots were able to do,” Gen. Short said. “While she brought a different gender demographic — she was also a reservist — she earned her position on the team and, like each of the team members, did an amazing job representing our AF.”

The general, himself an F-15 pilot, acknowledged that there may not be a sufficient pool of black and female pilots in the Air Force.

“I don’t expect a huge push of diverse applicants, primarily because our pool isn’t very diverse,” he wrote. “But I need talent on the team as well, and some of the 15 applicants just don’t have the depth of record of our typical competitive applicant. I am hoping you have one or two you can engage and discuss the impact they could have on our Air Force by becoming a Thunderbird pilot.”

He said he does not know why the number of applicants is shrinking.

“If you have insights on why we are not getting the number of traditional applicants, I’d love to hear,” he said. “The challenge cuts across many [aircraft types] on the team, so I think it is a reflection of a slightly tired force — but there may be other factors I’m missing. I would really appreciate your help.”

He added: “With over 200 days a year of [duty away from base] and a focus on retaining, recruiting and representing our AF, this has to be a volunteer, but I have found, and learned from others, that the reluctant volunteer often makes the best Thunderbird officer. I’d offer that those chosen for the team do very well in school and promotion competition — often they come in with the record that supports that — but we have taken very good care of those with excellent records.”

The Washington Times asked the Air Force whether Gen. Short was able to attract more applicants.

“Unfortunately, it is too early to discuss applicants or the composition of next season’s team,” said Maj. Sheila Johnston, a Nellis spokeswoman.

In a speech one year ago, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James ordered her service to become more diverse, especially by bringing in more women and training more female pilots.

Women make up about 20 percent of officers and 6.7 percent of pilots. Women at the midlevel ranks are leaving at twice the rate of men.

“Diversity and inclusion will help us to become more strategically agile in our Air Force,” Ms. James said.

Gen. Short’s email was posted on the blog site John Q. Public. It is run by a retired Air Force officer who fights political correctness and welcomes commentary and tips from the active force.

The blogger, who asked not to be identified, commented on Gen. Short’s email: “If there’s a concern about getting enough nominees with the experience and flying ability to build a successful team, as Short attests, the message should arguably have been a much more straightforward push for the best candidates, regardless of sex or skin color. Seems like Short’s message here is ‘send me more diverse candidates’ and also they need to be superb pilots. Shouldn’t the message read more like ‘send me your best pilots, and do your best to incorporate visible diversity.’”

Lt. Col. Christopher Karns, an Air Force spokesman at the Pentagon, said, “Ensuring a diverse Air Force is critically important. The Thunderbirds are key to recruiting. Having a diverse team can only help the Air Force reflect the nation and the people it serves.

“The Air Force is actively working to ensure we attract, recruit, develop and retain top talent. A team such as the Thunderbirds serves as global ambassadors for the Air Force. Different types of people from different backgrounds offer different perspectives and vantage points. As a force, we need to not only be operationally relevant but culturally competent,” Col. Karns said.

A weaponized cancer of the mind. The sjw is.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 11, 2016, 02:23:15 PM

Mizzou Loses 1500 Students, Is Flat Broke Following Campus Protests

The University of Missouri (MU) is losing about 1500 students and is facing a huge $32 million budget shortfall four months after it attracted national attention as the site of massive race-based campus protests.

“I am writing to you today to confirm that we project a very significant budget shortfall due to an unexpected sharp decline in first-year enrollments and student retention this coming fall. I wish I had better news,” said MU interim chancellor Hank Foley in a Wednesday letter to school staff that was obtained by Fox Sports.

According to Foley’s letter, MU will have about 1500 fewer students in fall 2016 compared to last year, an unexpected drop that is in turn causing a big dip in the school’s tuition income.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on March 11, 2016, 03:02:57 PM
YES! Die stupid universities! DIE! This is how you stop them! Reward the universities and institutions that actually respect students instead of treat them like shit!

Let the education revolution begin.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on March 11, 2016, 04:12:46 PM
As somebody who I freely admit has a personal vendetta against compulsory education and our current system in general, I love seeing this type of thing happen to incompetent educational institutions.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: ekoice on March 11, 2016, 06:45:56 PM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.
I am not sure about jails since i don't know the culture and system there but in real life this kind of system can be maintained for the help and benefit of human beings and i am sure it is not that difficult as it is being considered.
same trends and life style can make the life so easier and excellent for all.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 11, 2016, 09:46:56 PM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.
I am not sure about jails since i don't know the culture and system there but in real life this kind of system can be maintained for the help and benefit of human beings and i am sure it is not that difficult as it is being considered.
same trends and life style can make the life so easier and excellent for all.

What you are talking about is pure FANTASY that never has existed and never will exist. If it does ever exist it would be required to be in the form of totalitarianism. Be careful what you wish for.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Hamukione on March 12, 2016, 12:11:47 AM
Where are all the special snowflakes around?
Id like to give them a push off a bridge if they cant jump themselves..

Just seen a new video and I think its from BuzzFeed.
"Why dont people see that I am half Mexican and Half White"
"I feel like I dont belong because people cant see what race I am".


Isnt Racism something we are fighting?

Students at PRINCETON wants Black ONLY  areas because they want a free space to separate from all other races.

What the fuck is wrong with people these days?

First Feminists... Now SJWs...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 12, 2016, 06:39:55 AM
Where are all the special snowflakes around?
Id like to give them a push off a bridge if they cant jump themselves..

Just seen a new video and I think its from BuzzFeed.
"Why dont people see that I am half Mexican and Half White"
"I feel like I dont belong because people cant see what race I am".


Isnt Racism something we are fighting?

Students at PRINCETON wants Black ONLY  areas because they want a free space to separate from all other races.

What the fuck is wrong with people these days?

First Feminists... Now SJWs...

It would be cool if you could post the link of that video.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 12, 2016, 06:49:54 AM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail.
...for the help and benefit of human beings...

This. This is what SJW's want. Totalitarianism with their feelings dictating policy.

We've been there before. This is exactly what the SJW movement represents. This is why it is a cancer. They represent, beyond human lives, the destruction of free speech and innovation.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Hamukione on March 12, 2016, 02:42:29 PM
Where are all the special snowflakes around?
Id like to give them a push off a bridge if they cant jump themselves..

Just seen a new video and I think its from BuzzFeed.
"Why dont people see that I am half Mexican and Half White"
"I feel like I dont belong because people cant see what race I am".


Isnt Racism something we are fighting?

Students at PRINCETON wants Black ONLY  areas because they want a free space to separate from all other races.

What the fuck is wrong with people these days?

First Feminists... Now SJWs...

It would be cool if you could post the link of that video.

I was right!!!!

It was fucking buzzfeed doing it again!

Here is Undoomed taken a piss on them:
Original video is in the describtion.

I cant watch this again.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 12, 2016, 02:52:14 PM
Where are all the special snowflakes around?
Id like to give them a push off a bridge if they cant jump themselves..

Just seen a new video and I think its from BuzzFeed.
"Why dont people see that I am half Mexican and Half White"
"I feel like I dont belong because people cant see what race I am".


Isnt Racism something we are fighting?

Students at PRINCETON wants Black ONLY  areas because they want a free space to separate from all other races.

What the fuck is wrong with people these days?

First Feminists... Now SJWs...

It would be cool if you could post the link of that video.

I was right!!!!

It was fucking buzzfeed doing it again!

Here is Undoomed taken a piss on them:
Original video is in the describtion.

I cant watch this again.

The "left" should wake up fast because the sjw movement only cares about itself...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 17, 2016, 02:51:22 PM

5 Signs You’re A Regressive Liberal

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 17, 2016, 03:41:12 PM

New Orleans Student Leader Says “Right-Handed People” Need To Check Their Privilege…

    A University of New Orleans student government executive argues that aside from white males, college students, U.S. citizens, and even right-handers need to “check their privilege.”

    Darius Miner, who serves as Chief Justice of the UNO Student Government Association (SGA), claims in an op-ed for The Odyssey Monday that in order to effectively fight injustice, individuals must acknowledge a greatly expanded definition of “the dominant and advantaged groups” in our society.

    “We all have a role or play a part in the way ourselves and our fellow people are treated,” he asserts. “If you think that you don’t have a role or a voice, think again.”

    Miner then proceeds to identify seven categories of privilege, beginning with those that have already been targeted by others in the social justice movement and then adding several new characteristics of his own, each with instructions on how to “check” that particular privilege.

    He encourages men, for instance, to “acknowledge the fact that a woman makes 77 cents per your dollar and that in business or political settings your identification is more dominant and treated more respectively [sic],” which he suggests would dissuade men from “[trying] to control what women choose to do with things that happen inside of their bodies.”

    More generally, he reminds males that “you are allowed to have an opinion,” but asks them to “please reflect on your privilege whenever you form or express those opinions first.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Snail2 on March 17, 2016, 04:20:00 PM
Students at PRINCETON wants Black ONLY  areas because they want a free space to separate from all other races.

If they get thet free space they asking for probably some other SJWs going to protest because of racial segregation.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 20, 2016, 01:05:50 AM

Social justice warriors are racists who hate free speech

Published on Mar 18, 2016

This exchange highlights three traits that are prevalent amongst social justice warriors;

1) They don't believe in equality.

The film maker's free speech is immediately disqualified and the woman attempts to no platform him because he doesn't agree with her politically and is a white man.

2) They don't believe in free speech.

The woman tries to impose her own authoritarian code of conduct on the man in order to silence his First Amendment rights.

3) They're racist.

The white woman rushes to the aid of the Mexican woman, presuming that she is unable to defend her political ideas on her own because she is a minority. This is the bigotry of low expectations.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 23, 2016, 04:24:45 PM

A progressive women’s organization leading the charge against Donald Trump is demanding that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos remove the Republican presidential front-runner’s menswear line from his website.

The group UltraViolet Action recently launched a petition that has reportedly attracted more than 36,000 signatures and calls on Bezos to reject Trump’s “racism, sexism and xenophobia” by discontinuing the availability of his clothing line in Amazon’s marketplace.

Trump’s name is currently attached to more than 30,000 products on Amazon, though not all of them are owned and manufactured by the Trump Organization. In addition to dress shirts and ties, “Trump 2016” bumper stickers and knockoff “Make America Great Again” hats are currently for sale.

“Amazon has a history of doing the right thing and removing sexist merchandise,” UltraViolet’s co-founder Shaunna Thomas said in a statement.

She continued, “Donald Trump has promoted violence at campaign events, stoked the fires of sexism and racism in America and espouses a political philosophy that borders on fascism [and] these values have no place on the Amazon marketplace.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on March 23, 2016, 05:01:07 PM

A progressive women’s organization leading the charge against Donald Trump is demanding that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos remove the Republican presidential front-runner’s menswear line from his website.

The group UltraViolet Action recently launched a petition that has reportedly attracted more than 36,000 signatures and calls on Bezos to reject Trump’s “racism, sexism and xenophobia” by discontinuing the availability of his clothing line in Amazon’s marketplace.

Trump’s name is currently attached to more than 30,000 products on Amazon, though not all of them are owned and manufactured by the Trump Organization. In addition to dress shirts and ties, “Trump 2016” bumper stickers and knockoff “Make America Great Again” hats are currently for sale.

“Amazon has a history of doing the right thing and removing sexist merchandise,” UltraViolet’s co-founder Shaunna Thomas said in a statement.

She continued, “Donald Trump has promoted violence at campaign events, stoked the fires of sexism and racism in America and espouses a political philosophy that borders on fascism [and] these values have no place on the Amazon marketplace.”

Here's the co-founder of "UltraViolet Action" - what a crock. These people are so deluded and out of touch with reality...

Meet the rest of the crew here:

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on March 23, 2016, 05:46:54 PM
“Amazon has a history of doing the right thing and removing sexist merchandise,” UltraViolet’s co-founder Shaunna Thomas said in a statement.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 29, 2016, 02:57:47 PM

SFSU 2016 - Campus employee assaults white student for "cultural appropriation"

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 30, 2016, 01:24:12 AM

SFSU 2016 - Campus employee assaults white student for "cultural appropriation"

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016.


Black student who attacked white student for his dreadlocks is under investigation

San Francisco State University said it’s investigating an altercation captured on video Monday that appears to show a black female physically attacking a white male because of his dreadlocks.

Though the school didn’t identify the students in its Tuesday statement, it said neither is an employee.

That appears to be in response to early-morning claims on Twitter that the black woman is Bonita Tindle, whose LinkedIn page says she’s an intern for both the campus Women’s Center and Associated Students Inc., the student government.

The 46-second video uploaded Monday by Nicholas Silvera, which also claims the black woman is a “campus employee,” shows her interrogating and even grabbing a white man with dreadlocks, and later hitting another man who was filming the incident.

    @SFSU IDK if you are aware, but an employee of yours, Bonita Tindle recently was on camera assaulting a student based on his race.

    — Jimmy Russells (@JimmyRussells5) March 29, 2016

Already shared widely on Reddit and 4chan by Tuesday morning, the video features the woman and a black male standing with her repeatedly accusing the white student of cultural appropriation for having dreadlocks.

The white student later identified himself as Cory Soulr Goldstein, a local DJ, and laid out his allegations against the woman in a series of comments on his Facebook post.

The video begins with the white student immersed in an unwanted conversation with two black students about his choice of dreadlocks as a hairstyle.

“You’re saying that I can’t have a hairstyle because of your culture,” asks Goldstein.

“Yeah,” responds the woman, telling Goldstein that the style is a uniquely African tradition.

“‘Cause it is my culture,” the woman responds when asked why it offends her. “Do you know what locks mean?”

“Do you know how it was in Egyptian culture? Are you Egyptian,” Goldstein asks the woman incredulously. “Nah, brah, you’re not.”

Goldstein tries to get past her but the woman catches his sleeve and drags him back.

“You put your hands on me, you’ll learn,” says the woman, apparently suggesting that she could accuse of him of assault.


“You’ll learn what?” says Goldstein. “Whether you’re going to [inaudible] what kind of hair I have? That’s no reason, yo. I don’t need your disrespect. I don’t need your disrespect.”

When he leaves the conversation again, the woman turns on the bystander filming the argument.

“Come back- Why are you filming this?” the woman asks the cameraman.

When the cameraman responds that he is filming “for everyone’s safety,” the woman abruptly grabs for his camera, where the footage stops.

Even ‘Chocolate Rain’ maker is throwing shade at the woman

Goldstein wrote on Facebook that he has filed a police report with campus police, but isn’t pursuing criminal charges. He said the altercation extended beyond the 46-second clip posted on YouTube, with the woman threatening to “cut my locks off too among other verbal assaults.”

“I never feared for my safety, I just don’t like being grabbed and pushed,” wrote Goldstein in a Facebook comment later on Monday.

The video was so compelling that Tay Zonday, the YouTube personality and maker of the early viral video “Chocolate Rain,” weighed in with his criticism of the woman.

    View post on

The university said in its Tuesday statement that while it “promotes the rights of the campus community to engage in free speech,” it does “not condone behavior that impedes the safety or well-being of others.”

SFSU will “promptly and thoroughly investigate this incident through applicable University channels, including our campus student conduct procedures,” it said.

Some users on Twitter sounded their disbelief in the woman’s actions.

    @SFSU Please rectify the situation, as a current student, I feel very unsafe on campus now, knowing employees can act like this.

    — Jimmy Russells (@JimmyRussells5) March 29, 2016

    Somebody put their hands on someone else because they were wearing "their hairstyle"

    End of necessary analysis

    — Vernaculis (@Vernaculis) March 29, 2016

Goldstein and Tindle have not responded to requests for comment from The College Fix.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on March 30, 2016, 07:23:02 PM

Jesuit University Moves to Fire Conservative Professor Over His Political Views

Marquette University has moved to suspend and then fire Professor John McAdams for backing a student who tried to defend man-woman marriage when a leftist teaching assistant shut the student down.

In the fall of 2014, junior faculty member Cheryl Abbate told a student, who secretly recorded the exchange, that his defense of man-woman marriage was an unacceptable topic in her ethics class and compared his views to racism. She said, “You can have whatever opinions you want but I can tell you right now, in this class homophobic comments, racist comments, and sexist comments will not be tolerated.” And then she told the student he should drop the class.

On this very popular blog, Professor McAdams outed the incident and charged the teaching assistant with “using a tactic typical among liberals now. Opinions with which they disagree are not merely wrong, and are not to be argued against on their merits, but are deemed ‘offensive’ and need to be shut up.”

A firestorm ensued that pitted the academic freedom of McAdams against the leftist pieties of the officially “Catholic” institution.

The teaching assistant is said to have gotten mean emails, though she was hailed as a liberal hero and went on to a tenure track position at another university. McAdams was brought up on charges.

It was announced this week that a “diverse” faculty committee recommended to the university president that McAdams be suspended without pay from April 1 through the fall of 2016 and that he lose his job unless he admits “guilt” and apologized “within the next two weeks.” Specifically, the demand is “Your acknowledgement that your November 9, 2014, blog post was reckless and incompatible with the mission and values of Marquette University and you express deep regret for the harm suffered by our former graduate student and instructor, Ms. Abbate.”

The ever quotable and crusty McAdams compared the demand to the “Inquisition, in which victims who ‘confessed’ they had been consorting with Satan and spreading heresy would be spared execution.” He called the demand a violation of “black letter guarantees of academic freedom embodied in University statutes.”

He also charges the university president with dishonesty since the faculty panel did not require such an admission of guilt or an apology. McAdams said such a statement from him would amount to a “loyalty oath” and he says he will not submit.

He also referred to Marquette’s “Catholic mission” as nothing more than a “marketing gimmick.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: frankharmon57 on March 30, 2016, 10:02:07 PM
A social justice warrior reads an essay about a form of internal misogyny where women and girls insult stereotypical feminine activities and characteristics in order to boost themselves over other women.

The SJW absorbs this and later complains in response to a Huffington Post article about a 10-year-old feminist's letter, because the 10-year-old called the color pink "prissy".

Commnter: "I don't like getting manicures. It's too prissy."

SJW: "Oh my god, how fucking dare you use that word, you disgusting sexist piece of shit!"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 01, 2016, 03:36:57 PM

Jesuit University Moves to Fire Conservative Professor Over His Political Views

Marquette University has moved to suspend and then fire Professor John McAdams for backing a student who tried to defend man-woman marriage when a leftist teaching assistant shut the student down.

In the fall of 2014, junior faculty member Cheryl Abbate told a student, who secretly recorded the exchange, that his defense of man-woman marriage was an unacceptable topic in her ethics class and compared his views to racism. She said, “You can have whatever opinions you want but I can tell you right now, in this class homophobic comments, racist comments, and sexist comments will not be tolerated.” And then she told the student he should drop the class.

On this very popular blog, Professor McAdams outed the incident and charged the teaching assistant with “using a tactic typical among liberals now. Opinions with which they disagree are not merely wrong, and are not to be argued against on their merits, but are deemed ‘offensive’ and need to be shut up.”

A firestorm ensued that pitted the academic freedom of McAdams against the leftist pieties of the officially “Catholic” institution.

The teaching assistant is said to have gotten mean emails, though she was hailed as a liberal hero and went on to a tenure track position at another university. McAdams was brought up on charges.

It was announced this week that a “diverse” faculty committee recommended to the university president that McAdams be suspended without pay from April 1 through the fall of 2016 and that he lose his job unless he admits “guilt” and apologized “within the next two weeks.” Specifically, the demand is “Your acknowledgement that your November 9, 2014, blog post was reckless and incompatible with the mission and values of Marquette University and you express deep regret for the harm suffered by our former graduate student and instructor, Ms. Abbate.”

The ever quotable and crusty McAdams compared the demand to the “Inquisition, in which victims who ‘confessed’ they had been consorting with Satan and spreading heresy would be spared execution.” He called the demand a violation of “black letter guarantees of academic freedom embodied in University statutes.”

He also charges the university president with dishonesty since the faculty panel did not require such an admission of guilt or an apology. McAdams said such a statement from him would amount to a “loyalty oath” and he says he will not submit.

He also referred to Marquette’s “Catholic mission” as nothing more than a “marketing gimmick.”

Breitbart News Daily - Professor John McAdams - April 1, 2016

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 03, 2016, 03:00:10 PM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 04, 2016, 12:08:25 PM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 04, 2016, 02:30:41 PM

Cancer. Spreading.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 06, 2016, 09:37:47 PM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on April 07, 2016, 06:10:16 AM
I would assume UTC receives public funding. Doesn't supporting or rallying against people in a run for public office with an organization that receives public funding violate election laws?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: jassii on April 07, 2016, 07:32:38 AM
sjw stands for Social justice warrior. it is a pejorative term for a person expressing or promoting socially progressive views, including advocacy for women's rights and civil rights. The phrase originated as a laudatory term for those engaged in social justice.  :)  ( :)  (

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 07, 2016, 02:01:40 PM
sjw stands for Social justice warrior. it is a pejorative term for a person expressing or promoting socially progressive views, including advocacy for women's rights and civil rights. The phrase originated as a laudatory term for those engaged in social justice.  :)  (http://"") :)  (http://"")

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 07, 2016, 02:06:20 PM
I would assume UTC receives public funding. Doesn't supporting or rallying against people in a run for public office with an organization that receives public funding violate election laws?

Laws are violated only if the people in charge of the laws say it is the case. Until then, this cancer will keep spreading...

Law school professors say posting ‘All Lives Matter’ flier was an ‘incident of intolerance’

Earlier this month, someone left a hand-written flier on the door of a faculty member’s office at American University’s Washington College of Law that read, “All Lives Matter.”

It didn’t go unnoticed.

That phrase — to some, code language for a racist rejection of an important cultural wake-up call, for others, an idealistic appeal for a simple, more universal truth — set off a series of reactions.

A large group of faculty were offended, saying the phrase was used by white supremacists. Students held a community forum.

And a couple of professors on a national civil-rights commission asked the dean, incredulously, “What is wrong with your faculty and staff members?”

The variety of responses, and their intensity, illustrated how fraught the topic of race is on campuses across the country, how divisive, and how alert people are to differences.

Last year, the slogan “Black Lives Matter” spread nationally after several black men were killed by police in circumstances that touched off controversy and protests; the phrase became for many a symbol of a nascent and powerful civil-rights movement.

After spring break, Washington College of Law Dean Claudio Grossman wrote to the law school community to tell them of the “very disturbing incident.”

The flier was left anonymously on the door of the office of a faculty member “with a national reputation for doing important work on issues of racial justice in the criminal justice system.”

Grossman wrote that, “Although the phrase ‘All Lives Matter’ may sound benign, it sometimes has been used as a rallying cry by some groups who oppose the Black Lives Matter Movement and seek to silence it.”

Scores of faculty signed a letter decrying the flier, writing, in part, “… the message appears intended by the messenger to be an attempt to silence and intimidate an opposing viewpoint, not an effort to communicate a different perspective.

“… The ‘All Lives Matter’ sign might seem to be a benign message with no ill intent, but it has become a rallying cry for many who espouse ideas of white supremacy and overt racism, as well as those who do not believe the laws should equally protect those who have a different skin color or religion.”

Then two members of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights — speaking as individuals, not for the commission — wrote to the dean.

“The response of American University faculty and staff was nothing short of Orwellian,” Gail Heriot and Peter Kirsanow wrote, in part. They also wrote:

    “Nearly sixty members of the law faculty and staff signed a letter calling this an ‘act of intolerance,’ because it refers to ‘all lives’ rather than only ‘black lives.’

    “This makes American University look foolish.

    “Even sillier, the letter calls this obviously true statement — that the lives of all members of the human species are valuable — ‘a rallying cry for many who espouse ideas of white supremacy.’

    “While we know that President Obama has stated that ‘all lives matter,’ we are not personally aware of any cases in which white supremacists (a rare species these days) have made that statement.

    “Equating a student making a legitimate and utterly unobjectionable point with a white supremacist is nonsensical.”

(Obama, in explaining why he does not think the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is offensive and that he does not think the protesters are suggesting other people’s lives don’t matter, said in October, “I think everybody understands all lives matter.”)

By phone, Heriot, a professor of law at the University of San Diego, said that when she saw the letter from the professors, “My reaction was that this was — quite outrageous. I just wish that people in positions of authority, like members of a law-school faculty, would try not to make things worse by engaging in name-calling of this kind.

“I thought this was an occasion upon which I really needed to say something. If nobody talks back — things just spiral out of control.

“Lawyers need to be trained to deal with situations with sympathy for both sides, understanding the argument on both sides. And to accuse someone of making such an unobjectionable statement as being allied with white supremacists is over the top.”

It’s a sign of the times, she said. “I don’t think this would have happened 30 years ago, or five years ago. The world is getting more politically tribal. It worries me a lot. I’m not just seeing it in this instance but in  many situations,” she said.

A spokeswoman for the law school said in an emailed statement: “Our response to this letter is everyone is entitled to his or her view, including two of the eight members of the Commission. The school has already expressed its view.”

Last week, students held an event promoted as a “WCL Community Town Hall Meeting addressing ‘All Lives Matter.’ ” Students from the group that organized it and from the Black Law Students Association did not respond to requests for comment.

“The letter sent to our community following the original event was overwhelmingly well received here, and students sympathetic to the letter organized an open forum in March that went very well,” the school spokeswoman wrote. “There has been no other issue on this topic inside the law school during the last month.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on April 07, 2016, 03:39:28 PM
I would assume UTC receives public funding. Doesn't supporting or rallying against people in a run for public office with an organization that receives public funding violate election laws?

Laws are violated only if the people in charge of the laws say it is the case. Until then, this cancer will keep spreading...

I don't know if you think you are telling me something I don't know or what... but regardless this can be used to put pressure on schools trying to prohibit what amounts to purely political speech. One things schools respond quickly to is liability, much more than PC issues. IMO this should be looked into.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 07, 2016, 05:38:05 PM
I would assume UTC receives public funding. Doesn't supporting or rallying against people in a run for public office with an organization that receives public funding violate election laws?

Laws are violated only if the people in charge of the laws say it is the case. Until then, this cancer will keep spreading...

I don't know if you think you are telling me something I don't know or what... but regardless this can be used to put pressure on schools trying to prohibit what amounts to purely political speech. One things schools respond quickly to is liability, much more than PC issues. IMO this should be looked into.

When I reply I understand the context that a lot of people are reading the conversation. I knew you knew this obviously.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2016, 01:33:01 PM

Insane in the brain


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 21, 2016, 02:34:30 PM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 27, 2016, 02:51:02 PM

Protestors go crazy during The Triggering event at UMass

This is what a SJW looks like...


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BADecker on April 28, 2016, 10:10:49 AM
What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?

Kinda like the sludge in your car engine.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 28, 2016, 03:10:50 PM
What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?

Kinda like the sludge in your car engine.


Are you saying driving a Tesla Model X is kinda like annihilating sjw from the fabric of existence?


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BADecker on April 28, 2016, 04:15:56 PM
What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?

Kinda like the sludge in your car engine.


Are you saying driving a Tesla Model X is kinda like annihilating sjw from the fabric of existence?


No. I am saying that we should drive cars that have two-cycle engines so that there wouldn't be any sludge buildup.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 28, 2016, 05:09:08 PM
What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?

Kinda like the sludge in your car engine.


Are you saying driving a Tesla Model X is kinda like annihilating sjw from the fabric of existence?


No. I am saying that we should drive cars that have two-cycle engines so that there wouldn't be any sludge buildup.



Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BADecker on April 28, 2016, 05:24:03 PM
What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?

Kinda like the sludge in your car engine.


Are you saying driving a Tesla Model X is kinda like annihilating sjw from the fabric of existence?


No. I am saying that we should drive cars that have two-cycle engines so that there wouldn't be any sludge buildup.



Come on!  You just made that picture, didn't you?    :D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 28, 2016, 06:23:29 PM

^ Yep!


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 29, 2016, 06:07:38 PM

Protestors go crazy during The Triggering event at UMass

This is what a SJW looks like...


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TECSHARE on April 30, 2016, 07:39:15 AM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: garmerys on April 30, 2016, 12:08:08 PM
People are just looking for a reason to be offended by anything they can find.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on April 30, 2016, 09:13:25 PM


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 01, 2016, 02:11:01 AM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: hangar18 on May 01, 2016, 04:43:22 PM
How did Social Justice Warriors (SJW) gain such influence in the US?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 03, 2016, 04:12:13 AM



Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 04, 2016, 11:18:16 PM

Mizzou's enrollment plummet is more drastic than previously projected

This fall could mark the smallest class of incoming freshmen at the University of Missouri-Columbia in nearly a decade as the school continues to lose students, partly because of last fall's protests.

The university on Wednesday announced the amount of students paying freshman tuition deposits — a key indicator of coming enrollment — has decreased by 1,470 compared to last year.

It's a nearly 600 fewer students than what was projected in February, when the university was estimating 900 fewer incoming freshmen.

What it means is that Mizzou could have a freshman class of fewer than 5,000 students for the first time since 2007.

In contrast, the university enrolled 7,600 freshmen last fall. That number includes second-year students who did not complete enough credits to qualify as sophomores.

University administrators note that they've been expecting a drop-off for some time, as there are fewer high school students in the pipeline.

But last's fall's protests have also played a part.

“As we've been talking to prospective students and parents, we've been told the events of last fall have played a role in their decision-making process,” spokesman Christian Basi said.

School administrators have said they are seeing less interest from out-of-state students, and recruiters are hearing more concerns from students in the Chicago area, in particular.

Barbara Rupp, the university's director of admissions has said there's potential to lose students from rural areas, given how polarizing last fall's protests were.

The enrollment woes are just some of the problems Mizzou has faced since the campus found itself in the national spotlight late last year as students protested a series of racist incidents, eventually toppling the university's top leadership.

State lawmakers threatened to cut Mizzou's funding and donors rescinded roughly $2 million in pledged donations.

But Basi is adamant that the university is fundamentally healthy.

“Since November, our researchers have been awarded $50 million in grants,” he said. “And donors have given gifts exceeding $65 million, also since November.”

Even so, Basi said the university will be looking for possible tweaks to recruiting strategies with an eye toward the fall of 2017 class.

In particular, recruiters will expand to different parts of Chicago, Dallas and other cities, while working more closely with high school counselors to counter any stigma associated with Mizzou, he said.

In particular, Mizzou is battling a perception that its campus is unsafe.

“The events of last fall were nonviolent. We had no episodes of violence. And any threats were immediately acted upon,” Basi said. He added that Mizzou's police department has been protected from budget cuts, and the department is in the process of adding more officers.

“The perception out there is different from what a student would experience on campus,” Basi said. “The biggest thing is for students and parents is to come visit us and see what we have to offer.”

 ;D :D ;D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 10, 2016, 04:06:53 PM


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 13, 2016, 05:22:21 PM

"Ain't No Rest for the Triggered" - Social Justice: The Musical

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 14, 2016, 11:36:01 PM
There's no such thing as social justice. Or maybe in a jail. All the inmates have the same rights, they all wear the same clothes, they all eat the same food, and they all live in similar cells. I fail to understand how some people may see this as an ideal. I believe those spending their lives in jails may share my opinion.

Because it was never an ideal for them, but an ideal for us. They will be in charge of the prisons. Sjw is about power and controlling speech and, finally, controlling people.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 18, 2016, 10:46:08 PM

Published on May 16, 2016

When you pass a person of color on the street, do you give them the "white guy smile"? Congratulations, you're racist! If you look at a person of color, you're racist. If you don't look at them, you're racist. If you sort of look at them, then look away, you're still racist. If you keep looking at them, well, damn you, you racist!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: UliJonHoth on May 19, 2016, 07:06:49 PM


More Trigglypuff...

I found one of Trigglypuff half naked but can't add spoiler tags to protect the eyes of the innocent.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 19, 2016, 07:14:51 PM


More Trigglypuff...

I found one of Trigglypuff half naked but can't add spoiler tags to protect the eyes of the innocent.

I love the meme, but I would stay away from linking personal informations, real names, etc. We may see this as funny, but we have some very disturbed people on the net. Yes, even a sjw moron like Trigglypuff does not need to be doxxed.


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 19, 2016, 07:18:55 PM

Poll: 9 In 10 Native Americans Says They Are NOT Offended By Redskins Name…

    Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.

    The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the exact same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.

    Among the Native Americans reached over a five-month period ending in April, more than 7 in 10 said they did not feel the word “Redskin” was disrespectful to Indians. An even higher number — 8 in 10 — said they would not be offended if a non-native called them that name.

Another fail for the sjw


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 20, 2016, 03:56:58 AM

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on May 20, 2016, 02:14:03 PM


What happened to being a strong person, with a spine and intelligence? What happened to being able to form your own opinion and not have people call you a bigot or misogynist? The ‘Trigger Warning’ generation is the downfall of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. If you even slightly disagree with them you are instantly called a slew of words that they have in their handy dandy notebook of comebacks, which include:

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 13, 2016, 07:49:06 PM

DePaul President Capitulates To Outraged Anti-Milo Students, Tenders Resignation

Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider has announced his plans to step down from his role as the President of DePaul University following pressure from radical left-wing activists in the wake of Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ recent visit to campus.

Holtschneider came under fire in late May for the University’s handling of a lecture given by Yiannopoulos, which was interrupted and shut down by DePaul students. Despite Yiannopoulos being threatened by one of the protesters, DePaul administration, under Holtschneider’s direction, refused to allow security to intervene during the event.

In response to the backlash over the mishandling of the event from students, alumni, and the general public, Holtschneider issued a lukewarm apology but failed to apologize to Yiannopoulos. As a result of the incident, the University’s Facebook page received a barrage of negative reviews and complaints, which dropped the school’s average rating overnight to below two stars out of five.

The apology only caused more problems for Holtschneider, however. The DePaul Black Leadership Coalition, representing black students and faculty members on campus, have put relentless pressure on the President ever since he apologized to the college Republicans, and called for his resignation. After attempting to placate them with a grovelling statement backtracking on his previous apology, Holtschneider has now revealed that he intends to resign.

In his resignation letter, Holtschneider claimed this decision is the best for the University moving forward. “I believe, therefore, it’s best for DePaul if I step aside in the summer of 2017 so that a new leader can assist the institution to name and ambitiously pursue its next set of strategic objectives.”

Holtschneider also claims that this decision was made several months ago, as part of a transition plan for the University.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Wilikon on June 22, 2016, 01:03:16 PM

Upcoming Gay Pride Parade In Sweden Is Racist, Say Leftists

If you’ve ever wondered why leftists are so angry all the time, one reason is that they’re exhausted by the constant demands of identity politics. Instead of seeing things as they really are and reacting accordingly, leftists must constantly readjust their standards according to which party in any particular conflict is the bigger victim. This is rarely a good idea, but at least sometimes it can provide a bit of mild amusement to normal people.

Haaretz reports:

    Swedish nationalists are planning a gay ‘pride’ march through Muslim-majority districts in the country’s capital, according to media reports and a dedicated Facebook page.

    The march, called ‘Pride Järva,’ is scheduled to take place on July 29, and will pass through Tensta and Husby, majority-Muslim districts in Stockholm’s north…

    The scheduled march has been criticized as provocative and racist by those on the left, with angry comments appearing on the event’s Facebook page. Two residents of the Jarva area, Noah Nord and Emelie Mårtensson, claim that ‘Jarva Pride’ “pits two oppressed groups against each other,” and have organized a counter-demonstration.

That’s right: Gay rights activists are protesting a gay pride parade because it will offend Muslims.

Holding a gay pride parade in a Christian neighborhood is okay, because gays rank higher on the pyramid of victimhood. And in the unlikely event that Muslims ever held a religious event in a gay neighborhood, that would probably be okay. “Gay” trumps “Christian,” and “Muslim” trumps “gay.” Muslims are always the victims. Always.

Incidentally, it’s 2015 and people are still being put to death throughout the Muslim world for being gay. Weird, huh?

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: kaitou.kidd on July 09, 2016, 08:31:17 AM
Refers to someone who is outwardly and annoyingly against social injustice to the point that they write blogs about it and condemn people to hell. The SJW's do these things to attempt to convince others that they are open-minded.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Lethn on July 09, 2016, 11:44:44 AM
I am genuinely worried about Milo doing this, I certainly think it would be a great way to finally convince people and wake them up to the fact that Muslims hate gays and the left doesn't give a shit about the people it claims to protect but I really would not be surprised if Muslims start attacking these people en masse just for marching through their neighbourhood like this. I hope Milo saw my posts on his youtube comments about hiring foreign PMCs because the police aren't going to give a fuck about protecting him from these fanatics.

Edit: Wait wait wait, Wilikon, they fucking had one before and had the exact same type of responses? How fucking stupid are these SJWs? I didn't know they tried organising a march before but now they're going to do another one just now? I got the dates confused because these people are so fucking repetitive!

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 07, 2016, 06:52:26 PM
Well, MadTV is a back and finally SJW's seams to have their own TV show, enjoy;


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: TicTacTic on September 15, 2016, 07:27:11 AM
Any war - this is just a pain in the end. What is social justice in the fact that people are dying? The government created to protect people. And it turns out is not so. Someone shares power and resources, using soldiers as a bargaining chip

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: awesome31312 on September 15, 2016, 10:32:09 AM
It's a term used by right winged trolls to try and criticize anybody who dare point out the flaws in the capitalist white supremacist imperialist hetero patriarchy

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 16, 2016, 05:02:55 AM
It's a term used by right winged trolls to try and criticize anybody who dare point out the flaws in the capitalist white supremacist imperialist hetero patriarchy

No, it's a term to define idiots who think they've "a cause" and go for it in such an idiotically and fanatical way that makes even ISIS to look like a moderate thing.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: psomas2 on September 16, 2016, 05:22:57 AM
A Social Justice Warrior is best defined as PC Principal from South Park  :D

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: KFCBTC on September 16, 2016, 06:45:54 AM
Look the thing is there is no perfect way to run the world, if you accept that fact of like you would see its good we have voices and can take action. 50 years ago gay people couldn't hold hands and walk down the street and once upon a time black people had to use separate water fountains/ Morality is an evolving issue and its better to have too may protests and have some of them be wrong, so long as we try to move in the right direction as best we can.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: awesome31312 on September 16, 2016, 07:19:27 AM
It's a term used by right winged trolls to try and criticize anybody who dare point out the flaws in the capitalist white supremacist imperialist hetero patriarchy

No, it's a term to define idiots who think they've "a cause" and go for it in such an idiotically and fanatical way that makes even ISIS to look like a moderate thing.

ISIS is on the same side as the people who coined the term "SJW"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 16, 2016, 02:17:28 PM
It's a term used by right winged trolls to try and criticize anybody who dare point out the flaws in the capitalist white supremacist imperialist hetero patriarchy

No, it's a term to define idiots who think they've "a cause" and go for it in such an idiotically and fanatical way that makes even ISIS to look like a moderate thing.

ISIS is on the same side as the people who coined the term "SJW"

See? When you think on such way it clearly shows my point. Fanatics doesn't need to be on the same side to be fanatics, but they all live in an "us vs them" world.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: awesome31312 on September 16, 2016, 05:13:52 PM
It's a term used by right winged trolls to try and criticize anybody who dare point out the flaws in the capitalist white supremacist imperialist hetero patriarchy

No, it's a term to define idiots who think they've "a cause" and go for it in such an idiotically and fanatical way that makes even ISIS to look like a moderate thing.

ISIS is on the same side as the people who coined the term "SJW"

See? When you think on such way it clearly shows my point. Fanatics doesn't need to be on the same side to be fanatics, but they all live in an "us vs them" world.

Rather be a warrior than a fascist fear mongerer.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 16, 2016, 06:02:42 PM
It's a term used by right winged trolls to try and criticize anybody who dare point out the flaws in the capitalist white supremacist imperialist hetero patriarchy

No, it's a term to define idiots who think they've "a cause" and go for it in such an idiotically and fanatical way that makes even ISIS to look like a moderate thing.

ISIS is on the same side as the people who coined the term "SJW"

See? When you think on such way it clearly shows my point. Fanatics doesn't need to be on the same side to be fanatics, but they all live in an "us vs them" world.

Rather be a warrior than a fascist fear mongerer.

SJWs are fascists... They intend to shove their narrow view down others throats.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: tvbcof on September 16, 2016, 07:38:23 PM

SJWs are basically the tip of the spear of the Regressive Left and as close to 'anti-liberal' as one can get in many of their politics.

Given their behavior and support structure, it is not hard for me to define SJWs being effectively 'designer people' of the Technocracy which seeks to obtain and maintain totalitarian control over pretty much all aspects of the planet.

Not that Technocrats actually want all that many people being SJWs (or anything more than mindless drones...or gone...) but these folks are basically the shock troops leading to the next phase.  Unfortunately for SJWs, once their mission is accomplished they are become worse than useless.  Forewarned is forearmed.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: BCEmporium on September 16, 2016, 10:17:03 PM
I don't see them to be of any use or conspiracy puppets. Their actions usually do more harm than good for the causes they pretend to defend.
They're just reflex of a spoiled society that roams the West these days; living for too long under their parents being over spoiled brats, causes them to handle the existential questions this way.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: awesome31312 on September 16, 2016, 10:26:57 PM

Poll: 9 In 10 Native Americans Says They Are NOT Offended By Redskins Name…

    Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.

    The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the exact same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.

    Among the Native Americans reached over a five-month period ending in April, more than 7 in 10 said they did not feel the word “Redskin” was disrespectful to Indians. An even higher number — 8 in 10 — said they would not be offended if a non-native called them that name.

Another fail for the sjw


This has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It's time to stop bumping this crap thread.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on August 05, 2017, 11:34:02 PM

‘Social Justice Warriors’ Are Ruining Engineering, Prof Warns

Egineering education has been infiltrated by a “phalanx of social justice warriors” who are steadily corrupting the field, according to a Michigan State University professor.

“They have sought out the soft underbelly of engineering, where phrases such as ‘diversity’ and ‘different perspectives’ and ‘racial gaps’ and ‘unfairness’ and ‘unequal outcomes’ make up the daily vocabulary,” asserts Mechanical Engineering professor Indrek Wichman in an essay published Wednesday by the James G. Martin Center.

Instead of calculating engine horsepower or microchip power/size ratios or aerodynamic lift and drag, the engineering educationists focus on group representation, hurt feelings, and ‘microaggressions’ in the profession,” Wichman adds.

Citing the Purdue University School of Education Engineering as a case study, Wichman claims that “engineering education” schools increasingly focus on concepts that are incompatible with the actual discipline, such as “empowering” students and “reimagining” engineering as a more “socially connected” field of study.

“For the record, engineers ‘empower’ themselves and, most important, other people, by inventing things,” he points out. “Those things are our agents of change.”

Wichman goes on to highlight the “ambitious agenda” of Dr. Donna Riley, the recently appointed dean of Purdue’s engineering school, as an example of the extent of social justice “infiltration” at the school.

According to her faculty page, Riley aims to “revise engineering curricula to be relevant to a fuller range of student experiences and career destination” by incorporating “concerns related to…social responsibility,” focusing on “de-centering Western civilization,” and “uncovering contributions of women and other underrepresented groups.”

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Masha Sha on August 05, 2017, 11:44:07 PM


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: altcoinboss177 on August 07, 2017, 11:26:54 AM
One who has abandoned the ability to participate in rational discourse in order to further a social agenda

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: AltCoinKingz on August 07, 2017, 11:27:45 AM
Someone who gets offended FOR people. These are people who will attack you for being white, privileged, and automatically racist (and if you're a male, you're automatically a rapist).

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Btcprofit1 on August 07, 2017, 11:28:15 AM
Someone who enjoys recreational outrage

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Btctradercollctive on August 07, 2017, 11:29:16 AM
Someone who tries to make a world the better place by attempting to eliminate hurtful behaviors based on race, creed, gender, ect.

And who fails horribly because they're a miserable cunt who just engages in hurtful behaviors based on race, creed, gender, ect.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: danielpjTTP on August 07, 2017, 11:29:44 AM
As a progressive, When I usually think it, I usually assume someone went too far, to the point where they are not being progressive, but being regressive, IE: someone who gets upset at a white person for having braids, promoting segregated areas, but because their "safe spaces" (segregated dorms is an example), etc....

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Eggsandbaconforbrekkie on August 07, 2017, 11:30:19 AM
Self-righteous asshole who gets offended for others, lack reasoning and logical arguments, emotional, and tries to change the world by bitching and end up hurting the cause more than helping it.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: ETHTRADZ on August 07, 2017, 11:31:07 AM
A person who uses discrimination and hate to protest against discrimination and hate.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: newbietraderp18 on August 07, 2017, 11:32:29 AM
Someone who has never lived independently and has no grasp of how the real world actually works. They get offended very easily for others and are quick to point fingers.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Pumpnanddumpn on August 07, 2017, 11:32:53 AM
Someone who thinks that a persons worth is the degree to which they are victims.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Upliketitanic44 on August 07, 2017, 11:33:17 AM
A well-intentioned, good-natured individual whose total conviction that their beliefs are morally infallible has misguided them towards extremism.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on August 07, 2017, 05:49:21 PM

SJW Backlash Against Google Staffer: ‘I Would Beat The Shit Out Of Him’

Left-wing backlash against the Google employee who published a manifesto calling for more ideological tolerance at the company intensified this evening, as SJWs inside and outside Google sought to contain political dissent at the company.

The Googler’s 10-page manifesto criticized the company for maintaining an atmosphere of political groupthink, in which employees with viewpoints that challenge leftist narratives are forced to keep their mouths shut for fear of losing their jobs. He also criticized Google for ignoring the latest research on gender differences and their interplay with the lack of women in STEM jobs.

The allegations of political intolerance come shortly after YouTube, a Google-owned platform, announced they would manipulate search results, artificially promote socially progressive videos, and censor non-rulebreaking content that is considered “potential hate speech.” The company is also partnering with the ADL and other left-wing organizations to identify “hate speech” on the platform.

His main thesis — that political dissenters at Google face severe threats to their career — was immediately confirmed by the backlash against him, which included threats to his job and at least one threat of violence.

One social media SJW, Emily Gorcenski, said she would “beat the sh*t” out of the Google employee. Gorcenski also frequently retweets It’s Going Down, a news site that regularly supports the actions of violent “antifa” activists.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: jakezyrus00 on August 10, 2017, 02:33:51 PM
"Social justice warrior" is a term used to describe someone who is purposely looking to be offended by something, or who wants to make an issue where none exists.
Someone who legitimately cares about (and is properly informed about) social issues is not referred to as a warrior, but instead as perhaps an "advocate," "activist," or "concerned citizen." The term warrior is more aggressive, and is used to someone who relentlessly pursues a false agenda. Most SJWs don't even actually care about the issues they bring up, but rather are trying to get social attention for being "progressive."

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on August 13, 2017, 02:09:26 PM
People who cry about cultural appropriation but give zero fucks for women being splashed in the face with acid in Pakistan.

... Or defending lgbt rights....... but look the other way when homos are thrown down from tall buildings then stoned to double death.

This is when I realized the gay lobby only cares about rich gay people in rich nations. 

Not one comment. Beyond sad. Well at least some gays realized that and went to fight, but they are on their own.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on August 16, 2017, 04:54:55 PM

Researcher Dismisses Science ‘Conducted Primarily By White Men’

A physics researcher at the University of Washington says the controversial Google memo is just the latest example of “shoddy science” that is “conducted primarily by white men.”

“It’s 2017, and to some extent scientific literature still supports a patriarchal view that ranks a man’s intellect above a woman’s,” physics Research Associate Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein complained in a Slate op-ed last week, written in response to the memo in which former Google employee James Damore criticized the company’s efforts to effect gender diversity.

“Science has often made its living from encoding and justifying bias.”

Specifically, Prescod-Weinstein takes issue with the contention—related to her by a “well-known scientist”—that “the Google memo failed to constitute hostile behavior because it cited peer-reviewed articles that suggest women have different brains,” arguing that “peer-reviewed” is not synonymous with “correct.”

Prescod-Weinstein asserts that, rather than placing value in the contents of peer-reviewed scientific articles, we should recognize that “science has often made its living from encoding and justifying bias” and is “conducted primarily by white men.”

Noting that Thomas Jefferson once wrote that black people were “inferior to the whites in the endowments of body and mind,” for instance, she contends that “rather than being much of a scientist, he was a biased white supremacist who hid behind science as a shield.”

Leftist dog eats leftist dog

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: dippididodaday on August 16, 2017, 07:45:17 PM

I have seen in this life, in the final instance, a person stands for himself, by default - but what makes life spectacularly beautiful, is when common ground can be sought, identified, respected and cultivated.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: penguinlols on August 16, 2017, 08:04:03 PM
Has the definition of a sjw developed since the creation of this topic? It certainly felt like there was less awareness of the phenomena even just a short time ago.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: mellorbo on August 16, 2017, 09:00:52 PM
There's no such thing as social justice.
Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.

Explain why social justice doesnt exist? They dont necessarily believe all they say or others they are fighting on behalf of.  They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger the moment, to get SJ points and become popular too. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on August 16, 2017, 09:31:48 PM
Has the definition of a sjw developed since the creation of this topic? It certainly felt like there was less awareness of the phenomena even just a short time ago.

Type "sjw" on youtube. It is getting worse, taking over google, etc...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: GreenBits on August 27, 2017, 03:11:11 AM
Has the definition of a sjw developed since the creation of this topic? It certainly felt like there was less awareness of the phenomena even just a short time ago.

Type "sjw" on youtube. It is getting worse, taking over google, etc...

Forgive me for being slow. Are you Wilikon? Not getting on you about alts, just confused a bit.

Carry on.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on August 27, 2017, 02:00:28 PM
Has the definition of a sjw developed since the creation of this topic? It certainly felt like there was less awareness of the phenomena even just a short time ago.

Type "sjw" on youtube. It is getting worse, taking over google, etc...

Forgive me for being slow. Are you Wilikon? Not getting on you about alts, just confused a bit.

Carry on.

I was confused myself when the old account was banned a year ago or so, thinking I was following all the rules. Apparently not, not sure why really. I can't prove who I am, obviously. I don't believe in alt accounts, or spamming forums with multiple new threads every week.

No need for my forgiveness. You are not slow as I read your replies. I cherish the time anyone (but pedophiles) spends replying to any of my threads, no matter their motivations. If it was not for the bitcoin's creator...

Are you still confused about who I am?


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: GreenBits on August 27, 2017, 03:14:49 PM
Has the definition of a sjw developed since the creation of this topic? It certainly felt like there was less awareness of the phenomena even just a short time ago.

Type "sjw" on youtube. It is getting worse, taking over google, etc...

Forgive me for being slow. Are you Wilikon? Not getting on you about alts, just confused a bit.

Carry on.

I was confused myself when the old account was banned a year ago or so, thinking I was following all the rules. Apparently not, not sure why really. I can't prove who I am, obviously. I don't believe in alt accounts, or spamming forums with multiple new threads every week.

No need for my forgiveness. You are not slow as I read your replies. I cherish the time anyone (but pedophiles) spends replying to any of my threads, no matter their motivations. If it was not for the bitcoin's creator...

Are you still confused about who I am?


i understand now. Yours is a great mind. We do not agree, but I have long respected your rhetoric, and your ability to defend your rhetoric cogently. We all play the same game; I pay heed to those that are old hands at this.

You can sit with us :) we would have a lot to discuss, LMAO, but dammit, you can sit with us.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on August 27, 2017, 03:54:09 PM
Has the definition of a sjw developed since the creation of this topic? It certainly felt like there was less awareness of the phenomena even just a short time ago.

Type "sjw" on youtube. It is getting worse, taking over google, etc...

Forgive me for being slow. Are you Wilikon? Not getting on you about alts, just confused a bit.

Carry on.

I was confused myself when the old account was banned a year ago or so, thinking I was following all the rules. Apparently not, not sure why really. I can't prove who I am, obviously. I don't believe in alt accounts, or spamming forums with multiple new threads every week.

No need for my forgiveness. You are not slow as I read your replies. I cherish the time anyone (but pedophiles) spends replying to any of my threads, no matter their motivations. If it was not for the bitcoin's creator...

Are you still confused about who I am?


i understand now. Yours is a great mind. We do not agree, but I have long respected your rhetoric, and your ability to defend your rhetoric cogently. We all play the same game; I pay heed to those that are old hands at this.

You can sit with us :) we would have a lot to discuss, LMAO, but dammit, you can sit with us.

If the Earth was to be hit by a killer asteroid I would invite you, you and your family in my Moon base Mansion, built with my bitcoins, No problem...


Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on April 24, 2019, 06:57:56 PM

A "Fat Sex Therapist" recently gave a talk at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, in which she compared personal trainers to Nazis.
She further compared a parent putting a child on a diet to sexual assault.

"Tonight we're gonna start by talking about how to politicize our definition of body image,” Rashatwar began, “because oftentimes we actually get stuck thinking of it from a white supremacist lense.” She explained how “white supremacy happens every day in all these little little things."

I need to reset my eyes... I'll Be right back...

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Trifixion713 on April 24, 2019, 07:31:43 PM

A "Fat Sex Therapist" recently gave a talk at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, in which she compared personal trainers to Nazis.
She further compared a parent putting a child on a diet to sexual assault.

"Tonight we're gonna start by talking about how to politicize our definition of body image,” Rashatwar began, “because oftentimes we actually get stuck thinking of it from a white supremacist lense.” She explained how “white supremacy happens every day in all these little little things."

I need to reset my eyes... I'll Be right back...

I have no words.

Thanks for posting the video at the end of your post, eye bleach couldn't wash that wretched image of that "therapist" from my mind  hahaha

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on April 24, 2019, 07:35:25 PM

A "Fat Sex Therapist" recently gave a talk at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, in which she compared personal trainers to Nazis.
She further compared a parent putting a child on a diet to sexual assault.


"Tonight we're gonna start by talking about how to politicize our definition of body image,” Rashatwar began, “because oftentimes we actually get stuck thinking of it from a white supremacist lense.” She explained how “white supremacy happens every day in all these little little things."

I need to reset my eyes... I'll Be right back...

I have no words.

Thanks for posting the video at the end of your post, eye bleach couldn't wash that wretched image of that "therapist" from my mind  hahaha

You're welcome.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on May 09, 2019, 09:30:39 PM

Report: Microsoft To Release Version Of Word That Makes Language “Politically Correct”

Microsoft has launched new software to suggest edits to writing that are politically correct. The US technology giant has included the new feature in its latest version of Word, the popular word processing software.

It will apply artificial intelligence to recommend users to write in a way that does not discriminate against a particular gender.

Users of the new Microsoft Word feature could see suggestions to change “policeman” to “police officer”, for example.

The software will also use AI to recommend  synonyms and ways to shorten sentences to ensure brevity.

“Writing requires a dash of uniquely human creativity. Artificial intelligence alone cannot do it for us, at least not very well. But AI can – and already is – helping us do things like make sure we spell words correctly and use correct grammar,” the company said in a blogpost.

"As the AI in these products is becoming more sophisticated, they are helping us do more than spot a misspelled word."

Microsoft’s rivals have made similar moves after the company first brought its Ideas feature to PowerPoint last year. Google announced in February an AI writing tool to “incorporate the complexity and nuances of grammar correction”.

A trial version of Ideas will be rolled out in June but will be made available to a wider audience in the autumn. The service will initially be implemented across Word Online, a cloud-based version of the Microsoft product and will ensure users can smooth out clunky sentences and improve readability.

Microsoft’s push for gender inclusivity comes amid a wider movement in different sectors to ensure greater care in ensuring the language being used is gender neutral.

Last month, it emerged that Britain’s National Maritime Museum has started to refer to ships with the pronoun “it”, after centuries of boats being characterised as “she” or “her”.

The move sparked fierce criticism from retired naval chief Admiral Lord West, who claimed it was an example of “political correctness gone mad”.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: robbylove on May 15, 2019, 05:39:46 PM

"I just moved it"

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: Spendulus on May 16, 2019, 01:51:26 AM

A "Fat Sex Therapist" recently gave a talk at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, in which she compared personal trainers to Nazis.
She further compared a parent putting a child on a diet to sexual assault.


"Tonight we're gonna start by talking about how to politicize our definition of body image,” Rashatwar began, “because oftentimes we actually get stuck thinking of it from a white supremacist lense.” She explained how “white supremacy happens every day in all these little little things."

I need to reset my eyes... I'll Be right back...

I have no words.

Thanks for posting the video at the end of your post, eye bleach couldn't wash that wretched image of that "therapist" from my mind  hahaha

You're welcome.

May I suggest that this matter has been handled in one of our essential educational and instructional videos, entitled "Office Space"?

Somewhat related....let's bring back free speech, and not just on campus.

Title: Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?
Post by: UliJonHoth on May 16, 2019, 12:49:27 PM

"I just moved it"

These people are delusional...their reality is so warped, it is mind-numbing.