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1  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: New transaction malleability attack wave? Another stresstest? on: October 12, 2015, 10:59:58 AM
Can somebody explains in a simple sentence (subject + verb + object) what's the problem with this attack, besides that can be a possible duplicate for your transaction that never gets accepted by the Blockchain and gets deleted by the Blockchain after 1 week (estimated time)?

There are two problems:

1. Some wallets get confused should they send a transaction that gets changed by the attack, giving wrong status information to the user.

2.  The attacker can increase the size of the memory pool of unconfirmed transactions, which uses extra processing resources, memory resources and network bandwidth, potentially causing sluggish performance of the network and crashing weak nodes.

I will tell more

I have Mycelium 2.5.2. It allows to spend from unconfirmed transactions (without this feature a user could not make a next transaction until a next block in blockchechain will be generated but user should have a right to spend a change al least for example from a previous payment without waiting)
But this attack has a biggest problem as you could think - now i cannot spend my money from HD account already 3 days because this attack affected my Mycelium wallet. How it happens:

I did Tx - A. After soon i did other Tx - B. The B uses inputs from Tx A. Both transactions were unconfirmed. But attacker rebroadcasted  a changed new transaction - A'. And this transaction was confirmed! After refreshing in the Mycelium wallet the last one forgot about A and replaced it by A' Tx. But after i had the A', the B transaction which used inputs from my other Txs and from the A! But the A already doesn't exist because it was double-spended for blockchain! And the Tx B looks like normal transaction (not double-spend!) because it has input from A transaction (other hash) - there is original TxID and its Tx was forgotten. Miners and full nodes think that they have the B transaction but didn't get a the A yet (other inputs refere to valid Txs of course). And this transaction hangs in mempool already three days and i cannot use other inputs! As a result of this - i as user cannot use other bitcoins already some days. I tried to archive account in Mycelium, wait 1-2 days and activate account again - and this "zombie" B Tx restored again (i see it happens because the Mycelium company has own bitcoin blockchain explorer which remembers this B Tx long time).

I think it problem is not only of the Mycelium wallet software.

While malleability will be in current protocol and the BIP62 doesn't work yet - any atacker will be able to make many shit to other user with wallet software - in this case there only one way to use bitcoin: to make one transaction in wallet -> wait until confirmation -> doing next transaction... It is stupid and very not comfortable way of bitcoin using.

What do you think about this?

P.S. I am as an advanced user exported xpriv key in Electrum and after this made new transaction and did double-spend of other inputs which were blocked by B Tx... But should what do not-advanced user? He will think that bitcoin sucks and he lost a money...

I updated Mycelium to v2.5.3 and I couldn't make 3-4tx in a row without being confirmed last tx, then try to send others, here what error I get when I try to send 2nd tx without being confirmed first one which is bullshit as my wallet was synced !

As far as I know you could make tx from Mycelium without being confirmed or make tx like as much as you want before first, second .. tx without being confirmed, but I think these changes are from v.2.5.3 and I think it's better for begginers to wait until this attack is over or BIP62 or whatever is implemented to fix this issue/attack.
2  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: New transaction malleability attack wave? Another stresstest? on: October 11, 2015, 12:17:50 PM
I'm running a node on my raspberry pi 2 and it was running fine for the last 2 months without reboot.

Since some days i have some problems, the deamon fills the whole ram and even >1GB swapspace is used. I have to restart the deamon every day. The weeks before it was running  @ ~50% RAM-usage all the time. Does that have something to do with this attack ?

Is there something I can do or configure to prevent that memory bloat ?

I am not sure, but I guess yeah, this is causing mempol to raise >1GB, currently according to this unconfirmed tx are 84k and 1.03GB of backlog.
3  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Kosova & Shqiperia on: October 06, 2015, 03:41:46 PM
Shume pak mining me shume per ceshtje kureshtje se sa perfitimi, kam bere mining pak nje altcoin Maxcoin, pastaj nuk jam aktiv pasi qe kjo puna e mining nese don ti futesh tash per tash eshte industri ne vete, pra te duhet investim i madhe dhe prape nuk je i sigurte.

Po ju, cfare ju lidhe me bitcoin ?

Tash per tash jam duke ber mining me dy antminer s1, total rreth 360Ghs. Kam nje plan afatgjate te cilin ka filluar ta implementoj, te bej nje solar mining center. Mora nje oferte nga dikush qe te marr dy Spondoolies SP10, dy SP20 dhe nje Antminer S3 me cmim shume te mire, rreth 2500 euro, qe ne total kan hash rate gati 7THs. Si mendon, ia vlen ti marr Smiley ?

Ndoshta ke planifikuar mire, dhe shpresoj te del ashtu siq e ke menduar, mining gjithnje e me shume po behet jo-profitabile nga ata qe jane te "vegjel" ne kete fushe, duke e pas parasysh qe mining farm si kjo;topicseen ku veshtiresin "difficulty" vetem sa e ngrit larte e me larte cdo here.

Per sa kohe do mendosh te kesh ROI me investimet qe planifikon te besh ?
Ne cilin vend jeton, duhet te kesh vend me diell pasi panelet solare duhet te jene ne vend me diell, poashtu ka pas ide me heret te provohet me panele solare mirepo nuk e di sa kane qene te suksesshme, per sa i perket te perdore elektricitet normal ne Kosove energjia elektrike eshte shume e shtrenjte te investohet ne mining ne shkalle te larte, nuk e di ku jetoni ju.

2xSP10, 1xS1, 1xS3~ 7TH/s = 2500EUR me kete calc me te thjesht me jep per 7TH/s me jep 438$ apo 388EUR muajin e pare pastaj muajin tjeter 430$ apo 381EUR, sigurisht kjo eshte relative po duke e pare trendin qe nga fillimi "difficulty" vetem rritet dhe ju nga muaji ne muaj tjeter do te merrni gjithnje e me pak Bitcoins.

2500EUR investim, pa llogaritur energjin elektrike apo pajisjet panelet solare apo ckado qe don me investu vetem 2500EUR dhe te llogarisim qe fiton 388EUR atehere i bie 2500/388=6.44 ~ 6muaj e gjysme te duhen vetem per ROI, kjo eshte shume relative pasi qe nuk ka shume detaje dhe me te vertet mining eshte e pa parashikueshme pra nuk mundesh me dite sakte kur nxjerre parat e investimit pastaj te shikohet per profit.

Kjo eshte jo per dekurajim apo dicka, ju sigurisht keni planifikuar nese don miund te vazhdojme te diskutojme dhe te shofim se a ja vlen apo jo.
4  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Kosova & Shqiperia on: October 06, 2015, 11:33:26 AM
A eshte ende kjo teme aktive?
Siq po shihet jo edhe aq aktive, por mund ta ri-aktivizojme Smiley

Mire e ke Smiley.
Sa per kureshtje po pyes, a jeni ende duke bere mine? Nese po, ne cfare hash rate Smiley

Shume pak mining me shume per ceshtje kureshtje se sa perfitimi, kam bere mining pak nje altcoin Maxcoin, pastaj nuk jam aktiv pasi qe kjo puna e mining nese don ti futesh tash per tash eshte industri ne vete, pra te duhet investim i madhe dhe prape nuk je i sigurte.

Po ju, cfare ju lidhe me bitcoin ?
5  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Kosova & Shqiperia on: October 02, 2015, 10:21:27 AM
A eshte ende kjo teme aktive?
Siq po shihet jo edhe aq aktive, por mund ta ri-aktivizojme Smiley
6  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Pizza for bitcoins? on: May 21, 2015, 12:40:34 PM
Let's post pics of Bitcoin Pizza Day tomorrow here Smiley

Should we call it, Laszlo's Pizza Day or Bitcoin Pizza Day ?
7  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [APP] My Bitstamp - Android trading app for Bitstamp exchange on: May 05, 2015, 10:01:22 AM
Bitstamp has it's own official android app, why someone would use non official app ?
8  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Faucet Monster 0.1 - Auto-Faucet bot with Anti-Captcha integration on: April 27, 2015, 07:41:56 AM
After 4 hours it has made 0.001

I believe you set it up to "sleep" bot for atleast 6 hours, as OP suggests and I think it's good to not get ban from faucets, sleep from 00:00 - 6:00
9  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Faucet Monster 0.1 - Auto-Faucet bot with Anti-Captcha integration on: April 26, 2015, 06:36:58 PM
What OS you have ?

Windows, I got everything set up but the bot is not running

Have you renamed config.yml.example to config.yml and submit your bitcoins address ?
10  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Faucet Monster 0.1 - Auto-Faucet bot with Anti-Captcha integration on: April 26, 2015, 06:34:32 PM

What OS you have ?
11  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Faucet Monster 0.1 - Auto-Faucet bot with Anti-Captcha integration on: April 26, 2015, 06:05:28 PM
I didn't tryed this bot, waiting for more results from tidus1097, but just few calculations based on screenshots that OP posted, and on scrrenshots are not included Dogecoins faucets which OP claims has a list of > 30 high paying Dogecoins faucets.

From screenshots (always referring to), 15 faucets = 15 captcha's to solve and let's assume we payed $1 for 1k captcha's.

From those 15 faucets OP got 2251 / 15 = avg 150 satoshis per faucet, 150 * 1000 faucets = 150000 satoshi's and 150000 satoshi's gives you $0.32.

You are absolutely right, except that i probably also really took a screenshot in a bad moment, other moments look more optimistic. Btw one of the screenshots is in fact of the dogecoin thing just looks similiar. I also mentioned that i am not even sure if this is really profitable in that way.

But there is a bit of gamble in it. I have a optimized list with faucets that i think are worth to be on it (based on the big list it ships, which is basically also perfectly ordered after how much they usually pay in average), then sometimes you hit those jackpots, especially with the masses on claim you actually are able to do.

I am really not here to make money with that, it took me some time to make so a little compensation sure would not be bad (also i have a btc needing project in mind) and i think i would do worse if i just release it free for everyone because then soon all those faucets would be dry anyway.

I didn't notice that one screenshot is Dogecoins stats, weird that I clicked on that to full screen and only opens stats of the bitcoins.

As for about calculations and expected earnings didn't want to make bad advertise of your bot, and maybe including dogecoins and including jackpots and would be great to find another similar service like offering cheaper service Smiley

12  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Faucet Monster 0.1 - Auto-Faucet bot with Anti-Captcha integration on: April 26, 2015, 05:25:01 PM
I didn't tryed this bot, waiting for more results from tidus1097, but just few calculations based on screenshots that OP posted, and on scrrenshots are not included Dogecoins faucets which OP claims has a list of > 30 high paying Dogecoins faucets.

From screenshots (always referring to), 15 faucets = 15 captcha's to solve and let's assume we payed $1 for 1k captcha's.

From those 15 faucets OP got 2251 / 15 = avg 150 satoshis per faucet, 150 * 1000 faucets = 150000 satoshi's and 150000 satoshi's gives you $0.32.
13  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Kosova & Shqiperia on: July 24, 2014, 02:31:57 PM
Tung, une jam nga Kosova, sapo kam filluar. E di, e di, vone. Ama ma mire vone se kurr Smiley
S'paska shqip-foles ne forumin me te madh per BTC :/

Me vjen mire, kurre mos thuaj vone, Bitcoin ka nje rruge te gjate perpara derisa te perdoret ne 'mainstream' edhe ne jemi prej te pareve qe kemi njohuri per bitcoins Smiley
Qenkemi tre veta shqipfolesa, besoj ka edhe tjere poashtu duhet me promovu me shume tek shqiptaret dhe shume shpejt kjo ndryshohet ...

Pershendetje, kisha pas deshire me dite nese ka ndonje shqiptare ne kete forum, le t'i shkembejme eksperiencat tona qe kemi me Bitcoins.


Hi qe edhe un I kam porosit qitash 2THS jam tuj bo mining me 550 GHS.

Po me vjen mire, une per vete nuk kam pas mundesi me investu ne mining, megjithese kam pas deshire, shume afer kam qene me porosit nga Butterfly Labs, por kam pas fat qe nuk kam bo 'pre-order' se dihet mo si ka qene puna e tyne tash, poashtu edhe shume tjerat, pra investim shume i rrezikshem.
Me 550GH/s prej kohes kur e paske bo postimin deri tash nese ke vazhdu mining me te + 2TH/s kto tjerat, shpresoj qe ke pas profit te mire.

Une per vete per mining kam provuar Maxcoin, qe ka Keccak algoritem me nje kartele grafike, veq sa per qef sa per testim...
Poashtu me pelqej faqja, po mendoj me hape nje webfaqe ne shqip, ku informon shqipfolesit per Bitcoin por edhe altcoins pse jo, gjerat bazike, si perdoret, ku blehet, etj te jete si puna e coindesk.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MAX] MaxCoin - Alive and Kickin' on: February 23, 2014, 06:37:07 PM
ati 6970 170MH/s

What is your hashrate when mining Bitcoin using the same GPU?

keccak hash rate = 0.5 x SHA-256 hash rate


After 30 minutes of waiting with dozens of nodes added to maxcoin.conf my node is connected to just 2 nodes ...




"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1393175699,
"lastrecv" : 1393175782,
"bytessent" : 1065346,
"bytesrecv" : 274424919,
"conntime" : 1393173168,
"version" : 70001,
"subver" : "/Max:0.8.9/",
"inbound" : false,
"startingheight" : 48475,
"banscore" : 0,
"syncnode" : true
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1393175520,
"lastrecv" : 1393175794,
"bytessent" : 19914,
"bytesrecv" : 694876,
"conntime" : 1393173681,
"version" : 70001,
"subver" : "/Max:0.8.9/",
"inbound" : false,
"startingheight" : 48208,
"banscore" : 0

... and no one is dumping MAX big time on exchanges? So, you are holding onto MAX but don't give a damn about network? It might backfire on
all of us, get serious and start running your local wallets at all times or sell all your MAX immidiately. No, that is not a joke. Joke is you expecting
to become millioners one day but failing to properly protect your investments. I have over 15 local wallets running (all cryptocoins I have invested
into) and MAX one is noticably the worst of all. All other wallets go 8+ connections few minutes after start.

This is my node list
And currenctly I have 15 active connections !
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MAX] MaxCoin - Alive and Kickin' on: February 14, 2014, 06:48:51 PM
traders are making more money than miners. especially those who got onto this few days back. Difficulty is flipping absurd now.
Could you please tell me where to find maxcoin network difficulty ?
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MAX] MaxCoin - Alive and Kickin' on: February 14, 2014, 06:43:19 PM
The difficulty is sky high,no more fun for low hashrate users.
Well Im mining I know hashrate is skyrocket, however I found this >
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MAX] MaxCoin - Alive and Kickin' on: February 14, 2014, 06:33:55 PM
Anyone knows any maxcoin profitability calculator, or if can tell me how to calulcate manually based on hashrate of max network, time of hashrate ...?
Would be awesome to have one like this one for btc >
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MAX] MaxCoin - Alive and Kickin' on: February 13, 2014, 01:59:21 PM
mcxNOW vs Coins-e to buy MAXCOIN? Anyone?
mcxNOW !
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MAX] MaxCoin - Alive and Kickin' on: February 11, 2014, 07:43:42 PM
Im newbie, and dont understand these on cgminer
A- ?
HW - ?
WU - ?
WUE - ?
Best share - ?
Would be nice if someone could give me more info ?
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MAX] MaxCoin - Alive and Kickin' on: February 11, 2014, 07:03:58 PM
Im newbie, and dont understand these on cgminer
A- ?
HW - ?
WU - ?
WUE - ?
Best share - ?
Would be nice if someone could give me more info ?
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