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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Full Disclosure Poll on: June 21, 2011, 03:34:35 PM
It's so much fun!
Every poll I saw clearly shows that majority is in favor of roll back, but those against it shout louder...

LOUD NOISES!!!1!1!!1!!1!!!
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "I'm Kevin, and I'm full of shit" [a must read!] on: June 21, 2011, 11:21:30 AM
I believe that actually Kevin doesn't have to give back any of it.
He purchased them in good faith. Even if the market was crashing, I would have purchased it if I saw the opportunity.

  • Now, even if it is on his right to keep them, IF the money belonged to MTGOX (and not a user, but actually the main fund of MTGOX, which seems to be more plausible the more I think) then I guess that for the betterment of the economy and its stability, Kevin should give it back to MtGoX.
    In exchange of the devolution, MtGox should give a compensation for the act of good faith and allow Kevin to keep the withdrawn amount
  • If the account was a personal one, Kevin has less obligation to give it back to the owner of it. When you make the wrong call playing poker you can't undo it, if you fucked it up, you fucked it up. Period.
    But still, it would be a nice gesture, and this would be totally from Kevin's generosity, if Kevin gives back partially or totally to the previous owner. A generous compensation for this gesture would be appropriate.

BUT, Kevin has all the rights to keep it and not giving it back to anyone. He would be a total asshole by behaving like that, but it is in his right.
Now, everything depends on his will.

MtGox shouldn't rollback shit.
The least thing that MtGox can do is to compensate to all users for this scandal and for they negligence/incompetence.
The leaked userbase is embarrassing enough, and that needs a fair compensation to all of us who entrusted this site with our money, and in some cases, our life savings (doesn't matter if trusting one's savings is a unsound judgement, the point here is that our trust has been broken).

It takes decades to build trust, and only one second to break it.

Usually, one never recovers full trust with a person, but doing good deeds can help to reestablish the relationship.
I hope MtGox understands here that more than profit, trust is actually the backbone of a business.
If you don't offer a deal to keep your users happy, expect a bank run.

(Wrong thread, I wanted to post it in Kevin's thread...)

Kevin has no right to keep ANY of it if it's PROVEN that there was a hacker that facilitated the price dropping to $0.01 with someone else's account (even if he wasn't involved at all), people forget here that there is one person in this scenario that is more likely (way more likely) to make a considerable amount of money in the long run with bitcoins and it's not Kevin, so why would this Magic Tux dude stick a fork in his cash cow...? Kevin, OTOH...? he is much less likely to make a considerable amount of money with bitcoins in the long run, if you honestly think he can make as much or more money as a trader than a major exchange (THE major exchange before all this hit the fan) then I don't know what to tell you because you live in a fantasy world, Tux can run a legitimate business and make money hand over fist, Kevin needs something like what just happened to "make out like a bandit" and run with his cash...
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm MtGox, here's my side. on: June 21, 2011, 01:42:55 AM

lulz and shit...

this is getting interesting...
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm MtGox, here's my side. on: June 21, 2011, 01:29:23 AM
my guess is that MT can prove what time the $0.01 order went in (if not this post may be the most dumbtarded in the history of teh, and IF so, that is suspicious as fuck, logging into an exchange that is currently over $17 and placing all your money on $0.01 buy orders before a

that is NOT a coincidence (if true)...

5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm Kevin, here's my side. on: June 20, 2011, 10:37:07 PM
I actually agree with OP 100%. This is Mt. Gox's responsibility to make right. Especially in light of numerous complains regarding security well before the plummet. The fact is they were in over their heads and they dont know what to do now. Who are they to roll back a market?

THEY allowed their system to be compromised. They alone. I dont care if it was an auditor. That auditor had authorization to access their files and was acting on authority of the owner. No difference. I have zero pity for Mt. Gox. The only right thing to do is to reimburse the original owner for everything that he lost (since there arent enough bitcoins available, they need to BUY them for him. Period.) and the OP be allowed to retain the bitcoins fairly purchased. If I had money in Mt. Gox at the time, I would have been furiously trying to buy, too. There were plenty of posts here that thought it was a legitimate selloff. The OP did nothing wrong. Period.

they "allowed" it to happen...?

okay, so if someone goes to 7-11, runs in for a second to buy something and leaves their car running it's no longer a theft if someone else takes it...? obviously the car is now theirs to sell, right...? they "allowed" their car to get stolen due to their own stupidity, so that's where the situation ends, right...?
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Kevin Day, New Bitcoin Multimillionaire worth 5 Million dollars on: June 20, 2011, 08:40:28 PM
lol, this is fucking hilarious, HI-FUCKING-LARIOUS...!!!



someone steal Kevin's car and sell it to me for $100, that'd be totally legit as well because I didn't steal it, right...? right Kevin...? lol

and to all you that think you'll just simply go to TradeHill because "they don't have this rollback bullshit"...think again, the cat's out of the bag, ALL the exchanges will have rollbacks now, ALL OF THEM, if they don't then guess who the next hacker target will be...?
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Writing on the Wall on: June 20, 2011, 12:05:13 AM
Fortunately I disposed of all 10 of them on Mt. Gox just last night on a hunch that some kinda shit was going to happen.

I'm pretty insightful that way.

And thanks for being a patsy.


I'm the patsy...? lol...

not quite...

I have absolutely nothing invested in bitcoins, I think it's interesting but it's just a hobby and I have just a few bitcoins that I've mined with spare parts I had laying around (except for the ones I already spent on a brand new video card from, the patsy...? hardly...

your friend OTOH...? yep, patsy ass motherfucker, and guess what...? you're such a good friend that you just stood by and let it happen, and didn't even let your friend in on your "insight"...lololololololol

good job...
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Writing on the Wall on: June 19, 2011, 09:26:05 PM
It's written in blood this time I'm afraid guys...

As soon as the media gets a hold of this story, that's pretty much the end of BTC as anything but a backwater fringe item of TOR connoisseurs and trivial web-developers, hosts, and hippy products.

So, just like it was before the hacks, except with pretty much zero potential for any legitimacy at this point.

And legitimacy was really the only thing that mattered.

No more.

Was a fun couple of weeks guys.

yep, oh well...

btw Synaptic, send all your bitcoins here...


I will dispose of them in a proper way...
9  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Clever tricks starting to appear: buying and selling on: June 12, 2011, 03:56:35 PM
please provide your ID within 3 days or for-fit your Coins and your money

Now that's clever.
Or are you replying to a post on some other thread, because nothing about that on this thread so far.

would you really trust a "businessman" that can't even spell...?

10  Other / Obsolete (buying) / Re: BTC 4 SALE on: June 11, 2011, 08:59:06 PM
True but you know I just thought of a way around it, I will update my ad
I will sell a picture of a bitcoin and send it and i will include 5 free digital bitcoins!
Love ebays rules. their stupid.

11  Economy / Marketplace / Re: anybody willing to donate to me i just got beat on: June 11, 2011, 05:07:14 PM
he had rep somewhere else...? where...? if it was heatware that's easily faked if you don't do your homework...

scammer trick...

1. scammer searches heatware for tJesus heatware feedback...1000+ positives...? BINGO...
2. scammer checks info (hhmmm, his email is mrWOWLOOKATMYHEAT(at)hotmail(dot)com...? I'll make a hotmail account, how does mrWOWLOOKATMEHEAT1(at)hotmail(dot)com sound...? lololololololololol)...
3. now scammer links mrWOW's heat to myself..."look at my perfect tJeebus heat!!1!1!1!!1!!! I'm for realz!!111!1!11!!! I am teh good guy!!!1!1!!1!11!!!
4. many peoplez bite thinking scammer is a great guy!!1!1!1!11!1!1!!! hehehehehehehehe $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!1!11!!1!!!!all your moneyz r belong to me!!!1!1!1!!1!1!!!
5. one person actually bites and has done some homework "hey, why is your email different on your heatware account?"...
6. scammer says uh, oh, hhhhmmmm, okay, I got it..."sorry for the confusion, this is my OTHER account"...hehehehehehehe...lulzlulzlulz...$$$$$$$$...
7. teh prey responds "okay, I see now, that's understandable, here's my moneyz,!"....
8. many more peoplez bite...LOLOLOLOLOOL....tehehehehehehehehe...$$$$$$$$
9. wol-va-rine emails "why is your email address different than your heatware account...?"...
10. lolololol, this again...? hehehehehehe...<ahem>..."this is my OTHER account, I just use this one now"...$$$$$$$$$....hehehehehehe...I am soooooooo teh smrt...!!!!
11. wol-va-rine emails back "I don't think so, I will email your heatware account email address, if you don't answer I know you're just using someone else's heatware and then you can GFY and DIAF"...
12. scammer "OH NOES, I"VE BEEN DISCOVERED!!111!1!1!1!" <sad face>...
13. scam over...roll credits...

this story has been brought to you by wol-va-rine, and is based on an actual, factual seller I found on Bitcoin Classifieds, I have contributed to banning two sellers there by contacting the the guy who runs the site...

be careful when people link heat, it's not always their's...
12  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Redeeming deepbit instant payout on: June 11, 2011, 04:21:15 PM

3% fee as far as I know but I'm pretty sure that is already paid as soon as you get the coins so you will get paid out the full 15BTC. Don't quote me on that last point though.

You're correct sir, fees are deducted as soon as your deepbit account is credited with the previous block's earnings, so what you see for your balance is post-fees.  I have mine set to 1BTC instant payout, and I get exactly 1.00 BTC transferred to my wallet.


How long on average has it been taking to see it in your wallet?

30 seconds, if that.  Of course, it shows up unconfirmed and took a while to get confirmations and my balance to reflect the deposit. But the transaction itself should show up almost immediately.

let's not be hasty here, there are variables that affect this, "usually" around 30 seconds, but sometimes it'll take longer...
13  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: TO NEW MINERS: trust your feelings... on: June 11, 2011, 04:18:59 PM
I see there has been a huge influx of new miners as of late, and with the recent spike in the exchange rate, it's understandable.

Lately I've been giving this a whole lot of thought, and all my gut instinct tells me that the true price of BTC for a long haul is not the astronomic $100/BTC or higher that the bigbit miners are all hoping for, but about $10/BTC.

I just urge these new guys, specifically the ones that have recently ordered $500-1000+ and ESPECIALLY $1000+ of new equipment with no prior bitcoin experience, to really just take a look at the charts and reflect on everything and trust your feelings.  Listening to the big miner's estimations based on hope is not smart.

Revisit your calculations.  You might be thinking "It's no problem, at the worst, I break even and get the hardware for free within X days."  You need to run your calculations for the next 3 months assuming MINIMUM +90% difficulty per increase, and a $10 BTC price.

Otherwise, you're likely to be in for a rude awakening.

Just look at the charts again.  Natural markets don't behave this way, trust your gut.  Don't get burned.

I cancelled my 4x 6990 rig, cause it would be foolish.  You young guys who are taking risks, please do the same.  My buddy is likely going to lose his girlfriend over BTC mining after blowing their whole savings chasing BTC rainbows...

all I got from this is that your buddy needs to ditch his GF regardless because she's just into him because of the $...

14  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: How many graphics cards windows support on: June 10, 2011, 10:25:52 PM
so, now i am in the position that 64 bit supports more than 4gb ram so it must support more cards.
Actually my system has 4 gb & windows recognisze 3gb only & then 1gb in graphic card. so totally , 5 gb
windows 7 32 with HD6870.

please i need help to find out maximum number of cards supported by an OS.

please input your datas.

memory is not the problem here, you can only physically "fit" so many cards onto a single motherboard, my guess is that 4 cards is the max, and that would be single gpu cards, quad-fire is as high as it goes to date, isn't it...? I don't think you can run four 5970s or 6990s in the same system because they both are 2 gpu cards, I mean you could I guess, but it would be a waste because you could only quad-fire them and that would leave half the cores idle, no...?

also you have to realize that those 4 cards are all gonna pull power from your PSU, a lot of powah, so I hope you have at least a 1kw PSU if you plan on running 4 cards, and not a cheap piece of junk 1kw PSU either, a good one that can output it's rated wattage, those tend to get expensive...

so basically my guess is 4 cores, but I could be wrong...
15  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Dual 5870s, 600 MH/s stock settings on: June 10, 2011, 08:41:45 PM
I don't whant to ask stupid questions, but....

the 5870 usually has a clock/memory speed of 1200/850.
Do you realy slow down the memory to like 300 MHz?
And you also slow down the clock to like 900 MHz?

I'm waiting for my own 5870 and I thought it be good to slow down memory to reduce heat production and therefore tune up the clock?!
The memory is not so important, right?

your numbers are switched, the memory clocks are always higher since I can remember, but yes, you overclock your core and underclock your memory...
16  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Dual 5870s, 600 MH/s stock settings on: June 10, 2011, 08:36:46 PM
for the 5800 series cards try -v -w128 fellas...

my 5850 does ~350 MH/s at 935MHz/345MHz and with the fan at 60% it stays around 60°...

also use MSIafterburner to overclock and underclock...

1. your unofficialoverclocking lines in MSIafterburner.cfg should read like this if you want to OC/UC...

UnofficialOverclockingEULA   = I confirm that I am aware of unofficial overclocking limitations and fully understand that MSI will not provide me any support on it
UnofficialOverclockingMode   = 1

2. to underclock your memory go into CCC and set the card defaults in CCC Overdrive, close CCC, then open MSIafterburner, set your core clock, and then slide the memory all the way down as low as it will go, apply and then exit, open afterburner up AGAIN and your mem clocks should be able to go lower than was listed before...

17  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: SCAM ALERT! Anyone else got this shit? on: June 10, 2011, 08:26:07 PM
Why do internet scammers always use funky words like "optimizated"?

Cos their Chinese and dont know how to spell


indeed, and how many Asian dudes have you ever met named Uwe (even though it's a fake, sounds European to me...
18  Economy / Marketplace / Re: How I got scammed by tiner on IRC chatroom on: June 09, 2011, 05:01:34 PM
it's just a coincidence that you registered two minutes after tiner logged off, and then started posting...?

19  Economy / Marketplace / Re: How I got scammed by tiner on IRC chatroom on: June 09, 2011, 04:08:22 PM
I sold 15 btcs to Tiner some days ago using paypal and everything went super smoothly. This guy is really nice and comprehensive. I'm having a really hard time to believe he could scam someone (someone not even registered). Also, Tiner asked for proofs that jacker never sent...

Am I the only one that thinks Jacker is actually the scammer?

kinda weird that tiner logs off, and two minutes later you register and then make a post minutes after that in this thread, no...?
20  Other / Obsolete (selling) / Re: 6950's for $250 on: June 09, 2011, 02:09:55 PM
is this for US buyers...? because they're already $240 here ($210 with MIR)...

why would anyone want to pay above market value for a card...? and why would you want to buy a bunch of cards to sell based on internet postings...? "yeah, I'll buy one" can turn into "sorry, I got a great deal on a XXXXX" in a heartbeat...

that's a huge risk dude...
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