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1  Other / Politics & Society / Re: My body, my choice is the new : just do it ! on: August 09, 2021, 08:46:27 PM
American soldiers have the right  to contract in. This means that they have the right to contract out.


of course... lose salaries, pension, benefits...

and then who will be in the military? the forced vaxxers... ready to roam and vaxx...

the plan is perfect.

what I love about it, is :

they want their freedom, they will have to fight (easily) for it, or they remain slaves and perish as such.

it's perfect.

it's their call, I won't raid the pentagon or the house of austin... I can't swimm an ocean, and I am banned from all transports so... it's up to them Smiley.
2  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Innocent Man Locked in Mental Facility, Forcibly Drugged for THREE YEARS ... on: August 09, 2021, 08:39:38 PM

3 years.... appropriate payment!

Trust in God. You eat His food that he provides you with. Now use the laws that He provides you with, rather than rebelling against what He has provided.


Please re-read what you just wrote, you equate a "judge" to God now? you know, no payment in this world will be able to make this man whole from his time and suffering. However the executions of his captors will, at least, guarantee that they won't be able to do it again and strongly dissuade others bioterrorists to do the same thing.

please, update your code Smiley, it seems a little rusty when at the edges...

The Alaskan Circuit Court, some time ago, adjudicate that government officials who break the law can be executed, if they do not change when warned. This includes judges, etc.

Use what God gave you to use, or fail... at least in the long run.


show me the corpses boy...

I don't believe this is a true report. A small number of misjudgments are understandable. It is impossible for us to avoid such a thing 100%. But I have seen a lot of your posts about negative reports. I would like to ask, are you here to promote bad news? Of course, thank you very much for your efforts.

you don't understand, take over of the medical/bioterrorist using psychology (not a science) to try to impose their rules over us, our liberty and more importantly Markets ! remember trading is an "addiction" for them, they will see, how the market fight to defend itself, and let me tell, badecker, better not watch, it's mercyless.

This is a forum. You get to blab just like anyone else, here. Many of us know all about the stuff you are saying, and have been saying it for a long time. But as long as you don't supply any ideas that will work, all you are doing is making a monkey out of yourself. Try what you suggest, and you will be a dead monkey.




honestly, I prefer civilization Smiley.
3  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Coronavirus on: August 09, 2021, 08:33:14 PM
l'injection sera approuvé mi septembre par la FDA... injections obligatoires suivent pour l'ensemble des troupes yankees...

pour ceux qui lisent pas la langue infame, c'est le chef de l'armée americaine qui informe ces esclaves que c'est go pour l'injections.

ils ont le choix de quitter (discharge) et donc de perdre leur retraites, avantages sociaux et tout (VA - soins medicaux, education, taux d'interet super bas etc) ou de se soumettre.

c'est des laches

ils vont se sousmettre.

et nous?

ps t as vus comme la propagande mediatique d'occupation de la 5eme republique c'est des losers... ils savaient meme pas... hahahah.,g_center,w_1200/fl_lossy,pg_1,q_auto/jtovhkbrpjypirq7qhcl/pentagon_911

gg wp rip usa.
4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Welcome to the BattleSpace : DoD Forces Injections on troops... on: August 09, 2021, 08:29:48 PM


choice : murder austin, the pedogen, the wh, congress, scotus > freedom OR submit, salaries, pensions, girls, family, life, happyness ... but submit Smiley


I can bet, but I am a dreamer... but... yeah... why? I am so stupid? heheheheh.
5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Antivaxxers work for the big pharma on: August 09, 2021, 08:22:46 PM
The only reason people are afraid of Covid is because the media scared them into it. Far more people die of all kinds of other medical issues every year.

Since it was Big Pharma who wanted people to get Covid in the first place, they are giving it to them right in the vaxx. Big Pharma doesn't need anti-vaxxers to do what vaxxed peoples' own fear did to them.

If people had trusted in God, they would never have become fearful. Their fear, and their trust in Big Pharma, are their new god.


How come they are incompetent to make a more efficient virus? Or maybe it needs to be weak or again everyone would take vaccine. Instead they knew antivaxx movement would serve them perfectly. Must be really good money for antivaxx leaders. And of course making harmful vaccines would not be good for profit. So they needed antivaxxers.

medical freedom fighters... not antivaxxers...

anyway, we have been captured in a full spectrum 4th generation warfare... #alexjones.

You and Alex Jones only think that way because you aren't taking advantage of the full law. Alex probably knows what the rest of the law is, but you don't. He's not using it for his own private reasons.


sell out to the industry, we all know it !!

please don't associate me to this fucking losers of bible reader of alex jones... "peaceful way" fuck him... biggest sell out, because his first wife was juicy, so no juicy can do wrong... he is one of the biggest cause of the fall of the usa... he knws it, he was fully captured in a full spectrum 4th generation warfare... he loves money more than america... he loves to talk more than to act... anyway... I have nothing to do with this guy. thanks,.. and he hates china... china which stand for liberty, patriotism, harmony, justice etc etc etc ... the opposite of what the usa and the west have become. there are no pedo island in china anymore, thanks to mao's revolution !
6  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Juifs antisémitisme et trucs comme ça. on: August 09, 2021, 08:14:40 PM
on est occupé, comme les us.

la seule solution réaliste a mon avis, c'est la chine

la bas ca les fait marrer leur bullshit... y rigole pour de vrais

"on est le peuple élu de dieu" mettez vous a genou, donnez nous vos enfants pour nos iles du viole etc...

l'armee populaire, le ministere de la securité de l'état, le parti... ils sont lol... mdr...

genre ils se prennent pour quoi ces sauvages...

puis ils disent oui oui, allez a la frontiere et rentrez chez vous

bye bye !

ps dans 99% des cités ce que vous ecrivez la c'est meme pas discuter tellement s'est su... y a meme pas negocier la dessus... c'est plus triste de voir ce peuple francais, s'etre fait mis par une bande aussi pathetique...

c'est l alliance sauvage de la franc maconnerie, des zionistes, le tout avec des aristo (type establishment, genre ecole sup etc) avec une bonne dose de pedo pour le blackmail et finalement ca fonce satanisme... c'est tellement simple... mais faut arriver a se liberer mentalement... c'est le plus dur et le plus facile...

preuve :

7  Other / Politics & Society / Re: My body, my choice is the new : just do it ! on: August 09, 2021, 07:06:17 PM
this of course doesn't apply to american soldiers.

ps last post was interestingly the 176 and this one the 177 Smiley. who knows...
8  Other / Politics & Society / When is the 3rd dose scheduled for american soldiers? on: August 09, 2021, 07:02:56 PM
Afterall, those fuckers, want to serve the establishment, protect fort nancy, kill innocents worldwide, defend the pedos...

very good ! take the 3rd and then forward to the 4th !

and finally free we will from the tyranny they defend so dearly because they pay their pension, VA, and salaries...

you will get fucked boys !

/ \ - 1 nation

if those little fuckers don't want to take, marital court, jail, no pensions, no salaries... ahhh they love to fuck their bimbos with OUR taxes... gooo gooo....

you wanted it, you will get it !

we are meaner than you can ever be, soy boys and boy scoots.

fuck you.
9  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Antivaxxers work for the big pharma on: August 09, 2021, 03:08:44 PM
The only reason people are afraid of Covid is because the media scared them into it. Far more people die of all kinds of other medical issues every year.

Since it was Big Pharma who wanted people to get Covid in the first place, they are giving it to them right in the vaxx. Big Pharma doesn't need anti-vaxxers to do what vaxxed peoples' own fear did to them.

If people had trusted in God, they would never have become fearful. Their fear, and their trust in Big Pharma, are their new god.


How come they are incompetent to make a more efficient virus? Or maybe it needs to be weak or again everyone would take vaccine. Instead they knew antivaxx movement would serve them perfectly. Must be really good money for antivaxx leaders. And of course making harmful vaccines would not be good for profit. So they needed antivaxxers.

medical freedom fighters... not antivaxxers...

anyway, we have been captured in a full spectrum 4th generation warfare... #alexjones.
10  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: peer-to-peer poker site? on: August 09, 2021, 03:00:27 PM
Not P2P , but it works :

Please tells when a true p2p random verifiable software is ready, call me in Smiley.

there is on ETH, but I have lost the link (sry).
11  Other / Off-topic / Re: Decentralised Courier on: August 09, 2021, 02:55:32 PM
Those logistics companies are all UK-based, whereas I'm talking about one that is decentralised and purely digital.

github > bitmessage

only IRL would have made sense.
12  Local / Hors-sujet / Selon TASS l'EU veut faire un regime change en Bielorussie... on: August 09, 2021, 02:50:29 PM
European Parliament calls on EU to prepare revolution in Belarus

The deputies offered to implement the scenario of a change of power in Belarus similar to the Ukrainian one

BRUSSELS, August 9. / TASS /. The European Parliament’s largest faction, the conservative European People's Party (EPP), on Monday urged the EU to prepare a revolution in Belarus, noting that "the Belarusian regime will fall."

The EPP proposed to show readiness to "punish the regime" by imposing sanctions as well as to "support the ongoing struggle of the people of Belarus."

"The regime will fall and the victory of the Belarusian people is inevitable, it is only a question of time. The European Union must prepare for the victory of the democratic revolution," the faction’ leader Manfred Weber stated on Monday in Brussels ahead of the first anniversary of the last presidential elections in Belarus.

Je me demande ce que Vicky Nuland a sur le parlement europeen... bon d'un autre coté je me fais pas de souci pour l'intelligence state de Vlad Smiley, ca va farmer.

Bon ca vous verrez jamais dans les médias de propagande d'occupation de la 5eme republique, trop occupé à couvrir micronvelli/fabius et les autres polanskis Smiley.

Belarus’ KGB, Russia’s FSB work in close contact, have many common tasks — Lukashenko
According to the Belarusian president, the FSB and the KGB just "cannot act out of sync in many areas"
13  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Chronique de la Liberation de l'Afghanistan par les Talibans on: August 09, 2021, 02:46:42 PM
Merde ! tu as censuré mon post ! Ouf, tu m'avais quoté auparavant.

et quoi? tu sais pas lire... si tu veux pas être mod, crée ton post... je t'ai demandé gentillement d'enlever les photos, tu l'as pas, loin.


petite update de (c'est le plus lourd en Russie)

However, the B-52 is unlikely to be able to turn the tide of hostilities, even in one single province. Moreover, they will not be able to radically change the situation throughout Afghanistan, Ermakov added.

According to a source close to the Ministry of Defense, the seizure of provincial centers could free up Taliban forces, which could then be sent to operations against Kabul.

Le "mat"...

ps ça m'amuse beaucoup de vous censurer les petits gars Cheesy, j'ai tjrs aimé nettoyer ! c'est plus propre après Cheesy.
14  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Antivaxxers work for the big pharma on: August 09, 2021, 02:23:34 PM
sure, badecker works for them, of course  Roll Eyes
15  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Censure ici? on: August 09, 2021, 02:20:02 PM
Je dois bien admettre que c'est violent - grace à toi je me suis mis pour la première fois à faire la "crypto-conchita", et je me retrouve à nettoyer mes propres posts Cheesy, car je me fais avoir par toute "la poussière" (honte à moi)... c'est plus intense qu'il n'y paraît le digital-cleaning.
16  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Coronavirus on: August 09, 2021, 02:12:08 PM

donc fabius, responsable du sang contaminé (à mon avis attaque préméditée contre le peuple francais), est maintenant entrain de m'interdire de prendre le tgv... très bien... très bien... interessant que le fils soit chez Mckinzey... ca ressemble beaucoup à l'histoire draghi... comme quoi l'occupation à des formes similiaires dans tous les pays occidentaux.


No grounds to conduct mass vaccination of children against COVID — expert
Director of the Vector State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology Rinat Maksyutov noted that it is principally important to have an instrument for protecting children from COVID-19

Quand ca se reveille la-bas... les micronvelli ca saute comme le pop corn Smiley.
17  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Chronique de la Liberation Fulgurante de l'Afghanistan par les Talibans on: August 09, 2021, 02:10:04 PM
6eme capitale regionale libérée :

pour ceux que j'ai wipé, sorry, mais vous me faisiez du george bush regime Smiley c'est quoi la prochaine ligne dans votre guide book anti-musulman? je suis curieux Smiley.
18  Other / Politics & Society / Re: I beat the China virus.. I think.. on: August 09, 2021, 10:01:47 AM
review your nutrional balances, restore, rest, water, moderate sports, c, d, zinc, magnesium, iodine etc, healthy living etc !

congrats your are immune to this gen and the close one for a life time ! what will be the long term effects of the infections, in 10, 20 more years? unknown.

strong fundation, strong life, strong love etc !

see u soon around Smiley.

fresh air ! outside !

Thanks for posting. I'm glad you beat it, and apparently it can take quite some time to recover, so just don't expect to get back to normal instantly. Take it easy for a while.

exactly, the more intense it was the longer it will take...

did you zinc, c, d, ivermectine/hcq, water or even nicotine?
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: My body, my choice is the new : just do it ! on: August 09, 2021, 09:58:33 AM
The paradox I see there is that lately I hear that phrase a lot from those who oppose vaccines, but also oppose abortion. I seems a bit contradictory at least. And conversely: many pro-choice advocating forcing people to be vaccinated.
I agree with the first half of your statement; it does seem hypocritical.

As someone who falls into the second half, I would say that vaccination doesn't just affect you as an individual, it affects those you might infect... whereas abortion of a small bunch of cells is very different. 'Pro-choice' in the context of abortion does not generally refer to a pregnancy that is nearing full term. Potentially killing many people is different to aborting* one potential person.

*we can't use the word 'killing' if it is just a few cells.

try to understand this
That image makes no sense. Which I think the person who drew it concedes, by just having lines rather than arrows joining the boxes - without arrows, it's just a vague set of ideas with no process flow. If the vaccines are effective, then of course it is useful to know whether or not someone has been vaccinated.

wrong a feotus is a miracle of life, an act of  god, however it belond, imho, to the mother, as she is the one in harmony with it. and if she doesn't want it, she is free legally, but not morally, to terminate her pregancy. Orcas female drop often first born as they are too contaminated to live due to pollution, having absorbed most toxines, making the next ones with more survival chances.

yes it does

if the injections works at intended (protect you, fully, like any real vaccine) there is no need for a pass as your are protected and risk free
if the injection doesn't work, same, no need for a pass.
aka if you are injected and still transmitting aka not blocking the spread, the pass is useless but to identify you once the side effects really kick in (according to estimate 3 years after injection in humans, personnally waiting for at least 7 generations to be safe and secure).
20  Other / Politics & Society / Re: U.S. media bought by China on: August 09, 2021, 09:33:17 AM
who are the ceos of those bio-press-terrorists? end of the discussion.

question, who prints the money they all run after to please their egos? you got it. gg wp.

add the neobolshevicks of the silicon valley, and you have hit the jack pot.
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