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1  Other / Off-topic / Re: Society is unwise, read a glimpse of the future here on: February 21, 2013, 11:31:32 PM
Dank, you should read a book called Zen Mind, Beginners Mind. I think it'll really open your eyes to the truth. You're close to the answers, but still need some guidance. I started out on my own, forging my own path, but I realized it was difficult. Why not take time to learn from others? Through copious amounts of weed, heroin, amphetamines, nitrous oxide and meditation I was able to move from a simple novice to become an adapt. It's not my place to direct you, but through sheer will or some innate talent you have a gift, please don't waste it!

Once you gain true enlightenment, I trust you'll contact me through alternative channels.

Namaste brother.
2  Other / Off-topic / Re: If someone could give me a motorcycle on: November 26, 2012, 08:17:13 PM
refueling would be a bit tricky

Not drowning would be a bit tricky. T-t-t-t-ricky!

3  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 26, 2012, 08:11:38 AM
You really don't, not when you have love for energy.

Then how come you had to?

Do you need energy to jump a tsunami with your motor bike?

4  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 26, 2012, 03:52:02 AM
I have to eat to regain normality in reality.  When love is everywhere though, there is no need to eat for energy.  I walked 10 miles with no food, the stars provided me with all the energy I need.

No hon. You have to eat to survive you dumb shit.

5  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 25, 2012, 11:03:29 PM
So, have you caved and eaten yet dank?

6  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 22, 2012, 12:07:32 AM
To further explain thoughts:

We are multidimensional beings. Consciousness created life to be separate, because consciousness is unified. That's why you grew up from nothing. All your memories and thoughts are instances of another reality you lived before.  Your thoughts are not you, you have the conscious ability to control your thoughts.  Nothing bad can happen if you don't think negatively.

Snaer, that's not logical reasoning.  I'm not doing this for money, I'm choosing to do so with my freewill in pursuit of happiness. You know you can destroy yourself an be happy simultaneously. What difference is it to kill a human, a cow or a bush? Break free from eating before the worms eat you back.

7  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 21, 2012, 11:48:41 PM
Snaer, why judge someone if you do not live their life? I am experienced, I did not inject DMT.

I never said you did, hon. I stated that *if* you had, it would have destroyed you. I'm not judging you either, I'm simply presenting my opinion as fact.

You're either:

A) Trolling.

B) Pretending.

You're not the real deal, everyone can see that now and a lot of people could see it long ago, so just stop.

By saying I am doing one of your two perceptions is judging. I am saying what I believe to understand, without fear of judgement, for your sake.

Hon, I'm saying you're full of it; because you are!

If you really are planning to survive without food or sleep, well, James Randi will give you a million bucks, so congratulations? In reality, however, you'll die.

Sorry, that's the truth.

8  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 21, 2012, 11:47:04 PM
I'm kind of sad to see dank turned out to be a troll. *Sigh*


The alternative would be his parents having him committed if he actually went through with his "not eating again" crap - more amusing certainly, but much more sad.

As someone who has used a lot of recreational drugs on an intellectual level, everything dank has been babbling about in this thread is pure pseudo-science bullshit. He's either never rolled/tripped and is regurgitating a heaping helping of word salad to make people think he has, or he's a troll.

If he injected DMT, his ego would be crushed so hard that he would pretty much never recover. If he dropped cid he would basically go through a mental breakdown.

There's no way he's done any of that.


and i remember you calling him a "fellow traveler" not too long ago.

It was at least believable then, hon. Now it's just obvious.

9  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 21, 2012, 11:23:20 PM
Snaer, why judge someone if you do not live their life? I am experienced, I did not inject DMT.

I never said you did, hon. I stated that *if* you had, it would have destroyed you. I'm not judging you either, I'm simply presenting my opinion as fact.

You're either:

A) Trolling.

B) Pretending.

You're not the real deal, everyone can see that now and a lot of people could see it long ago, so just stop.

10  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 21, 2012, 09:16:03 PM
I'm kind of sad to see dank turned out to be a troll. *Sigh*


The alternative would be his parents having him committed if he actually went through with his "not eating again" crap - more amusing certainly, but much more sad.

As someone who has used a lot of recreational drugs on an intellectual level, everything dank has been babbling about in this thread is pure pseudo-science bullshit. He's either never rolled/tripped and is regurgitating a heaping helping of word salad to make people think he has, or he's a troll.

If he injected DMT, his ego would be crushed so hard that he would pretty much never recover. If he dropped cid he would basically go through a mental breakdown.

There's no way he's done any of that.

11  Other / Off-topic / Re: You believe in god on: November 21, 2012, 09:01:44 PM
I'm kind of sad to see dank turned out to be a troll. *Sigh*

12  Economy / Securities / Re: going live -- investment/presales opportunities on: November 16, 2012, 05:49:24 PM
Maybe she is trans? Are you trans usage? Are you post-op or pre-op?

13  Other / Off-topic / Re: Help me complete my goal on: November 12, 2012, 05:25:09 PM
Welcome to Cosmic Picks
Ever shop for a custom guitar pick to find out either the minumum order is 100 or the prices are astronimical? We at Cosmic Picks understand and pride ourselves at having the nations lowest price on regular and custom guitar picks! Guitar picks come in a variety of colors and materials using the 351 standard and theres no minimum order!
Whither you're looking for picks to throw to adoring fans, need a cool way to promote your company or event, or looking for some rock'n favors for a wedding or birthday, Cosmic Picks is here to help.

Hon, you might want to run a spell check on this. I also can't figure out why you've got pictures of iPods up there? It also looks like you're still trying to sell picks with corporate logos on them. I thought you decided not to do that?

14  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why I really hate SomethingAwful on: November 11, 2012, 12:27:49 AM
All the talk... please, I'd finally want to see a picture of said coffee table.

thanks but,
I expected something which might be considered cute, disappointed. That's just creepy.

I'm curious about why you find the image "creepy".  I don't find the image appealing at all, but I don't find it intrinsically creepy either.  There's a fair bit of more conventional art around which is disturbing but which doesn't ping people's "creepy" meter either (in fact there's quite a few disturbing images that I'd regard as good art and be happy display).

Because you just *know* he's masturbated to it. I imagine that table would glow like New York City at night if you hit it with a black light.

15  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why I really hate SomethingAwful on: November 10, 2012, 11:37:11 PM
Also putting faith in the opinion of people who majored in finance, who are bankers and brokers is the most laughable thing I've ever heard of since a lot of them will almost certainly be Neo-Keynesians and Keynesian economics seems to me to be more of a religion than anything involving logic, mathematics or even common sense so I'm afraid you're going to get mocked for that one.

Hon, this right here is what's wrong with the majority of the BitCoin community. They think they know better than the professionals. They don't. This is exactly why all the BitCoin exchanges fail. This is why people get sucked into so many scams. The lay-man really doesn't know best. BitCoinTalk is an absolute textbook example of the Dunning-Kreuger effect.

16  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why I really hate SomethingAwful on: November 10, 2012, 08:45:59 PM
I've spent the last week reading through the BitCoin thread over at SA, and I hate to say it, but they've called it every time an "investment" turned out to be a scam and for the most part they are quite right about a lot of the BCT community. It's so insular here that a lot of people either can't, or don't want to see it. I feel like a lot of ridicule stems from people not listening to them.

The majority of their threads revolve around this community and not BitCoin itself. It's clear that there's money to be had in BitCoin, and quite a few SA members have made quite a chunk of change off it. However, they got into it very early.

You might want to open your mind a little bit and learn to take constructive criticism. A lot of the so called "trolls" are actually rather helpful. Look at that one guy who has put a ton of effort into Dank's Hookah Lounge and Bank threads, trying to teach him basics of running a business. It's not their fault Dank won't listen. That's a lesson that should apply to everyone here.

Just my BTC0.2!

That's because they call every investment a scam.  They were (are) wrong about Dank Bank as well.

Are you talking about monster ant?  Why would I thank someone who calls you a fucking sponge every other sentence?  Another thing that I tried to make clear, I do listen to people's feedback, I just have little respect for people full of hate.

Sorry hon, Dank Bank kind of is a Ponzi... I also read your whole Hookah thread and Monster-Ant started off respectful but it degraded quickly because of how poorly you took criticism.

Anything less than this is just pathetic trolling in my view and it amazes me that these people have the time to troll other people for hours on end and yet they can't even provide basic fucking critique on what is technically wrong with something. I've seen the hate on Bitcoin and very little goes into the detail of why it's bad and the best the government bodies have been able to come up with is because it 'could' be used by criminals. Believe it or not, I do actually like criticism but unless you're going to go into the technical aspects of why something is bad then I'm going to call you out on your bullshit.

Actually, if you read the thread on SA they go into great detail about what's wrong with the investments and certain aspects of BitCoin in general. There appears to be quite a few people who are MBAs, finance majors, bankers and brokers over there. Haven taken quite a few finance courses in college it's all pretty sound advice. I'd also like to point out what they're doing isn't really trolling. Making fun of somebody and pointing out obvious flaws in people's logic isn't trolling. I'm sure a lot of them jump on the bandwagon in making fun without quite knowing what's going on, but tons of people do that here as well, in this very thread in fact.

I'm not trying to defend them, but you really should know what you're talking about before you blast somebody. Plus, it seems they do a lot of good for the internet; they're involved in charities, they've been the spearhead in taking down Reddit's pedo section, hell, one of their members was killed in that attack on the consulate in Libya and they raised over $50k for his family.

On the flip side there is quite a bit of dumb and just plain mean stuff that goes on over there. The way they grief people in online games is a good example.

As for the furry issue, I'd have to say I agree with the stance that's its disgusting and everyone involved needs psychological help. In my time on the internet, I've seen a lot of furries equate their fetish with being gay, which... Yeah, just no. You weren't born that way. It's something you picked up through environmental means and use it to be a unique special snowflake. The fact that this wasn't a thing before the internet is very telling. Basically, they start hanging around on boards and chatrooms with more of their kind, which is just a huge echo chamber. This makes them believe that what they're doing is normal and alright.

Then you get to the point where you have an anthropomorphic fox with a huge erection on your coffee table and when someone says, "Ew gross!" they scream that they're being persecuted because someone rightfully made fun of them.

Here's a tip: If cartoon animals turn you on, you're fucked up in the head and should seek help.

I realize I'm being aggressive here, but I'm tired of people placating made up issues when there's real shit in the real world that we need to deal with. Like Gay Rights and Women's Rights.

17  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why I really hate SomethingAwful on: November 10, 2012, 06:03:30 PM
I've spent the last week reading through the BitCoin thread over at SA, and I hate to say it, but they've called it every time an "investment" turned out to be a scam and for the most part they are quite right about a lot of the BCT community. It's so insular here that a lot of people either can't, or don't want to see it. I feel like a lot of ridicule stems from people not listening to them.

The majority of their threads revolve around this community and not BitCoin itself. It's clear that there's money to be had in BitCoin, and quite a few SA members have made quite a chunk of change off it. However, they got into it very early.

You might want to open your mind a little bit and learn to take constructive criticism. A lot of the so called "trolls" are actually rather helpful. Look at that one guy who has put a ton of effort into Dank's Hookah Lounge and Bank threads, trying to teach him basics of running a business. It's not their fault Dank won't listen. That's a lesson that should apply to everyone here.

Just my BTC0.2!

18  Other / Off-topic / Re: Help me complete my goal on: November 10, 2012, 05:53:14 PM
Well I guess it my situation everything would be considered a hobby, but yeah. Things to consider before continuing.

Do you have a real world job hon? Following your threads on here it seems like you have a lot of ideas and are very passionate about things.

19  Other / Off-topic / Re: Help me complete my goal on: November 09, 2012, 11:20:42 PM
Hon, by the time the Jalapeņo gets to you, BFL's ASIC boxes will have pushed the difficulty so far up you'll never make your money back. Why don't you just put the money you'd spend on a Jalapeņo towards this project?

At this point you're not going to have enough, or make enough money to catch up on mining. (My finance classes are finally paying off. Cost-Benefit-Analysis FTW! LOL!)

20  Other / Off-topic / Re: Help me complete my goal on: November 09, 2012, 06:14:50 AM
No, whomever creates the work has to release it under a Creative Commons license. If the designer of a work does not specifically release their work under some sort of license it's automatically considered under copyright by US law. The logo designer can get more protection by filing for a copyright or trademark.

None of these corporations are going to release any of their corporate logos under a Creative Commons license as that would most likely invalidate their trademark and at the very least dilute their brand.

You could request to use their logo for your commercial product, but they would charge in the ten of thousands of dollars if they did it at all.

The CC license doesn't give you the right to use any work you wish, it's not like a drivers license, hon. It's something that the producer of the content has to apply to their work.

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