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10941  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 18, 2020, 10:03:27 AM
while places in america can play golf, tennis, skii and surf. brazil is fast growing as the 4th largest country to be infected, with predictions it can overtake some quite quickly as its stil on its exponential growth path(not hit the peak). not the lockdown curb

also africa has implemented a prohibition order on alcohol and cigarettes. it was said to reduce alot of drunken people from protesting..only problem is.. that it caused more people to then be out on the streets protesting and selling homemade alcohol/counterfeit cigarettes on the streets.
.. they should have just done a 'drink at home policy'
10942  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 18, 2020, 09:54:32 AM
idiot above doesnt realise that formaldehyde is actually naturally in the body and used as part of cell growth metabolism

take for instance a 2year old baby would naturally have over 1mg of it in their body without injections. and the amount that a vaccine has is way way way lower than that.
(vaccine has ~1500x less formaldehyde than the body naturally has)
it has 600x less than normal drinking water
as for monkey kidney cells.. seems your 40 years out of date with that conspiracy.
as of now they use a cell line derived from mice. not monkeys
as for stem cells.
babies are not killed.
what is done. is a ova(human egg) is fertilised outside the body in a lab and grown for a few days(zygote) in a petri dish.. it never even becomes a fetus let alone a baby.
they can also get stem cells from other methods too. all without killing a living being
10943  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sorrento Therapeutics claims it has covid19 cure - True or False? on: May 18, 2020, 07:50:35 AM
Honestly there isn't too much in that article in this article at all, all this is is claims from a company who has a vested interest in making themselves look good. I'm not saying this is a total scam, but we haven't seen ANY sort of results from them and nothing has been verified by outside scientists / regulatory groups.

All of this could just be attributed to greed and people wanting to make a ton of money off the next bio-healthcare stock. I'm pretty sure there's nothing to see here. But -- Monday is tomorrow. See what the market does with this stock then.

ofcourse that article is aimed at the investment side.
yet the type of medicine they are handling is actually better then other chemical meds and even better than vaccines.

meds are fuel to hope to boost the immune system. or inhibit the immune system if its out of control.
vaccines is a virus/although inert. to program/teach the immune system to recognise the characteristics of a virus, but in a possible safer way than just getting the nastier viral strain

but being given the antibody itself is a faster method of treatment. much faster than meds
there are other articles that talk about what they have done. which is having lots of samples of antibodies and finding the strongest one that has been most effective to handling covid.

but yes what works in a petri-dish/mouse. may not work aswell in a human.

for instance.
that one treatment might kill the covid in someone that has it. but it may not then successfully allow the body to remember/self produce antibodies with same programming/recognitions in the future. so some patients might get sick the following month by not being naturally immune.
but then this can also be the case for other treatment types too

take for instance those on immuno-surpressants. their natural immunity is surpressed so they may not get lasting immunity after recovery.
even vaccines wont help. but it would atleast give them the antibodies to actually fight the virus if they got it. so it has benefits

but if all goes well. using antibodies is effective more so than meds and skips the steps of a vaccine.

but as you say. still too early. but this kind of treatment has raised alot of interest by the type of treatment it is, being better than some options..
10944  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Seasteading on: May 18, 2020, 06:57:06 AM
Elwar is probably the best guy for seasteading. He's approximately the only person along with Nadia to have ever done it out in the ocean. If there are others, they are very few. Elwar's experience is beyond just about anybody else.

he and nadia didnt 'do it' they were in their own words just guests on someone elses floating pod

infact in the time from its first night at sea to the night they fled. they didnt even stay there that much in between. so it was not really even a trial of a living experience.

take those training for mars missions. they actually stay in a 'biodome' for months. to work out if they can survive(mentally and physicallly) and what is actually needed to make it a effective living experience.
all in all they just had a free vacation bed to sleep in.

here is one thing. elwar has not identified how hard it is to actually supply a pod. after all knowing he might have to travel many dozens of miles round trip would require extra refrigeration. and also stockpiles of spare clothing/bedsheets and other things. just incase you cant get to shore for resupply.
he has not even thought about those basics.

yet even a idiot during this pandemic should realise the issues that occur when suddenly travel and access to certain stores can become less available.

there are thousands of people around the world that live on floating homes. thousands that live on moored dwellings in the water. heck many live on oil refineries.. and there is even things like freeland and other things.
elwar has not invented anything new. infact he isnt the inventor. and while trying to flip flip in and out of his inability to decide if he is a project manager or salesman. he fails at both.

even elwar has said he didnt invent it and is not the ceo. yet your lack of ability to grasp reality is still struck by the 'wannabe influencer' fangirling mindset

the reasons i make these posts is to make people wary of the pitfulls of certain things. because its become obvious that there is too much glossing over the details.
and in my opinion no one should be handing any money via elwar. he will just spend it on vacations but declare it as 'research'

if anyone is interested in sea steading. bypass elwar and actually investigate and research those actually doing it.who are not obsessed with grabbing money before even a prototype is made
10945  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 17, 2020, 07:08:48 PM
50 years later communicating 400 km (250 mi) with ISS crew is a 11 sec delay,   Where would we be without such advances?

WHO (World hell orifice) Offered Bribe

there is no 11 second delay. its fractions of a second
try getting your info from proper sources not conspiracy centric websites

madagasca president is just trying to scam people for persona profit. and try to make people not trust science
10946  Other / Politics & Society / Re: corona virus death count compared with driving deaths on: May 17, 2020, 02:36:39 PM
what badecker does not realise about nursing homes is that most deaths are due to them getting it but not being medically treated because they signed a 'do not intervene/resuscitate' order

thus a hospital sends them back to a nursing home for palliative care

this is actually one thing that badecker could have (if he caught up to current news) about how some nursing homes have actually re-reviewed their residents care plans and put people on these do not resuscitate/palliative care plans

also that US government did not plan anything in february/march to actually organise nursing homes to be more suitable.. (heck neither did UK really)

and last to note. people dont go to hospital healthy and request treatment to make them sick... they instead are sick first and go to hospital to improve the odds of recovery.
in short. more people would die without treatment.

hense the lockdown. to keep people at a distance from each other to reduce how many get sick so that hospitals dont get overwhelmed so that there is enough capacity to treat and improve the odds of recovery for those limited amount that do get sick.
without lockdown soo many more would get sick faster and overwhelm the hospitals leaving people untreated and dying in hoards of numbers due to not even being given oxygen. let alone any pain meds or other medications to help
10947  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 17, 2020, 01:03:48 PM
though its seems tash has ran out of corona stuff lets just quickly debunk his thoughts
how did MET get moved
.. like this
did they get muscle strain
.. no it was built to be lightweight*. and also moons gravity made it feel very very light
why the wheels
.. well they were not planning on pushing it for miles so efficiency in low gravity is not priority. weight* is.

*this is not about weight when on the moon. its about weight value in cargo hold on earth at take off. less weight = less fuel needed to create thrust for take off

no delay in signal
.. actually there was a delay.
maybe you need to research speed of sound and speed of light.
there was a 2.5second round trip delay
(video+transcripts show it)

Edit to reply to below
the idiot below would get punished for wasting courts time.
preparing the case/response is done before entering the court room.
because both sides are suppose to declare their evidence beforehand. and hand over that evidence for the the other party to examine before the case even begins. its called discovery/disclosure.
there is also pre-trial stuff that happens that also help ensure no stupid delays during court.

yes many idiots try to push the limits of the courts rules. but those idiots are not interested in justice or the truth. they just are interested in being a waste of time.
i called you out on it months ago that your a time waster that wants to pretend that you want things to go to court to be declared as 'proof' but you always then mention stupid time wasting things ud do while in court. meaning your a complete waste of time
research abuse of court, frivolous, vexatious
10948  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: May 17, 2020, 12:34:38 PM
20 pages on and badecker is still trying to roll with a conspiracy thats over 18 years old.
poor guy.

as for his latest assertions. many buildings are built to not instantly fall on impact. but the minor damage caused by the impact can cause a secondary structural collapse.
also the one of the trade towers was hit by a plane 20% heavier than what the building was designed to handle.. thus 20% more risk of catastrophic failure

its why if a car hits a train bridge they dont just say its fine. they rush to repair the bridge.
its why skyscapers have evacuation procedures. and not just tell office staff to sit back at their desks
its why when idiots get dropped on their head as a baby. they initially think its ok.. but then that kids grows up to be an idiot called badecker

have you ever tried to squeeze an egg open.. its hard.
but just crack one side of it. and most of the shell structure remains intact and the yolk contents stays inside..but then just the smallest squeeze makes it fall apart

have you ever stood on a frozen lake. initially it holds your weight. but just make a hole in the ice. and you think for a few minutes all is fine.. but then the whole ice sheet cracks

badecker cant grasp reality.
10949  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoins joins the bank on: May 17, 2020, 12:21:08 PM
years ago banks had lots of chargeback scammers who would buy bitcoins with fiat through their bank. and then claim they didnt make that fiat transfer and they would ask for a chargeback.
thus blacklisting exchanges thinking they were thieves. when infact it was greedy users wanting free coin

years ago banks feared not being able to trace 'money laundering' so didnt want to get involved. with trying to trail the value that went via bitcoin. so continued to blacklist exchanges

but now that exchanges are doing their own AML/KYC to identify users and make sure the user biting/selling bitcoins actually owns the bank account. and recording all transactions including the taint of bitcoin deposits.

banks are getting more confident to service the fiat accounts of exchanges
10950  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sorrento Therapeutics claims it has covid19 cure - True or False? on: May 17, 2020, 01:12:03 AM
next the idiot above will promote that licking a watermelon will shield people from being shot by a gun. and no one should try gun control. nor even dare ask people to be responsible.

what he keeps being ignorant about is the fact that without self isolation alot more would have died. and now isolation rules are being relaxed more will.
but even with isolation to curb the infection, delaying it. more people have died than other seasonal flus

10951  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 17, 2020, 12:12:49 AM
Considering all the failed Coronavirus vaccines of the past, maybe the monkey will actually type a word this time.

science moves faster these days.. or are you stuck in 2002..
seems your going backwards
I have do doubt that this virus will be studied more than any before in history, more vaccines and more understanding of the entire virus--human interaction will result from current events, than is now imaginable.

stem cell research, genome sequencing. protein enzyme mapping. all new stuff in the last 2 decades. these days this research takes hours which use to take months

its become so fast and easy that even commercial companies can find things out quickly
like 23&me that can find your ethnic background and even find out what genetic dispositions you have to know what diets work for you.

but nah.. caveman badecker still thinks fire is a mystical force made by god and only shown to mythical people in story books like moses

it kinda makes me laugh how badecker believes that someone can part an ocean and feed a crowd with only a few loaves or turn water into wine.. but he denies science.
i was thinking, if he wasnt a internet user. id think he was amish
10952  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 17, 2020, 12:09:35 AM
you stil have no clue

what actually happens is that usually big pharma private companies try to scam their way into investment grants by promising unicorns. and then saying it will take 10 years of research, thus guarantee them a job for 10 years and millions of dollars.
big pharma then if they do get a working product. they patent it and they hold onto it. knowing the patent then blocks competitors efforts. thus they rule the market.

however this time a vaccine is going to be freely distributed.

i can possibly see if a US government lab gets a vaccine they will withold it from ke countries like russia/china unless they bend to the US's will.
which is another reason why i dont want to/and doubt US will make a vaccine in time.

as for the timing of it.
again instead of delaying R&D to guarantee a paycheck for years. this time its as soon as they get results they move to the next phase.
previously in the delay for pay game they would put up road blocks like asking the FDA to acknowledge their work and do loads of admin stuff to rubber stamp things. just so that they can get their mark first to cause delay to competitors. then they only move when the money is flowing.

this time the money is going in. but not for large investor profits. but to purchase the staff salaries and the equipment(efficient costs)
and when the phases pass they move onto the next one
EG no 3 years R&D on mice. 1 at a time
instead groups of mice and tested to see the % effectiveness concurrently instead of consecutively
yes it still takes time. so when they started in march it would not have been ready for mass production by april.
they still got to let the vaccine sit in the host for a month and test the host. also monitor for things like side effects. this part is not being sidestepped. and then let the host get exposed to the virus to see if it protects them. which is a few months .. not hours or days

but all the bureaucratic money grabbing delay tactics are being side stepped
but anyway. it doesnt seem like the US has even a viable vaccine that passed the mice test. let alone anywhere close to human testing. so dont expect america to have a human tested and passed vaccine before atleast september
10953  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Seasteading on: May 16, 2020, 11:32:35 PM
point is. its like building a house
architects actually design the house by knowing the plumbing arrangements and fitting the room space round it

work out wall cavity space and size of rooms and stuff

its the basics like will it be a combined toilet and shower room, would it have a bath. will there be enough room to dry off without kneeing the toilet when you get out the shower
 is it going to be a toilet that pipes out to a separate container or would it be a 'portapotty' that just rolls in and out of the bathroom each time it needs to be emptied

its not just these details needed to design the layout. its also considering the guest experience.
incinerator based sewerage treatment
'hey honey have you burned the toast..
.no dear thats just my turd on the smoker. doesnt it smell pleasant'

you do know that when realters make new homes they do a show home. and then people buy new builds based on the show home
you do know manufacturers make a prototype and then (AFTER) people invest into the company/buy the product

heck even people doing kick starters know to atleast make a prototype and show it works before asking to mega money.
heck asking for timeshare income before they even know the basics.. now thats just very bad/shady business.
especially when he didnt even have the 'experts' hired yet

but it is funny how elwar cannot even make a definitive decision. even after 10 years of time in his supposed 'R&D' exploits of seeking funding for projects

as i said ages ago.
maybe ocean builders might find someone with experience and actual project managing knowhow. but it sure as hell aint elwar. he is a money and waste it kid of guy. loves going on vacation and try getting it as a tax writeoff by calling it R&D yet never shows results

im all for a proper seastead project but elwar just isnt really appearing to be the guy that should be involved. is actual history has done him no favours
10954  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 16, 2020, 11:18:26 PM
Considering all the failed Coronavirus vaccines of the past, maybe the monkey will actually type a word this time.

science moves faster these days.. or are you stuck in 2002..
seems your going backwards
10955  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 16, 2020, 09:01:13 PM
im thinking that UK's Oxford university vaccine trials.. as they are atleast at the human trial stage
so all you conspiracy guys hating on fauci, and gates.. pray that UK get there first then your american nemesis wont get a penny and you can shut up and move onto some real stuff.

yes UK will share the recipe with the world and yes companies can make the vaccine. but here is the thing. if america charge too much they will just get it from other sources.
thus bypassing capitalism issues you secret love. but pretend to hate.
10956  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Seasteading on: May 16, 2020, 05:32:18 PM
elwar didnt anwer it. he gave a bullet point list of possibilities
he even said (future tense) how they would probably buy off the shelf stuff

by not even making a decision nor having the actual 'off the shelf' item in their possession doesnt help with them designing an end product to fit around it.
also (future tense) is to have experts

so again. no plan. no prep. no answers. but just a big $10k a week pricetag
his 10 years in the sector and he cant even pick a toilet.
funny that
lets hope he doesnt build a brick house on land. or it will take 15 years just to decide on the kitchen tiles. and yet will be trying to sell the house before even laying the bricks

Excellent, it looks like we all want to talk about toilets on boats.

Here are just a few of the options:
Composting toilet
Marine toilet
Incinerating toilet
Anaerobic digester
Urine diverting toilet

While this is all fascinating stuff, our goal is to have experts in each field focus on these things for us. We will likely buy off the shelf products for our first few models as we use what works as much as possible due to the amount of custom engineering needed for everything else.
10957  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 16, 2020, 04:32:56 PM
your lame tactic is say some bs conspiracy.. people debunk you
you create a new topic and repeat the conspiracy pretending previous topic didnt get debunked
you argue asking for the references again. even asking for the links which you first provided.
then you change the topic slightly and start a new conspiracy/troll. and when you have been made a fool too many times in one topic. you start a new topic and repeat the process again

so many topics i have told you why all the old scripts yo repeat are wrong. yet you keep repeating them and advertising the same fax influencers. do you realise the ones you advertise are trying to sell subscription memberships, tickets to webinars/future conspiracy conferences and magic herbal remedies

the foolish part is that they are like cult leaders, herding a flock for their personal gain while distracting you fools with silly dogma that tickles your faith to blindly follow and obey

my opinion is not fiat based. i dont care if the fiat economy stagnates or prospers or dies. my opinion is on human health.
you opinion is on influencer promoting for their financial gain and fiat survival even at cost of ife
10958  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 16, 2020, 03:50:27 PM
Did you notice that you forgot to add all the science professionals that Del interviews? Do you know why you forgot about them? Here's why.

Del's ideas are based on what a whole bunch of science professionals say and show. Since you can't show that the professionals are wrong, you go after Del.

Then guess what? Since you can't find much of anything wrong with what I say because it is based on what Del and the professionals say, you simply pick on me.

guess what i did debunk many
such as the New york ER doctor that had no real experience of ICU. but was throwing patients who were alert and talking on ARDS. where by he was thrown off the ward.
yea he pretended that it was 'the protocol' but even a layman with common sense knows not to put someone on ARDS treatment if they are not having respiratory distress.
take for instance if its hypoxia (low blood oxygen) then ECMO treatment would be more suitable
that doctor was just out of his league of experience.

take the other doctor talking about the 12 page guidance for filling out the death certificate.
the video even screenshotted just part of it and in that screen shot it clearly shows that doctors are suppose to list the causes of death by the symptom suffred from closest to death, and work backwards. noting the time between symptom progress and to list as much detail as possible including the tests, scans that form the diagnoses.

yet your ignorance just think doctors write covid on all death certificates.. idiot
even the priliminary death chart shows that the all cause deaths has increased where the amount OF THE INCREASE is purely covid. where other coditions such as 'other pneumonia' and 'otherinfluenza' has not gone down.
it also shows they didnt just bunch all 'flu like illnesses' together because the numbers dont tally
many topics i have corrected you and linked you to thet chart.
the date of 4/4/2020 where 8k died of covid. and sites like worldometer note 8k.. yet all flu like illnesses would be 14k. yet worldometer still said 8k not 14k.. and all cause deaths were 64k but media/worldometer still showed 8k not any of your stupid conspiracy theory numbers

your ignorance is amazing. but it is only working to make you look more like a fool.

by the way. if your class is the special school. thats not for smart people. thats for people below the norm.
but you definitely love riding the special bus not realise what it actually means to be on it
10959  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: FAUCI’S ‘NIAID’ COULD MAKE MILLIONS OFF VACCINE on: May 16, 2020, 03:04:04 PM
Part of my idea is to show people where they are being duped. I don't make any money from doing this, just as Del Bigtree doesn't.

ha ha ha
watch his videos. about him giving flimsy evidence but then says he will link them to more info on a subscription bases if they advertise ICAN

yep he is a CEO of a antivax FOR PROFIT group(ican) which he heavily advertises
if you think he is doing it for free. then your the fool
the reason people debunk you and his scripts because he is not using facts. he is using emotional scripts that poke at peoples soft spots. he is not a medical trained person nor even good at maths. as proven by the previous debunks

bigtree:      'maths says 50-80% of people had corona'
debunk:     no 50 PEOPLE out of 3300, which is 1.5%
fact check: 50 people not percent out of 3300 people not percent
10960  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 16, 2020, 02:38:05 PM
National Library of Medicine
Adverse Health Effects of 5G Mobile Networking Technology Under Real-Life Conditions
5G will affect not only the skin and eyes, as commonly believed, but will have adverse systemic effects as well.

abstract only...... gotta laugh
what you dont realise is that this abstract has not itself done any real life experiment.
its just said that previous studies by others were lab based and so.. the article writer is allowed to speculate whatever they please about real world situation.

thus poking at the science community to fund them so they can do some research

its not about providing proof. its about a money beg to run some tests
and then more money to re run tests.

its like i can say unicorns exist, using flimsy  info like 'well a rhino is a fat unicorn... and ask people to fund me to prove it definitively. i can then waste years doing so. while getting paid
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