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11821  Other / Off-topic / Re: Protect yourself from various covid-19 conspiracy theories on: April 04, 2020, 11:12:19 PM
the part about the face masks has a taint of truth to it,,

the thing is that yes masks if they are of top standard can decrease how much is inhaled when you are near someone.

however wearing a mask causes people who touch things with their hand. to continually be adjusting the mask to be comfy thus smuthering any contaminate on their hand to their face more

if your going to be wearing a face mask. stop touching it so often. treat it as a physical reminder to keep your hands away

i see too many people wear a loose fit mask and be adjusting it every couple minutes. thus defeating the point of the mask

doctors in hospitals scrub their hands and take  sterilised mask. and actually spend good time to make sure it fits comfortably and securely to not be touched again for hours.. before even dare touching random things.

doctors change scrubs(clothing) regularly when they leave an intensive care ward

but if random people in town are grabbing public door handles and then adjusting their mask every 2 minutes.. the mask is actually working against its purpose. because your face is then smuthered with invisible virus

think about it.
if your going to wear one. put it on with fresh clean hands, dont touch anything else. make sure its confy and secure to not need to touch for hours. and then remember. when you go out and about in public ..dont touch your face
11822  Other / Off-topic / Re: Italy data: COVID-19 no more virulent than the flu on: April 04, 2020, 10:59:34 PM
normal flu has a technical known stat called an r0
seasonal flu is about a 1.3 infectious tranmission amount
covid is about 2.6

that means when an average person with seasonal flu who touches say 15 people an average of near 1 of them will get it
where as with corona is more closer to 3 people get it

secondly people can be more infectious within a short time.. thus infectious before they are symptomatic

think of it this way.
if you are going to get seasonal flu. you gets symptoms first and normally stay home in bed. so not pass it on to random people and mainly just your spouse you sleep with

with corona you can pass it on more before you realise your sick

most concerning part is that
even if the numbers are low where they say X% severe.. if you do the maths. that is still alot of population

so its about concern that healthcare facilities just dont have enough ICU beds to get upto 2-3x more sick people. and get them in such rapid succession.. compared to seasonal flu which can have less people and more spaced apart

think about it. if you can infect someone on day 5 of you being infected with seasonal flu.. thats a 5 day gap
but corona is more like infectious in 2 day

so corona
                    DAY 1     DAY 2     DAY 3     DAY 4     DAY 5     DAY 6     DAY 7
fred.. infects               dave         jack       jennie     [fred gets symptoms]
dave infects                 |_                        mary       john       jeff          [dave gets symptoms]
jack infects                                   |_                     joe          frank      pam
jennie infects                                             |_                       alice      bob
mary infects                                               |_                      charles   bruce
john infects                                                            |_                        Dan
joe infects                                                              |_                        Lee

so day 7 there are 17 people so far named

now seasonal flu
fred infects                                                          [gets symptoms]his wife

thats 2 active infections in 7 days
2 vs 17.. seems to me that corona has more risks
11823  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is breaking the law and will be sued by Craig Wright on: April 04, 2020, 10:18:08 PM
Database Regulations law of 1997
"Acts permitted in relation to databases.
d50D.—(1) It is not an infringement of copyright in a database for a person who has a right to use the database or any part of the database,"

MIT give right to everyone

case over CSW loses

11824  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Chinese official numbers are they truly trustworthy? on: April 04, 2020, 10:00:02 PM
europe didnt want to house the middle eastern refugee's and passed them onto the borderlines of non eu countries..

yep the camps at Calais was EU attempt of saying, try and find a way to get on a euro tunnel to the UK because we dont want you
11825  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Corona Pandemy is a gift from God on: April 04, 2020, 09:57:23 PM
making more people need the medical service is not relieving stress on the medical service....

i have come to the conclusion that scorpios aim of this forum is to challenge himself to try finding many ways to slip in the words communism and nazi into as many posts as he can make..
because the rest of the context of his posts have no point to them
11826  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 04, 2020, 09:52:45 PM
oh here now goes megadose badecker again..
i actually would love to see badecker take his megadose silver. just to watch his skin turn blue

by the way MR Megadose
you do realise that most of the sickness and symptoms are in the lungs.. not the blood.. right

so i guess you will be snorting all these megadose chemicals into your airways daily.. rather than ingesting them
11827  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus hoax in Italy on: April 04, 2020, 09:50:36 PM
When everything cools down, most people will realize it was just a case of pneumonia.

amungst a population number getting pneumonia thats more then the healthcare can cope with.
do you understand the situation yet
11828  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 04, 2020, 09:45:53 PM
That's because the whole pandemic is a fake scare. Treat people like you would treat pneumonia. Get back to business like normal.

its obvious that you are oblivious to reality. but one last time
imagine this. because your too afraid to actually realise it.. so just imagine
UK has 4000 ICU beds for people pneumonia

now imagine 65million people
now imagine 1%.... 650k
now imagine from that 650k 80% might be fine.. 14% mild and 6% severe
that 6% severe is 39k

thats 39k needing beds all in one go
thats like having 10 people turn up at hospital and saying to 9 f them to F**k off
again this number you might think is only 0.06%.. but thats 35000 people your telling to just get lost and die
i think if you found out a relative of yours was sick and told by a hospital to just get lost because government implemented the dipstick act of refusing to help .. you would be going mega nuts trying to find some massive conspiracy about the healthcare system

.. well welcome to the situation
have we got your attention yet
11829  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Chinese official numbers are they truly trustworthy? on: April 04, 2020, 06:54:44 PM
i thnk someone fell asleep watching Pro-EU youtube videos and let it sink into his mind as he slept.

kind of a shame to then add racial rhetoric and warcrimes ontop.. that just then makes your point, pointless. and just an empty rant to show off your pro-eu and racist against non eu people
anyway moving on this topic seems to have ended
11830  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 04, 2020, 06:04:22 PM
the problem with looking back and comparing it to bird flu swine flu and sars and mers. and say well its a once every 5-10 year thing..
hospitals will then think cool. holiday next year, all fine and dandy because the past must repeat itself so we must get a break next year because history tells us so
i call that mind set not trend analysis.. but being a trend anal..

looking and studying events as they happen and really getting into it. to find out if immunity from this strain lasta a year. means if everyone got it in spring. dont expect it again in autumn but may expect it next spring
also if immunity is just for this particular strain alone. then if a new strain pops up in autumn. that would be a cycle and then in spring another cycle of the first strain.
however if its global immunity for all sars based and it lasts for 5 years. .. then be more relaxed about booking a holiday next year

the past and origins dont help much.. thats just finger pointing and finding someone bigger than a microbe to be able to punish

11831  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health Professionals and COVID-19 - PROOF on: April 04, 2020, 05:19:04 PM
whether nature or corporate origin..
truth is you dont know if it will happen every year or once a decade..

after all nuclear bombs are not a yearly thing.. it was done once.. and that was it.

what actually is important is finding the best way to cope with something that can put a strain on healthcare. and know how to get people immunised enough to not expect to get sick every month.. and at best not sick every year/ever again from the same thing
11832  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 04, 2020, 04:37:54 PM
This virus either kills you or leaves you with permanent organ damage.  Nobody talks about the health of people who recovered. 

you do have a point. but its just too early into the event to know 100% the after effects.
most people sick in january got released in february and thats only a monthish ago.. so still too early to tell
we a know that things like liver can heal itself. but in many cases corona hits the lung most. so its how much the lungs can clense themself in what time period..
as we all know an active smoker vs a ex-smoker shows some recovery of lung function. and same can be true for corona. but how much and how long.. thats still something that will take a long while

just like it took decades for it to be common of tobacco relationship to cancer
an cannabis link to paranoia. and such
11833  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 04, 2020, 04:32:12 PM
says the guy that just grabs the first conspiracy he finds from some cultish acting group and believes it as being as truthful..
dare you go back and research the computer models to realise the one pretending to be of actual events. doesnt match actual events.
nope you wont dare yourself to research the model.
dare you research how buildings are made.. nope
dare you actually use common sense nope.

you will just say if its wrong then not your fault blame someone else and pretend your innocent and had nothing to do with starting this topic. pretending it was not your theory.. as usual
which is such a loser approach to life.

maybe next time you put a bit of effort into actually researching a new idea /theory you want to post about. and actually have put some intellectual thought into it. an been critical in your methods of research to actually want to find whats real.
but no, i doubt that. you will instead just latch onto the very first conspiracy that entertains you. and spend a week trolling people about it
11834  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus hoax in Italy on: April 04, 2020, 04:25:44 PM

Great informational video, stay safe everyone

the virus, does not itself eat at so much cells that you bleed out.. the virus is not the killer. the virus is the gun
its the respiratory distress that kills people, the immuno response triggers specifically by the virus in question

where the respiratory distress is not a simple symptom of a panic attach or asthma. .. where its show actual now known symptomology that cant be linked to just asthma or just copd or just a gun shot. but from corona known symptoms thn its treated as such

SARS and MERS although they were respiratory distress causing viruses. they also had a sight variant of other symptomology
its the combined symptomology, the combined severity and the incubation period and many other diagnostic things combined with even just a basic viral test that form the ultimate diagnoses..

its not simply, he has the flu, but he bled out from a gun shot.. but heck he has the flu so lets just blame the flu..
doctors do not work like that.

it might have worked like that in december 10th-january 7th.. .. but things have move on since then..
that was the whole point of china waiting until they got definite diagnostic results and proper virus tests done

.. there is right now no quick 2 minute litmus strip of paper that changes colour and is provided at a disposable cost to everyone.. but there actually is proper labs that can properly identify.

right now porton down in the UK have these proper labs and they are doing actual proper tests on a small community nearb. using it as a sandbox to get more stats to have more accuracy to the scope of the situation

but if you think that hospital doctors are just randomly daisy picking who is corona or not .. or over claiming that everyone is.. you are wrong. doctors have a protocol in place. and when you compare it to other hospitals, other countries.. the data stands up..
its not like there is some rogue doctor trin to fudge the numbers hoping for a bonus.

when everything calms down in many many many months.. there will be inquiries and if there have been any malpractices people will lose their jobs. so ofcourse people are not going to go against their medical oath of doing no harm or lie on legal documents and medical records.

and if a doctor did.. well just like how blockchain works.. you can spot the peer with the bad data and easily weed out the contraversial forks
11835  Other / Politics & Society / Re: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7's Collapse on 9/11 on: April 04, 2020, 03:33:00 PM
11836  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 04, 2020, 03:30:40 PM
getting shot. you mainly die from the complexities of the gunshot.. like blood loss..
jumping off a building your most likely die due to symtoms related to organ/bone damage.. like going splat on concrete

its common sense stuff..
however diabetes does not cause acute respiratory distress. neither does many other immuno surpressing conditions.
but people who get corona. and due to being immuno surpressed, will get symptoms of not the underlying condition.. but the acute respiratory distress..

its like having a gun. lethal potential. but depending on the type of bullet thats used can cause different results with the target.
EG a water capsule will cause a wet patch.
EG a potato, will cause mashed spud stain
EG a bullet will cause trauma(damage)

people just throwing a water capsule or potato or a bulet wont cause as much change to the target.

so by knowing that a certain combination of who how and whats involved and also how the end result turns out.
people can actually know the difference between someone with a gunshot wound while mild corona.. dies of blood loss or respiratory distress.. to know the difference

again. in englands case. england is reporting the exact cause of death which is the symptoms of known corona causes of death.
if you want to play around on your conspiracy websites. that other gov departments use other stats.. well thats for you to dig a hole an fall into. but even you have to admit. using your own words.. you cant prove your idea is the truth. so just stop going into the obsurd unresearched, unproductive narrative
11837  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus hoax in Italy on: April 04, 2020, 03:12:55 PM
doctors did not travel back undreds of years and inform the priests to include corona stats in the bible.
infact priests writing the bible were not witness to 'jesus'

however. there are more than 1 doctor per country. .. there are nurses to witness.
the data can then be compared to other data from other hospitals, other towns, other countries.

and if the pattern of data shows correlation where by its not 100% death in one country and 0.01% death in another.. (which obviously would look wrong.. ) .. but instead all the hospitals have patient records, doctors reports, nurses witnessing the events. and where the results of these show the same pattern and similar ~% death. then its obvious that the data is good.

yea data does not include many of the mild symptom receivers that dont enter a hospital.. but to doubt the numbers of those in hospital.. well if you doubt them numbers. then you should definitely be doubting the supplement trials you are highlighting as miracle cures purely on the bases of only 62 case study

now just go away and grow up a little. then do some research
11838  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 04, 2020, 01:13:40 PM
there is good reason why governments are tasking many companies to manufacture ventilators and not tasking herbal shops to hand over their suppliments
11839  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronvirus Easy Cure. on: April 04, 2020, 12:45:02 PM
when someone has been entered by the COVID-19 virus then the vitamin injected is the most effective way to increase the patient's immune system to be able to fight the COVID-19 Virus.

when admitted to hospital due to respiratory distress.. .. oxygen is the most effective thing.
someone that cant breath for 10 minutes=dead.
no matter if you dose them with 20 kilograms of vitamins. it aint gonna do crap you cant bring someone back from the dead

vitamins dont react within minutes.. thats another myth

however if you can keep someone breathing for 14 days. they have better chance to fight it even without any other meds/interventions.

no matter how much lemon water and supplements you take year round. you can still get sick.
you can still pass it onto someone else.
pretending you have the opportunity in hospital when breathless to decline oxygen and be able to get the words out 'give me vitamins'. wont be the case. if you cant breath you cant talk.

if your at home and struggling to breath. your first thoughts and ability would not be to go to your kitchen pantry to dose up on supplements. your thoughts would be on your breathing

so hoping that if you get sick and in hospital you can just happily and casually request random treatments. or demand going to court to demand something wont happen. when your in hospital. the only thing on your mind would be your breathing

yes if your blood oxygen level is sufficent. then many things can reduce/hide symptoms. but pretending anything is the single magic pill that people should megadose on daily just for the sake of wanting to think they are immortal.. is foolish
11840  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Chinese official numbers are they truly trustworthy? on: April 04, 2020, 12:11:17 PM
you do know the nazi's wanted to take over europe and control its laws of all euro countries..
so reality is EU is nazi and brits are the ones that escape the concentration camp to live on in freedom
so using your own racial tones. you would be more accurate in your analogy if you compared brits to jews

but now we are just meandering into racial debates which i have typically seen from you.

ok back to trusting the 'official' numbers of infections vs deaths
just going by UK reporting methods
doctors report to the DHSC department the corona + patients and their symptoms
if they die due to corona based symptomology its reported to DHSC
these stats become what appears in media and on chart sites like worldometer

separately there is a government department. which has been taking data from official death certificates (5days after death registered) and if it even mentions corona+ even if the cause of death was something else. they build their own statistic for corona+ deaths of any cause.. this stat is not the one that is publicly used.

china are similar. they are not just checking death certificates of any random people with corona but not symptomatic of corna symptoms but still class it as a corona death.
thy are taking data directly from hospitals and clinics at the time of the patients diagnoses and symptom change and possible eath due to symptom

the only flimsy bit of data i can possibly think coming out of china that is misleading is:
1. they were not testing as much. but heck most countries were not. unless the patient actually requires hospitalisation
2. sayin the virus wasnt from local transmission recently but imported.
sorry although the patient has a passport. the virus doeesnt.

im not saying any number from any country is 100% fake. or 100% accurate. but in comparison to how other countries data presents. it seems china's stats do tally if you take into account how differently different countries acted around self isolation early or not
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