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12701  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: November 05, 2019, 10:17:24 PM
You must have really been brainwashed by someone in the legal system to be able to so succinctly think that the law is freeman stuff. How in the world do you even live?

im saying YOU are the one using the freeman stuff
dang you directly link the stuff and yet you yourself dont even know what your linking
the people in the podcasts you linked are spouting out freeman stuff and your believing them
i have already shown you the holes in the stuff they said having no relevan to actually proving the no licence stuff works..

heck. its easy to say in conversation out of court that if you dance around like a fairy you might not get jail time but case dismissed due to a plea of insanity. bt even that is not anything that proves you can drive on public highways with a licence and never get in trouble

seriously... you need to take a breather and really have some deeper independant thoughts about the stuff you say and quote

also, a side note
you also say 'if they done this'
again you show no proof of it working. you have no clue if it would work because you have not personally tried it
the other podcasts from karl have not proved it has worked either

many people have ripped apart the freeman stuff years ago. its not new.
your just stuck back 5 years ago where many people were duped by it
and its time you woke up
12702  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: November 05, 2019, 08:13:00 PM
I'll oversimplify and condense the timeline, but basically it's this:
Some gazelles are faster than other gazelles. Say a slow gazelle is 30mph, fast is 40mph, average is 35mph. Now introduce some predators. The gazelles run away. The slower 30mph gazelles get eaten.
yes perfectly true thats called survival of the fittest. thats just one part of evolution. surviving to procreate.
but to speed up evolution some animals get attracted to certain things of other animals.
(emphasis i do not mean humans and zbra's when i say animals and other animals.. dont go starting that tangeant again)
(again for emphasis i mean prehistoric animals that are variant enough differing characteristics but close enough for viable pregnancy)
(again for emphasis pre historic animals had a much closer genepools that cross breding was a little more possible back then)
like a prehistoric duck getting randy with a swan because the big swan can fight and scare off predators with bigger wing span compared to a duck. so swan and duck do the mumbo jumbo and a goose pops out

thus evolution sped up in 1 generation rather than thousands of years
12703  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: November 05, 2019, 08:08:46 PM
Standard breeding is what you are talking about, here. Beyond standard breeding, the offspring doesn't reproduce... not in nature at least. Or do you have proof?


dog breding.
muts and mongrals
different breeds mixing it up

millions of years ago the sapien genepool was closer than it is now where by some dwarf sapiians and some giant sapians could procreate

these days a homo sapien(human) vs a chimp probably couldnt
but certain varients of monkeys still can cross breed

if you belive that only a colly sheep dog can only breed with a colly sheep dog and a labrador can only breed with a labrador.. then i guess you never seen a colly cross labrador.. but millions of them exist
12704  Other / Politics & Society / Re: a society question about vegans on: November 05, 2019, 07:57:56 PM

Hey Frank1
This is a very good question.

There are two type of vegans :

Chicken ?
Hen lay eggs everyday, but not all eggs are fertilized by a rooster.
Not all eggs survive, rodents eat eggs, then small chicks are being eaten by fox and other predators.
And finally, the reason we have millions and milions of hens/chicken is due to heavy farming.

to me there are 2 types non-carnivores..
one vegetarian. doing it more for the healthy eating (no radicalism)
then there is vegan(the radicals) that try drilling it into peoples heads about animal suffering

as for chickens
farmed chickens purposefully keep roosters out of the hen house purposefully to make sure eggs dont fertilise.
but lets say humans have 2 kids in 80 year lifespan
chickens have dozens or more chicks in 10 year life span.
mathematically for a human family to start at 2 and get to 6 takes 60 years.. a chicken can do that in 1 year
so 2-6-36-216.. and its only year 3,not year 30 not year 60.. just year 3

yes natural predators can kill off alot of it naturally but still numbers of population expansion without controls of separating the roosters can quickly escalate things in months/years. not dcades/centuries

for instance media has examples of islands overrun by wild cats and dogs that were left to breed naturally because they were not neutered

imagine the same with cows.. without having a farmer to fense off the bull from getting to the cows.. alot more cows breeding will occur
12705  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: November 05, 2019, 06:37:49 PM
a monkey didnt just ovulate a human
a monkey was raped by anothr animal and a mutation was born which through a process of cross breeding multiple times became a Neanderthal
No. Broadly speaking, different species can't interbreed. I can't breed with a zebra and create a weird zebra-man.
Monkeys bred with monkeys. Natural selection over billions of years created those monkeys from single celled organisms. Monkey isn't an end state. It just seems to be a fixed state from a human timescale. Human is not a fixed state. Everything is evolving right now, just very very very slowly from generation to generation.

(do you not know how many varients of 'monkey' there are?)
Yes, different fits to different circumstances. Monkeys, apes as well. All still evolving. On a more measureable timescale, the human jaw is a good example. It has been shrinking since we started to cook food. Because natural selection no longer favours a hugely strong jaw.
i never said human and zebra. i said monkey and animal.
take for instance a gorilla and a smaller ape. where the species divide was wide enough to cause a noticable variant mutant offspring but close enough species divide to have a viable pregnancy
and i said over many cross breedings.. (just like how dogs got mix bred into new breeds)
it wasnt just ape+ape single species generational evolution, there was also some mix breeding and survival of the fittest.
because if it was just ape+ape evolution without cross breeding then that other posters saying why are there still apes would have a valid question.
in short
it was cross breeding that bilaterally forked the species chain and created 2 altcoins

Animals from different species cannot interbreed, by definition.

Only animals with very slight genetic differences can interbreed and produce a viable offspring.

That is why you cannot breed chimpanzees with humans and expect a viable offspring, despite the fact that we share 99% of the DNA.

Even between humans if the genetics of the parents are not quite right, children will be born with deformities, retardation, unable to pass their genes to the next generation.  Never mind breeding between animals with much greater genetic differences.

Learn how the speciation works.  It is not as simple as wham bam thank you, ma'am.

dang both you and styca both didnt read a dang thing
lets repeat it just for you to save another post

take for instance a gorilla and a smaller ape. where the species divide was wide enough to cause a noticable variant mutant offspring but close enough species divide to have a viable pregnancy
and i said over many cross breedings.. (just like how dogs got mix bred into new breeds)

heck lets repeat it again
take for instance a gorilla and a smaller ape. where the species divide was wide enough to cause a noticable variant mutant offspring but close enough species divide to have a viable pregnancy
and i said over many cross breedings.. (just like how dogs got mix bred into new breeds)

now you read it 3 times you should have understood
where the species divide was wide enough to cause a noticable variant  but close enough species divide to have a viable pregnancy
and i said over many cross breedings.. (just like how dogs got mix bred into new breeds)

let me emphasise a good comparison
just like how dogs got mix bred into new breeds
again like i said..
wait let me make it bold for both of you
close enough species divide to have a viable pregnancy

i never said gorrilla and zebra or human and chimp..
what some of you have to understand is millions of years ago there were less varients available as the millions of years ago preceeded todays mega variant of nature. so whatever 'gorilla' and 'smaller ape' of the time millions of years ago would have had a closers species divide than the varients we have in modern times

hope that clears the matter up
12706  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: November 05, 2019, 06:04:26 PM
a monkey didnt just ovulate a human
a monkey was raped by anothr animal and a mutation was born which through a process of cross breeding multiple times became a Neanderthal
No. Broadly speaking, different species can't interbreed. I can't breed with a zebra and create a weird zebra-man.
Monkeys bred with monkeys. Natural selection over billions of years created those monkeys from single celled organisms. Monkey isn't an end state. It just seems to be a fixed state from a human timescale. Human is not a fixed state. Everything is evolving right now, just very very very slowly from generation to generation.

(do you not know how many varients of 'monkey' there are?)
Yes, different fits to different circumstances. Monkeys, apes as well. All still evolving. On a more measureable timescale, the human jaw is a good example. It has been shrinking since we started to cook food. Because natural selection no longer favours a hugely strong jaw.
i never said human and zebra. i said monkey and animal.
take for instance a gorilla and a smaller ape. where the species divide was wide enough to cause a noticable variant mutant offspring but close enough species divide to have a viable pregnancy
and i said over many cross breedings.. (just like how dogs got mix bred into new breeds)
it wasnt just ape+ape single species generational evolution, there was also some mix breeding and survival of the fittest.
because if it was just ape+ape evolution without cross breeding then that other posters saying why are there still apes would have a valid question.
in short
it was cross breeding that bilaterally forked the species chain and created 2 altcoins
12707  Other / Politics & Society / Re: a society question about vegans on: November 05, 2019, 05:42:31 PM
Personally my concern with domesticated species is that, well, they are domesticated. Sheep for example would grow massive mass of wool if unshorn. Cows are just plain dumb and we bred them that way, same goes for other livestock.

imagine cows breeding uncontrolled, unvaccinated.. all the 'foot and mouth' virus stuff. then imagine a heard stampeding down your street
(imagine a lion king/jumanji scenes of stampedes, but happening in your very street)
just imagine how much damage a cow can do to a car if it was running down a side street and got hit by a car.
are we to just pull the carcus to the roadside and leave it like most people do with dead cats, rabbits, badgers, foxes and pheasants when they get run over.

first of all. as humans we are natural predators on the food chain. we do however kill our feed more quickly, precisely and humanely than say a shark does or a eagle

(take below paragraph with some humour)
separate thoughts
would laws change where they give all animals the same basic life rights as humans. meaning even the insect that eats at a cabbage gets to do so and cause it to rot and be larvee and disease infested
would it be declared murder and a prisonable offence of life in prison for hitting a wild cow that you try to avoid but the cow has other idea's
how about if predetor animals killed other animals. because technically we humans are predators to cows. if a hawk kills a mouse do we then lock up the hawk

funny thing is that vegans will start to come around to the 'its ok if predators kill their feed'.. which brings me back to the point about humans being predators

the problems i see with these new 'trends' of lifestyle choices is that people never really do the research. they just see some emotional youtube video and then start acting and repeating the exact same stance as their inspiration. without going into the deeper thought
12708  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: wrote a paper about the convergence of bitcoin toward the stock-to-flow model on: November 05, 2019, 02:19:45 PM
just reading the first bit.. a few holes in the methodology

1. the 'readily available quantity of a thing to the annual rate of the production of that thing'

firstly. most mining(production) dont immediately end up in 'readily available'

lets make it real simple
circulation is 18m~
readily available is 1.5m(varies alot as this is the coins in exchanges)
production is ~655k a year

so based on s/f out of 2.155mill coins of readily available and production its at this moment
~70% exchange available 30% production
im gonna be lazy and round it off 2:1(1.5m:0.65m)

2. market price is and has never been based on the supply of all coins in circulation. but just on the supply demand in an exchange. so its not about a 18m:0.65m ratio

3. the 0.65m mined this year wont end up all adding to the 1.5m exchange hoard.. instead it is part of the 18m circulation with an unknown amount EITHER being hoarded privately OR put into an exchange.

the issue is thinking that S:F is a safe ratio long term is wrong. this is because
while you falsely believe that the 1.5m:0.65m means at any year it can only become 2.1m:0.65m and following year 2.75m:0.65
it cant
did you know tomorrow satoshiN could dump 1million coins in one go, just him alone.. far far more than production. and thus.. cause a bigger price dump than imaginable bringing next year to 3.15m:0.65m and thats before even thinking about the other 15million hoarded by people not playing on exchanges
imagine if everyone sold tomorrow
1.5m:0.655 turns into 18m:0.655 overnight

.. i try reading the rest and continue if i see other flaws in your thinking
emphasis though. the price is not based on the 18m circ.. but on the 1.5m exchange supply available easily to b bought or sold at a price
12709  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin on Stock Exchange (Is Adoption Directly Proportional to Market Volume?) on: November 05, 2019, 02:01:55 PM
For me, if there will surely be more market adoption through this, the market volume of bitcoin will surely increase, as high demand for bitcoin will induce hodlers to sell in a higher price. Thus, making an assumption for my theory that Bitcoin Adoption is Proportional to Market Volume.

i disagree
1. at the moment the public bitcoin exchange only hold about 1.5mill coins combined(10%)
this could be 1.5million adopters owning 1 coin, it could be 15million adopters owning 0.1coin or it can b 150k adopters owning 10coin

2. with 16mill ccoins not on public exchanges these can be 1 person owning a million coins(satoshiN) or 1.6billion people owning 0.01coin each...

3. also most of these international stock exchanges are not trading actual bitcoins but shares of bitcoin. imagine a for instance an ETF where 1 coin is 100 shares... thats upto 100 adopters per coin. or 1 person.. however without changing the amount of coin hoarded by an ETF, the ETF could do a share dilution process whereby they change the shares to be 100000shares per coin. again this can be 100,000 people per coin or 1 person

so bitcoin adoption not being related to how many coins are available as it can vary.. means that the price cannot be linked to adoption
12710  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What are the advantages and disadvantages of BTC/LN and BSV? on: November 05, 2019, 01:50:19 PM
LN is a complete separate network which any coin can use if they have the right coin locking mechanisms.

it is not separate in the way that you think it is. lightning network is completely tied with bitcoin network and relies completely on it. without bitcoin, there is no LN.

and if we start calling anything that altcoins copy a "separate thing" then almost everything that bitcoin has ever done doesn't belong to bitcoin and is separate since they have copied everything!

LN would exist.. even fanboy doomad proved that by saying how it works with testnets litecoin and other coins too. LN does not require bitcoin to function...
12711  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What are the advantages and disadvantages of BTC/LN and BSV? on: November 05, 2019, 01:48:36 PM
The "Lighting Network" is a set of rules built on top of Bitcoin' Blockchain and was first introduced in 2015. It's designed to handle micro transactions. "Bitcoin" is considered a layer 1 protocol and "Bitcoin LN" (lighting Network) is considered a layer 2 protocol.

LN is a complete separate network which any coin can use if they have the right coin locking mechanisms.

Just because it can be built on top of multiple blockchains, it doesn't suddenly mean what chaoscoinz posted is wrong.

So yes, the Lighting Network absolutely is a set of rules built on top of Bitcoin's blockchain AND Litecoin's blockchain AND Vertcoin's blockchain, etc.

but you and your chums love to define it as a purely bitcoin feature and a layer of bitcoin. rather than a separate network used for multiple cryptos

the differnce in the wording is about how much hype and stuff..
EG people think it will add more utility to bitcoin alone which other coins wont get.. bu the truth is other coins can too.
also its not based on bitcoins rules
bitcoin is based on blockchain rules. LN has no blockchain
LN is different
by trying to make it sound like LN is "bitcoin" is like making it sound like peoples funds are by defacto just as safe as blockchain funds.. but they are not.

people need to know the realities of it. just like id never call bitfinex a 'bitcoin layer'
12712  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: November 05, 2019, 12:36:11 PM
yes that's a trick that exists in this century but still believed by some people, if monkeys ovulate to be human why until now I have never heard of monkeys being human.

a monkey didnt just ovulate a human
a monkey was raped by anothr animal and a mutation was born which through a process of cross breeding multiple times became a Neanderthal
(do you not know how many varients of 'monkey' there are?)
the neanderphal had higher thyroid function(gland inside the throat which some people distinguish as the 'adams' apple)
this increased the metabolism and the ability to think more than the predecessors thus they got smarter and learned to hunt better than monkeys.
so while monkys stayed in tree's and now became aware of the risk of other animal rape/cross breeding. they stayed out of the way.. while the homosapiens took to the ground and walked and fought off any attackers
with the homosapiens more cross breading and variants occured, some lived, some died. thats the whole natural strongest and fittest survive and thrive stuff

millions of years later people started to wonder about evolution. so people started talking around camp fires about how things began. and insights about the difference between monkey thyroid and human thyroid became a story about an apple that was given to a human. and he shared it with another human of similar mutation/evolution level(dna) which became a story about ribs being exchanged. just because language at the time didnt have words for explaining how two people had similar dna and such.

these camp fire stories then spread from clan/colony to colony and each tweaked the story a little more trying to in one way understand the science and in other ways create a emotional, provocative story to entertain. whilst both still not have the language to be the 'sciency' version

those clans that used the story as a moral guide of whats right/wrong. and a story of warning to not be nosey and walk off down dark paths, let them not fall into dangerous situations of harm. thus they survived because of these stories. the stories then expanded to tell other moral rules people should follow.
like no same sex love and no sodemy as it made them sick (yes aids existed back then(though they didnt have a name for it), but due to these stories of warning, it became near non existant and not talked about once the stories scared people off from doing same sex stuff)

and thus eventually it became a religion but where the stories were a wishy washy mess of twists to previous versions of it and misunderstandings. because back then they couldnt write. so their stories were just word of mouth and vague memory of a story they hear as a kid, who heard it from someone who heard it as a kid
but people used it as their rule of law and morals
12713  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: After 3 months of Litecoin halving, its hash rate is lowered more than 60% on: November 05, 2019, 11:41:41 AM
this is because the litecoin miners are 60% 'retail price sold'
by this it means 60% are hobbiests mining from home.

the wholesale priced miners(mining farms) continue to mine because they can afford to continue.. their costs are way way below $45 a coin so they can afford it.
but the hobbiests couldnt. their costs are higher(which was the junes 'demand' pump of ~$56 to try compensating to cover hobbists)

basically the hobbiests stopped mining when the ~$56 could not be sustained to cover mining costs and so they started buying the coin below $50 coz it was cheaper that way to obtain coin.
this leaves the 40% of farms now getting 100% of the reward. thus instead of farms only getting ~5 coin a block of the 12.5 reward due to only having 40% share of the network.. they get 100% meaning 12.5 coins a block. thus while the price per coins remains around the $40-$60 range they are getting $560(100% of 12.5) instead of $230(40% of 12.5) for doing the same work. all because the competition ran off

yp those remaining mining although the rward dropped, although the price didnt rise.. those remaining miners still make more due to hobbiests not making a profit an giving up too early
12714  Other / Politics & Society / a society question about vegans on: November 05, 2019, 11:16:43 AM
ok so the vegans dont like killing or harming of animals

so my question is. what would society look like if we did go full on hippy and not kill harm, cage, trap animals?
meaning no farms, no vets(who gonna pay the bill), no slaughter, no culling, no pest control. just leaving animals to roam free

take human population. each generation is ~20 years and most couples have ~2 kids as replacements for them.
obviously the parents have more than 20 years to live. so 2 become 4 become 6 (grandparents die4, great grandkids born6) become 6again become 8 and so on.. which as we all know causes over population in millenias from caveman times to the future

so with chickens that lay eggs far faster and in more quantity
with dogs an cats having litters of multiple offspring.

obviously with no boundaries no 'cullings' no organised killing and just left to be wild and die naturally.. and breed naturally do vegans actually realise the consequences of wanting to get rid of farming.

do vegans actually know what happens to animals if not taken care of
alot of media has provoked the attention of asian countries 'burning dogs' but what they dont address is the overpopulation of dogs due to the previous era of not controlling the population and allowing dogs to roam free.. in essense the 'roam free, live free' philosophy of groups that vegans pretend to now be before vegan was ven a word. are the very reason for the cause of such provocative media stories recently

in my view the native indians had it right. kill what you need, use every piece of what you kill and respect and control nature around you.

i would love to see vegans reaction if they were suddenly charged a farm tax to look after a cow for a full long life, cover all the vet bills, feed, cremation and such. but where the vegan doesnt get any 'product' out of the extra charge

my main point being
when looking at the damage things like british badgers/foxes.. american coyotes, racoons, australian possums and world wide rats. what would the damage be like if it was ruled out to not slaughter, not cull, not treat them as rodents/pests
12715  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: November 05, 2019, 10:44:21 AM
as styca explains
but to go into more detail

a goose has not been a goose all its ancestry.
at one point a swan and a duck made sweet love and produced an ugly offspring.. that offspring was named a goose

the whole chicken and egg thing
ofcourse the egg came first
before the egg was some small raptor like dinosaur bird that made sweet love to another bird like creature and produced the egg that became the chicken

as for human evolution.
well you just have to look at incestual hillbillies. if members of the same immediate family 'get it on' the offspring is gonna appear dang ugly ad mutated in view of what is the norm of visuals of what the parents would look like. but that offspring could then become the next evolution

also when a gorilla rapes a dolphin you might end up with this guy

basically. unless your an identical clone of your parent. you are an evolved version of them because your different then them. and thats how evolution works
12716  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hasty "Burial At Sea" & Other Baghdadi Raid Details Eerily Parallel To Bin Laden on: November 05, 2019, 10:30:14 AM
Thing is none of us can really confirm if this is true or not. Until they release video evidence, I ain't taking this seriously. For all we know he could still be hiding somewhere.

Terrorism is a good business. But this stupid president instead of finding new fields to engage is trying to withdraw US troops from every parts of the world which would have a negative effect on the multi billion dollars economy. But don't you worry, US would soon find a new president a couple of other terrorists.

LOL. I actually found it funny that they are criticizing him for withdrawing troops. I thought these people wanted "peace".

1. if h was still in hiding and free he would still be organising attacks and making videos. so th US definetly got him to even attempt to say he no longer is leading the nutcase radicals. .. whether he is dead or whether he is in some us controlled prison is unsure. obviously if alive an in prison eventually someone could leak it is a risk. so again US military strategy would only make a statement of game over he dead if he was actually dead.
so my opinion is he is dead. or they have the body of the wrong guy that just happen to be wearing underwear with the leaders dna on it.

2.withdrawing troops aint the end of the saga. now the politicians and lawyers come in and battle it out around a table with their weapons being paper and pen. the criticism is whether the troop removal is timed safely enough to allow the politicians and lawyers to do their job now peacefully without fear of death/attack.
this is where usually us troops are swapped with 'private contractors' and security personell
12717  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hoax is a hoax on: November 05, 2019, 10:02:11 AM
ISIS was a hoax, the American created the group to further destroy the bond between Qatar and Saudi Arabia. they planned it from the start and they are successful to destroy the bond between these two huge Arab nations. After that, they come up with the news of killing the ISIS leader for some funny reasons. They said: they execute the mission after they confirm the leader's DNA via his underwear. can you believe this? this is the funniest hoax I've ever heard, I mean come on man, can you come up with some good explanations to make us believe.  

Same sentiments. I am really confused with  the videos released about ISIS with their hostage some time ago. It looks awkwardly fake. Any thoughts?

my sentiment is that some atrocities did occur people did die, buildings were destroyed and such.
although there was before isis alot of radicals who were angry about the abuses they received due to the many wars of the ottoman era all the way through to the gulf wars (1900-2000)
but after the millenium. the organisation and formalisation of all the radicals became a planned group.
funny part is in the UK a few years back there was news of stuff happening in the middle east. they had someone that was so called high up in the rankings who was organising attacks and doing propaganda stuff to recruit radicals..
the guy was a british. went to british schools and colleges and had business management skills due to his university degree.

so his particular 'cell' was of british management as h was nicknamed because he and a few other british based leaders were given the tag the beatles and h was called jihadi john.

so t me if it wasnt for the management/formalisation of the cults of radicals.. the radicals as independant nut cases would have just been angry armchair activists that their ancestors got hurt. and less recent events would have occured without the formalisation of the group(s)

so. in summary
dead or secretly alive being questioned in Guantanamo style prison.. doesnt matter. as long as there is no/less leaders organising the radicals. then great.
so unless a vido surfaces that shows h is alive and organising more attacks, it just doesnt matter
12718  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: November 05, 2019, 09:25:44 AM
as my last post shows.
i cannot believe that BD after just listening to 5 minutes of his 192 jessica no plate 10 years story.. actually thought the podcast still had merit.
i cannot believe after the first 40 minutes BD still believed the podcast was about freedom to travel using a vehicle on a public highway, contained any substance of lawful or legal evidence of such

he really needs to take off his freeman religious cloak off and put a critical, independant thinking cap on.
12719  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: November 05, 2019, 08:39:44 AM
ok lets atleast rips some more holes in BD's scripts.. oops i mean his sources. but more like sauces

Episode 192 - Jessica Love's experiences on Traveling without License, Tags or Plates for 10 years
jessica driving without tags, plates for 10 years?
wait... her introduction to the call was that she had montana plates which she was using on a vehicle and then a Subaru AFTER 2011
...... so the 10year no plate stuff... that is busted in just the first 5 minutes of the podcast
should i even bother to go on... and listen to the rest

ok, i cant help myself.. lets rip more holes
so she thought she was getting case dismissed due to freedom to travel. but got first case dismissed because she wasnt on the public highway, she was on a private carpark

second car stop. she got ticketed even after her huff and puff. she also spend a few days in jail for it.

third car stop for broken tail light. she got handcuffed.. her tactic this time was to try playing the sympathy card about how her life is crappy and not worth being punished for a $5 lightbulb
she took a deal where she was not a 3rd time traffic charge offender, by agreeing to a minor charge for the resisting arrest..
this was about playing the sympathy card not about free travel using a vehicle on a highway

so the first 28 minutes of the podcast have no proof of freedom to travel in a vehicle on a highway
should i bother to continue

ok lets try a bit more.. by minute 31 a guy is advising what to say.. but then says he has never tried it himself, and jessica also agrees she hasnt tried either but they both say it should work... (facepalm)

dang. im still hooked on picking holes
so by minut 39. the guy talking to jessica starts to then talk about right to consciousness and religion and then says that its that law that got jessica to be able to walk out of court....

um no. jessica already said she got fined. so it wasnt a victory of no punishment freedom
dang are people really this dumb to forget something said just 15 minutes prior in the exact same podcast, purely because the latter thing they hear sounds like something positive.
the funny part is the guy nor jessica ven used a right to conscious argument in courts. but were just talking about it weeks later in a phonecall.. thus had no  bearing on the case(s) themselves

its like i could be in court. arrested put in jail for a few days, made to pay a fine.. and then i get set free... 2 weeks later i have a phoncall and say 'yay i walked out 2 weeks ago as a free person'.. and people just hear the 'yay i walked out 2 weeks ago as a free person' part
12720  Other / Politics & Society / Re: POPULATION on: November 05, 2019, 01:21:05 AM
quick note on the plastic bag thing

the plastic is not a product in itself. its a bi product of the oil->fuel business
whilst people still use and demand car fuel there will always be more plastic being produced.
by creating bags atleast the bi-product of fuel is not going straight to landfill as a waste of fuel production facilities. so if you have plastic bags, use them, reuse them but do not expect to irradicate plastic ending up in landfill.

this is because 'biodegradable' plastic bags is made up of less plastic and more other stuff. meaning a surplus of plastic that would have been used now doesnt so it will just get landfilled at source as a waste of car fuel production.

what people should do is use plastic bags and then find new purposes for them such as an art material

imagine plastic bags were never made and we always used paper sacks.
th bi-product residue from making car fuel would become the car fuel industries 'carbon footprint' but by passing the bi-product on to a plastic bag factory, it then eventually becomes a general publics carbon footprint and we get the blame for not reusing. finding purpose or disposing of the bi-product safely.
an ingenius plan that was by the way

much like sugar.. pepsi puts sugar in bottles to intice peoples sweet tooth
no pepsi buying customer themselves manually adds sugar themselves to the drink...
but yet obesity and diabeties become the fault of the patient not the pepsi company. all because pepsi didnt use force in ramming sugar down peoples throats

oops i digressed
plastic bag 'biodegradable' does not mean it becomes compost that can be used to enrich soils for plant growth.. it just means after a few decades it falls apart into smaller micro plastic pieces. meaning it still contaminates the land... but just as microbeads instead of sitting as a single object
in short. if it too small to see you falsly believe it doesnt exist

or to visually illustrate it. if you have a box of seeds and then spread those seeds soo widely across a field that you falsely believe the box of seeds miraculously biodegraded.. truth is the seeds then still affect the land they seed into.. just not in a small area space of just the footprint of a box
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