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14981  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Pope Bitcoin? Pope Francis urges global leaders to end 'tyranny' of money... on: May 19, 2013, 05:30:59 AM
I am fine with the pope preaching for the rich to help the poor. I am glad that the Catholic church is taking a leading role in this. It should be voluntary charities and religions that help the poor. Not the government via force.

Ron Paul always spoke of his early days in medicine which I believe was a church hospital that charged very little to those that could not afford it. That is how health care should work.

The guy's comments are exactly, perfectly accurate when viewed through the lens of capitalism, politics, greed, envy, socialism, and corruption AS HE SAW IT HAPPENING IN ARGENTINA.

And that's a perfect example of "Failure IS an option" from most points of view.  Their money failed, they failed at capitalism, they failed at socialism. 

So don't take his comments literally to apply to you, me or other places and situations.
14982  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 18, 2013, 06:07:05 PM
UPDATE: (May 18 2013)

The woman whose question prompted a top Internal Revenue Service official to admit the agency was inappropriately targeting conservative groups says she was contacted prior to the event that elicited the admission and was directed to ask the question.
Celia Roady, a prominent tax lawyer in the firm of Morgan Lewis, said she was called personally by Lois Lerner, the IRS head of the tax exempt division, on May 9.

"I received a call from Lois Lerner, who told me that she wanted to address an issue after her prepared remarks at the [American Bar Association] Tax Section's Exempt Organizations Committee Meeting, and asked if I would pose a question to her after her remarks," Roady said in a statement to U.S. News and World Report. "I agreed to do so, and she then gave me the question that I asked at the meeting the next day. We had no discussion thereafter on the topic of the question, nor had we spoken about any of this before I received her call. She did not tell me, and I did not know, how she would answer the question."

run, rats, run!!!
14983  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 18, 2013, 04:35:04 AM
The rot actually stems from Wall Street and their buying of Washington.

You're blaming the businesses for the fact that it's cheaper to buy a politician than it is to compete in a free market?

No, the businesses buy the politicians to setup the regulations so they don't actually have to compete in a free market. Tax loopholes for them. Tax hikes for everyone else. They pay a fine. Everyone else goes to jail. It's a rigged system and both corporations and government are to blame since they have become one and the same.
While I certainly don't disagree with that last point, corporations and government definitely have mostly merged (it's not quite the United States of Monsanto, yet), who do we blame? The businessmen who simply are looking for the most economical way to stay in business, or the politicians who sell out cheap (and created the corporation to begin with)?

Strike the root, not the branches.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.

Move along now.
14984  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 17, 2013, 10:36:45 PM

Damn.  What?  Your area hasn't been taken over yet?  Get with the program.


lol La revolución de Bolívar se acaba llegando a la América rural.
Naw.  Here the rot emanates from Washington, DC (District of Criminals).

And the revolution of Bolivar....didn't you guys have to try to put over on the sheeple the "Bolviar Fuerte"?

Hahahaha....surrreee, buddy.  Strong money, based on a communist.
14985  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Banned Books in the US?? There may be at least one... on: May 17, 2013, 01:15:44 PM
The Federal Mafia


But here is the pdf

Is there any truth to that book? Has anyone ever tried just declining to file or pay for taxes, and ignore the IRS when they try to investigate and collect later? How many people tried and went to federal prison?
I think Irwin Schiff is in prison for this.  To my knowledge the book isn't "banned", though.  A while back, if I recall correctly, Peter Schiff was giving copies away on some promotion.
14986  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama was the best thing that ever happened to the USA in a long time... on: May 17, 2013, 04:09:55 AM

spending, spending, spending, regulation, spending, spending...
Well, now.

That about sums it up.

"Give them bread and circuses!"
14987  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Schumer: It’s time to go after the 3-D printable guns on: May 17, 2013, 02:57:39 AM
I just want a printer that can print more printers.

It's like having unlimited wishes, except you have to pay for the materials involved Tongue
Actually, a large number of the parts can be replicated, then you buy some stuff that ought to be bought rather than made, and put one together. 

For example, highly polished stainless steel rods and brass sintered bearings ought to be bought, instead of inferior substitutes made.  The stepper motors, threaded rods, limit sensors, sd card reader, and the little computer are going to be bought, not made.  There isn't anything complicated about the plastic extruder style 3d printers.
14988  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 17, 2013, 02:42:13 AM

Damn.  What?  Your area hasn't been taken over yet?  Get with the program.

14989  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 17, 2013, 01:00:58 AM
I'm by no means a conservative. But This is so wrong. Someone needs to take a big fall for this. Saying that it was not political is just not credible.  Shame on the IRS.
Y aqui que tenemos...

Donde estamos corriendo?
Esto es malo para todos los grupos. Creo que la fiesta del té tiene un reclamo legítimo.
cierto, pero solamente ahora que hablando de eta.....
14990  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 17, 2013, 12:58:24 AM
I mean, we've got the IRS thing, the AP thing, the Fast and Furious thing, Bengazi. 

What the FUCK???

There's definitely an issue with the IRS thing and the AP thing. And even with the drone thing, the VA thing, the Guantanamo thing, the war in Afghanistan thing, etc. But there's nothing there regarding Fast and Furious and Bengazi. Take a peek outside foxnewsiverse.

The Bengazi thing is not being covered for one simple reason. It would tarnish the next Democrat in line for PotUS... that is Billery.

hillary who???

I think she just another fat ass bitching skank now.
14991  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Schumer: It’s time to go after the 3-D printable guns on: May 16, 2013, 09:32:57 PM

In the words of The Pirate Bay, "Bring it."

Laws are just words on paper. Enforcement is a lot harder, and these things can build themselves.

What's all this about 3d printing pistols and small stuff.  Why not think big.  Like, really big.  The printer doesn't care.'star+wars+walker'&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS489US489&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=RVCVUe_YDJLqqAH21YCwBQ&ved=0CGsQsAQ&biw=1367&bih=680
14992  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Schumer: It’s time to go after the 3-D printable guns on: May 16, 2013, 05:00:53 PM
How does one regulate a home-made RepRap? Someone should make a LOTR-themed quickmeme about this.
Ask, and ye shall receive.

Wait, so we can print bongs on demand, our choice of shape and size now?

Yeee HAW!!!
14993  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 16, 2013, 04:58:05 PM
I'm by no means a conservative. But This is so wrong. Someone needs to take a big fall for this. Saying that it was not political is just not credible.  Shame on the IRS.
Y aqui que tenemos...

Donde estamos corriendo?
14994  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 16, 2013, 04:18:53 PM
So is this really a "conservative vs less-conservative" issue as some in the thread imply or is the larger issue about waste, fraud and abuse in government generally?  'Cause God knows conservative groups in America are gonna ride this all the way through the next election cycle as if no conservative-run government has ever done the same sorts of things.  Outrage about this specific incident should be more broadly directed otherwise it's just more of the same partisan crap.

Following the wise advice to never fight your enemy when he's engaged in shooting himself in the foot, I don't think any particular work is in order.  Maybe except fixing a big heap of popcorn.  An extra large biggie supply, dripping with real butter and high in salt.  Then it's time to watch the circus.

The problem with useful idiots is of course that they are, well,....


I mean, we've got the IRS thing, the AP thing, the Fast and Furious thing, Bengazi. 

What the FUCK???
14995  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Schumer: It’s time to go after the 3-D printable guns on: May 16, 2013, 12:17:20 PM
I still think the point of the Liberator being all plastic was more for show, to demonstrate that you could make an entire gun just from the 3D printer. If, or rather when, this gets picked up by other developers who start tweaking it, I wouldn't be surprised if a "useful" mass production version of it will be full of easy to find store-bought parts. I'm still curious how much more effective and safe this gun would be if the barrel was designed to hold and reinforce a hollow, cheap aluminum rod, for instance.
Terribly unsafe, since AL (1) softens when heated above a couple hundred F and loses most of it's strength (2) work hardens when repeatedly stressed.  So the end of the barrel which got the heat, softened, and the end that got the stress, split apart.  

Like I said, the way this should work can be understood as follows.  Suppose you own a shooting range in a locality that allows such things.  Someone walks in and wants to shoot one of these things.  What do you do?

The problem with this scenario, of the plastic gun is simply that there may be a legitimate public safety concern over it's production.  By contrast, I mentioned the Anti_Al_Gore 3d printed showerhead.  That is obviously contrary to the federal law governing max flow from a shower, but it isn't going to maim or kill anyone. 

Keep in mind that other 3d printers certainly do print in metal, many types of metal.  Those are more expensive units and will likely not be in everybody's garage.  But that's no different than computer printers.  There has always been a market for home printers, a separate market for business printers and service bureaus which handle the specialized jobs for anyone who needs them done.
14996  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 16, 2013, 11:31:39 AM
I work in government, and if the politics here is any indication of the system as a whole, I can tell you that the bureaucracy is extremely well set up to spread or shift blame. No one is responsible for anything other than their little piece of work, which is dependent on someone else's work. If you screw up, it's always the fault of 10+ other people that either didn't provide you the information in time, or didn't provide the correct information. "It's not my job" is the rule around here. So, with years of practice of shifting and diverting blame for things, I seriously doubt anyone will be finger as having sole responsibility. The most you could get out of a situation like that is someone at the top stepping down for whatever reason, even if they themselves had nothing to do with it either (though you could blame them for having a lack of oversight, as mentioned, it's impossible to see who did what here).
Again, I'd just note that this is currently a criminal investigation.  That says a lot.  That means it's already moved out of the "business as usual" category.

So, who went to jail when IRS targeted Martin Luther King? Or for having them audit Paula Jones under Clinton? Or when they targeted John Birch Society under Kennedy? Or the slew of political opponents under Nixon and a slew of liberal organizations and churches under G W Bush? It's as if this is a new thing.

Since this has started back in 2010, I'm going to put on my tinfoil hat ...
Well, that you did....
14997  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IRS APOLOGIZES FOR TARGETING CONSERVATIVE GROUPS on: May 16, 2013, 01:19:14 AM
I work in government, and if the politics here is any indication of the system as a whole, I can tell you that the bureaucracy is extremely well set up to spread or shift blame. No one is responsible for anything other than their little piece of work, which is dependent on someone else's work. If you screw up, it's always the fault of 10+ other people that either didn't provide you the information in time, or didn't provide the correct information. "It's not my job" is the rule around here. So, with years of practice of shifting and diverting blame for things, I seriously doubt anyone will be finger as having sole responsibility. The most you could get out of a situation like that is someone at the top stepping down for whatever reason, even if they themselves had nothing to do with it either (though you could blame them for having a lack of oversight, as mentioned, it's impossible to see who did what here).
Again, I'd just note that this is currently a criminal investigation.  That says a lot.  That means it's already moved out of the "business as usual" category.

14998  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Schumer: It’s time to go after the 3-D printable guns on: May 16, 2013, 01:12:23 AM
Nothing to be considered easy or reliable....

Easy? Yes. Safe? Not really. Reliable? Hell no. And yeah, the best you're going to get is about the size and power of a very large bottle rocket. But I could make one in an afternoon, using cheap and easily available parts.

As for the safety and reliability of the printed gun, I've seen at least one picture with a scorched and broken frame, so they do fail eventually. It's not meant to be a target pistol. Cheesy
You miss the central issue in alleging capability, with risk.  The issue is that correctly engineered and field tested items and equipment have plans, and those plans can in many cases, be used to produce said item on a home 3d printer.  This is engineering, not guessing.  For example, if a item is to be made from one plastic and another was originally used (say we use ABS on the 3d unit, but it was originally Delrin) that is something that requires study and calculations.  Same for substitution of a plastic part for metal, etc.

ONE mistake is too many.  Let's not go down the wrong road here.  Check the bolded sentence above and remember we are very early in the popularization of this technology...
14999  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Schumer: It’s time to go after the 3-D printable guns on: May 16, 2013, 01:08:08 AM
Nothing to be considered easy or reliable, amateurs have been struggling with various issues on rocket motors and so forth for decades.  And the rpg or "bazooka" is far more specialized and dangerous to the operator.  No one should ever try to do that with anything home made.  Actual equipment, before the rocket even begins to leave the sleeve, the burn is over.  If not, it's right in your face...

That's why you find a way to remotely set it off so it doesn't blow up in your face.

"A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode."
--Astronautics Magazine, 1937

Wise words Tongue
Yep, that's about right.  I've seen amateur rockets explode.  From a mile away, and I thought that was just about the right distance...
15000  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Schumer: It’s time to go after the 3-D printable guns on: May 15, 2013, 09:51:27 PM
I think what will truly scare the living shit out of people is if someone manages to successfully 3D print a one shot rocket launcher or something.
Um. I can tell you how to do that without a 3d printer.

The knowledge of how to make a rocket motor is easy to acquire, and a launcher is just a tube with an ignition system.

Now, making something as dangerous as an RPG? That's more difficult. But a simple rocket launcher is kitchen science.
Nothing to be considered easy or reliable, amateurs have been struggling with various issues on rocket motors and so forth for decades.  And the rpg or "bazooka" is far more specialized and dangerous to the operator.  No one should ever try to do that with anything home made.  Actual equipment, before the rocket even begins to leave the sleeve, the burn is over.  If not, it's right in your face...

In fact, the "3d printed gun" presents similar problems to the operator.  Who exactly says it can't come apart when fired?  Where are the engineering calculations and the proof of concept tests?  Would you want to be at a firing range and have someone take the bench next to you with one of those?  Not I....
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