Come on guys be hoest , You feel like you are so close to them right?.... sick bastard Proof, escrow, then we may start talking. Until then, it's just a .. rather weak joke.
Vista was worse. ME was the second bad.
For most, all crypto scene is just something to invest in. Some sort of odd stock market they don't understand. Some will cash out crypto in the same way they sold their stocks.
Let's hope the panic will not last long...
humpty dumpty 199999 someone thought xmr was apple? Any thoughts on trendline now?
For most people, crypto is "some sort of stocks". And ... the stocks didn't have a great day today.
to all of you guys.. what do you think is better? is it to invest or to gamble in sites? tell me your point of view and why.
Depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to have fun and spend some time, then obviously gamble. If you want to try (yes, try, because there's still a risk like in any investment) to earn some money, then obviously invest. I like to gamble from time to time but it can quickly turn from fun to a drama. I'd invest, although there's a lot of uncertainty in the crypto world right now. If it turns into drama, then you don't afford to lose the money you gamble and you should stop gambling. And if you don't afford to lose money, then you should also not invest, because an investment means some risk too.
I think that the exchanges will "decide" for us which one to use. If majority will keep good old Bitcoin, we will all still use it. Else, Bitcoin may become a piece of history and XT may actually be (or not?) the first altcoin to take its place.
What if exchanges will all start using LTC, or DOGE, or DRK, XMR, ETH, or.. name it.. as main crypto currency?
to all of you guys.. what do you think is better? is it to invest or to gamble in sites? tell me your point of view and why.
Depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to have fun and spend some time, then obviously gamble. If you want to try (yes, try, because there's still a risk like in any investment) to earn some money, then obviously invest.
My biggest problems: 1. It cannot be mined by a normal user with just CPU (and I missed those day, sigh...) -- I should not complain, but since you asked... 2. It doesn't evolve, it's not fixing its new problems (the software should not allow a miner get the founder fee if it doesn't process most possible transactions too). 3. I don't have enough Bitcoin
They may be quiet about Bitcoin, but they were not completely quiet about crypto. I remember that for April 1st, 2014, when Dogecoin had very good times, they were "hiring" "Software Dogengineer". If you are familiar with Dogecoin "way of writing" you'll find it in Google's announcement. So my conclusion is that if they were so quiet indeed about Bitcoin.. it is rather strange. I remember answering a survey by Google about bitcoin, it was something like "What do you want us to do with bitcoin?".
Ah, so they were not so quiet after all. Thanks!
Hi Marco, there's a problem with the payment I received. Well, I should not call it a problem, but you should. I received the payment 4 times until now. I don't mind the extra money, but .. yeah, please tell me what to do next. And maybe you should check if others have the same issue.
Somes of my CPUs have AES/AESni support, some oters haven't. Those who have AES/AESni support are the more powerfull of my CPUs.
I'll take a look about magi and DNC :-).
DNC would be wasted time. The stars need to be alligned in a certain way to actually have a pool working and accepting you If you have AES/AESni you can even take a look at mining XMR. Good luck!
Cryptonote is not harder to mine by GPU, but it's more expensive. If you have a CPU with AES support you'll get around same hashrate as with a medium/weaker GPU. And GPU use to be more power hungry and breaks up more easily. Magi is indeed a pretty good choice, though it's not easy to mine and the reward is not great unless you indeed like the coin and keep it. I mined at some point DNC and converted it all. It was a rather unknown coin and the mining was more profitable than for other coins. But that coin is rather dead now so yeah, I also need to mine something, but for now I better sit and wait for the summer to end. Cheaper this way So for now, Magi or .. just don't waste the power on mining.
Imagine that I wat to buy an account, someone makes a signed message, to prove it is his account, how do i prove if he sells, thatbI bought it? Because the address he signed with is still his.
first at all, buy an account is a bad idea, and i will nto recommend it, but you are free to do watever you want ofc second, is so simply, just build a new message and sign it, so you can probe that the owner of that account have been changed. Why buy account is bad idea ? I think in this forum allowed to buy or selling account. It is allowed, but somebody who has proven account ownership to the buyer today, he may be able to prove account ownership tomorrow to another buyer. It's just another deal some play nice and some can scam. Lets go through this again with an example. Alice (A) wants to sell the account Alice_123 to Bob (B). In order to proof ownership Alice can sign a message and present it to B. B verifies that the signed message is valid and is from an old and unedited post. Now they agree on a price as part of the deal B gets a signed message: This is Alice from and today is 2015.08.18. Today I sold my account Alice_123 with the ID: 123456 to Bob for 0.17 BTC. TX ID: <ID here>
or something similar. Bob changes the mail address and the password and now owns the account. Should the account ever be contested, Bob can proof with the signature that Alice is no longer the proper owner of the account and with one of the addresses from TX ID (or an address that is directly part of the signed message) can sign a message themself. Bob does not need to make this public unless the account is contested. Your recipe is wonderful, but, as I already in this thread, this means to admit the account is bought. And next day somebody will jump with a negative feedback: bought account.
A fost odată, într-o pivniță răcoroasă, plină de mirosuri florale, un strigoi gingaș. Acesta era atât de beat, încât mama lui nu îl mai lăsa afară. Totuși, surorile sanatoriului sunt bețive de mult sânge de capră neagră și s-au aliat cu strigoiul. Alianța lor a antamat zmeul dizgrațios cu celule teroriste în pivnița minerului vecin. Conexiunile venale erau apăsătoare și începuseră să nuanțeze filonul emoțional.
Oare florile zigomorfe transcend gingășia prin gratiile ineluctabile ale întregului sanatoriu? Fie surorile înfierbântă spanac, fie strecoară cârnați de casă. Strigoiul visa uneori gagici, alteori pe el cu Ileana dezbrăcați de inhibiții ancestrale practicând arta străveche a acupuncturii.
Eeeei, acum începe metamorfoza monedelor de aur în povestea noastră despre strigoiul alcoolist. Comoara, dar și gagicuțele, se transformară în biți. Biții erau stocați criptat doar cu un algoritm rudimentar, încât era atât de simplu să facă cineva bruteforce și să fure intreaga cantitate de aur digital.
Strigoiul, pe timpul acela n-avea interes să învețe criptografie, mulțumindu-se să taie cu sfială acele frunze la umbra nucului din veranda. Insa totul era frumos aranjat dar nu, Ileana nesătulă de scandal crypto-galactic a formatat SSD-ul ascuns in vagin cu grijă, urlând : "Pfuai, intra-r-ar HDD-ul în rack adânc cât Marianele Ferentariului din Bucale, astfel gargantuescul rămâne vorace. Totusi, POHUI!"
Dar algoritmul fiind criptat țărănește, Ileana înțelege rostul utilizării acesteia.
Acum verișoara strigoiului o freca la rece în draci cu neschimbatul ei armasar focos, confundându-l cu Fat Frumos calare pe matura diesel. Ea se trezi cu o idee geniala de a face Ileanei un mare bairam cocalaresc cu shaorma si mici din carne de lamă Gillette-Mach 3 cu Kobe. Daca vrea sa gaseasca metoda prin care sa recupereze tot continutul criptat, Ileana se spala in galeata vecinului rostind "muie retardatilor" timp de 10 minute.
Fat Frumos cel voinic si calul lui obosit au pus la suflet o noua dorinta arzatoare de munca constiincioasa, perversa si versata pentru a improspata respiratia calului obosit.
Comoara ascunsa în vagauna din muntele apropiat de luna virgina în crater, era neatinsă de lumina soarelui maret...
Insa, cineva din Cluj, liliputan fiind a mituit militieni corupti si incompetenti cu litecoin. Fara bani si fara griji a crezut
I just noticed this: (if the image doesn't work, you could find it on It cannot be just coincidence. But can anybody actually explain? Somebody just sold a huge amount of BTC, some for USD and some for DRK, ok... but... just like that?! There has to be a reason I am missing... Do the XT "followers" really have such big amounts of BTC to play with?! Because it has to be some hate against BTC in this... Any theory please?
If it goes below 200 on all the exchanges, I think we are looking at the next big step down to 100-150.
If... There's still a long way down. There's a big chance that 200$ will still act like a hard-to-pass barrier. It wouldn't be the first time.
Bitcoin was for rather long time up and down mostly between 210 and 290. It was rather high lately, but that doesn't mean much. If it will go under 210 then yes, it's time to panic. Else.. it's normal, especially now, since people are back from holidays and started playing again on the market.
And don't forget that USD is getting stronger every day and Bitcoin is mostly calculated in USD, so Bitcoin is still good.
All other discussions, motives, like Snowden, XT, attacks and such are.. just diversions.
My backups are on two identical cds (yes, compact disks) in pdf form created with Moo's offline wallet generator. I also have the seed written down with 3 words randomly added in that only I'd know don't belong.
We are a bit OT but I wouldn't trust the CD's for very long- they deteriorate over time - you must recopy every year. oh, and I wouldn't tell anybody how many random words you used ( or that you did it at all) to anybody Aren't there supposed to be some 100 year CD-Rs? I probably wouldn't trust the literal 100-year marketing claim but maybe for more than most other digital media? I'm still going to say paper is best though. Just don't make the same mistake I did and use a thermal printer. Hand write the seed words. And definitely don't do what I did and hide your seed inside a book that you then accidentally give to charity. 95% of my XMR gone CD-R usually last 3-4 years. New ones maybe less. CD-R and DVD-R are a disappointment for long term storage. Imho paper wallets are meant to stay on.... well... paper.
Imagine that I wat to buy an account, someone makes a signed message, to prove it is his account, how do i prove if he sells, thatbI bought it? Because the address he signed with is still his.
first at all, buy an account is a bad idea, and i will nto recommend it, but you are free to do watever you want ofc second, is so simply, just build a new message and sign it, so you can probe that the owner of that account have been changed. Why buy account is bad idea ? I think in this forum allowed to buy or selling account. It is allowed, but somebody who has proven account ownership to the buyer today, he may be able to prove account ownership tomorrow to another buyer. It's just another deal some play nice and some can scam.
Also received 0.01BTC Many thanks Stunna & PD!