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181  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 17, 2014, 01:33:57 AM
Can your brain not calculate the common factor of these:

Ego is none.  Ego is fear.  Ego is death.  Ego is doubt.  Ego is random.
"Ego" is Freudian: "0 ÷ 0 = −0".

Are you talking about Sigmund Freud?  His model is a fraud.

us t is + and -.  Duality.  Yin and yang.  Ego and soul.
182  Other / Off-topic / Re: The great debate - dank vs vod on: October 17, 2014, 12:21:49 AM
I have not had time to go through the walls of text, I'll try to get to it.

And how does one debate without philosophy?  That would equate to kids calling each other names.

If you're going to rule philosophy out of your thought patterns, you're leaving out half the function of your brain.

It is a necessity of adaptation to be open to differing philosophy.

I actually completely agree with dank inasmuch as attempting to rule out philosophical arguments from a debate makes it completely pointless.

But, Dank, you are the king of grasping at straws (which happens every time we say something and you turn it into some personal tale of being persecuted for sharing your spiritual beliefs on this forum).   You rarely directly answer the questions that are asked of you.  

Also, beware of 'concept extension" which occurs when you start applying philosophical concepts where they have no business being applied in an attempt to explain everything.  In doing so, you completely dilute the strengths of those same concepts when applied in a context to which they are actually relevant.  That may sound confusing, but you can look to other disciplines to see where this becomes a problem, such as in the field of social work in which literally every societal or economic issue can be explained away in terms of 'oppression' or some other popular buzz word.  You're no different when you say things like "I am everything" and then use that principle as a starting point to attempt to explain away every possible issue or situation that arises.  Indeed, it may be a great starting point for many debate topics, but not this one.  Nobody is here to debate your philosophical beliefs, we simply want you to directly ask the questions asked of you in a format that you suggested in the OP.

If this was a philosophy or spiritual forum, then that would be great.  But you generally make only two kinds of threads here: 1) Talking about your beliefs, and 2) asking for loans.  When those are your primary motives for posting on a *Bitcoin* forum, something is obviously suspect to further inquiry.  There are much better audiences for you to preach to, so that leads me to believe that either you're unwise for selecting and persisting upon this audience, or preaching simply isn't your number one motive here (but money is).

Go ahead and use your philosophical arguments, but respond *directly* to the questions asked of you.  Otherwise, it confuses us when you say you want to debate but keep on parroting the same spiritual motives like a broken record.  Every thread of yours turns into The Dank Show and you see it as an opportunity to preach like a baptist minister.  Don't give dodgy responses.  If you're not sure what those are, then let me suggest paying attention to how many times you respond to questions about your debt to Squall with some statement about either the nature of the self or of the Universe, or some statement about your political or moral viewpoint.  Nobody will *ever* (ever!) believe that somehow not repaying Squall and focusing on a life of preaching, guitar playing, crop sowing, and raising chickens will auspiciously provide more benefit to the Universe.  If you were to magically (for you, perhaps more magical than levitating) change, address the questions asked of you directly, and make repaying your debt to squall your primary concern, I bet that would shock more people here than your nuggets of wisdom, and probably even re-instill within them some faith in humanity.

Sometimes the best way to answer something is through experience.

You have to connect things to the big picture to see the whole image.

What else is there to speak about other than beliefs and manifestation of those beliefs?  I do what I can to help each one of you find spiritual awakening.

You don't have to die to find heaven.
183  Other / Off-topic / Man sets newspaper on fire using chi on: October 17, 2014, 12:12:19 AM
184  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 16, 2014, 11:56:11 PM
Can your brain not calculate the common factor of these:

Ego is none.  Ego is fear.  Ego is death.  Ego is doubt.  Ego is random.
185  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 16, 2014, 11:43:22 PM
Wow, the last three posts were shills.

Buffer, this is the part where you have to use both sides of your brain, not just your left ego mind.  Something has to click, as I have made the answer very obvious.

Vod, you're ridiculous.  You cannot stay in a state of egodeath for 7 hours, you would let go from the energy of the experience.  That's like taking.  Gram of acid, 10'000 hits.  It doesn't kill you, you just let go.

Egodeath normally lasts for a matter of seconds.  It is a rare experience in the world, yet everyone deserves to experience it.  It is the most beautiful state of existence in the entire universes.  It is the source.  Your soul, that's all you have when you lose ego.
186  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NSA, CIA, IRS, DHS, ATF, FBI, GCHQ, Federal Reserve, ISIS are the illuminati on: October 16, 2014, 11:22:05 PM
This thread is false.  Tom is a troll to spread misinformation regarding the global awakening in consciousness and exponential evolution/illumination occurring around the world.  The illuminati seeks enlightenment for humanity, the government and powers today are deluminati, they seek enslavement of humanity.

Illuminati wins in the end.
187  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Illuminati discussion thread Do they exist? on: October 16, 2014, 11:15:28 PM
Satanic Greeting ‘Mano Cornuto’ a signal of loyalty members satanic cult his "horned god"; it is also a sign of their mutual recognition

All this is the fruit of your imagination

The illuminati is positive.  The deluminati is satanic.  Illumination and delumination.

Deluminati is governmnet and the status quo.  Those that seek enslavement.

The illuminati is anyone who enlightens their minds and works to help others do the same.  Those of the fourth dimension, who truly turn into light beings.

Listen to Man on the moon by Kid Cudi all the way through to see this for yourself.  His words are meant as they're spoken.

Pink Floyd will give you the same.
188  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Illuminati discussion thread Do they exist? on: October 16, 2014, 11:09:03 PM
I want to be enlightened. What should I do? Must submit an application?

189  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Ebola virus is a hoax on: October 16, 2014, 10:33:53 PM
190  Other / Politics & Society / Ebola virus is a hoax on: October 16, 2014, 10:31:57 PM

By Steven Bancarz| A statement made by a man in Ghana named Nana Kwame has rocked the internet in the last few days.   The following information needs to reach people.  We need to see Ebola for what it really is.  It’s time that the world wakes up to the agenda behind all of this hysteria. Here is what this man has to say about what is happening in his home country:

“People in the Western World need to know what’s happening here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!! “Ebola” as a virus does NOT Exist and is NOT “Spread”. The Red Cross has brought a disease to 4 specific countries for 4 specific reasons and it is only contracted by those who receive treatments and injections from the Red Cross. That is why Liberians and Nigerians have begun kicking the Red Cross out of their countries and reporting in the news the truth. Now bear with me:


Most people jump to “depopulation” which is no doubt always on the mind of the West when it comes to Africa. But I assure you Africa can NEVER be depopulated by killing 160 people a day when thousands are born per day. So the real reasons are much more tangible.

Reason 1:
This vaccine implemented sickness being “called” Ebola was introduced into West Africa for the end goal of getting troops on the ground in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. If you remember America was just trying to get into Nigeria for “Boko Haram”. BULLSHIT.  But that fell apart when Nigerians started telling the truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING. Global support fell through the floor, and a new reason was needed to get troops into Nigeria and steal the new oil reserves they have discovered.

Reason 2:
Sierra Leone is the World’s Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the past 4 months they have been on strike, refusing to provide diamonds due to horrible working conditions and slave pay. The West will not pay a fair wage for the resources because the idea is to keep these people surviving on rice bags and foreign aid so that they remain a source of cheap slave labor forever. A reason was also needed to get troops on the ground in Sierra Leone to force an end to the diamond miners strikes. This is not the first time this has been done. When miners refuse to work troops are sent in and even if they have to kill and replace them all, the only desire is to get diamonds back flowing out of the country.
Of course to launch multiple campaigns to invade these countries separately would be way too fishy. But something like “Ebola” allows access to an entire area simultaneously…

Reason 3:
In addition to stealing Nigerian oil, and forcing Sierra Leone back to mining, troops have also been sent in to FORCE vaccinations (Deadly “Ebola” Poison) onto those Africans who are not foolish enough to take them willingly.

3000 troops are being sent in to make sure that this “poison” continues to spread, because again it is only spread through vaccination. As more and more news articles are released as they have been in Liberia, informing the populous of the US lies and manipulation, more and more Africans are refusing to visit the Red Cross. Troops will force these vaccinations upon the people to ensure the visible appearance of an Ebola pandemic. In addition to this they will protect the Red Cross from the Liberians and Nigerians who have been rightfully ejecting them from their countries.

Reason 4:
Last but not least, the APPEARANCE of this Ebola “pandemic” (should Americans not catch on) will be used to scare the countless millions into taking an “Ebola vaccine” which in reality is the pandemic. Already they have started with stories of how it has been brought to the U.S. and has appeared in Dallas, how white doctors were cured but black infected are not being allowed to be treated, etc.

ALL that will do is make blacks STRIVE to get the vaccine, because it appears that the “cure” is being held back from blacks. They will run out in droves to get it and then there will be serious problems. With all we have seen revealed about vaccines this year you would think we learned our lesson. All I can do is hope so, Because they rely on our ignorance to complete their agendas.

Ask yourself: If Ebola really was spread from person to person, instead of controlled spread through vaccination – then WHY would the CDC and the US Government continue to allow flights in and out of these countries with absolutely no regulation, Or At All? We have got to start thinking and sharing information globally because they do not give the true perspective of the people who live here in West Africa. They are lying for their own benefit and there aren’t enough voices out there with a platform to help share our reality. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, paralyzed and disabled by these and other “new” vaccines all over the world and we are finally becoming aware of it. Now what will we do with all this information?”

The original piece written by him can be found here.

A Liberian-born faculty member of a US university wrote an article on Liberian newspaper, the Daily Observer, claiming that Ebola is the result of bioterrorism experiments conducted by the US.

Dr. Cyril Broderick claimed, among other things, that “sites around Africa, and in west Africa, have over the years been set up for testing emerging diseases, especially Ebola.

“WHO and several other UN Agencies have been implicated in selecting and enticing Africancountries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations, but pursuing various testing regiments,” he continued.

“Reports narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DoD) funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone” Claims a report from International Business Times.

It also happens that the Ebola breakout coincides with UN vaccine campaigns.  Pharmaceutical and biotech industries will have profited handsomely from the ebola crisis when biodefense-research generals, high civil servants and UN bureaucrats sheepishly sign multimillion-euro R&D contracts.  It’s quite the coincidence that the earliest breakout in Guinea happened along side three major vaccine campaigns conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s agency UNICEF. At least two of the vaccination programs were implemented by Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF, or Doctors Without Borders), while some of those vaccines were produced by Sanofi Pasteur, a French pharmaceutical whose major shareholder is the Rothschild Group.  Of course, the Rothschilds run nearly all of the worlds central banks and have a family network of around 500 trillion dollars.  They are the ones pulling strings on this planet, and they will only profit from this outbreak.

Now, I am personally no expert on Ebola, but history has a funny way of repeating itself.  Here is my prediction.  Expect a false flag attack in the US as a way to further contain/control the population and kill them off in the process.  The are going to announce an outbreak (which may actually the release of a chemical bioweapon, and not Ebola) and then they will start administering the Ebola vaccine to the population.  They may even try to make it mandatory.  DON’T TAKE THE VACCINE.  This is how Ebola will spread, and this is how the will justify occupying other foreign countries and establishing military bases there.  This is part of their globalist agenda.

Don’t think this is a conspiracy yet? Check this out:

[Video below]

Oops. Guess they forgot the cameras were rolling.  Now here is where it gets weird.  Did you know that the CDC has a patent on the Ebola virus?  That’s right.  The US government owns it.  As reported on NaturalNews, The U.S. Centers for Disease Control owns a patent on a particular strain of Ebolaknown as “EboBun.” It’s patent No. is CA2741523A1 and it was awarded in 2010. You can view it here.

Patent applicants are clearly described on the patent as including:

The Government Of The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary, Department Of Health & Human Services, Center For Disease Control.

The patent summary says, “The invention provides the isolated human Ebola (hEbola) viruses denoted as Bundibugyo (EboBun) deposited with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”; Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America) on November 26, 2007 and accorded an accession number 200706291.”

Why the patent? Patenting Ebola seems as odd as trying to patent cancer or diabetes. Why would a government organization claim to have “invented” this infectious disease and then claim a monopoly over its exploitation for commercial use?

Does the CDC hope to collect a royalty on Ebola vaccines? Is it looking to “invent” more variants and patent those too?

They think we’re stupid or something. 911 and Sandy Hook weren’t enough I guess. “Let’s patent a virus and test it out in Africa so we can occupy their land, secure oil supplies, and create hysteria back home so they all think they need a vaccination containing a live virus.” says the global elitists.  The Ebola story has all of the ingredients of a classic false flag operation.  If Ebola is real, why the “Ebola is real campaign”?  What’s up with that anyways?

Please spread this information.  Enough with the propaganda fed to us by mainstream news.  We have testimony coming directly from Ghana telling us that the outbreak is being created by Red Cross vaccinations.  This is a massive lie and manipulative effort by the US government for ulterior motives.

Sources: Listed within the article

About the author:  My name is Steven Bancarz, and I am the creator of Spirit Science and Metaphysics.  Thanks for reading this article! Please share it with your friends and family.  The world needs to wake up.
191  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 16, 2014, 07:02:58 PM
God is all.  God is the universe.  God is oneness.  God is light.  God is love.  God is consciousness.

God is positivity.

Ego is none.  Ego is fear.  Ego is death.  Ego is doubt.  Ego is random.

Ego is negativity.

God believes in everything.  Ego believes in nothing.

Everything is everything.

Nothing is nothing.

Everything = ∞

Nothing = 0

Multiply any form of logic times zero, what do you get?
So where's this claimed proof then?

I cannot answer the question for you, you must see it yourself.

Saying "god does not exist" is equivalent to "god is nothing"

And what is nothing?
192  Other / Off-topic / Re: The great debate - dank vs vod on: October 16, 2014, 06:59:55 PM
I have not had time to go through the walls of text, I'll try to get to it.

And how does one debate without philosophy?  That would equate to kids calling each other names.

If you're going to rule philosophy out of your thought patterns, you're leaving out half the function of your brain.

It is a necessity of adaptation to be open to differing philosophy.
193  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you believe in cosmic karma, or do you subscribe to causality? on: October 16, 2014, 06:52:43 PM
Karma obviously does not exist.  There is no device or person running around keeping a tally over every good or bad things people do.

Like religion, only the weak minded person will believe in karma.

I use it as a reference sometimes when dealing with slower people.  Helps them to understand what I am saying.   Smiley

I guess Newton's third law doesn't exist either?

Every action causes a reaction.
194  Other / Off-topic / Re: I feel i need to get rid of my money on: October 16, 2014, 06:43:49 PM
i gave it to dank.  i like the idea of a music festival.  plus the fact that no one else is donating to him is kinda odd

Thanks friend, I truly appreciate your gratitude.  Don't have access to that wallet since my desktop is in a storage unit but I'll try to dig it out and forward some to squall.
195  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 16, 2014, 06:40:48 PM
If you do not see that non existence is non existent from the post, then I can help you no further.  Only you can find understanding.
196  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 16, 2014, 04:04:23 PM
God is all.  God is the universe.  God is oneness.  God is light.  God is love.  God is consciousness.
Says you. So these assertions are meaningless twaddle meant to sound like they are all mystical and deep.

Ego is none.  Ego is fear.  Ego is death.  Ego is doubt.  Ego is random.
Jumbled nonsense intended to sound meaningful to impressionable idiots.

Everything is everything.
Light is light, dark is dark, repeat is repeat.
Wow, useful Dank.

Everything = ∞
Really, you got anything to back that up?

Nothing = 0
No. Nothing is the absence of any 'thing'. 0 is zero, a metaphysical numerical concept.

Multiply any form of logic times zero, what do you get?

Multiply any form of logic by green, no, red, no wait, yellow, yeah that'll do, multiply any form of logic by yellow and what do you get?!!!!1!!11!

Bullshit, Dank, that's what you get. You are talking utter garbage and trying to pass it off as meaningful substance. Guess what, you are a mix of delusional mental illness and narcissistic pomposity.

Try swallowing this red pill, "You are not special".

Why did you click on a thread called mathematical proof of god if you aren't open to finding proof?

Your disconnection from the post presented stems from your own perception.  Calling something twaddle is much more meaningless than setting parameters for a logical equation.

Sometimes the deepest things are the simplest.  What you see as jumbled nonsense is really your fear and doubt labeling it as so in an attempt to cling onto your ego, your past perception. The statements covey logic perfectly as each variable is an attribution to ego, all derivatives of negativity.

A lot of people do not realize that nothing is nothing, hence those who believe in nonexistence, so it must be said in a way that people understand.

Infinity is the only possible variable for everything.  Thinking the universe is contained to our bubble is quite egocentric.

0 represents nothing in the equation.  I think you're disputing just to dispute.

And the remainder of your post is your ego clinging to it's past perception by judging and attacking the new ideology presented.

Why did you seek mathematical proof of god if you were not open to changing your view on the universe?l
197  Other / Off-topic / Re: Jail or Hell? Confess of my life. on: October 16, 2014, 05:03:19 AM
You are forgiven friend.  Honesty is the true character that matters.
198  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 16, 2014, 05:01:18 AM
A debate without philosophy is no debate for me.  

Well, there is no philosophy in mathematical proof.  Why did you make this thread?

I think I'm going to experience egodeath again tonight... the mood seems right.

Goodnight all!  Smiley

What is math but a different language of philosophy?

Experiencing egodeath is not something you plan out or do when you're in the mood.

It's the most divine experience the universe has to offer.  How can one become everything, all frequencies together, infinite white light and love, and not believe in god?
199  Other / Off-topic / Re: The great debate - dank vs vod on: October 16, 2014, 03:27:41 AM

dank, I am willing to have a proper debate with you.  You have shown in this thread that you can't do it in an open environment.

I suggest a neutral party create a moderated thread, where posts that don't apply to the debate can be deleted.

Each person can ask one question per post, provided they answer the question that is asked them.

Any garbage such as your philosophical comments would also be deleted.

The topic would be your debt and your obtaining new loans.

Let me know if this is something you want to do.

A debate without philosophy is no debate for me.  This thread wasn't created to talk about debts, but to talk about what is.
200  Other / Off-topic / Re: Mathematical proof of god on: October 16, 2014, 03:23:59 AM
Did you just try to prove the non existence of x by using x in the equation?

Of course not.  x is god.  The universe is the same with or without x.  It is not necessary.

So I assert god is everything, as the universe is the totality of existence, and you try to remove the universe from the equation?

How can you acknowledge infinity then deduce x from infinity?  It is contained within infinity.
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