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2021  Local / Português (Portuguese) / As 3 hipóteses fundamentais das criptomoedas on: March 15, 2018, 11:54:24 PM

Store Of Value
A hipótese Store Of Value (SoV) é a mais direta e a que melhor se alinha com uma compreensão histórica do dinheiro, da economia e da escassez. É a mais conservadora das três hipóteses, na medida em que assume que os antigos paradigmas sobre dinheiro e escassez devem ser projetados para o futuro relativamente, se não completamente, inalterados.

Basicamente, a hipótese SoV argumenta que os super mega vencedores só precisam ter os seguintes traços:

* Auto soberano: Ausencia de violência física, ninguém pode tirar o SoV de seu dono.
* Resistência à censura: ninguém pode evitar que seu proprietário gaste seu SoV.
* Escasso: um estoque de dinheiro fixo ou, no mínimo, altamente previsível e não jogável, que não pode ser manipulado sem um consenso social amplo.
* Seguro: as pessoas devem se sentir confiantes de que não perderão seu dinheiro, por razões práticas (por exemplo, perder a chave) ou técnicas (por exemplo, contrato inteligente quebrado).

A versão mais extrema da hipótese de SoV argumenta explicitamente que o SoV em si não precisa ser muito útil: que está certo que as taxas de transação sejam altas, que as confirmações de transação são lentas, que as transações não são nativamente privadas e que o valor não precisa ser nativamente programável ou flexível.

Os defensores mais extremos da hipótese de SoV argumentam que os quatro traços acima não devem ser comprometidos, não importa o quão ótima seja a utilidade marginal de algum trade off.

Se não é tão prático de utilizar, por qual razão o SoV seria a melhor opção?

Os defensores desta tese argumentam que, enquanto os usuários podem converter o SoV em um meio de troca mais prático (medium of exchange ou MoE), o SoV fez seu trabalho: armazenar valor. O MoE pode ser usado para transações mais freqüentes e de menor valor. Isto é como ter uma conta poupança e uma conta corrente: os usuários devem armazenar suas riquezas na conta poupança e, muitas vezes, transferir uma parte de suas economias para a conta corrente, para poder gastar com mais facilidade.

Muitos dos defensores, "Bitcoin maximalism", desta hipótese tendem a ser economistas, ou pelo menos aqueles com antecedentes econômicos. Em seus olhos, a "solidez" do dinheiro como uma reserva de valor imutável, segura e sem censura, supera todas as noções de utilidade mais prática e diária.

Os principais exemplos desta hipótese de SoV são Bitcoin, Monero, Zcash e Decred.

Cada um está otimizando alguma variável, mas geralmente não postula que o ativo subjacente precisa ser muito útil além de algum nível mínimo de utilidade. Por exemplo, o Bitcoin prioriza a resistência máxima à censura, o Monero prioriza anonimato e fungibilidade, e Zcash prioriza a privacidade seletiva de uma forma que pode ser mais acessível às instituições legadas. Decred prioriza a governança.

Bitcoin, mais do que os outros listados, abraça a interpretação mais extrema da hipótese do SoV. Ele renuncia a qualquer aparência de utilidade - privacidade no caso de Monero e Zcash, e governança formal no caso de Decred - se essa utilidade marginal vem às custas de qualquer uma das quatro características listadas acima.

A Hipótese da Utilidade

A hipótese da utilidade argumenta que o protocolo mais útil será o mais valioso. No entanto, a utilidade é um conceito nebuloso, e existem muitas propriedades que diferentes indivíduos e empresas valorizam como úteis. Dado que muitas dessas propriedades não podem ser simultaneamente maximizadas, há um espaço de design maciço em que os protocolos podem afirmar o acúmulo de valor em pontos específicos em um espaço de trade-off n-dimensional.

Algumas das principais categorias de utilidade incluem:

* Governança
* Privacidade
* Transmissão de transações
* Tempo de confirmação (latência)
* Flexibilidade e programabilidade
* Verificação formal
* Capacidade de aderir as regulações existentes
* Estabilidade de preços

Os defensores da hipótese de Store of Value argumentam que essas várias formas de utilidade, se implementadas na camada de protocolo, apresentam compromissos que afetariam um dos quatro principais traços SoV descritos acima.

Eles geralmente estão corretos: a maioria das formas adicionais de utilidade, se implementadas na camada de protocolo, geralmente requerem algum tipo de trade-off. Ou seja, uma perda.

Os defensores da hipótese da utilidade argumentam que a otimização exclusiva das propriedades do SoV às custas das propriedades da utilidade é a sobre-engenharia para SoV. Em troca de tornar o protocolo mais útil, os proponentes desta hipótese acreditam que a utilidade adicional irá resolver mais problemas para mais pessoas e empresas mais rapidamente e que a taxa acelerada de adoção, combinada com efeitos de rede, acabará por produzir os vencedores. Os ativos com mais valor.

Esses indivíduos tendem a não ser economistas, mas tecnólogos. São esses projetos que deixam o Vale do Silício mais empolgado. O Vale do Silício quase aperfeiçoou a ciência de descobrir as necessidades não atendidas, construir produtos, projetos de engenharia viral, hackear o crescimento e construir organizações maciças que realizem essas visões grandiosas. Como tal, eles tendem a encontrar a hipótese de SoV não apenas chata, mas fundamentalmente incompatível com sua visão de mundo.

Construir produtos que não maximizem a utilidade do usuário final é uma heresia. Para os maximalistas da utilidade, a "solidez" do dinheiro significa muito menos do que apenas conseguir que centenas de milhões de pessoas adotem, ame e adotem voluntariamente um novo produto ou serviço.

Alguns dos principais criptoelementos que se enquadram na hipótese da utilidade são: Ethereum, EOS, Cardano,Dash, OmiseGO, Tezos, Dfinity, NEM, NEO, QTUM, ICON, STEEM

A Hipótese da Stablecoin. Uma moeda estável

Isto tecnicamente cai sob a hipótese da utilidade, mas vale a pena ser lançado como sua própria hipótese fundamental.

A hipótese de uma moeda estável postula que a estabilidade de preços é uma forma tão valiosa de utilidade que os consumidores, especialmente aqueles em países com governos e moedas instáveis ​​, querem um bem estável em termos de preços que ofereça a maioria dos benefícios gerais dos criptoativos (garantias razoáveis ​​de auto-soberania, resistência à censura, segurança e oferta monetária não jogável).

Os defensores desta hipótese argumentam que a grande maioria dos criptoativos hoje estão em uma bolha especulativa e que ninguém usa criptoativos para qualquer comércio substancial, precisamente porque a estabilidade de preços é um requisito básico para o comércio.

Alguns argumentaram que as ativos verdadeiramente descentralizadas, abertos, sem permissão e flutuantes são economicamente impossíveis, e que, quando ocorre um evento de cisne preto, esses sistemas colapsarão.

Mas existem outros desafios não-econômicos que esperam pelas moedas estaveis.

A longo prazo, parece provável que a maioria dos governos emita suas próprias criptomoedas, gerenciadas por seus próprios bancos centrais, em uma cadeia de blocos. Os benefícios são óbvios: Blockchains é o veículo perfeito para que os governos implementem o estado de vigilância final.

Muitos governos, incluindo os EUA, são susceptíveis de emitir suas moedas fiduciárias em uma Blockchain, sem permissão, como Bitcoin ou Ethereum. Em vez disso, é provável que eles criem cadeias que eles possam controlam (para que possam manipular a oferta de dinheiro) e que exigem uma conformidade substancial com o seu cliente (Conheça seu cliente= KYC) para o acesso.

No entanto, espero que nos próximos cinco anos, um governo de um país pequeno, mas estável, emitirá sua própria moeda em uma blockchain que não exija qualquer conformidade com KYC. Quando - e não se - isso acontecer, a demanda pela moeda desse país aumentará, aumentando a riqueza desse país imensamente.

Além disso, moedas estaveis descentralizadas enfrentarão a concorrência de sistemas que existem hoje cuja estabilidade é ancorada num sistema fiduciário. Como exemplos: Tether e TrueUSD. Stellar está buscando isso também através do uso de âncoras

Os principais projetos que buscam oferecer uma moeda estável são: Maker DAO, BitDD, Basecoin, Fragments, Carbon e Havven.


A hipótese de Store of Value alinha-se mais estreitamente com a compreensão existente da humanidade sobre dinheiro e economia. Apesar de sua utilidade limitada, o ouro permaneceu obstinadamente a melhor maneira de guardar riquezas do mundo ao longo de muitos milênios. Bitcoin pretende ser ouro digital exatamente por esse motivo. Portanto, os proponentes da hipótese não se importam com o fato de Bitcoin não ser muito útil porque o ouro também não é muito útil.

A hipótese da utilidade alinha mais estreitamente com a visão do mundo da tecnologia: que o espaço de design do software é fundamentalmente infinito e ilimitado, e que as pessoas planejarão sistemas que ofereçam poucos ou nenhuns compromissos. E dos compromissos que devem ser feitos, esse valor aumentará não para um único extremo da resistência máxima à censura, mas em um meio mais cinza em um comércio n-dimensional fora do espaço de várias formas de utilidade.

A hipótese de moeda estável postula que uma estabilidade de preços é uma característica tão importante para permitir o comércio - e que o comércio é tudo o que realmente importa - que a estabilidade de preços deve ser priorizada acima de tudo.

Essas hipóteses não são necessariamente mutuamente exclusivas. Existe uma probabilidade real de acabarmos com cadeias múltiplas que coletivamente valem dezenas de trilhões. Por exemplo, o Bitcoin pode tornar-se ouro digital e uma plataforma de contrato inteligente pode se tornar a base sobre a qual a humanidade construirá um novo sistema financeiro global. Embora existam alguns efeitos de rede nesses sistemas, esses efeitos de rede não são absolutos da mesma maneira que o Facebook não passou a dominar todas as formas de mídia social.
2022  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / 20% of British residents own #cryptocurrency on: March 15, 2018, 03:07:30 PM
A study of 2,000 people by lending platform Lendingblock revealed that most think cryptocurrency is here to stay, with 55% expecting shops and buses to accept it in seven years’ time. Just over 20% of respondents said they either own or have owned cryptocurrency.

One-fifth of respondents said they were certain cryptocurrency is a good investment, and 56% said they might be tempted to obtain some in the future. One-third (32%) of people said better security would make them more likely to buy cryptocurrencies.

As the popularity and value of cryptocurrencies have increased, so has cyber crime activity aimed at cashing in on this trend, mainly in the form cryptocurrency mining malware. According to a report from NTT Security, about 12,000 monero mining malware samples dating back to March 2015 have been identified by researchers at the company’s Global Threat Intelligence Center (GTIC).

In the Lendingblock study, 28% of respondents said they would be more tempted by cryptocurrency if there were better apps for buying and selling it, and 23% said government backing would encourage then to invest. Only 10% said they would never buy cryptocurrencies in any circumstances.

“In spite of much-discussed uncertainty about cryptocurrency, the public is sure that it is here to stay,” said Lendingblock CEO Steve Swain. “Cryptocurrency is a maturing market, and this is exactly what we would expect to see happening at this time as we move from early adopters to more mainstream awareness and use.”

Swain welcomed the recent government announcement of an inquiry into cryptocurrency. “Before we get there, cryptocurrency needs to be made safe, and that is why we welcome the UK government’s recently announced inquiry into investments,” he said.

In February, parliament’s Treasury committee said it was looking at the opportunities and risks associated with digital currency and how technologies such as blockchain would affect the finance sector.

The inquiry will assess how the government and financial services regulators such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England can create an environment to protect consumers without holding back innovation.

Meanwhile, Bank of England governor Mark Carney wants cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin to be brought into line with the regulated financial markets.

Bitcoin is the best known digital currency, but there are thousands of them. A study of the cryptocurrency market from 2013 to May 2017 carried out by City, University of London and published in the Royal Society’s Open Science Journal treated cryptocurrencies as an ecological species. It looked at 1,500 cryptocurrencies and found that none of them has shown a strong selective advantage over the others and that they all face an uncertain fate.
2023  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-03-14]Playboy TV to Accept Crypto Payments on: March 14, 2018, 12:27:47 PM
Playboy TV is launching a new payment option that will allow customers to access its exclusive adult content using cryptocurrencies.

According to an announcement today, the adult content network said it will roll out a dedicated cryptocurrency wallet by the end of this year. The media firm will initially accept a cryptocurrency dubbed Vice Industry Token, which is being issued through an initial coin offering that ends next week, with other unnamed "leading" tokens to follow later.

According to its white paper, Vice Industry Token (VIT) is designed partially for adult content specifically and touts a utility that can track real user engagement on adult content channels over a blockchain.

In its release, Playboy TV said users can view, comment on and vote for original content using VITs on its channel.

The initiative marks possibly the first instance of a major television company moving to accept cryptocurrency as a payment tool.

Reena Patel, Chief Operations Officer, Licensing and Media for Playboy Enterprises, said:

"As the popularity of alternative payment methods continues to grow around the world, along with the reach Playboy's digital platforms, we felt it was important to give our 100 million monthly consumers increased payment flexibility."

Looking ahead, Playboy said it also plans to integrate the cryptocurrency wallet with its other business lines, including gaming, augmented reality and virtual reality initiatives.

2024  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Coinbase has received an E-money license from UK on: March 14, 2018, 08:05:36 AM
Coinbase has received an E-money license from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK and as a result we have updated our User Agreement (below) and Privacy Policy, which will become effective on March 21, 2018.  By continuing to use our services on or after March 21, 2018, you agree to be bound by the new User Agreement (below) and Privacy Policy.
The E-money license lays the foundation for future product improvements that will be available to customers outside the US/EU. We have also taken this opportunity to make our terms more accessible and easier to read.
2025  Economy / Economics / Re: The diamond industry is a scam. Diamond has no intrinsic value. on: March 14, 2018, 05:08:54 AM
The price of a diamond is one of the best and most successful marketing projects[1]. It was artificially built by De Beers. It was an invention. All the answers that people, especially women, give when asking about this jewelry have been carefully carved over the years.

But now that this cartel is dwindling[2], that new artificial inventions are being created[3] and that the looks of the media are closer to all violence involving diamond mining[4]. They are looking for a way to make more profit. Guess what that idea is ....


Yes, they want to create a blockchain. So they would have greater control and could strengthen the idea of scarcity.

2026  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2018-03-13] - Binance To Launch Decentralized Trading Platform on: March 14, 2018, 01:25:17 AM
I wish I had more information on how exactly it would work. There are other decentralized platforms like the newly created DDREX, Oasis Dex, BitShares and the best of all EtherDelta. Most use ETH-based technologies or it's a 0x layer.

Binance saying that the future lies in creating, and strengthen, the communities is very interesting. But is it still possible to put so many different assets and still provide statistical information while maintaining anonymity?

And we still need a middle man between fiat and the world of cryptocurrency. I hope there are people working to solve this problem as well.
2027  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-03-13]Why Square's Betting on Bitcoin and Banking [] on: March 13, 2018, 10:43:13 PM
The payments company Square (NYSE: SQ)  is known for defying convention. From the outset, Square was conceived to serve the most niche of niche businesses; the company got its start when a glassblower artist who happened to be a friend of CEO Jack Dorsey's needed a credit card reader. No other financial institutions were filling that void, so Square was created. Problem solved.

Fast-forward nine years and Square is defying conventional finance by placing small bets on bitcoin and exploring opportunities in banking. One is extremely novel, the other can be painfully rigid. Here's why Square is compelled to pursue both, and what it signals to investors.

The significance of speed
Square's management team has realized since day one that speed is critical to everything it does. First off, speed was important to process credit cards. Then it was critical to enticing vendors to download its app to get up and running. Now, it's the premise behind Square's Instant Deposit, which allows for rapid business deposits for vendors.

The leadership team at Square sees similar opportunity in bitcoin and banking. To be sure, neither is meaningful to the company at the moment: Bitcoin was described as "really immaterial" by Square's CFO during its recent earnings call, and the company has only applied for -- not yet received -- a banking charter.

But the potential is enticing. Bitcoin is attractive because it's a purely digital currency and, according to Square, is in high-demand among its core audience. Thus in a move that sets it apart from other finance companies, the company has begun to offer users of its Square Cash app the opportunity to buy bitcoin. And this is something that can take place instantaneously. Whether bitcoin becomes a bona fide currency or not, the technology behind crypto is interesting for a digitally native company like Square, too.

Banking, meanwhile, is an industry where stability and security trump speed, but that dynamic is changing. Technology has allowed products to emerge that combine all three, including Quicken's Rocket Mortgage and banks without bricks and mortar like Bank of the Internet (NASDAQ: BOFI) . There are legacy banks involved, too, but few are embracing the lower end of the market in the same way as Square.

As CFO Sarah Friar pointed out on the call, users "want fast access to capital." So far, that's been through payments. In the future, it could be through bitcoin and banking.

The democratization of finance
2028  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Any instagram bounty campaigns? on: March 13, 2018, 07:10:10 PM
You should search in the correct section: [ Bounties (Altcoins) ]

There is also this site that is exclusive to bounties You can select which medium you want to participate, instagram, twitter, facebook. But already advance that they always request a minimum of 5000 followers. And they will check if your profile is fake.
2029  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-03-13]Cryptocurrency scammers run off with more than $2 million on: March 13, 2018, 06:47:50 PM

What happened with Giza?
Investors who spoke to CNBC all described a common experience with the ICO in question: They thought the project was legitimate until warning signs began to appear, including a falling out with the company's sole supplier, a lack of correspondence from its supposed founders, and failed attempts to recoup the lost funds.

The apparently well-orchestrated scam centers around a mysterious individual called Marco Fike, the COO of Giza. Among the eight investors, partners and former employees of Giza interviewed by CNBC, all claim they have never seen Marco Fike's face.

The ICO was for a supposed start-up called Giza, which claimed to be developing a super-secure device that would allow people to store cryptocurrencies.

It carried out its ICO in January and drew investors for several weeks after. One person who put money into the project told CNBC that they invested ether that was equivalent to $10,000 at the time, and another said they had put in around $5,000 worth of ether.

At the beginning of February, Giza had raised and was holding more than 2,100 ethereum coins, which at the time were worth around $2.4 million. All but $16 worth of those ethereum coins are now missing.

But after putting in money throughout January and into February, many who had invested began to become suspicious of the project.
2030  Other / Meta / Re: Newbie, Jr Members, Members suffering from merit-phobia: Explanations and Advice on: March 13, 2018, 05:24:19 PM

If this somehow happened overnight, it'd be the greatest-ever step forward for humanity. So I am very happy to see people from poorer countries on this forum and in the Bitcoin ecosystem generally, acting with ambition. IMO Bitcoin was created in part to help break down the artificial barriers which are keeping these people from prosperity. Though no amount of this sort of thinking excuses those who choose to post garbage posts, for whatever reason.

I'm happy to see that you think this way. Often these topics that start a discussion about how to improve the quality of posts in the forum, receive a large number of people whose only aim is to strengthen their biased and racist position on others.

The latest modifications, merit system and the creation of exclusive sections for serious discussions where signatures are not allowed, can contribute a lot to increase the quality of the discussions.

But it is important to note that the niche sections where technical discussions take place are not populated with messages from people seeking posts for signature campaigns.

And excessive use of these more formal treatment occurs when an argument between a person who is in a power position, a campaign manager or a forum staff member, and another person who seeks for help or a service.
2031  Other / Meta / Re: Where the Merit Pours? on: March 13, 2018, 06:22:50 AM
So the topics where the greatest amount of merit is distributed are those whose main subject is the merit system. This occurs mainly in boards of other languages and in Meta.

But I think that's a reaction because it's a new system. Probably, the distribution will be focused on utility. That is, if a message is useful to me, I will reward the author with merit. This would be something different from what happens with the upvote, the scarcity of something transforms the way people use it.
2032  Bitcoin / Press / [2018-03-13] Korea to allow ICOs with new regulations on: March 13, 2018, 05:06:17 AM
By Kim Yoo-chul

The financial authorities are preparing a plan to allow initial coin offerings (ICOs), digital token-based fundraising rounds, for domestic investors, to advance blockchain-based technologies, according to sources familiar with the issue.

"The financial authorities have been talking to the country's tax agency, justice ministry and other relevant government offices about a plan to allow ICOs in Korea when certain conditions are met," said a source asking for anonymity as he wasn't authorized to speak to the media.

The plan, if implemented, will be a major reversal as last September the government banned ICOs, claiming cryptocurrencies were neither money, nor currency or financial products.

Despite this, the administration has yet to implement the ICO rule and hasn't forced companies to return ICO funds. It also continues to let local investors put money into foreign ICOs and digital currency exchanges operating within the country.

Kang Young-soo, who oversees cryptocurrency trading policies at the Financial Service Commission (FSC), said the country's top financial policy regulator has yet to decide whether to allow ICOs in Korea for domestic investors and companies.

"There are many speculating about the possibility of allowing ICOs. The FSC has acknowledged a third-party view regarding the issue, but there's nothing that we can say officially at the moment," Kang said.

Another source familiar with the country's tax code said he expects the order banning ICOs would only be reversed after the country fixes the legal groundwork for crypto-trading.

"Various scenarios such as the imposition of value-added tax, a capital gains tax, or both on trade; and the collection of corporate tax from local cryptocurrency exchanges, as well as the initiation of authorized exchanges with licenses are being discussed," said the source. He added that allowing ICOs should involve local banks, the justice and finance ministries, and the tax agency to create transparency. This will allow the government to track the history of capital inflow into ICOs.

ICOs are used by startups to raise funds with digital currencies which work through blockchain technologies. In Korea, some startups used ICOs as they require little paperwork, letting companies solicit money directly from investors rather than relying on banks or venture-capital firms (VCs).

When the ICO ban was announced, local startups which had planned to raise seed money through them said they would raise funds overseas, instead.

A trend taking place is that the number of investors interested in ICOs is rising significantly. Also, with increased transparency, more and more investors are able to make better investment decisions when it comes to the offerings. Some analysts say this is the reason companies are gaining larger investments in shorter time periods.

Kang, said the country has no plans to regulate cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, while it tries to work out how to regulate the market.

"Yes, we have to have plans on how to advance blockchain-related technologies and effectively regulate crypto-trading. This is a separate issue," Kang told an industry forum held recently at the National Assembly.
2033  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: I need advice from experts on: March 12, 2018, 06:53:59 PM
I have not seen anyone suggesting it, but a device that is very simple to use for anyone who just wants to securely store their Bitcoin is the opendime. It does not fit for anyone who wants to use Bitcoin in the short term, but it works very well as a Piggy bank. And you can change the device for fiat directly with the person, without having to pay any fee and with a lot more discretion.
2034  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2018-03-12] South Carolina Wants To Ban Genesis Mining on: March 12, 2018, 06:30:52 PM
Genesis Mining has a type of business that is not entirely clear. It would be necessary to have greater regulation and auditing to prove that they, in fact, are honest in the services they propose. In several other countries, governments are closing companies that offer cloud mining on suspicion of being a Ponzi scheme or for not having any type of license to offer this type of investment.
2035  Economy / Economics / Re: Why do people buy high and sell low on: March 12, 2018, 06:05:51 AM
People like to buy when the price is rising. They look at the chart and are afraid to buy too late. And they become desperate when the price is falling and they decide to sell so they will not lose everything.

It is not a decision made in a planned way, with graph studies or imagining a long-term scenario.

It is just the reaction of the whole environment around you. It is lack of information, since often when something extraordinary happens, good or bad, the news never arrives completely. First, you get rumors in the forum, in twitter, in the telegram. Then start the news on specific sites and finally the news on reliable sites.

FOMO is one of the reactions that you need to better control, study and understand if you want to continue in this market
2036  Other / Meta / Re: When do YOU think you will level up on merits? on: March 12, 2018, 05:48:53 AM
I do not know if I'll ever rise in ranking. At least not in the time I planned. The point is that I do not seek the merit in farms nor intend to buy them. And people still use merit only for really extraordinary posts. Or use it between your friends and acquaintances. Or use in schemes.

People who are on the forum just to use it as a free discussion platform on cryptocurrency in the same way as any other forum is on other subjects will find great difficulties to conquer merit.

I'm not complaining about the system and I think something like this was really necessary. I just do not know if I can get those merits. So I must satisfy myself with what I have at the moment as a full member.
2037  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: No more facebook campaigns? on: March 12, 2018, 05:41:21 AM
I think there is a lot of confusion about this. What is happening is that the company will no longer accept to publish business ads involving cryptocurrency. Not just ICO, but even Bitcoin or related projects like the mining and exchanges.

But this should be viewed as an opportunity. Since people are still allowed to talk about it. That is, we can still announce and comment on a project and ICO in a place where paid advertising is prohibited. ICO campaign should pay more now.
2038  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: The founder of NEO is launching a new IСO "wowoonet" on: March 12, 2018, 05:20:54 AM
Where is the details written that the founder of NEO will be responsible for this project? I did not find this information. It is only written that it will be a token in NEO so finally they will try to compete with ETH. But, unlike ETH, NEO can be turned off.

Among the investors is Roger Ver. Is there somewhere his statement about the project? Or the ANN topic clarifying the details? Very little information.
2039  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2018-03-11] Bitcoin Mining Giant Bitmain Sets Up Secret US Subsidiary on: March 12, 2018, 04:59:59 AM
They want to decentralize their operations so they do not get so dependent on China's uncertainties. Even more now that it has been confirmed that China will have a dictator in power, being able to compete as many elections as he wants, not just the party.

In addition, with US operations they may have access to more financial options to grow even more and make it difficult for other companies to operate in this industry.
2040  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2018-03-10] Venezuelan President Claims Petro Pre-Sale Raked in $5 Billion on: March 12, 2018, 04:51:22 AM
I think this will be the escape that he and other members of the government were looking for to wash the money they take out of government. I do not seem to have any indication that the population will benefit. It's a pump and dump scheme that will fail miserably.
Fortunately, the Venezuelan population still has other means of buying Bitcoin and investing in cryptocurrency.

In addition, people mined Bitcoin with a certain frequency. Because the energy is one of the only things that are still cheap.
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