Not evading your ban might help..., we may have double posted some few times during the last week, wondering if that is a reason for a ban of this kind...) nvm, we will be using this account to help people on this forum for the next 10 days.
after i upgraded to the bitcoind latest version 0.12.0, the i set paytxfee = 0.0001 on the bitcoin.conf as like previous version. and restart bitcoind. but the transaction fee was very low as 0.00005xxx. how can i set the paytxfee on the version 0.12.0 as like previous version. Its per kbyte. ok , if paytxfee is set 0.0001 and transaction is smaller than kbyte , the transaction fee must be 0.0001 . so i think minimum transaction fee must be 0.0001 btc. but it is not on the version 0.12.0 AFAIK this isnt new in 0.12. If you set 10k satoshi per kbyte and your TX is 250 byte it will pay 2.5k satoshi as fee.
after i upgraded to the bitcoind latest version 0.12.0, the i set paytxfee = 0.0001 on the bitcoin.conf as like previous version. and restart bitcoind. but the transaction fee was very low as 0.00005xxx. how can i set the paytxfee on the version 0.12.0 as like previous version. Its per kbyte.
Hey Guys,
Is there any way I can find 0.3 btc in a week? I can stay at the PC whole day. And for gambling I don't have money to gamble. Investments are scams. I won't ask for loans because I'm a newbie.
Any other way I can find 0.3 btc in a week.
Thank you.
If it would be easy, anyone would do it.
Testnet is the only way to make a new simple and small blockchain. The coins have no value and you can play around with the chain. It will require two computers running it though.
I think you have testnet in a box[1] in mind. If you run your regular node in testnet mode you will just connect to other testnet nodes. Since people are using old ASICs on testnet you might need to hit faucets or ask around the forum for some coins. [1]
Keep the chainstate obfuscation on Windows systems running 0.12 in mind. Its a simple XOR, but it would result in a different hash for the chainstate files, even if the orphans where identical compared to a Linux system.
Hab das mal probiert und nun steht da andauernd "invalid syntax".. Sorry kenn mich mit so was überhaupt nicht aus!
Edit: hab das mal wie auf der Seite gemacht und dann kam dieser Error : "C:\python27\python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory"
hmm invalid syntax klingt nach der falschen python version (3.x statt 2.x), macht aber keinen Sinn wenn Du 2.7 installiert hast. Ist so auch schwer zu sagen was genau los ist bzw. wo der Fehler liegt. Wenn Du willst schick mir: #1 die wallet Datei #2 die Token Datei oder ne Beschreibung was genau Du an Passwörtern getestet haben willst #3 eine Addresse von Deiner neue Wallet wo die Bitcoin hin sollen. mail ist: PGP key findest Du im Profil oder hier ->
I have 1.87906131 BTC coming in on friday but I am in desperate need of some at the moment. I am willing to send these directly to you upon receiving them if you could help me on this order. Please reply here or email me at The order is for less than this amount but I will send all the coin. Thank you Sure, any collateral?
Yeah, we are close to 70GB now. $ du -hs ~/.bitcoin/ 69G /home/-snip-/.bitcoin/
-snip- Thank you for your reply, i will try this. But i am running an samsung evo ssd 850 pro model formatted with f2fs, so i do not think it is the hard drive as well.. I will report back to you if it works If you suspect you are connected to slow nodes add addnode= addnode= addnode=
as well. #1 is my node, #2 is run by a german bitcoin club[1] and the 3rd was from another user. IIRC they are all connected with 1GBit/s [1]
Anmerkung: Ich konnt die Zeit von ca. 8-9 Stunden, ohne bootstrap.dat und mit großem Datenbankcache, inzwischen auf meinem Server bestätigen. Ich werde entsprechend bei der Aussage bleiben, die bootstrap.dat lohnt sich nicht für 99% der Nutzer. Es gibt da sicher Ausnahmen in denen die Datei praktisch ist, z.B. wenn der eigentliche Node langsam und instabil angebunden ist man aber an einem anderen Ort über schnelles Internet verfügt. Für die meisten, aber gilt bootstrap.dat macht das Synchronisieren langsamer.
When my electrum is behind I just restart it, that forces a sync.
My net speed would download the full thing 80 GB in one day. I am running it for a full week now.... yes a full week non stop. I had another computer a year ago and i could do it in a single day so i am still wondering what is going on. I am monitoring my internet and it goes full speed and then does nothing for a long time so i figured then it should be performing calculations to verify , but it is terrible. Does this mean it can't run on a raspberry ? Or can i add some parameters to make it faster ? Also when it is so computer intensive why the fence does it only use 15 percent of my core ? You can run it on a RasPi, but you should sync the blockchain on a proper machine (e.g. yours) as it will almost always be faster. If you have lots of ram you can add dbachce=4096 (or 2048) to the bitcoin.conf[1] file. This will reduce writes to disk and most of the changes are done in memory. If you go for 4GB for the database, you should have at least 5.5 GB total memory available. I managed to sync within 8.5 hours on a dual core this way. You should also remove the line once you are done as it will only slow things down (e.g. shutdown takes several minutes) when you are not doing the initial sync. The major breaks are #1 CPU #2 Disk #3 Internet Since neither your internet connection nor your CPU are constantly used, its very likely the disk. This means using the dbcache setting would speed things up for you. [1]
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- I have now received the funds from BitMixer.Io - turns out my wallet had stopped synchronising. (My bad) -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1PYPjneN6iiXxgNEAMdcipQmR4JKcZSJ7F H1SnZ5nxqsTVxLTkgAFus+DZp+BK17cGjzLFsmL5VGcOWlbzGOLChOfU8nfqwu2MfQhslKz1n/TPimiQhihFd5I= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Quoted Wana sign that with your old address 1AhuQTWMu185kWFmiUHhmTTVYjKR7BfirW[1] or did you post in the wrong thread? [1]
How about. #1 open core #2 open the debug.log from within (Help -> Debug Window -> Information -> Open) #3 wait for it to open in a text editor and within that editor select save as. It should show the current location of the file.
The default is 8 out connections. I configure my full node to allow 50 connections resulting in 42 in connections. Would it be more helpful to configure more out connections?
I dont think it matters who establishes the connection and if you establish all the connections you have no more free spots for clients that are looking for another node. I also noticed that if you run a node for some time, the maximum connection count gets saturated quickly. Which IMHO makes sense as your IP is in more peers.dat files. This is my node that has been running for ~2 years now and as you can see after a reboot its back close to the limit (42) within ~24 hours. This is my new node that has been running for only a few days and besides some peaks to ~125 due to connections by spv clients it grows connections more slowly. It will probably be another week until it hits 40 steady connections.
I searched my mac's hard drive, desktop and every other nook of my computer for debug.log, peers.dat and all of the other files named in this thread. Nothing. Unreal. What's going on?
Does the search include hidden directories? The folder is hidden by default on Windows as well as Linux.
i want get my BTC to blochain wallet.
If you have problems withdrawing you should contact their support or (if need be) open a scam accusation so other users can avoid them.
Hello dear ! I have account in this systems with 1btc balance . i look person who sent my different btc address with your fee . Maybe ypu post automaticall service here .Thank you Do you want to sell the account or do you need help withdrawing from their service?
Ja Windows! Hab schon Kontakt mit ihm aufgenommen und er meinte das das mit Electrum nicht geht.
Ich hatte es kurz mal geschafft aber dann ging es auf einmal nicht mehr.. -.- Nun steht da nämlich " error: argument --wallet (or --data-extract, --bip39, or -- listpass, exactly one) is required"
Hast du ne Token Datei[1] erstellt? Wenn nicht, das erst machen. Ansonsten musst du die wallet mit --wallet name_der_Datei angeben, ebenso wie die token Datei. Am einfachsten ist das wenn beide im selben Ordner sind wie die >python --wallet wallet_abc123def_electrum.dat --token tokens_abc123def_hard.txt Using 4 worker threads 24420 of 676000 [#-------------------------------------] 0:00:00, ETA: 0:00:02 Password found: 'abc123def'
Bei einer sehr großen Anzahl an Passwörtern musst Du zusätzlich --no-dupchecks übergeben. Ohne: >python --wallet wallet_abc123def_electrum.dat --token tokens_abc123def_harder.txt Counting passwords ... 22,300,000 ETA: 1 minutes and counting error: out of memory notice: the --no-dupchecks option will reduce memory usage at the possible expense of speed Interrupted after counting 22300000 passwords
Die Zahl kann bei dir anders sein, ich nutz 32-bit python wegen dem GPU support (der bei electrum egal ist) Mit: >python --wallet wallet_abc123def_electrum.dat --token tokens_abc123def_harder.txt --no-dupchecks Counting passwords ... Done Using 4 worker threads 1265328 of 31539456 [#---------------------------------] 0:00:02, ETA: 0:01:07 Password found: 'abc123def'
Does it require more fees when more transactions are behind it? I used to use faucets a lot, and I just sent a transaction, and it has a bunch of faucet transactions. That makes the transaction bigger, which requires more fees, right?
yes bigger transaction required bigger that transaction can made faster as soon as possible. and if you don't spend anything any fees sended btc will reverse to sender wallet automatically. No, this depends on the wallet the sender uses.