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2181  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Help me find the money! on: May 29, 2020, 12:20:26 PM
In primul rand vreau sa iti multumesc pentru munca si efortul depus. Nu reuseam sa fac singur treaba asta la fel cum imi prind urechile in BCH si LTC. Hackul a fost mai mare, au fost si criptomonede XRP si USDT si BTC furati.

Voi tine up to date discutia dupa cum evolueaza investigatia.
N-ai pentru ce, imi pare rau sincer ca n-am putut merge mai departe si cu celelalte monede si chiar si la ETH am facut un research destul de limitat. Daca a fost acelasi hack, poate ca e totusi suficient cat sa faci ceva in privinta tuturor monedelor furate.

Astept sa aud noutati! Smiley
2182  Economy / Economics / Re: If Recession Kicks In, How Will Bitcoin Perform? on: May 29, 2020, 06:41:20 AM
It's not going to be "just another deep recession". If you think what happened yet in 2020 wasn't enough, you're right. We're at the edge of a very tall building that is bound to collapse, which is basically the economy.

What happens to BTC will remain to be seen. In the ideal case, people wake up at the perfect time and put their money in something that doesn't artificially inflate like nuts every few weeks/months and doesn't lose value over time. At this point, I'd honestly believe in any asset, be it virtual or physical. If I ever have the opportunity, I would kick fiat out of my world in no time and use only BTC, gold and silver for the rest of my life.

By the looks of it, we're sooner or later going to enter a very, very bad economical situation. We'd probably wish for a 2008-like recession. The latest USA unemployment figures doesn't speak enough words anymore - it's starting to scream. If that wasn't enough, it's happening everywhere. I'm a very long distance away from the USA, yet we have a similar (possibly even worse) situation here.

Bitcoin will either survive or not. This entirely depends on us and on how we use it. If tomorrow the internet somehow falls in a country or enough people will remain unemployed for such a long time they won't be able to afford electricity & internet bills, expect huge FUD and a radical price decrease. Anything could happen. Comparing it to the previous recession, you had BTC go from nothing to $1,2k in a matter of 5 years (2008 - 2013). If history repeats, then Bitcoin will literally go nuts before 2015. But I'd rather follow a more realistic scenario.

The health crisis is quickly fading away and don't you think it's going to stop there - this was just a beginning. I read somewhere something that really made me think: the 2008 recession has redefined the financial industry. This one will redefine the way we live.

These drastic changes in the way we live will stay for a very long time. For some (probably many, actually), it's going to be a trauma.
2183  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [FREE RAFFLE] The 2020 Bitcoin Penny Commemorative and DIY Coins Part II on: May 29, 2020, 05:33:59 AM
96 - 20kevin20

Thank you! Smiley
2184  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor on: May 29, 2020, 05:29:24 AM
I-am sunat dar nu au raspuns. Pe site-ul lor am mai gasit un numar - Din pacate nici aici nu au raspuns.
Primul semn negativ! Cheesy Am patit de relativ multe ori sa am probleme cu ATM-urile/vending machine-urile cu BTC si singura speranta de rezolvare a fost de fiecare data sa sun la ei. Posibil insa sa fi prins tu apelul dupa program.

Navigand pe site insa, exista o harta a aparatelor (din pacate insa nu este optimizata nici pentru desktop, nici pentru mobil si nici nu se mareste la click)
Da, observ ca nici macar nu e o harta.. pare a fi imagine, inteleg totusi ca exista multe aparate dar doar in zona PH si B.

Nu am mai continuat, intrucat nu aveam timp sa stau pentru a face cont.

Dupa cum spuneam mai sus, aparatul functiona astazi. Achizitia de BTC se face tot prin SpectroCoin, si, din ce vad, aparatul de cafea are soft-ul Qiwi
Si.. de aici pe mine m-au pierdut. Cheesy SpectroCoin merge pe KYC, fapt pentru care eu nu ma mai risc. Totusi, nu suna deloc rau sa ai posibilitatea de a achizitiona BTC de oriunde fie el si cu AML & KYC.

Sunt ferm convins ca ajuta, dar pe de alta parte ma duce si cu gandul la problema cursului semnificativ ridicat al ZebraPay - s-ar putea sa fie vorba de un curs destul de nasol si la aparatele astea vs exchange-uri.
2185  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Help me find the money! on: May 28, 2020, 10:07:00 PM
Link PDF:

OK, am reusit sa fac pana acum o mica analiza pentru ETH si sper sa fie corecta si de folos. M-as fi dus si mai adanc pe fir, dar deja as fi avut multe adrese cu mii de tranzactii si devine cam complicat (din cate observi in dreapta PDF-ului).. insa cred ca am reusit sa gasesc ceva ce ar putea sa te ajute:

Adresa 0x4a0ba5a7cfca1a33dde5f03ce8aace189e63f1bc, fiind chiar cea din tranzactia catre care ai trimis tu suma in transactia din OP, a avut printre tranzactii si urmatoarele de mai jos.

E vorba de smart contracts, nu le-am studiat vreodata sa pot intra mai adanc pe fir dar s-ar putea ca unele dintre ele sa fie cumparari de tokens prin ICO (si posibil ca acestea sa se fi cumparat cu KYC), desi pot sa ma insel:

Ba mai mult de atat, am o veste posibil si mai buna pentru tine: adresa 0x4a0ba5A7cFcA1a33Dde5F03Ce8AACe189E63f1bC a primit cei 13.254 Nexo de la.. Huobi! Smiley

Este posibil ca si adresa 0x03fFc93b472edbc8B873999bBdFeE0AB40d83E64 (culoarea mov de pe pagina excel cu ETH) sa apartina ownerului adresei 0x4a0ba5A7cFcA1a33Dde5F03Ce8AACe189E63f1bC avand in vedere ca au plecat banuti de la 0x4a0ba5A7cFcA1a33Dde5F03Ce8AACe189E63f1bC la 0x03fFc93b472edbc8B873999bBdFeE0AB40d83E64 dupa care banii au intrat tot pe Huobi, insa nu pe aceeasi adresa a exchange-ului.

Am lasat colorate legaturile dintre adrese pe care le-am gasit. Am incercat sa-l fac ca un fel de panza dar sincer nu stiu daca am reusit sa il fac prea usor de inteles. In orice caz, doua legaturi cu Huobi am gasit si nu-s convins ca e doar o coincidenta..

La BCH si LTC trebuie sa recunosc ca m-am pierdut imediat ce am inceput. Avand multe input-uri si output-uri, devine mult mai greu sa faci totul manual Cheesy
2186  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Help me find the money! on: May 28, 2020, 07:21:17 PM
Acum m-am apucat sa ma uit peste ele si am inceput cu tranzactia ETH, dar vreau sa ma asigur ca nu lucrez degeaba. Spune-mi te rog daca inteleg corect ca sa stiu daca pornesc de unde trebuie:

  • Suma furata: 28.3 Ether
  • Adresa ownerului: 0x2fb261203f7ff7dff2b6bf92ea491d2c0abb64c0
  • Adresa hotului: 0x4a0ba5a7cfca1a33dde5f03ce8aace189e63f1bc

  • Suma furata: 0.56000000 BCH
  • Adresele ownerului: qz327c8c8ugz7vdad4tr4ha55c0lu3x55vmv96auwa;  qpwnmv5hdru7gejnp9ahfh4jndarwxzh0qz20vgfrk;  qrcgchpsrs8r3dvc0up74df3lexmmknx8sax0y2qj9;  qpwnmv5hdru7gejnp9ahfh4jndarwxzh0qz20vgfrk;  qp53mwh83c0awqn7a65aeqztm7y36pcju5a7vcty3l (change address)
  • Adresa hotului: qqe8apdzmmlk0p43ahgzwn8uglr42kgwt55zm9k5cu

  • Suma furata: 11.44000000 LTC
  • Adresele ownerului: MMP9YQJ2Etu3VqzQHEK5Qpz8L64isMniJA;     MFSYpszXvwucVXQzfZupEXsLVQEpajsA5h;  MTz7Zo2m7pToiJPg1vkM8FBr6DNRST69nY;  MF3weQDNQnGY3Tr82FurRt4yxeNaHHSJwB (change address)
  • Adresa hotului: MWRpgYmXPiYjm2JwW9PXfgt8EGLLCc6Yxm
2187  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Cryptocurrency Price Check Sites on: May 28, 2020, 03:27:12 PM
My all time favorite is - I have been using this since 2014-15.
Although it doesn't have all the cryptocurrencies listed, still it's very simple.
I used to check the prices using Preev years ago, but I found out that the price over there isn't as accurate as CMC's. It's better to have the price average from many sources than from only 1-4.

Today I'm using CoinMarketCap, the one +95% use. Can't deny how useful it is with all the data they have acquired over the years.
2188  Other / Off-topic / Re: List of countries where you can buy prepaid credit cards no ID, with cash on: May 28, 2020, 03:19:55 PM
My country, Romania, still has quite a lot of places you can buy them from without any ID. Another option could be purchasing them from some places like eBay. However, keep in mind that AFAIK, starting from 2020 the EU will require sellers to only sell to those providing identity documents.

But considering that we still have some small shops selling cigarettes to kids, you should find prepaid cards as well easily. Wink
2189  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What is good strategy or technique for Toss Coin? on: May 28, 2020, 02:00:14 PM
My observation is not related to the monitor (they can always use both tricks) but it's referred to:
- Coin
- Magnets (the link below it's referred to roulette but it can be applied even to rigged coin flip)
Are you sure coin tossing could be rigged by using magnets though? I mean, I think it's much easier (and less suspicious) if coin tossing manipulation is applied when flipping it than by using the magnet. It could be both in use, of course, but I think coin manipulation without magnets is easier to control too.
2190  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Tech Apocalypse, AI, Tolkien, and Elon Musk on: May 28, 2020, 01:41:52 PM
Very interesting analogy. I see AI possibly becoming a very big danger if these microchips are EMP-proof and created to be destroy-proof. In a world where AI wants to take control, I guess EMP might be the only hope of salvation. The other side of the story is if humans start using the chips to their own advantage. As it is embedded inside your own brain, I assume it will collect data out of it too. Musk said the chip will help with vision and other medical stuff too, so I understand it should be smart enough to know what you suffer from so it could come with the right solution.

What is very interesting is the fact that in almost all movies and TV shows, the rich do not have the microchips embedded in their heads or, in the ones where they do, it's at one point used against themselves. But usually, it's the rich without it and the poor with it. If you take it from another perspective, microchips are designed in most movies as the perfect weapon for control.

The scenario where humans use the microchip to their own advantage, besides the usage of it as a weapon of control there is also the possibility of using it to steal crucial information. For instance, cyber-thieves killing someone for the microchip to scrap the data off it and know all the accounts & passwords that user knew or to find out where their wealth was hidden at. In another instance, intel agencies could profit off their adversaries by murdering one of them and reading data off the chip to know what their plan is, so that they could create the perfect counter-attack.

A potentially even larger danger? If the chip ever gets smart enough to know the exact way a specific human it's been embedded into thinks, the said intel agency could then take the chip, send it the bits required for it to know the plan has been exposed and that the intel is working on a counter-measure. In consequence, the chip would respond by producing the thoughts its host would've produced, helping the agency become one impossible to counter.

The upsides of microchips are nothing compared to what the downsides could be. We're comparing the possibility of humans with lost vision or paralysis to fully recover with the possibility of AI takeover.

Maybe we are going to reach a completely new and better level of humanity, but if we give them the ability to think on their own and put them into a brain or body which means they'd be 24/7 connected to an energy source, we'd never know what truly goes behind the scenes. In fact, there could be a very dark world self-produced by the chips that could be hidden very well from us once we come into interaction with it.

So.. how worth it will this all AI thing really be?
2191  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor on: May 28, 2020, 01:13:25 PM
Intr-adevar, aparatul de cafea are un display. Am fost astazi din nou acolo insa nu functionau serviciile de plata, din pacate. Nu doar pentru, BTC, ci toate.
Ah, vechea problema ZebraPay pe care mereu o intalneam. Aveam de multe ori zile in care mergeam de 5-6 ori in disperare ca nu puteam sa cumpar la curs bun. Cheesy

Cred insa ca apeland la numarul afisat se poate obtine o lista a acestor aparate minune Smiley
Ar fi o idee buna sa si le puna pe CoinATMRadar. Cred ca e cel mai la indemana loc in care sa verifici de unde poti cumpara si e posibil sa aiba mai multe aparate, un fel de mine de aur nedescoperite care poate-poate exista si prin zona mea. Smiley
2192  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Help me find the money! on: May 28, 2020, 01:09:56 PM
Am sa imi iau eu mai tarziu timp sa ma uit peste ele. Am facut doar de cateva ori blockchain analysis si de multe ori m-am pierdut in ele, dar poate reusesc sa fac ceva cu tranzactiile astea. Revin cat de curand.
2193  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ledger(and Trezor) hardware wallet owners: heads up on: May 26, 2020, 02:30:44 PM
If a government requires businesses to store customer data, then it should require some level of database security. If a business gets their customer's data stolen due to a database hack because of some unfixed security hole, then that business could to be blamed too.
Well, many don't even know this could be a problem first of all. For example, there are lots of people storing critical data in cloud storage - this database security thing is pretty much something you learn about if you are interested in tech. I'm talking about smaller businesses too, not necessarily corporations which certainly do have some workers building up stronger security.

The thing I'm trying to underline is, the things governments could solve and find out by asking a business to hand out a specific customer's data might be nothing compared to the damage a large security breach could do.
2194  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ledger(and Trezor) hardware wallet owners: heads up | EDIT: (debunked) on: May 26, 2020, 12:51:45 PM
It is quite scary how a little database leak could lead to a huge chain of robberies involving potentially millions of USD, specifically if big names & their addresses are leaked. The worst part is, governments may require businesses to store customer details but a business doesn't always have a high level database security. In fact, I'd guess most of them don't.
2195  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor on: May 25, 2020, 08:37:09 PM
In privinta aparatului de cafea, nu cred ca apare pe CoinATMRadar. Tot maine voi verifica exact cum functioneaza. Dar ar trebui sa fie similar cu modul in care lucrau si ZebraPay / SelfPay. La celelalte servicii cel putin, par similare (facturi Avon, Enel etc.).
Ah, acum observ ca in stanga locului in care introduci bancnotele e un display, nu un afis imprimat. Chiar ma gandeam cum naiba faci sa cumperi BTC doar introducand niste bancnote si alegand ca vrei Bitcoin Smiley))
2196  Other / Serious discussion / Re: The very first BTC private key leads to both 1337 and 42! (Nerdery) on: May 25, 2020, 05:36:37 PM
So someone really took their time to do this thing, I am really wondering how the hell you guys discover these things all the time. It would've never crossed my mind to look this up.

Oh well, you've just given the private keys to both of them so it's really just a matter of copy-pasting them into a wallet & sending a satoshi and there goes your finding. Cheesy
2197  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor on: May 25, 2020, 05:17:23 PM
Sunt unele in hypermarkert-uri, mai sunt unele si la magazine mai mici (Qiwi parca se numesc).
Observ ca nici Qiwi nu mai vinde BTC. Nasol e faptul ca atat Qiwi cat si SelfPay sunt la orice colt de strada, la propriu. Poate cineva vine cu ideea de a re-deschide ceva business care sa functioneze prin cele doua terminale, eu zic ca daca te straduiesti putin poti sa faci un banut destul de frumos din asta. Smiley

De asemenea, se poate cumpara BTC si de la aparate de cafea multifunctionale precum cel din poza de mai jos.
Aparatul respectiv apare pe CoinATMRadar? E prima oara cand vad Bitcoin la aparat de cafea, presupun ca iti da un private key pentru sweep sau cum functioneaza (vad ca nu are cititor QR sau de bare)?
2198  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Stop calling it DICE. on: May 25, 2020, 03:31:34 PM
Imagine a huge dice with 9999 sides on it and every time you'd throw it you'd have an instant result instead of having to wait for it to stop rolling. That's what an online "dice" game shows. Throwing a six-faced dice is generating a random number from 1 to 6, the computer "throws" a dice with X sides doing the same thing, but much faster than physics allow a real dice to be stopped and counted.

I guess someone could invent an online casino with that huge dice shown for you, but it would be too much hassle than simply randomly generating a number.
2199  Economy / Economics / Re: Banks would suffer till at least 2025, according to IMF on: May 25, 2020, 03:24:56 PM
If a bank needs 5 years to recover, imagine how much the average Joe needs. We've been all hit much harder than a bank and the result will be seen pretty soon..

There are some very good indicators out there (good for predictions, not good as in positive) that show very well how hard this entire Corona thing hit us. For one, number of suicides & heart attacks in the past few weeks. More than half a million britons registered for a suicide prevention course. This entire situation hurts everything: health, our mental, the economy etc.

I keep waiting for that true face of the economy to be seen, because everyone's trying to cover it up and once the beast unleashes it's going to be a blitzkrieg from all sides..
2200  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 1miau 2nd anniversary giveaway [2 mBTC] on: May 25, 2020, 03:03:32 PM
39 - 20kevin20
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