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26361  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 22, 2016, 03:44:21 AM
lol yea i remember...also remember u saying smart men ( ) will dump on sunday  Cheesy great call m8 , ive bn riding the waves and loving almost everyone, but tommorow i turn my monitor back round as upside down pump could be ending due to another Bitfinex ride about to begin.

I don't know what any of this shit means, but looking at your post history, it appears you are highly invested in Eth.  Extremely fucking stupid to be altcoining DURING the fucking Bitcoin halving rise.  It's about the dumbest trade you can possibly make.  The fact that Eth is conceptually and technically broken, as me and Anonymint have shown, plus being overpumped in a bubble on top of that just makes it all that much worse.  Don't be the idiot that loses all your money betting against the BTC halving.  We already saw that happen to MatTheCat about 24 hours ago.

You will see the -20% Eth flash crash along with a simultaneous BTC green candle soon.

MatTheCat does come up with some weird ass trading theories to attempt to bet against the trend, to leverage trade and seeming to even overly rely on luck and fluke whale manipulations in order to profit from the opposite trend direction...

Seems like a losing strategy, and I would rather not gamble with my bitcoin investment...
26362  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 22, 2016, 03:21:40 AM
delirious... preposterous... denigrating ...butt hurt... a bit deranged.

I'm being whimsical.
I just thought i throw out an alternative to the forum, seeing how we could use a few more " ITS GOING TO THE MOOON " post on the other WO thread.
everything i've said in the previous post was horsing around , just joking around, having fun, "trolling". sorry if that was unclear.

O.k... I understand the definition of trolling... it tends to be the opposite of the truth...

And, maybe it is just wearing on me a little bit, when core is made out as some kind of unified force that is the bad guy, when in fact it seems that a lot of the recent mess was  brought on by XT and classic proponents who may have been unwittingly attempting to undermine bitcoin in a variety of ways, including attempting to cause it to be easier to change fundamental aspects of bitcoin and through confusion and disinformation to cause unnecessary divisiveness in the bitcoin community

i think both sides have bitcoins best interest at heart and both sides are willing to resort to dirty tricks to get there way.

Nah... Let's not play the everybody is right baloney... .

Only one side came into this situation with guns blazing, and attempted to mislead by asserting a technical problem (that really did not exist), and through that were attempting to change governance. 

That change in governance would have probably destroyed bitcoin to make it like paypal or some other system that is controlled and manipulated by a small group.

26363  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 22, 2016, 02:15:51 AM
delirious... preposterous... denigrating ...butt hurt... a bit deranged.

I'm being whimsical.
I just thought i throw out an alternative to the forum, seeing how we could use a few more " ITS GOING TO THE MOOON " post on the other WO thread.
everything i've said in the previous post was horsing around , just joking around, having fun, "trolling". sorry if that was unclear.

O.k... I understand the definition of trolling... it tends to be the opposite of the truth...

And, maybe it is just wearing on me a little bit, when core is made out as some kind of unified force that is the bad guy, when in fact it seems that a lot of the recent mess was  brought on by XT and classic proponents who may have been unwittingly attempting to undermine bitcoin in a variety of ways, including attempting to cause it to be easier to change fundamental aspects of bitcoin and through confusion and disinformation to cause unnecessary divisiveness in the bitcoin community
26364  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 22, 2016, 01:53:01 AM
I invite you all to join a new forum, one not controlled by large corporations and banks.

This one is not controlled by corporations and/or banks... .. hahahahahaha...

Get real!!!
That's what they want you to think...

That makes little to no sense.

Initially, a bunch of folks are pissed off at Theymos and administrators of this forum because they suggest that they are being censored and not able to propagate ideas regarding XT and classic and related ideas to make a hard change to the blocksize limit..

In essence, it has been discovered that the real agendas of XT and classic supporters has not been about hard changes to the blocksize limit, but instead concerns about bitcoin's governance, and they want to make it easier to make changes to bitcoin.  That would be a banker's dream to be able to undermine bitcoin like that.

So, really contrary to your assertion, it really is not the case that persons opposed to XT and classic are supporters of banks and corporations because the exact opposite seems to be true in regards to the effects of either XT or classic in their aims to make it easier to make changes to fundamental bitcoin protocols and consensus systems.

you see this popele, you see what happens when you stay here to long


core devs are godly.  (Certainly not true because core devs are too mixed a group in order to attempt to define them as a group and as if they were some kind of unified force... the only thing that likely unifies them is being opposed to XT and Classic because both XT and classic were attempts to undermine bitcoin in a couple of ways (governance and to create devisiveness))
hard forks are evil     (True if they are not necessary and attempted outside of consensus)   
XT and classic are the enemy    (True because they attempt to change bitcoin's governance, create divisiveness and undermine bitcoin))

I made various responses in bold, above.

It is hardly the case that people are brainwashed around this forum, and you should know better than to assert such nonsense..

You are beginning to come off as butt hurt (and maybe that has been the case for a couple months now)...

You seem to be so delirious that you don't even recognize the preposterous nature of your own postings.... why should the forum allow you to make posts in which you attempt to steal members and attempt to promote another forum while at the same time denigrating the forum in which you are posting...   Are you sure that someone has not taken over your account.. because not only are you coming off as butt hurt, you are also coming off as a bit deranged.
26365  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 22, 2016, 12:55:36 AM
I invite you all to join a new forum, one not controlled by large corporations and banks.

This one is not controlled by corporations and/or banks... .. hahahahahaha...

Get real!!!
That's what they want you to think...

That makes little to no sense.

Initially, a bunch of folks are pissed off at Theymos and administrators of this forum because they suggest that they are being censored and not able to propagate ideas regarding XT and classic and related ideas to make a hard change to the blocksize limit..

In essence, it has been discovered that the real agendas of XT and classic supporters has not been about hard changes to the blocksize limit, but instead concerns about bitcoin's governance, and they want to make it easier to make changes to bitcoin.  That would be a banker's wet dream to be able to undermine bitcoin like that.

So, really contrary to your assertion, it really is not the case that persons opposed to XT and classic happen to be supporters of banks and corporations because the exact opposite seems to be true in regards to the effects of either the implementation of XT or classic in their aims to make it easier to make changes to fundamental bitcoin protocols and consensus systems.
26366  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 22, 2016, 12:41:23 AM
I invite you all to join a new forum, one not controlled by large corporations and banks.

This one is not controlled by corporations and/or banks... .. hahahahahaha...

Get real!!!
26367  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 21, 2016, 10:55:33 PM
$500 before the 1st of May?

PChhhhh, too easy, little boya ...

According to the insightful predictions of Aztecminer.dummy, we are not going to get prices outside of the $350 to $500 range, because bitcoin is stuck...

hahahahahha...   He's already moved off of that statement a little bit, in preparation for having to change his dumbass and simplified narrative.  If we get any kind of downward correction, surely we are likely to get a few of the "bitcoin doesn't scale" propagandists coming in here in order to attempt to save a little face... with their FUCD spreading efforts.

26368  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 21, 2016, 07:45:42 PM
2 days later my bank calls me and says the person's account that sent me the money was hacked and that they needed to refund the 180 euro. Nothing I could do at that point.
I had the same thing happen on Venmo... those fuckers.  Angry Angry Angry

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message Smiley

I don't know whether I should feed any trolls, yet if you could explain your amorphous response causing it to become less amorphous, that would be great.   Wink Wink

Sure. But first you gotta delineate the aspects of aforementioned amorphicity you feel are too nebulous, and thus may benefit from further, that is to say more rigorous, definition.


I'm not going to play this stupid-ass game, in which you continue to fail/refuse to clarify the meaning of your simple sentence, i.e.:  "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message Smiley"
26369  Economy / Speculation / Re: rpietila Wall Observer - the Quality TA Thread ;) on: April 21, 2016, 07:03:40 PM
we can fuel the rocket without rpietila!!!

 Cheesy how many of the "bitcoin is a bubble" theme song (March-2013) featured stars are still active in the forums?

Yeah man I wish you were still keep this thread going I really enjoyed it.  So if it starts to run up again are you going to post more on here?


He will post about martians, his dreams and various other at the moment off topics in order to bring us "quality TA"  or maybe, Monero, as an alternative "quality" topic?

26370  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 21, 2016, 06:58:04 PM

The below article gives a pretty decent overview of segregated witness and the anticipated timeline

Some credit may go to segregated witness's status in terms of this latest price optimism, no?

26371  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 21, 2016, 06:54:46 PM
2 days later my bank calls me and says the person's account that sent me the money was hacked and that they needed to refund the 180 euro. Nothing I could do at that point.
I had the same thing happen on Venmo... those fuckers.  Angry Angry Angry

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message Smiley

I don't know whether I should feed any trolls, yet if you could explain your amorphous response causing it to become less amorphous, that would be great.   Wink Wink
26372  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 21, 2016, 05:50:32 PM
You can use SEPA, OKpay, etc. The exchange is just starting, but it has lots of potential. At least, it is impossible to take down.

ELI5 who I wire actual irl money to, and why it won't get stolen immediately.

1) The bitcoins are programmed to be released only when two of three people agree that the money has been received.
2) When the money gets to your bank account you and the buyer release your coins.
3) If you lie about it, the buyer and a random aribitrator release your coins.

Not sure that I would trust it...  but seems legit.

Did this with a SEPA transfer on bitquick once. The guy sent me 180 euro. I saw the transfer go through to my account. I released the bitcoins.

2 days later my bank calls me and says the person's account that sent me the money was hacked and that they needed to refund the 180 euro. Nothing I could do at that point.

I had the same thing happen on Venmo... those fuckers.    Angry Angry Angry

26373  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 21, 2016, 03:56:11 PM
This rally won't stop until it has hit $490 then it will shrink back down. We have seen this all before. With the halving happening by then who knows, a new player to this is coming.

You have a real bad sense of market dynamics if you believe that prices stop/reverse at $490... sure it could stop before that time, but if prices make it it $490, we have pure momentum and psychology that easily brings us into the mid-$500s and more likely into the mid $600s... though, surely such momentum can stop at any time, it just takes a lot more effort to go against a trend, and when we hit certain price points, there becomes a strong trend and $490 is one of those price points that is likely upwards rather than a reversing point...
26374  Economy / Speculation / Re: Halving guide for noobs: Why it's not possible for halving to be priced in now on: April 21, 2016, 06:02:57 AM
the whole point of btc is you can have certainty about supply, so why cant you price that in?

of course you can price it in, and a whole hell-of-a lot of other people can price it in too; however, all of those people still do not make the whole market or the market behavior from those known events there continue to remain a lot of unknowns, including a number of market actors who do not realize the impact and whose actions cannot be predicted ahead of time. 

Therefore, halfing is only partially priced in because market information is imperfect (even with known factors) and humans are not completely rational... and accordingly, the behaviors of some irrational people are going to affect the rational and irrational behaviors of others, creating even more unknowns.
26375  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 21, 2016, 05:22:02 AM
leverage is not useful for me
i have money in the bank and bitcoins in my pocket
i never trade with more than like 20% of them at one time
if i wanted to leverage i'd "lend myself" $ or BTC

but lambos?

want a lambo?
easy what dose that cost like 200,000$?
go to the bank barrow 200,000$ put it all on red, win, pay the bank back
and then go buy a lambo with the profits!

i'd feel too nervous placing so much money at risk for a move up or down on the bitcoin market at any given time... any market. i just dont have the balls.

MAYBE if we truly bubble and i can see clear as day a correction is imminent i'll sell all my bitcoins and borrow more to sell more, and then buy back on the first swing down.

if i wasn't so risk adverse i'd be pretty rich right now, but i did the sensible thing and cashed in large sums of bitcoin here and there as price rose, and rose and rose and then exploded.

you need balls of steel to be able to place all your money + barrow some more to place a bet on the market...

I don't like leverage either, because it is too much like gambling with something that is very highly capable of being manipulated... and manipulations can take place to truly screw us over (especially with leverage).

Maybe without leverage, we are not going to get rich from BTC market movements; however, we now know that bitcoin is capable of 10x(s)... and we should be able to do very well with BTC with anything approaching a 10x... even a 2x or a 5x...   Anyhow, since there have been several 10x(s) in the past, and there remains considerable potential for at least a couple more 10x(s), we should put ourselves in such a position to profit from such, if considerable upwards movement(s) were to occur...

Probably, we have to play to preserve our capital sufficiently in case there is not any additional 10x(s); however, since we know that 10x(s) are reasonably possible, we still need to sufficiently prepare our BTC investment portfolio(s) for those kinds of possibilities. 

In other words, like you describe, try to take measured and small profits along the way, and do not sell all or a large portion of BTC merely based on a 2x or a 5x price movement, unless there is fairly convincing information that a 10% or so correction is occurring.. even though it may be a good idea to sell some of them, maybe up to 50% at various stages. and maybe allocate some of the sales proceeds for taking off the table completely and some for buying back.   
26376  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: April 20, 2016, 11:20:19 PM
bitcoin still has a flaw that it cannot scale.. you can take that anyway you want to. .. if its fud well too bad.. bitcoin still cannot scale. i have the intelligence to understand and accept this fact, while you on the other hand only have the intelligence to insult people who disagree with you. i think my little seven year old niece can do that and her brain isnt even fully developed yet.

once again, it doesnt matter if the price goes up since i am sitting on a pile of coins in cold storage.. if the price were to go lower to a point i feel is a buy then i might buy more. what i am not going to do is sit here an come up with different bullshiat to lie to myself and everyone like you do everyday.

+1 Aztecminer is exactly right and I am in the same position. You can keep pumping and make my cold storage coins more valuable if you want, but I'm not putting in one more dime until scaling gets fixed and it's not fixed.  

Yeah... you are like two dumb peas in a pod.  

Good luck with that lack of perspective ....

seems to be working for me. i really do have a good pile of coins from mining. any new coins i would potentially buy would most likely go to trading anyways. maybe i might dump some more into cold storage if i get them. i don't know for sure cuz i feel bitcoins flaw that is NOT being addressed is a serious problem. i believe it introduces a risk. i'm not desperate for coins which is why i don't have to buy. its more like you are the dumbass juan that you can't see that strategy working fine. i keep a small amount of cash liquid on exchange in case something happens, or i decide to do something. silver is moving up too. i told everyone to buy silver when it was $14.50.. that happened to be the bottom. silver cruised through $16.00 like it wasnt even there yesterday. i wouldnt be surprised if this latest bitcoin pump was a manipulation to keep tardedbrains like juan from buying silver. btw juan, did you know i have a character in one my books name juan de lupio ?? .. kinda reminds me of you.. ROFL ..LOL.. don't get lost on your way to Antarctica juan!

There's nothing wrong with having a BTC trade strategy that works for you; however, having such a strategy does not imply that strategy to be good for others.

I would not waste my time looking into any of your writings, but at this point, I am not going to attempt to stop others who may be inclined in such ways.

Don't consider my lack of not recommending your "supposed works" to be an endorsement.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
26377  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ToominCoin aka "Bitcoin_Classic" #R3KT on: April 20, 2016, 11:12:36 PM
Actually, your narrow focus on one word does not make you smart, but instead makes you patronizing and deviating from the actual point(s) that I made.

Well, I've said once already that I agreed with the point you made! Roll Eyes I just don't agree with the way you made it, i.e. misrepresenting an entire political philosophy as being a pernicious force in order to make your point. But the point stands, and I haven't said even once I disagreed, the opposite in fact.

This has got nothing to do with my feelings (Huh), but of simply representing facts correctly. Sorry if your feelings have somehow become involved, but they shouldn't be.

I don't know why you would conclude that my feelings are involved in this at any higher level than necessary. 

\I am just making various points on the internet.  You made your points and I made mine... 
26378  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ToominCoin aka "Bitcoin_Classic" #R3KT on: April 20, 2016, 10:54:20 PM
Core logic: if bitcoin nodes are only ran by a few 1000 large entities then bitcoin has failed.
Classic logic: if bitcoin becomes a settlement layer only used by a few 1000 large entities then bitcoin has failed.

@adamstgBit logic - oops that actually doesn't exist (there is no logic behind your posts).

Epic fail Cheesy

(and for those that are not aware he sold his account around a year ago so don't be fooled into thinking he has been around on this forum for years)

U don't really know that he actually sold his account.
26379  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ToominCoin aka "Bitcoin_Classic" #R3KT on: April 20, 2016, 09:41:00 PM
who will open LN channels and make 1000's of payments to each other? poeple like CoinBase and Bitpay.
LN will interconnect these large entities and allow them to settle without the blockchain.
here is a visual representation of the LN scaling solution

Actually, that sounds great.  Are you trying to sell Lightning network... and to discontinue your pursuit of XT/Classic and/or other variations?

In the above described scenario, some of the bigger players will get off of the direct block; however, with LN they are still going to be within bitcoin and somewhat more transparent than they are currently with there variety of stupid-ass off chain transacting systems.  Accordingly, LN is going to probably accomplish at least a few goals 1) keeping more transactions accountable on the blockchain which lessens likelihood of fractional reserve banking 2) freeing up more of the blockchain for direct transactions, without the big boys, 3) allowing further delays in keeping the blocksize limit down in order that we do not get too much bloating

its a problem... when coinbase realizes it always has about 10X more user deposits then it does user funds tied up in the lighting network, and can easily start fractional reserve operation.

IMO LN will fosters this type of scheme were coinbase behaves like a bank, and blockchain is a settlement layer the users dont have direct access to.

Even though we are allowed to speculate here, we should attempt to stay within reality regarding some of our known facts, and you seem to be going on quite a tangent with your assumption that seg wit allows more opportunities for bitcoin-related fractional reserve banking. 

Let's consider that under our current bitcoin practice, we have quite a few bitcoin merchant entities and bitcoin exchanges that are holding private keys and therefore holding bitcoin's and conducting transactions off of the blockchain... in essence we have to trust that they are not trading more bitcoin's than they actually hold (through their off chain transactions).  The weight of the credible evidence seems to suggest that Lightning Network creates structures and incentives to have more and more of these historical transactions to be connected with the blockchain.  Even though they may not be immediately settled, they are connected with the blockchain, and entities using LN will not be able to transact with coins that they do not have. 

You seem to be suggesting the opposite, as if LN transactions will not be tied to the blockchain and entities utilizing LN can somehow create or use coins on the LN that they do not have... which makes little sense... based on the actual factual descriptions regarding what LN provides.

also, I might not be able to send a 5$ donation to wikileaks because coinbase is a regulated entity and i am forced to deal with coinbase for TX <25$ because its to costly to do <25$ payments directly on the blockchain.

We gotta see how it plays out... It is way too early to be attempting to predict fees based on potential services that are going to be offered and the extent that there may be competition.

how to regulate the blockchain payments.

step 1, regulate large bank like bitcoin entities
step 2, prohibit users from using the blockchain directly by imposing high fees.


Makes little sense.  There are going to be both regulated and non regulated conduct within this space for some time to come.

I might be exaggerating the level of fees. fees might very well come down to 2012 levels once LN makes all the TX happening between bitpay coinbase bitfinex stamps etc etc all of chain, allowing users to keep making direct payment on the blockchain and leverage the LN to quickly move funds between coinbase and stamps or whatever.

yeah... you do seem to be exaggerating fees because we really do not know, yet.... because there are forces in both directions (bringing fees up and bringing fees down)

but i can see how eventually ( should the 1MB limit never be raised )

It's possible that there will not be a need to increase the blockchain limit.  Why raise it if it does not need to be raised?

the blockchain will be over runned by LN open and close TX's and since millions of dollars will be transacted in these channels fees for opening and closing these channels could be 10's if not 100's of dollars.

I doubt that anytime soon we are going from free and penny transactions to $10 to $100 transactions.. makes little sense, in our life times.

a fee of 50$ to transact the main chain means individuals payments MUST go through payment gateways which is a bad thing, which is what bitcoin was meant to avoid.

If fees are that high, then I'm sure people will search for and find alternative and less expensive means to transact value.

26380  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: ToominCoin aka "Bitcoin_Classic" #R3KT on: April 20, 2016, 06:49:32 PM

there is a lack of world governance, and therefore, a kind of anarchy

Anarchy doesn't mean "no rules", it means "no rulers".

No rules would be a bad thing. No rulers would be a good thing. Hence, anarchy good, government bad.

I agree with your overall point about some rules being good - and there can be considerable arbitrariness with rulers; however, to me, it sounds as if you are attempting to make one of those lame libertarian and nonsensical distinctions.  

Well, the word "rule" and "ruler" are superficially similar, but the meanings are considerably different from one another. You're describing the distinction as "nonsense" and "lame"? I wouldn't like to be around you in a situation where that difference mattered. That difference makes a great deal of sense, even if you refuse to acknowledge it. They are separate words with separate spellings for a reason: because they're not the same word, and do not mean the same thing

Actually, your narrow focus on one word does not make you smart, but instead makes you patronizing and deviating from the actual point(s) that I made.

I've read several of your posts, and frequently, you make decent sense, except when you get on some of these dumb-ass tangents...

Yes, we all know rule and ruler are two words and two related concepts; however, for the purposes and points that I was making, it doesn't fucking matter... thus.... this part of the discussion has become a considerable and irrelevant tangent... that possibly makes you feel good because you want to instruct regarding some irrelevant point that you are acting as if you know and others do not know?
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