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2941  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: مسابقة: رسوم التحويلات في اوقات التقلبات on: February 10, 2021, 12:20:46 PM
و ماذا يحصل لو انفجرت حجم  مجموع المعاملات في الmempool اكبر من 300MB? طبعا أعرف ان المعدنين يمكنهم فقط شامل ما يصل الي 1MB في معاملات او كذا في البلوك، و لكن اذا ملء المممبول، هل سقط المعاملات الأقل تفضيل منها اي لديهم أندى رسوم؟ او هل سقط المعاملات الأقدم؟

كل هده الاعدادات قابلة للتغير على حسب رغبة مالك العقدة, ولكن في حل امتلاء ال mempool فلن يكون هناك فرق بين المعاملات الاقدم والاجدد لانه على حسب علمي معظم العقد تستخدم minMempoolFeeRate حيت يتم اسقاط جميع المعاملات التي تدفع اقل من تلك القيمة بغض النظر عن توقيتها, يعني لو كانت قيمة minMempoolFeeRate  اتنان ساتوشي فعند امتلاء ال mempool سوف يتم حدف كل المعاملات التي تدفع اقل من 2 ساتوشي سواء كانت جديدة او قديمة, وفور توفر المساحة الكافية مجددا يتم تخفيض القيمة ليسمح لتلك للتحويلات بالعودة.

@Husires سأترك المجال للاخرين ونكمل نقاشنا الشيق قريبا.
2942  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: How do custom firmware collect their fees. on: February 10, 2021, 11:13:18 AM

To be honest, this is off-topic. If you know how they go about collecting fees, please elaborate.

My solution for that is, do not use it.

This isn't a solution, it's more like avoiding the problem, people use custom firmware for a reason, nobody is willing to go through the process of installing custom firmware and pay fees on top of that for the sake of having fun, the stock firmware sucks big time, custom firmware can even fix some miners which is one of the main reasons why I use it, many hash boards report dead on the stock and work just fine with custom firmware, people spend thousands of dollars on these gears, when a custom firmware can fix their broken miner or/and give them the ability to tune it as they wish, they will use it, it's common sense.

If someone want a change, compile your own version, all Information are out there in the wild, you only need the will to do it (don't be lazy).

You are right, but..not everyone has the skills and time to do that, I have not looked into it (probably won't) but the fact that there are only 2-3 major custom firmware out there makes me think that it isn't easy to do because if it was - we would see a thousand different versions and their fees would be a fraction of the large 2% or 4%.

The solution is rather simple, Bitmain makes a proper firmware or we start a fundraise for someone to improve the obsolete Cgminer code, I will be the first to donate.

Until that happens, many people will be "forced" to use custom firmware, I do avoid custom firmware as much as I can, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
2943  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: Building a mini Minig-Farm in Kazakhstan (while living in Germany)? on: February 10, 2021, 09:34:03 AM
When I say S9 I always mean S9, S9i, and S9j, I believe this is what most people mean when they say S9, those 3 gears are almost identical, and they are solid gears. The I and J are slightly more efficient than the classic S9, but not by a lot, the S9k and S9se are the newest set of S9, you should avoid buying those gears as they are some of the most terrible gears, especially the S9k, it's a nightmare.

Between S9i, S9j, and S9, the J version seems to be the most reliable (not by a lot, since the other two are indeed solid), the problem with S9j however is that it has the same tube size as the old S9, so many resellers cheat by changing the sticker from S9 to S9j but they can't do that with the S9i because it's a bit different and easy to spot, they do change the sticker because S9 is cheaper than the other two versions since it is the oldest gear and thus, in theory, has the lowest lifespan when bought used, this leads to one conclusion: Always try to get the S9i version of S9 whenever possible.

If the seller is someone you trust, go for J version, if the S9 is a lot cheaper, I'd go for it as well.

You mean buying here from a member of the forum? I must admit I am a skeptical person, but a private purchase here is probably more trustworthy than a purchase on AliBaba.

You have to be skeptical, but trading here is kind of easy, you post a WTB topic, you either ask the seller for a face-to-face meeting or use forum escrow, by doing so you are more likely going to have a happy ending, most scammers will refuse to use trusted escrow or meet you in person.
2944  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: S17 Pro no longer hashing. Bad ASICs ? on: February 09, 2021, 11:38:49 PM
You mentioned that if you plan to mix and match boards they will need some work and seems like one would have to undergo some editing so that the control board recognizes the correct product id's. I'm interested to know if this work can be performed without specialty equipment.

Well you are going to need some special device for that, you are going to write on a microchip somewhere on those hash boards, the easiest way would be using zuesbtc tool >, it's plug and play and easy to use, however, it's kind of expensive.

The other alternative which I believe will achieve the same results would be using pickit 3, thierry4wd explained the use of that tool in great detail, and despite the fact that his topic talks only about fixing T9+ in an unrelated subject to the code/id difference, I believe by extracting the hex from one board and writing it on the other one will make the latter have the same product id and thus will be able to function on the same control board.

Keep in mind while the second option is A LOT cheaper but it has yet to be tested, the first option has been tested and works perfectly, but it's a matter of 250$++ difference.
2945  Local / إستفسارات و أسئلة المبتدئين / Re: ؟تاكيدة ام اثنان متي نقول ان المعاملة آمنة on: February 09, 2021, 08:18:18 PM
هل يمكن ان تحدث عملية اعادة تنظيم من ثلاث كتل؟ لم تحدث هذه العملية من قبل

هل يمكن ان نتفق على معنى مصطلح "اعادة تنظيم" لانه وبحسب فهمي المتواضع انه حدث فعلا اكتر من split سبب في اعادة بناء او تجاهل 24 بلوك, ويوجد ايضا حادثة اخرى تم اعادة بناء 6 بلوكات

2946  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: مسابقة: رسوم التحويلات في اوقات التقلبات on: February 09, 2021, 06:24:11 PM
هل انت جاد ام انها مزحة لم اعرفها  Huh اذا كان من الممكن 10 تاكيدات فكيف سيحدث؟

انا مايكي وليس جاد  Tongue.. على العموم لم اكن امزح يمكن فعلا لهدا يان حدث, افتراضيا يمكن ان يحدث حتى بعد 100 تأكيد, هناك عدة اشياء يمكن ان تسبب ذلك, اما بخصوص تاكيد 1 ومن ثم يختفي فهدا في العادة ناتج عن  stale block مثل ماحدث مؤخرا وتم اشكتفاه هنا

يوجد ايضا سبب اخر وهوا انقسام البلوكتشين, واطول انقاسم حصل على حد علمي استمر تقريبا 6 ساعات او لمدة 24 بلوك

يوجد ايضا انقسام اخر حصل اعتقد في 2018 استمر ل 6 بلوكات حيث قام حوض تعدين F2pool بادراج تحويل خاطئ في البلوك ونظرا لان معظم الاحواض كانت تستعمل SPV mining لم يقومو بالتأكد من التحويلات وتم بناء 6 بلوكات فوق ذلك البلوك التي بدوره تم رفضه من قبل العقد التي تقوم فعليا بتأكيد التحويلات.

مايحدث هنا هوا ان تحويلك يمكن ان يتم اضافته في ال blockchain الجديد ويتحصل على 10 او 20 تأكيد, في هده اللحظة الموضوع يعتمد كليا على العقدة التي تطلب منها انت معلومات حول التحويل, ففي المثال الاخير معظم الاحواض كانت على البلوكتشين المبني على التحويل الخاطيء ( اعتقد ان عضو اسمه Kano موجود في هدا المنتدى هوا من قام بابلاغ احواض التعدين الكبرى للرجوع للبلوك تشين الاصلي) فعندما تدخل على مثلا فأنت تسئل العقدة الخاص بهم حول تحويلك, وحينها يظهر انه تم تأكيده في 10 بلوكات او حتى 100 بلوك, ولكن الحقيقة ان العقد الاخرى لاترا تحويلك اصلا لانه لم يتم ادراجه في اي بلوك من الاساس لسبب من الاسباب, بمجرد عودة الامور الى طبيعتها سوف تنصدم بأن تحويلك لايمتلك حتى تأكيد واحد.

طبعا احتمالية حدوث هدا الشي بعد تأكيد او 2 هي اكبر من 10, ولكن لاننا قد شاهدنا على الاقل 24 بلوك تم تجاهلها تماما (اي ان الكثير من التحويلات كانت يمكن ان تكون موجودة حصريا على البلوكتشين التي تم التخلي عنه) فيعني ان الامر ممكن, ونظريا كما اسلفت يمكن ان يستمر الانقسام ل 100 بلوك او حتى 1000, لايوجد شي  جذري يمنع حدوث هدا بالرغم من ان فرصة حدوثه شبه منعدمة خصوصا بعد التطور الرهيب الذي حصل في شبكة البتكوين ونظرا لان الاحواض التي تقوم بايجاد معظم البلوكات لايتجاوز عددها 5 اشياء ( هدا شي سيء وجيد في نفس الوقت) الجيد فيه ان احتمالية حدوث تلك الانقسامات هي اقل بكثير من السابق حيث ان هده الاحواض على تواصل مباشر حتى خارج البلوكتشين ومن الصعب حدوث انقسام يستمر لفترات طويلة كما كان الامر في السابق.
2947  Local / إستفسارات و أسئلة المبتدئين / Re: فكرة موقع لشحن رصيد الهاتف بالبيتكوين؟ on: February 09, 2021, 12:21:21 PM
لا اعرف اخي ميكي لكن لا اعتقد ان هناك طريقة لكشف هوية الشاري الا ان كانت هناك جزئية قد غفلت عنها!
البطاقات سيتم اقتناؤها من متاجر عادية و يمكن الاقتناء من متاجر متعددة لتصعيب عملية التتبع. بعدها سيتم حفظ ارقام البطاقات في قاعدة بيانات الموقع.

بالتأكيد يوجد طريقة اخي, وهي الطريقة التي يتم بها القبض على المجرمين في معظم الاوقات, تخيل معي الاتي, جهاز امني س يريد القاء القبض عليك او على زبائنك, يقومو بشراء 10 بطاقات من موقعك, وارسالها الى شركة الاتصالات, شركة الاتصالات بدورها يمكنها تحديد الموزع التي قام ببيع الكروت, من خلاله يمكن الوصول الى اخر السلسلة وهوا المتجر الصغير الموجود في زقاق حيك السكني, وعندها سيتم الوصول اليك اما عن طريق كاميرات المراقبة او انتظارك لتعود مرة اخرى لشراء البطاقات او اي طريقة اخرى.

ونظرا لانك لن تشتري بطاقة واحدة من كل متجر في بلدك, فسكيون تتبعك اسهل بكثير مما تعتقد, كل بطاقات الهاتف متسلسلة ومعروفة ويمكن تتبعها بسهولة.

لدي صديق يشتغل في جهاز مكافحة الجرائم الالتكرونية, ويلقون القبض على المجرمين بهده الطريقة, مثلا شخص ما يقوم باختراق حساب فيسبوك لفتاة ويهددها بنشر صورها ومحاداثها وما الى ذلك, يطلب منها مبلغ من المال, ونظرا لانه لايريد الافصاح عن هويته ففي العادة يقومون بطلب تحويل ارقام بطاقات رصيد لشركات اتصالات, ليقوم ببيعها لبعض المتاجر التي تقوم ببيع الرصيد عن طريق تحويله مباشرة لرقم الزبون, طبعا يبيعها ب 70% من قيمتها او اقل, ضننا منه ان اسمه غير معروف, رقم موبايله غير معروف, صورته غير معروفة, لينصدم بجهاز مكافحة الجرائم الالكترونية اما باب بيته.

طبعا مايحدث هنا هوا ان الضحية يقوم بتبليغ السلطات, يقوم الضحية بارسال البطاقات, هنا يتجه جهاز مكافحة الجرائم الالتكترونية لشركة الاتصالات ويزودها بارقام البطاقات, بمجرد ان يتم تعبئة احداها تقوم شركة الاتصالات بتزويدهم باسم ورقم وموقع العميل, وعند الوصول للعميل يوصلهم بالشخص او المتجر الذي باعه الرصيد, و المتجر يوصلهم بمن باعه الرصيد, الخ,,مع سلسلة من التحقيقات وفي العادة في بلدي ( الضرب المبرح  Roll Eyes ) توصلهم للمجرم المطلوب خلال ساعات.

ان كنت ان تريد البقاء متخفي سيكون عليك شراء بطاقة واحدة من كل متجر مع وجود فترات انقطاع معينة, طبعا ان تبحت عنك الاجهزة الامنية يعني ان موضوعك اصبح مهم بالنسبة لهم وسوف يسخرون الموارد لذلك, وانا على يقين ان الامر في البلدان العربية اسهل بكثير من الدول الاخرى, في بلدي مثلا معظم الباعة والمتاجر يشتغلون بها اناس من اجهزة الاستخبارات اصلا! يقومون بارسال تقارير يومية, فابسط تغير بسيط في روتينك اليومي مثل شراء 5 بطاقات في يوم واحد سوف يكون علامة استفهام بالنسبة لهم وربط الاحداث سيكون اسهل مايكون, طبعا في بلدي المتواضع كل هده الاجراءات الامنية هدفها الاول والاخير هوا حماية الرئيس والوزراء ولكن لحسن الحظ يتم استعمال هده الموارد احيانا في القبض على المجرمين.

طبعا في حال انك ستبيع 5 كروت اسبوعيا او 10 شهريا فلا اعتقد ان هدا سيلفت انظار احد ولن تسمع بك الاجهزة الامنية اصلا, ولكن عند وصولك لارقام كبيرة نسبيا وانشهار موقعك قد تلفت الانظار وعندها طالما انك تبيع كروت اتصالات محلية شركاتها تقدم كل العملومات للاجهزة الامنية فأن الوصول اليك لن يكون الا مسئلة وقت.

2948  Bitcoin / Mining speculation / Re: 2021, time for a new general & diff speculation thread... on: February 09, 2021, 10:22:39 AM
BTC "never fails to impress",  1PH makes about $300 daily at current prices, it's just too good to be true.

Since I am a big fan of charts, allow me to drop this one here.


This is the Hashrate VS price chart, I modified it a bit by excluding everything prior to the last day of the year 2016 and used the "14-day Exponential Moving Average", to eliminate a lot of the noise.

You can see that what we are doing now has not been done since 2017, the price trend has crossed the hashrate trend, since June of 2018 hashrate has been outperforming BTC and growing at a much faster rate, there were periods when the price was falling but the hashrate kept going up, you can see on Oct 2020 the price vs hashrate made a HUGE shift to the upside and that's when the chart started to look different.

In the 2017 cycle price outperformed hashrate for about 6-8 months before the price topped and started to collapse allowing the hashrate to take over, this gives me more reasons to believe that we are getting closer and closer to the end of this bull cycle, today looks like a replica of June-July 2017, a lot of room to grow in a much shorter timeframe than most people probably think.

As far as miners are concerned, every month has been better than the previous and should continue to be so for a few more months, the average 2-week price gain has been well over 15% since Oct 2020, some 2-weeks had 45% gain, something that the difficulty can't come remotely come close to, we will look back in a few a years and reminisce about the great Q1 of 2021. Grin
2949  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: مسابقة: رسوم التحويلات في اوقات التقلبات on: February 09, 2021, 09:15:20 AM
هل هذا يعني انه يمكن ان تظهر معاملة ب 1 تاكيد ومن ثم تعود لتصبح بلا تاكيد؟ Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

نعم, يمكن ان تظهر ب 10 تأكيدات وتصبح بلا تأكيد او تختفي اصلا!

الاعدادات الافتراضية هي كالاتي:
default_mempool_expiry: 336 hours
default_max_mempool_size: 300 MB

هدا يعتمد على اصدار العقدة, واعتقد اني عكست الحقائق في منشوري السابقي, العقد القديمة كان فيها الوقت 72 ساعة ولكن مند اصدار 0.14 تم زيادة الزمن الافتراضي الى 14 يوم كما هوا مبين هنا
#9312 a72f76c Increase mempool expiry time to 2 weeks (morcos)

مما يعني انه لايوجد وقت افتراضي موحد بين العقد, وكل عقدة تعمل بالاعداد التي تراها مناسبة, ومع ذلك اعتقد ان معظم المحافظ تقوم بعمل broadcast باستمرار مما يعني ان عامل الزمن لن يكون هوا الاساس في اقصاء المعاملة.

اثناء الارسال وقبل ان يتم تاكيد المعاملة. بمعني لماذا عندما اقوم بالنقر علي ارسال يتم خصم المبلغ من الرصيد ( علي الرغم من ان البيتكوين لا يعمل بنظام الارصدة كالايثيرم(

هدا يعتمد على طريقة عمل المحفظة بالدرجة الاولى, فأن كانت المحفظة تسمح بالانفاق المزدوج فلن تقوم بحسابة رصيدك الا بعد التأكيد, فطريقة عرض الرصيد هي من يشكل الفرق, معظم المحافظ ستقوم بأعادة جمع كل ال unspent outputs التي هي تحت سيطرة شجرة العنواين التي تمتلكها وتقوم بالغاء ال outputs الموجودة في اخر تحويل وبهدا يتم خصم القيمة من الاجمالي فور انشاء التحويل وقبل التأكيد.

مثلا لديك 5 outputs كل واحدة قيمتها 1 بتكوين, رصيدك الان هوا 5 بتكوين ناتج جمع كل تلك المخرجات, عندما تنشاء المحفظة تحويل جديد من المخرج الاول مثلا بقيمة 1 بتكوين تقوم باستتنائها ويصبح رصيدك 4 بتكوين, في حال فشل ذلك التحويل وعند اول عملية مزامنة للمحفظة ستظهر القيمة مجددا.

لا اعتقد انه يوجد اي علاقة بين ال 14 اليوم الموجودة في الاعدادات الافتراضية و ال 14 اليوم التي يفترض ان يتم فيها تعديل الصعوبة, والدليل انه لم يتم تغير زمن 3 ايام الى 14 يوم الا في منصتف سنة 2017 مع الاصدار 0.14 , اضف الى ذلك كون هدا الخيار قابل للتغير يعزز نظرية عدم ارتباط هده المواضيع ببعضها, او على الاقل هدا استنتاجي.

2950  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: S17 Pro no longer hashing. Bad ASICs ? on: February 09, 2021, 08:21:46 AM
It's what I was afraid of and far beyond my skill set. Maybe a tutorial soon?  Smiley

A tutorial on what exactly? if we are talking about mix and match of hash boards I believe what I posted earlier on is enough of a "tutorial", if you are talking about something else, please explain.

By the way, do you really not have a keyboard? Roll Eyes
2951  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: Building a mini Minig-Farm in Kazakhstan (while living in Germany)? on: February 09, 2021, 05:31:50 AM
Having no real "IT-guy" in Kazakhstan is really a weak point. But I hope that it's really just basic IT knowledge which is required.

Very basic knowledge is enough, someone who knows how to use the browser, log in to the router, and find an IP address of a machine should be enough.

It really will be just a small farm. Maybe 3 to 5 Miner, nothing big. I want to start slowly, maybe by testing things out with just one and than expand to 5 Miners or even more, if things run good. Thought about buying a cheap Antminer S9 for testing things out and then buying some S17 Pro odre S19 Pro.

In that case, you can do it alone, just use the correct wire/breaker size and you should be good to go.

Are extra fans mounted in the farm walls really necessary, when its just 3~5 Miners in a Room?

It depends on the size of the building, but with 3-5 miners and assuming they would be facing a window and the hot air can escape from there, you won't need any extra ventilation.

The power cost is 0,04$ per kW...

S9 makes a small profit at 4 cents Khw now, but that won't last long, so eventually, you want better gears, the 17 series of Bitmain are terrible and they have a high failure rate, S19 pro is super expensive, honestly, now isn't the best time to be buying a mining gear, but maybe get 1-2 S9s to start with, this mining mania should be over in a few months and then you can get S19s or M30s at reasonable prices.

But why not buying from Alibaba? Is it nearly always a scam?

Most of the time, it's either they send you a dead machine or nothing at all, and most of the prices there are outdated, so the legit guys will give you the new price which is above $200 for S9 in China.

And where else can I buy a good miner? Everything on bitmain is sold out.

Check the market place in this forum, Miner Experts aka Grace is a good seller based in China, Scott and Kaboom are solid sellers based in the U.S, alternatively, you could try to find them locally in Kazhaztan, do a bit of googling and make a "Want to buy" topic in the Hardware Market place, you might get lucky.

** Regarding the sellers make sure you are talking to the right person and not an imposter.

@NotFuzzyWarm, the retail price for Avalon 1246 March batch in China is $4100.  Cry Cry
2952  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: 3x faulty s17's eastern Canada on: February 08, 2021, 05:38:19 PM
I agree ... there are a number of hosts in eastern Canada, if the one you are using isn't helpful I'd suggest you look for another host to move your miners to.

I saw someone a while ago on telegram complains about the same thing, I think one of his miners needed a PSU and the host wouldn't do it, they provided to ship it to him and then he had to change the PSU and send it back, the cost of shipping + the downtime cost a lot more than paying someone to do the job, this is why I don't like my miners to be hosted by some random person that is a few thousand miles away, and should that be your only option, you should at least check their terms and sign a contract that "forces" them to do the basic maintenance such as disconnecting hashboards, swapping PSUs and all that.
2953  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: مسابقة: رسوم التحويلات في اوقات التقلبات on: February 08, 2021, 04:44:36 PM
الاخ خالد اجاب تقريبا على كل الاسئلة, ولكن فقط اريد توضيح هده النقطة

هل يمكن تعديل احد العناوين دون تغيير tx id

هدا غير ممكن, ال txid عبارة عن هاش مزدوج ل (nversion, inputs,outputs,locktime) يعني اي تغير في هده القيم سوف ينتج هاش مختلف تماما عن سابقه.

لماذا يتم اسقاط او عودة بعض المعاملات بعد 14 يوم؟ وما هي المدة الاقل لذلك؟

اعتقد ان "لماذا" هي معروفة للجميع, اما المدة فعلى حسب علمي ان الاصدارات الاخيرة من Core يكون فيها الكود الخاص با mempool لاسقاط التحويل عبارة عن


يعني 72 ساعة من دخول المعاملة ان لم يتم تأكيدها فسوف يتم مسحها, وعندها يجب عمل broadcast جديد لها, الاصدارات القديمة كانت معدلة افتراضيا على 14 يوم , وطبعا هدا الخيار يمكن تغيرها لاي زمن يختاره مشغل العقدة.

لماذا تقوم المحفظة باخفاء رصيد محفظتك اثناء التاكيد؟

لم افهم السؤال, ماذا يعني اتناء التأكيد؟

اود ان اشكرك على هدا الموضوع, نحن بحاجة لمزيد من هده المواضيع. سوف اقوم باعطائك نقاط جدارة التي تستحقها فور توفرها, واعقتد ان الجميع يجب ان يدعم هدا الموضوع بالمشاركة ونقاط الجدارة.
2954  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: 3x faulty s17's eastern Canada on: February 08, 2021, 02:34:57 PM
I did check the kernel logs of the three miners and here my conculsion :

Your first miner has 2 working hash boards, to fix it, simply ask them to disconnect the bad board which is chain1.

The second miner also has 2 working hash boards and chain  2 is the one you need to disconnect.

The third miner seems like all 3 hash boards are dead according to the kernel log, this could be a bad PSU.

I believe the hosting company should provide such maintenance for free or at a small cost, disconnecting a board or swapping PSUs isn't something that takes a lot of time or effort and if they won't do it for you, they are far from trustworthy.
2955  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: Building a mini Minig-Farm in Kazakhstan (while living in Germany)? on: February 08, 2021, 01:27:51 PM
Now I can't stop thinking about this idea. It bothers me that I can't easily be there myself, since I don't live there, but that doesn't have to be a show stopper?

It depends, to me, that would be a "show stopper", if you don't have physical access to the miners or/and have someone else who does, things won't be easy, you need someone who has basic IT knowledge to take care of the farm, while most operations can be handled online, physical attendance can't be avoided.

1. Is there a current, particularly recommended startup guide I can use?

Depending on the size of your farm, you might need to hire professionals to set-up the farm.

2. As soon as the miners are powered in Kazakhstan and connected to the router network/the internet via a LAN cable, I can do the configuration via e.g. Teamviewer from Germany, right?

Yes, you can do "most" of the operations online.

3. As far as I know a strong internet is not necessary, but a stable one. But what if the connection is briefly interrupted? Does it reconnect automatically? Can I reconnect from Germany? Or does someone in Kazakhstan reconnect the Miners?

It depends on the miner's firmware, some will auto-connect, others will need a reboot, both can be done online so in most cases there is no physical reboot needed.

4. What if the power connection briefly breaks? I'm afraid that someone in Kazakhstan will then have to push a button to get the miners to restart?

At its basics, yes. but there are some methods that involve the usage of some contactors/relays and other things that would minimize the need for someone to be there, but without a doubt, you can't completely eliminate the need for someone to be there when needs be.

5. It is very cold in Kazakhstan in the winter, but in the summer it can easily get up to 35°C. Is general cooling with fans enough, or do you need proper air conditioning?

You will need extra fans mounted in the farm walls, some for exhaust some for intake, again, depending on the size of your set-up you might need to hire a professional for the cooling system, no air cons are needed as long as you move enough air.

6. Which miners are recommended? According to, you can buy a supposedly new Antminer S9 for $78. The ratio between power consumption and hashrate isn't great, but at this low price, it will pay for itself very quickly. Or is it too old and better to buy an Antminer S17 pro or S19 pro?

1-Do not buy from Alibaba,
2- There is no easy answer to this question, you need to do more research on your own, it all depends on the power cost there, if it's pretty low, you want to focus on cost per terahash, if not, then efficiency will be as important as the cost per terahash.

7. How long is the average lifetime of a miner? Or are there no reliable figures? Is 2 years too optimistic?

It depends on the gear, your luck, temps, and many other factors, it can be 4 years or 4 weeks, nobody has a definite answer, but it's safe to assume that if you don't ROI the miner in 6-8 months, it will be a bit hard to ROI, all the way to 1 year is somehow manageable, past 1 year and you are going to need a lot of luck.

8. How often and intensively is the necessary maintenance work during mining? Can the miners be left unattended for weeks or months as long as they are mining 24/7? Or should they be checked on daily?

If everything is perfectly set-up you might need to visit the farm for months or even years, but issues do happen, you also need to do some cleaning once a while, this could range from once a week to once a year depending on the location, filtration and all that.
2956  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: what voltage and freq for t17e hashboards on: February 08, 2021, 01:06:03 PM
Your 3rd hashboard (Chain 2) looks like it could use some extra voltage, but since you can't specify voltage to a certain board, you would either reduce its frequency or increase the voltage to all of the hash boards.

Keep in mind, these miners are different, the best tuning for your miner is unlikely to be the same for someone else's miner, some boards have some lucky chips that can be perfectly tunned, some will drop with the slightest voltage drop, find what works best for you, you want low temp, no xxxx showing on the status page, no hardware errors or a ton of rejected shares.

I also noticed this firmware reports over 9500 RPM for the intake fans, which can't be the case, I don't think I would trust this firmware.
2957  Other / Archival / Re: Deposit to Binance unconfirmed after 48hours using Android Bitcoin Wallet on: February 08, 2021, 03:13:32 AM
I assume since I used economic and fee was 2.5sat/b that priority will be 145sat/b?

Not really, the wallet will check its mempool every time you try to transact, and the calculations will be done instantly, there is probably no way to tell how much is it going to pay in the future.

@mikeywith will 145sat/b fee be enough to make the average of both 100 sats/byte?

As of right now and as the above user mentioned, fees have dropped, so yup with 145sat/byte is more than enough, your new transaction will be more or less of the same size, so you need to pay (current fees - 2.5sat/byte) * 2, to put this in a simple explanation, let's assume each transaction size is 10 bytes and current fees are 10 sat/byte so your total for this CPFP needs to be 10sat/byte*10bytes + 10sat/byte*10bytes= or a total of 2000 sats for the two, since you paid 2.5 sats /byte for the first one than you paid 2.5*10 = 25 sats/byte,  and thus the second transaction total fee must add up to 2000 sats and therefore 2000-25 =  1,975 sats, divide that by the transaction size it becomes 197.5 sats per byte which is what you have to pay on the child transaction for this to attract miners to take the transaction.

Now enough lecturing, your second transaction should be about 370 bytes , current best fees (as I type) is 40 sats/byte, the two transactions must have a total of 40*(370+370)= 29,600 sats, you already paid 930, so 29,600 - 930 = 28,670 sats, divide that by 370 you get 77 sats/byte for the new transaction.

Since it's unlikely that you are sitting there waiting for this post, you have to perform the same calculation and only replace the 40 sats/byte to whatever the current fees are.

there's a chance that those numbers are at sat/byte.

They are in sat/byte.

2958  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: T17+ hashes for 5 minutes then reboots, rinse & repeat on: February 08, 2021, 02:33:24 AM
This is usually caused by physical damage to that particular hash board, some of its components have toasted, the miner reboots as a result of this, I would just unplug that bad board and keep the other 2 to hash, the miner will stop rebooting when you do that.

With that being said, I have had a bit of luck with custom firmware when such issues show up, and since you lose nothing, give Vnish (AwosmeMiner/ a try and see if you get any different results.
2959  Other / Archival / Re: Deposit to Binance unconfirmed after 48hours using Android Bitcoin Wallet on: February 07, 2021, 10:22:48 PM
I assume that I will have to send as "priority"? I believe this is the highest fee I can do use this android wallet right?

The priority will not be enough, it will probably just check the total of the highest paying 1MB worth of transactions and adds a few sats on top, which won't be enough in your case, of course, it will speed up the stuck transaction by a lot, but don't expect to get 1-5 block confirmation. I have not used this wallet but they mention "Full control over fees" on their website, which means if you dig a little you would find "custom" fees or something like that.

With that being said, if that isn't an option, you could either use a different wallet that lets you do so (assuming you have the keys to this wallet) or just use the priority option and wait for a few hours/days. Although since this is a relatively small amount ( compared to the fees you will have to pay) you could just ignore this transaction and send the "new funds" directly to Binance to do whatever you were planning to do with the old transaction.
2960  Other / Archival / Re: Deposit to Binance unconfirmed after 48hours using Android Bitcoin Wallet on: February 07, 2021, 09:51:04 PM
Conversely, given how full the mempool is with low fee transactions, and it showing no sign of clearing down to 2.5 sats/vbyte anytime soon, you could be waiting for a week or more for your transaction to confirm, or it might never confirm at all and be dropped from the mempool.

I see over a 100MB of the transaction with fees above 3 sats/byte, chances are his transaction will eventually drop in two weeks or so. Cry

OP, your only two options are CPFP and paid transaction accelerators such as Viabtc and Poolin, you need to run the math for both and see if any of those options makes economical sense to you, if not which is more likely - patience is king.

So if I would deposit let's say 50$ on my android wallet and send that 50$ to another wallet (for example binance) with a good fee, miners would pick up the transactions and they will confirm?

The current priority fee is 100 sat/byte, you paid 2.5 sat per byte for a 369-byte transaction so that's a total of 0.00000932 BTC, so you are short of 0.000369 BTC, paying 100 sat/byte for the child transaction won't guarantee your transaction to go through, you need to add that extra missing 0.000369 BTC so that the average fee of both transactions is 100 sats/byte.
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