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3021  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: BTC: different address-types, Not all were found in the blockchain explorer on: October 13, 2022, 11:32:23 AM
Even though the issue is resolved, I'd like to add that bc1 > 1 transfers (native segwit to legacy) had issues (at least in the past). As far as I know, purely implementation bugs, though.
More about this here:
It's the first time I hear this. I hadn't ever heard of any bug causing problem when making transaction from a native segwit address to a legacy address.
I read the thread you shared, but could't find any information about the issue you are talking about.
Am I missing something in that thread?
3022  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: I won 27ltc on lighting roulette and betnomi doesnt allow to withdraw on: October 13, 2022, 06:27:59 AM
So as in revenge i create an email and told a friend to create account in this place to continue making money in this place. Hope this clarify your question
So, the assumption made by Taskford above was correct.
I am not sure, but maybe betnomi don't believe that the new account has been created by your friend and that's why they don't allow you to make a withdrawal.
You didn't tell us whether you have contacted their support or not. They should tell you what's causing the issue.
3023  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: #btc Hashrate Reach New ATH a day ago, will the bull run has begun? on: October 13, 2022, 05:44:46 AM
After the transition of PoW to PoS of Ethereum, it's likely that those miners have found themselves new home mining bitcoin and that made the network healthier which music to our ears.
Ethereum was using a different algorithm than bitcoin. So, those people who were mining ethereum can't mine bitcoin with the same machines at all.
The cryptography algorithm used for ethereum was KECCAK-256 while bitcoin uses SHA256.
3024  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The First Bitcoin to USD Transaction is 13 years old today.. Is This True? on: October 12, 2022, 10:20:06 PM
do you mean the BTC50 in those different addresses which made up the BTC5050 bitcoins actually belonged to one person/that is one address?
Since all those coins have been spent in a single transaction, they were probably owned by one person.
It's unlikely that the transaction in question has been signed by multiple people.
3025  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: About the future of bitcoin - What are you worried about? on: October 12, 2022, 08:57:35 PM
About the first point, of course I don't really know is bitcoin still beta software, of course there are concerns about the risks in the future.
If you open bitcoin core software and click on "Help" at top of the window and go to "About Bitcoin Core", you will see a message saying "This is experimental software."
That's shown in the following image.

3026  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: I won 27ltc on lighting roulette and betnomi doesnt allow to withdraw on: October 12, 2022, 08:03:15 PM
Did you contact their support?
There should be a reason for rejecting your withdrawal request.

Another question:
It's not the first time you've accused betnomi of scamming you. Why did you continue to bet on their casino, if you believe they are scammers?
Betnomi scam bet settlement manipulation
3027  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Help Make Me Understand How This Is Possible. on: October 12, 2022, 07:47:45 PM
Any bitcoin transaction can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs.
Assume that you have received two transactions and you have 2 UTXOs. Now, you can spend both UTXOs in a single transaction and there is no need to make two transactions.

Now, my question is, how is it possible for 74 (persons) addresses to send bitcoin to my (1) address, and all the 74 transactions put together will have one (1) transaction hash(ID)?.
That's not 74 transactions. That's a single transaction with 74 inputs.
3028  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: BTC: different address-types, Not all were found in the blockchain explorer on: October 12, 2022, 05:53:36 AM
I have mistaken 8l with 81.
So, you were entering the address manually.
If you are going to do the same thing instead of copy-pasting the address in the future for any reason, take note that to avoid confusion, some characters are always excluded.

Addresses that start with 1 or 3 can't contain 0 (zero), capital letter O, capital letter I and lowercase letter l.
Addresses that start with bc1 can't contain 1, B, I, O in their next characters.

Take note that native segwit addresses (those that that start with bc1) aren't case sensitive. So, both b and B, both i and I and both o and O are excluded in them.
3029  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: BTC: different address-types, Not all were found in the blockchain explorer on: October 11, 2022, 10:15:12 PM
Thank you. I have checked the count. You are right: there are 42 characters.
But Explorer ( nevertheless can't find the address.
There shouldn't be any problem from's side. If the address is valid, it should be found. You are probably making a mistake when copy-pasting the address.
Did you try searching for that address on other block explorers? You can use or
3030  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: BTC: different address-types, Not all were found in the blockchain explorer on: October 11, 2022, 09:25:17 PM
bc1qjn...4pt (total 41 characters)
It seems that you are missing one character. An address starting with bc1q and containing 41 characters is surely invalid.
A native segwit address (an address starting with bc1) should contain either 42 characters or 62 characters.
3031  Other / Meta / Re: Section to avoid and section to postl on: October 11, 2022, 05:58:06 PM
Except "Investigation", "Serious discussion" and "Ivory Tower boards", you can make post in any other board you want.
To post in "Serious discussion", you need to have Jr Member rank and for posting in "Ivory Tower," you need full Member rank.
To post in "Investigation" board (and see that), you need member rank.

If you are not sure where you should post your topic, you can visit Guidelines for threads.
3032  Economy / Reputation / Re: Ndasmu Njeblug, spam in the bounty thread on: October 11, 2022, 05:49:08 PM
looking at the 10 merits earned is quite a long time ago.
The user in question isn't only a spammer. He/She seems to be a merit abuser too.
According to BPIP, Ndasmu Njeblug has received 6 merit from Hotel_Prodeo and 4 merit from Sate Jamu.

Both of the merited posts have been deleted and didn't deserve to get merit at all.
Below are Ndasmu Njeblug's merited posts. They have been archived by

Quote from:
Yes agree, it takes patience if we want to get profit if invest in cryptocurrency and usually a year we can measure how a project.

Quote from:
Almost a year of the MNX project, and it looks like we already know the direction of MNX, hoping there is a big surprise that the price is $ 100 or at least 0.01 btc.

3033  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Google partners with Coinbase to accept crypto payments for cloud service on: October 11, 2022, 02:43:00 PM
My more immediate concern is whether Google Cloud will start enforcing obscene KYC requirements on crypto payers and ruthlessly dismantle them from their platform like they do to gift/prepaid card users.
Even if they don't force users to pass KYC, people will still have to verify their identity for crypto payments.
I don't think they are going to accept real bitcoin payments. They will probably accept off-chain transaction through coinbase and people will have to pass KYC on coinbase.
3034  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Elon Musk is one of the keys to be 100k$ per Bitcoin? on: October 11, 2022, 12:30:12 PM
Do you think Elon Musk is one of those who will push the price of bitcoin up to reach 100k$ each when the bull run comes?
Whether Elon musk supports bitcoin or not, whether he opposes bitcoin or not, whether he hodl his bitcoin or not, whether he sells all his bitcoin or not, whether Tesla accept bitcoin or not, he can't have any effect on bitcoin in the long term.
Bitcoin can reach 100,000 dollars regardless of what Elonmusk does with his bitcoin and what says about bitcoin.
Elon musk could do some manipulations in the market with his tweets in the past. But I doubt his tweets has any more effect on bitcoin and I don't think he can affect the market significantly even in the short term.

I am not saying bitcoin will reach 100,000 dollars and this is not a financial advice. Everything is possible.
3035  Economy / Web Wallets / Re: Problem on: October 11, 2022, 09:32:58 AM
Still confused by the tutorial above does anyone give more idea on how to do it.
If you want to sweep your private key:
1. Select "Standard wallet" and then "Create a new seed"
2. Write the 12 words you see in a safe place and click "Next".
3. Enter the seed you wrote in the previous step and click "Next."
4. Select a password for encryption of your wallet file. Leave it empty, if you don't want to encrypt your wallet.
5. Click on "Wallet" at top of the window and select "Private key" and then "Sweep".
6. Enter your private key and click "Sweep".

If you want to import your private key:
1. Select "Import bitcoin addresses or private keys" and click "Next".
2. Enter your private key and click "Next".
3. Select a password for encryption of your wallet file. Leave it empty, if you don't want to encrypt your wallet.

Whether you want to import your private key or sweep it, you should add a prefix to specify your address type when entering it. Use "p2pkh:" if your address starts with 1, "p2wpkh-p2sh:" if it starts with 3 and "p2wpkh:" if it starts with bc1.
For example if your address starts with bc1, you should enter your private key in the following format.

3036  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to Cancel or Stop BTc pending transaction on: October 11, 2022, 08:42:58 AM
There is no need to follow the guide provided by nc50lc in the post you quoted. At the time nc50lc made that post, "Cancel transaction" feature wasn't available in electrum.
That feature was added in version 4.0.4 and now you can easily right click on your unconfirmed transaction, select  "Cancel (double-spend)" and replace it with a new one spending the fund to your own address.
3037  Economy / Web Wallets / Re: Problem on: October 11, 2022, 08:27:34 AM
As mentioned above, you can easily access your fund using electrum.
To do so, you can import or sweep your private keys.

If you import your private key, you won't make any transaction and your fund will remain in the current address.
If you sweep your private key, you bitcoin will be sent to a new address generated by electrum. In this way, you have to pay the transaction fee.

As the wallet in question is a web wallet and it's not safe to keep your bitcoin in a web wallet, I recommend you to create a new wallet in electrum and use "Sweep" feature.

Download electrum only from its official website and do not forget to verify your download.
3038  Economy / Gambling / Re: What are the Bitcoin casinos with first deposit bonuses? on: October 10, 2022, 11:40:52 AM
BetPlay is in the list. I made a deposit in the casino through Lightning, I didn't see a bonus. It's probably because I lost the whole deposit in an hour? Hahaha.
I don't think that's why you didn't get any bonus.
According to their website, you should get the bonus offer once you make a deposit. Maybe, you didn't notice that.

Once you make a deposit you will get a bonus offer. You have 7 days to claim the bonus and after that 30 days to complete the bonus.

Of course, they have a 35x wagering requirement and I doubt you could withdraw that even if you had received it.
3039  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: October 09, 2022, 02:15:50 PM
About the FUN token, how can I send it to my account?
That's very simple. You should make a transaction from your wallet or an exchange.
To see your deposit address, go to "Premium" page. Scroll down and click on "Deposit/Withdraw" button. After that, a new window will pop-up in which you can see your deposit address.
3040  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: October 09, 2022, 12:29:32 PM
If I buy more FUN tokens to accumulate 12500 tokens and reach level 3 then I will get 8 WoF spins.
Take note that you will get 8 WOF spins only if you hold those 12500 tokens for 360 days. You won't get that number of spins from the day 1.
You will get 5 spins in the first 90 days, 6 spins in days 91-180, 7 spins in days 181-360 and 8 spins after 360 days.

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