This is the first time I visited website and window pop ups where it says website will go online in one day. I see thread was created in 14 september, so was website closed until that or is it just a maintenance? On another hand they are nice games, I especially liked PVP game, I enjoy such ones but have one question. How much percent do you take from each session? You know casinos can see server seed and etc and gain profit in dice in case there are investors by playing and losing a lot of money on casino's side, is such thing prevented in PVP game? Also will be interested if it's possible in future to test luck of that game via mydicebot.
To be fair I don't know minecraft well, nor I play this game cause that's not what I enjoy and also don't have time for that but have imaginary about it and for this reason I really liked your idea. Btw how popular is this game among adults? Among children it's very popular but you need adult audience or at least 14 and higher. On another hand how much percent from 100% of players use bitcoin? For cheap hosting, I think russian hosting providers will be best for you but you have to make payments via webmoney and yandex money in most cases. Sometimes depends on hosting, you may negotiate with it.
Btw it's really hard to state what can be considered as benefit for people regarding to KYC. Well, you may see some bitcoin services offer standard plans and great opportunities if you are verified, if you say in this situation KYC is benefitial, idk, cause those benefits could be added without requesting KYC documents. I don't see any benefit in adding KYC, even worse, there is possibility of stealing our data and that happened for a lot of times.
Problems aren't those three things that op mentioned in thread, another great problem among them is wish of free money. There is nothing wrong with that wish alone, everyone wants easy money, some people are very smart and achieve this wish by different work. At first all of these require hard work but problem in this case is that these people are uneducated people. When they are uneducated, they can't think much about why scam projects offer easy money and they fall in love with nice words.
Have you ever thought of donating the gambling profits to a charitable cause ? Sometime people won a big lottery or very high amount of money from betting & gambling games. Do you ever thought of being generous and helping the poor with this money ?
That's a whole different situation and also one in million wins jackpot or insanely high amount of money from casino. This way I think you really have to donate too cause you were also donated at some point, usually those winners are average people and they really donate some money from it but on another ha.d gambling profits are very low and even those profits are mostly returned to casino back because of gambling again in future. Also if you really want to donate, do it directly without any promises set to yourself.
At first please can you state what do you mean in casino expert? In poker expert as far as I understood you are looking for professional poker players to create some club/team for casino? Cause I have seen such things but idk benefits and etc of this, I don't even know if I wrote that idea about poker correctly. And for those who are interested in Casino Expert position, please state what they will have to do in overall.
If we've been asked which is better $5 vs $6, of course, we all probably choose $6. But asking what is the best price rate for Bitcoin, it surely people will think higher than of $5 or $6. Thinking how volatile the market is, we can't determine which one better as it never stays like that forever. If I say that $10k is my preferred price, do others will agree to that? Of course, they won't because they have their own preferred price also.
I think we are asked what you meant and some people got it wrong. To be fair it's really hard to state your opinion around this subject. I would even say that current price is far higher for bitcoin but at the same time it's more than amazing thing for me to see bitcoin higher than 20K and even more. Btw that's why it's somehow amazing to see how bitcoin's price is calculated, we all create price together, it's somehow similar of democracy.
Sure it's impossible to say but still... after yesterday hearing i really don't know what to think. Used to be sure Libra entry will boom the market once again but it looks like Libra's not coming shortly. Is btc halving the most promising ''event'' we are looking forward to (at the moment)?
What did you hear yesterday about bitcoin or related to this that changed your thoughts so much? Btw yes, bitcoin halving is really promosing "event" to push bitcoin's price to rise and skyrocket and I'll explain why. Well, people couldn't imagine if bitcoin's price reach to 1000$ line again. But whuola, there was halving that summer and from 600$, bitcoin reached to 1000$, then 2000 soon, then it had some falls but still bitcoin didn't stop and it reached to 20K price, in two days it had 4000$ rise too. So for these reasons, I believe that upcoming halving will be a gamechanger in bitcoin's further price and it will skyrocket again.
Hi, Gents,
I think there has to be a way to create a tracking system for bitcoin. Every wallet must contain ids. Otherwise, bitcoin can be always used for money laundering. If you want to launder money, you can find a cash seller everywhere. After bitcoin is bought, noone can prove whose bitcoin it is. I think this is the only think that preventing bitcoin to become a global currency. Do you think it would worth this much if it is trackable. I dont think so. There will be altcoins that work with tracking system and ids. They will become a global currency. Bitcoin? I think never. What do you think?
Omg, you are so wrong. At first please can you explain to me what does global currency means for you? Do you want to see bitcoin the only currency in this world used by all of nations? I highly doubt that will happen without whole globalisation, otherwise you can use bitcoin from any place of this world to any place to send money. Also bitcoin isn't that much safe for money laundering too, if you see a lot of people are caught recently for bitcoin money laundering and scam projects. Also for global purposes, I think yes, altcoin will be better option, new altcoin with suited possibilities for this.
I'm a person who would like to do some work for Bitcoin, so I monitor freelancing sites occasionally, and at this time I feel like the freelance market in Bitcoin is nearly dead. The Services board is 99% listings of services rather than people who are looking to buy some; XBTfreelancer is empty or has 1-2 projects most of the time; cryptogrind has mostly just ridiculously underpaid projects or again service announcements (shouldn't they be banned there?), and there's also not much available projects overall; workingforbitcoins has very little traffic, just a few projects per month.
It was theorized that Bitcoin will help alleviate poverty by allowing people to work online without any restrictions, but on practice this just isn't happening. In your opinion, what is the reason for this?
Yes, btc freelancing seems dead. XBTfreelancer put some money in it's project to develop it and make popular but seems their plan failed, there is just not much demand on it and to be fair bitcoin freelancer websites are directly going to be opponent of firverr which is very difficult and also their SEO job seems very hard. Still you have to stick with fiverr and if you want bitcoins, convert it. Also to answer your last proposal, bitcoin can't alleviate poverty and it's not hard to find work online, bitcoin has to do nothing with it. Bitcoin is just a payment method and currency at the same time which is very different, easy and accessible for most people. Does paypal give you restrictions? Or most part of other payment methods? I guess no.
It often happens that people go out to play a variety of games of chance with a certain amount of money, but in the end they spend everything if they are gone. How to prevent which technique you base yourself on to spend no further. It's hard to just give up, people persistent in gambling that day, so they can't just tell themselves they'll try tomorrow. Why is this difficult? Is it because of greed?
Depends on game to be fair. For example if you love playing live blackjack (which a lot of people enjoy cause it's an exciting experience), then you will find it difficult to stop without spending much because a lot of tables require high minimum bet (the lowest I have seen on most casinos is 5$ but there are maybe some dedicated tables with min 2$ bet). In dice for example, you can bet some satoshi which games game very affordable to play for anyone + you have possibility to use faucet and play for free for a while, for example Bitsler offers bitsler coins and while playing for free you have ability to win in daily bitsler coin wagering contests.
At first I want to mention that despite the fact that we may give you valid arguments about whether governments will crack down bitcoin or not, still it means nothing cause no one knows what will come for example in Trump's mind, he loves crazy actions. On another hand I highly doubt they will crackdown it for some reasons. At first there is a lot of money put in bitcoin, it's like a commercial thing for some companies which include mining companies and etc. On another hand if they crackdown it for illegal activity reasons, then they must be aware that it doesn't matter, there is supply, there is demand. They will make situation hard and worse for themselves cause if they ban it, there will be new and better way which will be 100x difficult for them to fix.
It has been more than 5 year that I have taken my hands off from photoshop, illustrator and corel draw, idk why cause at some point I was insanely active on using them but now they seem very boring for me. I think something like this will be great, something like call attached to word B logo. (Bitcoin''s logo maybe)? See attached image down below. Also will be interesting if someone makes Fiverr challange for bitcointalk logo, there are some amazing graphics designers on fiverr (but it may cost much). I think logo contest on forum will be great option.
To my mind there is one possible solution with crypto and that's it's ability to be limited which no one can change on their own. It don't has to be bitcoin cause it was never meant for massive usage and etc. I mean new crypto currency for example with limited supply - 21 million (example). Adoption has to be done slowly but that will happen when almost every people will have access to internet and computer, otherwise that's not possible. We need limited supply which will also change a little bit depend on number of population with zero tx fees.
Apologize if this was already asked but I may ask it again: I deposted on FJ and there was message which offered me to activate bonus, I clicked on it and then activate bonus but then pop up came with message that I need verification of my account. Do I have to open KYC documents? Cause I didn't find any place for that. Also what about to include some more Evolution Gaming tables? More likely those ones which have lower bets cause most tables on FJ are min 50$ bets, will be better to add lower ones like 2$ for example or 5$. Thanks in advance.
Hi, Friends.
Recently there was a news that a google's quantum computing breakthrough has enabled one of its machines to carry out tasks that would take a supercomputer 10,000 years to execute. I heard somewhere that the recent bear market has something to do with this news also.
So i want to know how much damage this news can make ? will it make the cryptocurrencies obsolete ? will we ever see a 20k bitcoin price ?
I am very nervous as i have invested all my current savings in the market and since then the market has gone down.
I highly doubt google will aim his quantum computing technologies on bitcoin and break it. Btw this is so unfair creation, seems it can crack any file within seconds? And what we think is protected, google makes it unprotected with it's super power abilities. I don't know it well but does it directly mean that it can affect mining process? I mean there are asic resistant, gpu resistant too? Coins which are mined only by HDD space and etc so will that computer be useful in mining process and be able to mine all bitcoins in some seconds?
Man apologise if I didn't understand things there cause I have some questions: If you try to help to local charities, why did they give you Canon 350D gift? I think it will be better if you take it in some local phone/camera repair services and ask them what kind of chargers and etc are needed for it and if they have equipment, whether it's possible to test it. And also, you need great camera like Canon EOS 5d mark 3 and similar to take high quality pictures which will be acceptable for shutterstock.
I know this topic was, but I'm interested in explaining why you would compare these two things that have only one thing in common, addiction. Why compare them if they are two different terms. Eg for cigars we give money and have no profit, while for gambling we give money and there is a possibility of getting money. In the world, these two topics are crucial, but why Whether the addiction is a mental deficiency or simply as a love for something? When someone loves a sport is he or she addicted? To be fair we don't compare these two to each other, at least not me cause you started topic with this subject. On another hand if we still discuss about that, then I would say addiction is addiction, doesn't matter whether it's cigar or gambling cause they have one thing common: Dependence. Your brain releases dopamine when you smoke cigar, for some people that light headed feeling is amazing, for me personally, I hate cigarette cause of it's feelings. Brain does the same when you gamble too, for example when you win, it rewards you with dopamine and noradrenaline, these two hormone makes you happy. Your brain knows that if you gamble, you have possibility to win and if you win, it's rewarding for your brain so... You know... Worse is the one that's uncontrollable and affects your life negatively.
That article is one of the great reason to consider in future too. Exchanges hodl bitcoin, not just hold. Why? Do you think they are crazy? I highly doubt that because crazy persons never run successful businesses and especially those ones which includes worldwide users. There is no need of panic selling but I don't say to hodl if forever, bitcoin is currency and payment method which has to be used in order to adopt it in a lot of services, well it's whole different subject but to sum up, bitcoin will reach it's all time high anyway, so it worths to save your bitcoins and not sell now when price is really low.
At first please anyone clarify me how can you have strategy in very unpredictable business? You can't plan economics and trading is related to it. I would say that it's always better to choose best moments instead of every moment, well, you can't always choose best one but at least prioritize to choose it instead of every one. I'm not fond of hodling too cause money has to be in circulation to my mind. On another hand always remember this words: If you profit that's because someone loses.