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341  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: December 27, 2019, 03:21:32 PM
Отакої. Податки платити не треба. То, може, ще скажете, що і держава нам не потрібна, бо вона існує саме завдяки нашим податкам?

Наведу просте пояснення. Якщо в Україну прийде компаній та індивідуумів з великими грошима, зі сфери "індустрій майбутнього, в даному видаку візьмемо блокчейн та криптовалю - вони і так заплатять податки (ПДВ на все що купуватимуть, оренду, інші сервіси, і т д). Тому на мою думку краще було б створити умови - не обкладати податками компанії з такого сектору, адже це розвиватиме індустрію в цілому, створюючи нові можливості для українців.
342  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: December 26, 2019, 05:39:07 PM
Тобто з зарплатні треба сплачувати податки, з нерухомості треба сплачувати податки, з депозитів треба сплачувати податки, з цінних паперів треба сплачувати податки, а з крипти ні? Чого ж так?

По-перше це ще питання чи потрібні податки на перелічені категорії,
А по-друге так, саме з крити не потрібно сплачувати податки. Світ конкурентний і щоб залучити інвестиції, крипто-компанії, людський та фінансовий капітал, треба запропонувати щось таке, що буде кращим за інші локації, юрисдикції.
Тобто моя думка, що держава мала б не лише не обтяжувати податками тих, хто займається крипто-сферою, блокчейном, а й навпаки підтримувати. Наприклад, виділяти кошти на стартапи, створювати навчальні програми, стипендії, і т д

Зараз можна купувати BNB !       оа то тут в Украънськый гілці як не вибори пе так обговорення податків на крипту, дайте вже накінець якусь корисну інфу шо нема нічого з тисячі форків шоб дало хочаб х100  ?

Звісно можна, є наприклад нова українська біржа CRYPTEX24 де BNB та інші криптовалюти можна купити/продати за гривню
343  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: December 20, 2019, 09:49:39 PM
Гарне у вас бажання, но для того щоб щось отримувати від громадян, треба їм щось давати. Мені наша держава нажаль навіть вищу освіту платною зробила, тому не маю жодного бажання платить якісь податки з крипти, нехай ідуть лісом!

Ну не треба вже аж таке вигадувати - де це платну освіту зробила держава? До сих пір є дуже багато бюджетних місць
Інша справа в тому, що їх стає менше... це вже інше філософське питання - що можливо нам і не потрібно стільки бюджетних місць, стільки спеціальностей, і т д
А то тенденція, що всі прагнуть бути економістами, юристами, міжнародні відносини закінчити - а вакансій стільки немає, а з тих, які є частина по зв"язках вирішується... І потім з вищою освітою їдуть в Польщу і скаржаться, що держава не дала високооплачуваємої роботи.

Щодо податків з крипти - то звісно ж я проти, на жаль ті хто зараз прийшли теж не думають стратегічно
344  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: December 06, 2019, 11:35:42 AM
Ось скоро в Києві така конференція буде

30% знижки з промо-кодом
345  Bitcoin / Meetups / Kyiv Blockchain Forum 2019, December 18 on: December 05, 2019, 11:33:33 PM

December, 18th 2019, in IQ Business Center (Bolsunovska str, 13/15) – will be held the IX Kyiv Blockchain Forum, international event devoted to Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency sphere.

Two streams of the Forum will allow everyone to find themselves in crypto-reality, we will discuss:

— legalization of cryptocurrencies – establishing the first law on the regulation of digital assets;
— a guide for beginners – how to buy cryptocurrency and not spend a penny;
— intellectual property issues;
— examples of implementation of Blockchain technology to real business;
— Blockchain development – smart contracts and personal platform.

The forum welcomes high-quality content, a friendly community and an atmosphere of perception
of the ideals of cryptographic freedom.

Aeneas political blockchain startup will offer users the opportunity to raise funds and implement
their own socially-oriented political projects, including lobbying community interests and try to collaborate with prediction market.

A demonstration area will allow industry representatives to showcase their achievements and
developments of 2019, while visitors will get acquainted with advanced technologies and their creators in a relaxed atmosphere.

The event will be interesting to everyone who is not indifferent to the sphere of crypto, who is open
to the new and is ready to create Blockchain Reality with us!

Schedule of the event and list of speakers could be discovered on official website:

To book tickets (600 ukrainian hryvnas) visit:

Special discount for our readers – 30% with promo code – Cryptotexty

Organizer of Kyiv Blockchain Forum: Gesellberg Cryptofinance.

Public page:

Blockchain Forum in Facebook:

Phone: +380 97 939 13 33

346  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin and New Ukrainian cinema on: November 27, 2019, 12:30:13 PM

Yes, good list. But have you seen some of the movies there? May be you can recommend some?

Bro, that's the informal economy, it has nothing to do with IT or information, having 50% of your economy in the shadow is nothing to brag about, take a look at what countries are there besides yours.

For long time big part of economy was in shadow, so I think bitcoin doesn't affect this, as much more shadow cash dollars circulate.
Well, there are other stats which indicate level of IT rise and this is something which I can see myself, as the number of people who work in IT increase.
For example there was Upwork research that Ukraine is #4 by the number of freelancers (after US, India, Philippines) and this of course counts only freelancers and agencies who are registered on this site
347  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: November 26, 2019, 05:25:20 PM
Написав статтю про Біткойн і нове Українське кіно

На цьому форумі запостив як окремий пост, кому цікаво - можете переглянути
348  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin and New Ukrainian cinema on: November 26, 2019, 05:14:46 PM

Bitcoin became quite popular in 2017, when even national television was reporting some of its price movements, and it actually makes sense, since Ukraine's population is poor but is also relatively well educated, so for younger generations it was easy to pick up Bitcoin. Ukraine's currency was also losing value because of the war and government's mismanagement during that time, so this is another reason to try Bitcoin.

And even to this day the top news sites occasionally report about Bitcoin and crypto, which they wouldn't do if it wasn't generating clicks. There's still not much merchant adoption, but there's a lot of hodlers.

Yes, 2017 was the year of biggest popularity (probably all around the world)

And I would say the merchant adoption is ok, the technology is ready, it's just people are not using crytocurrencies so often. Even people from the industry tend to use cards or cash.
I had crypto bar in center of Kyiv, and guess how many payments were done in crypto in 4 months?
0 (I'm not counting payments with our EOS-based token, which was distributed as loyalty program, it was in use often)
349  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin and New Ukrainian cinema on: November 26, 2019, 01:04:09 PM
That's curious, there's probably more movies with Bitcoin references in Ukraine than exist in any other country's local film scene. 

Yes, may be it is) That's why I decided to write this article)

it seems like Ukraine caught the Bitcoin trend kinda strong, which seems weird for an eastern european country with a reputation for being more about farming and factories than high tech (is this unfair? I have no direct experience of Ukraine and it's business culture). I can see why Bitcoin would be well represented in Ukrainian indy cinema, but not why Bitcoin became abuzz in the Ukraine in the first place.

Ukraine has many agricultural lands, but it also has big IT sector in general and blockchain industry in particular.
We have big crypto-community, starting from big projects to just individual developers, traders, crypto-enthusiasts.

Also I remember old citibank research that Ukraine is among top countries which has big % of BTC in economy

I think I found image from that research

350  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin and New Ukrainian cinema on: November 26, 2019, 12:07:53 PM

On the photo - Successful crypto-investor from "Just Sex, Nothing Personal" movie

Many people in Ukraine who have no connection to blockchain and cryptocurrency area, are aware about Bitcoin. One time I was returning from crypto-conference abroad and when taxi driver asked me where I've been, it happened he is also Bitcoin enthusiast and a trader. I also know a barman-trader, who is working full time in a bar and trades in a free time (and even had some kind of a fund). So no wonder that topic of Bitcoin entered many areas of life, especially art and creative industries, and in this short article I will focus on cinema.

Ukrainian cinema nowadays has its Revival. Many films are created, from different genres and for different audiences, and now we see that Ukrainian movies are more viewed in cinemas, while in past cinema-market was dominated by Hollywood blockbusters and Russian shitmovies. Some films win prizes at international festivals.

While the quantity of films is still much smaller than in other countries, I know at least 3 films which mention Bitcoin topic.

Just Sex, Nothing Personal

Genre: Comedy
Release date: December 20, 2018
Director: Olga Ryashina
Production company: Star Media

In the beginning of the film, girlfriend leaves Serhii, the main hero of the film, saying that he is "just an accountant". - "But I also deal with crypto" - he responds, but this doesn't affect her decision as she claims that he is complete 0 in sex.

Serhii goes to Prague for New Year to visit his friend, and meats a strip-dancer in a club, then falls in love with her. His ex-girlfriend was humiliating him in past, but as the time passes, somebody asked her if she saw the price of Bitcoin. She checks the price and understands how rich is her ex-boyfriend now, so she decided to return him and marry.

Even though Bitcoin is small episode in this film, it's not even depicted in trailer, but it really shapes the whole story.

Taking to account date of release, it could be real story a year before in 2017.

We don't know if Serhii made millions or just some smaller amount, but it's enough to implement into life dream of his new girlfried ex-strip-dancer, to start a restaurant-cafe in her home city Lviv in Ukraine.

Foxter & Max

Genre: Comedy for children
Initial release: September 19, 2019
Director: Anatoli Mateshko

Timid 12-year-old schoolboy Max finds a can of nano-paint, and draws graffiti - dog. Unexpectedly drawn graffiti comes to life and turns into a nanorobot with super powers - a combination of biotech and AI. This nano-dog Foxter helps Max in life, but both of them are hunted by a dangerous criminal who wants to take possession of this powerful technology in order to mine cryptocurrency and hack, withdraw cryptocurrencies from others' accounts to his. Well, as usually in comedies - there is happy end.

Nightmare Director, or School # 5

Genre: Comedy
Release date: October 31, 2018 (Ukraine)
Director: Mila Pogrebiska

The story is about ex-prison manager who in order to return to his previous job has a challenge to be director at problematic school. Unlike first 2 films I didn't watch it, as it was in cinemas not for a long time.

But Bitcoin topic is mentioned in trailer.
At 00:55 you can see the criminal who is asking:
-- What is Bitcoin, do you know?
-- Yes, composer

So this short dialogue references to the popular joke (hard to say does this joke has more truth or joke in it) when people mix Bitcoin with Beethoven, music composer.  (Well of course now in certain communities people know what is Bitcoin, but don't know who is Ludwig van Beethoven)
Then (at 00:59) criminal asks "Did you mine a lot already" and we see a torture scene.

All 3 films are very recent - this year and previous, and of course there might be other films which I'm not aware about. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will be depicted more and more in the mass culture. And this is just one more small proof of it.
351  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: November 23, 2019, 11:55:26 AM
А в чому проблема зараз відкрити ФОП і виводити на ФОП, сплативши 5%? Все так само можна зробити
Можливо, після прийняття законодавства стане легше
До речі недавно був на мітапі де заступник міністра цифрової трансформації казав, що поки що це декларування по-бажанню
Хочеш "білих" грошей - то задекларуй свій прибуток з біржі, сплати 5%, не хочеш - то так само можна виводити на картку, принаймні поки що ніхто це не перевірятиме
352  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Pools (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] EVERSTAKE Tezos - GROW YOUR TEZOS HOLDINGS WITH EVERSTAKE on: November 22, 2019, 09:04:41 PM
Just want to update everyone here that AtticPool rebranded into Everstake, so I changed topic name and some details

They also did Tezos meetups recently

I also hold Tezos (the amount is big for me, big as part of current % of cryptocurrencies I have) which I delegate to them

And I suggest this thread can remain here on forum as one more thread to discuss Tezos
353  Other / Meta / Re: The Bitcoin Forum is 10 years old! on: November 22, 2019, 08:43:17 PM
Happy birthday forum!

Unfortunately I joined this forum much later than most of you.
But I spent and spend a lot of time here. Sometimes more, sometimes less (depends from periods)

I think not depending from the state of the market or rate of BTC, this forum will remain the main place

And last but not least, if Satoshi ever decides to speak again - I'm sure he will speak here)
354  Other / Meta / Re: 10th anniversary art contest on: November 19, 2019, 01:24:45 PM
I saw here somebody posted texts, so I decided post my cover text.
It's cover on famous song by Armin van Buuren feat. Christian Burns - This Light Between Us
Yes, I only changed few words, but I think "Blockchain between us" perfectly feet into music and composition and other lyrics don't need change.
In past I even thought to make video clip cover on this song, but probably won't do it

Can you see Blockchain between us?
Keeps me breathing through the storm
My head above the crowd

Can you see Blockchain between us?
So come a little bit closer now
It's in our eyes

You and me, we're just believers
Believing what we HODL
But sometimes we fall to pieces
In the dusk

So we should dance like this forever
We're safe from underground
When a million lights surround you
And you're moving to the sound

Don't waste another moment
It's waiting for you now
So dive in this new beginning
Let Satoshi show you how

I will take Blockchain between us
Keeps me breathing through the storm
My head above the crowd

Can you see Blockchain between us?
So come a little bit closer now
It's in our eyes

We'll take a ride outside together
The streets are lined with gold
And where the good become the wanted
Not the soul

Don't waste another moment
I'm waiting for you now
So dive in this new beginning
And let Satoshi show you how

I will take Blockchain between us
Keeps me breathing through the storm
My head above the crowd

Can you see this Blockchain between us?
So come a little bit closer now
It's in our eyes, it's in our eyes

355  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: November 19, 2019, 01:16:47 PM
Інтуіцію до справи не пришиеш. Smiley Що саме вам не подобається? Конкретно?

Не подобається те, що в цьому законі все про опадткування.
Принаймні поки що, не бачу щоб він щось додав в плані того, що в України захочуть прийти якісь нові інвестори, а оподткування буде вводитись.

На мою думку податки в сфері блокчейн та криптовалют не потрібні, саме в цьому Україна могла б забезпечити конкурентну перевагу в порівнянні з іншими країнами.

До речі ось вже є й на сайті текст

І ще, на іншу тему - тут раніше було багато бажаючих заробити меріт.
так от чудовий шанс - конкурс до 10-річчя форуму
Якщо є якісь мистецькі ідеї - можете їх запосити, і крім меріту можна виграти ще й біткойнів) Але меріти там чимало скидаю - мені скину трохи)
356  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Українська (Ukrainian) on: November 16, 2019, 01:56:09 PM
Вчора був пост депутата на фейсбук, що законопроект зареєстрували, але зараз посилання на нього не працює
Пошукав і на сайті ВР і в гуглі - поки не знаходить
Але потім треба буде почитати текст, бо інтуїтивні враження негативні
357  Other / Meta / Re: 10th anniversary art contest on: November 14, 2019, 09:41:41 PM

BTC address: 1NbUAJRcAnrLdttwJxrpK3U5WvrUqZ11z
358  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: LiveTree ADEPT [SED] Crowdsale complete! on: November 05, 2019, 04:59:22 PM
Did somebody use their new platform? What do you think about it?
I think it's something, even though there are few videos

I think they just collected small amount on ICO and now try to present something to get more funds
359  Bitcoin / Meetups / Re: Malta AI & Blockchain Summit | November 7-8, 2019 | St. Julian’s Malta on: November 05, 2019, 12:01:37 AM
Somebody from Bitcointalk going to be there?
360  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: LiveTree ADEPT [SED] Crowdsale complete! on: November 04, 2019, 11:59:51 PM
I accidentally saw Ashley Turing (CEO of LiveTree) among the visitors on Malta Blockchain Summit
Although that's not sure that he will be there, at least this might be a signal that the company still exists and doing something

So if anybody there in few days - may be you can see him there

What would you ask him?
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