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341  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: October 05, 2021, 09:18:53 AM
Pai atunci o baza de date e suficienta.

Momentan in destul cazuri chiar este doar o simpla baza de date.
Atat mai spun:
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE tokenID=3 ;
342  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: October 05, 2021, 08:43:06 AM
one of the hillbilly BCH big blockers who still think it's a good idea to scale on-chain...

Sorry for the OT but was reading the latest posts and when I saw yours it reminded me of something:
343  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: October 05, 2021, 08:35:35 AM

Am ajuns ieri la un articol de pe hakernoon. Recomand sa il cititi daca sunteti interesati. Prezinta "o metoda" de a folosi IPFS si FileCoin pentru a descentraliza mai mult stocarea acestor NFT-uri, dar ideea de baza care m-a captat este alta...

Practic imaginea aia nu este stocata pe blockchain direct. Ar fi mult prea scump sa faci asa ceva. Deci pe blockchain stochezi doar "Ana are NFT-ul cu mere".
Aici vine partea tampita:

Standardul in industrie este IPFS sau alte cateva sisteme similare, dar destui nu le folosesc ! Unele sunt gazduite pe vreun VPS, AWS image bucket, unele au un layer intermediar intre hash si IPFS care trece prin platforma folosita pentru mint. Deci daca pica platforma, VPS etc atunci tu deti un NFT cu "404 page not found". Si din pacate nu pare sa fie doar cazuri izolate.

Hai sa luam ca exemplu CyberKongz. (partea amuzanta este ca a fost primul pe care am dat click. Nu am cautat mult deloc  Cheesy )
3.9k NFT create, volum peste 6k ETH in ultimele 7 zile si floor price (pretul minim pentru direct buy, nu licitatii) este momentan 12.9 ETH
Daca ne uitam la contract observam ceva interesant:
Herokuapp este o platforma de cloud storage/sharing. Deci daca ei inchid contul iti poti lua la revedere de la NFT.

Nu sunt programator blockchain, sunt doar minimum de familiar cu solidity... la fel de mult ca urmatorul tip care stie putin javascript si a aruncat un ochi peste cod.

Ideea de baza este ca unele NFT-uri sau chiar colectii depind de servicii centralizate pentru stocarea NFT-ului, fie ca este o imagine, video, audio etc. Si bazandu-te pe un singur serviciu poate fi catastrofal. Si asta se intampla din mai multe motive: lene, prostie, ignoranta, nepricepere etc. Oricare ar fi motivul din punctul meu de vedere nu e OK !

Aveti grija in ce proiecte va bagati!
344  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: October 04, 2021, 12:17:58 PM
... Where is the post where the "Lightning network" was first proposed on this forum?

Sounded like a weird question at first but got me wondering... Seems that Mike Hearn pointed to this thread : Instant TX for established business relationships (need replacements/nLockTime) as the Lighning Network's primordial forum soup

What is the Lightning Network? It is the latest name for an old idea: to use payment channels between various low-trust intermediaries in order to transmit payments

So I decided to put together an umbel box to compare it to raspiblitz / mynode

I fired up an umbrel node also. Took ~4days for sync but after this it does not display the info properly...

Only had a 500GB SSD around so I assume that might be the issue. It still has 24GB available though. Will retry with a 1TB as soon as I get my hands on one  Smiley
345  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: El Salvador to mine bitcoin using Volcanic energy on: October 01, 2021, 11:20:04 AM
Reading through an article in Spanish today (*), it seems that the mining equipment arrived last Sunday. The container in the image has "Gobierno de El Salvador" written on it, so I presume that this particular the mining farm is going to be exploited by the Government (as opposed to a private investment), although that is my speculation.
Would make sense the first "volcanode" would be state owned and future ones for private exploitation.

I'm not sure how it's harvested though. If it's via hot springs it's easy. Else it's them who had to find a way to heat the water using the geothermal energy.

But from my understanding they already have power plants running on this principle, all they've done for now was to bring miners use that energy (and maybe produce some extra for those miners).

This plant was initially presented as the center of a Bitcoin mining hub. I assumed it was mostly built for mining... yes, all 109MW of it  Cheesy
Understood they drill 1-3 km wells until they find underground springs. They have two dozen active volcanoes so there's plenty where this came from.
It also has lots of byproducts like heat, water etc. Saw they use them to dry fruit, water crops and probably other use cases.

They officially started stacking those sats!
Vulcanode FTW  Cool
346  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: September 30, 2021, 11:17:38 AM
Poate ca imi scapa ceva, dar cat timp poti face x dovezi diferite de proprietate pentru acelasi lucru pe x blockchainuri diferite, asta nu va merge.
Iar daca o sa fie nevoie de un blockchain oficial, cine il mentine, statul? Pai atunci o baza de date e suficienta.

Pai doar unul este NFT-ul creat si semnat de entitatea X, indiferent de blockchain-ul folosit. Vorbeam de documente semnate digital de persoane sau entitati cu cheile publice cunoscute. Cheia publica a lui Beeple este: "abcde.....", cheia publica a notarului X este: "fghijklm...", cheia ministerului muncii este: "nopqrstuv..."

Sunt 2 chestii "oarecum" diferite.
- dovada autenticitatii
- dovada proprietatii

E important sa exista ambele, nu doar o lista de fost proprietari. Ca acolo chiar ca ajunge o MySQL DB  Smiley
347  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: September 28, 2021, 11:04:12 PM
Apoi, mai e un lucru: am impresia ca preturile pot fi manipulate cu mare usurinta...
Ooo da! O fi usor dar tot tre sa ai aia 30-50 ETH sa urci pretul...
Am mai aruncat un ochi pe opensea si rarible in ultima vreme. Cautam vreun 'diamant' ieftin la care sa fac un profit dar pana acum nimic. Speram sa gasesc ceva pe la 0.05-0.08 ETH si sa vand pe 5-10X. Se pare ca persoane cu mentalitatea asta vor mai lungi toata nebunia ... scz  Cheesy

Am ascultat un podcast cu Vignesh Sundaresan, indianul care a dat $69M pe NFT-ul lui Beeple. A participat la podcastul "Speaking of Bitcoin" cu adam lavine, aantonop etc. Interesanta gandire... eu recomand:
348  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: September 28, 2021, 01:51:49 PM
Conceptul de NFT si potentialele utilizari par misto!

Acum ca mai toti se gandesc la "arta", "poze" etc, cel putin momentan, cred ca este trecator. Mai nou toata lumea face serii de NFT-uri (poze) generate mai mult sau mai putin automat (gen CryptoKitties). Unii le vand (Cryptopunks, bored apes etc) altii nu prea ...

Probabil ca proiecte asociate cu artisti cunoscuti vor mai rasari, dar la un moment dat piata se va satura de NFT-uri de la toti necunoscutii cu o tableta grafica in pivnita.

Cat va dura hype-ul nu stiu, dar cel mai probabil ca va trece la un moment dat si se vor concentra pe usecase-uri mai interesante: dovada proprietatii pentru lucruri reale, abonamente pentru diverse evenimente sau diverse utilizari care transcend in viata de zi cu zi, nu doar o poza cu o pisica random...
349  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: September 23, 2021, 03:56:11 PM as a user I can't see this lock anywhere.
No you cannot

That makes more sense than a regular user suddenly joining a long-term spammer scam.

I assume MindlessElectron still bans them, right? That explains why they need more senior accounts for their spam.
It is whooping their asses 24/7 indeed.
Older accounts I can understand with the database leak(s) and all, but how are new users getting infected/hacked ? Provided they don't download the malware-PILLs or something similar...
350  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: September 23, 2021, 02:51:27 PM
I get in touch with the owner of this account in telegram, he said it wasn't him which is probably true. I didn't see this guy interact on that thread and then suddenly the account posted like he owns the thread or somewhat related to the team/devs of phoenix miner, and regarding the previous reports this is a desperate attacks of the scammer/hackers to phoenix miner.

Currently the account was banned and it should be lift somehow.

The account is locked so nobody can even login. It does look like his account was hacked. Tell him to send an email and we'll look into it.

There were over 400 of these posts in the Phoenix Miner thread in the last 3 days so yeah...
351  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: September 23, 2021, 11:10:31 AM
Mda, numai ca asa cum unii sau altii s-au trezit cu contul (pe Coinbase, parca?) inchis ca au folosit crypto pe site-uri neautorizate (cazinou), nu m-ar mira - mai devreme sau mai tarziu - procesatorul de plata al comerciantului sa zica ceva de genul "acceptam doar plati din portofel personal" si "nu acceptam bani de la aceasta sursa, va rugam reluati plata; plata curenta va fi returnata portofelului sursa". La asa ceva ma refeream...

Numai ca serviciul asta de atomic swap este P2P. Deci nu este vreun hot/cold wallet al serviciului respectiv unde se aduna monedele la un moment dat.

Totusi sunt riscuri ... de ex sa primesti BTC asociati cu vreun hack (MtGox de ex). Ca ai folosit fondurile de la Coinbase sa joci la pacanele e una, dar sa primesti 0.5 BTC de la 1FeexV6bAHb8ybZjqQMjJrcCrHGW9sb6uF e total alta poveste  (desi poate nu ar trebui... dar na, este)

Tot ce ar putea cineva sa vada este scriptul P2SH si ar vedea ca a fost un multisig 1 din 2 sau 2 din 3 ... sau cum o fi asta  Grin Poate cu timpul si odata cu taproot aceste lucruri nu vor mai fi asa evidente si poate atunci chiar nu se va mai observa nimic...
352  Economy / Reputation / Re: Someone had access to my account last month - Please beware! on: September 21, 2021, 10:25:43 AM
I knew that, my comment was meant in general Wink I've disabled my secret questions, nobody can lock my account that way.

That really is the recomend approach. It was easier to repurpose than to remove I guess and also be sure it doesn't break anything else

"Secret questions" are a terribly insecure method to restore access, it's (often) easy to "hack" using information publicly accessible through social media.

Reminds me of this:
353  Economy / Reputation / Re: Someone had access to my account last month - Please beware! on: September 21, 2021, 09:16:59 AM
@alanst @3dOOm @Rizzrack: please consider this when deciding who's the real owner of account legendster:
I was stupid enough to have saved some private keys in the drafts along with some other passwords.

Definitely will ! These things are rarely straightforward anyway  Tongue

"Secret questions" are a terribly insecure method to restore access, it's (often) easy to "hack" using information publicly accessible through social media.

Reset via secret queation does NOT reset the password. It Locks the account and user need to go through the account recovery process...
354  Other / Meta / Re: Is quoting a copied content plagiarism? on: September 15, 2021, 02:33:42 PM
The way ETFbitcoin formatted that quote should be sufficient...

OP is talking about the post that ETFbitcoin wrote about in his post  Tongue

I even consider it to be more ethical than lumping someone else's content and yours together with vague links at the bottom of the page.

I second that statement !
355  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: September 14, 2021, 06:31:20 PM
Problema e ca in general asemenea operatii care sa ajute la privacy nu sunt vazute cu ochi buni de autoritati, iar magazinele mari probabil ca le vor evita. Sper sa ma insel...

Eu cred ca te inseli...
Alora mici li se pun bete in roate. Magazinele mari, deci care aduc mai multi bani la stat, vor avea mereu tratament preferential. Din cauza asta pot sa cumpar de la Mega bere si tigari cu cardul de bonuri dar de la magazinul din coltul blocului nu.  Tongue

PcGarage are plata cu BTC de multi ani . Folosesc Netopia deci mai pui fee de retea si fee Netopia (discutabil care e mai mare). PcGarage nici nu iti vede adresa deci de Netopia sa iti fie "frica"  Cheesy pt ca ei sunt aia "reglementati" care trebuie sa predea informatiile la stat. Magazinul primeste RON si aia e.

Hai sa fim seriosi... statului nu ii pasa de datele tale. Ne-ar lasa pe toti 100% anonimi daca ar fi sigur ca toate taxele se platesc (exagerez putin dar intelegeti voi). Atata timp cat intra in visterie un procentaj decent de impozite din totalul de tranzactii crypto pe care le au nu se vor obosi prea mult, parerea mea
356  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: El Salvador has become the first country to make #Bitcoin legal tender! 🇸🇻 on: September 14, 2021, 11:16:30 AM
Javier Argueta, legal adviser to the President of El Salvador, reports that the government of El Salvador will exempt foreign investors from capital gains tax and approach tax on transactions with bitcoin.

Damn !
First they announce volcano steam powered BTC mining hubs, now tax exempt... hope they have enough "volcano" for all the ASICS sailing their way  Cheesy
357  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: September 14, 2021, 11:05:22 AM
A fost in teste ceva vreme, deci pericolul nu ar trebui sa fie chiar asa "maricel"; altfel nu ar fi pe mainnet.
Iar la Monero, istoric vorbind, accentul a fost pe functionalitate. UI frumos si prietenos.. ceva mai tarziu. Dar nu am aruncat inca ochi pe atomic swap-ul facut de COMIT.

Nu am spus ca e experimental si ca sunt sanse mari sa dispara monedele, dar pana la urma e un cod si poate contine diverse bug-uri de care nimeni nu stie pana nu se loveste careva la un moment dat.

Bug fix la ultimul release acum 11 zile (articolul de pe getmonero este mai vechi):

    A bug where the ASB erroneously transitioned into a punishable state upon a bitcoin transaction monitoring error.
    This could lead to a scenario where the ASB was neither able to punish, nor able to refund, so the XMR could stay locked up forever while the CLI refunded the BTC.

Ah, da. Uitasem sa mentionez mai sus: se zvoneste (nu cred ca e si confirmat inca) faptul ca s-ar afla in lucru si un mecanism proxy pentru a putea plati cu XMR oriunde BTC e acceptat. Ar functiona destul de simplu in teorie: Daca business-ul tau accepta BTC, prin acest mecanism orice client ar putea sa plateasca in XMR care ar trece printr-un atomic swap iar tu, ca business, te alegi in final cu BTC convertit din XMR. Mi se pare genial.
Pare interesant!
Poate ar fi bun pentru site-uri care vand produse digitale de genul jocuri, coduri, licente etc ... desi iti poti face cont la PcGarbage pe numele Popescu Ion si il ridici de la easybox, fara alte documente.

La fel de bine poate fi un astfel de proxy BTC-BTC. In ambele cazuri platesti 2 fee-uri dar nu iti expui adresa. Sau in cazul BTC folosesti LN, dar si acolo pot fi unele sifonari de informatii, cativa vectori de atac (zic gurile rele) dar par cam targetate deci cineva chiar trebuie sa aibe boala pe tine Tongue
358  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: September 13, 2021, 11:31:18 PM
Developerii lucreaza acum la un sistem atomic swap 100% decentralizat intre BTC si XMR. Daca reusesc sa faca asta (si din ce am inteles, posibil anul asta sa fie gata), zic ca va fi veste mare.


UI mai deloc, totul pare sa fie din consola (din cate vad pe github)... inca e noua treaba deci pericolul de bug-uri e maricel (mesajul general de pe mai toate sistemele noi si interesante, dar de inteles) insa pare sa fie ceva palpabil.  Grin


O sa arunc o privire mai amanuntita maine pentru ca... somn  Tongue dar am vazut anuntul si mi-am adus aminte de threadul tau kevin
359  Other / Meta / Re: [Inquiry from admin] Unit evil decay on reversed bans on: September 13, 2021, 08:09:51 AM
It seems my inquiry is being misunderstood. I'm not referring to a new account which accumulates evil points from the IP address, those accounts do not add to the units of evil.
As far as I know evil score does NOT change when an account is unbanned.
It just decays over time...
360  Other / Meta / Re: [Inquiry from admin] Unit evil decay on reversed bans on: September 10, 2021, 03:53:41 PM
I am curious to know if units of evil associated with an account reduces when a decision is reversed;

I tend to believe the evil points remain.
The evil points are associated with an IP. The ban is associated with a profile UID.

For example if a new account is created and receives a proxyban by default that user can be whitelisted/unbanned, but the evil points are not erased. If he/she were to create another user from the same tainted IP that one would be proxybanned as well .

So yeah... pretty sure unbanning does not reduce the evil point score.
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