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3401  Other / Meta / Re: Root cause of permanent bans because of plagiarism made years ago on: September 24, 2019, 12:39:37 PM
People hope to use plagiarism to achieve financial gain.
Is it really that difficult to write 2 or 3 sentences on your own on a topic that interests you without cheating!? We have so many different boards filled with threads of every possible genre you don't even need extensive knowledge to be able to participate in the discussions. Threads where all you need to do is express your own opinion and than people can't even do that and they have to copy someone else's. 
To be fair it's very difficult to write 2-3 sentence when you have zero wish of it and do it for the sake of signature for example, that's the problem. And even worse problem is that there were signature campaigns with normal payments for such people, for example secondstrade and yobit. Also ranking was dependent on activity, when people were creating accounts and leaving them abandoned for a while, number of activity was increasing virtually, all you needed was to post in order to awake those activity points and grow your rank, so copying of others posts was very easy and time saving. After some activity, in late phases they were going to move from copy posts to self written posts, this way there were hiding their past activity, that's all what I can say on old cases.
If anyone does plagiarism now, I have no idea why.
3402  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Bitcoin and casinos on: September 24, 2019, 11:35:59 AM
I have worked for a few years in a casino and I couldn't help but imagine that people should be able to gamble with bitcoin.

Is it already happening? - I don't mean on the internet

And do you think this will be future of casinos?
Is it already happening? Oh no, I have never read news about casino which accepts or plans to accepts bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency. Casinos are still considered as a way of money laundering, so adding a cryptocurrencies will be a huge disadvantage for casino owners. By the way if we can consider it as a good news and one step, Evolution Gaming has contract with some crypto casinos and offer them their service, live blackjack and etc, some of them even has own table.
On another hand there is not significant demand on bitcoin in any particular country to push casinos to accept bitcoin and it's another task what will be governments reaction. Also in overall I think media will start to write bullshit around bitcoin once casinos accept them with titles like - a cryptocurrency that increases number of gamblers and etc silly ones.
3403  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Escrow and how to trust them on: September 23, 2019, 07:18:57 PM
Hey i understand the meaning of escrow and how do they work. But how do you know to trust them? Are they approved by the forum or anyone else?
No one has guarantee of trustworthyness of any person, especially online on forums but here is another thing, these persons gained trust among people because of their good story, we have to risk and trust someone sometimes, that's how others risked in past and what we get now as a result.
For example Ognasty was carrying forum treasure, a lot of bitcoins for years which he returned recently.
Forum escrows trustworthyness are similar of bitcoin mixers.
3404  Economy / Economics / Re: INFLATION IN THE UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES on: September 23, 2019, 06:41:11 PM
The world economy keeps crashing with many incidence of inflation. What is happening at the moment is  a clear indication of a world that has failed the minority. Although the underdeveloped countries could partly be blamed for the high inflation that exists in their respective economies. Would things turn around for good  if underdeveloped countries start to add value to their natural resources themselves without selling to the countries with good economy?
Problem in most of these countries is that they can't produce mostly anything and are importing things, for this reason they hugely depend on national currency / usd exchange ratio. So when they buy things from outside, more usd goes from their country, so national currency gets weak, because of weak national currency people try to stick with usd which makes it even weaker. So as a result we get increased prices on everything while work salary gets decreased or the same. In overall this causes huge economic fall.
3405  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why will BTC halving stimulate price growth? on: September 22, 2019, 08:52:04 PM
I hear a lot of discussion around BTC halving that is expected in May 2020.
Many people are confident that this event will trigger the next bull run.

What is the logic behind this?
Logic is that mining profitability affects bitcoin's price too. Nowdays mininf isn't so profitable as it was in past, more likely it turned into commercial thing because mining companies have a lot of equipments and good electricity rates which still leaves some profit for them while it doesn't worth at home for individual.
So halving means that number of mined bitcoins per block will be half which means almost zero profit. In order to keep mining and profit, we need higher price of bitcoin. In overall halving has very positive impact on people and combination of this and in overall halving situation, price will rise.
3406  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can more ATM's increase adoption for Bitcoin? on: September 22, 2019, 05:10:55 PM
To be fair, no and let me explain why:
1. Current Bitcoin ATMs, each of them has huge fees which makes it very impractical to use, doesn't worth paying 10% and higher fees to just withdraw bitcoin, lower it up to 2% and that will be a whole different situation.
2. You can easily convert Bitcoin into USD with attractive rate and then withdraw from any ATM with your card, for example take XAPO, I mean service similar of them and such services are growing, in some countries even banks offer you crypto exchange. So that sounds more practical for me rather than sending bitcoin from your wallet to btc ATM.
I think these two reasons are valid against your question.
3407  Economy / Economics / Re: CASHING OUT YOUR CRYPTO-CURRENCY PROFITS on: September 22, 2019, 04:01:11 PM
Hi everybody, I have a serious question to address:

How will you tell (or reveal) to your Bank that the huge daily (or weekly) deposits into your Bank Account are from crypto-currency profits?
- Would you go to your local Bank Branch and tell them ahead of time, that you are a crypto-currency investor BEFORE you make huge deposits?
- Would you go to your local Bank Branch and tell them that you are a crypto-currency investor AFTER you make huge deposits?

This question is important, especially for people of modest income that SUDDENLY start to make huge profits from crypto-currency.

EDIT: I would love to pop into my Local Bank branch (in the United Kingdom) to tell them that I am into crypto, but I am a local person in the area - I do not want to attract attention to myself (or to attract potential thieves), because we do not really know who these Bank staff really are, or if they have connections to the criminal underworld.
I do not want to turn myself into a local target.

Do you really have so much profit from cryptocurrencies that you are considering to tell banks about that in order to get rid of unwanted doubts?
Well, I think you have to contact bank, not to introduce real you but call just like a random guy and ask them these questions, if you have to pay taxes for serious crypto income. If you are free from it, then just do deposits and if they have some doubts, explain them your situation, source of your income, that you are 100% transparent and don't hide anything (I mean illegal activities). Otherwise don't know what to suggest, I think this is good deal here. Make a phone call at first and ask any question you wish.
3408  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What's your best profitable live casino game. on: September 19, 2019, 11:58:22 PM
These days you can play online cards games and gamble with low amounts without going to real casino with high minimum bets amount. And many of us are playing these games like roulette, blackjack, dream catcher, deal or no deal and so many online games.
For me i spend a lot of time playing blackjack with low amount but i get some real profits everytime and i think because i stop playing in the right time when I'm in the top and i don't gamble with high amounts.
In your opinion what's your best profitable game and do you have a good experience with it ?
We can't call a game profitable which is based on luck, well at least I can't. We can call profitable game a games like chess for example, if you are great at chess then it's profitable for you because this game is strategy based. On another hand still if we talk about casino games, for me the most profitable game is Poker because not only you rely on cards here but bleffing plays a huge role too, from you and also from player where you have to guess whether he/she is bleffing or not.
Also game depends on casino too, for example there are a lot of casinos but with different promotions. Let's take Bitsler's dice with btslr coin, you lose nothing but keep a chance of winning good amount of money.
3409  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: How much do you think is worth, what price would Roger sell? on: September 19, 2019, 11:13:54 PM

Please can you share the history of domain?

According to the man himself (if you can bear to give him a click)
If you can't

Quote was registered in January of 2008, a year before the protocol was released by Satoshi Nakamoto back in January of 2009. After the domain was created, one of the earliest bitcoin exchanges, Tradehill, took over the website six years ago but the ownership didn’t last long. The trading platform fell apart, and the domain was then transferred over to Roger Ver in April of 2014.
Ver explains that he purchased for an undisclosed sum. Originally was going to use the website as the main landing page Ver says, but the idea never came to fruition.
Following this Ver negotiated a deal with the Chinese exchange, Okcoin, to lease the website as he had several other offers from interested parties. Ver says that Okcoin provided the best offer for the lease agreement and the two parties worked out an arrangement.
Okcoin didn’t put much work into the website’s design and in May of 2015 Ver revealed to the public that the exchange owed him funds for overdue payments. Ver explains that “Okcoin breached the agreement in every manner possible.”

Despite the fact that this site is under Roger's management and all of his work is shit done for the sake of bitcoin cash (You can't imagine how much he hurts when he hears first bitcoin and then cash), this article is still educational for me so why not to bear?
Bitcoin cash was splitted in august 2017 and this article was written in september 2017, so it's not modified for the sake of bch yeah? I don't remember if he was supporter of BCH from the very first begining.
Btw this domain's price won't be high in overall because this domain was and is used as owners wish, it has low reputation despite the fact that it's .com domain of major cryptocurrency. Domain supporting bitcoin, then bitcoin cash and then who knows that, maybe ripple? lol
3410  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Create a perfect decentralized stable coin $USGD on: September 19, 2019, 10:25:01 PM
I can't call stablecoin a coin which is backed by usd or any other currency, maybe sounds illogical but I'll explain, that's because even those currencies aren't stable. A true stable coin must be like this, for example take one baseline. According to 09.20.2019 1stb=1$ and this is fixed, after that if usd's inflation will be 10% and yesterday's 1$ = today's 1.2$, stablecoin must correct this situation and my yesterday's 1$ must be today's 1.2$ because I invested in stablecoin, a coin which is "STABLE".
When such coin will be created, then come here and open threads about it.
3411  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: If I want to start a business in gambling, which country do I choose? on: September 19, 2019, 09:55:49 PM
I do not understand this licensing thing.
A crypto based online casino or sportsbook should be free from licensing and all those centralized powers. We already have a community and it can starts from here. I have seen several gambling sites without a real license but established now. As long as you are providing good service and abide by community commonsense then a crypto based gambling site should be fine.

However as DS said, you can talk to some local lawyers or with any law firm online who has good reputation but never listen to user game-protect in here.

Oh no, no one will leave you on your own. Being a crypto based doesn't mean you deserve full freedom, with that logic bitcoin exchanges and atc all of them must be free from centralized powers and be able to run without licenses online, backed by trustworthy from community.
OP I think poor countries will be good idea for you. Usually they are open to cryptocurrencies and investments, you get cheap rentals, cheap workers and in overall they will be cost effective for your business. You need some people who will work for your online casino and since you are looking for country to operate from (or only license?), then it's a good opportunity.
3412  Economy / Economics / Re: Will Blockchain trigger a massive boost in our economy? on: September 19, 2019, 08:55:15 PM
It's no secret that many governments and central banks worldwide have paid close attention to the development of Blockchain technology. The same promises to provide lower costs and greater efficiency than traditional systems. Bitcoin's success proves that Blockchain is extremely ideal for finance. Once governments start rolling in their own digital currencies, people could see a reduction in payment processor fees like never before. Not to mention, transactions will become blazing fast within a matter of seconds instead of days.

Which is why, it makes me wonder if the adoption of Blockchain technology for our current monetary system will trigger a massive boost in our economy? After all, Blockchain provides many benefits that are too hard to ignore for central banks and governments worldwide. Everything will be much cheaper and efficient than it used to be with the traditional monetary system of physical Fiat. What are your thoughts? Huh
After all am I the only one who can't see huge potential of using blockchain technologies in banking system? I understand you say blockchain technologies can speed up transactions, lessen fees and etc but how? Fees are set by banks for personal interests, how can blockchain change their mind? Or how can it speed up transaction confirmation time while banks do some transactions manually? Time will be the same, otherwise transactions inside banks and with their partners are immediate.
Btw blockchain technologies can be used if we want to add an extra layer of protection to services but can't see it's potential in boosting economy.
3413  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: How to avoid getting blocked on neteller/paypal/skrill/etc? on: September 19, 2019, 07:34:49 PM
It is prohibited to use these services in their ToS, and so how can I avoid being found selling btc with them? I know about chargebacks and so, but I am interested about how people get banned(and how to escape it) in these platforms, though in case someone makes chargeback against you, administration can learn that you sell btc. Maybe you have a story to tell?

Only things I can think of is telling your buyer not to send additional message with transfer and do as few trades as you can on account, but I need your advice.
Don't act like a red alarm, be quiet just like regular user. Personally I have never had problem with skrill:
Can't say anything about neteller because I have never used them but have done some btc/paypal exchanges regularly and never had any problem. You have to find someone whom you'll trust in such situation and believe that that person won't use chargeback option and will be fair with you. That's why it's usually hard for newbies to exchange their paypal funds in bitcoin.
3414  Other / Off-topic / Re: What do I do with my bitcoins ? on: September 19, 2019, 07:06:35 PM
I am in mid 20's and holding and accumulating as much BTC as I can. I try to save a small amount of bitcoins every month so that I can do something with it when I retire.
But what if something unfortunate happens to me. What should I do 'now' so that the coins can be used for a good purpose in the future by the right person.
I know I can hide the instructions to the private key for somebody to take it in the future. But my question is whom should I give it to ?

I do not want to give it to my relatives or children since I want them to earn on their own and never depend on others money.
I know I can donate it to charity but what's the guarantee that the money will be gone into good hands and will be used for the right purpose ?

Are there any options that you guys think of ? Have you guys thought about such a scenario ?
You are so young, why do you think about that? By the way such question asked someone to Ognasty because he was holding a lot, really a lot of bitcoins and he stated his plan (leaving instructions to two people for finding private keys, don't know in details what was his plan and seems can't find that post).
Usually it's better to do kind job while you are alive, there is no need to make transaction and donate somewhere, you can go out in street and find/help to really poor people and not those who are fakes.
3415  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: In what ways Bitcoin is different from traditional currencies? on: September 19, 2019, 06:21:37 PM
Bitcoin can be used to pay for things electronically if both parties are willing. In that sense, it’s like conventional dollars, euros, or yen, which are also traded digitally.

                                 But is it differs from fiat digital currencies in several important ways?
Difference between currencies is that bitcoin has fixed supply which is really fixed and fiat - not, governments print as much as they wish and then again we have to pay for their debts while on bitcoin that's impossible.
To my mind this is difference between currencies but whole new wave of differences come when we look bitcoin as a payment method. Compared to traditional methods which are done by using fiat aren't anonymous while bitcoin offers cheap and secure transactions (of course finally it'a still not cheap because exchange fees).
3416  Economy / Speculation / Re: Analyst: Bitcoin below $ 10,000 is a gift! on: September 19, 2019, 05:57:16 PM
if it is gift at this prices ... why it cant rise?
stop creat topic and stop advice people to buy bitcoin at expensive prices
bitcoin should drop again and again
And who says it has go rise immediately after gou buy coin? Have you heard about hold? Which may take months to see desired bitcoin price? Currently is good moment to buy, price is low, the best moment this year was to buy when it was 3-4k, now is still a good chance. Why is it good chance? Because we reached from 3k to 13k, have some fall and are around stable 10k, the chances that price will go down is low compared to possibility that price will rise. That's because we had a lot of falls and people want rise.
3417  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: DogeDraw - Dogecoin Lottery - Win upto 25x - (Faucet, Free DOGE & more) on: September 19, 2019, 11:18:17 AM
OP your website reminds me faucetgame if you remember that.
Despite the fact that design is very simple and unprofessional, still seems good, revives old vibes in me that I have from FG and freebitco.
As I see there are some crypto lottery websites are opened, well, their direction is mostly huge rewards but in this situation it's different. I have one question, what was the reason of choosing dogecoin over bitcoin for example? Or you could even unite these two (more currencies mean increased number of customers).
3418  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How to stop taking high risks? on: September 19, 2019, 10:13:27 AM
Hey guys, I noticed that I always seek for high profit and point is that I still trade 25-50-100x. Then I lose deposit and then repeat once again.
Sometimes I gain a lot, like 10x and it gives me positive energy.

But I realise that trading with high leverage is a disaster. How to stop doing that?
Since that accident repeats, I guess you trade with money that you can afford to lose. The problem is that you are looking for high rewards, that's why you take high risks and that's why your risks will almost always be high. Seems during this high risks, your chance of win is very low and that's why you win rare.
There is no direct way to stop, you have to change your habits, try to adapt on new habits from current one, be emotionally strong, it's not necessary to trade often, just trade when there is time, try to catch good moments. Failed? It's a new opportunity to learn, just see, you understood that your plan is bad and that happened because you failed, every fail is just a step in a way of success.
3419  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Pishing Scam Goes Wrong on: September 19, 2019, 09:32:32 AM
At first can anyone explain what is this "Grapefruit" services?
On another hand this is very curious scam attempt, 273 people were trying to scam 1000 people?
Still curious but good fact is that these people are arrested, btw wish article was written in more details, hope I amn't only one who was left with questions. Also seems it's getting easier and easier to detect crypto scams and people behind them which is great news in overall, this will wash away bad rumors agaisnt crypto.
3420  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Rapidpay plan to Launch 1st All-in-one Cryptocurrency Platform Globally on: September 19, 2019, 06:59:49 AM
As far as I have seen such projects aren't crowdfunded, they are launched by investors. Well, I won't say whether you are scam or not, just be neutral for a while.
Do you plan to cooperate with paypal and offer paypal/crypto exchanges too?
Also you stated that you'll get a free local bank account, so which country will it be? I don't know where you are based on.
Will you provide high security to keep KYC and sensitive information safe? Even bitfinex failed in it.
Great support will be amazing, support like Amazon has but hope there won't be need of using them.
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