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3421  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Buna, sunt noua on: October 22, 2020, 06:19:45 PM

In primul rand, nu esti "FRA" cu mine, ca nu ne tragem de sireturi. Asta ca sa fie limpede de la bun inceput. Tu esti un cocalar analfabet, in timp ce eu sunt un membru cu reputatie al acestui forum. Tu incerci sa dai tepe, eu incerc sa-i impiedic pe cei ca tine sa dea tepe. Daca nu stii ce este reputatia pe acest forum, documenteaza-te asupra sistemelor de merit, de ranking si de Trust.

In al doilea rand, ti-am spus sa nu mai scrii cu majuscule ca esti iritant.

In al treilea rand ai facut o dubla postare, ceea ce incalca o regula a forumului. Ca urmare, ti-am raportat-o si ar trebui sa fie stearsa de moderatori. Daca o sa-ti fie stearsa, sa stii si cauza.

In sfarsit, daca ti-ai cerut scuze in speranta ca voi sterge feedback-ul negativ pe care ti l-am dat, fii pe pace: nu am sa-l sterg. Vad ca persisti cu mizeriile cu care ai inceput initial, asa ca e bine ca lumea sa stie cu cine are de-a face cand incerci sa mai tepuiesti membri neexperimentati. Ne-am anteles Bramburelo? Pardon: ne-am anteles Emanuele?
3422  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Buna, sunt noua on: October 22, 2020, 05:24:12 PM
nu inteleg rautatile dintre voi

Eu si kevin incercam sa te protejam. Daca tu vrei sa te arunci singura in gura lupului, e alegerea ta.

chiar sunt putin analfabet sa stii recunosc
nu am bacu-ul

Se scrie "BAC-ul", nu "bacu-ul". Si da, se vede ca esti analfabet de la o posta.

Ioana, daca tu ai incredere sa-ti cheltui economiile pe baza sfaturilor unui analfabet care n-are nici BAC-ul macar, ce sa zic... Mi se pare o naivitate iesita din comun, dar fiecare face ce crede cu banii sai.
3423  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: surprise surprise on: October 22, 2020, 04:26:56 PM
So... what was this all about? Smiley Would you let us know now, when all the slots are filled? Smiley
3424  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Buna, sunt noua on: October 22, 2020, 04:18:13 PM
Bun, pai in primul rand ma bucur ca am rezolvat enigma numelui.


hey there! I'm Bramuelle a Romanian Trader

Deci de la Bramburela/Bramy, din vremea cand incercai sa pari o fata inocenta si saritoare, am ajuns la Emanuel.


Evident, nu m-as fi asteptat ca o fata sa vorbeasca in limbajul ala de jartea ordinara, dar uite ca s-a elucidat misterul. Mai precis, l-ai elucidat singur: esti un cocalar infect, unul dintre sutele (miile?) care s-au reorientat spre a da tepe in crypto, dupa ce ani de zile au dat tepe pe net sau prin piete, dar lor le cad cartofii din buzunare.

^Aviz Ioana: iata peste ce oameni dai pe aici. Se dau fete inocente doritoare a te invata ceva insa de fapt sunt cocalari haladiti care nu stiu cum sa faca sa intepe mai repede omul cu harnelile lor penibile. De asemenea, fii foarte vigilenta cand vine vorba de membri noi (mai ales Newbies si Jr. Members) care pretind marea cu sarea. In general tepele de la ei pornesc. Citeste-le mereu si feedback-urile de la profil (daca au asa ceva), inclusiv cele Untrusted.

In al doilea rand, invata sa scrii corect. Esti un cocalar cu 8-10 clase care incearca sa para ca nu e analfabet, desi este analfabet. Analfabet functional, asa se numeste tipul asta de indivizi ai societatii.


Mai baga o fisa, ca nu se intelege nimic din ce ai scris acolo. Dar, ca fapt divers, se scrie "aceleasi preconceptii", nu "aceeasi preconcepti". In rest, propozitia e un nonsens.


Se scrie "uita-te", nu "uite-te", intrucat verbul este "a uita", nu "a uite".
De asemenea, se scrie "nu mai fi", nu "numai fii", intrucat: cand se neaga o actiune a unui verb se foloseste un singur "i" (ex. "nu privi", nu "nu privii" etc.); "numai" este un adverb si nu are ce cauta in negarea verbului, deci este "nu mai fi" si nu "numai fi" ("numai" fiind sinonim cu "doar" ar face ca aberatia scrisa de tine sa insemne "nu doar fi").

In sfarsit, invata sa folosesti semnele de punctuatie, intrucat fara ele ce scrii nu are sens, chiar daca ai folosi corect cratimele.


Nu sunt frustrat deloc intrucat eu nu mai mineresc de anul trecut. Si ce anume e greu cu curentul, ca nu inteleg? Asta e alt nonsens.


Nu-ti fac fata la ce? Aici iar nu inteleg. Sau, pe limba ta, nu anteleg.


Nu intereseaza pe nimeni de pe forum sa invite in comunitate scursurile sociale, dejectiile umane, cocalarii haladiti, teparii, zdrentele. Sunt destui deja. Din contra: noi, cei cu o oarecare vechime si experienta incercam sa-i protejam pe cei noi de tepari ca tine. Daca nu se poate cu vorba buna, se poate si fara vorba buna: ori un feedback negativ postat pe profilul teparului, care sa poata fi citit de toata lumea (cum ai tu acum de la mine), ori un flag, ori un ban temporar sau permanent, dupa caz. Depinde cat de departe merge teparul cu mizeriile. Iar tu esti pe drumul cel bun, ca sa zic asa. Solutii sunt, nu-i problema.

In sfarsit, dupa cum ti-am mai scris o data, inceteaza cu literele mari ca nu impresionezi pe nimeni. In cel mai bun caz impresionezi pe cineva atat de tare incat sa iti raporteze postarea spre a fi stearsa de moderatori.
3425  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Buna, sunt noua on: October 22, 2020, 02:37:08 PM
Hey Ioana, bine ai venit!

Ignora te rog ce scrie bramburela mai sus acolo cu canalul ei de youtube. N-are nicio treaba, vorbeste numai prostii si incearca sa-i induca in eroare pe incepatori. Initial a incercat sa-i duca de nas si pe cei mai experimentati pe aici - pe cei mai batrani, sa zic asa, insa nu i-a mers. acum vad ca incearca aceeasi mizerie si cu membrii noi ai forumului. Daca vrei sa te edifici asupra aberatiilor sustinute de bramy aka bramburela si asupra modului haotic si necivilizat in care s-a adresat pe acest forum, te rog sa citesti postarile din acest topic al ei: Am pornit primul canal yt de trading crypto din Romania.

In rest, iti recomand sa nu te arunci la nimic si sa studiezi cat se poate de bine terenul. Te afli intr-o zona a nisipurilor miscatoare unde multi si-au pierdut averile sau economiile de-o viata.
3426  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin: The dream of Cypherpunks, libertarians and crypto-anarchists on: October 22, 2020, 06:50:23 AM
If we are to neuter government power still further, removing their controlling grasp on ID systems is essential. While PGP is not perfect, it is highly functional and proven in several important ways, and over a huge stretch of time (essentially since the modern commercialization of the internet in the 1st half of the 1990's). If we are to continue the manifestation of crypto-anarchy and cypher punk culture into the mainstream (in which Bitcoin is the 1st major success), then understanding the need for decentralized IDs, that allow us to prove who we are and that our messages are authentically our own, then PGP (or some successor tech) will be inevitably a part of it.

Decentralized IDs or free market IDs are indeed a necessary step for rendering governs as irrelevant. At the moment there are many types of IDs which alternate the govern-issued IDs but they function at a small scale and they are centralized, being issued by various entities (mostly companies). For example, let's take the access badges that so many companies issue for their employees. Such badges function as alternate IDs: they authenticate the owner of the badge, they show a picture of the possessor and also the name. Other similar alt-IDs can be considered the cards with points, vouchers or various discounts offered by some companies to the loyal customers. These cards also function as IDs as the customer can be properly identified in a database by the company and in the database are stored his / her name, address, a history of the shopping made, the points earned, the vouchers used and so on.

And yet, governs don't object to any of these IDs. Why? Because they are not considered official authentication documents at a worldwide scale. An employee of McDonald's which has a badge issued by the company is recognized inside the company, but is not recognized if he travels in another country and tries to authenticate with that badge in front of another individual. These IDs are used at a small scale, are not recognized outside the company which issued them and, most important, they are centralized. That's why governs allow them: because the mean no danger to the governs.

On the other side, the crypto-anarchy approach proposes something completely different: alternative IDs which are worldwide recognized, at least inside a web of trust. The problem and a possible solution were forseen by Tim May almost 30 years ago:

"Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever knowing the True Name, or legal identity, of the other. Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive re- routing of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.

Practically, Tim May was proposing a web of trust based on the participants reputation of free market, this leading to the others to trust the reputation of one individual, no matter his name, be it John, Mendax or Dread Pirate Roberts. Speaking of which, this form of reputation was also adopted by Silk Road. But not only by Silk Road. It is broadly implemented in various Internet societies, including on BitcoinTalk. I also wrote a topic of the importance of the reputation of the free market, referring also to how this system is used on the forum: Why reputation is essential on the free market.

So if now a forum member with a great reputation - let's say philipma or mikeywith, both having a great reputation in Bitmain coupons and mining equipment business - would contact a forum member selling some coupons; if they would ask the other member to send the coupon first and they would send the money after, many of potential coupons owners would proceed this way. Why? Because both philipma and mikeywith are illustruous members of the forum, with so many merits earned; because they have positive feedbacks; because they have reputation; and because they have a good Trust Score. For the seller it doesn't matter that he knows philipma by the name philipma and not by the True Name. It doesn't matter where philipma lives, how old he is etc. It only matters that a user authenticated on the forum as philipma is interested in making a deal with him. And this name nym, philipma, is the alternate ID used here, inside this society of BitcoinTalk.

In part, Tim May's forecat already came true.

Meaning that reputation systems are implemented and vastly used. The problem is that it doesn't exist (yet) a complete web of trust, where any user can authenticate with an alternate ID on any site. For example, a Reddit user with high reputation to be recognized here, on BitcoinTalk, based on his nym, where his reputation is "stored". We need to develop further this web of trust and find a way for global authentication based on our nyms which wear also our reputation, no matter if my name would be John, yours would be Mike and so on. The nym carries the reputation in this case, not the real name.

So this is the direction where I think the efforts should be focused. This can't be implemented over the night. But in time, a web of trust may develop and expand itself. Once this will be real, the governs won't be able to oppose in any way the alternate IDs, as they will be used at a large scale, on a pure free market, by each participant. And these IDs would be the Nyms of the users, not their Names.

But governs know this. They are aware of the danger. This is why they try to apply KYC everywhere. Even for donations!!! They need KYC, because KYC offers the True Names, while the free market requires only the True Nyms. And as a justification for the severe enforced KYC they (the governs) always refer to the Four Horsemen of Infocalypse.

All this KYC nonsense is based on the idea of the Four Horsemen of Infocalypse. Which are money launderers, drug lords, terrorists and pedophiles. The idea is greatly debated by Julian Assange in his book Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet. Other great minds are also part of the book, such as Jacob Appelbaum (TOR developer), Andy Müller (a hacker which is a member of Chaos Computer Club (CCC)) and Jérémie Zimmermann (co-founder of La Quadrature du Net).

Governs are emphasizing that all these decisions are based on combating these four horsemen, but it's a lie. The problems determined by the horsemen of infocalypse can be mitigated with other ways, not with KYC. Besides, make sure to read also 1miau's topic Why KYC is extremely dangerous – and useless which is complementary to OP.

We need to prove to the world that governs' false fears of the four horsemen are, indeed, false. And we need to develop the web of trust. When these will happen, we will be able to authenticate everywhere with alternate IDs: and these will be our True Nyms.
3427  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of trusted/recommended Translators on: October 22, 2020, 05:09:03 AM
I have added you guys to the list - welcome and good luck! Smiley

Thank you for adding me to the OP, efialtis. My activity as a translator is still active. Also, as a suggestion  maybe this topic should be bumped from time to time, if you think this is a good idea. Doing so other members will also have the chance to see the experienced translators. Nevertheless, other experienced translators could see the topic and ask you for mentioning them as well.
3428  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin: The dream of Cypherpunks, libertarians and crypto-anarchists on: October 21, 2020, 08:44:00 AM
I am sometimes frightened by messages from newcomers to the crypto industry, when they are happy that another bank has started accepting cryptocurrencies for storage. This contradicts the idea of ​​a nascent movement where people were against banks and government surveillance for the monetary system to be independent. I honestly don't understand why they are again trying to carry their funds to centralized storage facilities.

That's because none of these users understood the anarchic and libertarian ideology of Bitcoin, which is here to help them to render governs as irrelevant through its decentralization. Without having any idea of what they're doing, these users contribute to governs' efforts for centralizing something which was born decentralized. They are actively contributing to ruining their chance (and ours as well) to freedom and liberty. To anonymity and financial privacy.

By the way, in case you find useful, you can add also to the translated topic this post of mine, where I tried to make a comparison between Bitcoin and its ancestors features. JayJuanGee asked me if I can make such comparison and, as far as I know, it's one of its kind. I could never find anywhere on the Internet such comparison and I did it manually Smiley
3429  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin: The dream of Cypherpunks, libertarians and crypto-anarchists on: October 21, 2020, 07:04:32 AM
I updated the OP with two translations: one was made by me, in Romanian, and the second one was made by Ratimov, in Russian. That was a huge and unexpected surprise for me. Thank you Ratimov!

3430  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gazeta's reputation thread: 1000 merits in less than a year on: October 21, 2020, 06:44:58 AM
Its rare to see merit earners with quite little ratio with activities, these are crazy of you guys like Ratimov too, doing the same thing, I just wondered how you guys do this

Thank you for the kind words, Lordhermes! Indeed, last winter some newbies with potential appeared on the forum, including, but not limited to Ratimov, Rikafip, bullrun2020bro, myself and others as well... And yes, some performed incredibly. About how we are doing this what can I say... I guess each one tried to contribute to the forum in niches where they do their best, either if that means writing tutorials, translating quality and precious essays of other members, reporting spam, revealing scams, making proposals for the overall benefit of the forum and so on... And, in the meanwhile, learn as much on the areas where each one had limited knowledge. thus improving himself. Learn also from older forum members, with more experience. And act with decency, respect towards other members of the forum.

Congratulations on your merit achievement especially considering the time period (using activity score)

Thanks, Upgrade00! I'm trying my best and I had a lot to learn from other users which have enormous greater merit vs activity ratios (take fillippone for example, which has 5.05 merit vs activity ratio; and not just him, of course) or merit vs activity ratio (such as nullius, which is one of the very, very few members here which has more merits than the number of posts). When I see such members I understand they bring quality to the forum and I'm trying to learn as much as possible from them.

Congratulations GazetaBitcoin!
Now let's make a big merit party celebration  Cheesy

Hooraaay! Smiley

Congratulations, GazetaBitcoin.

You are doing great posts, first noticed on the theme The dream of Cypherpunks, libertarians and crypto-anarchists.
I really liked this article and I even translated it into Russian for our locale. Well, what can I say, don't stop there, now it's time to storm the mark of 2000 merits. Smiley

Hey Ratimov! Thanks for the kind words! Wow, I didn't know you translated my essay... it's a great honor for me to find that. If you don't mind, can you PM me the link, please? I'll add the translation at the bottom of the original essay. Never thought it would raise such a big interest, but I have to say that the respective topic is my best writing here and I worked a lot for realizing it. And yes, I'm on my way to 2000 merits now hehe Smiley
3431  Other / Meta / Re: Wall of fame / shame. Shit posts so bad that they are actually funny on: October 20, 2020, 04:56:40 PM
One of its kind: the user blacklisting campaigns.

Sir, what about me?
Do you want me to put your campaigns on my blacklists or what??
3432  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] ★☆★ 777Coin Signature Campaign ★☆★ (Member-Hero Accepted) (New) on: October 20, 2020, 04:54:32 PM
I know, I wrote that with sarcasm. The user didn't even bother to read the campaign rules and already applied. If he would read the rules he could see there is no requirement to wear the signature, avatar and personal text before being accepted. So he didn't even read the rules and now he says he is blacklisting the campaign? Allow me to say lol. BIG LOL.
3433  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gazeta's reputation thread: 1000 merits in less than a year on: October 20, 2020, 04:36:32 PM
That can't be, my reputation thread isn't self-moderated:
No spam
Contrary to most of my threads, this one won't be self-moderated. I don't want to be able to censor this thread.
Local rules
I don't want any (signature) spam in here.
Insubstantial posts will be reported.
Do not quote the entire OP.

Yep, I know. I just read recently (just prior writing this topic) your reputation thread and I saw it is one of the few not self moderated topics of yours. I meant that generally speaking, I learned from you and nullius to make self-moderated threads Smiley

If you want to remove the self-moderation: just move (bottom-left) the topic to a board that doesn't allow self-moderation (for instance Archival), then move it back here.

You and Coolcryptovator were right with this suggestion. Such threads shouldn't be self-moderated. I just removed the self moderation. Thx!

Honestly, I am very jealous of your achievement on this one. You got it really fast and have beaten me at this. The last time I saw you was when you were a full member. [...] Just one word for you and it's "Amazing".

Thank you! Yes, this is how it feels... amazing. But don't be jealous... Just act normally, as you did until now, and I'm sure you'll also reach this milestone! Be patient, be a good contributor and you'll get there! You won't even realize when you'll earn the remaining 372 merits that you need Smiley To be honest, during this journey I had only 2 periods when I felt "stuck". The merits from 600 to 700 and those from 900 to 1000. Last week I wasn't thinking anymore that I could breach this barrier in less than 1 year. I had 971 merits back then. But nullius made me a very nice surprise, offering me my 1000th merit for my 1000th post Smiley What I'm trying to say is that if you keep being a good forum member you'll certainly get there!
3434  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] ★☆★ 777Coin Signature Campaign ★☆★ (Member-Hero Accepted) (New) on: October 20, 2020, 04:23:03 PM
Loool this is something unique: to see users adding campaigns to their blacklists. Nevertheless, adamvp, make sure you add to your blacklist the 777 Coin ad ChipMixer campaigns and never apply to them anymore.

But I'm curious though: why are you wearing the 777 Coin signature, avatar and personal text? Do you like to promote for free the campaigns you blacklisted? Like a hall of shame of some sort? Huh
3435  Other / Meta / Re: Gangs of BitcoinTalk :) on: October 20, 2020, 01:12:49 PM
now that Lauda is gone from the forum, bitcointalk is a gang-free forum.

Nooo, you mean that every gang now vanishes like a sand castle destroyed by the wind? It can't be! Would the other gang leaders discontinue their gangs Huh

Just as well, too, since dividing members up into who they allied themselves with was a very divisive thing and not a positive one by any means.

Heh, becoming serious, you are right, of course. But you know that this topic is a pamphlet. All these gangs are the ill imagination of some who believe they are persecuted here (although they aren't). But mentioning the gangs in a funny way it's fun. And I also noticed that it also strengthens the belief that they really exist Smiley This way, those with the ill imagination will believe even stronger about the existence of these gangs. You know who they are, right?

3436  Other / Meta / Re: Suggestion to make rank-up more difficult on: October 20, 2020, 01:05:38 PM
GazetaBitcoin, if you suggest to create rank-up more difficult, then are you ready to repeat you path to Legendary once again ?

You already have some reputation on the forum so for your "account name" it will be easier to rank-up once again.

If you would have read the previous posts, you would have seen that I already stated that Smiley

If you really think that ranking system is very easy to attain. Why not you request to theymos to X2 your required merit to rank up so that you will find it more challenging.

However, if theymos reads this, he can double my barriers in ranking up. I accept this challenge

But lets imagine you are new, unexperienced or anonymous on this forum. Will you be able to reach Legendary rank with, for example, 2000 merit + 2000 activity requirement? Maybe proper words will be "still have desire" or "still have strength" to repeat all that way once again?

Well that's a good question. That's what I was talking about in my previous post: I think many new users lack the motivation needed for ranking up. Everybody should find what determines him/her the most in order to engage in a rank up until becoming Legendary. Even after obtaining the 1000 merits this motivation is still needed. In my case, for example, I have the merits, but not the activity. And for obtaining the necessary activity I am supposed to wait between 1 year and ~3 weeks and 1 year and 8.5 months. Of course, in this time I should be active.

Maybe finding the proper motivation is the most difficult thing... not the difficulty of the rank up system.
3437  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gazeta's reputation thread: 1000 merits in less than a year on: October 20, 2020, 12:56:30 PM
Thank you NeuroticFish and Coolcryptovator!

By the way, the reputation thread shouldn't self-moderate and merit doesn't relate with reputation.

Yes, I know, but I did it only for limiting signature spams and trolls (if any). It's a habit I learned from LoyceV and nullius Smiley However, I hope it won't be the case. And in a self moderated thread anyone can see if a post was deleted... I didn't delete any nor I intend to, unless some notorious trolls end up here (I won't name them but everybody knows them).
3438  Other / Meta / Re: Gangs of BitcoinTalk :) on: October 20, 2020, 09:04:08 AM
I nominate for listing:  The Don Quixote gang.  Membership: 1 (trust page).  It has just declared war on the forum itself!

Looooooool! I almost spilled my coffee when I saw your post!

This weirdo and his actions somehow remember me of another village idiot here, which also started multiple similar wars:

Thanks for the suggestion, nullius! I have to think to a nice and funny description for this gang you proposed. If you have any idea, you can write it here, following the model from the OP Smiley

Meanwhile, I updated a bit the description of Cult of Lauda, as the recent events required an update of this (sadly) leader-less gang:

Edit: since October 19th, 2020, the supreme leader of the gang made a step behind, retiring in a better place, away of the hard life of the forum where even the founder is banned! But who will lead the army of the followers now? And who will control the system from now on? Could that be Foxpup, which already controls the merits system? Would that be an overwhelm for this gang leader which is known though for being a strong one? Could Foxpup reunite the two gangs into a single one which would become a legion? Or will this gang be another defunct one and the followers will spread away...? Only time will tell.
3439  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: October 20, 2020, 08:42:41 AM
Asadar, avand in vedere ca ati intrat amandoi in lista finala, am sa presupun ca sectiunea noastra e pe lista prioritara. Astfel, o sa il felicit in avans pe cel care va lua locul dintre voi doi. Sau pe amandoi, daca reusiti asta. Poate ca ChipMixer ar fi scanteia de care are nevoie sectiunea Ro pentru a se dezvolta ca niciodata. Grin

I-am dat eu. Acum imi esti dator 0.02 BTC daca intri in campania minune Smiley

Aualeu, 1000 de lei?!  Cheesy Cheesy

Pai 1000 lei frrrate Smiley Daca esti acceptat, 1000 lei inseamna mai putin decat remuneratia pentru postarile dintr-o saptamana. Csf ncsf Smiley

Gata, hai ca ne-am "aranjat" toti 3 Smiley NeuroticFish, ai scapat de datorie (acum poti sa-i multumesti lui DS_ ca te-a scapat de datorie nealegandu-te) = ))) Glumesc Smiley

De fapt eu sunt in urma, ca 1000 am primit moca, pe vechime. Sper ca intr-o buna zi sa ajung si eu Legendary pe bune. Dar mai dureaza...
Deci.. felicitari voua!
Daca imi aduc bine aminte, eu am primit tot "pe vechime" undeva la 200-250 merite. Nici eu nu am luat-o de la zero. Totusi, sunt destul de sigur ca in momentul de fata le meritam toti 3. Smiley

Eu zic ca asa e cel mai cinstit: sa ne felicitam reciproc. In fond, fiecare a avut cate o realizare mare: Conform BPIP, NeuroticFish este al 78-lea membru al forumului din punct de vedere al numarului total de merite (castigate+airdrop). 20kevin20 este primul roman care va deveni legendar dupa introducerea sistemului de merite. Iar eu voi fi primul roman care va deveni legendar pornind cu 0 merite. Asa ca felicitari noua! Smiley

Daca tot ai amintit, cel mai probabil am sa ma ocup in urmatoarele zile de un thread pe subforum dedicat tocmai acestei realizari

Abia astept sa-l citesc Smiley Si eu mi-am propus sa scriu un astfel de topic, tot la atingerea numarului de 1000 de merite.

Surprinzator (intrucat imi lipseau vreo 29 de merite pana la 1000), am atins si eu numarul asta la 2 zile dupa tine. Si ti-am luat-o un pic inainte cu topic-ul: Gazeta's reputation thread: 1000 merits in less than a year. In continuare, imi doresc sa il citesc si pe al tau Smiley

Cypherpunks. Ma intereseaza sa intru si in posesia cartii Permanent Record, de Edward Snowden. Smiley

Nu stiam de cartea aceasta, multumesc pentru sugestie. O adaug pe lista de achizitii. Vad ca e disponibila si la libraria Carturesti. Probabil am sa o achizitionez de acolo.

Daca tot suntem la literatura crypto, mai pot recomanda urmatoarele carti:

Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon - este una dintre cele doua carti in care actiunea face referire la Cypherpunks. Si daca iti va placea aceasta carte, poti incerca si o serie de 3 carti ale aceluiasi autor a caror actiune se petrece in acelasi univers cu aceea din Cryptonomicon (fara a mai face insa referiri la Cypherpunks): The Baroque Cycle (cuprinde 3 volume - Quicksilver, The Confusion, The System of the World), Reamde si Fall, or Dodge in Hell. Si tot de la acest autor avem si a doua carte cu referire la Cypherpunks - Snow Crash. In sfarsit, o alta carte a lui Stephenson tot din genul cybperpunk este The Diamond Age. Pana acum am citit doar Cryptonomicon si Snow Crash.

Carti scrise de Julian Assange sau despre Julian Assange: Cypherpunks. Liberatea si viitorul internetului, Underground, When Google Met Wikileaks, The Unauthorised Autobiography si Cel mai periculos om din lume (scrisa de Andrew Fowler). Dintre acestea am citit doar primele doua carti si ultima. The Unauthorised Autobiography nu se gaseste in Romania.

Carti despre crypto: Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography (o gasesti si in format pdf aici), Steven Levy - Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Steven Levy - Crypto. Steven Levy este un jurnalist de la Wired, autorul celebrului articol din 1993 Crypto Rebels. In sfarsit, nu pot sa nu recomand si The Satoshi Revolution, scrisa de Wendy McElroy, carte tradusa integral si in exclusivitate in limba romana de catre mine. Am mentionat-o si in sectiunea de Presa a sectiunii romanesti a forumului, cu un link catre traducerea integrala (aici) insa dat fiind ca postarea are 91 de vizualizari pe forum si niciun reply tind sa cred ca, din pacate, nu a citit-o nimeni. Insa o recomand nu doar pentru ca am tradus-o eu, ci pentru ca e o carte fantastica. Chiar merita citita!

Mai am (foarte) multe carti pe lista pe care vreau sa le cumpar, din stilul S.F. / cyberpunk, dar acestea de mai sus sunt si cele care au referiri catre crypto, de aceea le-am mentionat doar pe acestea.
3440  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gazeta's reputation thread: 1000 merits in less than a year on: October 20, 2020, 07:29:40 AM

Thank you eddie13!

This is the motivation i've been searching for [...]
this is a class act and a good example to follow i'm really hungry to do more after reading this reputation thread. thank you
and more success on the forum

I thank you! And I'm glad if this story of mine motivated you. I'm encouraging you to keep contributing to the forum and the results will appear Smiley

Congratulations and well deserved!
I really like the effort you put into writing unique articles and as well as translations to your local board (Romanian).

Thank you 1miau! I really appreciate your kind words! And I also have to thank you for the help you offered me in this journey. With the merits you just gave me for this topic you became officially my best merit fan with 102 merits! Which means you gave me 9.7% of all the merits I earned. That's huge Smiley

I don't know about your total time logged in but it must be far more than my few 60 days / 5 hours.  Cheesy

Actually it's not Smiley I have 46 days, 2 hours and 24 minutes. Man, this logged in time raises very hard!

And I've still to respond to your PMs about your recent translations to Romanian. I can assure you, that I'll respond soon TM (this term is well known in shitcoin industry  Wink)

Hehe, no worries, whenever you have time. If weeks will pass though I may poke you from time to time to not forget, if you don't mind Smiley
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