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3461  Other / Meta / Re: [CLUB] The SpamBusters! Busting rule-breakers constantly. on: October 15, 2020, 06:42:37 PM
Yes, you are right in everything you said, Rikafip. Sometimes looks like work in vain... but in the end you have also the satisfaction that you did what was right to do. I still feel though that more hands are needed... Vitor Services look like doing lots of efforts for spam and they look like they also have huge man power. We need more people involved in this... Maybe find the very source of Vitor or have more members involved in reporting...

And yes, we need a coordinated effort, that's why I always say which topic I start cleaning or in what order... For all spam busters interested, feel free to involve also in Rikafip's huge ANN bumping thread. There are 76 campaigns listed there with ANN bumping and after you clean one you start with another and next day you see that the previous cleaned one is spammed again... It's hard. I have days when I report 1000 posts... days when I report a few hundreds... but more man power is needed, that's for sure.
3462  Other / Meta / Re: Wall of fame / shame. Shit posts so bad that they are actually funny on: October 15, 2020, 12:23:19 PM
New healthy things in life:

it would be healthy if all DT member said their country of origin and languages speak
3463  Economy / Reputation / Re: DT Members, country of origin on: October 15, 2020, 08:28:50 AM
it would be healthy

In what sense this would be healthy? Like a healthy diet...? Meaning it would benefit your overall personal health? Or... will that be a benefit for other user's body health? I'm not sure I understand to what kind of health you are referring. Can you offer more details about this health, please?

I'm a person interested in well-being and health, generally speaking, this is why I;m curious. I bet that also the other users would be interested in this health. Is it like a nextgen diet of some sort? Please enlighten us all. Thx!
3464  Other / Meta / Re: [CLUB] The SpamBusters! Busting rule-breakers constantly. on: October 15, 2020, 08:02:44 AM
Does anyone know what's going on with "smiles" in posts? I mean literally the word "smiles"

Looks like new-gen hipsters to me Smiley People which want to distinguish themselves...

BTW if you want a good starting point to report a shitload of garbage - plenty of bounty hunters flocked to defend their boss/puppet-master here:

I clicked on a few post histories and OMG what a non-surprise it was.

I also recommend this fantastic list of Rikafip: ANN threads that are using bumping services. I started working from the bottom of the list and going up the list, covering so far the ANNs from 77 to 66. But even after spam is deleted, other new spam posts appear... it's a sort of Sisyphus work. If anyone want to join in this huge workload, feel free to do so.
3465  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: October 15, 2020, 07:57:05 AM
Dar intr-adevar, sa te arunci sa iti dai datele personale este o problema nasoala. Si din ce in ce mai genralizata.

Asa este... Trist e ca problema ia amploare din doua parti. Pe de-o parte, din cauza guvernului si a legilor emise. Dar asta e de inteles. Statul vrea bani cu orice pret si vrea de asemenea si date personale si financiare in cantitate cat mai mare. Deci "aportul" statului sa zicem ca e de inteles in aceasta ecuatie. Partea trista (si de neinteles pentru mine) este ca tot mai multi oameni se arunca singuri in gura lupului. De ce o fac? Pe de-o parte pentru ca nu cunosc pericolele. Pe de alta parte pentru ca merg pe premisa "nu am nimic de ascuns". Nu ai nimic de ascuns? Nu-i nimic, iti va arata statul ca totusi ai ascuns ceva. Ca in bancul ala cu ursul si iepurasul - iepurasule, ai bricheta? Nu. Atunci te bat. Ziua urmatoare: iepurasule ai bricheta? Am. Chibirit ai? Nu. Atunci iar te bat. Ziua urmatoare: iepurasule ai bricheta? Am. Chibrit ai? Am. Dar basca pe cap n-ai. Iar te bat.

Oamenii nu pun pret pe datele personale si financiare intrucat nu stiu de ce este importanta valoarea unei date personale. Refuza sa inteleaga ca ceva per-so-nal ii priveste doar pe ei insisi. Nu inteleg nici riscurile la care se supun. Si, de asemenea, sunt si momiti cu tot felul de promisiuni pentru a-si da si mai multi datele personale. Exemplu: la Lidl, pe langa reducerile saptamanale la unele produse, de saptamana trecuta s-au mai inclus unele cu reduceri importante, pe baza unei aplicatii pe telefon. Ai ghicit: o aplicatie care iti cere datele personale. Si omanieii dau buluc: pentru o sticla de ulei cumparata cu 3 lei mai ieftin isi dau datele personale cu zambetul pe buze, neintelegand ca pentru Lidl datele lor personale produc mult mai multi bani decat pierd ei prin respectivele reduceri. Cum vine asta? Pai uite asa: prin campanii de marketing prin care ii contacteaza ulterior pe clienti, care vor cumpara si mai multe produse, sau, de ce nu, prin vanzarea bazelor de date cu datele personale ale clientilor catre agentii de marketing, care ii vor contacta si ele apoi pe acesti oameni, sunandu-i, deranjandu-i, trimitandu-le email-uri spam, agatandu-i pe unii sa cumpere alte produse etc.

Omul obisnuit insa nu stie aceste lucruri. Iar guvernul, bancile si agentii economici in general profita. Si omul de rand pierde. Si in primul rand pierde ceva ce este al lui personal. Din nastere. Si mai trist e ca, in opinia mea, si daca le-ar sti, tot asa ar proceda.
3466  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Cryptocurrency vs digital money issued by the state on: October 15, 2020, 07:45:48 AM
They are always thinking decentralization will be full of scam activities, but they are yet to deal with scams in banks, social media ans many centralized areas which habours scammers and scam activities, and yet trying to make sure decentralization will not exist. The worst part is that the information like kyc needed for anti money laundering and counter-terrorism financing which is forced to be required by centralized bodies through governmental policies are only leaked to scammers, which are used in the scamming people.

"The worst part is that the information like kyc needed for anti money laundering and counter-terrorism financing" - this is what governs will always say for justifying their permanent hunger for personal data. But this is a lie. KYC is actualy not needed for limiting money laundering nor for combating terrorism. It is not needed for the fight against the so-called four horsemen of infocalypse" - money launderers, drug lords, terrorists, and pedophiles. 1miau explained very well in his topic (Why KYC is extremely dangerous – and useless) why KYC is actually dangerous. Governs use KYC and AML for obtaining money, not for fighting against the horsemen of infocalypse. And for obtaining data. Big data.

For more info on this subject, please also read these other two topics of mine (including the posts): Governs are coming for the traders! and Governs try to limit access of public to information and freedom since ages. They will bring even more light on this malicious decisions made by governs...
3467  Local / Presa / Re: [2020-10-02] Premieră: Statul român scoate la licitație monede virtuale confisca on: October 15, 2020, 07:30:58 AM
Din pacate, eu am un mic defect cu care cred ca te poti identifica si tu: scriu foarte mult, fapt pentru care sunt sigur ca multi trec peste postarile mele fara sa le mai citeasca.

Lol. Adev. Insa asta e ceva totodata si trist si amuzant... M-a amuzat felul in care ai spus-o... Insa este trist pentru ca e ceva adevarat. Si problema nu este la tine (mine), ci la cel care nu citeste. Si asta intrucat cel care scrie (vorbesc acum strict de tine sau de mine, nu de cei care scriu doar ca sa para textul mai lung pentru a se asigura ca managerul de campanie de semnaturi le ia in considerare postarea) o face deoarece are ceva de exprimat, de explicat, si incearca sa explice intr-un mod mai amplu, mai pe intelesul tuturor. Nu stiu daca ai citit postarile sau, mai ales, topic-urile lui nullius. Omul e doxa de carte, se vede de la o posta. Pe langa ca e doxa de criptografie. Din ce am mai vorbit cu el, imi spunea cat timp sta el sa-si construiasca o postare: sa o redacteze, sa o verifice de mai multe ori pentru typo-uri, sa puna culori pe anumite texte, sa insereze hyperlink-uri si tot asa. Imi spunea ca uneori o postare ii ia si o ora pentru a o scrie. Sunt ferm convins ca multi cand ii vad postarile dau cu "TL; DR". Insa este pierderea lor. De asemenea, dintre cei care chiar citesc tot ce scrie el intr-o postare, foarte putini dau si click pe hyperlink-urile pe care le insereaza. Din nou, e pierderea lor. Cum am mai scris si in topic-urile lui Vlad Sas, cine are ochi de vazut, sa vada. Cu alte cuvinte, cine e interesat de informatie, sa citeasca. Si, cu siguranta, are ceva de invatat. Cine nu, sa dea cu TL; DR si aia e...

Multumesc inca o data, si felicitari si tie pentru meritele pe care ai reusit sa le aduni. Tot ce pot spune e "tine-o tot asa". Nu vrei sa stii cat de mult regret ca primii mei ani de pe forum i-am petrecut in modul tipic utilizatorilor noi, facand spam fara sens pentru campaniile de BTC, timp pe care l-as fi putut folosi altfel.. insa niciodata nu e prea tarziu. Smiley

Multumesc frumos. Si da, te cred ca regreti acei ani. Nu e prima oara cand o spui... Am mai citit asta de la tine de cel putin 2-3 ori, ceea ce ma face sa cred ca esti sincer. Insa intr-adevar, niciodata nu e prea tarziu pentru o schimbare in bine Smiley Acum daca tot suntem la destainuiri, si eu regret faptul ca desi am deschis acest cont din 2017 nu l-am folosit pana anul trecut in octombrie. De multe ori citeam ce scrie aici fara a ma loga si... aproape ca am uitat ca am cont. Asta e acum... Am devenit activ de anul trecut si voi fi activ in continuare, cat de mult voi putea... timpul inapoi nu se poate da, insa o schimbare se poate face.
3468  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: October 15, 2020, 07:19:31 AM
In urma cu aproximativ o saptamana am avut o mica dezbatere mai aprinsa cu un membru in sectiunea engleza legata de stat si cat de mult ar trebui sa se implice in viata noastra personala. Eu, personal, zic ca ne putem tine si singuri de grija (insa nu dezvolt, ca dau in off-topic).

Daca vrei, poti detalia. Si asa nu prea scrie mai nimeni in sectiunea romaneasca Smiley

Ideea este ca masurile "AML" si "KYC" suna bine la prima vedere, deoarece intotdeauna ni se arunca in ochi idei precum "este pentru diminuarea activitatilor ilegale".

Corect. Cum am scris si in versiunea in engleza a topic-ului, totul a pornit de fapt de la ceea ce Julian Assange numea in cartea sa Cypherpunks. Liberatea si viitorul internetului drept Cei Patru Calareti Ai Apocalipsei Informatice. Acestia fiind, conform guvernului, cei care spala bani, cartelurile drogurilor, teroristii si pedofilii. Desigur, statul se ascunde in mod penibil in spatele acestor "amenintari" pentru a justifica impunerea fortata a procedurilor KYC si AML in orice procedura fiscala.

Din pacate, nu multi isi activeaza si gandirea critica sa se intrebe cine ii supravegheaza pe ei, exact persoanele care vor sa ne supunem. Activitatile criminale cele mai de amploare sunt mai mult ca sigur ca se desfasoara la nivelul cel mai de sus. Acolo e vorba de miliarde de euro, nu de cei $200 nedeclarati retrasi de Ion din Bitcoin. Ei ne arunca legi noi, prostii se supun iar smecherii profita. Si la partea asta eu merg pe un principiu: ori toti, ori niciunul. Smiley

Mergand pe aceeasi idee expusa si de tine, totul de fapt se rezuma la bani. Mai precis, la a obtine cat mai multi bani de la cetateni, prin orice mijloace. Pana si vanzarile de produse sh (cum ar fi cele de pe Olx) sunt supuse legii. Iar legea spune ca nu trebuie platit impozit daca un individ vinde ceva ocazional. Cu alte cuvinte, daca respectivul isi face un obicei din a vinde produse pe Olx, depaseste sfera ocazionalului si ar trebui sa plateasca impozit. Nu stiu cati stiau de treaba asta. Este cert insa ca in acest moment niciunul dintre vanzatorii "neocazionali" de pe Olx nu plateste impozit pentru ce incaseaza. Insa nu e timpul trecut ca statul sa isi arunce privirea si spre Olx, si alte site-uri de genul.

Revenind, problemele puse de cei patru calareti ai apocalisei informatice pot fi limitate / evitate in diverse feluri (descrise de altfel si de Assange), insa niciun stat nu doreste asta, deoarece avantajele financiare aduse de KYC sunt substantiale. Problemele puse de acesti calareti ai apocalipsei sunt praf in ochi pentru cei care vor sa creada tot acest nonsens. Pentru cei care se duc zambind la exchange-urile centralizate si isi predau senin datele personale. Urmand ca patronul exchange-ului sa-i vanda apoi fiscului. Stii deja discutia cu Vlad Sas, n-o mai reiau.

Ca idee, pentru cei interesati de aceasta carte, o pot gasi la libraria Carturesti, la pretul de 29.9 RON. Pentru cei interesati de astfel de carti, pot recomanda mai multe.
3469  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Governs are coming for the traders! on: October 15, 2020, 06:52:14 AM
All this KYC nonsense is based on the idea of the Four Horsemen of Infocalypse. Which are money launderers, drug lords, terrorists and pedophiles. The idea is greatly debated by Julian Assange in his book Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet. Other great minds are also part of the book, such as Jacob Appelbaum (TOR developer), Andy Müller (a hacker which is a member of Chaos Computer Club (CCC)) and Jérémie Zimmermann (co-founder of La Quadrature du Net).

Governs are emphasizing that all these decisions are based on combating these four horsemen, but it's a lie. The problems determined by the horsemen of infocalypse can be mitigated with other ways, not with KYC. Besides, make sure to read also 1miau's topic Why KYC is extremely dangerous – and useless which is complementary to OP.
3470  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: October 15, 2020, 06:36:37 AM
n-am vrut sa folosesc codul,dar am vazut ca in lista nu este trecut site ul este destul de util si competitiv evalueaza cea mai buna fee pentru tranzactie si urmareste tranzactiile efectuate in timp real...

Acest site a fost deja mentionat si in topic-ul lui 1miau de catre SFR10. 1miau a spus ca va analiza in curand noile propuneri si va actualiza topic-ul. De asemenea, va adauga si noile celelalte site-ul in poll. Dupa ce va efectua aceste schimbari voi actualiza si eu topic-ul actual.

Name (link)Bech32 supported?SegWit-Addresses (P2SH) identifyable?*Usefulness (subjective rating  Tongue)Rated byComments
mempoolYes (10/2020)YES (10/2020)7.5 / 10 PointsSFR10Detailed and great UI

Tin sa adaug ca pentru acest explorer exista si un domeniu .onion: http://mempoolhqx4isw62xs7abwphsq7ldayuidyx2v2oethdhhj6mlo2r6ad.onion/

Crezi ca ai putea sa il incadrezi in formatul acesta?

[td]Name (link)[/td]
[td]Bech32 supported?[/td]
[td]SegWit-Addresses (P2SH) identifyable?*[/td]
[td]Usefulness (subjective rating  :P)[/td]
[td]Rated by[/td]

[td]Yes / No (xx/2019)[/td]
[td]Yes / No (xx/2019)[/td]
[td][b][color=black]x / 10 Points[/color][/b][/td]
[td]Your name[/td]

Poate il adauga 1miau si pe acesta Smiley
3471  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: List of useful Bitcoin block explorers on: October 15, 2020, 06:29:22 AM
It's not updated currently, I'll try to update it next weekend when I have some more time.

Roger that! When you will update the topic I'll make sure that also the Romanian translated topic is updated as well.

Besides, on the translated topic 20kevin20 mentioned also a .onion version of explorer:

Feel free to add this one as well, if you consider it suitable.

Edit: now it is also in your requested format Smiley

Name (link)Bech32 supported?SegWit-Addresses (P2SH) identifyable?*Usefulness (subjective rating  Tongue)Rated byComments
mempool (.onion link)Yes (10/2020)YES (10/2020)7.5 / 10 PointsSFR10Detailed and great UI
3472  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Why reputation is essential on the free market on: October 15, 2020, 06:23:02 AM
This is correct, but what I meant with this topic is to help people understand why it is important for them to build a good reputation on the free market. Without building a good reputation for yourself you won't be able to settle too many transactions and many users would tend to avoid your services and prefer the services offered by others, although they may be more expensive, if those services are offered by members with good reputation. Choosing an escrow is limiting the risks at some level, but not entirely. Besides, even that escrow should have a good reputation and thus we come back to the topic's idea: if you would like to become an escrow you have to build a good reputation first, otherwise traders won't be interested in your services.

What I'm trying to say is more a general idea: no matter if you are interested in buying, selling or escrowing, at first you have to work for having a good reputation. The reputation systems mentioned by Tim May decades ago are now present on the free market and this is how the free market works. If I'd like to buy a Bitmain coupon of 100$ and I find it -- let's say -- at mikeywith, which is selling for 50$ and I also find such coupon at a newbie which registered yesterday, selling the coupon at 30$, I'd choose to make the deal with mikeywith. Why? Because he is a well established member of the forum, he has made hundreds of transactions with Bitmain coupons, he has good feedbacks from other users, he has earned thousands of merits and he is trustworthy. But it took him years to reach this point. Reputation can't be built over the night and patience is needed.
3473  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN SLOTS] ChipMixer Signature Campaign | Sr Member+ | Up to 0.0375 BTC/w on: October 14, 2020, 02:44:32 PM

I'm sorry - why the hell am I on this list Huh
That's the list of all Applicants for This campaign mate,nothing to worry about .. Cool

That's the list of all Applicants for This campaign which won't be accepted, mate, nothing to worry about ... Cool
3474  Economy / Reputation / Re: 🔥 FAKE: Defamation At Its Worst During Chipmixer Applications 🔥 on: October 14, 2020, 08:03:12 AM
After reading your post I applied so thank you  Grin

Hehe the pleasure is mine. If you get elected you owe me 0.01 BTC Smiley
3475  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Governs are coming for the traders! on: October 14, 2020, 07:39:12 AM
I am coming back to this topic to highlight an interesting aspect related to Laurentiu Baranga, the Romanian head of AML Department (which is called here National Department for Preventing and Combating Money Laundering).

The guy is in the middle of an investigation as the prosecutors found out that he falsified his high school diploma, which is a diploma he obtained at 32 years old. According to Romanian press, the guy obtained a false highschool diploma (so excepting the fact that he obtained it at 32 yo, the diploma was also false).

After obtaining the diploma his political ascension was extraordinary. His only job until then was in a fabric where he was employed as lathe operator. In 2012, when a political party launched a regional subsidiary, this guy became the chairman. Afterwards, he went to Senate then he became the chairman of his political party for a Bucharest subsidiary. In 2011 he managed to obtain a university diploma (which was also false) and he started to recommend himself as being a sort of Ph. D. Based on this title (probably), he got a job inside the National Registry of Classified Informations.

In Sptember 2020 the Prime Minister gave him the position of chairman of the AML Department and the press started to wonder how is possible for an ex-lathe operator, with no real job until he was 41 years old, with a falsified highschool diploma obtained at age of 32, with a false university diploma, to have such important positions.

Furthermore, he obtained another bachelor diploma from another university (what a smart guy hehe) then he tried to become bachelor of even one more university.

Now the prosecutor estimate that he prejudiced the State with 640.000 RON (~ 156.000$), being aware that the amount may be much bigger. At the moment the prejudice regarding the universities is unknown.

Long story short: bitcoiners are forced to reveal their identities and finances in front of authorities managed by this kind of people! An underclassman like hacker or andulolika becomes the head of the AML Division of a particular country then it forces crypto users to reveal their privacy. Such guys force centralized exchanges to reveal their customers data to the govern. Such guys encourages the banks to freeze accounts of any transaction that may look suspicious to them and to contact AML for all the clients which had "suspicious" transactions.

What happens in Romnia may happen to many other countries. Beware!

These are the guys running the politics, the governs and the countries. They are corrupt and they accuse crypto users of corruption, tax evasion and other crimes. They don;t have any knowledge not just about crypto, but about their very jobs, they have positions offered through nepotism, based on false diplomas and they run the countries!

It;s time to stop them. Preserve your privacy! Be anonymous! Don't allow such hypocrites to rule your lives!

Arise, Cypherpunks!
3476  Other / Meta / Re: Moderation of @CoinIdolNews constantly shitting in the Press board on: October 14, 2020, 07:05:20 AM
Well, probably for a recent moment, he/she will not be brave to post again in this forum. ut, we can wait for several moments later, weeks or months. They will probably active again and make such crap posts by offering news and advertising their site.

Not to worry about CoinIdol New, he is brave enough. Or, better said, it is brave enough. And I say "it" because I think it's a bot.

Now the temp ban is over the account has started spamming the press section again - this MUST deserve a perma ban?

Loooool well this truly means to have some guts! I bow down and take my hat off in front of such courage Smiley I wonder how Nina Lyon will explain that. How will explain that CoinIdol News is not a bot but a human being.

I believe now things are clear for everybody: that account is indeed a bot, which tried all the time to keep posting, but it was unable to. And in the very second when it was able to post again (when the temp-ban expired), it did what its code told it to do: to keep spamming the Press board.

The bot spammed immediately with 2 posts after the temp-ban expired and I reported both of them. They were deleted within a few hours by the mods. Yesterday it made another post, which I also reported and which was also deleted fast by mods. However, I don't understand why the account is not perma-banned now, as it repeats the same offense. In my motivation for the reports I wrote something like "Keeps shilling the same website. Mods please perma-ban the account as it repeats the same offense for which it was temp-banned".
3477  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: List of useful Bitcoin block explorers on: October 14, 2020, 06:42:51 AM
I observed that the poll contains just 12 block explorers, while in the topic are listed 22. NeuroticFish said he was interested in voting an explorer, but it wasn't listed in the poll Smiley Is there a reason why you placed in the poll just 12 explorers instead of all of them...?
Those 12 were listed/rated by 1miau [initial list] while the rest, were added later on.

Oh I see... Well, in case you'll decide to extend the poll to the other sites as well, I'll also updated the Romanian translated topic. I think it would be a good move to expand the poll, as some users may like more some the other explorers (those which were added later). What do you think? Smiley
3478  Local / Presa / Re: [2020-10-02] Premieră: Statul român scoate la licitație monede virtuale confisca on: October 14, 2020, 05:56:27 AM
Daca tot ai amintit, cel mai probabil am sa ma ocup in urmatoarele zile de un thread pe subforum dedicat tocmai acestei realizari

Abia astept sa-l citesc Smiley Si eu mi-am propus sa scriu un astfel de topic, tot la atingerea numarului de 1000 de merite. Intr-o vreme aparuse o moda la multi utilizatori, sa-si descrie drumul pana cand au devenit Full Members, seniori sau "from zero to Hero". Multi dintre ei (nu toti insa) au facut-o pentru a mai obtine niste merite. Mie nu mi s-a parut deloc greu sa obtin meritele pentru Jr. Member, Member, Full Member si Sr. Member. Nici macar cele 500 de merite pentru a fi Hero nu mi s-au parut a fi greu de obtinut. Mereu am avut meritele "pentru 1-2 ranguri in avans" (cand eram Full Member aveam deja suficiente merite pentru a fi senior, cand am devenit senior aveam deja meite pentru a fi Hero etc.). Am obtinut primul merit pe 25.10.2019. Acum, la aproape 1 an distanta, sunt pe cale sa ajung la 1000 merite.

Pe de alta parte, atingerea numarului de 1000 de merite este intr-adevar o realizare! Pentru ca ea implica si faptul ca atingi rangul cel mai mare al forumului, cel de Legendary member! Si pentru asta, jos palaria! Daca pana la Hero (500 merite) mai e cum mai e, pana la Legendary e cale lunga. De aceea este de apreciat ce ai reusit. Felicitari inca o data!
3479  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: October 14, 2020, 05:34:55 AM
Fostul preşedinte al Oficiului de Prevenire şi Combatere a Spălării Banilor, Laurenţiu Baranga, reţinut pentru 24 de ore

Poate ca multi nu au vazut stirea aceasta.

Acesta este "seful AML-ului din Romania". Este cel care trimite fortele de ordine peste cei care vor sa isi pastreze anonimitatea financiara. Si catre o astfel de institutie, condusa de un astfel de om, oamenii din domeniul crypto trebuie sa isi dezvaluie datele personale si financiare.

Catre ce fel de om? Catre un astfel de om:

Laurenţiu Baranga a fost reţinut pentru 24 de ore de către procurori, sub acuzația de înşelăciune, potrivit unui anunț făcut de Poliţia Română. Baranga este cercetat pentru inducerea şi menţinerea în eroare a mai multor instituţii publice, prin depunerea la dosarul de angajare a unor documente de studii falsificate, în baza cărora a ajuns în importate demnități publice. Ceea ce puţină lume ştie este că înainte de a obţine diploma de bacalaureat, dovedită a fi falsă, Laurenţiu Baranga a fost strungar.


presa naţională, studiindu-i CV-ul stufos, a început să se întrebe cum a ajuns un bărbat care şi-a luat BAC-ul abia la 32 de ani într-o funcţie de rang înalt, deşi până la 41 de ani nu părea să fi lucrat pe undeva


Cu diploma de BAC falsă, dar şi cu o diplomă de licenţă obţinută de la "Universitatea Alexandru Ghica - Facultatea de Contabilitate şi Informatică" din Alexandria - Teleorman (care nu apare în CV şi asupra căreia planează suspiciuni că ar fi fost fabricată în acelaşi mod, exact ca în cazul Dragnea), Baranga [...] a prejudiciat statul cu 640.000 de lei

Ok, deci cam aceasta este autoritatea care ii someaza pe utilizatorii crypto sa-si dezvaluie intimitatea si care obliga exchange-urile centralizate sa-si predea clientii pe mana statului.

Un fost strungar (pe bune, strungar?!?!), cu BAC-ul luat la 32 de ani (culmea, si diploma aia fiind falsa!!!), care ulterior a absolvit si facultati si care a fost angajat ca sef al AML-ului romanesc, desi pana la 41 de ani nu lucrase nicaieri.

Toate bune, ce sa zic. Mult succes tuturor celor care continua sa fie supusi si obedienti.
3480  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The call for Julian Assange || The WikiLeaks Manifesto - We all should read it on: October 14, 2020, 04:56:29 AM
Heads-up about Julian's trial: the trial has ended and the judge announced that the resolution will be published on January 4th, 2021. This means 3 more months in jail for Julian before he finds out if he'll be exyradited to US. While serious press and also UN said it is unfair what's happenig to him, Australian govern still takes no action for its citizen...
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