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3461  Other / Politics & Society / Re: SIRIUS founder envisions world of cyber clones... on: March 16, 2015, 06:27:25 PM
"Robots in the future will have constitutional rights and even "cyber psychiatrists" who will ease the cyber's anxiety of not being completely human, she said."

The idea of robots having constitutional rights is ridiculous. For one thing, animals have a consciousness and do not have constitutional rights. They have a consciousness, but are still property. A machine is also property. But I also don't buy that computers can acquire a consciousness, as opposed to merely being programmed to act like they have a consciousness. Those are two very different things.
3462  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PUTIN: Russia prepared to raise nuclear readiness over Crimea on: March 16, 2015, 05:08:03 PM
jaysabi, Lol my bad Cheesy Well, I have to admit that I didn't read an article properly. I'm a human and have the right to make some mistakes.

However, this isolated incident doesn't change anything because its value too overestimated. For example, I remember these submarine searches and it was really funny. Smiley

biggerbig, l have to apologize for calling you a liar. Though there is still enough amount of propaganda in your message I hope we won't have mutual misunderstanding after this incident. It seems that we both made some mistakes and I'm ready to recognize mine part of them. Are you ready to do the same? I can help you with translation of some papers, if you wish to know more about the subject.

Mistakes happen.

I'm interested to know your take on Putin's admission that the soldiers in unmarked uniforms who took control of Ukrainian military facilities in Crimea were actually Russian troops, despite denying for months that this was the case during and after the events. You can't just dismiss this as propaganda when the the statement comes from his own mouth.
3463  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jr Neocon Sen. stated publicly: "Our policy must b clear: regime change n Iran." on: March 16, 2015, 04:50:26 PM
hang this traitor
Which?  Obama or Cotton?

Cotton for sure.  Well, Cotton and several other republicans.  Boener should be tried for treason too.  There has been so much obstruction to government by those who are supposed to govern us that there are some people who deserve prison time for their wanton neglect.  Take a survey, I bet man would agree that actions of the Senate and House have been traitorous. 

Obama isn't the government or the nation, so although I generally dislike republicans, I fail to see how a doing something that undermines Obama is actually treasonous, especially when both the executive and legislative branches are jointly responsible for foreign policy. If democrats and republicans resorted to crying "treason" every time one of them was obstructionist of the other party's policies, there'd be no more democrats or republicans left. (Which doesn't sound terrible, now that I mention it...)
3464  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PUTIN: Russia prepared to raise nuclear readiness over Crimea on: March 16, 2015, 03:54:11 PM
Its Russia who in the past few months broke many International agreements, including exceeding Swedish air borders.
Oh, I see another typical propaganda template.

So, you have to give us the proof of your claims or begin to apologize for spreading lies.

Do you realize the source you posted to dispute that Russian planes violated Swedish airspace actually confirms that Russian planes violated Swedish airspace?

The Swedish Armed Forces has confirmed that a foreign aircraft entered Swedish airspace on Saturday, but says it was French and not Russian as initially reported by tabloid Expressen.

Swedish JAS Gripen fighter jets reportedly confronted the French plane over the weekend.

"I can confirm that a French plane was in Swedish airspace on Saturday," military spokesperson Jesper Tengroth told Expressen. He would not say why the plane was in Swedish territory.

The information about a new infringement comes almost exactly two months after another scandal when two Russian planes entered Swedish airspace. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs confirmed that incident.

So you posted a source to dispute a specific incident biggerbig may or may not have been referencing, but in the process, end up posting a source proving biggerbig's point which was that Russian jets violated Sweden's airspace, just as he said.
3465  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Canada? Police Can Force You to Show Them Everything You Have on Your Phone on: March 15, 2015, 09:54:23 PM
I don't think we are getting the full story here.

I agree. There was, most likely, a little red flag attached to his ID. Perhaps he was busted for smoking pot when he was 18. Perhaps he was caught "urinating in a public place" at one time and charged. This might add "sex offender" to his ID.

Another person I know tried to bring a car stereo across the border without declaring it. This act gave him the "little red flag".

One should be very careful of what they do in youth or suffer the consequences down the road.

Here is a much more reputable story on the incident: Authorities won't say why they asked him to unlock his phone, but I can't think of an instance where that level of intrusion is warranted. Even if "sex offender" was added to his ID as you suggest, that doesn't justify demanding access to your phone upon return to the country.
3466  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Under US Pressure Paypal Nukes Mega For Encrypting Files on: March 15, 2015, 09:48:26 PM
This kind of thing is why we need decentralization.
Kim Dotcom did nothing wrong and is being unduly punished by the US government for what am mounts to effectively nothing.
Denying donations due to encryption is stupid.
Basically here you are looking at the Hollywood mafia trying to shut him down by leaning on their government cronies.  The trend of MC/VISA playing judge, jury and executioner for whatever forces buy it off is rather troubling.

Why has this thread essentially ignored that private corporations - MC/VISA, are the ones that have taken these actions - and immediately diverted to government/NSA/blah blah blah?

MC & Visa are public corporations. Everyone must be on the take.
3467  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Islamic State says it has killed two men for homosexuality on: March 15, 2015, 09:17:57 PM
World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.

I can't find where these numbers come from at all. Here are the actual stats from the report, page 5 in case you want to actually look it up:

World Public Opinion:
61 8% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32 5% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41 9% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38 7% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83 24% of Palestinians approve of attacks on Americans (only 14 59% oppose)
62 11% of Jordanians approve of attacks on Americans (21 68% oppose)
42 8% of Turks approve of some of attacks on Americans (45 74% oppose)   <---- Highly recommend checking your sources before copy/pasting someone else's interpretation of them. These numbers aren't even close.
3468  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Where In The World Is Vladimir Putin? Strange Doings At The Kremlin… on: March 15, 2015, 08:26:33 PM

"Putler" is what some Ukrainian activists have taken to calling Putin, which is a mash-up of "Putin" and "Hitler."

I like that someone actually thought they had to explain that "Putler" has a mash up of Putin and Hitler.  Grin

But did you know that Poutine (as some here write his family name) means "a dish of French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy" in French, while what they actually mean is correctly written as Putain?

I first heard of Poutine as a dish from Canadian hockey players. I can't say it sounds too appealing.
3469  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why the US is the most insolvent developed nation in the world on: March 15, 2015, 07:33:45 PM
They can't print dollars to repay loans, because if they started doing that all foreign holders of us debt would demand repayment within a few months of each other.

Debt holders won't be able to do this, because the date has a stated maturity period. The debt holders can, however, dump these bonds in secondary markets increasing the government's future borrowing costs.

Excellent point, but isn't this kind of a distinction without a difference? Once the pool of buyers of debt is turned off (which would happen once confidence in the US's ability to pay back notes is shattered), you can't raise any more money for the debt you need to sell to roll over the debt that is expiring daily or weekly. The default still happens immediately though. Even though notes have an average maturity date that is rising, new debt is still being issued as it expires daily.
3470  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Where In The World Is Vladimir Putin? Strange Doings At The Kremlin… on: March 15, 2015, 07:21:10 PM

"Putler" is what some Ukrainian activists have taken to calling Putin, which is a mash-up of "Putin" and "Hitler."

I like that someone actually thought they had to explain that "Putler" has a mash up of Putin and Hitler.  Grin
3471  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Photos from a Mexican drug lord's home after it was raided last year. on: March 15, 2015, 07:19:21 PM
Why didn't they convert the cash to Bitcoins? Could have put some money away. Love to sleep on that pile.

Bitcoin didn't exist yet when this actually happened in 2007.
3472  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Parent Calls 911 When School Will Not Release Child. Refusal To Take Common Core on: March 15, 2015, 07:04:06 PM
What was wrong with common core anyway? I hate government in many area but at this, I think they're doing a reasonable job.

If the mother doesn't like the kid doing common core, she should have picked a different school.

I thought the whole point of the Common in Common Core was that it was supposed to be universal, as in you cannot escape it in any U.S. school once it is fully rolled out. If so, that argument is like saying "Don't like the .gov tyranny in the US? Move to Somalia and accept the tyranny of!"

Public schools perhaps. Does common core also apply to private/charter/home schooling?
3473  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Photos from a Mexican drug lord's home after it was raided last year. on: March 15, 2015, 06:40:10 PM
The amount of guns and cash (over $22 billion!) that the authorities found is staggering. All I can say is, "Wow! Just... Wow!"

The first clue something is off is how obviously wrong the picture captions are. One says the money seized could purchase health insurance for every man, woman, and child in the US for 12 years. If that on the face of it doesn't seem unlikely, a more obvious one is a caption that starts with "Each of these stacks of 100's holds USD250,000" on a picture that's clearly showing only $20 bills.

Anyway, the internet went a little crazy with exaggeration here. It was nowhere near 22 billion dollars; it was 207 million dollars. Nothing to sneeze at, but being off by a factor of over 100 is pretty bad, even for the internet. I guess only $207 million dollars doesn't get whoever posted this on imgur the internet attention they crave, so they had to lie to make it more impressive. With 3.1 million hits, I would say the strategy worked.

Also, those pictures have been around since 2007. This is an old story.
3474  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jr Neocon Sen. stated publicly: "Our policy must b clear: regime change n Iran." on: March 15, 2015, 06:13:48 PM
Regime change always works so brilliantly anywhere we deploy it, especially the last time we overthrew the Iranian government, so what could possibly go wrong?
3475  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Billary Clinton - if people vote this bitch in as President they deserve slavery on: March 15, 2015, 06:10:13 PM
She used her personal email because it was already in her phone and she didn't want to walk around with two devices, because that's how email accounts work, one email account per device! Cheesy

Blackberry did not actually adopt a system to carry multiple email addresses in a secure fashion until 2013, after she had left office. So yeah, that was actually exactly how it worked at the time.
3476  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Senator Graham: I would use military to force Congress to vote my way on: March 15, 2015, 05:54:32 PM
Now that one is a quote of the week
Right up their with the Greece politician that said let ISIS in if you don't bail us out ^^

The more people turn against them, the more these morons show their true colours, the UK elections are going to be pretty interesting and funny for me Tongue
I'm actually this dirtbag came out in such a crazy way on this. Generally, most conservative republicans haven't liked this guy in past times cause him and his buddy Senator McCain were the ones pushing for arming the Syrian 'rebels' and using the US Air Force against Assad and for the newly minted ISIS, as well as being the ones that called the likes of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee (most conservative Senators): Whacko Birds. So, conservatives obviously took sides and then Graham and McCain were on the outs even tho they had plenty of support from the establishment and neoconservative wing of the party. But, as the ISIS situation has been getting all the attention yet were nourished early on by the meddling US foreign policy and the likes of Graham and co, the war spirit was being rekindled in the US and specifically w/i the GOP, which wouldn't be good for Rand if he runs for Prez. Yet, this blowhard coming out like this with such a revelation in regards to dictating excessive military spending definitely gave great ammo to the foreign policy and fiscal realists in the party. And because Graham is a neocon that is always in favor of starting crap abroad and then offering ground troops and military intervention as the default option thereafter, this extreme comment hopefully will rub off in the minds of republicans as the cousin mindset of foreign interventionism as well and dampen its appeal.

Building off of this, it's actually quite amazing to me that military interventionism still carries such appeal to conservatives considering all the current problems directly related to it. ISIS is a direct result of the power vacuum created by our intervention in Iraq, billions upon billions of dollars wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan trying to prop up inept and corrupt governments, etc. And then you have good ole Graham either joking or promising (depending how charitable you want to be with his quote) to use the military against Americans to make sure we can continue making these costly mistakes. I don't get this mindset.
3477  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Senator Graham: I would use military to force Congress to vote my way on: March 13, 2015, 06:54:00 PM
He's done a lot of backtracking since then, saying he was only joking and not being serious, and his apologists are floating the liberal media is out to get him boo hoo story. The problem is, you don't start a "joke" about being a dictator with the phrase "I will literally use the army..." because literally has a very specific meaning. Also, you might not want to marry your "joke" in with policy statement you're completely serious about, like the need to kill terrorists if they can't be captured. When you marry your "joke" with actual serious policy, and use the word literally to preface it, it's not on the public for taking you, wait for it, literally.

Here's the quote in question:

Quote from: Lindsey Graham
I worried about this from day one. I'm sick to my stomach. [New Hampshire Senator] Kelly Ayotte has been awesome. And here is the first thing I would do if I were President of the United States: I wouldn’t let Congress leave town until we fix this. I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to. We’re not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts. We’re not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts. Killing terrorists is the only option other than capturing them, because they're not deterred by death.
3478  Other / Politics & Society / Senator Graham: I would use military to force Congress to vote my way on: March 13, 2015, 02:51:57 PM

Lindsey Graham: As president, I'd use military to make Congress vote my way

Does Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., really support the Constitution? That's what many are wondering after the South Carolina Republican and 2016 presidential hopeful said he would use the military to make Congress reverse cuts to defense and intelligence budgets if he were elected president, Vox reported Thursday.

"And here is the first thing I would do if I were President of the United States, I wouldn’t let Congress leave town until we fix this," he said at a "politics and pies" forum in Concord, New Hampshire. "I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to.”

"We’re not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts," Graham declared. "We’re not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts. Killing terrorists is the only option other than capturing them, because they're not deterred by death."

Vox’s Amanda Taub noted that Graham, a potential "would use the military to force members of Congress to not just vote on the bill — but to pass it. Graham didn’t say 'until I get an up-or-down vote on restoring defense cuts.' He said 'until we restore these defense cuts.'” In short, she added, Graham just announced that his first act as the nation's chief executive would be to use military force to make the legislative branch pass his agenda.

"If taken literally, Graham is basically announcing his plan to stage a coup," she added. "[H]e is saying that if he gains control of the executive branch, he will use his authority as commander in chief to overcome the separation of powers and force the legislative branch to do his bidding, instead of allowing it to act as an independent branch of the government."


Dictator level: Literal.  Grin
3479  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who is the most powerful politician? on: March 12, 2015, 09:51:35 PM
Central bankers, because they have not only managed to convince people that they are required in society and are doing good in the world, they actually make the people they install into political parties think they're in charge, when of course, they actually aren't and the rest of the public believe it too.
Central bankers aren't politicians.
I'll shock you with this one, I think the president of the United States is the most powerful politician in the world.  They have the most powerful force in the history of the world at their command along with the biggest economy in history at their command.

China is the biggest economy, isn't it? Furthermore, how can you say for sure that the U.S. is the most powerful state in the world from a military point of view? Can it be destroyed? Yes, it can, there are at least two countries which can do just that (with a vengeance), so it can't be the most powerful by definition.

All we know for sure is that the U.S. national debt is the largest on the planet.

Being able to be destroyed doesn't mean you aren't the most powerful. With nuclear weapons, there are many more countries than two that can destroy America (Britain, France, India, Pakistan, Russia, China), but anyone capable of destroying would be destroyed themselves, so they can't be more powerful by virtue of this. With this nuclear stalemate, ability to project traditional military muscle is an adequate measure of a nation's power, and no other country can subject the rest of the world to its military like the US. Just look at the headlines in the last 15 years. We're damned near everywhere and exclusively so.

China is the largest economy from a purchase parity perspective. Economists argue whether this means they're actually larger. I could be convinced either way.
3480  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NSA Spying Wins Another Rubber Stamp on: March 12, 2015, 09:38:54 PM
Mass surveillance will continue for now, but is set to expire on June 1—unless Congress acts.

I have zero fear that this big government Congress will have zero problem renewing the spying bill and this big government President will sign it. Fear not America, Big Brother is here!

Isn't it nice when republicans and democrats can come together on stuff?
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