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36661  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 18, 2015, 08:34:20 PM

Generally, one of the same-sex partners is more masculine, and the other is more feminine.

Let the more masculine of the male couple get together with the more feminine of the female couple, and let the more masculine of the female couple get together with the more feminine of the male couple, and things are back to normal... the way they should be.

 Roll Eyes
36662  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: July 18, 2015, 08:09:07 PM
Lol, what the heck, dude.  One paragraph...

The opposite reaction is therefore, not real.

... vs. other paragraph

Newton's Third Law is about action and reaction, cause and effect.

You're not even trying anymore.  Go lay down or something.

electrons, electrolytes, chemicals, all working in the brain = reality = action

free will = illusion = reaction

For every ACTION there is an equal and opposite REACTION.

Reaction opposite action.
Illusion opposite reality.
Free will opposite brain activity.

36663  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Memphis Mayor Wants to Dig Up Dead Confederate War General on: July 18, 2015, 12:09:07 AM
Most mayors don't get near enough exercise, and it is hurting their health. Get him a shovel...

36664  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you accept the evidence of No Global Warming? on: July 18, 2015, 12:01:39 AM
This is the conclusion I have come to when it comes to climate change now, the science has been completely poisoned because of the amount of propaganda from both sides instead of simply stating what we do know and what we don't know. In other words all these fuckers including you lot who have turned this into a political problem are responsible for fucking over the planet one way or another if we don't find out for certain what's going on with our planet, congratulations.

Oh relax. Sure it is fun feeling bitter about things that you can do nothing about. But feel good that you are among the few who understand this about global warming, or whatever it is.

36665  Other / Politics & Society / Re: This frozen chicken “had a rich, emotional life.” on: July 17, 2015, 11:59:03 PM
I am totally NOT against the idea of some group of scientists actually finding a possible method or complete scenario or complete flow regarding evolution. While I am not actually hoping for it, I certainly wouldn't mind if somebody found a complete way that evolution could have happened, from the start of inorganic to life, to the life that we have today. In fact, I would like it if several of these methods were found.

It would prove that God had created mankind so great that they could even find out how to make life evolve. Of course, then there would be the problem of proving that evolution actually did the job, and not God.


Tell you what, why not rewrite the bible (which is okay because it's been done before) and add a bit of evolution into the story line.
You can then fully believe the theory 100%. Cheesy

The Bible does not mention darwin's theory but I would (personally) read this as if a man was trying to explain to an ant what the fabric of life was 'coming from', atomic dust particles:

By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Are we really all made of stardust?

That will be it as far as my Sunday's teaching...


Earth dust, like the stars are.


We are ugly bags of mostly starwater. Wink

Which btw, has memory and structure.

Now think about what that dark pagan blood ritual sacrifice/ dinner is doing to your body's water.

All I meant is, that when you read the account of the creation in Genesis in the Bible, it seems to say that all material in the universe was one big chunk. Then God separated it into whatever different kinds of bodies exist in all space. But... when God does this, He does it from a standpoint of the earth, that all the materials came from the earth, this earth.

36666  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you accept the evidence of No Global Warming? on: July 17, 2015, 11:54:58 PM

I am a big believer in the Anthropogenic Global Warming "project". Huge, mega believer. What is 21 years in the lifetime of a planet? Nothing. Satellite technology is what? So new and untested. But we can stop it. We can stop the Anthropogenic Global Warming "project". Also it is unscientific to deny the Anthropogenic Global Warming "project". Borderline illegal and even racist...

I accept the evidence of No No Global Warming...



<<serious mode off>>
Now that's a Fine Outstanding Comment, Young Man.  You can go far.

I'll put a good word in for you with the Kommisar.

<<serious  mode on>>

I will NOT argue the issues in this thread.

I'm sticking to asking the questions in the OP.

However, in the original hard copy of Larry Niven's Fallen Angels (science fiction), Niven and his fellow writers included a bibliography of, say, a dozen and a half scientific writings that show that we are on the edge of a little ice age. Standard science of today is showing that whatever global warming exists, the rate of warming increase is slowing down.

36667  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture/ Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: July 17, 2015, 11:48:36 PM
Someone called into a show with a prophecy directed at the United States.

Some background into why I feel this is real, personally. I had previously had a dream in May, and I felt like I needed to write it down, and it came out rhyming. I wasn't going to rhyme, it just did, and I felt like it was divinely inspired. So when I heard this in rhyme, among everything else I'm reading and watching, this rings true to me as a message from God. But you can use your own discernment.

I tried to write it down, but I couldn't understand a few words (They'll show up as Huh), you can listen to her saying it here:

I've called you a land filled with beauty, righteousness, freedom and peace.

I've called you a nation filled with boldness, whose foundations were built at my feet.

I've called you a people who are blessed. In my name I've caused thee made known.

And your churches, schools, governmental and judicial system my Huh of prayer were sold Huh

You were a lamb unlike no other, who leaned solely upon me, how is it that you are now perverted, and your character is rebellion, murder, lust, and deceit?

Do you not know that I will judge you?

Yea, my decree has already been declared, and this is the beginning ("first pains" or "workings")Huh of your destruction, that you have served and hearkened until the prince of the ear Huh.

Your sins you call religious freedom, to justify your wicked deeds and the stench of your violence reaches up to heaven so that other nations you do supersede.

But I will shake your very foundation, and belittle Huh it and naked ye shall stand, for I have come unto my threshing floor, and my (Huh) of purge is in my right hand.

You will no longer declare we are our own god, and shall do whatsoever we please. For my wrath had been Huh and I will not repent. Yes for this your soul shall be grieved.

Oh America, America I call you to repent, to take heed and do not mock the prophets that I have sent, for they have come to sound the alarm, and a sweet sound they shall make, for we are no longer one nation under God and my judgement I will surely haste. Because I have set my grace upon you, yes, this your home sweet home. But your backslipping ways, and your evil witchcraft have come before my throne.

Captivity and destruction doth await for this nation that is Huh and proud. Yea, I plead with you to turn again and let repentance ring out loud.

Gather together with your little ones and let a funeral dearth be Huh that death may cast over America and that the Lord will cover her shame. For a Holy nation He has purpose, America the gospel to tell, that she would not be like other nations that forgot God and were cast into hell.

Oh home of the brave and land of the free, choose you this day, whom your God shall be.

I understand similar. Your "poem" is great. However...

In the Old Testament, there are several times when people or kings defied God and He pronounced similar things on them as your poem. Then they repented and humbled themselves, and God had mercy on them, and didn't bring His disasters on the land in their times.

The fact that you and I and a few others in this forum are attempting to turn people to what is right, is an indicator that God might again, forestall His disaster, saving them up for a later time. There is even the possibility that if enough people turn, He might repent of His disasters until a much later date.

Consider that most of the signs of the end times have been around for hundreds of years, even though they might not have been around in quantities we see today. We don't know His timing for sure. He can keep His Word by bringing it now, or by bringing it later.

36668  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you accept the evidence of No Global Warming? on: July 17, 2015, 11:38:31 PM
I kinda wish there was global warming. The polar ice caps might melt, causing the oceans to rise, and a few cities on the coasts to have to be abandoned. But the benefits to mankind would be tremendous.

Siberia and Northern Canada would become warm enough for people to live in, so that the earth could hold a much larger population.

Extra moisture in the atmosphere would cause the Sahara to bloom - more room for population. The Islamic peoples wouldn't have an excuse for having to live near Israel any longer, so there might be peace for a while.

Moisture in the atmosphere would protect the earth from harmful cosmic and UV radiation. In addition, the moisture in the atmosphere would cause a great increase in natural H2O2, thereby disinfecting the world, and putting the corrupt medical out of business.

All the extra living space would allow people to move out of the present jungles rather than destroying them. The natural pharmacopeia in the jungles could be expanded so that mankind could find herbal substances to increase length of life, so mankind could have enough time to develop space travel to go and inhabit other worlds...

36669  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Scotland to ban smoking in cars with children on: July 17, 2015, 11:26:04 PM
The title to this thread seems to be ambiguous. Is it that Scotland is trying to ban smoking in cars that have children in them? Or is it that Scotland is trying to use children (the excuse of children in the car) to ban smoking in all cars, and this is the start of it?

36670  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: July 17, 2015, 11:19:16 PM
Your getting up or staying in bed is dictated by things like the many neuron firings in your brain which cause you to make the decision the way you do. The neuron firings are determined to some extent by the electrolytes in your system. The electrolytes are determined by what you ate or drank the night before. The things you ate or drank were determined both by availability and by the electrolyte-neuron-induced-firing of the night before. The food composition of the food you ate and the drink you drank were determined by many factors in nature and manufacturing, all of which were determined by many other factors.

When you get a degree in neurosciences, then you can tell us how the brain works. Until then, perhaps lay off the junk science explanations.

What's the matter? Having trouble refuting the things I say with any factual science?

Don't get me wrong. It is totally acceptable that my programming recognizes the programming, while yours doesn't. It's the way we are programmed. However, the amazing thing is that we have a little bit to do with our own programming, even though science doesn't know it, or recognize that it could be this way... in fact, doesn't even really think we do.


No, your garbage description of how neurons work doesn't even meet the minimum threshold of credibility to warrant spending any time correcting. It's plainly obvious to anyone who isn't an idiot that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The only refutation required is to draw attention to your post, and let people associate the uneducated nonsense within with its author.

This isn't the place to delve into the papers that explain how neurons work.

The point is that Newton's Third Law doesn't state exactly what the equal and opposite reaction is. But His Third Law implies, accurately, that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite action that caused it (it, the reaction, that is). This being the case, there are no random actions. Everything is preprogrammed, including the way that neurons fire.

Wake up and see that the idea of free will is beyond the explanation of science. Thus, science by its inadequacy for explaining free will, suggests that free will is an illusion. There is no free choice. There is only the illusion of free choice.

What? You don't believe in science? Eeeeaaaagh.


Here's perfect example of you taking something scientific and just making stuff up without having the slightest understanding of what you're talking about.

The point is that Newton's Third Law doesn't state exactly what the equal and opposite reaction is. But His Third Law implies, accurately, that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite action that caused it (it, the reaction, that is). This being the case, there are no random actions. Everything is preprogrammed, including the way that neurons fire.
Folks like you are so good at taking peoples' focus off the point. But people are learning.

First, yes Newton's Third Law does state exactly what the reaction is. See if you can keep up here: it is equal and opposite.
Now, look at this in a little more detail. The actions are made up of real activity - brain chemicals, electrons, etc., doing their job. The opposite reaction is therefore, not real. If it were real, it would not be an opposite reaction. The free will equal reaction is an illusion.

Newton's Third Law describes the interaction for force pairs,
Did you get your own words? "Forced pairs." In other words, action and reaction, cause and effect.

and the specific, exact reaction is stated as equal and opposite.
With regard to neurons firing and brain activity in general, there are countless, hundreds of thousands of actions and causes. Each one works with others to produce the outcome - the reactions, the effects - the illusion of free will. Why is it an illusion? Because it feels free, but is actually actions and reactions, causes and effects, producing the appearance of free will.

Second, his law doesn't prove that there are no random actions. Even if you want to argue semantics on this, the point can be conceded without consequence, because doing so certainly doesn't have any application to your conclusion: everything is pre-programmed. Everything certainly is not. If you want to argue it is, you'll need something that actually supports the conclusion. Newton's Third Law isn't it.
All you have said here is "No, no no." Newton's Third Law is about action and reaction, cause and effect. These are universal. There is no evidence of anything other than action and reaction, cause and effect. Random suggests effect without cause. But there is no evidence of such.

The Great First Cause is the One Who got the whole cause and effect thing going. Nobody has substantive evidence to the opposite... the opposite that suggests that there is anything random happening. All is cause and effect.


Third, Newton's Third Law has nothing to do with neurons firing.
Every action has to do with Newton's Third Law, because there is no action outside of the fact that there was something that caused it. This means that even the firing of neurons was caused by something or many somethings.

Fourth, you still do not understand how neurons work.
And neither do you. If you did, you would already know about how God interacts with cause and effect without being affected by either cause or effect.

The moral of the story here is please don't try to science without proper adult supervision. You're not mentally equipped for it.

The moral of the story is that I am not equipped to satisfactorily deal with jokers, like you, who think that they are using science, but then have no real answer or ability to make the answer plain to people.

36671  Other / Politics & Society / Re: CHATTANOOGA SHOOTING: 4 MARINES KILLED in GUN FREE ZONE on: July 17, 2015, 10:52:15 PM
If you are government, and you remove the right to bear arms, the government is responsible, and the people behind not upholding the Constitution are responsible personally.

If all the people in the chain of command have marching orders signed by their commanding officer, to make gun free zones in the military and government, the top person in government is responsible.

I wonder if Obama has a surety bond on file.

36672  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Texas to circumvent fed with new gold depository, will accept Bitcoin on: July 17, 2015, 05:18:40 PM
The U.S. government needs to tread lightly with Texas. Texas is the only state that has it written right into their enabling act that they can legally secede and become a separate country.

Now, we wouldn't want to lose Texas. They are big enough to hold the entire population of the U.s.  And that's just about what would happen if they seceded. Most of the country would move there.

36673  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: July 17, 2015, 05:06:39 PM
Your getting up or staying in bed is dictated by things like the many neuron firings in your brain which cause you to make the decision the way you do. The neuron firings are determined to some extent by the electrolytes in your system. The electrolytes are determined by what you ate or drank the night before. The things you ate or drank were determined both by availability and by the electrolyte-neuron-induced-firing of the night before. The food composition of the food you ate and the drink you drank were determined by many factors in nature and manufacturing, all of which were determined by many other factors.

When you get a degree in neurosciences, then you can tell us how the brain works. Until then, perhaps lay off the junk science explanations.

What's the matter? Having trouble refuting the things I say with any factual science?

Don't get me wrong. It is totally acceptable that my programming recognizes the programming, while yours doesn't. It's the way we are programmed. However, the amazing thing is that we have a little bit to do with our own programming, even though science doesn't know it, or recognize that it could be this way... in fact, doesn't even really think we do.


No, your garbage description of how neurons work doesn't even meet the minimum threshold of credibility to warrant spending any time correcting. It's plainly obvious to anyone who isn't an idiot that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The only refutation required is to draw attention to your post, and let people associate the uneducated nonsense within with its author.

This isn't the place to delve into the papers that explain how neurons work.

The point is that Newton's Third Law doesn't state exactly what the equal and opposite reaction is. But His Third Law implies, accurately, that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite action that caused it (it, the reaction, that is). This being the case, there are no random actions. Everything is preprogrammed, including the way that neurons fire.

Wake up and see that the idea of free will is beyond the explanation of science. Thus, science by its inadequacy for explaining free will, suggests that free will is an illusion. There is no free choice. There is only the illusion of free choice.

What? You don't believe in science? Eeeeaaaagh.

36674  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hardly Any Women Regret Having an Abortion, a New Study Finds on: July 17, 2015, 04:46:30 PM
of course they don't have any regret. they're no longer human, they destroyed their humanity when they did it.

^ that's what I want to say. but the truth is I don't know what to think.
I wish that article told us how many of those women gave birth to another child anytime after the abortion.

Yes, they have destroyed their humanity
How is ridding oneself of an unwanted fetal parasite destroying their humanity?

By this logic are men not human since they are incapable birth children?

Why do you have such an inferiority complex, thinking so poorly about yourself that you call yourself a "fetal parasite destroying" humanity?


EDIT: Look. Since you feel so badly about the human race that you want to kill off humans when they are fetuses, unable to begin to defend themselves, why don't you start, right now, with the one human you can get rid of and nobody will care - suicide yourself! God might weep over your loss. But when He sees how many others are saved because of it, He will become joyful.
36675  Other / Politics & Society / Re: “Lawyers need to be protected not harassed” – UN experts on: July 17, 2015, 04:42:26 PM
I agree. We need to protect attorneys in America before this advancing attorney harassment reaches America and harms even one of them. Throw them all in jail under permanent protective custody.

36676  Other / Politics & Society / Re: This frozen chicken “had a rich, emotional life.” on: July 17, 2015, 04:38:22 PM

"Vegan Feminist" Professor Asks Women to Stop Getting Naked to Support Veganism

Yes! Stop getting naked you Vegan Feminists. Plants don't taste as good when they are in shock!

36677  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hook-nosed people are evil on: July 17, 2015, 04:34:19 PM

The difference transcends race. Hook-nosed blacks are generally pieces of shit, while blacks with streamlined profiles and upward-turned noses are typically great (although still black).

Allthough still black, really, being black is something negative in your eyes, you're a very racist individual, I feel sorry for your narrow views...

Most of my friends are black. I do, however, recognize the differences between whites and blacks. If that makes me a racist, then fine.

In the time of backward america destroying everything on the continent, including wildlife and indeginous people, alot of scientist tried to proof that blacks differ from whites, they have found NOTHING, eventhough they were biased from the start to find something, they couldn't... The differences between blacks and whites is color, nothing more, nothing less.... The enviromental situation makes more difference...

Yes. I was going to protest Silicon Valley initiation of a bunch of pollution by developing the technology behind the computer, but then I decided that I would appear a hypocrite if I remained in the Bitcointalk Forum.

36678  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture/ Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: July 17, 2015, 04:31:48 PM
Come on! Jade Helm is only our military practicing to be ISIS in case ISIS fails.    Grin

ISIS should really be ISISIS. Why? IS is the Muslim attempt at saying ISLAM. They actually try 3 times before they give up, not two like ISIS suggests. It would be easier to understand if they wrote it IS... IS... IS... .

Three attempts at saying ISLAM, and they give up.

36679  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To you Mr Atheist - Do you believe i have a friend called hatim ? on: July 17, 2015, 12:37:01 PM
Hatim is a contraction without the apostrophe. It really is "hate him," and should really be spelled "hat'im" to spell it as a contraction.

36680  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Most of Atheists knows that the God exist more than we do - Shocking truth! on: July 17, 2015, 12:33:07 PM
I think people should specify what their definition of the word "God" is. Some people think God is an all powerful, all knowing, always present, physical being who orchestrated the creation of the universe, all life and requires our unquestionable worship in churches that get tax-free status for simply being places to worship him.

Yeah I don't believe in this God.
Different dictionaries say it different ways. Encyclopedias say it in greater detail, but often focus only on some of the definitions. From

1. the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.
2. the Supreme Being considered with reference to a particular attribute:
the God of Islam.
3. (lowercase) one of several deities, especially a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs.
4. (often lowercase) a supreme being according to some particular conception:
the god of mercy.
5. Christian Science. the Supreme Being, understood as Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle.
6. (lowercase) an image of a deity; an idol.
7. (lowercase) any deified person or object.
8. (often lowercase) Gods, Theater.
    the upper balcony in a theater.
    the spectators in this part of the balcony.

verb (used with object), godded, godding. (lowercase)
9. to regard or treat as a god; deify; idolize.
10. (used to express disappointment, disbelief, weariness, frustration, annoyance, or the like):
God, do we have to listen to this nonsense?

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