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3781  Economy / Gambling / Re: Casinomi - The New Way For Betting on: June 25, 2019, 06:59:00 PM
If you want to be a global casino, I suggest you to make English your main language because it's hard for non turkish customers to find a bar where they'll be able to change language.
Template is clone of one website which had ANN thread on bitcointalk's gambling section, I remember that website had English language and 100% similar template, don't know whether that's your or not.
Also set house edge 1%, that's standard in gambling cummunity.
Can you make clear how your losing bonuses work?
3782  Economy / Speculation / Re: Crypto Analyst Says Bitcoin (BTC) Price Could Hit $100,000 During Next Bull Run on: June 25, 2019, 05:59:49 PM
How can these people say such things easily without valid arguments? There is almost zero argument given in that article, it's not so easy to move from 10K to 100K, it's absolutely different from moving 10$ to 100$, numbers are higher, so our wished result is harder to achieve. But in that article I agree with Trace Mayer, bitcoin may hit 21K by the end of this year and I can say why: 1. We recovered from 3K price and now we are on 11K. This positive waves of feelings leads bitcoin to reach 20K this fall or possibly in summer but after reaching 20K, positive feelings doesn't continue so long and then we may see fall again or stable 15-20K price, maybe even stable 20-25K price. Then a little bit fall and after that guess what? Upcoming halving which has far more positive impact on price like it was previosly, price went from 600$ to 20K soon after halving.
3783  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I went to a bitcoin meetup Many people there had bitcoin, no-one actually use it on: June 25, 2019, 12:52:48 PM
I went to a bitcoin meetup in my town (I'm going every few weeks for almost 2 years)
Because the market is rising now I somehow got into a talk with like 8 people about what they did recently or plan to do with their bitcoins.

All of them didn't touch their portfolio since the beginning of 2018
They didn't even use it for a small transaction.

there is a topic that always someone mentions and that's 'Why would I use bitcoin to buy something today when in two months from now my bitcoin might worth double'

I don't use my bitcoins as well and in some way, I think that the hodl approach is hurting us. I would like to know what the community here thinks.
Are there bitcoin meetups so often? What about to share usually what is the subject of theme, do you actually discuss around blockchain technologies?
To move on your topic, in that proposal I would make some edits: Might worth double or might be reduced. Personally I am against holding money the way some people do because money has to be in circulation, this way economy develops, when you stop money and do nothing, how can economy grow?
3784  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: can someone explain me why do people give btc to others solve captchas, faucets? on: June 24, 2019, 11:41:42 PM

I was thinking, why do people pay to other people solve captchas? Why do people pay anything on those faucets at all?

I know it is almost nothing, but what is in for themm? Website clicks to get more visitors, revenue from ads?
Short and easy answer: They pay because they get more revenue from those people.
Long answer: Faucet is a way of collecting bitcoins, the reason why you get captcha is to determine whether you are human or not. If you are human, then welcome. You claim bitcoin and then what? Boom, there are some advertisements on my faucet, there is some chance you'll get interested in it, if not you, then there will be another person. When they click, I get some money, even if you don't click, the fact that you see advertisement in nice for me too. In overall, I give you reward and you give me too but unlike you, I get reward from thousands of people and you get only from me or from 1-2 faucet.
3785  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🔥 🔥 CASHBACK 🌟 NEW LEVELS 🌟 NEW RANKS🌟 CHEST PRIZES OF $35,000 💰 on: June 24, 2019, 10:02:54 PM
I keep getting an error which says Invalid channel when I try to open chat after a login. It's on mobile. Anyone else experience this
I tried to login and open chat with my android and everything works perfectly, website takes a little bit to load, anything else works well. Do you use android or ios? And oh, I was using google chrome latest version for android. Don't know if you have that problem because of invalid ssl which they had but try to clear cache or try with different browser if using android. If this still fails, then developers will take care of it.
There seems nothing to be wrong in Bitsler's chat code.
3786  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: CEO of Bank of America: “We Want a Cashless Society” on: June 23, 2019, 11:01:43 PM
Bank of America (BAC) CEO Brian Moynihan embraced the digital money movement on Wednesday, saying his firm has “more to gain than anybody” from the booming trend of non-cash transactions.

“We want a cashless society,” Moynihan, who heads up the second largest U.S. bank, told attendees at Fortune’s Brainstorm Finance conference.

He pointed out that more than half of all money transactions are already processed electronically, with the rise of cryptocurrencies, and payment systems like PayPal (PYPL), Zelle, and digital wallets.

The banking sector has “already digitized,” Moynihan said on Wednesday. “The business has moved digitally and it will continue to move that way. It’s just figuring out how to add the value.”

Is this a hint that BAC is looking at crypto as not a competition but rather both ecosystems can exist together? Your thoughts.

Despite the fact that I love digital technologies, everything has it's pros and cons. I don't prefer cashless society and one main argument is that they want it. And guess what government wants? To have control over people and digital transactions are best for them to know where and how we spend our money + how we get it. They can easily freeze your bank account if something happens but can do nothing to your cash and bitcoin. The fact that they say how welcome growth of bitcoin is, can be considered as masked lie. Cash is and will always be needed to leave ourselves some control on our money without technologies.
3787  Economy / Economics / Re: Repeating of all time high has begun on: June 23, 2019, 05:39:01 PM
Bitcoin always surprised us from the low price last year which is $3000 from the bitcoin achieved value today $11,000 but now is $10,700  it down to that price. Repeating what value in the 2017 to this year is really good and making exciting for everyone. But I believe because people supporting again the bitcoin those ATH maybe we can achieve more than that.
The main point is that this coin recovered, recovered from 3K, up to 400% which is an amazing result, especially if we consider the fact that it happened in not short but optimal amount of time which is even better. There is positive feelings among people, price makes again possible to make bitcoin mining profitable not only for commercials but for people to mine. This means much because we, people decide price. So this rice pushes another rise to begin and to reach more high prices, this matter here. It may be stable now at some point but for future purposes, there is a huge chance of rice, especially when there is upcoming halving.
3788  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Funding upstart - bitcoin maining on: June 23, 2019, 04:37:55 PM
Hello all

This forum is quit new for me. I have though noticed that her are lot of people that is experienced in mining.

The case is that I have access to a new HPC data center in north of Europe and there I have a offer to rent shelves for miners.
I have been studying the bitcoin business and there are great opportunities, but of course I realize that it is not only to cash in - you have to prepare your business for the life cycle of the bitcoin.

But as I said - I have a great chance to install computers in a new HPC facility data center, witch is a really great opportunity.
And did I have the computers ready I would have jumped on this opportunity - but there is a snag...... I do not possess the computers....

I know the wise man is probably going to tell me that it is a smart thing to start small, one ore few miners and build up slowly. And they are probably wright.
But the opportunity to be able to start up with from 96 to 448 (there is even a more space available) is making me mad.....     

So my question to you guys, that have been in this business for a long time.... do know how I can raise money to buy computers (Antminer S17, 56/Ths)?
Is there some one at all that lends money to those who are starting a miner business?

Thanks for every advise you are about to give me Smiley

The only chance for you to get money is loan from bank or you may get loan from there with some collateral which will be enough to buy 1-2 miner. Is there anything that you can actually do to raise money for mining? No. Vod answered you well, mining is different kind of business. In any way, you'll pay loan with mining profit so why not to buy miner yourself and let your mining rigs pay you loan back? All you can do is to offer people placing mining rigs in that datacenter and be supportive to them. Do you have tax free zone? I think no, so opportunities are limited.
3789  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: NBA to launch virtual sports betting game on: June 21, 2019, 10:40:11 PM
I guess it's a good news, but honestly I never tried virtual betting, can anyone educate me how it is done?
I'm a big fan of sports betting and I also bet in NBA games, but this one seems new to me but I'm kind of interested if I will learn how to do it.
Are you trolling? It's almost the copy of Sports betting. The only difference is that in Virtual sports betting everything happens virtually and randomly and bet positions aren't as much and exclusive as it's offered in sports betting.
One user really made correct comparison between virtual sports betting and slots, it's not different from them. None virtual sports offers same verify process like dice and similar ones, they are based on random number generators as far as I know and I highly believe system automatically makes some people to win and some  to lose in order to collect specific profit.
3790  Economy / Economics / Re: hackers becoming smarter than exchanges? on: June 21, 2019, 08:20:34 PM
it's not like that. hackers are not smarter then exchanges it's just the fact that they focus on finding the security loopholes and exchanges try to secure their sites in every possible way. it's like a war between the security vs majority because there are a lot of hackers searching for a bug or vulnerability and there is one 1 exchange to protect from them. Even good and Microsoft got hacked so why can't exchanges be hacked.
You say yourself that hackers are smarter than "exchanges". IT security team of exchanges have to take care of their website/online service securities, try their best to get rid of bugs but they fail and instead of it, hackers are more clever in finding them and exploiting. So this is real truth which isn't good of course. There may be another task, security team manually leaves some bugs and then act like hackers, maybe it sounds foolish but who knows, such fact was on slots too.
3791  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Who Controls your Crypto Funds after Death? on: June 21, 2019, 03:45:41 PM
Funny, strange but yet so real, right?

So if one dies, all the money will get stacked on blockchain and exchanges?

I have about 90% of my funds in crypto and was just wondering over the above?

If you tell your wife, she might kill you and enjoy it with the boyfriend lol &
Hahaha yh and you can't trust even your family....

If they don't kill you probably because they are good siblings...once they know you have much, demand will go high lol

Many will say why not write a will, why not tell a friend etc.. 

But one needs to do this,  I know we all might have our opinions,  let's share and see if we can come to a uniform and decentralized solution....
If we think that way, then maybe one day you'll drink a lot, get black out and who knows what you'll do with your bitcoins.
Well, I agree with you at some point, there are some tasks that are always with us and for some people, bitcoin and their wallet can be included too. Bitcoin needs some changes and one of them really is what you stated, I think that wasn't considered at the moment because who knew if bitcoin would become so famous.
There are two chances what will happen in future:
1. Your coins will be lost, supply will decrease and price will increase to protect demand/supply rule.
2. It will be changed and every unmoved coin will get dead but this will happen for example once in every 100 year or years that bitcoin needs to be fully mined, imagine bitcoin needs 100 year for mining, then every unmoved coin will get dead in every 100 year and they will be mined again.
3792  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Africa needs bitcoin, not a charity on: June 20, 2019, 10:28:14 PM
It's another task what you think and another one what kind of arguments you have and it's sad but I see zero argument here. How can bitcoin change Africa in a better way? If it can change Africa, then it means this coin has possibility to improve our life but no, the only thing that can change Africa and different countries is education, yeah, in undeveloped or in some developing countries, there is a lack of education. Who created bitcoin? Educated man or group so you know answer.
3793  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Facebook’s Global Coin Is A Threat to Bitcoin Cash, BCH Down 3.7% on: June 20, 2019, 07:17:52 PM
I have no idea from where such conclusions come. If you see coinsdesk's chart, you may see some similarities of recent price movements on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. So price of BCH has risen a little bit after your post. If we think like you, then facebook's global coin isn't a threat to bitcoin cash because it's 1% up. But no, it's earlier to say Libra is a threat for any coin or any coin is a threat for Libra. But personally I think it may be a threat for ripple, possibly for BCH because it's nothing unique and we know what kind of people stand behind it.
3794  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: The difference between the Facebook platform "LIBRA" and Bitcoin on: June 20, 2019, 06:11:28 PM
Bitcoin is like gold, Libra is more like dog poo in privacy matter. Why not use PayPal or CC instead of Libra?
hahaa, good point. Personally I don't consider Libra as an opponent of Bitcoin, no, these two are far, far away from each other, word crypto doesn't unite them. But Libra can be considered opponent of Ripple, fight might be between these two. People who prefer privacy, won't use it. For privacy, to my mind opponents are bitcoin and monero.
Btw I highly doubt if anyone has argument that it may protect your privacy, even facebook, website doesn't care about it and will their product consider it? No of course, they'll just monitor what you buy, how you spend money and that will be great for their marketing strategy, that's all.
3795  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Reasons Crypto Players Skip Casinos with KYC on: June 20, 2019, 05:35:24 PM
There are some casinos which legitimately request KYC and people accept it. I'll ask you one good question to answer yourself: Will you show your ID to random person which meets in you street? Of course no, but will you show your ID to a person that works in Bank and needs it for you? Of course yes. That's all. There are a lot of casinos and most of them are like random persons in street and there are some ones that are like official people in banks and etc. That's the whole idea and answer of this question.
3796  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: This is the the reason why Bitcoin price will go down and not up long term on: June 20, 2019, 05:12:12 PM
Bitcoin will never be instant, and that's why people won't use it long term. In our dynamic world things need to be fast and instant.

bitcoin was never meant to be "instant-confirmation" and people have been using it fine so far knowing it is not like that.

although bitcoin fees these days are not a problem as you think but i agree that having such high fees and having them shoot up like what it did over the past 30 minutes is bad for bitcoin adoption as a currency.

as for price, investors have shown that they don't care at all about price and so far they continue buying. in fact these spikes is exactly because they are buying bitcoin! and in the long run bitcoin scalability is improving so you can't really say it won't go up in long term.
+1 to this one and also, in long term it has a lot of reasons to rise, one of them is bitcoin halving.
On another hand transaction confirmation isn't problem today. Almost every service, including shops, wallets and etc accept instant payments, once their machine checks  transaction, if it has normal fee, you get automatically instant confirm from them and don't need to wait hours to see when it hits 6 confirmation.
Also people look bitcoin as an investment option which gives another boost of possibility that bitcoin will rise because a lot of people invest in it and this investment is different from others. Plus don't look bitcoin only as a currency, it's payment method too.
3797  Other / Meta / Do we really need trading discussion section? on: June 20, 2019, 11:47:58 AM
Hello guys, this question just came to my mind because every time I see this section, I see threads like how to keep calm during trading, how not to get angry, how to get much profit and etc. Well, that's ok but what disappoints me are comments. Everyone on this section acts like professional traders. Imagine for example I asked how to get profit with trading? Now answers will come from thousands of users, almost everyone repeating the same: keep calm, analyze charts and etc. So after all, do we really need such section? I think it will be better to stick some threads and that's all or review trading websites in this section.
3798  Economy / Gambling / Re: Can a site in BETA be posted here for pre-launch feedback? on: June 20, 2019, 11:26:25 AM
I'm part of a team working on a sports betting site and we're about to go into beta testing and we need proper feedback from real users. Would it be against community etiquette to post a beta site here?
Depends on what kind of beta. One man here opened slots website without slot and stated that they were in beta mode, hope you don't mean such case. If your website is ready and you just want to get more tests from community, then no problem to my mind. If you'll include some rewards during beta, for example free satoshies, this will cause positive give you positive view from community and more customers will try to test your beta.
3799  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Can we rent out the site users data? (emails and names only) on: June 19, 2019, 11:23:46 PM

In our privacy policy page we did mention that third parties may have access to your information.

is this even possible? how much we should charge per email blast?
It's 100% possible since the emails are in your hand. If the policy was third parties may have access of the information then you are okay to go. However in normal case a subscriber is interested to the product or service you offered and gave you their details for that reason. They did not gave the details to receive spam in their inbox.
It's sad but usually users don't read privacy policy page and just stick mark to continue registration, yeah, that's their fault but you can't write anything you wish. How can you offer such privacy policy when it's against laws? So from this, you violate laws, you try to agree users on what's prohibited. Second law violate will be if you sell their data, in overall we have two violate from you so I think you have to change privacy policy and forget selling of their data, at least that's unethical man.
3800  Economy / Speculation / Re: Is This The Last Time To Buy Bitcoin Cheap on: June 19, 2019, 10:28:07 PM
Even though now there is an increase in the price of bitcoin so we miss buying Bitcoin at cheap prices, maybe we can't conclude like that because bitcoin has an uncertain price that could be bitcoin going down again but I never expected bitcoin to come back down
no one expects the price of bitcoin to fall again, but the price movement of the cryptocurrency is indeed going up and down because every trader wants to look for profits earned from bitcoin so that the price of bitcoin has price movements up and down.
Maybe if people believe if bitcoin price not fall (actually fall will always come but not big as when dumped back again) people can do buy and sell in short time. After bitcoin price increased a little, we can take profit with it.
If bitcoin price doesn't fall, that wont' be a good too and people mustn't act that way like you stated. The whole charisma of bitcoin trading is how changeable it's price is. Also there is never last time to buy bitcoin in cheap price but we can both agree that 3K was great time for it, such moments will come, it's sad for someone and great for others. This coin always gives us possibility to catch cheap prices and wait for rise and that's good because it has some effect on bitcoin's develop.
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