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4041  Other / Politics & Society / Re: January 6 was all staged. on: October 24, 2022, 02:43:45 PM

I remember when you were convinced all the military present at Bidens inauguration were there to arrest Biden and Pelosi so Trump could stay.

Then, when that didn't happen and Biden was inaugurated, you were convinced he wasn't really in DC, he was on a movie set that looked like the White House, the whole thing was staged.

Then, you fell for some convoluted story about how none of the past dozen+ presidents were legitimate because of some technicality and in the Spring Trump would assume power and become the 15th president or something stupid like that.

You think Trump promoted the vaccine knowing it will kill anyone that takes it because that would mean all the democrats will die.

You think the pope was arrested for pedophilia.  

You think the Sandy Hook shooting was staged.  

You don't believe in "germ theory".

You ARE a bit slow, aren't you! You haven't figured out, yet, have you, that I often post sites from people who might think differently than you do. And in keeping with those sites, I add my two cents worth. So, you play around with what other people think in demeaning ways.

For example. Your words, "You don't believe in 'germ theory'," are so misleading. How can anybody NOT believe in germ theory? It's all over the books and Internet, and in the universities and colleges, and loads of other places as well.

The point is, it is "theory." Being theory doesn't make proof for germs true. And it doesn't make proof for germs false. If germs were true, they wouldn't be theory. Being theory shows that the question of germs has not yet been fully and provably answered, yet.

And you shrewdly play this kind of game all over the place.

4042  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama's inglorious departure on: October 23, 2022, 11:55:03 PM
Today, Biden has to correct the mistakes of previous American presidents.
Biden is making some very strong decisions

They are so strong (smelling) that he reeks of rot.     Cool
4043  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Pun & Fun Thread on: October 23, 2022, 11:22:45 PM
Seriously. What do you do in a country where it is illegal to get a divorce? Revoke your signature off your marriage agreement?

You miss the point

Please don't throw your pen at me.      Grin

4044  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid again on: October 23, 2022, 11:20:20 PM
All of the sudden the medical leaders are telling us Ivermectin is good for Covid. What's this about? Are they really trying to point us away from the fact that lots of dewormers and parasite medicines are good fighters for all kinds of diseases that their standard procedures can't cure? For example, and Fenbendazole, a dog and cat dewormer -

NIH flipflops on Ivermectin for prevention and treatment of Covid-19

In a shocking about face, the NIH now advocates the use of Ivermectin for treating Covid. This demonstrates possibly the biggest and most significant reversal of the mainstream Covid narrative to date. In the last few months, we've seen a few of the most prolific Covid propagandists admit to different aspects of the fraudulent fear campaign. Dr. Deborah Birx said she knew Covid vaccines would not protect against infection. The CDC modified its recommendations, stating that vaccinated and unvaccinated people should not be treated differently in any way, and that students exposed to someone with Covid do not need to quarantine or social distance any longer. Leana Wen, one of CNN's biggest fear-mongering talking heads, admits that masking hurt the development of her young child, and that everyone should make their own decisions on masking based on their own risk tolerance. This coming from someone who steadily persecuted anyone who dared to question "the science" or our benevolent health officials and government overlords. Bill gates asked "What's the point?" of mandates or checking people's vaccination status if they don't stop infection or transmission? That's a great question Bill, a great question indeed.


4045  Other / Politics & Society / Re: AN END TO ELON'S GENEROSITY on: October 23, 2022, 11:03:30 PM
I wonder if the CIA kidnapped Elon for a day, and loaded him on a plane headed for Cuba, and waterboarded him until he finally realized who the boss is... and then turned around and brought him home all safe and sound. So, the Ukraine might be getting the use of the satellites again.

4046  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Heritage Foundation ranks US military as 'weak' for first time on: October 23, 2022, 11:00:04 PM
With all the arms and ammo the US is sending to Ukraine... the strength of the US is scattered around the world in the 120-some bases the US has around the world. If we suddenly needed it at home, it might take a lifetime to get it back here.

4047  Other / Politics & Society / Re: January 6 was all staged. on: October 23, 2022, 10:57:07 PM
I don’t know if I’d go as far as saying it was staged. However it does appear that someone took advantage of a crowd and a lack of security to incite a mob of mostly harmless individuals and frame it as an attack on the capitol. Ray Epps being the obvious culprit of someone’s plan to create an incident where one would not have been. What makes it a horrible catastrophe is that someone lost their life as a result. We may never know the truth about Ray Epps or who is ultimately responsible, but I too believe the people storming the capitol building were pawns and not the orchestrators of the event.

Ray Epps conspiracy theory was debunked long ago.  And I have to say it's one of the dumbest conspiracy theories, even for Trumptards.  Completely baseless.

A bunch of idiots, including you, destroyed the guys life for no reason.  

I know you don't care about the facts as they won't change your mind, and even if they did - your ego would never allow you to admit you're wrong, but for anyone that is interested:

You use a couple of fake news capitols of the world for reference against fake news? Mwahahahaha! Grin

4048  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 23, 2022, 10:53:17 PM
The Covid vaccines weaken the immune system much. Anybody who gets theses vaccines will have a far more difficult time of being cured from anything.

This is why alot of people suspect there is more to the Covid vaccine thing than we know. How will government know it weakens the immune system of its citizens and still force them to go get jabbed. It does not make sense to me. Even those who have taken the jabs easily get infected with the Covid virus than those who have not. I know of friends who came down with the virus even after their third jabs.

It's been found that the blood clots that come as a result of the jabs, are mostly not blood, but rather are conglomerations of metals and other substances. It seems that the vaxx serums are "sucking" various metals and minerals out of the body, and clumping them together in the blood stream as clots. Search on it.

My personal though is, if autopsies were done in the microscopic range, we would find that these metal/mineral clumps were occurring all over the body. Some people believe that there is a conspiracy in government to do this on purpose to people. Why? Two reasons at least:
1. To make the people susceptible to 5G radiation, or maybe even 6G, to control them;
2. To be able to inflict pain in people, using the right kind of microwave blaster, to control them.

Why control people? To make slaves of them, so that they work for just enough to feed and clothe themselves. And it is mostly aimed at Americans because of American gun freedom.

What this means regarding Russia and the UN is, Russia and the UN doesn't matter at all. Why not? Russia is mandating the jabs, as well. So, regarding personal freedom, Russia isn't any better than the US.

4049  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Despair is a sign of defeat on: October 23, 2022, 05:19:34 PM
Rise and falls of Empire is part of evolution. Currently there is a lot going on in the world. Russia is just a start. Look there is financial and resource struggle going on around globe, rising unemployment rising population, rising debts and what not the world down the line 25 years will be a radically different place than we can imagine right now.
Russia has survived the war and there is another drone which they are purchasing from Iran to attack Ukraine.
Those are called Shahid 136 - and they are smaller than the old drones. But they are making a lot of damage to the Ukraine.

 Moreover, not so much the Ukrainian army, how many civilians are being killed.

When do civilians stop being civilians:
1. When they join the military;
2. When they join the government;
3. When they support the government and the military in their civilian capacity.

Russia is moving civilians out of potential war zones by 'shipping' them across the Dnieper River.

Ukraine is bringing civilians into the war zone by hiding soldiers among them.

Stop despairing, and write something that makes sense.

4050  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is lying now part of human nature? on: October 23, 2022, 05:08:04 PM
Of course lying is a big part of human nature. Consider the big lie that these guys are unraveling -

4051  Other / Politics & Society / Re: January 6 was all staged. on: October 23, 2022, 05:02:14 PM
Here is some powerful, bottom-line evidence that completely clears Trump from January 6 wrongdoing. How? By revealing twitter messages, emails and web sites scrubbed from the Internet, that showed who the real perpetrators of Jan. 6 were.

Internet Sting Operation "J6 DELETED" Exposes How Twitter Manipulated Jan. 6 Narrative

In 2018, Jason Sullivan—a social media and Twitter specialist—was subpoenaed by the special counsel investigating the now-debunked theory that Trump was colluding with Russia. Sullivan is now the lead investigative consultant to former President Donald Trump's legal team, via Peter Ticktin. In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, Sullivan explains how he discovered evidence of a coordinated operation by influencers and Twitter to set the narrative on Jan. 6, 2021, as events unfolded.

"We've created an algorithm that enables us to determine which tweets are on a trajectory of becoming a viral event," Sullivan explained. "We are watching social media intelligence in real-time, all day, every day, based on specific search terms, key phrases, and hashtags.



WHY - won't the Capitol Police, the FBI and the J6 Committee release the 14,000+ hours of closed circuit video taken from surveillance cameras located all across capitol grounds?

WHY - won't the FBI tell the American people just how many undercover agents were on capitol grounds and what precisely they were doing?

WHY - won't the FBI tell the American people just how many FBI informants were on capitol grounds who committed crimes of violence?

WHY - won't the J6 Committee show the American people all of the DELETED tweets and exculpatory evidence that is contained in this book? All of the DELETED evidence contained within this book was handed over to the committee back in May of 2022 based upon their own request. Why are they sitting on this evidence?

WARNING: You Are About To Find Out


4052  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: October 23, 2022, 04:37:37 PM

When I read the news that the Ukrainian army is unable to repel the attacks of the drones that Russia acquired from Iran, it becomes clear to me that the Ukrainian surface-to-air defenses are very weak or non-existent at all.
The same thing when I read the news that Britain is training the Ukrainian forces on its soil before redeploying them to the battlefield, it becomes clear to me that this army is inexperienced in wars and it is hard to believe that it wins successive rounds as the loyal media wants to portray us.

Russia is putting pressure on Ukraine from several sides, not only militarily. The targeting of vital facilities (airports, power generators, warehouses for goods...) greatly affects the military support of the Ukrainian army, to which the allied countries are unable to provide adequate assistance.

And because Ukraine is being supported by the US and Nato, the Russian pressure is really against the US and Nato.

At the same time, it is destroying the economy of the people of the US and Nato nations.

4053  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is good leadership enough to fight corruption? on: October 23, 2022, 04:32:19 PM
By 2023 there will be a transition of power and if the choice of the people eventually emerges as the winner, following the current state of an entire country i ask will good leadership be enough to fight corruption in a country where everyone is corrupt?

Every good leadership will fight corruption because it prevents government policies from running smoothly. Remember that the country, that is Nigeria, you are referring to had its president picked on the believe that he Buhari was going to fight corruption. But the president disappointed everyone by not fighting it. Instead his government became worse than the one before him. Corruption is worse under Buhari and that is one of the things that has marked his government as a bad one.

We need Trump back, to get rid of the gross corruption of the Democrat leaders and Biden.


Americans now know the value of Donald Trump. They wanted him out and found weak Joe to replace him but they soon found out it was a bad exchange. I hope Trump runs in the next election. Americans are like Nigerians who wanted Jonathan out for Buhari who has now proven to be worse than Jonathan.

Not meaning to make this post a Trump thing, but, Trump's rallies for the 2020 election had hundreds of thousands of people. Biden's rallies only had hundreds if that. Something other than the people got Biden elected... corruption.

Consider the following about how corruption works.


Consider a group of people in the middle of thousands of acres of land, where there is no other government than what they set up.

Since they are families who are all friends, they don't really need a government, because they all work together.

But with any group, there is a thief among their group. But he gets caught, and is punished by the group, or expelled from the group.

The thief realizes he needs help. So, he carefully looks for and finds other people who would like to be thieves, as well. They organize into a band that raids and steals property from the group of people.

After a bunch of raids, the people get together and form a temporary government for the purpose of fighting the band of thieves. They do this, and have success at overcoming the thieves, and even executing some of them. But a few get away.

Now, there is a shrewd joker among the group of people. He would like to be a thief, but is too smart, knowing what the people will do to him when he is caught. So, he talks the other people into keeping the little government that they set up to fight the thieves.

This shrewd guy talks the people into letting him be leader, because nobody else really wants to do it. As time goes on, and the group grows, this shrewd leader quietly introduces banking and taxes, which are really unnecessary. He skims off the top and lives the easy life, being supported by the others.

Well, that's all that the original thief wanted... to live the easy life being supported by others. But the shrewd joker found a way to do it that seemed logical to the people, but really wasn't necessary.


Corruption generally becomes something substantial through people who want to be leaders.

4054  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gratitude should be an attitude on: October 23, 2022, 04:11:46 PM
^^^ However, gratitude must include gratitude to God who gave us our lives, our bodies, and the whole universe, if we want to have REAL gratitude.

4055  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 23, 2022, 04:06:44 PM
Both Putin and Biden has made so much damage to the world after coronavirus.
Biden did a great jolt to the south Asia - when he ordered to expel the US troop from Afghanistan after 20 years. Putin gave a jolt to the world - when he order his troops to invade Ukraine. COVID _ BIDEN _ PUTIN the trio did so much disaster to the world . Thank you three

Goodness me, that was a dark period in our lives. Am sure no one wants to be reminded of the deceit called Covid and the politics that went with it in 2019 to 2021. Those who championed it made alot of money for themselves deceiving the entire world that they could find a cure. Till date what is that remedy? Nothing. Even the vaccines made for it are not effective against it till today.

Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and methylene blue all cure Covid. However, anybody who has an extremely weak immune system makes it more difficult for any medicine to work.

The Covid vaccines weaken the immune system much. Anybody who gets theses vaccines will have a far more difficult time of being cured from anything.

How do we know? Many different animals die almost immediately from the Covid vaccines. People simply have immune systems that are far more complex than those of animals, or they would die on the spot, as well... not that some people haven't died this fast.

Investigate Open VAERS.

LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA "vaccination"

Believe it or not, cattle are reportedly now getting jabbed with the stuff, which in a recent mass "vaccination" campaign of an Australian herd resulted in 35 of the 200 animals dying immediately.

We are told that dairy farmers and others are now being forced to inject their animals for the Fauci Flu in order to remain in business, and that the animals are not responding well to it.

Just like in humans, the shots are causing such profound damage that many of the animals are succumbing to instant death, while the others are getting sick and dying over a longer period of time.

For the animals that survive, one wonders what is becoming of their milk, which gets passed on as food for other animals as well as humans. Is it safe to consume mRNA-tainted milk and cheese from a "fully vaccinated" dairy cow? The answer is probably not.

"Dairy herd DNA is altered," one report explains. "Milk is altered and you consume it! Butter constitution, yoghurt, and cheese is altered, meat is altered – will chicken and other meats be next?

Is there any evidence at all to suggest that animals "catch" covid?

What is mysteriously absent from the "science" behind forced mRNA injections for animals is any actual evidence that animals are getting sick from covid.


4056  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 22, 2022, 07:36:15 PM

Expelling Russia from the UN is not going to affect it much. It is facing so many sanctions but it is still surviving it like nothing is happening to it. The world needs to think deep and come out with severe measures that can make Putin go down. He is the devil himself. I hate a human being who inflicts pain and sorrow on others. This is what Putin is doing to the world now, someone should take him out.

Resignation will not save Putin, he has already been recognized as a war criminal, with all the ensuing consequences.

By the way, Biden called Putin a murderer. One must think the American president has every reason to call Putin that.

The reason is called brain dead.     Cool
4057  Other / Off-topic / Re: What psychology says about a normal human. on: October 22, 2022, 07:33:17 PM
They say that there are 8 billion people in the world, now. Sounds like we should become 8 billion separate nations.

4058  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Pun & Fun Thread on: October 22, 2022, 07:31:07 PM

It's perfectly fine to marry your second cousin, as long as you're legally divorced from the first one

Seriously. What do you do in a country where it is illegal to get a divorce? Revoke your signature off your marriage agreement?

4059  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obama's inglorious departure on: October 22, 2022, 07:23:16 PM
Obama is Biden's puppet master. Obama never really left government.

4060  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Not like China: Hong Kong reportedly wants to legalize crypto trading on: October 22, 2022, 07:21:51 PM
But Hong Kong is part of China, now. Will China let them?

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