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441  Other / Meta / Re: @JohnnyLVC - Abuse and violation of the forum's good practices on: April 07, 2021, 01:18:40 PM
He's banned. Guess it's a temp ban though
442  Other / Meta / Re: Is there a way to scroll a signature area? on: April 01, 2021, 02:47:57 PM
How can we scroll down? Is there an easy way to get the info that you can't see?


If you really want to see the entire sig:
- select visible signature
- right click -> inspect element
- in the new tab a bit above you will see <div class="signature.....> click on that row
- in the right column uncheck the option {max-height} (should be the first one)

Will be able to see the entire signature... until you refresh the page  Tongue
443  Other / Meta / Re: Introducing NFTs for forum members on: April 01, 2021, 02:13:33 PM
Even though this fNFT has a low rarity level is it very scarce. This is the only one for sale (for the moment at least)
For the low price of 618 BTC (It actually is a low price) you can buy a page of this forum's history: Gleb Gamow-I
On second thought you would buy 1024 pages worth (20480 posts ... 20 on each page... you get the idea) so price bumped up to 1024 BTC  Wink
444  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: cea mai buna si sigura metoda sa schimbi criptomonedele in lei in contul tau on: March 29, 2021, 03:10:47 PM

stiti vreo banca din Romania ce accepta transferuri din exchange-uri crypto daca se doreste transferarea unor sume mai mari, de genul 100k Euro?
Evident dupa asta se declara suma la ANAF, dar nu mai e treaba bancii .


Problema este ca majoritatea bancilor ti-ar bloca contul in secunda doi si ar cere documente justificative. "De unde ai tu banii astia?"
Nu am trecut prin asa ceva si nu stiu sigur cat de usor este sa demostrezi ca sunt banii tai. Daca accepta ca si proba mesaje semnate de la adrese de crypto sau care este procedura.
Am auzit de cazuri cu banii blocati luni bune.
Din pacate bancile pot refuza tranzactii sau pot pune bete in roate daca banii au legatura cu domeniul crypto. E abuziv, dar momentan nu ii impiedica nimeni.

Poti sa dai un mail la departamentul de support al exchange-ului pe care vrei sa il folosesti si sa intrebi de banca X. Daca utilizatorii au avut vreo probleme cu ea pana acum, etc. Cel putin la Kraken ai optiunea asta...

Alternatively, if you have another bank in mind, our funding team can check its Bank Identifier Code (BIC) to see if we've had any recent issues with it.

Eu as tinde sa nu implic bancile si spatiu crypto, dar inteleg motivul unora. Daca reusesti ceva lasa o postare cu experientele tale sa afle si altii.  Smiley
445  Other / New forum software / Re: Do we want Epochtalk? on: March 25, 2021, 09:10:13 AM
I dig the current design but it would be really great if it could get some additions in it, like mentions, quotes, etc.

Notifications have been taken into account. You get notified (also optional by mail) if you have been mentioned with @ or your post has been quoted "you have a reply to your post". Once the merit module will be working it will be hooked up to notifications as well.
If it gets annoying you can block notifications for mentions or quotes from certain users.
446  Other / Meta / Re: Feedback: You can't give more than 5 ratings to the same user on: March 22, 2021, 02:09:10 PM
That is the limit theymos added a while back

OK, new limits:
 - You can't give more than 5 ratings to a single user.
 - Your total sent ratings is limited to three times your activity, but at least 1.
 - The comment length is limited to 600 characters, but each newline counts as 120 characters.

IMO "did tons of trades with this user. All of them went fine. I trust him/her" should be enough even if we are talking about 2 or 2 dozen trades...
447  Other / Meta / Re: Discord bot and this forum on: March 17, 2021, 04:33:00 PM
Is it possible to have a Discord bot submit new topics being posted on a specific subforum from here?

You can make one if you need/want
TryNinja's site parses the forum and has a db and APIs

The new website is out! Remade from scratch.


- Unedited/archived post:
- Unedited/archived posts on specific topic:

Not sure it stores board/subforum info...
But seems doable

Happy coding  Tongue
448  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: cea mai buna si sigura metoda sa schimbi criptomonedele in lei in contul tau on: March 17, 2021, 03:39:57 PM
Ma poate ajuta cineva ?
Sunt nou in minerit si sa zicem ca am nevoie de niste bani si am pe Nicehash o suma in criptomonede, cum fac sa ii schimb si sa ii am la mine in cont, am si card de Revolut,se pot pune banii acolo?

Sunt de acord cu ce au zis baietii mai sus. Tin totusi sa mai adaug niste lucruri:

1. nu poti folosi Revolut pentru crypto. Acolo iti scrie ca "transferi RON si primesti BTC" dar nu e chiar asa. Tu nu detii BTC, cu toate lucrurile asociate: chei private, adresa, seed etc. Tu nu poti sa trimiti "acei asa zisi BTC" din Revolut in vreun portofel sau exchange.
E ca si cum ai primi in schimb un cec unde scrie ca detii contravaloarea a 0.01 BTC. Si in functie de cum fluctueaza pretul BTC poate insemna mai multi sau mai putini RON/EUR etc. Tinand cont ca au comision 5% pentru "acest transfer" daca BTC creste cu 4% de cand ai schimbat si ai nevoie de RON... tot iesi in pierdere.
Revolut are beneficiile lui dar parerea mea ca nu in crypto

2. daca vrei sa scoti niste crypto din NiceHash sa vinzi poti face asta in multe feluri.
  • Fie cum zice NeuroticFish, adica iti iei un card crypto. Ele sunt legate de un exchange. Sunt OK la facut plati dar nu prea OK la scos cash de la bancomat. Asemanator cu Revolut, undeva pe la 800-1000 RON / luna in functie de card. (din cate tin minte)
  • Te poti intalni undeva cu o persoana care sa cumpere. Presupun ca ii poti trimite direct din NiceHash. Bagi adresa persoanei respective la withdrawal si el isi da cash sau transfer bancar... cum va intelegeti
  • Sau iti faci cont pe un exchange si ii trimiti la adresa ta din exchange. Vinzi crypto pt EUR si dupa ii bagi in cont

Fiecare varianta are plusuri si minusuri.
Cardurile crypto - retrageri limitate de cash de la bancomate, cel putin alea care au si optiunea asta
Schimb cu alte persoane: trebuie sa fi atent ca mai sunt si tepe. Dar sigur prietenul prietenului stie pe cineva relativ de incredere. Isi ia si baiatul comision ca te ajuta si toata lumea e fericita
Exchange + banca : cea mai nefericita combinatie, dar nah... Trebuie sa faci KYC (poza buletin, poza cu tine tinand buletinul, facturi etc). Bancile sunt foarte reticente si multe pur si simplu iti mai blocheaza contul daca realizeaza ca banii provin din tranzactionearea de criptomonede. BT este cel mai bun exemplu in acest sens.
Daca nu te sperie KYC, declaratii Anaf 10% din profit, banci care blocheaza contul etc atunci nu te opreste nimeni. In legatura cu comisioanele nu as sti sa te ghidez. Ce combinatie de exchange+banca. In principiu aia care te accepta  Cheesy
Comisioane are fi: fee de retea BTC atunci cand transferi BTC din NiceHash in exchange. Fee exchange la schimb BTC-EUR. La retragere pe card depinde de la exchange la exchange. Comisioane card (administrare etc)
449  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoin adress - wallet on: March 16, 2021, 05:45:25 PM
O să continui īncă cāteva zile poate reușesc să īmi aduc aminte ce și cum am făcut pe vremea aceea și să īncerc poate am noroc cu adresa de e-mail să recuperez ceva,dar așteptările deja sunt sub minim.

Din cate imi dau seama cred ca ai folosit un portofel online, pe vreun site asemanator sau exchange. Adica o metoda unde introduci email + parola si gata.
Eu zic sa iti iei adresele de mail la puricat pentru mail-uri de genul "welcome to..." "account created..." "confirm your account..." "wallet..." si poate gasesti ceva pana la urma.
Bafta !

450  Other / New forum software / Re: Do we want Epochtalk? on: March 16, 2021, 01:14:27 PM
I know JavaScript well. I don't think I could fix anything in the EpochTalk code without spending a couple of weeks learning the framework and even then I'd still be like someone who just learned the road signs trying to drive for the first time.

Granted I have zero enthusiasm for this project so spending even two hours learning anything about it sounds extremely unappealing Smiley

I am aware that people are not going to contribute out of the blue. You normally contribute if you use it and/or plan to build on top of it, to add extra functionality etc That being said I see the reluctance to do so. Fair point ! Guess this might change when the beta would be live (again)  Tongue

451  Other / New forum software / Re: Do we want Epochtalk? on: March 16, 2021, 11:52:44 AM
All that happened until now is that Theymos lost the passion for the new software as the time pass by and he is in his 30s now and life is much different than the exiting 20s, he has a stable job witch takes all of his time and all the bitcoin work goes to the "hobby" time, which as we all know  is less and less with every year until you retire. This is how I see it, he lost that "magic" and now it's just a thing quite far on the bottom of the "boring" ToDo list.

The forum (this one) seems more like responsibility to him than a fun project it used to be.
I hope I'm wrong.

Am I not getting the same vibe... yet  Cheesy

As far as Epochtalk is concerned to me sounds scalable and lots of new, fresh, modern ideas can be implemented, once it's up and running that is.
I guess we shall eventually see. Or maybe I'm too optimist as less years have passed since I am actively aware of the project. Could be...

TBH I'm not sure how much of a control he's excercising in this project. Like for example who signed off on moving from AngularJS to Vue and not some other framework.

Contrary to common belief most things are reviewed and approved by "El Hefe".

I don't like users being told to do it themselves when there are people getting paid to do it. Besides, if I wanted to contribute a year ago and started learning Angular or whatever it was, it would have been quite useless now that it's being converted to something else, and 5 years from now when Vue is no longer cool it will be something else again etc.

It is open source. Anyone can contribute if they want. Angular is developed by Google but plain users like me and you can still make a commit and fix/improve things even if they already have their own in-house core dev team. I was just saying there might be an alternative to making a userscript, that's all.
Both Vue and Angular are still javascript at their core. If you know Angular that does not mean this skill is useless. It just means the learning curve is a whole lot less steeper than for others.  Wink


On the same note with @shahzadafzal's post:
452  Other / New forum software / Re: Do we want Epochtalk? on: March 13, 2021, 12:22:49 AM
The options were Vue and React. They chose Vue because it's easier to work with for future contributors , good community and a few other aspects. Not sure if it's easier to port from AngularJS... might be

Regarding the ETA part it's hard to say. I would guesstimate a few more months to finish porting the code.
About a fully functional working beta... only Satoshi can say.
453  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: With a clogged network, users will start abandoning BTC for alts. Change my mind on: March 12, 2021, 03:45:15 PM
I don't think the fees are too high.
~80 sats/byte is pretty decent overall. It's the price increase that made that fee mean more in USD.
See below a graph of BTC fees:

The fiat equivalent for the current BTC fees are high atm and personally I don't think using alts during times like this is a bad thing.
The more people use a certain coin, the more congested it will get.

There is no magic solution for scalability. It will be a mix of things IMO. The LN will help, taproot will allow more tx in a block so smaller fee ones catch the train faster, future 2nd layer solutions... maybe they decide to even increase the block size at some point, who knows... But each will add to it gradually.
If you want to spend $2 either use LN or the alt of your choise.
It's a free market at the end of the day. If everyone would make 5sat tx then everything would be OK, but it's a bidding war ...
454  Other / New forum software / Re: Do we want Epochtalk? on: March 12, 2021, 11:56:19 AM
I was referring to userscripts - if necessary - after it's released as Bitcointalk 2.0.
I was referring to the fact that even now there are user scripts doing very well thins kind of things.

I use some userscripts myself and yes, they are very helpful. Also made some myself to improve work flows (nothing fancy tho)
Was just saying that the functionality of those userscripts might as well be added directly in the source. It is an open source project after all, regardless of who and how much paid so far. Anyone can fell free to contribute and I am 101% sure the devs would be happy to hear an opinion or review a commit/pull request etc

@Veleor was super helpful and has 113 issues open so far on the epochtalk repo.
Did not get a chance to publicly thank him for all the bugs found, the typos, the glitches, proposals and the advice so far. Thanks Veleor, you're awesome ! Cool Cool Cool

My point was that it has huge potential. True, the current design has a certain hate it or love it vibe. Maybe, as you said, some members with UI/UX experience can have a look and chip in a bit  Smiley

And to answer the topic title: I personally want it !
455  Other / New forum software / Re: Do we want Epochtalk? on: March 12, 2021, 11:06:25 AM
Currently devs are pushing hard to move the code from AngularJS which will be EOL at the end of this year to Vue. Don't have an ETA but you can see the progress here

Exactly. And we have on the forum quite a number of skilled people that can add an user script and adjust the look and feel here and there if it's getting released and a big number of users won't like it.
Somewhat strange to keep telling that over years, but it's still early to criticize the UI.

It's open source:
Instead of criticizing the CSS or make a userscript... make a commit or open an issue. Even if it's just a typo or something. It all adds up. Plus your username would be in the list of contributors for the forum software. That must count for something  Cool

It comes with some predefined color themes that can be edited and each admin can customize to his/her own preference. Don't see any reason why not to also have several general themes that can be changed with just one click. OK... maybe two clicks, guess you also have to click and the "Save" button  Tongue maybe even community made. It's just a commit away !

On top of that it's very modular. For years there have been tons of requests to add certain features. Some stupid, some reasonable, some very cool and useful. But the biggest reason was the code. Because it is a highly pimped upgraded custom SFM, any change/addition can easily break many other parts of working code. I can see the addition/changes of future features would be implemented much easier and safer.

There will be some public API, so statistics etc would be a piece of cake.

P.S. just glancing at it for 2 seconds and throwing up means you just don't see the bigger picture. I guess only time will tell  Smiley

456  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: De ce a cazut crypto in freza pe 22 Februarie ? on: March 11, 2021, 12:33:26 PM

Uhm... cu riscul (speranta? Smiley ) de a transforma acest topic intr-un nou Wall Observer..

Nu ar fi o idee rea!
Am observat ca discutiile in legatura cu pretul, evolutia, prognoza etc (chiar daca unele sunt doar afirmatii fara fundament) pot avea mai multe sanse sa genereze o discutie cel putin amuzanta sau poate chiar productiva.
Ar fi placut niste "sange proaspat" ... cu sau fara roabe de sampanie.

in max. 6 saptamani!
Sa te auda Satoshi !

Uniti vom invinge !

457  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: De ce a cazut crypto in freza pe 22 Februarie ? on: March 10, 2021, 09:36:03 PM
@Rizzrack, la 66.6K si tot tacamul descris mai sus dai o sampanie la roaba daca nu dau eu doua!

Pe pandemia asta mai greu cu roabele... totusi ar trebui si o perioada aproximativa pt 66.6k, nu doar candva. Cu lumanarea te aman o luna de atunci  Wink
458  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: App for mining on: March 10, 2021, 06:03:01 PM
True, but would be the least evil plan tho. Still a significant difference from the others  Tongue
When looking from another angle it's not really bad but the problem is that it might be an avenue to trapped people's Bitcoin, because someone can wake-up any day any time and invent new thing positive or negative, now using app is new innovation and no one can give it a trial because we don't want to lose our Bitcoin, because we are not sure of application mining.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't touch that apk with a ten foot pole. "Mining" phone apps are definitely scam! Was just pointing out the less dangerous probable path.
But true, no one can guarantee it remains the same after some "security update" that steals all your funds. 
459  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: De ce a cazut crypto in freza pe 22 Februarie ? on: March 10, 2021, 05:18:37 PM
La 66.6K o sa o i-a pe aratura rau de tot iar dupa vreo saptamana in care o sa se infrupte balenele de plancton se duce la 100k dintr-o lumanre. Mai departe nu stiu...

Sunt curios cum ai ajuns la 66.6k ? Calendare mayase ? Nostradamus ? Scrie ceva in Biblie despre BTC ... "moneda bestiei"? La valoarea aia iti da suma rotunda in wallet ?

E posibil sa o nimeresti pe aia cu lumanarea. Doar ca nu merge sa o setezi pe mai mult de o luna. Dar cine stie, poate sunt destule 30 de zile pentru a sari la 100k.

To the moon and beyond !
460  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: App for mining on: March 10, 2021, 03:46:04 PM
this would still be a scam becaue it is deceiving the users into thinking they are installing a "mining" app but in reality there is no mining involved at all.
if by "app" we are talking about something you install on your phone then definitely there is no mining.

True, but would be the least evil plan tho. Still a significant difference from the others  Tongue
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