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4461  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 10, 2015, 05:28:53 PM

Father Lets Daughter Drown At Beach In Dubai Rather Than Have Male Rescuers ‘Touch’ Her

The father of a 20-year-old girl let his daughter drown at a beach in Dubai rather than have her saved by ‘strange’ men of a rescue team, reported Emirates 24|7.

The man, said to be Asian, had taken his family to the beach when his daughter began to drown and screamed for help. However, when rescuers rushed to help, her father stopped them which led to the girl’s death.

Deputy Director of Dubai Police’s Search and Rescue Department Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Burqibah said it was an incident he would never forget. “The father took his wife and kids to the beach for picnic and fun. The kids were swimming in the beach when suddenly, the 20-year-old girl started drowning and screaming for help. Two rescue men were at the beach, and they rushed to help the girl. However, there was one obstacle which prevented them from reaching the girl and helping her. This obstacle was the belief of this man who considered that if these men touched his daughter, then this would dishonour her. It cost him the life of his daughter.”

4462  Other / Politics & Society / Happy Anniversary #Ferguson on: August 10, 2015, 05:19:45 PM

St. Louis County police said a gun battle in Ferguson, Mo. late Sunday climaxed when one of the suspects involved opened fire on plainclothes detectives before being pursued and shot by the officers after a day of peaceful demonstrations in Ferguson marking the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death.

Chief Jon Belmar did not identify the suspect, whom he said was in “critical, unstable” condition at a local hospital. However, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch identified the man as 18-year-old Tyrone Harris Jr. Harris’ father, also named Tyrone, told the paper that his son had just come out of surgery early Monday, and noted that his son and Brown “were real close.”

In a statement released Monday morning, St. Louis County police said the suspect was one of at least two people who exchanged gunfire at around 11:15 p.m. local time along West Florissant Avenue. Belmar said that between 40 and 50 shots were fired in an exchange that lasted approximately 45 seconds, an amount he described as “remarkable.”

Belmar said that officers had been tracking the suspect, whom they believed to be armed, during the protest. As the gunfire began, the unmarked van the officers were driving in turned on its emergency lights and began moving toward the suspect. Authorities said the man opened fire, striking the van multiple times.

4463  Other / Politics & Society / Re: EPA Dumps One Million Gallons of Wastewater Into Colorado River on: August 10, 2015, 05:20:13 AM

 Grin Cheesy Grin

4464  Other / Politics & Society / Re: EPA Dumps One Million Gallons of Wastewater Into Colorado River on: August 10, 2015, 03:15:15 AM

State Of Emergency Declared In Colorado Town …EPA Disaster Three Times Bigger Than Estimated

EPA boss shocked face

The Environmental Protection Agency said Sunday the amount of waste water that spilled from the Gold King Mine and turned the Animas River orange was three times its original estimate.

Shaun McGrath, administrator from the EPA Region 8 Office, said three million gallons of the toxic water laced with heavy metals spilled into Cement Creek last Wednesday. McGrath said the agency updated its initial estimate of one million gallons after checking a U.S.G.S. stream gauge on Cement Creek.

Sunday marked five days since an EPA team mistakenly released the waste water from the abandoned Gold King Mine in Silverton. The orange plume was still moving at about 500 feet per minute, thinning as it reached areas near Farmington, New Mexico.

4465  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Easy DNA Editing Will Remake the World. Buckle Up. on: August 10, 2015, 02:09:32 AM
Can you have sex with a altered species that has human features?

4466  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: August 10, 2015, 12:47:28 AM

Seattle To Pass ‘Gun Violence’ Tax on Guns And Ammo…

There isn’t a far-left issue that the Seattle City Council hasn’t passed or considered passing. So you just knew that they would get around to screwing gun owners in some novel and inventive way.

How about a $25 tax on every firearm sold? Add to that a 5 cent tax on every cartridge and you have the typical liberal assault on law-abiding gun owners.

But that’s only part of the package. There’s also a provision to require  gun owners to report the theft or loss of any firearm within 24 hours.

4467  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders VS #blacklivesmatter on: August 10, 2015, 12:37:40 AM

Bernie Sanders is now effectively a hostage of #BlackLivesMatter

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A large, well attended Bernie Sanders rally was shut down entirely by a handful of Black Lives Matter protesters.

This time it happened in Seattle when Sander’s portion of the first of two events in the area was closed down before it had even begun. A long slate of speakers at Westlake Park led up to the big event, where the self-described socialist was to be the keynote speaker in front of one of his now familiar, big crowds. But alas, it was not to be. (Washington Post)

Shortly after he took stage, a small group of protesters from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter took the microphone and demanded that the crowd hold Sanders “accountable” for not doing enough, in their view, to address police brutality and other issues on the group’s agenda.

After sharing a few local grievances with the crowd, including school disparities and gentrification in Seattle, the protesters asked for a period of silence to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown being shot and killed during a confrontation with a police officer in Ferguson, Mo.

Event organizers allowed the period of silence, as some in the large crowd booed and shouted for the protesters to leave the stage. Afterward, Marissa Janae Johnson, who identified herself as a leader of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Seattle, asked the crowd to “join us now in holding Bernie Sanders accountable for his actions.” She motioned for Sanders to join her at the microphone.

We’ll get to why this is significant in a moment, but the important thing to note here is that after the events described above, there was a “frantic conversation” between Sanders and his staff and then he fled the stage. He greeted some people in the crowd (who were clearly angry that the protesters had shut down his event) and then he left.

Sanders’ next event went much better, scoring perhaps his largest crowd of the campaign yet at roughly 15,000, but he made it obvious that the message had been received loud and clear. (CNN)

Though he did not directly address the earlier disturbance, Sanders cast himself as a lifelong fighter for civil rights.

“No President,” he said, “will fight harder to end the stain of racism in this country and reform our criminal justice system. Period.”…

Sanders was introduced by a series of speakers, nearly all of whom mentioned Black Lives Matters.

“Sen. Sanders knows, as do I, that Black Lives Matter,” state Rep. Luis Moscoso said. “Racial inequality is as serious as economic inequality. No one should be dehumanized by their race.”…

Sanders’ campaign also announced Saturday that Symone D. Sanders, an African-American woman, has been hired as its national press secretary.

This is truly remarkable. At this point, Bernie Sanders has essentially surrendered his campaign to a group of protesters. He has now twice been driven from his own stage. At the first event, the candidate apparently was part of a scheduled event where all the proper permits were obtained and the rules were followed. But as soon as he arrived at the podium he allowed someone with no scheduled access to the facilities to physically take the microphone away from him, change the agenda to include a moment of silence and then berate him. In response he fled the scene.

The Black Lives Matter arm of the SJW is successfully performing like a small pack of wolves who have found the weak bison in the herd. They have learned that Sanders has a weak team and no stomach for a confrontation and can be bullied into silence as they advance their agenda. Sanders had a huge crowd at the first event who were obviously there to see and hear him and were disgruntled when he was denied the chance to speak. Yet he let them down and ran away from a confrontation with a few agitators. This is a leader? This is what inspires a nation to follow you into the future?

The agenda at the second, larger event speaks volumes also. Sanders came with his own program of topics, wishing to speak about the the anniversary of Social Security, the minimum wage, family leave and programs to “improve the lot of the working class.” Yet he had to highlight his new National Press Secretary and make absolutely sure everyone knew she was black. Then, each and every speaker – including the Senator – had to mouth the catch phrase “black lives matter” over and over just to make sure that his own event wasn’t shut down by malcontents.

Bernie Sanders has demonstrated that he can’t even lead one of his own rallies, say nothing of the nation. He is currently little more than a hostage to a small group of activists who, spotting a target who can easily be bullied, are following him from event to event and dictating his behavior. If you try that at a Chris Christie rally you are told to sit down and shut up. When Sanders comes to town you can kick him around like a tin can. And now that the precedent has been set, it will be all the harder for Bernie to regain control of his message. It’s a sad spectacle to behold.

Brave Sir Bernie ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Bernie turned about
He gallantly chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Bernie.

4468  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: August 10, 2015, 12:04:16 AM

RINO CRASH: Donald Trump Builds on Lead After First Debate – Ted Cruz Surges to Second

Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Dr. Ben Carson moved up in the polls the most in the first polls conducted following the first GOP presidential debates.

In a new NBC News/Survey Monkey poll released on Sunday, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a constitutional conservative, catapulted into second place overall, increasing by a whopping 7% over the prior poll, putting him at 13% overall, more than doubling his prior support of 6%, according to the poll.

Cruz, a former national collegiate debate champion, soared despite having his debate performance largely put on mute mode by major media outlets, including FOX News.

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina, who most believe won the “happy hour” debate among the bottom seven candidates, surged 6%, leapfrogging several candidates and is now tied for fourth place with Florida Senator Marco Rubio, whose numbers were unchanged following the debate.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson increased his poll numbers by three points, moving into third place overall. Carson was considered to have one of the strongest closing statements of any candidate in either debate.

Overall, it was a terrible night, according to the poll, for establishment RINO candidates. Establishment-backed candidate Jeb Bush, who has constantly been pushed by media outlets as the inevitable GOP nominee, fell from second place all the way to being tied for fifth place with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Both Bush and Walker had three points shaved off their prior to the debate numbers following their uninspiring debate performances.

Another RINO, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who got into a heated brouhaha with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul over the Fourth Amendment and NSA spying, crashed by 2/3, falling all the way to 1% from 3%. Rand Paul dropped 1%, but is now only 2% below Jeb Bush.

Ohio Governor John Kasich, who sounded like a big government progressive during the debate and was roundly praised by both liberal media and FOX News pundits, actually lost support, losing a full 1/3 of his prior supporters.

4469  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: August 09, 2015, 11:53:22 PM

“This Trump thing will be taken care of...”

The call for help has even been issued to Jeb Bush’s seeming Democratic rival – Team Clinton. Apparently Bush operatives believe that between the two political dynasties and their many supporters among the Mainstream Media and corporate business world, the Trump threat can be quickly terminated before it grows into a legitimate challenge to the seemingly pre-determined Bush vs Clinton 2016 showdown.

A D.C. Whispers source put it this way:

“It’s said that Hillary Clinton wants nothing to do with Donald Trump. To most they just call him a clown, but privately they’re afraid of him. The Clinton team doesn’t fear Jeb Bush because they know what they are up against and that lack of fear is mutual among the Bush operation as well. They both run in similar circles politically and financially, so it’s a choice of shades of the same color and that’s how they want to keep it.”

Apparently Jeb Bush’s focus on “The Donald” has become quite personal. Bush is said to be “deeply disappointed” that the media and corporate attacks on Mr. Trump have only made the outspoken billionaire’s appeal to voters that much stronger. It is a political dynamic for which Bush political operatives are increasingly confused and concerned over.

Those concerns were said to be given some salve in the form of assurances from Bill Clinton during a personal call he had with Jeb Bush two days earlier. While most of that conversation remains private, Jeb did share with others that the former president reminded the would-be presidential hopeful that, “a lot of this Trump thing will be taken care of during your debates, if not sooner.”

4470  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Video: New approach to fighting crime in New Orleans on: August 09, 2015, 11:44:53 PM
After Katrina it was found out that 1/3 of the "officers on the police force" did not even exist, the money for their paychecks was being funneled off in various directions...

I have heard similar stories from the third-world nations such as Nigeria and Zimbabwe. But never expected something like this to happen in the United States. Ray Nagin was the one who is responsible for the current state of affairs in New Orleans. He used the race card very cunningly. Whenever someone accused him of corruption, he claimed that he is being victimized for being an African American.

He was thoroughly on the take.  From Wikipedia.

In 2014, Nagin was convicted on twenty of twenty-one charges of wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering related to bribes from city contractors before and after Hurricane Katrina[3][4][5][6] and was sentenced to ten years in federal prison.[7]

I don't think the matter of the "ghost policemen" was specifically attributed to him.

Probably any of the major US liberal-progressive cities - LA, San Francisco, New York City, Chicago, etc, if they were suddenly hit like with Katrina and people tried to pick up the pieces later - any of these would show a similar level of corruption.  It'd be unheard of say, for Dallas or Houston to have 1/3 non existent cops on the payroll....

4471  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Easy DNA Editing Will Remake the World. Buckle Up. on: August 09, 2015, 11:33:51 PM

Critics Lash Out At Chinese Scientists Who Edited DNA In Human Embryos

"The social dangers of creating genetically modified human beings cannot be overstated."

LOL, she just overstated them!!

Social dangers??  wtf is she on about?  

If she's religious, it will be like claiming gay marriage will cause beastiality.

Well.. You can't pinpoint the DNA that makes someone gay, but I am sure it will be easier to splice human/animal DNA as a fashion statement...

"Splicing is not just style... It's lifestyle..."


Maybe sometime in the future prospective parents may be asked what kind of son/daughter you want.

Healthy male 6 feet tall, brown eyes no ailments ever (maybe the occasional cold) Life expectancy 85 years  heterosexual throughout life, no  abnormal tendencies, if this was to happen a lot of the human traits would die out.

To be quite honest I would not like it, but it could happen this way.
We should evolve  naturally with no interference in our DNA but what I am saying is a two edge sword, what if DNA manipulation could cure all kinds of disease would I endorse it then.... I am on the fence for now

Not sure if the hetero gene has been isolated yet...

4472  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Hillary Clinton Trustworthy? on: August 09, 2015, 08:06:20 PM

Hillary Certifies Under Penalty Of Perjury She Has Turned Over All Her Work-Related Emails, But Her Aides Don’t

Acting in response to a request from a federal judge, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Friday submitted her first official, formal certification under penalty of perjury that she had all her work-related email turned over to the State Department.

However, two aides to Clinton appear to have rebuffed parallel requests from U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan that they similarly certify that they’d turned over certain emails and other records in their possession relating to their work at State.

Last week, Sullivan ordered the State Department to ask Clinton, former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills and former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin to personally vouch that they’d turned over all records responsive to a Freedom of Information Act request the conservative group Judicial Watch filed seeking information on Abedin’s employment arrangements.

A court filing the Justice Department submitted on Friday afternoon (posted here) indicated that Clinton had not replied to the department’s request that she submit a declaration pursuant to the court’s order. However, State spokesman Alex Gerlach confirmed Saturday that such a submission from the Clinton camp did arrive Friday, but wasn’t immediately noticed because it went to someone who was on vacation.

4473  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sen. Bernie Sanders VS #blacklivesmatter on: August 09, 2015, 07:12:02 PM
She's such an eloquent speaker...

She is not the only one. Another bernie #blm fiasco...

4474  Other / Politics & Society / Re: McDonald's shoots down fears it is planning to replace cashiers with kiosks on: August 09, 2015, 06:17:51 PM
This will spell the end for McDonalds. People like to serve by humans with a friendly smile not by machines!
Lol. I guess ATMs are doomed as well then huh, since people only want to be served by other humans, not machines.

The last time I went to make a cash deposit to my bank, the lady behind the window gave me a nice sale speech telling me it would better, faster to make the cash deposit directly at the ATM. I told her thanks but no thanks and joked I'd rather look at a human smile. The line was smaller than the one at the ATM anyway. She told me if I did not know how to do it she could show me. Toward the end she became kinda pushy. Still smiling but "please go use the ATM" That was weird.
All that time I was thinking they are training the employees to show how useless they will become and she wasn't even aware of it. I'll take her advice and will never see her again.

Au revoir beautiful smile...  Cry

4475  Other / Politics & Society / Re: New virus created that can completely wreck Apple computers on: August 09, 2015, 03:04:38 PM

For 90% of the population a Chromebook is more than enough... Then for the serious, serious stuff, you do like this dude, kinda:


4476  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Video: New approach to fighting crime in New Orleans on: August 09, 2015, 02:53:58 PM

Going in the right direction... Until troll and thugs will use the same app to misdirect them all over the french quarter...

4477  Other / Politics & Society / Sen. Bernie Sanders VS #blacklivesmatter on: August 09, 2015, 02:40:18 PM

 Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy

4478  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump's blunt talk starting to see some push back! on: August 09, 2015, 01:13:19 AM
I think the Republicans need to come up with some better attacks. Trump says it like he sees it. Yes, it might be a little out of place. Yes, it might hurt some people’s feelings, and yes I would take it personally if he said it to me, but so what. In this country we are allowed to say what we want.

First off, I do support Trump. And according to all of the liberal media, I am the exact opposite of the typical choice for going with Trump. I am college education with a Bachelors degree and who runs my own business and a degree in the same field that these journalists say make them capable of determining who will make a good president. I have a home, kids, family, and support myself along with my husband. I am also a woman and am not offended by the things he has said against women. I think that Megyn Kelly is full of herself and trying to start trouble where none exists.

Second, I think Megyn Kelly is a spoiled rich daddy’s girl who is way past her prime and wishes she were back in the sorority and about to head on spring break to use daddy’s money. I honestly had not heard of her before, I do not watch much of the news, but two seconds of watching her and I probably would have called her much worse than Trump did in the debates and after. She needs to go find her rich hubby and go enjoy being a trophy wife until its time for another plastic surgery and leave the politics to those who can actually ask decent questions.

Trump is the forerunner and the Republicans do not like it. If anyone listened to the questions they asked, none of them were about what he would do when elected. One question was abut what he called a woman years ago. One was about a comment he made on Mexicans, and another was about his businesses going bankrupt. These are personal questions, not questions about what he will do as President. Instead of asking about his comment on Mexico, they should ask what he plans to do about immigration. Instead of bankruptcy questions, which many businesses have declared bankruptcy and many of those senators would do it in a second if they could for the states they bankrupt, they should ask how he plans to fix the economy.

These are the issues we should be concentrating on. Instead, we focus too much on making this a circus show over a year before the elections. I felt Trump did the best he could with the questions he was asked. But I did feel that most of the candidates were treated this way as well, Trump was just hit on the most.

Right now, this is what we need. In a world with Planned Parenthood stealing millions of dollars from the government so they can kill babies and make more money from the sale of these parts. In a world where we say everyone can believe what they want and we are a country of freedom, those who stick with their Christian values about marriage, abortion and many other issues are criticized and made to be the stupid ones. In a world where we hand bad nuclear materials to countries we’ve been in war with for years. In a world where countries are defaulting and going under and we are not far behind. We need a change.

It might not be Trump, but right now he is the only one who is standing up and pointing out that the others are liars and are just going to go back to the path we are on. And I know they were trying to trick him with the whole third party thing at the beginning, but that is a brilliant move. Trump is so far ahead of the others in the polls that if he is not put into the race at this point, it proves that the GOP is ignoring what the people want from that party. A third party run will result in a Democratic win. Trump is not stupid enough to think he would win as a third party candidate, but he knows that the Republicans are going to stop in their tracks and think carefully before they just hand over the election to the other side, something that is sure to happen if Trump breaks off.

Now bring on the angry people who will call me names and say I am wrong after this post!

4479  Other / Politics & Society / Re: “God bless Planned Parenthood” – PP Uses Abortions to Sell Baby Parts on: August 09, 2015, 01:05:18 AM
Absolutely nothing will happen from this because the government wants this to keep happening. In any country with morals, we would not let this be happening. We would not have socially acceptable ways in order to kill children much less a system in place that allows those doing the killing to sell the body parts and make more money under the table. Through all of history, you were valued if you could produce heirs to your husband and your family. Now we think that they are ruining our lives and making things harder.

Life is hard. Even if you were not expecting the baby, that is life. It is not just your body, but the body of a baby you are making a decision for. You hate when the government forces you to pay taxes, get health insurance, or do other things in your life. But you will turn around and kill an unborn baby and think nothing of it because this is your life. And I hate hearing the word fetus! The only difference between a fetus and a baby is that the fetus is still inside the mothers stomach and finishing the pregnancy and a baby is outside the womb and can be cuddled with.

You think that a fetus is not a baby? That until the baby is born they are not human and can be killed to fit your needs. I have a cousin who was born in her second trimester, a time when Planned Parenthood is more than willing to kill off babies. This little one is not almost two years old. So you are telling me she was not human when she was born?

Give the baby to adoption, take care of them yourself, do anything but give them to the hands of Planned Parenthood where they will be killed and sold off. Its sick we treat the babies worse than we do animals in this country.

Totally agree.

Like I said, those who say the tissue can be used for research and further lives, are making the same argument that Nazis did when they froze people to death to learn how to save others from cold temperatures.

4480  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Jews are the master race on: August 08, 2015, 03:00:46 PM
Jews are the master race?
How many 100m dash Olympic golds have they won?

Master of the Race...


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