Le fait que le premier "giveaway" ait été fait sur bitcointalk est un peu étrange, mais soit, c'est encore en alpha, ils ont promis qu'il y aurait pleins de XRP pour tout le monde.
Je comprends mal ce point de vue. Moi j'ai déjà plus de 9,000 XRP:
I can't give trust to bitstamp: And then: What am I missing?
It seems to me this thing could make bitcoin-otc obsolete. Am I wrong?
I'm currently trying to get Ripple BTC IOUs by using Bitstamp as a Gateway.
This is actually quite fun.
you guys wanna do this on irc? #ripple
ok let's do this.
Just a couple of basic questions as I'm trying to understand ripple....
Would ripple help secure bitcoin because it further abstracts exchange? For instance already bitcoins are a "virtual" currency. The government can try to make bitcoins illegal. But if ripple is built on top of bitcoin all the sudden now not only is it a virtual currency being traded but it isn't even really being traded... just debts are being passed around. Is it possible that it could somehow legally protect bitcoin in the future? Just wondering.
Yes and no. Yes, because indeed the exchange system in Ripple is P2P, so it's very difficult for the government to stop it. No, because Ripple is also vulnerable, at least because of its Gateways. However, I presume if Ripple is successful, then the internal fiat currencies could be used per se and then the system would not need gateways anymore.
I would like to test 2 things with you guys:
1.) sending bitinstantUSD: let me send you USD 0.1. you'll need to establish bitinstant-trust for USD of at least 0.1 USD
2.) sending USD through trust-chain: let's say some other dude (who wants to be that dude?) wants to receive USD 0.2 from me and I want to send him. He doesn't trust bitinstant. Let's say he trusts grondilu, though. He could establish trust of USD 0.2 on grondilu. I should then be able to send him 0.2 bitinstantUSD which will be converted to grondiluUSD on-the-fly. Correct?
anyone want to help? grondilu?
I'm ok to receive your 0.1 bitinstandUSD, but I can't establish any trust right now, as I'm told: « You have to be funded before you can grant a trust »
Pour ceux qui veulent discuter de Ripple en français, c'est ici. Perso je viens de découvrir le système. Il existait déjà avant je crois mais j'avais jamais vraiment compris comment c'était sensé fonctionner. Depuis peu c'est beaucoup plus clair. Le point le plus original du système ça me parait être le système des validateurs non-concertant. (non-colluding) En gros l'état de la base est certifié par un ensemble de noeuds qui est différent pour chaque noeud. Chacun doit sélectionner des noeuds pour lesquels il est estimé qu'il y a peu de risque qu'ils mentent de façon coordonnée pour tromper le système. Je trouve ça assez malin. Ce qui est séduisant aussi c'est l'idée de transférer et d'échanger n'importe quel actif au sein d'une même infrastructure. C'est un truc qui manque cruellement au bitcoin. Bref, à suivre de très près si vous voulez mon avis.
So, a bot-net can really be useful in destroying a payment system? The bots will pretend to be honest nodes for long time before they start to attack the system. Is that possible?
They could pull a long con after gaining high trust. From what I understand, such an attack would be successful only if the bots are capable of convincing other humans (or even other bots) to elect them as validators. Humans will probably chose other humans as validators, so those bots would need to pass a Turing test. Of course, the attack could be done only with humans but then it would require quite a lot of human work.
Here I am:
Just read the wiki page about Consensus. Basically it's a system where each node trusts a particular set of validators who are believed not to collude to about the ledger. It seems quite smart. From what I understand, one needs to find people to trust not to be the same person or working together to screw you, though. It should not be too difficult, I guess.
Donc je cherche à faire pareil sans passer par un de ces sites.
Tu peux, mais faut coder. En gros tu dois intégrer un client bitcoin (ou utiliser des RPC) dans le fonctionnement de ton serveur. C'est sûrement pas très compliqué mais ça demande un peu de boulot. Si tout ce dont tu as besoin c'est de vérifier qu'un client a payé, je suppose que tu peux simplement utiliser bitcoind et l'une des commandes getreceivedbyaccount ou getreceivedbyaddress, selon que chacun de tes clients est identifié par un compte ou par une adresse. Tu peux voir ici une aide complète sur les commandes de l'API: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Original_Bitcoin_client/API_calls_list
This is possible but not feasible. Good luck.
I think the OP was not trying to claim he intended to realize such a scheme. It was rather a way of pointing out proprietary bitcoin clients which could indeed be following such an evil plan. If you are using Bitcoin you accept responsibility for your money. If you don't take that responsibility seriously you may loose your money. "A fool and his money are soon parted." Don't tell me that. I only use free software. My sources.list has no "non-free" entry whatsoever.
This is possible but not feasible. Good luck.
I think the OP was not trying to claim he intended to realize such a scheme. It was rather a way of pointing out proprietary bitcoin clients which could indeed be following such an evil plan.
Sur mon site, les utilisateurs peuvent s'abonner à un service. Leur abonnement devient effectif dès le paiement effectué et confirmé par la société en charge de l'encaissement.
Ok. Maintenant là où je ne comprends pas c'est pourquoi tu as besoin de faire appel à une société pour l'encaissement.
Perso je ne comprends pas grand chose à ton problème. Je ne saisis pas bien ce que tu entends par "activer les comptes utilisateurs".
Normalement si tu ne souhaites pas accéder au marché des changes pour convertir tes bitcoins vers une monnaie nationale, tu n'as pas besoin d'utiliser les services d'un tiers comme Bitpay ou coinbase. Avec un peu de code, tu peux tout faire toi-même.
Patri Friedman's idea has a huge flaw that turned me off and should turn you off as well.
The flaw is that his idea relies on hope, the hope that governments around the world wont see a seastead as something hostile to them and just flat out destroy it.
Agreed. Creating a new country is not just about having a territory. It's much more about being able to defend it.
Etrangement, ils n'y a pas le même avertissement concernant la sécurité des paiements par cartes bancaires alors que la fraude sur les cartes bancaires est en progression constante depuis plusieurs années.
Oui en effet. Mais le fait est qu'ils acceptent bel et bien les bitcoins, c'est déjà ça!
But if every client out there deletes the same old transactions wouldn't that be a problem?
It would be a bad thing if an old transaction is totally forgotten, indeed. It's quite unlikely to happen, though. Say the probability for one client to forget a given transaction is p. Then the probability for all clients to forget it, assuming the probabilities are independant, is p^N, where N is the number of clients. So it is quite unlikely. Does the client not still need to at least initially download and verify every transaction in the chain before it can start pruning?
Normally, yes. But I'm not sure it's absolutely necessary. If a spent transaction has been forgotten by all the network it means all clients have agreed to acknowledge this transaction to be valid and the bitcoins spent. So you have to trust the network as a whole, as you do when you suppose that a majority of the computing power is honest. Would that introduce reliance on central servers who store the data everyone else is deleting? Such servers would not be "central" since anyone could make one at any time.