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4861  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Ce va doriti de la un exchange de cryptomonede. on: November 07, 2019, 02:59:31 PM
Acesta este thread.ul pe care l-am deschis astazi, la care ma gandeam de aseara:
4862  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: November 07, 2019, 10:16:06 AM

Nu este nicio gluma.
Am discutat recent cu un amic avocat, care mi-a impartasit situatia de mai sus. Mai precis, aceste autoritati ii ancheteaza pe unii clienti de-ai lui, pentru a justifica sumele mari incasate in conturile bancare.
Oamenii s-au adresat avocatului pentru ca nu stiau cum sa justifice ceea ce au obtinut din trading.
Ma intreba daca ii pot sugera ceva.

Aparent, situatia a inceput sa ia amploare in urma emiterii Legii 30/2019. Desigur, prevederile ei se refera (si) la impozitarea profitului crypto, insa oamenii legii au inceput miscari prin care sa urmareasca si alte categorii de oameni, nu doar pe cei care nu platesc impozitul. Respectiv pe cei cu venituri mari, cu incasari mari in conturile bancare.

I-am spus ca ar putea vorbi cu clientii sai si sa extraga log-uri de la exchange-urile cu care au lucrat, pentru a demonstra pretul de achizitie, apoi sa arate si pretul de vanzare. O alta idee a fost sa contacteze direct exchange-urile, care functioneaza ca persoane juridice si care au acceptul din tara de care apartin pentru a lucra ca procesatoare de bani, si sa le ceara extrase cu sumele tranzactionate. Eventual si stampilate. Din moment ce ele percep KYC si AML, e normal sa ofere si o stampila cand e cazul.

Amicul mi-a multumit pentru idee si a spus ca va incerca si aceasta metoda.

TL;DR: guvernul vine! Pregatiti-va!
Nu am fost niciodata fanul exchange-urilor centralizate si nici nu voi fi, deoarece ele imbratiseaza fix opusul ideilor care au stat in spatele Bitcoin: descentralizare si (pseudo)anonimitate. Si, daca toata lumea ar folosi Bitcoin si celelalte criptovalute ca substituente ale banilor fiat (adica daca toate tranzactiile s-ar face exclusiv in crypto), atunci nu s-ar pune problema inregistrarii unui profit impozabil. Numai ca nimeni (sau aproape nimeni) nu procedeaza asa. Ce este cert insa, e faptul ca exchange-urile centralizate mentin conceptul de intermediar de incredere (man in the middle), pe care Satoshi a vrut sa-l elimine complet din ecuatie. Si, daca ar fi folosit asa cum a fost gandit, Bitcoin ar elimina orice tert de incredere.

Cei mai multi folosesc exchange-urile centralizate din comoditate, din necunoasterea riscurilor la care se supun sau din necunoasterea alternativelor.
1. Comoditatea este de inteles. Ai banii intr-un portofel (care nu iti apartine tie de fapt, ci exchange-ului) si ii ai mereu la dispozitie. Teoretic. Si poti tranzactiona oricand, la orice ora.

2. Riscurile insa sunt multiple. Portofelul "tau" din exchange nu este de fapt al tau, ci al exchange-ului. De ce? Pentru ca nu ai cheile private. Astfel ca, in cazul unui atack al hackerilor poti pierde toti banii. Vezi cazurile Mt. Gox, Binance (de doua ori), Criptsy, Cryptopia, Bitfinex etc. Acelasi lucru se intampla si daca patronul exchange-ului fuge cu banii clientilor. Neavand cheile private ale portofelului, nu exista posesiune asupra criptomonedelor.

Un alt risc consta in faptul ca exchange-urile centralizate functioneaza ca niste banci si colecteaza datele clientilor, fiind obligate de guverne sa aiba proceduri KYC si AML (Know Your Customer si Anti Money Laundering). Iar guvernele sunt avide de date personale. Mai mult, in procesul de tranzactionare sunt implicate de cele mai multe ori si bancile. Oferirea acestor date personale si lipsa oricarei preocupari pentru propria intimitate / anonimitate nu vor face decat sa-i arunce "in gura lupului" mai devreme sau mai tarziu pe toti care au folosit aceste servicii, dupa cum au simtit pe propria piele si clientii Coinbase. Daca au mentinut o evidenta a tranzactiilor de achizitie, de vanzare si daca oamenii au si depus declaratia de venit (conform Legii 30/2019), atunci ar trebui sa fie in regula. De asemenea, ar trebui sa fie in regula si cei care au vandut in pierdere (si, implicit, nu au obtinut niciun profit), dar si acestia vor trebui sa justifice cu documente sau alte probe faptul ca au cumparat scump si au vandut mai ieftin, deci nu au ce impozit sa plateasca. In orice caz, si daca ar fi "acoperit" omul, nu i-ar fi deloc placut sa fie anchetat de ANAF / DIICOT. Mai multe informatii despre exchange-urile centralizate vs. cele descentralizate, aici.

Problema este insa cu cei care nu au o astfel de evidenta si cei care nu depun declaratiile de venit. Acestia, in ochii guvernului vor fi vazuti ca infractori. Evazionisti.

De acord, intrebarea "daca statul nu recunoaste o criptovaluta ca o forma de bani, de ce o impoziteaza?" este una pertinenta. Raspunsul este urmatorul: pentru ca genereaza venituri. Probabil ca daca s-ar face trafic cu frunze, s-ar impozita si profiturile din frunze, pentru ca ar fi generatoare de venituri.

Astfel, ajungem la intrebarea "cum ne pastram anonimitatea?".

3. Necunoasterea alternativelor este una din cauzele principale pentru care multi nou veniti in crypto se indreapta spre exchange-urile centralizate. Alternative insa exista.
O prima varianta consta in exchange-urile descentralizate, peer-to-peer, in care tranzactiile se fac direct intre utilizatori, in deplina anonimitate, scopul exchange-ului fiind doar de a-i pune in legatura pe utilizatori, si nu de a le detine fondurile sau cheile private.
De asemenea, se poate apela la bancomate Bitcoin de tip cash in - cash out, unde nu este necesara dezvaluirea datelor personale. De acord, aceste terminale nu au un curs valutar prietenos. Insa intimitatea are pretul ei.
In sfarsit, se pot face tranzactii peer-to-peer cu cunoscuti, cu oameni cu reputatie in domeniu, dar si cu necunoscuti, in tranzactii similare celor de pe Olx.

Toate cele de mai sus sunt sugestii pentru cei care vor sa schimbe crypto cu bani fiat. Abia atunci intervine pseudo-anonimitatea, expunerea. Insa cat timp tranzactiile se fac doar cu crypto, anonimitatea poate fi mult mai bine pastrata. De asemenea, toate cele de mai sus nu reprezinta sfaturi pentru evitarea taxelor. Taxele trebuie platite de orice contribuabil. Insa apelarea la casele de schimb criptovalutar centralizate nu face doar sa ii expuna pe clienti in ochii guvernelor, ci le si pune in primejdie fondurile personale.

Inchei prin a mentiona ca recunosc aportul exchange-urilor centralizate in promovarea fenomenului crypto. Probabil ca fara ele mult mai putini oameni ar fi auzit de Bitcoin si de alte criptovalutele. Au avut si au un rol covarsitor in ecosistem. Insa totodata pot aduce si prejudicii enorme clientilor. Astfel ca, oricine alege utilizarea lor, sa o faca macar in deplina cunostinta de cauza.
4863  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Reglementare crypto currency in Romania on: November 06, 2019, 09:56:38 PM
Monedelor in sine, nu. Asta se intampla doar in totalitarism.
Legea prevede insa impozit pe profitul din crypto, ceea ce e bine. Initial se cerea impozit pe venitul din crypto. Noroc cu Asociatia Blockchain Romania, care le-a ilustrat aberatia din gandire...
4864  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Ce va doriti de la un exchange de cryptomonede. on: November 06, 2019, 08:55:38 PM
Cred ca cel mai ok ar fi sa fie descentralizat asa ca putem sa fim mai "safe" in ceea ce priveste tinerea fondurilor pe exchange Smiley

Mi-ai luat vorba din gura Smiley

Exchange-urile centralizate sunt benefice pentru propagarea fenomenului si pentru comoditate. Cei mai multi nu stiu insa la ce riscuri se supun. Am sa fac maine un thread pe tema asta.

Sunt multi necunoscatori. Adineauri am citit un post unde cineva credea ca Satoshi e roman (in partea romaneasca a forumului).

Nu stiam ca avem si noi cripto monede Cheesy sunt bune si forumurile astea la ceva...mai aflam lucruri noi si interesante.
Totusi, BITCOIN e o cripto moneda romaneasca? adica acea cripto tata tatilor?

Exchange-urile descentralizate sunt viitorul. Cele centralizate nu fac decat (scuze de repetitie) sa centralizeze ceea ce a fost gandit a fi descentralizat - banii privati, in general, si Bitcoin, in particular.
Nu vreau sa arunc cu noroi in Tradesilvania, Bitcoin Romania, LDV Crypto Bank etc (si nici nu o fac). Patronii sunt afaceristi, similar celor de la Kraken, Poloniex sau, de ce nu, Mt. Gox. Pentru ei e o afacere. Insa Bitcoin nu a fost gandit asa. El a fost gandit ca substituent pentru banii fiat, nu pentru specula. Pentru ca asta este de fapt acest trading: o specula.
In momentul in care atomic swaps vor ajunge la putere, alaturi de exchange-urile descentralizate, cele centralizate vor disparea. Stiu, suna utopic. Dar de ce ar apela cineva la o institutie care preda datele guvernului (vezi Coinbase), cand isi poate pastra anonimitatea?!

Voi vorbi maine despre toate acestea, dar si despre multe altele.
4865  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: ce se intampla cu exchangerii, ne ,,jecmanesc,, on: November 06, 2019, 07:50:53 PM
1. Poll-ul e de neinteles (partea cu "lucram pentru ei, e clar ca ei sunt in spate": cine sunt "ei"?; in spatele cui sunt "ei"?);
2. Comisionul e ireal;
3. OP are doar un post si doar 1 activity. Cred ca thread-ul poate fi inchis.
4866  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Reglementare crypto currency in Romania on: November 06, 2019, 07:42:56 PM
4867  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Voi ce faceti sa primiti merit? on: November 06, 2019, 07:10:29 PM
salut, eu am vazut foarte multi, cel putin pe canalul de Romania, care isi vand punctele de merit. eu nu inteleg de ce s-a bagat aceasta metoda de crestere in grad
Cine vinde sMerits? Poti detalia, te rog?
4868  Economy / Reputation / Re: [self-moderated] Report unmerited good posts to Merit Source on: November 06, 2019, 03:26:39 PM

After being encouraged by LoyceV, I decided to mention here 1 post of mine.

"The Satoshi Revolution", by Wendy McElroy, translated in Romanian
Description : after working more than 1 year, I could proudly present the book, fully translated in Romanian, with the writer's approval and encouragement do so
Category : crypto literature
Section : Local > Romānă (Romanian) > Presa

NEW: Don't post topics that are just a translation of another topic or website.
I tried to assure myself I won't break any rule by posting this here, this is why I asked LoyceV first, and I was told to try and see what happens.
I understood there shouldn't be "a translation of another topic or website", and my post is not a translation of a topic, nor of a website, but it is indeed a translation. But it is a translation of a book. Considering the extremely low amount of Romanian crypto literature (either with Romanian authors or just foreign books translations) which, as far as I know, it is 0 (ZERO), I think this book may help a lot of Romanians, in case they decide to read it, to understand the real nature of Bitcoin and private money. The lack of technical writing, together with the crypto-anarchic ideas expressed by the author will help any reader to understand the principles behind Bitcoin.

Thank you.
4869  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: 🏆 Aveți puncte de merit de dat? Folosiți-le īn forumul romānesc! 👍 on: November 06, 2019, 02:37:35 PM

La fel ca si in raspunsul meu anterior, este important ca postarea sa aduca un plus comunitatii pentru a primii merit, a fost acordat merit si pe sectiune de romana, poate nu cat ar trebui dar te asigur ca lucrul asta a fost din lipsa de timp in a citii tot ce misca pe forum(si cei ce sunt surse de merit, tot oameni sunt).Tocmai de aceea va rog sa lasati aici postarile care credeti ca ar trebui sa primeasca merit si sunt ferm convins ca cele care aduc un plus vor primi.

P.S: Daca nu le vede Cyrus, il voi ruga eu sa se uite punctual.Dar pentru acest lucru este important ca acea postare sa "merite".

P.S.S: Eu momentan nu mai am sMerit pentru ca l-am dat pe tot catre comunitate.

In cazul acesta, as vrea sa subliniez si eu o postare a mea, o carte din domeniul crypto tradusa in limba romana. Desigur, cu acordul autoarei. Este extrem de interesanta si atractiva atat pentru incepatori cati si pentru avansati, mai ales ca este non-tehnica. Descrie principiile anarhice din spatele Bitcoin.
4870  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: In ce proiecte Crypto Romanesti ati investit bani pana acum? on: November 06, 2019, 08:05:25 AM
Din pacate, din ce am observat, putine ICO romanesti ofera transparenta si comunicare. Am contactat anul trecut mai multe dintre ele in vederea unor interviuri, insa putine au fost cele care au raspuns la email, printre cele care nu au raspuns numarandu-se si The Mine, Sether sau Restart Energy. In cazul unora nu am gasit nici macar o modalitate de contact.
In atare conditii mi se pare destul de greu sa capeti incredere intr-un proiect in care sa iti investesti banii.
4871  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: 🏆 Aveți puncte de merit de dat? Folosiți-le īn forumul romānesc! 👍 on: November 06, 2019, 07:32:13 AM
Am aplicat pentru a fi sursa de merit.
Va rog sa-mi cititi istoricul si daca considerati ca as fi eligibil si ca pot fi obiectiv in acordarea de puncte va rog sa ma sustineti aici :

Sunt bine-veniti si cei care nu sunt de acord cu aplicatia mea Cheesy dar cred ca ar trebui sa avem o sursa de merit care sa aiba timp pentru sub-forum-ul romanesc.

Ti-am mentionat si eu aplicatia in acest thread: Poate ajuta cu ceva. In continuare, partea romaneasca de forum este neschimbata in ceea ce priveste politica de acordare a meritelor, in ciuda recomandarilor lui theymos.

But undoubtedly some people got screwed by this, and if they have decent posts, by all means, give them the 250 or 500 merit that they need to rank-up.
4872  Other / Meta / Re: [LIST]Open Merit Source Applications,waiting list. on: November 06, 2019, 07:24:33 AM
Hello, I'd like to point a merit source application which doesn't appear in OP: it is sparg's and he applied for the Romanian local thread:
4873  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Concurs "10th anniversary art contest" on: November 06, 2019, 06:51:55 AM
Vezi ca sunt niste thread-uri de "merit giveaway", daca le cauti bine. Pe sectiunea de romana a forumului sunt slabe sanse sa primesti merite, asa cum au mai sesizat si altii...
4874  Other / Meta / Re: At what point does feedback spam warrant a ban / nuking? on: November 05, 2019, 03:33:21 PM
Maybe there should be implemented a limit of feedbacks / trust / flags in a given time (if it doesn't exist already)? Similar to the bump limit (
Practically, this would mean that an user isn't allowed to give multiple feedbacks in the same day, for example. Or, another suggestion, in case that several reputable members here (maybe those from trusted list) vote against someone's flag (example: 50 vote to oppose against what a spammer sustains about someone via feedback / flag etc), this user should have a given amount of time until he is able to post again feedbacks / flags.

Besides, maybe it could be implemented a system where if a big number of reputable members (DT list, for example) vote for banning / deleting someone's account, this action to be performed automatically, without having to involve mods / administrators / theymos.

Does it make sense what I'm saying here?
4875  Other / Beginners & Help / List of useful Bitcoin block explorers on: November 01, 2019, 08:12:28 PM
Disclaimer: this topic was created by 1miau. However, at our joint request, on Dec 18th, 2023 theymos changed the ownership of the topic to me. This information was also confirmed by 1miau here

I've collected some of the most famous Bitcoin block explorers including a column for supported features like displaying native SegWit bech32-addresses or giving the possibility to identify an outgoing transaction from nested SegWit P2SH addresses. Finally, I've rated them from my side how useful each block explorer is. The better the rating, the more detailed the explorer is.

Bitcoin block explorers *:

Name (link)Bech32 / Bech32m (P2TR) supported?SegWit (P2SH) identifiable?**Usefulness (subjective rating) Tongue ***Works without JS?Rated by
Blockchair.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2019)8 / 10 PointsYes1miau
Trezor Bitcoin ExplorerYes (11/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (11/2019)7.5 / 10 PointsPartially****Saint-loup
mempool.spaceYes (10/2020) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (10/2020)7.5 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
OKLinkYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)Yes (08/2022)7.5 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
bitaps.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2019)7 / 10 PointsNo1miau
BTC.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2019)7 / 10 PointsNo1miau
chainflyer.bitflyer.jpYes (12/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (12/2019)7 / 10 PointsNoAlveus
BitcoinWho'sWhoYes (09/2022) / Yes (09/2022)Yes (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsNoGazetaBitcoin
BitcoinExplorerYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)Yes (08/2022)7 / 10 PointsPartially****SFR10
bitqueryYes (09/2022) / Yes (09/2022)Yes (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsNoRizzrack
TokenViewYes (09/2022) / Yes (09/2022)Yes (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsNoajiz138
BitInfoChartsYes (09/2022) / Yes (04/2023)No (09/2022)7 / 10 PointsPartially (see Comments)ajiz138
3xplYes (05/2024) / Yes (05/2024)No (05/2024)6.5 / 10 PointsYesSFR10
SoChainYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (09/2021)6 / 10 PointsNo1miau
Blockcypher.comYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (04/2023)6 / 10 PointsPartially****1miau
cryptoIDYes (12/2019) / No (10/2022)Yes (12/2019)6 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
ViaBTC.comYes (09/2019) / No (10/2022)No (09/2019)6 / 10 PointsNo1miau
BtcscanYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)Yes (08/2022)6 / 10 PointsYesSFR10
Blockchain.comYes (11/2019) / Yes (10/2022)Yes (12/2019)5 / 10 PointsPartially****1miau
BitcoinBlockExplorerYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)No (08/2022)5 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
jonasschnelliYes (01/2024) / Yes (01/2024)Yes (01/2024)5 / 10 PointsPartially****SFR10
AtomicYes (08/2022) / Yes (08/2022)No (08/2022)4.5 / 10 PointsPartially****SFR10
LearnmeabitcoinYes (10/2022) / No (10/2022)Yes (05/2024)4.5 / 10 PointsPartially****SFR10 [Previously by ajiz138]
YoghYes (10/2022) / Yes (10/2022)Yes (04/2023)4 / 10 PointsNoajiz138
Blockexplorer.oneYes (12/2019) / Yes (10/2022)No (12/2019)3 / 10 PointsNoLTU_btc
BlockpathYes (12/2019) / Yes (05/2022)No (12/2019)3 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
AnonTransferYes (10/2023) / No (10/2023)No (10/2023)2 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
BlockstreamYes (11/2019) / Yes (05/2022)Yes (11/2019)2 / 10 Points?pooya87
InsightYes (12/2019) / Yes (05/2022)No (12/2019)1 / 10 PointsNoSFR10
Walletexplorer.comYes (09/2022) / Yes (05/2022)No (09/2019)0 / 10 PointsYes1miau

*After evaluating our table layout, we have analyzed a few changes and after doing a survey, we have agreed to implement these changes.
You'll still find our old table layout here.

**BTC addresses starting with "3" what are they ? simplified explanation.

***You can hover your mouse over each score and a sign will pop up, where you'll see some comments brought up by members suggesting each Block explorer. Hover format for comments was suggested by SFR10 here.

****Some elements are not showing or working properly, but mostly works fine.

PrivacyG has made a list of all Block Explorers above working without Java Script. You can find PrivacyG contribution here to find out more about it.

Removed Blockexplorers

All Blockexplorers which were removed from our list.

Name (link)Bech32 supported?SegWit (P2SH) identifiable?*Usefulness (subjective rating Tongue)Rated byWhy removed
Learnmeabitcoin (Removed 10/2023)Yes (10/2022) / No (10/2022)No (10/2022)5 / 10 Pointsajiz138Inactive
CoinCap (Removed 10/2023)Yes (10/2020) / No (10/2022)No (10/2020)4 / 10 PointsSFR10Inactive (Removed 10/2023)Yes (12/2019) / No (10/2022)Yes (12/2019)5 / 10 PointsSFR10Inactive
SmartBit (Removed 2021)Yes (10/2019)No (10/2019)6 / 10 Points1miauinactive
Coinmarketcap Block ExplorerYes (09/2019) / Yes (05/2022)No (09/2019)4 / 10 Points1miauNo longer supporting BTC, only Binance coin... (Removed 9/2022)Yes (11/2019) No (11/2019) 2.5 / 10 PointsLafuNo longer being maintained (Removed 9/2022)No (09/2019)No (09/2019)1 / 10 Points1miauNon-Bitcoin related (Owner: BCash), (Removed 2021)No (09/2019)No (09/2019)0 / 10 Points (avoid)1miauRemoved because now redirecting to Blockchair
Crystal Explorer (Removed 10/2022)Yes (09/2021) / Yes (05/2022)No (09/2021)0 / 10 Points (avoid)SFR10Removed because operations are suspended
Spiral/Blyss (Removed 01/2024)Yes (09/2022) / Yes (10/2022)No (09/2022)x / 10 PointsSFR10Removed because operations are suspended

I've included a poll and if you want, please leave a vote which block explorer is your favorite one. Everyone will have 2 votes, you can revise it at any time, like when the block explorer makes changes and features are removed / added or when it goes completely offline.

Different other sites / .onion links:

SiteDescriptionSuggested by
.onion link Blockchair.onion link for Blockchairblue Snow
.onion link mempool space.onion link for mempool.space20kevin20
Blockchain 3DImpressive tool for 3D visualisation (download necessary)yazher
TxflowTx flow visualisationajiz138
http://explorerzydxu5ecjrkwceayqybizmpjjznk5izmitf2modhcusuqlid.onion/ (V3) Deep web explorershugeblack
OXTHistorical analysis of Bitcoin addresseshugeblack explorer for self-hostinghugeblack
Timechain CalendarDisplaying different Blockchain-related metrics, future Bitcoin block projectionscygan
BitfeedSearching for TX ID, block height, offering a breakdown tree feature for related infoSFR10

If you know about good Bitcoin block explorers I have missed on my list, you can post it here and rate it directly. You can use the following code:

[td]Name (link)[/td]
[td]Bech32 / Bech32m (P2TR) supported?[/td]
[td]SegWit (P2SH) identifiable?**[/td]
[td]Usefulness (subjective rating) :P ***[/td]
[td]Works without JS?[/td]
[td]Rated by[/td]


[td]Yes / No (xx/20xx) / Yes / No (xx/20xx)[/td]
[td]Yes / No (xx/20xx)[/td]
[td][b][color=black]x / 10 Points[/color][/b][/td]
[td][b]Yes / No[/b][/td]
[td]Your name[/td]

Translations (in chronological order):

4876  Other / Meta / Re: My 100 days on Bitcointalk on: October 31, 2019, 08:45:22 AM
4) I have reported 379 posts with 98% accuracy (361 good, 11 bad, 7 unhandled).
Just curious, if I may: how did you calculate your post accuracy? Is there an algorithm for that? Or how were calculated the good and the bad posts?
Besides, what are the unhandled posts?
4877  Other / Meta / Re: 10th anniversary art contest on: October 30, 2019, 01:45:16 PM
I came back with a second proposal. Bitcoin: freedom for people since 2009!

4878  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit Giveaway]Provide A Link Of Your Post That You Think It Deserves A Merit! on: October 29, 2019, 07:37:28 AM
Thank you very much! Smiley I'll post a new proposal today for the 10th anniversary!
4879  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit Giveaway]Provide A Link Of Your Post That You Think It Deserves A Merit! on: October 28, 2019, 03:42:50 PM
Please find 3 proposals from me:
- my participation to the 10th Anniversary art contest:
- my participation to the Bitcoin commemorative Coldkey contest:
- the book "The Satoshi Revolution", by Wendy McElroy, fully translated in Romanian, with the writer's consent (and also encouragement to do so): It was more than 1 year work, but it was worth it!
Thank you.
4880  Other / Meta / Re: [CONTEST] Design the 10 years of Bitcointalk commemorative Coldkey ($500+ prize) on: October 28, 2019, 09:46:02 AM
I can't believe I'm the first one posting here Smiley
Please find attached my proposals.
This is how I see the future cards. Very colorful... in the front I thought that something with great impact such as family and life itself would join very well with Bitcoin, since I truly believe in its power and value.
On the back, I thought about two big events from Bitcoin history. So people can never forget them!

Edit: I came back with a second proposal! I hope this one is more suitable Smiley
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