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4901  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Signature Campaign | The Honest Online Casino | Full Members+ on: November 11, 2019, 08:39:32 AM
It is an honor for me to be able to work again with you a second time. I hope this campaign will run for weeks and as one of the participants, I am obliged to work well.
4902  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [DISKUSI] Beberapa Teknik & Kunci Sukses Trading Yang Layak Dicoba !!! on: November 08, 2019, 03:04:38 PM
Mohon maaf untuk agan2 semuanya, ane bukan berniat untuk tidak membalas ataupun menjawab beberapa pertanyaan agan semua sejak thread ini ane buat. Tapi keadaan lagi tidak mendukung, ane lagi kurang sehat dan untuk membuat satu postingan saja pikiran masih terasa buntu.
Mungkin akan ane jawab di lain waktu dan kesempatan, untuk sementara thread ane tutup supaya nanti diskusinya tidak menjalar kemana2. Sekali lagi maaf.  Smiley

Jika ada masukan, bisa PM ane langsung sementara waktu.
4903  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / [DISKUSI] Beberapa Teknik & Kunci Sukses Trading Yang Layak Dicoba !!! on: November 06, 2019, 07:01:13 PM
Saya tahu bahwa internet saat ini sudah cukup baik untuk menjadi guru dan menjadi sebagai sumber pengetahuan bagi semua orang yang mau membaca dan mencoba. Tetapi pada kesempatan ini saya ingin membagikan beberapa teknik dan kunci sukses dalam kegiatan trading cryptocurrency dengan harapan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi saya secara khusus dan untuk pemula serta semua anggota forum lokal Indonesia.


Perdagangan atau perniagaan adalah kegiatan tukar menukar barang atau jasa atau keduanya yang berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama bukan pemaksaan. Pada masa awal sebelum uang ditemukan, tukar menukar barang dinamakan barter yaitu menukar barang dengan barang. Pada masa modern perdagangan dilakukan dengan penukaran uang. Setiap barang dinilai dengan sejumlah uang. Pembeli akan menukar barang atau jasa dengan sejumlah uang yang diinginkan penjual. Dalam perdagangan ada orang yang membuat yang disebut produsen. Kegiatannya bernama produksi. Jadi, produksi adalah kegiatan membuat suatu barang. Ada juga yang disebut distribusi. Distribusi adalah kegiatan mengantar barang dari produsen ke konsumen. Konsumen adalah orang yang membeli barang. Konsumsi adalah kegiatan menggunakan barang dari hasil produksi. Sumber bacaan.

Perdagangan cryptocurrency adalah aktivitas atau kegiatan tukar menukar koin, token, altcoin dan sejenisnya dengan kesepakatan dua belah pihak baik secara langsung ataupun dilakukan pada suatu bursa pertukaran. Cryptocurrency merupakan mata uang digital yang mempunyai nilai, dapat diperdagangkan dan juga sebagai media penyimpanan nilai. Proses tukar menukar ini biasanya dilakukan pada satu tempat "exchange" dimana kedua belah pihak setuju untuk membeli dan menjual dengan tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan atau lainnya.

Keuntungan adalah hasil yang didapatkan dari aktivitas jual beli. Besar kecilnya keuntungan yang didapat akan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor dan salah satunya adalah strategi atau trik dan teknik yang digunakan.
Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memaparkan dan membagikan beberapa teknik perdagangan yang sering digunakan oleh pedagang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari beberapa sumber. Semoga bermanfaat !!!

Teknik Trading

Kunci Sukses Trading Cryptocurrency
1. Manajemen Resiko
- Jangan overtrading
- Tentukan Tingkat Resiko Anda
- Gunakan Stop lose dan Limit Order Sesuai Kebutuhan
- Hitung Rasio Resiko dan Keuntungan
2. Emosi Trading
- Jangan Serakah
- Kendalikan Rasa Takut
- Sabar dan Jangan Gegabah

Trading cryptocurrency adalah usaha untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, cukup banyak teknik yang telah dibagikan oleh mereka di internet baik itu teknik secara umum ataupun teknik individual. Semua teknik trading layak untuk dicoba dan tetap ingat bahwa trading adalah aktivitas yang beresiko semua aktivitas yang dilakukan harus dipikirkan dengan matang dan selalu waspada terhadap keamanan aset anda.
Saya hanya membagikan beberapa teknik yang menurut saya sangat layak untuk dicoba tetapi saya tidak merekomendasikannya. Melakukannya sama artinya anda menerima resiko.
Satu kata bijak dari orang tersukses di dunia, "Jadi gilalah dan jangan banyak mencari saran untuk melakukan tujuan Anda" (Michael Dell).

Berbagai Macam Strategi Trading
Pengertian Perdagangan
Cara Trading Bitcoin dan Beberapa Hal yang Wajib Diketahui
Sudahkah anda-mencoba taktik trading cryptocurrency berikut
Belajar cara trade bitcoin bagi pemula memilih strategi dan management risiko
Apa saja kunci sukses trading kripto

4904  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [MOTIVASI] Beberapa Kata Motivasi Dari Mereka Yang Sudah Sukses !!! on: November 04, 2019, 06:38:12 AM
Kalau boleh saran, bisa tidak dicari atau dicantumkan kalimat-kalimat motivasi dari para tokoh penggiat teknologi blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrency lainnya agar konten thread nya tidak terlalu umum (agar masih ada relevansinya dengan pembahasan tentang bitcoin ataupun tentang forum bitcointalk).
Boleh gan. Wink Thanks sarannya, mungkin akan ane tambahkan dilain waktu. Ane pikir untuk thread yang ane buat ini walaupun tidak berkaitan langsung ke pembahasan bitcoin ataupun forum namun ane harap akan ada sedikit kegunaan dan manfaatnya untuk mendorong motivasi pengguna khususnya ane sendiri gan.
Jika ane baca pada aturan forum, maka thread ini pun sepertinya tidak melanggar kan gan ?

Bagi ane, ini adalah usaha untuk memperbaiki kualitas dan mencoba berbagai fitur-fitur bagus dari forum dalam membuat postingan. Ada kalanya orang lain tidak bisa mengahargai hasil kerja kita apalagi menghargai usaha kita. Kiat penting buat ane dari guru, jangan pernah menyerah akan keadaan jika anda belum mencapai apa yang anda inginkan. Berhenti hanya akan membuat dirimu gagal.

4905  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / [MOTIVASI] Beberapa Kata Motivasi Dari Mereka Yang Sudah Sukses !!! on: November 03, 2019, 04:50:43 PM
Tujuan Thread
Memberikan sedikit dorongan bagi siapapun untuk mencapai potensi yang ada pada dirinya lewat kata dan motivasi dari mereka orang-orang sukses dunia.
Kita semua tahu bahwa untuk mencapai sebuah kesuksesan maka kita harus melalui cukup banyak proses yang harus dilalui dan mungkin didalamnya terdapat hambatan dan kesulitan tersendiri, susah senang dan sebagainya hingga sukses itu tercapai.

Terkadang kita juga merasa lelah, ingin berhenti, pasrah akan keadaan dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu ane pikir kita harus menemukan motivasi sehingga kita mampu melakukan dan berjuang sehingga nanti orang akan mengatakan "Itu Saudara Saya, teman saya, dll". Bukan bermaksud pamer, tapi itulah kenyataan dunia.

Motivasi adalah suatu dorongan kehendak yang menyebabkan seseorang melakukan suatu tujuan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Motivasi dari kata motif yang berarti “mendorong” atau rangsangan atau “daya penggerak” yang ada dalam diri seseorang. Sumber.
Banyak juga ahli yang menafsirkan pengertian motivasi dan anda juga bisa mencarinya langsung dari sumber-sumber.

Berikut beberapa motivasi dari mereka pengusaha sukses dunia, yang sudah ane coba rangkum dalam thread ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

1. Bill Gates

"Kesuksesan adalah guru yang jelek, dia menggoda orang cerdas pada pikiran yang mereka tak bisa lepaskan''

2. Steve Jobs

"Anda tidak bisa menghubungkan titik ke depan. Anda hanya bisa menghubungkannya ke belakang. Jadi Anda harus percaya bahwa titik-titik itu akan terhubung di kemudian hari"

3. Jack Ma

"Alibaba bukan hanya sebuah pekerjaan. Itu adalah mimpi. Itu adalah akibat. Biar Wall Street mengutuk kita jika mereka mau"

4. Marc Cuban

"Jalankan pekerjaan. Bekerja lebih kuat. Berpikir lebih keras. Jual lebih banyak harapan prediksi Anda. Tak ada jalan pintas"

5. Barbara Corcoran

"Orang ingin mengerjakan bisnis dengan orang lain yang disukai, Jika orang suka dengan Anda, mereka akan berbisnis dengan Anda"

6. Peter Thiel

"Ini saya pikir adalah masalah besar dalam sebuah persaingan: Adalah fokus kita pada orang di antara kita, dan saat kita menjadi lebih baik pada sesuatu yang sedang kita lombakan, kita kehilangan pandangan dari semua hal yang penting, atau benar-benar berarti di dunia kita"

7. Marissa Mayer

"Saya selalu melakukan sesuatu yang belum siap saya lakukan. Saya pikir itu adalah cara bagaimana Anda tumbuh. Saat ada momen yang mengatakan "Wow, saya tidak yakin bisa melakukan ini" dan Anda memaksa untuk melewati momen tersebut, itu adalah saat di mana Anda punya terobosan"

8. Jeff Bezoz

"Jika Anda adalah seorang yang fokus pada pesaing, Anda harus menunggu sampai waktu di mana pesaing Anda melakukan sesuatu. Tapi jadi orang yang fokus pada konsumen, maka Anda akan menjadi pionir"

9. Steve Wozniak

"Jika Anda mencintai apa yang Anda lakukan dan ingin melakukan apa saja, maka itu ada dalam jangkauan Anda. Dan itu akan sepadan dengan waktu yang Anda habiskan, berpikir dan berpikir mengenai apa yang Anda ingin ciptakan dan disain"

10. Katia Beauchamp

"Keseimbangan adalah permainan jangka panjang. Itu sangat menarik. Lebih hebat dari sebelumnya. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana orang melakukan itu tanpa partner"

11. Jack Dorsey

"Membuat setiap detil menjadi sempurna dan batasi jumlah detil menjadi sempurna"

12. Eric Schmidt

"Cari jalan untuk mengatakan Ya pada sesuatu. Katakan Ya pada undangan ke negara baru, katakan Ya pada teman baru, katakan Ya untuk belajar sesuatu yang baru. Mengatakan Ya adalah cara Anda mendapatkan pekerjaan pertama, dan selanjutnya, pasangan Anda, dan bahkan anak Anda"

13. Tony Hsieh

"Jangan bermain permainan yang Anda tak mengerti, bahkan jika Anda melihat banyak orang yang menghasilkan uang dari permainan itu"

14. Marc Andressen

"Baca buku Steve Martin yang berjudul "Born Standing Up". Sungguh, 'Jadilah baik yang orang-orang tak akan abaikan"

15. Angela Ahrendts

"Ingat, bahasa universal bukan berupa teks, email atau yang dikatakan. Tapi itu dirasakan"

16. Aaron Levie

"Produk berkembang berdasarkan asumsi yang pada akhirnya menjadi kadaluarsa. Ini adalah kelemahan setiap pengusaha yang sudah berjalan dan menjadi peluang pengusaha pemula"

17. Richard Branson

"Ibu sering mengajarkan Saya untuk tidak melihat ke belakang menyesali sesuatu tapi maju terus ke depan untuk hal yang selanjutnya. Jumlah waktu yang orang habiskan menangisi kesalahan ketimbang menempatkan tenaga itu untuk mengerjakan hal yang lain, selalu buat saya takjub"

18. Warren Buffet

"Butuh 20 tahun untuk membangun reputasi dan hanya 5 menit untuk menghancurkannya. Jika Anda berpikir demikian, Anda akan melakukan sesuatu dengan beda"

19. Mark Zuckerberg

"Resiko terbesar adalah bukan mengambil sebuah resiko. Di Dunia yang berubah sangat cepat ini, satu-satunya strategi yang menjamin untuk gagal adalah tidak mengambil resiko sama sekali"

20. Michael Dell

"Jadi gilalah dan jangan banyak mencari saran untuk melakukan tujuan Anda"

Sumber bacaan ane.
2. Pengertianahli

Terimaksih dan Semoga Bermanfaat
4906  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Am I the Only One Who Forget The Innovation of Bitcoin ? on: November 02, 2019, 09:17:42 AM
I really can't agree with some of these points, if you listen to them, it looks like Bitcoin is flawless and beats old money in every use case.
Relax, you have the right to express your opinion. Without intending to offend.  Wink

It's a double-edged sword, when you get scammed/robbed in Bitcoin, there's zero chance you'll get your money back. With banks and payment companies you have at least some chance to return your money, especially if it's a large sum.
I think you just want to say that banks provide a higher level of security than the bitcoin network, right ?
Do those who hold large amounts of bitcoin now think the same as you, do they also fear being robbed, have their wallets hacked, or do they get a high sense of security because they keep their money on the one right thing that is bitcoin ?

Indeed you still doubt the ability of the bitcoin network to provide security and full control to users. In my opinion, bitcoin has given full security and control to users, it is clear that we know that no matter what happens, bitcoin cannot be falsified. You will feel safe if you store it in a hardware wallet that many people use.
We still need and use third-party escrows in Bitcoin when we deal with strangers.
Do you also need escrow as a third party if you are dealing with strangers when using conventional money ?

Maybe it's all true if you compare it with some outdated American banks, but in the rest of the world payments are nearly instant. Bitcoin transactions are quite cheap today, but we all know what happens when demand rises.
You have the right to refuse to make a transaction if you consider that the transaction fee is expensive, and you can also use other alternatives. But I think the high efficiency of this network is better than the others. The proof is that many banks and other payment services are interested in adopting this network.
4907  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Am I the Only One Who Forget The Innovation of Bitcoin ? on: November 01, 2019, 04:26:23 PM
Many people remember this and use the innovative features of bitcoin.
Used, but may not realize that what is used is part of bitcoin innovation. Wink

We would really like Bitcoin to be able to reach its potential as a currency many people are preferring to use everyday and not just a store of value that people look as an investment that can grow 2x or 5x in the coming months.~
Maybe it is not just you and me who want the same thing, but developers and hundreds or even thousands of other people also want bitcoin to reach its potential so they try to increase adoption.

I don't think people forgot the innovation of Bitcoin. They know it's supposed to be a p2p system, should be used for micro payments. However, you should also understand that it has evolved as well. Enthusiast are now more on what will be the price, when lambo? when moon? concept. I'm not saying it's bad, however as the price continue to increase and expected to spike even further in the 6 digits or even $1 million prediction, maybe some newbie in the market will not understand that the initial concept of Bitcoin as developed by Satoshi.
Yes, maybe you are right. People will not forget this innovation from bitcoin but do not realize that most of them have turned to very profitable trading. This is a factor that today many people have forgotten about this innovation, including me, because the use of bitcoin is mostly for storing value and trading, so they may forget about existing innovations.

Great post - really good read and definetly looks like you put a lot of time into it, although I do disagree with some of your points.
No, this is not my work and thought, because I took it from reference. But I just set it up so that this article is easy to read in the thread.
I do not think it is his/her own work, because he quoted the source.  Wink
Though Op has made the quote from various sources, the effort is truly appreciable.
Thanks, Good motivation. Wink

The assumption of OP, innovation is that development and development should not be stopped if it is good in the future. Bitcoin innovation must be increased so that its potential is reached as a suitable currency and is used by people around the world. Trading, storage of values ​​are two quite popular uses used by bitcoin users, but my hope in the future of bitcoin innovation must be increased so that bitcoin is worthy of being called a global currency.
4908  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Am I the Only One Who Forget The Innovation of Bitcoin ? on: October 29, 2019, 08:22:36 PM


Welcome all the community.

I deliberately published this thread to be known and always remembered by everyone, especially me as one of the forum users who is still very far from the perfect word for knowledge and insight about bitcoin.

Innovation is be interpreted as a process and/ or result of developing the utilization/ mobilization of knowledge, skills (including technological skills) and experience to create or enhance new products (goods and/ or services), processes, and/ or systems, which provide meaningful value or significant (especially economic and social). [1]

Innovation in Payment Systems
Bitcoin isnt just about sending money. It has many features and opens many possibilities that the community is still exploring. Here are some of the technologies currently being researched, and in some cases, being turned into real products and services. The most interesting uses of Bitcoin are probably still to be discovered.


Control against fraud
An unprecedented level of security is possible with Bitcoin. The network provides users with protection against most prevalent types of fraud like chargebacks or unwanted charges, and bitcoins are impossible to counterfeit. Users can backup or encrypt their wallets. Hardware wallets make it very difficult to steal or lose money. Bitcoin is designed to allow its users to have complete control over their money.

Global accessibility
With Bitcoin, all payments in the world can be fully interoperable. Bitcoin allows any bank, business or individual to securely send and receive payments anywhere at any time, with or without a bank account. Bitcoin is available in a large number of countries that still remain out of reach for most payment systems due to their own limitations. Bitcoin increases global access to commerce and it can help international trades to flourish.

Cost efficiency
With the use of cryptography, secure payments are possible without slow and costly middlemen. A Bitcoin transaction can be much cheaper than its alternatives and be completed in a short time. This means Bitcoin holds some potential to become a common way to transfer any currency in the future. Bitcoin could also play a role in reducing poverty in many countries by cutting high transaction fees on workers salary.

Tips and donations
Bitcoin has been a particularly efficient solution for tips and donations. Sending a payment only requires one click and receiving donations can be as simple as displaying a QR code. Donations can be visible for the public, giving increased transparency for non-profit organizations. In cases of emergencies such as natural disasters, Bitcoin donations could contribute to a faster international response.

Bitcoin can be used to run Kickstarter-like crowdfunding campaigns, in which individuals pledge money to a project that is taken from them only if enough pledges are received to meet the target. Such assurance contracts are processed by the Bitcoin protocol, which prevents a transaction from taking place until all conditions have been met. Learn more about the technology behind crowdfunding.

Micro payments
Imagine listening to Internet radio paid by the second, viewing web pages with a small tip for each ad not shown, or buying bandwidth from a WiFi hotspot by the kilobyte. Bitcoin is efficient enough to make all of these ideas possible. Learn more about the technology behind Bitcoin micropayments or about future upgrades currently being designed and implemented to make micropayments more accessible.

Dispute mediation
Bitcoin can be used to develop innovative dispute mediation services using multiple signatures. Such services could make it possible for a third party to approve or reject a transaction in case of disagreement between the other parties without having control of their money. Since these services would be compatible with any user and merchant using Bitcoin, this would likely lead to free competition and higher quality standards.

Multi-signature accounts
Multiple signatures allow a transaction to be accepted by the network only if a certain number of a defined group of persons agree to sign the transaction. This could be used by a board of directors to prevent any member to spend parts of their treasury without other members' consent. This can also be used by banks to prevent theft by blocking payments above a threshold if the user does not provide additional credentials.

Trust and integrity
Bitcoin offers solutions to many of the trust problems that plague banks. With selective accounting transparency, digital contracts, and irreversible transactions, Bitcoin can be used as a ground to restore trust and agreement. Crooked banks cannot cheat the system to make a profit at the expense of other banks or the public. A future in which major banks would support Bitcoin could help to reinstate integrity and trust in financial institutions.

Resilience and decentralization
By way of decentralization, Bitcoin created a different type of payment network with an increased level of resilience and redundancy. Bitcoin can handle millions of dollars in trades without requiring military protection. With no central point of failure such as a data center, attacking the network is difficult. Bitcoin could represent an interesting step forward in securing local and global financial systems.

Flexible transparency
All Bitcoin transactions are public and transparent and the identity of the people behind transactions are private by default. This allows individuals and organizations to work with flexible transparency rules. For instance, a business can choose to reveal certain transactions and balances only to certain employees just like a non-profit organization is free to allow the public to see how much they receive in daily and monthly donations.

Automated solutions
Automated services usually have to deal with costs and limitations of cash, or credit card payments. This includes all kinds of vending machines, from train tickets to soda machines. Bitcoin is suited to be used in a new generation of automated services to cut their operating costs. Imagine self-driving taxis or a store where you can pay for your purchases without waiting in line. Many ideas are possible.


Without diminishing my respect for the community, the article above is not the OP is ideas and thoughts and that is the result of my reading from the reading source. We must know and always remember that the existence of bitcoin in the world today is very useful and I think people should always know that there is innovation in bitcoin.



Thank you to all
4909  Other / Meta / Re: Is "Merit" and "ranking" -a special gold and silver meant few on BTT? on: October 21, 2019, 02:34:11 AM
Don't be afraid and pessimistic, you just need to know this. In the bitcointalk forum there are 131 service sources with a total generation of up to 21045 sMerit for each month. They are shared in almost all sections of the forum and will clearly provide merit to anyone who has the right to get them. You only need to do the best of what you have. The knowledge, experience you get in forums and various sources will make you the best "possible". Create posts that are useful for others, try to help other users of the problem and maybe they will be happy to give you merit.

Look at these people, they are the most generous people to distribute merit to all forum communities. Therefore, don't be afraid and you just need to start doing your best.;stats=topsendat
4910  Other / Meta / Re: Funny since the Cryptotalk campaign came/ pour in your heart here about yobit. on: October 17, 2019, 02:35:30 PM
I joined the Cryptotalk campaign yesterday (because it's too good for me not to take advantage of! - and like Heisenberg_Hunter said, the fact it is not gambling-related removes any moral qualms), and I will say that I have noted so far there is a ton of crap posts from people. Low quality stuff that shows that they pretty much just skimmed the OP of the thread, which converts into posts that normally read something like "Wow, great opportunity, Bitcoin will really benefit from this".

It's a big shame because it makes reading a reasonable proportion of threads on this forum a complete pain. I go on Bitcointalk to find interesting discussions, I'll only ever post on something that genuinely interests me, every once in a while I'll make a thread on projects that I'm working on (e.g. CryptoSamaritan in the past), etc. Signature campaigns are a nice bonus and my view is, if it's there I might as well take advantage of it, but my view is it's supposed to be a complement to what you already do on the forum. But when you're offering as much as the campaigns do right now, you get swamped by posters from countries where that money goes a lot further, and it becomes a job for them.

It's a shame. From what I've seen yahoo does a very good job of managing it, it's not his fault that the posters can be pretty rubbish sometimes - more just to do with the rules of the campaign.
I know you are a participant with high integrity, you don't need to say it. Grin Grin

Almost all of the threads that I saw were posters from cryptotalk. But not all of them are junk posters, many of them also continue to maintain the quality of posts like you. Humans are unique and diverse, so understand their shortcomings and improve the quality of self. Money is more valuable to those who need it, but not the same as those who have no priority here. Many cryptotalk posters are former prize hunters for ICO, IEO, STO and others. I'm sure the Campaign Manager can work well, not many people doubt it. So I think, take this opportunity and maintain the quality of posts and don't make 20 posts per day even if you can.
4911  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling as a profession: there's people who live out of gambling? on: October 17, 2019, 06:00:34 AM
More precisely is profit. Someone who lives on gambling must think every day about profit. if not, they cannot lead a life without loss. This is what causes stress if income is not achieved every day.
Living life from gambling solely is a bad thing in my opinion, this will increase the great pressure. Many people are addicted to gambling even every day they are hard to do something useful, they always think to win so they will have difficulty sleeping. Do you think this kind of behavior is good to maintain?
4912  Economy / Services / Re: [Open] Match365 Signature Campaign, Full Member+ Earn up to 0.006 Btc/week on: October 16, 2019, 04:00:47 PM
You are posting very rarely on English board. Even I would consider without earn merit based on posting behaviour. I have reserve right to accept anyone but I need to maintain quality. Company paying users for posting on this forum so they would have some requirements. Don't panic you would accept on some other campaign.
Yes, I understand. Thank for your response, and hopefully I will be lucky in another campaign. Good job manager.
4913  Economy / Services / Re: [Open] Match365 Signature Campaign, Full Member+ Earn up to 0.006 Btc/week on: October 16, 2019, 03:07:47 PM
We have open 8 Full Member spot, Fell free to apply.
It looks like I will not be accepted to work on this campaign. Maybe because of my posting history that is not much on the gambling board. Don't you reconsider?
I have 5+ merit in the last 120 days, but that doesn't seem to be enough to join your campaign.
Thank you, manager. Remove Signature and avatar.
4914  Economy / Services / Re: [Open] ⚽️Match365 🏈 Signature Campaign, Full Member+ Earn up to 0.006 Btc/week⚾ on: October 15, 2019, 04:40:37 PM
It looks like you missed reading the rules of this campaign.
Negative trust are not accepted, and you must also get at least 5 merit in the last 120 days.
There are 8 other people before you register. It seems to force to join despite not having at least 5 merit in the last 120 days.

Or maybe somebody deserved a tag for not reading and following a simple instruction given?
Maybe, but I think that is excessive.
4915  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY] GOLD Stablecoin – $200,000 - payouts in BTC, ETH, GOLD on: October 14, 2019, 06:45:20 PM
If I register and start working today will be accepted as a participant? I see there is a rule that participants who install the signature code i must share at least 20 days for 1 month for 50 posts.
4916  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Jr. Member s.d Hero)[UPDATE] on: October 13, 2019, 02:40:19 PM
Hampir keseluruhan postingan yang agan @YOSHIE lampirkan di utas ini adalah penemuan hebat yang telah berhasil anda pecahkan dengan jeli dan cermat. Menurut ane, agan @YOSHIE ini punya dedikasi bagus untuk forum. Ane sudah mengirimkan beberapa sMerit untuk dedikasinya gan. Berkat kerja keras dan penemuannya masalah multi akun telah membuat agan sedikit lebih tenar di bandingkan ane, Grin Grin Grin
Kerja bagus gan, ane suka cara agan membersihkan karat-karat besi tua yang sudah mulai keropos.
4917  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Regret In Changing A Bet Have You Experienced on: October 02, 2019, 12:25:53 PM
It happened to me few times in sports bet (basketball to be specific).

I have this doubt that my bet would not win the game so I decided to switch. But unfortunately I was wrong with my decision.

I lost my money and all I have is this regrets and disappointment, if only I stick with my first choice then I probably win. But thats part of gambling so we should accept it if ever we made a wrong choice.
Similar cases often occur in gambling. Very often it is heard that they regret their bet. Feel guilty to yourself and disappointed because you failed to get greater results. In my opinion, this is not good to continue because it will result in higher stress. Receive your payment because the amount is at stake and is worth enjoying. Try not to act rashly.
4918  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The secret of gambling? on: September 03, 2019, 05:43:22 PM
That's good but as an addition, we have to hit and run not only after winning. After losing the initial money we could afford to lose, we had to stop as well. Because as I know, there are many gamblers who cannot accept loss and even deposit more money to catch up on the lost money as soon as possible which mostly could produce even the worse results.
Sadly, almost all gamblers have the exact same desires that you are describing. Every defeat at the start will arouse their desire to get their money back and even with a higher target.
4919  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN - ICO] CGCX: First Hybrid Crypto Platform In Singapore on: July 31, 2019, 09:35:55 AM
It would be nice to have IEO, but for this they should have some big volume which they dont have. They must works on exchange liquidity and attract as much as possible new traders. Or may be make an agreement with some very hyped project to make IEO on their exchange...
The IEO for projects that have finished and released their tokens on the platform in my opinion is not the right strategy. The right solution I think they can try to add famous exchange partners, of course it's not an easy problem. But it's worth a try.
4920  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Wallet Bitcoin Mobile Untuk Android dan IOS on: July 21, 2019, 04:08:19 PM
Semua wallet memiliki keungguan dan kekurangan masing-masih terutama keamanan dan cara pemakaian ,
tetapi saya anjurkan menggunakan menggunakan Coinbase atau blockchain saja yang paling terkenal di antara semua wallet Android dan IOS
Saran anda menurut ane tidak ada salahnya, namun demikian pemakaian atau penggunaan wallet itu adalah pilihan masing-masing baik itu lewat rekomendasi temen-temen ataupun pilihan pribadi kita sendiri dengan segala pertimbangan.

Apa yang dikatakan oleh agan @Husna ane coba benarkan, coinbase adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak pertukaran atau exchange tempat jual beli mata uang crypto. Akan tetapi coinbase juga memiliki layanan wallet multycurrency yang sudah banyak digunakan oleh para pecinta crypto serta memiliki tingkat keamanan yang mempuni.

Jika ada temen-temen yang ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang coinbase bisa langsung kunjungi pada link dibawah ini:
Coinbase Wallet: COINBASE WALLET
Coinbase Exchange: COINBASE EXCHANGE

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