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501  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Kesenjangan Ekonomi & Dampak Pada Ketidaksetaraan Sosial on: November 08, 2023, 05:23:56 PM

Kesenjangan ekonomi pasti terjadi dimanapun, kecuali di negara yang benar-benar bekiblat pada paham komunis. Kalau paham komunis di praktekan secara benar maka semua alat produksi akan di sam ratakan dan di atur sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak terjadi kesenjangan. Semoga kita ga salah paham dengan komunisme karena biasanya di indo komunisme di kaitkan dengan PKI dan anti agama, maksud ane komunisme marxisme untuk mewujudkan kehidupan sosialis yang menurut ane utopis

Indonesia menganut paham demokrasi kapitalis sehingga terwujudnya kesetaraan ekonomi adalah hal yang hampir mustahil. Jadi siapa yang salah? pemerintah? kalo tidak sepakat dengan adanya pemerintahan bisa gunakan paham anarko, tapi menurut ane lebih sulit jika negara tanpa kekuasaan dan rawan caos

Pada ahirnya, banyakin sodakoh biar ekonomi cukup merata  Cheesy
502  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is not perfect, and that's okay. on: November 08, 2023, 02:40:25 PM
Not just bitcoin, everything in this world has its negative and positive sides, it all depends on the person who holds it. Like fire which can be used to cook rice or burn down a house, like a car which can make transportation easier or hit someone. Religion also has different sides, one side views religion as absolute belief, but on the other side there are also those who consider religion to be an opium.
503  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: November 08, 2023, 01:57:33 PM
If life is full of mysteries then bitcoin is a real mystery. If life is full of challenges then holding bitcoin is the real challenge

Do you know? That I don't know
504  Economy / Economics / Re: How Much Does Food Cost in Your Country? on: November 08, 2023, 12:52:24 PM
Figuring out the standard cost of living in different countries is way more complicated than just looking at the price of a single meal.  There's a ton of costs that go into it.  Like in some places the food might be pretty cheap but good luck finding an affordable place to live or paying your power bill and  and what counts as one standard meal anyway? Is it ingredients you buy and cook yourself, so you just look at the price of the food but not the time it takes to make it? Or is it what you'd pay for a meal at a restaurant, but even then prices are totally different if it's fast food or some fancy place.  Theres so many things that impact it.  No way you can tell just by a single meal's cost.

Yes, maybe you're right. However, food price standards can often be used as a benchmark for other prices. The price of standard food is of course the price you buy at an ordinary food stall, not at a fancy restaurant. Like in my country, we only need around $1 - $2 to buy a standard meal, the menu provided is usually rice, chicken/meat and vegetables, plus a cold drink such as iced tea or orange juice.
505  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: I’ve bought 100 BTC in 2011. Need help to find them for rewards. on: November 08, 2023, 12:45:46 PM
In 2011 I’ve bought 100+ BTC on some cryptocurrency stock exchange and now I can not remember what was the site exactly.

Is this a true story? 100BTC is a very large amount for now. Did you just remember now that you bought 100btc? I don't know about bitcoin in 2011, but my prediction is that there weren't many exchanges at the time, so if this story is true then it shouldn't be difficult to find the exchange you're referring to. Even if such an exchange is found, I can't guarantee your bitcoins will still be there, especially if the exchange is centralized.

But sorry, I'm quite doubtful about your story  Cheesy
506  Economy / Economics / How Much Does Food Cost in Your Country? on: November 08, 2023, 12:06:21 PM
I want to know about the cost of living and average income in each country. Can I ask that here?

For comparison, may I ask how much a standard meal in your country costs for one meal? what is the standard food menu? What is the average monthly and annual income in your country? Please those who answer can use calculations in USD

Note: I don't need the tables issued by the government because they are usually different from the reality on the ground
507  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Need more information on: November 08, 2023, 11:55:00 AM

But I still want to know more about the electrum wallet, although I have clicked on the link, but still want to get more info from you guys.

I also just use electrum and so far everything is fine. But I've read that using a hardware wallet would be safer. Because viruses cannot attack hardware wallets. Actually Electrum is also very safe if you can keep your keys safe, but if you use Windows there are lots of dangerous malware that can spy on our computer, making it unsafe.
508  Other / Meta / Re: [TOP-200] The most generous users giving merits on: November 08, 2023, 11:38:58 AM

Very long post, but you really answered all my curiosity. Thank you for the answer you provided.

In some cases, this means that there are times when the merit source feels confused about who to send the merit to when they are busy with offline activities and haven't had time to go online for several days. I think being a source of merit is fun, but it might still be a burden if don't actively send smerit. Thank you because you always have time to share your smerits, even some members like you also visit local board to send merits.
509  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [INFO] Signature Campaign [Hanya Pembayaran Bitcoin]| Ter-Update !!! on: November 07, 2023, 03:02:31 PM
Mengambil update tentang kampanye signature dari thread sebelah, bahwa untuk saat ini ada sekitar 28 kampanye aktif yang di dominasi oleh gambling site, mixer, dan lainnya. Untuk menghemat waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran, saya cantumkan langsung dari thread sebelah berdasarkan update per tanggal 05 Oct 2023

Untuk saat ini, ane lihat bahwa untuk kampanye coins, dan shuffle sudah berstatus CFNP yang berarti full peserta dan tidak menerima pendaftaran baru. Kampanye sherbet juga telah di jeda oleh CM. Untuk info lebih lanjut bisa kunjungi thread kampanye pada tautan dibawah

All Bitcoin Signature Campaigns
|Shuffle|f/w|$100|$85|$70|$40|x|x|25/w|x|N|28|Little Mouse|
||p/w|$4|$3.2|$2.6|$1.6|x|x|15/w|25/w|Y/N|15|Little Mouse|
|LiveCasino*|p/w|$4|$4|$3.5|x|x|x|x|25/w|Y/N|10|Trofo & cryptofrka|
|Mixin Safe|p/w|$4|x|x|x|x|x|x|20/w|Y/N|5|Royse777|

* means that the campaign is currently having some trouble. Joining is not recommended.
* means that the campaign is paying in bitcoin with the addition of some alternative coins (altcoin). Taking a further look into the campaign's payrate is recommended.
* means that the campaign has some bonus going on. The specified amount in the table is the least amount of money you can have for each round. Check out their thread to know how their bonus works.
** means that there are some special conditions. Please see the campaign's thread for more information.
510  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [Q&A] Tanya Jawab Seputar Forum Disini/Ask about this forum here! on: November 07, 2023, 02:42:32 PM
- Aplikasi mobile phone (mungkin) sedang dikerjakan, dan progres lebih jelas bisa sampeyan pantau langsung di github-nya

Sepengetahuan saya Epochtalk itu rencananya dijadikan peralihan Bitcointalk yang basic-nya sekarang menggunakan Simple Machines menjadi berbasis Epochtalk dan masih menggunakan browser sebagai media untuk membukanya (saya lihat di github nya tidak ada progress ke arah aplikasi khusus untuk mobile phone seperti apk file). Namun entah kapan terrealisasi mengingat sudah cukup lama juga wacana mengenai Epochtalk ini.

Beberapa fitur forum di Epochtalk juga lebih kurang sama dengan di hanya saja mungkin penempatan menu, beberapa fitur, dan GUI yang berbeda.

Epochtalk itu CMS ya gan? macam SMF juga? Btw kalo misalkan jadi migrasi apakah semua akun juga akan secara otomatis bermigrasi gan? maksudnya secara otomatis kita memiliki akun disana dengan segala sistemnya seperti rank, merit, trust, dll? Kemudian postingan juga dimigrasi atau nanti mulai dari awal lagi gan, wah bakalan ada perubahan besar-besaran ya, termasuk kampanye sig juga, apakah ada jadwal kapan migrasi ini akan direalisasikan gan?
511  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Pemerintah Indonesia ikut menyuarakan dukungan terhadap Palestina on: November 07, 2023, 02:36:36 PM

Bagaimana opini agan-agan terkait serangan Israel ini?
Apakah pemerintah Indonesia sudah melakukan tindakan yang tepat?
Seperti apa seharusnya kontribusi kita sebagai masyarakat Indonesia untuk mendukung amanah UUD 1945 tersebut?

Sebenernya ane bingung untuk menyikapi peperangan antara israel dan palestina karena dua negara ini diramalkan akan berperang sampe kiamat. Jadi jika mereka berdamai mau kiamat dong? Secara hati nurani dan kesamaan ideologi, ane berharap mereka tidak melakukan perang terbuka seperti sekarang karena itu membuat banyak tumpah darah dan banyak elemen masyarakat dirugikan

Ane ga tau tentang peran pemerintah kita sekarang tapi ane rasa pemerintah pasti mengambil sikap karena selama ini Indonesia mendukung palestina. Untuk amanat undang-undang maksudnya adalah mejaga perdamaian dunia gan? ane pikir untuk masalah ini Indonesia belum memiliki power yang cukup karena untuk terlibat dalam perdamaian dunia paling engga kita kudu mapan dulu di dalam negeri.
512  Economy / Speculation / Re: Automated posting on: November 07, 2023, 12:23:37 PM

Chartbuddy thanks

Hi, ChartBuddy

I think you are the only member who knows the most about bitcoin prices. Can I ask? what will the price of bitcoin be next year, let's talk about it. Tell me what you want for it, maybe a ladies night? or holiday tickets? come on tell me the price, I'll toast you for that
513  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Colleges still refuse to apologize for promoting violence against me. on: November 07, 2023, 12:13:36 PM
Universities promote violence. They have promoted violence against me. And they refuse to apologize for this shit. The reason that they refuse to apologize is because they are bloodthirsty evil people (including all students, faculty, and administrators) who need to be locked up and punished severely. When I cancelled class for one fucking period because a fucker was threatening me with violence, I was punished for this.

All of you who still think that college degrees are worth anything are fucked up pieces of shit. Your education is worthless. The only degree that is still worth anything is the Ph.D. because at that level, the departments filter a lot of the bullshit and the stupid people. Anything less than a Ph.D. belongs in the trash. If you talk to me about your education, and your education is anything less than a doctorate, I will give you the middle finger.

Yes, I know that the truth is only with you and everything else is wrong. Your title is the best among others. You don't like nonsense and violence, but you always talk nonsense with harsh language. So, it seems like the world is not on your side. The only person who feels he is the best is usually the most selfish person and probably rarely picnics.

Maybe you should drink alcohol and try ladies night, it's quite good for your mental health. Hope you're okay, because it sounds like you're depressed.

Maybe you need to read romantic novels and go karaoke once in a while, see how beautiful the world is. I know there are conspiracies going on, but let's not forget that we also need to enjoy our lives.
514  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] on: November 07, 2023, 12:24:54 AM
Ga kerasa ternyata terahir kali ane post disini sekitar 3 bulanan lalu, Udah banyak waktu terlewat meskipun ane rasa tidak banyak membuat post ane berubah, ane mesti banyak belajar dan meningkatkan pengetahuan agar bisa lebih baik dimasa depan, Ane ijin membagian post yang ane angap cukup layak untuk masuk kesini berdasarkan subjektifitas ane sendiri, mohon koreksinya gan

|Re: Politik Dinasti dan Nepotisme|Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya |
|Re: Apakah Mungkin Membuat Layanan Exchange to Pay?| Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)|
|Re: Tiktok shop tutup apa ekonomi akan berubah ?|Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya|
|Re: Hukum di Negeri Ini| Topik Lainnya|
|Apa yang terjadi jika Ane jiplak tulisan ane sendiri?| Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
|Re: Akun X satoshi ?| Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) i|
|Re: Paylater dan Pinjol, mempermudah atau Menjebak?| Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya|
|Re: Kesadaran pemuda dalam mengembangkan usaha| Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya|
|Re: Ironi di atas ironi| TEkonomi, Politik, dan Budaya|
|Re: (Q&A)Apa alasan anda bergabung ke situs bitcointalk?| Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)|
515  Other / Meta / Re: I don't have good account security. on: November 06, 2023, 07:42:39 PM
I am new to this forum and have not learned anything yet. I don't see the account security in this forum, I opened the account and got no email notification, I logged in again and still no email notification. I think security should have been given while making this account.

When registering on bitcointalk, the forum does not send notifications to email. But I think this is good, that way no one knows which email we use to register on bitcointalk. The easiest way to protect your account is to create a strong password. If you haven't already, you can change your password
516  Other / Meta / Re: Request for a board of made-up stories on: November 06, 2023, 07:35:56 PM

Most of these threads are more or less crude attempts to get merit, which sometimes backfire on them. That's why I think it would be worthwhile to create a "Likely made-up stories" board and move them all there.

I just read the thread you attached. And it seems really crazy, selling land for bitcoin even though he just read the bitcoin whitepaper 2 months ago. That's a completely fake story, I don't think anyone would dare to speculate like that just because they knew about bitcoin 2 months ago. It turns out it's not just the reputation board where there's a lot of drama. Lol

But just agree, if there was a board for stories about bitcoin (real and fictional)
517  Economy / Speculation / Re: Automated posting on: November 06, 2023, 07:23:28 PM

Chartbuddy thanks

Thanks ChartBuddy

Everyone feels tired, but you don't. Would you like a cup of coffee? or something else. Let me know
518  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Q&A] Questions and Answers All About the Forum on: November 05, 2023, 03:55:15 PM
In my opinion, if there is a thread like this then they don't need to create a new thread and can just ask anything about the forum in this thread. I won't make a guide, because there are already many guide threads on this board
That's not gonna work because newbies usually don't check before posting and those rare ones that maybe want to, they won't know how to look for already existing threads since forum search options sucks.

Yes, and that is the main problem  Grin

I don’t want you to feel Again that your thread is useless not at all. But let’s look at it this way, how will a thread like this noticeable by newbie once they join the forum? Definitely by the thread been pinned on top of the board so that it doesn’t go down when new threads are created. Now even after pining that thread do think they will go there and ask their question? No, how do I know this, because the thread you just posted is which was created by Lauda is pinned and has the necessary information and yet newbies still don’t go there, so I think yours will be treated same way.  

I'll keep this thread on page 1. I see Lauda's thread has been locked so beginners can't comment there.

If this will be stickled at the beginners and help board i.e if you would create the complete thread and add the necessary links for newbies, but if it’s not stickled at the board then you might as well just give up the idea because if you create the thread for newbies if you should come back the next day you won’t even see it in the first page of the beginners because more thread will be created that will eventually bury it in thousand of threads.  

I just tried it, although I'm not sure it will work. I will update the main thread periodically
519  Other / Beginners & Help / [Q&A] Questions and Answers All About the Forum on: November 05, 2023, 03:26:03 PM
On my local board there is a thread like the title above that allows any newbie to ask and other members will answer. I see a lot of newbies making threads about how they are still beginners and need guidance. In my opinion, if there is a thread like this then they don't need to create a new thread and can just ask anything about the forum in this thread. I won't make a guide, because there are already many guide threads on this board

One of the mandatory reading for beginners:
~ Newbies - Read before posting By Lauda
~ next update

Often the threads I create are considered useless by other members, if this one also seems useless then I will lock it  Cheesy
520  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: (Q&A)Apa alasan anda bergabung ke situs bitcointalk? on: November 05, 2023, 03:04:22 PM
Ane mah sepakat ame yang diem sih gan?😁


Sepertinya agan agak tersinggung dari balasan member lain. btw diforum ini emang sering beda pendapat gan. Dan ane pernah dapat saran juga kalo lebih baik berkulit tebal dan jangan terlalu mudah tersinggung biar nyawam aja. Jangan baperan gan Grin

Oya satu lagi, engga boleh komentar menumpuk kurang dari 24 jam. Jika agan mau bales komentar dari member lain yang berbeda beda bisa gunakan opsi multiquote gan. Di bagian bawah kotak post ada tulisan insert quote dari tulisan member lain.

Btw lagi, jangan kesinggung gan ama komentar ane, emang peraturane gitu kalo keseringen nanti bisa kena ban sementara  Wink
Ya... Namanya juga manusia gan hal wajarlah, kan yang penting tidak merugikan orang yah, maaf nih saya pemula yang masih harus banyak-banyak belajar, soalnya gada yang ngajarin sih gan, boleh agan jadi pembina saya?

Iya iya, tapi staycoll aja gan dan jangan dibawa ke hati, soalnya di lokal mah masih enakan orangnya kalo di thread global lebih sadis gan.. Salah dikit langsung kena tag merah. Ho'oh engga merugikan kok, tenang aja. Iya tau kok gan, udah ada tulisannya newbie dan baru post 4 kali. What? pembina? wkwkwkwk.... engga lah gan, ane juga masih pemula disini, rank level atas masih banyak disini dan pada baik-baik kok orangnya (mungkin Grin). Jika pengen tanya-tanya bisa sent message aja, nanti ane jawab yang ane bisa, tapi kemungkinan banyak enggak bisanya  Cheesy
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