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5201  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🔍 | Guess Total Wagers #13 $50 Prize | Progressive Jackpot inside 🔍 on: July 13, 2020, 02:55:54 PM
My guess: 284,898,00
Username: fatfork
5202  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Svađaona on: July 13, 2020, 02:32:37 PM
Zapravo, krivo sam se izrazio... Koliko sam vidio u tablici, FatFork je tri tjedna pisao po 15-16 postova (sasvim po pravilima), a nakon toga ima dva tjedna da nije bio aktivan, odnosno nisu mu priznati postovi. Ne znam zbog čega mu nisu priznati postovi, ali po pravilima dva tjedna neaktivnosti rezultiraju smanjenjem Tiera.

Točno. Gotovo svaki tjedan sam imao 15-20 priznatih postova (sve po pravilima a meni dovoljno...). Predprošli tjedan nisam ispunio kvotu (mislim da sam napisao ukupno 13-14 postova, nebitno) i javio sam se manageru da me izostavi sa liste za plaćanje. Prošli tjedan sam se potrudio malo više pa sam napravio ukupno 24 posta (ne računajući postove u 'Games and rounds' koji se možda ne računaju, nisam siguran) i za njih dobio 8-9 merita da bih od Brainboss-a dobio 🖕 i 'quality standards' stav...

Čuj ovog FatFork-a, rekli mu da shitposta okolo po forumu pa došao u svađaonu shitpostat.

A daj, fuck of! Nemoj mi sada još i ti ni džigericu sjedat! Grin

Nego, bolje odi tamo u temu i napiši nešto lijepo kad svakako voliš pisati na 'Reputation' sekciji
5203  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Svađaona on: July 13, 2020, 01:32:35 PM

Na žalost ti ne radiš za bitvest, već za managera koji te zbog nekog razloga "ne voli", možda mu ova dvojica vraćaju pola love od kampanje svaki tjedan a možda mu se stvarno ne sviđaju tvoji postovi. Po meni ne možeš profititrati od svađe s managerom, već ti je pametnije nastaviti po svome i tražiti kampanju koja će te cijeniti ovakvog kakav jesi i uz put raditi na sebi i razvijati se u smjeru koji ti je zanimljiv.

A, što je tu je. Javno ću iznijeti svoja stajališta jer mislim da to i je bit svakog javnog foruma pa neka me izbaci iz kampanje potpuno ako tako odluči. Wink

Mislim da je Bitvest kampanja gdje nije bitno kako pišeš nego da napišeš što više postova.

Nažalost, izgleda da si ovdje u pravu. Samo, šta onda sere sa 'standardima kvalitete' i sličnim glupostima...

Kažem, nemam vremena proučavati koliko si postova napisao u pojedinom tjednu ali ako si pisao po 15-16 postova onda stvarno izgleda kao da si čuvaš mjesto, a netko tko piše više postova zbog tebe čeka u nižem Tieru.

OK, razumijem što želiš reći. Isto kao što meni 'smetaju' članovi koji su iznad mene a, po mojem mišjenju, trebali bi biti izbačeni, ne samo iz kampanje nego sa cijelog foruma. Ali pravila kampanje su jasna - minimalno 15 postova tjedno. Kao što sam već pisao gore, ako žele više postova onda neka to stave u uvjete kampanje. Meni odgovara manje jer ne mogu svaki tjedan odvojiti potrebno vrijeme za pisanje...   
5204  Economy / Reputation / Re: Am I a shitposter? - asking for an honest opinion on: July 13, 2020, 01:08:15 PM
Was it me? That definitely sounds like something I'd say LOL. And some cynical old fart like me could also say that you created this thread to fish for merit Smiley

LOL! No, it wasn't you. And no, this isn't fishing for merits. Trust me, I had a hard time forcing myself to open a topic like this.  Wink

But it doesn't really matter that much what some random "senior member" says or thinks. Lots of people and opinions here and you know the saying about opinions. As long as you actually contribute to the forum what you want to contribute, and are not hopelessly illiterate - it will all work out. Trouble starts when people try to pretend to be someone they aren't (e.g. comment on topics they have no idea about), try to fill some quotas and treat posting here as a "job", try to ignore or fight moderators telling them to get their shit together, etc. It doesn't look like you fall into any of these categories even if some cranky "senior member" said otherwise.

Okay, so you just happened to guess exactly my sentiment. I don't want to engage in discussions on topics I have no idea about or write nonsense just to fill some quotas. I tend to leave comments only where they can contribute to the discussion with a new and original opinion.

@FatFork why you did not post initial accusation from this senior member and his explanation about his attitude?
You are in Bitvest signature campaign, which is a campaign with lowerest payments rate on the forum. Low payment rate, it certainly brings a slightly poorer quality of posts and a lot of spam comes from there.

The thing is, our campaign manager, Brainboss, thinks my posts don't meet 'quality standards' and has demoted me to a lower rank in the bitvest campaign. I took a brief look at the posts of some other members from the list of participants and was disappointed to see that certain members are rewarded every week and I am punished and compared to spammers and shitposters. Brainboss knows who I'm talking about and it's easy to find them on the spreadsheet.

Don't get me wrong now, I have nothing against these members and I don't want to tell anyone how to do their job but yes, I find spamming a big issue on this forum. If that's the condition, to produce 50-60 pointless posts a week like on an assembly line, then I never want to reach that 'quality standard' and I don't want to have anything to do with the Bitvest campaign anymore. I opened this topic as requested by Brainboss and I would really like to hear his opinion as well.
5205  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Svađaona on: July 13, 2020, 11:59:04 AM
Ajde malo objasni tu situaciju. Šta ti je smanjio lovu od kampanje zato jer mu se ne sviđaju tvoji postovi? Kao što sam napisao u temi koju si otvorio ti definitvno nisi shitposter ali s druge strane manageri kampanja imaju pravo birati/plaćati reklamu u djelu foruma koji procjene važnijim. Dosta tvojih postova zbog scam busting tendecije završi u temama koje možda kampanjama nisu interesantne i tu leži tvoj pravi problem ako sam dobro shvatio.

FatFork,  mislim da se nepotrebno nerviras 😀
Campaign manageri imaju jako " veliku slobodu " i u odabiru članova kampanje a i u biranju tema i postova koje plaćaju  i uglavnom to ne moraju nikome objašnjavati ili se opravdavati.
Srećom,  kampanja ima koliko hoćeš pa ako ti jedna kampanja ne "odgovara " zbog kriterija i odluka njezinog managera prijavi se u drugu 😁

Nije problem u tome da mi je smanjio lovu ili odbio poneki post u ukupnom broju ako mu se ne sviđa ili ne zadovoljava uvjete kampanje već u činjenici da me je degradirao u niži rang zbog toga što, po njegovim riječima, većina mojih postova od prošlog tjedna ne zadovoljavaju 'quality standards'. Nakon mojeg upita na PM, samo s jednom rečenicom me je uputio na njegov post u bitvest kampanji gdje objašnjava da neki članovi kampanje, da bi zadržali svoje mjesto na listi, pišu minimalni broj postova tjedno koji su uglavnom 'meaningless replies or generic posts' tj. spam. Jasno mi je da sve kampanje imaju svoje uvjete i da manageri imaju slobodu odabira sudionika kampanje ali mi smeta da me netko degradira i proziva spamerom zato što ne štancam 50-60 postova tjedno. Ako žele da pišemo 20 (ili 30, ili 50...) postova tjedno, neka to stave u uvjete kampanje a na nama je odluka hoćemo li se priključiti takvoj kampanji ili ne. Osim toga, pogledao sam malo po tablici sudionika kampanje i otvorio nekoliko profila npr. Negotiation ili Subbir koji su nagrađeni 'Tier A' statusom i svaki tjedan štancaju po 50-60 postova koji im se uredno isplaćuju. Nemam ja ništa protiv tih članova, ali molio sam ga da mi objasni je li to 'quality standard' o kojem je govorio? Jer ako je to uvjet onda ha ne želim više imati ikakve veze s bitvest kampanjom.

Na to mi nije ništa odgovorio a u postu je naveo da, ako se ne slažemo s njegovom odlukom, otvorimo temu u 'Reputation'. Volio bih da sam bolji s engleskim i da mogu jasnije izraziti svoje mišljenje tamo iako ne vjerujem da će to bilo što promijeniti.
5206  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🔍 | Guess Total Wagers #12 $50 Prize | Progressive Jackpot inside 🔎 on: July 13, 2020, 10:10:53 AM
This is embarrassing but did anyone take a snapshot of total wagers at the right time? I was certain it was in ~20 minutes but it seems it was 40 minutes ago.. I'm sorry!

Please reach out if you took a time stamped screenshot

I'm sorry, Hhampuz. I can't help you with a time stamped screenshot.
If it helps, these are predictions that could be closest to the actual result. Maybe you can eliminate some given the information you have.

281,000,000   Cryptpogz1
281,304,127   frmracc
281,409,131   Betwrong
281,456,154   Luzin
5207  Economy / Reputation / Re: Am I a shitposter? - asking for an honest opinion on: July 13, 2020, 09:44:09 AM
Looking at your post history, I've definitely seen worse. You look like a real user to me, so keep going Smiley

That's right, I'm 'a real living boy'! Grin
I can't read several of those posts. The last link was your topic, that linkdump was clearly insubstantial. But if you learn from having it deleted, you'll be fine.

I made that post two days after my registration on the forum, so yes, maybe at the time I wasn’t fully aware of all the rules on the forum. Most of the other deleted posts were in the local, Croatian section and since we don't have a local moderator I think the global moderator was a bit too strict with the 'off-topic' rule. For some other posts, like the one about forking Electrum wallet I honestly don’t know why they were deleted.

I've been accussed of being a signature spammer on several occasions. Anyone can have their opinion Wink
I've had posts deleted too. Some deserved, some because I forgot an old bump (which is still deserved).

Thank you very much for your opinion. I appreciate it.
5208  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Svađaona on: July 13, 2020, 09:03:42 AM
Hej ekipa! Nije striktno za svađaonu ali, kako se trenutno osjećam, rado bih se posvađao s nekim. Grin

Budući da me je naš CM Brainboss degradirao u bitvest kampanji otvorio sam temu u 'Reputation' sekciji pa vas molim za vašu podršku ovdje:

Svako dobronamjerno mišljenje (bilo pozitivno ili negativno) je dobrodošlo.
5209  Economy / Reputation / Am I a shitposter? - asking for an honest opinion on: July 13, 2020, 08:42:13 AM
Since a senior member recently accused me that most of my posts are meaningless replies or generic posts, I would like to hear the opinion from other members of this community as well.

I admit I am not a man of many words and English is not my primary language, but each of my posts is written thoughtfully and I try my best to contribute to this forum. I actively participate in exposing scammers and fighting spam and plagiarism on the forum (I've reported 193 posts so far with 99% accuracy), so such accusations hurt me even more.

All of my received merits are, imho, well deserved and most of them are from respectable DT members like OgNasty, LoyceV, xandry, nutildah, marlboroza, Coolcryptovator, NeuroticFish, dkbit98, DdmrDdmr, Daniel91, examplens, stompix, Rikafip, and many others.

But it’s hard to be your own judge so I created this topic for discussion. Please take a look at my recent posting history and give your honest opinion. Am I a good member of this community or just another shitposter from the crowd?
5210  Other / Meta / Re: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed on: July 12, 2020, 09:14:25 PM
Take your pick. If it's lengthy then it's been written by someone else somewhere.

Maybe the short ones have been too. Can't be arsed to check.

Yeah. The short ones too. Blatant plagiarist ...

There is no way to answer this 100% . It all depends on what is going on with said coin. Altcoins USD or EUR price is determined from the BTC price of the coin. When investing in altcoins that are purchasable via bitcoin, you want to take a look at the btc price of that coin.. That is going to give you more information vs. checking the USD or EUR price.


Ultimately, cash may in fact disappear. But it’s mostly a question of where and when. While it may disappear in some countries, it might remain in others. And if it ultimately happens in 50 or 100 or more years, it won’t matter much to anyone who’s alive today.


5211  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BITCOIN TRUST PROBLEMS: Bitcoin Investers will want to know about this risk... on: July 12, 2020, 09:52:54 AM
Bitcoin Price is now hovering around 9200 on 10 July 2020....   I will be happy to come back here in a month, 6 months, 1 Year,  and give credit to whoever is proven right   Grin

Why haven't you done it yet? You keep talking bullshit here, for how long now? A year? Two years? Can you ever admit that you were wrong?

Will you be man enough to show up here and admit you were wrong if price goes down ?

Will you be... oh, wait! Looks like we already know the answer to that one. Grin
5212  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING] XTRM- Plagiarized content on: July 12, 2020, 07:55:52 AM
They made yet another ANN thread for their XTRM scam:
Again, with plagiarized content from the website.
5213  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🔍 | Guess Total Wagers #12 $50 Prize | Progressive Jackpot inside 🔎 on: July 11, 2020, 08:14:06 PM
Username: fatfork
5214  Other / Meta / Re: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed on: July 11, 2020, 06:28:24 PM
Please ban/nuke newbie account xtrmofficial for posting plagiarized content in their ANN thread.




5215  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING] XTRM- Plagiarized content on: July 11, 2020, 11:16:35 AM
I see no one is talking about the elephant in the room yet!



Plagiarism or 'adopted and adapted'? Judge for yourself ...  Grin
5216  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Warning ANN Thread Designers on: July 11, 2020, 09:40:34 AM
Never knew you might get flag from creating design from a client that have a plagiarized whitepaper.

To be fair, you never got a negative trust (not a flag) for creating a design. You got negative trust for posting a self-moderated ANN thread with plagiarized content in WP. How the hell should the community know you're not part of their team? (Your 'disclaimer' came only after you were called out and red-tagged by DT members.)

Seriously did you ever check each of your client's whitepaper if they plagiarized it?

Yes, every time!

I actually Google the clients coin and there is no occurrence in bitcointalk from the past, so I thought its safe.

Make sure to do your due diligence properly next time. Check the team and white paper, search the forum, check for scam accusations, or even ask senior members if you’re unsure about the project before you start to support it.

Too late, reputation hungry people already accused me and gave me a negative trust.

This right here shows your wrong attitude. You are still playing the role of an innocent victim here and trying to blame someone else for your actions instead of accepting your mistake and showing a little bit respect for the community. Those 'reputation hungry people', as you call them, work for the benefit of the whole community by pointing out potential scams. Unlike you, they put in their effort and time to help others without any compensation for their work.
5217  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING] EURST plagiarized whitepaper! on: July 10, 2020, 07:24:35 AM
Thank you,  some  ann designers are also posting ANN of their clients in their behalf specially if client has no bitcointalk account.

That's fine and not against the forum rules.

But how the hell we will know if a sheep who come to us for service is actually a wolf?

The same way you choose clients in real life. You do the basic research. If you doubt the legitimacy of a job, you simply reject it. It’s not worth putting your reputation at stake for a few bucks.

Are you goin to report them if you found one ico in their portfolio is a scam?

Definitely yes. Anyone can make a mistake in their assessment. What matters is your reaction after it is pointed out to you. Anyone who continues to promote scam projects, even after being pointed to it, should be red-tagged by DT members. How else will other forum members be alerted to scam projects? Not everyone reads the Scam Accusations board.

As @pilosopotasyo commented, your mistake is that you made the thread moderated and you did not address the issue immediately. Would you even remove the ANN post if you didn’t get a negative trust? I guess we'll never know.
5218  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING] EURST plagiarized whitepaper! on: July 09, 2020, 05:25:13 PM
I know you guys will get 1000 merits for this, but think about the lives of freelancers of who will suffer from your negative trust.

What exactly are you saying? That we shouldn't publicly expose scammers if we spot them? Don't be so selfish. Think about innocent people who will be lured into the scam by your actions.
5219  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING] EURST plagiarized whitepaper! on: July 09, 2020, 03:06:58 PM
They hired me only to do their ANN thread design, i dont have any idea about the plagiarized whitepaper.

Now you know, don't you? What are you going to do about it?

In criminal justice, aiding and abetting a crime is a crime in itself. If you aid and abet a crime you can face the same punishment as the person who committed it.
5220  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Bitwings promises smartphone that can mine 2 ETH/month. Ponzi scheme? on: July 09, 2020, 12:18:29 PM
So, has anyone got their magic phone already? I’m really looking forward to reading some real user reviews.  Wink
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